Taxonomy - Biological Classification 2

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(NCERT Level-2) Page 01 to 28 text book

1. Generally growth and reproduction are - I. Members of a family are less similar than
(a) Mutually inclusive events members of an included genus
(c) Either a orb II. An order has more members than the number
(b) Mutually exclusive events of members in an included genus
(d) None Ill. Families have more members than phyla
IV Members of a family share a common
2. Which of the following organisms do not ancestor in the more distant past than members
reproduce? of an included genus
(a) Mules (b) Sterile worker bees V The number of species in taxon depends on
(c) Both a and b (d) None their relative degree of similarity.
(a) Only Ill (b) Only IV
3. First act in taxonomy is - (c) Only V (d) None
(a) Description (b) Identification
(c) Naming (d) Classification 6. Select the true statement for reproduction.
I. It is not an all-exclusive-defining characteristic
4. In referring to an organism in writing, such as in a of living organisms
newspaper, textbook, or lab report, which of these II. It is not an all-inclusive defining characteristic
rules should be followed? of living organisms
1. Underline or italicize genus Ill. It is an all-inclusive defining characteristic of
2. Underline or italicize species plants and fungi only
3. First letter of species should be uppercase 4. First IV Photoperiod affects reproduction in seasonal
letter of genus should be uppercase plant breeders only.
(a) 1,2, 4 (b)1 , 2: 3 (c) 2, 3-, 4 (d) 1, 3, 4 V. Photoperiod affects reproduction in seasonal
breeders both plants and animals
5. Which of the following statements about VI. Photoperiod has no role in reproduction
classification is not true? (a) II and V (b) Ill and IV
Composed and edited by Dr. Atin Kumar Srivastava
(c) IV and VI (d)All (b) Transmission and utilization of genetic
7. Reproduction is synonymous with growth I cell (c) Metabolism and response to the environmental
division in - variations
I. Bacteria II. Hydra Ill. Planaria (d) All of the above
(a) I, Ill and V (b) I, II and IV
(c) I, IV and V (d)All 12. The growth and reproduction are mutually
exclusive events in
8. Choose the correct statement- (a) Plants only (b) Animals only
(a) Growth in multicellular organisms cannot take (c) Higher animal and plants
place in in vitro culture. (d) Lower organisms
(b) Growth by cell division in unicellular organisms
can be observed in in vivo culture. 13. The Indian Botanical garden is located in
(c) Growth by cell division in unicellular organisms (a) Howrah (b) Lucknow
can be observed in in vitro culture. (c) Mumbai (d) Mysore
(d) Growth by cell division in unicellular organisms
cannot be observed by any method. 14. The famous botanical garden located in
(a) England (b) Lucknow
9. Which one of the following constitutes the two best (c) Berlin (d) Australia
reasons for distinguishing the living from the
nonliving? 15. Which one of the following organisms is
(a) Growth and locomotion scientifically correctly named, correctly printed
(b) Irritability and locomotion according to the International Rules of Nomenclature
(c) Respiration and-excretion and correctly-described?
(d) Reproduction and locomotion (a) Musca domestica -The common house lizard, a
10. Which of the following biological processes do not (b) Plasmodium falciparum A protozoan pathogen
operate within the life span of a given organism? causing the most serious type of malaria
(a) Birth and nutrition (c) Felis tigris -The Indian tiger, well protected in
(b) Growth and maturation Gir forests
(c) Metabolism and excretion (d) E. coli - Full name Entamoeba coli, a
(d) Decomposition and mineralization commonly occurring bacterium in human jntestine

11. The life can be attempted to be defined as a 16. Exclusive character of human being, which
peculiar series of functions associated with separate human from other organism is -
(a) Transformation and utilization of energy (a) Consciousness (b) Self -regulation
(c) Self Consciousness (d) Both (b) and (c}

Composed and edited by Dr. Atin Kumar Srivastava

17. Who has been called as "The Darwin of 20th (a) John Ray (b) Julian Huxley
century and Alexander Agassiz professor of Zoology (c) Theophrastus (d) Carolus Linnaeus
Emeritus". He was awarded the triple crown of
biology also 24. Taxonomic hierarchy refers to:
(a) Linnaens (b) Mayer (a) Step-wise arrangement of all categories for
(c) Mayers (d) Aristotle classification of plants and animals
(b) A group of senior taxonomists who decide
18. Which one has real existence? the nomenclature of plants and animals
(a) Phylum (b) Class (c) A list of botanists or zoologists who have
(c) Genus (d) None worked on taxonomy of a species or group
(d) Classification of species based on fossil
19. Who gave the nomenclature according to which record
humans are called Homo sapiens? 25. In taxonomy "series" is a group of :
(a) Darwin (b) Mendel (a) Species (b) classes
(c) Aristotle (d) Linnaeus (c) Closely related families
(d) Closely related super orders
20. Most obvious and technically complicated feature
of all living organism. 26. Creation of new taxa is focused in :
(a) Metabolism (b) Growth (a) macro evolution
(c) Replication (b) sympatric speciation
(d) Ability to sense their environment (c) theory of pangenesis
(d) theory of special creation
21. The first phylogenetic system of plant
classification was proposed by: 27. Classification of organism based on evolutionary
(a) Engler (b) Engler and Prantl as well as genetic relationships is called :
(c) Eichler (d) Wettstein (a) Phenetics (b) Cladistics
(c) Biosystematics
22. Which of the following is not true for a species? (d) Numerical taxonomy
(a) Members of a species can interbreed
(b) Variations occur among members of a 28. Organisms called Methanogens are most
species abundant in a :
(c) Gene flow does not occur between the (a) Hotspring
populations of a species (b) Sulphur rock
(d) Each species is reproductively isolated from (c) Cattle field
every other Species (d) Polluted stream
23. The term "neo-systematics" was given by

Composed and edited by Dr. Atin Kumar Srivastava

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