Whole-Body Human Thermal Models: E. H. Wissler
Whole-Body Human Thermal Models: E. H. Wissler
Whole-Body Human Thermal Models: E. H. Wissler
Whole-Body Human
Thermal Models
E. H. Wissler
8.1 Introduction 258
8.2 Evolution of Human Thermal Models 260
8.3 Model Structure 262
8.3.1 Geometry 263
8.3.2 Composition 264
8.4 Physiological Control Functions 265
8.4.1 Regulation of Blood Flow to Muscle 265
8.4.2 Regulation of Skin Blood Flow 267 Measurement of Skin Blood Flow 267
8.4.3 Algorithm for Computing Skin Blood Flow 268 Active Vasodilation: Thermal Factors 269 Active Vasodilation: The Effect of Exercise 269 Active Vasodilation: Other Factors 272 Cutaneous Vasoconstriction (CVCM): The Reflex Effect
of Mean Skin Temperature 273 Effect of Ts on Skin Blood Flow (SkBF) (CVCL) 273 Effect of Exercise on Cutaneous Vasoconstriction
(CVCE) 275 Combination of AVD, CVCL, CVCM, and CVCE
to Define qs 275 Comparison of Computed and Measured Forearm Blood
Flow (FBF) Data 276
8.4.4 Regulation of Sweating 277 Measurement of Sweat Rate 278 An Algorithm for Computing the Sweat Rate 279 Effect of Acclimation to Heat and Fitness
on Sweating 282 Effect of Exercise on Sweating 284
The expression human thermal model can be defined in various ways. A broad
definition includes any relationship between one or more bodily temperatures and
environmental and metabolic variables, such as ambient temperature, humidity,
and intensity of exercise. Algorithms included under a broad definition are often
part of schemes for evaluating thermal comfort under various conditions. Such
models usually ignore the geometry and composition of the human body, and
treat physiological variables, such as skin blood flow, shivering, and sweating, in
a highly empirical manner. Narrower definitions of human thermal model limit
use of the term to models in which the temperature field is computed for a reason-
ably faithful representation of the human form and relevant physiological factors.
Although we will mention briefly models included under a broad definition, the
principal focus of this chapter will be on more rigorously defined models.
The usefulness of any mathematical model depends on many factors, the
most important of which is the accuracy and completeness of underlying fun-
damental equations. While the accuracy and speed of computational methods
used to obtain numerical values of various quantities are important, computa-
tional elegance cannot make up for the shortcomings of a fundamentally flawed
model. With a few exceptions [13], human thermal models have been developed
by engineers whose knowledge of, and interest in, human physiology appears to
be limited. In this chapter, we will review in detail physiological phenomena that
are important to human thermal regulation.
Human thermal models serve several useful purposes. Perhaps the most
important purpose is to incorporate diverse physiological and physical phenom-
ena into an internally consistent representation of human thermal regulation.
The difficulty of accomplishing that goal was described by Stolwijk and Hardy in
1966 [4]. They wrote in describing their model,
detail (for a summary of early work, see Charney [11]), with the resulting conclu-
sion that Penness original model probably overestimates the rate of heat transfer
between blood and tissue. Multiplication of the Pennes expression by a factor that
depends on the perfusion rate provides a more accurate result [1214].
Wissler [15] applied concepts developed in Penness paper to develop the first
steady-state, multielement, human thermal model. His model consisted of six
homogeneous cylindrical elements representing the head, trunk, two arms, and
two legs, which were connected by circulating blood. The thermal energy balance
for blood made allowance for the effect of countercurrent heat transfer between
arterial and venous blood. When reasonable values were assigned to metabolic
and perfusion rates in the six elements and allowance was made for respiratory
heat loss, acceptable agreement between computed and measured temperatures
was obtained. That model did not consider the effect of thermal state on blood
flow, sweat secretion, or shivering.
Information gained from studies conducted at the Pierce Laboratory during
the next 5 years contributed greatly to our understanding of human thermoregu-
lation. Transient changes in central (usually rectal) and mean skin temperatures
were recorded during exposure of seated, lightly clad, male subjects to air tem-
peratures ranging from 13C to 48C. Rates of metabolic heat generation and
sweat secretion were determined by partitional calorimetry. The resulting data
are still invaluable for testing human thermal models.
In 1966, Stolwijk and Hardy [4] significantly advanced the art of human ther-
mal modeling with their publication of a theoretical study in which the concepts
of feedback control were applied to human thermoregulation. Although those
concepts were not original with Stolwijk and Hardy, the thoroughness of their
analysis enhanced the validity of human thermal modeling.
The 1966 Stolwijk and Hardy model consisted of three cylindrical elements
representing the head, trunk, and extremities. That model was implemented on
an analog computer, which undoubtedly limited the number of elements and
amount of detail it could contain. A total of seven regions represented the head
core (brain), trunk muscle, trunk core (viscera), extremity core, and a 2 mm thick
layer of skin on each element. The radius and length of each cylinder were defined
so that it had a mass and surface area appropriate to the anatomical region rep-
resented. Heat transfer by conduction occurred between adjacent regions in pro-
portion to the difference in regional temperatures. Blood contained in a central
pool exchanged heat with tissue located in each region. The principal contribu-
tion of that model was that it incorporated control functions for skin blood flow,
sweating, and shivering into a physically reasonable model. Subsequent models
have all employed the approach introduced in that paper.
Two notable models evolved from the 1966 Stolwijk and Hardy model. In 1970,
Stolwijk [1] developed a six-element model that ran on an early digital computer.
Each element was subdivided into four regions representing a central core sur-
rounded by muscle, subcutaneous fat, and skin. The regions were perfused with
blood drawn from a central pool. Heat transfer by conduction between adjacent
regions occurred at a rate proportional to the temperature difference between
them. Using physiological control functions for skin blood flow, sweating, and
shivering based on the best available information, Stolwijk and Hardy signifi-
cantly advanced the art of human thermal modeling. Their model was used in
the design and operation of the Portable Life Support System for the Apollo mis-
sions, and it is still employed in several thermal comfort models. For example, the
Berkeley multinode comfort model [16] is based on the 25-node Stolwijk model,
although it has been augmented in many ways.
Also in 1970, Gagge et al. [2] developed a simple two-node model for the pur-
pose of evaluating thermal stress imposed by a given environment. Their objec-
tive was to develop an effective temperature scale that would allow engineers
and environmental scientists to compare thermal environments on the basis of
energy exchange. That simple model still finds application, although one must
question the virtue of extreme simplicity when powerful computational facilities
are readily available. Moreover, a recent study by Jay et al. [17] reaffirmed that
using core and mean skin temperatures to estimate the internal energy content of
the human body is quite inaccurate [18]. However, for the record, we mention an
example of that approach provided by Bruses individual thermal comfort model
[19], which is based on the two-node Gagge model.
The summary presented above is by no means complete. Other variants of
human thermal models evolved from the Stolwijk and Hardy model, but their
existence was often transient, and limitations of space and time preclude includ-
ing them in this document.
8.3.1 Geometry
Nearly all human thermal models approxi-
mate individual elements of anatomy as cir-
cular cylinders, although several represent
the head as a sphere. An early arrangement
is shown in Figure8.1. That one-dimensional
model developed in 1964 [20] assumed that
physical properties and temperature are func-
tions of radial position and time and required
a large central computer for execution. As
more powerful computers became common-
place, additional cylindrical elements were
added to models, and time-dependent physi-
cal properties and temperature were allowed
to vary with both r and q. Axial conduction Figure 8.1 A typical representation
of the human geometry.
is still generally neglected. For example, Fiala
et al. [21,22] developed a 15-element model,
and Qi [23] developed a 54-element model. The author has recently developed
a new 21-element model in which the head is represented by two elements, the
trunk is represented by three elements, and each arm and leg is represented by
four elements. All of the models mentioned allow a reasonably good representa-
tion of major organs, muscles, arteries, and veins.
Allowing physical properties and temperature to vary with angular position
removes a serious limitation of early one-dimensional models, which could not
represent nonuniform boundary conditions on a given element. For instance,
conditions on the anterior surfaces of an individual seated in an air-conditioned
automobile are markedly different from conditions on the posterior surface, and
there is no rational basis for defining average conditions in a one-dimensional
One might expect that allowing temperature to vary with q greatly complicates
numerical analysis, but that is not necessarily true. According to Fiala et al. [21]
two considerations suggest that conduction in the q direction can be neglected
without seriously affecting accuracy. Within the very thin skin region, the prod-
uct of the temperature gradient parallel to the surface and the area through
which heat is conducted in the q direction is much smaller than the correspond-
ing product for heat transfer normal to the skin and, therefore, is negligible. In
deeper regions, temperature gradients are small, heat transport by convection is
dominant, and tissue temperature is determined largely by the rates of metabolic
heat generation and perfusion by blood. While those arguments are intuitively
appealing, they appear to be untested.
Several recent papers describe in somewhat nonspecific terms models in which
finite element methods are used to represent accurately the human form [2426].
Those models appear to describe faithfully external features of human geometry,
but it is unclear how accurately they represent internal structural features.
8.3.2 Composition
The temperature field within a region depends on its composition, because ther-
mal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, rate of heat generation, and perfusion rate
are all functions of tissue type. One of the more important tissue components is
subcutaneous fat, which has a relatively low thermal conductivity and low perfu-
sion rate, and is located directly under skin where it can limit heat transfer to cool
The local thickness of subcutaneous fat has been determined for more than
50 years by measuring the skinfold thickness with a standard calipers. A cor-
relation relating percent body fat determined by underwater weighing to skin-
fold thicknesses measured at four sites was developed in 1974 by Durnin and
Womersley [27], and is still widely used. However, when local subcutaneous fat
thickness derived from skinfold measurement at the site has been compared with
thickness determined from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or X-ray images,
the skinfold-derived value has usually been found to be quite inaccurate, often
underestimating the actual fat thickness by 50% [28,29].
In one of the more comprehensive studies, Hayes et al. [30] compared sub-
cutaneous fat thickness determined from MRI images with corresponding
thicknesses derived from skinfold measurements at 89 sites on 20 male and
20 female subjects. They found that skinfold measurement significantly underes-
timated the subcutaneous fat thickness. They also reported that the distribution
of subcutaneous fat varied markedly as a function of percentage of body fat and
gender, which is often not taken into consideration.
Since that report is not generally available, selected data are summarized in
Table8.1. Groups are defined in terms of mean subcutaneous fat thickness (SCF)
as determined by MRI measurement. For females: in Group 1, 12.1 mm < SCF;
in Group 2, 12.1 mm SCF < 15.2 mm; and in Group 3, 15.2 mm SCF. For
males: in Group 1, 4.8 mm < SCF; in Group 2, 4.8 mm SCF < 9.0 mm; and
in Group 3, 9.0 mm SCF. The body segments are as follows: 1 = upper trunk;
2 = lower trunk; 3 = head; 4, 5, and 6 = proximal, medial, and distal segments of
the legs; and 7, 8, and 9 = proximal, medial, and distal segments of the arms. The
Table8.1 Ratio of Local Subcutaneous Fat Thickness to Mean Fat Thickness Determined
by MRI
Body Segment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Group 1 0.64 1.56 0.92 1.45 0.92 0.72 0.76 0.63 0.64
Group 2 0.72 1.70 0.62 1.36 0.85 0.61 0.81 0.55 0.47
Group 3 0.79 1.67 0.72 1.36 0.84 0.60 0.75 0.55 0.45
Body Segment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Group 1 0.77 1.94 0.64 1.53 0.99 1.08 0.39 0.13 0.01
Group 2 0.96 1.67 0.66 1.23 0.84 0.78 0.78 0.25 0.09
Group 3 1.07 1.63 0.68 1.05 0.73 0.50 0.75 0.55 0.27
Source: Hayes et al. [30].
following relationships define true mean SCF in terms of the mean skinfold
thickness (SkF4) measured by calipers at four sites. For females,
skin is especially important. Definition of suitable control functions for the cir-
culatory system is complicated by the fact that blood transports vital chemical
species, as well as heat, and both functions must be performed adequately. The
heart is a two-stage positive displacement pump that supplies a vascular system
in which the resistance of various branches is regulated in a manner that assures
adequate flow to vital organs, such as the heart and brain. Consequently, thermo-
regulatory control of blood flow cannot be treated as though it were an indepen-
dent system. That is discussed in great detail by Rowell [31,32].
The perfusion rate of active muscle affects the temperature increase owing to
enhanced metabolic heat generation during exercise. Typically, the steady-state
temperature of active muscle is 1C higher than the local arterial blood tem-
perature. Although the fundamental mechanisms that determine muscle blood
flow remain obscure, empirical data firmly establish that the perfusion rate of
active muscle increases promptly as the local rate of oxygen consumption (VO2 )
increases. Values of VO2 above the resting rate are determined by the rate at which
external work is done, the mechanical efficiency of the body (typically about
25%), and the relative involvement of various muscles.
The perfusion rate (q) is related to the arteriovenous oxygen difference (O2,av)
by the relationship
q= (8.3)
DO2 ,av
where O2,av in resting muscle is about 5 ml O2/100 ml of blood, and increases very
rapidly to approximately 13 to 17 ml O2/100 ml blood during exercise. Proctor et al.
[33] observed that the reduction of femoral venous oxygen content occurs at sur-
prisingly low exercise levels (for example, at 20 W), and Nielsen et al. [34] showed
that O2,av in active muscle is not a strong function of temperature.
An important question is whether blood flow to inactive muscle varies with
local tissue temperature. That question was especially pertinent a few years ago,
when venous occlusion plethysmography (VOP) was the predominant method
for measuring skin blood flow in the human forearm during rest and exercise in a
warm environment. That technique involves measuring the volume of a section of
forearm when venous outflow is blocked by applying appropriate pressure at the
wrist and below the elbow. Pressure applied at the wrist blocks both arterial and
venous blood flow, while pressure applied below the elbow blocks only venous
outflow from the forearm. Several studies [3537] established conclusively that
blood flow to inactive muscle does not increase with increasing temperature. On
the other hand, other studies strongly suggest that the perfusion rate of inactive
muscle decreases when muscle is cooled, although the precise nature of thermally
induced vasoconstriction in muscle remains obscure.
that LD flow rates were linearly related to flow rates measured plethysmographi-
cally, although the relationship was specific to each subject. LD instruments offer
the advantages that they can be used on any skin area, they respond rapidly to
changing flow rate, and the temperature of skin in the area of measurement can
be closely controlled.
Since LD measurements do not provide absolute values for skin blood flow
(SkBF), they are usually reported as a percentage of some reference value, usually
either a thermally neutral initial value or a maximal value recorded at a local
skin temperature of 42C. In addition, LD measurements are usually reported as
cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC), which is the ratio of the flow rate to the
mean arterial pressure.
The use of chemical agents to block centrally mediated changes in skin blood
flow is a time-honored technique. When combined with LD measurement of
SkBF, it allows investigators to differentiate clearly responses of the active vaso-
dilator system from responses of the vasoconstrictor system. Kellogg et al. [40,41]
very successfully employed bretylium blockade of active vasoconstriction to iso-
late the effect of active vasodilation on SkBF during exercise.
where the quantity qs is the local cutaneous perfusion rate (typically reported as
ml blood/[100 ml tissue min]), and qs,r is the perfusion rate under reference con-
ditions, which we define as Ts = 34C, Ts = 34.5C, and Tc < the threshold central
temperature (Tc,th) for active vasodilation. AVD defines the centrally mediated
drive for active vasodilation, CVCM accounts for the reflex effect of Ts on CVC,
CVCL defines the locally mediated effect of Ts on CVC, and CVCE accounts for
the direct effect of dynamic exercise on vascular conductance and the increase in
mean arterial pressure (MAP) that occurs during exercise. By definition, each of
the functions has a value of unity at the reference condition.
With the exception of active vasodilation (AVD), definitions of the component
functions are based on CVC data. Forearm blood flow data are generally consis-
tent with CVC data when reasonable assumptions are made about muscle blood
flow. If we assume that plethysmography detects only skin and muscle blood
flows, we have
FBF = X s qs + Xm qm (8.5)
in which Xs and Xm are the volume fractions of skin and muscle, respectively, in
the forearm; and qs and qm are the respective perfusion rates. Cooper et al. [42]
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Oxygen Consumption Rate: % VO
Figure 8.2 Tc,th as a function ofVO2,r when Ts 33C. Filled and open circles identify plethys-
mographic and LD data, respectively, of Smolander et al. [48]; open triangles identify data of Taylor
et al., [47]; and open squares identify data from Table 2 of Kenny et al. [49]. The graph of Equation (8.8)
is also shown.
value of Tes at which FBF increased sharply with increasing Tc. In a typical study,
Johnson and Park [46] concluded that Tc,th increases 0.28C with exercise, and
0.11C with the change from supine to upright posture.
Contradictory studies that showed no effect of exercise on Tc,th were conducted
in cool room air at lower mean skin temperature. While it was not apparent at
the time, it now appears that the difference between results obtained by different
investigators can be attributed to the difference in Ts . A lack of awareness of the
importance of skin temperature during the 1970s is suggested by the fact that Ts
was often not reported when exercise was performed in air.
The murky picture of the effect of exercise on SkBF began to clear with pub-
lication of a study by Taylor et al. in 1988 [47]. Those investigators evaluated the
effect of five different intensities of supine cycling in 21.1C air on the cutaneous
vascular responses of four men. Data from their study indicated that exercise had
no effect on CVC at low intensities of exercise, but exercise at intensities above
125 W, which corresponds to VO2 of approximately 45% of VO2 ,max, caused a dec-
rement in CVC at a given value of Tes. Taylor et al. attributed the decrement in
CVC, which was proportional to the workload, to an increment in Tc,th. Values of
Tc,th derived from their data are plotted in Figure8.2.
In a subsequent study, Smolander et al. [48] employed VOP to measure FBF
in six men during 15 minutes of cycling exercise in 25C air. Measurements were
made at five workloads varying from 50% to 90% of VO2 , max . Mean skin tempera-
tures close to 33.5C were independent of exercise intensity. The principal finding
of this study was that SkBF during dynamic work was significantly attenuated
when a subjects oxygen uptake exceeded 80% of his maximum oxygen consump-
tion rate (VO2 ,max ). LD measurement of SkBF and VOP measurement of FBF pro-
vided comparable indications of Tc,th for active vasodilation.
Smolander et al. [48] also attributed the decrement in FBF at moderate work-
loads to an increase in Tc,th. If we assume that Tc,th for VO2 = 0.5 VO2 ,max is the
normal threshold temperature for enhanced SkBF, then threshold temperature
increments (Tc,th) for higher workloads can be computed from values reported
by Smolander et al. The values of Tc,th computed in that way are 0.00, 0.06, 0.17,
0.37, and 0.78C for VO2 = 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9 VO2 ,max , respectively. Those
values are also plotted in Figure8.2.
Another paper that helped to clarify the effect of exercise on SkBF was pub-
lished by Kellogg et al. [40], who (as mentioned in Section employed
bretylium blockade of active vasoconstriction [41] to isolate the effect of active
vasodilation on SkBF during exercise. Figure 3 in that paper shows clearly that
exercise delays the onset of active vasodilation by raising Tc,th. For the conditions
of their study, Tc,th during exercise was 0.28C higher than during rest. An addi-
tional observation was that the initiation of exercise causes a reduction in CVC
before active vasodilation is initiated.
The studies by Taylor et al. [47] and Smolander et al. [48] established that SkBF
depends on the intensity of exercise under conditions that impose moderate to
high stress on the circulatory system. We have chosen to define the relationship
between intensity of exercise and SkBF in terms of the relative rate of oxygen
VO2 ,r = (8.7)
VO2 ,max
Equation (8.8), derived from the data of Smolander et al. and Taylor et al.,
defines the increase in Tc,th owing to exercise in the absence of heat stress.
where DV = (VO2 ,r - VO2 ,crit )/(1.0 - VO2 ,crit ). For the cool mean skin temperatures
employed by Taylor et al. and Smolander et al., VO2 ,crit = 0.5. The relationship
defined by Equation (8.8) is plotted in Figure8.2.
Although Equation (8.8) accounts for the effect of exercise on Tc,th at mod-
erate skin temperatures, it fails to account for the effect of moderately heavy
exercise on Tc,th at high skin temperatures. For example, Equation (8.8) yields
Tc,th = 0C when Ts = 38C and VO2 , r = 0.5, which is inconsistent with the
threshold increment of 0.28C observed under those conditions by Johnson
and Park [46] and by Kellogg et al. [40]. A possible solution for that dilemma
is to assume thatVO2 ,crit decreases with increasing Ts , which is not unreasonable,
because cutaneous blood flow and volume both increase when the skin tempera-
ture is high. We will assume that VO2 , crit decreases linearly from VO2 ,crit = 0.5 for
Ts 33C to VO2 ,crit = 0 for 38C Ts . Then, if Ts = 38C and VO2 , r 0.5, as in the
studies of Johnson and Park, and Kellogg et al., the exercise-mediated Tc,th pre-
dicted by Equation (8.8) is 0.26C, which is reasonably close to the observed value
of 0.28C.
Data on which Equations (8.7) and (8.8) are based were derived from stud-
ies in which the onset of active cutaneous vasodilation was observed during a
period of rising central temperature. A very important complementary study by
Kellogg et al. [50] investigated the effect of exercise on established active vasodi-
lation. Conditions of that study were similar to those in the first study by Kellogg
et al. [40], except that moderately heavy exercise did not commence until after
active vasodilation had been firmly established by 35 to 40 minutes of passive
heating. In both studies, CVC was determined at two sites, one treated with
bretylium tosylate to block vasoconstriction and the other untreated. Contrary
to implications of previous observations, exercise in the second study reduced
CVC at the untreated site, and not at the bretylium-treated site, which implied
that exercise modulated cutaneous vasoconstriction, but did not affect active
Several mathematical solutions for the paradox presented in the preceding
paragraph are possible. One is to assume that the central thermoregulatory cen-
ter processes afferent signals by integrating the rate of change, instead of sub-
tracting Tc,th from Tc. That is, we can assume that
AVD = 1.0 + a
dt dt
moderate exercise, the slope of the Tc FBF curve decreases significantly for cen-
tral temperatures above 38C, with the slope above Tes = 38C being roughly one-
half the slope at lower central temperatures [51,52]. Kellogg et al. [53] established
that the reduced slope can be attributed to reduced active vasodilation, which in
our model amounts to attenuating AVD. Therefore, if 38C < Tc and 0.4 < VO2 , r <
0.9, AVD defined by Equation (8.6) is modified as follows:
CVCM: Percent
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Mean Skin Temperature: C
Figure 8.3 Normalized CVC plotted as a function ofTs . (Data were obtained from: open circles, CVC
from Stephens et al. [55] Figure 1 (saline); diamonds, CVC from Stephens et al., Figure 3a (saline);
pluses, CVC from Stephens et al., Figure 5 (saline); and triangles, CVC from Charkoudian and Johnson
[54], Figure 2.)
in Figure8.4. Forearm blood flow data reported by Barcroft and Edholm [35,59],
Brown et al. [60], and Wenger et al. [61] agree qualitatively with the CVC data of
Charkoudian et al. in that they show a strong withdrawal of vasoconstrictor tone
at local skin temperatures above 32C.
Normalized CVC
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Local Skin Temperature: C
Figure 8.4 Values of relative CVC normalized to the value of unity at Ts = 34C. (Note: Also shown is
the graph of CVCL(Ts).) (From Charkoudian et al. [58].)
CVCE = 1.0 - W (8.13)
FBF: ml/(100 ml min)
37 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 37.8 37.9
Esophageal Temperature: C
Figure 8.5 FBF measured by Nadel et al. [52] for exercise at 40% of VO2,max and Ts = 32.0C (circles),
33.7C (squares), and 35.2C (triangles). Filled symbols identify measured values, and open symbols
identify computed values.
A study that supports our hypothesis concerning the combined effect of the
four factors was performed by Nadel et al. [52]. They used VOP to measure FBF in
three relatively fit young men who performed moderate and heavy cycling exer-
cise at three room temperatures: 20C, 26C, and 36C. Corresponding mean
skin temperatures were approximately 32.0C, 33.5C, and 35.5C. The esoph-
ageal temperature varied from 37.1C to 37.7C during exercise at 40% VO2 ,max ,
and from 37.1C to 38.8C during exercise at 70% VO2 ,max . Forearm skin tempera-
ture was not measured. Data from that study are plotted in Figures8.5 and 8.6.
Corresponding values computed using Equations (8.1) and (8.19) and assuming
that Ts = Ts are also plotted. R2 for the computed and measured values is 0.95. Two
important conclusions can be drawn from the data plotted in Figures8.5 and 8.6.
One is that the slope of the Tes FBF relationship increases with increasing Ts , and
the other is that FBF is suppressed by moderate exercise. Comparison of Computed and Measured Forearm Blood Flow (FBF) Data
Although the definitions of CVCM, CVCL, and CVCE are based on relatively
recent CVC data, it would be imprudent to ignore earlier FBF data. FBF mea-
sured by VOP includes blood flow to both skin and muscle. While several stud-
ies have established rather conclusively that forearm qm does not increase with
bodily temperature, the possibility remains that it decreases under hypothermic
conditions, and FBF data tend to support that possibility.
In Figure8.7, values of FBF computed using the algorithm described above
are compared with measured values reported by various investigators. That com-
parison certainly lends credence to the validity of our approach.
FBF: ml/(100 ml min)
37 37.2 37.4 37.6 37.8 38 38.2 38.4 38.6 38.8 39
Esophageal Temperature: C
Figure 8.6 FBF measured by Nadel et al. [52] for exercise at 70% of VO2,max and Ts = 32.0C (circles),
33.6C (squares), and 35.5C (triangles). Filled symbols identify measured values, and open symbols
identify computed values.
Computed FBF: ml/(100 ml min)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Measured FBF: ml/(100 ml min)
temperature for which heat generated in metabolically active organs at their nor-
mal temperatures can be transported to the skin. If 80 W of metabolically gener-
ated heat are transferred from skin to air by convection and radiation, and the
combined heat transfer coefficient is 10 W/(m2C), the mean skin-to-air tem-
perature difference is roughly 4C. It follows that resting individuals must sweat
when the air temperature is above 31C.
Basic attributes of sweating are summarized below:
mg/(cm2 min)
0.8 8
Rate of Regional Skin
0.6 Abdomen Back 6
Chest Thigh
0.4 4
0.2 2
Forearm Up. arm
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time Min
Figure 8.8 Change in sweating over different skin areas at the start of heavy exercise in 30C room
air. The solid line is an average of five observations and the other five curves are single observations plot-
ted in time and magnitude relative to the chest curve. (Saltin et al. [66], Figure 7. With permission.)
Central threshold temperatures for sweating on the thigh and upper arm were
0.6C and 0.8C higher, respectively, than Tc,th for the chest. Moreover, as Nadel
et al. [67] noted, there appears to be a tendency for lower sweating sensitivity on
areas that have higher Tc,th.
dT T - Ts ,o
SR = a (Tc - Tc,o ) + b (Ts - Ts,o ) + g s + ro exp s (8.16)
dt d
The second paper by Nadel et al. [67] refined and extended concepts presented
in the first paper. Three relatively fit male subjects performed 10-minute bouts of
cycling exercise at 80% of VO2 ,max . Ambient conditions were an air temperature of
26C and a relative humidity of 40%. A sensitive beam balance was used to mea-
sure whole-body weight loss. Data from two sweat collection capsules placed on
various skin areas established that sweat secretion was initiated on different areas
at different esophageal temperatures. In general, early sweating was associated
with high local sensitivity (i.e., with a larger slope of the Tes SR relationship).
Nadel et al. interpreted Equation (8.17) as the product of a central drive
that increases linearly with central and mean skin temperatures, and a periph-
eral modifying factor that increases exponentially with local skin temperature.
They also concluded that the increase in central drive per degree increase of Tes
is approximately 10 times the increase per degree of Ts. In addition, they con-
cluded that the natural logarithm of the peripheral factor increases 0.1 per degree
increase of local skin temperature.
Nadel et al. [67] correlated their data for the steady-state rate of sweating on
the chest with the following equation:
T - 34 gm
SR = 0.21[ (Tes - 36.6) + 0.02 (Ts - 34 )]exp s - 0.033 2 (8.18)
10 m s
They hypothesized that the last term [0.033 gm/(m2 s)] represents the mini-
mum rate of glandular secretion for which sweat is expelled from sweat ducts;
in other words, they assumed that sweat secreted from a gland at less than
0.033 gm/(m2 s)] is reabsorbed through the surface of the duct and does not reach
the skin surface.
Other research studies clarified certain aspects of sweating without chang-
ing appreciably basic tenets presented above. Wurster and McCook [69], Saltin
et al. [66], and Wyss et al. [43] also observed that sweating is strongly attenuated
by falling mean skin temperature. Wyss et al. [43] measured sweat rate under a
capsule on the forearm during direct heating and cooling of four male subjects.
Skin temperature was rapidly varied by controlling the temperature of water in a
tube suit worn by the subjects, as shown in Figures8.1 and 8.2 of their article [43].
Data for their subjects were well represented by the following equation:
SR = a (Tes - 36.5) + b (Ts - 33.0) + d +g (8.19)
dT T - Ts ,o
SR = a[ Tc - Tc ,o + 0.1 (Ts - Ts ,o )] + 0.05 s + 0.2 exp s (8.20)
dt 10
If we also assume that Ts,o = Ts ,o, Equation (8.20) then contains three arbitrary
parameters: the sweating sensitivity, , and two reference temperatures, Tc ,o and
Ts ,o. The reference temperature Ts ,o can be specified arbitrarily, because it appears
in combination with and Tc ,o, at least during heating, which is our primary
concern. Setting Ts ,o = 34.0C leaves two parameters to be specified, and Tc,o.
Results from several experimental studies are summarized in Table8.2.
Unfortunately, the wide range of values in Table8.2 makes assigning appro-
priate values to and Tc,o rather difficult. For young resting individuals who are
neither especially fit nor heat acclimated, we will use Equation (8.11) from the
paper by Saltin et al. [66], expressed as follows:
The parameters shown in Equation (8.21) might appear to be odd choices because
= 0.046 gm/(m2sC) is certainly on the low end of the values in Table 8.2.
However, those values were chosen because they are based on whole-body data
collected for both resting and exercising subjects over a considerable period of
time at the Pierce Foundation Laboratory. By comparison, data published in sev-
eral papers by Nadel and colleagues indicate that local sweat rates measured with
aspirated capsules tend to be higher than whole-body rates measured under simi-
lar conditions [66,67].
sweat secretion on the chest as a function of esophageal and local skin tempera-
tures. The authors concluded that physical training and heat acclimation both
enhance the rate of sweat secretion at given values of esophageal and mean skin
temperature, although they do so by entirely different mechanisms. Physical
training increases the slope of the Tes SR relationship; that is, it increases the
value of in Equation (8.16). Heat acclimation, on the other hand, lowers the
threshold central temperature for initiating the central drive for sweating. These
studies were conducted with each subject serving as his own control, and while a
majority of the subjects responded as described above, some exhibited little
response, or even responded negatively.
Results from a subsequent study by Roberts et al. [73] were consistent with the
conclusions of Nadel et al. [72]. Roberts et al. also employed a two-step procedure
(10 days of exercise training followed by 10 days of heat acclimation) to assess
the effect of training and acclimation on chest sweating. Mean values of the slope
and threshold temperature are shown in Table8.3. Although those values suggest
that the slope increases with training and heat acclimation, differences between
the three conditions were not statistically significant.
Pandolf et al. [74] studied the effect of 10 days of heat acclimation on the rela-
tionship between rectal temperature and whole-body sweat rate for two groups of
subjects, one young and the other middle-aged. Their results are summarized in
Table8.4. The difference in slopes and threshold temperatures between this study
and the study of Roberts et al. [73] can probably be attributed to the fact that
Roberts et al. measured local sweating on the chest, while Pandolf et al. measured
whole-body sweating. Otherwise, results from the two studies are consistent in
that they show a small increase in slope and a 0.3C decrease in threshold tem-
perature with acclimation.
Similar results were reported by Armstrong and Kenney [79], who studied
the effect of age and heat acclimation on the mean body temperature (defined as
0.8 Tre + 0.2 Tsk )sweating relationship during 90 minutes of passive heating. In
both groups, 9 days of acclimation lowered the threshold mean body temperature
about 0.4C.
rate was followed by a slower increase with increasing central temperature. The
slope during the second phase was similar to the slope for passive heating, but an
apparent threshold central temperature obtained by extrapolating the tympanic
temperatureSR curve to zero sweat rate was about 1C lower than the threshold
tympanic temperature for rest.
Although a considerable body of evidence exists indicating that sweating is
enhanced during dynamic exercise, results from other studies fail to support that
concept. For example, Johnson and Park [46] observed that Tes forearm sweating
relationships for supine rest and upright exercise were virtually identical. In both
cases, subjects wore a liquid-perfused suit that maintained a mean skin tempera-
ture of 38.0 to 38.5C. One difference between those experiments and the experi-
ments of Van Beaumont and Bullard [80] and Gisolfi and Robinson [81] is that
light sweating was present in the latter two studies, which exhibited an enhance-
ment of sweating when work commenced, while that apparently was not true of
the study by Johnson and Park.
Saltin et al. [66] performed a series of experiments with one subject to define
more clearly how exercise affects the onset of sweating. Their subject cycled at
90% of VO2 ,max in a chamber where the temperature was 30C and the humidity
was low. No sweating was observed during the first minute of exercise, but by the
end of the second minute, sweating occurred on at least 50% of the skin. Hidromeiosis
Another nonthermal effect is hidromeiosis, which defines the progressive sup-
pression of sweating when the skin is wet. An early description of hidromeiosis
was published by Taylor and Buettner [87], who presented previously unpublished
data collected in 1932, 1942, and 1946. Although their analysis is somewhat lim-
ited by the assumption that the thermal drive for sweating is proportional to the
mean skin temperature, their data indicated clearly that sweat secretion depends
on environmental factors, such as humidity, wind speed, and air pressure, which
they called the environmental effect. They concluded that any environmental
factor that facilitates evaporation of sweat promotes sweat secretion at a given
mean skin temperature. The presence of water on the skin, whether caused by
intense sweating or by immersion, inhibits sweat secretion [88,89].
Brown and Sargent [90] also conducted an extensive study of hidromeiosis,
from which emerged the following six characteristics:
Brown and Sargent [90] concluded that there is a threshold rate of sweating
below which hidromeiosis does not occur, and that rate is sufficient to maintain
a fully wetted skin. Since hidromeiosis usually becomes apparent only after 1 or
2 hours of intense sweating, it is not normally a factor in experiments of shorter
Two very interesting early studies conducted by Gerking and Robinson [91,92]
were consistent with the first four points of Brown and Sargent [90]. Male subjects
in the Gerking-Robinson studies walked for 6 hours with a 5-minute break for
weighing at the end of each hour. The predominant metabolic rate was 220 W/m2,
although that was reduced to 150 W/m2 for several subjects. Experiments were
carried out under two different ambient conditions: humid, and hot and dry.
Humid conditions involved an air temperature of 31.9C to 38C and rela-
tive humidity of 95% to 51%. In the hot and dry conditions, air temperature
ranged from 40.0C to 50.1C with a relative humidity of 38% to 18%. Subjects
either wore shorts, shoes, and socks, or a poplin tropical uniform, shoes, and
In 50 experiments, the average rate of sweating during the first 2 hours was
1400 gm/hr. The rate of sweat secretion during the sixth hour varied from to 10%
to 80% of the initial rate, depending on environmental conditions, with high
humidity resulting in a pronounced decline in the rate of sweating. Subjects were
able to maintain a steady sweating rate of 780 gm/hr in moderate conditions.
The Robinson-Gerking studies [91,92] are unique in that they evaluated the
effect of clothing on sweat secretion. As expected, clothing inhibited evapora-
tion of sweat, and excess sweat accumulated on the skin and in the clothing.
Consequently, the rate of sweat secretion by clothed subjects decreased continu-
ously after the second hour, and by the fourth hour, the rate of evaporation was no
longer sufficient to prevent skin and rectal temperatures from increasing. Sweat
deficiency during the last 3 hours of work was partially alleviated by evaporation
of sweat that had accumulated in the cotton uniform during the first 3 hours (as
much as 800 gm in one case).
Nadel and Stolwijk [93] studied hidromeiosis as one part of the series of inves-
tigations discussed above. In the hidromeiosis study they reduced the amount of
sweat accumulated on skin either by wiping the skin with a towel, or by increas-
ing the wind speed to facilitate evaporation. In both cases, they observed that
drying the skin promptly increased the rate of sweat secretion. Qualitatively,
their observations were similar to those of Brown and Sargent [90].
where SRo is the maximum rate of sweat secretion before the onset of hidromeio-
sis at to. Time is measured in minutes. The degree of sweat secretion attenuation
observed by Candas et al. is several times larger than was observed by Robinson
and Gerking [92]. Based on their observations of sweat secretion (deduced from
the rate of sweat drippage), Candas et al. concluded that hidromeiosis does not
occur on a given region until it is fully wet.
From the limited point of view of thermoregulation of nude subjects, hidromei-
osis is unimportant, because it does not occur until an area is fully wet, and then
the rate of evaporation is determined by environmental conditions. Nevertheless,
hidromeiosis cannot be completely neglected for two reasons. One is that the rate
of sweat secretion affects ones level of hydration when adequate water replace-
ment does not occur, and appreciable dehydration has thermoregulatory con-
sequences. Another reason is that excess sweat accumulates in garments and
changes their physical properties. For example, as noted above, Robinson and
Gerking noted that one subject accumulated 824 grams of sweat in his poplin
uniform during the first 3 hours of walking at a metabolic rate of 220 W/m2
under hot and dry conditions. During the last 3 hours of the 6-hour experiment,
his sweat rate was below the rate of evaporation from his clothing, and one-third
of the previously accumulated sweat evaporated.
Computed SR: gm/(sq m sec)
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28
Measured SR: gm/(sq m sec)
Figure 8.9 Comparison of sweat rates computed using Equation (8.21) with corresponding measured
values. Filled circles denote acclimated exercising subjects, open circles denote unacclimated exercising
subjects, and open triangles denote unacclimated resting subjects.
8.4.5 Shivering
During exposure to extreme cold, metabolic heat generation owing to shivering
can approach five times the resting metabolic rate [95]. While shivering helps to
prevent hypothermia under most conditions, the net benefit may be small during
immersion in cold water, because peripheral blood flow also increases. Shivering
responds to signals generated both centrally and peripherally.
M sh = M sh ,1 + M sh ,2 (8.23)
M sh,1 , which accounts for the effect of rapidly decreasing mean skin temperature,
is defined as follows:
dM sh ,1 dT (8.24)
= F1 s - b1 M sh ,1
dt dt
where F1 = 0 if 1.5C/min < dT s ; F = A ( - dTs - 1.5) if 3.5C/min < dTs < 1.5C;
dt 1 1 dt dt
and F1 = 2.0 A1 if dT
s < 3.5C/min. According to this model, slowly decreasing T
does not stimulate shivering, and a maximum stimulus occurs when Ts decreases
more rapidly than 3.5C/min. Values of the two parameters are A1 = 120 W/C
and 1 = 0.5 m1.
Under most conditions, the largest contribution to shivering is provided by
M sh,2, which is defined as follows:
dM sh ,2
= b 2 [F2 (Tc , Ts ) - M sh ,2 ] (8.25)
in which F2 (Tc, Ts) is the rate of shivering normally observed under steady-state
conditions. The value of 2 is 0.177 m1. Specific relationships for F2 can be derived
from papers by Hayward et al. [96] and Tikuisis and Giesbrecht [99]. We use the
function defined by Tikuisis and Giesbrecht with slightly modified parameters.
Temperature: C
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Time: Min
Figure 8.10 Measured and computed temperatures for seminude subjects resting for 60 minutes at
18C, 120 minutes at 42C, and 60 minutes at 18C. Plotted are the measured tympanic (filled circles),
rectal (filled triangles), and mean skin temperatures, and the computed esophageal (open circles) and
mean skin temperatures (open triangles).
physical fitness can also be important factors under particular conditions, but
they are not usually reported. In addition, factors such as the threshold tempera-
tures for active vasodilation and the onset of sweating vary considerably between
individuals and from day to day for a given individual.
Another important consideration is lack of precision in measured values.
For example, the central temperature for thermoregulatory control is usually
approximated by the rectal, esophageal, or tympanic temperature, none of which
provides a consistently accurate approximation for the temperature of the inac-
cessible hypothalamus. Measured central temperatures may differ from one to
another by as much as 1C during transient periods. The disparity is illustrated
in Figure8.10 and discussed more fully following Figure8.11.
Mean skin temperature typically determined as the weighted mean of six to
ten skin temperatures is only an approximation for the true mean skin tempera-
ture. In addition to the problem of definition, we note that simply taping a ther-
mocouple on the skin alters the temperature of the skin. Moreover, there is very
little experimental evidence pertaining to the integrated cutaneous input when
conditions vary considerably over the surface of the body, for example during
partial immersion in cold water.
In summary, differences between computed and measured values should not
automatically be attributed to deficiencies in the model; valid reasons for the dif-
ferences may be attributable to the manner in which the experiment was per-
formed, or the results are interpreted.
Rate of Evaporation: W/sq m
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Time: Min
Figure 8.11 Measured (filled circles) and computed (open circles) rates of evaporative cooling for the
conditions shown in Figure 8.10.
We will compare computed and measured values for four cases. The first case
involves extended exposure of resting subjects to a hot environment, the sec-
ond case involves exercise at three intensities in cool and warm environments,
the third case involves passive exposure to cold air, and the fourth case involves
immersion in cold water. In each case, subjects were seminude, which eliminates
uncertainty associated with modeling clothing and provides a clearer evaluation
of the physiological model. These particular cases were chosen to test the model
because we have experimentally measured values for one or two central tempera-
tures, a mean skin temperature, the metabolic rate, and the rate of evaporative
cooling (when sweating is an important factor).
Temperature: C
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time: Min
Figure 8.12 Measured and computed temperatures for a seminude subject during three periods of
cycling exercise in 10C air. Plotted are the measured rectal (filled circles), active muscle (filled squares),
and mean skin (filled triangles) temperatures, and computed esophageal (open circles), muscle (open
squares), and mean skin (open triangles) temperatures.
Rate: W/sq m
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time: Min
Figure 8.13 Measured and computed metabolic (circles) and evaporative cooling (triangles) rates
during cycling exercise in 10C air. Filled symbols denote measured values and open symbols denote
computed values.
Temperature: C
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time: Min
Figure 8.14 Measured and computed temperatures for seminude subjects during three periods of
cycling exercise in 30C air. Symbols have the same meaning as in Figure 8.12.
Agreement between measured and computed values for this rather demand-
ing case is reasonable. The greatest discrepancies are between measured and
computed mean skin temperatures in the 30C chamber, and between measured
and computed active muscle temperatures in both chambers. The discrepancy
between computed and measured mean skin temperatures could be caused by
Rate: W/sq m
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time: Min
Figure 8.15 Measured and computed metabolic and evaporative cooling rates during cycling exercise
in 30C air. Symbols have the same meaning as in Figure 8.13.
several factors, including uncertainty in the heat and mass transfer coefficients,
improper distribution of sweat secretion, and errors in the computed local blood
flow rates. The smaller than expected increase in computed muscle temperature
might be attributable to our assumption that the entire mass of leg muscle par-
ticipates equally in the work of cycling, which is probably not true, especially at
lower intensities of exercise.
Central Temperature: C
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time: Min
Figure 8.16 Measured rectal temperature [103] (filled symbols) and computed esophageal tempera-
ture (open symbols) during exposure of seminude subjects to cold air. Ambient temperatures were 1C
(squares), 5C (triangles), and 10C (circles).
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time: Min
Figure 8.17 Measured [103] and computed mean skin temperature for seminude subjects during
exposure to cold air. Symbols have the same significance as in Figure 8.16.
Metabolic Rate: W/sq m
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time: Min
Figure 8.18 Measured [103] and computed mean metabolic rate for seminude subjects during expo-
sure to cold air. Symbols have the same significance as in Figure 8.16. Measured values on the dashed
lines are mean values for nine subjects [102,105].
Temperature: C
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time: Min
Figure 8.19 Measured tympanic temperature (filled symbols) and computed esophageal temperature
(open symbols) during immersion in 10C water. Circles denote heavy subjects (mean skinfold thickness =
10.4 mm) and triangles denote thin subjects (mean skinfold thickness = 7.8 mm).
between computed and measured central temperatures for both groups is that
the model does not account for the after-drop in central temperature, which is
often observed in cold-immersion experiments. Unfortunately, the physical and
physiological reasons for after-drop are unclear, and there is no obvious reason
for the difference between simulated and observed responses.
Metabolic Rate: W/sq m
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time: Min
Figure 8.20 Measured and computed metabolic rates during immersion in 10C water. Symbols have
the same significance as in Figure 8.19.
A final comment about results for the third and fourth cases is in order.
Although a strong objective of this development has been to establish that the
physiological control functions for skin blood flow, sweating, and shivering
determined without regard to thermoregulation per se yield a model with accept-
able thermoregulatory characteristics, it was necessary for the two cold-exposure
cases to make some ad hoc adjustments. Although those adjustments are not sup-
ported by independent physiological experiments, neither do they violate such
We found that the model responded properly to cold-air exposure only after
it was modified by assuming that rapidly falling mean skin temperature causes
vasoconstriction in inactive muscle and venoconstriction in the arms and legs
(which increases arteriovenous countercurrent heat transfer). Unfortunately,
changes required to conserve bodily heat during exposure to cold air also pre-
vented cooling during immersion in cold water, and, therefore, it was necessary
to assume that those changes are reversed when the skin temperature falls below
20C. Hence, vasoconstriction in inactive muscle and venoconstriction were
stronger during exposure to 1C air than during exposure to either 10C air or
10C water. Although independent experimental evidence supporting the sec-
ond assumption was reported by Cannon and Keatinge [107], the validity of both
responses warrants further experimental investigation.
8.6 conclusions
To develop a useful human thermal model, one must be able to formulate physi-
cal concepts in mathematical terms and have a good grasp of scientific litera-
ture dealing with thermal and circulatory physiology. Unlike physical scientists,
physiologists do not express their findings in quantitative terms that are easily
incorporated into complex models. For example, there are only two or three early
papers that propose a quantitative relationship between skin blood flow and cen-
tral and mean skin temperatures, and those relationships have been ignored by
subsequent investigators. Consequently, there are no sources to which modelers
can turn for quantitative relationships between physiological variables. The prin-
cipal purpose of this chapter is to present relationships that were derived from an
extensive examination of the relevant literature.
The relationships presented in this chapter seem to work well when incorpo-
rated into a human thermal model. Although that model is not described, it is
similar to other models developed during the last 30 or 40 years. The important
thing is that the model provides reasonable agreement between computed and
measured thermal responses to conditions involving rest and exercise during
exposure to hot and cold ambient conditions.
Challenges remain for those who are fascinated by the functioning of the
human body, as I have been for 50 years. It seems to me that one of the biggest
challenges is to discover how the body responds to distributed stimuli. For exam-
ple, if a soldier walks immersed to the waist in cold water, do skin blood flow and
shivering respond to mean skin temperature computed for the entire body, or do
they respond preferentially to cold stimuli coming from wet skin? Answers to such
questions will allow the development of better models, and well-designed human
thermal models can play an important role in answering such questions.
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