Historical Fault Browser WMS

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Title page

Alcatel-Lucent 9353
Wireless Management System | UA08.1
Historical Fault Browser
Issue 13.08 | April 2013

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Use pursuant to applicable agreements

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Legal notice

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About this document

Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................................. xi

Reason for reissue ........................................................................................................................................................................ xi


New in this release ....................................................................................................................................................................... xi


Intended audience ....................................................................................................................................................................... xii


Supported systems ...................................................................................................................................................................... xii


How to use this document ........................................................................................................................................................ xii


Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................................................. xii


Conventions used ........................................................................................................................................................................ xii


Related information ................................................................................................................................................................... xiii


Document support ...................................................................................................................................................................... xiii


Technical support ....................................................................................................................................................................... xiii


How to order ................................................................................................................................................................................ xiii


How to comment ........................................................................................................................................................................ xiv


1 Roadmap to Fault Management documentation

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1


Roadmap to Fault Management documentation ............................................................................................................ 1-2


2 HFB operation

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1


HFB operation overview

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-3


Features ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-4


Components ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2-5


Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary iii
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System requirements ................................................................................................................................................................ 2-7

Supported web browsers ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-8


HFB agent .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-9


HFB user interface

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-10


Select Retrieval Criteria ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-11


View Records ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2-29


Record Details ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-37


Alarm report generation ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-38


Archiving and retrieving historical data ......................................................................................................................... 2-42



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-43


Viewing historical alarms in the HFB ............................................................................................................................. 2-44


Generating alarm reports using the HFB WICL Editor ............................................................................................ 2-48

Implementing the HFB input filtering feature ............................................................................................................. 2-50


3 Historical Fault Browser administration

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1


HFB administration overview

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-2


Administering the HFB agent .............................................................................................................................................. 3-3


HFB database maintenance program ................................................................................................................................. 3-4


Application log files ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-5


HFB database schema ............................................................................................................................................................. 3-7


Archiving and retrieval ......................................................................................................................................................... 3-29


Capacity planning ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-30


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Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-32


Setting the HFB database maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 3-33


Clearing domains when the HFB agent is removed .................................................................................................. 3-34


4 Managing Oracle administrator user IDs

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1


Oracle administrator user ID management

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-2


Default Oracle user IDs and password settings ............................................................................................................. 4-3



Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-5


Changing passwords of the HFB database users ........................................................................................................... 4-6


Changing the Oracle tnslsnr port password ..................................................................................................................... 4-7


Changing the HFB passwords .............................................................................................................................................. 4-9



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List of tables

2-1 Search by values in the Network panel ........................................................................................................... 2-14

2-2 Operator values in the Network panel ............................................................................................................. 2-15

2-3 Status check boxes .................................................................................................................................................. 2-19


2-4 Severity check boxes ............................................................................................................................................. 2-20


2-5 Event Type check boxes ....................................................................................................................................... 2-21

2-6 Date/Time panel elements .................................................................................................................................... 2-24


2-7 Alarm List fields ...................................................................................................................................................... 2-33


2-8 Alarm report fields .................................................................................................................................................. 2-38


3-1 FMBB or TUMSBB to HFB mapping ............................................................................................................... 3-8

3-2 Alarms table .............................................................................................................................................................. 3-13


3-3 ThresholdInfo table ................................................................................................................................................ 3-18


3-4 nedata table ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-19


3-5 severity table ............................................................................................................................................................. 3-20


3-6 eventType table ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-21


3-7 Status table ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-21


3-8 trendindicationconst table .................................................................................................................................... 3-21

3-9 probablecauseconst table ...................................................................................................................................... 3-21

3-10 Criteria set table ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-28


4-1 Default Oracle user IDs and password settings .............................................................................................. 4-3

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List of tables


viii Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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List of figures

1-1 Roadmap to Fault Management documentation ............................................................................................. 1-2

2-1 HFB architecture ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-6


2-2 Select retrieval criteria ........................................................................................................................................... 2-11


2-3 Network panel .......................................................................................................................................................... 2-14


2-4 Retrieval Criteria list .............................................................................................................................................. 2-17


2-5 Network Domain dialog box ............................................................................................................................... 2-17

2-6 Network Domain Selection panel ..................................................................................................................... 2-18

2-7 Search selected domains ....................................................................................................................................... 2-18


2-8 Status panel ............................................................................................................................................................... 2-19


2-9 Severity panel ........................................................................................................................................................... 2-20


2-10 Event Type panel ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-21


2-11 Probable Cause panel ............................................................................................................................................. 2-22


2-12 Specific Problem panel ......................................................................................................................................... 2-23


2-13 Date/Time panel ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-24


2-14 Threshold panel ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-25


2-15 Criteria Sets panel ................................................................................................................................................... 2-27


2-16 Delete Selected Criteria Set ................................................................................................................................. 2-28


2-17 Example of View Records page (1/4) .............................................................................................................. 2-29

2-18 Example of View Records page (2/4) .............................................................................................................. 2-30

2-19 Example of View Records page (3/4) .............................................................................................................. 2-31

2-20 Example of View Records page (4/4) .............................................................................................................. 2-32

2-21 Alarm Record Details page ................................................................................................................................. 2-37

2-22 Alarm report generated through the HFB query interface ....................................................................... 2-40

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List of figures

2-23 Alarm report with filter information ................................................................................................................ 2-41

2-24 Archived alarms on the View Records page ................................................................................................. 2-42

2-25 WICL Script Editor window ............................................................................................................................... 2-48

3-1 Diagram of HFB alarm data tables ................................................................................................................... 3-12

x Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
About this document
About this document

The purpose of this document is to explain the Historical Fault Browser (HFB), how it
works, and how to administer its related database.

Reason for reissue

The reissue reasons are:

Issue number Issue date Reason for reissue

13.08 April 2013 Standard issue
13.07 November 2012 Standard issue
13.06 October 2012 Standard issue
13.05 August 2012 Preliminary issue
13.04 May 2012 Preliminary issue
13.03 September 2011 Preliminary issue
13.02 August 2011 Preliminary issue
13.01 June 2011 Draft issue

New in this release

New features:
Other changes:
Updated the Roadmap to Fault Management documentation.
CR 941701: Updated the Select Retrieval Criteria (p. 2-11) section and Criteria
Sets panel (p. 2-26).
Removed all occurrences of Microsoft Windows 2000 in the document

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Issue 13.08 April 2013
About this document

Modified Table 4-1, Default Oracle user IDs and password settings (p. 4-3)
Updated to comply with CRI00427311.01

Intended audience
The audience for this document is fault management personnel.

Supported systems
This document applies to Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA UA08.1 system release.
This document applies to WMS.

How to use this document

No specific recommendation applies regarding the way readers should read this

It is recommended that readers become familiar with Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA System -
Access Network Management Overview, NN-20500-031.

Conventions used
Vocabulary conventions
Typographical conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this document:

Appearance Description
italicized text File and directory names
Emphasized information
graphical user interface text Text that is displayed in a graphical user interface
or in a hardware label
variable A value that the user supplies
key name The name of a key on the keyboard
command-syntax Command names that the user types
input text None
output text None
IP reference, reference number Related document that is referenced in the

xii Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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About this document

Related information
For information on subjects related to the content of this document, refer to the
documents listed in the following table:

Refer to this document At this location For more information on

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless http://support.alcatel- Different interfaces,
Management System - User lucent.com functions, and procedures
Configuration and related to user configuration
Management, NN-10300-074 and management.
Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless http://support.alcatel- WMS security applications,
Management System - lucent.com different procedures to
Security Fundamentals, implement, monitor, or
NN-10300-031 manage the security
applications, and the
management of OAM users
accounts and 9353 WMS
accounts and passwords.
Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless http://support.alcatel- Overview of Fault
Management System - Fault lucent.com Management in the Access
Management, NN-20500-156 Network and available
reference manuals related to
Fault Management.
Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA http://support.alcatel- List of terms used in
System - Terminology, lucent.com Alcatel-Lucent 9300
NN-20500-002 W-CDMA documents.

Document support
For support in using this or any other Alcatel-Lucent document, contact Alcatel-Lucent at
one of the following telephone numbers:
+1-888-582-3688 (for the United States)
+1-630-224-2485 (for all other countries)

Technical support
For technical support, contact your local Alcatel-Lucent customer support team. See the
Alcatel-Lucent Support web site (http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/support/) for contact

How to order
To order Alcatel-Lucent documents, contact your local sales representative or use Online
Customer Support (OLCS) (http://support.alcatel-lucent.com)
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How to comment
To comment on this document, go to the Online Comment Form (http://infodoc.alcatel-
lucent.com/comments/) or e-mail your comments to the Comments Hotline

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1 1oadmap to Fault

This chapter provides the roadmap for Fault Management documentation.


Roadmap to Fault Management documentation 1-2

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Roadmap to Fault Management documentation Roadmap to Fault Management documentation


Roadmap to Fault Management documentation

Overall roadmap
For the roadmap relating to the full documentation collection, see:
Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA System - Document Collection Overview, NN-20500-050
For the Access Network Management Overview, see:
Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA System - Access Network Management Overview,

Figure 1-1 Roadmap to Fault Management documentation

1-2 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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2 HFB operation

The HFB is an optional software application that builds on the alarm management
functions of the Network Services Platform (NSP). The NSP alarm management tools
provide real-time alarm information for the Network Elements (NEs) they monitor. The
HFB provides a database of historical alarms for trend analysis.
There are instances when alarms are generated for NEs that are not fully enrolled by the
system. Although the HFB captures the alarms in such cases, but the corresponding NE
information is missed out. The HFB periodically updates these alarms with the missing
NE information.
This chapter provides an overview of the HFB application, its operation, and the


HFB operation overview 2-3

Features 2-4
Components 2-5
System requirements 2-7
Supported web browsers 2-8
HFB agent 2-9
HFB user interface 2-10
Select Retrieval Criteria 2-11
View Records 2-29
Record Details 2-37
Alarm report generation 2-38

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HFB operation Overview


Archiving and retrieving historical data 2-42

Procedures 2-43
Viewing historical alarms in the HFB 2-44
Generating alarm reports using the HFB WICL Editor 2-48
Implementing the HFB input filtering feature 2-50

2-2 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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HFB operation Overview
HFB operation overview

HFB operation overview

This section provides detailed information on the following topics:
System requirements
Supported web browsers
HFB agent


Features 2-4
Components 2-5
System requirements 2-7
Supported web browsers 2-8
HFB agent 2-9

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Issue 13.08 April 2013
HFB operation Features
HFB operation overview

The HFB supports stored alarm events for all the managed NEs. It provides a central
storage and retrieval capability for network alarm events, and also alarm event filtering
and report generation capabilities.
The following alarm events are supported:
Raise alarm
Clear alarm
Acknowledge alarm
Unacknowledge alarm
Manual alarm clear
Notification ID change
The HFB retrieves alarm events, both raise and clear, from the network using the building
block architecture. It stores the alarm events in an Oracle Relational Database
Management System (RDBMS). The HFB GUI supports the search, display, and report
generation of the selected alarm event data from the database.
The HFB provides the following main features:
Generic alarm event history across managed NEs
Central storage of alarm event history in an Oracle RDBMS
Web-based Java application GUI for retrieving alarm event data with the following
Sophisticated filtering support
Report generation capability for analysis and tracking purposes

2-4 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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HFB operation Components
HFB operation overview

The HFB consists of the following two separate component applications:
HFB agent
The HFB agent retrieves alarm event information from the Fault Management
Building Block (FMBB) and Topology Management Building Block (TUMSBB),
and stores the information in the Oracle database. The HFB agent takes advantage
of the open architecture to retrieve information about alarm events. The HFB
agent is a client of the FMBB and TUMSBB. It retrieves alarm event information
immediately after the addition of a new NE to the network.
The HFB GUI is run on a supported web browser. It provides an option to search
for alarm events in the database and generate reports. This GUI uses the open
contract interface provided by the FMBB and TUMSBB to retrieve information
from the network. This interface is based on the Common Object Request Broker
Architecture (CORBA) Interface Definition Language (IDL). See, Figure 2-1,
HFB architecture (p. 2-6)
The HFB is a client of Oracle RDBMS. The alarm event information stored in the
database maps to the information provided by the FMBB and TUMSBB CORBA IDL
interfaces. The HFB communicates with the database through the database interface.

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HFB operation Components
HFB operation overview

Figure 2-1 HFB architecture

2-6 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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HFB operation System requirements
HFB operation overview

System requirements
The HFB is compatible with NSP and is deployed on the NSP server. Install NSP before
you install the HFB. Ensure that FMBB and TUMSBB are installed and run before the
HFB is installed. For information on the hardware and OS for the HFB, see
Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System - User Guide, NN-20500-032.
Note: The HFB 2.4 requires that the Oracle RDBMS software, Enterprise
edition with the Partitioning Option be installed on the NSP server. Alcatel-Lucent has
tested and approved HFB with Oracle RDBMS software.
Applications developed using Oracle database capabilities supports the following
Large database capacity of storing 60,480,000 alarms
Fast retrieval of alarm history information
Stable and reliable database environment, accepted globally.

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 2-7
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HFB operation Supported web browsers
HFB operation overview

Supported web browsers

The HFB client workstation supports Internet Explorer (IE) 5.0 or later and Mozilla 1.4
web browsers. Ensure that the HFB client workstation has a supported web browser
If your web browser is IE, ensure the following options are set:
From the IE, select Tools > Internet Options
Select the General tab, and in the Temporary Internet files area, click Settings
In the list under Check for newer versions of stored pages, click the option Every
visit to the page
Click OK in the settings window, and OK in the Internet Options window to close the

2-8 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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HFB operation HFB agent
HFB operation overview

HFB agent
The HFB agent retrieves alarm events from the managed network and stores in a
database. These alarm events include raise alarm, clear alarm, acknowledge alarm,
unacknowledge alarm, manual alarm clear, and notification ID change. The HFB agent
uses key attributes to connect the clear alarm events with original raise alarm events.
The HFB agent is a client of the FMBB and the TUMSBB. It operates only after the
FMBB and the TUMSBB are installed and run in the network.
The HFB agent connects to the FMBB to retrieve active and new alarms on a continuous
basis. It also connects to the TUMSBB to retrieve inventory data on NEs needed for
alarm events.
If either the HFB agent or the FMBB is down, a data resynchronization takes place after
communication is restored.
If the FMBB is down, it resynchronizes with its device adapters (DA) after the service is
restored. Once this task is complete it sends a message to the HFB agent announcing that
the HFB agent is ready to update its data.
If the HFB agent is down, it contacts the FMBB to obtain an up-to-date list of active
alarms after the service is restored.
In both the cases, any alarms that were cleared during the loss of communication causes a
discrepancy between the old list of active alarms stored by the HFB agent and the new list
of active alarms provided by the FMBB. As a result, the HFB agent clears these alarms
with the hfbmaster user ID and puts a timestamp with the server time where the HFB
agent is located.
If the incoming alarm events exceed the HFB agent capacity, the HFB agent discards and
logs them. Customize the HFB agent, if needed.

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HFB operation Overview
HFB user interface

HFB user interface

The HFB is a web-based java application that provides a flexible GUI to search for alarm
data in the database. The HFB client workstation supports IE 5.0 or later, Mozilla 1.4 web
The HFB user interface does not support the web browser buttons for navigation.
It provides the tools for finding and viewing historical alarms.
The HFB interface allows to perform the following operations:
Build and save search criteria
Retrieve and view alarm records based on search criteria
View alarm details
Count alarm records
Generate alarm reports


Select Retrieval Criteria 2-11

View Records 2-29
Record Details 2-37
Alarm report generation 2-38
Archiving and retrieving historical data 2-42

2-10 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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HFB operation Select Retrieval Criteria
HFB user interface

Select Retrieval Criteria

Use the Select Retrieval Criteria option to define the historical alarms that you want to
retrieve. The Select Retrieval Criteria allows to build search criteria to retrieve required
alarm records from the HFB database. The HFB displays the Select Retrieval Criteria
window when the application starts.
The Select Retrieval Criteria window contains the following two sections:
Criteria tabs
Selected retrieval criteria list

Figure 2-2 Select retrieval criteria

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 2-11
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HFB operation Select Retrieval Criteria
HFB user interface
The Select Retrieval Criteria window contains eight tabs for setting query statements.
Use each tab to define a query statement with a specific attribute type.
For detailed description of the attributes in each criteria tab, see the following sections:
Network panel (p. 2-13)
Status panel (p. 2-18)
Severity panel (p. 2-20)
Event Type panel (p. 2-21)
Probable Cause panel (p. 2-22)
Specific Problem panel (p. 2-23)
Date/Time panel (p. 2-23)
Threshold panel (p. 2-25)
Criteria Sets panel (p. 2-26)
By default, the Network panel is displayed when you open the Select Retrieval Criteria
The bottom section of the Select Retrieval Criteria window contains the Selected
Retrieval Criteria List. The criteria list is built from query statements created in the
criteria tabs. The criteria are additive. The query statements are joined to form the search
criteria. The system uses the search criteria to filter data from the database and display
alarm records that meet the criteria.
Build a query statement using multiple values for the same attribute. The search criteria is
formed using Boolean AND and OR logical operators. See the attribute descriptions for
details on how a query statement is constructed.
Manage the Selected Retrieval Criteria List using Delete Selected and Reset to
Default. To delete an individual query statement, select it and click Delete Selected. To
clear all current query statements, click Reset to Default. This resets all panels to default
values and the Retrieval Criteria List displays the default Raised during the last two
hours query statement.
Click Count to determine how many records match your query. The number of matching
records is displayed along with the timestamp. Choose to modify or cancel your query, if
If the Selected Retrieval Criteria List is empty, the system will count all of the alarm
records which were raised during the last two hours.
Use Save Criteria at any time to save a new set of retrieval criteria you have built, or to
update an existing criteria set. The Save Criteria Set page opens. Specify a unique file
name, not more than 40 characters, and save the criteria set to the database.
Click View Records to search the database for alarms that meet the criteria specified.

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HFB operation Select Retrieval Criteria
HFB user interface
Some browsers generate a security warning message when you perform an action that
requires interaction with the database server. Eliminate these messages by selecting the
appropriate box in the message dialog before continuing.
Click Export Report to perform the same database search as the one requested using
View Records. However, the output is saved to a file and the record number is limited to
10,000. See Alarm report generation (p. 2-38).
An In Progress dialog box appears as the system retrieves the query. The HFB times out
after 30 minutes of either idle or query time.
If the query is time consuming, click Cancel to prevent the system from timing out, and
then revise the query.
Terminate and restart the HFB GUI after a time out occurs. Although the session is
terminated after 30 minutes of idle or query time, the HFB system remains responsive
and a manual termination and restart is recommended.
For information about the mapping of the HFB database fields to equivalent fields
from the FMBB and the TUMSBB, the CORBA IDL, see Table 3-1, FMBB or
TUMSBB to HFB mapping (p. 3-8).
Note: Some fields do not apply to all domains. For more information, refer to the DA
documentation for your domain.

Network panel
Use the Network panel to add query statements to the Selected Retrieval Criteria List
based on the network attributes. See Table 2-1, Search by values in the Network panel
(p. 2-14). The attributes are available from a drop-down menu in the Search by field. A
second drop-down menu allows to define criteria based on partial values. See Table 2-2,
Operator values in the Network panel (p. 2-15).
Note: The Value field is case-sensitive.

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 2-13
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HFB operation Select Retrieval Criteria
HFB user interface

Figure 2-3 Network panel

If you choose to define retrieval criteria based on the NE Id attribute, specify the domains
to search. See Multiple network domain search by NE ID (p. 2-17).

Table 2-1 Search by values in the Network panel

Search by HFB database field Meaning Syntax (max. size)

NE Name (see Note NEUserLabel Display information Alphanumeric (80
1) consisting of the characters)
name of the NE
NE ID NENumber Display information Alphanumeric (80
consisting of the NE characters)
CLFI CLFI Common Language Alphanumeric (40
Facility Identifier characters)
(CLFI) string
received from the NE
Full Component DN alarmedcomponent Display information Alphanumeric (400
using the characters)
distinguished name
(DN) to clearly
identify the NE

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HFB operation Select Retrieval Criteria
HFB user interface
Table 2-1 Search by values in the Network panel (continued)

Search by HFB database field Meaning Syntax (max. size)

Subcomponent ID subcomponentId Additional details Alphanumeric (256
about the NE that characters)
generated the alarm
Clear User ID MACUSERID User ID of the Alphanumeric (30
operator who characters)
manually cleared the
alarm user ID =
hfbmaster if the alarm
was cleared while
either the HFB Agent
or FMBB was down
Ack User ID AAUSERID User ID of the last Alphanumeric (30
user that performed characters)
the last
The current release of
HFB only stores the
Additional Text additionalText Description of the Alphanumeric (1024
alarm condition characters)
Alarm Code faultcode Uniquely identifies
the alarm type

Note 1:
Database query using NE Name is not possible when the database contains more than 14 million
Note 2:
If the value exceeds the default sizes in the search panel, a saved query is not executed properly
by HFB.

Table 2-2 Operator values in the Network panel

Operator Meaning
Equals Is equal to the entered value (see Note)

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Table 2-2 Operator values in the Network panel (continued)

Operator Meaning
Does not equal The entered value will not appear (see Note)
Contains Contains the entered value
Does not contain The entered value will not be part of the record
Starts with Starts with the entered value
Ends with Ends with the entered value

This function may not be supported if the database structure of any of the fields in Table 2-1,
Search by values in the Network panel (p. 2-14) is changed.

Build multiple query statements using the same alarm record field, but with different
operators or values:
If your query string uses the positive operators only such as Contains or Equals, the
system joins these multiple query statements with OR.
If your query string uses only the negative operators, Does not contain or Does not
equal, the query string is joined by AND.
If your query contains both positive and negative operators, the system groups the
positive queries with OR, the negative queries with AND, and then joins the two
groups using AND.
Ensure that an alarm event meets the criteria of at least one query statement for the
system to select it from the database.
Build multiple query statements with different alarm record fields. The system joins these
multiple query statements with a logical AND operator. Ensure that an alarm event meets
all of the criteria from each query statement for the system to select it from the database.
When you build query statements that include multiple statements with the same alarm
record field and some with different fields, the system groups all criteria items for the
same attribute so that they appear together. The criteria list is also sorted by positive
criteria followed by negative criteria, to produce the final alarm set. See Figure 2-4,
Retrieval Criteria list (p. 2-17) for an example of a retrieval criteria list sorted in this

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Figure 2-4 Retrieval Criteria list

Multiple network domain search by NE ID

When you specify a search by NE identifier (NE ID) with an operator value of Equals, a
dialog box offer you the option of searching all the accessible network domains or
limiting the search to selected domains.

Figure 2-5 Network Domain dialog box

If you choose to restrict the search to selected domains by selecting OK, the Network
Domain Selection panel opens.

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Figure 2-6 Network Domain Selection panel

This panel provides options to add all domains or selected domains. Click Add All
Domains to include all the domains listed in the search. Or, select one or more domains
listed and click Add Selected Domains.
In case of selecting domains, query statements are created to specify the selected
domains, as shown in this figure.

Figure 2-7 Search selected domains

Status panel
Use the Status panel to add query statements to the Selected Retrieval Criteria List
based on alarm and acknowledgement status. The system adds a separate statement for
each of the check box values. See Table 2-3, Status check boxes (p. 2-19). If an alarm
status criteria and an acknowledgement status criteria are selected, the system queries the
database for alarms with both the criteria.
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Figure 2-8 Status panel

A query statement is created for each check box selected.

However, the system implements the search in the following order:
Performs a logical OR on selected alarm status levels
Performs a logical OR on selected acknowledgement status levels
Performs a logical AND on the resulting alarm and acknowledgement status levels
For example, selection of the Active, Cleared, and Acknowledged check boxes creates a
search criteria that retrieves all active or (system) cleared alarms that have been
acknowledged by an operator.
The Status check boxes map to the activeStatus field and the Ack. Status check boxes
map to the ACKSTATUS field in the HFB database.

Table 2-3 Status check boxes

Status type Check box Meaning

Alarm Status Active Selects alarms that have not
been cleared
Cleared Selects all cleared alarms
(cleared by the system, an
operator, or the hfbmaster user
Manually Cleared Selects alarms cleared by an
operator and alarms cleared
with the hfbmaster user ID

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Table 2-3 Status check boxes (continued)

Status type Check box Meaning

Ack. Status Acknowledged Selects alarms that have been
acknowledged by an operator
Unacknowledged Selects alarms that have not
been acknowledged by an

Severity panel
Use the Severity panel to add query statements to the Selected Retrieval Criteria List
based on alarm severity. The system adds a separate statement for each of the check box
values. See Table 2-4, Severity check boxes (p. 2-20).

Figure 2-9 Severity panel

Select one or more of the alarm severity check boxes. A query statement is added for each
severity selected. Ensure that an alarm has any one of the selected severity levels for the
system to select it from the database.
The Alarm Severity check boxes map to the perceivedSeverity field in the HFB database.

Table 2-4 Severity check boxes

Check box Meaning

Critical Selects critical alarms
Major Selects major alarms
minor Selects minor alarms
unknown Selects alarms of unknown severity

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Table 2-4 Severity check boxes (continued)

Check box Meaning

warning Selects warning alarms

Event Type panel

Use the Event Type panel to build a query statement based on event type. The system
adds a separate statement for each of the check box values.

Figure 2-10 Event Type panel

A query statement is added for each event type selected. Ensure that an alarm has one of
the selected event types. See Table 2-5, Event Type check boxes (p. 2-21) for the
system to select it from the database.
The Event Type check boxes map to the eventType field in the HFB database.

Table 2-5 Event Type check boxes

Check box Meaning

Communications Communication alarms
Environment Environmental alarms
Equipment Equipment alarms
Processing Error Processing error alarms
Quality of Service Quality of Service alarms
Integrity Violation Indication that the information may have been
illegally modified, inserted, or deleted

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Table 2-5 Event Type check boxes (continued)

Check box Meaning

Operational Violation Indication that the requested service
provisioning was not possible due to service
unavailability, malfunction, or incorrect
Physical Violation Indication that a physical resource was
violated in such a way that a security attack
might have occurred
Security Service Or Mechanism Violation Indication that a security attack was detected
by a security service or mechanism
Time Domain Violation Indication that an event occurred at an
unexpected or prohibited time

Probable Cause panel

Use the Probable Cause panel to build a query statement based on the probable cause of
alarms. Use only Global form text values from the M3100 standard or the Cause Names
from the X.721 standard. The results are also displayed as the text value only. See the
Probable Cause field of the Alarm List for valid Probable Cause values. Enter any string
to search for an alarm with a configurable probable cause field.

Figure 2-11 Probable Cause panel

A query statement is added for each specified probable cause value. Build the criteria
specifying either Contains or Does not contain. Ensure that an alarm has the probable
cause matching one of the values specified for the system to select it from the database. If

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you are using IE on Windows XP for the HFB, disable the script debugging option to
prevent Explorer from displaying invalid error messages. The Probable Cause values map
to the probableCause field in the HFB database.
This panel provides two types of searches:

Specific Problem panel

Use the Specific Problem panel to build a query statement based on the specific problem
of alarms.

Figure 2-12 Specific Problem panel

A query statement is added for each specific problem value. Build the criteria specifying
either Contains or Does not contain. Ensure that an alarm has the specific problem
matching one of the values specified for the system to select it from the database. The
Specific Problem values map to the specficProblem field in the HFB database.
This panel provides two types of searches:

Date/Time panel
Use the Date/Time panel to build a query statement based on the date and time that an
alarm was raised or cleared.

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Figure 2-13 Date/Time panel

The query statement is in the event, date, and time format. Create a query statement with
a date and time range, or only a start or an end date and time. See Table 2-6, Date/Time
panel elements (p. 2-24). The system generates a time range as single query statement.
The system joins multiple date and time query statements with a logical OR operator.
Ensure that an alarm event meets the criteria of at least one of the specified query
statements for the system to select it from the database.
The system provides an initial date and time query statement by default. The value of the
default query statement is the last two hours before the current time on the NSP server.
Delete the default Date and Time query statement.
Attention: If you delete the default Date and Time query statement and do not replace
it, HFB will search the alarms raised in the last two hours. Whenever possible, include
a Date and Time query statement in the Retrieval Criteria List.
The Date and Time fields for a raised alarm map to the eventTime field in the HFB
database. The Date and Time fields for a cleared alarm map to the clearTime field in the
HFB database. Alarm records in the database are stored in Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) and displayed in local time (local time of the operator).

Table 2-6 Date/Time panel elements

Element Function
Raised radio button Selects raised alarms
Cleared radio button Selects cleared alarms

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Table 2-6 Date/Time panel elements (continued)

Element Function
From Date field Entry of the start date in yyyy/mm/dd format
From Time field Entry of the start time in hh:mm:ss format
To Date field Entry of the end date in yyyy/mm/dd format
To Time field Entry of the end time in hh:mm:ss format

Threshold panel
Use the Threshold panel to build a query statement based on the threshold attributes of a
Quality of Service (QoS) alarm. The system adds a separate statement for each expression
selected for Triggered Threshold Parameter or Observed Threshold Value.

Figure 2-14 Threshold panel

Use the Threshold Parameter field to enter the name of the threshold attribute that
triggered the alarm. This field maps to the triggered threshold field in the HFB database.
Use the Observed Threshold Value field to enter the actual value that triggered the
alarm. This field maps to the observedValue field in the HFB database. Use the
drop-down menu to select an operator in the Observed Threshold expression.
Following are the values:
=: equals the entered value
>: is greater than the entered value
<: is less than the entered value
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The query statement has the form parameter, operator, and value for both the Triggered
Threshold Parameter and the Observed Threshold Value for that parameter. To build a
query statement, enter only the threshold parameter or both the threshold parameter and
an observed value. Multiple query statements are allowed.
The HFB does not check if the observed value specified is valid for the specified
parameter, since these vary with NE types. Once you have completed entering data,
review the query that the system has added to the Selected Retrieval Criteria List, to
ensure the query is as intended. This query statement applies only to NEs that maps a
threshold event to an alarm.

Criteria Sets panel

Use the Criteria Sets panel to select saved criteria sets to query the HFB database. Only
criteria sets that you have saved to the HFB database appears in the Criteria Set list. This
list displays the name of the criteria set, along with the number of alarm filters in the set.
Move the cursor over a criteria set in the list to display a tool tip that lists the alarm filters
saved in that set. The tool tip displays up to ten alarm filters.
Web browsers support tool tips differently. The Mozilla browser supports only one line
for tool tips. The Netscape browser does not support tool tips. The Internet Explorer
browser supports tool tips.
Note: The system will add a suffix "Non-Case-Sensitive" for the non-case-sensitive
search critiera in both criteria list and tooltip over criteria set.

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Figure 2-15 Criteria Sets panel

Use the check boxes beside the list entries to either add the selected set to the Retrieval
Criteria list, or to delete the selected set. When you select a criteria set from your list and
click Delete Selected, the selected criteria is deleted instantly as shown in Figure 2-16,
Delete Selected Criteria Set (p. 2-28).
Note: Ensure to check your selection before deleting a criteria set.

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Figure 2-16 Delete Selected Criteria Set

Once you have added the criteria sets to the Retrieval Criteria List, modify the queries in
the list, retrieve alarms, generate reports, or save the modified queries under a new name.
At any time when you are logged in to the HFB application, save your set of retrieval
criteria for later use. For information on saving criteria sets, see Viewing historical
alarms in the HFB (p. 2-44).

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HFB operation View Records
HFB user interface

View Records
The View Records option in the Select Retrieval Criteria page enables the user to view
the retrieved alarm records. It retrieves alarm records from the HFB database that meet
the search criteria.
Each request to retrieve alarms from the database displaces the existing View Records
page in the main window. The system does not open separate windows for each request.

The View Records page contains the alarms list table that displays all the alarm records
retrieved from the database in groups of 25. The maximum number of alarm records
retrieved from the database is 500. The alarms list title bar indicates the group of alarms
displayed and the total number of alarms retrieved. To view other groups of alarms, select
the corresponding page listed below the alarms list. To scan through alarm records in
consecutive groups, use the Next page link.
The following figures illustrate examples of View Records page generated from the HFB.

Figure 2-17 Example of View Records page (1/4)

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Figure 2-18 Example of View Records page (2/4)

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Figure 2-19 Example of View Records page (3/4)

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Figure 2-20 Example of View Records page (4/4)

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Alarm List
The alarms list, displays several columns of information for each alarm as shown in Table
2-7, Alarm List fields (p. 2-33). To view additional details in the Record Details page,
see Figure 2-21, Alarm Record Details page (p. 2-37). For more information, see the
DA documentation for your domain.

Table 2-7 Alarm List fields

Field name Description

Alarm Code This field is the identification number of the alarm.
The alarm code format is as follows
<Equip. Type> _<Alarm code on 4 digits (0#9)>_
<MO Object Id on 5 digits (0#9)>
Equip Type = OAM, BTS, MicroBTS, RNC, MSS, ESE,
Alarm code = Alarm code of the Equip. Type
MO Object Id = Object Id of the alarmed component.
The Alarm Code is also named Fault Code.
For the possible alarm code values, see:
Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System - Node B
Alarms Reference Guide for 9311, 9312, 9322, 9326, 9332
Node B, NN-20500-018P1 .
Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System - RNC
and MSS POC Alarms Reference Guide, NN-20500-024.
NE ID This field displays the NE ID.
NE Name This field displays the alphanumeric name of the NE.
Event Type This field contains the type of alarms recorded.
Following are the values:
Processing Error
Quality of Service
Integrity Violation
Operational Violation
Physical Violation
Security Service Or Mechanism Violation
Time Domain Violation

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Table 2-7 Alarm List fields (continued)

Field name Description

Notification Id This field contains the original alarm identifier generated at the
Full Component DN This field contains all the details of the NE. See Note 2.
Subcomponent Id This field contains a subset of the information about the NE that
generated the alarm. See Note 1.
Event Time This field indicates the local date and time that an alarm was
raised or cleared. Although the cursor does not change to a hand
icon when hovered above the Event time column, sort this
column in the same way as the other columns. A tool tip displays
the UTC and time difference when you pause your cursor over
the field. See Note 3.
Details on raised and cleared times are provided on the Figure
2-21, Alarm Record Details page (p. 2-37).
Severity This field indicates the severity level of the alarm. The values
are Critical, Major, minor, warning, and unknown.
Status This field indicates the status of the alarm. The values are Active
and Cleared.
Clear User Id This field specifies the user ID of the operator who cleared an
alarm. The hfbmaster user ID indicates the alarm was cleared
while either the HFB Agent or FMBB was down. A null entry
indicates that the alarm was cleared by the system.
Ack. Status This field indicates True or False values. A True value indicates
that the alarm has been acknowledged. A False value is the
default for alarms that have never been acknowledged, or it
indicates that the alarm has been unacknowledged.
If the Ack. User Id field is not empty, and the Ack. Status field
is False, the alarm has been unacknowledged. If the Ack. User
Idfield is empty and the Ack. Status field is False the alarm was
never acknowledged.
Ack. User Id This field displays the user ID of the user who last changed the
acknowledgement status. Previous user IDs are overwritten
when this status is changed. A blank field indicates that the
alarm was never acknowledged

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Table 2-7 Alarm List fields (continued)

Field name Description

Ack Time This field displays the local time of the last alarm
acknowledgement or unacknowledgement event. Although the
cursor does not change to a hand icon when hovered over the
Event time column, sort this column in the same way as the
other columns. A tool tip displays the UTC and time difference
when the cursor was paused over the field.
Additional Text This field contains a description of the alarm condition. See
Note 1.
Probable Cause This field contains information that qualifies the cause of the
alarm condition. Depending on the DA, the field will display an
alphanumeric or numeric string, a description of the probable
cause, or both. See Note 1.
Specific Problem This field contains information that qualifies the specific
problem of the alarm condition. See Note 1.
CLFI This field contains the CLFI string received from the DA. See
Note 1.
Filter Info This field contains the alarm stream management rule filter
For more information on the alarm stream management rules,
see HFB input filtering (p. 2-40).
Correlation Group Id This field identifies a group of alarms that are linked to the same
root cause.
Correlation Group Alarm Alarms are classified in the following categories:
Type PrimaryMain: designates the alarm root cause of the
correlation group
Main: designates other alarm cause, than the primary one, of
the correlation group
Symptom: which designates an alarm consequence of a
Primary or Main alarm

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Table 2-7 Alarm List fields (continued)

Field name Description

Correlation Group Count Number of alarms correlated to the PrimaryMain alarm.
The following Correlation Group Count is displayed at the
PrimaryMain alarm row:
Main alarm count
Symptom alarm count
Symptoms already correlated in other correlation groups and
also correlated to this PrimaryMain are included in the count.
The PrimaryMain alarm is not included in the count. This value
is only available on the Primary Main alarm.
The CorrelationGroupCount enables to identify the PrimaryMain
alarm with the highest impact on the UTRAN system Quality of

Note 1:
If the default size of this field is increased to accommodate more than 1024 characters, only the
first 30 characters of the field are displayed in the Alarm List. To view the complete entry click
the row number of the alarm and open the Record Details (p. 2-37).
Note 2:
If the DN is more than 30 characters, the Alarm List displays the last 30 characters, preceded by
"...". To view the complete entry click the row number of the alarm and open the Record
Details (p. 2-37).
Note 3:
If the HFB GUI is open during a daylight savings time change, restart the HFB session to update
the time display. When daylight savings time is in effect, the times shown on the HFB GUI and
the NSP GUI may differ by one hour. HFB GUI times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) plus
the standard time zone of the HFB GUI host.

Alarm correlation
Alarm correlation is an optional application that performs alarm grouping and finds
dependencies between root causes and symptoms. The correlated alarm groups are
reported to the Alarm Manager and identified in the Correlation Alarm Type column.
PrimaryMain: designates the alarm root cause of the correlation group
Main: designates other alarm causes, than the primary one, of the correlation root
Symptom: designates an alarm consequence of a Primary or Main alarm.
For more information on alarm correlation, see Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless
Management System - User Guide, NN-20500-032.

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Record Details
The record details of an alarm is displayed in the Record Details page.

To view the Record Details page, click on the row number of an alarm in the View
Alarms page as shown in Figure 2-21, Alarm Record Details page (p. 2-37).

Figure 2-21 Alarm Record Details page

The Record Details page displays the following information for the selected alarm:
All attributes as listed in the Table 2-7, Alarm List fields (p. 2-33)
The trend indication attribute which corresponds to the trendIndication field of the
Table 3-2, Alarms table (p. 3-13)
The Alarm Duration attribute which corresponds to the time between when the alarm
was raised and the corresponding clear
Threshold information attributes such as:
Triggered Threshold which corresponds to the triggeredThreshold field
Observed Threshold Value which corresponds to the observedValue field
Note: Both the fields are listed in the Table 3-3, ThresholdInfo table (p. 3-18).

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HFB operation Alarm report generation
HFB user interface

Alarm report generation

The Export Report option enables to generate a report of the alarms that meet the
currently specified search criteria. The report includes up to 10,000 retrieved alarms.

The report is produced as a text file in which the fields for each alarm are separated by
tabs. All fields are provided for all alarms as shown in Table 2-8, Alarm report fields
(p. 2-38). If a field has no value, the two tabs that delimit that field are adjacent. If the last
field has no value, the line ends with a tab. An end-of-line character separates alarm
records. All end-of-line characters and all tabs in an alarm field are converted to spaces.
Import the text file into a spreadsheet application where the Alarm Report fields are
converted into column headings. Additional formatting may be necessary when viewing a
report in a spreadsheet application. See Viewing historical alarms in the HFB (p. 2-44).

Table 2-8 Alarm report fields

Database Column Alarm Report fields

faultcode Alarm Code
NENumber NE ID
NEUserLabel NE Name
eventType Event Type
notificationId Notification Id
alarmedcomponent Full Component DN
subcomponentId Subcomponent Id
eventTime Event Time
perceivedSeverity Severity
activeStatus Status
MACUserId Clear User Id
clearTime Clear Time
ackStatus Ack. Status
AAUserId Ack. User Id
ackTime Ack. Time
additionalText Additional Text
probableCause Probable Cause

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Table 2-8 Alarm report fields (continued)

Database Column Alarm Report fields

specificProblem Specific Problem
filterinfo Filter Info
correlationGroupId Correlation Group ID
correlationAlarmType Correlation Alarm Type
correlationGroupCount Correlation Group Count

The following are examples of several alarms in the alarm report text file:
Ne 1561 NE1561 equipment 1 Ec:AutotestEC Ne:1561 Ec:AutotestEC:Ne:1561:
2003-05-29T18:49:51 -0400 Critical Active False CCU Fail 66 - Timing Problem
Ne 1562 NE1562 communications 1 Ec:AutotestEC Ne:1562 Ec:Au-
totestEC:Ne:1562: 2003-05-29T18:49:51 -0400 Major Active False Tx AIS 1 - AIS
Ne 1563 NE1563 quality of service 1 Ec:AutotestEC Ne:1563 Ec:Au-
totestEC:Ne:1563: 2003-05-29T18:49:51 -0400 Minor Active False AU-4 Far-end
background block errors threshold crossing 15-min 5019 N1563
The alarm report displays all event times in the UTC time format.

HFB query interface

The HFB query interface allows to generate alarm reports in .csv format, using the
prepareReport command with the following command syntax:
prepareReport - sql <sql statement> -file <output file name> [-display
<display number>] [-cluster <cluster number>] [-verbose]
Note: The output file location is indicated in the command return message.
For more information, see Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System -
Commands Reference Guide (WICL), NN-20500-030.
The following figure illustrates an example of .xls alarm report file generated using
prepareReport command.

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Figure 2-22 Alarm report generated through the HFB query interface

For the associated tasks, see Generating alarm reports using the HFB WICL Editor
(p. 2-48).

HFB input filtering

With the HFB input filtering feature, alarms are not filtered in the HFB. The alarm stream
rule management filter information is added to the HFB. The filter information is
included in a new Filter info alarm report column.
The examples of filter information values are listed as follows:
Inhibit rule
Modify to <new severity> rule
Acknowledge rule
Delay rule
Threshold rule
Toggling rule
Application Launch rule
Send an email rule
Send an SMS rule
The Figure 2-23, Alarm report with filter information (p. 2-41) illustrates an example of
alarm report that includes the Filter info report column.

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HFB operation Alarm report generation
HFB user interface

Figure 2-23 Alarm report with filter information

For the associated tasks, see Implementing the HFB input filtering feature (p. 2-50).

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HFB operation Archiving and retrieving historical data
HFB user interface

Archiving and retrieving historical data

The HFB database enables to archive and retrieve historical alarms.

The archiving and retrieval feature provides the following operations:
Archive, retrieve, and purge procedures while the HFB application is running
Archive up to the last 30 days of historical data
Retrieve up to seven days of archived historical data
Retrieve data from one day, multiple times, overwriting the previous retrievals
Disaster recovery
When you install the HFB application, you have the option to configure the application to
use the archiving and retrieval feature instead of the backup and restore function in NSP
for the historical data.
When you query alarms from the HFB, the View Records page displays active data as
well as retrieved archived data. The archived alarm appears shaded in the View Records
list and the Record Details page provides information on the archival of the selected
The Figure 2-24, Archived alarms on the View Records page (p. 2-42) shows archived
alarms in the alarms list.

Figure 2-24 Archived alarms on the View Records page

2-42 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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HFB operation Overview


This section contains the following procedures:
Viewing historical alarms in the HFB
Generating alarm reports using the HFB WICL Editor
Implementing the HFB input filtering feature


Viewing historical alarms in the HFB 2-44

Generating alarm reports using the HFB WICL Editor 2-48
Implementing the HFB input filtering feature 2-50

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 2-43
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
HFB operation Viewing historical alarms in the HFB

Viewing historical alarms in the HFB

When to use
Use this procedure to view alarms in the HFB. Before viewing alarms, define search
criteria to determine which alarms are retrieved from the alarms database. Choose to
display the results on screen or save them to a file.

Before you begin

The HFB client workstation supports IE 5.0 or later, and Mozilla 1.4 web browser.
Copying and pasting of URLs is not supported from one HFB client web browser to
another. Adding a bookmark or favorite for the URL of the HFB client is supported only
for the main HFB page, but not in the case of specific HFB pages. For example, a favorite
for http://<machine name>:8080/hfb is supported, but a favorite for http://<machine
name>:8080/hfb/alarmList is not supported.

To view the historical alarms in the HFB, perform the following steps:

1 In the HFB GUI client workstation, enter the following web address: http://<machine
name>:8080/hfb where <machine name> is the node name or IP address of the host
machine on which the web server is installed.

2 In the security warning issued by the Web browser, click OK or Yes.

Result: This message is an SSL security warning.
The message text varies depending on the browser you are using. The following are
the formats:
Security Alert: the security certificate was issued by
Website certified by an unknown authority
Warning - Security: do you want to accept the certificate

3 In the login window, enter the user name and password.


4 From the Select Retrieval Criteria page, click on one of the criteria tabs to start building
the query statement.

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HFB operation Viewing historical alarms in the HFB

5 Use the window elements in the tab to define a query statement. For a detailed description
of the window elements and possible values, see Select Retrieval Criteria (p. 2-11).
Select from the criteria sets that is saved before. See Threshold panel (p. 2-25).

6 Click Add to List to add the query statement to the Retrieval Criteria List.

7 Create additional query statements in this criteria tab or select other tabs to create
additional query statements.
Result: The system provides a default query of alarm records raised during the last
two hours.

8 If you want to Then

delete an existing query go to Step 9
retrieve and display alarms based on the go to Step 12
current query statement
save retrieved alarms to a file go to Step 16
save the criteria set go to Step 20
clear the current query statement and reset all go to Step 24
criteria tabs


9 In the Selected Retrieval Criteria area in the main window, click the check box to the
left of the query statements that you want to delete in the Retrieval Criteria List.

10 Click either of the Delete Selected buttons to delete the query statements from the
Retrieval Criteria List.

11 Return to Step 8.

12 (Optional) Click Count to determine how many records will match the query.

13 Click View Records to retrieve alarms and display them in the View Records alarms list.

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HFB operation Viewing historical alarms in the HFB
Result: HFB will time out after 30 minutes of either idle or query time. After this time
out, the HFB system remains responsive and it is recommended that you terminate
and restart the HFB GUI.

14 Click the row number of the alarm on the left of the View Records page to view the
complete alarm, on the Alarm Record Details page.

15 Return to Step 8.

16 Click Export Report.

Do not select View Records to generate a report.

17 Select the Save option in the File Download window and click OK to save the file to the
If, for any reason, you click Cancel to stop this operation, wait for a few minutes before
performing another action. This allows the server to process the cancel request and
terminate current processing.

18 Select the directory path and file name for the alarm report in the Save As window and
click Save. Open the file in a spreadsheet application.
Additional formatting may be necessary to view the file in a spreadsheet application. For
example, to view a file in Microsoft Excel, start Excel and open the file using the Open
command in the File menu. The Text Import Wizard opens. On the first screen, select
Delimited and click Next. On the second screen, select the Tab check box in the
Delimiters area and click Next. On the third screen, highlight the Additional Text column
in the Data preview area and then select Text in the Column data format area. Click

19 Return to Step 8.

20 From the Selected Retrieval Criteria page in the main window, click Save Criteria to
open the Save Criteria Set page.

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HFB operation Viewing historical alarms in the HFB

21 Enter a unique name in the Criteria Set Name field with maximum 40 characters. Do not
use spaces before or after an existing file name to rename a criteria set. The HFB does not
recognize spaces before or after a file name.

22 Click Save Criteria.

Save a set of retrieval criteria at any time during the HFB session.

23 Return to Step 8.

24 From the Selected Retrieval Criteria page in the main window, click either of the Reset
to Default buttons.
The Retrieval Criteria List displays the default Raised during the last two hours query

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HFB operation Generating alarm reports using the HFB WICL Editor

Generating alarm reports using the HFB WICL Editor

When to use
Use this procedure to view the alarm reports using the HFB WICL editor.


1 From the NSP main window, select Configuration > WICL Script Editor.
Result: The WICL Script Editor window opens.

Figure 2-25 WICL Script Editor window


2 Open the WISCI, then the prepareReport directories.

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HFB operation Generating alarm reports using the HFB WICL Editor

3 Select prepareReport.
Note: For more information on prepareReport, see Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless
Management System - Commands Reference Guide (WICL), NN-20500-030.

4 To run prepareReport immediately, click Run now.


5 To schedule the execution of prepareReport, click Schedule.

Note: The output file location is indicated in the command return message.

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HFB operation Implementing the HFB input filtering feature

Implementing the HFB input filtering feature

When to use
Use this procedure to implement the input filtering feature of the HFB.


1 From the NSP main window, select Fault > Alarm Stream Rule Set.

2 To make a specific rule active, select it from the Inactive Rules window and click
Result: The selected rule becomes active and appears in the Active Rules window.

3 From the NSP, select Fault > Launch Historical Fault Browser.
Result: The HFB window opens. In the HFB report window, the filter information
appears for the alarms that match the criteria defined in the previously activated rule.

2-50 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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3 3 istorical Fault Browser

This chapter provides information about the administration of the HFB application and
explains the HFB database maintenance procedures.


HFB administration overview 3-2

Administering the HFB agent 3-3
HFB database maintenance program 3-4
Application log files 3-5
HFB database schema 3-7
Archiving and retrieval 3-29
Capacity planning 3-30
Procedures 3-32
Setting the HFB database maintenance 3-33
Clearing domains when the HFB agent is removed 3-34

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Historical Fault Browser administration Overview
HFB administration overview

HFB administration overview

This section explains the following topics:
Administering HFB agent
HFB Databse Maintenance Program
Application log files
HFB database schema
Archiving and retrieval
Capacity planning


Administering the HFB agent 3-3

HFB database maintenance program 3-4
Application log files 3-5
HFB database schema 3-7
Archiving and retrieval 3-29
Capacity planning 3-30

3-2 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Historical Fault Browser administration Administering the HFB agent
HFB administration overview

Administering the HFB agent

The HFB agent administrative tasks are performed using Application Management (AM).
AM is a set of related software components used to manage CORBA based applications.
CORBA is a multi-vendor standard for object-oriented distributed computing.
After installation of the HFB agent, use AM to add and start the HFB agent instance, and
configure its public attributes to begin the retrieval and storage of alarm events. See
HFB agent attributes (p. 3-3) for a description of the attributes to be configured.
To stop and remove the HFB agent, use AM.

HFB agent attributes

View and configure the following HFB agent attributes using the Application Manager:
Ensure that the FMBB subdomain of the HFB agent matches the domain name of the
FMBB. The match is required for the HFB agent to connect to the CORBA server of
the FMBB. The default value is Configuration Required.
Ensure that the TUMSBB subdomain of the HFB agent matches the domain name of
the TUMSBB. The match is required for the HFB agent to connect to the CORBA
server of the TUMSBB. The default value is Configuration Required.
Release number of the HFB agent application. This attribute is read-only.
Logging level indicates the level of detail provided by logs for debugging purposes.
The range of values is 1 through 5, with a default value of 3.
Note: The HFB agent connects to single FMBB server and single TUMSBB server.

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Historical Fault Browser administration HFB database maintenance program
HFB administration overview

HFB database maintenance program

The HFB database maintenance program is a required component of the HFB package. It
is a set of stored procedures that allows the database administrator to manage the removal
of old alarm event records from the database. Database maintenance parameters are
configured during installation. Use Setting the HFB database maintenance (p. 3-33) to
change these parameters later.
If alarm events occur during the hour gained or lost for daylight savings time (DST) ,
these alarm event records are not removed from the database at the scheduled time. For
example, alarm events that occur during the hour lost has a timestamp that causes the
records to be prematurely deleted.

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Historical Fault Browser administration Application log files
HFB administration overview

Application log files

The log files for an application store the system messages for the application. System
messages are records of application activity. See these messages when analyzing
problems or examining performance.
This section explains the following topics:
Database log files (p. 3-5)
HFB agent log file (p. 3-5)
HFB GUI server log file (p. 3-6)

Database log files

General HFB log files reside in the /opt/nortel/logs/applications/hfb/dbdirectory.
With the exception of hfb_admin.log, the log files are created after the specific event
occurs. The directory contains the following files:
hfb_admin.log: contains system messages generated by the HFB Database
Maintenance Program
hfb_bulk_alarms.log: contains system messages regarding bulk alarm inserts and
hfb_bulk_nedata.log: contains system messages regarding bulk NE insertions and
hfb_purge_tables.log: contains system messages regarding purging staging tables on
start up
hfb_bulk_delete.log: contains system messages regarding bulk deletions

HFB agent log file

The following are the typical types of system messages that go to the WMS log file,
alarmHistorynnnnn.log, where nnnnn is the process ID for the HFB agent instance:
Successful connection to FMBB or TUMSBB or the DB
Disconnection from FMBB or TUMSBB or the DB
Alarm insertions
Fault event updates
NE events, updated on discovery
Unsupported alarm records or unsupported attribute names in the alarm record
Failure to insert a record in the DB for any reason; for example, duplicates, wrong
The alarmHistorynnnnn.log file resides in the /opt/nortel/logs/applications/hfb/ directory.
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Historical Fault Browser administration Application log files
HFB administration overview
HFB GUI server log file
The HFB GUI uses the JBoss application server to maintain a client session and retrieve
data from the database.
The following types of system messages go to the JBoss log file:
Generated by the HFB GUI server, the JBoss application server
Generated by the Oracle database related to communication with the HFB GUI server
View the log file generated by JBoss in the /opt/nortel/logs/3rd_party/java/jboss/server/
default/log/hfb.log directory.

3-6 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Historical Fault Browser administration HFB database schema
HFB administration overview

HFB database schema

This section contains information about database administrators and the organization of
alarm data stored in the HFB database. Database administrators are expected to use the
tables provided in this section for reference, and to use the HFB GUI to extract any
required records from the database.
This section explains the following topics:
Mapping to Building Block Interface Definition Language fields (p. 3-7)
Supported database (p. 3-10)
Supported standards (p. 3-10)
HFB databases (p. 3-10)
HFB database tables (p. 3-13)

Mapping to Building Block Interface Definition Language fields

HFB database stores data provided at runtime by the CORBA IDL interfaces of the
following WMS components:
The fields in the HFB database tables have matching fields in the alarm event records
delivered by the FMBB or TUMSBB, with the following exception. The HFB database
stores all integer values received from the FMBB as strings. The HFB database then uses
a matching Type field created by the HFB agent to maintain the FMBB contract
For an example, refer to the descriptions of the following fields. SeeTable 3-2, Alarms
table (p. 3-13):

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Historical Fault Browser administration HFB database schema
HFB administration overview
The mapping of the FMBB or TUMSBB IDL attribute ID types to the equivalent fields in
the HFB database is shown, see Table 3-1, FMBB or TUMSBB to HFB mapping
(p. 3-8). All attribute ID types apply to the FMBB IDL except for the neUserLabel
attribute ID type which applies to the TUMSBB IDL. The X.721 and X.733 standards are
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standards.

Table 3-1 FMBB or TUMSBB to HFB mapping

FMBB or TUMSBB HFB database field HFB table name Standard

attribute ID type name
internal alarmId Alarms HFB
FMBB/TUMSBB domainName Alarms HFB
domain name as
entered in AMC GUI
logrecordID logRecord Alarms X.721
managedObjectClass ClassId Alarms X.721
eventType eventType Alarms X.721
eventTime eventTime Alarms X.721
notificationIdentifier notificationId Alarms X.721
additionalText additionalText Alarms X.721
probableCause probableCause Alarms X.721
probableCauseType probableCauseType Alarms X.721
perceivedSeverity perceivedSeverity Alarms X.721
specificProblem specificProblem Alarms X.721
specificIdentifierType specProblemType Alarms X.721
trendIndication trendIndication Alarms X.721
activeStatus activeStatus Alarms X.721
unknownStatus unknownStatus Alarms X.721
alarmedcomponent alarmedcomponent Alarms X.721
equipmentType equipmentType Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
CLFI CLFI Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
alarmDisplay subcomponentId Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
Info.subcomponentId internal
alarmDisplayInfo- NEUserLabel Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
.neUserLabel internal

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Historical Fault Browser administration HFB database schema
HFB administration overview
Table 3-1 FMBB or TUMSBB to HFB mapping (continued)

FMBB or TUMSBB HFB database field HFB table name Standard

attribute ID type name
managedObjectIn- NENumber Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
stance internal
internal objectInstanceStrin g Alarms HFB
eventTime clearTime Alarms X.721
vendorSpecificMod- ackTime Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
ule.ackTime internal
internal alarmId ThresholdInfo HFB
thresholdInfo.trig- triggeredThreshold ThresholdInfo X.721
thresholdInfo.thresh- thresholdType ThresholdInfo X.721
thresholdInfo.ob- observedValue ThresholdInfo X.721
thresholdInfo.ob- observedValueType ThresholdInfo X.721
thresholdInfo.ind- indTypeChoice ThresholdInfo X.733
thresholdInfo.high high ThresholdInfo X.721
thresholdInfo.low low ThresholdInfo X.721
thresholdInfo.arm- armTime ThresholdInfo X.733
vendorSpecificMod- AAUSERID Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
ule.actionRegUser internal
vendorSpecificMod- ACKSTATUS Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
ule.ackStatus internal
vendorSpecificMod- MACUSERID Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
ule.actionRegUser internal
additionalKeyString alarmkeyvalue Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
vendorSpecificMod- faultcode Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
ule.FaultCode internal

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Historical Fault Browser administration HFB database schema
HFB administration overview
Table 3-1 FMBB or TUMSBB to HFB mapping (continued)

FMBB or TUMSBB HFB database field HFB table name Standard

attribute ID type name
vendorSpecificMod- filterinfo Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
ule.filterInfo internal
vendorSpecificMod- correlationGroupId Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
ule.Correlation- internal
vendorSpecificMod- correlationAlarmType Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
ule.Correlation- internal
vendorSpecificMod- correlationGroup- Alarms Alcatel-Lucent
ule.Correlation- Count internal

Supported database
HFB supports the Enterprise edition of Oracle Release RDBMS software with the
Partitioning option. HFB communicates with the database through the local database

Supported standards
HFB RDBMS maps to the FMBB and the TUMSBB contract definitions through the
CORBA IDL. The CORBA IDL is based on Telecommunications Management Network
(TMN) standards that support limited pseudo-Common Management Information Service
Element (CMISE) operations.

HFB databases
HFB database defines the following data tables, which are created by the HFB installer
during the installation of the HFB agent:
Two tables containing alarm event records (alarms and thresholdInfo)
One table containing network element data (nedata)
Five tables containing information about the alarms table fields (severity, eventtype,
status, trendindicationconst, probablecauseconst)
One table to store criteria sets
The alarm_insert_staging table has the same field contents as the alarms table.

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Historical Fault Browser administration HFB database schema
HFB administration overview
If the HFB Archiving and Retrieval feature is configured on the system, an additional user
(hfbrestore) is created along with the following two tables:
One table containing restored alarm event records (alarms)
One table containing the partitioning information for the Retrieved Alarms table.
Additionally, the Oracle software creates, by default, the user_tab_partitions table which
tracks the partitions of all the tables. This table contains the required initial partition
labelled ABC. Do not remove this. For more information on Archiving and Retrieval, see
Archiving and retrieval (p. 3-29).
The HFB GUI uses a database view called v_alarms which displays the contents of the
current alarms table. If the Archiving and Retrieval option is configured on the system,
the view lists the contents of the active alarms table along with the restored alarms table.
The HFB relationships among the data tables is shown. See Figure 3-1, Diagram of HFB
alarm data tables (p. 3-12). Each box in this diagram represents a data table. The items
listed within each box represent the fields in each data table. The items N,N indicate the
row mapping between the Alarms table and the other data tables, where N represents a
numeric value. The first numeric value represents the minimum number of mapped rows.
The second numeric value represents the maximum number of mapped rows.

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Historical Fault Browser administration HFB database schema
HFB administration overview

Figure 3-1 Diagram of HFB alarm data tables

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Historical Fault Browser administration HFB database schema
HFB administration overview

Following are the characteristics of the two alarm data tables represented in Figure 3-1,
Diagram of HFB alarm data tables (p. 3-12):
Alarms table: The fields eventTime, specificProblem, probableCause,
objectInstanceString, classId, eventType, and alarmKeyValue together form the
primary key of this table.
ThresholdInfo table: For each row in the Alarms table, there exists zero or one row of
data in the ThresholdInfo table. Each row of data in the ThresholdInfo table maps to
an alarm event in the Alarms table.

HFB database tables

This section provides the following information for each of the data tables in the HFB
Ddatabase columns (fields)
Field descriptions
Oracle data types
Detailed information is provided for the alarm events stored in the Alarms table. See
Table 3-2, Alarms table (p. 3-13). Threshold crossing information associated with a
Quality of Service Alarm is also provided. See Table 3-3, ThresholdInfo table (p. 3-18).

Table 3-2 Alarms table

HFB database field Field description Oracle data type

futurekey Used in combination with the VARCHAR2(400)
datasourceId field to uniquely
identify alarms
alarmId A distinct value for each alarm VARCHAR2(40)
event in the Alarms table
The other four data tables have a
matching field. The field contains a
foreign key to link data in the tables
to the distinct alarm event in the
Alarms table.
domainName The domain name of the HFB agent VARCHAR2(20)
Ensure that this name matches the
domain name of the FMBB and

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Historical Fault Browser administration HFB database schema
HFB administration overview
Table 3-2 Alarms table (continued)

HFB database field Field description Oracle data type

logRecord Contains the following information VARCHAR2(20)
related to an alarm
acknowledgment event:
The user who acknowledged
the alarm
The IP address and node name
of the user's machine
The time at which user
acknowledged the alarm
This field is empty for HFB Release
2.3 because this release does not
support this field.
classId Object class of the entity that raised NUMBER(9,0)
the alarm
eventType Type of alarm event recorded. NUMBER(9,0)
Following are the valid values:
5002 (Communication Alarm)
5003 (Environmental Alarm)
5004 (Equipment Alarm)
5010 (Processing Error Alarm)
5011 (Quality of Service
eventTime Time that the alarm event was DATE
recorded in UTC format
notificationId Original alarm identifier generated NUMBER(10,0)
at the controller
additionalText Description of the alarm condition CLOB
probableCause Cause of the alarm condition VARCHAR2(40
probableCause Type Type of information received from NUMBER(2,0)
the FMBB and stored as a string in
the probableCause field. Following
are the valid values:
3 (object identifier string)
5 (integer)

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HFB administration overview
Table 3-2 Alarms table (continued)

HFB database field Field description Oracle data type

perceivedSeverity Severity level of the alarm. NUMBER(1,0)
Following are the valid values:
0 (unknown. Also referred to as
1 (Critical)
2 (Major)
3 (minor)
4 (warning)
5 (cleared)
specificProblem Identifies the alarm point and VARCHAR2(256)
connects raise alarm events with
clear alarm events
specProblemType Type of information received from NUMBER(2,0)
the FMBB and stored as a string in
the specificProblem field.
Following are the valid values:
3 (global value string)
5 (local value integer)
trendIndication Severity trend of the alarm. CHAR(1)
Following are the valid values:
0 (Less Severe)
1 (No Change)
2 (More Severe)
activeStatus Indicates if the alarm is now active CHAR(1)
or cleared. Following are the valid
0 (Cleared)
1 (Active)
unknownStatus Indicates if there was a loss of CHAR(1)
communication between the FMBB
and the NE. Following are the valid
0 (no loss of communication)
1 (loss of communication)

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Historical Fault Browser administration HFB database schema
HFB administration overview
Table 3-2 Alarms table (continued)

HFB database field Field description Oracle data type

equipmentType A string with information for VARCHAR2(30)
display purposes, for example,
OC12, or PP160
CLFI CLFI string received from the VARCHAR2(40
Managed Object Agent (MOA)
subcomponentId Contains display information. For VARCHAR2(256)
example, for SONET, this field
contains a string that indicates the
slot, subslot, or port type.
alarmedcomponent Contains all the details that identify VARCHAR2(400)
the NE
NEUserLabel Contains display information VARCHAR2(80)
consisting of the alphanumeric
name of the NE.
NENumber Contains display information VARCHAR2(80)
consisting of the NE ID.
objectInstanceString Formatted string for the Object VARCHAR2(400)
Instance; indicates the DN of the
object that raised the alarm. This
formatted string begins with the
number of entries in the Attribute
Value Assertion (AVA) list followed
by a space.
The formatted string continues with
the following data for each AVA
entry in the AVA list:
Unsigned long name converted
to a string
Length of value string
Value string
Short valueType converted to a
A space separates each of the data

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Historical Fault Browser administration HFB database schema
HFB administration overview
Table 3-2 Alarms table (continued)

HFB database field Field description Oracle data type

clearTime Time of the clear event in UTC DATE
Resynchronization time is
displayed for alarms cleared while
either the HFB Agent or FMBB was
ackTime Time of the alarm acknowledgment DATE
MACUSERID User ID of the operator who VARCHAR2(30)
manually cleared the alarm. It is left
empty if the alarm was not
manually cleared.
user ID = hfbmaster if the alarm
was cleared while either the HFB
Agent or FMBB was down.
AAUSERID User ID of the operator who last VARCHAR2(30)
acknowledged or unacknowledged
the alarm. It is left blank if the
alarm was never acknowledged.
ACKSTATUS Acknowledgement status of the CHAR(1)
alarm. The default value id 0 if the
alarm was never acknowledged.
alarmKeyValue User definable string, if required VARCHAR2(40
NEfuturekey Used in combination with the VARCHAR2(400)
datasourceId field to uniquely
identify NEs
datasourceId Domain name of the ADK CORBA VARCHAR2(20)
faultcode Identification number of the alarm VARCHAR2(32)
Alarm Code format.
For more information, see Table
2-7, Alarm List fields (p. 2-33).
filterinfo This field contains the alarm stream VARCHAR2(64)
management rule filter information.
For more information on the alarm
stream management rules, see
HFB input filtering (p. 2-40).

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HFB administration overview
Table 3-2 Alarms table (continued)

HFB database field Field description Oracle data type

correlationGroupId This field identifies a group of VARCHAR2(80)
alarms that are linked to the same
root cause.
correlationAlarmType Alarms are classified in the VARCHAR2(30)
following categories:
For more information, see Table
2-7, Alarm List fields (p. 2-33).
correlationGroupCount Number of alarms correlated to the NUMBER(5,0)
PrimaryMain alarm.
For more information, see Table
2-7, Alarm List fields (p. 2-33)

The fields eventTime, specificProblem, probableCause, objectInstanceString, classId,
eventType, and alarmKeyValue together form the primary key of this table.

Table 3-3 ThresholdInfo table

Field Field description Oracle data type

alarmId Links data in this table to a VARCHAR2(40)
distinct alarm event in the
Alarms table
triggeredThreshold Name of the threshold attribute VARCHAR2(40)
that triggered the alarm
thresholdType Indicates the type of NUMBER(2,0)
information received from the
FMBB and stored as a string in
the triggeredThreshold field.
Following are the valid values:
Long integer (local form)
String (global form)
observedValue Actual value that triggered the NUMBER

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HFB administration overview
Table 3-3 ThresholdInfo table (continued)

Field Field description Oracle data type

observedValue Type Type of information received NUMBER(2,0)
from the FMBB and stored as a
string in the observedValue
Following are the valid values:
Long integer (integer value)
Double (real value)
indTypeChoice Direction of change required NUMBER(2,0)
from the threshold setting to
trigger an alarm.
Following are the valid values:
0 (upChoice)
1 (downChoice)
hig Maximum threshold setting for VARCHAR2(20)
the alarm
low Minimum threshold setting for VARCHAR2(20)
the alarm
armTime For a counter threshold, this DATE
field indicates the later of the
following times:
The time at which the
threshold offset was last
The time at which the
counter was last initialized
For a gauge threshold, this field
indicates the time at which the
threshold was last re-alarmed.

Table 3-4 nedata table

Field Field description Oracle data type

NEUserLabel Display information consisting VARCHAR2(80)
of the alphanumeric name of
the NE

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HFB administration overview
Table 3-4 nedata table (continued)

Field Field description Oracle data type

NENumber Display information consisting VARCHAR2(80)
of the NE ID
objectInstanceString Formatted string for the Object VARCHAR2(400)
Instance; indicates the
distinguished name of the
object that raised the alarm.
This formatted string begins
with the number of entries in
the AVA list followed by a
The formatted string continues
with the following data for each
AVA entry in the AVA list:
Unsigned long name
converted to a string
Length of value string
Value string
Short valueType converted
to a string
A space separates each of the
data items.
domainName Domain name of the HFB agent VARCHAR2(20)
NEfuturekey Used in combination with the VARCHAR2(400)
datasourceID field to uniquely
identify NEs
datasourceId domain name of the ADK VARCHAR2(20)
CORBA adapter

The five tables containing information about the alarms table fields are small (except for
the probablecauseconst table) and of fixed length. They are given next, in their entirety.

Table 3-5 severity table

perceivedSeverity perceivedSeverityName severityOrder NUMBER(1)

0 unknown 4
1 Critical 1

3-20 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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HFB administration overview
Table 3-5 severity table (continued)

perceivedSeverity perceivedSeverityName severityOrder NUMBER(1)

2 Major 2
3 minor 3
4 warning 5
5 cleared 6

Table 3-6 eventType table

eventType typeAcronym typeName VARCHAR2(80)

5002 Comm Communication Alarm
5003 Envir Environmental Alarm
5004 Equip Equipment Alarm
5010 ProcErr Processing Error Alarm
5011 QOS Quality of Service Alarm

Table 3-7 Status table

activeStatus CHAR(1) statusName VARCHAR2(20)

0 Cleared
1 Active

Table 3-8 trendindicationconst table

trendIndication NUMBER(1) trendIndicationName VARCHAR2(20)

0 Less Severe
1 No Change
2 More Severe

Table 3-9 probablecauseconst table

probableCause NUMBER(5) probableCauseName VARCHAR2(80)

0 Indeterminate

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Table 3-9 probablecauseconst table (continued)

probableCause NUMBER(5) probableCauseName VARCHAR2(80)

2 Call Set Up Failure
3 Degraded Signal
4 Far End Receiver Failure
5 Framing Error
6 Loss Of Frame
7 Loss Of Pointer
8 Loss Of Signal
9 Payload Type Mismatch
10 Transmission Error
11 Remote Alarm Interface
12 Excessive BER
13 Path Trace Mismatch
14 Unavailable
15 Signal Label Mismatch
16 Loss Multi Frame
17 Receive Failure
18 Transmit Failure
19 Modulation Failure
20 Demodulation Failure
21 Broadcast Channel Failure
22 Connection Establishment Error
23 Invalid Message Received
24 Local Node Transmission Error
25 Remote Node Transmission Error
26 Routing Failure
51 Backplane Failure
52 Data Set Problem
53 Equipment Identifier Duplication
54 External IF DeviceProblem
55 Line Card Problem
56 Multiplexer Problem
3-22 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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HFB administration overview
Table 3-9 probablecauseconst table (continued)

probableCause NUMBER(5) probableCauseName VARCHAR2(80)

57 NE Identifier Duplication
58 Power Problem
59 Processor Problem
60 Protection Path Failure
61 Receiver Failure
62 Replaceable Unit Missing
63 Replaceable Unit Type Mismatch
64 Synchronization Source Mismatch
65 Terminal Problem
66 Timing Problem
67 Transmitter Failure
68 Trunk Card Problem
69 Replaceable Unit Problem
70 Real Time Clock Failure
71 Antenna Failure
72 Battery Charging Failure
73 Disk Failure
74 Frequency Hopping Failure
75 IO Device Error
76 Loss Of Synchronization
77 Loss Of Redundancy
78 Power Supply Failure
79 Signal Quality Evaluation Failure
80 Transceiver Failure
81 protection Mechanism Failure
82 protection Resources Failure
101 Air Compressor Failure
102 Air Conditioning Failure
103 Air Dryer Failure
104 Battery Discharging
105 Battery Failure
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HFB administration overview
Table 3-9 probablecauseconst table (continued)

probableCause NUMBER(5) probableCauseName VARCHAR2(80)

106 Commercial Power Failure
107 Cooling Fan Failure
108 Engine Failure
109 Fire Detector Failure
110 Fuse Failure
111 Generator Failure
112 Low Battery Threshold
113 Pump Failure
114 Rectifier Failure
115 Rectifier High Voltage
116 Rectifier Low Voltage
117 Ventilations System Failure
118 Enclosure Door Open
119 Explosive Gas
120 Fire
121 Flood
122 High Humidity
123 High Temperature
124 High Wind
125 Ice Build Up
126 Intrusion Detection
127 Low Fuel
128 Low Humidity
129 Low Cable Pressure
130 Low Temperature
131 Low Water
132 Smoke
133 Toxic Gas
134 Cooling System Failure
135 External Equipment Failure
136 External Point Failure
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Table 3-9 probablecauseconst table (continued)

probableCause NUMBER(5) probableCauseName VARCHAR2(80)

151 Storage Capacity Problem
152 Memory Mismatch
153 Corrupt Data
154 Out Of CPU Cycles
155 SFWR Environment Problem
156 SFWR Download Failure
157 Loss Of Real Time
158 Reinitialized
159 Application Subsystem Failure
160 Configuration Or Customization Error
161 Database Inconsistency
162 File Error
163 Out Of Memory
164 Software Error
165 Time-out Expired
166 Underlaying Resource Unavailable
167 Version Mismatch
201 Bandwidth Reduced
202 Congestion
203 Excessive Error Rate
204 Excessive Response Time
205 Excessive Retransmission Rate
206 Reduced Logging Capability
207 System Resources Overload
5640 Enclosure Door Open
5641 Excessive Vibration
5642 Flood Detected
5643 Fire Detected
5644 Heating Or Ventilation Or Cooling
5645 Humidity Unacceptable

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HFB administration overview
Table 3-9 probablecauseconst table (continued)

probableCause NUMBER(5) probableCauseName VARCHAR2(80)

5646 Leak Detected
5647 Material Supply Exhausted
5648 Pressure Unacceptable
5649 Pump Failure
5650 Receive Failure
5651 Temperature Unacceptable
5652 Loss Of Signal
5653 Loss Of Frame
5654 Framing Error
5655 Local Node Transmission Error
5656 Remote Node Transmission Error
5657 Call Establishment Error
5658 Degraded Signal
5659 Communications Subsystem Failure
5660 Communications Protocol Error
5661 lAN Error
5662 dTEDCE Interface Error
5663 Toxic Leak Detected
5664 Transmit Failure
5665 Unspecified Reason
5672 Response Time Excessive
5673 Queue Size Exceeded
5674 Bandwidth Reduced
5675 Retransmission Rate Excessive
5676 Threshold Crossed
5677 Performance Degraded
5678 Congestion
5679 Resource At Or Nearing Capacity
5692 Storage Capacity Problem
5693 Version Mismatch
5694 Corrupt Data
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HFB administration overview
Table 3-9 probablecauseconst table (continued)

probableCause NUMBER(5) probableCauseName VARCHAR2(80)

5695 CPU Cycles Limit Exceeded
5697 Software Error
5697 Software Program Error
5698 Software Program Abnormally Terminated
5699 File Error
5700 Out Of Memory
5701 Underlying Resource Unavailable
5702 Application Subsystem Failure
5703 Configuration Or Customization Error
5712 Power Problem
5713 Timing Problem
5714 Processor Problem
5715 Data Set Or Modem Error
5716 Multiplexer Problem
5717 Receiver Failure
5718 Transmitter Failure
5719 Output Device Error
5720 Input Device Error
5721 Input Output Device Error
5722 Equipment Malfunction
5723 Adapter Error
5732 Duplicate Information
5733 Information Missing
5734 Information Modification Detected
5735 Information Out Of Sequence
5736 Unexpected Information
5742 Denial Of Service
5743 Out Of Service
5744 Procedural Error
5752 Cable Tamper
5753 Intrusion Detection
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HFB administration overview
Table 3-9 probablecauseconst table (continued)

probableCause NUMBER(5) probableCauseName VARCHAR2(80)

5762 Authentication Failure
5763 Breach Of Confidentiality
5764 Non Repudiation Failure
5765 Unauthorized Access Attempt
5772 Delayed Information
5773 Key Expired
5774 Out Of Hours Activity

Table 3-10 Criteria set table

Field Field description Oracle data type

UserName The owner of the criteria set Varchar2(25)
Criteria_Name The name of the criteria set Varchar2(80)
Time The timestamp from when the Date
criteria set was saved to the
Attribute The alarm attribute used as a Varchar2(30)
filter in the query
DisplayString The string representation of the Varchar(1024)
query that is displayed on the
SQLString The string representation of one Varchar(1024)
query in the criteria set

3-28 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Historical Fault Browser administration Archiving and retrieval
HFB administration overview

Archiving and retrieval

The active alarms table receives new alarms as they are generated from the NEs and are
stored according to the date they are generated. The alarm records are archived by date
and are exported to a file.
When requesting a retrieval, the retrieved data is either retrieved into the active alarms
table or the retrieved alarms table, depending on the date requested for. For example, if
you request a date that falls within the range of dates stored in your active alarms table,
the data is retrieved into the active table. If you request a date that is outside the range of
your active alarms table, the data is retrieved into the retrieved alarms table.
The HFB will also merge new information with the existing data in the database:
If there are alarm records in the database that are not in the retrieved data, the unique
records in the database is preserved.
If there are alarm records in the retrieval that are not in the database, these unique
records are added to the database.
If there are alarm records in the database that match records in the retrieval, the
retrieval records overwrite the records in the database.

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 3-29
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Historical Fault Browser administration Capacity planning
HFB administration overview

Capacity planning
This section explains the following topics:
Database instance requirements (p. 3-30)
Database capacity planning (p. 3-30)

Database instance requirements

For best performance from the Oracle database server, the HFB application requires a
separate instance of the Oracle RDBMS. If an existing instance supports other databases,
create a new database instance for the HFB application only.

Database capacity planning

Ensure that enough disk space exists on the Oracle database to support the HFB
configuration. HFB requires a special table space to contain the HFB database tables.
For more information about the organization of alarm event data in the Oracle database,
see HFB database schema (p. 3-7). See the following example for support in calculating
your disk space requirements.
1960 MB is pre-allocated at installation time for the alarm records and 1280 MB is
pre-allocated for alarm indexes. If the Archiving and Retrieval feature is installed on your
system, and additional 440 MB is pre-allocated during installation for the restored alarm
records and an additional 320 MB is pre-allocated for the restored alarm indexes.

The following example shows how to derive the amount of disk space required to support
an HFB database.

Alarms table specifications

The alarms table has the following specifications, see Table 3-2, Alarms table (p. 3-13):
The row size of the alarms table is 1KB.
The composite row size of the default indexes of the alarms table is 406 bytes.
In the Oracle RDBMS, the index key of the default index is the primary key of the table.
The default index key of the alarms table is equal to the eventTime + specificProblem +
probableCause + objectInstaceString + classId + eventType + alarmKeyValue.

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Historical Fault Browser administration Capacity planning
HFB administration overview
Other specifications
For this example, the following additional specifications exist:
Average entry size of one alarm is the row size of the alarms table + the row size of
all indexes of the alarms table
Average entry is approximately 1430 bytes for each alarm

Disk space calculations

The following results are calculated based on the above specifications:
Formula to calculate the amount of disk space required for the alarms table is:
(average entry size) (number of alarm records per day) (number of days)
In this example, the network generates 40 alarm events per second (20 raises + 20
Total amount of disk space required for the new HFB table space for a 30 day period
is approximately 71,000 MB.
This is derived by multiplying 1430 bytes for an average entry by 1,728,000 for an
average number of alarms per day by 30 for the number of alarm days in the example,
and rounding up the resulting 70,700 MB.
Amount of disk space required to support the other HFB table spaces is approximately
10 GB, which includes the following table space requirements in addition to alarm
record and index space:
TEMP (4000 MB)

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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Historical Fault Browser administration Overview


This section contains the following procedures:
Setting HFB database maintenance
Clearing domains when HFB agent is removed


Setting the HFB database maintenance 3-33

Clearing domains when the HFB agent is removed 3-34

3-32 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Historical Fault Browser administration Setting the HFB database maintenance

Setting the HFB database maintenance

When to use
Use this procedure to set new maintenance parameters for the HFB database. An initial
set of maintenance parameters is normally set during installation.
Do not use this procedure to inhibit maintenance activity on the database, as this is not

To set the HFB database maintenance, perform the following steps:

1 Log in to the WMS workstation as the root user and open a console window.

2 Configure the HFB database maintenance settings by entering the

hfb.sh -subcomponent maintenance command.

3 At the prompt, enter set.


4 Respond to the following prompt:

Enter the number of days you want to keep (max 30 days):

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 3-33
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Historical Fault Browser administration Clearing domains when the HFB agent is removed

Clearing domains when the HFB agent is removed

When to use
Use this procedure to clear all the alarms if an HFB agent is removed from the system for
a specific domain.
Note: Perform this procedure on the Sun machine on which the NSP server is hosted.

Perform the following steps:

1 Connect as an Oracle user.


2 Source hfb.env by entering the

$. /opt/nortel/config/applications/hfb/hfb.env command.

3 Connect to the database by entering the

$ sqlplus hfbmaster/<password_of_hfbmaster> command.

4 Enter the SQL> exec hfb_clear_domain('<domainname>'); SQL> exit


3-34 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
4 4 anaging Oracle
administrator user IDs

This section covers the management of administrator user IDs for the Oracle database.
For information on managing all other users and roles, see Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless
Management System - User Configuration and Management, NN-10300-074 and
Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System - Security Fundamentals,


Oracle administrator user ID management 4-2

Default Oracle user IDs and password settings 4-3
Procedures 4-5
Changing passwords of the HFB database users 4-6
Changing the Oracle tnslsnr port password 4-7
Changing the HFB passwords 4-9

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 4-1
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Managing Oracle administrator user IDs Overview
Oracle administrator user ID management

Oracle administrator user ID management

In general, all user and role management is performed using the Sun ONE Identity Server
(IS) console.
This section covers the management of administrator user IDs for the Oracle database.
The Oracle database is used by the HFB application.


Default Oracle user IDs and password settings 4-3

4-2 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Managing Oracle administrator user IDs Default Oracle user IDs and password settings
Oracle administrator user ID management

Default Oracle user IDs and password settings

Default Oracle user IDs and passwords are created at installation. See Table 4-1, Default
Oracle user IDs and password settings (p. 4-3). It is recommended that you change the
default passwords after installation. See the following procedures:
Changing passwords of the HFB database users (p. 4-6)
Changing the Oracle tnslsnr port password (p. 4-7)
Changing the HFB passwords (p. 4-9)


Table 4-1 Default Oracle user IDs and password settings

User type ID Password

HFB Oracle database sys OAM_diccata1
system OAM_admindba1
dbsnmp OAM_intlagent1
Account is locked
outln OAM_connresoure1
Account is locked
oracle_ocm OAM_confmgr1
Account is locked
dip OAM_dirplatform1
Account is locked
tsmsys OAM_sessionmgr1
Account is locked
hfbmaster ajdskcmogmst
hfbagent ljgamdlxgdrd
hfbgui sedaudsogkd
Listener on Oracle tnslsnr Pqs42mK4hsr

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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Managing Oracle administrator user IDs Default Oracle user IDs and password settings
Oracle administrator user ID management
Password rules for HFB
The following rules apply to creating passwords for hfbagent and hfbgui:
1 to 30 characters long
No quotation marks
Begins with an alphabetic character from the database character set, and contains only
alphanumeric characters.
Do not use an Oracle reserved word.
Note: Do not use the following characters:
underscore _
dollar sign $
pound sign #
period .
at symbol @
See the Oracle documentation for more information.

4-4 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Managing Oracle administrator user IDs Overview


Use the following procedures for configuring and maintaining the Netscape Directory
Changing passwords of HFB database users
Changing the Oracle tnslsnr port password
Changing HFB passwords


Changing passwords of the HFB database users 4-6

Changing the Oracle tnslsnr port password 4-7
Changing the HFB passwords 4-9

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 4-5
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Managing Oracle administrator user IDs Changing passwords of the HFB database users

Changing passwords of the HFB database users

When to use
Use this procedure to change HFB database user passwords. Default passwords are
created during installation, see Table 4-1, Default Oracle user IDs and password
settings (p. 4-3).

Perform the following steps:

1 Log in to the WMS PMS as the root user ID and open a terminal window.

2 Change to the Oracle user ID by entering:

su - oracle

3 Set the environment by entering:


4 Log in to the database by entering the following command:

sqlplus '/ as sysdba'

5 Change the oracle password by entering the following sequence of commands:

alter user sys identified by <new_password>;
alter user system identified by <new_password>;

6 Change the hfbmaster password by entering the following sequence of commands:

alter user hfbmaster identified by <new_password>

7 Exit the database by entering:



4-6 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Managing Oracle administrator user IDs Changing the Oracle tnslsnr port password

Changing the Oracle tnslsnr port password

When to use
Use this procedure to change the password for the listener on the Oracle tnslsnr port.
Ensure that the new password conforms to the restrictions and recommendations in
Password rules for HFB (p. 4-4).

Before you begin

Ensure that you have root user privileges to perform this procedure.

Perform the following steps:

1 Log in to the PMS, open a terminal window and log in as the root user.

2 Enter the ./opt/nortel/config/applications/hfb/hfb.env command.


3 Enter the lsnrctl command.

Result: The following prompt is displayed:

4 Enter the change_password command.

Result: The following prompt is displayed:
Old password:

5 Enter the <old password>.

Result: The following prompt is displayed:
New password:

6 Enter the <new password>.

Result: Reenter new password:

7 Enter the <new password> again.

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 4-7
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Managing Oracle administrator user IDs Changing the Oracle tnslsnr port password
Result: The prompt LSNRCTL> is displayed after the message indicating that the
password has been set successfully.

8 Enter the exit command.

Result: You have completed the password change procedure.

4-8 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Managing Oracle administrator user IDs Changing the HFB passwords

Changing the HFB passwords

When to use
Use this procedure to change the HFB passwords for hfbagent and hfbgui.

Related information
If you have installed the HFB agent on a SMS, change the hfbagent password on the
secondary server. Use the same password on the PMS and SMS.
Note: Ensure that the password follows the specified rules. See Password rules for
HFB (p. 4-4).

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the root user ID.
This procedure depends on the following installation package files:

Perform the following steps:

1 Log in to the PMS and open a terminal window.

Result: Change the hfbagent password.

2 Change directories by entering the

/opt/nortel/applications/hfb/current_hfb/swmgmt/bin/ command.

3 Run the configuration command by entering the

./configure_hfb.sh -subcomponent password command.

4 At the prompt, enter a new password for hfbagent.

Result: Change the hfbgui password.

5 Change directories by entering the

/opt/nortel/applications/hfb/current_hfbgui/swmgmt/bin/ command.

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 4-9
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Issue 13.08 April 2013
Managing Oracle administrator user IDs Changing the HFB passwords

6 Run the configuration command by entering

the./configure_hfbgui.sh -subcomponent password command.

7 At the prompt, enter a new password for hfbgui.


4-10 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 13.08 April 2013

A administer HFB agent, 3-3 input filtering, 2-40 .............................................................

alarm report generation, 2-38 operation, 2-1 P page

archiving and retrieval, 3-29 password rules, 4-4 alarm record details, 2-37
archiving and retrieving historical supported database, 3-10 select retrieval criteria, 2-11
data, 2-42
supported standards, 3-10 view records, 2-29
supported web browsers, 2-8 panel
C capacity planning, 3-30 system requirements, 2-7 criteria sets, 2-26
............................................................. user interface, 2-10 procedure
D database ............................................................. change HFB passwords, 4-9
capacity planning, 3-30 I introduction change Oracle tnslsnr port
instance requirements, 3-30 password, 4-7
manage Oracle administration
default Oracle user IDs and user IDs, 4-1 change passwords of HFB
password settings, 4-3 database users, 4-6
documentation roadmap, 1-2 clear domains when HFB agent
L log file
is removed, 3-34
application, 3-5 generate alarm reports, 2-48
H HFB database, 3-5 implement HFB input filtering
administration, 3-1 HFB agent, 3-5 feature, 2-50
agent, 2-9 HFB GUI server, 3-6 set HFB database maintenance,
agent attributes, 3-3 3-33
view historical alarms, 2-44
components, 2-5
M map to build block interface
database maintenance program, definition language field, 3-7
3-4 R roadmap
multiple network domain search
database schema, 3-7 by NE ID, 2-17 documentation, 1-2
database tables, 3-13 ............................................................. .............................................................
databases, 3-10 O overview S specification
features, 2-4 procedures, 2-43 alarms table, 3-30
Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary IN-1
411-5221-210 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 13.08 April 2013

disk space calculations, 3-31
other, 3-31

IN-2 Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements 411-5221-210 UA08.1
Issue 13.08 April 2013

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