Strata CTX

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726+,%$ Telecommunication Systems Division

Digital Business Telephone Systems

Programming Manual

April 2003

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Strata CTX100 and CTX670 3. Network connection information USOC jack required: RJ11/14C,
RJ21/2E/2F/2G/2HX/RJ49C (see Network Requirements in this document). Items
2, 3 and 4 are also indicated on the equipment label.
General End User Information 4. Authorized Network Parts: 02LS2/GS2, 02RV2-T/O, OL13C/B, T11/12/31/32M,
The Strata CTX100 or CTX670 Digital Business Telephone System is registered in 04DU9-BN/DN/1SN, 02IS5, 04DU9-BN/DN/1SN1ZN
accordance with the provisions of Part 68 of the Federal Communications
Commissions Rules and Regulations. Radio Frequency Interference
Warning: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if
FCC Requirements not installed and used in accordance with the manufacturers instruction manual, may
Means of Connection: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply
established rules which permit the Strata CTX100 or CTX670 system to be connected with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC
directly to the telephone network. Connection points are provided by the telephone Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference
companyconnections for this type of customer-provided equipment will not be when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a
provided on coin lines. Connections to party lines are subject to state tariffs. residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case, the user, at his/her own
Incidence of Harm: If the system is malfunctioning, it may also be disrupting the expense, will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the
telephone network. The system should be disconnected until the problem can be interference.
determined and repaired. If this is not done, the telephone company may temporarily This system is listed with Underwriters Laboratory.
disconnect service. If possible, they will notify you in advance, but, if advance notice is UL Requirement: If wiring from any telephone exits the building or is
not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be informed of your
right to file a complaint with the FCC.
subject to lightning or other electrical surges, then secondary protection
is required. Secondary protection is also required on DID, OPS, and Tie

Service or Repair: For service or repair, contact your local Toshiba telecommunications lines. (Additional information is provided in this manual.)
distributor. To obtain the nearest Toshiba telecommunications distributor in your area,
log onto or call (800) 222-5805 and ask for a Important Notice Music-On-Hold
Toshiba Telecom Dealer. In accordance with U.S. Copyright Law, a license may be required from
the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, or other similar
Telephone Network Compatibility: The telephone company may make changes in its
organization, if radio or TV broadcasts are transmitted through the music-on-hold
facilities, equipment, operations, and procedures. If such changes affect the
feature of this telecommunication system. Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.,
compatibility or use of the Strata CTX100 or CTX670 system, the telephone company
hereby disclaims any liability arising out of the failure to obtain such a license.
will notify you in advance to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted
service. CP01, Issue 8, Part I Section 14.1
Notice: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification
Notification of Telephone Company: Before connecting a Strata CTX100 or CTX670
means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective,
system to the telephone network, the telephone company may request the following:
operational and safety requirements as prescribed in the appropriate Terminal
1. Your telephone number. Equipment Technical Requirements document(s). The Department does not guarantee
2. FCC registration number: the Equipment will operate to the users satisfaction.
Strata CTX100 or CTX670 may be configured as a Key, Hybrid or PBX Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be
telephone system. The appropriate configuration for your system is dependent connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment
upon your operation of the system. must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. The customer should
be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of
If the operation of your system is only manual selection of outgoing lines, it may
service in some situations.
be registered as a Key telephone system.
If your operation requires automatic selection of outgoing lines, such as dial Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by
access, Least Cost Routing, Pooled Line Buttons, etc., the system must be the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or
registered as a Hybrid telephone system. In addition to the above, certain equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request
features (tie Lines, Off-premises Stations, etc.) may also require Hybrid the user to disconnect the equipment.
telephone system registration in some areas. Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of
If you are unsure of your type of operation and/or the appropriate FCC the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are
registration number, contact your local Toshiba telecommunications distributor connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.
for assistance.
CTX100 Registration Numbers
PBX: CJ6MUL-35931-PF-E, fully-protected PBXs CAUTION! Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but
Hybrid: CJ6MUL-35930-MF-E, fully-protected multifunction systems should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or
Key: CJ6MUL-35929-KF-E, fully-protected telephone key systems electrician, as appropriate.
CTX670 Registration Numbers
PBX: CJ6MUL-35934-PF-E, fully-protected PBXs
CP01, Issue 8, Part I Section 14.2
Hybrid: CJ6MUL-35933-MF-E, fully-protected multifunction systems
Notice: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal device
Key: CJ6MUL-35932-KF-E, fully-protected telephone key systems
provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to
Ringer equivalence number: 0.3B. The ringer equivalence number (REN) is a telephone interface. The terminal on an interface may consist of any combination of
useful to determine the quantity of devices which you may connect to your devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence
telephone line and still have all of those devices ring when your number is Numbers of all the Devices does not exceed 5.
called. In most areas, but not all, the sum of the RENs of all devices connected to
one line should not exceed five (5.0B). To be certain of the number of devices
you may connect to your line, as determined by the REN, you should contact
your local telephone company to ascertain the maximum REN for your calling

Publication Information Copyright 2003

Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., Telecommunication Systems Division, Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.
reserves the right, without prior notice, to revise this information publication for any Telecommunication Systems Division
reason, including, but not limited to, utilization of new advances in the state of
technical arts or to simply change the design of this document. All rights reserved. No part of this manual, covered by the copyrights hereon, may be
reproduced in any form or by any meansgraphic, electronic, or mechanical,
Further, Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., Telecommunication Systems including recording, taping, photocopying, or information retrieval systemswithout
Division, also reserves the right, without prior notice, to make such changes in express written permission of the publisher of this material.
equipment design or components as engineering or manufacturing methods may
warrant. Strata and SmartMedia are registered trademarks of Toshiba Corporation.
Stratagy is a registered trademark of Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.
Trademarks, registered trademarks, and service marks are the property of their
respective owners.


Version E, April 2003

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Telecommunication Systems Division License Agreement

1. License Grant. The Software is not sold; it is licensed upon payment of applicable charges. TAIS grants to you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use the copy of the Software
provided under this License Agreement. You agree you will not copy the Software except as necessary to use it on one TAIS system at a time at one location. Modifying, translating, renting, copying,
distributing, transferring or assigning all or part of the Software, or any rights granted hereunder, to any other persons and removing any proprietary notices, labels or marks from the Software is strictly
prohibited; You agree violation of such restrictions will cause irreparable harm to TAIS and provide grounds for injunctive relief, without notice, against You or any other person in possession of the Software.
You and any other person whose possession of the software violates this License Agreement shall promptly surrender possession of the Software to TAIS, upon demand. Furthermore, you hereby agree not
to create derivative works based on the Software. TAIS reserves the right to terminate this license and to immediately repossess the software in the event that You or any other person violates this License

2. Intellectual Property. You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the Software is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that title and full ownership rights to the Software will remain
the exclusive property of TAIS and/or its suppliers, and you will not acquire any rights to the Software, except the license expressly set forth above. You will not remove or change any proprietary notices
contained in or on the Software. The Software is protected under US patent, copyright, trade secret, and/or other proprietary laws, as well as international treaties. Any transfer, use, or copying of the
software in violation of the License Agreement constitutes copyright infringement. You are hereby on notice that any transfer, use, or copying of the Software in violation of this License Agreement constitutes
a willful infringement of copyright.

3. No Reverse Engineering. You agree that you will not attempt, and if you employ employees or engage contractors, you will use your best efforts to prevent your employees and contractors from
attempting to reverse compile, reverse engineer, modify, translate or disassemble the Software in whole or in part. Any failure to comply with the above or any other terms and conditions contained herein will
result in the automatic termination of this license and the reversion of the rights granted hereunder back to TAIS.




7. Export Laws. This License Agreement involves products and/or technical data that may be controlled under the United States Export Administration Regulations and may be subject to the approval of the
United States Department of Commerce prior to export. Any export, directly or indirectly, in contravention of the United States Export Administration Regulations, or any other applicable law, regulation or
order, is prohibited.

8. Governing Law. This License Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California, United States of America, excluding its conflict of law provisions.

9. United States Government Restricted Rights. The Software is provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government, its agencies and/or instrumentalities is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 (October 1988) or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the
Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.

10. Severability. If any provision of this License Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof shall not in any way be
affected or impaired.

11. No Waiver. No waiver of any breach of any provision of this License Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any prior, concurrent or subsequent breach of the same or any other provisions hereof, and no
waiver shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the waiving party.


Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.

Telecommunication Systems Division
9740 Irvine Boulevard
Irvine, California 92618-1697
United States of America

TSD 081601

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Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.
Telecommunication Systems Division

Limited Warranty
Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., (TAIS) warrants that this telephone equipment (except for fuses,
lamps, and other consumables) will, upon delivery by TAIS or an authorized TAIS dealer to a retail customer in new
condition, be free from defects in material and workmanship for twenty-four (24) months after delivery. This
warranty is void (a) if the equipment is used under other than normal use and maintenance conditions, (b) if the
equipment is modified or altered, unless the modification or alteration is expressly authorized by TAIS, (c) if the
equipment is subject to abuse, neglect, lightning, electrical fault, or accident, (d) if the equipment is repaired by
someone other than TAIS or an authorized TAIS dealer, (e) if the equipments serial number is defaced or missing, or
(f) if the equipment is installed or used in combination or in assembly with products not supplied by TAIS and which
are not compatible or are of inferior quality, design, or performance.
The sole obligation of TAIS or Toshiba Corporation under this warranty, or under any other legal obligation with
respect to the equipment, is the repair or replacement by TAIS or its authorized dealer of such defective or missing
parts as are causing the malfunction with new or refurbished parts (at their option). If TAIS or one of its authorized
dealers does not replace or repair such parts, the retail customers sole remedy will be a refund of the price charged by
TAIS to its dealers for such parts as are proven to be defective, and which are returned to TAIS through one of its
authorized dealers within the warranty period and no later than thirty (30) days after such malfunction, whichever
first occurs.
Under no circumstances will the retail customer or any user or dealer or other person be entitled to any direct, special,
indirect, consequential, or exemplary damages, for breach of contract, tort, or otherwise. Under no circumstances will
any such person be entitled to any sum greater than the purchase price paid for the item of equipment that is
To obtain service under this warranty, the retail customer must bring the malfunction of the machine to the attention
of one of TAIS authorized dealers within the twenty-four (24) month period and no later than thirty (30) days after
such malfunction, whichever first occurs. Failure to bring the malfunction to the attention of an authorized TAIS
dealer within the prescribed time results in the customer being not entitled to warranty service.
No TAIS dealer and no person other than an officer of TAIS may extend or modify this warranty. No such
modification or extension is effective unless it is in writing and signed by the vice president and general manager,
Telecommunication Systems Division.

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Organization........................................................................................................................................... xi
Part 1: Getting Started ..................................................................................................................... xi
Part 2: CTX WinAdmin Programming............................................................................................ xi
Part 3: Telephone Button Programming.........................................................................................xii
Part 4: Appendices..........................................................................................................................xii
Related Documents/Media ................................................................................................................... xiv
General Description....................................................................................................................... xiv
Installation and Maintenance Manual............................................................................................ xiv
User Guides ................................................................................................................................... xiv
Quick Reference Guide ................................................................................................................. xiv
CD-ROMs...................................................................................................................................... xiv

Part 1: Getting Started

Chapter 1 Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 1: Use Default Auto-programming to Start Up ..........................................................................1-1
Station and BIOU Auto-programming ..........................................................................................1-2
Station PDN Auto-programming...................................................................................................1-3
CO Line Auto-programming .........................................................................................................1-3
CTX Processor NIC Interface TCP/IP Auto-programming ..........................................................1-7
Default Feature Access Codes.......................................................................................................1-8
Step 2: Plan Your System Requirements ...........................................................................................1-8
Step 3: Program CTX for First Time .................................................................................................1-8
Review Program Flow .................................................................................................................1-10
Step 4: Identify Program Sequences ................................................................................................1-11
Station Setup................................................................................................................................1-11
Trunk Setup Analog..................................................................................................................1-11
Trunk Setup T1.........................................................................................................................1-12
Trunk Setup ISDN PRI.............................................................................................................1-12
Miscellaneous ..............................................................................................................................1-13

Part 2: CTX WinAdmin Programming

Chapter 2 CTX WinAdmin Overview
CTX WinAdmin Main Screen .............................................................................................................2-2
CTX WinAdmin Sub-screens ..............................................................................................................2-3
Special Buttons ..............................................................................................................................2-5

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Chapter 3 Installation

Chapter 3 Installation
PC Hardware Requirements.................................................................................................................3-1
PC Software Requirements ..................................................................................................................3-1
Step 1: Install CTX WinAdmin Software ..........................................................................................3-2
Requirements Not Found...............................................................................................................3-3
Step 2: Set Up LAN Connection to Strata CTX ................................................................................3-5
Step 2A: Connect CTX WinAdmin PC to Strata CTX Processor NIC .........................................3-5
Step 2B: Set Up IP Address of CTX NIC .....................................................................................3-7
Step 2C: Set Up IP Address of CTX WinAdmin PC NIC (Windows XP) ...................................3-8
Step 2D: Set Up IP Address of CTX WinAdmin PC NIC (Windows 2000) ................................3-9
Step 3: Set up Modem Connection ...................................................................................................3-10
Step 3A: Connect CTX WinAdmin PC to Strata CTX Modem ..................................................3-10
Step 3B: Set up IP Address of CTX WinAdmin PC Modem (Windows XP).............................3-11
Step 3C: Verify Modem Hardware Settings................................................................................3-12
Step 3D: Set up IP Address of CTX WinAdmin PC Modem (Windows 2000)..........................3-13
Step 4: Establish Communication with Strata CTX .........................................................................3-14
Step 5: Use Profile to Add Users and CTX Systems .......................................................................3-16
User Management........................................................................................................................3-16
Step 6: Exit CTX WinAdmin ...........................................................................................................3-17

Chapter 4 System
100 Cabinet Slot PCB Assignments.....................................................................................................4-1
Dial Number Plan.................................................................................................................................4-2
102 Flexible Access Codes ..................................................................................................................4-3
Creating New Feature Codes.........................................................................................................4-4
Flexible Numbering Default Settings ............................................................................................4-4
117 Public Dial Plan Digit Analysis ....................................................................................................4-7
103 Class of Service.............................................................................................................................4-8
104 System Timer ..............................................................................................................................4-10
105 System Data ................................................................................................................................4-12
System Call Forward..........................................................................................................................4-15
500 System Call Forward Assignment ........................................................................................4-15
504 System Call Forward Operation Status ................................................................................4-16
System Call Forward Copy.........................................................................................................4-16
System Call Forward Table View ......................................................................................................4-17
501 System Speed Dial ......................................................................................................................4-18
Day Night Service ..............................................................................................................................4-19
112 Day/Night Mode Calendar....................................................................................................4-19
106 Day/Night Mode Type of Day Mapping Table Assignment.............................................4-20
113 Day/Night Mode Daily Schedule Assignment .....................................................................4-20
PAD Table..........................................................................................................................................4-21
107 PAD Table Assignment ........................................................................................................4-21
108 PAD Group Assignment.......................................................................................................4-22
114 PAD Conference Assignment...............................................................................................4-23
110 Password .....................................................................................................................................4-24
109 Music on Hold.............................................................................................................................4-25

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Chapter 5 Station

I/O Device ..........................................................................................................................................4-27

803 SMDR SMDI CTI Port Assignments ...................................................................................4-27
801 Network Jack LAN Device Assignment ..............................................................................4-29
804 BSIS RS-232 Serial Port Setup ............................................................................................4-30
115 Advisory Messages .....................................................................................................................4-31
116 Data Initialize ..............................................................................................................................4-32

Chapter 5 Station
Basic/200 Station Data ..................................................................................................................5-1
Station PDN Selective Copy..........................................................................................................5-6
Station Extended List.....................................................................................................................5-7
204 DKT Parameters .....................................................................................................................5-8
214 DSS Console Assignment.....................................................................................................5-15
Page Group ..................................................................................................................................5-23
206 Phantom DN................................................................................................................................5-24
209 Hunt Group..................................................................................................................................5-26
218 Station Hunt Assignments ....................................................................................................5-27
516 Station Speed Dial.......................................................................................................................5-29
Station PDN Table View....................................................................................................................5-30
You can sort in ascending or descending order by clicking the column header. ........................5-30
219 Network DSS Notify Data Delivery ...........................................................................................5-31
ISDN ..................................................................................................................................................5-31
202 ISDN BRI Station.................................................................................................................5-31
217 ISDN Station Data ................................................................................................................5-35
Setup Wizards ....................................................................................................................................5-36
PDN Range Setup Wizard ...........................................................................................................5-36
Multiple DN Assignment Wizard................................................................................................5-37
VMID Range ...............................................................................................................................5-39

Chapter 6 Trunks
304 Incoming Line Group....................................................................................................................6-1
304 Incoming Line Group Assignment .........................................................................................6-2
306 Outgoing Line Groups...................................................................................................................6-4
300 Trunk Assignment.........................................................................................................................6-6
313 Caller ID .................................................................................................................................6-8
308 Trunk Timer............................................................................................................................6-9
310 DIT Assignment ...................................................................................................................6-11
309 Direct Inward Dialing .................................................................................................................6-13
318 DID Intercept Assignments.........................................................................................................6-16
311 DISA Security Code .............................................................................................................6-19
319 Intercept Treatment...............................................................................................................6-19
315 T1 Trunk Card.............................................................................................................................6-20
DID/DNIS Table View ......................................................................................................................6-21

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Chapter 7 Attendant

ISDN ..................................................................................................................................................6-22
317 ISDN BRI Trunk ..................................................................................................................6-22
302 PRI Trunks............................................................................................................................6-25
Call-by-Call .................................................................................................................................6-29
320 B Channel .............................................................................................................................6-31
316 Shared D Channel.................................................................................................................6-32
Calling Number ...........................................................................................................................6-33
Trunk DID/DNIS Setup Wizard.........................................................................................................6-35

Chapter 7 Attendant
404 Attendant Group Assignment........................................................................................................7-1
400 Emergency Call Destination Assignment .....................................................................................7-3

Chapter 8 IP Telephone Programming

150 System IP Data Assignment..........................................................................................................8-1
151 BIPU Configuration ......................................................................................................................8-4
152 Voice Packet Configuration Table Assignment............................................................................8-5
250 Station IP Data Assignment ..........................................................................................................8-6
BIPU Program Update .........................................................................................................................8-9
Programming .................................................................................................................................8-9
IPT Program Update ..........................................................................................................................8-10
Programming ...............................................................................................................................8-10

Chapter 9 Services
540 Pilot DN Assignment ....................................................................................................................9-1
Maximum Pilot DNs......................................................................................................................9-1
579 System Voice Mail Data.........................................................................................................9-2
580 Voice Mail Port Data..............................................................................................................9-4
Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction.........................................................................................9-6
LCR/DR Overview ........................................................................................................................9-6
LCR Assignment ...........................................................................................................................9-8
Route Define................................................................................................................................9-10
Route Schedule ............................................................................................................................9-12
Public Holidays and LCR Time Zones........................................................................................9-14
DR Overview...............................................................................................................................9-15
LCR/DR Screening......................................................................................................................9-19
Account Codes.............................................................................................................................9-23
509 DR Override by System Speed Dial .....................................................................................9-25
510 COS Override Assignment ...................................................................................................9-26
Strata Net Private Networking.....................................................................................................9-27
Node ID .......................................................................................................................................9-27
Network Directory Number.........................................................................................................9-28
Network Feature Access Code ....................................................................................................9-28
Digit Manipulation ......................................................................................................................9-29

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Chapter 10 Operation

Traveling Class Mark ..................................................................................................................9-29

Path Replacement ........................................................................................................................9-29
Coordinated Numbering Plan ......................................................................................................9-30
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) ...............................................................................9-30
Centralized Voice Mail................................................................................................................9-31
Centralized Attendant ..................................................................................................................9-32
Network DSS (R1.3 and higher)..................................................................................................9-35
Strata Net Programming Overview .............................................................................................9-38
656 Node ID Assignment ............................................................................................................9-39
670 Remote Node Data Assignment ...........................................................................................9-40
651 Private Routing Plan Analysis..............................................................................................9-41
Private Route Choice Definition..................................................................................................9-41
Miscellaneous ..............................................................................................................................9-44
External Devices ................................................................................................................................9-48
Door Phones ................................................................................................................................9-48
515 View BIOU Control Relay Assignments..............................................................................9-52
503 Paging Devices Group Assignments ....................................................................................9-53
550 Enhanced 911 Emergency Call Group........................................................................................9-54
Multiple Call Group ...........................................................................................................................9-54
Incoming Call to MC Group........................................................................................................9-54
MCPN Owner Privileges .............................................................................................................9-55
Member Requirements ................................................................................................................9-55
Call Forward Activation ..............................................................................................................9-55
517 Multiple Call Group Assignment .........................................................................................9-56
518 Multiple Calling Members Assignment ...............................................................................9-57
DRL Table View ................................................................................................................................9-57
OLG Screening Table View...............................................................................................................9-57
Destination Restriction Wizard ..........................................................................................................9-58
Wizard Buttons ............................................................................................................................9-58

Chapter 10 Operation
System Setup......................................................................................................................................10-1
900 CTX Restart..........................................................................................................................10-2
901 Display Version ....................................................................................................................10-3
902 Set Time and Date ................................................................................................................10-3
915 Regional Selection................................................................................................................10-4
908 SmartMedia .................................................................................................................................10-4
SmartMedia Card.........................................................................................................................10-4
CTX SmartMedia Folders ...........................................................................................................10-6
SmartMedia Errors ......................................................................................................................10-7
911 Remote Program Update .............................................................................................................10-7
CTX Software Update Files ........................................................................................................10-7
CTX Software Identification .......................................................................................................10-7
910 Data Backup ..............................................................................................................................10-13
916 IP Configuration........................................................................................................................10-14
FTP User Accounts ..........................................................................................................................10-15

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Chapter 11 Maintenance

File Information ...............................................................................................................................10-16

Community Name ............................................................................................................................10-17
909 MAC Address............................................................................................................................10-18
Trap Destinations .............................................................................................................................10-19
License Control ................................................................................................................................10-20
License Issue..............................................................................................................................10-20
License Activate ........................................................................................................................10-21
License Information .........................................................................................................................10-21

Chapter 11 Maintenance
Quality Of Service..............................................................................................................................11-1
Trace Function ...................................................................................................................................11-1
Trace Data....................................................................................................................................11-1
Event Trace Control ...........................................................................................................................11-3
903 Start/Stop Trace ....................................................................................................................11-3
904 ISDN Trace Location............................................................................................................11-3
905 All ISDN Trunk Trace Selection ..........................................................................................11-4
906 Change Trace Side................................................................................................................11-4
Error Alarm Log.................................................................................................................................11-5
907 System Admin Log .....................................................................................................................11-6
Memory Access Operation.................................................................................................................11-6

Chapter 12 Tools and Profile

Customize ....................................................................................................................................12-2
User Management........................................................................................................................12-2

Part 3: Telephone Button Programming

Chapter 13 Telephone Button Programming
Record Sheet Overview......................................................................................................................13-1
Telephone Button Overview ..............................................................................................................13-2
Telephone Button Commands .....................................................................................................13-3
Button Programming Examples .........................................................................................................13-5
Program 100 ................................................................................................................................13-5
Program 200 ................................................................................................................................13-5
Program 204 ................................................................................................................................13-6
Program 205 ................................................................................................................................13-6
Program 208 ................................................................................................................................13-6
Button Programming Procedure.........................................................................................................13-7
100 Series Programs ........................................................................................................................13-11
200 Series Programs.........................................................................................................................13-27
300 Series Programs.........................................................................................................................13-51
400 Series Programs.........................................................................................................................13-71
500 Series Programs.........................................................................................................................13-72
600 Series Programs ........................................................................................................................13-89

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Chapter 14 Maintenance

800 Series Programs.........................................................................................................................13-92

900 Series Programs.........................................................................................................................13-94
System Initialize ........................................................................................................................13-94
Display Version .........................................................................................................................13-95
Set Time and Date .....................................................................................................................13-97
ISDN Trace Location.................................................................................................................13-99
All ISDN Trunk Trace.............................................................................................................13-100
Event Trace Side Change ........................................................................................................13-100
System Admin Log..................................................................................................................13-101
Format/Unmount SmartMedia.................................................................................................13-101
MAC Address (System Serial Number) ..................................................................................13-102
Data Backup ............................................................................................................................13-103
Program Update.......................................................................................................................13-104
Make Busy Control..................................................................................................................13-105
Regional Selection...................................................................................................................13-106
IP Configuration ......................................................................................................................13-107

Chapter 14 Maintenance
Data Backup .......................................................................................................................................14-1
Backup Progress and Completion Indicators...............................................................................14-1
Restoring Programmed Data ..............................................................................................................14-2
Local Update ......................................................................................................................................14-2
Prerequisites for CTX100 and CTX670 Local Update ...............................................................14-2
CTX Software Update Files ........................................................................................................14-2
CTX Software Identification .......................................................................................................14-2
Strata CTX100 Local Update ......................................................................................................14-4
Strata CTX670 Local Update ......................................................................................................14-6
Trace Function ...................................................................................................................................14-8

Part 4: Appendices
Appendix A Applications, Tips and Tricks
Voice Mail Set Up............................................................................................................................... A-1
Analog Ports ................................................................................................................................. A-1
Digital Ports.................................................................................................................................. A-2
Telephone Station Ports................................................................................................................ A-2
Networking Multiple Voice Mail Systems .........................................................................................A-3
Call Record and Soft Keys ........................................................................................................... A-3
Strata CTX BRI Video Conferencing Programming .......................................................................... A-5
CTX IP Telephone Programming Guidelines ..................................................................................... A-6
Basic CTX IP Setup Using WinAdmin ........................................................................................A-6
IP Telephone Installation and Network Connection setup ........................................................... A-7
IPT1020-SD Telephone Network Settings.......................................................................................... A-7
IPT-to-IP Network Connection Instructions................................................................................. A-8
Viewing IPT1020-SD Terminal Information .............................................................................A-10
Initializing the IPT1020-SD (Optional)......................................................................................A-10
IP Telephone Quality of Service (QoS) Programming ..................................................................... A-11
General QoS Adjustments .......................................................................................................... A-11

Strata CTX Programming 04/03 vii

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Appendix B System Error Codes

Echo Cancellation and Volume Level Adjustments ......................................................................... A-13

Dealing with Echo Problems in General .................................................................................... A-13
Echo Caused by Older CTX Analog PCBs ................................................................................ A-13
Echo Reduction Adjustments .....................................................................................................A-13
Setting the IPT1020-SD Headset Transmit Volume .................................................................. A-14
Appendix B System Error Codes
Common Error Code Table................................................................................................................. B-1
System Programming Error Codes...................................................................................................... B-2
Station Programming Error Codes ...................................................................................................... B-4
Trunk Programming Error Codes...................................................................................................... B-11
Attendant Position Programming Error Codes ................................................................................. B-16
Service Programming Error Codes ................................................................................................... B-17
Networking Programming Error Codes ............................................................................................ B-21
Equipment Programming Error Codes.............................................................................................. B-22
Appendix C Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX ..................................................................................................................... C-1
Strata CTX to Strata DK ................................................................................................................... C-15
Appendix D Record Sheets
System ................................................................................................................................................. D-1
Card Assignment Record Sheets ..................................................................................................D-1
Card Assignment Record Sheet Strata CTX 100....................................................................... D-3
COS Record Sheet ........................................................................................................................ D-4
System Data Record Sheet ........................................................................................................... D-5
System Call Forward Record Sheets ............................................................................................ D-6
System Speed Dial Record Sheet .................................................................................................D-7
Day/Night Mode Record Sheet..................................................................................................... D-8
SMDR SMDI CTI Port Assignments ........................................................................................... D-9
BSIS RS-232 Serial Port Setup ..................................................................................................D-10
Station ............................................................................................................................................... D-11
Basic Station Record Sheets ....................................................................................................... D-11
DKT Parameters Record Sheet................................................................................................... D-12
Feature Button Record Sheet ..................................................................................................... D-13
Record Sheets for 10-button and 20-button Telephones ............................................................ D-14
Record Sheets for the DKT3014 ................................................................................................ D-15
Phantom DN Record Sheet......................................................................................................... D-16
Hunt Group Record Sheet........................................................................................................... D-17
Station Data Record Sheets ........................................................................................................D-18
ISDN BRI Station Record Sheets...............................................................................................D-19
ISDN Station Data Record Sheet................................................................................................ D-20
Trunks ............................................................................................................................................... D-21
ILG Record Sheet ....................................................................................................................... D-21
OLG Record Sheet...................................................................................................................... D-22
Trunk Assignment Record Sheet................................................................................................ D-23
Caller ID Assignment Record Sheet........................................................................................... D-24
DID Assignment Record Sheet................................................................................................... D-25
DID Intercept Assignment Record Sheet ................................................................................... D-26

viii Strata CTX Programming 04/03

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Appendix E Software and Firmware Updates

Trunk Timer/DIT Record Sheet ................................................................................................. D-27

ISDN BRI Record Sheet ............................................................................................................ D-28
PRI Trunks Record Sheet........................................................................................................... D-29
Call-by-Call Record Sheet ......................................................................................................... D-30
B Channel Select Record Sheet.................................................................................................. D-31
Shared D Channel Record Sheet ................................................................................................ D-32
Calling Number Record Sheets.................................................................................................. D-33
Attendant........................................................................................................................................... D-34
Attendant Group Record Sheet .................................................................................................. D-34
IP Telephone Programming.............................................................................................................. D-35
System IP Data Assignment....................................................................................................... D-35
Station IP Data Assignment ....................................................................................................... D-36
Services............................................................................................................................................. D-37
Pilot DN Assignment Record Sheet........................................................................................... D-37
System Voice Mail Record Sheet .............................................................................................. D-38
Voice Mail Port Data Record Sheet ........................................................................................... D-39
Routing Definition Record Sheets ............................................................................................. D-40
Route Schedule Record Sheets................................................................................................... D-41
LCR Assignment Record Sheets................................................................................................ D-42
LCR Time Zone Record Sheets ................................................................................................. D-43
DR LCR Screening Record Sheet .............................................................................................. D-44
DR Record Sheets ...................................................................................................................... D-45
COS Override Code Record Sheet............................................................................................. D-46
Node ID Assignment Record Sheet ........................................................................................... D-47
Private Routing Plan Analysis Table Record Sheet................................................................... D-48
Route Choice Definition Record Sheet ...................................................................................... D-49
Network Mapping Record Sheets .............................................................................................. D-50
Call History Record Sheet.......................................................................................................... D-51
Behind Centrex Assignment Record Sheet ................................................................................ D-52
Door Phone Assignment Record Sheet ...................................................................................... D-53
Paging Device Group Assignment Record Sheet....................................................................... D-54
Emergency Call Group Assignment Record Sheet .................................................................... D-55
Appendix E Software and Firmware Updates
IP Telephone/BIPU Firmware Update Procedures..............................................................................E-1
Method 1: Update from CTX SmartMedia Card ...............................................................................E-1
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................E-1
BIPU Update .................................................................................................................................E-2
IP Telephone Update....................................................................................................................E-3
Method 2: Update From a FTP Directory on the WinAdmin PC ......................................................E-4
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................E-4
BIPU Update .................................................................................................................................E-5
IP Telephone Update.....................................................................................................................E-6
Method 3: Update from an External FTP Server ...............................................................................E-7
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................E-7
BIPU Update .................................................................................................................................E-7
IP Telephone Update.....................................................................................................................E-8

Index ..................................................................................................................................................... IN-1

Strata CTX Programming 04/03 ix

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Appendix E Software and Firmware Updates

x Strata CTX Programming 04/03

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This manual provides information required to program the Strata CTX business telephone system
using Toshibas CTX WinAdmin software or Button Programming.

Important! This programming manual only applies to CTX WinAdmin versions higher than
version 1.10. If you have CTX WinAdmin 1.10, refer to previous versions of this
manual: Part Number CTX-MA-PRGRM-VA.

Part 1: Getting Started
Chapter 1 - Programming Guidelines describes auto-recognition features, order of
programming, and overview of general CTX WinAdmin and Button Programming operation.

Part 2: CTX WinAdmin Programming

Chapter 2 CTX WinAdmin Overview provides general information about CTX WinAdmins
software capabilities.
Chapter 3 Installation discusses system hardware and software requirements for
CTX WinAdmin and includes the installation steps needed to install CTX WinAdmin.
Chapter 4 System provides system programming information.
Chapter 5 Station discusses station and station feature programming.
Chapter 6 Trunks explains trunk programming information including T1, ISDN Basic Rate
Interface (BRI) and Primary Rate Interface (PRI).
Chapter 7 Attendant describes Attendant Console support and settings available in
CTX WinAdmin.
Chapter 8 IP Telephone describes the programs required to program IP Telephone features.
Chapter 9 Services discusses programming of services available to Strata CTX through
CTX WinAdmin.
Chapter 10 Operation explains system setup options available to CTX WinAdmin users.
System initialization, SmartMedia formatting, system software upgrades and Internet Protocol (IP)
configuration are among the topics discussed.
Chapter 11 Maintenance provides system and component trace program information.
CTX WinAdmin Configuration and Flash Memory Testing are also described.

Strata CTX Programming 04/03 xi

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Chapter 12 Tools and Profile discusses Strata CTX Tools and Utilities to help manage your
Strata CTX System more efficiently.

Part 3: Telephone Button Programming

Chapter 13 Telephone Button Programming discusses the button programming interface
provided with Strata CTX.
Chapter 14 Maintenance Procedures provides Strata CTX maintenance procedures that can be
activated from the programming telephone.

Part 4: Appendices
Appendix A Applications, Tips and Tricks gives information on using multiple programs to
set up a feature.
Appendix B System Error Codes is a reference for error codes encountered while
programming the Strata CTX.
Appendix C Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference provides cross-reference tables that
compare Strata CTX and Strata DK programs that are similar in function.
Appendix D Record Sheets contains all the record sheets required to program the Strata CTX.
Appendix E Software and Firmware Updates contains IP Telephone and BIPU Firmware
update procedures.

xii Strata CTX Programming 04/03

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Conventions Description
Elaborates specific items or references other information. Within some
Note tables, general notes apply to the entire table and numbered notes apply
to specific items.
Important! Calls attention to important instructions or information.
Advises you that hardware, software applications, or data could be
damaged if the instructions are not followed closely.
WARNING! Alerts you when the given task could cause personal injury or death.
Represents any Directory Number button, also known as an extension
or intercom number.
Represents any Primary Directory Number button (the extension
number for the telephone).
Represents any Secondary appearance of a PDN. A PDN which appears
on another telephone is considered an SDN.
[PhDN] Represents any Phantom Directory Number button (an additional DN).
$ULDO%ROG Represents telephone buttons.
Courier Shows a computer keyboard entry or screen display.
Type Indicates entry of a string of text.
Indicates entry of a single key. For example: Type prog then press
Shows a multiple PC keyboard or phone button entry. Entries without
spaces between them show a simultaneous entry. Example:
Plus (+) Esc+Enter. Entries with spaces between them show a sequential
Example: # + 5.
Tilde (~) Means through. Example: 350~640 Hz frequency range.
Denotes the step in a one-step procedure.
Denotes a procedure.
Start > Settings > Denotes a progression of buttons and/or menu options on the screen you
Printers should select.
Grey words within the printed text denote cross-references. In the
See Figure 10 electronic version of this document (Library CD-ROM or FYI Internet
download), cross-references appear in blue hypertext.

Strata CTX Programming 04/03 xiii

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Related Documents/Media

Related Documents/Media
Note Some documents listed here may appear in different versions on the CD-ROM or in print.
To find the most current version, check the version/date in the Publication Information on
the back of the documents title page.

General Description
Strata CTX General Description

Installation and Maintenance Manual

Strata CTX Installation and Maintenance

User Guides
Strata CTX DKT/IPT Telephone
Strata CTX DKT3001/2001 Digital Single Line Telephone
Strata CTX DKT2104-CT Cordless Telephone
Strata CTX DKT2004-CT Cordless Telephone
Strata CTX Standard Telephone

Quick Reference Guide

Strata CTX DKT/IPT Telephone

Strata CTX WinAdmin Application Software and CTX/DK/Partner Products Documentation
Strata CTX ACD Application Software and Documentation Library (includes Strata CTX ACD
software and documentation, Net Server software and documentation, and Voice Assistant
software and documentation.
OAISYS (includes software and documentation of OAISYS Chat, Call Router, and Net Phone)
Strata CTX Quote
For authorized users, Internet site FYI ( contains all current Strata CTX
documentation and enables you to view, print and download current publications.

xiv Strata CTX Programming 04/03

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726+,%$ Telecommunication Systems Division

Digital Business Telephone Systems

Part 1: Getting Started

April 2003

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines 1

Strata CTX
This chapter discusses Strata CTX programming basics and guides you through initial setup procedures. It
also describes auto-recognition features, order of programming, and overview of general CTX WinAdmin
and Button Programming operations. Programming sequence tables are provided to streamline your
programming tasks.

Step 1: Use Default Auto-programming to

Start Up
This feature reduces the programming time to install Strata CTX systems. The Strata CTX system will
automatically program specific default data in a number of programs based on the PCBs that are installed
in the system before processor initialization. The default data and procedure for auto-programming is
provided in this section.
1. Install all line, station and optional PCBs that should be recognized for auto programming.
2. Power-on the system and initialize auto-programming for the system (Program 900, Level 1).
3. Verify Station and BIOU Auto-programming on page 1-2.
4. Verify Station PDN Auto-programming on page 1-3.
5. Verify CO Line Auto-programming on page 1-3.
6. Verify CTX Processor NIC Interface TCP/IP Auto-programming on page 1-7.
The type of PCB, its cabinet and slot position are automatically recognized upon system initialization;
or, when powering the CTX processor for the first time.
Each installed PCB circuit equipment number is set in numerical order based on the cabinet and slot
position of the PCB.
Station Primary Directory Numbers (PDN) and CO line numbers are set in numerical order according
to their equipment cabinet/slot positions.
Other default data, such as the Strata CTX LAN and modem interface IP address, station and line class
of service, outgoing and incoming line groups, etc., are automatically set for the optional hardware
originally installed.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03 1-1

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 1: Use Default Auto-programming to Start Up

The following are the limitations of Strata CTX auto-programming.
CTI programs are not programmed automatically.
Strata CTX cannot configure unique LAN requirements automatically. Strata CTXs LAN system data,
CTX IP address and Community Name are set to a default.
Note DND is only assigned on 20-button telephones.
When the system is initialized, it takes a few minutes to recognize the mounted hardware.
The Primary DN on the first button and DND on the last button are assigned telephone buttons; all other
buttons are not assigned automatically.
Slot 101 must always have a BDKU, ADKU or PDKU. The BDKU is assigned if no PCB is installed.

Station and BIOU Auto-programming

Table 1-1 shows the Station and BIOU PCBs that will be recognized and set in Program 100 during auto-
Note No special assignments are set for BIOU during auto-programming.

Important! PCBs must be installed per the rules in the Strata CTX I&M manual, Configuration Chapter,
Worksheet 6 and Worksheet 7.
Table 1-1 Auto-Programming for Station and BIOU PCB Recognition (Program 100)

PCB Code PCB Name PCB Circuit Type Comments
000 No PCB or RRCU None or Remote Cabinets
8 Standard Telephone Standard telephone no VM interface
002 RSTU
circuits settings
DKT2000 or DKT3000 without
S-OCA (DKT3000 limitations:
PCM DKT2000, 16 character LCD display
003 PDKU2 8 Digital Telephone
Highway: 8 on DKT3000, DKT3000 LCD Feature
key does not function, DKT3014
large screen LCD does not display).
004 Not used Not used
DKT2000 or DKT3000 without
017 BDKU 8 digital telephones 8, 1B circuits
DKT2000 or DKT3000 without
018 BDKU1+BDKS 16 digital telephones 16, 1B circuits
019 BIOU No functions assigned
No functions assigned. Strata CTX
Page/MOH/Relay 100 assigns a virtual BIOU2 into a
020 BIOU2
interface#2 virtual location, Cabinet 02, Slot 05,
to provide control of the ACTU relay.

1-2 Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 1: Use Default Auto-programming to Start Up

Station PDN Auto-programming

When auto programming recognizes installed station PCBs, it assigns PDNs in numerical order as follows:

Strata CTX
Auto programming assigns PDNs to station PCB equipment numbers (cabinet, slot, circuit) in
equipment number order. All installed station PCB circuits will be assigned a PDN regardless of the
circuit type, digital (BDKU/BDKS, PDKU) or analog (RSTU).
PDN 200 or PDN 2000 (depending on the system size) is assigned to the station circuit having the
lowest equipment number in the system, then the PDN is incremented by one digit and assigned to the
next highest station equipment number and so on. See Table 1-2.
Program 205 Feature Button Setting A Primary DN (PDN) is assigned to )% on each digital
telephone according to its equipment number (cabinet, slot, circuit) position. DND is assigned to FB20
on 20-button telephones and is not assigned on 10- and 14-button telephones.

Table 1-2 Auto-Programming for Station Primary Directory Number

CTX100 and CTX670 without BBMS CTX670 with BBMS and BEXS
First digit
and BEXS Installed on Processor Installed on Processor (First Digit is 2)
Primary DNs (3-digits) Primary DNs (4-digit)
2 200~299 depending on quantity of station 2000~2571 depending on qty. of station PCBs
PCBs installed installed
Primary DN (3-digits)
3 300~399 depending on qty. of station
PCBs installed

CO Line Auto-programming
Table 1-3 shows the CO line PCBs that will be recognized and set in Program 100 during auto-
programming. The default data for CO line Incoming Line Groups (ILG), Outgoing Line Groups (OLG),
and CO line service type is set as shown in Table 1-4.

Important! PCBs must be installed per the rules in the CTX I&M manual, Configuration Chapter,
Worksheet 6 and Worksheet 7.

Table 1-3 Auto-Programming for CO line PCB Recognition (Program 100)

PCB Name PCB Circuit Type Parameter setting Comments
000 - No PCB or RRCU None or Remote cabinets
4 analog Loop or Direct Incoming Termination (DIT)
ground start lines lines
8 analog loop start Direct Incoming Termination (DIT)
lines lines
006 RDDU 4 analog DID lines Direct Inward Dial lines
16 or 24 digital T1 PCM Highway: T1 Direct Incoming Termination (DIT)
007 RDTU2
lines 16 or 241 lines
Standard telephone and DKT2000
and DKT3000 without S-OCA
4 Standard telephone (DKT3000 limitations: DKT2000, 16
008 RDSU and for digital character LCD display on DKT3000,
telephone DKT3000 LCD Feature key does not
function, DKT3014 large screen LCD
does not display).

Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03 1-3

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 1: Use Default Auto-programming to Start Up

Table 1-3 Auto-Programming for CO line PCB Recognition (Program 100) (continued)

PCB Name PCB Circuit Type Parameter setting Comments
Caller ID interface for RCOU/RCOS
4 or 8 Caller ID and RGLU analog CLID lines. Note:
interface The same Prg100 code (009) is used
for RCIU2 with or without RCIS.
CAMA lines Note: The same Prg100
2 or 4 E911 analog
010 RMCU+RCMS code (009) used for RCIU2 with or
CAMA lines
without RCIS.
4 analog Tie lines, 4
011 REMU, BVPU Tie lines
VoIP circuits
2 ISDN BRI (S/T) TIE Type:
012 RBSU ISDN BRI CO lines
circuits Two TIEs
4 ISDN BRI (S/T) TEI Type:
circuits Two TIEs
16 or 24 ISDN PRI PCM Highway:
014 RPTU ISDN BRI CO lines
channels 16 or 241
2 ISDN BRI (U) TEI Type:
015 RBUU ISDN BRI CO lines
circuits Two TIEs
4 ISDN BRI (U) TEI Type:
circuits Two TIEs
1. If the slot next to an installed RDTU or RPTU is vacant, 24 line or channels will be installed; If the slot next to
an installed RDTU or RPTU is occupied by another PCB, 16 lines or channels will be installed.

Table 1-4 Auto-Programming of Line Groups and Service Types

CO line type CO Service Type
Prg 306 Prg. 304
RCOU/RCOS and RGLU analog loop Direct In Termination (DIT) to the first PDN.
1 1
and ground start (200 or 2000 see Table 5)
RDDU analog DID 1 2 DID, wink no default DID numbers
RDTU (T1) 1 3 DID no default DID numbers
Direct In Termination (DIT) to the first PDN.
RMCU/RMCS analog CAMA 1 -
(200 or 2000 see next table)
2 4 DID no default DID numbers
set as CO side
ISDN PRI 2 5 DID no default DID numbers
REMU analog E&M 3 6 Non-QSIG
1. The line number is assigned to all lines in the numerical order according to the line PCB cabinet placements.
Example: Line number 1 will be on the first circuit of the line PCB placed in the lowest cabinet/slot number.
2. OLG:1 is created even if there is are no analog line PCBs installed.

1-4 Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 1: Use Default Auto-programming to Start Up

Table 1-5 Auto-Programming of Miscellaneous Line Parameters

Item Settings

Strata CTX
All of the ringing destinations of DIT lines are the first PDN:
DIT line ringing assignment
PDN 200 for CTX100 and 2-cabinet CTX670
Program 310
PDN2000 for 2~7 cabinet CTX670.
DID numbers - not assigned. The destination of DID is not assigned. DID numbers and ringing
destinations must be assigned manually from CTX WinAdmin or the
Program 309 programming telephone.
Format Setting for DIT (T1) Zero Code Suppress = B8ZS, Frame Format = ESF.
The destination of internal notification is the first DN 200 or 2000 in the all
Setting for CAMA
operation mode (DAY1, Day2, and Night).
Common D channel is not assigned. 1 channel group is assigned to each
BRI PCB installed. The channel group number is assigned in order to each
Setting for ISDN BRI CO
BRI interface in the order in which the BRI PCBs are installed. The
destination of DID is not assigned.
Common D channel is not assigned. 1 channel group is assigned to each
PRI PCB installed. The channel group number is assigned in order to each
Setting for ISDN PRI CO
PRI interface in the order in which the PRI PCBs are installed. The
destination of DID is not assigned.
The node number and the other setting for networking are not assigned
Setting for E&M Tie lines

The destination of Program 318, No Calling Party Number and Out Of Search for DID number, is assigned
to the first Primary DN of the system (200 or 2000) in the all system operating modes (Day1,Day 2, and
The DIT line (ground and loop) destinations of all trunks which generated automatically are set as the first
PDN 200 or 2000 depending on the system size see Table 1-4.

Table 1-6 BIPU Automatic Settings

Item Description Settings

Card Type Card Type BIPU
In the order of smallest number of the slot
where BIPU is inserted
IP Address (BIPU) IP address of BIPU
Private address will be set.
Subnet mask of BIPU
Subnet mask (BIPU)
Default gateway of BIPU
Default gateway

Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03 1-5

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 1: Use Default Auto-programming to Start Up

Table 1-7 IPT Automatic Settings

Item Description Settings

The number plan conforms to BDKU16.
DN setting of the terminal
DN Setting Assigned in the order of the lowest slot
accommodated in BIPU
Accommodated terminal setting Parameter setting of Station
Station ID = PDN
(Station ID) ID in BIPU
Accommodated terminal setting Parameter setting of IP
IP address =
(IP Address) address in BIPU
Accommodated terminal setting Parameter setting of MAC
MAC addresses = (no data)
(MAC addresses) addressses in BIPU

Table 1-8 System Related Basic Settings

Item Description Settings

Use of Diffserv: Not applicable

Setting of priority control by Set value of DSField = 0

QOS Control
Diffserv/IEEE802.1p Use of IEEE802.1p: Not applicable
Priority level: Voice
Automatic setting of Station
Station ID Not allowed
Application or non application
Terminal authentication setting of connection restriction Not apply
function using MAC address

1-6 Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 1: Use Default Auto-programming to Start Up

CTX Processor NIC Interface TCP/IP Auto-programming

The following are the initial values of the LAN data that is automatically created for the system.

Strata CTX
Network TCP/IP. See 916 IP Configuration on page 10-14.
IP address
Sub network master
Default gateway
IP routing table Not used.
SNMP Agent settings
Community name communityName
IP address (not restricted by the IP address of the access source)
Privileges WRITE
community-id 1
User level Super user
Trap destination
Community name Nothing
IP address Nothing
Modem PPP Server settings
IP Address (Strata CTX modem fixed IP address for Dial-up connections).

Public Numbering Plan Analyzed Digit Numbers (Program 117)

Public Numbering Plan Public Numbering Plan

Analyzed Number Analyzed Digit Number
1NXX 11
N11 3
N = 2~9 and X = 0~9

E911 Emergency Call to Outgoing Line Group (Program 550)

Emergency Call Group

1 1

E911 Emergency Call Destination (Program 400)

Emergency Call Called Number

System Mode Emergency Call Called Number
DAY1 1 200 or 2000 (the first PDN)
DAY2 1 200 or 2000 (the first PDN)
NIGHT 1 200 or 2000 (the first PDN)
The emergency call destination is set for the first PDN as 200 or 2000 in the all operation mode (DAY1,
Day2, NIGHT).

Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03 1-7

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 2: Plan Your System Requirements

Default Feature Access Codes

Refer to 102 Flexible Access Codes on page 4-3.
Note For DKTs, assign only the PDN numbers. Do not program any other Flexible Buttons or features in
to the phones. Strata CTX automatically recognizes and sets up digital telephone stations.

Step 2: Plan Your System Requirements

Plan for your Strata CTX system requirements in detail before beginning your installation. Use record
sheets wherever they are provided to document your installation requirements. The following are some
areas to consider:
Flexible Numbering Plan (102) Planning your Flexible Numbering requirements is essential to a
smooth installation. Trunk group access and station range requirements are especially important areas
of consideration.
COS (103) Determine the Class of Service (COS) requirements for your station and trunk groups.
There are up to 32 possible COS plans.
DRL (111) Define up to 16 Destination Restriction Level (DRL) assignments.

Important! Destination Restriction is an expanded feature of what has traditionally been known as Toll
Restriction. Toll Restriction is only one facet of Strata CTXs Destination Restriction feature.
Refer to Destination Restriction in this manual when programming Toll Restriction

FRL and QPL (506) Define up to 16 Facilities Restriction Level (FRL) and Queuing Priority Level
(QPL) assignments.

Step 3: Program CTX for First Time

Follow the steps below to program the Strata CTX for the first time. Following this initial setup procedure
enables you to perform a standard Strata CTX setup with common System and Station default assignments.
Toshiba recommends adherence to these procedures for initial setup.
1. Card Assignments (100) Choose System > Card Assignment. It is not necessary to physically install
PCBs prior to programming Strata CTX.
If you physically install your PCBs prior to initial setup, CTX WinAdmin automatically recognizes
PDKU, BDKU/BDKS, RSTU, RCOU/RCOS and RGLU PCBs and assigns default stations and trunks
automatically. All other PCBs are assigned manually. See 100 Cabinet Slot PCB Assignments on
page 4-1 for more details.
2. ILG Assignment (304) Choose Trunk > ILG to assign Incoming Line Groups (ILG). See 304
Incoming Line Group Assignment on page 6-2 for more details. ILGs enable line groupings of shared
Class of Service features for incoming call handling.
3. OLG Assignment (306) Choose Trunk > OLG to assign Outgoing Line Groups (OLG). See 306
Outgoing Line Groups on page 6-4 for more details.

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 3: Program CTX for First Time

4. Trunk Assignment (300) Choose Trunk > Basic. Set up your Trunks in the following order (see 300
Trunk Assignment on page 6-6 for more details):

Loop Start Trunks

Strata CTX
Ground Start Trunks
T1 Trunks
Tie lines
FX lines
PRI lines
BRI lines
5. Station Assignment (200) Choose Station > Basic. Set up your stations in the following order (see
Assignment on page 5-1 for more details):
DKT Stations
Standard Stations
Voice Mail (VM) Ports
Attendant Positions
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Pilot DNs
Door Phones
6. Create Station Links Create the following groups wherever applicable and set stations to link as
Hunt Groups using Programs 209 and 218
Paging Groups using Program 502
Call Pickup Groups using Program 210
Park Orbits using Program 102
Paging Devices using Program 503
7. Backup Data Choose Operation\Data Backup. Make sure the SmartMedia card is properly formatted
(see 908 SmartMedia on page 10-4) prior to running backup. See 910 Data Backup on page 10-13
for details.
8. Continue programming Strata CTX details.

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 3: Program CTX for First Time

Review Program Flow

The basic program flow needed to set up Strata CTX is shown below. The figure displays the most critical
programs in the left column and migrates right to optional programs. Also, programming flows from
specific (left) to general (right).

Card Assignment
(Program 100)

LS Trunks
GS Trunks
TI Trunks
Tie Lines
Create ILGs FX Lines
(Program 304) PRI Lines
BRI Lines Services

Create OLGs
(Program 306) DKT Stations
STD Stations
VM Ports
Attd Positions
Pilot DN's (ACD)
Recommended* Door Phones
BRI Lines System Program
Planning the following before
proceeding. 5862

Flexible Numbering Plan

(Program 102):
Trunk Group Access Plan Create Station Links
Station Range Plan

Create COS Plan (up to 32) Hunt Group

(Program 103) Paging Group
Call P.U. Group
Create DRL (up to 16)
(Program 111, 532~533) Park Orbits
Paging Devices
Define FRL and QPL
meanings (up to 16)

*Planning out these details

in advance enables Strata CTX
setup to proceed smoothly.

1-10 Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 4: Identify Program Sequences

Step 4: Identify Program Sequences

Use the following tables to quickly identify the programs needed to fulfill your setup requirements. See the

Strata CTX
Index to correlate program numbers and their functions.

Station Setup
Use the following table to quickly access the programs needed to set up Station requirements.

Assignment Run Programs in Sequence from left to right.
DKT PDN 100 200 204 208 205
PhDN 205 206
DADM 204 213
DDSS 214 215
Attd 100 200 204 208
Ext 100 200 208
VM 100 200 204 206 209 218 579 580
ISDN Ext 100 202 217
Pilot DN 540
Station Hunting 209 218
Call Pickup Groups 210
Emergency Ringdown 216
Paging Groups 502
Station Speed Dial 516

Trunk Setup Analog

Use the following table to quickly access the programs needed to set up analog Trunk requirements.

Assignment Run Programs in Sequence from left to right.
Basic 100 304 306 300
Ring 310
Timer 308
DISA 311
Basic 100 304 306 300
Tie line Timer 308
DISA 311
Basic 100 304 306 300
Ring 309
Timer 308
DISA 311
Intercept 318 319

Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03 1-11

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 4: Identify Program Sequences

Trunk Setup T1
Use the following table to quickly access the programs needed to set up T1 Trunk requirements.

Assignment Run Programs in Sequence from left to right.
Basic 100 304 306 300
Data 315
LS/GS Ring 310
Timer 308
DISA 311
Basic 100 304 306 300
Data 315
Tie line
Timer 308
DISA 311
Basic 100 304 306 300
Data 315
Ring 309
DID Timer 308
DISA 311
Intercept 318 319

Trunk Setup ISDN PRI

Use the following table to quickly access the programs needed to set up ISDN PRI Trunk requirements.

Assignment Run Programs in Sequence from left to right.
Basic 100 304 306 302 320
Ring 309
Timer 308
Intercept 318 319
CNIS 321 322
Basic 100 304 306 302 320
Tie line Ring 309
Timer 308
D-share 100 304 306 302 320 316
1 1 2
CBC 100 304 306 302 320 3233
1. Each CBC Group may require one ILG and one OLG.
2. Do not assign ILG/OLG using this program.
3. Assign ILG and OLG using Program 323.

1-12 Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 4: Identify Program Sequences

Use the following table to quickly access the programs needed to set up other Strata CTX features.

Strata CTX
Feature Run Programs in Sequence from left to right.
Account-Codes 570 571 103 506 306
Automatic Busy Redial (ABR) 103 208 104
Automatic Call Back (ACB) 104
Automatic Camp-On 304
Auto-Release of CO 308
Background-Music (BGM) 102 103 109
Call Forwarding 103 200 217
Call History 204 205
Call Park Orbit 104 102
Call Xfer W/ Camp-On 103
COS-Station 200 202
COS-CO 304 306
Credit-Card Calling 105 111 306
Day/Night service 500 106 112 113 103 105
Identification Services 309 318 579
Digital PAD 107 114
Direct Inward Dialing 309 318 304
DISA 311
Direct Inward Termination 304 310
Do not Disturb (DND) 103 204 205 102
Door Lock Control 104 204 508 205
Door Phones 102 507 573
DTMF DP Compatible 104
DTMF BackTone 204
DTMF Signal Time 579 104
E911 105 217 550 104 306
Executive Override 103 105
External Ringing Repeat 300 204
Flash 308 205 102 103
Flexible Numbering 102
Group Paging 502 503 102
Least-Cost-Routing (LCR) 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 528 529 103
Line Group 304 305 306 307 317 302 323 300
Message-Waiting Light 204 102 579
Music-on-Hold 102 105 109 309 310
Off-Hook Camp-on 104 200 217
Network Call Incoming 102 656
Network Call Outgoing 102 651 653 654 655
Out-Going calls 200 217 104
Ringing-Transfer 105
SMDI 200 202 579 580

Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03 1-13

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Strata CTX Programming Guidelines
Step 4: Identify Program Sequences

Feature Run Programs in Sequence from left to right.

Station CO Line Access 204
SMDR 512 513 514
Tandem Connection 103 104 300
DR Override by Systems
Speed Dial
Destination Restriction 200 202 306 650 530 531 532 533 534
Tone-First/Voice-First 204 206
Travelling COS 105 200 510
Voice-Mail Interface
See Voice Mail Set Up on 100 200 209 218 579 580 803 804 309 318
page A-1
Emergency Ring-Down 216
Relay Services 515
System Call-Forward 200 217 104 500 504
Call Pick Up 210 103 200 205 102

1-14 Strata CTX Programming - Part 1: Getting Started 04/03

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726+,%$ Telecommunication Systems Division

Digital Business Telephone Systems

Part 2: CTX WinAdmin Programming

April 2003

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CTX WinAdmin Overview 2

CTX WinAdmin is a powerful Microsoft Windows based telephone system management tool used to

CTX WinAdmin
program, maintain and upgrade the Strata CTX Digital Business Telephone System. CTX WinAdmin uses
a variety of networking and software technologies as follows:

Virtual Local Area Network (LAN) System Administrators can connect their PC to
Strata CTX via a network interface jack or modem. CTX WinAdmin views the Strata CTX system as a
LAN providing a stable environment in which to program and access data.
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) enables query-based information retrieval and
event notification. WMI is an access mechanism which enables CTX WinAdmin to access, monitor,
command and control Strata CTX.
Virtual Web Server and Manager creates a virtual World Wide Web environment in Strata CTX.
This technology enables CTX WinAdmin to view Strata CTX as if it were an Internet Service Provider
(ISP), providing secure passage for System Administrators.
Microsoft Internet Explorer browser access Virtual Web Service enables System Administrators
to access Strata CTX using the Internet Explorer browser.
CTX WinAdmin Graphical User Interface (GUI) Sophisticated programming tasks are just a
click-of-the-mouse away with CTX WinAdmins GUI.
Mobile Access enables System Administrators to program, maintain, and/or upgrade a
Strata CTX from any mobile location with an Internet connectionwithout ever leaving the office.
Internet Access CTX WinAdmin uses Microsoft IP technology to enable access to your Strata CTX
as easy as browsing the World Wide Web.
Personal Web Server and Manager Microsofts Personal Web Server and Manager option package
enables you to build a web environment between your Strata CTX and your PC.
Internet Explorer provides a stable environment in which to program, maintain and upgrade your
Strata CTX.
CTX WinAdmins tight integration of the above technologies provide System Administrators with
convenient, stable, user friendly and comprehensive access to Strata CTX system information.
CTX WinAdmin can connect directly to your Strata CTX Digital Business Telephone System via Network
Interface (included with Strata CTXs BECU board and required on your PC) and Modem Interface.
Mobile System Administrators can access a Strata CTX system from any location that provides Internet

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CTX WinAdmin Overview
CTX WinAdmin Main Screen

CTX WinAdmin Main Screen

After you start CTX WinAdmin, log in and connect to the CTX, the main screen (shown below) displays.
Verify the information on this screen. It contains the System type and Software version.

Program Viewer

Program Menu

Alarm Notification

Program Menu The primary tool used to navigate through CTX WinAdmin. Click the Expand or
Collapse buttons at the upper left corner to expand or collapse the Program menu.
Program Viewer This area is where the various programs and parameters are displayed as you
navigate through CTX WinAdmin.
Alarm Notification Not used.
You can verify the Strata CTX system type (CTX100 or CTX670) and the software version on the Title
screen shown above.
The software version is organized as follows:
Example: AR1.01 M0010.00
A = Country code (USA, Canada, Mexico).
R1.01 = CTX Release 1.01
M000xx.00 = Strata CTX software version.

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CTX WinAdmin Overview
CTX WinAdmin Sub-screens

CTX WinAdmin Sub-screens

The CTX WinAdmin operates in a user friendly Windows environment featuring interactive Graphical
User Interface (GUI) screens.The Program Viewers GUI is arranged to streamline the Strata CTX
programming process (see sample screen below).


Program Details

CTX WinAdmin
Program Name

Program Menu

Alarm Notification

Programming functions can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate link in the Program Menu. The Day
Night Service (Programs 112, 106 and 113) screen is shown in the sample below.

Command Table Button


Special Buttons

Command Group Name


Program and Field Name

Program Blocks Parameter

Strata CTX Programming - Part 2: CTX WinAdmin Programming 04/03 2-3

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CTX WinAdmin Overview
CTX WinAdmin Sub-screens

The following features enable you to browse and program CTX WinAdmin efficiently.
Program Blocks CTX WinAdmin arranges many related programs in blocks to enable the
programmer to view essential and related programs on one screen.
Program Tabs You can access a variety of programs and features by clicking the Program Tabs found
on some of the CTX WinAdmin screens.
Programming Parameters Choose values from scroll down menus.
Command Group Name Each program number and title is prominently displayed for easy reference.
Field Name Each Field Name or parameter displays and is coded with a prefix ()%) number for easy
Program and Parameter Descriptions Every program and parameter description displays in a
pop-up window by placing the mouse cursor over the program or parameter information.
CTX WinAdmin Toolbar The CTX WinAdmin Toolbar enables Strata CTX updates with a click of
your mouse button. The following options are provided.
Edit CTX WinAdmin defaults to the Edit mode used to program, maintain, or upgrade your Strata
CTX System.
Cancel Cancels the previous entry.
Refresh Displays the latest updates.
Reset Resets to set your Strata CTX to manufacturers default.

CAUTION! By pressing the Reset button, you are authorizing all data to be reset to manufacturing
defaults. Any custom data entered will be lost.

Submit New data is held in CTX WinAdmins memory. Your Strata CTX is not updated with the
new settings until the Submit button is clicked.
Close Exits CTX WinAdmin and return to CTX Management Console Menu.
Disconnect Disconnects CTX WinAdmin from Strata CTX and terminates TCP/IP
Help Enables the CTX WinAdmin Help files.

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CTX WinAdmin Overview
CTX WinAdmin Sub-screens

Command Table Button This button

enables you to locate programs by
number or category (shown right).
From this table, you can click on a
program to open it.

CTX WinAdmin
Special Buttons
These buttons appear on some of the CTX WinAdmin screens.

These buttons enable you to access the

most common programming tasks
quickly. For example, click on the List
button to view the Current Index Web
Page dialog box (shown right).
Clicking on any button lets you do the
Create Create a new record using
system default values.
Start Starts a wizard.
Add/Delete/Modify Enables you to add/delete/modify entry(s).
List Lists all data.
Copy Enables you to copy all the information from one screen to another.
Back/Next Enables you to navigate forward and backward through the screens.
Table View Displays the appropriate table view. For example, clicking the DR Table View button
displays all the configured DRLs within the system.
Print Enables you to print to a local printer.
Refresh Enables you to get the most updated information.

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CTX WinAdmin Overview
CTX WinAdmin Sub-screens

2-6 Strata CTX Programming - Part 2: CTX WinAdmin Programming 04/03

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Installation 3

This chapter shows you how to install CTX WinAdmin software on your PC and discusses how to connect
that PC to the Strata CTX system.

PC Hardware Requirements
The following table shows the minimum PC requirements for CTX WinAdmin to operate properly:

Hardware Windows XP Professional Windows 2000
300 MHz or higher processor clock
speed. Intel Pentium or Celeron
Computer/Processor 133 MHz or higher Pentium
processors; or AMD K6, Athlon or
Duron processors are recommended.
Memory 128MB RAM 64MB RAM
2GB hard drive with a minimum of
Hard Disk 1.5GB of available space
650MB of free space
SVGA Card and Monitor Yes Yes
CD-ROM Drive Yes Yes
Network Interface Card
Yes Yes
(NIC) and/or PC Modem

PC Software Requirements
The Install CTX WinAdmin... selection on the CTX WinAdmin CD-ROM runs a Pre-installation Check
to determine if your PC meets the minimum software requirements for CTX WinAdmin to operate
properly. The Pre-installation Check tests for the following:
Windows Operating System CTX WinAdmin requires a Microsoft Windows XP Professional or
Windows 2000 Operating System (OS).
Windows Option Components The Pre-installation Check tests to see if Windows Option
Components, such as Internet Information Services and Management and Monitoring Tools are
installed on your PC. If they are not installed, your Windows OS CD-ROM will be required; or if your
PC has an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) version of Windows, you may need the CD-ROM
that came with your PC.
Disclaimer: CTX WinAdmin has not been tested with Windows NT 4.0. This OS is not recommended. We
recommend that you upgrade your OS to Windows XP Pro or Windows 2000 Pro.

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Step 1: Install CTX WinAdmin Software

Note CTX WinAdmin does not work on these operating systems: Windows XP Home, Windows ME,
Windows 98, Windows 95, and MS-DOS.
Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2) If not found, follow the steps given on the CTX WinAdmin
CD-ROM to install SP2.
Internet Explorer (IE) If IE 5.5 or greater is not found, follow the steps given on the CTX
WinAdmin CD-ROM and install it from there.
Note Windows XP Professional automatically installs IE 6.0 so installing IE 5.5 is not needed.

CAUTION! Toshiba recommends not to install MS Network Monitor on WinAdmin PCs because
MS Network Monitor software which is provided on the Microsoft System
Management Server (SMS) production CD-ROM causes problems with the Windows
WMI SNMP component needed to run WinAdmin.

Step 1: Install CTX WinAdmin Software

1. Insert the CTX WinAdmin CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Click Install CTX WinAdmin.... The
CD-ROM runs a Pre-installation check, determines the OS you have, then checks for all other software
If the correct OS and all requirements were found on your PC, the Pre-installation Check Complete!
screen displays. This enables you to perform any of the following:
First-time installation: click Install Now. Follow the prompts. Choose Custom to browse to
the drive on which you want to install the software or Complete to install immediately on the C:
If upgrading from a previous version: click Upgrade Now. Select Complete to install the new
version on the C drive, select Custom to select another drive. The CTX WinAdmin Custom Profile
folders will remain on the C drive or copied to the selected drive.
If installing over the same version: click Install Now. You will be prompted to Repair or
Remove. Repair fixes corrupted files and registry entries. Remove removes the existing version to
enable you to reinstall the same version as a new clean install.
If your PC did not pass the Pre-installation check and a requirement was not found: see the
details in Requirements Not Found on page 3-3.

CAUTION! Do not open and/or run other applications during installation as this may corrupt the
installation and/or other software on your PC. Installation takes several minutes.

2. Once installation is complete, if the Windows Internet Wizard displays when you click on the CTX
WinAdmin icon, enter the settings below if using a NIC or modem connection. This establishes a
preliminary path to bring up the CTX WinAdmin log-in screen.
Windows XP Pro: If the Windows Welcome to the New Connection Wizard comes up, you have
not yet configured your Internet connection. Follow the prompts and select: Next > Connect to
Internet > Next > Set up my connection manually > Next > Connect using broadband connect that is
always on > Finish. Exit the wizard screen.
Windows 2000: If the Windows Welcome to the Internet Connection Wizard comes up, you have
not yet configured your Internet connection. Follow the prompts and select: I want to set up my
Internet connection manually > Next > I want to connect through a local area network > Next >

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Step 1: Install CTX WinAdmin Software

Automatic discovery of Proxy server > Next and No to Setup Your Internet Email Account > Next >
3. Go on to Step 2: Set Up LAN Connection to Strata CTX on page 3-5.

Requirements Not Found

Service Pack 2 Not Found - Windows 2000
If Service Pack 2 was not found on your Windows 2000 OS, follow these steps.
1. Click the Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 Not Found line. A help screen appears. Locate and click the
Install SP2 Now link. SP2 installation will begin.
2. Follow the prompts to install SP2.
3. At the end of installation you will be prompted to restart your PC. Do so, log back into Windows 2000,
then reinsert the CTX WinAdmin CD-ROM and select Install CTX WinAdmin... from the Main

Internet Explorer (IE) 5.5 or Greater Not Found - Windows 2000

1. Click the Internet Explorer 5.5 or Greater Not Found line. A help screen will appear. Locate and click
the Upgrade to IE 5.5 Now. The upgrade will begin. Follow the prompts to upgrade to IE 5.5.

2. At the end of installation you will be prompted to restart your PC. Do so, log back into Windows 2000.
3. Reinsert the CTX WinAdmin CD-ROM and select Install CTX WinAdmin... from the Main Menu.
Note We suggest using IE 6.0 or higher with CTX WinAdmin to enable lists to be displayed in numeric

Internet Information Services (IIS) Not Found - Windows XP Pro/Windows 2000

If IIS was not found, follow the steps below.

CAUTION! Installing Internet Information Services (IIS) on PCs connected to a LAN and/or the
Internet may cause security issues - such as making your PC more susceptible to
intrusion and/or computer viruses. A direct connection between your PC and Strata
CTX reduces, but does not eliminate security issues.

In all cases, always have a virus program with the latest virus tables running real-time on your PC.
An NTFS file system is recommended if you are connected to a LAN and/or Internet. See your
Windows Help files for more details.
Consult the Microsoft Knowledge Base on the Internet for updates on Windows security issues.
Have your Windows OS CD-ROM ready as you will be asked to insert it.
1. Windows XP Pro and Windows 2000: Click Start > Settings (2000 only)> Control Panel > Add/
Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows Components. Checkmark Internet Information Services
(IIS). Under IIS option, check mark FTP and do not uncheck any items that are already checked. If
Management and Monitoring Tools were also Not Found you may checkmark this too. Click Next.
2. Follow the prompts and have your Windows OS CD-ROM ready as you will be asked to insert it. If the
Windows autoplay menu runs after inserting the CD-ROM, close this screen.
3. Once installation is complete, reinsert the CTX WinAdmin CD-ROM and select Install WinAdmin...
from the Main Menu.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 2: CTX WinAdmin Programming 04/03 3-3

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Step 1: Install CTX WinAdmin Software

Note If your PC displays this error message

(shown right), insert the Windows OS
CD-ROM that came with your computer
(Recovery or Companion type) and not
the Service Pack2 CD-ROM. Follow the
prompts to browse, open and install files.

Management and Monitoring Tools Not

Found - Windows XP Pro/Windows 2000
If Management and Monitoring Tools were not found, follow the steps below.
1. Windows XP Pro and Windows 2000: Click Start > Settings (2000 only)> Control Panel > Add/
Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows Components. Checkmark Management and Monitoring
Tools. If Internet Information Services (IIS) were also Not Found you may checkmark this too. Click
2. Follow the prompts and have your Windows OS CD-ROM ready as you will be asked to insert it. If the
Windows autoplay menu runs after inserting the CD-ROM, close this screen.
3. Once installation is complete, reinsert the CTX WinAdmin CD-ROM and select Install CTX
WinAdmin... from the Main Menu.

WMI SNMP Provider Not Found - Windows 2000

If the WMI SNMP Provider was not found on your Windows 2000 PC, follow the steps below. Have your
Windows 2000 CD-ROM ready, youll be asked to insert it.
1. Click the WMI SNMP Provider Not Found line. A help screen appears.
2. Locate and click the Install WMI SNMP Provider. Follow the prompts to install WMI SNMP
Provider. Once complete, reinsert the CTX WinAdmin CD-ROM and select Install CTX
WinAdmin... from the Main Menu.

Important! Continue to choose Step 2: Set Up LAN Connection to Strata CTX on page 3-5 and/or
Step 3: Set up Modem Connection on page 3-10. You can choose either or both, but you
must choose one.

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Step 2: Set Up LAN Connection to Strata CTX

Step 2: Set Up LAN Connection to Strata CTX

Step 2A: Connect CTX WinAdmin PC to Strata CTX
Processor NIC
1. Connect the RJ45 cable between your PCs NIC jack and the Strata CTX Network Interface jack. If you
are connecting to Strata CTX directly without using a Network hub, use an RJ45 cross-pinned cable. If
youre connecting to the Strata CTX via a hub, use a straight-pinned RJ45 cable. See Figures 3-1
and 3-2.

WinAdmin PC or Server, Direct Connection to Strata CTX

Cross-pinned, 8-wire Modular Cord

Pin Pin
Strata CTX PC or Server
1 3
ACTU with AETS 2 TD- RD- 6
or RD+ TD+
3 1
BBCU Processor 6
2 CTX WinAdmin

Network Interface with RJ45 Jack
Network Interface Card with RJ45 Jack

Figure 3-1 Direct Connection to Strata CTX

WinAdmin PC or Server, Network or HUB Connection to Strata CTX

Straight-pinned, 8-wire Modular Cord

Pin Pin

Strata CTX TD+ RD+

1 1
2 TD- RD- 2
ACTU with AETS 3 3
or BBCU 6 6
Network Interface RJ45 Jack LAN
PC or Server DHCP/VPN)

CTX WinAdmin
Application HUB
Straight-pinned, 8-wire Modular Cord

Network Interface RJ45 Jack


Figure 3-2 Network Interface Physical Jack Connection

Wide Area Networks and/or Internet Connections

Connection of the Strata CTX and CTX WinAdmin over the Internet and/or Wide Area Network
(WAN) Enterprise Networks requires registration of a domain IP address or blocks of domain IP
addresses for CTX processors when using multiple Strata CTX and CTX WinAdmin connections.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 2: CTX WinAdmin Programming 04/03 3-5

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Step 2: Set Up LAN Connection to Strata CTX

To setup CTX WinAdmin WAN and Internet connections using Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP), Virtual Private Networks (VPN), etc., the proper IP addresses and setup procedures
must be obtained from your Information Technology (IT) Administrator.
We recommend using VPN networking. By using VPN networking, the content of SNMP messages
between WinAdmin PCs and CTX systems will be encrypted for security.
When connecting CTX WinAdmin through Fire Walls, Routers, etc., which apply packet filtering,
make sure that the packets being sent between Strata CTX and CTX WinAdmin are not filtered.
Strata CTX and CTX WinAdmin communicate using SNMP over User Datagram Protocol/Internet
Protocol (UDP/IP) and FTP protocols. The standard ports are used for each protocol (161 and 162 for
SNMP, 20 and 21 for FTP). These ports should not be blocked by firewalls.
The default gateway IP address must be set up on CTX WinAdmin and on CTX processors per the
example in Figure 3-3. The figure below shows you how to connect the multiple CTX sites via the
The CTX processor requires the following IP addresses set in Program 916:
Processor static domain IP address
Processor subnet mask
Processor default Gateway IP address
The diagram below is only one example of many network configurations allowing remote maintenance
of CTX systems over the Internet and the WAN.

Ethernet Ethernet
Switch Switch

Default Gateway
LAN Backbone

LAN Backbone

Default Gateway Router WAN Router WinAdmin PC

WinAdmin Router WinAdmin

LAN Backbone

Strata WinAdmin 6540


Default Gateway


Figure 3-3 WAN Connection for Multiple Sites

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Step 2: Set Up LAN Connection to Strata CTX

Step 2B: Set Up IP Address of CTX NIC

Note This setup is only for direct connection to the Strata CTX or for simple Hub or LAN connections.
For more complex LAN, WAN or Internet connections, refer to Wide Area Networks and/or
Internet Connections on page 3-5.
1. Connect a 20-button LCD DKT to the Strata CTX System.
2. Enter the programming mode by pressing +ROG.
3. At the PASSWORD= prompt, enter .
4. Press+ROG.
5. At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.
6. Press Feature Button 1.
7. At the TCP IP1= prompt enter the Static IP address D6SNU, E6SNU, F6SNU, G +ROG.
Possible Values of CTX TCP/IP address octets a.b.c.d = 0~255.
Default =, where D = 192, E = 168, F = 254, G = 253
Example: At the TCP IP1= prompt the LCD displays 192. This is the first octet of the default CTX IP
address. Pressing Spkr key three more times will display the remaining octets in succession as follows:

8. Press Feature Button 2.
9. At the SNM IP1= prompt enter the subnet mask H 6SNU, I 6SNU, J 6SNU, K +ROG.
Possible Values of CTX Subnet mask octets e.f.g.h = 0~255
Default =, where H = 255, I = 255, J = 255, K = 0
10. Press Feature Button 3.
11. At the DGW IP1= prompt enter default gateway L 6SNU, M 6SNU, N 6SNU, O +ROG.
Possible Values for CTX Gateway octets i.j.k.l = 0~255
Default =, where L = 0, M = 0, N = 0, O = 0
12. Press +ROG(twice).

Important! Windows XP: Choose Step 2C; Windows 2000: Choose Step 2D.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 2: CTX WinAdmin Programming 04/03 3-7

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Step 2: Set Up LAN Connection to Strata CTX

Step 2C: Set Up IP Address of CTX WinAdmin PC NIC

(Windows XP)
Follow the steps below to set up PC Network settings on your CTX WinAdmin PC.
Note This setup is only for direct connection to the Strata CTX or for simple Hub or LAN connections.
For more complex LAN, WAN or Internet connections, refer to Wide Area Networks and/or
Internet Connections on page 3-5.
1. Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections > Network Connections > Broadband
2. At the Broadband Connection screen, click the Properties tab, then click on the Networking tab.
3. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
4. Click on the Properties tab.
5. Select Use the following IP Address.
6. In the IP address field enter a.b.c.x
where a.b.c = 0~255 and x = 0~252.
Example: 192.168.254.x.
Note The first three octets a.b.c. have to be exactly the same as the first three octets of the CTX IP address
set in Sub-step 7 of Step 2B. X cannot be 253 or above and it cannot be equal to octet d of the CTX
TCP/IP address set in Sub-step 7 of Step 2B. This is the static IP Address of your PC.
7. Click OK and exit.

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Step 2: Set Up LAN Connection to Strata CTX

Step 2D: Set Up IP Address of CTX WinAdmin PC NIC

(Windows 2000)
Follow the steps below to set up PC Network settings on your WinAdmin PC.
Note This setup is only for direct connection to the Strata CTX or for simple Hub or LAN connections.
For more complex LAN, WAN or Internet connections, refer to Wide Area Networks and/or
Internet Connections on page 3-5.
1. Click Start > Settings > Network and Dial-up
Connections > Local Area Connections.
2. Right click on Local Area Connections to select
3. Local Area Connection Properties Connection screen
displays. Ensure Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) is checked. Highlight TCP/IP, then click the
Properties button.
4. On the General tab click the Use the following IP
Address radio button (shown right).
5. In the IP address field enter a.b.c.x

where a.b.c = 0~255 and x = 0~252.
Example: 192.168.254.x.
Note The first three octets a.b.c. have to be exactly the
same as the first three octets of the CTX IP address
set in Sub-step 7 of Step 2B. x cannot be 253 or
above and it cannot be equal to octet d of the CTX
TCP/IP address set in Sub-step 7 of Step 2B. This is the static IP Address of your PC.
6. Enter e.f.g.h. in the Subnet Mask field. The Subnet Mask should be exactly the same as the CTX
Subnet Mask set in Sub-step 9 of Step 2B.
Possible Values of Subnet mask octets e.f.g.h = 0~255
7. Leave the DNS Server addresses blank.
8. Click OK (to accept all screens).
9. Go to Step 4: Establish Communication with Strata CTX on page 3-14.
CTX WinAdmin is now ready to communicate and program your Strata CTX System.

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Step 3: Set up Modem Connection

Step 3: Set up Modem Connection

Step 3A: Connect CTX WinAdmin PC to Strata CTX Modem
Connect an RJ11 cable from your PC modem to an active phone line or RSTU port. See Figure 3-4.

Point-to-point TCP/IP
ACTU/ Flash
RS-232 Cable and
33.6 kbps v.34 Modem RAM

Dial #19
Modem RSTU
Local CTX Switch
WinAdmin PC
CO Line Telephone CO Line CO Line
Network Circuit
Strata CTX

Remote CTX RS-232 Cable

WinAdmin PC

Figure 3-4 CTX WinAdmin Modem Interface Connection

CTX WinAdmin PC Modem to CTX Modem Call Setup CTX Programming and Operation
Direct ring connection over CO lines
DID lines: in PRG 309, assign Built-in Modem as the Audio Day1, Day, and/or Night destination
DIT ground/loop start lines: in PRG 310 assign Built-in Modem as the Day1, Day2, and/or Night
destination type.
Direct Ring when connected to RSTU or DISA line: put #19 in CTX WinAdmin Phone Number
dial string.
Transfer a CTX WinAdmin call to the Strata CTX modem from a CTX Auto Attendant or telephone
After receiving the call from the CTX WinAdmin user, press &QI7UQ or hook flash and dial #19 then
hang up after receiving CTX modem tone.
Note If calling an Auto Attendant put xxxxxxx,,,,,,,, #19 in CTX WinAdmin Phone Number dial string.
Where xxxxxxx is the site phone number and each , adds a three-second delay before dialing
#19 to connect to the modem.

Important! Windows XP: Choose Step 3B; Windows 2000: Choose Step 3C.

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Step 3: Set up Modem Connection

Step 3B: Set up IP Address of CTX WinAdmin PC Modem

(Windows XP)
Note This setup is only for direct connection to the Strata CTX or for simple Hub or LAN connections.
For more complex LAN, WAN or Internet connections, refer to Wide Area Networks and/or
Internet Connections on page 3-5.
1. Set up PC modem settings for CTX WinAdmin. Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet
Connection > Network Connections > Create a New Connection (under Network Tasks).
2. At the New Connection screen, click Next. Select radio button Connect to the network at my
workplace and click Next.
3. Select radio button Dial-up Connection and click Next.
4. Enter the company name as Remote CTX1,
then click Next.
5. Leave the Phone Number to Dial field blank.
Click Next.
6. Click Finish.
7. At the Connect Remote CTX1 screen, click

8. At the RemoteCTX1 Properties screen, select
the PC modem that should be used to connect
to the CTX modem.
9. Click the Networking tab.
10. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
11. Click Properties.
12. Select Use the following IP Address.
13. Enter an IP Address 192.168.255.x (where x can be 1~252. It cannot be 253 or above. It cannot be the
same as the CTX IP address in Program 916 for CTX NIC Connections). This is the static IP Address of
your PC when using the modem connection. Click OK.
14. At the CTX1 Properties screen, click the Options
tab and set up options to the recommended settings
shown as shown right.
15. Click OK. You can go back and change these
settings later if needed.
16. At the CTX1 Properties screen, click OK and exit.
17. Go to Step 4: Establish Communication with Strata
CTX on page 3-14.

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Step 3: Set up Modem Connection

Step 3C: Verify Modem Hardware Settings

Using the steps below verify that the modem hardware settings are set correctly to communicate with the
CTX built-in modem.
1. Go to Start > Settings (Windows 2000 only) >
Control Panel.
2. Click Phone and Modem Options.
3. Click the Modem tab.
4. Select the modem used by CTX WinAdmin.
5. Click the Properties button.
6. Click the Advanced tab to verify hardware settings on
the screen (shown right).
7. Click OK and exit.

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Step 3: Set up Modem Connection

Step 3D: Set up IP Address of CTX WinAdmin PC Modem

(Windows 2000)
Note This setup is only for direct connection to the Strata CTX or for simple Hub or LAN connections.
For more complex LAN, WAN or Internet connections, refer to Wide Area Networks and/or
Internet Connections on page 3-5.
1. Setup PC modem settings for CTX WinAdmin. Click Start > Settings > Network and Dial-up
Connection > Make New Connection.
2. Click Next. Select radio button Dial-up to private network and click Next.
3. From the Select a Device Screen highlight the modem to be used to make a CTX WinAdmin dial-up
connection and click Next.
4. Do not enter Phone number, then click Next.
Note The phone number for Dial up is entered when setting up the Profile in Strata CTX WinAdmin. See
User Management on page 3-16.
5. Select radio button For all users, then click Next.
6. Use the recommended setting (Enable on-demand dialing) and click Next.
7. Type RemoteCTX1 as the name in
Connection Wizard (shown right), then click

8. The Connect RemoteCTX1 screen displays.
Note The User name field on this screen will
automatically be populated.
9. Click on the Properties button of the Connect
RemoteCTX1 screen.
10. The RemoteCTX1 screen displays. Click on
the Networking tab and select Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) in the Components
checked are used by this connection box.
Then click Properties button.

11. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties

screen displays. Select Use the following IP Address and enter
the IP address (192.168.255.x, where x can be 1~252. It cannot
be 253 or above. It cannot be the same as the CTX IP address in
Program 916 for CTX NIC Connections). This IP address is the
static IP address for the PC when using this modem connection.
Click OK.
12. The initial setup screen displays. Click Properties.
13. Click the Options tab and set up options to the recommended
settings (shown right).
Note Set Idle time before hanging up to more than one minute if
you are transferring CTX WinAdmin calls to the CTX built-
in modem versus direct calls to the modem.
14. The initial setup screen displays, click Ok and exit.
15. Go to Step 3C: Verify Modem Hardware Settings.
16. Go to Establish Communication with Strata CTX on page 3-14.

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Step 4: Establish Communication with Strata CTX

Step 4: Establish Communication with Strata CTX

Make sure you have completed the Strata CTX to CTX WinAdmin setup procedures described in the first
part of this chapter before proceeding.
1. Open Internet Explorer and point the browser to http://localhost/Ctmc_Local/Default.htm as shown in
the figure below or click on the CTX WinAdmin desktop icon. If the Internet Connection Wizard
displays, refer to Step 2 under Step 1: Install CTX WinAdmin Software on page 3-2.

2. Click Go. The Login screen

displays (shown right).
3. To log into CTX WinAdmin for
the first time, enter administrator
in User Name field and password
in the Password field.

4. Click on the Login button. The CTX

WinAdmin Title screen displays.
5. Click CTX (shown right) to go to the
connection setup screen.

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Step 4: Establish Communication with Strata CTX

6. From the Connection Options Menu

(shown at right) enter the following:
Community Name
communityName (entry is case
sensitive). This is the default
community name for CTX
(NIC). This is the default IP
Address of the CTX that is set in
CTX Program 916.
IP Address
This is the CTX built-in modem
fixed IP address for
Dial-up connections. It cannot be
If you are connecting to Strata CTX using your modem, click in the Use Dial-Up box and enter the
phone number to connect to your Strata CTX. The CTX IP address in the CTX IP Name field

automatically defaults to the Strata CTX modems static IP address.
If you have set up the Profile User Management screen with CTX site information, click on the CTX
Host name and IP address of the CTX listed in the box at the bottom of the screen.
Adding and Saving a new CTX connection can be done by clicking Profile > User Management. For
details see User Management on page 3-16.
7. Click on Connect Now.

Important! If you are not able to connect after clicking on the Connect Now button, then
re-check the set up steps described in this chapter.

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Step 5: Use Profile to Add Users and CTX Systems

Step 5: Use Profile to Add Users and CTX

User Management
Prerequisite Program: None
This program lets only the Administrator add or remove users to CTX WinAdmin.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Profile > Users Management.
2. Enter new User Name, Password,
Confirm Password, and FAC
Group Level fields.
Note The Administrator screen will
displays (shown right). The
Administrator can add new
users using this screen. This
screen is only accessible when
logged in as Administrator
3. Click Save.
4. Enter the remaining fields.
5. Click Add/Modify/Remove.

The screen (shown right) is

accessible to all users.

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Step 6: Exit CTX WinAdmin

User Name Enter the new User name. The initial user name of the Administrator is administrator. This
name cannot be changed.
Possible values: Alpha characters.
Note The Administrator is the only user that can add new users. The administrator user
name cannot be changed.

Password Enter the new password. The initial password is password. This password can be changed by
the administrator or user. The password is case sensitive.
To protect User Passwords, open Internet Explorer and go to Tools > Internet Options >
Content > Autocomplete. Uncheck User Names and Password on forms, then click on Clear

CAUTION! Record all your passwords for CTX WinAdmin and passwords for any
other applications that use Internet Explorer.

Possible values: Alpha characters.

Confirm Password Repeat password entered in Password field.

Possible values: Alpha characters.

FAC Group Level Select the FAC Group Level.
Possible values: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 (default = No value.)
In the current version of CTX WinAdmin, all levels are the same and provide access to all
CTX WinAdmin functions.

CTX Host Name Enter CTX Host Name (name to identify the CTX or customer).
Possible values: Alpha characters.

CTX IP/Name Enter the IP Address of the CTX system. For the CTX NIC connection, enter the IP Address
of the CTX as set in Program 916. For Modem connections, always enter
Possible values: Refer to 916 IP Configuration on page 10-14.

Community Name Enter the Community Name of the host.

Possible values: Alpha characters (default = communityName).
communityName is the default community name for all CTX systems. CTX community names
are assigned in the Operation section of CTX WinAdmin.

DialUp Number Enter the telephone number for Dial Up access.

Possible values: Any telephone number (digits 0~9 and * or # and , for three-second
Note The CTX modem number is #19

Confirm Community Re-enter the Community Name.

Possible values: Alpha characters.

Step 6: Exit CTX WinAdmin

1. From the Program Menu, click Home.
2. Click on Exit at the CTX Management Console page.
3. Close your browser.

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Step 6: Exit CTX WinAdmin

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System 4

This chapter provides Strata CTX system programming information for programmers using the CTX
WinAdmin programming interface.

100 Cabinet Slot PCB Assignments

Prerequisite Program: None
All Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), excluding the system processors, are assigned to cabinet slots. The
processor PCBs have dedicated slots in the Base Cabinet which do not require this assignment. The system
provides one Base Cabinet and up to six Expansion Cabinets. The Base Cabinet provides eight slots and
each of the six Expansion Cabinets provide 10 slots for a total of 68 slots.
1. Fill out the Card Assignment Record Sheets on page D-1.
2. From the Program Menu click System >
Card Assignment. The Card Slot
Assignment screen displays (shown
3. Cabinet (01~07) Select the two digit
cabinet number to be assigned. The
cabinet and slot number appear in the

cab/slot field. Select 01 for Base and
Expansion cabinet (CTX100).
Select 01 for Base and 02~07
respectively for each Expansion cabinet
4. Slot (01~10) Select 01~04 for Base
Slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots
Select 01~08 for Base Slots and 01~10
for Expansion Slots (CTX670).
Note The CTX100 ACTU built-in relay is programmed as relay 5. For this relay operation, BIOU2 is
installed as default in a virtual equipment position; Cabinet 2, Slot 5, PCB code 20 in Program 100.
To install an actual BIOU2 and disable the ACTU built-in relay, use the programming telephone to
remove the virtual BIOU2 and then install the actual BIOU2 in Cabinet 01/Slot 01~08 in the normal
5. Select the PCB Type. Use the drop down menu to select the PCB type. WinAdmin will start a refresh
cycle, watch the progress bar (lower right corner of PC screen) to verify when WinAdmin is complete.
The PCB type that was selected will appear in the PCB Type field.
6. Click Submit to save your data.

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Dial Number Plan

Dial Number Plan

Prerequisite Program: None
The Dial Number Plan lets you download all
current dialing numbers registered in the CTX
The Numbering Plan screen (shown right) gives
you details on the different categories of
The table below contains the information shown
on the screen to the right.

Number Type Description

Digit Groups Lists all numbers that begin with each digit 0~9 separately.

DKT Prime DNs Lists all Prime Directory Numbers assigned to a digital telephone in Program

SLT Prime DNs Lists all Prime Directory Numbers assigned to a standard telephone in
Program 200.

ISDN DNs Lists all Directory Numbers assigned to ISDN telephones in Program 202.

Phantom DNs Lists all Phantom Directory Numbers assigned to digital telephones, Add-On-
Modules and DSS consoles in Programs 205, 213, 215 respectively.

ACD Pilot Lists all ACD Pilot Numbers assigned in Program 540.

Hunt Group Pilot Lists all Hunt Group Pilot Numbers assigned in Program 209.

Access Codes Lists all feature, line and line group access codes assigned in Program 102.

Click Continue to view the next screen.

To the right is an example of all the
numbers programmed in the CTX
You are able to view all the DNs and
other numbers used.

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102 Flexible Access Codes

102 Flexible Access Codes

Prerequisite Program: None
Strata CTX comes with pre-assigned Flexible Access Codes that the telephone dials to access features.
This enables you to create customized Flexible Access Codes. The Strata CTX Flexible Numbering Plan
associates features stored in memory (i.e., Store Code, see Table 4-1) to a Flexible Numbering Code
assigned by the user.
Note Flexible Numbering Plan access codes cannot conflict with DN assignments.
1. Enter your customized Flexible Numbering Plan in the Programmed Value column of Table 4-1.
2. From the Program Menu click
System > Flexible Numbering
Plan. The Numbering Plan
Assignment screen displays
(shown at right).
3. 00 Flexible Numbering Plan
Enter the digits to be dialed
(0~9,#,*) to access a feature or an
OLG. To delete, select No Data
in 01 Feature Name. Conflict
with an assigned DN will produce
an error.
4. 01 Flexible Numbering Feature
Select the Flexible Numbering
Feature (see Table 4-1) to see
which access code is being
Note To assign an access code to an OLG, select Line Group access code - one access code for each
OLG. To assign the prefix digit(s) for the access code of individual lines, select Line access code -

leading digit(s) to access individual lines. Example: If #7 is selected as the line access prefix, the
users will dial #7xxx to access an individual line (where xxx is the line number).
5. 02 OLG Number Enter the Outgoing Line Group number to which the OLG access code is being
assigned. This field is only required if you chose Line Group Access Code one access code for each
OLG for the Flexible Numbering Feature in Step 4 above. Enter a 0 in this field if a Feature Code other
than 551 was selected.
Note 02 OLG Number (0~32 CTX100; 0~50 CTX670 Basic; 0~128 CTX670 Expanded) field appears
only when 01 Feature Name Line Group Access Code one access code for each OLG is selected.
6. Click Submit.

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102 Flexible Access Codes

Creating New Feature Codes

1. Click on the Create button.
2. Enter new feature/access code. Click Ok. WinAdmin will start a refresh cycle, when your complete
screen will change to a gray (edit mode) color and the feature/access code will be red.
3. From the Feature Name drop down menu select the feature to be assigned.
4. Submit your data.
To range program feature/access codes use a * between a range of values and a , for an additional
entry not in a range.
System Date and Time Access Codes These functions require CTX R1.02, MA227 or higher
software. The system date adjust code and system time adjust code is different for every system. The
defaults are #651 and #652 respectively.

Important! If you backup a CTX database (default.dat) with a CTX software that does not support Time/
Date access codes and then restore it to a CTX software that supports these access codes,
you must use this program to set the Time/Date access codes. This must be done to allow end
users to set the Time/Date from their LCD digital telephones.

Flexible Numbering Default Settings

Table 4-1 shows the default Flexible Numbering Feature and Flexible Numbering Plan code relationships.
Pressing the Flexible Numbering Plan code from any station enables users to directly access the Flexible
Numbering Feature. The Feature Index Codes will display on the LCD of the telephone once the Default
Access Codes are entered.

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102 Flexible Access Codes

Note These three-digit Feature Index Numbers should not be confused with the Program 205 three-digit
Button Codes.
Table 4-1 Flexible Numbering Plan Default Settings

Feature Default Programmed

Flexible Numbering Feature
Index Access Code Value
No Data
ABR - Activate 150 #441
ABR - Cancel 151 #442
Call Park Orbits - Activate 170 #33
Call Park Orbits - Park Answer (Retrieve Parked Call) 173 #32
System Orbit Number 174 7000~7019
DND -Local Activation 180 #6091
DND -Local Cancellation 181 #6092
DND -Remote Activation 182 #6191
DND -Remote Cancellation 183 #6192
Door Lock Control -Unlock 190 #12
Door Phones -Call 191 #15
Flash -short 200 #450
Flash -long 210 #451
Group Paging -Invoke All Group Paging 220 #30
Group Paging -Invoke Individual Group Paging 230 #31
Answer for External Group Paging 232 #5#36
Emergency Page -Invoke All Emergency Paging 240 #37
Emergency Page -Invoke Individual Emergency Paging 250 #38
Originate Call by Terminal Speed Dial (Index: 00-99) 260 *1
Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 000-099) 261 *2
Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 100-199) 262 *3
Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 200-299) 263 *4
Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 300-399) 264 *5

Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 400-499) 265 *6
Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 500-599) 266 *7
Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 600-699) 267 *8
Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 700-799) 268 *9
Register Speed Dial 269 #66
Call Forward (CF-A; Any Call) - Activation 340 #6011
Call Forward (CF-B; Any Call) - Activation 341 #6021
Call Forward (CF-NA; Any Call) - Activation 342 #6031
Call Forward (CF-B/NA; Any Call) - Activation 343 #6041
Call Forward (CF-A; External Call) - Activation 350 #6013
Call Forward CF-B; External Call) - Activation 351 #6023
Call Forward (CF-NA; External Call) - Activation 352 #6033
Call Forward (CF-B/NA; External Call) - Activation 353 #6043
Call Forward (CF-A; Any Call) - Remote Activation 360 #6012
Call Forward (CF-B; Any Call) - Remote Activation 361 #6022
Call Forward (CF-NA; Any Call) - Remote Activation 362 #6032
Call Forward (CF-B/NA; Any Call) - Remote Activation 363 #6042
Call Forward (CF-A; External Call) - Remote Activation 370 #6014
Call Forward (CF-B; External Call) - Remote Activation 371 #6024
Call Forward (CF-NA; External Call) - Remote Activation 372 #6034
Call Forward (CF-B/NA; External Call) - Remote Activation 373 #6044
Call Forward (Any Call) - Cancellation 380 #6051
Call Forward (External Call) - Cancellation 390 #6053

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102 Flexible Access Codes

Table 4-1 Flexible Numbering Plan Default Settings (continued)

Feature Default Programmed

Flexible Numbering Feature
Index Access Code Value
Call Forward (Any Call) - Remote Cancellation 400 #6052
Call Forward (External Call) - Remote Cancellation 410 #6054
Change Password for Remote Activation/Cancellation 420 #670
Input Account Code 530 #46
Change DISA Security Code 540 #658
Outgoing Call by Directing Individual Trunk 550 #7
Outgoing Call by Directing Outgoing Line Group 551 None
Three Way Conferencing (Override to Tandem Connection) 560 #494
Enter User Programming Mode 570 #9876
LCR -Outgoing Call 580 9
Set Voice Mail Message Waiting (activate MW without ringing for VM) 591 #63
Release Received Message Waiting 592 #409
Release Sent Message Waiting (Cancel MW without ringing for VM)) 593 #64
MW Answer access code (Retrieve Received Message Waiting) 594 #408
Cancel ACB 600 #431
Start BGM 610 #490
Stop BGM 611 #491
Start BGM for External Paging Device 612 #492
Stop BGM for External Paging Device 613 #493
Built-in modem 630 #19
Night Ring Answer 640 #5#39
Travelling Class Override Code Input Number 650 #471
Change Travelling Class Override Code 651 #69
Activate System Call Forward 670 #620
Cancel System Call Forward 671 #621
Call Pickup for Incoming Call -Group Pickup 680 #5#34
Call Pickup for Incoming Call -Directed Terminal 681 #5#5
Call Pickup for Incoming Call -Directed Group 682 #5#32
Call Pickup for Incoming Call -Directed DN 683 #5#22
Call Pickup for Incoming Call -Any External Call 684 #5#9
Call Pickup for On-Hold Call -Directed CO Retrieve 685 #5#73
Call Pickup for On-Hold Call -Local Retrieve 686 #5#71
Call Pickup for On-Hold Call -Remote Retrieve 687 #5#72
Call Pickup for On-Hold Call -Directed DN Retrieve 688 #5#74
Transfer to Voice Mail 690 #407
Repeat Last Number Dialed 700 *0
Volume Control for BEEP 710 #6101
Change LCD Display Language 720 #495
Advisory Message - Activation 730 #411
Advisory Message - Cancellation 731 #412
Emergency Call 740 #911
Attendant Console Group Access Code 750 0
Private Network Access Code 760 8
Node ID (Coordinated Directory Number Prefix) 770 None
Substitution of Dial * 780 441
Substitution of Dial # 781 440
Originate Call with Sub Address -Outgoing Call/Internal Call 782 ##
Application starting access code 800 #18
System Date Adjust Code (Release 1.02, MA227 or higher) 910 #651
System Time Adjust Code (Release 1.02, MA227 or higher) 911 #652

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117 Public Dial Plan Digit Analysis

117 Public Dial Plan Digit Analysis

Prerequisite Program: None
This program is used to prevent users from circumventing Destination Restriction (DR) by sending tones
directly to the PSTN before DR analysis is complete. It defines the number of digits expected in PSTN
numbers beginning with identified sequences.
For example, a number starting with the toll prefix 1 would be expected to be 11 digits long. Calls will
be cut through to the public network only after the expected number of digits have been received.
1. From the Program Menu click
System > Public Numbering Plan.
The Public numbering Plan
Analyzed Digit Number
Assignment screen displays (shown
at right).
2. Enter the Prefix Number used for
external calls.
3. Select Digits to Follow.
4. Click Submit.

00 Prefix Number Enter the initial, identifying external digits. 1 to 7 digits may include wild cards X
and N.
Possible values: 1~7 (N = 2~9 and X = 0~9) (default = no value)

01 Digits to Follow Select the number of digits to follow the prefix number established above. It is
the total number of digits in a number beginning with the Prefix Number above.
Possible values: 0~64 (default = 0)

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103 Class of Service

103 Class of Service

Prerequisite Program: None
Class of Service (COS) assignments are a registration of feature capabilities to a specific user or group of
users. Up to 32 COS feature sets can be registered.
1. Enter your COS assignments in the COS
Record Sheet on page D-4.
2. From the Program Menu click System >
Class of Service The Class of Service
Assignment screen displays (shown
3. COS Number Select the COS Number
4. Place a check mark in each of the
services you wish to enable.
5. Click Submit.

01 Auto Busy Redial Enable Automatic Busy Redial after dialing a busy outside destination.

02 Call Forward Override Enable Call Forward Override. If enabled, this station does not forward
calls from a calling station with System or Station Call Forward activated.
This includes when dialing from the dial pad or DSS button located on
the telephone or DSS console.

03 Call Transfer w/ Camp-on Allows a call transferred by a station to Camp-on to a busy destination.

04 Change DISA Codes Enable stations to change the DISA Security Code.

05 DND Override - Calling Party Permits a caller to override the DND status of a station.

06 DND Override - Called Party Permits calling parties with DND Override privileges to override DND

07 Do Not Disturb Enables user to place stations on DND mode.

08 Remote Set/Reset DND Enables stations with the ability to set/reset DND on other phones.

09 Executive Override Enable Executive Override on a call.

10 Executive Override Allowed Permit Executive Override for incoming callers.

11 Offhook Camp-on Enable Off-hook Camp-on when encountering a busy destination.

12 Group Pickup Enable stations for Group Call Pickup within ones own group.

13 Directed Station Pickup Enable stations to pick another specific ringing station.

14 Directed Group Call Pickup Enable stations to pick up a ringing station in a specified group.

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103 Class of Service

15 Directed DN Call Pickup Enable stations to pick up a specified DN.

16 Ext Call Pickup Enable stations to pick up any incoming trunk call.

17 Directed CO Call Pickup Enable stations to pick up a specific incoming trunk call.

18 Remote Retrieve Call Pickup Enable stations to retrieve any call placed on Hold at a designated
terminal (PDN).

19 DN Retrieve Call Pickup Enable stations to retrieve a held call on another DN.

20 Handsfree Override Permit stations to override Hands Free Answerback with Ringing mode.

21 Privacy Override Enable stations to override a private call.

23 Invoke Emergency Page Enable the Emergency Page feature.

Note Not used in Release 1.

24 Join Feature Enable the Join feature (Attendant Feature).

25 Through Dialing Enable the Perform Through Dialing (Attendant Feature).

26 Tandem CO Connection Set up a Trunk-to-Trunk connection.

27 Day/Night Control Enable Day/Night Mode changing privilege.

28 Ext BGM Control Permit BGM over external speakers to be turned on/off.

29 LCR Feature Enable access to LCR.

30 Individual Trunk Access Enable Dial individual trunk access codes to access specific lines.

31 Trunk Access Allowed Enable Access trunk groups by trunk access codes.

32 Forced Account Codes Use Forced Account Codes for placing external calls.

33 Verified Account Codes Verify Account Codes before an external call is placed.

34 Allow Short Hook Flash Use a Short Flash signal over outside lines.

35 Allow Long Hook Flash Use a Long Flash signal over outside lines.

36 Allow Hook Flash Receive hook flash over CO Lines, and enable telephones and voice
mail ports to perform hook flashes.

38 Can Receive OCA Permission for others to call this station using Off-hook Call Announce.

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104 System Timer

104 System Timer

Prerequisite Program: None
This command assigns the system timers. System timers set a variety of times to control calls and features
for the Strata CTX.
1. From the Program Menu click
System > System Timer. System
Timer Assignment screen displays
(shown right).
2. Select the desired timer value for
each of the 19 fields.
3. Click Submit.

01 ACB Callback Timer This is used for Internal busy calls. Select the Automatic Callback (ACB) timer. A
callback will be attempted for this specified amount of time before being cancelled.
Possible values: 5~180 sec. (default = 30)

02 ACB Cancel Recall Select the ACB overall timer value. This value establishes a limit for registering a
Timer callback. Once the timer expires, the callback will be cancelled.
Possible values: 5~180 min. (default = 30)

03 Park Recall Timer Select the Park timer value. This sets the length of time a call can remain in Park.
Possible values: 10~600 sec. (default = 120)

04 Camp-on Timer Select Camp-on timer value. This sets the time needed to remain off-hook prior to
Camp-on being automatically activated.
Possible values: 5~15 sec. (default = 10)

05 SMDR Valid Call Timer The length of time that a call should be active before being captured by SMDR. The
SMDR Answer timer sets a default time for when an outgoing call will be
considered to be answered for SMDR reporting when a true answer signal is not
returned from the public network. Setting the time short will include calls that may
not be completed, setting the time too long may exclude short calls that are
answered and terminated in a short time.
Possible values: 0~180 sec. (default = 10)

06 Tandem Timer #1 Select timer for a Trunk-to-trunk connection for which neither CO Line has release
supervision, a timer is needed to release the call if no user monitoring has taken
Possible values: 0~3600 sec. (default = 300)

07 Tandem Timer #2 This timer provides a time to allow an external user to dial a digit to extend the
disconnect time when the connection is unsupervised. This feature is used
primarily with DISA service.
Possible values: 0~180 (default = 30)

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104 System Timer

08 Call Forward No Ans The System Call Forward No Answer timer specifies the time period that a phone
Time will ring prior to invoking the Call Forward operation.
Possible values: 1~180 sec. (default = 30)

09 Dial Input Timer This timer permits dial input for a telephone and trunk using DTMF.
Possible values: 0~60 sec. (default = 20)

10 Delay 1 Ringing Timer This timer specifies the time to wait before applying ringing to the designated
Possible values: 1~60 sec. (default = 12)

11 Delay 2 Ringing Timer Select the time to wait before applying ringing to the designated phones.
Possible values: 1~60 sec. (default = 24)

12 Door Unlock Timer Select the length of time to send an electrical signal to a door for releasing the lock.
Possible values: 1~30 sec. (default = 6)

13 9+11 Judgement Timer The 9+11 Inter-digital timer provides a timing value (1~30 seconds) for the system
to wait for additional digits to be dialed looking for the 911 or 9+911 dialed codes
for treatment using the E911 procedures rather than normal dialing treatment.
Possible values: 1~30 sec. (default = 5)

14 Emergency Call Timer The Emergency Call timer sets a time for advancing the call to the next station in a
list of destinations for the call.
Possible values: 10~180 sec. (default = 30)

15 ABR Busy Detection The Destination Busy Detection timer sets the time to wait while looking for a busy
Time condition on an external call. If detected, it will trigger the initiation of the Automatic
Busy Redial cycle.
Possible values: 1~30 sec. (default = 5)

16 Lost Call Timer The Lost Call timer sets the time that a failed transfer recall will ring on the
originating station prior to attempting to recall a secondary location.
Possible values: 1~600 sec. (default = 180)

17 Lost Call Final Timer The Lost Call Final timer sets the time that a failed transfer recall will ring on the
secondary location before being automatically disconnected.
Possible values: 1~600 sec. (default = 30)

18 DTMF Tone Sending The DTMF tone sending duration for dialing on CO Lines.
Possible values: 80msec (default) or 160msec

19 Auto Disconnect Time after which an unsupervised trunk may be automatically released.
Possible values: 0~60 min. (default = 0)

23 System Timer Network This parameter is available only with CTX Release 1.3 or higher software and with
DSS Refresh Timer CTX WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher software.
Possible values: 20~180 seconds (default = 30)

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105 System Data

105 System Data

Prerequisite Program: None
This command assigns system settings for your Strata CTX.
1. From the Program Menu click
System > System Data. The
System Data Assignment screen
displays (shown right).
2. Enter System Parameter data
using the table below.
3. Click Submit.

01 Executive Override Enable break in warning tone for Executive Override.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

02 Station MOH Select MOH for private lines and stations.

Possible values: Quiet Tone, External 1 (default), External 2, External 3,
External 4, External 5, External 6, External 7, External 8,
External 9, External 10, External 11, External 12, External
13, External 14 or External 15

03 Ring Transfer Tone Select tones for the transferred party to hear after a ringing transfer takes
Possible values: RBT (default) or MOH

04 Transfer Privacy Transfer Privacy enabled: CO line buttons that have multiple appearances will
only flash and ring on the transferred-to telephone; the same CO line button on
other telephones will be red-busy.
Transfer Privacy Disabled: CO line buttons that have multiple appearances will
flash and ring on all telephones that have the CO line button appearance.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

05 Privacy Override Enable Privacy Override Attendant Monitor warning.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

06 Credit Card Code Enter Service Indentifier for Credit Card Calling. If no value is entered in this
field any previously programmed data is lost.
Possible values: Up to 32 digits (default = no value)

07 Credit Card Digits Enter the Minimum Dial Digits for Credit Card Calling.
Possible values: 1~66 (default = 21)

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105 System Data

08 E911 Service Enable E911 Service availability.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

09 DR Override by SSD Enable DR Override by System Speed Dial.

Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

10 Auto Station Release Enable Automatic Station Release.

Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

11 ISDN SPID Enable Auto Service Profile Identifier (SPID).

Possible values: Operable or Not Operable (default)

12 Night Mode Relay Assign BIOU Relay as the Night Relay. This relay activates when the system is
in the Night Mode.
Possible values: 0~8 (default = 0)
BIUO1 provides relays 1 to 4; BIUO2 provides relays 5 to 8
Note On CTX100 the ACTU built-in relay is programmed as relay 5. For this
operation, in Program 100 the BIOU2 must be installed in Cabinet 2,
Slot 5, PCB code 20.

13 BGM External Paging Set the External Page Group Number that includes the external paging zones
to which BGM will be sent. See Program 503
Possible values: 0~4 (CTX100)
0~8 (CTX670 Basic)
0~16 (CTX670 Expanded) (default = 0)

14 Lost Call Destination Enter Lost Call Destination. If no value is entered in this field any previously
programmed data is lost.
Possible values: Up to 5 digits (default = no value)

15 COS Override Code Select Class of Service Override Code.
Possible values: 1~8 (default = 1)

16 Multi-Conference Enable Multi-Conference capabilities for Analog Internal Calls and Outgoing
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

17 Caller Number Display Enable Caller Number Display. If a soft key display competes with a Caller ID,
the Caller ID displays.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

18 Night Bell Relay Assign BIOU Relay as the Night Bell Relay; this relay activates whenever Night
Ringing takes place.
Possible values: 0~8 (default = 0)
BIUO1 provides relays 1 to 4; BIUO2 provides relays 5 to 8
Note On CTX100 the ACTU built-in relay is programmed as relay 5. For this
operation, in Program 100 the BIOU2 must be installed in Cabinet 2
Slot 5, PCB code 20.

19 Display Preference Select Display Preference.

Possible values: DNIS (default) or Caller ID

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105 System Data

20 Transit Counter Select the Networking Transit Counter. This device limits the number of nodes
through which a QSIG call can pass before being terminated as a lost call.
Possible values: 0~128 (default = 1)

21 Primary Clock Enter data as xxyyzz.

22 Secondary Clock zz=channel 01 if clock source is RPTU or RDTU
zz=channel 01, 02, 03 , or 04 if clock source is RBUU/RBUS or RBSU
Example: If the Primary Clock Source should be a assigned to an RPTU in
cabinet 5, slot 2, enter 050201.
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each Expansion
Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots.
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots.

23 Call History Prefix 1 Add the dialing prefix 1 when using the callback feature in Call History.
Possible values: Add (default) or Do Not Add

24 Emergency Digits Sent Enter an alternative emergency dialing string. If no value is entered in this field
any previously programmed value is overwritten.
Possible values: Up to 5 digits (default = 911)

25 DP Make Ratio Select the Dial Pulse Make/Break ratio.

Possible values: 33% (default) or 40%

26 Call Button Jumping Select whether to execute Jumping LED.

Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable
If enabled, line calls move from a telephone DN button to a line button after
they are answered. After answering the call, the DN button is cleared to
receive another call.
With this operation the DN acts as an answer button for the telephone. This
operation only applies if the line that is answered has a button (CO/GCO/
Pooled) appearance on the telephone.
If disabled, line calls remain on the DN after they are answered.

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System Call Forward

System Call Forward

Programs Used: 500 and 504
Set up System Call Forward (SCF) parameters using the following programs.
1. Complete the System Call Forward
Record Sheets on page D-6.
2. From the Program Menu, click System >
System Call Forward. The System Call
Forward Destination screen displays
(shown right).
3. Enter Program 500 data.
4. Enter Program 504 data.
5. Click Submit.

500 System Call Forward Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
This assignment is used to configure up to 32 system call forward patterns. Station DNs are assigned to
these patterns in the station COS assignments.
Note The Administrator programs the condition of transfer by setting Call Type, Period and Telephone
Status. Destinations 1 and 2 should be programmed after transfer conditions are set.

00 SCF Number Select the SCF pattern number to configure.
Possible values: 1~4 (CTX100), 1~10 (CTX670 Basic),
1~32 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)

01 Call Type Select the type of call that should forward in this pattern.
Possible values: CO Loop or Grd, DID, Tie, Ring Transfer and Internal
(default = no value)

02 Period Select the system time period in which this SCF pattern should operate.
Possible values: Day1, Day2 or Night (default = no value)

03 Telephone Status Select the telephone DN status that should cause this SCF pattern to operate.
Possible values: Busy, No Answer, Busy No Answer or DND (default = no value)

04 Destination 1 Select the first destination to which the call should forward.
Possible values: Up to 32 digits (default = no value)

05 Destination 2 Select an alternate destination to which the call should forward.

Possible values: Up to 32 digits (default = no value)

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System Call Forward

504 System Call Forward Operation Status

Prerequisite Program: None
This command assigns System Call Forward (SCF) Type for the pattern.
00 SCF Number Select the SCF pattern number to configure.
Possible values: 1~4 (CTX100), 1~10 (CTX670 Basic),
1~32 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)

01 Telephone Status Select the status or state in which the telephone should be for this system call
forward pattern to activate.
Possible values: No Data (default), Busy, No Answer, Busy No Answer or DND

System Call Forward Copy

The copy function enables you to selectively copy SCF destinations to any or all SCF segments and any or
all SCF templates. It combines Program 500 and Program 504 on the same screen.
Note They were separate screens in previous versions of CTX WinAdmin.
1. Select System > System Call Forward > a SCF template (1-32) and then a Telephone Status (example
Busy No Answer). The System Call Forward screen displays (shown above) showing the status of the
first available call forwarding system.
2. Select the needed values from the drop-down menus for the System Call Forward and Telephone Status
fields. These fields are required. As soon as the second field is selected, the full page displays for
Note If it is not yet configured, the Telephone Status field indicates No Forwarding.
3. Select Call Type and Period by highlighting the desired line in the display.
4. Type the needed information into the Destination 1 and 2 fields. Destination 1 is always required,
Destination 2 is optional.
5. Click Submit to send the data to the CTX.
6. Click Submit to send the destination assignments to the CTX
...or click Copy to display the Copy dialog box. You can click on Copy at any time to copy Destinations
to any SCF template, Call type and period, including all SCF segments and templates.

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System Call Forward Table View

Copy Dialog Box

To copy SCF Destinations to any selected SCF assignment
click Copy on the System Call Forward screen. The System
Call Forward Range Copy screen displays (shown right).

To select the Destination(s) that should be copied

1. You can remove a destination entry by removing the
checkmark from it.
2. Select the appropriate Period, Call type, Status and SCF
assignments to which the destination(s) should be copied.
3. Click Copy Now. Your entries are submitted to the CTX
and the destination(s) are copied to all assignments that you

Possible Errors
If you attempt to remove Destination1 (only) when there is a Destination2 assigned.
If you attempt to assign Destination2 when Destination1 is not assigned.

If you check Prompt on Error, the copy function stops if one of the above errors occurs, then you are
given a choice to continue or abort. Continue skips the error and does not perform the copy.
If you do not check Prompt on Error, all errors, if any, are skipped and the copy is not executed.
You can assign or remove both destinations at the same time without causing an error.

System Call Forward Table View

SCF Table View shows the entire set up of
all available system call forward levels.

To access the SCF Table View

Select System > SCF Table View.

Note You can sort the table by clicking

on any of the individual column

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501 System Speed Dial

501 System Speed Dial

Prerequisite Program: None
System Speed Dial consists of up to 800 pre-programmed numbers each containing up to 32 digits. If the
number being entered exceeds the 32 digits, the next speed dial location will automatically be appended to
create longer numbers. One other speed dial location can be nested within the number for dialing a
common routine with the number (see 516 Station Speed Dial on page 5-29 for more information about
1. Complete the System Speed Dial
Record Sheet on page D-7.
2. From the Program Menu, click System >
System Speed Dial. The System Speed
Dial screen displays (shown right).
3. Enter Program 501 data.
4. Click Submit.

00 Speed Dial Bin Enter the speed dial bin location.
Possible values: 000~799 (default = no value)

01 Number This is the dialable number stored in the speed dial bin.
Possible values: Up to 32 digits, 0~9, *, # and Pauses (default = no value)
To enter pauses enter Px, where x equals 1~9 (seconds), which is the length of
the pause.

02 Name This is the Name that appears on Telephone LCD dial directories.
Possible values: Up to 8 ASCII characters (default = no value)

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Day Night Service

Day Night Service

Programs Used: 112, 106 and 113
The programs that follow are used to set up Day and Night modes in Strata CTX.
1. Complete the Day/Night Mode
Record Sheet on page D-8.
2. From the Program Menu click
System > Day Night Services. The
Day Night Mode Assignment
screen displays (shown right).
3. Enter the Calendar Day
(YYYYMMDD) to assign a
Working Day Type schedule
...or click on one of the following
List View a summary list of
programmed Calendar days.
Create Assign a new Calendar
Day with custom settings.
Copy Copies the currently
viewed record to another record(s).
4. Enter remaining Program 112 data.
5. Enter Program 106 data.
6. Enter Program 113 data.
7. Click Submit.

112 Day/Night Mode Calendar
Prerequisite Program: 106 on page 4-20
This program enables you to assign Working Day Types for up to 128 unique Calendar Days. These
settings override the default system schedules in Strata CTX to enable Day/Night scheduling for unique
00 Calendar Day Enter the Calendar Day for which to assign a Working Day Type schedule.
Possible values: YYYY = Year, MM = Month, DD = Day (default = no value)

01 Working Day Type Select the Working Day Type.

Possible values: Delete (default), Work Day, Non-Work Day or Holiday

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Day Night Service

106 Day/Night Mode Type of Day Mapping Table Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 113 on page 4-20
The Day of the Week schedule defines each day as the type of day the schedule shall follow. These types of
days are called Work Day, Non-work Day, and Holiday. Each day of the week can be classified.
01 Monday Assign the type of day schedule that is to be used for each day of the week.

02 Tuesday Possible values: Work Day (default), Non-work Day or Holiday

03 Wednesday

04 Thursday

05 Friday

06 Saturday Assign the type of day schedule that is to be used for each day of the weekend.

07 Sunday Possible values: Work Day, Non-work Day (default) or Holiday

113 Day/Night Mode Daily Schedule Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
The Day/Night Mode daily schedule defines the times for the start of the Work Day, Non-work Day, and
Holiday for each of the modes (Day, Day2. Night). Each type of day defined in 106 Day/Night Mode
Type of Day Mapping Table Assignment on page 4-20 requires an assigned schedule. Complete Day/
Night Mode Record Sheet on page D-8.
Note The start time for Day 1 mode equals the end time for Night mode.

Work Day Enter the Day1, Day2 and Night Mode start time for Work Day day type.

01 Day 1 Mode Possible values: hhmm; hh = hour (00~23, 99), mm = minutes (00~59, 99)
(default = 9999)
02 Day2 Mode
Note 9999 deletes or skip modes.
03 Night Mode

Non-Work Day Enter the Day1, Day2 and Night Mode start times for Non-Work Day day type.

04 Day 1 Mode Possible values: hhmm; hh = hour (00~23, 99), mm = minutes (00~59, 99)
(default = 9999)
05 Day2 Mode
Note Enter 9999 deletes or skip modes.
06 Night Mode

Holiday Enter the Day1, Day2 and Night Mode start times for Holiday Day day type.

07 Day 1 Mode Possible values: hhmm; hh = hour (00~23, 99), mm = minutes (00~59, 99)
(default = 9999)
08 Day2 Mode
Note 9999 deletes or skip modes.
09 Night Mode

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PAD Table

PAD Table
Programs Used: 107, 108 and 114
Assign PAD groups, PAD Tables and PAD Conference Tables using these programs.
1. From the Program Menu click System >
PAD Table. The PAD Table Assignment
screen displays (shown right).
2. Enter Program 107 data.
3. Enter Program 108 data.
4. Enter Program 114 data.
5. Click Submit.
Note Clicking *Note displays Table 4-9 for
Program 107 and Table 4-10 for Program

107 PAD Table Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
Assigns additional Sender and Receiver PAD values to PAD groups in the PAD table.
01 Sender PAD Device Enter Sender PAD Device Number from PAD Table.

Possible values: Up to 3 digits. 101~132 (CTX670 Expanded),
101~110 (CTX670)
101~106 (CTX100),(default = no value), see Table 4-9 below.

02 Receiver PAD Device Enter Receiver PAD Device Number from PAD Table.
Possible values: Up to 3 digits. 101~132 (CTX670 Expanded),
101~110 (CTX670)
101~106 (CTX100)
(default = no value), see Table 4-9 below.

03 PAD Loss Enter PAD Value (See Table 4-9 below, or click on the drop down menu). The
value shown shows the net effect.
Note To pad is to insert loss; therefore, negative loss equals net gain.
Possible values: 1 = 6 dB Net Gain, 2 = 3dB Net Gain, 3 = 0dB, 4 = 3dB Net
Loss, 5 = 6dB Net Loss, 6 = 9dB Net Loss, 7 = 12dB Net Loss
or 8 = 15dB Net Loss (default = no value).

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PAD Table

Table 4-9 PAD Table

PAD Device Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 101 102 131 132

Receiver (Listener)
PAD Device Number

Analog Telephone

PAD Group 31

PAD Group 32
Music Source
Analog Trunk

CONF Bridge

PAD Group 1

PAD Group 2
ISDN Station

Ext. Paging
ISDN Trunk

Sender (Speaker)

T1 Trunk

1 Analog Telephone 0 0 0 6 6 6 X - 0 0
2 DKT 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 - 0 0
3 Analog Trunk 0 0 6 6 6 6 X - 6 0
4 T1 Trunk 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 - 6 3
5 ISDN Station 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 - 6 3
6 ISDN Trunk 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 - 6 3
7 Conference Bridge (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 0
8 Music Source 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Ext. Paging 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0
10 IPT -6 0 -6 0 0 0 -6 - -6 0
101 PAD Group 1
102 PAD Group 2
: :
131 PAD Group 31
132 PAD Group 32
Note X data set for PAD Conference table Assignment

108 PAD Group Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
You can enter up to 32 additional devices to the PAD table to deal with exceptions to the default table.
00 PAD Group Device Type Enter the Device Type from Table 4-10 below.
Possible values: Up to 6 digits.
x = Device Type; yyyyy = Device number
(default = no value)

01 PAD Group Number Enter the PAD Group Number

Possible values: 0~6 (CTX100), 0~6 (CTX100 Basic), 0~32 (CTX670 Exp.),
(default = 0)

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PAD Table

Table 4-10 PAD Group Device Type Examples

Device Name Device Number Example
DKT, SLT, ISDN, Station 1 0~99999 (PDN) if DKT device = 200, value = 1200.
ISDN Trunk 2 1~128 (Channel Group Number) if Channel Group # = 10, value = 210.
Analog Trunk, T1 Trunk 3 1~264 (Trunk Number) if Trunk # = 120, value = 3120.
Conference Bridge none (Conference Bridge is only value = 4.
Music Source 5 1~15 (Music Port) if Music port = 8, value = 58.
External Paging Device 6 1~8 (Zone Relay Number) if External Paging Device = 3, value = 63.

114 PAD Conference Assignment

This program enables you to assign PAD values for combinations of analog trunks and telephones in
01 PAD Conference Enter the number of analog trunks using Table 4-11 PAD Conference Table
Trunks on page 4-23.
Possible values: 0~6 (default = 0)

02 PAD Conference Enter the number of analog telephones. See Table 4-11 below.
Possible values: 0~8 (default = 0)

03 PAD Conference Value Enter the desired PAD Value for the combination of analog trunks and
telephones specified in PAD Conference Trunks and Telephones above. The
value shown shows the net effect.
Note To pad is to insert loss; therefore, negative loss equals net gain.

Possible values: 1 = 6 dB Net Gain, 2 = 3dB Net Gain, 3 = 0dB, 4 = 3dB Net
Loss, 5 = 6dB Net Loss, 6 = 9dB Net Loss, 7 = 12dB Net
Loss or 8 = 15dB Net Loss (default = no value).

Table 4-11 PAD Conference Table

Number of Analog Telephones

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 6
1 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 6
Number of Analog

2 3 3 3 3 3 6 6
3 6 6 6 6 6 9
4 9 9 9 9 9

5 9 9 9 9
6 9 9 9

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110 Password

110 Password
Prerequisite Program: None
This command assigns the password. The system has two passwords levels for. Logging into the system
with the Level 1 password enables the user to administer all system programs while the level 2 password
provides restricted program administration.
1. From the Program Menu click System >
2. Enter 00 Password Level.
3. Enter 01 Password.
4. Click Submit.

00 Password Level Enter the digit 1 or 2 for the password as follows:
Possible values: Enter 1 to set the unrestricted administration password.
Enter 2 to set a restricted administration password.
Level 2 users can administer all programs but are restricted from
initializing the CTX and from updating the CTX software
(default = no value).

01 Password Enter the desired password.

Note Only one password can be set for each level.
Possible values: Up to 16 ASCII character (default = no value)

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109 Music on Hold

109 Music on Hold

Prerequisite Program: None
This command assigns external Music on Hold (MOH) and Background Music (BGM) sources.
1. From the Program Menu click
System > Music on Hold. The
External Music on Hold Source
Assignment screen displays
(shown right).
2. For fields 01~07, click in the
adjacent radio button to activate
3. For fields 08~15, enter the
equipment location identifier and
check the Connected box to
4. Click Submit.

MOH/BGM #1 (BECU) For MOH/BGM #1~#7, click in the radio button to enable MOH/BGM for the
specified PCB.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable





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109 Music on Hold

MOH/BGM #8 (RSTU) Enter the RSTU equipment number to which MOH/BGM source #8 or #9~#15
are connected. Enter data as xxyyzz:
Example: If the MOH/BGM source should be a assigned to an RSTU in cabinet
MOH/BGM #10 (RSTU) 5, slot 2, circuit 3; enter 050203.

MOH/BGM #11 (RSTU) A PDN can not be assigned to an RSTU equipment number if it is to be a MOH
circuit. If a PDN is assigned to the circuit that will connect to a MOH/BGM
MOH/BGM #12 (RSTU) source, you must first delete it using PRG201

MOH/BGM #13 (RSTU) Cabinet numbers:

CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each Expansion
MOH/BGM #15 (RSTU) cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots.
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots.

A PDN can not be assigned to an RSTU equipment number if it is to be a
MOH circuit.
If a PDN is assigned to an MOH/BGM circuit, you must first delete the PDN
using PRG201

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I/O Device

I/O Device
Programs Used: 803, 801 and 804
These commands assign LAN devices, RS-232C devices and device relationships for I/O Logical Devices
SMDR, SMDI, CTI and physical ports.
1. From the Program Menu click
System > I/O Device. The
Equipment Assignment screen
displays (shown right).
2. Enter Program 803 data.

803 SMDR SMDI CTI Port Assignments

This program assigns one of the following:
SMDR and Toshiba Proprietary Integration (TPI) to the logical device and BSIS, RS-232 port numbers.
WinAdmin, ACD server, TPI and Attendant Console to BECU, Network Jack logical device and LAN
port numbers.
00 Logical Device Number Select the 3 digit logical device number for SMDR, SMDI, and LAN devices or Network
application. See Table 4-12.

Possible values: 100 = SMDR
200~208 = CTI LAN devices or PCs (default = no value)
300 = SMDI of TPI
400 = BLF (for CTX Attendant Console)
500 = DSS (for Telephone, DSS Console, and ADM DSS buttons)
Note BLF and DSS are available only with CTX Release 1.3 or higher software and
with CTX WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher software.

01 Device Connection 1. Select RS-232 for SMDR or SMDI devices or PCs. These devices are connected to
BSIS, RS-232 ports.
2. Select LAN for WinAdmin, ACD Server, TPI, and Attendant Console PC. These
devices are connected to the BECU Network Jack directly or via a HUB or LAN.
Possible values: None (default), LAN or RS-232

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I/O Device

Device Port No. Select the Device Port numbers (one port per device).
Possible values: For a RS-232 connection: 1~4 (default = 1)
For an LAN connection: 1~9 (default = 1)
For BLF Networking: 11
For DSS Networking: 12
SMDR and SMDI devices can be assigned to any BSIS RS-232 Port.
BLF and DSS are available only with CTX Release 1.3 or higher software and with
CTX WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher software.
LAN devices and PCs can be assigned to logical Ports 1~9 according to the
following logical device number assignments:
LAN Port1 = device 200
LAN Port2 = device 201
LAN Port3 = device 202
LAN Port4 = device 203
LAN Port5 = device 204
LAN Port6 = device205
LAN Port7 = device206
LAN Port8 = device207

Table 4-12 Device Table

Physical Device Define I/O

Logical Logical Device Logical
Device Serial Number Smart Device
Media Number
SMDR 0 - - OK - 100
0 OK - - - 200
1 OK - - - 201
2 OK - - - 202
3 OK - - - 203
CTI 4 OK - - - 204
5 OK - - - 205
6 OK - - - 206
7 OK - - - 207
8 OK - - - 208
0 OK - OK - 300
1 OK - OK - 301

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I/O Device

801 Network Jack LAN Device Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 803 on page 4-27 and 804 on page 4-30.
This screen assigns Strata CTX LAN
parameters, enabling PC applications
to connect to the BECU network jack.
1. From the Program Menu click
System > I/O Device. The
Equipment Assignment screen
2. Click the LAN Device tab. 801
Network Jack LAN Device
Assignments screen displays
(shown right).
3. Enter Program 801 data. 6538

00 LAN Port Number Enter the port number of the LAN device to be assigned. Refer to 803 SMDR SMDI
CTI Port Assignments on page 4-27.
Possible values: 1~12 (default = no value)

Program the local port number for LCD Control of Voice Mail
Use the same Device Port No. (11) for Network BLF.
Use 10 for Network TPI
Use 12 for Network DSS
Network BLF and DSS are available only with CTX Release 1.3 or higher software
and with CTX WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher software.

01 Protocol Select communication Protocol.
Possible values: TCP (default) or UDP
Note Select UDP for Network DSS.

02 PC Operation Type Select the Operation Type.

If Server is selected, enter 04 Server Port Number.
If Client is selected, enter the 05 Client IP Address.
Possible values: Server (default) or Client
Note Select Client for TPI.

03 Data Flow Select the data flow protocol for CTX and PC communications.
Note If the logical device set up in 803 SMDR SMDI CTI Port Assignments on
page 4-27 is set to CTI, this field must be set to Asynchronous data flow.
Possible values: Synchronization or Asynchronization (default = Asynchronization)

04 Server Port Number Enter the Server Port Number and proceed to 07 Read Retry Number. This field is
required if Server was selected in 02 PC Operation Type above. If not, leave this field
blank and proceed to 05 Client IP Address.
Possible values: 0~65535 (default = 0)
Note Use 6000 for Network BLF, 3000 for Network DSS and 5000 for Network TPI.

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I/O Device

05~08 Client IP Enter the Client LAN IP Address. This field is required if Client was selected in 02 PC
Address Operation Type above.
Possible values: 0~255 for each octet (default = 0)
Note Enter IP address of Stratagy iES32 or SES.

09 Client Port Number Enter the Client Port number. This field is required if Client was selected in 02 PC
Operation Type above.
Possible values: 0~65535 (default = 0)

10 Read Retry Number Select the Read Retry counter.

Possible values: 0~10 (default = 1)

11 Write Retry Number Select the Write Retry counter.

Possible values: 0~10 (default = 1)

804 BSIS RS-232 Serial Port Setup

Prerequisite Program: None
Use this screen to setup the RS-232
serial ports on the BSIS PCB.
1. From the Program Menu click
System > I/O Device. The
Equipment Assignment screen
2. Click the RS232 Serial Port tab. 804
BSIS RS232 Serial Port Set Up
screen displays (shown right).
3. Enter Program 804 data.
4. Click Submit.
00 BSIS Port (1~4) Enter the BSIS PCB port number.
Possible values: 1~4 (default = no value)

01 Port Speed Select the data speed for the BSIS port in bits per second (bps).
Possible values: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (default), 19200, 38400 or 57600
Note The total combined maximum speed of BSIS ports cannot exceed 57,600 bps.

02 Port Parity Select the parity error checking method used by the BSIS port.
Possible values: None, Even or Odd (default)

03 Data Bits Select Data Length.

Possible values: 7 Bits (default) or 8 Bits

04 Flow Control This setting indicates the type of flow control used between the BSIS port and the SMDI or
SMDR device. To enable Strata CTX to buffer call records, set this field to Flow.
Possible values: None (default) or Flow

05 Wait Timer Select the maximum time to wait for connection. The Timer value can be one through 255
seconds. Select 0 to set to permanent waiting.
Possible values: 0~255 (default = 30)

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115 Advisory Messages

115 Advisory Messages

Prerequisite Program: None
This command specifies a set of messages that users may apply to their telephone to provide status
information when others call your station. These messages can be customized to include a directory
number, time or date as part of the message.
1. From the Program Menu click
System > Advisory Messages. The
Advisory Message Assignment
screen displays (shown right).
2. Select the Message Number.
3. Enter the desired message in 01
4. Select 02 Additional Digits Type.
5. Click Submit.

Message Number Select from 5 pre-programmed messages or 5 custom messages. See Table
4-13 below for details.
Possible values: 0~4 = pre programmed messages, 5~9 = custom messages
(default = 0)

01 Message Enter the Advisory Message to be displayed on the receiving parties LCD.

Possible values: Up to 16 ASCII characters (default = no value)

02 User Entered Variable Select the type of Additional Digits that can be appended to complete the
Advisory Message. The total message cannot exceed 16 characters total.
Possible values: None (default), DN, Time or Date

Table 4-13 Advisory Message Default Code Table

# Advisory Message Type of Additional

2 CALL Directory Number
3 BACK AT Time
5 (No Data) None
6 (No Data) None
7 (No Data) None
8 (No Data) None
9 (No Data) None

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116 Data Initialize

116 Data Initialize

Prerequisite Program: None
This program is used to initialize the tables of selected programs in the Strata CTX system.
1. From the Program Menu click
System > Data Initialize. The Data
Initialize screen displays (shown
2. Select a Program to initialize from
the 01 Command No. dialog box.
3. Click Submit.

Table 4-14 Data Initialize Programs

Program Name Page #
500 500 System Call Forward Assignment 4-15
520 520 LCR Local Route Plan Assignment 9-8
521 521 LCR Route Plan Digit Analysis Assignment 9-9
522 522 LCR Exception Number Route Plans 9-9
523 523 LCR Route Plan Schedule Assignment 9-12
524 524 Route Table to Route Definition Assignment 9-10
525 525 LCR Route Definition Assignment 9-11
526 526 Modified Digits Table Assignment 9-11
527 527 LCR Holiday Table 9-14
529 529 LCR Route Plan Time Zone Assignment 9-14
530 530 DR LCR Screening Table Assignment 9-19
531 531 DR Screening Table for OLG 9-20
533 533 DR Level Table Assignment 9-21
534 534 DRL Exception Table Assignment 9-22
651 651 Private Routing Plan Analysis 9-41
653 653 Private Route Choice Table Assignment 9-42
654 654 Private Route Definition Table Assignment 9-42
655 655 Private Network Digit Modification Table Assignment 9-42

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Station 5

This chapter provides Strata CTX station programming information for programmers using the CTX
WinAdmin programming interface.

Programs Used: 200, 204, 214, 205, 213, 215, 208, 210, 216 and 502
The following programs assign station data.

Basic/200 Station Data

Prerequisite Program: 100 on page 4-1
This command assigns stations to the system.
1. Use the Basic Station Record Sheets on page D-11 to record your desired Station settings.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Station > Assignment.
3. Click on the Basic tab (shown
4. Enter a DN number in the
Primary DN field
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed DNs.
Extended List view a
detailed list of programmed

Create Assign a new DN
with custom settings by
entering a DN value. Press
OK, assign the PDN
Equipment No. and click
Selective Copy Enter a DN in the Primary DN field and click Selective Copy to make a new DN
assignment with settings copied from the DN entered in the Primary DN field.
Delete Enter a Primary DN or a range of Primary DNs to delete and click OK.
Change DN Enter a DN in the Primary DN field and click Change DN. Enter the new DN
assignment and click OK.

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5. Setup the DN by adding values to the remaining fields.

6. Click Submit.

01 PDN Equipment No. Enter the PDN equipment number (xxyyzz). This is the cabinet, slot, and circuit
number of the ADKU, BDKU/BDKS, PDKU, or RSTU interface PCB to which the the
PDN is, or should be assigned.
Example: If the PDN should be a assigned to a BDKU in cabinet 5, slot 2, circuit 3;
enter 050203.
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots.
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots.

02 Station Type Select Station Type.

Possible values: DKT (default) or SLT

03 Circuit Type Select Extension or Assign Voice Mail attributes to analog circuits
Possible values: Extension (default) or Voice Mail
Extension Should be assigned to PDNs that are associated with Digital or
Standard telephones.
Voice Mail Should be assigned to PDNs associated with Voice Mail circuits.

04 COS Day1 Assign COS to Day1, Day 2 and Night modes.

Day2 Possible values: 1~32 (default = 1)

05 DRL Day1 DRL for DAY1, Day 2 and Night

Day2 Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

06 FRL Day1 Assign FRL to Day1, Day 2 and Night modes. The higher the FRL number, the
more trunk access is available.
Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

07 LCR Group Station LCR Group Number

Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

08 QPL Day1 QPL for Day1, Day 2 and Night modes.

Day2 Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

09 Station Name Enter Station Name to be displayed on LCD.

Possible values: Up to eight ASCII characters (default = no value)

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10 Call Waiting Tone Select desired waiting tone for Offhook Campon.
Possible values: None (default), Singular or Continuity

11 Dialing Progress Select type of Tone to hear after dialing LCR access code
Possible values: Dial Tone (default), Entry Tone or Silence

12 System Call Select the System Call Forward Group number.

Possible values: 0~4 (CTX100), 0~10 (CTX670 Basic), 0~32 (CTX670 Exp.),
(default = 0)

13 Call Pickup The station privilege to activate Call Pickup.

Possible values: Permitted (default), Group Only or Not Permitted

14 Bearer Capability ISDN Bearer Capability the PSTN is expecting from non ISDN stations.
Possible values: 3.1kHzAudio (default) or Speech

15 Display DN Enter the number to be displayed on the calling telephone that rings this PDN
number. This number is will be overridden by Program 209, 04 (if assigned) and if
the PDN is in a hunt group.
Possible values: Up to 5 ASCII characters (default = no value)

16 Caller Emergency Enter the E911 Calling Party Information identifier for this station (CESID).
Service Identification
Possible values: Up to 16 digits (default = no value), however CESID should be 10
digits or less for Centralized Automatic Message Accounting
(CAMA) E911 trunk. PRI E911 allows upto 16 digits.

17 Emergency Call Enter the Emergency call group that this station belongs to.
Possible values: 1~8 (default = 1)

18 Remote CF/DND Enter password to set or cancel DND or station Call Forward from another CTX
Password station; or, for Call Forward only, from a external DSIA line.
Possible values: Up to 4 ASCII characters (default = no value)
Note DND can not be set/canceled remotely from a DISA line.

19 VMID Code SMDI Enter the voice mail box number that should answer calls when this PDN calls voice
mail; or, when this PDN is called and then forwards to voice mail (this number is
prefixed by codes in Program 579, 11~16)
Possible values: Digits 0~9, * and #, up to 10 characters (default = no value).

Note This VMID code is sent to the voice mail device in SMDI packets or DTMF
tones on direct calls to voice mail from the PDN; and on calls to the PDN
that forward to voice mail. See Program 580 for SMDI or DTMF choice.

22 MW to VM Port Enter the Message Waiting center DN. For Remote CTXs, assign message center
including Node IP for TPI integration. This parameter enables Call Record function
Possible values: Up to 7 ASCII characters (default = no value)

23 Travelling COS Enable this station with the privilege to change the Travelling COS Override Code.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

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24 TGAC Override1 Enable Trunk Group Access Code (TGAC) override (for Attendant console) from
this station.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

25 Service Tones Disable Service Tone for Data Privacy.

Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable
Note Service tone such as Call Waiting should be disabled for modems, faxes,
and similar devices.

26 CW and ROB Tone Enable/Disable the station to receive Call Waiting (Campon) and Ring Over Busy
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

CW tone is always two beeps.
ROB tone can be two beeps or continuous as set in PRG 204, 27.

27 Name Display Enable this station with the privilege to put the user name in the Directory
Assistance display of a large LCD.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

28 Door Ovr DND Enable DND override by door phone.

Possible values: Override or Do not Override (default)

30 Chg Sys Speed Enable this station to use System Speed Dial.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

31 Network COS Select Network COS value.

Possible values: 1~32 (default = 1)

32 Auto OCA OCA occurs automatically when making a call to a busy station that allows OCA
calls to be received.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default = Enable)

33 Originate OCA Enable this station with the privilege to make OCA calls to other stations.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

34 RSTU Supervision This enables the auto disconnect Tandem timer in Program 104, FB06 for these
types of Connections.
Possible values: Received (default) or Not Received
Possible values: Devices connected to RSTU circuits that do not automatically
hang up, and connect to CO lines that do not provide disconnect
supervision, should be set with Not Received.

35 Station SpDial Bins The number of station speed dial bins allocated to this station:
Possible values: 0~100 (default = 0)

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39 CO Park & Hold You can enable or disable CO Park and Hold.
Note This feature is available for CTX Software version R1.03 or higher.
Enabled: When this station parks a line call, CO or GCO buttons of the parked line
that appear on other stations will be on hold. This will allow the other stations to
press the CO or GCO button to pickup the parked call.
Disabled: When this station parks a line call, CO or GCO buttons of the parked line
that appear on other stations will appear busy. This will prevent the other stations to
press the CO or GCO button to pickup the parked call.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

40 MW/DND This feature is available only with CTX Release 1.3 or higher software and with CTX
WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher software.
Enable: This station will receive stuttered dial tone when it has a station-to-station
or Voice Mail message waiting, or if it has set DND. This feature is available with
Strata CTX R1.3 software.
Disable: This station will receive normal dial tone when it has a station-to-station or
Voice Mail message waiting, or if it has set DND.

41 Activate Message This feature is available only with CTX Release 1.3 or higher software and with CTX
Waiting WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher software.
Enable: This station is allowed to activate station-to-station message waiting on
other stations by dialing the other station number plus 7, 8 or 9; or, by pressing the
Msg key. This feature is available with Strata CTX R1.3 software.
Disable: This station cannot activate station-to-station message waiting on other
stations by dialing the station number plus 7, 8 or 9.

When disabled, digital telephones are still allowed to activate station-to-station
message waiting by pressing the Msg button.
This parameter does not apply to Voice Mail ports to use the special Message
Waiting access codes.


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Station PDN Selective Copy

This screen provides you the option of selecting either all or some of the parameters to be copied to the
destination PDNs.
Using this screen you can do any of the following functions:
Copy to multiple destination PDNs.
Check All to highlight all the
parameters to be copied.
...or select individual/multiple
parameter(s) to be copied.
1. Select Station > Assignments. Enter the
Primary DN.
2. Click Submit > Copy. The Selective
Copy screen displays (shown right).
3. Check Highlight All to highlight all the
parameters to be copied.
...or select individual/multiple
parameter(s) to be copied.

Note If you want to copy almost all items

and leave out a few, you can check Highlight All and then click on the items that you dont want to
copy to deselect them.

4. Click Copy Now to start the copying process.

5. When copy is complete, a dialog box displays that reads End of Copy!

Note You can return to the previous page and/or reselect copy to different destination PDNs by clicking

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Station Extended List

The Extended List displays the following parameters that are set in Program 200Station Equipment
Number, DKT/SLT, Extension/Voice Mail, Primary DN, User Name, PDN VMID, COS, DRL, FRL, LCR
Group, System Call Forward Template, Network COS and the quantity of Station Speed Dial bins.

To access the extended list

Select Station > Assignments > Extended List.
The Extended List spreadsheet displays after it downloads from the CTX (sample shown below). This
takes some time depending on the CTX connection speed and database size.

The screen may be kept up and moved around to use as a reference and can be printed. The Extended
List spreadsheet can be sorted by all 19 columns and sorting can be toggled between Ascending and
Descending order. The entire table can be printed using the Print button on the screen.


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204 DKT Parameters

Prerequisite Program: 200 on page 5-1
This command is used to set up DKT digital telephones station parameters.
1. Use the DKT Parameters Record Sheet on page D-12 to record your desired DKT settings.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Station > Assignment.
3. Click on the DKT tab (shown
4. Enter a DN number in the
Primary DN field
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed DKTs.
PDN Table View view a
detailed list of programmed
Selective Copy Enable you
to copy some or all of the
parameters to the destination PDNs.
5. Setup the DKT by adding values to the remaining fields.
6. Click Submit.
01 Station Type Select the Station Type. When set to Attendant, the system can support four
Possible values: Extension (default) or Attendant

02 Key Strip Pattern This option allows you select a pre-defined keystrip pattern and submit it to the
digital telephone. It does not display what pre-defined keystrip (if any) has been
assigned to the telephone.
Use the Key tab screen to view or edit telephone keystrip assignments.

CAUTION! Submitting a keystrip pattern will overwrite existing keys

programmed on a telephone.

Default key strip patterns for digital telephones. The selected Pattern is applied to
the Key Strip Type parameter.
None applies PDN to button 01 and blank to all other buttons.
Pattern 1 applies PDN to button 01, plus line buttons and DND.
Pattern 2 applies PDN to button 01, plus line buttons, One-Touch buttons and
Pattern 3 applies PDN to button 01 and blank to all other buttons. (DKT3014 uses
only Pattern 1 or None).
Possible values: Pattern 1, 2 or None (default)

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03 Key Strip Type Select the number of feature buttons to assign to this station.
Note Although the scroll down menu enables you to choose any value from
1~24, valid values are 10, 14 and 20.
Possible values: 1, 3, 10, 14 or 20 (default)

04 Add on Modules Select the number of Add On Modules (ADM) assigned to this station. This field is
required if you want to program ADM FBs in Program 213. See Key on page 5-16.
Possible values: None (default), 1 unit, or 2 units

05 Tone First /Voice Set PDN to have Tone First or Voice First signaling when called.
For each iES32 PDN, set to Tone First, if set to Voice First iES32 will not answer.
Possible values: Tone or Voice (default)

06 OCA Type Select the OCA type. This field must be programmed with Auto OCA Originate
Possible values: Handset (default) or Speaker

09 Handsfree MIC If you call a station configured for Voice First signalling, you can use this parameter
Setting to enable the called parties microphone from your DKT.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

10 Handsfree Tone If you call a DKT configured for Voice First signalling, you can use this parameter to
send a splash tone to the called party.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

11 Ext. Ring Repeat Enable repetitive ringing for incoming CO / PBX / Centrex signals. Disabling this
parameter defaults to standard CO ringing pattern (1 sec on / 3 sec Off).
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)


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13 Off Hook Select Off Hook Preference.
Possible values: Idle, Ringing, Prime, No Preference, Prime and Idle, Prime and
Ringing or Ringing and Idle (default)
When a digital telephone user goes off hook, presses the Spkr Button or dials a
digit while the telephone is idle (Hot Dial Pad), the telephone will select an idle PDN
or Line button, or answer an incoming call, according to the preferences set in this
This command works in conjunction with the 14 PDN/Line preference and 15 Call
Answer Preference programs.
The possible values are described as follows:
Idle The telephone will select and idle DN or Line button depending on the 14
PDN or Line preference choice. In either case priority is always the lowest
numbered button that is idle. The telephone will not answer ringing calls
Ringing The telephone will answer a ringing call (any PDN, secondary DN,
PhDN, or any Line type button) by call type or longest ringing button depending
on the 15 Call Answer Preference choice. The telephone will not automatically
select a DN or Line button when going off hook to originate a call.
Primary DN The telephone will automatically try to select the PDN button, if
idle or ringing, no matter what the status is of other buttons on the telephone.
No Preference The telephone will not select any button when the user goes off
hook or presses the Spkr button. This selection will also disable the telephones
Hot Dial Pad feature.
Primary DN and Idle The telephone will automatically try to select the PDN
button, if idle or ringing. If the PDN is busy the telephone will select an idle Line
button (14 PDN or Line preference - Line Preference) or another idle DN button
(14 PDN or Line preference - PDN Preference).
Primary DN and Ringing The telephone will automatically try to select the
PDN button, if idle or ringing. If the PDN is busy the telephone will select a
ringing Line button (14 PDN or Line preference - Line Preference) or a ringing
DN button (14 PDN or Line preference - PDN Preference).
Ringing and Idle The telephone will always answer any ringing call according
to 15 Call Answer Preference . If a call is not ringing it will select and idle Line
button (14 PDN or Line preference - Line Preference) or idle DN button (14 PDN
or Line preference - PDN Preference).

14 PDN/Line Offhook preference button Type.

Possible values: CO Key or DN Key (default)
CO Line buttons - Line buttons (any type CO, Pooled or Group CO line button)
have priority over DN buttons with 13 Off Hook Preference choices. The lowest
numbered line button on the telephone has priority over other line buttons for
idle selection.
Primary DN button - DN buttons (any type PDN, Secondary DN or PhDN button)
have priority over Line buttons with 13 Off Hook Preference choices. The PDN
button has first priority for idle selection, the lowest numbered DN button on the
telephone has priority over other DN buttons for idle selection if the PDN button
is busy.
Note Off hook ringing selections are also based on 15 Call Answer Preference

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15 Ringing Preference Ringing call answer preference.
Possible values: Longest or Call Type (default)
Longest Ringing - any call type - Calls are answered in order of the longest
ringing line no matter what type of call (FIFO).
Longest Ringing - by call type priority - Call Type priority is applied to the longest
ringing button.
Call Type Priorities are fixed is software as shown below:
Emergency Calls
Hands Free Calls (after it is switched to ringing by the caller).
ACD calls
Recalls (Hold recall, Automatic call back, ABR, etc.)
External Calls (DID, DIT DISA line calls etc.)
Internal Calls (station, Attendant, Tie line, door phone, etc.)

16 Text Message Select whether to display an LCD text message. Immediate displays the message.
Display Not immediate does not display the message.
Possible values: Immediate (default) or Not Immediate

17 Call History Enter the number of calls to be stored in memory for this station.
Possible values: 0~100 (default = 0)

18 DTMF Back Tone Enables audible DTMF when dialing from a DKT to a trunk or Voice Mail port.
Padded dialing mutes the volume level to the caller not the called trunk or VM
Possible values: Padded, DTMF Tone (default) or No Tone

19 Continuous DTMF Enable / Disable Continuous DTMF for DKT2000 and DTK3000 series telephones.
Enabled allows the telephone to send DTMF tones to the far end continuously as
long as the key on the dial pad is held down.

For each iES32 PDN, set to Not Continuous, if set to Continuous, outdial
notification to pagers and calls to AMIS nodes will not function properly.
DKT1000 series telephones do not support continuous DTMF. DKT1000 series
telephones must be set to Not Continuous or they will misdial.

Possible values: Continuous (default) or Not Continuous

20 Display Language Select the LCD Display Language.

Possible values: English (default), British English or French

21 Adapter Select the Adapter Type (Desktop OAI or Attendant Console).

BPCI for USB interface.
BATI for PC Attendant Console Interface.
Possible values: None (default), BPCI or BATI

22 Blind Transfer Set Blind Transfer Action (Attendant Type Only).

Possible values: Leave or Separate (default)

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23 Mail Box Selection Select the method to enter the destination Mailbox for Call Recording. If set to
Auto CTX uses the VM ID of the station initiating the record function.

The DN assigned as the MSG center in PROG 200 is used to call the VM port or
Hunt group (PROG 200 FK 22).
When set to Auto the VM-ID of the station initiating the record function is sent
to Stratagy ES as the destination mailbox.
When set to Manual Input the user may enter any valid Mailbox followed by the
# sign. If the user Presses # without additional data the CTX will send the
VMID of the originating station.
Possible values: Auto or Manual (default)

24 MIC Init. Value Turn on the microphone automatically when making a speaker phone call.
Note The microphone must be enabled.
Possible values: On (default) or Off

25 Microphone Enable microphone.

Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

26 Speaker Mode Enable telephone to receive Call Waiting (Camp-on) and Ring Over Busy Tone
Tones while on a speaker phone call.
Possible values: Yes (default) or No

27 Ring Over Busy Set ROB to ring two times or continuously.

Possible values: Two Cycles or Continuous (default)
Note See PRG200, 26 to enable ROB to be sent to individual telephones.

28 Attd Overflow Dest. Select overflow destination for attendant.

Possible values: Up to 32 ASCII characters (default = none)

29 Trunk Test and Allow Trunk Tests and Verification.

Possible values: Yes or No (default)

30 Auto Line Hold Enable Automatic Line Hold. This parameter allows a station to line hop from one
call to another automatically by placing the first call on hold.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

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Feature Button Patterns

The following tables show the various feature button patterns available for )% above.
Table 5-2 20 Button (when FB03 value is 20)


FB01 Primary DN Primary DN Primary DN
FB02 CO 1 CO 1 No Data
FB03 CO 2 CO 2 No Data
FB04 CO 3 CO 3 No Data
FB05 CO 4 CO 4 No Data
FB06 CO 5 CO 5 No Data
FB07 CO 6 CO 6 No Data
FB08 CO 7 CO 7 No Data
FB09 CO 8 CO 8 No Data
FB10 CO 9 CO 9 No Data
FB11 CO 10 CO 10 No Data
FB12 CO 11 CO 11 No Data
FB13 CO 12 CO 12 No Data
FB14 CO 13 Single Touch Button No Data
FB15 CO 14 Single Touch Button No Data
FB16 CO 15 Single Touch Button No Data
FB17 CO 16 Single Touch Button No Data
FB18 CO 17 Single Touch Button No Data
FB19 CO 18 Single Touch Button No Data
FB20 Do Not Disturb Do Not Disturb No Data

Table 5-3 10 Button (when FB03 value is 10)


FB01 Primary DN Primary DN Primary DN
FB02 CO 1 CO 1 No Data
FB03 CO 2 CO 2 No Data
FB04 CO 3 CO 3 No Data
FB05 CO 4 CO 4 No Data
FB06 CO 5 Single Touch Button No Data

FB07 CO 6 Single Touch Button No Data
FB08 CO 7 Single Touch Button No Data
FB09 CO 8 Single Touch Button No Data
FB10 Do Not Disturb Do Not Disturb No Data

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Table 5-4 14 Button (when FB03 value is 14)


FB01 Primary DN Primary DN Primary DN
FB02 CO 1 No Data No Data
FB03 CO 2 No Data No Data
FB04 CO 3 No Data No Data
FB05 CO 4 No Data No Data
FB06 CO 5 No Data No Data
FB07 No Data No Data No Data
FB08 CO 7 No Data No Data
FB09 CO 8 No Data No Data
FB10 CO 9 No Data No Data
FB11 CO 10 No Data No Data
FB12 CO 11 No Data No Data
FB13 Do Not Disturb No Data No Data
FB14 No Data No Data No Data

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214 DSS Console Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 200 on page 5-1
This assignment allows up to eight Direct Station Selection (DSS) Consoles to be assigned to a station. The
assignment is referenced to the stationss Primary DN.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Station > Assignment.
2. Click on the DSS tab (shown
3. Enter a DN number in the
Primary DN field
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed DSSs.
Extended List view a
detailed list of programmed DSSs.
4. Enter the Equipment number in which the DSS(s) is installed.
5. Click Submit.
Prime DN Enter the PDN of the station that is to be associated with the DSS console(s).
Possible values: Any string up to 5 digits (default = no value).

01~08 DSS Equipment Enter the DSS equipment number as xxyyzz.

No. 1~8
Cabinet Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet (CTX100). Select 01 for
Base and 02~07 respectively for each Expansion cabinet (CTX670).
Slot Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots (CTX100).
Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots (CTX670).
Example: If the DSS console should be connected to a PDKU or BDKU/BDKS in
cabinet shelf 5, slot 2, circuit 3, enter 050203.
If a PDN is assigned to the DSS equipment number it must be deleted, using
PRG201, before attempting to assign the DSS console.


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Programs Used: 205, 213, and 215
Prerequisite Program: 200 on page 5-1 and 204 on page 5-8
The Feature Button assignments enable each button on the telephone to be addressed and coded to
represent a function or feature to be performed. Some feature buttons require additional parameters to
completely define the key (e.g., a Phantom DN needs a directory number, ringing assignment, and the tone
pitch when ringing occurs).
1. Use the Feature Button Record Sheet on page D-13 to plan your FB assignments.
2. From the Program Menu, click Station > Assignment.
3. Click on the Key tab (shown below).
To Program DSS buttons, Program 214 should be completed.
To program ADM buttons (ADM 1 or ADM 2 shown below), FB04 Add on Modules in Program 204
must be set to One or Two.

4. Enter one of the following in the Primary DN field:

Primary DN to program DKT FBs.
Primary DN plus an ADM number to Program ADM FBs.
Primary DN plus DSS Key Assignment button to program DSS FBs
...or click one of the following buttons:
List view a summary list of programmed DKTs.
Extended List view a detailed list of programmed DKTs.

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Copy After entering the source DN in the Primary DN field, click Copy and designate which FB
buttons to copy (click the DKT Phone header to select all). Enter the destination DN and click OK.
(Range is permitted.)
Distinctive Ringing Release 1.3 and higher software enables you to set different incoming ringing tones
for internal and external calls on a Prime DN. Ten different tones are available. This can be set from
Programs 205, 213 and 215.
To set Distinctive Ringing, double click the button
that you want to set distinctive ringing. A dialog
box displays (shown right).

Click the drop-down arrows to set the External and

Internal tone pitches. The possible values are
shown in Table 5-5.

You must have the following versions of
processor boards for Distinctive Ringing:
CTX670: BECU1A, V.1C or later.
CTX100: ACTU1A, V.2D or later.
For any older versions of processor boards, you
can assign only 01 to Tone Pitch for internal
calls and you can assign only 11, 13, 15, or
17 to Tone Pitch for external calls.
Ringing tone pitch has no effect on telephone
When programming External Ringing Repeat with a Distinctive Ringing Pitch, we recommend that
you use pitches 11 or 12 and not 17 or 18.
Incoming recall tone cannot be changed.
Calls to Tie lines adopt the internal call pitch.
Table 5-5 Internal and External Call Ringing Tones

Tone No. Frequency and Cadence

01 500 Hz 1 sec. On, 3 sec. Off, repeat

02 1300 Hz 1 sec. On, 1 sec. Off, repeat

11 500/640 Hz 1 sec. On, 3 sec. Off, repeat

12 500/640 Hz 1 sec. On, 1 sec. Off, repeat

13 860/1180 Hz 1 sec. On, 3 sec. Off, repeat

14 860/1180 Hz 1 sec. On, 1 sec. Off, repeat

15 1300/1780 Hz 1 sec. On, 3 sec. Off, repeat

16 1300/1780 Hz 1 sec. On, 1 sec. Off, repeat

17 860/1180 Hz 0.5 sec. On, 1300/1780 Hz 3 sec. Off, repeat

18 860/1180 Hz 0.5 sec. On, 1300/1780 Hz 1 sec. Off, repeat

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5. Click on the FB to program (the button turns from yellow to red).

6. Click the desired option from the blue parameter buttons on the right.
Directory No Assign a Primary DN key, Secondary/Phantom DN, Phantom DN Message Waiting,
or DSS key to this FB. See Directory Number Sub-parameters on page 5-19 for more details.
CO Line Assign FB as a CO, GCO or a Pooled Line. See CO Lines Sub-parameters on
page 5-20 for more details.
Features Assign ABR, ACB, DND, Short Flash, Long Flash, Privacy, Privacy Release, BGM Key,
Program Access, Account Code or Application Starting Key feature to this FB.
Call Control Activate Speed Dial, Release Button, Release/Answer, Cancel, Source Party,
Destination Party, CLID or Night Transfer from this FB.
Call Forward Set Call Forwarding assignments for this FB. Forward All Calls, Forward Busy,
Forward No Answer, Forward Busy No Answer, Forward Ext/All Call, Forward Ext/Busy, Forward
Ext/No Answer and Forward Ext/Busy No Answer are available selections.
Park Page Assign Call Park Orbit, All Paging, Group Paging, All Emergency Paging, Individual
Emergency Paging and Paging Answer Feature access to this FB.
Call Pickup Assign FB to a Pickup-Group, Pickup-Directed Terminal, Pickup-Directed Group,
Pickup-Directed DN, Pickup-Any External, Pickup-CO Retrieve, Pickup-Local Retrieve, Pickup-
Remote, Pickup-Directed DN Retrieve and Pickup-On Hold and Incoming.
Door Lock Enable FB to unlock Door Lock. See Door Lock Sub-parameters on page 5-20 for
more details.
Voice Mail Enable FB to Record or Pause/Resume Voice Mail.
Attendant Assign Out Dial, Attendant Answer, Overflow, Position Busy, Trunk Test, Attendant
Loop or Supervised Loop Key Attendant features to this FB.
One Touch Assign FB to be used as a One Touch button. See Setting the One Touch Button on
page 5-19. This feature is available only with CTX Software release 1.03 or higher and CTX
WinAdmin software 1.17 and higher.
Blank Clear FB assignment.
7. Click on one feature in the sub-parameter dialog box. If no other settings are required, the FB displays
an abbreviation for the selected feature.
...or if you select Directory No, CO Lines or Door Lock parameters, additional fields are required. See
the tables that follow for more details. Follow the directions in each pop-up dialog box.
8. To modify an existing feature button, double-click the feature button and make the change in the
appropriate dialog box that displays.
9. Click Submit.

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Setting the One Touch Button

Follow the step above 1~8 above to assign an FB as a One Touch button. Then complete the following
1. Double click the key assigned as One Touch.
2. The following dialog box displays
This dialog box is used to define each button with the One
Touch Data.
3. Enter the One Touch data, then click OK.
Example 1: Setting up a One Touch button to transfer to
Voice Mail.
Select the Cnf/Trn from the white box on the right, CNF
displays in the One Touch Data field. Then type #407 after
CNF displays in the One Touch Data box. It adds Cnf/Trn
#407 in the One Touch Data. Click OK. Then click Submit.
Example 2: To originate a call from the PDN, select the FK
as 01 if the PDN is on the first key, then add the telephone
number next to FK01 in the One Touch Data box.
Cancel clears the changes and takes you back to the previous

Directory Number Sub-parameters

Primary DN 1. Select Ringing Assignment for Day1, Day2 and Night.
Possible values: No Ring, Immediate Ring, Delayed Ring1 and Delayed
2. Select Tone Pitch.
Possible values: 1~4 (default = 1)

Secondary/Phantom DN 1. Enter DN Number.

Possible values: Any string up to 5 digits
2. Select Ringing Assignment for Day1, Day2 and Night.
Possible values: No Ring, Immediate Ring, Delayed Ring1 and Delayed

3. Select Tone Pitch.
Possible values: 1~4 (default = 1)

Phantom DN Message Enter Phantom DN No.

Possible values: Any string up to 5 digits

DSS Key Enter DSS Primary DN No.

Possible values: Any string up to 5 digits

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CO Lines Sub-parameters
CO 1. Select CO Line #.
Possible values: 1~264 (CTX670), 1~64 (CTX100) (default = no value)
2. Enter Owner DN.
Possible values: Any string up to 5 digits
3. Select Ringing Assignment for Day1, Day2 and Night.
Possible values: No RIng, Immediate Ring, Delayed Ring1 and Delayed Ring2.
4. Select Tone Pitch.
Possible values: 1~4 (default = 1)

GCO 1. Select GCO No.

Possible values: 1~128 (CTX670), 1~32 (CTX100) (default = no value)
2. Select Index.
Possible values: 1~128 (CTX670), 1~32 (CTX100) (default = no value)
3. Enter Owner DN.
Possible values: Any string up to 5 digits
4. Select Ringing Assignment for Day1, Day2 and Night.
Possible values: No RIng, Immediate Ring, Delayed Ring1 and Delayed Ring2.
5. Select Tone Pitch.
Possible values: 1~4 (default = 1)

Pooled Line Key 1. Select Pool Line No.

Possible values: 1~128 (CTX670), 1~32 (CTX100) (default = no value)
2. Select Ringing Assignment for Day1, Day2 and Night.
Possible values: No RIng, Immediate Ring, Delayed Ring1 and Delayed Ring2.
3. Select Tone Pitch.
Possible values: 1~4 (default = 1)

Door Lock Sub-parameters

Door Unlock Select Door Lock No.
Possible values: 1~10 (default = 1)

Station Flexible Button Assignments

Use the Record Sheets for 10-button and 20-button Telephones on page D-14 and Record Sheets for the
DKT3014 on page D-15 to plan your Station Flexible Button Assignments.

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Programs Used: 208, 210 and 216
Assign Timers, Paging and other related station data using the programs that follow.
1. Complete the Station Data
Record Sheets on page D-18.
2. From the Program Menu click
Station > Assignment.
3. Click on the Data tab (shown
4. Enter a DN number in the
Primary DN field.
...or select an existing record by
clicking one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed DKTs.
Extended List view a
detailed list of programmed
Copy Enter a DN in the Primary DN field and click Copy. Enter a new DN to assign existing
Station Timer settings.
5. Select the desired values. See descriptions below.
6. Click Submit.

208 Station Timer Assignments

Prerequisite Program: 200 on page 5-1
Assigns timing parameters to Primary DNs.
Primary DN Enter the Primary DN.
Possible values: Up to 5 digits (default = no value)

01 ABR Retry Count Enter the number of retry attempts made by ABR when dialing a busy telephone

Possible values: 5~20 (default = 15)

02 ABR Retry Interval Select the amount of time (in seconds) ABR waits between dialing attempts.
Possible values: 30~180 (default = 60)

03 ABR Recall Timer Select the number of seconds ABR will call back the station after receiving ring
back tone from the dialed number.
Possible values: 5~60 (default = 20)

04 Hold Recall Timer Select the number of seconds before a call is placed on hold recalls.
Possible values: 0~255 (default = 60)

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05 First Interdigit Select the amount of time a Station has to dial after going off hook before a call is
Timer terminated (ROT is heard).
Possible values: 1~180 (default = 15)

06 Second Interdigit Select the amount of time the system waits between dialed digits before terminating
Timer a call (ROT is heard).
Possible values: 1~180 (default = 5)

07 Ring Xfer No Select the Ring Transfer Idle station or Busy station (Camp-on) Recall Time (in
Answer Timer seconds)
Possible values: 1~600 (default = 32)

210 Group Call Pickup

Prerequisite Program: 200 on page 5-1
The Call Pickup Group assignment specifies which group numbers this station will participate when either
the Group Call Pickup or the Group Directed Call Pickup features are invoked. A user may be assigned to
more than one group.
01~32 Click in the radio button to Indicate which Call Pickup Group(s) this stations is to
participate in. A station can be assigned to more than one group.
Possible values: check = On or unchecked = Off (default)
Note 01~05 are available for CTX100, 01~10 are available for CTX670 Basic,
and 01~32 are available for CTX670 Exp.

216 Emergency Ringdown Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 200 on page 5-1
Assigns Emergency Ring Down parameters to Primary DNs.
01 Emergency Ringdown Enable an Emergency Ringdown Number.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

02 Emergency Ringdown Enter the length of off-hook time that will cause a DN to originate an Emergency
Possible values: 0~60 (default = 0)

03 Destination Enter the destination DN for the Emergency Ringdown.

Possible values: Up to 5 digits (default = no value)

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Page Group
502 Terminal Paging Group Assignment
Prerequisite Program: 200 on page 5-1
Assigns Primary DNs to Paging Group(s).
1. Complete the Station Data
record sheet provided on
page 5-30.
2. From the Program Menu click
Station > Assignment.
3. Click on the Page Group tab
(shown right).
4. Enter a DN number in the
Primary DN field.
...or select an existing record by
clicking one of the following
List view a summary list of programmed DKTs.
Extended List view a detailed list of programmed DKTs.
Copy Enter a DN in the Primary DN field and click Copy. Enter a new DN(s) to assign existing
Paging Group settings.
5. Select the desired values. See descriptions below.
6. Click Submit.
00 Primary DN Enter the Primary DN of the station to be assigned to Paging Groups. A station may
belong to more than one paging group.
Possible values: Up to 5 ASCII characters (default = no value)
Note You can have upto 72 paging groups in the Strata CTX100 and up to 120
paging groups in the Strata CTX670. Any software release before R1.01,
M19 supports only 32 paging groups for all systems.

01 PG01~16 PG16 Check the Paging Group(s) this station belongs too. The number of DNs that can be
assigned are 1~4 (CTX100), 1~8 (CTX670 Basic), 1~16 (CTX670 Exp.)

Possible values: check = On, unchecked = Off (default)

17 All Page Group Check this radio button to enter this station in all Paging Groups.
Possible values: check = On, unchecked = Off (default)

18 All Emergency Check this radio button to enter this station in all Emergency Paging Groups.
Page Group
Possible values: check = On, unchecked = Off (default)

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206 Phantom DN

206 Phantom DN
Prerequisite Program: 200 on page 5-1
This command assigns Phantom DN parameters.
1. Complete the Phantom DN
Record Sheet on page D-16.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Station > Phantom DN. The
Station Phantom DN screen
displays (shown right).
3. Enter a Phantom DN number
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed Phantom DNs.
Copy Enter the Phantom DN to copy data from, then click Copy and designate a Phantom DN to
copy the data too. Click OK.
4. Click Submit.

Phantom DN Enter Phantom DN.
Possible values: Up to 5 ASCII characters (default = no value)

01 Owned PDN Set PhantomDNs Owner Station

Possible values: Up to 5 ASCII characters (default = no value)

02 Tone/Voice First Select from Tone first, or Voice first signaling.

Possible values: Tone First (default) or Voice First

04 Display DN Enter the number displayed on the calling telephone that rings this Phantom DN
Possible values: Up to 5 ASCII characters (default = no value)
This number is overridden by the number in Program 209, FB04 (if assigned) and
if the Phantom DN is in a hunt group. When calling from this Phantom DN, the
number displayed on the called telephone appears in order of priority as follows:
This number in Program 209, FB04 (if assigned) and if the PhDN is in a hunt
...or this number in Program 200, FB15 (if assigned).
...or the calling telephones PDN.

05 System Call Forward Select the System Call Forward value.

Possible values: 0~4 (CTX100), 0~10 (CTX670 Basic),0~32 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)

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206 Phantom DN

06 VM ID Code Enter the voice mail box number that should answer calls when this PhDN calls
voice mail; or, when this PhDN is called and then forwards to voice mail (This
number is prefixed by codes in Program 579, )%~)%).
Possible values: Digits 0~9, and #, up to 10 characters (default = no value).
This VMID code is sent to the voice mail device in SMDI packets or DTMF tones
on direct calls to voice mail from the PhDN; and on calls to the PhDN that forward
to voice mail (see Program 580 for SMDI or DTMF choice).
Note Do not enter a VMID code in this field if this PhDN is associated with a
PDN in a multiple DN hunt group (Program 209, )%).
The associated PDNs VMID code (Program 200, )%) will be sent to voice mail.

09 Message Center Enter the Message Waiting Center DN, VM Pilot Number or lowest member of VM
hunt group.
Up to 7 ASCII characters (default = no value)

10 User Name Enter user name.

Possible values: Up to 8 ASCII characters (default = no value)

11 Display Name Select radio button for user name to be included in the list display of Large LCD
(Directory Assistance)
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)


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209 Hunt Group

209 Hunt Group

Prerequisite Program: 200 on page 5-1
This command assigns Station Hunting Group data.
1. Complete the Hunt Group Record
Sheet on page D-17.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Station > Hunt Group. The Station
Hunt Group displays.
3. Click on the Group tab (shown
4. Enter a Group Number for an
existing record
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of programmed Hunt Groups.
Create Assign a new Hunt Group with custom settings.
5. Click Submit.
Group Number Hunt Group Number
Possible values: 1~90 (CTX100), 1~200 (CTX670 Basic),1~640 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = no value)

01 Hunt Method Select Hunt Method

Possible values: Distributed (for Voice Mail hunt groups) or Circular (for Multiple DN hunt
groups) (default)

02 Pilot Number Enter Pilot Directory Number. This is the number that is dialed to call the hunt group.
Possible values: Up to 5 ASCII characters (default = no value) any type of hunt group can
have a pilot number.
Note Any type of hunt group can have a pilot number. Distributed hunt groups must have
a pilot number. Voice Mail hunt groups should be Distributed with a Pilot Number.
Multiple DN Hunt groups should be Circular with no Pilot Number.

04 Number to Display Enter the number that is displayed when called by, or when calling any member of the hunt
Possible values: Up to 5 ASCII characters (default = no value)
Note This number should be the DH Group Pilot number for Voice Mail hunt groups. This
number could be the PDN of a Multiple DN Hunt group, in which case the number
would override the number assigned in Program 200, FB15 for PDNs and Program
206, FB04 for Phantom DNs.

05 Pilot No. SCFwd Allows you to assign a System Call Forward pattern to the Pilot Number of a Hunt Group.
Possible values: 0~4 (CTX100), 0~10 (CTX670 Basic),0~32 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)

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209 Hunt Group

06 Muitple DN Hunt Enable if hunt group is created for multiple DN operation. Multiple DN hunt groups should be
circular with no pilot number.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

07 DHG Auto Camp-on Whether to execute Automatic Camp On to the Distributed Hunt Group or not.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)
Should be applied to VM Distributed Hunt Groups so callers automatically camp on to Voice
Mail when all VM ports are busy. Does not apply to Circular or Serial hunt groups.

218 Station Hunt Assignments

Prerequisite Program: 209 on page 5-26
This program assigns station DNs to Hunt Groups using Program 209, and assigns the rotation order in
which DNs are hunted.
1. Complete the Hunt Group Record
Sheet on page D-17.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Station > Hunt Group Assignment.
The Station Hunt Group Assignment
screen displays.
3. Click on the Member tab (shown
4. Enter a Member Number for an
existing record
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed Hunt Groups.
Add Assign a new station DN to the Hunt Group number entered above.
Append Assign a new DN as the last DN in a Hunt Groups hunt order.
Modify Highlight an existing DN in the Hunt Order and change the station DN assignment.
Delete Delete station DN assignment to Hunt Order number.
5. Click Submit.

Hunt Group Number Enter an existing Hunt Group number or use the List, Add, Append, Modify, or Delete buttons
as described above.
Possible values: 1~640 (default = no value)

01 Hunt Order This field assigns a station DNs position within a Hunt Groups Hunt Order. The Hunt Order is
selected automatically by CTX WinAdmin. Programmers should assign the last station in the
Hunt Order first and assign the first station in the Hunt Order last.
Possible values: 1~560 (default = no value)

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209 Hunt Group

02 DN By selecting the Insert button you can add a new DN to the Hunt Groups Hunt Order. Enter
the desired DN in the pop-up dialog box.
To modify an existing entry, use the Modify button as described above.
Possible values: Up to 5 ASCII characters (default = no value)

03 DN Set Type Modify (replace) an existing assignment.

Possible values: Modify (default) or Insert

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516 Station Speed Dial

516 Station Speed Dial

Prerequisite Program: 200 on page 5-1
Up to 100 pre-programmed Speed Dial numbers (up to 32 digits each) can be assigned to each station.
Speed Dial numbers are stored in Bins and each station accesses the Speed Dial numbers by entering the
Speed Dial Bin number from their respective stations. The following advanced Speed Dialing features are
available in Strata CTX.
Speed Dial Bin Linking Whenever a Speed Dial number exceeds the 32-digit Speed Dial Bin memory
limitation, the digits exceeding the 32 digit limitation are automatically stored into the adjacent Speed
Dial Bin. The entire string is activated by using the primary Speed Dial Bin number.
Note Bin linking is automatic. Any previously programmed data in the adjacent Speed Dial Bin as
described above is overwritten. Furthermore, if a number exceeding the maximum allowable dial
digit length is overwritten with a new number which complies to the 32-digit restriction, the excess
digits recorded in the next Bin (from the previous entry) is treated as a unique Speed Dial record.
Speed Dial Number Nesting A Speed
Dial number can be nested into another
Speed Dial number. For example, if an
international dialing prefix is used often,
program the prefix in any Speed Dial Bin.
Then in the another Speed Dial Bin,
program the first Bin number + the number
to dial. When the second Speed Dial Bin is
activated, Strata CTX first retrieves and
dials the international dialing prefix from
the first Bin location, then adds the
numbers to dial.
1. From the Program Menu, click Station >
Speed Dial. The Station Speed Dial screen
displays (shown right).
2. Enter Program 516 data.
3. Click Submit.
Primary DN Select the PDN assigned the speed dial number.

01 Speed Dial Bin Enter the station speed dial bin number. A station can have up to 100 speed dial

Possible values: 00~99 (default = no value)
Note Adding bin numbers here will automatically increment the number of
speed dial bins available to the station in increments of 10 speed dial bins.
The number of speed dial bins available to the station can also be
assigned and displayed in Prg 200, 35 - Station SpDial Bins. Example: If
bin number 50 is entered here, 50 speed dial bins will automatically be
assigned to the station and will also be displayed in Prg 200, 35.

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Station PDN Table View

02 Number This is the dialable number stored in the speed dial bin.
Possible values: Up to 32 digits, 0~9, *, # and Pauses (default = no value)
To enter pauses enter Px, where x equals 0~9 (seconds), which is the length of the
pause, 0=10 seconds.

If the number being entered exceeds the 32 digits, the next speed dial location
will automatically be appended to create longer numbers.
Also another speed dial bin can be nested within another bin for dialing common
numbers. If speed dial bin 100 has long distance access digits 1010321, these
digits can be nested in to other speed dial bins by using *100 as the first digits of
the other bins. Example putting *10017145563425 into speed dial bin 150 would
cause SD150 to dial the access digits plus the number 10132117145563425.
If you are programming from the Telephone the digits * and # have a special
meaning when programming speed dial numbers. The # digit indicates the end
of entry and * is an escape character. To dial the digits * or # as part of the
number; enter ** or *#. To enter pauses enter *0~*9. The second digit
represents the number of seconds for the pause function.

03 Name Enter the LCD Name that displays on LCD dial directories.
Possible values: Up to 8 characters (default = no value)

Station PDN Table View

This screen shows the entire list of
available PDNs (shown right).
Note Depending on the speed of your PC
and the size of your database, the
table may take several minutes to
The PDN Table View page includes the
following buttons:
Edit Names: Click this button to edit
user names. After clicking this button,
click the User Name box to edit.
Note Only use all upper case letters when
adding or editing user names. Lower case letters will be stored in the CTX if submitted, however,
they will not register on the DKT LCDs.
Submit: Click outside the User Name box and then click Submit after you have made all name changes.
Refresh: To query the latest data from CTX.
Print: To print a copy of the table to a local printer.
You can sort in ascending or descending order by clicking the column header.

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219 Network DSS Notify Data Delivery

219 Network DSS Notify Data Delivery

This program lets you disable the DSS function for the node ID entered in this screen.

Important! Dont use this program unless requested by Toshiba Technical Support.

1. From the Program Menu, click Station > Speed Dial > Network DSS Notify Data Delete.
2. Enter the Node ID of the Network DSS key Notify Data to be deleted.

The following programs assign ISDN data to stations.
Programs Used: 202 and 217

202 ISDN BRI Station

Prerequisite Program: 100 on page 4-1
This command assigns ISDN BRI
1. Complete the ISDN BRI Station
Record Sheets on
page D-19.From the Program
Menu, click Station > ISDN >
Basic. The ISDN Basic Station
Assignment screen displays
(shown right).
2. Enter a Primary DN for an
existing record
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of

programmed DNs.
Create Assign a new Primary
DN with custom BRI Station
Copy Enter a DN in the Primary DN field and click Copy to make a new DN assignment with BRI
Station settings copied from the DN entered in the Primary DN field.
Delete Enter a ISDN Primary DN to delete and click OK.
Change DN Enter a DN in the Primary DN field and click Change DN to assign a new DN to the
ISDN BRI Station.
3. Set up ISDN BRI Station using the Program Detail table below.
4. Click Submit.

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Primary DN Enter the PDN. When a required DN is not programmed, the DN is regarded as a
new station. The System assigns default data as defined in 217 ISDN Station Data.
Possible values: Up to 5 digits (default = no value)

01 PDN Equipment No. Enter the BRI equipment number assigned to this PDN. This is the cabinet, slot,
and circuit number of the RBUU/RBUS or RBSU/RBSS interface PCB to which the
the PDN is, or should be, assigned. Enter data as xxyyzz:
Example: If the PDN should be a assigned to a BDKU in cabinet 5, slot 2, circuit 3;
enter 050203.
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots.
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots.

02 ISDN Channel Enter the ISDN Channel Group number.

Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~48 (CTX670 Basic)1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 1)

03 ISDN Protocol Select the ISDN protocol. Only Bearer capabilities specified by the protocol can be
entered in this field. The Initial value for ISDN Protocol corresponds to information
set in the hardware level.
Possible values: Natl ISDN (default), ETSI, TTC or Natl ISDN Nortel
Note National ISDN = North America, ETSI = England and TTC = Japan.

04 Type Connection Select connection type.

Possible values: Point to point (default) or Point to Multi-point

05 BRI Station COS Select the BRI Station COS assignments.

Day1 COS Possible values: 1~32 (default = 1)
Day2 COS
Night COS

06 BRI Station DRL Select the BRI Station DRL assignments.

Day1 DRL Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)
Day2 DRL
Night DRL

07 BRI Station FRL Select the BRI Station FRL assignments.

Day1 FRL Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)
Day2 FRL
Night FRL

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09 BRI Station QPL Select the BRI Station QPL assignments.
Day1 QPL Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)
Day2 QPL
Night QPL

08 LCR Group Select the LCR Group number to which this BRI Station belongs.
Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

10 Speech Capability Enable speech capability. See Table 5-6 on page 5-34.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

11 3.1 KHz Audio Enable 3.1 KHz audio capability. See Table 5-6 on page 5-34.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

12 7 KHz Audio Enable 7 KHz audio capability. See Table 5-6 on page 5-34.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

13 64Kbps Enable one of the unrestricted capabilities. See Table 5-6 on page 5-34.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable
14 56Kbps

15 2 x 64Kbps

16 B Channel Select originating B Channel method.

Possible values:
Exclusive (default) Channel is indicated, and no alternative is acceptable.
Preferred Channel is indicated, and any alternative is acceptable.
Any Channel Channel is indicated, and any channel is acceptable.

17 Idle B Channel Choose Idle B Channel selection method.

Possible values: Forward Cyclic, Backward Cyclic, Forward Terminal or Backward
Terminal (default)
Select Forward Cyclic (from lowest to highest number of B-channel).
Select Backward Cyclic (from highest to lowest number of B-channel).

Select Forward Terminal for the lowest number B-channel (The Low-Low B-
channel selection).
Select Backward Terminal for the highest number B-channel. (The High-High B-
channel selection)

18 Interdigit Timer 1 Select the Interdigit timer value, to time-out during dial tone.
Possible values: 1~180 (default = 15)

19 Interdigit Timer 2 Interdigit timer value to time-out after the first digit is dialed.
Possible values: 1~180 (default = 5)

20 CESID Enter the CESID value for 911 calls.

Possible values: Up to 16 ASCII characters (default = no value)

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21 Number Voice Calls Select the Number of Voice Calls Allowed. If a selection is not made, previously
Allowed written data in this field is erased.
Possible values: One or Two (default)
Note If One is selected, the other channel is reserved for Data.

22 Service Tone Enable Service Tone Permission. Select Disable for modems and faxes.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

23 TGAC Override Enable TGAC Override.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

24 Change System Enable System Speed Dial changing permission.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

25 Network COS Enter the Network COS value. If a selection is not made, previously written data in
this field is erased.
Possible values: 1~32 (default = 1)

26 DN2~32 DN8 Add a DN to this BRI Station. When a DN is entered into one of the seven available
fields, default data as defined in 217 ISDN Station Data is applied to the DNs. If a
selection is not made, any previously written data in this field is erased.
Possible values: Up to 5 ASCII characters (default = no value)

33 Auto OCA Enable OCA to occur automatically when making a call to a busy station that allows
calls to be received.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

34 Originate OCA Enable this station to make OCA calls to other stations.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

38 MW/DND This feature is available only with CTX Release 1.3 or higher software and with CTX
WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher software.
Enable: This station will receive stuttered dial tone when it has a station-to-station
or Voice Mail message waiting, or if it has set DND. This feature is available with
Strata CTX R1.3 software.
Disable: This station will receive normal dial tone when it has a station-to-station or
Voice Mail message waiting, or if it has set DND.

Table 5-6 BRI Bearer Capability of ISDN

Bearer Services ETSI TTC
Speech X X X
3.1kHz Audio X X X
7kHz Audio X X
Circuit Mode 64 kbps X X X
Rate adaptation
Unrestricted Digital Information X
from 56 kbps
2x64 X X

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217 ISDN Station Data

Prerequisite Program: 202 on page 5-31
Set ISDN Station parameters to define ISDN capabilities.
1. Complete the ISDN Station Data
Record Sheet on page D-20.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Station > ISDN > Station Data.
The ISDN Individual Station Data
Assignment screen displays
(shown right).
3. Enter a Primary DN for an
existing record
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed Hunt Groups.
Copy Enter a DN in the Primary DN field and click Copy to make a new DN assignment with BRI
Station settings copied from the DN entered in the Primary DN field.
4. Set up ISDN Station Data using the Program Detail table below.
5. Click Submit.
Primary DN Enter Primary DN.
Possible values: Up to 5 digits (default = no value)

01 Station Name Enter a name for this station.

Possible values: Up to 9 ASCII characters (default = no value)

02 Dial Method Select the audible tone when dialing.

Possible values: Dial Tone (default), Entry Tone or No Tone

03 System Call Forward Select the System Call Forward assignment for this station.
Possible values: 0~32 (default = 0)

04 CF Password Protect the System Call Forward settings by creating a password.

Possible values: Up to 4 digits (default = no value)

05 Door Phone Override Enable the Door Phone ringing indicator to override Do Not Disturb.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

06 Emerg Call Group Select this stations emergency call group.

Possible values: 1~8 (default = 1)

07 COS Override Code Enable Class of Service override.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

08 Display DN Enter the DN to be displayed on the LCD.

Possible values: Up to 5 digits (default = no value)

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Setup Wizards

09 VMID Code SMDI Enter the voice mail box number that should answer calls when this PDN calls
voice mail; or, when this PDN is called and then forwards to voice mail (this
number is prefixed by codes in Program 579, 11~16).
Possible values: Digits 0~9, and #, up to 10 characters
(default = no value).
Note This VMID code is sent to the voice mail device in SMDI packets or
DTMF tones on direct and forwarded calls to the PDN. See Program
580 for SMDI or DTMF choice.

12 Name Display Whether to put the user name in the list display.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

Setup Wizards
There are three Station setup wizardsPDN Range, Multiple DN, and VMID Range. Each of them are
described below.

PDN Range Setup Wizard

This wizard is a programming time saver that reduces the time it takes to create or change Primary
Directory Numbers (PDN) and assign them to phones. The wizard guides the user to create a range of
desired PDNs to be assigned to a range of available station ports.
1. Select Station > Setup Wizard > PDN
Review the instructions that display
on the Wizard screen (shown right).

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Setup Wizards

2. Click Start. The Primary DN Setup

Wizard screen displays (shown right).
3. Select the appropriate radio buttons
and enter the data in the other fields.
Range of associated PDN
Selection to overwrite the existing
4. (Optional) Click Number Plan button
to access Numbering Plan page.
5. (Optional) Click PDN Table View
button to view existing PDN Table.

6. Press Start to create PDNs.

The screen containing the PDN assignments
(shown right) displays.
Note The first available equipment number
(card slot/circuit) is automatically used to
create the first PDN, etc.

Multiple DN Assignment Wizard

To avoid conflicts on new installations, you should use this wizard immediately after establishing and
assigning Primary DNs on telephones, especially before you program key strips or hunt groups.
The wizard can be used to assign Multiple DNs to new stations when adding new station cards.

This wizard substantially reduces CTX installation time when you need multiple DN buttons on
telephones. Multiple DNs are required in most CTX installations.
The wizard automatically programs multiple buttons onto telephones to operate as PDN buttons on the
telephones. This wizard automatically groups the telephones PDN button with the Phantom Directory
Number (PhDN) buttons so they all operate like PDNs on the telephonethis simulates Strata DK
multiple PDN operation. You will not have to set Call forward or VMID codes for the PhDNs since they
automatically assume the PDN Call Forward and VMID code assignments.
On these screens you need to specify how many button appearances should appear as PDNs on each
telephone or range of telephones (the number of buttons including the PDNs plus the PhDNs). You should
also specify the starting PhDN and Hunt Group number to be used to set up the multiple DN groups.

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Setup Wizards

Important! Make sure you know exactly how many multiple DNs should be on each telephone before
using this wizard. After running the Multiple DN wizard, deletions or additions to Multiple
DN assignments must be made manually, one-by-one, for each telephone PhDN button and
Multiple DN hunt group. The wizard does not support changing existing Multiple DN
assignments in this version of CTX WinAdmin.

1. Click Station > SetUp

Wizard > Multiple DN.
The Multiple DN
Assignment Wizard
screen displays (shown

2. Click Start. CTX

WinAdmin automatically
assigns the:
Appropriate number of PhDN buttons onto the telephone. These operate as PDN buttons on the
telephone. PhDNs are assigned in sequence starting with the first button above the PDN.

CAUTION! If other buttons were installed in a PhDN location they will be overwritten.

Appropriate telephone as the owner of the PhDN buttons, starting with the PhDN you specified.
PDN of the telephone as the name of the PhDN buttons.
PDN and appropriate PhDNs of the telephone to the appropriate Multiple DN Hunt group, starting
with Hunt group number you specified.
The screen shown at right displays.
3. Based on your requirements, enter the
necessary fields.
Note The example on this screen shows that
five buttons were entered. This assigns
the PDN plus four PhDNs on the
telephone starting with Key 1~Key 5.
4. Click Start to generate the request.

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Setup Wizards

The screen changes to the one shown at


This is a report that provides the Multiple
DN assignments that will be sent to the
Ensure that this information is correct
before you click Continue. You can change
the assignments by clicking Back.
5. Click Continue to generate results onto
CTX database.
Note To modify these entries later, you will
have to use the appropriate individual program assignments.
6. Review the configuration screen. This is how
the multiple DNs are assigned in the CTX after
the wizard is done.
7. (Optional) To print the configuration results,
click Print.
8. To exit, select a command from the Program

VMID Range
This wizard reduces CTX programming time when you need to assign Voice Mail ID (VMID) codes. The
wizard will automatically assign specified VMID codes for a range of Primary DNs, PhDNs, and/or Pilot

Specify the range of PDNs, PhDNs, or Pilot DNs that should have VMID code assignments. Then select
the VMID code assignment method.
The three code assignment methods are to assign the VMID to:
Be the same number as the appropriate DN (PDN, PhDN or Pilot DN).
Start at specific number and increment by one for each consecutive DN.
Be the same number for all DNs.
In addition to the above assignments, specific digits including * and # can be added to the front and/or back
of each VMID. This is not for Stratagy codes 91, 92, etc., they are set in Program 579.
You can program a range of VMID codes for PDNs, PhDNs and/or Pilot DNs.

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Setup Wizards

1. Select Station > Setup Wizard > VMID Range.

2. The VMID Range Setup
Wizard displays (shown at

3. Click Start. The input screen of the VMID Range

Setup Wizard displays (shown at right).
4. Select the type of VMID that should be assigned
to the PDN, PhDN or Pilot DN. Then select the
assignment method and the digits, if any, to be
added to front and/or end of each VMID.
Note DN range is supported. VMID prefix and/or
suffix are supported.
5. Click Start to submit the settings to the CTX

The result requested displays on the

screen shown at right.
6. (Optional) Click Print to save a hard copy
of the VMID assignment.

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Trunks 6

This chapter provides trunk programming information for Strata CTX.

304 Incoming Line Group

Programs Used: 304
Incoming Line Groups (ILG) is a line selection feature which enables the use of external trunk or private
line groups for incoming service.
1. Complete the ILG Record Sheet
on page D-21.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > ILG. The Trunk ILG
screen displays (shown right).
3. Enter an ILG number
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed ILGs.
Create Assign a new ILG
with default settings.
Copy Enter an ILG in the
Group Number field and click
Copy to make a new ILG
assignment with settings copied from the ILG entered in Group Number.
Delete Delete an ILG.
4. Enter Program 304 data.
5. Click Submit.

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304 Incoming Line Group

304 Incoming Line Group Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
This assignment is used to configure ILGs only, OLGs are configured in the Outgoing Line Group
Assignment 306. The same line can be placed in an ILG and OLG.
00 Group Number Enter the group number of the line group that should be configured.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic), 1~128 (CTX670
(default = no value)

01 Group Type Select the ILG Type.

Possible values: Analog (default) or ISDN

02 Trunk Type Select the Trunk Type.

Possible values: CO (default) or Tie

03 Service Type Select CO Trunk Service Type.

Possible values: DID or DIT (default)

04 Private Service Type Select the Tie Trunk Service Type. This field is required when Trunk Type is set
to Tie.
Possible values: Standard (default) or QSIG

05 GCO Key Number Select ILG GCO Key Group for DIT mode (see Trunk Type above). The same
GCO cannot belong to different ILGs.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670
(default = 0)

06 Pooled Key Number Select ILG Pooled Line Key Group for DIT mode. The same Pooled Line Group
cannot belong to different ILGs.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670
(default = 0)

07 COS Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.

Possible values: 1~32 (default = 1)

08 DRL Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.

Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

09 FRL Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.

Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

10 QPL Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.

Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

11 DID Digits Select number of DID digits received from CO.

Possible values: 0~7 (default = 0)

12 Speech/3.1 KHz Select Bearer Capability 3.1 KHz Audio or Speech.

Possible values: Audio (default) or Speech

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304 Incoming Line Group

13 Ringing Timer Delay 1 Select time to ring the Delay 1 destination.
Possible values: 1~60 sec. (default = 12)

14 Ringing Timer Delay 2 Select time to ring the Delay 2 destination.

Possible values: 1~60 sec. (default = 24)

15 Interdigit 1 Timer Select Interdigit 1 timer value.

Possible values: 1~180 sec. (default = 15)

16 Interdigit 2 Timer Select Interdigit 2 timer value.

Possible values: 1~180 sec. (default = 5)

17 Auto Camp-on Select in box to toggle Automatic Camp-on.

Possible values: On (default) or Off

18 Calling Number ID Select Calling Number Identification source.

Possible values: User Provided (default) or Network Provided

19 Intercept Enable Intercept. A call is transferred to a special destination called intercept

position when the destination of a trunk line call is not determined with DID,
DIT or DISA. Intercept is also activated when the destination is determined, but
the call cannot be terminated due to a defect or an incorrect number. If the
system has a simplified attendant console, the Attendant Console is usually
specified to terminate the call. This function ensures termination of a trunk line
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

20 Send Dial Tone Enable Send Dial Tone.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

21 TGAC Override Enable Trunk Group Access Code (TGAC) override.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

22 Network COS Enter the Network COS number.

Possible values: 1~32 (default = 1)

23 LCR Group Enter the LCR Group number. Calls from this ILG cannot tandem if this field is
not entered.
Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

24 Change COS Override Enable authority to change COS Override Code.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

25 Register Speed Dial Enable authority to create system speed dial codes.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

26 Originator Invoke OCA Enable authority for the originator of a call to invoke OCA when encountering a
busy station.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

27 Senderized Tone Mode Send DTMF tones as a complete number rather than digit-by-digit.
Possible values: Dial Tone (default), Entry Tone or Silence

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306 Outgoing Line Groups

28 Emergency Call Group Used to enable E911 calling across a QSIG network. The QSIG ILG is
assigned to an Emergency Call Group in the same way a station is in Program
200 FB17. Without this assignment, the call will not attempt to complete to one
of the trunks in the Emergency Group and will result in an abandoned call. See
Program 550 Enhanced 911 Emergency Call Group Assignment.
Possible values: 1~8 (default = 1)

306 Outgoing Line Groups

Prerequisite Program: None
OLG is a line selection feature which enables the use of external trunk or private line groups for outgoing
service. Assign and configure up to 128 OLGs (the same line can be placed in an OLG and an ILG).
1. Complete the OLG Record Sheet
on page D-22.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > OLG. The Trunk Outgoing
Line Groups (OLG) screen displays
(shown right).
3. Enter an OLG number in the Group
Number field for an existing record
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed OLGs.
Create Assign a new OLG
with default settings.
Copy Enter an OLG in the Group Number field and click Copy to make a new OLG assignment
with settings copied from the OLG entered in Group Number.
Delete Delete an OLG.
4. Enter Program 306 data.
5. Enter Program 531. See 531 DR Screening Table for OLG on page 9-20 for details.
6. Enter Program 514. See 514 SMDR for OLG Assignment on page 9-46 for details.
7. Click Submit.
Group Number Enter the OLG Group number.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic), 1~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = no value)

01 Group Type Select the OLG Type.

Possible values: Analog (default) or ISDN

02 Trunk Type Select the Trunk Type.

Possible values: CO (default) or Tie

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306 Outgoing Line Groups

03 Private Service Type TIE Trunk Service Type.
Possible values: Standard (default) or QSIG

04 GCO Key1 Number Select the first GCO Key Group number.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = 0)

06 Pooled Key1 Number Select first Pooled Line Key Group number.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = 0)

07 Pooled Key2 Number Select second Pooled Line Key Group number.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = 0)

08 COS Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.

Possible values: 1~32 (default = 1)

09 FRL Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.

Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

10 QPL Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.

Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

11 Speech/3.1 KHz Bearer Capability 3.1 KHz Audio or Speech.

Possible values: Audio (default) or Speech

12 MOH Source Select MOH Source.

Possible values: Silence, External1~15 (default = External1)

13 Account Codes Enable Trunk forced Account Codes.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

14 Destination Enable Destination Restriction.

Restriction Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

15 Credit Cart Calling Enable Credit Card Calling.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

16 Send CESID Enable CESID sending.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

17 QSIG Sending Type Digit sending Mode for QSIG only.

Possible values: Cut Through or Senderized (default = Cut through)

18 Network COS Select Network COS number.

Possible values: 1~32 (default = 1)

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300 Trunk Assignment

300 Trunk Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 100 on page 4-1
Assigns an analog or T1 trunk (line) and its parameters to the system. Click on each tab to navigate through
the programs. The trunks assigned to the equipment display on the left of the screen. The first column
displays the trunks used and the second column displays the equipment. You can also sort based on trunks
and equipment.

Important! You must have Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0 on your PC for the sort to work correctly. If you
have IE 5.0, you can upgrade to IE 6.0 using the Strata CTX CD-ROM. IE 6.0 does not auto-
install from the CD-ROM; run ie6setup.exe from the IE 6.0 folder on the CD-ROM.

1. Complete the Trunk Assignment

Record Sheet on page D-23.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > Assignment. The Trunk
Basic Assignments screen displays
(shown right).
3. Enter a Trunk Number
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed Trunks.
Create Assign a new Trunk
with default settings.
Copy Enter an Trunk Number and click Copy to make a new Trunk assignment with settings
copied from the OLG entered in Group Number.
Delete Delete an Trunk.
4. Enter Trunk Assignment Data.
5. Click Submit.
6. Click the Go Timer/DIT link to view Programs 308 and 310 (see 308 Trunk Timer on page 6-9 for
Line Number Enter the Line Number.
Possible values: 1~64 (CTX100), 1~96 (CTX670 Basic),
1~264 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)

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300 Trunk Assignment

01 Line Equipment No. Enter the line equipment number as xxyyzz. Equipment numbers are required
when assigning a new trunk to the system. It can also be used to display the
equipment location of existing trunks.
Example: If the trunk should be connected to an RCOU in cabinet shelf 5, slot
2, circuit 3, enter 050203.
Possible values: xx = Cabinet 01~07; yy = Slot 01~10; zz = Circuit 01~08
...or zz = T1 Circuit 01~24 (CTX670).
xx = Cabinet 01; yy = Slot 01~8; zz = Circuit 01~08
(CTX100) (default = no value).
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100 Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670 Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each Expansion
Slot numbers:
CTX100 Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots.
CTX670 Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots.

02 Incoming Line Group Assign the trunk to Incoming Line Group. Two-way trunks need to be members
of one incoming and one outgoing line group.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670
(default = 0)

03 Outgoing Line Group Assign the trunk to Outgoing Line Group. Two-way trunks need to be members
of one incoming and one outgoing line group.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670
(default = 0)

04 Dial Mode Enter the Dial Mode.

Possible values: DP 10PPS, DP 20PPS or DTMF (default)
DP 10 PPS = Rotary Dial, 10 PPS
DP 20 PPS = Rotary Dial, 20 PPS

05 Signaling Enter the signalling type.

Possible values: DID, Loop (default), Ground, Tie, LP (Japan), SR (Japan) or

06 Start Method Enter the Start Method. This setting defines the start protocol method used
between the PSTN and this trunk. For DID/Tie trunks.
Possible values: Immediate Start (default), Timing Start or Wink Start

07 Release Supervision Enable Release Supervision from the CO.

Possible values: Received or Not Received (default)

08 Answer Supervision Enable Answer Supervision from the CO.


Possible values: Received or Not Received (default)

09 Trunk Name Enter the trunk name.

Possible values: Up to 14 ASCII characters (default = no value)

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300 Trunk Assignment

10 External Ring Repeat This option determines what ring signal is sent to telephones when a line rings
the telephone. Select CO Ring Repeat (Supplied in older versions of
software) to use the ring signal supplied by the CO or Centrex line. Select CTX
Ring (Not Supplied in older versions of software) to use the standard ring
signal supplied by the CTX.
Important! CTX Ring must be used on all DISA lines for proper ringing
Possible values: CO Ring Repeat (default), CTX Ring

11 DTMF Back Tone Select DTMF Back Tone type.

Possible values: Padded, DTMF Tone (default) or No Tone

12 Hunt Order Change the trunk hunting order sequence for this Trunk.
Possible values: 1~264 or Last One (default = 1)

13 Immediate Cut-Through This option should be enabled on a line only if the talk-path must be established
immediately after seizing a selected outgoing line.
Example, a line connected to a Central Office Ringdown circuit.
Possible values: Enable, Disable (default)

CAUTION! This option will bypass Destination Restriction and

E911 digit analysis. Do not enable this option on a
line where these functions are required.

This option is available only on ground and loop, analog or T1 circuits. It should
not be enabled for Tie, DID, ISDN and QSIG lines.
Available with CTX R1.02, MA217 and above software.

313 Caller ID
Prerequisite Program: 300 on page 6-6
This program assigns Caller ID circuits to the CO Line to which the circuit is connected. The ANI, DNIS,
DID formats for TI and analog DID CO Lines are also defined.
1. Complete the Caller ID
Assignment Record Sheet on
page D-24.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > Assignment, the click the
Caller ID tab. The Trunk Caller ID
Assignments screen displays
(shown right).
3. Enter a Trunk Number in Trunk
Index for an existing record or click
one of the following buttons:
List to view a summary list of
programmed Trunks.
Copy Enter the Trunk Number
in the Trunk Number field and click Copy to make new Caller ID trunk numbers.
4. Enter Caller ID Assignment data.
5. Click Submit.

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300 Trunk Assignment

Trunk Number Enter the Trunk Number.
Possible values: 1~64 (CTX100), 1~96 (CTX670 Basic),
1~264 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)

01 Signaling Method Specify the format for the interface being used.
Possible values: Nothing (default), ANI/DNIS-MCI, ANI/DNIS-Sprint or
CLASS (Caller ID)

02 Signaling Contents Specify the contents of the ANI/DNIS format.

Possible values: ANI and DNIS, ANI only, DNIS only or DID only (default = no

03 CLASS Equipment No. If the CLASS type is chosen, the trunk must be assigned to a Caller ID circuit.
Enter the RCIU/RCIS equipment number as xxyyzz.
Possible values: xx = Cabinet 01(CTX100); 01~02 (CTX670 Basic); 01~07
(CTX670 Exp.)
yy = Slot 01~08 (CTX100); 01~10 (CTX670)
zz = Circuit 01~08

CLASS equipment numbers are required when assigning a trunk to a
RCIU/RCIS circuit.
It can also be used to display the equipment location of existing caller ID
circuit to trunk assignments. Example: If the trunk should be connected to a
caller ID circuit (RCIU/RCIS) in cabinet shelf 5, slot 2, circuit 3, enter

308 Trunk Timer

Prerequisite Program: 300 on page 6-6
These commands assign Trunk timers.
1. Complete the Trunk Timer/DIT
Record Sheet on page D-27.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > Assignment, then click the
Timer tab. The Trunk Timer and
DIT Assignments screen displays
(shown right).
3. Enter Trunk equipment number
field. Enter Program 308 data.
List to view a summary list of
programmed Trunks timers.
Copy to copy to trunk timer

4. Click Submit.

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300 Trunk Assignment

Line No. Enter the trunk equipment number.
Possible values: xx = Cabinet 01~07; yy = Slot 01~10; zz = Circuit 01~08 or
zz=T1 Circuit 01~24 (CTX670)
xx = Cabinet 01; yy = Slot 01~08; zz = Circuit 01~24 (CTX100)
(default = no value)
Note Equipment numbers are required when assigning a new trunk to the
system. It can also be used to display the equipment location of existing

01 Auto Release Select the Automatic Release timing.

Possible values: Disable, Detect 95ms or Detect 450ms (default)
Note Select Disable if the CO does not send the automatic release signal to the
loop start trunk.

02 Short Flash Select Short Flash Time

Possible values: 0~15, where 1 = 100msec. (default = 5, which is .5 seconds)
0 = no flash, 1 = .1 sec., 2 = .2 sec. 15=1.5 sec. 5 is the most
common duration of a hook flash signal
When a telephone initiates the short flash signal to the CO line it is connected to
(using the short Flash feature button or access code #450) the duration of a short
flash is determined by this command. Normally this signal is used to hook flash a
centrex line. The short flash range is 0 to 1.5 seconds in increments of 0.1 seconds.

03 Long Flash Select Long Flash Time.

Possible values: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30, where 5 = .5 seconds. (default = 5)
When a telephone initiates the long flash signal to the CO line it is connected to
(using the Long Flash feature button or access code #451) the duration of a long
flash is determined by this command. Normally this signal is used to disconnect the
line. The long flash range is 0 to 3 seconds in increments of 0.5 seconds. Possible
values: 0=no flash, 5=.5 sec., 10=1sec. 15=1.5 sec., 20=2 sec., 25=2.5 sec., 30=3

04 Pause after Flash Pause time after flash: After a flash signal is sent to a CO line, this timer determines
when the line will start to send the dialed digits to the other end.
Possible values: 0~5, 0 = immediately sent, and 1sec.delay to 5sec.delay
(default = 1 second delay before sending digits)

05 Response The response timer is for analog DID/TIE lines that have the start method set for
Information Timing in Prg300-06. After a line is seized this timer determines when the line will
start to send the dialed digits to the other end.
Possible values: 0=immediatly sent, and 50msec.delay to 500msec.delay
(default = 500mseconds delay before sending digits)

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300 Trunk Assignment

310 DIT Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 300 on page 6-6
This program assigns DIT Number Analysis Table for DIT trunks. DIT trunks are ground and loop start
1. Complete the Trunk Timer/DIT
Record Sheet on page D-27.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > Assignment, then click the
DIT tab. The DIT Assignments
screen displays (shown right).
3. Enter Trunk equipment number
field. Enter Program 310 data.
List to view a summary list of
programmed Trunks timers.
Copy to copy to trunk timer
4. Click Submit.

Line No. Enter the trunk equipment number. Equipment numbers are required when
assigning a new trunk to the system. It can also be used to display the
equipment location of existing trunks.
Example: If a line should be assigned to an RCOU in cabinet shelf 5, slot 2,
circuit 3, enter 050203.
Possible values: xx = cabinet 01~07; yy =slot 01~10; zz = circuit 01~08 or
Channel 01~24 (CTX670).
xx = cabinet 01; yy =slot 01~08; zz = circuit 01~24 or
Channel (CTX100)
(default = no value).
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100 Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670 Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each Expansion
Slot numbers:
CTX100 Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots.
CTX670 Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots.

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300 Trunk Assignment

01 Day1 Destination Type Select Destination Type for each.
02 Day2 Destination Type
Possible values: : No Data (default), Dialing Digits, DISA, Built-in Modem, or
03 Night Destination Type
Night Bell
No Data no destination will ring when the line rings into the system.
Dialing Digits assigns the line to ring the directory number or access
code defined in the Destination Digits assignment
DSIA assigns the line to ring in as a DSIA call. DSIA dial tone will be
returned to the caller.
Modem assigns the line to ring the remote maintenance modem on the
CTX processor. Used to call into the system with a CTX WinAdmin PC and
Night Bell Assigns the line to cause the night relay to pulse (one-

Day1 Destination Digits Enter Destination, Directory Number or Access Codes for each, only if Dialing
Day2 Destination Digits Digits is selected as Destination Type.
Night Destination Digits
If Dialing Digits is the Destination Type, enter the Directory Number that the
line should ring.If the line should ring over external page, enter #31xx,
where xx is the external Page group number.
If the default page access code #31 was changed, use the new page
access code as the leading digits.
Line access codes and network routing numbers can also be entered to
route incoming calls back out to a public or private network number.
Possible values: Up to 32 digits (default = no value)

04 MOH Source Select the MOH source for Analog DIT Trunk. The Scroll key must be used to
select MOH sources indicated by 10 or higher.
Possible values: External1~15 (default = External1)

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309 Direct Inward Dialing

309 Direct Inward Dialing

This command assigns DID number analysis tables to ILGs.
1. Complete the DID Assignment
Record Sheet on page D-25.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > DID. The Trunk DID
Assignments screen displays
(shown right).
3. Select an ILG Number.
4. Enter a DID Number in the 01 DID
Number field
...or click one of the following
List view a list of programmed
Create Make a new DID assignment using default settings.
Copy Enter a DID Number in 01 DID Number and click Copy to make a new DID assignment
with settings copied from the DID Number entered.
Delete Delete a DID.
5. Enter DID Assignment data.
6. Click Submit.

ILG Group Number Select the ILG number.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic), 1~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = no value)

01 DID Number Enter a DID number.

Possible values: 1~7 digits may include wild card ? where ? = 0~9 (default =
no value).

02 MOH Source Set Music On Hold for Analog ISDN DID Trunk
Possible values: Quiet Tone or External 1~15 (default = External 1)

03 GCO Key Group GCO Key Group number.

Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = 0)

04 Pool Key Group Pooled Line Key Group

Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = 0)

05 Audio Day1 Dst Type Select the Destination Type for Audio/Speech calls
06 Audio Day2 Dst Type
Possible values: No Data (default), Dialing Digits, DISA, Built-in Modem or
07 Audio Night Dst Type
Night Bell

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309 Direct Inward Dialing

Audio Day1 Destination Enter the Destination Directory Number or Access Code.
Audio Day2 Destination
Possible values: Up to 32 digits (default = no value)
Audio Night Destination
If Dialing Digits is the Destination Type enter the Directory Number that the line
should ring. If the line should ring over external page, enter #31xx, where xx is
the external Page group number. If the default page access code #31 was
changed, use the new page access code as the leading digits.
Line access codes and network routing numbers can also be entered to route
incoming calls back out to a public or private network number.

08 Data Day1 Dst Type Select the Destination Type for data calls
09 Data Day2 Dst Type
Possible values: No Data (default), Dialing Digits, DISA, Built-in Modem or
10 Data Night Dst Type
Night Bell

Data Day1 Destination Enter the Destination Directory Number or Access Code.
Data Day2 Destination
Possible values: Up to 32 digits (default = no value)
Data Night Destination
If Dialing Digits is the Destination Type enter the Directory Number that the line
should ring. If the line should ring over external page, enter #31xx, where xx is
the external Page group number. If the default page access code #31 was
changed, use the new page access code as the leading digits.
Line access codes and network routing numbers can also be entered to route
incoming calls back out to a public or private network number.

11 DNIS VMID Code Enter the VM mail box number which should answer calls for this DID/DNIS
Possible values: Up to 10 digits (default = no value)
Note This code is only sent if using SMDI VM integration in Program 580, 01.
This code will be replaced, after voice mail answers, by the DTMF code
set in Program 309, 15 DID/DNIS DTMF VMID code - if programmed;
therefore, if using Program 309, 15 code, this VMID code is not
This mail box number will be sent to voice mail on a DID/DNIS call that rings
directly to voice mail; and, on a direct DID/DNIS call to a DN that forwards to
voice mail before it is answered by the DN.
If a DID/DNIS call is answered by a station and then transferred to a DN that
forwards to voice mail, this mail box number of the DID/DNIS number or the
forwarding DNs mail box number will be sent to voice mail per Program 579, 01.
If this VMID code is not set, direct DID/DNIS calls will go to the VM general
greeting and DID/DNIS calls that forward from a DN to VM will go to the DNs
VMID mail box.
This Voice Mail box number is added to SMDI packets direct and forwarded
DID\DNIS calls to voice mail as explained above.

12 DNIS Name Enter DNIS name. DNIS names can be assigned from the CTX WinAdmin (not
from programming phones).
Possible values: Up to 16 ASCII characters (default = no value)

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309 Direct Inward Dialing

15 VM Dial Enter the VM mail box number which should answer calls for this DID/DNIS
Possible values: Digits 0~9, and #. For a pause enter Px, where x=0~9
(seconds), up to 10 characters (default = no value).
This mail box number will be sent to voice mail on a DID/DNIS call that rings
directly to voice mail; and, on a direct DID/DNIS call to a DN that forwards to
voice mail before it is answered by the DN.
If a DID/DNIS call is answered by a station and then transferred to a DN that
forwards to voice mail, this mail box number of the DID/DNIS number or the
forwarding DNs mail box number will be sent to voice mail per Program 579, 01.
If this VMID code is not set, direct DID/DNIS calls will go to the VM general
greeting and DID/DNIS calls that forward from a DN to VM will go to the DNs
VMID mail box. This voice mail box number is sent to the VM port, as DTMF
digits, after the VM port answers a DID/DNIS call as explained above. These
digits are sent to the VM port if the CTX is set for SMDI or DTMF integration in
Program 580, 01.


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318 DID Intercept Assignments

318 DID Intercept Assignments

Prerequisite Program: 304 on page 6-2
This command assigns the DID Routing table when DID numbers are undefined or not received.
1. Complete the DID Intercept
Assignment Record Sheet on
page D-26.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > DID Intercept.The DID
Intercept Assignments screen
displays (shown right).
3. Enter an ILG Number
...or click List to view a summary
list of programmed ILGs.
4. Enter DID Type in the 01 Type field.
5. Enter DID Intercept Assignment
6. Click Submit.
ILG Number Enter ILG number.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic),
1~128 (CTX670 Exp), (default = no value

01 Type Select Routing Type.

Possible values: No DID (default) or Not Determined

02 MOH Source Select Music On Hold

Possible values: External 1~15 (default = External 1)

03 Group CO Destination GCO Key Group number.

Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic),
0~128 (CTX670 Exp), (default = 0)

04 Pooled Line Group POOL Line Key Group Number.

Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic),
0~128 (CTX670 Exp), (default = 0)

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318 DID Intercept Assignments

05 Audio Day1 Dst Type Select the Audio/Speech call Day1 destination type.
06 Audio Day2 Dst Type
Possible values: No Data (default), Dialing Digits, DISA, Built-in Modem or
07 Audio Night Dst Type
Night Bell
No Data no destination will ring when the line rings into the system.
Dialing Digits assigns the line to ring the directory number or access code
defined in the Destination Digits assignment
DSIA assigns the line to ring in as a DSIA call. DSIA dial tone will be
returned to the caller.
Modem assigns the line to ring the remote maintenance modem on the
CTX processor. Used to call into the system with a CTX WinAdmin PC and
Night Bell Assigns the line to cause the night relay to pulse (one-

Audio Day1 Dst. DN Enter the Destination Directory Number. Destination DN is only required if the
Audio Day2 Dst DN destination type is Dialing Digits
Audio Night Dst DN
Possible values: Up to 32 ASCII characters (default = no value)

08 Data Day1 Dst Type Select the data call Day1 destination type
09 Data Day2 Dst Type
Possible values: No Data (default), Dialing Digits, DISA, Built-in Modem or
10 Data Night Dst Type
Night Bell
No Data no destination will ring when the line rings into the system.
Dialing Digits assigns the line to ring the directory number or access code
defined in the Destination Digits assignment
DSIA assigns the line to ring in as a DSIA call. DSIA dial tone will be
returned to the caller.
Modem assigns the line to ring the remote maintenance modem on the
CTX processor. Used to call into the system with a CTX WinAdmin PC and
Night Bell Assigns the line to cause the night relay to pulse (one-

Data Day1 Dst DN Enter the Destination Directory Number. Destination DN is only required if the
Data Day2 Dst DN destination type is Dialing Digits
Data Night Dst DN
Possible values: Up to 32 ASCII characters (default = no value)


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318 DID Intercept Assignments

11 DID/DNIS No. VMID Enter the VM mail box number which should answer calls for this DID/DNIS
Possible values: Up to 10 digits (default = no value).
Note This code is only sent if using SMDI VM integration in Program 580,
01. This code will be replaced, after voice mail answers, by the DTMF
code set in Program 318, 15 DID/DNIS DTMF VMID code - if
programmed; therefore, if using Program 318, 15 code, this VMID
code is not necessary.
This mail box number will be sent to voice mail on a DID/DNIS call that rings
directly to voice mail; and, on a direct DID/DNIS call to a DN that forwards to
voice mail before it is answered by the DN.
If a DID/DNIS call is answered by a station and then transferred to a DN that
forwards to voice mail, this mail box number of the DID/DNIS number, or the
forwarding DNs mail box number will be sent to voice mail per Program 579,
If this VMID code is not set, direct DID/DNIS calls will go to the VM general
greeting and DID/DNIS calls that forward from a DN to VM will go to the DNs
VMID mail box.
This Voice Mail box number is added to SMDI packets of direct and forwarded
DID\DNIS calls to voice mail as explained above.

12 DID/DNIS Name Enter DNIS Name. DNIS names can be assigned from the CTX WinAdmin (not
from programming phones).
Possible values: Up to 16 ASCII characters (default = no value)

15 DID/DNIS No. DTMF Enter the VM mail box number which should answer calls for this DID/DNIS
VMID number.
Possible values: Digits 0~9, * and #. For a pause enter Px, where x=0~9
(seconds), up to 10 characters (default = no value).
This mail box number will be sent to voice mail on a DID/DNIS call that rings
directly to voice mail; and, on a direct DID/DNIS call to a DN that forwards to
voice mail before it is answered by the DN.
If a DID/DNIS call is answered by a station and then transferred to a DN that
forwards to voice mail, the mail box number of the DID/DNIS number or the
forwarding DNs mail box number will be sent to voice mail per Program 579,
If this VMID code is not set, direct DID/DNIS calls will go to the VM general
greeting and DID/DNIS calls that forward from a DN to VM will go to the DNs
VMID mail box.
This voice mail box number is sent to the VM port, as DTMF digits, after the VM
port answers a DID/DNIS call as explained above. These digits are sent to the
VM port if the CTX is set for SMDI or DTMF integration in Program 580, 01.

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Programs Used: 311 and 319
These commands assign Assigns Direct Inward System Access (DISA) properties.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > Service. The Trunk
Services screen displays (shown
2. Enter Program 311 data.
3. Enter Program 319 data.
4. Click Submit.

311 DISA Security Code

Prerequisite Program: None
Assigns DISA parameters.
01 DISA Enabled Enable DISA security code.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

02 DISA Code Enter DISA security code.

Possible values: Up to 15 digits (default = no value)

03 Response Timer Enter the time, in seconds, for Strata CTX to respond to a call.
Possible values: 0~30 (default = 5)

04 Idle Timer Enter the time in seconds to wait for idle DTMF.
Possible values: 0~60 (default = 10)

319 Intercept Treatment

Prerequisite Program: None
This command assigns Intercept positions for Strata CTX Day/Night schedules. Intercept positions are
used when the destination of a trunk line call is not determined with DID or DIT.
01 Day1 Destination Type Select Destination Type for each.
02 Day2 Destination Type
Possible values: None (default), Dialing Digits or Night Bell
03 Night Destination Type

Day1 Destination Enter Destination for each.


Day2 Destination Possible values: Up to 32 ASCII characters (default = no value)

Night Destination
To intercept with a DN use 0~99999
To intercept with a Network DN use 1~32
To intercept with Dial Digits Paging 1~16

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315 T1 Trunk Card

315 T1 Trunk Card

Prerequisite Program: 100 on page 4-1
This command assigns T1 Trunk Card Data to the system.
1. Complete the Trunk Timer/DIT
Record Sheet on page D-27.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > T1. The T1 Trunk Card
Data Assignment screen displays
(shown right).
3. Enter T1 card location in Shelf/Slot
field (xxyy). The selected slot
requires a DTU Card.
xx = Cabinet 01~07
yy = Slot 01~10
...or click the following buttons:
List to view a summary list of programmed Trunks.
Copy to T1 trunk equipment.
4. Enter values for Program 315.
5. Click Submit.
T1 Equipment Enter the RDTU PCB equipment location.
Location Possible values: xx = cabinet 01; yy =slot 03, 05, or 07
...or xx = cabinet 02~07; yy =slot 01, 03, or 05
Cabinet Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet (CTX100).
Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each Expansion
cabinet (CTX670).
Slot Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots
Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots
(default = no value)

01 Coding Format Select the Coding Format.

Possible values: None, PZC, B8ZS (default) or ZCS

02 Frame Format Select the Frame Format.

Possible values: SF Mode or ESF Mode (default)

04 Receive PAD Select the Receive PAD values.

Possible values: None, Plus 6 dB, Plus 3 dB, Zero dB (default), Minus 3 dB, Minus
6 dB, Minus 9 dB, Minus 12 dB or Minus 15 dB

05 Send PAD Select the Send PAD values.

Possible values: None, Plus 6 dB, Plus 3 dB, Zero dB (default), Minus 3 dB, Minus
6 dB, Minus 9 dB, Minus 12 dB or Minus 15 dB

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DID/DNIS Table View

DID/DNIS Table View

This screen provides the DID/DNIS Table View on the DID command page. This is a read only table. You
View the information pertaining to the configured DID/DNIS.The Header includes 10 selected columns
that are found in the Program 309.
View all records using the vertical scroll bar.
Refresh function enables you to get the updated CTX information.
Print a copy of the table using the Print button.

To access DID/DNIS table view

Click Trunk > DID/DNIS Table View
...or use Program 309.
The DID/DNIS table displays (sample
shown right).
Once displayed, you can minimize the
screen or send it to the background. It is
an independent window that can always
be brought back to the front of the screen
for reference.
The table provides a Refresh and Print
function - use Refresh after making any
DID/DNIS program changes.
You can sort the table by columns.
Clicking the header of any column enables you to sort the table by that column.


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The following program enables set up for ISDN related system settings.

317 ISDN BRI Trunk

Prerequisite Program: 100 on page 4-1
1. This command assigns ISDN BRI
1. Complete the ISDN BRI Station
Record Sheets on page D-19.From
the Program Menu, click Trunk >
2. Enter Channel Group number
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed Trunks.
Create Assign a new Trunk
with default settings.
Copy Enter a Channel Group
number and click Copy to make a new Trunk assignment with settings copied from the Channel
Group you entered.
Delete Delete an Trunk.
3. Enter data.
4. Click Submit.
Channel Group Enter the BRI channel Group Number.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~48 (CTX670 Basic), 1~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = no value)

01 Equipment Number Enter the equipment number xxyyzz to which the ISDN BRI Trunk is to be
Example: If the RBUU is installed in cabinet shelf 5, slot 3, enter 050301 for
circuit 1.
Possible values: xx = Cabinet 01~07; yy = Slot 01~10; zz = Circuit 01~08 or
01~24 (CTX670)
xx = Cabinet 01; yy = Slot 01~08; zz = Circuit 01~04 (CTX100)
(default = no value).
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100 Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670 Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each Expansion
Slot numbers:
CTX100 Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots.
CTX670 Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots.

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02 Protocol Select the ISDN protocol. Only Bearer capabilities specified by the protocol can
be entered in this field. The Initial value for ISDN Protocol corresponds to
information set in the hardware level.
Possible values: Natl ISDN (default), ETSI, TTC or Natl ISDN Nortel
National ISDN = North America, ETSI = England and TTC = Japan.

03 ILG ILG assignments must be made for basic ISDNs to process the calls being
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = no value).

04 OLG OLG assignments must be made for basic ISDNs to process the calls being
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = no value).

06 Bearer Svc - Speech Enable speech capability. See Table 6-7 on page 6-24.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

07 Bearer Svc - 3.1 KHz Enable 3.1 KHz audio capability. See Table 6-7 on page 6-24.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

08 Bearer Svc - 7 KHz Enable 7 KHz audio capability. See Table 6-7 on page 6-24.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

09 Bearer Svc - Enable one of the unrestricted capabilities. See Table 6-7 on page 6-24.
Unrestricted 64K
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable bearer capabilities for the channel
10 Bearer Svc - group.
Unrestricted 56K Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable
11 Bearer Svc -
Unrestricted 2x64K

12 Outgoing B Ch Select Select originating B Channel method.

Possible values:
Explicit Channel is indicated, and no alternative is acceptable.
Preferred (default) Channel is indicated, and any alternative is acceptable.
Any Channel Channel is indicated, and any channel is acceptable.

13 B Ch Selection Choose Idle B Channel selection method.

Possible values: Forward Cyclic, Backward Cyclic, Forward Terminal or
Backward Terminal (default = Backward Terminal)
Select Forward Cyclic (from lowest number to highest number of B-channel).
Select Backward Cyclic (from highest number to lowest number of B-channel).
Select Forward Terminal for the lowest numbered B-channel.

Select Backward Terminal for the oldest number B-channel. (The High-High B-
channel selection)

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14 Initialize Type Enter the Service Profile Identifier (SPID) type of initialization.
Possible values: User Entry (Auto SPID On), User Entry (Auto SPID Off), Auto
SPID or None (default)

15 Initialization Display Enter the text to be displayed for SPID Initialization.

Possible values: Up to 4 ASCII characters (default = User)

16 SPID #1 Enter the SPID value. These fields are required if you selected National ISDN in
Protocol. When no data is entered, any previously entered information is
17 SPID #2 overwritten.
Possible values: Up to 20 ASCII characters (default = No Value)

18 T-Wait Timer Enable the T-Wait Timer. This field is needed if you selected National ISDN in
Protocol above. This timer, used along with the SPID, assigns random initializing
SPID times to prevent BRI interfaces from re-initialize at the same time after a
reset or power outage.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

19 Voice Calls Select the number of simultaneous voice (speech) calls that can exist at the same
time on this interface.
Possible values: One or Two (default)

20 Trunk Subscriber 1 Enter the telephone number for subscriber 1. Telephone number should be
consistent with D channel data. If no data is entered in this field any previously
programmed information is lost.
Possible values: Up to 10 digits (default = no value)

21 Trunk Subscriber 2 Enter the telephone number for subscriber number 2. If no data is entered in this
field any previously programmed information is lost.
Possible values: Up to 10 digits (default = no value)

Table 6-7 Bearer Capability Table

Bearer Services ETSI TTC
National ISDN
Speech X X X
3.1 KHz X X X
7 KHz X X
64 Kbps X X X
Circuit Mode Rate adaptation
Unrestricted from 56 Kbps

2x64 Kbps X X

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302 PRI Trunks

Prerequisite Program: 100 on page 4-1
The PRI Interface card needs to have a number of assignments for defining its operation. These include
which channels are available for use and the location of the D channel or signaling channel. A number of
optional functional capabilities also need to be enabled or disabled.
D Channel exists on the circuit assigned in this command.
Note PRI ILGs and OLGs are assigned using Call-by-Call on page 6-29. Therefore, ILG and OLG must
be set to 0.
1. Complete the PRI Trunks
Record Sheet on page D-29.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > ISDN > PRI.
3. Enter Channel Group number
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed Trunks.
Create Assign a new Trunk
with default settings.
Copy Enter an Channel
Group number and click
Copy to make a new Trunk
assignment with settings
copied from the Channel
Group entered. 5722

Delete Delete an Trunk

(Trunks 1~128 for CTX670 and 1~32 for CTX100).
4. Enter data.
5. Click Submit.
Channel Group Channel Group Number
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~48 (CTX670 Basic), 1~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = no value)

01 RPTU Equipment No. Enter the ISDN RPTU equipment number as xxyyzz.
Possible values: xx = cabinet 01; yy = 03, 05, or 07; zz = Circuit 01
...or xx = cabinet 02~07; yy = 01, 03, or 05; zz = Circuit 01
(default = no value)
Note zz = Channel 01 is always used to assign RPTU parameters
Example: If the RPTU is installed in cabinet shelf 5, slot 3, enter 050301.Enter the

equipment number xxyyzz to which the ISDN PRI Trunk is to be assigned.

Equipment numbers are required when assigning ISDN RPTU parameters in the
system. It can also be used to display the equipment location of existing RPTU

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02 Protocol The Protocol to be followed defines the type of interface expected based upon the
equipment type at the distant end of the connection.
Possible values: National ISDN, ETSI, TTC, National ISDN Nortel or Q-Sig
(default = None)

03 ILG Primary ISDN needs to have Trunk Group assignments to process the calls being
received. If multiple trunk groups are used within the Channel Group, then Call-by-
Call Services must be used.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~48 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = 0)

04 OLG Primary ISDN needs to have Trunk Group assignments to process the calls being
originated. If multiple trunk groups are used within the Channel Group, then Call-
by-Call Services must be used.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~48 (CTX670 Basic), 0~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = 0)

05 Trunk ID Type Identify whether the communication with the PSTN requires an identifier. Select
Explicit to require an identifier.
Possible values: Implicit (default) or Explicit

06 Trunk ID An identifier must be used as part of the addressing when an explicit identified is
used to communicate with the PSTN which channel on which link is used for the
given call. This identifier is assigned by the connected PSTN.
Possible values: 0 ~ 126 (default = 0)

07 D Ch Position PRI includes a 64-kbps D-channel (for transfer of signal information). Select the
channel position to be used for D channel signaling.
Note This field is used only when the span interface speed is 1.5M. If the span
interface speed is 2M the value is fixed at 16.
Possible values: 1 ~ 24 (default = 24)

08~13 Bearer Services: 1. Enable the Bearer Capabilities allowed for this PRI Trunk channel group.
Speech Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

3.1 KHz Audio 2. Select the Channel Method (map) to identify the channels.
7 KHz Audio Note In North America, only Channel Number map is used (Channel Number).
See Table 6-8.
Unrestr. 64K
Possible values: Channel Number (default) or Slot Number
Unrestr. 56K
Unrestr. 2x64K

14~18 Bearer Services: 1. The Bearer Capabilities (384k Unrestricted(H0), 1536k Unrestricted(H11),
1920k Unrestricted, Restricted Digital Info, Trunk Video, and Unrestricted
Unrestr. 384K Multirate) are not used and should remain disabled.
Unrestr. 1536K Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)
Unrestr. 1920K 2. Select the Channel Method (map) to identify the channels.
Restr. Digital Note In North America, only Channel Number B map is used. See Table 6-8.
Video Possible values: Channel Number B (default), Channel Number H, Slot Map B or
Slot Map H

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19 Bearer Svc Multirate The Bearer Capabilities 384k Unrestricted (H0), 1536k Unrestricted (H11), 1920k
Unrestricted Unrestricted, Restricted Digital Info, Trunk Video and Unrestricted Multirate are not
used and should remain disabled. See Table 6-8.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

20 B Ch Selection Method The method used for selecting an idle B channel and the reaction if the PSTN
indicates the channel is not available needs to be chosen to originate a call from
Possible values: Explicit (default), Preferred or Any Channel
Preferred option is recommended, unless PSTN needs other choice.

21 B-Ch Selection The search method for choosing an idle B channel shall also be specified.
Backward Terminal is the normal method with the PSTN following a Forward
Terminal method.
Possible values: Forward Cyclic, Backward Cyclic, Forward Terminal or
Backward Terminal (default)

22 T1 Time Slot Pattern 1544 Time Slot Pattern.

Possible values: Fixed1 (default), Flexible or Floating

23 E1 Time Slot Pattern 2048 Time Slot Pattern

Possible values: Fixed1 (default), Fixed2 or Flexible

24 T-Wait Timer Specify whether the T-Wait timer is to be enabled or disabled. This field is only
valid for Natl ISDN. This should not be enabled for PRI, it is for BRI.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

25 RBT on Incoming Call Enable Ringback Tone when terminating a call. This field is only valid for Natl
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

26 Network Mode Set this span as Master or Slave for Layer 2 of a QSIG PRI. The opposite value
must be set for the node in which this QSIG PRI terminates. This governs call
setup activity and is not related to clock synchronization.
Possible values: Master (default) or Slave

27 Negotiation Priority Sets this span as Side A or Side B for Layer 3 of a QSIG PRI. The opposite value
must be set for the node in which this QSIG PRI terminates.
Possible values: Side A (default) or Side B

29 2-B channel Transfer Enable this option to allow 2-B channel conference on PRI calls. This allows to PRI
channels to be connected in the same conference or Tandem call.
Note This option must also be enabled by PRI provider to allow it to work.

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Table 6-8 Bearer Services Table

Bearer Services Natl ISDN ETSI TTC

Speech X X X
3.1 KHz Audio X X X
7 KHz Audio X X
unrestricted digital 64 kbps X X X
Rate adaptation from 56
Circuit 2x64 X X
384kbp (H0) X X X
1536kbps (H11) X X X
1920kbps (H12) X
multirate (n x 64 kbps) X
Restricted digital Information X X
Video X X

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Programs Used: 324 and 323
Call-by-Call service allows multiple facilities to share a PRI channel group. Traffic requirements of
different facilities vary at different times, and sharing B channels on a Call-by-Call basis makes it possible
to use fewer B channels to perform an equivalent service to the discrete counterpart.
1. Complete the 324 CBC Time
Zones on page 6-30.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > ISDN > Call by Call. The
ISDN Call by Call Service screen
displays (shown right).
3. Enter Channel Group number.
4. Enter Program 323 data.
5. Enter Program 324 data.
6. Click Submit.

323 CBC Service

Prerequisite Program: 302 on page 6-25
To accomplish CBC services, each facility needs to be defined, its related Line Group assigned and
minimum and maximum values for the services provided. These service parameters may be set for three
different time zones, thus allowing fewer or more services of different types at different times of the day.
Complete the Call-by-Call Record Sheet on page D-30.
Channel Group Enter the Channel Group Number.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~48 (CTX670 Basic),
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)

01 Index Enter the CBC Service Index, or click one of the following buttons:
List view a summary list of programmed Trunks.
Create Assign a new Trunk with default settings.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~48 (CTX670 Basic),
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)

02 Type of Service Select the CBC Service Type.

Note To delete CBC, set this field to 1: No Data.
Possible values: No data (default), POTS, FX, Tie Line (Enbloc), Tie Line (Cut
through), Intra LATA Out WATS, Banded Out WATTS, Inter LATA


03 Facility Code Enter the supplied Facility code value from the PSTN. If no data is entered in this
field, any previously entered data is deleted.
Possible values: 00~31(default = no value)

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04 Service Parameter Enter the Service parameters supplied from PSTN. If no data is entered in this field,
any previously entered data is deleted.
Possible values: Up to 5 digits (default = no value)

05 Network ID Enter the Network ID code supplied from PSTN (this field is required if you selected
Inter LATA Out WATS Type of Service. If no data is entered in this field, any
previously entered data is deleted.
Possible values: 3 to 4 digits (default = no value)

06 ILG Specify the ILG for this facility.

Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic),
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = 0)

07 OLG Specify the OLG for this facility.

Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic),
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = 0)

08 Min Calls Zone 1 Select the minimum number of Bch in Time Zone 1.
Possible values: 0~47 (default = 0)

09 Max Calls Zone 1 Select the maximum number of Bch in Time Zone 1.
Possible values: 0~47 (default = 47)

10 Min Calls Zone 2 Select the minimum number of Bch in Time Zone 2.
Possible values: 0~47 (default = 0)

11 Max Calls Zone 2 Select the maximum number of Bch in Time Zone 2.
Possible values: 0~47 (default = 47)

12 Min Calls Zone 3 Select the minimum number of Bch in Time Zone 3.
Possible values: 0~47 (default = 0)

13 Max Calls Zone 3 Select the maximum number of Bch in Time Zone 3.
Possible values: 0~47 (default = 47)

324 CBC Time Zones

This command assigns Call-by-Call Time Zone.
Channel Group Channel Group Number
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~48 (CTX670 Basic),
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)

01 Start Zone 1 Enter the Time Zone Starting Time (hhmm).

02 Start Zone 2 Possible values: hh = 00~23, 99 (hour)

mm = 00~59, 99 (minutes)
03 Start Zone 3 9999 = delete time zone, (default = no value)

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320 B Channel
Prerequisite Program: 302 on page 6-25
PRI interfaces are purchased on per interface and channel basis. The B channel assignments allow for a
flexible activation of channels to match the subscribed services from the PSTN.
1. Complete the B Channel Select
Record Sheet on page D-31.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > ISDN > B Channel. The
ISDN B-Channel Assignments
screen displays (shown right).
3. Enter the Equipment Number, or
click List to see a summary of
progammed circuits.
4. Click the B Channel numbers that
you want to activate (see Table 6-9
below for T1 and E1 B Channel
default settings).
5. Click Submit.

Table 6-9 B Channel Defaults

B Channel Position
01~15 16 17~23 24 25~31
Span Interface Speed
1.5M (T1) ON ON ON OFF (Dch Pos)
2.0M (E1) ON OFF (Dch Pos) ON ON ON


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316 Shared D Channel

Prerequisite Program: 302 on page 6-25
The PRI Interface can be extended to include an additional PRI card to expand the total number of
channels to 47 on a Channel Group. This second PRI may optionally offer a backup D channel.
1. Complete the Shared D Channel
Record Sheet on page D-32.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > ISDN > D Channel. The
Share D Channel Assignment
screen displays (shown right).
3. Enter the Channel Group number
(1~128, default = no value), or click
the List button to view a summary
list of programmed Channel
4. Enter data.
5. Click Submit.

Channel Group Channel Group Number.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~48 (CTX670 Basic), 1~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = no value)

01 Equipment Number Enter the ISDN RPTU equipment number as xxyyzz:

Possible values: xx = Cabinet 01, yy = 03, 05, or 07 and zz = Channel 01 is always
used to assign RPTU parameters
...or xx = Cabinet 02~10, yy = 01, 03, or 05 and zz = Channel 01
is always used to assign RPTU parameters
(default = no value)
Example: If the RPTU is installed in cabinet shelf 5, slot 3, enter 050301.
Equipment numbers are required when assigning ISDN RPTU parameters in the
system. It can also be used to display the equipment location of existing RPTU

02 Trunk ID An identifier must be used as part of the addressing to communicate with the PSTN
which channel on which link is used the given call. This identifier is assigned by the
connected PSTN.
Possible values: 1~ 126 (default = 1)

03 D-Ch Provided If a backup D Channel is to be used, it needs to be enabled.

Possible values: D-channel or No D-channel (default)

04 Backup D-Ch The channel position within the 24 channels must be identified to be used for the D
Position channel signaling.
Possible values: 1~24

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Calling Number
Programs Used: 321 and 322
When calls are made using ISDN services, the telephone number for which the call originates must be
identified to the PSTN.
1. Complete the Calling Number
Record Sheets on page D-33.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Trunk > ISDN > Calling Number.
The ISDN Calling Number
Identification screen displays
(shown right).
3. Enter the OLG Number, or click the
List button to view a summary list
of programmed OLGs.
4. Enter Program 321 data.
5. Enter Program 322 data.
6. Click Submit.

321 Calling Number Identification

Prerequisite Program: 306 on page 6-4
The Calling Number ID is what is defined as the user supplied Calling Number. This number may be
optionally screened by the PSTN to ensure only calls from valid billable telephone numbers are allowed to
originate calls.
OLG Number Enter the OLG Number.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic), 1~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = no value)

01 Default Number Enter the telephone number to use by default when originating a call. This is the
number that the PSTN has registered for billing purposes.
Possible values: Up to 10 ASCII characters (default = no value)

02 Number Prefix Enter the prefix telephone number for which a DID number will be appended to
create a User Identified telephone number.
Possible values: Up to 10 ASCII characters (default = no value)
This number may or may not be a billed number, but is used for Caller ID at the
distant end and could be used for returning your call.

03 Number Specify whether the number provided should be screened by the PSTN before the
Verification call is to proceed.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

04 Default Number 2 Enter the second telephone number to use by default when originating a call.
Possible values: Up to 10 ASCII characters (default = no value)
This is the number that the PSTN has registered for billing purposes. The second
number is for BRI only

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322 Called Number Table

Prerequisite Program: 306 on page 6-4
When calls are received from the PSTN, a Called Number is supplied as part of the Setup Message. This
Called Number may be used for directing the call to the appropriate service with Strata CTX.
OLG Number OLG Number.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic), 1~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = no value)

01 Source Type Specify the type of circuit used for outgoing calls: 1- PDN; 2- GCO; 3- Pooled Line.
Possible values: Primary DN (0~99999), Group CO (1~128) or Pool Line Group
(1~128); (default = no value)

02 Source Number Specify the number of the source type selected (PDN, GCO or Pooled Line).
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic), 1~128 (CTX670 Exp),
(default = no value)

03 DID Number Specify the number of digits received for reaching this service.
Possible values: Up to 7 digits (default = no value)
Note Destination Type and Destination must be entered before a DID number
can be assigned.

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Trunk DID/DNIS Setup Wizard

Trunk DID/DNIS Setup Wizard

This wizard enables you to assign Direct Inward Dialing / Dialed Number Identification Service (DID/
DNIS) to ILGs quickly and easily. The wizard automatically takes you through the different programs and
parameters required.
Follow the steps below to start using the DID/DNIS Wizard.

Step 1: Select or Create DID/DNIS ILG

1. Select Trunk > Setup Wizard >

2. After reading the instructions on

the screen (shown right), click

Step 1: 304 Select or Create DID/

DNIS ILG screen displays (shown
3. In the 00 DID/DNIS Incoming Line
Group (ILG) field, click Create
...or from the drop-down menu,
select a DID/DNIS ILG to edit.
Note Only DID/DNIS ILGs appear in
the drop-down box.
See table below for screen fields
and field descriptions.

01 ILG Type Select analog for RDDU or RDTU interface, or ISDN for RPTU interface.

11 DID/DNIS Digit Length Select the number of digits (1~7) that compose each DID number for this
DID/DNIS ILG. This is the number of DID digits sent from the CO on
incoming DID/DNIS. If ANI digits are sent with DID digits, only set this
parameter for the quantity of DID digits sent.

02 Line Type DID lines should always be set as CO type lines.

03 DID/DIT Service DID lines should always be set as DID service

04 Std/Q-SIG Service DID lines should always be set for Standard service

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Trunk DID/DNIS Setup Wizard

4. If you clicked Create in Step 3, the Create New

DID/DNIS ILG screen displays (shown at right).
Fill in the three fields on the screen and click Create Now. The
DID/DNIS Number Range Wizard screen displays with the
new information.
5. (Optional) Click DID/DNIS Table View to view existing DID/
DNIS assignments. This table displays assignments for all
DID/DNIS ILGs currently programmed in the CTX. For more
details, see DID/DNIS Table View on page 6-21.
6. After creating or selecting a DID/DNIS ILG, click Next.

Step 2: Create or Delete DID/DNIS Numbers for ILG 2

1. From the Step 2: 309 Create or Delete DID/DNIS
Numbers for ILG 2 screen (shown right), click
Create to create a block of DID/DNIS numbers.
The numbers are created in consecutive order.

The Create DID/DNIS Numbers screen displays (shown

Specify the first number in the DID/DNIS block.
Note The quantity of digits must match the quantity of digits
assigned to the selected ILG (refer back to DID/DNIS
Digit Length on the previous screen).
Specify the DID/DNIS Number block size that should be
created. This is the quantity of DID/DNIS numbers
ordered from the DID/DNIS provider.

Specify overwrite existing or add to existing DID/

DNIS numbers. If no DID/DNIS numbers exist, add or
overwrite is OK.
...or click Delete and the delete DID/DNIS number dialog box
displays (shown right). Specify the first and last DID/DNIS
number to delete using the drop-down boxes; or, check mark
Delete all DID/DNIS numbers. Click Delete Now. The
numbers are deleted.

CAUTION! Overwrite erases all existing DID/DNIS numbers currently programmed for the
selected ILG.

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Trunk DID/DNIS Setup Wizard

2. (Optional) Click DID/DNIS Table View to view existing DID/DNIS assignments. For more details, see
DID/DNIS Table View on page 6-21.
3. When finished, click Next.

Step 3: Assign DID/DNIS Number Audio Destinations for ILG 2

1. From the Step 3: 309 Assign DID/DNIS Number
Audio Destinations for ILG 2 screen (shown right),
set the DID/DNIS Number range.
Note This step enables you to assign the ringing
destinations for all DID/DNIS numbers in the
selected ILG. This assignment applies only to
Voice (audio) callsnot to data calls.
2. Specify the range of DID/DNIS numbers for which
ringing assignments should be made. Use the First
Number/Last Number drop-down arrows.
3. Fill in the appropriate fields on this screen (see
field descriptions below).
4. (Optional) Click DID/DNIS Table View to view existing DID/DNIS assignments. For more details, see
DID/DNIS Table View on page 6-21.
5. After selecting DID/DNIS ringing destination assignments, click Submit to register them in the CTX
6. After creating DID/DNIS ringing destinations, click Next to assign DID/DNIS Voice Mail ID codes.
These VM codes are optional and are only used if DID/DNIS numbers have unique VM boxes to call
forward to or ring directly to.

GCO Key Group If a Group CO Key is selected, all selected DID/DNIS numbers will ring on
telephones that have this key.
Note This selection will override any GCO or Pool Key Group
assignment made in the Program 304, ILG assignments. Day/
Day2/Night period assignments do not apply, GCO or Pool Keys
will ring in all periods.

Pool Key Group If a Pool Key Group is selected, all selected DID/DNIS numbers will ring on
telephones that have this key.
Note This selection will override any GCO or Pool Key Group
assignment made in the Program 304, ILG assignments. Day/
Day2/Night period assignments do not apply, GCO or Pool Keys
will ring in all periods.

Set for Period DID/DNIS ringing assignments can be unique for each CTX time period:
Day, Day2 and Night. Select the period(s) in which the destinations should
ring. Then select the destination type.

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Trunk DID/DNIS Setup Wizard

Destination Type Select the type of destination:
DISA - to call in and receive DISA dial tone.
Built-in modem - to call in directly to the CTX modem with CTX WinAdmin.
Night Bell - to call in and close the BIOU or ACTU night bell control relay.
Dialing Digits - to call in and:
Ring PDNs, PhDNs, and/or Pilot Numbers
Night Ring over External Page - feature access code must be included in
the dialing digits.
Access outgoing CO lines, Network Nodes and/or LCR to set up tandem
calls - line access codes must be included in the dialing digits.

When Dialing Digits is the selected Destination Type, you must set the
Dialing Digit Range below.
This selection will override any GCO or Pool Key Group assignment
made in this Program or Program 304, ILG assignments.

Set the Dialing Digits Select the method in which dialing digit ringing destinations should be
range created:
Use DNIS as Destination - the destination digits for each DID/DNIS number
will be the same as the DID/DNIS number. This option is normally used
when the DID/DNIS numbers match the telephone PDNs, PhDNs etc.
Start with - enter the number to which the first selected DID/DNIS number
should ring. Ringing destinations will be assigned consecutively, starting
with this number, to each consecutive DID/DNIS number.
Only Use - all selected DID/DNIS numbers will be assigned to the dialing
digits entered here.
Add to front - these digits will be added in front of each dialing digit number.
Add to End - these digits will be added to the end of each dialing digit

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Trunk DID/DNIS Setup Wizard

Step 4: Assign DID/DNIS VMID Codes for ILG

1. From the Step 4: Assign DID/DNIS
Number VMID Codes for ILG 2
screen, assign VMID codes for all
DID/DNIS numbers in the selected
ILG. See field descriptions below.
2. (Optional) Click DID/DNIS Table
View to view existing DID/DNIS
assignments. For more details,
see DID/DNIS Table View on page
3. After selecting VMID code
assignments, click Submit to register
them in the CTX database.

Set for DID/DNIS Number Specify the range of DID/DNIS numbers for which VMID code assignments
range: should be made. Use the First Number/Last Number drop down arrows.

Set for: The codes can be set independently for DTMF in band or SMDI Voice Mail

DTMF VMID Select to set VMID code assignments for DTMF voice mail integration.

SMDI VMID Select to set VMID code assignments for SMDI voice mail integration.

All Select to set VMID code assignments for DTMF and SMDI voice mail
Note DTMF and SMDI Voice Mail integration will not function simultaneously
on CTX.

Set the VMID range Select the method in which VMID codes should be created:
Use DNIS as VMID - the VMID code for each DID/DNIS number will be the
same as the DID/DNIS number.
Start with - enter the VMID that should be assigned to the first selected DID/
DNIS number. VMID codes will be assigned consecutively, starting with this
code, to each consecutive DID/DNIS number.
Only Use - all selected DID/DNIS numbers will be assigned to the VMID code
entered here.
Add to front - these digits will be added in front of each VMID code.
Add to End - these digits will be added to the end of each VMID code.

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Trunk DID/DNIS Setup Wizard

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Attendant 7

This chapter provides programming information for Strata CTX Attendants.

404 Attendant Group Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
This program establishes Attendant Groups, distribution methods and alternate destinations.
1. Complete the Attendant Group
Record Sheet on page D-34.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Attendant > Group Assignment.
The Attendant Group Assignment
screen displays (shown right).
3. Select the Attendant Group
...or click one of the following
List to view data list window.
Copy to Attendant group
4. Enter Program 404 data.
5. Click Submit.

00 Attendant Group Select the Attendant Group Member Number.
Possible values: 1(CTX100 & CTX670 Basic), 1~8 (CTX670 Exp.),
(default = no value)

01 Call Distribution Method Select the Call Distribution Method for attendant console.
Possible values: Most Idle First (default), Next Available First or Broadcast

02 Alternate Destination Enter the Alternate Attendant Destination (DN, Network DN or Group Pilot
Number). If no data is entered in this field, any previous entries are overwritten.
Possible values: Up to 32 digits (default = no value)

03 Overflow Time Select the Attendant Overflow Time in minutes.

Possible values: 0~180 (default = 30)

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404 Attendant Group Assignment

04 Group Overflow Enter the overflow destination for this attendant group. If no data is entered in
Destination this field, any previous entries are overwritten.
Possible values: Up to 32 digits (default = no value)

05 VMID Code SMDI Enter the Attendants Voice Mail ID code. If no data is entered in this field, any
previous entries are overwritten.
Possible values: Up to 10 digits (default = no value)

07 ICI1~16 ICI10 For 07 ICI1~16 ICI10, select ILG Assignments for ICI Groups.
ILG1 Assign the 1st ILG to ICI Groups 1~10.
ILG2 Assign the 2nd ILG to ICI Groups 1~10.
ILG3 Assign the 3rd ILG to ICI Groups 1~10.
ILG4 Assign the 4th ILG to ICI Groups 1~10.
Note Each ILG can only be assigned once in any of the ICI Groups.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic),
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = 0)

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400 Emergency Call Destination Assignment

400 Emergency Call Destination Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None

This command assigns Emergency Call destinations to Emergency Call groups. There is one group for
each Day mode (Day1, Day2 and Night).
1. From the Program Menu, click
Attendant > Emergency Call. The
Emergency Call screen displays
(shown right).
2. Enter Program 400 data.
...or click one of the following
Insert assigns the destination
for the selected index.
Modify assigns a new
destination to the selected
Remove removes the
assigned destination from the
3. Click Submit.

01 Day/Night Mode This is a display only field. It is controlled by the Strata CTX system.
Possible values: Day1, Day2, Night (default = no value)

02 Called Number Index This is a display only field. It is controlled by the Strata CTX system.
Possible values: 1~4 (default = no value)

03 Emergency Call Enter the destination DN for the emergency call.

Possible values: Up to 32 ASCII characters (default = no value)

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400 Emergency Call Destination Assignment

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IP Telephone Programming 8

All programs and features found in this chapter require CTX Release 2.0 software or higher and
WinAdmin Release 2.1 software or higher. This covers IP and 2B-channel conference programming. For

IP Telephone
CTX IP Telephone Programming guidelines, refer to Appendix A Applications, Tips and Tricks on
page A-1.

150 System IP Data Assignment

Prerequisite Program:
This command assigns IP data to the system.
1. From the Program Menu,
click IP-Telephone > System
IP Data. The Trunk System
IP data Assignment screen
displays (shown right)
2. Enter Program 150 data.
3. Click Submit.


01 Automatic Assignment Enable Automatic Assignment of Station ID when the IPT has no station ID. In
of Station ID program 250, FB04 is the same parameter and is per terminal.
When IPT searches to connect a CTX with no station ID, CTX looks for a PDN
which is set this parameter as "automatic", and sends the PDN to the IPT and
IPT sets it in the setting of IPT.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

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IP Telephone Programming
150 System IP Data Assignment

02 Terminal Enable this parameter if you want to reserve the PDNs on IP Telephones
Authentication system wide.
When enable" is set, terminal authentication by MAC address of IPT is valid.
So if another IPT with the same PDN is connected to the network, CTX rejects
the registration of this IPT because the MAC address of IPT is different.
When "disable" is set, you can move the PDN from a IPT to another IPT and
another IPT can be connected to the CTX.
In program 250 FB05 is the same parameter exists. Prgoram 250 FB05, the
individual IPT setting will override this system wide setting.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

03 Diffserv Enable Diffserv (Differenciated Services) priority control if voice packets on an

IP (internat) Network should be prioritized with priority tagging. Higher priority,
time-critical BIPU\IPT voice traffic can have preferential treatment when other
traffic is running at best effort.
If Diffserv is enabled you must set the '04 TOS Field Type' as DSCP or TOS.
Note:Diffserv is usually not standard feature with most ISPs, contact your ISP
to amke arrangements to provide Diffsrv or this feature will not work accurately.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

04 TOS Field Type If '03 Diffserv' is enabled, select DSCP 'Differinciated Service Format' or TOS
'Type Of Service format'.
Then, if TOS is selected, set the packet prioritiy level in '05 TOS Precedence
Then, if DSCP is selected, set the packet prioritiy level in '06 DSCP'.
Possible values: Tos (default) or Dscp

05 TOS Precedence Type If TOS is selected in '04 TOS Field Type' select a packet priority level - where
CRITIC/ESP provides the highest and Routine provides the lowest priority.
If TOS is selected in '04 TOS Field Type' make selections in TOS Delay, TOS
Throughput Delay, and TOS Reliability Type.
Possible values: Routine, Priority, Immediate, Flash, Flash Override, or
CriticEsp (default = 0)

TOS Delay Type If TOS is selected in '04 TOS Field Type' select 'Normal' for most cases.
Possible values: Normal (default) or Low

TOS Throughput Type If TOS is selected in '04 TOS Field Type' select 'Normal' for most cases.
Possible values: Normal (default) or High

TOS Reliability Type If TOS is selected in '04 TOS Field Type' select 'Normal' for most cases.
Possible values: Normal (default) or High

06 DSCP If DSCP is selected in '04 TOS Field Type' select a priority level from 1~ 64.
Level guidlines:
0,Best effort, default for most non-voice IP traffic.
24, Assured Flow 'AF' or Controlled Load, intended to classify streaming traffic.
40, Expedited Flow 'EF' or Guarenteed, intended to classify high priority traffic.
Possible values: 0~63 (default = 0)

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IP Telephone Programming
150 System IP Data Assignment

07 IEEE802.1p Enable IEEE802.1p priority control if voice packets on an Ethernet LAN should
be prioritized with priority tagging. Higher priority, time-critical BIPU\IPT voice
traffic can have preferential treatment when other traffic is running at best
If you enble IEEE802.1p, select which ptiority level to use (Voice or Best Effort)
in 08 IEEE802.1p Configuration on this screen.
Note All Ethernet devices on the LAN (routers, switches, etc, must support
IEEE802.1p for this feature to work accurately.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

IP Telephone
08 IEEE802.1p If 07 IEEE802.1p is enabled, select Voice priority. BIUP\IPT voice packets will
Configuration be tagged with the highest priority level.
Note Best Effort is not recommended for VoIP.
Possible values: BestEffort or Voice (default)

09 IP-CTX Identifier Enter a CTX Node ID if more than one CTX Node is on the IP Network. This
can be the same as the Qsig Network Node ID used for this system if it is in a
CTX Qsig. Network - but the two IDs are not related in software logic.
This ID must match the Node number programmed in the IP telephone using
369Hold-2, FB06
Possible values: Up to 5 digits

10 Tail length of Echo Enter the length for echo cancellation. To lessen the echo, select 32MS.
Possible values: 16 msec (default) or 32 msec.

11 BIPU/IPT VQ Mode Set the Voice Quality Mode to control the Gain of IPT and BIPU to the
appropriate level in the existing system environment. This may require some
trial and error testing to find the optimum level.
Possible values: high (default), middle or low

Table 8-1 Program 250 FB05 and Program 150 FB02 Combination Matrix

Program 250 FB05

Enable Disable Dont Care
Program 150 Enable Apply Not Apply Apply
FB02 Disable Apply Not Apply Not Apply

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IP Telephone Programming
151 BIPU Configuration

151 BIPU Configuration

This program is used to set up the IP address of the specific BIPU card to support the IP-Telephone. BIPU
card must be assigned before configuring the specific BIPU card.
1. From the Program Menu, click IP-
Telephone > BIPU Configuration.
The BIPU Configuration screen
displays (shown right)
2. Enter Program 151 data.
3. Click Submit.

Cabinet & Slot Number Enter the cabinet and slot number of the BIPU to be configured.
Note: BIPUs must first be installed using PRG100 - System\Card
BIUPs can be installed in the slots listed:
Possible values: Slots 01-08 (CTX100 and CTX670 Basic), 01-06
(CTX670 Exp).

IP Address Enter the BIPU IP Address.

Subnet Address Enter the Subnet Address of the BIPU.

Default Gateway Address Enter the Default Gateway Address of the BIPU card.

Version Number of BIPU This is a read-only field.

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IP Telephone Programming
152 Voice Packet Configuration Table Assignment

152 Voice Packet Configuration Table Assignment

This Program Assigns timing parameters to Prime DNS.
1. From the Program Menu,
click IP-Telephone > Voice
Packet Configuration. The
Voice Packet
Configuration Table
Assignment screen
displays (shown right)
2. Enter Program 152 data.

IP Telephone
3. Click Submit.


Voice Packet Table Enter the Voice Packet Configuration Table Number(1-256)
Possible values: 1~128 (CTX100 & CTX670 Basic)
1~256 (CTX670 Exp.)

01 Voice Packet Trans. Int. Voice Packet Transmission Interval:

This depends on the encoding method G711 or G729A. The default setting
are G711: 20ms, G729A: 40ms. 10ms is only used to test. So dont use
If LAN bandwidth is not enough for these parameters and the problem is
resolved to extend the interval according to the LAN requirement, you can
change to G711:40ms and G729a: 80ms. Note: 30ms need not be used.
Possible values: 10 msec (available for testing only up to release
200MF008), 20 msec (default), 30 msec, 40 msec or
80 msec

02 Jitter Buffer Type You can leave this field with its default or you can change the jitter buffer
type of DSP on BIPU.
Possible values: Fixed, Sequential, or Adaptive (default)

03 Jitter Buffer Length You can leave this field with its default or you can change the jitter buffer
lenght of DSP on BIPU.
Possible values: 0~250

04 Max. Acceptable Delay Not available in Release 2.0.

05 Measurement Period Not available in Release 2.0.

06 Packet Loss Ratio Not available in Release 2.0.

07 Packet Loss Threshold If packet loss is more than 10, an error is recorded in the CTX error log and
you cannot talk by IPT.
Possible values: 0~10

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IP Telephone Programming
250 Station IP Data Assignment

250 Station IP Data Assignment

Program 250 is used to set up the IP address of the specific IP phone card to support IP-Telephone feature.
The IP Phone Prime DN must be assigned using Program 200 before you configure the BIPU card.
1. From the Program Menu, click
IP-Telephone > Station IP Data.
The Station IP Data
Assignment screen displays
(shown right)
2. Enter Program 250 data.
3. Click Submit.

Prime DN Enter the IPT Prime Directory Number (PDN)
Possible values: Up to five digits.

01 Station ID Station ID is set from the IPT to match its PDN in station Program 369
Hold-2-FB05. The station ID is the same as the station PDN unless there is
more than one CTX system having BIPU-Ms on the same network. In this
case the station ID for each IP telephone must contain the CTX Node
Possible values: Up to five digits.

02 Station IP Address Select the Station IP Address to be static fixed or dynamic in which case it
Type obtains an IP address from a DHCP server.
Possible values: Fix or Any (default)

03 Station IP Address Enter the Station static IP Address if a static address is needed per 02
Station IP Address Type.

04 Automatic assignment Use Automatic when the IPT has no Station ID. Use "Not Automatic" when
of Station ID IPT has station ID in the IPT setting. In Program 150, FB01 is the same
parameter for system.
When "Dont Care" is set, FB01 of program 150 precedes FB04 in Program
Enabling FB01 in Program 150 is equal to using "automatic" in FB04 of
Program 250. Disabling FB01 in Program 150 is equal to "not automatic" of
FB04 of Program 250. When IPT requests to connect to a Strata CTX with
no station ID, CTX searches for a PDN that is set in this parameter as
"automatic", and send the PDN to the IPT, and IPT records it in the IPT
Possible values: Permitted, NotPermitted or DontCare (default)

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IP Telephone Programming
250 Station IP Data Assignment

05 Station Terminal Apply this parameter if you want to reserve a PDN for the IP Telephone
Authentication Mode connected at the present time. When apply is set, terminal authentication
by MAC address of IPT is valid. So if other IPT which has the same PDN is
connected the network, CTX rejects the registration of this IPT because the
MAC address of IPT is different. When not apply is set, you can move the
PDN from a IPT to another IPT and another IPT can be connected to the
CTX. When dont care is set, terminal authentication for this telephone is
determined by Program 150-02.
The Terminal Authentication setting Apply or Not Apply in this program
overrides the Terminal Authentication any setting in Program 150-02. Refer

IP Telephone
to Table 8-1.
Possible values: Apply, NotApply or DontCare (default)

06 Station MAC Address Station Media Access Control (MAC) Address. This address is hard coded
uniquely in each IPT. The MAC will only display if the IPT is connected to
the BIPU-M1A and is operating properly.
Possible values: Up to 12 digits

07 Voice Packet Select the Voice Packet configuration table that should be assigned to this
Configuration Table Index IPT. The voice table is configured in Program 152. This setting is used with
Audio Codec type. When the G711 Audio Codec is selected in 08 Audio
Codec below, the interval of packet transmission has to be set 20ms or
40ms. The interval is set in Program 152-01. Example, If you want to set
G711 interval to be 20ms and Prg 152-01 Voice Packet Interval table No.1
is 20ms, you set 08 Audio Codec as G711 and 07 Voice Packet Table to be
Table No.1.
Possible values: 1~128 (CTX100 and CTX670 Basic)
1~256 (CTX670 Exp.)

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IP Telephone Programming
250 Station IP Data Assignment

08 Audio Codec IP telephones have two built-in codecs. Select the audio codec that should
be used in this IPT.

CAUTION! If installing IP Telephones remotely using Cable and

DSL ISP providers, Toshiba recommends setting up the
telephone to use G729A codec because of upstream
bandwidth restrictions imposed by the provider. Even if
the provider advertises an upstream rate is 128kbs, this
bandwidth can still be less depending on traffic

This option is available only on ground and loop, analog or T1 circuits. It should not
be enabled for Tie, DID, ISDN and QSIG lines

Possible values: G711 (default), G729A

The G711codec - provides the highest voice quality but uses the most
network bandwidth.
The G729A codec - provides less voice quality but uses the least
amount of network bandwidth.
High traffic or low speed networks may require the IP Telephones to use
If installing remote IP telephones connected to Cable or DSL lines, the
upstream rate is usually restricted and may not provide a consistent
upstream bandwidth (advertised as 128kbs but is normally less because of
traffic) so the G729a codec would probable be the best choice for this
The Voice Packet Table Prg250-07 and the VP Tables Voice packet
interval Prg150-01 must be set properly for the codec assigned.

09 Display Software This is read-only. If any problem occurs, it is useful to analyze the problem
Version Number of IPT with this version. The sample of software version is DIP11NA. DIP1
represents the IPT model. 1NA represents software version of IPT. 1N
represents the version of updatable software and A means the version of
not-updatable software (BootROM).

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IP Telephone Programming
BIPU Program Update

BIPU Program Update

The BIPU program update function consists of retrieving the updated file from an FTP server, updating
and rebooting the selected BIPU.

1. Make sure that the networking devices between IPT and the FTP server meet the requirements for IP-
CTX (min 100Mb/s switching hub(s)).
2. Create an account on the machine designated to be the FTP server
3. Create a FTP virtual directory on the FTP server machine and specify the physical location of the

IP Telephone
updated file on the FTP server machine.
4. The FTP server machine IP address should be configured such that is visible by the IPT IP address.
5. Disable the BIPU that you want to update by using the appropriate Cabinet function from Component

1. From the Program Menu, click
IP-Telephone > BIPU
Program Update. The BIPU
Update screen displays
(shown right)
2. Enter the FTP information.
3. Click Start to begin the BIPU

User Name Enter the user name of the account created on the FTP server.

Password Enter the password for the account created on the FTP server.

IP Address Enter the IP address of the FTP server machine.

Data Directory Enter the name of the FTP virtual directory on the FTP server.

File Name Enter the name of the updated file (vmlinus).

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IP Telephone Programming
IPT Program Update

IPT Program Update

The IPT program update function consists of retrieving the updated file from an FTP server, updating and
rebooting the selected IPT.

1. Make sure that the networking devices between BIPU and the FTP server meet the requirements for IP-
CTX (min 100Mb/s switching hub(s)).
2. Create an account on the machine designated to be the FTP server.
3. Create a FTP virtual directory on the FTP server machine and specify the physical location of the
updated file on the FTP server machine.
4. The FTP server machine IP address should be configured such that is visible by the BIPU IP address.
5. Disable the BIPU to which the IPT is connected, by using the appropriate Cabinet function from
Component menu.

1. From the Program Menu,
click IP-Telephone > IPT
Program Update. The IPT
Program Update screen
displays (shown right)
2. Enter the FTP information.
3. Click Start to begin the IPT
Program update.

User Name Enter the user name of the account created on the FTP server.

Password Enter the password for the account created on the FTP server.

IP Address Enter the IP address of the FTP server machine.

Data Directory Enter the name of the FTP virtual directory on the FTP server.

File Name Enter the name of the updated file (apph248.out).

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Services 9

This chapter covers a variety of services offered by Strata CTX. Automatic Call Distribution (ACD), Voice
Mail, Least Cost Routing (LCR), Destination Restriction (DR), Networking, Station Message Detail
Reporting (SMDR), External Devices, System Parameters and other miscellaneous services are discussed.
Important! Advanced Strata CTX programming topics are covered in this chapter. Programmers should
make sure each section is thoroughly understood before proceeding to programming.

540 Pilot DN Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
Pilot DNs are directory numbers that have no physical appearance, they are true virtual numbers. They can
be used in CTI and Voice Mail applications. In ACD Pilot Numbers are used as ACD group numbers. In

Voice Mail applications Pilot DNs are used to call directly to, or transfer calls directly to specific voice
mail boxes this is done by setting VM as the alternate destination and using the VMID to send the call to
a specific VM box.

Maximum Pilot DNs

CTX100: R1.00 & R1.01 = 5 max./R1.02 = 100 max.
CTX670 Basic: R1.00 & R1.01 = 10 max./R1.02 = 200 max.
CTX670 with BBMS/BEXS: R1.00 & R1.01 = 32 max./R1.02 = 256 max.
1. Complete the Pilot DN Assignment
Record Sheet on page D-37.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > Pilot DN.
3. Enter a Pilot DN Number
...or click one of the following buttons:
List view a summary list of
programmed Pilot DNs.
Create Assign a new Pilot DN
with default settings.
Copy Enter a Pilot DN number
and click Copy to make a new Pilot
DN assignment with settings copied
from the Pilot DN entered.
Delete Enter a Pilot DN and click OK.
4. Enter Program 540 data.
5. Click Submit.

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540 Pilot DN Assignment

Pilot DN Pilot DNs are directory numbers that have no physical appearance. They are
true virtual numbers. They can be used in CTI and Voice Mail applications. In
ACD, Pilot Numbers are used as ACD group numbers. In Voice Mail
applications they are used to call directly to or transfer calls directly to specific
voice mail boxes - this is done by setting VM as the alternate destination and
using the VMID to send the call to a specific VM box.
Possible values: Maximum characters for Pilot DNs:
CTX100: R1.00 & R1.01=5 max./R1.02=100 Max..
CTX670 Basic: R1.00 & R1.01=10max./R1.02=200max.
CTX670 with BBMS/BEXS: R1.00 & R1.01=32max./

01 Alternate Destination Calls to the Pilot DN will be routed to the Alternate Destination if the Pilot DN
is not available (example: ACD After Shift). If Dialing Digits is selected, enter
the appropriate DN in the Alternate DN assignment.
Possible values: No Data (default), Dialing Digits or Night Bell

Alternate DN If Dialing digits is selected as the Alternate Destination, enter the PDN, PhDN
or Hunt Group pilot number to which the call should be routed.
Possible values: Up to 32 ASCII characters (default = no value)

02 Voice Mail ID If the Alternate Destination is Voice Mail, enter the Voice Mail ID that should be
Possible values: Up to 16 ASCII characters (default = no value)

579 System Voice Mail Data

Prerequisite Program: None
Refer to Voice Mail Set Up on page A-1 for all Voice Mail setup steps. This command assigns DTMF/
SMDI Voice Mail interface parameters for the system.
1. Complete the System Voice Mail
Record Sheet on page D-38.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > Voice Mail > System
Voice Mail Data.
3. Enter Program 579 data.
4. Click Submit.

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540 Pilot DN Assignment

01 DID/DNIS VMID Select DN VMID to send the DNs VMID to voice mail on DID/DNIS calls that are
Option answered and then transferred to a DN which then forwards to voice mail.
Select DID/DNIS VMID to send the DID/DNIS numbers VMID to voice mail on
DID/DNIS calls that are answered and then transferred to a DN which then
forwards to voice mail.
Possible values: DN VMID (default), DID/DNIS VMID.
If a DID/DNIS call is answered by a station and then transferred to a DN which
then forwards to voice mail, the VMID of the DID/DNIS number (Program 309,
)% or )%) or the VMID of the forwarding DN (Program 200, )% or 206,
)%) will be sent to voice mail per this option.
Note The DID/DNIS numbers VMID (Program. 309, )% or )%) is always
sent to voice mail on DID/DNIS calls that ring directly to voice mail or
ring a DN which then forwards to voice mail before it is ever answered.

02 Cancellation Method Select the method used to cancel Voice Mail message waiting indication.
for VM MW
Possible values: Auto and Access Code Cancel or Access Code Cancel

03 Message Desk Enable to send the SMDI Message Desk Number (001) in the SMDI packet;

Number otherwise, 000 for a station call or the 3-digit CO line number is sent.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

04 Output of CLASS / Enable to include Caller ID/ANI numbers in SMDR records.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

05 Calling Number Select how many calling number digits to send to the VM unit.
Digits Sent to VM
Possible values: 2~10 digits (default = 10)
Note If 04 Output of CLASS / ANI and DNIS is enabled, this value must be 10.

06 Blank Digits Sent to Send SMDI-Bellcore Standard VM Interface.

Possible values: 1 or 2 (default).
1 = 1985 (single space)
2 = 1991 (two spaces).

07 Auto Cancel of VM Setting of auto cancel of VM and MW.

and MW1
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

08 DTMF Duration Select VM ID Code and System DTMF Signal Time.

Possible values: 80 ms (default) or 160 ms

09 LCD Control of Voice Enables Toshiba Proprietary Integration (TPI) for Soft Key Control of VM. TPI and
Mail Soft Key Control of Voice Mail requires Stratagy Enterprise Server Release 3.x or
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

10 Central VM Callback Enter the pilot DN for the centralized voice mail system. If this field is left blank,
the previously stored number will be deleted.
Possible values: Up to 7 ASCII characters (default = no value)

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540 Pilot DN Assignment

11 CF - All Call Record Enter DTMF VM-ID prefix string for calls arriving to voice mail via Call Fwd All
Possible values: Up to 4 ASCII characters (default = 91)

12 CF - Busy Record Enter DTMF VM-ID prefix string for calls arriving to voice mail via Call Fwd Busy.
Possible values: Up to 4 ASCII characters (default = 91)

13 CF - No Answer Enter DTMF VM-ID prefix string for calls arriving at the voice mail via Call Fwd
Record No Answer.
Possible values: Up to 4 ASCII characters (default = 91)

14 Direct Call Enter DTMF VM-ID string for a call arriving at the voice mail as a Direct Call.
Possible values: Up to 4 ASCII characters (default = 91)

15 Retrieve Messages Enter DTMF VM-ID string for calls arriving at the voice mail to retrieve messages.
Possible values: Up to 4 ASCII characters (default = 92)

16 Voice Main DN Use a VM Pilot DN as a transfer destination.

Possible values: Up to 7 ASCII characters (default = no value)

17 Length of VM ID Select the number of characters in VM-ID string.

Possible values: 1~10 (default = 10)


580 Voice Mail Port Data

Prerequisite Program: None
Assign characteristics of individual voice mail ports.
1. Complete the Voice Mail Port
Data Record Sheet on page D-39.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > Voice Mail > Voice Mail
Port Data.
3. Enter a VM Port DN
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed VM Port DNs.
Copy Enter an VM Port DN
value in the field with the same
name. Click Copy to make a
new VM Port DN assignment with settings copied from the Port entered in VM Port DN.
4. Enter Program 580 data.
5. Click Submit.

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540 Pilot DN Assignment

00 VM Port DN Enter the DN of an individual VM port. For direct transfer to voice mail, enter
the remote Node ID and Pilot DN.
Note Do not enter a Pilot DN. This feature is available only with CTX
Release 1.3 or higher software and with CTX WinAdmin Release 1.3
or higher software.
Possible values: Up to 5 digits (default = no value)

01 Control Method Specify In-band or SMDI integration. Select SMDI for Remote voice mail.
Possible values: Inband or SMDI (default = no value)

02 Send A/D Tone Select whether Strata CTX sends A or D tone when a station connecting to
voice mail answers or disconnects.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default = no value)

03 Send B Tone Enable Strata CTX to send B tones in the event of a Blind Transfer Recall.
Possible values: B Tone, No Tone or B Tone and Extension Number (default =
no value)

04 End-to-end Enable Strata CTX to send DTMF tones to voice mail in response to key
presses from a digital telephone.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default = no value)

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

The programs that follow control Strata CTXs Least Cost Routing (LCR) and Destination Restriction
(DR) capabilities.

LCR/DR Overview
Programming LCR/DR features in Strata CTX requires an advanced knowledge of telephone
programming. Make sure you have a thorough understanding of the discussion that follows before
attempting to program these features. For details on DR, see DR Overview on page 9-15

LCR Analysis Process

The flowchart below represents the process by which Strata CTX analyzes dialed digits and makes LCR
decisions. The graphic is divided into four areas each described below. DR and call connection are
described elsewhere in this document and are shown here only for their roles in the LCR process.



Check FRL
dialed digits

Time of
Zone 1 Zone 2
Insert home Zone 3
area code No area code

Type of
Yes Weekday Weekend

No Stop

Make LCR
Yes Route Choice

Select Routing
Analysis Plan


Use Default No Dial string
Route Plan match?

Yes Hunt available

Get Route (1~6)
No Plan from
Analysis Table

Apply Digit
Get Route Plan
from Exception


Route Plan

Figure 9-1 LCR Analysis Process Flow

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

LCR begins with the receipt of a dial string from a facility capable of originating an outgoing call: station,
automated attendant, Tie trunk, DISA trunk, DID trunk, etc. The dial string is identified as an LCR call by
the presence of the LCR Feature Access Codetypically . The LCR Access Code is removed and the
remaining external digits are processed.

Route Analysis
Route Analysis chooses a Route Plan based on the dialed digits. The Routing Analysis Plan becomes the
index into the time/date calculations described in the next section. If the Strata CTX is unable to match the
dial string, it uses the default route plan which assures a route out of the system. If a match is found, Strata
CTX determines if a exception table is associated with the dial string. If the dial string appears in the
exception table, the call is assigned to the Route Plan stored in the exception table. Otherwise, the Route
Plan stored in the initial table is used.

Time of Day
The Strata CTX maintains time and day values for LCR separate from those for the general system. One
day can be divided into three zones, and each day can be categorized as a Weekday, Weekend, or Holiday.


Selection of a Route Choice Table begins the process of actually connecting the call to an outgoing trunk.
Each Route Choice Table consists of six Route Definitions which operate in terminal hunt fashion to select
an OLG and to apply a digit modification treatment.

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

LCR Assignment
Programs Used: 520, 521 and 522
User access to LCR is determined by programming the following:
103 COS Assignment 29 LCR Feature (see page 4-9) enables access to LCR COS.
200 Station Assignment 07 LCR Group (see page 5-2) assigns a station to an LCR Group.
304 ILG Assignment 23 LCR Group(see page 6-3) assigns an LCR Group to an ILG.
Note Appropriate COS, DRL and FRL assignments must be made to all LCR stations and trunks.
1. Complete the LCR Assignment
Record Sheets on page D-42.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > LCR/DR > Assignment.
3. Enter Program 520 data.
4. Enter Program 521 data.
5. Enter Program 522 data.
Note For steps 3~5, completeLCR
Assignment Record Sheets on
page D-42.
6. Click Submit.

520 LCR Local Route Plan Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
There are 64 LCR route plans. This assignment is used to select which LCR route plan should be used to
route local calls. The Local Route Plan, which must be defined in the route definition assignment,
determines which CO line group is used for local outgoing calls.
01 Local Area Code Enter the area code for the dialing area in which the system is installed. This is
the area code for the Central Office (CO) that provides local CO lines to the
system. If no data is entered in this field, any previously programmed data is
Possible values: 3 digits (default = no value)

02 Local Route Plan Enter the LCR Route Plan number that should be used to route local calls.
Local calls are made by dialing 7-digit public telephone numbers that do not
require an Area Code. There are 64 LCR Route Plans from which to choose.
Possible values: 1~64 (default = 1)

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

521 LCR Route Plan Digit Analysis Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 520 on page 9-8
This program builds the basic LCR Analysis Table.
00 Analysis Digits Enter the external digit strings (area codes, toll prefixes, service codes, etc.) to
be assigned to a Route Plan Analysis Table.
Strings may be up to 32 digits long. There Route Plan Analysis Table may have
1280 members. A digit string can only be in one table at a time.
Possible values: Digits may include wild cards X and N where X = 0~9 and
N = 2~9 (default = no value).

01 Route Plan Number Enter the Route Plan number to which to assign the Analysis Digits.
Note Entering 0 deletes the Analysis Digits from the table to which they
had been assigned.
Possible values: 0~64 (default = 0)

522 LCR Exception Number Route Plans

Prerequisite Program: 521 on page 9-9

This command assigns up to 1280 dialed external digit strings to the Route Plan Exception Analysis Table
which assigns each string to 1 of 64 Route Choice Tables. The values expressed here are exceptions to the
values established in Program 521.
00 Exception Digits Enter the external digit strings (area codes, toll prefixes, service codes, etc.) to
be assigned to a Route Plan Exception Analysis Table.
Strings may be up to 32 digits long. The Exception Route Plan Analysis Table
may have 1280 members. A digit string can only be in one table at a time.
Possible values: Digits may include wild cards X and N where X = 0~9 and
N = 2~9 (default = no value).

01 Exception Table Enter the Route Plan Table in which to assign the Exception Digits.
Note Entering 0 deletes the Exception Digits from the table.
Possible values: 1~64 (default = 0)

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

Route Define
Programs Used: 524, 525 and 526
Define the participants in the LCR Route Plan.Complete the Route Choice Definition Record Sheet on
page D-49.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Services > LCR/DR > Route
2. Enter Program 524 data.
3. Enter Program 525 data.
4. Enter Program 526 data.
5. Click Submit.

524 Route Table to Route Definition Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 525 below
This command defines up to six possible Route Definitions for a given Route Table.
00 Route Choice Table Enter the Route Choice Table to be defined.
Possible values: 1~128

01 Route Definition 1 Enter Route Definitions to be assigned to this Route Table.

02 Route Definition 2 Possible values: 1~128, 0 = Delete (default = 1)

03 Route Definition 3

04 Route Definition 4

05 Route Definition 5

06 Route Definition 6

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

525 LCR Route Definition Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 520 on page 9-8
This command assigns Route Definitions for LCR. A Route Definition consists of an OLG and a Digit
Modification index.
00 Route Definition Select the Route Definition number.
Possible values: 1~128 (default = no value)

01 OLG Number Select the OLG Number associated with this Route Definition.
Possible values: 1~128 (default = 1)

02 Digit Modification Index Select the Digit Modification number associated with this Route Definition.
Possible values: 1~128 (default = 1)

526 Modified Digits Table Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 521 on page 9-9
This command modifies LCR dialed numbers by deleting digits from and adding digits to the dialed

00 Digit Modification Index Select the Digit Modification Index used by the LCR Route Choice table to
determine the digit modification treatment to be applied. Leading digits of a
dialed number may be deleted; leading and trailing digits may be added to the
dialed number.
Possible values: 1~128 (default = no value)

01 Delete Digits Select the quantity of digits to be deleted from the beginning of dialed number.
Possible values: 0~10 (default = 0)

02 Add Leading Digits Enter the digit string to be inserted at the beginning of the number.
Possible values: Up to 23 ASCII characters (default = no value)

03 Add Trailing Digits Enter the digit string to be inserted at the end of the number.
Possible values: Up to 23 ASCII characters (default = no value)

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

Route Schedule
Programs Used: 523 and 528
1. Complete the Route Schedule
Record Sheets on page D-41.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > LCR/DR > Route
3. Enter Program 523 data.
4. Enter Program 528 data.
5. Click Submit.

523 LCR Route Plan Schedule Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
This command assigns Route Plan Schedule Tables for LCR. Each table is a 3-dimensional array of 144
values (3 Types of Day x 3 Times of Day x 16 LCR Groups).
00 Route Plan Enter the Route Plan Number to build a schedule indexed by Time of Day, Type
of Day and LCR Group.
Possible values: 1~64 (default = no value)

01 Type of Day Select the Type of Day.

Possible values: Weekday (default), Weekend or Holiday

02 LCR Time of Day Select the Time Zone.

Possible values: Time Zone 1, Time Zone 2 or Time Zone 3 (default = no

03 Station LCR Group Select the Station LCR Group.

Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

04 Route Choice Table Enter the Route Choice Table Number to be used with this combination of time,
type and LCR group.
Possible values: 1~128, 0 = delete (default = 1)

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

528 LCR Public Day of Week Mapping Table

Prerequisite Program: 520 on page 9-8
This command defines the days of the week as weekdays, weekend days or holidays for LCR.
01 Monday Select the Day Type to assign to this day.

02 Tuesday Possible values: Weekday (default), Weekend or Holiday

03 Wednesday

04 Thursday

05 Friday

06 Saturday Select the Day Type to assign to this day.

Weekday, Weekend (default) or Holiday

07 Sunday Select the Day Type to assign to this day.

Weekday, Weekend (default) or Holiday


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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

Public Holidays and LCR Time Zones

Programs Used: 527 and 529
1. Complete the LCR Time Zone Record
Sheets on page D-43.
2. From the Program Menu, click Services >
LCR/DR > Public Holidays and LCR
Time Zones.
3. Enter Program 527 data.
4. Enter Program 529 data.
5. Click Submit.

527 LCR Holiday Table

Prerequisite Program: None
This command assigns up to 128 holidays for LCR processing. These assignments are related to the Day
assignments established in Program 523.
00 Holiday Enter Date (YYYYMMDD). A maximum of 128 dates is allowed.
Possible values: YYYY = Year, MM = Month and DD = Day (default = no

01 Add/Delete Choose to add or delete this date from the holiday table. Expired dates remain
in the table unless deleted.
Possible values: Add or Delete (default)

529 LCR Route Plan Time Zone Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 520 on page 9-8
This command creates a three-dimensional array (Day, Time & LCR Group) for each Route Plan.
00 Route Plan Select the LCR Route Plan Number to assign to this time zone.
Possible values: 1~64 (default = no value)

01 LCR Day Type Select a Day Type for which to define a time zone.
Possible values: Weekday, Weekend or Holiday (default = no value)

02 LCR Time Zone Select a Time Zone.

Possible values: Zone 1, Zone 2 or Zone 3 (default = no value)

03 Start Time Enter the start time for the selected Time Zone (hhmm).
Note Enter your Day Type and Time Zone selections before entering data
in to this field.
Possible values: hh = hour (0-23) and mm = minutes (0-59)
(default = 0000)

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

DR Overview
Strata CTX offers DR as a major expansion of traditional Toll Restriction. Toll Restriction was used to
prevent the unauthorized use of toll prefixes to the PSTN as follows:
 long distance
 operator assistance
Strata CTX has expanded this to include restriction based on any string of dialed digits. Strata CTX can
restrict any string of up to 11 dialed digits including and .
Eleven-digit screening allows control of access to individual telephone numbers in remote Area Codes.
Restriction of and  controls users' access to vertical service codes from the central office such as Camp
On and Call Forwarding.
DR is always applied to calls originated through LCR and may be applied to calls originated through Trunk
Group Access, Individual Trunk Access, CO Key, Group CO Key, Pooled Line Key, and Strata Net private
networking. Special screening tables allow restriction of calls placed through Centrex or PBXs to which
the Strata CTX may be connected.
Each OLG can be programmed to require or not require DR in 306 Outgoing Line Groups on page 6-4. If
a trunk group requires DR, a table must then be established using 531 DR Screening Table for OLG on
page 9-20.

DR is controlled by a DR Level (DRL) that is assigned to any station or trunk capable of making an outside
call. Each of the 16 DRLs relate to a DR Table. A DR Table may be an Allow or Deny table and may be
associated with an Exception Table. A Deny Toll Restriction Table contains a list of dial strings that are
prohibited. Its associated Exception Table lists the dial strings within the Deny Table ranges that would be
allowed. For example, a Deny table might deny access to all of Area Code -. Its exception table could
permit access to specific office codes within that area such as --.

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

Basic Operation
The flow chart below describes the basic logic by which calls are connected or rejected as a result of DR.


LCR DTA DR Applies to No

Access Method


Consult DR/LCR
Screening Table Consult DR/OLG
Screening Table

Digit Manipulation Digit Manipulation

DR Table DR Table
Action Action

Allow Deny Allow Deny

Exception Deny Reject Call

Deny Exception
Table Action Table Action

Allow Allow

Connect to OLG


LCR Stop

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

Strata CTX uses two or three tables to apply DR:
Screening Tables. There are two types of screening tables as follows:
LCR Screening Tables.
OLG-Specific Screening Tables.
DR Table or Exception Table to the DR Table.
Screening tables are used in Behind Centrex/PBX operations to detect access codes required by the
Centrex/PBX and processes them appropriately in a way that is transparent to end users.

DR/LCR Screening
DR is applied to all LCR calls using 530 DR LCR Screening Table Assignment on page 9-19. It analyzes
the digits dialed after the LCR access code (typically ).
Example: A station user dials   ---. The outgoing line will serve as an incoming line
that this user is attempting to forward to his home. The System Administrator has created an LCR/
Screening entry to prevent the forwarding of this line to the users home. With Skip & Apply under DR
action and a Skip Length of 0, the call will be forced to present  to the DR table where the call will be
rejected. Apply under LCR Action ensures that the entire string will be processed by LCR. In this case,
Digit Modification is irrelevant.

DR Screening for OLG Table
An OLG-specific DR Screening Table is used when a call is originated through a Line Key, Pooled Line
Key, Group CO Key, Trunk Group Access Code or Direct Trunk Access Code and a CO line is chosen that
requires DR. The decision to apply DR to an OLG is made in 306 Outgoing Line Groups on page 6-4. If
the OLG does not require DR, the call is connected to the desired line and all dialed digits, minus the Strata
CTX access code, are sent.
The OLG-specific table performs two functions:
It manipulates the digits that will be screened by the DR table.
It creates a Pause Value that ensures that the Centrex or PBX which is the source of the trunk will
receive and interpret the digits correctly. This is used to compensate for older, slower equipment.
Example: A station user dials 81-9-1-617-234-5678 where 81 is the Trunk Group Access Code for a
Centrex trunk group. 9 is the Centrex LCR access code. The Skip Length of 1 tells the system how many
of the first digits constitute an access code or other digits that may be ignored. The DR Action of Skip &
Apply tells the system to ignore the 9 and present 16172345678 to the DR Table use in the next step in the
process. The Pause Value of two seconds tells the system that, if it passes the DR Tables and is connected
to a trunk, it is to pause two seconds after outdialing the 9 and before outdialing 16172345678.

Dial String DR Action Skip Length Pause Value

9 Skip & Apply 1 2

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

DR Table
Each DRL is associated with a DR Table that defines the destinations to which a holder of that DRL is
entitled to place a call. Permission may be expressed in Allow or Deny tables depending on the field
technicians choices. The DR Table is activated by defining the table as Allow or Deny through 523 LCR
Route Plan Schedule Assignment on page 9-12. The table is then populated one string at a time through
533 DR Level Table Assignment on page 9-21. The table may have up to 100 entries. Entries may
include any DTMF character including and .
As soon as Strata CTX finds a match in the table, it acts upon it. Therefore, entering  in a Deny table will
deny all 1+ calling to users with that DRL whereas entering - denies calls to the 888 Area Code.
Exceptions can be created in the DRL Exception Table.
DRL Exception Table Assignment Once a DR Table has been established for a DRL, its exception table
can be created using 534 DRL Exception Table Assignment on page 9-22. Exceptional DR Tables are
optional. Dial Strings in Exception tables my be as long as 11 digits. If a field technician wanted to deny
access to every office code in the 617 area code except Directory Assistance, he would first create a deny
table that included 617 and then create an associated exception table that allowed 617-555-1212. See the
table below for more examples.

Interaction With Other Features

Behind Centrex Operation

Behind Centrex operation for OLGs is defined in. The CTX will use the values stored here to strip local
and Centrex access codes from the dial string and determine the external number being dialed. This
external number will then be processed according to the DR rules described above.
Note The Centrex to which the OLG is attached may impose its own DRs.

Credit Card Calling

If a valid credit card number is detected, the CTX will not apply DR to a call because the charges for such
a call are applied to the credit card rather than the outgoing line used.

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

LCR/DR Screening
Programs Used: 530 and 531
These programs enable and set up screening for DR and LCR.
1. Complete the DR LCR Screening
Record Sheet on page D-44.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > LCR/DR > LCR/DR
3. Enter Program 530 and 531 data
...or click one of the following
List view a summary list of
programmed Screened Dial
Strings or Behind Centrex
Access Codes.
Copy Enter a Screened Dial
String or Behind Centrex
Access Code in the field with

the corresponding name. Click Copy to make a new assignment.
4. Click Submit.

530 DR LCR Screening Table Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
This command screens dialed digits for access codes such as Carrier Identification Codes or Behind
Centrex/PBX access codes. Used only in LCR calls.
00 Screening Dial String Enter the string of external digits to be screened.
Possible values: Up to 7 ASCII characters (default = no value)

01 Add String to Table Add the Screening Dial String to the DR LCR Screening Table.
Possible values: Add or Delete (default)

02 Destination Restriction Select DR Action.

Possible values: Bypass (default) or Skip and Apply
Bypass Do not apply DR.
Skip and Apply Apply DR to the dialed digits excluding the number of
digits specified in Skip Length.

03 Least Cost Routing Select LCR Action.

Possible values:
Apply (default) Apply LCR to all of the external dialed digits.
Skip and Apply Apply LCR to the dialed digits excluding the number of
digits specified in Skip Length.

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

04 Digit Modification Select Digit Modification application.
Possible values:
Apply (default) Apply Digit Modification from the first digit.
Retain Retain the skipped digits and apply Digit Modification starting from
the next digit specified by Skip Length.
Discard Discard the skipped digits and apply Digit Modification starting
from the next digit specified by Skip Length.

05 Skip Length Specify the number of digits at the beginning of the dial string to be ignored
before DR, Digit Modification, or LCR is applied.
Possible values: 0~5, 0 = delete (default = 0)

531 DR Screening Table for OLG

Prerequisite Program: None
Assigns DR Screening Table for an OLG. Up to four codes may be assigned per line group. Used for
outgoing calls other than LCR.
00 Outgoing Line Group Enter the OLG Number.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic),
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)

01 Behind Centrex Access Enter the access code expected by an attached Centrex PBX.
Possible values: Up to 8 ASCII characters (default = no value)

02 Add or Delete Code Add or Delete the Code entered above. Leaving the field empty removes an
existing code. Activation requires entries in OLG Group number and 01 Behind
Centrex Access Code above.
Possible values: Add or Delete (default)

03 DR Action for Centrex Apply DR to the dialed digits.

Possible values:
Bypass (default) does not apply DR.
Skip and Apply applies DR to the dialed digits excluding the number of
digits specified in Skip Length.

04 Skip Length Enter the number of leading digits to be ignored by DR.

Possible values: 0~8 (default = 0)

05 Pause Length Enter the length of the pause to be inserted between dialing digits.
Possible values: 0~10 (default = 0)

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

Programs Used: 532, 533, 534 and 111
Assign DR features for the Strata CTX.
1. Complete the DR Record Sheets on
page D-45.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > LCR/DR > Destination
3. Enter 00 DR Level (DRL).
4. Enter Program 532 data.
5. Enter Program 533 data. Click List to
view a summary list of programmed
Dial Strings.
6. Enter Program 534 data. Click List to
view a summary list of programmed
Dial Strings.
7. Enter Program 111 data.

8. Click Submit.

532 DR Table Allow/Deny Definition

Prerequisite Program: 533 below.
Specify the DR Table Type using this command.
00 DRL Number Select the DRL Number.
Possible values: 1 ~ 16 (default = no value).

01 Type of Table Specify whether this DR Table is an Allow Table or Deny Table.
Possible values: Allow or Deny (default).

533 DR Level Table Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
This program adds or deletes entries in the DR Table associated with the DRL entered in Step 3 above.
00 Destination Restriction Choose the DRL.
Possible values: 1 ~ 16 (default = no value)

01 Dial String Enter the string of dialed digits to be allowed or denied. Wild cards (X and N)
can only be assigned through CTX WinAdmin, not the programming phones.
Possible values: 1~7 digits (default = no value)

02 Add/Delete Add or delete the string entered in 01 Dial String above to the DR Table.
Possible values: Add or Delete (default)

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

534 DRL Exception Table Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 533 above
This program assigns a DRL Exception Table to an existing DRL table. If the DRL Table is an allow table,
its Exception Table must be a deny table and vice versa.
00 Destination Restriction Enter the DRL for which you want to populate an Exception Table.
Possible values: 1~16 (default = no value)

01 Dial String Add the dial string you wish to be treated as an exception.
Possible values: 1~ 7 digits may include wild cards X and N where X =
0~9 and N = 2~9.(default = no value)

02 Add/Delete Add or delete the string entered in 01 DR Exception Table above to the DR
Exception Table.
Possible values: Add or Delete (default)

111 DR Level
Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables credit card calling for a DRL.
DRL Number Enter the DRL number.
Possible values: 1~16 (default = no value)

01 Credit Card Calling Enable Credit Card Calling for this DRL.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

Account Codes
Programs Used: 570, 506 and 571
Assign Account Code data to Strata CTX.
1. Complete the Strata Net Private
Networking on page 9-27.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > LCR/DR > Account
3. Enter Program 570 data.
4. Enter Program 506 data. Click List
to view a summary list of
programmed Account Codes.
5. Enter Program 571 data.
6. Click Submit.

570 Account Code Digit Length
Prerequisite Program: None.
Accounting Codes need to be specified for the number of digits that are expected to be used for registering
a number. This allows dialing within Strata CTX to proceed automatically once the correct account code is
dialed. The following numbers are then dialed digits used for making the phone call.
A second length is provided to allow the number of digits to be used for verification of the code to be less
than the total code entered; thus, the code may contain two parts, one required and one part optional to the
01 Verified Digit Length The Verified Digit Length sets a number of digits to verify with a pre-set list.
This number may be the same or smaller than the account code digits set to be
entered for creating a complete accounting code.
Note This field is not changed, when 506 Verified Account Codes on
page 9-24 are registered.
Possible values: 4~15 (default = 4)

02 Registered Digit Length The Registered Digit Length sets a number for the digits to be entered to make
a complete accounting code entry.
Note The Registered Digit Length ()%) must be greater than or equal to
the Verified Digit Length ()%).
Possible values: 4~15 (default = 6)

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

506 Verified Account Codes

Prerequisite Program: 570 on page 9-23
This program adds or deletes entries in the DR Table associated with the DRL entered in Step 3 on page 9-
Account Code Enter a valid accounting code that the user will be expected to dial. Digits 0~9
can be used.
Note The Account Code is set to the same digit length as the Verified Digit
Length in Program 570 above.
Possible values: Up to 15 ASCII characters (default = no value)

01 Verified Flag The Account Code Flag determines whether the number entered is to be used
as a verified account code or not. Some applications may allow users to dial an
accounting code which changes the restriction level for the call allowing it to be
Possible values: Set or No Set (default)
Note To delete a Verified Account Code set this field to No Set.
02 DRL The DRL assigned to an accounting code allows users to override their
stations assigned DRL enabling a call to be placed.
Possible values: 0~16 (default = 0)

03 FRL The FRL assigned to an accounting code enables users to override the station
assigned FRL.
Possible values: 0~16 (default = 0)

04 Network COS Assign the Network COS to be used by this accounting code.
Possible values: 1~32 (default = 1)

571 Exception Numbers for Forced Account Codes

Prerequisite Program: 506 on page 9-24
Up to four telephone numbers can be programmed as exceptions to the forced and /or verified account code
entries (including 911). These special codes enable numbers to bypass the verification process and proceed
01 Exception Number 1 Enter a Forced Account Code Exception.

02 Exception Number 2 Possible values: Up to 4 digits

Exception 1 default = 911
03 Exception Number 3 Exception 2~4 default = no value

04 Exception Number 4 Note One of the assigned exception numbers should be 911. Exception
Numbers for Forced Account Code fields cannot be duplicated.

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

509 DR Override by System Speed Dial

Prerequisite Program: None
This command assigns the COS, DRL, FRL and QPL values used by DR Override by Speed Dial.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Services > LCR/DR > DR Override
by System Speed Dial.
2. Select the COS, DRL, FRL and
QPL override values.
3. Click Submit.

01 Override COS Select the override COS value.
Possible values: 1~32 (default =1)

02 Override DRL Select the override DRL value.

Possible values: 1~16 (default =1)

03 Override FRL Select the override FRL value.

Possible values: 1~16 (default =1)

04 Override QPL Select the override QPL value.

Possible values: 1~16 (default =1)

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Least Cost Routing/Destination Restriction

510 COS Override Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
Assigns Class of Service Overrides and their parameters (COS, FRL, DRL, QPL).
1. Complete the COS Override Code
Record Sheet on page D-46.
2. From the Program Menu, click Services
> System Param > COS Override.
3. Enter Program 510 data or Select a COS
Override Index and click Copy to copy
settings from the selected COS Override
4. Click Submit.

00 COS Override Index Select the COS Override index.
Possible values: 1~16 (default = no value)

01 COS Override Code Select the COS Override Code as entered by users. If no data is entered in this
field, any previously entered data is erased.
Possible values: Up to 8 ASCII characters (default = no value)

02 Set COS Select COS number for this override code.

Possible values: 1~32 (default = 1)

03 Set DRL Select DRL number for this override code.

Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

04 Set FRL Select FRL number for this override code.

Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

05 Set QPL Select QPL number for this override code.

Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1)

06 Set Network COS Select Network COS index for this override code.
Possible values: 1~32 (default = 1)

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Strata CTX enables networking of resources using Strata Net Private Networking. Read the following
discussion before programming Strata CTX networking features.

Strata Net Private Networking

The Strata CTX introduces robust private networking, Strata Net, to the Toshiba family of
telecommunications products. Based on an international standard, QSIG, Strata Net will allow multiple
Strata CTX systems to share voice mail systems and attendants, share features and a coordinated
numbering plan and route calls simply and easily throughout the enterprise. Strata Net is distinguished
from CTX Basic Networking which provides interconnection of nodes through conventional, E&M Tie

Toshiba has adopted QSIG as the basis for Strata Net. QSIG is an open, international standard for
networking PBXs. It was begun in 1994 with a memo of understanding between twelve leading PBX
manufacturers. The QSIG Handbook can be found on the web at The standards were
developed and are maintained by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA), an
international, Europe-based industry association founded in 1961 and dedicated to the standardization of

information and communication systems. ECMA may be found on the web at
QSIG is an intelligent and powerful signalling system, providing great flexibility in terms of network
architecture. Any network node can establish routes to 128 other nodes and segmented networks can grow
beyond that. New nodes can be added to the network as business needs dictate. The use of QSIG does not
impose the use of a specific network topology and it can be used with any network configuration: meshed,
star, main and satellite, etc.
Toshiba, like most of its competitors, has chosen to implement QSIG over Primary Rate Interface. Strata
Net supports QSIG Basic Call Control that allows it to interoperate with other PBXs that conform to the
QSIG standard.

Node ID
The basic logical element in Strata Net routing is the Node ID. It functions similarly to the address in a
packet data network. As a call is routed through the network, each node examines the leading received
digits for a Node ID defined in its Flexible Numbering Plan. After first discerning a Node ID, the Strata
CTX then determines whether the Node ID is for itself or for a remote node. If it is a remote Node ID, the
call goes through a routing process that selects an OLG, manipulates the digits and sends the call to the
next node in the network. If the call contains the local Node ID, the Strata CTX manipulates the number
according to the Overlap Code and delivers the call to a local station, trunk or feature.
The Node ID is one to six digits long. The Strata CTX knows that a Node ID to which an Overlap Code has
been assigned is for the local node and that all others are for the remote nodes.
Strata Net bases its routing decisions exclusively on the Node ID and makes no attempt to analyze or
restrict the remaining dialed digits. These remaining digits are not processed until delivered to the
destination Strata Net node. This provides a simple, powerful tool because the programmer does not need
to consider local conditions in transit nodes and does not need to fear interference with the call regardless
of the path it takes through the network.

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Network Directory Number

A Network Directory number consists of two elements: the Node ID and the local directory number. A
Node ID is a string of 1 to 6 digits that identifies one node on the network. A Network DN may be a simple
concatenation of the two elements in which the complete Node ID precedes the complete extension or the
two elements may overlap. In the event of an overlap, an Overlap Code identifies the digits to be
substituted for the received Node ID.
The Node ID allows a call to route through multiple Strata Net nodes until its destination node recognizes
it as a local call. Local Node IDs are programmed using Command 656 Node ID. Remote Node IDs are
programmed in Command 651 Network Routing Plan Analysis to define the appropriate outgoing route
to the desired destination. Digits received after the Node ID are passed on to the distant node without
One node may have up to four Node IDs. A unique Overlap Code is programmed for each Node ID. The
Overlap Code allows the programmer to control the number of digits to be dialed for network calls and to
create a coordinated dialing scheme across the network. If the Network DN is to be a simple concatenation
with no overlap, the Overlap Code field is left blank. All Node IDs, local and remote, must be defined as
such in the Flexible Numbering Plan.
The following are examples of linked and overlapped Node IDs.
Node ID = 789
Extension = 2345
Overlap Code = BLANK
Network DN = 7892345
Node ID = 789
Network DN = 789345
Overlap Code = 2
Local Extension = 2345
This simple, powerful, logical tool will support large, complex networks. It is the means by which a
Coordinated Numbering Plan can be established across all Strata Net nodes including existing systems
with established numbering plans.

Network Feature Access Code

The Network Feature Access Code is similar to the Network DN but is used to access features in a remote
Strata Net node. Features may include routing features, such as Trunk Group Access and Least Cost
Routing, or user features such as Message Waiting and Paging.
The Network FAC format is:
Node ID (1~6 digits) + Local FAC (1~5 digits) + Parameters (unlimited).
For example,    access Node ID 789 and uses that nodes LCR () to dial directory
assistance in Boston.
Given their variability, Network Faces are usually processed without Overlap Codes. If a Node ID with an
Overlap Code has been established for local extensions, it cannot be used for feature access; a separate
Node ID must be established. If no Overlap Codes are used, one Node ID will serve for all purposes.

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Digit Manipulation
Digit Manipulation is the term for the altering of an original string of dialed digits in order to re-route a call
or connect it to a specific service. Digit Manipulation is usually applied to the leading digits in the string
which appear left-most in written form. Strata Net uses two forms of manipulation: Overlap Codes,
described above, for inbound calls and Network Digit Modification Tables for outbound calls. The
Network Digit Modification Tables contain up to 64 treatments in each of which as many as 10 leading
digits may be deleted and as many as 23 leading digits substituted. These 64 treatments may be applied to
any of 64 Route Definitions.

Traveling Class Mark

Calling privileges, restrictions and priorities may be imposed across Strata Net using the Traveling Class
Mark. The Traveling Class Mark accompanies all calls across the network. When the call reaches its
terminating node, that node uses the Traveling Class Mark to determine whether the originator of the call is
entitled to the dialed facility. The mark is a single information element linked from the following:
Network Class of Service
Network DR Level
Network Facility Restriction Level
Network Queuing Priority Level

All nodes contain tables to translate between local and network DR Levels, Facility Restriction Levels and
Queuing Priority Levels. DRL, FRL and QPL each require two tables: one to translate from the local level
to the network level for outgoing calls and one to translate from network to local level for incoming calls.
Network Class of Service is an exception for two reasons. First, at the originating node, each station is
assigned a Network Class of Service; there is no translation. The terminating node does contain a table to
translate the received Network Class of Service to a local Class of Service but it adds parameters to the
local Class of Service before determining how to process the call. Those parameters are:
Permission for Off-Hook Call Announce
Ability to register System Speed Dial numbers in the terminating node
Ability to register Class of Service Override in the terminating node and
Trunk Group Override Access
Time of day considerations are handled at the originating node. If a call originates in a node that is in Night
Mode and terminates in another node, it will deliver the Night Mode values regardless of the condition of
the terminating node.

Path Replacement
Known also as Route Optimization and Release Link, Path Replacement makes the most efficient use of
talk paths between network nodes. For example, if a series of transfers around the network results in a
conversation between two stations in the same node, all of the tie line circuits are released and a simple
station-to-station call is established in the one node. This efficiency reduces the number of facilities to be
provided and improves transmission quality by minimizing the number of links over which loss could
Path Replacement applies to:
Call Transfer
Ring Transfer
Station Call Forward
System Call Forward

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Coordinated Numbering Plan

A Coordinated Numbering Plan rationalizes the dialing patterns required of network users and relieves
them of the need to know complicated access codes to navigate the network. The basic mechanism is the
Network Directory Number described above. The combination of Node ID and Directory Number appear
to the user as simple extension dialing. The ability to overlap the two components reduces the number of
dialed digits. If it is necessary to preserve legacy extension ranges at individual nodes, a Network Access
Code can be used to resolve numbering conflicts with other nodes.

Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)

Strata Net generates call records for incoming or outgoing calls from the nodes in which they originated or
terminated. For example, if a station user in Node 3 makes an outside call that is routed through transit
Node 2 to gateway Node 1 for connection to the public network, Nodes 1 and three generates SMDR
records; Node 2 does not.





The record in Node #3 will include the Network DN of the calling station, the dialed digits and the OLG
number and Channel Group number used to access Node #2. The record in Node #1 will include the ILG
number and Channel Group number of the Strata Net trunk on which the call was received and the PSTN
trunk to which it was connected. The record format and conditions are the same as for a single node system
using the new format adopted for Strata CTX.
Station-to-station calls across Strata Net are considered internal calls and do not generate SMDR records in
any nodes. Abandoned Call SMDR records are only generated for incoming calls over local trunks.
Unforced account codes are generated from the node in which they originated. Forced account codes are
included in the records of the node that required them. Similarly, the node which provides DISA services is
responsible for checking the DISA Security code and for generating the SMDR record. The remote node
and the transit node will not generate the SMDR record.
Plowable buffers are usually attached to each network node and polled by a central call accounting system.
If the buffer is not available, the Strata CTX will buffer up to 1000 records. Equipment numbers, time
stamps and call type designations assist the call accounting system in associating records for the same call
from different nodes.

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Centralized Voice Mail

Users in multiple network nodes may use the services of a single voice mail system attached to one node.
The network transmits the Voice Mail ID (VMID) for remote stations and the calling conditions under
which the call is being directed to voice mail (Call Forward All Calls, Busy, etc.). The centralized voice
mail system can control message waiting indications and provide automated attendant services throughout
the network through its integration with a single node.
Centralized Voice Mail requires a Coordinated Numbering Plan throughout the network for proper
operation. The Coordinated Numbering Plan allows the voice mail to interact with the entire network as if
it were on large PBX. Basic operations include:
Forward to Voice Mail A forwarded, busy or unanswered extension may forward across the network
to the voice mail unit. Centralized Voice Mail notifies the voice mail of the source and calling
conditions and the voice mail returns the greeting of the original target extension. Notification of
calling conditions requires SMDI integration.
Message Retrieval A user can press the a Message button on his phone and be directed to a voice mail
system connected to his own or a remote node. The call will be correctly identified as a retrieval for the
correct VMID and the user will be prompted for his security code. The same operation may be
programmed for PhDNs in Station Programming.
Message Waiting The voice mail system can control message waiting indications in distant switches
by accessing the remote node via Node ID, registering the Message Waiting Feature Access Code and

specifying the desired station.
Automated Attendant Automated attendant calls to the voice mail may be transferred to stations or
services in distant nodes using the Network Directory Number. If the automated attendant transfers the
call to a busy destination, it can activate Call Transfer with Camp-on across the network simply by
hanging up.
Not all Stratagy features available to a single switch are available to remote Strata Net nodes. This is a
result of the local node being directly integrated to the voice mail system. The following table shows the
availability of voice mail features across the Strata Net.

Stratagy Feature Attached Node Remote Node

Message Lamp Control X X
Forward to Voice Mail X X
Message Retrieval X X
Automated Attendant X X
Call Record X X
Soft Keys X X (R1.3 and higher)
Transfer Direct to Voice Mail X X (R1.3 and higher)

Networking Multiple Voice Mail Systems Refer to Networking Multiple Voice Mail Systems on
page A-3.

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Centralized Attendant
It is possible for one Attendant to serve an entire Strata Net. Station users anywhere in the network can
simply dial  to reach the centralized attendant. Calls to the attendant are identified with calling number
and name. Incoming trunk calls to any node in the network can be routed to one attendant and then
extended anywhere in the network.

Network Busy Lamp Field (BLF) (R1.3 and higher)

Network BLF is an indication on the CTX Attendant Console that an extension is Busy, Idle or in DND
over different nodes. With software release 1.3 and higher, the remote CTXs can read the BLF information
from the local CTX. Prior to R1.3, BLF information had to be entered for each remote CTX.
In order to use Network BLF, the CTX Attendant Console must have access to each CTX by LAN and
requires the IP addresses of each node/CTX. Figure 9-2 is a BLF/DSS networking flow diagram. It shows
you the types of connections required between the BLF servers, the Strata CTXs and the CTX Attendant

CTX-1 CTX-2 CTX100

(Local) (Remote) (Remote)


(RPTU) (RPTU) Console 1



Att. Att. Att.

Telephone BLF or DSS information from the local CTX-1 is Console 2 Console 3 Console 4
shared with remote CTXs over the WAN/LAN. The CTXs
share trunk information over QSIG. 6577

Figure 9-2 BLF/DSS Networking

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Follow these steps to program Network BLF and Figure 9-3:

Local Remote Remote
(CTX670-1) (CTX670-2) (CTX100)

Program 916 - Set Program 916 - Set IP Program 916 - Set IP

IP Address = Address = Address =

Program 803 - Log. Device Program 803 - Log. Device Program 803 - Log. Device
= 400 (BLF), Port 11 = 400 (BLF), Port 11 = 400 (BLF), Port 11

Progra 801 - BLF Server Program 801 - BLF Server Program 801 - BLF Server
Port = 6000 Port = 6000 Port = 6000

Program 670 - 00 LAN Program 670 - 00 LAN Program 670 - 00 LAN

Port = 11 Port = 11 Port = 11

Strata Net Program 670 Program 670

Node ID: 16 QSIG Remote Node ID: 17 QSIG Remote Node ID: 18

IP-Network IP-Network
LAN / Switch / Hub LAN / Switch / Hub LAN / Switch / Hub 6701

Example Procedure to Assign Network BLF for Node 16
1. Program 916 assigns IP Addresses.
2. Program 803 assigns Network BLF (400) and Port 11.
3. Program 801 assigns BLF Server Port 6000.
4. Program 651~656 and 102 assign Strata Net Node IDs and network (QSIG).
5. Program 670 assigns Remote Nodes (17, 18) and their BLF Server Ports.
6. Repeat steps 1~5 for nodes 17 and 18. Note: Steps 4 and 5 assign parameters for Remote Nodes only.

Figure 9-3 Network BLF Example

Step 1: From WinAdmin

Perform the all of the following steps on the local CTX first, then repeat them on each of the remote CTXs.
1. Set up the IP address of the local CTX (with the active CTX Attendant) using Program 916 IP
Configuration on page 10-14.
2. From the Program menu, select Services > Networking > Node ID to set the Primary Node ID. Refer to
656 Node ID Assignment on page 9-39.
3. From the Program menu, select System > I/O Device. Refer to Program 803 SMDR SMDI CTI Port
Assignments on page 4-27.
4. Enter IO Logical Device values:
00 Logical Device No. = 400
01 Device Connection = LAN
02 Device Port No. = 11

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5. From System > I/O Device, select the LAN Device tab. Refer to Program 801 Network Jack LAN
Device Assignment on page 4-29. Enter the following values:
00 LAN Port No. = 11
01 Protocol = TCP
02 PC Operation Type = Server
03 Data Flow = A Synchronization
04 Server Port No. = 6000
05~08 Client IP 1-4 No. = Default
09 Client Port No. = Default
10 Read Retry No. = 1
11 Write Retry No. = 1
Note Use the same Device Port No. that was used in Program 803. Example: 11. Enter 6000 in FB04
Server Port Number.
6. Make a note of the IP addresses of each networked Strata CTX.
7. Make a note of the Port numbers of each switch.
Note When you start the CTX Attendant Console for the first time, a dialog box appears that requires the
IP addresses and Port numbers of each CTX.
8. From each remote CTX, repeat steps 1~8 to set up Network BLF.

Step 2: From the CTX Attendant Console

1. Click Administration view.
2. Select the BLF Network Control
3. Enter the IP addresses of local
and remote CTXs.
4. Enter the Port Number.
5. In the Name field, enter the Node
Identified. For example, names
such as Dallas, Chicago, etc.,
depending on where the remote
CTXs are located.
6. Enter the Refresh rate. This is the
frequency that the software will
poll the remote site.
7. Click Add.
8. Enter the Local IP address and IP
addresses of the other sites, then
click OK.
Note When you make the directory in the CTX Attendant Console and when entering user information,
add the Node ID as prefix to the extension.

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Network DSS (R1.3 and higher)

When you set up Network DSS, you assign the DSS numbers in the local CTX first. Then, once you
network the remote CTXs, they will use the DSS numbers set in the local CTX. Prior to R1.3, DSS
numbers had to be assigned to each remote CTX.
An example of how to set up Network DSS is shown in Figure 9-4. In this example, if CTX670-1 is the
local/host site, then CTX670-2 and CTX100 become remote sites.
Local Remote Remote
(CTX670-1) (CTX670-2) (CTX100)

Program 916 - Set Program 916 - Set IP Program 916 - Set IP

IP Address = Address = Address =

Program 803 - Log. Device Program 803 - Log. Device Program 803 - Log. Device
= 500 (DSS), Port 12 = 500 (DSS), Port 12 = 500 (DSS), Port 12

Progra 801 - DSS Port Progra 801 - DSS Port Progra 801 - DSS Port
= 3000 = 3000 = 3000

Program 670 - 00 LAN Program 670 - 00 LAN Program 670 - 00 LAN

Port = 12 Port = 12 Port = 12

Strata Net Program 670 Program 670
Node ID: 16 QSIG Remote Node ID: 17 QSIG Remote Node ID: 18

IP-Network IP-Network 6591

LAN / Switch / Hub LAN / Switch / Hub LAN / Switch / Hub

Example Procedure to Assign Network DSS in Node 16

1. Program 916 assigns IP Addresses.
2. Program 803 assigns Network DSS Port (Port 12).
3. Program 801 assigns DSS Server Port 3000.
4. Program 651~656 and 102 assign Strata Net Node IDs and network (QSIG).
5. Program 670 assigns Remote Nodes (17, 18) and their DSS Server Ports.
6. Program 205 or 215 assigns Network DSS keys on stations.
7. Repeat steps 1~6 for nodes 17 and 18. Note: Steps 4 and 5 assign parameters for remote nodes only.

Figure 9-4 Network DSS Example

Use the following steps to program Network DSS from WinAdmin:

1. Create the Node ID in 102 Flexible Access Codes on page 4-3.
Note If you have already created the Node ID using QSIG, skip Step 1 and go to the next step.
2. Use Program 916 IP Configuration on page 10-14 to set up the IP address for each CTX.
3. Program the CTI Port for Network DSS. From the Program menu, select System > I/O Device. Refer to
803 SMDR SMDI CTI Port Assignments on page 4-27.
00 Logical Device No. = 500 (DSS)
01 Device Connection = LAN
02 Device Port No. = 12

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4. Define the remote node port number (12 in the example above). Select System > I/O Device, select the
LAN Device tab. Refer to 801 Network Jack LAN Device Assignment on page 4-29. Make the
following selections:
00 LAN Port No. = 12
01 Protocol = UDP
02 PC Operation Type = Server
03 Data Flow = A Synchronization
04 Server Port No. = 3000
05~08 Client IP 1-4 No. = Default
09 Client Port No. = Default
10 Read Retry No. = 1
11 Write Retry No. = 1
Select FB01 Protocol to UDP and FB04 Server Port No. to 3000. FB04 is the DSS Server Port. All
other parameter can have defaults.
5. Make sure the Remote Node IP address and Network DSS port Number are consistent. From the
Program Menu, select Services > Networking > Remote Node Data Assignment (Program 670).
6. In Program 670, enter the parameters as follows:
Remote Node ID = 12. (This is a QSIG Node ID. In the example above these Node IDs are 16, 17
and 18.
Remote Node IP Address = IP address of the remote CTX. In the example above the IP addresses are, and
Remote Node Port No. = 3000. This port number is the Network DSS port number. The Network DSS
port number can be any available port. All Network DSS ports can also be the same, i.e; 3000 in the
above example.
7. Verify the DSS refresh time in System > System Timer, FB 24. Refer to 104 System Timer on
page 4-10.
8. Assign the DSS Remote Node feature key using Program 205, 213 and 215. Refer to Key on
page 5-16. DSS button can have up to seven digits, so Node ID can be included. Before R1.3 five digits
were the maximum allowed in a DSS button.
9. From each remote CTX, repeat steps 1~8 to set up Network DSS.

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Network Feature Content

The following is a list of Strata CTX features that operate across multi-node Strata Net connections.
Account Codes Forced/Voluntary/Verified* Do Not Disturb *
Automatic Busy Redial* Do Not Disturb Override*
Automatic Camp-on Door Lock Control
Automatic Release of CO E911
Call Forward Executive Override*
Call Park Orbits Park and Page External Ring Repeat
Call Transfer Flexible Numbering
Call Transfer With Camp-on* Intercept
Call Waiting Least Cost Routing *
Caller Identification Message Waiting
Class Of Service Offhook Camp-on*
Conference On Hold Outgoing Call
Conferencing Recall Treatment
Consultation Hold Manual Speed Dial System/Station

Credit Card Calling* Station CO Line Access
Day/Night Modes* Station To Station Connection
Dial For Quick Launch System Call Forward
Dialed Number Identification Service Tandem CO Line Connection
Digital PAD DR
Direct Inward Dialing Toll Restriction Override by System Speed
Direct Inward System Access Traveling Class Of Service
Direct Inward Termination Trunk Access*
Directory Number Presentation Trunk Group Access*
DISA Security Code Revision*
* Features that can be limited by Network Class of Service.

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The Strata CTX uses a new Primary Rate Interface PCB that can terminate either a Strata Net connection
or a public PRI: the RPTU-2A. The RPTU-2A is backwardly compatible with the RPTU-1A for standard
ISDN operation. The mode of operation (standard or QSIG) is controlled by a programming parameter
named Private Service Type. This parameter must be chosen in establishing both incoming and OLGs.
Two Strata Net nodes are connected to each other by a full or fractional DS1. The QSIG basic call
convention will select one DS0 to act as the D channel and the remainder as B channels. This allows
the interconnecting DS1(T-1) to act as a Primary Rate Interface. The appropriate command set is in new
firmware on the card to allow Strata CTX for signal according to CPE-to-CPE rules which differ from
CPE-to-PSTN rules. Fractional DS1s may consist of 8, 12 or 16 channels including the D channel.
The most common type of interconnection is a leased DS-1 from a Common Carrier such as the local
telephone company or long distance provider. DS1s may also be created across fiber optics, Frame Relay
equipment, IP networks or other transport media using dealer-supplied equipment as long as they conform
to the following specifications.
1.544 MBPS



Nodes may also be connected directly over two copper pairs to a maximum distance of 738 feet. See the
Strata CTX Installation and Maintenance Manual for pin configurations and other details.

Strata Net Programming Overview

Follow the sequences below to program Strata Net.
Step 1: Basic Incoming Network Calls
1. Establish the Node ID as part of the Flexible Numbering Plan (Program 102).
Note Node ID is located under 01 Feature Name as Node ID (CTX network number prefix).
2. Establish up to four Local Node IDs (Program 656) for the local node. Each Node ID can have a unique
Overlap Code.
3. Process the digit string as manipulated by the Overlap Code from Flexible Numbering Plan. The
resulting number can be an extension call, feature activation, or tandem call.
Step 2: Basic Outgoing Network Calls
1. Establish the Node ID as part of 102 Flexible Numbering Plan.
2. Use Program 651 Routing Plan Analysis Table Assignment to associate each Remote Node ID with a
Private Route Choice table which will provide up to six routing choices to the desired node.
3. Use Program 653 to define a Private Route Choice table. The table should contain up to six Route
Definitions. The system steps through these Route Definitions in terminating hunt fashion to find a
route to the desired private networking node.
4. Use Program 654 to define a Private Route Definition consisting of an OLG and a pointer into the
Private Digit Modification table.
5. Use Program 655 to set up Private Digit Modification tables containing up to 64 entries. Each entry
specifies the number of leading digits to be deleted from the dialed number and the dial string to be
added as leading digits.

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656 Node ID Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 102 on page 4-3
This program assigns up to four Network Node IDs to process incoming network calls. Each Node ID has
an overlap code. Strata CTX will substitute the Overlap Code for the Node ID before processing the call
further. A Network Directory Number consists of a Node ID and the desired node.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Services > Networking > Node ID.
2. Enter Program 656 data.
3. Click Submit.

01 Primary Node ID Enter the Primary Node ID for this node. This Node ID identifies the node
used for administering Strata Net.
Possible values: Up to 6 ASCII characters (default = no value)

Primary Overlap Code Enter the Overlap Code associated with the Primary Node ID. An Overlap
Code is the string of digits that replaces the Node ID to continue call
Possible values: Up to 4 ASCII characters (default = no value)

02 Node ID 2 Enter Node ID 2 for this node.

Possible values: Up to 6 ASCII characters (default = no value)

Overlap Code 2 Enter Overlap Code for Node ID 2.

Possible values: Up to 4 ASCII characters (default = no value)

03 Node ID 3 Enter Node ID 3 for this node.

Possible values: Up to 6 ASCII characters (default = no value)

Overlap Code 3 Enter Overlap Code for Node ID 3.

Possible values: Up to 4 ASCII characters (default = no value)

04 Node ID 4 Enter Node ID 4 for this node.

Possible values: Up to 6 ASCII characters (default = no value)

Overlap Code 4 Enter Overlap Code for Node ID 4.

Possible values: Up to 4 ASCII characters (default = no value)

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670 Remote Node Data Assignment

This command assigns the Remote node data (requires R1.3 and higher).
1. From the Program Menu,
click Services >
Networking > Remote
Node Data.
2. Enter Program 670 data.
3. Click Submit.

Remote Node ID Enter the Remote Node ID for this node.
Possible values: Up to 6 digits (default = no value)

Remote Node IP Address Enter the remote node IP address.

Possible values: Up to 15 digits (default = no value)

Remote Node Port Number Enter remote node port number.

Possible values: 0~65535 (default = no value)

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651 Private Routing Plan Analysis

Prerequisite Program: 656 on page 9-39 and 306 on page 6-4
Assigns the Node IDs to Route Choice Tables for Private Networking.
1. Complete the Private Routing Plan
Analysis Table Record Sheet on
page D-48.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > Networking > Route
Plan Analysis.
3. Enter the Node ID number (six digit
numeral) to add to the Private
Routing Plan Analysis Table.
Click List to see a summary list of
programmed Node IDs or click
Copy to copy data from an existing
Node ID.
4. Select the Private Route Choice
Table in which to add the Node ID entered in Step 3 above. Possible values are 1~64, 0 = Delete and

default = 0.
5. Click Submit.

Private Route Choice Definition

Programs Used: 653, 654 and 655
Use these command to define Private Network Routing parameters.
1. Complete the Route Choice
Definition Record Sheet on
page D-49.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > Networking > Route
Choice Definition.
3. Enter Program 653, 654 and 655
4. Select the Private Network.
5. Click Submit.

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653 Private Route Choice Table Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
Use this command to define a Private Route Choice Table. A Private Route Choice Table contains up to six
Route Definitions. The system will step through these Route Definitions in terminating hunt fashion to find
a route to the desired private networking node. There may be up to 64 Route Choice Tables.
00 Pvt Ntwk Route Choice Select the Private Network Route Choice Table Number.
Table Number
Possible values: 1~64 (default = no value)

01~06 Route Definition Select Route Definition Tables 1~6 to be used for this Private Network Route
Tables Choice.
Possible values: 1~64, 0 = delete (default)

654 Private Route Definition Table Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
Use this command to define a Private Route Definition. A Private Route Definition consists of an OLG and
a pointer into the Private Digit Modification Table that contains the dialed digits to be deleted and/or
inserted before being communicated to the distant node.
00 Private Network Route Select the number of the Private Route Definition to be defined or deleted.
Possible values: 1~64 (default = no value)

01 Outgoing Line Group Select the OLG to be used by this route.

Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic),
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.), 0 = delete (default = 0)

02 Digit Modification Table Select the Digit Modification Table to be used by this route.
Possible values: 1~64, 0 = delete (default)

655 Private Network Digit Modification Table Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
This command assigns Digit Modification Tables for Private Networking.
00 Private Network Digit Select the Private Network Digit Modification Table to be defined.
Modification Table
Possible values: 1~64 (default = no value)

01 Deleted Digits Select the number of leading digits to be deleted.

Possible values: 1~10, 0 = delete (default)

02 Insert Leading Digits Select the leading digits to be inserted.

Possible values: Up to 23 digits (default = no value)

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Programs Used: 657, 658, 659 and 660
The following programs map network and local COS, DRL, FRL and QPL settings to each other.
1. Complete the Network Mapping
Record Sheets on page D-50.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > Networking > Mapping.
3. Enter Program 657 data.
4. Enter Program 658 data.
5. Enter Program 659 data.
6. Enter Program 660 data.
7. Click Submit.

657 Network COS Mapping Table
Prerequisite Program: None
This table maps a Network COS received as part of a Traveling Class Mark to a local Class of Service for
access to local services. There is no translation of Outgoing Network COS.
Ntwk COS Enter the Network COS to be mapped.
Possible values: 1~32 (default = no value)

01 Local COS Enter the Local COS to be used in place of the received Network COS.
Possible values: 1~32 (default = no value)

02 Off-hook Call Announce Choose whether an incoming call with this Network COS can activate OCA.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

03 System Speed Dial Choose whether an incoming call with this Network COS can use a System
Speed Dial number to make an outgoing call.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

04 COS Override Choose whether an incoming call with this Network COS can use Class of
Service Override.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

05 TGAC Override Choose whether an incoming call with this Network COS can override local
Trunk Group Access Control. Typically an attendant function.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

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658/659/660 Network DRL/FRL/QPL Mapping Tables

Prerequisite Program: None
These commands are used to establish two mapping tables to equate local DRLs, FRLs and QPLs with
network DRLs, FRLs and QPLs for both outbound and inbound network calls.
Type Select the Network DRL/FRL/QPL type.
Possible values: Outbound or Inbound (default = no value)
Outbound maps a local DRL/FRL/QPL to a Network DRL/FRL/QPL.
Inbound maps a Network DRL/FRL/QPL to a local DRL/FRL/QPL.

Network DRL/FRL/QPL Enter the Network DRL/FRL/QPL (for outbound) you want to map to a Local
Possible values: DRL/FRL/QPL1~DRL/FRL/QPL16 (default = 1~16)

Local DRL/FRL/QPL Enter the Local DRL/FRL/QPL (for inbound) you want to map to the Network
DRL/FRL/QPL selected in the Network DRL/FRL/QPL field above.
Possible values: 1~16 (default = 1~16)

The Strata CTX system can monitor SMDR, Call History and Behind Centrex. Use the following programs
to set up these services.

The following enable programming for SMDR, Call History and Behind Connection settings.
Programs Used: 512, 513 and 514
The following programs assigns system-wide SMDR parameters.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Services > Miscellaneous >
2. Enter Program 512 data.
3. Enter Program 513 data.
4. Enter Program 514 data.
5. Click Submit.

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512 SMDR for System Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
This table translates a Network COS received as part of a Traveling Class Mark to a local Class of Service
for access to local services. There is no translation of Outgoing Network COS.
01 Caller ID Field Include Caller ID records in SMDR.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

02 B-Record for Generate B Record for an abandoned call.

Abandoned Call
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

03 Automatic Number Include ANI in SMDR record.

Identification (ANI)
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

04 Authorization Code Include authorization codes in SMDR records.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

05 End-of-Record CR Include a Carriage Return (CR) at the end of an SMDR record.

Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

513 SMDR for ILG Assignment
Prerequisite Program: None
This program assigns SMDR parameters for ILGs.
00 Incoming Line Group Specify the ILG for which to set SMDR parameters.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic),
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)

01 Generate SMDR Enable to generate records for this ILG

Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

02 DNIS Field Indication Check to include DNIS information in records for this ILG.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

03 B Record for Incoming Enable B Record generation for incoming calls with or without incoming SMDR
Call being enabled.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

04 Abandoned Call Record Enable record generation for abandoned calls. Incoming SMDR must be
Output turned on. Abandoned call records will be generated whether or not incoming
SMDR has been set.
Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

05 Display Transferred Call Select whether to charge a transferred call to the source or destination party.
Possible values: Source (default) or Destination

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514 SMDR for OLG Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
This command assigns SMDR parameters for OLGs.
00 Outgoing Line Group Specify the OLG for which to set SMDR parameters.
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic),
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)

02 Outgoing Records Generate records for outgoing calls. SMDR Record Display must be Enabled.
Possible values: Enable (default) or Disable

03 Charged Station Apply the SMDR record of a transferred call to its source or its destination.
Possible values: Source (default) or Destination

577 Caller History

Prerequisite Program: None
Accounting Codes need to be specified for the number of digits that are expected to be used for registering
the number. This allows the dialing within the system to proceed automatically once the correct account
code is dialed, the following numbers are then dialed digits used for making the phone call. A second
length is provided to allow the number of digits to be used for verification of the code to be less than the
total code entered, thus the code may contain two parts, one required and one part optional to the user.
1. Complete the Call History Record
Sheet on page D-51.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > Miscellaneous > Behind
3. Click Submit.

Ckt Type/Number Enter the Circuit Type and number. See the Table 9-1 below.
Possible values: Up to 6 digits (default = no value)

01 Primary DN Enter Station DN to store call history data.

Possible values: Up to 5 digits (default = no value)

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Table 9-1 Circuit Type Code Definitions

Circuit Name Circuit Type Circuit Number Example

DN 1 0~99999 (DN) if DN is 200, value is 1200
CO 2 1~264 (Trunk Number) if CO is 30, value is 230
GCO 3 1~128 (GCO Key Group Number) if GCO is 50, value is 350
POOL 4 1~128 (POOL Key Group Number) if POOL is 80, value data is 480

650 Behind Centrex Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
This feature allows Strata CTX to connect to the station side of a PBX or Centrex using a physical loop
trunk interface. DR and Least Cost Routing may need to account for access codes required by the PBX or
Centrex before connecting to the public network.
1. Complete the Behind Centrex
Assignment Record Sheet on page D-52
2. From the Program Menu, click Services >
Miscellaneous > Behind Centrex

3. Click Submit.

00 OLG Number Select OLG that is attached to a Centrex (or other PBX).
Possible values: 1~32 (CTX100), 1~50 (CTX670 Basic),
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)

01 Behind Centrex Enable Behind Centrex Operation for this OLG.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

02 Assume 9 Enable the Assume 9 feature.

Possible values: Enable or Disable (default)

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External Devices

External Devices
Door Phones
Programs Used: 507, 576 and 508
This command assigns Door Phone parameters.
1. Complete the Door Phone
Assignment Record Sheet on
page D-53.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Services > External Device > Door
3. Enter Door Phone Number
...or click one of the following
List View a summary list of
programmed Door Phones.
Create Assigns a new Door
Phone with default settings.
Copy Copies settings from an
existing Door Phone.
Delete Deletes a Door Phone.
4. Enter remaining Program 507 data.
5. Enter Program 576 data.
6. Enter Program 508 data.
7. Click Submit.

507 Door Phone Assignment

Prerequisite Program: None
This assignment configures Door Phone Control Boxes (DDCBs) and Door Phones (MDFBs). DDCBs can
be connected to ADKU, PDKU and/or BDKU interface PCBs. Up to three MDFBs can be connected to
one DDCB. A Door lock control relay may be assigned to the B output of the DDCB in place of a MDFB
door phone (see 508 Door Lock Control Assignment on page 9-50).
00 Door Phone Number Enter the door phone number.
Possible values: 1~6 (CTX100), 1~9 (CTX670 Basic),
1~24 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)
Door phone numbering for both CTX100 and CTX670 is as follows:
DDCB 1 provides door phone numbers 1~3, 2 can be a door phone or door
DDCB 2 provides door phone numbers 4~6, 5 can be a door phone or door

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External Devices

Door phone numbering for CTX670 only is as follows:
DDCB 3 provides door phone numbers 7~9, 8 can be a door phone or door
DDCB 4 provides door phones 10~12, 11can be a door phone or door lock.
DDCB 5 provides door phones 13~15, 14 can be a door phone or door lock.
DDCB 6 provides door phones 16~18, 17 can be a door phone or door lock.
DDCB 7 provides door phones 19~21, 20 can be a door phone or door lock.
DDCB 8 provides door phones 22~24, 23 can be a door phone or door lock.
DDCBs are numbered by the system automatically by DDCB Equipment (Shelf/
Slot/Circuit). DDCB1 is assigned to the lowest DDCB Equipment and DDCB2 to
the next lowest, etc.
If DDCB Circuit B is set to Door Lock, a Door Phone cannot be set.

01 DDCB Equipment No. Enter the DDCB equipment number to which the Door phone should be assigned.
Possible values: xx = cabinet 01 (CTX100), 01~02 (CTX670 Basic), 01~07
(CTX670 Exp.);
yy = slot 01~8 (CTX100) 01~10 (CTX670);
zz = circuit 01~16 (default = no value)

Example: If the DDCB interface should be connected to a PDKU or BDKU/BDKS
in cabinet shelf 5, slot 2, circuit 3, enter 050203.
This is the cabinet, slot, and circuit number of the BDKU/BDKS or PDKU
interface PCB to which the DDCB is to be connected.
If a PDN is assigned to the DDCB equipment number it must be deleted,
using Program 201, before attempting to assign the DDCB console.
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100 Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670 Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each Expansion
Slot numbers:
CTX100 Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots.
CTX670 Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots.

02 Tenant Number Select the Tenant Number for which the door phone should ring over external
page in the system Night mode.
Possible values: 1~2 (CTX100); 1~8 (CTX670); (default = 1)

04 Ring Duration Select the time that the door phone should ring destination devices when the door
phone button is pressed. The ring time can be 3 to 30 seconds set in 3 second
intervals - each 3 second interval provides one ring to the destination. Destination
devices include selected DNs and Page groups.
Possible values: 3~30 (default = 9)

05 LCD Name Display Enter the Door Phone name that should display on LCD telephones when the
door phone rings the telephones; or, when the telephone calls the door phone.
Possible values: Up to 16 characters (default = no value)

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External Devices

06 Day1 Destination Select the type of destination that should ring when the door phone button is
pressed during the system Day1, Day2 or Night mode.
07 Day2 Destination
Possible values: None (default), DN or
08 Night Destination
Paging Group 1~4 (CTX100); 1~8 (CTX670 Basic); 1~16
(CTX670 Exp.)
Enter the Destination Number. If the ring destination type is a PDN or PhDN,
enter the directory number. If the ring destination type is Page, enter the Page
Group number.
Possible values: Up to 5 ASCII characters (default = no value)

576 Door Phone Night Ring Over External Page

This assignment sets the Page Group that should ring during the system Night Mode when a door phone
button is pressed. The assignment can be made for Tenant 1 only.
00 Tenant Number Select the system Tenant number to be assigned Door Phone to Page Group/
Night Ringing.
Possible values: 1(CTX100 and CTX670) (default = no value)

01 Page Group Number Select the system Page Group number that should ring for the selected Tenant
when a door phone button is pressed during the system Night Mode.
Possible values: 0~4 (CTX100), 0~8 (CTX670 Basic), 0~16 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)

508 Door Lock Control Assignment

This assignment is used to configure up to 10 door lock control relays. The contacts of these relays are
used to control electrical door locks. One door lock relay can be assigned to each of the eight Door Phone
Control Boxs (DDCB, Port -B) and/or one to each of the two BIOU PCBs (any one of the four control
Note If a door lock is assigned to a DDCB, the second jack (Port B) will provide the door lock relay
contacts. This jack can not be used to connect an MDFB door phone.
00 Door Lock Number Enter the door lock control number to configure.
Possible values: 1~4 (CTX100); 1~5 (CTX670 Basic);
1~10 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no value)

01 Interface Type Enter the system Page Group number that should ring for the selected tenant
when a door phone button is pressed during the system Night Mode.
Possible values: None (default), BIOU or DDCB

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External Devices

02 BIOU Relay Number Assign BIOU control relay as a Door Lock Relay. This relay activates when the
Door Lock button is pressed or a Door Lock access code is dialed.
Possible values: 0~8 (default = 0)
BIOU1 provides control relays 1~4
BIOU2 provides control relays 5~8.
Note The CTX100 ACTU built-in relay is programmed as relay 5. For this
relay operation BIOU2 is installed as default in a virtual equipment
position Cabinet 2, Slot 5, PCB code 20, in Program 100. To install an
actual BIOU2 and disable the ACTU built-in relay, use the programming
telephone to remove the virtual BIOU2 and then install the actual BIOU2
in Cabinet 01/slot 01~08 in the normal manner. BIOU relay functions are
assigned in 515 View BIOU Control Relay Assignments on page 9-52.
This field is required if you selected BIOU in 01 Interface Type above.

03 DDCB Equipment No. Enter the DDCB equipment number to which the Door Lock should be assigned.
This is the cabinet, slot, and circuit number of the BDKU/BDKS or PDKU
interface PCB to which the DDCB is to be connected.
Possible values: xx = Cabinet 01 (CTX100), 01~02 (CTX670 Basic),
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.)
yy = Slot 01~08 (CTX100), 01~10 (CTX670);
zz = Circuit 01~16 (default = no value)

Example: If the DDCB interface should be connected to a PDKU or BDKU/BDKS
in cabinet shelf 5, slot 2, circuit 3, enter 050203.

This is the cabinet, slot, and circuit number of the BDKU/BDKS or PDKU
interface PCB to which the DDCB is to be connected.
If a PDN is assigned to the DDCB equipment number it must be deleted,
using PRG201, before attempting to assign the DDCB console.

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External Devices

515 View BIOU Control Relay Assignments

Prerequisite Program: 100 on page 4-1, and 105 on page 4-12
This assignment is used to view functions of the four control relays on each BIOU PCB set in Program 105
12 Night Relay and 18 Night Bell Relay; Program 508 Door Lock Control Assignment; and Program 503
19 BGM Mute Relay. The system allows up to two BIOU PCBs to provide a total of eight control relays.
The control relays can be configured as an external BGM mute control, Night Bell control, Night Mode
Control, and Door Lock Control.
BIOU-1 relays are identified as Control Relays 1~4.
BIOU-2 relays are identified as Control Relays 5~8.

1. From the Program Menu, click Services >

External Device > BIOU Relay Type.
2. Enter Program 515 data.
3. Click Submit.

00 BIOU (1 or 2) Enter the BOIU PCB number.
Possible values: 1 or 2 (default = no value)
Note BIOU 1 and BIOU 2 are assigned in Program 100 - Card Assignment.

01 BIOU Relay 1 or 5 View the function of BIOU1, control relay 1 or BIOU2, control relay 5:
02 BIOU Relay 2 or 6 View the function of BIOU1, control relay 2 or BIOU2, control relay 6:
03 BIOU Relay 3 or 7 View the function of BIOU1, control relay 3 or BIOU2, control relay 7:
04 BIOU Relay 4 or 8 View the function of BIOU1, control relay 4 or BIOU2, control relay 8:
Possible values: Not Use, Ext Paging, Night Bell, Night Relay or Door Lock
(default = no value)
NOT USE if the relay is not used.
PAGE MUTE External BGM mute control activates during an external page
(see 503 Paging Devices Group Assignments on page 9-53).
NIGHT BELL Night Bell control activates during the system Night Mode only
when incoming CO lines ring (see 102 Flexible Access Codes on page 4-3).
NIGHT RELAY Night Mode Control activates continuously during the system
Night Mode (see 105 System Data on page 4-12).
DOOR LOCK Door Lock Control activates when a telephone's Door Unlock
button is pressed (see 508 Door Lock Control Assignment on page 9-50).

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External Devices

503 Paging Devices Group Assignments

Prerequisite Program: 502 on page 5-23
Assigns BIOU Page Zone Relays to Page Groups.
1. Complete the Paging Device Group
Assignment Record Sheet on page D-54.
2. From the Program Menu, click Services >
External Device > Paging Devices.
3. Enter 00 Zone Relay Number.
4. Check the Paging Groups that you wish to
5. Select the external generic relay number.
6. Click Submit.


00 Zone Relay Number Select the BIOU Page Zone relay that should be assigned to the Page Groups
below. This relay activates whenever the selected Page Group is paged.
BIOU1 = Zone Relays 1~4.
BIOU2 = Zone Relays 5~8.
Possible values: 1~8 (default = no value)

01 PG 1~16 PG 16 Check the box if the selected BIOU Page Zone Relay should activate with this
17 All Page Group Page Group.
18 All Emergency Page
Possible values: On or Off (default)

19 BGM Mute Relay Assign BIOU generic relay as the BGM mute relay. This relay activates
whenever the external page is in use
BIOU1 = Generic Relays 1~4.
BIOU2 = Generic Relays 5~8.
Possible values: 1~8 (default = 0)
Note The CTX100 ACTU built-in relay is programmed as relay 5. For this
relay operation,BIOU2 is installed, as default, in a virtual equipment
position - Cabinet 2, Slot 5, PCB code 20, in Program 100. To install
an actual BIOU2 and disable the ACTU built-in relay, use the
programming telephone to remove the virtual BIOU2 and then install
the actual BIOU2 in Cabinet 01 Slot 01~08 in the normal manner.

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550 Enhanced 911 Emergency Call Group

550 Enhanced 911 Emergency Call Group

Prerequisite Program: Program 105
This command assigns OLGs to the Enhanced
911 Emergency Call Group.
1. Complete the Emergency Call Group
Assignment Record Sheet on page D-55.
2. From the Program Menu, click Services >
Enhanced 911.
3. Select Program 550 data.
4. Click Submit.

00 Emergency Call Group Specify the Emergency Call Group.
Possible values: 1~8 (default = no value)

01 OLG1~08 OLG8 Specify the first through eighth OLG to be chosen for an E911 call.
Possible values: 0~32 (CTX100), 0~50 (CTX670 Basic),
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.), (default = no data)

Multiple Call Group

To set up Multiple Call/Delayed Ringing you must have a Multiple Call (MC) Group set in Program 517.
You can register up to 25 calling members for every MC Group in Program 518. You can set each member
to be Immediate, Delayed Ring 1, or Delayed Ring 2. The Delayed Ring times are independently
adjustable (1~180 seconds) for each Multiple Call Group Member.
Important! Immediate Destinations can only be PDNs (Digital and/or Standard Telephones) and

Delay Destinations can be PDNs of Standard telephone circuits only and Voice Mail Hunt
Group Pilot Numbers (not Multiple DN Hunt Groups).

Incoming Call to MC Group

The following can occur when calling members are set as Immediate, Delayed Ring 1, or Delayed Ring 2.
If the members of a Multiple Call Group are assigned Immediate ring, the call is received at all
destinations immediately. In this case, each destination LCD displays the same incoming call
If the MC Group destination (member) is assigned to Delayed Ring 1 or Delayed Ring 2, each
destination will start to ring when the delay time runs out. During the delay time the member PDN or
PhDN button will flash red but not ring.
Important! Delay Destinations can be PDNs of Standard telephone circuits only and Voice Mail Hunt
Group Pilot Numbers (not Multiple DN Hunt Groups).

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Multiple Call Group

If some MC Group destinations are busy, incoming call rings only idle destinations. However, if the
camp-on feature is in effect, incoming calls will camp-on to busy destinations.
Members can be assigned to multiple MC Groups.

MCPN Owner Privileges

When you assign members to a multiple calling group, the member assigned to Index 1 in Program 518 is
considered an owner of the group. The owner of the group is the only member entitled to the following
The owner is the only member in the group that can receive Automatic Call Back calls and Message
Waiting Indications.
The ringing option for the owner is always set to Immediate ring.
The owner can be a PhDN or PDN.

Member Requirements
The table below has details for members that can and cannot be in a group.

Members that can be in a Group Members that cannot be in a Group

PDNs Pilot DNs - ACD, MCP

PhDNs CO Line Access Codes

Station Hunt Group Pilot DNs

Important! Immediate Destinations can only be PDNs (Digital and/or Standard Telephones) and

Delay Destinations can be PDNs of Standard telephone circuits only and Voice Mail Hunt
Group Pilot Numbers (not Multiple DN Hunt Groups).

Call Forward Activation

System and Station Call Forward can be set up for each MC Group. The Call Forward Remote Access
Code is used to activate or de-activate Station Call Forward of MC Group. System Call Forward is
activated/deactivated using CTX WinAdmin. The MC Group can also be set as the destination of System
on Station Call Forward.

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Multiple Call Group

517 Multiple Call Group Assignment

Multiple Call/Delayed Ringing which enables you to delay ring to voice mail and auto attendants.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Services > Multiple Calling Group.
2. Click Create. A dialog box displays.
3. Enter a calling group index in the
dialog box.

The calling group index can be 1~16

(CTX100), 1~32 (CTX670 Basic),
and 1~64 (CTX670 Expanded).
4. Click Ok. Parameter 01 MC Group
Pilot Number gets highlighted.
5. Enter the DN of the MC group. This
number should not conflict with an
existing telephone number.
6. Verify and change other parameters.
7. Click Submit. The group index displays on the left of the program name.

Multiple Call Group Number Select a group number.
Possible values: 1~16 (CTX100), 1~32 (CTX670 Basic) and 1~64 (CTX670

01 MC Group Pilot Number Enter the Pilot Directory Number that should be assigned to the Multiple Call
Group. This can be any number 1~5 digits that does not conflict with numbers
in the current system Number Plan.
Possible values: 1~5 digits

02 Ring Delay 1 Timer Set the timer in seconds.

Possible values: 1~180

03 Ring Delay 2 Timer Set the timer in seconds.

Possible values: 1~180

04 System Call Forward Assign a System Call Forward template number to the multiple calling group.
Enter 0 or 1~32.
Possible values: 0~32

05 Voice Mail ID Enter the VM call forward ID digits for the Multiple Calling Group.
Possible values: Up to 10 digits.

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DRL Table View

518 Multiple Calling Members Assignment

Prerequisite Program: 517
Use this program to assign members to a group.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Services > Multiple Calling Group.
2. Click the Member tab.
3. Select the Index Number, then enter
the Member DN.

Important! Immediate Destinations

can only be PDNs
(Digital and/or Standard
Telephones) and PhDNs.

Delay Destinations can

be PDNs of Standard
telephone circuits only
and Voice Mail Hunt
Group Pilot Numbers

(not Multiple DN Hunt

Note Each group can have up to 25 members. You can have up to 64 groups.

4. Submit is greyed out because the members are automatically submitted as they get added.

Note The buttons on this screen are dynamic. When you select an empty Index number, the Add button
displays. When you select and existing Index number, the Modify and Remove buttons display.
Modify enables you to edit, while Remove deletes the multiple ringing group index number.

Number Type Description

Multiple Calling Group Index Enter a group number.

Possible values: 1~16 (CTX100), 1~32 (CTX670 Basic) and 1~64 (CTX670

01 Member DN Enter the DN of the extension you wish to add.

Possible values: Up to 32 digits

05 Ringing Options Select either: Immediate, Delay 1 or Delay 2.

DRL Table View

The DR table view can be accessed by selecting Services > DRL Table View. This table is a read only table
and enables you to view all the programmed DRLs.

OLG Screening Table View

The OLG Screening table view can be accessed by selecting Services > OLG Screening Table View. This
table is a read only table and enables you to view the programmed OLGs.

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Destination Restriction Wizard

Destination Restriction Wizard

This wizard guides you through the necessary steps (Programs) to configure Destination Restriction (DR).
You can skip steps in this wizard if they do not apply to a particular DR application.
Select Service > Setup
Wizard > Destination
The wizard starts with a screen
that displays all the steps and
programs for setting up DR.
There are 10 steps to this
Click Start to go through
the wizard sequentially
...or you can select any step
to go to that step directly
(Example: clicking on Step
5 takes you to Program 103
Class of Service).

To back out of one step and go to another step, click Destination Restriction on the left pane and then
click the Step.
You dont have to go through every step of the wizard.
Tool tips provide necessary programming information.

Wizard Buttons
These buttons appear on some of the wizard screens. Clicking on any button lets you do the following:
Start starts the DR wizard.
Add/Delete/Modify enables you to add/delete/modify entry(s).
Copy enables you to copy all the information from one screen to another.
Back/Next enables you to navigate forward and backward through the screens.
Table View displays the appropriate table view. For example, clicking the DR Table View button
displays all the configured DRLs within the system.
Print enables you to print to a local printer.
Refresh enables you to get the most updated information.

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Operation 10

This chapter discusses CTX WinAdmins operational programming functions.

System Setup
Programs Used: 900, 901, 902 and 915
These programs enable programmers to simulate system Power Off/On, initialize Strata CTX, check
software versions and set system clock and date.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Operation > System Setup.
2. Click Restart CTX to reset Strata
...or click Initialize CTX to delete
programmed data and revert to
default settings.
3. 901 CTX Version data is for
viewing only.
4. Set Strata CTX date and time.

5. Click Submit.

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System Setup

900 CTX Restart

Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to reset hardware and initializes or restores programmed data.

CAUTION! Both commands will drop all existing calls.

Restart CTX Clicking on this button initializes a System Power Off/Power On sequence to reset
hardware. This is also known as an Initialize Level 2.

Initialize CTX Clicking on this button invokes an Initialize Level 1 sequence which erases
programmed data and enters default data into the Strata CTX System.
If a Toshiba SmartMedia is installed in the available slot, using this option restores
data from backed up data from the SmartMedia (see Restoring Data from
SmartMedia below).

Important! Choosing Initialize CTX without installing a SmartMedia Card deletes all programmed data
and returns your Strata CTX to factory default settings. All previously programmed data is
lost (See Restoring Data from SmartMedia on page 10-2).

Restoring Data from SmartMedia

When initializing with Initialize CTX, you can restore custom data that was previously programmed and
stored on a SmartMedia card. To do so, follow the steps below.
1. Insert a SmartMedia card that contains the Progdata folder with the default.dat file. The default.dat
file contains your custom settings and can be created by running Data Backup. See 910 Data Backup
on page 10-13.
2. Run System Initialization by clicking Initialize CTX.
Restoring data from the SmartMedia card may take an hour or more.
During the restore process, the telephone LCD may display date and time data. This does not
necessarily indicate completion of the restore process.
To verify completion of the restore process access the Programming Mode from a telephone and enter
your password. If the system enables you to continue, the data restore process is complete.

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System Setup

901 Display Version

Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to view the Active and Standby software versions installed on the Strata CTX
system processor.
System Type Displays the system that is connected.
Possible values: CTX670, CTX100 (Active only).

Active Software Displays the software versions.

These fields indicate the following:
Standby Software
A = Indicates software for USA, Canada or Mexico.
Rx.xx = Indicates the CTX release level.
M0011.00 = The software version number.
Note The Active software does not always have to be the same as the Standby
software, although the Active and Standby software versions may be the
same when you receive it from Toshiba.

DTMF, BBMS, BEXS, The check marks in these boxes indicate the hardware that is installed on the Strata
BSIS, Ethernet, and CTX processor.
On the CTX100:
Ethernet means AETS is installed on ACTU.
Modem means AMDS is installed on ACTU.
DTMF means ARCS is installed on ACTU.

DREC Version Indicates the DTMF/ABR software.

IPL Version Indicates basic boot-up software version.

902 Set Time and Date
Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to change the system clock in Strata CTX.
CTX Date Set Strata CTXs current date.
Select current date (YYYYMMDD).
Possible values: YYYY = Year, MM = Month and DD = Day
Current Day of Week will display once the Year, Month and Day parameters
have been entered.
Possible values: Sunday ~ Saturday (Read only) (default = no value).
Leap Year will display based on the year entered.
Possible values: Leap, Leap Next x, where x = 1, 2 or 3. X. is the number of
years since the previous leap year (Read only) (default = no

CTX Time Set Strata CTXs current time (hhmmss).

Possible values: hh = hour, mm = minutes and ss = seconds (default = no value).

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908 SmartMedia

915 Regional Selection

Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to select the country.
Country Select Country.
Possible values: USA, Canada and Mexico.

908 SmartMedia
This program enables you to format and perform file management tasks on a SmartMedia card while it is
installed in the CTX processor.

SmartMedia Card
The SmartMedia card is a small memory card that is used in digital cameras, MP3 players etc. It is
available in most retail stores that sell digital cameras, personal computers supplies, etc. The capacities of
standard SmartMedia cards are 32MB, 64MB and 128MB.
32MB or 64MB must be used for Strata CTX maintenance functions.
The Strata CTX does not use Compact Flash or other similar types of small storage devices.

A SmartMedia Card(s) is required for most of the important Strata CTX maintenance functions such as:
Saving (Backup) and re-loading the programmed database of a particular Strata CTX system.
Saving Event trace data files for troubleshooting problems.
Updating or upgrading the Strata CTX operating software version.

Administration and Use

SmartMedia card read/writer installed in or connected to a PC can be used to perform a basic format
and administer SmartMedia files. (SmartMedia card read/writers are available in most computer supply
retail stores. They come with USB, PCI, floppy disk, and other types of PC interfaces).
When the SmartMedia card is used to perform one of its functions, it is installed in the SmartMedia slot
of the Strata CTX processor. It must be first formatted for Strata CTX operation by running Forced
Format (program 908).
The Strata CTX format will create five special folders. These folders and how to use them are explained
below and in, Chapter 11 Maintenance.

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908 SmartMedia

1. Install the SmartMedia Card into

the SmartMedia slot of the Strata
CTX processor.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Operation > SmartMedia.
3. Click one of the following:
Normal Format creates any
CTX SmartMedia folder that
does not exist already. Existing
folders are not overwritten by
this procedure.
Forced Format erases any
existing folders and files. All
existing data is overwritten. It
then creates the five Strata
CTX folders. See CTX
SmartMedia Folders on page 10-6 for more information.
Unmount copies the CTX event and alarm log files from the CTX processor buffers (RAM) to the
SmartMedia card and then clears the buffers. It then stops CTX from writing to the SmartMedia
Card so it can be removed without damaging it.

CAUTION! Always run unmount before removing the SmartMedia card. Failure to comply can
cause damage to the card.

Transfer copies the CTX event and alarm log files from the CTX processor buffers (RAM) to the
SmartMedia card and then clears the buffers.

Operation Displays the procedure selected.
Possible values: Normal Format, Forced Format, Unmount and Transfer.

Completion Displays the progress and status of the procedure selected.

Possible values: Processing or Complete

CTX SmartMedia Contains files in the CTX SmartMedia Folder.

Folder Possible values: Files listed under Admlog, Errlog, Evnttrce, Progdata, and
Program folders.

Local Folder You must manually create a new folder on your PC under ctx folder > WinAdmin >
Ctmc > Ctmc_Local > SmartMedia > New Folder
The created folders will be available in the Local Folder drop-down box. You can
store CTX SmartMedia files on these folders (See details below).

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908 SmartMedia

Smart Media Card FTP File Management

1. The Smart card files can be copied from the Smart media card to your CTX WinAdmin PC and vice
versa using the CTX WinAdmin Smart Media FTP function. The Smart Media card must be installed in
the CTX processor and formatted using Program 908 before it can be used. After it is installed and
formatted the CTX will automatically store files under the Admlog, Errolog and Evnttrce folder of the
Smart Media card - see CTX Smart Media folders below for details.
2. New folders must be created (with your own chosen names) on the CTX WinAdmin PC using Windows
Explorer before you can use the Smart Media FTP screen. The folders must be created under the
following path which already exists on the CTX WinAdmin PC:
CTX>WinAdmin>Ctmc_Local>SmartMedia>Your Folder Name.
3. After the SM card has been formatted and your folders have been created on the CTX WinAdmin PC
you can manage files as described below:
Download: Copy files from the CTX Smart Media Card to your CTX WinAdmin PC.
From the CTX Smart Media drop down, select the CTX Smart Media folder and file(s) that should
be copied to the CTX WinAdmin PC.
From the Local Folder drop down, select the CTX WinAdmin PC folder to which the files should be
copied to - then click on Download.
Upload: Copy files from the CTX WinAdmin PC to the CTX Smart Media card
From the Local Folder drop down, select the CTX WinAdmin PC Smart Media folder and file(s)
that should be copied to the CTX Smart Media card.
From the CTX Smart Media Folder drop down, select the CTX Smart Media folder to which the
files should be copied to - then click on Upload.
Delete SM File: Delete files stored on the CTX Smart Media card.
From the CTX Smart Media drop down, select the CTX Smart Media folder and file(s) that should
be deleted - them click Delete SM file.

CTX SmartMedia Folders

Running the Normal and Forced options of this program creates five folders on the SmartMedia card as
Admlog The Admlog folder saves a history of CTX Administration (programming) command entries
in xxx.SNP and xxx.DKT files. SNP files provide a log of CTX WinAdmin entries and DKT files
provide a log of programming Telephone entries.
Errlog System error logs are saved into this folder. See Maintenance chapter, Event Trace Control
Programs 903, 904 and 905 to set up trace.
Evnttrce CTX WinAdmin Event Trace files are saved into this folder.
Progdata Your Strata CTX programmed settings are all saved in this folder. When a backup is
performed, Strata CTX saves programmed data to the Progdata folder as a default.dat file.
Note To perform the backup function you must first delete any existing default.datfiles to allow CTX to
create a new default.dat file.
Program The operating software of the Strata CTX is saved in this folder as a nhs.prg file.

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911 Remote Program Update

SmartMedia Errors
Any error causes the SmartMedia LED to flash (0.25sec ON 0.25sec OFF continuous), except if the
SmartMedia Volume Label is UPDATE; in this case the SmartMedia LED will always flash.

SmartMedia LED Specification

SmartMedia LED, located near the SmartMedia slot on the CTX processor, is lit when the following
When the SmartMedia is accessed for read and write.
When the errors are detected. See above for the detail of errors.
When SmartMedia is inserted into the slot, SmartMedia LED blinks once. This is because the system
accesses the media to read the house keeping data. When it does not blink, it means that the
SmartMedia is not detected by the system at all. If the blink does not stop, it means that any of above
error is detected or the SmartMedia volume label is UPDATE.

911 Remote Program Update

The following are the prerequisites to Remote Update:
The SmartMedia card must be installed in the system with a Backup of the current database
(default.dat) file.
Activation of the new software requires a Clear-reboot operation that will drop all existing calls and
will take the system out of service from 10 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the system size.
Requires a different system software Update file (provided on the Toshiba FYI site), depending on the
type of CTX system and the type of Update that will be performed.

CTX Software Update Files
Each Strata CTX system type has two Software Update files: one for CTX WinAdmin Remote Update and
another file for Local Update (to use with the Programming Telephone procedure).

CAUTION! Using the wrong file in either case will cause the Update to fail.

CTX Software Identification

Refer to the table below to identify CTX software release and builds in software file names or when
verifying CTX software versions. For example, if the software ID is MA228, this means MA2 is equal to
CTX Release 1.02 and nn is the software build 28.
CTX Release Software ID
R1.00 and R1.01 = M01nn
R1.02 = MA2nn
R1.03 = MA3nn
R1.3 = ME0nn
R2.0 = MF0nn
nn = Software build level/number

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911 Remote Program Update

Step 1: Download and Extract CTX Software

The latest released version of CTX system software Update files are posted on the Toshiba FYI site To download the software files, follow the procedure below.
Step 1A: To download CTX System Software Files from FYI
1. From the Toshiba FYI website, click on Technical Services > Software (Strata Systems). The files are
located under the heading CTX System Software.
2. Double-click the appropriate link.
CTX100 MXnnn Software (Remote Update)
...or CTX670 MXnnn Software (Remote Update)
3. When the Toshiba Software License Agreement screen displays, click the Agree button. The File
Download dialog box displays.
4. Select the Save this program to disk radio button, then click OK. The Save As screen displays.
5. Save the file to an appropriately named folder that identifies the system type and software version, then
click Save.
Step 1B: Extract Downloaded Files
1. After the file download is complete, select the Open or Open Folder button on the Download Complete
screen to extract/open the files now, or select the Close button to extract the files later.

The WinZip Self-Extractor screen displays if you selected the Open or Open Folder button.
If you selected Close, double-clicking the .exe file later will bring up the WinZip Self-Extractor
These files are the Remote Update self extracting .exe files:
CTX100_R_MXnnn.exe (for CTX100 Remote Update file)
CTX670_R_MXnnn.exe (for CTX670 Remote Update file)
2. In the Unzip to folder: field, make sure the path leads to the correct folder as shown below. If the path
is incorrect, click the Browse button to navigate to the appropriate path, then click the Unzip button.
3. Verify the unzip folder path for Remote Update: C:\Ctx\WinAdmin\Ctmc\Ctmc_local\Upload
4. Verify the unzipped files or folders for Remote Update: CTX100_R_MXnnn or

Note The files can also be extracted to a temporary folder and the copied to the appropriate SmartMedia
PROGRAM folder or CTX WinAdmin Upload folder. The extracted (decompressed) files will be
approximately 15MB.

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911 Remote Program Update

Step 2: Perform CTX WinAdmin Remote Program Update

This program enables you to send the new CTX system software to the CTX processor standby memory
(CTX670) or SmartMedia card (CTX100) while the system is in use without interrupting service. After the
new software is loaded into memory it can be activated at any time.

CAUTION! Activation of the new software requires a Clear-reboot operation that will drop all
existing calls and take the system out of service from 10 minutes to an hour or more.

CTX WinAdmin will automatically go back to the login screen. After Clear-reboot,
you must wait until the system initializes the new software and reloads the database.
After the CTX database is reloaded, you must reconnect CTX WinAdmin to the
Strata CTX and verify that the new software is loaded.

To get started
1. At the CTX site, install a SmartMedia card in the CTX670 or CTX100 processor. All existing files on
this SmartMedia card should be saved on a PC just in case they are needed later.

A SmartMedia card volume label is not necessary for CTX670 or CTX100 remote update. If you
use a volume label, it cannot be PRGUPDATE or PRGRESCUE0, PRGRESCUE01, etc.
The SmartMedia card is used to back up the customers latest system data (default.dat) which will
automatically reload after the software update process is complete (see Step 7 on page 10-10).
For CTX100 systems only, CTX WinAdmin loads the Program Update files onto the SmartMedia
card before making the Update software active on the ACTU processor.
For CTX670, CTX WinAdmin loads the Program Update files onto the Standby Flash memory of

the BECU/BBCU processor before making the update software active.
2. Make sure the Remote Update folder containing the Update files (xx.nhs) is placed properly in CTX
WinAdmin Upload folder, for example
C:\Ctx\WinAdmin\Ctmc\Ctmc_local\Upload\CTX100_R_MXnnn, then you may proceed with the
Remote Update procedure.

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911 Remote Program Update

To perform the Update

1. Connect the CTX WinAdmin PC to the Strata CTX system that should be updated via LAN or modem.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Operation > Program Update. The
Program Update screen displays.
3. Complete Step 1 on the Program
Update screen by clicking on
SmartMedia (blue hyperlink).
This takes you to Program 908
Format/Unmount SmartMedia screen.
4. On the Format/Unmount SmartMedia
screen, click the Forced Format
button to format the SmartMedia card.
5. Go back to the Program Update screen
(from Program Menu, click Operation
> Program Update).
6. Complete Step 2 on the screen by clicking on Data Backup.
7. Click the green Back Up button to start the back up. The CTX will store the programmed data
(default.dat file) on the PROGDATA folder of the SmartMedia card.
8. After completing Data Backup, go back to the Program Update screen (from Program Menu, click
Operation > Program Update) and complete Step 3. For field descriptions refer to the table Program
Update Screen Field Descriptions on page 10-12
9. From the Upload From Folders drop-down menu on the Program Update screen, select the Remote
Update folder for the CTX100 or CTX670 to be updated.
10. Click on Start Remote Program Update. CTX service will not be interrupted during this process.

CAUTION! Do not change the CTX Admin screen after the Update process has begun.
Changing the screen, touching the keyboard etc., will cause the process to stop and
fail. If for any reason the Update process stops, you must reconnect and start the
process over.

CTX WinAdmin will send approximately 200~300 files to the Strata CTX. This will not interrupt
service on the Strata CTX.
CTX WinAdmin indicates the status of the Remote Update process in the Files Uploaded box
and status toolbar. Remote Update can take from 15 minutes to more than one hour, depending on
the transmission speed of the connection (i.e; LAN or modem speed).
After all files have been sent to the CTX completing this step of the Update process, a message
displays to indicate the new system software has been sent to the CTX processor memory
successfully (to the CTX670 standby side of flash memory or CTX100 SmartMedia PROGRAM

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911 Remote Program Update

11. From the message screen that displays after the Remote Program Update files have been sent to the
CTX, click OK or Cancel.
Clicking OK starts the Clear-reboot process and activates the new software immediately.
Clicking Cancel enables you to activate the software later. To activate the new software later, go to the
Program Update screen and click the Clear-reboot button.

Important! Keep the SmartMedia card installed on the Strata CTX processor to allow the
programmed data to be restored automatically following the Remote Update and Clear-
reboot process.

Note After clicking Clear-reboot CTX WinAdmin disconnects from the CTX. Wait 15 minutes to an
hour or more before re-connecting CTX WinAdmin to the CTX. The CTX must first initialize the
new software and reload the customer database.

CAUTION! The Clear-reboot process drops all calls and takes the Strata CTX out of service
from 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the Backup data file.

After Clear-reboot is complete, the Strata CTX runs on the new software version
(this is now the active side of flash memory). The Backup data has been restored
from the SmartMedia card to the Strata CTX processor memory. On the CTX670
only, the original software version is on the standby side of flash memory.

Do not turn CTX670 power off/on at this time. You must first switch the Active
software from Trial to Normal.

If the system power is turned off/on while the Active side of flash memory is in the
Trial mode, the original software will switch back to Active and the new software
will switch back to Standby. This is to provide an automatic method of switching

back to the original software version if the new version is causing problems.

12. After the CTX restarts and is functioning, re-established communication between CTX WinAdmin and
the CTX. Then go to Operation > System Setup and check that the new software is loaded on the
Active side of the processor flash RAM.
13. CTX670 only: If the CTX670 system is operating correctly, go to the Program Update screen and
switch the Active Software to Normal by clicking the green Set Normal button.
14. From the Program Menu, click Operation > System Setup screen and click the green Restart CTX
button or turn the Strata CTX power off/on. CTX WinAdmin will return to the Login screen.
This is necessary to reset QSIG, ISDN and other advanced features.

CAUTION! Restarting CTX or turning the power off/on will drop all existing calls.

15. Test the system to verify that the new software is running properly by checking dial tone, making
incoming and outgoing calls, internal and external calls and all other peripherals, such as voice mail,
etc., are working correctly.

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911 Remote Program Update

If power is turned off/on or if the Strata CTX is re-started before switching the Active software from
Trial to Normal, the CTX670 will switch the old software back to Active.
It is your responsibility to verify the system is working correctly after Remote Update is complete.

If the new version of software is not performing properly, on the CTX670 only, you can activate
the old version of software again by initiating a Clear-reboot.
Clear-reboot swaps the active and standby sides of flash memory. You must always install a
SmartMedia card containing a copy of the current back up data before initiating a Clear-reboot or
all programmed data will be erased.
If the CTX100 system is not working properly with the new software, you must reinstall the
original software using this Update procedure.

Table 10 Program Update Screen Field Descriptions

Upload from Folder Select the Strata CTX type.
Possible values: CTX100_R_MXnnn, CTX670_R_MXnnn.

Version Number Software version number displays. Example: A102MXnnn00. See CTX Software

Number of Files Displays number of files that have to be uploaded. This file is static.

Files Uploaded Displays number of files uploaded. This is a dynamic field and will change during
the process.

Operation View operation status.


Copied blocks View number of blocks copied.

Possible values: 0~65536 (default = 0)

Total Blocks View total blocks to be updated.

Possible values: 0~65536 (default = 0)

Active Side ID Active Side Number.

Possible values: 0 or 1 (default = 0)

Active Side Status Software status display.

Possible values: Normal (default), Trial, Fault, Dont care or Error

Standby Side Status Standby Backup Type. This field will display only when connected to a CTX670. It
will not display when connected to CTX100.
Possible values: Normal (default), Trial, Fault, Dont Care or Error

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910 Data Backup

910 Data Backup

Prerequisite Program: 908 on page 10-4
This program enables you to backup programmed data from Strata CTX to a SmartMedia Card.
1. Install the SmartMedia Card into the designated slot of the Strata CTX processor.
Note The SmartMedia card must be
formatted by Strata CTX and
the Progdata folder must be
empty (no Default.dat file)
2. From the Program Menu, click
Operation > Data Backup.
3. Select the Backup button. Click
Cancel to interrupt the selected
4. Click Backup.
5. The Progress field displays the
progress of the selected function.

Backup Select one of the following buttons. When performing a Backup, you must use a
formatted SmartMedia card.
Backup Backup Strata CTX data to SmartMedia card. This creates a
Default.dat file under the Progdata folder of the SmartMedia card.

Default.dat is the name of the file that is created and it contains all Strata
CTX programmed data. It is not default data. It is data that is currently
programmed in the Strata CTX.
The Progdata folder on the SmartMedia card must be empty before trying to
backup data. You can use FTP to copy and delete an existing default.dat file.
Cancel Cancel the Backup/Restore function.

Completion Current Status of Backup.

Possible values: Completed successfully, Not completed.

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916 IP Configuration

916 IP Configuration
Prerequisite Program: None
This program displays Network Communication IP address configuration. This program applies to the
Strata CTX Network (NIC) jack connection only. It does not apply to the CTX maintenance modem. To
change TCP/IP settings see Step 2B: Set Up IP Address of CTX NIC on page 3-7.
1. From the Program Menu, click Operation >
IP Configuration.
2. The following Strata CTX default address
IP Address a.b.c.d
where a.b.c.d = 0~255. This IP Address is
for the NIC/Ethernet only. (default = is the Strata CTX
modem fixed IP address for Dial-up
connections. Do not enter this IP address
on this screen.
Subnet Mask e.f.g.h
where e.f.g.h = 0~255 (default = Octet h in SubNet
Mask cannot be the same as octet d in
the IP address.
Default Gateway (default =
3. Select another program from the Program Menu.

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FTP User Accounts

FTP User Accounts

Prerequisite Program: None
This program establishes up to four FTP users for the built-in Strata CTX FTP server function located on
the Strata CTX processor. These Strata CTX FTP accounts allow FTP access to the Strata CTX
SmartMedia card. This allows administration of the Strata CTX SmartMedia folders and files.
1. From the Program Menu, click Operation >
FTP User Account.
2. Select the FTP Index. Up to four FTP Users
can be established.
3. Assign the FTP Users Account Name.
4. Assign the FTP User a Password.
5. Enter the default folder that this FTP account
is to access. This should be /0/ which is the
root folder of the Strata CTX SmartMedia
6. Click Submit.
Note FTP User Accounts are stored in memory
on the Strata CTX processor and are
intentionally deleted for security when the
Strata CTX is powered off/on or initialized.


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File Information

File Information
Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to view lists of Alarm and Administration files stored on the Strata CTX
SmartMedia card. See 908 SmartMedia on page 10-4 for more information about these files.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Operation > File Information.
2. Select from one of the following
...or click List to see a summary list
of Files already programmed into
the system. View the file name
index, number, name, and creation
and modification dates under each
of the categories listed below.
Error Alarm Files.
Error Alarm Expansion Files.
SNMP Administrator Files
(CTX WinAdmin log).
DKT Administrator Files
(Programming telephone log).
Note For a detailed description on Trace function go to Trace Function on page 14-8.

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Community Name

Community Name
Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to create and set up a Community Name (or passwords) to allow access to
specific Strata CTX systems.
1. From the Program Menu, click Operation >
Community Name.
2. Select the Index Number to assign to the
Community or click one of the following
Remove highlight an existing community
from the table and click this button to
remove the selected community from the
Modify highlight an existing community
from the table and click this button to
modify the IP Address, Privileges and
Administrator Level settings for this
3. Enter the remaining fields.
4. Click Submit.
Community Name Enter the Community name. The Community Name is a password that is stored in
the Strata CTX. To communicate with a Strata CTX, the CTX WinAdmin PC must
send a legal community name to the CTX when attempting to connect. The default
community name stored in the CTX is communityName (case sensitive). The Strata
CTX can store up to 10 community names.

IP Address Enter the IP Address of the Community Name. Each community name is associated
with an IP Address. This IP address is stored in the CTX with its associated
community name.
Possible values: a.b.c.d.; a = 0~255, b = 0~255, c = 0~255, d = 0~255

To allow any CTX WinAdmin PC to connect to the Strata CTX with a particular
community name, enter  as the IP address for that Community Name.
To allow only a specific CTX WinAdmin PC to connect to the CTX with a
particular community name, enter the static IP address of that PC for that
community name.
Privileges Select User Privilege Levels. These privileges are to assign the community name or
IP address to an internal Strata CTX level.
Possible values: Read (default) or Write
Note Read The user cannot modify Strata CTX data regardless of the CTX
WinAdmin User level 1~4.
Write The user can modify Strata CTX data according to the CTX
WinAdmin user level 1~4.

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909 MAC Address

Administrator Level Select Administrator Level. This level is to assign the community name or IP
address to an internal Strata CTX access level.
Possible values: Super User (default) or Ordinary User

Super User Strata CTX allows the user access to all Strata CTX commands.
Super Users can only view ordinary user community names and their own
community name but not other Super User community names.
Ordinary User Strata CTX allows the user access to all Strata CTX programs
except 900 Initialization/Restart and 911 Update. Ordinary users can only view
their own community name.

909 MAC Address

Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to view the Media Access Control (MAC) Address assigned to your Strata CTX
System processor PCB. The MAC address is a unique serial number that is electronically coded in the
CTX processor memory at the factory it cannot be changed. The MAC Address is also printed on the
back of the processor card that is used for the CTX670 (Processor Part Number BBCU1A) and CTX100
(Processor Part Number ACTU1A). A MAC Address must be converted to the applicable serial number
utilized in Internet FYI for License code generation.
1. From the Program Menu, click Operation >
MAC Address.
2. Review your system serial number.
Note The serial number is printed on the
invoice and bar code of the product
3. MAC Address displays as shown to the
right. AABBCCDDEEFF = 0~9, A~F
(Hexadecimal values).
4. Click another program from the Program

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Trap Destinations

Trap Destinations
Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to setup Trap IPs.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Operation > Trap IP Setup.
2. Select a Trap IP Index number or
click Add to add a Trap IP index.
3. Click Submit.

Community Name Enter the Name of the Community.
Possible values: Alpha characters (default = no value).

IP Address Enter the IP Address for remote connection.

Possible values: a.b.c.d.; a = 0~255, b = 0~255, c = 0~255, d = 0~255


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License Control

License Control
Programs Used: 913 and 914
The following programs enable you to issue and maintain License Activation settings for CTX WinAdmin
Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to issue new licenses.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Operation > License Control.
2. Issue a License by cutting and pasting
or manually entering the 60-character
string in the License Code text box.
Note If you are not adding the License
Code to CTX WinAdmin
immediately, copy and save the code
onto a disk. Save code in Notepad
using Fixedsys font.
3. Click one of the following buttons:
Issue to issue the License Code.
Cancel Issue to cancel the License
Code issue.
4. Activate the License entered above by selecting the delay timer.
5. Click one of the following buttons:
Activate for license activation.
Cancel Activate to cancel license activation.

License Issue
Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables System Administrators to issue Licenses for CTX WinAdmin users.
Status Status applies to both License issue and License Activate. Displays Licensing
Possible values: Not yet, Issue Stand by, Issue Finished, Cancel Issue, Activate
Stand by, Activate Finished or Cancel Activate

License Code Cut and paste the License code text string or manually enter the License Code (six
characters per box).
Possible values: 60 characters.
Note The License Code will have to be generated from Toshibas FYI website
( After obtaining the License code from FYI save
it as a Text file. Cut and paste the License code obtained from Toshibas
FYI website. The License Code is made up of the MAC Address and the
number of ports. The License Code that is generated for a particular MAC
Address is only good for the processor that contains that MAC Address.

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License Information

License Activate
Prerequisite Program: 913 above
This program enables activation of CTX WinAdmin licenses issued in Program 913.
Delay Timer Select Activation Delay Timer in hours.
Possible values: 0~24 (default = 0)

Enter 0 to issue or activate the license immediately or 1~24 to set the automatic
delay activation feature, where 1 = 1 hour delay; 2 = 2 hour delay, etc.
After the license is activated, use the License Information screen below to check
that all Ports and features have been activated properly.

License Information
The following programs enable you to set up Licensing details for CTX WinAdmin users.
Prerequisite Program: None
1. From the Program Menu, click
Operation > License Information.
2. View Licensing details for this
Strata CTX account.
This view is read-only

CTX Release Number This is the Basic Release Number of CTX software. To view the Active Software
Version, go to Operations/System Setup.

Number of Serial This identifies the number of serial ports licensed on the BSIS.
Ports One license is needed for each SMDR and SMDI device connected to BSIS.
(Programs 803 and 804 assigns BSIS ports).

StrataNet QSIG This license must be enabled on each CTX in a QSIG Network.

System Type This identifies the type of CTX system to which CTX WinAdmin is currently

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License Information

Number Of Attendant This identifies the number of Attendant Consoles licensed. One license
Consoles is required for each Attendant Console. A CTI Session License is also
required for each Attendant Console (see Number of CTI Sessions).

Processor\Cabinet This identifies the CTX Processor hardware size

Configuration Small: ACTU, supports CTX100 Base + Expansion cabinet and CTX670.
BBCU\BECU without BBMS\BEXS, supports CTX670 Base + one Expansion
Large CTX670: BBCU\BECU with BBMS\BEXS, supports CTX670 Base + six
Expansion cabinets

Number Of DTMF This identifies the number of DTMF receivers licensed. The ARCS
Receivers Subassembly is required on the CTX100 processor, no additional hardware
is required for CTX670.

Number of Ports This identifies the number of Line circuits, Station circuits and ISDN B channels
Station circuits use a license only when a PDN, DDS, BATI or Door Phone is
assigned to the circuit.
Analog and T1 line circuits use a license only when a line number is assigned to the
circuit or B-channel.
ISDN B-Channels use a license when assigned in PRI and BRI assignments.

Number of CTI This identifies the number of licensed CTI sessions. Each Attendant Console, the
Sessions ACD or OAISYS Sever and each third party CTI application requires one CTI
session license. (Command 803 assigns CTI sessions).

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Maintenance 11

This chapter discusses CTX WinAdmins maintenance functions.

Quality Of Service
Note This program is not available at this time.
This Program allows the user to collect information measurement of the call via IP Telephone by a specific
IP Station.
There are 5 call records can be collected by each request.
From the Program Menu, click
Maintenance > Quality of
Service. The Quality of Service
screen displays (shown right)

Trace Function
To analyze Strata CTX problems efficiently, Toshiba needs to get the event trace data and ISDN trace data.
These data sets enable analysis of the problems Strata CTX may experience. It is helpful for
troubleshooting problems that are difficult to duplicate.
Please contact Toshiba Technical Support to coordinate the running of the procedures that appear in this
section. Technical Support will walk you through the required steps.

Trace Data
By running traces when tests are conducted on your Strata CTX system, you ensure that data are being kept
in the event your system encounters a problem. This data can be sent to Toshiba Tech Support for analysis
and troubleshooting.

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Trace Function

Strata CTX can collect the following trace data:

Error Log (including crash dump)
Event Trace
ISDN L3 trace
Event traces can be performed by running Program 903 Event Trace Control on page 11-3, through
Program 908 Format/Unmount SmartMedia on page 13-101.

Error Log
When Strata CTX detects an error, the information is stored automatically without executing a program.
However, if the system locks up, you must restart the system to save the data to SmartMedia.

Start/Stop/Store Trace Data

Whenever you execute a test, start recording the trace data by enabling the Event Trace Control (Program
903). See page 11-3. If you use ISDN extensions or trunks, please record ISDN trace data by starting 904
ISDN Trace Location on page 11-3.

To test and retrieve trace data

Note This procedure requires use of optional SmartMedia reading hardware and software or FTP
management with a personal computer. See 908 SmartMedia on page 10-4.
1. Start your test. If a problem occurs, stop the trace (please refer to the Event Trace Control and 904
ISDN Trace Location program instructions in this manual).
2. Verify the results by running the same test(s) again. If the problem can be duplicated the information
contained in the trace data becomes more useful.
3. Unmount data to SmartMedia using Format/Unmount SmartMedia on page 13-101.
4. Remove the SmartMedia card from Strata CTX. Use caution. The SmartMedia device can be damaged
if removed incorrectly.
5. Insert the SmartMedia card into your SmartMedia reader.
6. Locate the Evnttrce folder and save all files ending with .sdt and .mdt to your PCs hard drive.
7. Locate the Crash Dump in the errlog folder. File extensions are .exp and .mnl and append to your hard
8. E-mail the files to your Toshiba support person.
If you start recording trace data after a problem occurs, the previous data is overwritten. Make sure the
required data files are stored to SmartMedia and saved to disk prior to starting another trace.
The following table shows you how much SmartMedia card memory is allocated to each directory. System
traffic load will determine how much data is stored in the Evnttrace log.
Table 11-1 SmartMedia card file allocation size in Mega Bytes

SmartMedia Type 16MB 32MB 64MB 128MB

Errlog 2MB 4MB 8MB 24MB
Evnttrce 4MB 12MB 32MB 64MB
Admlog 2MB 8MB 16MB 32MB
Progdata 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB
Program 0MB 0MB 0MB 0MB
Total 16MB 32MB 64MB 128MB

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Event Trace Control

Event Trace Control

Programs Used: 903, 904, 905 and 906
Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to trace message events occurring in Strata CTX. Program Numbers 903, 904,
905 and 906 are consolidated in one CTX WinAdmin screen (shown below).
1. Install the SmartMedia Card into the
designated slot of the Strata CTX
2. From the Program Menu, click
Maintenance > Event Trace Control.
3. Enter Program 903 data.
4. Enter Program 904 data
5. Enter Program 905 data.
6. Enter Program 906 data.
7. Trace data displays in the dialog

903 Start/Stop Trace

Start/Stop Trace Click in the appropriate button to Start or Stop Message Trace. Start Trace indicates
that the systems trace data collection process has begun. Stop indicates the trace
data collection process is terminated
Before removing the SmartMedia card run Program 908. See 908 SmartMedia on
page 10-4.
Possible values: Start Trace or Stop Trace (default)
Size Set the trace data size. Toshiba recommends leaving this parameter at the default
setting which provides approximately 15 minutes of trace data.
Possible values: 1~256 bytes with 1 unit = 16 bytes (default = 2)

Category Select Trace data type to be stored.
Possible values: Call Processing, Maintenance, and Call Processing and
Maintenance (default)

904 ISDN Trace Location

ISDN protocol event trace collection conditions are established using this program.
Note This trace can be performed on BSU and PTU cards only.
Cabinet/Slot/Port Enter the Equipment Location to be traced (xxyyzz).
Possible values: xx = Cabinet 01~07; yy = Slot 01~10; zz = Circuit 01~04

Strata CTX Programming - Part 2: CTX WinAdmin Programming 04/03 11-3

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Event Trace Control

Trace Kind Select the trace collection level.
Possible values: LLCI Trace, Layer 2, Layer 2 & Layer 3 Trace, State Transitions
Trace, ERRORS Trace, Layer 2 Trace.
Trace Level Select the extent to which the trace collects information.
Possible values: No Trace (default), Brief or Extensive

905 All ISDN Trunk Trace Selection

Trace all ISDN Trunks Select whether to trace all ISDN PRI and BRI trunks.
Possible values: On (default) or Off

906 Change Trace Side

Trace side Select Trace side change.
Possible values: Message Trace (default), ISDN Trace or Both

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Error Alarm Log

Error Alarm Log

Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to trace errors and alarms in Strata CTX.
1. Install the SmartMedia Card into
the designated slot of the Strata
CTX processor.
2. From the Program Menu, click
Operation > Maintenance > Error/
Alarm Logs.
3. Click Submit.

Start Date Enter the date (YYMMDD) and time (hhmmss) on which to start the log.
Possible values: YY = Year, MM = Month and DD = day (default = no value)
hh = Hour, mm = Minutes and ss = seconds (default = no value)
End Date Enter the date and time on which to end the log.
Possible values: YY = Year, MM = Month and DD = day (default = no value)
hh = Hour, mm = Minutes and ss = seconds (default = no value)
Start Rank Code Prioritize by selecting a Rank Code.
Possible values: 1~99 (default = no value)
End Rank Code Organize by selecting an End Rank Code.
Possible values: 1~99 (default = no value)
Error Code This field logs the number of error codes.

Possible values: 0~9999999999 (default = 0)
Org. Code This field reflects the Error origination code.
Possible values: 1~10 (default = no value)
Search Number Displays the search sequence.
Possible values: 1~1000 (default = 0)
Search Result Number This field displays the Search result number.
Possible values: 1 or 2 (default = no value)
Normal Log This field displays the log information.
Expand Log This field displays details of the logged data.
Search Result Search results are displayed in this field.

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907 System Admin Log

907 System Admin Log

Prerequisite Program: None
Use this command to Start/Stop the System Admin Log. When running this program, make sure to insert
the SmartMedia card into the appropriate slot.
1. Insert the SmartMedia Card into the
designated slot of the Strata CTX processor.
2. From the Program Menu, click Maintenance
> System Admin Log.
3. Click to Start or Stop the System Admin
4. Click the Checking System Admin Log
Completion Status button to view progress
of this operation.
Note When CTX670 stops logging data, it
automatically sends data to the
SmartMedia card. Run the Unmount
command (Program 908) before
removing the SmartMedia card to ensure complete data transfer.

Memory Access Operation

Prerequisite Program: None
This program enables you to manipulate memory settings.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Maintenance > Memory Access.
2. Click the Read Memory or Write
Memory button to access memory.
3. Enter the memory Address to be
4. Select size of memory to access (1~256,
default = no value).
5. Click one of the following buttons:
New click this button to create a
new Memory Access filename.
Open click this button to open an
existing Memory Access file.
6. Click Submit.
7. Click Save to save Memory Access file.
Note The Content box displays the contents of the memory address selected.

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Prerequisite Program: None
The following programs enable you to monitor the status of individual Strata CTX slots and ports.
This is the main system slot/port monitor. The Components screen allows each cabinet card slot and each
card slot port to be monitored, enabled or disabled. The card slot and port failure codes are provided in the
Table below.
From the Program Menu, click
Maintenance > Components >
Cabinets 1~7.

Auto Fault Detection/Disable

When an error occurs in hardware resources used for a station or line, the Strata CTX system will make
them busy. In this case the Strata CTX system will automatically disable the card slot or card port (circuit
or channel). The Component Status/Control screen will indicate the card or port failure status with
Disabled by Fault xx where xx is the status code in the table below. When a digital telephone is disabled
the telephones LCD will display Make Busy. The station or line PCB can be disabled temporarily to
perform maintenance or parts replacements as well.
Note The port or slot to which your programming phone is connected cannot be set to Make Busy.

The table on the next page states the possible error codes that can be displayed in the Status column of the
Main Components screen shown above.

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Table 11-2 Status Column Error Codes

Component Type Status Code Description

Expansion Cabinet CP Cabinet power failure
Line/Station/Option PCB CR Card PCB set in Program 100, but not installed
Port (ISDN) IL ISDN loss of signal
Port (ISDN) IF ISDN frame sync failure
Port (ISDN-U) UM ISDN-U maintenance mode
Port (ISDN-U) UE ISDN-U Eoc maintenance mode
Port (ISDN-U) UB ISDN-U aib
Port (T1) TY T1 Yellow alarm
Port (T1) TB T1 Blue alarm
Port (T1) TF T1 Frame sync. failure
Port (DKT) DO Digital Telephone not connected.

Manual Disable/Enable
The components screen enables you to enable or disable any card slot or port.
When disabled by Disable or Forced Disable, line or stations are made busy and the status will display
disable by cmd on the screen. On the telephone LCD, it will display Make busy.
Disable will disable an idle port or slot and cause ports/slots that are in use to go to Pending Disable
which go to Make Busy after they go idle. Disable waits till a call clears to disable it.
Forced Disable will disable an idle port or a port that is in-use (the call will be disconnected).
Enable removes the Make Busy condition if the slot or port is manually disabled.
Note You cannot enable a slot or port if the system automatically disabled it. The status on the screen will
display Disabled by Fault.

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Tools and Profile 12

This chapter discusses Tools and Profile to customize and manage your Strata CTX System.

The download tool provided in CTX WinAdmin enables you to download databases stored in system
memory into a CTX WinAdmin folder named Download. These downloaded databases can then be
viewed in your PC to check for errors or other anomalies. The downloaded commands are saved as files on
the C: drive or on whichever drive Strata CTX WinAdmin is installed, in this path:
CTX\WinAdmin\ctmc\ctm c_Local\DownLoad. They may be opened and viewed using Excel, Word or
some other application.

Prerequisite Program: None
1. From the Program Menu, click
Tools > Download.
2. A list of all CTX WinAdmin
programs displays as shown to
the right.
3. Click on the program to be
downloaded. Selected
programs are highlighted in
green and the word Selected
displays to the right as shown
in the figure to the right. The
following buttons are also
Clear All click this button
to clear all previously
selected files.
Select All click this button
to select all programs for downloading.
4. Click the Start Downloading button in the top right corner of the display.
5. The system notifies you when the download is complete.
Tools and Profile

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Tools and Profile

The Programs included in the Profile menu enables you to change GUI display settings in CTX WinAdmin
and change the system IP Address.

Prerequisite Program: None
Customize the look and feel of CTX WinAdmin using this program.
1. From the Program Menu, click
Profile > Customize.
2. Select your customized settings.
3. Click Save Changes.

ASP Idle Time CTX WinAdmin is designed to automatically log off any inactive users after the time
set in this field.
Possible values: Maximum = 999 minutes (Default = 120 minutes)
Note Set the ASP Idle time to 999 when using long CTX WinAdmin sessions in
a secure environment.

Back Ground Color Select the background Color from the scroll down menu.
Possible values: Aqua, Yellow, Sky Blue, Light Sky Blue, Light Blue, Medium
Spring Green, Light Green, Powder Blue, Light Goldenrod Yellow
(default), Misty Rose, Lavender.

Group Name Color Select the color in which to display the Group Name (see figure above).
Possible values: Black, White, Dim Grey (default), Red, Dark Red, Blue, Indigo,
Navy, Purple, Maroon, Teal, Fuchsin, Dark Green.

Label Color Select the color with which to display the field name text.
Possible values: Black (default), White, Dim Grey, Red, Dark Red, Blue, Indigo,
Navy, Purple, Maroon, Teal, Fuchsin, Dark Green.

User Management
For information on User Management, refer to Chapter 2 User Management on page 3-16.

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726+,%$ Telecommunication Systems Division

Digital Business Telephone Systems

Part 3: Telephone Button Programming

April 2003

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Telephone Button Programming 13

Telephone Button
This chapter discusses the button programming interface provided with Strata CTX. This chapter also
includes Button Programming examples, procedures, and tables to program 100~800 series programs. This
chapter has tables that list programs sequentially by program number. Tables found below a program table
contain required information for the above program.

Important! If you do not program button sequences correctly, the DKT LCD will display an error code.
Refer to Appendix B System Error Codes.

Record Sheet Overview

Fill out the Appendix D Record Sheets (see Figure 13-1 as an example), then enter this data using a 20-
button LCD digital (DKT) telephone.


Record Sheet DKT Parameters Record Sheet

Provides a list of PDN: _____________________
Station Type Ext. Ring Repeat Continuous DTMF Ring Over Busy Cycles
Key Strip Pattern Not Used Display Language Attd. Overflow Dest.

available features. The Key Strip Type

Add-on Modules
Tone/Voice First
Ringing Line Preference
Off-hook Preference
Ringing Preference.
Blind Transfer
Mail Box Selection
Trunk Test and Verify
Auto Line Hold

sheet is used to record OCA Type

Handsfree MIC
Handsfree Tone
Text Message Display
Call History Memory
DTMF Back Tone
MIC Init. Value
Speaker Mode Tones

the assignment of PDN: _____________________

Station Type Ext. Ring Repeat Continuous DTMF Ring Over Busy Cycles

features or the operation Key Strip Pattern

Key Strip Type
Add-on Modules
Not Used
Ringing Line Preference
Off-hook Preference
Display Language
Blind Transfer
Attd. Overflow Dest.
Trunk Test and Verify
Auto Line Hold
Tone/Voice First Ringing Preference. Mail Box Selection

of each program. Each OCA Type

Handsfree MIC
Text Message Display
Call History Memory
MIC Init. Value
Handsfree Tone DTMF Back Tone Speaker Mode Tones

sheet provides space to PDN: _____________________

Station Type Ext. Ring Repeat Continuous DTMF Ring Over Busy Cycles

record data. This data Key Strip Pattern

Key Strip Type
Add-on Modules
Not Used
Ringing Line Preference
Off-hook Preference
Display Language
Blind Transfer
Attd. Overflow Dest.
Trunk Test and Verify
Auto Line Hold

will be referred to when Tone/Voice First

OCA Type
Handsfree MIC
Ringing Preference.
Text Message Display
Call History Memory
Mail Box Selection
MIC Init. Value
Handsfree Tone DTMF Back Tone Speaker Mode Tones

programming the PDN: _____________________

Station Type Ext. Ring Repeat Continuous DTMF Ring Over Busy Cycles

system. Key Strip Pattern Not Used Display Language Attd. Overflow Dest.


Figure 13-1 System Record Sheet Sample

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-1

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Telephone Button Programming
Telephone Button Overview

Telephone Button Overview

Strata CTX programmers can access programming mode from any DKT LCD telephone, except DKTs
connected to an RDSU. A 20-button telephone (shown below) is required to ensure full access to all
programming parameters. The telephone button programming interface enables limited programming
capabilities over ranges of stations or trunks.
Note Telephones connected to an RDSU cannot be used to program Strata CTX.
Figure 13-2 shows the telephone button pad for the DKT3020-series digital telephone or IPT1020-SD.

(24 Characters by 2 lines)

Mode Page Scroll Feature

(FB10) (FB20)

(FB09) (FB19)

(FB08) (FB18)

(FB07) (FB17)

(FB06) (FB16)

(FB05) (FB15)

(FB04) (FB14)

(FB03) (FB13)
Msg Spdial
(FB02) (FB12)
Mic Redial

Spkr Cnf/Trn Hold (FB01) (FB11)


Figure 13-2 DKT3010/3020 and IPT1020-SD Button Telephones

13-2 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
Telephone Button Overview

Telephone Button Commands

Telephone Button
1. Use the following buttons to execute the commands:

+ROG Enter.
3DJH/6FUROO Scroll up or down.
6SNU This delimiter moves cursors between sub-parameter values.
9RO Escape. 9RO displays as on the LCD. Press 9RO to program  or in dialing
9RO Back space for line editing.
+ROG Cancel.
Use this button between values to specify a range of objects to be programmed (e.g., 1001*1005
enables programming of stations 1001 through 1005).
Use this button between values to specify a set of objects to be programmed (e.g.,
1001**1005**1012 enables programming of stations 1001, 1005 and 1012).
Off-hook lift and replace the handset to immediately exit programming mode.
2. Keep the following in mind as you maneuver through Strata CTX programs.
Default and/or current settings are displayed on the telephone LCD with an asterisk.
Some Strata CTX Programs have more than 20 programmable parameters. To toggle from
parameters )%~)% and )%~)% press the 6FUROO or 3DJH button after entering Program
To view parameter options on your telephone LCD, press the desired )% button and press the 6FUROO
or 3DJH button.
Each parameter shows a number to the left (e.g., 2:DISABLE). Program the desired parameter by
pressing the number button (in this example ) that corresponds to your desired parameter.
To enter data, use the number keys.
To submit your program entry press +ROG. To confirm a submitted entry, press +ROG again.
To exit a program press +ROG.
To enter the  character in your data string press the 9RO and the  button simultaneously. An
sign appears in your LCD. Press the  button, then enter the remaining data.
If you get an error code, press +ROG (twice) to continue programming. See System Error Codes on
page B-1 for error code details.

Programming Parameters
Programs can have between one and 40 programmable parameters, each represented by the )%QQbuttons.
The LEDs light up for each )%QQ button that features a programmable parameter. Each parameter is
programmed by entering values into the LCD from the telephone button pad.
1. At the SELECT PARAM prompt, press the appropriate )%QQ button.
2. Enter the appropriate value from the telephone button pad using the Parameter Fields tables supplied
with each program.
3. Press +ROG to submit.
4. Press another )%QQ button to program more parameters
...or press +ROG again to program.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-3

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Telephone Button Programming
Telephone Button Overview

Programming Sub-parameters
Some commands enable programming of Sub-parameters to further refine Strata CTX settings. Internet or
Network IP addresses are entered using sub-parameter data. IP addresses are displayed as four three-digit
values, or Octets, separated by periods (e.g., Your programming telephones LCD is
only capable of displaying the IP information three digits, or one Octet, at a time.
For example, selecting )% in Program 916 displays the first Octet, 192, on the LCD. To view or change
the next Octet (in this example 168) in the IP Address, press the 6SNU button. Pressing 6SNU again,
displays the following Octet (in this example 255).
The following is an example from Program 200, )%. )% is broken down into three sub-parameters as
follows COS DAY1, COS DAY2 and COS NIGHT.
1. At the SELECT PARAM prompt, press )%.
2. At the COS DAY1= prompt, enter a value from 1~32.
3. Press 6SNU.
4. At the COS DAY2= prompt, enter a value from 1~32.
5. Press 6SNU.
6. At the COS NIGHT= prompt, enter a value from 1~32.
7. Press +ROG to submit.
8. Press another )%QQ button to program more parameters
...or press +ROG again to program a new DN.
Note To change one of the sub-parameters, you must proceed through all three sub-parameters before
pressing +ROG. For example, to change the value of COS DAY1, you must change the COS DAY1
value, then press 6SNU twice, and finally, press +ROG.

13-4 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
Button Programming Examples

Button Programming Examples

Telephone Button
The following examples show you how to use the Strata CTX button programming interface. Toshiba

highly recommends the use of Strata CTX WinAdmin to meet the demands of your telephone system
Suppose a customer needed to assign a DKT Station to a PDN. Based on the Identify Program
Sequences on page 1-11, you can immediately identify the Program numbers and sequence required to
complete this basic task. Login to the Button Programming Mode using the directions on page 13-7 and
follow the steps below.

Program 100
Reference Program 100 on page 13-11. For this example, an eight station BDKU PCB is assigned to
Slot 01/Cabinet 01 (xxyy).
1. Enter programming mode. See Step 1: Enter Program Mode on page 13-7."
2. At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.
3. At the EQUIP= prompt enter  (xxyy) and press +ROG.
Program 100 on page 13-11 tells us that a three digit PCB code (nnn) is required. From the table,
PCB Codes on page 13-12, we can derive that the PCB code for a BDKU is 017. Furthermore, the
Program 100 table shows us the button sequence required for programming a BDKU in the fourth
row of the table.
4. Press )%. Enter  and press +ROG.
Program 100 on page 13-11 also informs us that an n value is required to complete the PCB
assignment. These n values are listed in the column titled Value(s). When you look in the fourth
row of the Value(s) column there are five n value choices. For this example, select 2. 8 DKT no
5. Press )%. Enter  and press +ROG twice.
6. Press +ROG to return to the PROG= prompt.

Program 200
Reference 200 Series Programs on page 13-27. A DKT assignment (DN = 1000) is made to Circuit 01,
Slot 01, and Cabinet 01 for the BDKU card installed in Step 1 above.
1. Enter programming mode. See Step 1: Enter Program Mode on page 13-7."
2. At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.
3. At the DN= prompt enter  (n) and press +ROG.
4. Press )%. At the EQUIP= prompt enter  (xxyyzz) and press +ROG.
5. Press )%. Press  to select a DKT and press +ROG.
6. Press )%. Press  to select Extension as the Circuit Type and press +ROG.
For this example, only the above )%s need to be assigned. Press +ROG again before proceeding to the
next step.
7. Press +ROG to return to the PROG= prompt.
Note Additional assignments can be made to fine tune this DKT assignment. If specific assignments are
not made, the system automatically assigns the default value.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-5

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Telephone Button Programming
Button Programming Examples

Program 204
Reference Program 204 on page 13-33 and review Summary column field descriptions. This program
enables you to setup the DKT parameters.
1. Enter programming mode. See Step 1: Enter Program Mode on page 13-7."
2. At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.
3. At the DN= prompt enter  (n) and press +ROG.
4. Press )%. Press  to select a Extension and press +ROG.
5. Press )%. Press  to select Pattern 3 for this DKT and press +ROG.
For this example, we are using a 20-button DKT. There are three button patterns to choose from for
each type of digital telephone.
Only the above )%s need to be assigned. Press +ROG again before proceeding to the next step.
6. Press +ROG to return to the PROG= prompt.
Note Additional assignments can be made to fine tune DKT parameters. See Summary column for field
descriptions and default values. If specific assignments are not made, the system automatically
assigns the default value.

Program 205
Reference Program 205 on page 13-37 and Feature/Button Code Parameter Assignments on
page 13-39. This program assigns features and parameters to the FB buttons on your DKT telephone. In
this example, the )% button on your DKT will be programmed to act as a GCO button.
1. Enter programming mode. See Step 1: Enter Program Mode on page 13-7."
2. At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.
3. At the DN= prompt enter  (n) and press +ROG.
4. Press )%. Enter  to assign a GCO and press 6SNU.
To select the n1, n2, n3, n4 and n5 values required in Program 205 on page 13-37, see GCO in the
table titled Feature/Button Code Parameter Assignments on page 13-39.
5. Enter  to assign a GCO number and press 6SNU.
6. Enter  to assign a GCO index and press 6SNU.
7. Enter  to enable immediate ringing for this GCO and press 6SNU.
8. Enter  to assign a soft ring tone to this GCO and press 6SNU.
9. Enter  to assign an Owner DN to this GCO number and press +ROG twice.
10.Press +ROG to return to the PROG= prompt.
Note Press +ROG again to exit Button Programming Mode.

Program 208
Reference Program 208 on page 13-44. This program assigns timing parameters to Primary DNs.
1. Enter programming mode. See Step 1: Enter Program Mode on page 13-7."
2. At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.
3. At the DN= prompt enter  (n) and press +ROG.
4. Press )%. Press  to set the number of ABR attempts and press +ROG.

13-6 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
Button Programming Procedure

5. Press )%. Press  to set ABR to attempt redials in 60 second increments and press +ROG.
6. Press )%. Press  to set the ABR Recall Timer and press +ROG.

Telephone Button
7. Press )%. Press  to set the Hold Recall Timer and press +ROG.
8. Press )%. Press  to set the First Interdigit Timer and press +ROG.
9. Press )%. Press  to set the Second Interdigit Timer and press +ROG.
10.Press )%. Press  to set the Ring Transfer No Answer Timer and press +ROG twice.
11. Press +ROG to return to the PROG= prompt.
Now that you are more familiar with the Strata CTX button programming interface, begin programming
your Strata CTX system starting with Step 1 below.

Button Programming Procedure

Step 1: Enter Program Mode
Enter the button sequence displayed below to enter the CTX670 programming interface from a DKT
1. Log in by pressing: +ROG.
2. At the PASSWORD= prompt, enter your password. Default is .
3. Press+ROG.

Step 2: Enter Program Number

1. At the PROG= prompt enter the three digit program code (e.g., ) and press +ROG.
2. Programmable parameters are identified by the FB LEDs that are illuminated on the DKT. Go to
Choose a Button Sequence on page 13-7 Press on the related )%QQ button to program a parameter.
...or if there are no illuminated FB LEDs, continue to Step 3.

Step 3: Enter FB00 Parameters

)% parameters designate a specific station, trunk, or circuit to be programmed. The )% prompt (e.g.,
EQUIP=, DN=, INDEX=, etc.) appears automatically in the LCD screen.
1. At the )% prompt, enter the desired value using the telephone number pad.
2. Press +ROG.

Step 4: Choose a Button Sequence

Select the button sequences based on the programs required for programming the Strata CTX from the
Telephone. For 100~900 series programs, refer to pages 13-11~13-94.

Program Listings
This table is a list of programs found in this chapter.

Program Name
100 Card Slot Assignment
102 Flexible Access Codes

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-7

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Telephone Button Programming
Button Programming Procedure

Program Name
103 Class of Service
104 System Timers
105 System Parameters
106 Day/Night Mode Day of Week Mapping
107 PAD Table Assignment
108 PAD Group Assignment
109 Music on Hold
110 Password Assignment
111 Destination Restriction Level
112 Day/Night Mode Calendar
113 Day/Night Mode Daily Schedule
114 PAD Conference Table Assignment
115 Advisory Messages
116 Data Initialize
117 Public Dial Plan Digit
200 Station Data
201 Station Delete
202 ISDN BRI Station
203 Change DN
204 DKT Parameters
205 DKT Feature Keys
206 Phantom DNs
207 One Touch Assignment
208 Station Timer Assignments
209 Hunting Group Assignments
210 Group Call Pickup
213 ADM Feature Keys
214 DSS Console Assignment
215 DSS Feature Keys
216 Emergency Ringdown Assignment
217 ISDN Station Data
218 Station Hunt Group Assignment (Member Assignments)
300 Trunk Assignment
301 Trunk Delete
302 PRI Trunks
303 ISDN Trunk Delete
304 Incoming Line Group Assignment
305 ILG Delete
306 Outgoing Line Group Assignment
307 OLG Delete
308 Trunk Timers
309 Direct Inward Dialing
310 DIT Assignment
311 MOH Source

13-8 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
Button Programming Procedure

Program Name

Telephone Button
312 DID Delete
313 Caller ID Assignment
315 T1 Trunk Card
316 Shared D Channel
317 ISDN BRI Trunk
318 DID Intercept Assignment
319 Intercept Treatment
320 B Channel Position ISDN Primary Trunk
321 Calling Number Identification
322 ISDN Calling Number Table
323 Call by Call Service
324 CBC Time Zones
400 Emergency Call Destination Assignment
404 Attendant Group Assignment
500 System Call Forward Assignment
501 System Speed Dial Assignment
502 Terminal Paging Group Assignment
503 Paging Devices Group Assignment
504 System Call Forward Operation Status
506 Verified Account Codes
507 Door Phone Assignment
508 Door Lock Control Assignment
509 DR Override by System Speed Dial
510 COS Override Assignment
512 SMDR for System Assignment
513 SMDR for ILG Assignment
514 SMDR for OLG Assignment
515 View BIOU Control Relay Assignment
516 Station Speed Dial
520 LCR Local Route Plan
521 LCR Route Plan Digit Analysis Assignment
522 LCR Exception Number Route Plans
523 LCR Route Plan Schedule Assignment
524 Route Table to Route Definition Assignment
525 LCR Route Definition Assignment
526 Modified Digits Table Assignment
527 LCR Holiday Table Assignment
528 LCR Public Day of Week Mapping Table
529 LCR Route Plan Time Zone Assignment
530 DR LCR Screening Table Assignment
531 DR Screening Table for OLG
532 DR Table Allow/Deny Definition
533 DR Level Table Assignment
534 DRL Exception Table Assignment

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-9

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Telephone Button Programming
Button Programming Procedure

Program Name
540 Pilot DN Assignment
541 Pilot DN Delete
550 Enhanced 911 Emergency Call Group Number
570 Account Code Digit Length
571 Exception Numbers for Forced Account Codes
573 Delete Door Phone
576 Door Phone Night Ring Over External Page
577 Caller History
579 System Voice Mail Data
580 Voice Mail Port Data
650 Behind Connection Assignment
651 Private Routing Plan Analysis Table Assignment
653 Private Route Choice Table Assignment
654 Private Route Definition Table Assignment
655 Private Digit Modification Table Assignment
656 Node ID Assignment
657 Network COS Mapping Table Assignment
658/659/660 Network DRL Mapping Tables
801 Network Jack LAN Device Assignment
803 IO Logical Device Assignment
804 RS232C Data Assignment
900 System Initialize
901 Display Version
902 Set Time and Date
903 Event Trace Control
904 ISDN Trace Location
905 All ISDN Trunk Trace
906 Event Trace Side Change
907 System Admin Log
908 Format/Unmount SmartMedia
909 MAC Address (System Serial Number)
910 Data Backup
911 Program Update
912 Make Busy Control
915 Regional Selection
916 IP Configuration

Programming Tables
The programming tables in this chapter appear sequentially, beginning with the 100 series programs and
ending with the 900 series programs. Tables immediately following a program table are provided for
reference. For example, the PCB Code table shown after the Program 100 table gives important PCB codes
needed in Program 100.

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

100 Series Programs

Telephone Button
Program 100

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
100 Card Slot Assignment

100-00 Card Slot Assignment xx = Cabinet: 01~02 (Basic Equipment Number

xxyy, +ROG yy = CTX670 and CTX100)
01~07 Expanded CTX670
Slot: 01~8 (CTX100)
01-10 (CTX670)
100-01 PCB Type nnn = 3 digit PCB Code (See Assign one of the following:
)%, nnn, +ROG, table below). Valid Codes:
BIOU1 or BIOU2 Page/MOH/BGM Relay Control.
+ROG 000, 001, 002, 005, 006,
RSTU or PSTU w/ 8 standard phones.
009, 010, 011, 013. All Analog CO Line OCBs.
BVPU with 4 VoIP circuits.
RBSU/RBSS with 4 BRI S/T interface.
Delete PCB
100-02 PDKU/RDTU/RPTU nnn = 3 digit PCB Code. Valid Assign one of the following:
Options Codes: 017, 018 PDKU with OCA toggle
)%, nnn, +ROG, n= 1. None RDTU or RPTU, T1 or PRI Channel
)%, n, +ROG, 2. DKT no OCA or 8 Ch
+ROG 3. DKT w/ OCA or 16 Ch
4. 24 Ch (n/a for PDKU)
5. 30 Ch (n/a for PDKU)
100-03 BDKU/BDKA Options nnn = 3 digit PCB Code Valid Assign BDKU or BDKS
)%, nnn, +ROG, Codes: 003, 007, 014
)%, n, +ROG, n= 1. None
+ROG 2. 8 DKT no OCA
3. 8 DKT w/ OCA
4. 16 DKT no OCA
5. 16 DKT w/ OCA
100-04 BRI TEI Options nnn = 3 digit PCB Code. Valid Assign RBUU/RBUS or RBSU/RBSS.
)%, nnn, +ROG, Codes: 012, 013, 015, 016
)%, n, +ROG, n= 1. None
+ROG 2. 8 DKT no OCA
3. 8 DKT w/ OCA
4. 16 DKT no OCA
5. 16 DKT w/ OCA

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-11

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

PCB Codes
Assigned Assigned
Code PCB Type Circuit/Type Code PCB Type Circuit/Type
Name Name
No Card or REMU
000 None n/a 011 EMU 4 Circuits
Delete Card BVPU
RCOU 4 Loop Lines
001 COU 012 BSU RBSU 2 S/T interfaces
RGLU2 8 Gnd./Loop Lines
002 STU RSTU2 8 Stations 013 BSU_BSS RBSU+RBSS 4 S/T interfaces
PDKU2 8 Stations
003 DKU 014 PTU RPTU 8, 16 and 24 PRI Lines
RWIU 8 or 32 wireless
004 Not used n/a n/a 015 BUU RBUU 2 U Interfaces
005 8COU RCIOU+RCOS 8 Loop CO Lines 016 BUU_BUS RBUU+RBUS 4 U Interfaces
006 DDU RDDU 4 DID Lines 017 NEW_DKU_8 BDKU1 8 Stations
8, 16, 24 and 30 channel
007 DTU RDTU2 018 NEW_DKU_16 BDKU1+BDKS1 16 Stations
4 Standard Ports
008 DSU RDSU 019 IOU1 BIOU Page/MOH/BGM Relay
4 Digital Ports
009 CIU RCIU2 4 or 8 Circuit Caller ID 020 IOU2 BIOU Page/MOH/BGM Relay
010 MCU RMCU 2 or 4 E911 CAMA Lines

Program 102
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
102 Flexible Access Plan Assigns feature access codes, individual line access codes and
outgoing line group (OLG) access codes to the Flexible Numbering
Does not include PDNs, PhDNs, Pilot numbers, or Hunt Group pilot
102-00 Access Code n= Up to 5-digit Flexible Enter the digits to be dialed (0~9,#,*) to access a Feature or an
n, +ROG, Numbering Plan Outgoing Line Group (OLG).
To delete, select No Data in 01 Feature Name . Conflict with an
assigned DN will produce an error.
102-01 )% , nnn, +ROG nnn = 3 digit Feature Code (551 Select the Feature to which the access code is being assigned.
should be selected for a
Note To assign an access code to an Outgoing Line Group (OLG),
Flexible Numbering OLG) select Line Group access code - one access code for each
OLG. To assign the prefix digit(s) for the access code of
individual lines, select Line access code - leading digit(s) to
access individual lines. Example: If #7 is selected as the line
access prefix, the users will dial #7xxx to access an individual
line (where xxx is the line number).
102-02 )% , n1, +ROG, +ROG n1 = 0~32 (CTX100) Enter the Outgoing Line Group number to which the OLG access
0~50 (CTX670 Basic) code is being assigned.
0~128 (CTX670

Note These three-digit Feature Index Numbers should not be confused with the Program 205 three-digit
Button Codes.

Flexible Numbering Plan Default Settings

Feature Default Programmed
Flexible Numbering Feature
Index Access Code Value
No Data
ABR - Activate 150 

ABR - Cancel 151 

Call Park Orbits - Activate 170 

Call Park Orbits - Park Answer (Retrieve Parked Call) 173 

System Orbit Number 174 a

13-12 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Flexible Numbering Plan Default Settings (continued)

Telephone Button
Feature Default Programmed
Flexible Numbering Feature

Index Access Code Value
DND -Local Activation 180 

DND -Local Cancellation 181 

DND -Remote Activation 182 

DND -Remote Cancellation 183 

Door Lock Control -Unlock 190 

Door Phones -Call 191 

Flash -short 200 

Flash -long 210 

Group Paging -Invoke All Group Paging 220 

Group Paging -Invoke Individual Group Paging 230 

Answer for External Group Paging 232 

Emergency Page -Invoke All Emergency Paging 240 

Emergency Page -Invoke Individual Emergency Paging 250 

Originate Call by Terminal Speed Dial (Index: 00-99) 260 

Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 000-099) 261 

Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 100-199) 262 

Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 200-299) 263 

Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 300-399) 264 

Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 400-499) 265 

Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 500-599) 266 

Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 600-699) 267 

Originate Call by System Speed Dial (Index: 700-799) 268 

Register Speed Dial 269 

Call Forward (CF-A; Any Call) - Activation 340 

Call Forward (CF-B; Any Call) - Activation 341 

Call Forward (CF-NA; Any Call) - Activation 342 

Call Forward (CF-B/NA; Any Call) - Activation 343 

Call Forward (CF-A; External Call) - Activation 350 

Call Forward CF-B; External Call) - Activation 351 

Call Forward (CF-NA; External Call) - Activation 352 

Call Forward (CF-B/NA; External Call) - Activation 353 

Call Forward (CF-A; Any Call) - Remote Activation 360 

Call Forward (CF-B; Any Call) - Remote Activation 361 

Call Forward (CF-NA; Any Call) - Remote Activation 362 

Call Forward (CF-B/NA; Any Call) - Remote Activation 363 

Call Forward (CF-A; External Call) - Remote Activation 370 

Call Forward (CF-B; External Call) - Remote Activation 371 

Call Forward (CF-NA; External Call) - Remote Activation 372 

Call Forward (CF-B/NA; External Call) - Remote Activation 373 

Call Forward (Any Call) - Cancellation 380 

Call Forward (External Call) - Cancellation 390 

Call Forward (Any Call) - Remote Cancellation 400 

Call Forward (External Call) - Remote Cancellation 410 

Change Password for Remote Activation/Cancellation 420 

Input Account Code 530 

Change DISA Security Code 540 

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-13

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Flexible Numbering Plan Default Settings (continued)

Feature Default Programmed
Flexible Numbering Feature
Index Access Code Value
Outgoing Call by Directing Individual Trunk 550 

Outgoing Call by Directing Outgoing Line Group 551 1RQH

Three Way Conferencing (Override to Tandem Connection) 560 

Enter User Programming Mode 570 

LCR -Outgoing Call 580 

Set Voice Mail Message Waiting (activate MW without ringing for VM) 591 

Release Received Message Waiting 592 

Release Sent Message Waiting (Cancel MW without ringing for VM)) 593 

MW Answer access code (Retrieve Received Message Waiting) 594 

Cancel ACB 600 

Start BGM 610 

Stop BGM 611 

Start BGM for External Paging Device 612 

Stop BGM for External Paging Device 613 

Built-in modem 630 

Night Ring Answer 640 

Travelling Class Override Code Input Number 650 

Change Travelling Class Override Code 651 

Activate System Call Forward 670 

Cancel System Call Forward 671 

Call Pickup for Incoming Call -Group Pickup 680 

Call Pickup for Incoming Call -Directed Terminal 681 

Call Pickup for Incoming Call -Directed Group 682 

Call Pickup for Incoming Call -Directed DN 683 

Call Pickup for Incoming Call -Any External Call 684 

Call Pickup for On-Hold Call -Directed CO Retrieve 685 

Call Pickup for On-Hold Call -Local Retrieve 686 

Call Pickup for On-Hold Call -Remote Retrieve 687 

Call Pickup for On-Hold Call -Directed DN Retrieve 688 

Transfer to Voice Mail 690 

Repeat Last Number Dialed 700 

Volume Control for BEEP 710 

Change LCD Display Language 720 

Advisory Message - Activation 730 

Advisory Message - Cancellation 731 

Emergency Call 740 

Attendant Console Group Access Code 750 

Private Network Access Code 760 

Node ID (Coordinated Directory Number Prefix) 770 1RQH

Substitution of Dial * 780 

Substitution of Dial # 781 

Originate Call with Sub Address -Outgoing Call/Internal Call 782 

Application starting access code 800 

System Date Adjust Code (Release 1.02, MA227 or higher) 910 
System Time Adjust Code (Release 1.02, MA227 or higher) 911 

13-14 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Programs 103~107

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

103 Class Of Service Class of Service assignments are a registration of feature capabilities
the user is entitled to use. Each assignment is defined as Enabled or
Disabled for privileges/permissions granted. Privileges enable users
to perform a feature while permissions allow others to use some
feature when calling your phone.
103-00 COS Number n= 1~32 (COS Number) Class of Service assignments are made for users of telephones,
attendant consoles, and incoming calls based upon the line the call
n, +ROG,
arrives or in some cases on a call-by-call basis when using DISA or
Tie Line with QSIG interfaces. For telephone users, the class of
service assignments are made for each of the Day/Night Modes to
allow different services during different parts of the day.
103-01 $XWR%XV\5HGLDO n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to invoke Automatic Busy Redial after dialing a busy
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG 2. Disable outside destination.
103-02 &DOO)RUZDUG n1 = 1. Enable If enabled, stations with this COS will not forward when calling
2. Disable (default) stations that have System or Station Call Forward activated. This
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG includes when dialing from the dial pad or DSS button located on the
telephone or DSS console.
103-03 &DOO7UDQVIHUZ n1 = 1. Enable (default) Allows a call transferred by this station to camp on to a busy
2. Disable destination.
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-04 &KDQJH',6$&RGHV n1 = 1. Enable The privilege to change the DISA Security Code.
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG 2. Disable (default)
103-05 '1'2YHUULGH n1 = 1. Enable Allows a caller to override the Do Not Disturb status of a called party.
2. Disable (default)
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-06 DND Override - n1 = 1. Enable (default) Allows calling parties with DND Override privileges to override this
Called Party 2. Disable station's DND status.
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-07 Do Not Disturb n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to place this phone in Do Not Disturb.
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG 2. Disable

103-08 Remote Set/Reset n1 = 1. Enable The privilege of setting/resetting Do Not Disturb on other phones.
DND 2. Disable (default)
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-09 Executive Override n1 = 1. Enable The privilege to invoke an Executive Override on a call.
2. Disable (default)
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-10 Executive Override n1 = 1. Enable (default) Permission for others to use Executive Override when calling this
Allowed 2. Disable station.
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-11 Offhook Camp-on n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to use Off-hook Camp-on when encountering a busy
2. Disable destination.
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-12 Group Pickup n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to pick up a call ringing on a station in one's own group.
2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-13 Directed Station n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to pick a specified ringing station.
Pickup 2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-14 Directed Group Call n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to pick up a ringing station in a specified group.
Pickup 2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-15 Directed DN Call n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to pick a specified DN.
Pickup 2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-15

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Programs 103~107 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
103-16 Ext Call Pickup n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to pick up any incoming trunk call.
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG 2. Disable

103-17 Directed CO Call n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to pick up a specified incoming trunk call.
Pickup 2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-18 Remote Retrieve Call n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to retrieve any call placed on Hold on a designated
Pickup 2. Disable terminal (PDN).
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-19 DN Retrieve Call n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to retrieve a held call on another DN.
Pickup 2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-20 Handsfree Override n1 = 1. Enable (default) Permission for others to change this phone from Ringing to Hands
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG 2. Disable Free Answerback.

103-21 Privacy Override n1 = 1. Enable The privilege to override a private call.

)% , n1, +ROG +ROG 2. Disable (default)

103-23 Invoke Emergency n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to use the Emergency Page feature.
Page 2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-24 Join Feature n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to use the Join feature (Attendant Feature).
2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-25 Through Dialing n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to perform Through Dialing (Attendant Feature).
2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-26 Tandem CO n1 = 1. Enable The privilege to set up a Trunk-to-Trunk connection.
Connection 2. Disable (default)
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-27 Day/Night Control n1 = 1. Enable The privilege to change Day/Night Mode.
2. Disable (default)
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-28 Ext BGM Control n1 = 1. Enable The privilege to turn on/off background music over external speakers.
2. Disable (default)
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-29 LCR Feature n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to use Least Cost Routing.
2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-30 Individual Trunk n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to dial individual trunk access codes to access specific
Access 2. Disable lines.
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-31 Trunk Access Allowed n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to access trunk groups by trunk access codes.
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG 2. Disable

103-32 Forced Account n1 = 1. Enable The privilege to use Forced Account Codes for placing external calls.
Codes 2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-33 Verified Account n1 = 1. Enable The privilege to have Account Codes verified before an external call is
Codes 2. Disable placed.
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-34 Allow Short Hook n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to use a Short Flash signal over outside lines.
Flash 2. Disable
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG
103-35 Allow Long Hook n1 = 1. Enable The privilege to use a Long Flash signal over outside lines.
Flash 2. Disable (default)
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG

13-16 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Programs 103~107 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

103-36 Allow Hook Flash n1 = 1. Enable (default) The privilege to receive hook flash over CO Lines and to allow
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG 2. Disable telephones to hook flash.

103-37 Automatic Line Hold n1 = 1. Enable The privilege to have an active call automatically held when
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG 2. Disable (default) accessing another line.

103-38 Can Originate OCA n1 = 1. Enable Permission for others to call this station using Off-hook Call
)% , n1, +ROG +ROG 2. Disable (default) Announce.

104 System Timers System timers set a variety of times to control calls and features for
the system.

104-01 ACB Callback Timer n= 5~180 sec. The Automatic Callback timer sets the time (5 ~ 180 seconds) that the
)% , n, +ROG +ROG (default = 30) callback will be attempted before being cancelled.

104-02 ACB Cancel Recall n= 5~180 sec. The Automatic Callback overall timer sets the time (5 ~ 180 minutes)
Timer that a callback can be registered. Once the timer expires, the callback
(default = 30)
will be cancelled.
)% , n, +ROG +ROG
104-03 Park Recall Timer n= 10~600 sec. The Park timer sets the length of time (10 ~ 600 seconds) a call can
remain in Park prior to a recall to the station that initiated the Park.
)% , n, +ROG +ROG (default = 120)
104-04 Camp-on Timer n= 5~15 sec. The Camp-on timer sets the time (5 ~ 60 seconds) needed to remain
off-hook prior to Camp-on being automatically activated.
)% , n, +ROG +ROG (default = 10)
104-05 SMDR Valid Call n= 0~180 sec. The SMDR Answer timer sets a default time (0 ~ 180 seconds) for
Timer when an outgoing call will be considered to be answered for SMDR
(default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG +ROG reporting when a true answer signal is not returned from the public
network. Setting the time short will include calls that may not be
completed, setting the time too long may exclude short calls that are
answered and terminated in a short time.
104-06 Tandem Connection n= 0~3600 sec. For Trunk-to-trunk connections which neither CO Line has release
#1 supervision, a timer (0 ~ 3600 seconds) is needed to release the call
(default = 300)
)% , n, +ROG +ROG if no user monitoring has taken place.
Also used for CO line to RSTU port connections in which the CO line
has no supervision and the
device connected to the RSTU port does not hang up automatically
(see Prg200, PB34).
104-07 Tandem Connection n= 0~180 sec. The Trunk-to trunk User Input Timer provides a time (0 ~ 180
#2 seconds) to allow an external user to dial a digit to extend the
(default = 30)
disconnect time when the connection is unsupervised. This feature
)% , n, +ROG +ROG
is used primarily with DISA service.
104-08 Call Forward No Ans n= 1~180 sec. The System Call Forward No Answer timer (1 ~ 180 seconds)
Time specifies the time period that a phone will ring prior to invoking the
(default = 20)
)% , n, +ROG +ROG Call Forward operation.

104-09 Dial Input Timer n= 0~60 sec. Time system will wait for the beginning of DTMF input.
)% , n, +ROG +ROG (default = 20)
104-10 Delay 1 Ringing Timer n = 1~60 sec. The Delayed Ringing 1 timer specifies the time (1 ~ 60 seconds) to
)% , n, +ROG +ROG (default = 12) wait before applying ringing to the designated phones.

104-11 Delay 2 Ringing Timer n = 1~60 sec. The Delayed Ringing 2 timer specifies the time (1 ~ 60 seconds) to
wait before applying ringing to the designated phones.
)% , n, +ROG +ROG (default =240)
104-12 Door Unlock Timer n= 1~30 sec. The Door Unlock Timer specifies the length of time (1 ~ 30 seconds)
the electrical signal is sent to the door for releasing the lock.
)% , n, +ROG +ROG (default = 6)
104-13 9+11 Judgement n= 1~30 sec. The 9+11 Inter-digital timer provides a timing value (1 ~ 30 seconds)
Timer for the system to wait for additional digits to be dialed looking for the
(default = 5)
)% , n, +ROG +ROG 911 or 9+911 dialed codes for treatment using the E911 procedures
rather than normal dialing treatment.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-17

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Programs 103~107 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
104-14 Emergency Call Timer n = 10~180 sec. The Emergency Call timer sets a time (10 ~ 180 seconds) for
)% , n, +ROG +ROG (default = 30) advancing the call to the next station in a list of destinations for the
104-15 ABR Busy Detection n= 1~30 sec. The Destination Busy Detection timer sets the time (1 ~ 30 seconds)
Time (default = 5) to wait while looking for a busy condition on an external call. If
detected, it will trigger the initiation of the Automatic Busy Redial
)% , n, +ROG +ROG
104-16 Lost Call Timer n= 1~600 sec. The Lost Call timer sets the time (1 ~ 600 seconds) that a failed
transfer recall will ring on the originating station prior to attempting to
)% , n, +ROG +ROG (default = 180)
recall a secondary location.
104-17 Lost Call Final Timer n= 1~600 sec. The Lost Call Final timer sets the time (1 ~ 600 seconds) that a failed
transfer recall will ring on the secondary location before being
)% , n, +ROG +ROG (default = 180)
automatically disconnected.
104-18 DTMF Tone Sending n= 1. 80 ms (default) The DTMF tone sending duration (1-80 msecs, 2-160 msecs) for
Time 2. 160 ms dialing on CO Lines.
)% , n, +ROG +ROG
104-19 Auto Disconnect n= 0~60 sec. Time after which an unsupervised trunk may be automatically
)% , n, +ROG +ROG (default = 0)
105 System Parameters This command assigns the system parameters.

105-01 Executive Override n= 1. Enable (default) Break in warning tone of Executive Override Enable or Disable.
2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
105-02 Station MOH n= 1. Quiet Tone Music On Hold selection of Private Line and Station.
2. External 1 (default)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
3. External 2
4. External 3
5. External 4
6. External 5
7. External 6
8. External 7
9. External 8
10. External 9
11. External 10
12. External 11
13. External 12
14. External 13
15. External 14
16. External 15
105-03 Ringing Transfer n= 1. RBT (default) Tones for the transferred party after the ringing transfer takes place.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 2. MOH

105-04 Transfer Privacy n= 1. Enable (default) Transfer Privacy enabled: CO line buttons that have multiple
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 2. Disable appearances will only flash and ring on the transferred-to telephone;
the same CO line button on other telephones will be red-busy.
Transfer Privacy Disabled: CO line buttons that have multiple
appearances will flash and ring on all telephones that have the CO
line button appearance.
105-05 Privacy Override n= 1. Enable Privacy Override Attendant Monitor warning Enable or Disable.
2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
105-06 Credit Card Code n= Up to 32 digits Enter the number dialed to initiate a Credit Card Call. This is normally
0 in the USA.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

13-18 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Programs 103~107 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

105-07 Credit Card Digits n= 1~66 digits Minimum Dial Digits required for Credit Card Calling. This should be
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG the quantity of digits in a credit card number. If this quantity of digits is
not dialed when making credit card calls, the caller will be
disconnected. This is to insure that the call is charged to a credit card.
DRL tables in Program 111 and OLGs in Program 306 must be
enabled with credit card calling for this feature to be active. Users
must be assigned to a DRL table enable with credit card calling and
call out on a credit card calling enabled OLG for this featured to be
applied to the call.
105-08 E911 Service n= 1. Enable (default) Offer of E911 Service.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 2. Disable

105-09 DR Override by SSD n= 1. Enable (default) Destination Restriction Override by System Speed Dial.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 2. Disable

105-10 Auto Station Release n= 1. Enable (default) Automatic Station Release.

2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
105-11 ISDN SPID n= 1. Operable Operation when Auto SPID or User Entry Of SPID fails.
2. Not Operable (default)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
105-12 Night Mode Relay n= 0~8 Assign BIOU Relay (1~8) as the Night Relay - this relay activates
when the
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
system is in the Night Mode.
BIUO1 provides relays 1 to 4.
BIUO2 provides relays 5 to 8
Note The CTX100 ACTU built-in relay is programmed as relay 5.
For this relay operation, a virtual BIOU2 is installed, as
default, in a virtual equipment position - Cabinet 2 slot 5.
(Cab. 02 slot 05, PCB code 20, in program 100). To install an
actual BIOU2 and disable the ACTU built-in relay, use the
programming telephone. To remove the virtual BIOU2 and
then install the actual BIOU2 in Cab. 01/slot 01~08 in the
normal manner.
105-13 BGM External Paging n= 0~4 (CTX100) Set the External Page Group Number that includes the external
0~8 (CTX670 Basic) paging zones to which BGM will be sent. See PRG503.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
0~16 (CTX100 Expanded)
105-14 Lost Call Destination n= Up to 5 digits Set Lost Call Destination.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
105-15 COS Override Code n= 1~8 Class of Service Override Code Digits.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG (default = 1)
105-16 Multi-Conference n= 1. Enable Conference connection of many member for Analog Internal Call and
2. Disable (default) Outgoing Call.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
105-17 Caller Number n= 1. Enable (default) Caller number display preferentially.
Display 2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-19

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Programs 103~107 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
105-18 Night Bell Relay n= 0~8 Assign BIOU Relay (1~8) as the Night Relay - this relay activates
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG (default = 0) when the
system is in the Night Mode.
BIOU1 provides relays 1 to 4.
BIOU2 provides relays 5 to 8
Note The CTX100 ACTU built-in relay is programmed as relay 5.
For this relay operation, a virtual BIOU2 is installed, as
default, in a virtual equipment position - Cabinet 2 slot 5.
(Cab. 02 slot 05, PCB code 20, in program 100). To install an
actual BIOU2 and disable the ACTU built-in relay, use the
programming telephone. To remove the virtual BIOU2 and
then install the actual BIOU2 in Cab. 01/slot 01~08 in the
normal manner.
105-19 Display Preference n= 1. DNIS (default) Whether to display DNIS or Caller ID.
2. Caller ID
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
105-20 Transit Counter n= 0~128 The Networking Transit Counter limits the number of nodes through
which a QSIG call can pass before being terminated as a lost call.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG (default = 1)
105-21 Primary Clock xx = Cabinet 1 (CTX100), Enter data as xxyyzz.
01~02 (CTX670 Basic),
)% , xxyyzz, +ROG, zz=channel 01 if clock source is RPTU or RDTU
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.)
zz=channel 01, 02, 03 , or 04 if clock source is RBUU/RBUS or RBSU
yy = Slot 01~8 (CTX100),
01~10 (CTX670) Example: If the Primary Clock Source should be a assigned to an
RPTU in cabinet 5, slot 2, enter 050201.
zz = Circuit (01~30)
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion
105-22 Secondary Clock xx = Cabinet 1 (CTX100), Enter data as xxyyzz:
01~02 (CTX670 Basic),
)% , xxyyzz, +ROG, zz=channel 01 if clock source is RPTU or RDTU
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.)
zz=circuit 01, 02, 03 , or 04 if clock source is RBUU/RBUS or RBSU
yy = Slot 01~8 (CTX100),
01~10 (CTX670) Example: If the Secondary Clock Source should be a assigned to an
RBUU in cabinet 5, slot 2, circuit 2; enter 050202.
zz = Circuit (01~30)
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion
105-23 Call History Prefix 1 n= 1. add (default) Whether prefix 1 is added or not in callback of Call History Feature.
2. not add
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
105-24 Emergency Digits n= Up to 5 digits Default = 911 for North America. Enter alternative emergency
Sent dialing strings up to 5 digits as required by local conditions.
(default = 911)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
105-25 DP Make Ratio n= 1. DPMakeRatio33 Dial pulse Make/Break ratio can be set to 33% or 40%. The default
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 2. DPMakeRatio40 value is 40%.

13-20 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Programs 103~107 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

105-26 Call Button Jumping n= 1. Enable (default) If enabled, line calls move from a telephone DN button to a line button
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 2. Disable after they are answered. After the call is answered, the DN button is
cleared to receive another call. With this operation the DN acts as an
answer button for the telephone. This operation only applies if the line
that is answered has a CO, GCO, or Pooled line button appearance
on the telephone. If disabled, line calls remain on the DN after they
are answered.
106 Day/Night Mode Day The Day of the Week schedule defines each day as the type of day
of Week Mapping the schedule shall follow. These types of days are called Work Day,
Non-work Day, and Holiday. Each day of the week can be classified.

106-01 Monday n= 1. Work Day (default) Enter the type of day to follow for daily schedule. 1- Work Day; 2-
2. Non-Work Non-Work Day; or 3- Holiday.
3. Holiday
106-02 Tuesday n= 1. Work Day (default) Enter the type of day to follow for daily schedule. 1- Work Day; 2-
2. Non-Work Non-Work Day; or 3- Holiday.
3. Holiday
106-03 Wednesday n= 1. Work Day (default) Enter the type of day to follow for daily schedule. 1- Work Day; 2-
2. Non-Work Non-Work Day; or 3- Holiday.
3. Holiday
106-04 Thursday n= 1. Work Day (default) Enter the type of day to follow for daily schedule. 1- Work Day; 2-
2. Non-Work Non-Work Day; or 3- Holiday.
3. Holiday
106-05 Friday n= 1. Work Day (default) Enter the type of day to follow for daily schedule. 1- Work Day; 2-
2. Non-Work Non-Work Day; or 3- Holiday.
3. Holiday
106-06 Saturday n= 1. Work Day Enter the type of day to follow for daily schedule. 1- Work Day; 2-
2. Non-Work (default) Non-Work Day; or 3- Holiday.
3. Holiday
106-07 Sunday n= 1. Work Day Enter the type of day to follow for daily schedule. 1- Work Day; 2-
2. Non-Work (default) Non-Work Day; or 3- Holiday.
3. Holiday
107 PAD Table Assigns additional Sender and Receiver pad values to pad groups in
Assignment the pad table.

107-01 Sender PAD Device n= Up to 3 digits Enter Sender Pad Device Number from Pad Table.
Number 101~106 (CTX100)
)% , n, +ROG 101~110 (CTX670 Basic)
See PAD Table on 101~132 (CTX670 Exp.)
page 13-22.
107-02 Receiver PAD Device n1 = Up to 3 digits Enter Receiver Pad Device Number from Pad Table.
101~106 (CTX100)
)% , n1, +ROG 101~110 (CTX670 Basic)
101~132 (CTX670 Exp.)
107-03 PAD Loss n2 = 1. 6 dB Net Gain Enter Pad Value (See PAD Table below). The value shown shows the
2. 3 dB Net Gain net effect.
)% , n2, +ROG, +ROG
3. 0 dB
Note To pad is to insert loss; therefore, negative loss equals net
4. 3 dB Net Loss gain.
5. 6 dB Net Loss
6. 9 dB Net Loss
7. 12 dB Net Loss
8. 15 dB Net Loss

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-21

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

PAD Table
PAD Device Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 102 131 132
PAD Device Number
Receiver (Listener)

Analog Telephone

PAD Group 31

PAD Group 32
Music Source
Analog Trunk

CONF Bridge

PAD Group 1

PAD Group 2
ISDN Station

Ext. Paging
ISDN Trunk
T1 Trunk
Sender (Speaker)

1 Analog Telephone 0 0 0 6 6 6 X - 0
2 DKT 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 - 0
3 Analog Trunk 0 0 6 6 6 6 X - 6
4 T1 Trunk 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 - 6
5 ISDN Station 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 - 6
6 ISDN Trunk 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 - 6
7 Conference Bridge (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
8 Music Source 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Ext. Paging 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 0 0
101 PAD Group 1
102 PAD Group 2
: :
131 PAD Group 31
132 PAD Group 32
Note X data set for PAD Conference Table Assignment

Program 108
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
108 PAD Group This program permits the addition of up to 32 devices to the Pad Table
Assignment to deal with exceptions to the default table.
 +ROG ,
108-00 PAD Group Device xyyyy Up to 6 digits Enter the Device Type(x) and Device number(y). Refer to the table
Type. y below.
x = Device Type
xyyyyy, +ROG yyyyy = Device number
108-01 PAD Group Number. n1 = 0~6 (CTX100) Enter the PAD Group Number.
0~10 (CTX670 Basic)
)% , n1, +ROG, +ROG
0~32 (CTX670 Expanded)

PAD Group Device Type Examples

Device Name Device Number Example
DKT, SLT, ISDN, Station 1 0~99999 (PDN) if DKT device = 200, value = 1200.
ISDN Trunk 2 1~128 (Channel Group Number) if Channel Group # = 10, value = 210.
Analog Trunk, T1 Trunk 3 1~264 (Trunk Number) if Trunk # = 120, value = 3120.
Conference Bridge none (Conference Bridge is only value = 4.
Music Source 5 1~15 (Music Port) if Music port = 8, value = 58.
External Paging Device 6 1~8 (Zone Relay Number) if External Paging Device = 3, value = 63.

13-22 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Programs 109~114

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
109 Music on Hold. This command assigns external Music on Hold (MOH) and
Background Music (BGM) sources.

109-01 MOH/BGM #1 n= 1. Enable (default) Enable this assignment if MOH source #1 is connected to the system
(BECU) 2. Disable processor MOH RCA jack.
)% , n, +ROG
109-02 MOH/BGM #2 n= 1. Enable Enable this assignment if MOH source #2 is connected to BIOU-1,
(BIOU1-J1) 2. Disable (default) MOH RCA jack (J1).
)% , n, +ROG
109-03 MOH/BGM #3 n= 1. Enable Enable this assignment if MOH source #3 is connected to BIOU-1,
(BIOU1-J2) 2. Disable (default) MOH RCA jack (J2).
)% , n, +ROG
109-04 MOH/BGM #4 n= 1. Enable Enable this assignment if MOH source #4 is connected to BIOU-1,
(BIOU1-J3) 2. Disable (default) MOH RCA jack (J3).
)% , n, +ROG
109-05 MOH/BGM #5 n= 1. Enable Enable this assignment if MOH source #5 is connected to BIOU-2,
(BIOU2-J1) 2. Disable (default) MOH RCA jack (J1).
)% , n, +ROG
109-06 MOH/BGM #6 n= 1. Enable Enable this assignment if MOH source #6 is connected to BIOU-2,
(BIOU2-J2) 2. Disable (default) MOH RCA jack (J2).
)% , n, +ROG
109-07 MOH/BGM #7 n= 1. Enable Enable this assignment if MOH source #7 is connected to BIOU-2,
(BIOU2-J3) 2. Disable (default) MOH RCA jack (J3).
)% , n, +ROG
109 MOH/BGM #8 xx = Cabinet 1 (CTX100), Enter the RSTU equipment number to which MOH/BGM source #8 or
08~15 (RSTU) 01~02 (CTX670 Basic), #9~#15 are connected. Enter data as xxyyzz:
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.)
)%)% , xxyyzz, Example: If the MOH/BGM source should be a assigned to an RSTU
6SNU , n, +ROG yy = Slot 01~8 (CTX100), in cabinet 5, slot 2, circuit 3; enter 050203.
01~10 (CTX670
Note A PDN can not be assigned to an RSTU equipment number if
zz = Circuit 01~08 it is to be a MOH circuit. If a PDN is assigned to the circuit
that will connect to a MOH/BGM source, you must first delete
it using PRG201
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion
110 Password The system has two passwords levels. Logging into the system with
Assignment. the Level 1 password allows you to administer all system programs
while the level 2 password provides restricted program administration.

110-00 Password Level n= 1. Unrestricted Admin Enter the digit 1 or 2 for the password level. Enter 1 to set the
2. Restricted Admin unrestricted administration password. Enter 2 to set the restricted
n, +ROG
administration password.
Note Level 2 users can administer all programs, but are restricted
from initializing the CTX and from updating the CTX software.
110-01 Password n1 = Up to 16 digits Enter a 1~16 digit password for the selected level. Each level can
)% , n1, +ROG, +ROG have only one password.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-23

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Programs 109~114 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
111 Destination This command establishes a Destination Restriction Level (DRL).
Restriction Level

111-00 DRL Number n= 1~16 Enter the DRL number (1~16)

n, +ROG
111-01 Credit Card Calling n1 = 1. Enable Enable or Disable Credit Card Calling for this DRL
2. Disable (default)
)% , n1, +ROG, +ROG
112 Day/Night Mode The Calendar will override the current Day of the Week setting with
Calendar the type of day specified in the calendar. Thus a Working Day or a
Non-working Day can be changed to a Holiday based upon the
112-00 Calendar Day YYYY = Year Enter the calendar day to be treated individually as an exception to
MM = Month the Day of Week treatment. Maximum table size is 128. Format:
DD = Day
112-01 Working Day Type n= 1. Delete (default) Enter the Day Type to override the Weekly Mapping.
2. Work Day
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
3. Non-Working Day
4. Holiday
113 Day/Night Mode Daily The Day/Night Mode daily schedule defines the times for the start of
Schedule the Work Day, Non-work Day, and Holiday for each of the modes (Day,
Day2. Night).

113-01 Day1 Mode/Work Day hh = hour (00~23) Enter the start time for Day1 Mode for the Work type of day. Enter
mm = minute (00~59) 9999 to omit this mode.
)%, hhmm, +ROG

9999 to delete
113-02 Day2 Mode/Work Day hh = hour (00~23) Enter the start time for Day2 Mode for the Work type of day. Enter
mm = minute (00~59) 9999 to omit this mode.
)%, hhmm, +ROG

9999 to delete
113-03 Night Mode/Work Day hh = hour (00~23) Enter the start time for Night Mode for the Work type of day. Enter
)%, hhmm, +ROG
mm = minute (00~59) 9999 to omit this mode.
9999 to delete
113-04 Day1 Mode/Non-Work hh = hour (00~23) Enter the start time for Day1 Mode for the Non-work type of day. Enter
Day mm = minute (00~59) 9999 to omit this mode.
)% , hhmm, +ROG 9999 to delete
113-05 Day2 Mode/Non-Work hh = hour (00~23) Enter the start time for Day2 Mode for the Non-work type of day. Enter
Day mm = minute (00~59) 9999 to omit this mode.
)% , hhmm, +ROG 9999 to delete
113-06 Night Mode/Non-Work hh = hour (00~23) Enter the start time for Night Mode for the Non-work type of day. Enter
Day mm = minute (00~59) 9999 to omit this mode.
)% , hhmm, +ROG 9999 to delete
113-07 Day1 Mode/Holiday hh = hour (00~23) Enter the start time for Day1 Mode for the Holiday type of day. Enter
mm = minute (00~59) 9999 to omit this mode.
)% , hhmm, +ROG
9999 to delete
113-08 Day2 Mode/Holiday hh = hour (00~23) Enter the start time for Day2 Mode for the Holiday type of day. Enter
)% , hhmm, +ROG mm = minute (00~59) 9999 to omit this mode.
9999 to delete
113-09 Night Mode/Holiday hh = hour (00~23) Enter the start time for Night Mode for the Holiday type of day. Enter
mm = minute (00~59) 9999 to omit this mode.
)% , hhmm, +ROG,
+ROG 9999 to delete

13-24 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Programs 109~114 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

114 PAD Conference Assigns PAD values for combinations of analog trunks and
Table Assignment telephones in conference.

114-01 No. of Conference n= 0~6 Enter the number of analog trunks in the conference.
)% , n, +ROG
1. 6 dB Net Gain
2. 3 dB Net Gain
3. 0 dB
4. 3 dB Net Loss
5. 6 dB Net Loss
6. 9 dB Net Loss
7. 12 dB Net Loss
8. 15 dB Net Loss
114-02 No. of Conference n1 = 0~8 Enter the number of analog telephones in the conference.
)% , n1, +ROG
114-03 PAD Conference n2 = 1. 6 dB Net Gain Enter the desired PAD value for the combination of analog trunks and
Value 2. 3 dB Net Gain telephones specified in 01 and 02 above. See PAD Conference
3. 0 dB Table on page 13-25.
)% , n2, +ROG, +ROG
4. 3 dB Net Loss
5. 6 dB Net Loss
6. 9 dB Net Loss
7. 12 dB Net Loss
8. 15 dB Net Loss

PAD Conference Table

Number of Number of Analog Telephones
Trunks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 6
1 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 6
2 3 3 3 3 3 6 6
3 6 6 6 6 6 9
4 9 9 9 9 9
5 9 9 9 9
6 9 9 9

Program 116
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
116 Data Initialize This program is used to initialize the tables of selected programs in
the Strata CTX system.

116-01 )% , n, +ROG, +ROG n= 3 digit Program Number Enter Program Number to be initialized.
See Data Initialize (100~999)
Programs on
page 13-26.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-25

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Telephone Button Programming
100 Series Programs

Data Initialize Programs

Program Name Page #
500 System Call Forward Assignment 13-72
520 LCR Local Route Plan Assignment 13-80
521 LCR Route Plan Digit Analysis Assignment 13-81
522 LCR Exception Number Route Plans 13-81
523 LCR Route Plan Schedule Assignment 13-81
524 Route Table to Route Definition Assignment 13-82
525 LCR Route Definition Assignment 13-82
526 Modified Digits Table Assignment 13-82
527 LCR Holiday Table 13-82
529 LCR Route Plan Time Zone Assignment 13-83
530 DR LCR Screening Table Assignment 13-83
531 DR Screening Table for OLG 13-84
533 DR Level Table Assignment 13-84
534 DRL Exception Table Assignment 13-85
651 Private Routing Plan Analysis 13-89
653 Private Route Choice Table Assignment 13-89
654 Private Route Definition Table Assignment 13-90
655 Private Network Digit Modification Table Assignment 13-90

Program 117
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
117 Public Dial Plan Digit This command is used to prevent users from circumventing
Destination Restriction by sending tones directly to the PSTN before
DR analysis is complete. It defines the number of digits expected in
PSTN numbers beginning with identified sequences. For example, a
number starting with the toll prefix 1 would be expected to be 11
digits long. Calls will be cut through to the public network only after
the expected number of digits have been received.
117-00 Prefix Number n= Up to 7 digits The initial, identifying external digits. 1 to 7 digits may include wild
(Wild Cards n and x) cards x and n where x = 0~9 and n = 2~9.
n, +ROG,
117-01 Digits to Follow n1 = 1~64 The total number of digits in a number beginning with the Prefix
Number above.
)% , n1, +ROG, +ROG

13-26 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

200 Series Programs

Telephone Button
Programs 200~202

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
200 Station Data This command assigns stations to the system.

200-00 Primary DN n= Up to 5 digits Primary DN (enter an existing PDN or enter a PDN you wish to create
n, +ROG for a new station).

200-01 PDN Equipment xx = Cabinet 1 (CTX100), Enter the PDN equipment number (xxyyzz). This is the cabinet, slot,
Number 01~02 (CTX670 Basic), and circuit number of the ADKU, BDKU/BDKS, PDKU, or RSTU
)% , xxyyzz, +ROG 01~07 (CTX670 Exp.) interface PCB to which the the PDN is, or should be assigned.
yy = Slot (01~10) Example: If the PDN should be a assigned to a BDKU in cabinet 5,
zz = Circuit (01~16) slot 2, circuit 3; enter 050203.
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion
200-02 Station Type n= 1. DKT Station Type.
2. SLT
)% , n, +ROG Note Select SLT to set up voice mail.
200-03 Circuit Type n= 1. Extension Extension: Should be assigned to PDNs the are associated with
2. Voice Mail Digital or Standard telephones
)% , n, +ROG
Voice Mail: Should be assigned to PDNs associated with Voice Mail
RSTU circuits.
200-04 Station COS n= 1~32 COS for Day1.
Day1 COS COS for Day2.
Day2 COS COS for Night.
Night COS
)% , n, 6SNU, n,
6SNU , n, +ROG
200-05 Station DRL n= 1~16 DRL for Day1 (Used for Credit card calling).
Day1 DRL DRL for Day2.
Day2 DRL DRL for Night.
Night DRL
)% , n, 6SNU, n,
6SNU , n, +ROG
200-06 Station FRL n= 1~16 FRL for Day1.
Day1 FRL FRL for Day2.
Day2 FRL FRL for Night.
Night FRL
)% , n, 6SNU, n,
6SNU , n, +ROG
200-07 LCR Group n= 1~16 Station LCR Group Number.
)% , n, +ROG

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-27

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 200~202 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
200-08 Station QPL n= 1~16 QPL for Day1.
Day1 QPL QPL for Day2.
Day2 QPL QPL for Night.
Night QPL
)% , n, 6SNU, n,
6SNU , n, +ROG
200-09 Station Name n= Up to 8 digits Station Name to be displayed on LCD (Cannot be entered from DKT
in R1).
)% , n, +ROG
200-10 Call Waiting Tone for n= 1. None Call Waiting Tone of Offhook Camp-on.
Offhook Camp-on 2. Singular
)% , n, +ROG 3. Continuous

200-11 Dialing Progress Tone n = 1. Dial Tone Type of Tone to hear after dialing LCR access code.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Entry Tone
3. Quiet Tone
200-12 System Call Forward n= 0~4 (CTX100) System Call Forward group number.
Group Number 0~10 (CTX670 Basic)
0~32 (CTX670 Exp.)
)% , n, +ROG
200-13 Call Pickup n= 1. Permitted The station privilege to activate Call Pickup.
2. Group Only
)% , n, +ROG
3. Not Permitted
200-14 Bearer Capability n= 1. Audio ISDN Bearer Capability the PSTN is expecting from non ISDN
3.1KHz 2. Speech stations. 3.1kHzAudio or Speech.
)% , n, +ROG
200-15 Display DN n= Up to 5 digits The number displayed on the calling telephone that rings this PDN
number. The number displayed on the called telephone when calling
)% , n, +ROG
from any DN on this telephone.
This number will be overridden by PRG209, 04 (if assigned) and if the
PDN is in a hunt group.
200-16 Caller Emergency n= Up to 16 digits E911 Calling Party Information identifier for this station (CESID).
Service Identification
Note CESID should be 10 digits or less for Centralized Automatic
(CESID) Message Accounting (CAMA) E911 trunk. PRI E911 allows
)% , n, +ROG pot 16 digits.

200-17 Emergency Call n= 1~8 The Emergency call group that this station belongs to.
)% , n, +ROG
200-18 Remote CF/DND n= Up to 4 digits Password to remotely set or cancel DND or station Call Forward from
Password another CTX station, or for Call Forward only, from a external DISA
)% , n, +ROG line.
Note DND can not be set/canceled remotely from a DISA line.
200-19 VMID Code SMDI n= Up to 16 digits Enter the voice mail box number that should answer calls when this
PDN calls voice mail, or when this PDN is called and then forwards to
)% , n, +ROG
voice mail ( this number is prefixed by codes in Program 579, 11~16).
Valid entries: digits 0~9, * and #, maximum 10 characters.
This VMID code is sent to the voice mail device in SMDI packets or
DTMF tones on direct calls to voice mail from the PDN and on calls to
the PDN that forward to voice mail (see Program 580 for SMDI or
DTMF choice).
200-22 Message Waiting to n= Up to 5 digits Message Waiting Center DN.
VM Port
)% , n, +ROG

13-28 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 200~202 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

200-23 Travelling COS n= 1. Enable Privilege to change the Travelling Class of Service Override Code.
Change 2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
200-24 TGAC Override n= 1. Enable Trunk Group Access Code Over Ride (for Attendant console) (Not
2. Disable available in R1).
)% , n, +ROG
200-25 Service Tones n= 1. Enable Disable Services Tone for Data Privacy. Service tone, such a Call
2. Disable Waiting Tone, should be disabled for modems, FAXes, and similar
)% , n, +ROG
200-26 Call Waiting and ROB n= 1. Enable Enable/Disable the station to receive Call Waiting (Campon) and Ring
Tone 2. Disable Over Busy Tone. CW tone is always two beeps. ROB tone can be two
)% , n, +ROG beeps or continuous as set in PRG 204, 27.

200-27 Name Display n= 1. Enable Privilege to put the user name in the list display of Large LCD
2. Disable (Directory Assistance)
)% , n, +ROG
200-28 Door Ovr DND n= 1. Override Enable DND override by door phone.
2. Do not Override
)% , n, +ROG
200-29 Emergency Ringdown n = 1. Enable Enable Emergency ringdown.
2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
200-30 Change System n= 1. Enable Privilege to use System Speed Dial.
Speed Dial 2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
200-31 Network COS n= 1~32 Network COS number.
)% , n, +ROG
200-32 Auto OCA n= 1. Enable OCA occurs automatically when making a call to a busy station that
)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable allows OCA calls to be received.

200-33 Originate OCA n= 1. Enable The privilege to make OCA calls to other stations.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable

200-34 RSTU Supervision n= 1. Received Devices connected to RSTU circuits that do not automatically hang
)% , n, +ROG 2. Not Received up, and connect to CO lines that do not provide disconnect
supervision, should be set with Not Received. This enables the auto
disconnect Tandem timer in PRG 104, PB06 for these types of
200-35 Station Speed Dial n= 0~100 The number of station speed dial bins allocated to this station
Bins (maximum=100 per station).
)% , n, +ROG
200-39 CO Park & Hold n= 1. Enable Enabled: When this station parks a line call, CO or GCO buttons of
)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable the parked line that appear on other stations will be on hold. This will
allow the other stations to press the CO or GCO button to pickup the
parked call.
Disabled: When this station parks a line call, CO or GCO buttons of
the parked line that appear on other stations will appear busy. This
will prevent the other stations to press the CO or GCO button to
pickup the parked call.
200-40 Stutter Dial Tone n= 1. Enable This feature is available only with CTX Release 1.3 or higher software
2. Disable and with CTX WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher software.
)% , n, +ROG
Enable: This station will receive stuttered dial tone when it has a
station-to-station or Voice Mail message waiting, or if DND is set. This
feature is available with Strata CTX R1.3 software.
Disable: This station will receive normal dial tone when it has a
station-to-station or Voice Mail message waiting, or if DND is set.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-29

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 200~202 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
200-41 Activate Message n= 1. Enable This feature is available only with CTX Release 1.3 or higher software
Waiting 2. Disable and with CTX WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher software.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG Enable: This station is allowed to activate station-to-station message
waiting on other stations by dialing the other station number plus 7, 8
or 9; or, by pressing the Msg key. This feature is available with Strata
CTX R1.3 software.
Disable: This station cannot activate station-to-station message
waiting on other stations by dialing the station number plus 7, 8 or 9.

When disabled, digital telephones are still allowed to activate
station-to-station message waiting by pressing the Msg button.
This parameter does not apply to Voice Mail ports to use the
special Message Waiting access codes.
201 Station Delete This command deletes stations.

201-01 Primary DN PDN or PhDN to be deleted.

)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
202 ISDN BRI Station This command assigns ISDN BRI Stations.

202-00 Primary DN n= Up to 5 digits ISDN BRI circuit Prime Directory Number.

n, +ROG.
202-01 Equipment xx = Cabinet 1 (CTX100), Enter the BRI equipment number assigned to this PDN. This is the
01~02 (CTX670 Basic), cabinet, slot, and circuit number of the RBUU/RBUS or RBSU/RBSS
)% , xxyyzz, +ROG
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.) interface PCB to which the the PDN is, or should be, assigned. Enter
yy = Slot 01~8 (CTX100), data as xxyyzz:
01~10 (CTX670) Example: If the PDN should be a assigned to a BDKU in cabinet 5,
zz = Circuit (01~04) slot 2, circuit 3; enter 050203.
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion
202-02 ISDN Channel Group n= 1~32 (CTX100) Channel Group Number.
1~48 (CTX670 Basic)
)% , n, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
202-03 ISDN Protocol n= 1. National ISDN Protocol
)% , n, +ROG
3. TTC
4. National ISDN - Nortel
202-04 Type Connection n= 1. Point to Point Connection format
2. Point to Multi Point
)% , n, +ROG
202-05 BRI Station COS n= 1~32 COS for Day1
Day1 COS COS for Day2
Day2 COS COS for Night
Night COS
)% , n, 6SNU, n,
6SNU , n, +ROG

13-30 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 200~202 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

202-06 BRI Station DRL n= 1~16 DRL for Day1
Day1 DRL DRL for Day2
Day2 DRL DRL for Night
Night DRL
)% , n, 6SNU, n,
6SNU , n, +ROG
202-07 BRI Station FRL n= 1~16 FRL for Day1
Day1 FRL FRL for Day2
Day2 FRL FRL for Night
Night FRL
)% , n, 6SNU, n,
6SNU , n, +ROG
202-08 LCR Group n= 1~16 LCR Group Number
)% , n, +ROG
202-09 BRI Station QPL n= 1~16 QPL for Day1
Day1 QPL QPL for Day2
Day2 QPL QPL for Night
Night QPL
)% , n, 6SNU, n,
6SNU , n, +ROG
202-10 Speech Capability n= 1. Enable Enable Bearer Capability Speech. See BRI Bearer Capability of
2. Disable ISDN on page 13-32.
)% , n, +ROG
202-11 3.1 KHz Audio n= 1. Enable Enable Bearer Capability 3.1kHzAudio. See BRI Bearer Capability of
)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable ISDN on page 13-32.

202-12 7 KHz Audio n= 1. Enable Enable Bearer Capability 7kHzAudio. See BRI Bearer Capability of
)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable ISDN on page 13-32.

202-13 64Kbps Unrestricted n= 1. Enable Enable Bearer Capability unrestricted digital Information 64kbps. See
)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable BRI Bearer Capability of ISDN on page 13-32.

202-14 56Kbps Unrestricted n= 1. Enable Bearer Capability unrestricted digital Information 56kbps.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable

202-15 2 x 64Kbps n= 1. Enable Bearer Capability unrestricted digital Information 2x64kbps.

Unrestricted 2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
202-16 B Channel Selection n= 1. Exclusive B Channel selected originating method.
2. Preferred
)% , n, +ROG
3. Any Channel
202-17 Idle B Channel n= 1. Forward Cyclic Idle B Channel selection method.
Selection 2. Backward Cyclic
)% , n, +ROG 3. Forward Terminal
4. Backward Terminal
202-18 Interdigit Timer 1 n= 1~180 Interdigit1 Timer
)% , n, +ROG
202-19 Interdigit Timer 2 n= 1~180 Interdigit2 Timer
)% , n, +ROG
202-20 CESID n= Up to 16 digits Enter the Caller Emergency Services Identification (CESID) for E911
)% , n, +ROG calls.

202-21 Number Voice Calls n= 1. One Voice Call Allowed Number for Interface.
Allowed 2. Two
)% , n, +ROG

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-31

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 200~202 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
202-22 Service Tone n= 1. Enable Service Tone Permission.
Permission 2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
202-23 TGAC Override n= 1. Enable TGAC Override.
2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
202-24 Change System n= 1. Enable Permission to register System Speed Dial.
Speed 2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
202-25 Network COS n= 1~32 Network COS index.
)% , n, +ROG
202-26 Additional DN2 n= Up to 5 digits Additional DN2.
)% , n, +ROG
202-27 Additional DN3 n= Up to 5 digits Additional DN3.
)% , n, +ROG
202-28 Additional DN4 n= Up to 5 digits Additional DN4.
)% , n, +ROG
202-29 Additional DN5 n= Up to 5 digits Additional DN5.
)% , n, +ROG
202-30 Additional DN6 n= Up to 5 digits Additional DN6.
)% , n, +ROG
202-31 Additional DN7 n= Up to 5 digits Additional DN7.
)% , n, +ROG
202-32 Additional DN8 n= Up to 5 digits Additional DN8.
)% , n, +ROG
202-33 Auto OCA n= 1. Enable OCA occurs automatically when making a call to a busy station that
2. Disable allows calls to be received.
)% , n, +ROG
202-34 Originate OCA n= 1. Enable The privilege to make OCA calls to other stations.
2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
202-35 Station SpDial Bins n= 1~100 (in intervals of 10) The number of station speed dial bins allocated to this station
)% , n, +ROG
202-38 MW Stutter Dial Tone n= 1. Enable Enable: This station will receive stuttered dial tone when it has a
2. Disable station-to-station or Voice Mail message waiting.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
Disable: This station will receive normal dial tone when it has a a
station-to-station or Voice Mail message waiting.

BRI Bearer Capability of ISDN

Bearer Services ETSI TTC
Speech X X X
3.1kHz Audio X X X
7kHz Audio X X
Circuit Mode 64 kbps X X X
Rate adaptation
Unrestricted Digital Information X
from 56 kbps
2x64 X X

13-32 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 203~204

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
203 Change DN This command changes DN.

203-00 Primary DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter DN to change.

n, +ROG
203-01 Enter new DN n1 = Up to 5 digits Enter new DN.
)% , n1, +ROG, +ROG
204 DKT Parameters This command assigns DKT digital telephone data.

204-00 Primary DN n= Up to 5 digits Primary DN

n, +ROG
204-01 Station Type n= 1. Extension For CTX R1 this must be set to Extension. The Attendant option is
2. Attendant not available for this release.
)% , n, +ROG
204-02 Key Strip Pattern n= 1. Pattern1 Default key strip patterns for digital telephones. The selected Pattern
2. Pattern2 is applied to the Key Strip Type parameter (DKT3014 uses only
)% , n, +ROG
3. Pattern3 Pattern 1 or None).
4. None
None - applies PDN to button 01 and blank to all other buttons.
Pattern 1 - applies PDN to button 01, plus line buttons and DND.
Pattern 2 - applies PDN to button 01, plus line buttons, One-
Touch buttons and DND.
Pattern 3 - applies PDN to button 01 and blank to all other
204-03 Key Strip Type n= 1~24 Apply 1, 3, 10, 14, or 20 button keystrip type to digital telephones.
)% , n, +ROG 1 and 3 button keystrips apply to DKT2001 and DKT3001.
10 button keystrips apply to DKT2010 and DKT3010.
14 button keystrips apply to the Large LCD DKT3014
20 button keystrips apply to DKT2020 and DKT3020.
204-04 Add on Modules n= 1. None The Number of Add-on Modules assigned to this station.
2. One Unit
)% , n, +ROG
3. Two Units
204-05 Tone 1st /Voice 1st n= 1. Tone Set PDN to have Tone First or Voice First signaling when called.
2. Voice
)% , n, +ROG For each iES32 PDN, set to Tone First, if set to Voice First iES32 will
not answer.
204-06 OCA Type n= 1. Handset Select the OCA type. This field must be programmed with Auto OCA
)% , n, +ROG 2. Speaker Originate below.

204-09 Handsfree MIC n= 1. Enable If you call a station configured for Voice First signalling, you can use
Setting 2. Disable this parameter to enable the called parties microphone from your
)% , n, +ROG
204-10 Handsfree Tone n= 1. Enable If you call a DKT configured for Voice First signalling, you can use this
2. Disable parameter to send a splash tone to the called party.
)% , n, +ROG
204-11 Ext. Ring Repeat n= 1. Enable Enable repetitive ringing for incoming CO/PBX/Centrex signals.
2. Disable Disabling this parameter defaults to standard CO ringing pattern
)% , n, +ROG
(1 second on/3 seconds Off).

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-33

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 203~204 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
204-13 Ringing Line n= 1. Idle Select Off Hook Preference.
Preference 2. Ringing
When a digital telephone user goes off hook, presses the Spkr Button
3. Prime
)% , n, +ROG or dials a digit while the telephone is idle (Hot Dial Pad), the
4. No Preference
telephone will select an idle PDN or Line button, or answer an
5. Prime and Idle
incoming call, according to the preferences set in this command.
6. Prime and Ringing
7. Ringing and Idle This command works in conjunction with the 14 PDN/Line
preference and 15 Call Answer Preference programs. The possible
values are described as follows:
Idle The telephone will select and idle DN or Line button
depending on the 14 PDN or Line preference choice. In either
case priority is always the lowest numbered button that is idle.
The telephone will not answer ringing calls automatically.
Ringing The telephone will answer a ringing call (any PDN,
secondary DN, PhDN, or any Line type button) by call type or
longest ringing button depending on the 15 Call Answer
Preference choice. The telephone will not automatically select a
DN or Line button when going off hook to originate a call.
Primary DN The telephone will automatically try to select the
PDN button, if idle or ringing, no matter what the status is of other
buttons on the telephone.
No Preference The telephone will not select any button when
the user goes off hook or presses the Spkr button. This selection
will also disable the telephones Hot Dial Pad feature.
Primary DN and Idle The telephone will automatically try to
select the PDN button, if idle or ringing. If the PDN is busy the
telephone will select an idle Line button (14 PDN or Line
preference - Line Preference) or another idle DN button (14 PDN
or Line preference - PDN Preference).
Primary DN and Ringing The telephone will automatically try to
select the PDN button, if idle or ringing. If the PDN is busy the
telephone will select a ringing Line button (14 PDN or Line
preference - Line Preference) or a ringing DN button (14 PDN or
Line preference - PDN Preference).
Ringing and Idle The telephone will always answer any ringing
call according to 15 Call Answer Preference . If a call is not
ringing it will select and idle Line button (14 PDN or Line
preference - Line Preference) or idle DN button (14 PDN or Line
preference - PDN Preference).
204-14 Off-hook Preference n= 1. CO Key Offhook preference button Type. Off hook ringing selections are also
2. DN Key based on 15 Call Answer Preference choices.
)% , n, +ROG
CO Line buttons - Line buttons (any type CO, Pooled or Group
CO line button) have priority over DN buttons with 13 Off Hook
Preference choices. The lowest numbered line button on the
telephone has priority over other line buttons for idle selection.
Primary DN button - DN buttons (any type PDN, Secondary DN or
PhDN button) have priority over Line buttons with 13 Off Hook
Preference choices. The PDN button has first priority for idle
selection, the lowest numbered DN button on the telephone has
priority over other DN buttons for idle selection if the PDN button
is busy.
204-15 Ringing Preference n= 1. Longest Ringing call answer preference.
2. Call Type
)% , n, +ROG Longest Ringing - any call type - Calls are answered in order of
the longest ringing line no matter what type of call (FIFO).
Longest Ringing - by call type priority - Call Type priority is
applied to the longest ringing button.
Call Type Priorities are fixed in software as shown below:
1. Emergency Calls
2. Hands Free Calls (after it is switched to ringing by the caller).
3. ACD calls
4. Recalls (Hold recall, Automatic call back, ABR, etc.)
5. External Calls (DID, DIT DISA line calls etc.)
6. Internal Calls (station, Attendant, Tie line, door phone, etc.)

13-34 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 203~204 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

204-16 Text Message Display n= 1. Immediate Select whether to display an LCD text message.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Not Immediate Immediate - displays the message.
Not immediate - does not display the message.
204-17 Call History Memory n= 0~100 Enter the number of calls to be stored in memory for this station.
)% , n, +ROG
204-18 DTMF Back Tone Not Used, has no effect on system operation
)% , n, +ROG
204-19 Continuous DTMF n= 1. Continuous Enable / Disable Continuous DTMF.
2. Not Continuous
)% , n, +ROG For each iES32 PDN, set to not Continuous, if set to Continuous,
outdial notification to pagers and calls to AMIS nodes will not function
Possible values: Enable, Disable
204-20 Display Language n= 1. English Select the LCD Display Language.
2. British English
)% , n, +ROG
3. French
204-21 Adapter n= 1. None Select the Adapter Type (Desktop OAI or Attendant Console).
)% , n, +ROG None (default), BPCI or BATI
BPCI for USB interface.
BATI for PC Attendant Console Interface.
204-22 Blind Transfer n= 1. Leave Set Blind Transfer Action (Attendant Type Only).
2. Separate
)% , n, +ROG
204-23 Mail Box Selection n= 1. Auto Select the method to enter the destination Mailbox for Call Recording.
2. Manual If set to Auto CTX uses the VM ID of the station initiating the record
)% , n, +ROG

The DN assigned as the MSG center in PROG 200 is used to call
the VM port or Hunt group (PROG 200 FK 22).
When set to Auto the VM-ID of the station initiating the record
function is sent to Stratagy ES as the destination mailbox.
When set to Manual Input the user may enter any valid Mailbox
followed by the # sign. If the user Presses # without additional
data the CTX will send the VMID of the originating station.
204-24 MIC Init. Value n= 1. On Turn on the microphone automatically when making a speaker phone
)% , n, +ROG 2. Off call. The microphone must be enabled.

204-25 Microphone n= 1. Enable Enable microphone.

)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable

204-26 Speaker Mode Tones n= 1. Yes Enable telephone to receive Call Waiting (Camp-on) and Ring Over
)% , n, +ROG 2. No Busy Tone while on a speaker phone call.

204-27 Ring Over Busy n= 1. Two Cycles Set ROB to ring two times or continuously.
Cycles 2. Continuous
Note See PRG200, 26 to enable ROB to be sent to individual
)% , n, +ROG telephones.
204-28 Attd Overflow Dest. n= Up to 32 digits Select overflow destination for attendant.
)% , n, +ROG
204-29 Trunk Test and Verify n= 1. Yes Allow Trunk Tests and Verification.
2. No
)% , n, +ROG
204-30 Auto Line Hold n= 1. Enable Enable Automatic Line Hold. This parameter allows a station to line
2. Disable hop from one call to another automatically by placing the first call on
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Feature Button Patterns

The following tables show the various feature button patterns available for )% above.
20 Button (when FB03 value is 20)
FB01 Primary DN Primary DN Primary DN
FB02 CO 1 CO 1
FB03 CO 2 CO 2
FB04 CO 3 CO 3
FB05 CO 4 CO 4
FB06 CO 5 CO 5
FB07 CO 6 CO 6
FB08 CO 7 CO 7
FB09 CO 8 CO 8
FB10 CO 9 CO 9
FB11 CO 10 CO 10 No Data
FB12 CO 11 CO 11
FB13 CO 12 CO 12
FB14 CO 13
FB15 CO 14
FB16 CO 15
Single Touch Button
FB17 CO 16
FB18 CO 17
FB19 CO 18
FB20 Do Not Disturb Do Not Disturb

13-36 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

10 Button (when FB03 value is 10)

Telephone Button

FB01 Primary DN Primary DN Primary DN
FB02 CO 1 CO 1
FB03 CO 2 CO 2
FB04 CO 3 CO 3
FB05 CO 4 CO 4
FB06 CO 5 No Data
FB07 CO 6
Single Touch Button
FB08 CO 7
FB09 CO 8
FB10 Do Not Disturb Do Not Disturb

14 Button (when FB03 value is 14)

FB01 Primary DN Primary DN Primary DN
FB02 CO 1
FB03 CO 2
FB04 CO 3
FB05 CO 4
FB06 CO 5
FB07 No Data
FB08 CO 7 No Data No Data
FB09 CO 8
FB10 CO 9
FB11 CO 10
FB12 CO 11
FB13 Do Not Disturb
FB14 No Data

Program 205
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
205 DKT Feature Keys. The Feature Key assignment allows each key on the telephone to be
addressed and assigned a code representing the function to be
performed. Some feature keys require additional parameters to
completely define the key. For example, a Phantom DN needs a
directory number, ringing assignment, and the tone pitch when
ringing occurs.
205-00 Primary DN n= 0~99999 Enter a Primary DN number to program FBs.
n, +ROG Note FB04 Add on Modules in Program 204 must be set to One or

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-37

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Program 205
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
205-01 Key Number Press the desired FB to program.
)% ~)% Note On the 14-button telephones, the left side buttons are
FB01~FB07 and the right side buttons are FB11~FB17.
Code n= Select Desired Feature Code. See Flexible Button Assignment
Feature Code Table on page 13-40.
n, 6SNU
100 - PDN
110 - PhDN
120 - CO
130 - GCO
140 - Pooled Line Button
540 - Door Lock Cancel
560 - PhDN Message Waiting
610 - DSS Button
900 - Start Application
Parameter 1 n1 = See Feature/Button Code This Parameter is required for all Feature Codes.
n1, see Note Parameter Assignments
on page 13-39.
Note For Feature
Code 560,
610 and 900,
make your
selection and
push Spkr for
Parameter 2 n2 = See Feature/Button Code This Parameter is required for all Feature Codes except Feature
n2, see Note Parameter Assignments Codes 560, 610 and 900.
on page 13-39.
Note For Feature
Code 100,
make your
selection and
push Spkr for
Parameter 3 n3 = See Feature/Button Code This Parameter is required for Feature Codes 110, 120, 130 and 140
Parameter Assignments only.
n3,see Note
on page 13-39.
Note For Feature
Code 110 and
140, make
your selection
and push
Spkr for
Parameter 4 n4 = See Feature/Button Code This Parameter is required for Feature Codes 120 and 130 only.
Parameter Assignments
n4, see Note
on page 13-39.
Note For Feature
Code 120,
make your
selection and
push Spkr for
Parameter 5 n5 = See Feature/Button Code This Parameter is required for Feature Codes 130 only.
n5, see Note Parameter Assignments
on page 13-39.
Note For Feature
Code 130,
make your
selection and
push Spkr for

13-38 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Feature/Button Code Parameter Assignments

Telephone Button
Feature Sub-parameters Description Values LCD Prompt

PDN  Parameter 1 Set ring pattern. 1. No Ring
2. Immediate
3. Delay 1
4. Delay 2
Parameter 2 Set ring tone. Enter a value of 1~4. PITCH=
PhDN  Parameter 1 Set PhDN. Maximum 5 digit number. DN=
Parameter 2 Set ring pattern. 1. No Ring
2. Immediate
3. Delay 1
4. Delay 2
Parameter 3 Set ring tone. Enter a value of 1~4. PITCH=
CO  Parameter 1 Set CO number. Enter a value of 0~264. LINE NO=
Parameter 2 Set ring pattern. 1. No Ring
2. Immediate
3. Delay 1
4. Delay 2
Parameter 3 Set ring tone. Enter a value of 1~4. PITCH=
Parameter 4 Owner DN. Max 5 characters OWNER DN=
GCO  Parameter 1 Set GCO number. Enter a value of 0~128. GCO NO=
Parameter 2 GCO Index. Enter a value of 0~128. INDEX=
Parameter 3 Set ring pattern. 1. No Ring
2. Immediate
3. Delay 1
4. Delay 2
Parameter 4 Set ring tone. Enter a value of 1~4. PITCH=
Parameter 5 Owner DN. Max 5 characters OWNER DN=
Pooled Line  Parameter 1 Pooled Line number. Enter a value from 0~128. POOL NO=
Button Parameter 2 Set ring pattern. 1. No Ring
2. Immediate
3. Delay 1
4. Delay 2
Parameter 3 Set ring tone. Enter a value of 1~4. PITCH
Door Lock  Parameter 1 Door Lock number. Enter a value from 1~10. NUMBER=
PhDN  Parameter 1 Set PhDN number. Max 5 characters. PH DN=
DSS Button  Parameter 1 DSS Button PDN You cannot set the same PDN=
number. Up to 7 DN in DSS Key for one
digits with CTX station.
Release 1.3 or
higher software. Up
to 5 digits for
releases earlier than
Start  Parameter 1 Enter Application Enter a value between APL NO=
Application number. 0~99.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-39

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Flexible Button Assignment Feature Code Table

Feature Buttons Code
No Data/Delete Code 

Account Code (Frequently used codes) 

Attendant Console Group Access Code n/a

Automatic Attendant (The extension terminal having the simplified attendant console attribute
must set at least the ATT-ANSWER button)


Automatic Busy Redial 

Automatic Callback Cancel 


Call Forward
All Call 

All Call (Remotely) 

Busy (External Call Activation) 

Busy CF-A (External Call Activation) 

No Answer 

No Answer (External Call Activation) 

Busy No Answer 

Busy No Answer (External Call Activation) 

Call Handling


Destination Party 



Privacy Release 

Source Party 

Call Park
System Orbit 

Call Pickup
Incoming - Group Pickup 

Incoming - Directed Terminal Pickup 

Incoming - Directed Group Pickup 

Incoming - Directed DN Pickup 

On hold - Local Retrieve 

On hold - Remote Retrieve 

On hold - Outside line Retrieve 

On hold - Directed DN Retrieve 

On hold and Incoming - Any External Call 

On hold and Incoming - 

Calling Number Identification (CLID) 

Dial Out 

Do Not Disturb (DND) 

13-40 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Flexible Button Assignment Feature Code Table (continued)

Telephone Button
Feature Buttons Code

Door Lock Cancel 

Flash - Short 

Flash - Long 



Microphone Cut Off (MCO) 840

Message Waiting
Phantom (PhDN) Message Waiting 

Night Transfer 

One Touch Button 

Page All Groups 

Page Individual Groups 

Emergency Page - Individual Group 

Emergency Page - All Groups 

Answer Feature 

Position Busy 

Programming Mode (Enter User Programming Mode) 

Speed Dial (register Speed Dial) 

Start Application 

Trunk Test 

Voice Mail
Auto Voice Mail Playback 

Auto Voice Mail Record 

1. T = Telephone type PCB
2. L = CO line type PCB
3. = Allowed T1/PRI slots
4. The Base cabinet allows Speaker OCA and DIU data with PDKU in all slots; expansion
cabinets provide these features in slots S_01~S_06 only.
5. Last available slot: B1C=S108, B2C=206, B3C=310, and B5C=510.

Programs 206
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
206 Phantom DN This command assigns PhantomDN parameters.

206-00 Phantom DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter Phantom DN.

n, +ROG
206-01 Owned PDN n= Up to 5 digits Set PhantomDNs Owner Station
)% , n, +ROG
206-02 Tone/Voice First n= 1. Tone First (default) Select from Tone first, or Voice first signaling.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Voice First

206-03 Handsfree n= 1. Enable (default) Whether to regard an incoming call as a hands free call
Answerback 2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-41

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 206 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
206-04 Display DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter the number displayed on the calling telephone that rings this
Phantom DN number.
)% , n, +ROG
This number is overridden by the number in Program 209, FB04 (if
assigned) and if the Phantom DN is in a hunt group. When calling
from this Phantom DN, the number displayed on the called telephone
appears in order of priority as follows:
This number in Program 209, FB04 (if assigned) and if the PhDN is in
a hunt group.
...or this number in Program 200, FB15 (if assigned).
...or the calling telephones PDN.
206-05 System Call Forward n= 0~4 (CTX100) Select the System Call Forward value.
0~10 (CTX670 Basic)
)% , n, +ROG
0~32 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)
206-06 VM ID Code n= Up to 16 digits Enter the voice mail box number that should answer calls when this
PhDN calls voice mail; or, when this PhDN is called and then forwards
)% , n, +ROG
to voice mail (This number is prefixed by codes in Program 579,
This VMID code is sent to the voice mail device in SMDI packets or
DTMF tones on direct calls to voice mail from the PhDN; and on calls
to the PhDN that forward to voice mail (see Program 580 for SMDI or
DTMF choice).
Note Do not enter a VMID code in this field if this PhDN is
associated with a PDN in a multiple DN hunt group (Program
209, )%).
The associated PDNs VMID code (Program 200, )%) will be sent
to voice mail.
206-09 Message Center n= Up to 16 digits Enter the Message Waiting Center DN, VM Pilot Number or lowest
member of VM hunt group.
)% , n, +ROG
206-11 Display Name n= Up to 16 digits Select radio button for user name to be included in the list display of
Large LCD (Directory Assistance).
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

Program 207
Note Use Program 207 only for CTX software versions R1.03 and above.
Assign the Feature button as a One Touch button using the following programs before using Program 207.
Use Program 205 to assign DKTs feature button as a One Touch button
Use Program 213 to assign the Add-on Module feature button as a One Touch button
Use Program 215 to assign DSS Console feature button as a One Touch button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
207 Single Touch Button Assigns timing parameters to Primary DNS.
Data Assignments

207-00 Primary DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter Primary DN of DKT.

n, +ROG
207-01 Feature Key Number n= 1~2860 Enter the feature number of the one touch button that registers the
operating data.
)% , n, +ROG

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

207-02 Registration Data n= Up to 64 digits Registration of the operating data.

Telephone Button
(See details below)
)% , n, +ROG

1. FB00 Primary DN.

2. FB01 The button that you assign as the One Touch Button on the DKT.
You can assign the One Touch Button from the DKT for the DKT FB key, Add-on Module FB key and
also DSS Console FB key. Follow the steps and examples below to assign One Touch Buttons for each
of the following.

To assign the One Touch Button for the DKT

The data is 1~24. Example: FB1 is 1, FB20 is 20.

To assign the One Touch Button for the Add-on Module

Use four digits (1yzz) to assign the single touch button for the Add-on Module.
1 is for Add-on Module.
y is the location of Add-on Module (1 or 2)
zz is the feature button for the Add-on Module (01~20). zz is equal to two digits.
Example 1: FB01 for Add-on Module 1 is 1101
Example 2: FB20 for Add-on Module 2 is 1220

To assign the One Touch Button for the DSS Console

Use four digits (2yzz) to assign the single touch button for the DSS Console.
2 is for the DSS console
y is the location of DSS console (1~8 )
zz is the feature button for DSS console ( 01~60 ). zz is equal to two digits.
Example 1: FB01 for DSS console 1 is 2101
Example 2: FB20 for DSS console 8 is 2860
3. FB02 The Information data for One Touch Button
From the programming DKT.
Note You will have to use the ESC code when programming the DKT. The table below gives you One
Touch Data Entry sequences.
One Touch Data Entry Sequences
Data for Single Touch Button Setting code from DKT Display Data
1~9, 0 1~9, 0 1~9, 0
[Vol Up] + &

# [Vol Up] + # &#
Mode [Vol Up] + [Mode] &SK01
Page [Vol Up] + [Page] &SK02
Scroll [Vol Up] + [Scroll] &SK03
Feature [Vol Up] + [Feature] &SK04
Msg [Vol Up] + [Msg] &MSG

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-43

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

One Touch Data Entry Sequences (continued)

Data for Single Touch Button Setting code from DKT Display Data
Mic [Vol Up] + [Mic] &MIC
Spkr [Vol Up] + [Spkr] &SPK
Spdial [Vol Up] + [Spdial] &SPD
Redial [Vol Up] + [Redial] &RDL
Cnf/Trn [Vol Up] + [Cnf/Trn] &CNF
Vol Up [Vol Up] + [Vol Up] &UP
Vol Down [Vol Up] + [Vol Down] &DWN
DKTs FB [Vol Up] + [FB on DKT] &FByy (yy=01-24)
ADMs FB [Vol Up] + [FB on ADM] &ADxyy (x=1,2 yy=01-20)
DSSs FB [Vol Up] + [FB on DSS] &DSxyy (x=1-8 yy=01-60)
Note & means ESC code

Example for Setting the data of Single Touch Button from Programming DKT
1. Choose Program 207 and press +ROG key.
2. Choose Primary DN number and press +ROG Key.
3. Press )% and input digits for FB and press +ROG key. In this case 12.
4. Press )% and Press [9RO8S][)%].

Programs 208~218
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
208 Station Timer Assigns timing parameters to Primary DNS.

208-00 Primary DN n= 1~640 Enter the Primary DN.

n, +ROG Up to 5 digits (default = no value)
208-01 ABR Retry Count n= 5~20 Enter the number of retry attempts made by ABR when dialing a busy
telephone number.
)% , n, +ROG (default = 15)
208-02 ABR Retry Interval n= Up to 5 digits Select the amount of time (in seconds) ABR waits between dialing
Timer attempts.
(default = 60)
)% , n, +ROG
208-03 ABR Recall Timer n= Up to 9 digits Select the number of seconds ABR will call back the station after
receiving ring back tone from the dialed number.
)% , n, +ROG (default = 20)
208-04 Hold Recall Timer n= Up to 5 digits Select the number of seconds before a call is placed on hold recalls.
)% , n, +ROG (default = 60)
208-05 First Interdigit Timer n= 0~32 Select the amount of time a Station has to dial after going off hook
)% , n, +ROG (default = 15) before a call is terminated (ROT is heard).

208-06 Second Interdigit n= 0~180 Select the amount of time the system waits between dialed digits
Timer before terminating a call (ROT is heard).
(default = 5)
)% , n, +ROG
208-07 Ring Xfer No Answer n= 0~600 Select the Ring Transfer Idle station or Busy station (Camp-on) Recall
Timer Time (in seconds).
(default = 32)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 208~218 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

209 Station Hunting Group This command assigns Station Hunting Group data.

209-00 Group Number n= Up to 3 digits Hunt Group Number.

n, +ROG 1~90 (CTX100)
1~200 (CTX670 Basic)
1~640 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = no value)
209-01 Hunt Method n= 1. Serial Select Hunt Method.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Circular (for Multiple
DN hunt groups)
3. Distributed (for Voice
Mail hunt groups)
209-02 Pilot Number n= Up to 5 digits Enter Pilot Directory Number. This is the number that is dialed to call
the hunt group.
)% , n, +ROG
Note Any type of hunt group can have a pilot number. Distributed
hunt groups must have a pilot number. Voice Mail hunt groups
should be Distributed with a Pilot Number. Multiple DN Hunt
groups should be Circular with no Pilot Number.
209-04 Number to Display n= Up to 5 digits Enter the number that displays when called by, or when calling any
member of the hunt group.
)% , n, +ROG
Note This number should be the DH Group Pilot number for Voice
Mail hunt groups. This number could be the PDN of a Multiple
DN Hunt group, in which case the number would override the
number assigned in Program 200, FB15 for PDNs and
Program 206, FB04 for Phantom DNs.
209-05 Pilot No. SCF n= 0~4 (CTX100) Allows you to assign a System Call Forward pattern to the Pilot
)% , n, +ROG 0~10 (CTX670 Basic) Number of a Hunt Group.
0~32 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)
209-06 Multiple DN Hunt n= 1. Enable (default) Enable if hunt group is created for multiple DN operation. Multiple DN
2. Disable hunt groups should be circular with no pilot number.
)% , n, +ROG
209-07 DHG Auto Camp-on n= 1. Enable Whether to execute Automatic Camp On to the Distributed Hunt
2. Disable (default) Group or not.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
Should be applied to VM Distributed Hunt Groups so callers
automatically camp on to Voice Mail when all VM ports are busy.
Does not apply to Circular or Serial hunt groups.
210 Group Call Pickup The Call Pickup Group assignment specifies which group numbers
this station will participate when either the Group Call Pickup or the
Group Directed Call Pickup features are invoked. A user may be
assigned to more than one group.
210-00 Primary DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter the Primary DN.
n, +ROG
210- Group 1~32 n= 1. Yes Indicate whether this station is to participate in this Call Pickup group.
01~32 , n, +ROG, 2. No (default)
)%a)% Note 01~05 are available for CTX100, 01~10 are available for
+ROG CTX670 Basic, and 01~32 are available for CTX670 Exp.
213 ADM Feature Keys The Feature Key assignment allows each key on the telephone to be
addressed and assigned a code representing the function to be
performed. Some feature keys require additional parameters to
completely define the key. For example, a Phantom DN needs a
directory number, ringing assignment, and the tone pitch when
ringing occurs.
213-00 PDN+ADM yyyyy Primary DN (0~99999) Enter a Primary DN plus an ADM number to Program ADM FBs.
yyyyyx, +ROG ADM (1 or 2) Note FB04 Add on Modules in Program 204 must be set to One or
x= Two.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-45

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 208~218 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
213-01 Key Number Press the desired FB to program.
)% ~)%
Code n= 1~20 Select Desired Feature Code. See the Feature Code Table on
n, 6SNU page 13-40.
100 - PDN
110 - PhDN
120 - CO
130 - GCO
140 - Pooled Line Button
540 - Door Lock Cancel
560 - PhDN Message Waiting
610 - DSS Button
900 - Start Application
Parameter 1 n1 = See Flexible Button This Parameter is required for all Feature Codes.
Assignment Feature Code
n1, see Note
Table on page 13-40 and
Note For Feature Feature/Button Code
Code 560, Parameter Assignments
610 and 900,
make your on page 13-39 for more
selection and details.
push 6SNUIRU
Parameter 2 n2 = See Flexible Button This Parameter is required for all Feature Codes except Feature
Assignment Feature Code Codes 560, 610 and 900.
n2, see Note
Table on page 13-40 and
Note For Feature Feature/Button Code
Code 100, Parameter Assignments
make your
selection and on page 13-39 for more
push 6SNUIRU details.
Parameter 3 n3 = See Flexible Button This Parameter is required for Feature Codes 110, 120, 130 and 140
Assignment Feature Code only.
n3,see Note
Table on page 13-40 and
Note For Feature Feature/Button Code
Code 110 and Parameter Assignments
140, make
your selection on page 13-39 for more
and push details.
Parameter 4 n4 = See Flexible Button This Parameter is required for Feature Codes 120 and 130 only.
Assignment Feature Code
n4, see Note
Table on page 13-40 and
Note For Feature Feature/Button Code
Code 120, Parameter Assignments
make your
selection and on page 13-39 for more
push 6SNUIRU details.
Parameter 5 n5 = See Flexible Button This Parameter is required for Feature Codes 130 only.
Assignment Feature Code
n5, see Note
Table on page 13-40 and
Note For Feature Feature/Button Code
Code 130, Parameter Assignments
make your
selection and on page 13-39 for more
push 6SNUIRU details.

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 208~218 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

214 DSS Console This assignment allows up to eight Direct Station Selection (DSS)
Assignment Consoles to be assigned to a station. The assignment is referenced to
the stationss Primary DN.

214-00 Primary DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter the Prime Directory Number of the station that is to be
associated with the DSS console(s).
n, +ROG
214- DSS 1~DSS 8 xx = Cabinet (01~07) Enter the DSS equipment number as xxyyzz.
01~08 yy = Slot (01~10)
)% ~)%, xxyyzz, Cabinet Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet (CTX100).
zz = Circuit (01~08) Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each Expansion
cabinet (CTX670).
Slot Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots
Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots.
Example: If the DSS console should be connected to a PDKU or
BDKU/BDKS in cabinet shelf 5, slot 2, circuit 3, enter 050203.
Note If a PDN is assigned to the DSS equipment number it must
be deleted, using PRG201, before attempting to assign the
DSS console.
215 DSS Feature Keys The Feature Key assignment allows each key on the telephone to be
addressed and assigned a code representing the function to be
performed. Some feature keys require additional parameters to
completely define the key. For example, a Phantom DN needs a
directory number, ringing assignment, and the tone pitch when
ringing occurs.
215-00 PDN+DSS yyyyy = Primary DN (0~99999) Enter a Primary DN plus DSS Key Assignment button to program
x= DSS (1~8) DSS FBs.
yyyyyx, +ROG
Note FB04 Add on Modules in Program 204 must be set to One or

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-47

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 208~218 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
215-01 DSS Key Number Press the desired FB to program on your DSS.
)% ~)%
Code n= Select Desired Feature Code. See Flexible Button Assignment
n, 6SNU Feature Code Table on page 13-40.
100 - PDN
110 - PhDN
120 - CO
130 - GCO
140 - Pooled Line Button
540 - Door Lock Cancel
560 - PhDN Message Waiting
610 - DSS Button
900 - Start Application
Parameter 1 n1 = See Flexible Button This Parameter is required for all Feature Codes.
Assignment Feature Code
n1, see Note
Table on page 13-40 and
Note For Feature Feature/Button Code
Code 560, Parameter Assignments
610 and 900,
make your on page 13-39 for more
selection and details.
push 6SNUIRU
Parameter 2 n2 = See Flexible Button This Parameter is required for all Feature Codes except Feature
Assignment Feature Code Codes 560, 610 and 900.
n2, see Note
Table on page 13-40 and
Note For Feature Feature/Button Code
Code 100, Parameter Assignments
make your
selection and on page 13-39 for more
push 6SNUIRU details.
Parameter 3 n3 = See Flexible Button This Parameter is required for Feature Codes 110, 120, 130 and 140
Assignment Feature Code only.
n3,see Note
Table on page 13-40 and
Note For Feature Feature/Button Code
Code 110 and Parameter Assignments
140, make
your selection on page 13-39 for more
and push details.
push 6SNU.
Parameter 4 n4 = See Flexible Button This Parameter is required for Feature Codes 120 and 130 only.
Assignment Feature Code
n4, see Note
Table on page 13-40 and
Note For Feature Feature/Button Code
Code 120, Parameter Assignments
make your
selection and on page 13-39 for more
push 6SNUIRU details.
Parameter 5 n5 = See Flexible Button This Parameter is required for Feature Codes 130 only.
Assignment Feature Code
n5, see Note
Table on page 13-40 and
Note For Feature Feature/Button Code
Code 130, Parameter Assignments
make your
selection and on page 13-39 for more
push 6SNUIRU details.

13-48 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 208~218 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

216 Emergency Ringdown Assigns Emergency Ring Down parameters to Primary DNs.

216-00 Primary DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter the Primary DN.

n, +ROG
216-01 Emergency Ringdown n = 1. Enable Enable an Emergency Ringdown Number.
2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
216-02 Emergency Ringdown n= 5~60 Enter the length of off-hook time that will cause a DN to originate an
Timer Emergency
(default = 0)
)% , n, +ROG
216-03 Destination n= Up to 5 digits Enter the destination DN for the Emergency Ringdown.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
217 ISDN Station Data ISDN stations need a set of parameters to be set to define its
capabilities. These include a Name when calling display phones, Call
of Service settings, etc.
217-00 Primary DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter Primary DN.
n, +ROG
217-01 Station Name n= Up to 9 digits Enter a name for this station.
)% , n, +ROG,
217-02 Dial Method n= 1. Dial Tone (default) Select the audible tone when dialing.
)% , n, +ROG, 2. Entry Tone
3. No Tone
217-03 System Call Forward n= 0~32 Select the System Call Forward assignment for this station.
)% , n, +ROG, (default = 0)
217-04 CF Password n= Up to 4 digits Protect the System Call Forward settings by creating a password.
)% , n, +ROG,
217-05 Door Phone Override n= 1. Enable Enable the Door Phone ringing indicator to override Do Not Disturb.
DND 2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG,
217-06 Emergency Call n= 1~8 Select this stations emergency call group.
(default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG,
217-07 COS Override Code n= 1. Enable Enable Class of Service override.
2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG,
217-08 Display DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter the DN to be displayed on the LCD.
)% , n, +ROG,
217-09 VMID Code SMDI n= Up to 10 digits Enter the voice mail box number that should answer calls when this
PDN calls voice mail; or, when this PDN is called and then forwards to
)% , n, +ROG, Digits 0~9, * and #
voice mail (this number is prefixed by codes in Program 579, 11~16).
Note This VMID code is sent to the voice mail device in SMDI
packets or DTMF tones on direct and forwarded calls to the
PDN. See Program 580 for SMDI or DTMF choice.
217-12 Name Display n= 1. Enable Whether to put the user name in the list display.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 2. Disable

218 Station Hunt Group This assignment configures station DNs to hunt groups and assigns
Assignment the order of rotation in which the DNs are hunted.

218-00 Hunt Group Number n= 1~640 Enter an existing Hunt Group number or use the List, Add, Append,
Modify, or Delete buttons as described above.
n, +ROG

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-49

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Telephone Button Programming
200 Series Programs

Programs 208~218 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
218-01 Hunt Order n= 1~560 This field assigns a station DNs position within a Hunt Groups Hunt
)% , n, +ROG, Order. Programmers should assign the last station in the Hunt Order
first and assign the first station in the Hunt Order last.
218-02 DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter a new DN to the Hunt Groups Hunt Order.
)% , n, +ROG,
218-03 DN Set Type n= 1. Modify Modify (replace) an existing assignment.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 2. Insert

219 Network DSS Key This program lets you disable the DSS function for the node ID
Notify Data Delete entered in this screen.

219-00 Network DSS Node n= Important! Dont use this program unless requested by Toshiba
ID Technical Support.
n, +ROG Enter the Node ID of the Network DSS key Notify Data to be deleted.

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

300 Series Programs

Telephone Button
Programs 300~302

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
300 Trunk Assignment This command assigns an analog or T1 trunk (line) and its
parameters to the system.

300-00 Line Number n= 1~64 (CTX100) Enter the Line Number.

n, +ROG 1~96 (CTX670 Basic)
1~264 (CTX670 Exp.)

300-01 Line Equipment No. xx = Cabinet 1 (CTX100), Enter the line equipment number as xxyyzz. Equipment numbers are
01~02 (CTX670 Basic), required when assigning a new trunk to the system. It can also be
)% , xxyyzz, +ROG
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.) used to display the equipment location of existing trunks.
yy = Slot 01~8 (CTX100), Example: If the trunk should be connected to an RCOU in cabinet
01~10 (CTX670) shelf 5, slot 2, circuit 3, enter 050203.
zz = Circuit (01~04) Cabinet numbers:
...or zz = T1 Circuit 01~24 CTX100 Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
(CTX670). CTX670 Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100 Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion
CTX670 Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion
300-02 Incoming Line Group n= 0~32 (CTX100) Assign the trunk to Incoming Line Group. Two-way trunks need to be
0~50 (CTX670 Basic) members of one incoming and one outgoing line group.
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)
300-03 Outgoing Line Group n= 0~32 (CTX100) Assign the trunk to Outgoing Line Group. Two-way trunks need to be
0~50 (CTX670 Basic) members of one incoming and one outgoing line group.
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)
300-04 Dial Mode n= 1. Rotary Dial 10PPS Enter the Dial Mode.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Rotary Dial 20PPS DP 10 PPS = Rotary Dial, 10 PPS
3. DTMF (default)
DP 20 PPS = Rotary Dial, 20 PPS
300-05 Signaling n= 1. DID Enter the signalling type.
2. Loop (default)
)% , n, +ROG
3. Ground
4. Tie
5. LP (Japan)
6. SR (Japan)
7. ACU (UK)
300-06 Start Method n= 1. Immediate Start Enter the Start Method. This setting defines the start protocol method
(default) used between the PSTN and this trunk. For DID/Tie trunks.
)% , n, +ROG
2. Timing Start
3. Wink Start
300-07 Release Supervision n= 1. Received Enable Release Supervision from the CO.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Not Received (default)

300-08 Answer Supervision n= 1. Received Enable Answer Supervision from the CO.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Not Received (default)

300-09 Trunk Name n= Up to 14 digits Enter the trunk name.

Note This function is accessible only through CTX WinAdmin.
300-10 External Ring Repeat n= 1. Supplied (default) Supply the External Ringing Signal pattern to stations. For behind
2. Not Supplied PBX/Centrex trunks.
)% , n, +ROG

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-51

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 300~302 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
300-11 DTMF Back Tone n= 1. Padded Select DTMF Back Tone type.
)% , n, +ROG 2. DTMF Tone (default)
3. No Tone
300-12 Hunt Order n= 1~999 Change the trunk hunting order sequence for this Trunk.
)% , n, +ROG (default = 1)
300-13 Immediate Cut- n= 1. Enable This option should be enabled on a line only if the talk-path must be
Through 2. Disable (default) established immediately after seizing a selected outgoing line.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG Example, a line connected to a Central Office Ringdown circuit.

CAUTION! This option will bypass Destination Restriction

and E911 digit analysis. Do not enable this
option on a line where these functions are

This option is available only on ground and loop, analog or T1 circuits.

It should not be enabled for Tie, DID, ISDN and QSIG lines.
Available with CTX R1.01, M22 and above software.
302 PRI Trunks The PRI Interface card needs to have a number of assignments for
defining its operation. These include which channels are available for
use and the location of the D channel or signaling channel. A number
of optional functional capabilities also need to be enabled or disabled.
302-00 Channel Group n= 1~32 (CTX100) Channel Group Number
1~48 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
302-01 RPTU Equipment No. xx = Cabinet 1 (CTX100), Enter the ISDN RPTU equipment number as xxyyzz.
01~02 (CTX670 Basic),
)% , xxyyzz, +ROG Note zz = Channel 01 is always used to assign RPTU parameters
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.)
Example: If the RPTU is installed in cabinet shelf 5, slot 3, enter
yy = Slot 01~8 (CTX100),
050301.Enter the equipment number xxyyzz to which the ISDN PRI
01~10 (CTX670)
Trunk is to be assigned.
zz = Circuit 01
Equipment numbers are required when assigning ISDN RPTU
parameters in the system. It can also be used to display the
equipment location of existing RPTU PCBs.
302-02 Protocol n= 1. Natl ISDN The Protocol to be followed defines the type of interface expected
)% , n, +ROG 2. ETSI based upon the equipment type at the distant end of the connection.
3. TTC
4. Natl ISDN - Nortel
302-03 ILG n= 0~32 (CTX100) Primary ISDN needs to have Trunk Group assignments to process the
0~48 (CTX670 Basic) calls being received. If multiple trunk groups are used within the
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.) Channel Group, then Call-by-Call Services must be used.
(default = 0)
302-04 OLG n= 0~32 (CTX100) Primary ISDN needs to have Trunk Group assignments to process the
0~48 (CTX670 Basic) calls being originated. If multiple trunk groups are used within the
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.) Channel Group, then Call-by-Call Services must be used.
(default = 0)
302-05 Trunk ID Type n= 1. Implicit Identify whether the communication with the PSTN requires an
2. Explicit identifier. Select Explicit to require an identifier.
)% , n, +ROG
302-06 Trunk ID Number n= 0~126 An identifier must be used as part of the addressing when an explicit
identified is used to communicate with the PSTN which channel on
)% , n, +ROG (default = 0)
which link is used for the given call. This identifier is assigned by the
connected PSTN.

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 300~302 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

302-07 D Ch Position n= 1~24 PRI includes a 64-kbps D-channel (for transfer of signal information).
)% , n, +ROG (default = 24) Select the channel position to be used for D channel signaling.
Note This field is used only when the span interface speed is 1.5M.
If the span interface speed is 2M the value is fixed at 16.
302- Bearer Services: n= 1. Enable Enable the Bearer Capabilities allowed for this PRI Trunk channel
08~13 2. Disable group.
3.1 KHz Audio n1 = 1. Channel Number Select the Channel Method (map) to identify the channels.
7 KHz Audio 2. Slot Map
Note In North America, only Channel Number map is used
Unrestr. 64K (Channel Number).
Unrestr. 56K
Unrestr. 2x64K
)% ~)%, n, 6SNU,
n1, +ROG
302- Bearer Services: n= 1. Enable The Bearer Capabilities (384k Unrestricted(H0), 1536k
14~18 Unrestr. 384K 2. Disable (default) Unrestricted(H11), 1920k Unrestricted, Restricted Digital Info, Trunk
Video, and Unrestricted Multirate) are not used and should remain
Unrestr. 1536K
Unrestr. 1920K
Restr. Digital n1 = 1. Channel Number B Select the Channel Method (map) to identify the channels.
2. Channel Number H
Video Note In North America, only Channel Number B map is used.
3. Slot Map B
)% ~)%, n, 6SNU, 4. Slot Map H
n1, +ROG
302-19 Bearer Service n= 1. Enable The Bearer Capabilities 384k Unrestricted (H0), 1536k Unrestricted
Multirate Unrestricted 2. Disable (default) (H11), 1920k Unrestricted, Restricted Digital Info, Trunk Video and
Unrestricted Multirate are not used and should remain disabled.
)% , n, +ROG
302-20 B Ch Selection n= 1. Exclusive The method used for selecting an idle B channel and the reaction if
Method 2. Preferred the PSTN indicates the channel is not available needs to be chosen to
)% , n, +ROG 3. Any originate a call from CTX.
Preferred option is recommended, unless PSTN needs other choice.
302-21 B Ch Selection n1 = 1. Forward Cyclic The search method for choosing an idle B channel shall also be
)% , n, +ROG 2. Backward Cyclic specified. Backward Terminal is the normal method with the PSTN
3. Forward Terminal following a Forward Terminal method.
4. Backward Terminal
302-22 T1 Time Slot Pattern n= 1. Fixed1 (default) 1544 Time Slot Pattern.
2. Fixed2
)% , n, +ROG
3. Flexible
302-23 E1 Time Slot Pattern n= 1. Fixed1 (default) 2048 Time Slot Pattern.
2. Fixed2
)% , n, +ROG
3. Flexible
302-24 T-Wait Timer n= 1. Enable Specify whether the T-Wait timer is to be enabled or disabled. This
2. Disable (default) field is only valid for Natl ISDN.
)% , n, +ROG
302-25 RBT on Incoming Call n= 1. Enable (default) Enable Ringback Tone when terminating a call. This field is only valid
2. Disable for Natl ISDN.
)% , n, +ROG
302-26 Network Mode n= 1. Master Set this span as Master or Slave for Layer 2 of a QSIG PRI. The
2. Slave (default) opposite value must be set for the node in which this QSIG PRI
)% , n, +ROG
terminates. This governs call setup activity and is not related to clock
302-27 Negotiation Priority n= 3. Side A (default) Sets this span as Side A or Side B for Layer 3 of a QSIG PRI. The
)% , n, +ROG 4. Side B opposite value must be set for the node in which this QSIG PRI

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-53

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Bearer Services Table

Bearer Services Natl ISDN ETSI TTC
Speech X X X
3.1 KHz Audio X X X
7 KHz Audio X X
unrestricted digital 64 kbps X X X
Rate adaptation from 56
Circuit 2x64 X X
384kbp (H0) X X X
1536kbps (H11) X X X
1920kbps (H12) X
multirate (n x 64 kbps) X
Restricted digital Information X X
Video X X

Programs 303~315
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
303 ISDN Trunk Delete This command deletes ISDN Trunks.

303-00 Channel Group n= 1~32 (CTX100) Enter the channel group number to delete.
Number 1~48 (CTX670 Basic)
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
n, +ROG, +ROG
304 Incoming Line Group This assignment is used to configure ILGs only, OLGs are configured
Assignment in the Outgoing Line Group Assignment 306. The same line can be
placed in an ILG and OLG.

304-00 Group Number n= 1~32 (CTX100) Enter the group number of the line group that should be configured.
1~50 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
304-01 Group Type n= 1. Analog (default) Select the ILG Type.
)% , n, +ROG
304-02 Trunk Type n= 1. CO (default) Select the Trunk Type.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Tie

304-03 Service Type n= 1. DID Select CO Trunk Service Type.

)% , n, +ROG 2. DIT (default)

304-04 Private Service Type n= 1. Standard (default) Select the Tie Trunk Service Type. This field is required when Trunk
)% , n, +ROG 2. QSIG Type is set to Tie.

304-05 GCO Key Number n= 0~32 (CTX100) Select ILG GCO Key Group for DIT mode (see Trunk Type above).
)% , n, +ROG 0~50 (CTX670 Basic) The same GCO cannot belong to different ILGs.
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)

13-54 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 303~315 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

304-06 Pooled Key Number n= 0~32 (CTX100) Select ILG Pooled Line Key Group for DIT mode. The same Pooled
)% , n, +ROG 0~50 (CTX670 Basic) Line Group cannot belong to different ILGs.
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
0~128 (CTX670), 0~32 (CTX100) (default = 0)
(default = 0)
304-07 COS n= 1~32 Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.
(default = 1)
)% , n, 6SNU, n,
6SNU, n,+ROG

304-08 DRL n= 1~16 Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.

(default = 1)
)% , n, 6SNU, n,
6SNU , n,+ROG
304-09 FRL n= 1~16 Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.
)% , n, 6SNU, n, (default = 1)
6SNU , n,+ROG
304-10 QPL n= 1~16 Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.
(default = 1)

304-11 DID Digits n= 0~7 Select number of DID digits received from CO.
(default = 0)
)% , n, +ROG
304-12 Speech/3.1 KHz n= 1. Audio (default) Select Bearer Capability 3.1 KHz Audio or Speech.
2. Speech
)% , n, +ROG
304-13 Ringing Timer Delay 1 n = 0~60 sec. Select time to ring the Delay 1 destination.
(default = 12)
)% , n, +ROG
304-14 Ringing Timer Delay 2 n = 0~60 sec. Select time to ring the Delay 2 destination.
(default = 24)
)% , n, +ROG
304-15 Interdigit 1 Timer n= 1~180 sec. Select Interdigit 1 timer value.
(default = 15)
)% , n, +ROG
304-16 Interdigit 2 Timer n= 1~180 sec. Select Interdigit 2 timer value.
(default = 5)
)% , n, +ROG
304-17 Auto Camp-on n= 1. Enable (default) Select in box to toggle Automatic Camp-on.
2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
304-18 Calling Number ID n= 1. User Provided Select Calling Number Identification source.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Network Provided
304-19 Intercept n= 1. Enable Enable Intercept. A call is transferred to a special destination called
2. Disable (default) intercept position when the destination of a trunk line call is not
)% , n, +ROG
determined with DID, DIT or DISA. Intercept is also activated when
the destination is determined, but the call cannot be terminated due to
a defect or an incorrect number. If the system has a simplified
attendant console, the attendant console is usually specified to
terminate the call. This function ensures termination of a trunk line
304-20 Send Dial Tone n= 1. Enable Enable Send Dial Tone.
2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
304-21 TGAC Override n= 1. Enable Enable Trunk Group Access Code (TGAC) override.
2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
304-22 Network COS n= 1~32 Enter the Network COS number.
(default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG
304-23 LCR Group n= 1~16 Enter the LCR Group number. Calls from this ILG cannot tandem if
(default = 1) this field is not entered.
)% , n, +ROG

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 303~315 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
304-24 Change COS n= 1. Enable Enable authority to change COS Override Code.
Override Code 2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
304-25 Register Speed Dial n= 1. Enable Enable authority to create system speed dial codes.
Codes 2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
304-26 Originator Invoke n= 1. Enable Enable authority for the originator of a call to invoke OCA when
OCA 2. Disable (default) encountering a busy station.
)% , n, +ROG
304-27 Senderized Tone n= 1. Dial Tone (default) Send DTMF tones as a complete number rather than digit-by digit.
Mode 2. Entry Tone
3. Silence
)% , n, +ROG
304-28 Emergency Call n= 1~8 Used to enable E911 calling across a QSIG network. The QSIG ILG
Group (default = 1) is assigned to an Emergency Call Group in the same way a station is
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG in Program 200 FB17. Without this assignment, the call will not
attempt to complete to one of the trunks in the Emergency Group and
will result in an abandoned call. See Program 550 Enhanced 911
Emergency Call Group on page 13-85.
305 ILG Delete This command deletes Incoming Line Groups.

305-00 ILG Number n= 1~32 (CTX100) Enter the ILG number to delete.
1~50 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
306 Outgoing Line Group OLG is a line selection feature which enables the use of external trunk
Assignment or private line groups for outgoing service. Assign and configure up to
128 OLGs (the same line can be placed in an OLG and an ILG).

306-00 Group Number n= 1~32 (CTX100) Enter the OLG Group number.
1~50 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
306-01 Group Type n= 1. Analog (default) Select the OLG Type.
)% , n, +ROG
306-02 Trunk Type n= 1. CO (default) Select the Trunk Type.
2. Tie
)% , n, +ROG
306-03 Service Type n= 1. Standard (default) TIE Trunk Service Type.
)% , n, +ROG
306-04 GCO Key1 Number n= 0~32 (CTX100) Select the first GCO Key Group number.
0~50 (CTX670 Basic)
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)
306-06 Pooled Key1 Number n= 0~32 (CTX100) Select first Pooled Line Key Group number.
)% , n, +ROG 0~50 (CTX670 Basic)
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)
306-07 Pooled Key2 Number n= 0~32 (CTX100) Select second Pooled Line Key Group number.
0~50 (CTX670 Basic)
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)
306-08 COS n= 1~32 Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.
)% , n, 6SNU, n, (default = 1)
6SNU, n,+ROG

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 303~315 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

306-09 FRL n= 1~16 Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.
)% , n, 6SNU, n, (default = 1)
6SNU , n,+ROG
306-10 QPL n= 1~16 Select Day 1, Day 2 and Night Values.
(default = 1)
)% , n, 6SNU, n,
6SNU , n,+ROG
306-11 Speech/3.1 KHz n= 1. Audio (default) Bearer Capability 3.1 KHz Audio or Speech.
2. Speech
)% , n, +ROG
306-12 MOH Source n= 1. Quiet Tone Select MOH Source.
2. External 1 (default)
)% , n, +ROG
3. External 2
4. External 3
5. External 4
6. External 5
7. External 6
8. External 7
9. External 8
10. External 9
11. External 10
12. External 11
13. External 12
14. External 13
15. External 14
16. External 15
306-13 Account Codes n= 1. Enable Enable Trunk forced Account Codes.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable (default)

306-14 Destination n= 1. Enable Enable Destination Restriction.

Restriction 2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
306-15 Credit Cart Calling n= 1. Enable Enable Credit Card Calling.
2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
306-16 Send CESID n= 1. Enable Enable CESID sending.
2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
306-17 QSIG Sending Type n= 1. Cut through (default) Digit sending Mode for QSIG only.
2. Senderized
)% , n, +ROG
306-18 Network COS n= 1~32 Select Network COS number.
(default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
307 OLG Delete This command deletes Outgoing Line Groups.

307-00 OLG Number n= 1~32 (CTX100) Enter the OLG number to delete.
1~50 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
308 Trunk Timers Assigns trunk timers for analog and T1 trunks.

308-00 Trunk Equipment No. xx = Cabinet 1 (CTX100), Enter the trunk equipment number.
xxyyzz, +ROG 01~02 (CTX670 Basic),
Note Equipment numbers are required when assigning a new trunk
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.) to the system. It can also be used to display the equipment
yy = Slot 01~8 (CTX100), location of existing trunks.
01~10 (CTX670)
zz = Circuit 01~24

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 303~315 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
308-01 Auto Release n= 1. Disable Select the Automatic Release timing.
, n, +ROG, 2. Detect 95ms
)% Note Select Disable if the CO does not send the automatic release
3. Detect 450ms (default) signal to the loop start trunk.
308-02 Short Flash n= 0~15, where 1 = 100msec. Select Short Flash Time. When a telephone initiates the short flash
)% , n, +ROG, (default = 5, which is .5 signal to the CO line it is connected to (using the short Flash feature
seconds) button or access code #450) the duration of a short flash is
0 = no flash determined by this command. Normally this signal is used to hook
flash a centrex line. The short flash range is 0 to 1.5 seconds in
increments of 0.1 seconds.
308-03 Long Flash n= 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30, Select Long Flash Time. When a telephone initiates the long flash
)% , n, +ROG where 5 = .5 seconds. signal to the CO line it is connected to (using the Long Flash feature
(default = 20) button or access code #451) the duration of a long flash is determined
by this command. Normally this signal is used to disconnect the line.
The long flash range is 0 to 3 seconds in increments of 0.5 seconds.
308-04 Pause after Flash n= 0~5, 0 = immediately sent, Pause time after flash: After a flash signal is sent to a CO line, this
and 1sec.delay to timer determines when the line will start to send the dialed digits to
)% , n, +ROG
5sec.delay the other end.
(default = 1 second delay
before sending digits)
308-04 Response Timer n= 0~3000 The response timer is for analog DID/TIE lines that have the start
method set for Timing in Program 300-06. After a line is seized this
)% , n, +ROG
timer determines when the line will start to send the dialed digits to
the other end.
Possible Values 0=immediatly sent, and 50msec.delay to
500msec.delay. (default=500mseconds delay before sending digits).
309 Direct Inward Dialing This command assigns DID Number Analysis Table to ILG.

309-00 ILG Number n= 1~32 (CTX100) Select the ILG number.

n, +ROG 1~50 (CTX670 Basic)
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
309-01 DID Number n= 1~7 digits may include wild Enter a DID number.
)% , n, +ROG card ? where ? = 0~9

309-02 MOH Source n= 1. Quiet Tone Set Music On Hold for Analog ISDN DID Trunk
)% , n, +ROG 2. External 1 (default)
3. External 2
4. External 3
5. External 4
6. External 5
7. External 6
8. External 7
9. External 8
10. External 9
11. External 10
12. External 11
13. External 12
14. External 13
15. External 14
16. External 15
309-03 GCO Key Group n= 0~32 (CTX100) GCO Key Group number.
0~50 (CTX670 Basic)
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)
309-04 Pool Key Group n= 0~32 (CTX100) Pooled Line Key Group
)% , n, +ROG 0~50 (CTX670 Basic)
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 303~315 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

309- Audio Day1/Day2/ n= 1. No Data (default) Select the Destination Type for Audio/Speech calls.
05~07 Night Destination 2. Dialing Digits
Type 3. DISA
)% ~)%, n, 6SNU 4. Built-in modem
5. Night Bell
Audio Day1/Day2/ n1 = Up to 32 digits Enter the Destination Directory Number or Access Code. If Dialing
Night Destination Digits is the Destination Type enter the Directory Number that the line
Digits should ring. If the line should ring over external page, enter #31xx,
where xx is the external Page group number. If the default page
n1, +ROG
access code #31 was changed, use the new page access code as the
leading digits.
Line access codes and network routing numbers can also be entered
to route incoming calls back out to a public or private network number.
309- Data Day1/Day2/ n= 1. No Data (default) Select the Destination Type for Audio/Speech calls.
08~10 Night Destination 2. Dialing Digits
Type 3. DISA
4. Built-in modem
)% ~)%, n, 6SNU
5. Night Bell
Data Day1/Day2/ n1 = Up to 32 digits Enter the Destination Directory Number or Access Code. If Dialing
Night Destination Digits is the Destination Type enter the Directory Number that the line
Digits should ring. If the line should ring over external page, enter #31xx,
where xx is the external Page group number. If the default page
n1, +ROG
access code #31 was changed, use the new page access code as the
leading digits.
Line access codes and network routing numbers can also be entered
to route incoming calls back out to a public or private network number.
309-11 DNIS VMID Code n= Up to 10 digits Enter the VM mail box number which should answer calls for this DID/
DNIS number.
)% , n, +ROG
Note This code is only sent if using SMDI VM integration in
Program 580, 01. This code will be replaced, after voice mail
answers, by the DTMF code set in Program 309, 15 DID/
DNIS DTMF VMID code - if programmed; therefore, if using
Program 309, 15 code, this VMID code is not necessary.
This mail box number will be sent to voice mail on a DID/DNIS call
that rings directly to voice mail; and, on a direct DID/DNIS call to a DN
that forwards to voice mail before it is answered by the DN.
If a DID/DNIS call is answered by a station and then transferred to a
DN that forwards to voice mail, this mail box number of the DID/DNIS
number or the forwarding DNs mail box number will be sent to voice
mail per Program 579, 01.
If this VMID code is not set, direct DID/DNIS calls will go to the VM
general greeting and DID/DNIS calls that forward from a DN to VM
will go to the DNs VMID mail box.
This Voice Mail box number is added to SMDI packets direct and
forwarded DID\DNIS calls to voice mail as explained above.
309-12 DNIS Name n= Up to 16 digits Enter DNIS name. DNIS names can be assigned from the CTX
WinAdmin (not from programming phones).
)% , n, +ROG

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 303~315 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
309-15 VM Dial n= Digits 0~9, * and #. For a Enter the VM mail box number which should answer calls for this DID/
)% , n, +ROG,+ROG pause enter Px, where DNIS number.
x=0~9 (seconds), up to 10
This mail box number will be sent to voice mail on a DID/DNIS call
characters (default = no
that rings directly to voice mail; and, on a direct DID/DNIS call to a DN
that forwards to voice mail before it is answered by the DN.
If a DID/DNIS call is answered by a station and then transferred to a
DN that forwards to voice mail, this mail box number of the DID/DNIS
number or the forwarding DNs mail box number will be sent to voice
mail per Program 579, 01.
If this VMID code is not set, direct DID/DNIS calls will go to the VM
general greeting and DID/DNIS calls that forward from a DN to VM
will go to the DNs VMID mail box. This voice mail box number is sent
to the VM port, as DTMF digits, after the VM port answers a DID/
DNIS call as explained above. These digits are sent to the VM port if
the CTX is set for SMDI or DTMF integration in Program 580, 01.
310 DIT Assignment This command assigns DIT Number Analysis Table for DIT trunks.
DIT trunks are ground and loop start trunks.

310-00 Line Equipment No. xx = Cabinet 1 (CTX100), Enter the trunk equipment number. Equipment numbers are required
01~02 (CTX670 Basic), when assigning a new trunk to the system. It can also be used to
xxyyzz, +ROG
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.) display the equipment location of existing trunks.
yy = Slot 01~8 (CTX100), Example: If a line should be assigned to an RCOU in cabinet shelf 5,
01~10 (CTX670) slot 2, circuit 3, enter 050203.
zz = Circuit 01~24 Cabinet numbers:
CTX100 Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670 Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100 Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion
CTX670 Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion
310- Day1/Day2/Night n= 1. No Data (default) Select Destination Type for each.
01~03 Destination Type 2. Dialing Digits
No Data no destination will ring when the line rings into the
3. DISA system.
)% ~)%, n, 6SNU
4. Built-in Modem Dialing Digits assigns the line to ring the directory number or
5. Night Bell access code defined in the Destination Digits assignment
DISA assigns the line to ring in as a DISA call. DISA dial tone
will be returned to the caller.
Modem assigns the line to ring the remote maintenance modem
on the CTX processor. Used to call into the system with a CTX
WinAdmin PC and modem.
Night Bell Assigns the line to cause the night relay to pulse
(one-sec. close/3-sec. open)
Day1/Day2/Night n1 = Up to 32 digits Enter Destination, Directory Number or Access Codes for each, only
Destination Digits if Dialing Digits is selected as Destination Type.
n1, +ROG If Dialing Digits is the Destination Type, enter the Directory
Number that the line should ring.If the line should ring over
external page, enter #31xx, where xx is the external Page group
If the default page access code #31 was changed, use the new
page access code as the leading digits.
Line access codes and network routing numbers can also be
entered to route incoming calls back out to a public or private
network number.

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 303~315 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

310-04 MOH Source n= 1. Silence Select the MOH source for Analog DIT Trunk. The Scroll key must be
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 2. External 1 (default) used to select MOH sources indicated by 10 or higher.
3. External 2
4. External 3
5. External 4
6. External 5
7. External 6
8. External 7
9. External 8
10. External 9
11. External 10
12. External 11
13. External 12
14. External 13
15. External 14
16. External 15
311 DISA Security Codes This command assigns DISA parameters.

311-01 DISA Enabled n= 1. Enable Enable DISA security code.

2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
311-02 DISA Code n= Up to 15 digits Enter DISA security code.
)% , n, +ROG
311-03 Response Timer n= 0~30 Enter the time, in seconds, for Strata CTX to respond to a call.
(default = 5)
)% , n, +ROG
311-04 Idle Timer n= 0~60 Enter the time in seconds to wait for idle DTMF.
(default = 10)
)% , n, +ROG+ROG
313 Caller ID Assignment This program assigns Caller ID circuits to the CO Line to which the
circuit is connected. The ANI, DNIS, DID formats for TI and analog
DID CO Lines are also defined.
313-00 Trunk Number n= 1~64 (CTX100) Enter the Trunk Number.
1~96 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG,
1~264 (CTX670 Exp.)
313-01 Signalling Method n= 1. None (default) Specify the format for the interface being used.
)% , n, +ROG
3. ANI/DNIS-Sprint
4. CLASS (Caller ID)
313-02 Signalling Contents n= 1. ANI and DNIS (default) Specify the contents of the ANI/DNIS format.
2. ANI only
)% , n, +ROG
3. DNIS only
4. DID only
313-03 CLASS Equipment xx = Cabinet 01 (CTX100), If the CLASS type is chosen, the trunk must be assigned to a Caller
Position 01~02 (CTX670 Basic), ID circuit. Enter the RCIU/RCIS equipment number as xxyyzz.
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.)
)% , xxyyzz, +ROG
yy = Slot 01~8 (CTX100), Notes
01~10 (CTX670) CLASS equipment numbers are required when assigning a trunk
to a RCIU/RCIS circuit.
zz = Circuit 01~08
It can also be used to display the equipment location of existing
caller ID circuit to trunk assignments. Example: If the trunk should
be connected to a caller ID circuit (RCIU/RCIS) in cabinet shelf 5,
slot 2, circuit 3, enter 050203.

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 303~315 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
315 T1 Trunk Card This command assigns T1 Trunk Card Data to the system.

315-00 T1 Equipment xxyy xx = Cabinet 01, Enter the RDTU PCB equipment location as xxyy:
Location yy = slot 01, 03, 05, or 07 Example: If the RDTU is installed in cabinet shelf 5, slot 3, enter
xxyy, +ROG ...or xx = Cabinet 02~07, 0503.
yy = slot 01, 03, or 05
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots.
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots.
315-01 Coding Format n= 1. None Select the Coding Format.
2. PZC
)% , n, +ROG
3. B8ZS (default)
4. ZCS
315-02 Frame Format n= 1. None Select the Frame Format.
2. SF mode
)% , n, +ROG
3. ESF mode (default)
315-03 Time Slots n= 1. None Set the number of Time Slots to be used.
2. 8 Time Slots (default)
3. 16 Time Slots
4. 24 Time Slots
315-04 Receive PAD n= 1. None Select the Receive PAD values.
2. Plus 6 dB
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
3. Plus 3 dB
4. Zero dB (default)
5. Minus 3 dB
6. Minus 6 dB
7. Minus 9 dB
8. Minus 12 dB
9. Minus 15 dB
315-05 Send Pad n= 1. None Select the Send PAD values.
2. Plus 6 dB
)% , n, +ROG
3. Plus 3 dB
4. Zero dB (default)
5. Minus 3 dB
6. Minus 6 dB
7. Minus 9 dB
8. Minus 12 dB
9. Minus 15 dB

Programs 316~317
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
316 Shared D Channel The PRI Interface can be extended to include an additional PRI card
to expand the total number of channels to 47 on a Channel Group.
This second PRI may optionally offer a backup D channel.
316-00 Channel Group n= 1~32 (CTX100) Channel Group Number.
1~48 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 316~317 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

316-01 Equipment Number xx = xx = Cabinet 01, yy = 03, Enter the ISDN RPTU equipment number as xxyyzz:
, xxyyzz, +ROG yy = 05, or 07 and zz = Channel
)% Example: If the RPTU is installed in cabinet shelf 5, slot 3, enter
zz = 01 is always used to assign
RPTU parameters
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
xx = Cabinet 02~10,
yy = 01, 03, or 05 and CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
zz = Channel 01 is always Expansion cabinet.
used to assign RPTU Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion slots.
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion slots..
316-02 Trunk ID n= 0~126 An identifier must be used as part of the addressing to communicate
(default = 1) with the PSTN which channel on which link is used the given call. This
)% , n, +ROG
identifier is assigned by the connected PSTN.
316-03 D Channel Provided n= 1. D-Channel If a backup D Channel is to be used, it needs to be enabled.
2. No D-Channel (default)
)% , n, +ROG
316-04 Backup D Channel n= 1~128 Channel Group Number.
(default = 24)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
317 ISDN BRI Trunk The following program enables set up for ISDN related system

317-00 Channel Group n= 1~32 (CTX100) Enter the BRI channel Group Number.
n, +ROG 1~48 (CTX670 Basic)
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
317-01 Equipment Number xx = CTX670 Enter the equipment number xxyyzz to which the ISDN BRI Trunk is
, xxyyzz, +ROG yy = to be assigned.
)% Cabinet (01~07)
zz =
Slot (01~10) Example: If the RBUU is installed in cabinet shelf 5, slot 3, enter
Circuit (01~08 or 01~24) 050301 for circuit 1.
or Cabinet numbers:
CTX100 CTX100 Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
Cabinet (01) CTX670 Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
Slot (01~08) Expansion cabinet.
Circuit (01~04) Slot numbers:
CTX100 Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion
CTX670 Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion
317-02 Protocol n= 1. National ISDN Select the ISDN protocol. Only Bearer capabilities specified by the
)% , n, +ROG 2. ETSI protocol can be entered in this field. The Initial value for ISDN
3. TTC Protocol corresponds to information set in the hardware level.
4. National ISDN Nortel
National ISDN = North America, ETSI = England and TTC = Japan.
317-03 ILG n= 0~32 (CTX100) ILG assignments must be made for basic ISDNs to process the calls
0~50 (CTX670 Basic) being received.
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
317-04 OLG n= 0~32 (CTX100) OLG assignments must be made for basic ISDNs to process the calls
)% , n, +ROG 0~50 (CTX670 Basic) being originated.
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
317-05 Connection Format n= 1. Point to Point Identify connection format with the PSTN is 1- Point-to-Point or 2-
)% , n, +ROG 2. Point to Multi Point Point-to-Multipoint.

317-06 Bearer Svc - Speech n= 1. Enable (default) Enable speech capability.

)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 316~317 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
317-07 Bearer Svc - 3.1 KHz n= 1. Enable (default) Enable 3.1 KHz audio capability.
Audio 2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
317-08 Bearer Svc - 7 KHz n= 1. Enable Enable 7 KHz audio capability.
Audio 2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
317-09 Bearer Svc - n= 1. Enable (default) Enable one of the unrestricted capabilities.
Unrestricted 64K 2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
317-10 Bearer Svc - n= 1. Enable
Unrestricted 56K 2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
317-11 Bearer Svc - n= 1. Enable
Unrestricted 2x64K 2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
317-12 Outgoing B Ch Select n= 1. Explicit Select originating B Channel method.
2. Preferred (default)
)% , n, +ROG Explicit Channel is indicated, and no alternative is acceptable.
3. Any Channel
Preferred (default) Channel is indicated, and any alternative is
Any Channel Channel is indicated, and any channel is
317-13 B Ch Selection n= 1. Forward Cyclic Choose Idle B Channel selection method.
2. Backward Cyclic
)% , n, +ROG
Select Forward Cyclic (from lowest number to highest number of
3. Forward Terminal
Select Backward Cyclic (from highest number to lowest number
4. Backward Terminal of B-channel).
Select Forward Terminal for the lowest numbered B-channel.
Select Backward Terminal for the oldest number B-channel. (The
High-High B-channel selection)
317-14 Initialize Type n= 1. User Entry Of SPID Enter the Service Profile Identifier (SPID) type of initialization.
)% , n, +ROG
2. User Entry Of SPID
3. Auto SPID
4. None (default)
317-15 Initialization Display n= Up to 4 digits Enter the text to be displayed for SPID Initialization.
)% , n, +ROG (default = User)

317-16 SPID #1 n= Up to 20 digits Enter the SPID value. These fields are required if you selected
)% , n, +ROG National ISDN in Protocol. When no data is entered, any previously
entered information is overwritten.
317-17 SPID #2 n= Up to 20 digits
)% , n, +ROG
317-18 T-Wait Timer n= 1. Enable Enable the T-Wait Timer. This field is needed if you selected National
)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable (default) ISDN in Protocol above. This timer, used along with the SPID, assigns
random initializing SPID times to prevent BRI interfaces from re-
initialize at the same time after a reset or power outage.
317-19 Voice Calls n= 1. One Select the number of simultaneous voice (speech) calls that can exist
2. Two (default) at the same time on this interface.
)% , n, +ROG
317-20 Trunk Subscriber 1 n= Up to 10 digits Enter the telephone number for subscriber 1. Telephone number
should be consistent with D channel data. If no data is entered in this
)% , n, +ROG
field any previously programmed information is lost.
317-21 Trunk Subscriber 2 n= Up to 10 digits Enter the telephone number for subscriber number 2. If no data is
entered in this field any previously programmed information is lost.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

13-64 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Telephone Button
Bearer Capability Table

Bearer Services ETSI TTC
National ISDN
Speech X X X
3.1 KHz X X X
7 KHz X X
64 Kbps X X X
Circuit Mode Rate adaptation
Unrestricted from 56 Kbps

2x64 Kbps X X

Programs 318~320
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
318 DID Intercept This command assigns the DID Routing table when DID numbers are
Assignment undefined or not received.

318-00 ILG Number n= 1~32 (CTX100) Enter ILG number.

n, +ROG 1~50 (CTX670 Basic)
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
318-01 Type n= 1. No DID Select Routing Type.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Not Determined

318-02 MOH Source n= 1. Quiet Tone Select Music On Hold

)% , n, +ROG 2. External 1 (default)
3. External 2
4. External 3
5. External 4
6. External 5
7. External 6
8. External 7
9. External 8
10. External 9
11. External 10
12. External 11
13. External 12
14. External 13
15. External 14
16. External 15
318-03 GCO Destination 0~32 (CTX100) GCO Key Group number.
0~50 (CTX670 Basic)
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)
318-04 Pooled Line Group 0~32 (CTX100) POOL Line Key Group Number.
)% , n, +ROG 0~50 (CTX670 Basic)
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 318~320 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
318- Audio Day1/Day2/ n= 1. No Data (default) Select the Audio/Speech call Day1 destination type.
05~07 Night Dst Type 2. Dialing Digits
No Data no destination will ring when the line rings into the
)% ~)%, n, 6SNU system.
4. Built-in modem
Dialing Digits assigns the line to ring the directory number or
5. Night Bell access code defined in the Destination Digits assignment
DISA assigns the line to ring in as a DISA call. DISA dial tone
will be returned to the caller.
Modem assigns the line to ring the remote maintenance modem
on the CTX processor. Used to call into the system with a CTX
WinAdmin PC and modem.
Night Bell Assigns the line to cause the night relay to pulse
Audio Day1/Day2/ n1 = Up to 32 digits Enter the Destination Directory Number. Destination DN is only
Night Dst DN required if the destination type is Dialing Digits
n1, +ROG
318- Data Day1/Day2/ n= 1. No Data (default) Select the data call Day1 destination type
08~10 Night Dst Type 2. Dialing Digits
No Data (default), Dialing Digits, DISA, Built-in Modem or Night
)% ~)%, n, 6SNU 3. DISA Bell
4. Built-in modem No Data no destination will ring when the line rings into the
5. Night Bell system.
Dialing Digits assigns the line to ring the directory number or
access code defined in the Destination Digits assignment
DISA assigns the line to ring in as a DISA call. DISA dial tone
will be returned to the caller.
Modem assigns the line to ring the remote maintenance modem
on the CTX processor. Used to call into the system with a CTX
WinAdmin PC and modem.
Night Bell Assigns the line to cause the night relay to pulse
Data Day1/Day2/ n1 = Up to 32 digits Enter the Destination Directory Number. Destination DN is only
Night Dst DN required if the destination type is Dialing Digits
n1, +ROG
318-11 VMID for DNIS No. n= Up to 10 digits Enter the VM mail box number which should answer calls for this DID/
% , n, +ROG DNIS number.
This code is only sent if using SMDI VM integration in Program 580,
01. This code will be replaced, after voice mail answers, by the DTMF
code set in Program 318, 15 DID/DNIS DTMF VMID code - if
programmed; therefore, if using Program 318, 15 code, this VMID
code is not necessary.
This mail box number will be sent to voice mail on a DID/DNIS call
that rings directly to voice mail; and, on a direct DID/DNIS call to a DN
that forwards to voice mail before it is answered by the DN.
If a DID/DNIS call is answered by a station and then transferred to a
DN that forwards to voice mail, this mail box number of the DID/DNIS
number, or the forwarding DN's mail box number will be sent to voice
mail per Program 579, 01.
If this VMID code is not set, direct DID/DNIS calls will go to the VM
general greeting and DID/DNIS calls that forward from a DN to VM
will go to the DN's VMID mail box.
This Voice Mail box number is added to SMDI packets of direct and
forwarded DID\DNIS calls to voice mail as explained above.
318-12 DNIS Name n= Up to 16 digits Enter DNIS Name. DNIS names can be assigned from the CTX
WinAdmin (not from programming phones).
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

13-66 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 318~320 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

318-15 ',''1,61R'70) n= Digits 0~9, * and #. For a Enter the VM mail box number which should answer calls for this DID/
pause enter Px, where DNIS number.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG x=0~9 (seconds), up to 10
This mail box number will be sent to voice mail on a DID/DNIS call
characters (default = no
that rings directly to voice mail; and, on a direct DID/DNIS call to a DN
that forwards to voice mail before it is answered by the DN.
If a DID/DNIS call is answered by a station and then transferred to a
DN that forwards to voice mail, the mail box number of the DID/DNIS
number or the forwarding DNs mail box number will be sent to voice
mail per Program 579, 01.
If this VMID code is not set, direct DID/DNIS calls will go to the VM
general greeting and DID/DNIS calls that forward from a DN to VM
will go to the DNs VMID mail box.
This voice mail box number is sent to the VM port, as DTMF digits,
after the VM port answers a DID/DNIS call as explained above. These
digits are sent to the VM port if the CTX is set for SMDI or DTMF
integration in Program 580, 01.
319 Intercept Treatment This command assigns Intercept positions for Strata CTX Day/Night
schedules. Intercept positions are used when the destination of a
trunk line call is not determined with DID or DIT
01 Day1 Destination n= 1. None (default) Select Destination Type for each.
02 Day2 Destination 2. Dialing Digits
3. Night Bell
03 Night Destination
n1 = Up to 32 digits Enter Destination for each.
)% ~)%, n, 6SNU,
To intercept with a DN use 0~99999
n1, +ROG, +ROG
To intercept with a Network DN use 1~32
To intercept with Dial Digits Paging 1~16
320 B Channel PRI interfaces are purchased on per interface and channel basis. The
B channel assignments allow for a flexible activation of channels to
match the subscribed services from the Public Service Telephone
Network.This command allows you to enable or disable each B
channel on selected RPTU PCBs.
320-00 RPTU Equipment No. xx = xx = cabinet 01 Enter the ISDN RPTU equipment number.
yy = yy = 03, 05, or 07
xxyyzz, +ROG Equipment numbers are required when assigning ISDN RPTU
zz = zz = Channel 01 is always
parameters in the system. It can also be used to display the
used to assign RPTU
equipment location of existing RPTU PCBs.
Example: If the RPTU is installed in cabinet shelf 5, slot 3, enter
xx = cabinet 02~10
yy = 01, 03, or 05
zz = Channel 01 is always
used to assign RPTU
320- B Channel n= 1. Enable (default) Assign each B channel as enabled or disabled for each channel on
01~23 )% ~)%, n, +ROG,
2. Disable the interface. The assignments must match exactly to the subscription
from the PSTN.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-67

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

B Channel Defaults
B Channel Position
01~15 16 17~23 24 25~31
Span Interface Speed
1.5M (T1) ON ON ON OFF (Dch Pos)
2.0M (E1) ON OFF (Dch Pos) ON ON ON

Programs 321~324
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
321 Calling Number The Calling Number ID is what is defined as the user supplied Calling
Identification Number. This number may be optionally screened by the PSTN to
ensure only calls from valid billable telephone numbers are allowed to
originate calls.
321-00 OLG Number n= 1~32 (CTX100) Enter the OLG Number.
1~50 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
321-01 Default Number n= Up to 10 digits Enter the telephone number to use by default when originating a call.
This is the number that the PSTN has registered for billing purposes.
)% , n, +ROG
321-02 Number Prefix n= Up to 10 digits Enter the prefix telephone number for which a DID number will be
appended to create a User Identified telephone number. This number
)% , n, +ROG
may or may not be a billed number, but is used for Caller ID at the
distant end and could be used for returning your call.
321-03 Number Verification n= 1. Enable Specify whether the number provided should be screened by the
2. Disable PSTN before the call is to proceed.
)% , n, +ROG
321-04 Default Number 2 n= Up to 10 digits Enter the second telephone number to use by default when
originating a call. This is the number that the PSTN has registered for
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
billing purposes. The second number is for BRI only
322 CNIS Presentation When calls are sent to the PSTN with Calling Number Identification
And Special Number Service (CNIS), the CTX can supply special CNIS information as part
Assignment of the Setup Message. This program may be used for sending a
unique number based on the source directing the call to the Strata
322-00 OLG Number n= 1~32 (CTX100) OLG Number.
1~50 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
322-01 Source Type n= 1. Primary DN (0~99999) Specify the type of circuit used for outgoing calls: 1- PDN; 2- GCO; 3-
2. Group CO (1~128) Pooled Line.
)% , n, +ROG
3. Pooled Line Group
322-02 Source Number n= Up to 5 digits Specify the number of the source type selected (PDN, GCO or Pooled
)% , n, +ROG GCO and POOL: Line).
1~32 (CTX100)
Note Entries for this field depend on the Destination Type chosen.
1~50 (CTX670 Basic) There are no default values for this field (default = no value).
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
PDN: 0~99999
GCO: 1~128
POOL: 1~128
322-03 Special Number n= Up to 7 digits Specify the number to be sent when calling out from the source (max.
Assignments seven digits). This number is appended to Program 321 FB02.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG Note Destination Type and Destination must be entered before a
DID number can be assigned.

13-68 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 321~324 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

323 CBC Service To accomplish CBC services, each facility needs to be defined, its
related Line Group assigned and minimum and maximum values for
the services provided. These service parameters may be set for three
different time zones, thus allowing fewer or more services of different
types at different times of the day.
323-00 Channel Group n= 1~32 (CTX100) Enter the Channel Group Number.
1~48 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
323-01 Index n= 0~32 (CTX100) Enter the CBC Service Index, or click one of the following buttons:
0~48 (CTX670 Basic)
)% , n, +ROG List view a summary list of programmed Trunks.
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
Create Assign a new Trunk with default settings.
323-02 Type of Service n= 1. No Data (default) Select the CBC Service Type.
)% , n, +ROG Note To delete CBC, set this field to 1: No Data.
3. FX
4. Tie line (Enbloc)
5. Tie line (Cut throuogh)
6. Intra LATA Out WATS
7. Banded Out WATS
8. Inter LATA Out WATS
323-03 Facility Code n= 00~31 Enter the supplied Facility code value from the PSTN. If no data is
entered in this field, any previously entered data is deleted.
)% , n, +ROG
323-04 Service Parameter n= Up to 5 digits Enter the Service parameters supplied from PSTN. If no data is
entered in this field, any previously entered data is deleted.
)% , n, +ROG
323-05 Network ID n= 3~4 digits Enter the Network ID code supplied from PSTN (this field is required if
you selected Inter LATA Out WATS Type of Service. If no data is
)% , n, +ROG
entered in this field, any previously entered data is deleted.
323-06 ILG n= 0~32 (CTX100) Specify the ILG for this facility.
0~50 (CTX670 Basic)
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)
323-07 OLG n= 0~32 (CTX100) Specify the OLG for this facility.
0~50 (CTX670 Basic)
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)
323-08 Min Calls Zone 1 n= 0~47 Select the minimum number of Bch in Time Zone 1.
(default = 0)
)% , n, +ROG
323-09 Max Calls Zone 1 n= 0~47 Select the maximum number of Bch in Time Zone 1.
)% , n, +ROG (default = 47)

323-10 Min Calls Zone 2 n= 0~47 Select the minimum number of Bch in Time Zone 2.
)% , n, +ROG (default = 0)

323-11 Max Calls Zone 2 n= 0~47 Select the maximum number of Bch in Time Zone 2.
)% , n, +ROG (default = 0)

323-12 Min Calls Zone 3 n= 0~47 Select the minimum number of Bch in Time Zone 3.
(default = 0)
)% , n, +ROG
323-13 Max Calls Zone 3 n= 0~47 Select the maximum number of Bch in Time Zone 3.
(default = 0)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-69

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Telephone Button Programming
300 Series Programs

Programs 321~324 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
324 CBC Time Zones This command assigns Call-by-Call Time Zone.

324-00 Channel Group n= 1~32 (CTX100) Channel Group Number

n, +ROG 1~48 (CTX670 Basic)
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
324-01 Start Zone 1 hh = hour (00~23) Enter the Time Zone Starting Time (hhmm).
)% , hhmm, +ROG mm = minute (00~59)

324-02 Start Zone 2 9999 to delete

)% , hhmm, +ROG

324-03 Start Zone 3
)% , hhmm, +ROG,

13-70 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Telephone Button Programming
400 Series Programs

400 Series Programs

Telephone Button
Programs 400~404

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
400 Emergency Call This command assigns Emergency Call destinations to Emergency
Destination Call groups. There is one group for each Day mode (Day1, Day2 and
Assignment Night).

400-01 Day/Night Mode n= 1. Day 1 This is a display only field. It is controlled by the Strata CTX system.
2. Day 2
)% , n, +ROG
3. Night
400-02 Called Number Index n= 1~4 This is a display only field. It is controlled by the Strata CTX system.
)% , n, +ROG
400-03 Emergency Call n= Up to 32 digits Enter the destination DN for the emergency call.
)% , n, +ROG
400-04 Action n= 1. Modify (default) Choose whether you are replacing an existing Emergency Number
2. Insert Index or inserting one in the list. If inserting, the new entry will
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
assume the specified index. The remaining indices will be increased
by one and the last one, 4, will be deleted.
404 Attendant Group This program establishes Attendant Groups, distribution methods and
Assignment alternate destinations.

404-00 Attendant Group n= 1 (CTX100 & CTX670 Select the Attendant Group Member Number.
Member Basic)
n, +ROG 1~8 (CTX670 Exp.)

404-01 Call Distribution n= 1. Most Idle First Select the Call Distribution Method for attendant console.
Method (default)
2. Next Available First
)% , n, +ROG
3. Broadcast
404-02 Alternate Attendant n= Up to 32 digits Enter the Alternate Attendant Destination (DN, Network DN or Group
Destination Pilot Number). If no data is entered in this field, any previous entries
)% , n, +ROG are overwritten.

404-03 Overflow Time n= 0~180 Select the Attendant Overflow Time in minutes.
(default = 30)
)% , n, +ROG
404-04 Group Overflow n= Up to 32 digits Enter the overflow destination for this attendant group. If no data is
Destination entered in this field, any previous entries are overwritten.
)% , n, +ROG
404-05 VMID Code SMDI n= Up to 10 digits Enter the Attendants Voice Mail ID code. If no data is entered in this
)% , n, +ROG field, any previous entries are overwritten.

404- ICI1~ ICI10 n= 0~32 (CTX100) For 07 ICI1~16 ICI10, select ILG Assignments for ICI
07~16 0~50 (CTX670 Basic) Groups.ILG1
)% ~)%, n, 6SNU,
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.) Assign the 1st ILG to ICI Groups 1~10.
n, 6SNU, n, 6SNU, n,
(default = 0) Assign the 2nd ILG to ICI Groups 1~10.
Assign the 3rd ILG to ICI Groups 1~10.
Assign the 4th ILG to ICI Groups 1~10.
Note Each ILG can only be assigned once in any of the ICI Groups.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-71

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
500 System Call Forward This assignment is used to configure up to 32 system call forward
Assignment patterns. Station DNs are assigned to these patterns in the station
COS assignments.
Note The Administrator programs the condition of transfer by
setting Call Type, Period and Telephone Status. Destinations
1 and 2 should be programmed after transfer conditions are
500-00 SCF Number n= 1~4 (CTX100) Select the SCF pattern number to configure.
1~10 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG
1~32 (CTX670 Exp.)
500-01 Call Type n= 1. CO Loop Ground Select the type of call that should forward in this pattern.
2. DID
)% , n, +ROG Note Each 500-01 call type must be the same telephone status.
3. Tie Also, all calls must be the same Call Forward type.
4. Ring Transfer
5. Internal
500-02 Period n= 1. Day Select the system time period in which this SCF pattern should
2. Day2 operate.
)% , n, +ROG
3. Night
500-03 Telephone Status n= 1. Busy Select the telephone DN status that should cause this SCF pattern to
2. Off No Answer operate.
)% , n, +ROG
3. Busy No Answer
Note Each 500-01 call type must be the same telephone status.
4. DND Also, all calls must be the same Call Forward type.
500-04 Destination 1 n= Up to 32 digits Select the first destination to which the call should forward.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
501 System Speed Dial System Speed Dial consists of up to 800 pre-programmed numbers
Assignment each containing up to 32 digits. If the number being entered exceeds
the 32 digits, the next speed dial location will automatically be
appended to create longer numbers. One other speed dial location
can be nested within the number for dialing a common routine with
the number (see 516 Station Speed Dial on page 5-31 for more
information about nesting).
501-00 Speed Dial Bin n= 000~799 Enter the speed dial bin location.
n, +ROG
501-01 Number n= Up to 32 digits, 0~9, *, # This is the dialable number stored in the speed dial bin.
and Pauses
)% , n, +ROG Note To enter pauses enter Px, where x equals 1~9 (seconds),
which is the length of the pause.
501-02 Name n= Up to 8 digits This is the Name that appears on Telephone LCD dial directories.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG Note This feature is available in CTX WinAdmin and Strata
DKT30xxSD only.
502 Terminal Paging Assigns Primary DNs to Paging Group(s).
Group Assignment

502-00 Primary DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter the Primary DN of the station to be assigned to Paging Groups.
n, +ROG A station may belong to more than one paging group.
Note You can have upto 72 paging groups in the Strata CTX100
and upto 120 paging groups in the Strata CTX670. Any
software release before R1.01, M19 supports only 32 paging
groups for all systems.
502- PG01~PG16 n= 1. On Activate the Paging Group(s) this station belongs too. The number of
01~16 2. Off (default) DNs that can be assigned are 1~4 (CTX100), 1~8 (CTX670 Basic),
)% ~)%, n, +ROG
1~16 (CTX670 Exp.)

13-72 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

502-17 All Page Group n= 1. On Enter this station in all Paging Groups.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Off (default)

502-18 All Emergency Page n= 1. On Enter this station in all Emergency Paging Groups.
Group 2. Off (default)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
503 Paging Devices Assigns BIOU Page Zone Relays to Page Groups.
Group Assignment

503-00 Zone Relay Number n= 1~8 Select the BIOU Page Zone relay that should be assigned to the Page
Groups below. This relay activates whenever the selected Page
n, +ROG BIOU1 = 1~4
Group is paged.
BIOU2 = 5~8
BIOU1 = Zone Relays 1~4.
BIOU2 = Zone Relays 5~8.
503- PG01~PG16 n= 1. On Turn on if the selected BIOU Page Zone Relay should activate with
01~16 2. Off (default) this Page Group.
)% ~)%, n, +ROG
503-17 All Page Group n= 1. On
2. Off (default)
)% , n, +ROG
503-18 All Emergency Page n= 1. On
Group 2. Off (default)
)% , n, +ROG
503-19 BGM Mute Relay n= 0~8 (default = 0) Assign BIOU generic relay as the BGM mute relay. This relay
activates whenever the external page is in use
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG BIOU1 = 1~4
BIOU2 = 5~8 BIOU1 = Generic Relays 1~4.
BIOU2 = Generic Relays 5~8.
Note The CTX100 ACTU built-in relay is programmed as relay 5.
For this relay operation,BIOU2 is installed, as default, in a
virtual equipment position - Cabinet 2, Slot 5, PCB code 20,
in Program 100. To install an actual BIOU2 and disable the
ACTU built-in relay, use the programming telephone to
remove the virtual BIOU2 and then install the actual BIOU2 in
Cabinet 01 Slot 01~08 in the normal manner.
504 System Call Forward This command assigns System Call Forward Type for the pattern.
Operation Status

504-00 SCF Number n= 1~4 (CTX100) Select the SCF pattern number to configure.
n, +ROG 1~10 (CTX670 Basic)
1~32 (CTX670 Exp.)
504-01 Telephone Status n= 1. No Data (default) Select the status or state in which the telephone should be for this
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 2. Busy system call forward pattern to activate.
3. No Ans
4. Busy No Ans Notes
5. DND Each 500-01 call type must be the same telephone status. Also,
all calls must be the same Call Forward type.
Telephone status must be the same as telephone status selected
in 500-03.
506 Verified Account This program adds or deletes entries in the DR Table associated with
Codes the DRL.

506-00 Account Code n= Up to 15 digits Enter a valid accounting code that the user will be expected to dial.
n, +ROG Digits 0~9 can be used.
Note The Account Code is set to the same digit length as the
Verified Digit Length in Program 570 above.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-73

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
506-01 Verified Flag n= 1. Set The Account Code Flag determines whether the number entered is to
)% , n, +ROG 2. No Set (default) be used as a verified account code or not. Some applications may
allow users to dial an accounting code which changes the restriction
level for the call allowing it to be placed.
Note To delete a Verified Account Code set this field to No Set.
506-02 DRL n= 0~16 The DRL assigned to an accounting code allows users to override
(default = 0) their stations assigned DRL enabling a call to be placed.
)% , n, +ROG
506-03 FRL n= 0~16 The FRL assigned to an accounting code enables users to override
(default = 0) the station assigned FRL.
)% , n, +ROG
506-04 Network COS n= 1~32 Assign the Network COS to be used by this accounting code.
(default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
507 Door Phone This assignment configures Door Phone Control Boxes (DDCBs) and
Assignment Door Phones (MDFBs). DDCBs can be connected to ADKU, PDKU
and/or BDKU interface PCBs. Up to three MDFBs can be connected
to one DDCB. A Door lock control relay may be assigned to the B
output of the DDCB in place of a MDFB door phone.
507-00 Door Phone Number n= 1~6 (CTX100) Enter the door phone number. Door phone numbering for both
1~9 (CTX670 Basic) CTX100 and CTX670 is as follows:
n, +ROG
1~24 (CTX670 Exp.)
DDCB 1 provides door phone numbers 1~3, 2 can be a door
phone or door lock.
DDCB 2 provides door phone numbers 4~6, 5 can be a door
phone or door lock.
Door phone numbering for CTX670 only is as follows:
DDCB 3 provides door phone numbers 7~9, 8 can be a door
phone or door lock.
DDCB 4 provides door phones 10~12, 11can be a door phone or
door lock.
DDCB 5 provides door phones 13~15, 14 can be a door phone or
door lock.
DDCB 6 provides door phones 16~18, 17 can be a door phone or
door lock.
DDCB 7 provides door phones 19~21, 20 can be a door phone or
door lock.
DDCB 8 provides door phones 22~24, 23 can be a door phone or
door lock.
DDCBs are numbered by the system automatically by DDCB
Equipment (Shelf/Slot/Circuit). DDCB1 is assigned to the lowest
DDCB Equipment and DDCB2 to the next lowest, etc.
If DDCB Circuit B is set to Door Lock, a Door Phone cannot be set.

13-74 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

507-01 DDCB Equipment No. xx = Cabinet 01 (CTX100), Enter the DDCB equipment number to which the Door phone should
)% , xxyyzz, +ROG 01~02 (CTX670 Basic), be assigned.
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.)
Example: If the DDCB interface should be connected to a PDKU or
yy = Slot 01~8 (CTX100), BDKU/BDKS in cabinet shelf 5, slot 2, circuit 3, enter 050203.
01~10 (CTX670)
zz = Circuit 01~16 Notes
This is the cabinet, slot, and circuit number of the BDKU/BDKS or
PDKU interface PCB to which the DDCB is to be connected.
If a PDN is assigned to the DDCB equipment number it must be
deleted, using Program 201, before attempting to assign the
DDCB console.
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100 Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670 Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100 Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion
CTX670 Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion
507-02 Tenant Number n= 1~2 (CTX100) Select the Tenant Number for which the door phone should ring over
1~8 (CTX670) (default = 1) external page in the system Night mode.
)% , n, +ROG
507-03 Connection Status n= 1. Enable Check the box if the door phone is physically connected to the DDCB.
2. Disable (default)
507-04 Ring Duration n= 3~30 Select the time that the door phone should ring destination devices
(default = 9) when the door phone button is pressed. The ring time can be 3 to 30
)% , n, +ROG
seconds set in 3 second intervals - each 3 second interval provides
one ring to the destination. Destination devices include selected DNs
and Page groups.
507-05 LCD Name Display n= 1~16 Enter the Door Phone name that should display on LCD telephones
)% , n, +ROG when the door phone rings the telephones; or, when the telephone
calls the door phone.
507-06 Day1 Destination n= 1. None (default) 1. Select Destination Type Select the type of destination that
2. DN should ring when the door phone button is pressed during the
)% , n, 6SNU, n1, system Day1, Day2 or Night mode.
3. Paging Group
+ROG 2. Enter the Destination Number If the ring destination type is a
1~4 (CTX100)
1~8 (CTX670 Basic) PDN or PhDN, enter the directory number. If the ring destination
1~16 (CTX670 Exp.) type is Page, enter the Page Group number.
n1 = Up to 5 digits
507-07 Day2 Destination n= 1. None (default) 1. Select Destination Type Select the type of destination that
2. DN should ring when the door phone button is pressed during the
)% , n, 6SNU, n1, system Day1, Day2 or Night mode.
3. Paging Group
1~4 (CTX100) 2. Enter the Destination Number If the ring destination type is a
1~8 (CTX670 Basic) PDN or PhDN, enter the directory number. If the ring destination
1~16 (CTX670 Exp.) type is Page, enter the Page Group number.
n1 = Up to 5 digits
507-08 Night Destination n= 1. None (default) 1. Select Destination Type Select the type of destination that
2. DN should ring when the door phone button is pressed during the
)% , n, 6SNU, n1, system Day1, Day2 or Night mode.
3. Paging Group
+ROG +ROG 2. Enter the Destination Number If the ring destination type is a
1~4 (CTX100)
1~8 (CTX670 Basic) PDN or PhDN, enter the directory number. If the ring destination
1~16 (CTX670 Exp.) type is Page, enter the Page Group number.
n1 = Up to 5 digits

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-75

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
508 Door Lock Control This assignment is used to configure up to 10 door lock control relays.
Assignment The contacts of these relays are used to control electrical door locks.
One door lock relay can be assigned to each of the eight Door Phone
Control Boxes (DDCB, Port B) and/or one to each of the two BIOU
PCBs (any one of the four control relays).
Note If a door lock is assigned to a DDCB, the second jack (Port B)
will provide the door lock relay contacts. This jack can not be
used to connect an MDFB door phone.
508-00 Door Lock Number n= 1~4 (CTX100) Enter the door lock control number to configure.
1~5 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG
1~10 (CTX670 Exp.)
508-01 Interface Type n= 1. None (default) Enter the system Page Group number that should ring for the
)% , n, +ROG 2. BIOU selected tenant when a door phone button is pressed during the
3. DDCB system Night Mode.
508-02 BIOU Relay Number n= 0~8 (default = 0) Assign BIOU control relay as a Door Lock Relay. This relay activates
)% , n, +ROG BIOU1 provides control when the Door Lock button is pressed or a Door Lock access code is
relays 1~4 dialed.
BIOU2 provides control Note The CTX100 ACTU built-in relay is programmed as relay 5.
relays 5~8. For this relay operation BIOU2 is installed as default in a
virtual equipment position Cabinet 2, Slot 5, PCB code 20, in
Program 100. To install an actual BIOU2 and disable the
ACTU built-in relay, use the programming telephone to
remove the virtual BIOU2 and then install the actual BIOU2 in
Cabinet 01/slot 01~08 in the normal manner. BIOU relay
functions are assigned in Program 515 on page 13-78. This
field is required if you selected BIOU in 01 Interface Type
508-03 DDCB Equipment No. n= Cabinet 01 (CTX100), Enter the DDCB equipment number to which the Door Lock should be
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 01~02 (CTX670 Basic), assigned. This is the cabinet, slot, and circuit number of the ADKU,
01~07 (CTX670 Exp.) BDKU/BDKS or PDKU interface PCB to which the the DDCB is to be
Slot 01~8 (CTX100), connected.
01~10 (CTX670)
Enter data as XXYYZZ:
Circuit 01~16
XX=cabinet 01~07; YY=slot 01~10; ZZ=circuit 01~16
Example: If the DDCB interface should be connected to a ADKU,
PDKU or BDKU/BDKS in cabinet shelf 5, slot 2, circuit 3, enter
Note If a PDN is assigned to the DDCB equipment number it must
be deleted, using PRG201, before attempting to assign the
DDCB console.
Cabinet numbers:
CTX100: Select 01 for Base and Expansion cabinet.
CTX670: Select 01 for Base and 02~07 respectively for each
Expansion cabinet.
Slot numbers:
CTX100: Select 01~04 for Base slots and 05~08 for Expansion
CTX670: Select 01~08 for Base slots and 01~10 for Expansion
509 DR Override by This command assigns the COS, DRL, FRL and QPL values used by
System Speed Dial DR Override by Speed Dial.

509-01 Override COS n= 1~32 Select the override COS value.

(default =1)
)% , n, +ROG
509-02 Override DRL n= 1~16 Select the override DRL value.
(default =1)
)% , n, +ROG

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

509-03 Override FRL n= 1~16 Select the override FRL value.
)% , n, +ROG (default =1)

509-04 Override QPL n= 1~16 Select the override QPL value.

)% , n, +ROG, +ROG (default =1)

510 COS Override Assigns Class of Service Overrides and their parameters (COS, FRL,
Assignment DRL, QPL).

510-00 COS Override Index n= 1~16 Select the COS Override index.
n, +ROG
510-01 COS Override Code n= Up to 8 digits Select the COS Override Code as entered by users. If no data is
entered in this field, any previously entered data is erased.
)% , n, +ROG
510-02 Set COS n= 1~32 Select COS number for this override code.
(default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG
510-03 Set DRL n= 1~16 Select DRL number for this override code.
(default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG
510-04 Set FRL n= 1~16 Select FRL number for this override code.
(default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG
510-05 Set QPL n= 1~16 Select QPL number for this override code.
(default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG
510-06 Set Network COS n= 1~32 Apply this override code to Network COS index
(default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
512 SMDR for System Assigns system-wide SMDR parameters.

512-01 Caller ID Field n= 1. Enable (default) Include Caller ID records in SMDR.

2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
512-02 B Record for n= 1. Enable Generate B Record for an abandoned call.
Abandoned Call 2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
512-03 ANI n= 1. Enable (default) Include ANI in SMDR record.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable

512-04 Authorization Code n= 1. Enable Include authorization codes in SMDR records.

)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable (default)

512-05 End-of-Record CR n= 1. Enable (default) Include a Carriage Return (CR) at the end of an SMDR record.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 2. Disable

513 SMDR for ILG This program assigns SMDR parameters for ILGs.

513-00 ILG n= 1~32 (CTX100) Specify the ILG for which to set SMDR parameters.
n, +ROG 1~50 (CTX670 Basic)
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
513-01 Generate SMDR n= 1. Enable (default) Enable to generate records for this ILG
Records 2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
513-02 DNIS Field Indication n= 1. Enable (default) Check to include DNIS information in records for this ILG.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Disable

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-77

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
513-03 B Record for Incoming n= 1. Enable Enable B Record generation for incoming calls with or without
Call 2. Disable (default) incoming SMDR being enabled.
)% , n, +ROG
513-04 Abandoned Call n= 1. Enable Enable record generation for abandoned calls. Incoming SMDR must
Record Output 2. Disable (default) be turned on. Abandoned call records will be generated whether or
not incoming SMDR has been set.
)% , n, +ROG
513-05 Display Transferred n= 1. Source (default) Select whether to charge a transferred call to the source or
Call Records 2. Destination destination party.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
514 SMDR for OLG This command assigns SMDR parameters for OLGs.

514-00 OLG n= 1~32 (CTX100) Specify the OLG for which to set SMDR parameters.
1~50 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
514-01 SMDR Record n= 1. Enable (default) Enable SMDR Record Display.
Display 2. Disable
)% , n, +ROG
514-02 Outgoing Records n= 1. Enable (default) Enable to generate records for outgoing calls. SMDR Record Display
2. Disable must be on.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
514-03 Outgoing Records n= 1. Source (default) Enable to apply the SMDR record of a transferred call to its source or
2. Destination its destination.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
515 View BIOU Control This assignment is used to view functions of the four control relays on
Relay Assignment each BIOU PCB set in Program 105 12 Night Relay and 18 Night Bell
Relay; Program 508 Door Lock Control Assignment; and Program
503 19 BGM Mute Relay. The system allows up to two BIOU PCBs to
provide a total of eight control relays. The control relays can be
configured as an external BGM mute control, Night Bell control, Night
Mode Control, and Door Lock Control.

BIOU-1 relays are identified as Control Relays 1~4.
BIOU-2 relays are identified as Control Relays 5~8.
515-00 BIOU (1 or 2) n= 1 or 2 Enter the BOIU PCB number.
n, +ROG Note BIOU 1 and BIOU 2 are assigned in Program 100 - Card
515-01 BIOU Relay 1 or 5 n= 1. Not Use (default) View the function of BIOU1, control relay 1 or BIOU2, control relay 5:
2. Ext Paging
)% , n, +ROG View the function of BIOU1, control relay 2 or BIOU2, control relay 6:
3. Night Bell
515-02 BIOU Relay 2 or 6 4. Night Relay View the function of BIOU1, control relay 3 or BIOU2, control relay 7:
)% , n, +ROG 5. Door Lock View the function of BIOU1, control relay 4 or BIOU2, control relay 8:
515-03 BIOU Relay 3 or 7 NOT USE if the relay is not used.
)% , n, +ROG PAGE MUTE External BGM mute control activates during an
external page (see Program 503 on page 13-73).
515-04 BIOU Relay 4 or 8
NIGHT BELL Night Bell control activates during the system
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG Night Mode only when incoming CO lines ring (see Program
102 on page 13-12).
NIGHT RELAY Night Mode Control activates continuously
during the system Night Mode (see Program 105 on page
DOOR LOCK Door Lock Control activates when a telephone's
Door Unlock button is pressed (see Program 508 on page

13-78 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

516 Station Speed Dial Up to 100 pre-programmed Speed Dial numbers (up to 32 digits
each) can be assigned to each station. Speed Dial numbers are
stored in Bins and each station accesses the Speed Dial numbers
by entering the Speed Dial Bin number from their respective stations.
The following advanced Speed Dialing features are available in Strata
Speed Dial Bin Linking Whenever a Speed Dial number
exceeds the 32-digit Speed Dial Bin memory limitation, the digits
exceeding the 32 digit limitation are automatically stored into the
adjacent Speed Dial Bin. The entire string is activated by using
the primary Speed Dial Bin number.
Note Bin linking is automatic. Any previously programmed data in
the adjacent Speed Dial Bin as described above is
overwritten. Furthermore, if a number exceeding the
maximum allowable dial digit length is overwritten with a new
number which complies to the 32-digit restriction, the excess
digits recorded in the next Bin (from the previous entry) is
treated as a unique Speed Dial record.
Speed Dial Number Nesting A Speed Dial number can be
nested into another Speed Dial number. For example, if an
international dialing prefix is used often, program the prefix in any
Speed Dial Bin. Then in the another Speed Dial Bin, program the
first Bin number + the number to dial. When the second Speed
Dial Bin is activated, Strata CTX first retrieves and dials the
international dialing prefix from the first Bin location, then adds
the numbers to dial.
516-00 PDN n= Up to 5 digits Select the PDN assigned the speed dial number.
n, +ROG
516-01 Speed Dial Bin n= 00~99 Enter the station speed dial bin number. A station can have up to 100
speed dial bins.
)% , n, +ROG
Note Adding bin numbers here will automatically increment the
number of speed dial bins available to the station in
increments of 10 speed dial bins. The number of speed dial
bins available to the station can also be assigned and
displayed in Program 200, 35 - Station SpDial Bins. Example:
If bin number 50 is entered here, 50 speed dial bins will
automatically be assigned to the station and will also be
displayed in Program 200, 35.
516-02 Number n= Up to 32 digits, 0~9, *, # This is the dialable number stored in the speed dial bin.
)% , n, +ROG and Pauses To enter pauses enter Px, where x equals 0~9 (seconds), which is the
length of the pause, 0=10 seconds.

If the number being entered exceeds the 32 digits, the next speed
dial location will automatically be appended to create longer
Also another speed dial bin can be nested within another bin for
dialing common numbers. If speed dial bin 100 has long distance
access digits 1010321, these digits can be nested in to other
speed dial bins by using *100 as the first digits of the other bins.
Example putting *10017145563425 into speed dial bin 150 would
cause SD150 to dial the access digits plus the number
If you are programming from the Telephone the digits * and #
have a special meaning when programming speed dial numbers.
The # digit indicates the end of entry and * is an escape
character. To dial the digits * or # as part of the number; enter **
or *#. To enter pauses enter *0~*9. The second digit represents
the number of seconds for the pause function.
516-03 Name n= Up to 8 characters Enter the LCD Name that displays on LCD dial directories.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG Note This feature is available in CTX WinAdmin and Strata
DKT30xxSD only.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-79

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
517 Multiple Calling Group This feature is available only with CTX Release 1.3 or higher software
Assignment and with CTX WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher software.

517-00 Multiple Call Group n= 1~16 (CTX100), Select a group number.

Number 1~32 (CTX670 Basic)
1~64 (CTX670 Exp.)
n, +ROG
517-01 MC Group Pilot n= 1~5 digits Enter the Pilot Directory Number that should be assigned to the
Number Multiple Call Group. This can be any number 1~5 digits that does not
)% , n, +ROG conflict with numbers in the current system Number Plan.

517-02 Ring Delay 1 Timer n= 1~180 Set the timer in seconds.

)% , n, +ROG
517-03 Ring Delay 2 Timer n= 1~180 Set the timer in seconds.
)% , n, +ROG
517-04 System Call Forward n= 0~32 Assign a System Call Forward template number to the multiple calling
)% , n, +ROG group. Enter 0 or 1~32.

517-05 Voice Mail ID n= Up to 10 digits Enter the VM call forward ID digits for the multiple calling group
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
518 Multiple Calling This feature is available only with CTX Release 1.3 or higher software
Members Assignment and with CTX WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher software.
 +ROG This program assigns members to a group.
518-01 Multiple Calling Group n= 1~16 (CTX100), 1~32 Enter a group number.
Index (CTX670 Basic) and 1~64
)% , n, +ROG (CTX670 Exp.)

518-02 Member Index n= Up to 32 digits Enter the DN of the extension you wish to add.
)% , n, +ROG
518-03 Member Type n= No Data Enter Dialing Digits to make the extension ring.
Dialing Digits
)% , n, +ROG
518-04 Member DN n= Up to 32 digits Enter the DN of the extension you wish to add.
)% , n, +ROG
518-05 Ringing Options n= Immediate Select either: Immediate, Delay 1 or Delay 2.
Delay 1
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
Delay 2
520 LCR Local Route Plan There are 64 LCR route plans. This assignment is used to select
Assignment which LCR route plan should be used to route local calls. The Local
Route Plan, which must be defined in the route definition assignment,
determines which CO line group is used for local outgoing calls.
520-01 Local Area Code n= 3 digits Enter the area code for the dialing area in which the system is
installed. This is the area code for the Central Office (CO) that
)% , n, +ROG
provides local CO lines to the system. If no data is entered in this
field, any previously programmed data is lost.
520-02 Local Route Plan n= 1~64 Enter the LCR Route Plan number that should be used to route local
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG (default = 1) calls. Local calls are made by dialing 7-digit public telephone numbers
that do not require an Area Code. There are 64 LCR Route Plans
from which to choose.

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

521 LCR Route Plan Digit This program builds the basic LCR Analysis Table.
Analysis Assignment

521-00 Analysis Digits n= Up to 11 digits Enter the external digit strings (area codes, toll prefixes, service
codes, etc.) to be assigned to a Route Plan Analysis Table.
n, +ROG Wild Card uses Q and ;
where ; = 0~9 and Q = 2~9 Strings may be up to 32 digits long. There Route Plan Analysis Table
may have 1280 members. A digit string can only be in one table at a
521-01 Route Plan Number n= 0~64 Enter the Route Plan number to which to assign the Analysis Digits.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG (default = 0) Note Entering 0 deletes the Analysis Digits from the table to which
they had been assigned.
522 LCR Exception This command assigns up to 1280 dialed external digit strings to the
Number Route Plans Route Plan Exception Analysis Table which assigns each string to 1
of 64 Route Choice Tables. The values expressed here are
exceptions to the values established in Program 521.
522-00 Exception Route Plan n= Up to 11 digits Enter the external digit strings (area codes, toll prefixes, service
Table Wild Card uses Q and ; codes, etc.) to be assigned to a Route Plan Exception Analysis Table.
n, +ROG where ; = 0~9 and Q = Strings may be up to 32 digits long. The Exception Route Plan
2~9 Analysis Table may have 1280 members. A digit string can only be in
one table at a time.
522-01 Exception Route Plan n= 1~64 Enter the Route Plan Table in which to assign the Exception Digits.
(default = 0)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG Note Entering 0 deletes the Exception Digits from the table.
523 LCR Route Plan This command assigns Route Plan Schedule Tables for LCR. Each
Schedule Assignment table is a 3-dimensional array of 144 values (3 Types of Day x 3 Times
of Day x 16 LCR Groups).

523-00 Route Plan n= 1~64 Enter the Route Plan Number to build a schedule indexed by Time of
Day, Type of Day and LCR Group.
n, +ROG
523-01 Type of Day n= 1. Weekday Select the Type of Day.
2. Weekend
)% , n, +ROG
3. Holiday
523-02 LCR Time of Day n= 1. Time Zone1 Select the Time Zone.
2. Time Zone2
)% , n, +ROG
3. Night
523-03 Station LCR Group n= 1~16 Select the Station LCR Group.
(default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG
523-04 Route Choice Table n= 1~128 Enter the Route Choice Table Number to be used with this
(default = 1) combination of time, type and LCR group.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-81

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
524 Route Table to Route This command defines up to six possible Route Definitions for a given
Definition Assignment Route Table.

524-00 Route Choice Table n= 1~128 Enter the Route Choice Table to be defined.
0 = Delete
n, +ROG
524-01 Route Definition 1 n= 1~128 Enter Route Definitions to be assigned to this Route Table.
0 = Delete (default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG
524-02 Route Definition 2 n= 1~128 Enter Route Definitions to be assigned to this Route Table.
0 = Delete (default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG
524-03 Route Definition 3 n= 1~128 Enter Route Definitions to be assigned to this Route Table.
0 = Delete (default = 1)
)% , n, +ROG
524-04 Route Definition 4 n= 1~128 Enter Route Definitions to be assigned to this Route Table.
)% , n, +ROG
524-05 Route Definition 5 n= 1~128 Enter Route Definitions to be assigned to this Route Table.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
525 LCR Route Definition This command assigns Route Definitions for LCR. A Route Definition
Assignment consists of an OLG and a Digit Modification index.

525-00 Route Definition n= 1~128 Select the Route Definition number.

n, +ROG
525-01 OLG Number n= 0~32 (CTX100) Select the OLG Number associated with this Route Definition.
0~50 (CTX670 Basic)
)% , n, +ROG
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 1)
525-02 Digit Mod Index n= 1~128 Select the Digit Modification number associated with this Route
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG (default = 1) Definition.

526 Modified Digits Table This command modifies LCR dialed numbers by deleting digits from
Assignment and adding digits to the dialed numbers.

526-00 Digit Modification n= 1~128 Select the Digit Modification Index used by the LCR Route Choice
Index table to determine the digit modification treatment to be applied.
Leading digits of a dialed number may be deleted; leading and trailing
n, +ROG
digits may be added to the dialed number.
526-01 Delete Digits n= 0~10 Select the quantity of digits to be deleted from the beginning of dialed
(default = 0) number.
)% , n, +ROG
526-02 Add Leading Digits n= Up to 23 digits Enter the digit string to be inserted at the beginning of the number.
)% , n, +ROG
526-03 Add Trailing n= Up to 23 digits Enter the digit string to be inserted at the end of the number.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
527 LCR Holiday Table This command assigns up to 128 holidays for LCR processing. These
Assignment assignments are related to the Day assignments established in
Program 523.

527-00 Holiday YYY Year Enter Date (YYYYMMDD). A maximum of 128 dates is allowed.
Y= Month
MM = Day
DD =
527-01 Add/Delete n= 1. Add Choose to add or delete this date from the holiday table. Expired
2. Delete (default) dates remain in the table unless deleted.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

528 LCR Public Day of This command defines the days of the week as weekdays, weekend
Week Mapping Table days or holidays for LCR.

528-01 Monday n= 1. Weekday (default) Select the Day Type to assign to this day.
2. Weekend
)% , n, +ROG
3. Holiday
528-02 Tuesday n= 1. Weekday (default)
2. Weekend
)% , n, +ROG
3. Holiday
528-03 Wednesday n= 1. Weekday (default)
2. Weekend
)% , n, +ROG
3. Holiday
528-04 Thursday n= 1. Weekday (default)
2. Weekend
)% , n, +ROG
3. Holiday
528-05 Friday n= 1. Weekday (default)
2. Weekend
)% , n, +ROG
3. Holiday
528-06 Saturday n= 1. Weekday (default) Select the Day Type to assign to this day.
2. Weekend
)% , n, +ROG
3. Holiday
528-07 )% , n, +ROG, +ROG n= 1. Weekday (default) Select the Day Type to assign to this day.
2. Weekend
3. Holiday
529 LCR Route Plan Time This command creates a three-dimensional array (Day, Time & LCR
Zone Assignment Group) for each Route Plan.

529-00 Route Plan Time n= 1~64 Select the LCR Route Plan Number to assign to this time zone.
n, +ROG
529-01 Day Type for Time n= 1. Weekday Select a Day Type for which to define a time zone.
Zone 2. Weekend
3. Holiday
)% , n, +ROG
529-02 Time Zone n= 1. Zone1 Select a Time Zone.
2. Zone2
)% , n, +ROG
3. Zone3
529-03 Time Zone Start Time hh = hour (00~23) Enter the start time for the selected Time Zone (hhmm).
mm = minute (00~59)
)% , hhmm, +ROG, Note Enter your Day Type and Time Zone selections before
(default = 0000) entering data in to this field.
530 DR LCR Screening This command screens dialed digits for access codes such as Carrier
Table Assignment Identification Codes or Behind Centrex/PBX access codes. Used only
in LCR calls.

530-00 Screening Dial String n= Up to 7 digits Enter the string of external digits to be screened.
n, +ROG
530-01 Add String to Table n= 1. Add Add the Screening Dial String to the DR LCR Screening Table.
2. Delete (default)
)% , n, +ROG
530-02 DR Action n= 1. Bypass (default) Select DR Action.
2. Skip and Apply
)% , n, +ROG Bypass Do not apply DR.
Skip and Apply Apply DR to the dialed digits excluding the
number of digits specified in Skip Length.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-83

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
530-03 LCR Action n= 1. Apply (default) Select LCR Action.
)% , n, +ROG 2. Skip and Apply Apply (default) Apply LCR to all of the external dialed digits.
Skip and Apply Apply LCR to the dialed digits excluding the
number of digits specified in Skip Length.
530-04 Digit Modification n= 1. Apply (default) Select Digit Modification application.
Action 2. Retain
Apply (default) Apply Digit Modification from the first digit.
3. Discard
)% , n, +ROG Retain Retain the skipped digits and apply Digit Modification
starting from the next digit specified by Skip Length.
Discard Discard the skipped digits and apply Digit Modification
starting from the next digit specified by Skip Length.
530-05 Skip Length n= 0~5 Specify the number of digits at the beginning of the dial string
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG 0 = delete (default = 0) to be ignored before DR, Digit Modification, or LCR is applied.
531 DR Screening Table Assigns DR Screening Table for an OLG. Up to four codes may be
for OLG assigned per line group. Used for outgoing calls other than LCR.

531-00 OLG n= 1~32 (CTX100) Enter the OLG Number.

1~50 (CTX670 Basic)
n, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
531-01 Behind Centrex n= Up to 8 digits Enter the access code expected by an attached Centrex PBX.
Access Code
)% , n, +ROG
531-02 Add or Delete Code n= 1. Add Add or Delete the Code entered above. Leaving the field empty
2. Delete (default) removes an existing code. Activation requires entries in OLG Group
)% , n, +ROG
number and 01 Behind Centrex Access Code above.
531-03 DR Action for Centrex n= 1. Bypass (default) Apply DR to the dialed digits.
2. Skip and Apply
)% , n, +ROG Bypass (default) does not apply DR.
Skip and Apply applies DR to the dialed digits excluding the
number of digits specified in Skip Length.
531-04 Skip Length n= 0~8 Enter the number of leading digits to be ignored by DR.
)% , n, +ROG (default = 0)

531-05 Pause Insertion n= 0~10 Enter the length of the pause to be inserted between dialing digits.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG (default = 0)

532 DR Table Allow/Deny Specify the DR Table Type using this command.

532-00 DRL Number n= Up to 8 digits Select the DRL Number.

n, +ROG
532-01 Table Type n1 = 1. Allow Specify whether this DR Table is an Allow Table or Deny Table.
)% , n1, +ROG, +ROG 2. Deny (default)

533 DR Level Table This program adds or deletes entries in the DR Table associated with
Assignment the DRL entered in above.

533-00 DRL Number n= Up to 16 digits Enter the DRL for which you want to populate an Exception Table.
n, +ROG
533-01 Dial String n1 = 1~ 7 digits may include Add the dial string you wish to be treated as an exception.
)% , n1, +ROG wild cards X and N
where X = 0~9 and N =
533-02 Add or Delete n2 = 1. Add Add or delete the string entered in 01 DR Exception Table above to
)% , n2, +ROG, +ROG 2. Delete (default) the DR Exception Table.

13-84 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

534 DRL Exception Table This program assigns a DRL Exception Table to an existing DRL
Assignment table. If the DRL Table is an allow table, its Exception Table must be a
deny table and vice versa.

534-00 DRL Number n= Up to 8 digits Enter the DRL for which you want to populate an Exception Table.
n, +ROG
534-01 Dial String n1 = 1~ 7 digits may include Add the dial string you wish to be treated as an exception.
)% , n1, +ROG wild cards X and N
where X = 0~9 and N =
534-02 Add/Delete n2 = 1. Add Add or delete the string entered in 01 DR Exception Table above to
2. Delete (default) the DR Exception Table.
)% , n2, +ROG, +ROG
540 Pilot DN Assignment Pilot DNs are directory numbers that have no physical appearance,
they are true virtual numbers. They can be used in CTI and Voice Mail
applications. In ACD Pilot Numbers are used as ACD group numbers.
In Voice Mail applications Pilot DNs are used to call directly to, or
transfer calls directly to specific voice mail boxes this is done by
setting VM as the alternate destination and using the VMID to send
the call to a specific VM box.
540-00 Pilot DN n= Up to 8 digits Pilot DNs are directory numbers that have no physical appearance.
They are true virtual numbers. They can be used in CTI and Voice
n, +ROG
Mail applications. In ACD, Pilot Numbers are used as ACD group
numbers. In Voice Mail applications they are used to call directly to or
transfer calls directly to specific voice mail boxes - this is done by
setting VM as the alternate destination and using the VMID to send
the call to a specific VM box.
Maximum characters for Pilot DNs:
CTX100: R1.00 & R1.01=5 max./R1.02=100 Max
CTX670 Basic: R1.00 & R1.01=10max./R1.02=200max
CTX670 with BBMS/BEXS: R1.00 & R1.01=32max./
540-01 After Shift Type n= 1. No Data (default) Calls to the Pilot DN will be routed to the Alternate Destination if the
2. Dialing Digits Pilot DN is not available (example: ACD After Shift). If Dialing Digits is
)% , n, +ROG
3. Night Bell selected, enter the appropriate DN in the Alternate DN assignment.
540-02 After Shift Destination n= Up to 32 digits If Dialing digits is selected as the Alternate Destination, enter the
PDN, PhDN or Hunt Group pilot number to which the call should be
)% , n, +ROG
540-03 Voice Mail ID n= Up to 16 digits If the Alternate Destination is Voice Mail, enter the Voice Mail ID that
should be sent.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
541 Pilot DN Delete This command enables you to delete Pilot DNs.

541-01 Delete Pilot DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter the Pilot DN Number that you wish to delete.
n, +ROG, +ROG
550 Enhanced 911 This command assigns OLGs to the Enhanced 911 Emergency Call
Emergency Call Group.

550-00 Emergency Call n= 1~8 Specify the Emergency Call Group.

Group Number
n, +ROG
550- OLG1~OLG8 n= 0~32 (CTX100) Specify the first through eighth OLG to be chosen for an E911 call.
01~08 0~50 (CTX670 Basic)
)% ~)%, n, +ROG,
0~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
(default = 0)

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 500~577 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
570 Account Code Digit Accounting Codes need to be specified for the number of digits that
Length are expected to be used for registering a number. This allows dialing
within Strata CTX to proceed automatically once the correct account
code is dialed. The following numbers are then dialed digits used for
making the phone call.
A second length is provided to allow the number of digits to be used
for verification of the code to be less than the total code entered; thus,
the code may contain two parts, one required and one part optional to
the user..
570-01 Verified Digit Length n= 4~15 The Verified Digit Length sets a number of digits to verify with a pre-
(default = 4) set list. This number may be the same or smaller than the account
)% , n, +ROG
code digits set to be entered for creating a complete accounting code.
Note This field is not changed, when Program 506 on page
13-73 are registered.
570-02 Registered Digit n= 4~15 The Registered Digit Length sets a number for the digits to be entered
Length (default = 6) to make a complete accounting code entry.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG Note The Registered Digit Length ()%) must be greater than or
equal to the Verified Digit Length ()%).
571 Exception Numbers Up to four telephone numbers can be programmed as exceptions to
for Forced Account the forced and /or verified account code entries (including 911).
Codes These special codes enable numbers to bypass the verification
process and proceed unhindered.

571-01 Exception Number 1 n= Up to 4 digits Enter a Forced Account Code Exception.

)% , n, +ROG Exception 1 default = 911 Note One of the assigned exception numbers should be 911.
Exception Numbers for Forced Account Code fields cannot
571-02 Exception Number 2 Exception 2~4 default = no be duplicated.
)% , n, +ROG value

571-03 Exception Number 3

)% , n, +ROG
571-04 Exception Number 4
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
573 Delete Door Phone This command deletes door phone.

573-00 Door Phone n= 1~6 (CTX100) Enter the number of the door phone that is to deleted.
n, +ROG, +ROG 1~9 (CTX670 Basic)
1~24 (CTX670 Exp.)
576 Door Phone Night This command assigns a Page Group to ring during system Night
Ring Over External Mode when a door phone button is pressed. The assignment can be
Page made independently for each Tenant.

576-00 Tenant Number n= 1~2 (CTX100) Select the system Tenant number to be assigned Door Phone to Page
1~8 (CTX670) Group/Night Ringing.
n, +ROG
576-01 Page Group Number n= 0~4 (CTX100) Select the system Page Group number that should ring for the
0~8 (CTX670 Basic) selected Tenant when a door phone button is pressed during the
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
0~16 (CTX670 Exp.) system Night Mode.
(default = 0)
577 Caller History This command assigns which station stores Caller ID information for
PDN,CO,GCO and POOL line buttons

577-00 Circuit Type/Number n= Up to 6 digits Enter the Circuit Type and number. See the Table on page 13-87
n, +ROG
577-01 Primary DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter Station DN to store call history data.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Circuit Type Code Definitions

Telephone Button
Circuit Name Circuit Type Circuit Number Example
DN 1 0~99999 (DN) if DN is 200, value is 1200
CO 2 1~264 (Trunk Number) if CO is 30, value is 230
GCO 3 1~128 (GCO Key Group Number) if GCO is 50, value is 350
POOL 4 1~128 (POOL Key Group Number) if POOL is 80, value data is 480

Programs 579~580
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
579 System Voice Mail This command assigns DTMF/SMDI Voice Mail interface parameters
Data for the system.

579-01 VM ID to DID/DNIS n= 1. DN VMID (default) Select DN VMID to send the DNs VMID to voice mail on DID/DNIS
Association 2. DID/DNIS VMID calls that are answered and then transferred to a DN which then
)% , n, +ROG forwards to voice mail.
Select DID/DNIS VMID to send the DID/DNIS numbers VMID to
voice mail on DID/DNIS calls that are answered and then transferred
to a DN which then forwards to voice mail.
If a DID/DNIS call is answered by a station and then transferred to a
DN which then forwards to voice mail, the VMID of the DID/DNIS
number (Program 309, )% or )%) or the VMID of the forwarding
DN (Program 200, )% or 206, )%) will be sent to voice mail per
this option.
Note The DID/DNIS numbers VMID (Program. 309, )% or
)%) is always sent to voice mail on DID/DNIS calls that
ring directly to voice mail or ring a DN which then forwards to
voice mail before it is ever answered.
579-02 Cancellation Method n= 1. Auto and Access Code Select the method used to cancel Voice Mail message waiting
for VM MW Cancel indication.
2. Access Code Cancel
)% , n, +ROG (default)
579-03 Message Desk n= 1. Enable Enable to send the SMDI Message Desk Number (001) in the SMDI
Number 2. Disable (default) packet; otherwise, 000 for a station call or the 3-digit CO line number
)% , n, +ROG is sent.

579-04 Output of CLASS, ANI n= 1. Enable Enable to include Caller ID/ANI numbers in SMDR records.
and DNIS 2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
579-05 Calling Number Digits n= 2~10 Select how many calling number digits to send to the VM unit.
Sent to VM (default = 10)
Note If 04 Output of CLASS / ANI and DNIS is enabled, this value
)% , n, +ROG must be 10.
579-06 Blank Digits Sent to n= 1. 1985 Send SMDI-Bellcore Standard VM Interface.
VM 2. 1991 (default)
1 = 1985 (single space)
)% , n, +ROG 2 = 1991 (two spaces).
579-07 Auto Cancel of VM n= 1. Enable Setting of auto cancel of VM and MW.
and MW 2. Disable (default)
)% , n, +ROG
579-08 DTMF Duration n= 1. 80 ms (default) Select VM ID Code and System DTMF Signal Time.
)% , n, +ROG 2. 160 ms

579-09 LCD Control of Voice n= 1. Enable (default) Enables Toshiba SMDI+ and integration for LCD control of VM. To
Mail 2. Disable enable this feature you must have Stratagy Enterprise Server
Release 3.x or higher.
)% , n, +ROG

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Telephone Button Programming
500 Series Programs

Programs 579~580 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
579-10 Central VM Callback n= Up to 7 digits Enter the pilot DN for the centralized voice mail system. If this field is
)% , n, +ROG left blank, the previously stored number will be deleted.

579-11 CFWD All Call Record n = Up to 4 digits Enter DTMF VM-ID prefix string for calls arriving to voice mail via
)% , n, +ROG (default = 91) Call Fwd All Calls.

579-12 CFWD Busy Record n= Up to 4 digits Enter DTMF VM-ID prefix string for calls arriving to voice mail via
)% , n, +ROG (default = 91) Call Fwd Busy.

579-13 CFWD No Answer n= Up to 4 digits Enter DTMF VM-ID prefix string for calls arriving at the voice mail via
Record Call Fwd No Answer.
(default = 91)
)% , n, +ROG
579-14 Direct Call n= Up to 4 digits Enter DTMF VM-ID string for a call arriving at the voice mail as a
Direct Call.
)% , n, +ROG (default = 91)
579-15 Retrieve Messages n= Up to 4 digits Enter DTMF VM-ID string for calls arriving at the voice mail to retrieve
)% , n, +ROG (default = 91)
579-16 Voice Main DN n= Up to 7 digits Use a VM Pilot DN as a transfer destination.
)% , n, +ROG (default = 91)
579-17 Length of VM ID n= 1~10 Select the number of characters in VM-ID string.
(default = 91)
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
580 Voice Mail Port Data Assign characteristics of individual voice mail ports.

580-00 VM Port DN n= Up to 5 digits Enter the DN of an individual VM port. For direct transfer to voice
mail, enter the remote Node ID and Pilot DN.
n, +ROG
Note Do not enter a Pilot DN. This feature is available only with
CTX Release 1.3 or higher software and with CTX WinAdmin
Release 1.3 or higher software.
580-01 Control Method n= 1. Inband/DTMF Specify In-band or SMDI integration. Select SMDI for Remote voice
2. SMDI mail.
)% , n, +ROG
(default = no value)
580-02 Send A/D Tone n= 1. Enable (default) Select whether Strata CTX sends A or D tone when a station
2. Disable connecting to voice mail answers or disconnects.
)% , n, +ROG
580-03 Send B Tone n= 1. B Tone Enable Strata CTX to send B tones in the event of a Blind Transfer
2. No Tone (default) Recall.
)% , n, +ROG
3. B Tone and Extension
580-04 End-to-end n= 1. Enable (default) Enable Strata CTX to send DTMF tones to voice mail in response to
2. Disable key presses from a digital telephone.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

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Telephone Button Programming
600 Series Programs

600 Series Programs

Telephone Button
Programs 650~660

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
650 Behind Centrex Assigns parameters for operation behind Centrex or another PBX

650-00 OLG Number n= 1~32 (CTX100) Specify OLG Number that is attached to a Centrex or another PBX.
n, +ROG 1~50 (CTX670 Basic) (1~128 Expanded; 1~47 Basic)
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
650-01 Behind Centrex n= 1:Enable Enable or disable Behind Centrex operation for this OLG.
)%, n, +ROG 2:Disable (default)
650-02 Assume 9 n= 1:Enable Check to turn on the Assume 9 feature.
)%, n, +ROG 2:Disable (default)
650-03 Pause Timer n= 0~5 Enter the number of seconds (0~5) the CTX will wait for second dial
(Seconds) tone from Centrex/PBX.
(default = 0)
)%, n, +ROG
651 Private Routing Plan Assigns Node IDs to Route Choice Tables for Private Networking
Analysis Table

651-00 Node ID n= Up to 6-digits. Enter the Node ID to be associated with a Private Route Choice Table
n, +ROG.
651-01 Private Network n= 0~64, 0 = Delete Note Enter the Private Route Choice Table Number to be
Route Choice Table associated with this Node ID. Entering 0 deletes the Node
Number ID.

)% , n, +ROG, +ROG

653 Private Route Choice Use this command to define a Private Network Route Choice Table. A
Table Assignment Private Network Route Choice Table contains up to six Route
Definitions. The system will step through these Route Definitions in
terminating hunt fashion to find a route to the desired Private Network
networking node. There may be up to 64 Route Choice Tables.
653-00 Private Network n= 1~64, 0 = delete Enter the Private Network Route Choice Table Number (1~64).
Route Choice Table
n, +ROG,
653- 5RXWH'HILQLWLRQ n= 0~64, 0 = delete Enter the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, last Route Definition Table to
01~06 be used for for this Private Network Route Choice. Entering 0 will
delete an existing entry.
)% ~)%, n, +ROG,

654 Private Route Use this command to define a Private Network Route Definition. A
Definition Table Private Network Route Definition consists of an Outgoing Line Group
Assignment (OLG) and a pointer into the Private Network Digit Modification Table
that contains the dialed digits to be deleted and/or inserted before
being communicated to the distant node.
654-00 Private Network n= 1~64 Enter the number of the Private Network Route Definition (1~64) to be
Route Definition defined or deleted.
n, +ROG
654-01 OLG n= 1~32 (CTX100) Enter the OLG to be used by this route definition.(1~128 Expanded;
1~50 (CTX670 Basic) 1~47 Basic)
)% , n, +ROG
1~128 (CTX670 Exp.)
0 = delete

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Telephone Button Programming
600 Series Programs

Programs 650~660 (continued)

Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
654-02 Digit Modification n= 0~64, 0 = delete Enter the Digit Modification Table Number (1~64) to be used by this
Table route definition.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
655 Private Digit The Private Network Digit Modification table may contain up to 64
Modification Table entries. Each entry specifies the number of leading digits to be
Assignment deleted from the dialed number and the dial string to be inserted as
leading digits. The inserted dial string may have up to 23 digits.

655-00 Private Digit n= 1~64 Enter the Private Network Digit Modification Table (1~64) to be
Modification Table defined.
n, +ROG
655-01 Private Digit n= 1~10, 0 = delete Enter the number of leading digits to be deleted (1~10).
Modification Digit To
Be Deleted
)% , n, +ROG
655-02 Insert Leading Digits n= Up to 23 digits Enter the leading digits to be inserted. A numerical string up to 23
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG digits.

656 Node ID Assignment Assigns up to 4 Network Node IDs to this node for processing
incoming network calls. Each Node ID has an overlap code. The CTX
will substitute the Overlap Code for the Node ID before processing the
call further. A Network Directory Number consists of a Node ID and
the desired extension in that node. Node ID must first be established
in CMD102.
656-01 Primary Node ID n= Up to 6 digits Enter the Primary Node ID for this node. This Node ID identifies the
Primary Overlap node for administration. Node ID must first be established in Program
Code 102.
n= Up to 4 digits Enter the Overlap Code associated with the Primary Node ID. An
)% , n, +ROG
Overlap Code is the string of digits that will replace the Node ID for
further call processing.
656-02 Node ID 2 n= Up to 6 digits Enter Node ID 2 for this node. Node ID must first be established in
Overlap Code 2 CMD102.
n1 = Up to 4 digits Enter the Overlap Code associated with Node ID 2. An Overlap Code
)% , n, 6SNU, n1,
is the string of digits that will replace the Node ID for further call
656-04 Node ID 3 n= Up to 6 digits Enter the Overlap Code associated with Node ID 3. An Overlap Code
is the string of digits that will replace the Node ID for further call
Overlap Code 3
)% , n, 6SNU, n1,
n1 = Up to 4 digits Enter Node ID 4 for this node. Node ID must first be established in
656-05 Node ID 4 n= Up to 6 digits Enter the Overlap Code associated with Node ID 4. An Overlap Code
is the string of digits that will replace the Node ID for further call
Overlap Code 4
)% , n, 6SNU, n1,
n1 = Up to 4 digits The privilege to pick a specified DN.

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Telephone Button Programming
600 Series Programs

Programs 650~660 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

657 Network COS This table translates a Network COS received as part of a Traveling
Mapping Table Class Mark to a local Class of Service for access to local services.
Assignment There is no translation of Outgoing Network COS.

Network COS n= 1~32 Enter the Network COS to be translated (1~32).

n, +ROG
657-01 Local COS n= 1~32 Enter the Local COS to be used in place of the received Network
COS (1~32).
)% , n, +ROG
657-02 Off-hook Call n= 1. Enable Choose whether an incoming call with this Network COS can activate
Announce 2. Disable (default) Off-Hook Call Announce.
)% , n, +ROG
657-03 System Speed Dial Choose whether an incoming call with this Network COS can use a
)% , n, +ROG System Speed Dial number to make an otherwise restricted outgoing
657-04 COS Override Choose whether an incoming call with this Network COS can use
Class of Service Override.
)% , n, +ROG
657-05 TGAC Override Choose whether an incoming call with this Network COS can override
local Trunk Group Access Control. Typically an attendant function.
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
658/ Network DRL This command is used to establish two mapping tables to equate
659/ Mapping Tables local DRLs with network DRLs for both outbound and inbound
660 network calls.

Type n= 1. Outbound Choose Outbound to equate the DRL of the local originator to a
2. Inbound Network DRL. Choose Inbound to equate a received Network DRL
n, +ROG
with a local DRL for local termination.
Network DRL/FRL/ n= 1~16 Enter the local DRL/FRL/QPL you want to map to Network DRL/FRL/
QPL QPL 1~DRL/FRL/QPL 16. This value can be different depending on
)% , n, +ROG the type of table chosen above.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-91

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Telephone Button Programming
800 Series Programs

800 Series Programs

Programs 801~803
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
801 Network Jack LAN This screen assigns the LAN parameters for the PC applications
Device Assignments connected to the BECU Network Jack through a LAN or Hub.

801-00 LAN Port Number n= 1~12 (default = no value) Enter the port number of the LAN device to be assigned. Refer to
n, +ROG Program 803 SMDR SMDI CTI Port Assignments.

Program the local port number for LCD Control of Voice Mail
Use the same Device Port No. (11) for Network BLF.
Use 10 for Network TPI
Use 12 for Network DSS
Network BLF and DSS are available only with CTX Release 1.3 or
higher software and with CTX WinAdmin Release 1.3 or higher
801-01 Protocol n= 1. TCP (default) Select communication Protocol.
2. UDP
)% , n, +ROG Note Select UDP for Network DSS.
801-02 PC Operation Type n= 1. Server (default) Enter the application PC type: Server or Client.
2. Client
)% , n, +ROG
801-03 Data Flow n= 1. Synchronization Enter the data flow protocol that should take place between the CTX
2. Asynchronization and PC. If the PC is a CTX, CTI application assign Asynchronization
)% , n, +ROG
(default) to data flow.
801-04 Server Port Number n= 0~65535 (default = 0) Enter the Server Port Number and proceed to 07 Read Retry
Number. This field is required if Server was selected in 02 PC
)% , n, +ROG
Operation Type above. If not, leave this field blank and proceed to 05
Client IP Address.
Note Use 6000 for Network BLF, 3000 for Network DSS, and 5000
for Network TPI.
801-05 Client IP Address n= 0~255 (default = 0) Enter the Client LAN IP Address. This field is required if Client was
801-06 selected in 02 PC Operation Type above.

801-07 RU)% , n, +ROG 0~255 for each octet (default = 0)

801-08 Enter IP address of Stratagy iES32 or SES.
801-09 Write Retry Number n= 0~65535 (default = 0) Enter the Client Port number. This field is required if Client was
selected in 02 PC Operation Type above.
)% , n, +ROG
801-10 Write Retry Number n= 0~10 (default = 1) Set the Read Retry counter to (1~10).
)% , n, +ROG
801-11 Write Retry Number n= 0~10 (default = 1) Set the Write Retry counter to (1~10).
)% , n, +ROG, +ROG
803 IO Logical Device This screen is used to assign:
Assignment 1. SMDR and SMDI to logical device and BSIS, RS-232 port
 +ROG numbers.
2. CTX WinAdmin, ACD sever, and Attendant Console to BECU,
Network Jack logical device and LAN port numbers.
803-00 Logical Device n= 100 = SMDR Enter the 3-digit logical device number for SMDR, SMDI, and LAN
Number 300 or 301 = SMDI device or PC application. See Device Table on page 13-93
n, +ROG 200~208 = CTI LAN
SMDR: 100
Devices of PCs (default =
no value) SMDI: 300 or 301
400 = BLF CTI LAN devices or PCs can be assigned to any of the 9 LAN devices
500 = DSS numbers available: 200~208.

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Telephone Button Programming
800 Series Programs

Programs 801~803 (continued)

Telephone Button
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary

803-01 Device Connection n= 1. None (default) 1. Enter RS-232 for SMDR or SMDI devices or PCs. These devices
)% , n, +ROG 2. LAN are connected to BSIS, RS-232 ports.
3. RS-232
2. Enter LAN for CTX WinAdmin, ACD Server, and Attendant Console
PC. These devices are connected to the BECU Network Jack directly
or via a HUB or LAN.
803-02 Device Port Number n= 1~4 (for RS-232) 1. SMDR and SMDI devices can be assigned to any BSIS, RS-232
)% , n, +ROG 1~9 (for LAN) Port: 1~4 (one port per device)..
11 (for BLF Networking)
2. LAN devices and PCs can be assigned to LAN logical Port (1~9)
(default = 1) according to their logical device number assignments as shown:
LAN Port1=device200
LAN Port2=device201
LAN Port3=device202
LAN Port4=device203
LAN Port5=device204
LAN Port6=device205
LAN Port7=device206
LAN Port8=device207

Device Table
Physical Device Define I/O
Logical Logical Device Logical
Device Serial Number Smart Device
Media Number
SMDR 0 - - OK - 100
0 OK - - - 200
1 OK - - - 201
2 OK - - - 202
3 OK - - - 203
CTI 4 OK - - - 204
5 OK - - - 205
6 OK - - - 206
7 OK - - - 207
8 OK - - - 208
0 OK - OK - 300
1 OK - OK - 301

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-93

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

Program 804
Button Sequence Value(s) Summary
804 RS232C Data Use this screen to setup the RS-232 serial Ports on the BSIS
Assignment interface PCB.
, +ROG
804-00 BSIS Port n= 1~4 (default = no value) Enter the BSIS PCB port number.
n, +ROG
804-01 Port Speed n= 1. 300 This is the data speed of BSIS port in bits per second (bps).
2. 1200
)%, n, +ROG Note The total combined maximum speed of BSIS ports cannot
3. 2400 exceed 57,600 bps.
4. 4800
5. 9600 (default)
6. 19200
7. 38400
8. 57600
804-02 Port Parity n= 1. None This is the parity error checking methods used by the BSIS port.
)%, n, +ROG 2. Even
3. Odd (default)
804-03 Data Bits n= 1. 7 Bits (default) This is the number of data bits used for each data block.
2. 8 Bits
)%, n, +ROG
804-04 Flow Control n= 1. None (default) This is the type of flow control used between the BSIS port and the
2. Flow SMDI or SMDR device. Must be set to FLOW in order for the CTX to
)%, n, +ROG
buffer call records.
804-05 Wait Timer n= 0~255 Maximum time to wait for connection.
)%, n, +ROG, +ROG (default = 30 seconds) 1. 0 means wait permanently
2. Timer value can be 1-255 seconds.

900 Series Programs

These programs are organized based on functions versus program numbers.

System Initialize
This program enables you to reset hardware and initializes, or restores programmed data.
Program Number(s): 900
Prerequisite Program: None
Reference: None
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

Initialize Level 01 Press  or  to select the initialize level. 1. Initialize Level 1 1:Restart with
2. Initialize Level 2 Clear Data
Level 1 Erases programmed data and
enters default data or backed up data if a 2:Restart
SmartMedia Card is installed (see Note).
Level 2 Simulates System Power Off/Power
On operation to reset hardware.

13-94 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

To access programming parameters

1. Press )% to choose Initialize Level 1 or 2.

Telephone Button
2. Press +ROG twice to initialize.

Important! Choosing Initialize Level 1 without installing a SmartMedia Card deletes all programmed
data and returns your Strata CTX to factory default settings. All previously programmed
data is lost.

Restoring Data from SmartMedia

When initializing with Level 1 you can restore custom data that was previously programmed and stored on
a SmartMedia card. To do so, follow the steps below.
1. Install a SmartMedia card that contains the Prgdata directory with the default.dat file. The default.dat
file contains your custom settings and can be created by running Data Backup. See Data Backup on
page 13-103.
2. After installing the SmartMedia card, run System Initialization using Initialize Level 1.
Restoring data from the SmartMedia card may take an hour or more. To verify completion of the restore
process access, the Programming Mode from a telephone and enter your password. If the system enables
you to continue, the data restore process is complete.
Note During the restore process, the telephone LCD may display date and time data. This does not
necessarily indicate completion of the restore process.

Display Version
This program enables you to view current software versions for the Strata CTX system and installed
Active As the name implies, this is the current active software operating the Strata CTX system.
Standby This is a software version released prior to the active version. It acts as a backup in the event
problems are experienced by the Active version.
Program Number(s): 901
Prerequisite Program: None
Reference: None
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

Version 01 Display Active side software version and 6~31 digits Installed Version
Number installed options.
Active As the name implies, this is the current active
software operating the CTX system.
Version 02 Display Standby side software version and Installed Version
Number installed options.
Standby This is a software version released prior to
(CTX670 only). the active version. It acts as a backup in the
event problems are experienced by the
Active version.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-95

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

1. Press )% to view current Strata CTX software version. Press the 6FUROO or 3DJH key to move the
display left or right.
2. Press )% to view backup Strata CTX software version.
3. Press +ROG, then +ROG to return to the PROG=prompt.
4. Enter another program number to continue programming or press +ROG again to exit programming

Reading the Version Code

The figure below is an example of the Strata CTX software version code.
IPL DTMF Installed
Product ID Release Software
Version Version Equipment ID
Level Version

NA101M00XXP1D12BXSEM.00 - Release 1.01

NA102MA2XXP1D12BXSEM.00 - Release 1.02

NA103MA3XXP1D12BXSEM.00 - Release 1.03


Figure 13-3 Version Code

Product ID This is the first character in the version code string. N designates CTX670 and S
Country Code A identifies the country (USA, Canada, Mexico).
CTX Release Level This string of numbers identifies the Strata CTX Release level (NA101=R1.01,
NA102=R1.02, NA103=R1.03, etc).
CTX Software Version This string of characters identifies the current software version. For the
example above, the software is called M00XX, MA2XX, MA3XX, etc, where XX is the version
DTMF Version This three character string identifies the existence of DTMF and ABR circuits and
the version. The D designation indicates that DTMF is being applied to the Strata CTX while 09
indicates the DTMF version number.
Installed Equipment ID There are five characters, each referencing a unique equipment
identification value assigned to hardware installed in your Strata CTX system. If the particular
hardware is not installed a - displays. The following are the equipment identifier designations.
B BBMS is installed.
X BEXS is installed.
S BSIS is installed.
E The Ethernet is installed.
M The Modem is installed.

13-96 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

Set Time and Date

Telephone Button
This program enables you to change the system clock in Strata CTX.

Program Number(s): 902
Prerequisite Program: None
Reference: None
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

Date 01 yymmdd format DATE=

Enter current system date in this field. yy = current year

mm = current month
dd = current day
Time 02 hhmmss format TIME=

Enter the current time in this field. hh = current hour

mm = current minute
ss = current second

1. Press )% to enter current Strata CTX Date. See table above for format.
2. Press +ROG to program.
3. Press )% to enter current Strata CTX time. See table above for format.
4. Press +ROG to program.
5. Press +ROG to submit, then +ROG to return to the PROG= prompt.
6. Enter another program number to continue programming or press +ROG again to exit programming

Event Trace Control

This program enables you to trace message events occurring in Strata CTX.
Program Number(s): 903
Prerequisite Program: None
Reference: Install SmartMedia card
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-97

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

Trace State 01 Enter  or  to Start or Stop Message 1:Start 1:START
Trace. Stopping the trace outputs data to
2:Stop 2:STOP
the SmartMedia card. Wait for the 352*
prompt on the LCD before proceeding.
Before removing the SmartMedia card run
Program 908. See Format/Unmount
SmartMedia on page 13-101.
Trace Size 02 Set the trace data size. Toshiba 1~256 (in bytes) SIZE=
recommends leaving this parameter at the
1 unit = 16 bytes.
default setting which provides
approximately 15 minutes of trace data. default = 2
Trace Category 03 1:Call Processing 1.CP
Trace data type to be stored. 2:Maint and Admin 2.M&A
3:Both of the above 3.CP+M&A (default)

1. Press )% to enable Start or Stop trace. Use the number key pad to make your selection.
2. Press +ROG.
Start indicates the trace was previously started and is currently running.
Stop indicates the trace is not running and all trace buffer data was transferred to SmartMedia.
3. Press )% to enter trace file size. To change the setting, use the number Dial Pad.
4. Press +ROG.
5. Press )% to set trace category. To view setting options, press the 6FUROO or 3DJH button.
6. Press +ROG twice to execute. Wait for the PROG=prompt to display before proceeding.
7. Enter another program number to continue programming or press +ROG again to exit programming
Note When CTX 670 stops logging data, it automatically sends data to the SmartMedia card. A new trace
file is stored on SmartMedia under the Evnttrace directory. Run the Unmount command (Program
908) before removing the SmartMedia card to ensure complete data transfer.

13-98 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

ISDN Trace Location

Telephone Button
This program enables set up of ISDN protocol event trace collection conditions.

Program Number(s): 904
Prerequisite Program: None
Reference: None
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.
At the EQUIP= prompt enter the Shelf, Slot and Port numbers.
Shelf, Slot and Circuit number is entered in XXYYZZ format where Shelf is a two digit value from
01~07 corresponding to the Strata CTX Cabinet number, Slot is a two digit value from 01~10
corresponding to the Strata CTX Cabinets PCB slot number and Circuit is a two digit value from
01~04 corresponding to the Strata CTX PCB Slots circuit number.
Always use circuit 01 for RPTU.

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

LLCI 01 Level of collecting LLCI values. 1:None (no 1:NON
Layer 3 02 Level of collecting Layer 3 messages. information)
Layer 2 and 3 03 Level of collecting Layer 2 and Layer 3 2:Brief (important
messages. information)
State Transitions 04 Level of collecting State Transitions. 3:Detailled (all
Errors 05 Level of collecting errors. information)
Layer 2 States 06 Level of collecting Layer 2 States.

1. Press )% to run a LLCI Trace. Press the 6FUROO or 3DJH button to view Non, Brief, or Detailed
options. Enter 1~3 to determine Trace Level.
2. Press )% and set CCL3 Trace Level. Press the 6FUROO or 3DJH button to view Non, Brief, or Detailed
options. Enter 1~3 to determine Trace Level.
3. Press )% and set L2L3 Trace Level. Press the 6FUROO or 3DJH button to view Non, Brief, or Detailed
options. Enter 1~3 to determine Trace Level.
4. Press )% and set STATE Trace Level. Press the 6FUROO or 3DJH button to view Non, Brief, or
Detailed options. Enter 1~3 to determine Trace Level.
5. Press )% and set ERRORS Trace Level. Press the 6FUROO or 3DJH button to view Non, Brief, or
Detailed options. Enter 1~3 to determine Trace Level.
6. Press )% and set L2 Trace Level. Press the 6FUROO or 3DJH button to view Non, Brief, or Detailed
options. Enter 1~3 to determine Trace Level.
7. Press +ROG to execute.
8. Press +ROG to return to the PROG= prompt.
9. Enter another program number to continue programming or press +ROG again to exit programming

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-99

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

All ISDN Trunk Trace

Program start/stop of packaged detailed collection of event trace functions. This program is only available
in the telephone button programming mode.
Program Number(s): 905
Prerequisite Program: Format/Unmount SmartMedia on page 13-101, ISDN Trace Location on page 13-99,
ISDN Trace Location on page 13-99 and Event Trace Control on page 13-97
Reference: Install SmartMedia card
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

Trace All ISDN 01 Output All ISDN Trunk Events to 1:On (default) 1:ON
Trunks SmartMedia. 2:Off 2:OFF

1. Press )%.
2. Select , or  to turn on or off.
3. Press +ROG twice to execute.
4. Press +ROG to return to the PROG= prompt.
5. Enter another program number to continue programming or press +ROG again to exit programming

Event Trace Side Change

This program enables you to manage your ISDN protocol trace. This program is only available in the
telephone button programming mode.
Program Number(s): 906
Prerequisite Program: Format/Unmount SmartMedia on page 13-101
Reference: Install SmartMedia card
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

Side Change 01 1:Message 1:MESSAGE
Enter desired parameter number. 2:ISDN 2:ISDN

1. Press )%.
2. Select , , or  to select parameter.
3. Press +ROG to execute.
4. Press +ROG to return to the PROG= prompt.

13-100 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

5. Enter another program number to continue programming or press +ROG again to exit programming

Telephone Button
Note When the CTX 670 stops logging data, it automatically sends data to the SmartMedia card. Run the
Unmount command (Program 908) before removing the SmartMedia card to ensure complete data

System Admin Log

Use this command to Start/Stop the System Admin Log.
Program Number(s): 907
Prerequisite Program: None
Reference: Install SmartMedia card
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

Admin Log On/Off 01 1:Start 1:START
Enter  or  to Start or Stop Admin Log.
2:Stop 2:STOP

1. Press )%. To run System Admin Log press  +ROG (twice). You are sent to the PROG= prompt.
2. To Stop the log, press )% and press  on the dial pad.
3. Press +ROG twice and wait for the 352*= prompt to appear before proceeding.
Note When the CTX 670 stops logging data, it automatically sends data to the SmartMedia card. Run the
Unmount command (Program 908) before removing the SmartMedia card to ensure complete data

Format/Unmount SmartMedia
This program enables Administrators to format a SmartMedia card from Strata CTX WinAdmin or the
telephone button pad.
Note Strata CTX WinAdmin cannot view SmartMedia files directly. Additional hardware is required to
view the contents of the SmartMedia card.
Program Number(s): 908
Prerequisite Program: None
Reference: None
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-101

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

Control 01 Choose SmartMedia card formatting method: 1:Normal 1:NORMAL
Normal creates any Strata CTX SmartMedia 2:Forced 2:FORCED
directory that does not exist already. Exiting
3:Unmount 3:UNMOUNT
directories are not overwritten by this procedure.
4:Transfer 4:TRANSFER
Forced erases any existing directories and files.
All existing data is overwritten. See Strata CTX
SmartMedia Directories for more information.
Unmount writes data into SmartMedia Card.
Always run unmount before removing the
SmartMedia card to prevent damage to the card.
Transfer writes data from static RAM to
SmartMedia Card.

1. Press )% to enter parameter. Enter ~ as your command choice. Press the 6FUROO or 3DJH button to
make your selection.
2. Press +ROG to confirm and +ROG again to execute.
3. Wait for the PROG=prompt to appear before proceeding.
4. Enter another program number to continue programming or press +ROG again to exit programming

Strata CTX SmartMedia Directories

Running the Normal and Forced options of this program creates five directories on the SmartMedia card as
Admlog The Admlog folder saves
Errlog System error logs are saved into this folder.
Evnttrce Strata CTX WinAdmin Event Trace files are saved into this folder.
Progdata Your Strata CTX programmed settings are all saved in this folder.
Program The operating software and default data of the Strata CTX is saved in this folder.
When a backup is performed, Strata CTX saves programmed data to the Progdata folder.

MAC Address (System Serial Number)

This program enables you to display your CTX 670 System Serial Number.
Program Number(s): 909
Prerequisite Program: None
Reference: None
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

MAC Address 01 Display System Serial Number. 12 digits MAC Address

13-102 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

1. Press )% to view parameter. The MAC Address is view only and cannot be changed.
2. Press +ROG (twice) to exit to the 352*= prompt.

Telephone Button
3. Enter another program number to continue programming or press +ROG again to exit programming

Data Backup
This program enables you to Back up system data to a SmartMedia card.
Program Number(s): 910
Prerequisite Program: Format/Unmount SmartMedia on page 13-101
Reference: None
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

Backup Function 01 Start and Stop system backup. 1:Backup 1:BACKUP
Note Restore function is not operational 2:Restore (Do not 2:RESTORE
and should never be executed. use. See Note on
Use System Initialize (Program left).
900) Level 1 to restore system
backup. 3:Cancel
Numbers 02 The number of data blocks. This number Variable ALL NO=
varies depending on the amount of
programming the system contains.
Current Number 03 This number increments as the backup Variable CUR NO=
progresses. When the backup is complete
this number should match the total number
of data blocks displayed in Numbers
Backup State 04 All_Ok Backup completed with no errors. 1:normal end all
2:normal end part
Partial_Ok Backup has completed with
3:abnormal end
NG Backup has failed. 5:importing
Cancel Cancel Backup. 6:exporting

Importing Program data is being

Exporting Program data is being sent out.

Note Before running this program, make sure the SmartMedia card is properly formatted. See Format/
Unmount SmartMedia on page 13-101 for more details.
1. Press )% to enter your Backup choice. Press the 6FUROO or 3DJH button to view your selection
2. Press . )% and )% should blink green.
3. Press +ROG to execute. Press +ROG again to Cancel. This program stops running if you exit
programming mode from your telephone.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-103

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

To view Backup progress

1. While the program is running ()% and )% blink green), press )% to view the total number of
files to be transferred.
2. Press )% to view the current file number that is being transferred.
3. The Backup is complete when )% blinks intermittently.
4. To verify success, push )%. Your telephone LCD should indicate *1.ALL_OK.
5. Press +ROG to exit.
Note Do not press the +ROG button. Pressing the +ROG button restarts the Backup procedure.
To Restore data from the SmartMedia card to Strata CTX, see System Initialize on page 13-94.

Program Update
This program enables you to update the Strata CTX programs.
Program Number(s): 911
Prerequisite Program: Format SmartMedia Card
Reference: None
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

Update Function 01 Enter 1 or 2 to identify the type of Update 1:Update 1:Update
2:Reboot 2:Reboot
Select 3 to cancel a running update.
3:Cancel 3:Cancel
Total Blocks 02 View total blocks to be updated (total blocks 0~65536 (CTX670) n/a
will vary depending on software versions). 0~128 (CTX100)
default = 0
Copied Blocks 03 View number of blocks copied. 0~65536 (CTX670) n/a
0~128 (CTX100)
default = 0
Active Side Status 04 Backup Type Display 1:Normal 1:Normal
2:Trial 2:Trial
3:Fault 3:Fault
4:Dont Care 4:Dont Care
5:Error 5:Error
Stand by Side Status 05 Stand by Backup Type 1:Normal 1:Normal
2:Trial 2:Trial
3:Fault 3:Fault
4:Dont Care 4:Dont Care
5:Error 5:Error
Active Side Number 06 Active Side Number. 0 or 1 ACT SIDE=
default = 0
Status 07 View Backup Status. 1:Idle 1:Idle
2:Running 2:Running
3:Success 3:Success
4:Error 4:Error

13-104 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

Note Before running this program, make sure the SmartMedia card is properly formatted. See Format/
Unmount SmartMedia on page 13-101 for more details.

Telephone Button
1. Press )% to enter your Backup choice. Press the 6FUROO or 3DJH button to view your selection
2. Press . )% and )% should blink green.
3. Press +ROG to execute. Press +ROG again to Cancel. This program stops running if you exit
programming mode from your telephone.

Make Busy Control

When an error occurs in hardware resources used for a station or a line fails, this feature makes them busy.
The station or line PCB can be disabled temporarily to perform maintenance or parts replacements as well.
This program is only available in the telephone button programming mode.
Program Number(s): 912
Prerequisite Program: Format SmartMedia Card
Reference: None
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.
At the CABINET= prompt enter the Shelf number.
Note The Shelf number is entered in XX format where Shelf is a two digit value from 01~07
corresponding to the Strata CTX Cabinet number. See Program Button LEDs below for a
description of the LED display.

FB Name FB Summary Value

Equipment 00 Enter Cabinet Number 01~07 (value=xx)
Slot #1 01 1: Set make busy
Slot #2 02 2: Clear make busy
Slot #3 03
Slot #4 04
Slot #5 05
Enter  or 
Slot #6 06
Slot #7 07
Slot #8 08
Slot #9 09
Slot #10 10

1. Press )%~)% to enter your Make Busy selection for the appropriate Slot in the Cabinet entered in
Access Sequence above.
Note The slot to which your programming phone is connected can not be set to Make Busy.
2. Press +ROG to execute.
3. Press +ROG again to return to CABINET= prompt.
4. Press +ROG to return to the PROG= prompt.

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

5. Enter another program number to continue programming or press +ROG again to exit programming

Program Button LEDs

The LED blink pattern indicates the following:

Red continuous blinking PCB experienced a Make Busy status error.
Red continuous illumination PCB Make Busy Status mode is on.
Green continuous blinking PCB Make Busy Status mode is stand by.
Green intermittent blinking PCB Make Busy Status mode is idle.

Regional Selection
Set Operating region for your Strata CTX. This assignment sets built-in core LSI hardware parameters that
are not changeable with jumpers or switches. These parameters must be set unique for each country and
affect system operation.
Program Number(s): 915
Prerequisite Program: None
Reference: None
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

FB Name FB Summary Value LCD Prompt

Region 01 0~31 (USA = 0, REGION=
Set region number. 0~2 are valid entries for
Canada = 1, and
North American Operations.
Mexico = 2).

1. Press )%. Enter ~. Press +ROG.

2. Press +ROG (twice).
3. Enter another program number to continue programming or press +ROG again to exit programming

13-106 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

IP Configuration

Telephone Button
This program enables you to set up Network Communication Protocols.

Program Number(s): 916
Prerequisite Program: None
Reference: None
Access Sequence: Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:
At the PASSWORD= prompt, Enter your password and press+ROG.
At the PROG= prompt enter  and press +ROG.

FB Name FB Summary Value

IP Address 01 Enter IP Address 1. 0~255
192 = First IP Address Octet default = 
168 = Second IP Address Octet
254 = Third IP Address Octet
253 = Fourth IP Address Octet
Subnet Mask 02 Enter Subnet Mask Address 1. 0~255
default = 
Default Gateway 03 Enter Default Gateway 1. 0~255
default = 

The LCD only displays three of the twelve IP address digits at a time. Press the 6SNU button to view
the remaining digits.
The IP Address is the static IP address of the Strata CTX processor NIC/Ethernet connection only. The
PPP IP address for the Strata CTX processor modem is always and cannot be
1. Press )% to view the current TCP/IP Address 1 (press )% to view the current Subnet Mask
Address 1, or press )% to view Default Gateway Address 1).
Press +ROG.
2. Enter first IP Address Octet. To keep current setting go to Step 3.
3. Press 6SNU button and enter second IP Address Octet. To keep current setting go to Step 4.
4. Press 6SNU button and enter third IP Address Octet. To keep current setting go to Step 5.
5. Press 6SNU button and enter fourth IP Address Octet. To keep current setting go to Step 6.
6. Press +ROG.
7. Press )% to configure the remaining parameters.
8. Press +ROG.
9. After all parameters are entered press +ROG to submit the new settings.
10.You are automatically returned to the PROG= prompt.
11. Enter another program number to continue programming or press +ROG again to exit programming

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 13-107

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Telephone Button Programming
900 Series Programs

13-108 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Maintenance 14

This chapter provides Strata CTX maintenance procedures that can be activated from the programming
telephone. For SmartMedia, refer to Format/Unmount SmartMedia on page 13-101.

Data Backup
1. Format the SmartMedia using Format/Unmount SmartMedia on page 13-101 (Program 908).
2. Insert the formatted SmartMedia into Strata CTX.
3. Backup data using Data Backup on page 13-103 (Program 910). LED indicators should show the
)%~)% solid red light.
)% intermittent green.
4. Press )% and choose Backup by pressing  on the telephone button pad.

CAUTION! Never use Restore (2). It is not valid for current versions of CTX software and could
result in corrupt databases and system mis-operation.

5. Press +ROG. Backup for programmed data starts. The LED indicator )% consistently blinks green
during back up. After back up is complete, )% will flash inconsistently slower.

CAUTION! Do not press +ROG while Backup is being performed.

6. Press +ROG twice to exit programming.

Backup Progress and Completion Indicators

You can monitor Backup progress by pressing the )% or )% buttons as follows. See Data Backup
on page 13-103 for more details.
If the value displayed in the LCD is increasing each time )% is pressed, the Backup is proceeding
When the value displayed in the LCD for )% and )% are the same, the Backup process is
When the )% LED returns to an intermittent green, Backup is complete.
Press )%to verify Backup is completed. If the LCD displays *1:ALL_OK the Backup was successful.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 14-1

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Restoring Programmed Data

Restoring Programmed Data

To restore data from a Backup performed onto SmartMedia, follow the directions below:
1. Insert the SmartMedia card that has the systems default.dat file (under the PROGDATA folder) into the
Strata CTX SmartMedia slot.
2. Run Program 900 System Initialize on page 13-94, Level 1 (ALL DATA CLEAR). See programming
steps below.
Restoring data takes anywhere from 10 minutes to one hour for completion, depending on the size of
the database (default.dat file).
3. When the programming telephone LCD becomes active, enter the programming mode and enter your
Restore is complete if the system accepts the password and enables you to enter programming mode.

Local Update
The following procedures are required for both systems Local Update, i.e; Strata CTX100 and CTX670.

Prerequisites for CTX100 and CTX670 Local Update

The following are the prerequisites for Local Update:
The SmartMedia card must be installed in the system with a Backup of the current database
(default.dat) file.
Activation of the new software requires a Clear-reboot operation that will drop all existing calls and
will take the system out of service from 10 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the system size.
Requires a different system software Update file (provided on the Toshiba FYI site), depending on the
type of CTX system and the type of Update that will be performed.

CTX Software Update Files

Each Strata CTX system type has two Software Update files: one for CTX WinAdmin Remote Update and
another file for Local Update (to use with the Programming Telephone procedure).

CAUTION! Using the wrong file in either case will cause the Update to fail.

CTX Software Identification

Refer to the table below to identify CTX software release and builds in software file names or when
verifying CTX software versions.
CTX Release Software ID
R1.00 and R1.01 = M01nn
R1.02 = MA2nn
R1.03 = MA3nn
R1.3 = ME0nn
R2.0 = MF0nn
nn = Software build level/number

14-2 Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03

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Local Update

Step 1: Download and Extract CTX Software

The latest released version of CTX system software Update files are posted on the Toshiba FYI site To download the software files, follow the procedure below.
Step 1A: To Download CTX System Software Files from FYI
1. From the Toshiba FYI website, click on Technical Services > Software (Strata Systems). The files are
located under the heading CTX System Software.
2. Double-click the appropriate link.
CTX100 System Software: CTX100 MXnnn Software (Local Update)
CTX670 System Software: CTX670 MXnnn Software (Local Update)

3. When the Toshiba Software License Agreement screen displays, click the Agree button. The File
Download dialog box displays.
4. Select the Save this program to disk radio button, then click OK. The Save As screen displays.
5. Save the file to an appropriately named folder that identifies the system type and software version, then
click Save.
Step 1B: Extract Downloaded Files
1. After the file download is complete, select the Open or Open Folder button on the Download Complete
screen to extract/open the files now, or select the Close button to extract the files later.
The WinZip Self-Extractor screen displays if you selected the Open or Open Folder button.
If you selected Close, double-clicking the .exe file later will bring up the WinZip Self-Extractor
These files are the self extracting .exe files:
CTX100_L_MXnnn.exe (for CTX100 Local Update file)
CTX670_L_MXnnn.exe (for CTX670 Local Update file)
2. In the Unzip to folder: field, make sure the path leads to the correct folder as shown below. If the path
is incorrect, click the Browse button to navigate to the appropriate path, then click the Unzip button.
3. Verify the unzip folder path for Local Update: SmartMedia Drive:\PROGRAM
4. Verify the unzipped files or folders for Local Update of the Strata CTX100 and CTX670 the file name
is the same nhs.prg.
The files can also be extracted to a temporary folder and the copied to the appropriate SmartMedia
PROGRAM folder or CTX WinAdmin Upload folder. The extracted (decompressed) files will be
approximately 15MB.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 3:Telephone Button Programming 04/03 14-3

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Local Update

Step 2: Choose Strata CTX100 or CTX670 for Local Update

Choose one of the following:
Strata CTX100 Local Update
Strata CTX670 Local Update

Strata CTX100 Local Update

The Update process is used to change the Strata CTX software version and restore programmed data. The
new software is first loaded on the SmartMedia card. It is then transferred to the Strata CTX100 processor
flash RAM. The Strata CTX100 programmed data is then restored.

Step 1: Prepare SmartMedia Card with Backup of Customer Database

This SmartMedia card will contain a back up of the Strata CTX programmed data (default.dat).
1. Insert a SmartMedia card into the CTX, format it, and then back up the customer database onto the
SmartMedia card using the Backup Data procedure (see the Data Backup on page 14-1).
This operation writes the default.dat file under the PROGDATA directory to the SmartMedia card.
2. Remove the SmartMedia card from the CTX and physically label it Strata CTX Backup data.

Step 2: Prepare SmartMedia Card with a Copy of New CTX Software

This SmartMedia card will contain the new Strata CTX software file (nhs.prg) used to Update the system
1. Obtain the Strata CTX operating software file (nhs.prg) from Toshiba FYI and store it on an
appropriately named folder on your PC see the Download and Extract CTX Software procedure on
page 1.
2. Insert a SmartMedia card into Strata CTX processor SmartMedia socket and activate the Forced Format
command using Program 908; then Unmount SmartMedia using Program 908.
3. Remove the formatted SmartMedia card from the CTX and Install the SmartMedia card into a PC
SmartMedia reader/writer.
4. Copy the new Strata CTX software file named nhs.prg into SmartMedia card PROGRAM folder.
Note It is not necessary to create a SmartMedia Card Volume label for CTX100 Update. However, if you
create a volume label, do not use PRGUPDATE, PRGRESCUE0, or PRGRESCUE01 as volume
5. Pull out the SmartMedia card and physically label it CTX100, MXnnn or whatever software version
you are updating to.
Note After completing Steps 1 and 2 above you should have two SmartMedia cards:
One card containing the CTX backed up database file: PROGDATA\default.dat
One card containing the CTX software update file: PROGRAM\nhs.prg

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Local Update

Step 3: Update CTX100 Software

CAUTION! This operation will take the system out of service for 10 minutes to an hour or more
depending on the CTX database.

1. Insert the SmartMedia card containing PROGRAM\nhs.prg file into the Strata CTX processor
SmartMedia socket.
2. From the programming telephone enter Program 911, and press +ROG. Press )% and dial 
(UPDATE) and then press +ROG.

CAUTION! Pressing +ROGtwice will cause the Update to fail

After a short pause the Strata CTX will begin to upload the software from the SmartMedia card to the
processor flash RAM causing the following:
If FB07-LED is flashing green, it indicates that the Update process is in progress.
If FB07-LED is flashing red, it indicates an error. This could be caused by a corrupt or incorrect
nhs.prg file or a defective SmartMedia card. Make sure the file is a CTX100 nhs.prg file and not
CTX670 file.
You can now check the Update progress using FB02 (Total) and FB03 (Copied) to view data block
status. Periodically switch between FB02 and FB03 to view the data blocks.
When all the data blocks are copied, the Strata CTX stops normal processing and all telephone
LCDs go blank.
The processor Heartbeat LED is on steady red.
The processor SmartMedia LED turns on flashing rapidly at first, then flashes slowly and finally
stops flashing.
The above will last about five to 10 minutes.
When the Update is complete the system begins to operate normally with default data.
3. Use Program 901 to check that the new software version of CTX software has been loaded. If you
cannot enter the Program Mode the new software may still be loading.
4. Remove the SmartMedia card (which contains PROGRAM/nhs.prg file) from the CTX processor.

Step 4: Restart and Restore Strata CTX100 Backup Data

1. Insert the SmartMedia labeled Strata CTX Backup data which you previously made at the start of this
procedure. This card contains PROGDATA/default.dat file.
2. From the programming telephone enter Program 900. Press )% and dial  (ALL DATA CLEAR)
and then press +ROG (twice). The Strata CTX will restart (initialize) on the new software and restore the
backed up program data. The time required for this operation will vary from a few minutes to 30
minutes or more depending on the size of the database.

Step 5: Confirm Software is Updated and Backup Data is Restored

1. When the telephone LCDs display and system dial tone is available, try to log in to the Programming
Mode from digital telephone. (If Update/Restore is finished, you can log in).
2. From the programming telephone check the Strata CTX version number using Program 901.

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Local Update

3. Turn the CTX100 power off for 5 seconds and then back on to reset QISG, ISDN and other advanced
4. Test the system to verify that the new software is running properly by checking dial tone, making
incoming and outgoing calls, internal and external calls and all other peripherals, such as voice mail,
etc., are working correctly.
5. Toshiba recommends that the SmartMedia card containing the customer data remains installed on the
CTX processor. This enables you to make and back up changes using CTX WinAdmin remotely.

Important! It is your responsibility to verify the system is working correctly after local Update is

Strata CTX670 Local Update

The Update process is used to change the Strata CTX software version and restore programmed data. The
new software is first copied from the SmartMedia card to the standby side of the Strata CTX670 processor
flash RAM. Then the new software on the Standby flash RAM is switched to the active mode and the
original software is switched to the Standby mode for a trial run.
After swapping the software version making the new software Active, the Strata CTX restores the
programmed data. If the system functions properly, the trial operation can be set to normal operation; if
there are problems you can switch the original software back to Active.

Step 1: Prepare SmartMedia Card with a Backup of the Customer Database

This SmartMedia card will contain a Backup of the Strata CTX programmed data (default.dat).
1. Insert a SmartMedia card into the CTX, format it, and then back up the customer database onto the
SmartMedia card using the Backup Data procedure (see Data Backup on page 14-1).
This operation writes the default.dat file under the PROGDATA directory to the SmartMedia card.
2. Remove the SmartMedia card from the CTX and physically label it Strata CTX Backup data.

Step 2: Prepare SmartMedia Card with a Copy of the New CTX Software
This SmartMedia card will contain the new Strata CTX software file (nhs.prg) used to Update the system
1. Obtain the Strata CTX operating software file (nhs.prg) from Toshiba FYI and store it on an
appropriately named folder on your PC see Download and Extract CTX Software on page 14-3.
2. Insert a SmartMedia card into Strata CTX processor SmartMedia socket and activate the Forced Format
command using Program 908; then Unmount SmartMedia using Program 908.
3. Remove the formatted SmartMedia card from the CTX and install the SmartMedia card into a PC
SmartMedia reader/writer.
4. Copy the new Strata CTX software file named nhs.prg into SmartMedia card PROGRAM folder.
5. Create a SmartMedia Card Volume label PRGUPDATE on CTX670 Update SmartMedia card as
Select and right mouse click the appropriate SmartMedia drive, for example, drive E or G in some
Click Properties.
Under General tab, in the Label field enter label name (in this case PRGUPDATE).
6. Pull out the SmartMedia card and physically label it CTX670, MXnnn or whatever software version
you are updating to.

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Local Update

Note After completing Steps 1 and 2 above you should have two SmartMedia cards:
One card containing the CTX backed up database file: PROGDATA\default.dat
One card having the volume label PRGUPDATE and containing the CTX software Update
file: PROGRAM\nhs.prg

Step 3: Update CTX670 software

1. Insert the SmartMedia card containing PROGRAM\nhs.prg file into the Strata CTX processor
SmartMedia socket.
2. From the programming telephone enter Program 911, and press +ROG. Press )% and dial 
(UPDATE) and then press +ROGonce. Pressing +ROGtwice will cause the Update to fail. This will not

interrupt the CTX system operation.
If FB07-LED is flashing green, it indicates that the Update process is in progress.
If FB07-LED is flashing red, it indicates an error. This could be caused by a corrupt or incorrect
nhs.prg file or a defective SmartMedia card. Make sure it is a CTX670 nhs.prg file and not a
CTX100 file.
You can now check the Update progress using FB02 (Total) and FB03 (Copied) to view data block
status. Periodically switch between FB02 and FB03 to view the data blocks.
When FB07-LED is solid green with periodic short blinks, it indicates the first part of Update
completed successfully (2 to 10 minutes).
3. After FB07 is on solid green with a periodic wink, press +ROG, while in Program 911. Press )% and
dial  (TRIAL) and then press +ROG. This will change the status of the Standby Flash Memory to trial.
4. Pull out the SmartMedia card labeled PRGUPDATE (which includes PROGRAM/nhs.prg file).
5. Insert the SmartMedia CARD labeled Strata CTX Backup data into processor/ SmartMedia socket.
The SmartMedia LED on the processor begins to blink.
The Strata CTX Backup data SmartMedia card is the card you previously made that includes the
Strata CTX programmed data in the default.dat file under the PROGDATA folder. If this is not done
before starting Clear-reboot, all programmed data will be lost.
The next operation will take the system out of service for 10 minute to an hour depending on the size of
the CTX database.
6. From the programming telephone enter Program 911 and press +ROG; Press )% and dial 
(CLRREBOOT) and then press +ROG. This will Clear-reboot the system to switch the new software
version from standby to active and restore Backup data.

CAUTION! This operation will take the system out of service for 10 minutes to an hour or more
depending on the CTX database. Do not skip any steps or Update will fail.

If CLRREBOOT is activated without the Backup data SmartMedia card installed, the active and
standby software is swapped and the system default program data is restored.
The Strata CTX processor heartbeat LED stops flashing and all telephones become inactive. After
a few minutes the Strata CTX initializes and starts up with new version of software as active and
the original software as standby, and then restores the backed up program data from the
SmartMedia card default.dat file (the processor SmartMedia LED flashes while it restores the
program data to the processor RAM).

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Trace Function

After CLRREBOOT has completed the new version of CTX System software will be active in
Trial mode.
If system power is turned off/on while the Active side of flash memory is in the Trial mode, the
original software switches back to active and the new software will switch back to Standby. This is
to provide an automatic method of switching back to the original software version if the new
version is causing problems.
7. Confirm that the software is updated and the Backup data is restored by verifying/doing the following:
Make sure the processor SmartMedia LED is off.
Log in to Programming Mode from a digital telephone. If you cannot log in, it means the data
restore process is not completed.
From the programming telephone, in Program 901 make sure that the new Strata CTX system
software version number is on the active side. FB01 shows the new system software version number
on the active side, and FB02 shows the original software version number on standby side.
8. Set the Active side of flash RAM from Trial to Normal as follows:
From the programming telephone, enter Program 911 and press +ROG. Press )% and dial 
(NORMAL), then press +ROG. The new software is on the active side running in Normal mode.
If Strata CTX power is turned off/on before the Active side is switched to Normal, the Strata CTX
will automatically perform a CLRREBOOT and make the old software active.
Note The active side switches from Trial to Normal automatically after 24 hours if it is not done
manually using Program 911.
9. Turn the CTX670 power off for 5 seconds and then back on to reset QISG, ISDN and other advanced
10.Test the system to verify that the new software is running properly by checking dial tone, making
incoming and outgoing calls, internal and external calls and all other peripherals, such as voice mail,
etc., are working correctly.
11. Toshiba recommends that the SmartMedia card containing the customer data remains installed on the
CTX processor. This enables you to make and Backup changes using CTX WinAdmin remotely.

Important! It is your responsibility to verify the system is working correctly after local Update is

Trace Function
To analyze Strata CTX problems efficiently, Toshiba needs to get the event trace data and ISDN trace data.
These data sets enable analysis of the problems Strata CTX may experience. It is helpful for
troubleshooting problems that are difficult to duplicate.
Please contact Toshiba Technical Support to coordinate the running of the trace procedures. Technical
Support will walk you through the required steps.

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726+,%$ Telecommunication Systems Division

Digital Business Telephone Systems

Part 4: Appendices

April 2003

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Applications, Tips and Tricks A

Voice Mail Set Up

The following steps/program sequences are provided as a guideline to programming System Voice Mail
Note Enter programming mode before step 1. Refer to Enter Program Mode on page 13-7. Press +ROG
each time you want to save your settings and press  before you move to the next step.

Analog Ports

Applications, Tips and

1. Program 100 Card Slot Assignment on page 13-11. Assign the PCB for Voice Mail ports (RSTU).
2. Program 200 Station Data on page 13-27. Verify FB1~FB4.

FB03 Circuit Type Assigns Voice Mail to be assigned to PDNs associated with Voice Mail RSTU
FB15 Display DN DN to be displayed and assigned to Hunt Group. Manually assign DNs and
3. Program 209 Station Hunting Group on page 13-45. Voice Mail Group is determined by the Hunt
4. Program 218 Station Hunt Group Assignment on page 13-49.
5. Program 579 System Voice Mail Data on page 13-87. Complete FB01~FB17.
FB10 Central Message Callback Enter the node ID and hunt group for voice mail. Used for
centralized voice mail SMDI only.
DTMF Message Waiting Call Back DN across QSIG TIE lines. DTMF integration uses the number
that displays in Program 200, field 15.
6. Program 580 Voice Mail Port Data on page 13-88. This is the collection of all ports.
7. Program 803 IO Logical Device Assignment on page 13-92. You can add members to the hunt group.
Assign BSIS RS-232 port for SMDI.
Note System only provides Code 300 for SMDI. Code 301 is not supported.
8. Program 804 BSIS RS-232 Serial Port setup.
9. Program 309 Direct Inward Dialing on page 13-58.
10.Program 318 DID Intercept Assignment on page 13-65.
FB11 VMID for DNIS Number

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 A-1

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
Voice Mail Set Up

Digital Ports
1. Program the following initial settings:
Program 100 Set cabinet slot PCB type to BDKU/BDKS 16 DKTs without Spkr OCA.
Program 200 Assign stations to the slot and assign as voice mail. For example, 200~215 (for 16
ports). Set Display DN as the pilot number of the Voice Mail Hunt Group. This value should be
the same as Number to Display in Program 209.
Program 204 Change stations parameters to Tone First, Adapter: BPCI. Set Continuous DTMF
to Not Continuous. Copy the changes to all voice mail stations.
2. Install and program serial card BSIS in the Strata CTX.
Note TPI is required for iES32. A BSIS card must be installed in the Strata CTX.
3. Install a serial cable between the BSIS card and the Stratagy (see CTX wiring diagrams in Strata CTX
Installation and Maintenance Manual, Peripheral Installation chapter).
4. Specify CTX BSIS output port # and set the port type to be 300 SMDI #0 and RS-232.
5. Set the port attributes to:
Baud rate: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: none
Flow control: 1
Wait timer: 0
Note Refer to Programs 803, 804, 579 and 580.
6. Program 579 System Voice Mail Data on page 13-87. Complete FB01~FB17.
7. Program 580 Set all CTX voice mail ports as SMDI integration.
8. Program Station Hunting Programs 209 and 218

Telephone Station Ports

1. Program 200 Station Data.
FB19 VMID Code SMDI Voice Mail ID number to send in SMDI and DTMF in-band integration
for forwarded and direct calls.
FB22 MW to VM Port Message Waiting center DN.
2. Program 579 System Voice Mail Data.
Complete 11~15. See Program 579 on page 13-87.
3. Program 204 DKT Parameters.
FB23 Mailbox Selection Used for the Voice Recording Feature. Uses the VM ID from Program
200 if set to Auto or allows the user to enter any valid mailbox on Stratagy followed by .
4. Program 206 Phantom DN.
FB06 VM ID Code Voice Mail ID number to send in SMDI and DTMF in-band integration for
forwarded and direct calls.
FB09 Message Center Message Waiting center DN.

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
Networking Multiple Voice Mail Systems

Networking Multiple Voice Mail Systems

More than one voice mail system can be connected to one network node and one or more voice mail
systems can be connected to multiple nodes. Access, integration and message waiting are controlled on a
call-by-call basis according to parameters assigned to individual extensions. There is nothing to prevent a
single DKT from having access to four voice mail systems, each connected to a remote node.
The Primary DN and three PhDNs are each programmed with independent voice mail destinations, Voice
Mail IDs and Record and Playback codes. Figure A-1 is an example for networking multiple voice mail
systems to enable Soft keys. A similar set up can be used for enabling other voice mail features.



Strata CTX


Operation Speech, VM-ID STU I/F VM

Applications, Tips and

(speech path)


Strata CTX
Speech, VM-ID




Figure A-1 Voice Mail Networking

Call Record and Soft Keys

A station can record conversations with another station or external line in a specific mail box in Voice Mail
(VM) using the Record function button. You can replay the recorded conversation using the Message
Waiting button or using the voice mail menu.
Networking for Call Record and Soft Keys is available only with WinAdmin Release 1.3 and higher
software and with CTX software 1.2 MD series or higher. You must have a Stratagy ES/IES R4 or higher.

Step 1: Set up Station Message Desk Interface (SMDI) for Local and Remote CTXs
1. From the Program menu, select System > I/O Device. Program 803 SMDR SMDI CTI Port
Assignments screen displays.
2. Enter/Select the following:
FB00 Logical Device No. = select 300 SMDI #0.
FB01 Device Connection = LAN.
Device Port No. = 1~9.
3. Click LAN Device tab. Program 801 Network Jack Lan Device Assignments screen displays.
4. Enter the LAN data:
00 LAN Port No. = 1~9
01 Protocol = TCP

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
Networking Multiple Voice Mail Systems

02 PC Operation Type = Client

03 Data Flow = Asynchronization
04 Service Port No. = 0 (default)
05~08 Client IP 1-4 No. =
09 Client Port No. = 5000
Client IP No. = Stratagy IP Address
10 Read Retry No. = 1
11 Write Retry No. = 1.
5. Click Submit.

Step 2: Set up Remote CTX

1. From the Program menu, select Services > Voice Mail > Voice Mail Port Data. Program 580 VM Port
Data displays.
2. Enter the appropriate fields. Refer to 580 Voice Mail Port Data on page 9-4.
3. Select Station > Assignment. Program 200 Station Data screen displays.
4. Enter the Prime DN. For Call Record, enter the Node ID and Pilot number of the local CTX (where the
voice mail is located).
5. In FB22 MW to VM Port, enter the local CTX IP address for call recording. For Remote CTXs,
assign message center including Node IP for TPI integration. This parameter enables Call Record
function too.
Note Refer to Voice Mail Set Up on page A-1 for regular voice mail set up.

Step 3: Set up QSIG Between All Nodes

Use the following programs to set up QSIG:
1. 304 Incoming Line Group Assignment on page 6-2.
2. 306 Outgoing Line Groups on page 6-4.
3. 302 PRI Trunks on page 6-25
4. 102 Flexible Access Codes on page 4-3
5. 651 Private Routing Plan Analysis on page 9-41
6. 653 Private Route Choice Table Assignment on page 9-42
7. 654 Private Route Definition Table Assignment on page 9-42
8. 655 Private Network Digit Modification Table Assignment on page 9-42
9. 656 Node ID Assignment on page 9-39
For all other voice mail set up steps refer to Voice Mail Set Up on page A-1.

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
Strata CTX BRI Video Conferencing Programming

Strata CTX BRI Video Conferencing Programming

The table below shows the programs required to program a PRI line to ring to a RBSU interface to allow
for Video Conferencing capabilities.
The following may differ in your system: card slot assignments, trunk groups, channel groups and BRI
station numbers.
The following program changes are required once the system has been installed and initialized.

Programs Description
Program 100 Card Assignment
105=RPTU and 107=RBSU S/T Interface with each two TIEs
Program 105 System Data
Primary Clock, FB21=RPTU card slot, 10501
Program 304 Incoming Line Groups
ILG=1, FB1=ISDN, FB2=CO, FB3=DID, FB4=Standard
Program 306 Outgoing Line Groups

Applications, Tips and

OLG=1, FB1=ISDN, FB2=CO/DID, FB3=Standard
Program 309 Direct Inward Dialing
ILG=1, FB1=3000, FB5 through FB10=Dialing Digits with Destination Digits 3000

Program 302 PRI Trunks
Channel Group=1, FB1=010501, FB2=Natl ISDN, FB3=1, FB4=1, FB7=24,
FB 8=Enable, FB9=Enable, FB11=Enable, FB12=Enable, FB19=Enable
Program 320 B Channels
FB00=010501, FB1 through FB23=Enable
Program 202 ISDN BRI Station
Prime DN=3000, FB1=010701, FB2=2, FB3=Natl ISDN, FB4=Point to Multi-Point,
FB13=Enable, FB14=Enable
Prime DN=3001, FB1=010702, FB2=3, FB3=Natl ISDN, FB4=Point to Multi-Point,
FB13=Enable, FB14=Enable
Prime DN=3002, FB1=010703, FB2=4, FB3=Natl ISDN, FB4=Point to Multi-Point,
FB13=Enable, FB14=Enable
Prime DN=3003, FB1=010704, FB2=5, FB3=Natl ISDN, FB4=Point to Multi-Point,
FB13=Enable, FB14=Enable
Note FB2 must be a different channel group for each BRI station and cannot
conflict with PRI channel group.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 A-5

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
CTX IP Telephone Programming Guidelines

CTX IP Telephone Programming Guidelines

Use the following guidelines to program your CTX IP Telephone.

Basic CTX IP Setup Using WinAdmin

1. Select System > Card Assignments (Program 100) to set the BIUP-M1A PCBs in the appropriate slots.
BIPU-M1A can only be installed in 16 channel card slots:
CTX100 slots 1~8; CTX670 Base slots 1~8; and CTX670 Expansion slots 1~6
Note If the CTX is initialized (Program 900-01) after the BIPU-M1A is installed, the CTX assigns the
BIPU-1MA, code 021, to the appropriate card slots automatically.
2. Select IP Telephone > BIPU Configuration (Program151) to set BIPU-M1A IP address (check with the
Network Administrator for IP Address, subnet mask, etc.). The BIPU version number will be displayed
when the BIPU is operating and is connected on the same network as WinAdmin PC.
Note If the CTX is initialized (Program 900-01) after the BIPU-M1A is installed, the CTX assigns the
BIPU-1MA default parameters as shown in Table 1-6 on page 1-5.
3. Select Station > Assignments > Basic to assign PDNs to IP telephones (BIPU equipment numbers) if
this was not done during CTX system initialization. The WinAdmin PDN Range wizard can also be
used to assign PDNs to the BIPU channels.
Note Currently IPT PDNs are listed as DKT, they will be listed as IPT in a future version of WinAdmin.
IP telephones are programmed exactly like DKTs, so any Program command used for DKTs can be
used for IPTs.
4. Select IP Telephone > Station IP Data (Program 250). Set 05 Station Terminal Authentication Mode
to apply if the PDN assigned to a particular IP Telephone should be linked (reserved for) to that
telephones MAC address. Each telephone has a unique hard coded MAC address. This prevents other
IP telephones from using the reserved PDN when an IP telephone is moved.
Note If IPT Authentication is applied/not applied in Program 250-05, it will override the IPT
Authentication setting in Program 150-02.
5. If multiple CTX systems with BIPU-M1As are connected to the IP network, Select IP Telephone >
System IP Data (Program 150), and set 09 IP CTX Identifier.

Enter a CTX Node identifier if more than one CTX Node is on the IP Network. This can be the same as
the Qsig Network Node ID used for this system if it is in a CTX Qsig. Network - but the two IDs are not
related in software logic.
This ID must match the Node number programmed in the IP telephone using 369Hold-2, FB06 6.
6. Run all other CTX programs necessary to customize the features required for each IP Telephone. All
programs used to program Digital Telephones also apply to IP Telephones (Program 205 keystrips, 213
Add-on-Modules, Program 204 DKT Parameters, etc.).

A-6 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
IPT1020-SD Telephone Network Settings

IP Telephone Installation and Network Connection setup

1. Install the IP telephones using instructions in the IPT chapter of the CTX Installation and Maintenance
2. From each IP Telephone, set its network connection parameters using the 369Hold program mode
(refer to the instructions that follow).
Some IP telephones parameters must be set from each individual IPT using 369Hold programming.
These parameters remain stored in the IP telephone even if the telephone is unplugged. This allows the
telephone to be moved to different locations without reprogramming.
Other IPT parameters must be set in IP Telephone > Station IP data (Program 250) in WinAdmin.
Initially, the parameters in WinAdmin are normally kept at defaults.

IPT1020-SD Telephone Network Settings

This section explains how to enter data for your IPT1020-SD telephone. Before you begin, make sure that
you have the following information: IP address, subnet mask number, router address, Station ID, CTX

Applications, Tips and

Strata Net node number, IP address for the BIPU-M1A, etc.


You may want to enter a period or backspace when performing the following steps. While in programming
mode [Press ++++ROG (simultaneously) to enter programming mode], you can use these buttons for
the following functions:
Press to enter a period.
Press 9RO to backspace.
Press 6SNU to cancel entry and start over.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 A-7

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
IPT1020-SD Telephone Network Settings

IPT-to-IP Network Connection Instructions

1. Press ++++ROG (simultaneously).
2. Press , then press +ROGto select the Network Setting Mode.
3. Press )% to see if the DHCP server is in use or not. Press one of the following:
: manual setting, then press +ROG.
: auto setting by DHCP server, then press +ROG.
4. If Step 3 above is set for manual setting, then press )%. Enter the IP address for this IPT and press
+ROG. To enter the period in an IP address, press the button on your dialpad (e.g., if the IP address is, press    ).
5. Press )%. Enter the subnet mask number and press +ROG. (e.g., if the subnet mask address is, press    ).
6. If the IPT is connected to a router or other gateway device and if Step 3 above is set for manual setting,
then press )%. Enter the router address, then press +ROG.
7. Press )%. Enter a Station ID for the IPT and press +ROG. This is usually your telephones primary
number (PDN), which must be set in CTX Program 200.
8. Press )% to enter the node number of the CTX node that contains the BIPU-M1A to which this IPT
interfaces, then press +ROG. This FB setting is for CTX networked systems only. This node number
must match the IP CTX Identifier number set in Program 150-09.
9. Press )% for BIPU IP address mode. Press one of the following:
: manual setting, then press +ROG. Press )% and enter the BIPU IP address, then press +ROG.
(e.g., if the BIPU IP address is, enter it in this format    ).
: auto setting by broadcast, then press +ROG.
: auto setting by multicast (IPT doesnt support multicast setting in this first release), then press +ROG.
Press +ROG again to set all the above data.
10. Go off-hook and hang up. The IPT will search for the BIPU-M1A, initialize and then set the IP address
(from 20 sec. to 60 sec.). Time, Date and PDN displays on LCD when the information is set.
Note See IP Telephone Start Up Sequencebelow for an explanation of the LCDs that you will see
during this procedure.

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
IPT1020-SD Telephone Network Settings

IP Telephone Start Up Sequence

After the IP telephone network setting has been programmed, the following displays occur after the IP
telephone is hung-up:
Action LCD Indication Remarks
1. IPT

2. IPT Possible errors:

for IP IP address is
address. not set. CANT SET IPADDRESS
server, etc.
If error occurs, IP address setting is carried out
3. IPT Retries every 10 seconds.
for BIPU. Possible errors:
BIPU is not

Applications, Tips and

found time BIPU NOT FOUND
BIPU is not

ID automatic
BIPU is not
manual setting)
registered (BIPU IP address setting mode is
automatic setting by multicast)
(BIPU IP address setting mode is manual
4. Registering When registering fails, IPT retries by starting at
to BIPU Step 2 again.
Error message:
5. Registering LCD data is indicated from
completion CTX. Example:
- normal
NO. 205

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 A-9

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
IPT1020-SD Telephone Network Settings

Viewing IPT1020-SD Terminal Information

1. Press ++++ROG (simultaneously).
2. Press , then press +ROG.
3. Press )% to view IPT firmware version (application and boot versions, read only).
4. Press )% to view IPT MAC address (read only).
5. Go off-hook and hang up.

Initializing the IPT1020-SD (Optional)

CAUTION! If you initialize the IP telephone, all settings return to default.

1. Press ++++ROG (simultaneously).

2. Press 9RO ++ROG.
3. Press )% to initialize the telephones IP network connection settings (LED On = initialize,
LED Off = dont initialize). See IPT-to-IP Network Connection Instructionsbelow for details.
4. Press +ROG again to complete the initialization process.
5. Go off-hook and hang up.

A-10 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
IP Telephone Quality of Service (QoS) Programming

IP Telephone Quality of Service (QoS) Programming

Deploying many IP telephones on a data LAN can have some unexpected pitfalls if the network does not
have the bandwidth and speed required to handle VoIP traffic. To prevent delay, jitter, and data loss for
VoIP traffic and retain the performance of your other business-critical network applications a network
Voice Readiness Assessment should completed before installing VoIP.

Important! Voice Readiness Assessments are the responsibility of the installing TSD dealer. Toshiba is
not responsible for supporting problems which occur because the network on which the IP
telephones are installed does not meet VoIP packet requirements.

CTX IP provides a number of adjustable tuning parameters dealing with sharing of network resources,
collectively referred to as Quality of Service (QoS). Some CTX IP voice quality and packet priority
parameters that can be adjusted are described below:

General QoS Adjustments

The CTX provides parameters that can be adjusted to improve IP voice quality. These are normally kept at
default but may be adjusted as necessary to modify IP voice quality. Set each item individually and then

Applications, Tips and

test for voice quality improvements each time a parameter is changed.
1. In WinAdmin, select IP Telephone > Station IP Data (Program 250) 08 Audio Codec and select the
codec that should be enabled for individual IP telephones. The G711 provides the best voice quality but

requires the most network bandwidth. Usually G.729A is used when IP telephones are connected
2. In WinAdmin, select IP Telephone > System IP data (Program 150) and select the 11 BIPU/IPT VQ
mode setting.
3. You can assign a Voice Packet Table to individual IP telephones in IP Telephone > Station IP Data
(Program 25007) Voice Packet Table. In WinAdmin, select IP Telephone > Voice Packet
Configuration (Program 152) and configure up to 256 different tables (see below).

Voice Packet Configuration Table (Program 152)

Normally the default table settings are used. If experiencing voice quality problems, set each item
individually and then test for voice quality improvements each time a parameter is changed. The default
settings are shown below. The tables in this program must be assigned to individual IP telephones in IP
Telephone > Station IP Data (Program 152) for them to be used by the CTX.
Voice Packet Configuration Parameters defaults:
Voice Packet Transmission Interval 20 msec
Jitter buffer type adaptive
Jitter buffer length 100 (smooth out packet playback)
Maximum acceptable delay 200 (not adjustable in CTX R2.0)
Packet loss threshold 5
Packet loss ratio 5 (not adjustable in CTX R2.0).
Measurement period 1000 (not adjustable in CTX R2.0).

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 A-11

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
IP Telephone Quality of Service (QoS) Programming

Priority Control Adjustments

This VoIP feature provides a framework in which voice traffic flowing on the network is prioritized over
other types of traffic. CTX supports two industry standard types of Priority control: IEEE802.1p and
Diffserv (Differentiated Services). These options should be enabled simultaneously so the voice packets
remain prioritized through the whole network path. IEEE802.1p prioritizes voice packets on the Ethernet
(LAN) level and DiffServ prioritizes voice packets that pass through the internet, intranet, etc.

Important! Priority Control processing has two requirements for it to work accurately. All network Eth-
ernet equipment connected to the BIPU LAN (routers, switches, etc.) must be in compliance
with IEEE802.1p voice packet prioritization. When going through a network provider (ISP,
etc.), the provider must support the DiffServ feature - contact your ISP for this service.

To setup priority control from WinAdmin

1. Select IP Telephone > System Data Assignment
2. For Ethernet level (LAN) voice packet priority control.
Enable 07 IEEE802.1p
Set 08 IEEE802.1p. Configuration and set voice or best effort, voice provides a higher level of
3. For IP level (Internet) voice packet priority control. Enable 03 DiffServ
Set 04 TOS Field Type (TOS -Type Of Service or DSCP - Differentiated Service code point)
Note The most common type used is TOS
If set to TOS
Set 05 TOS Precedence type (CRITIC/ECP ~ Routine) where CRITIC has the highest priority.
Set TOS Delay type (Normal or Low) - Low is the best service setting
Set TOS Throughput (Normal or High) - High is the best service setting
Set TOS Reliability (Normal or High) - High is the best service setting
IF set to DSCP
Set 06 DSCP from 1~64, Basic setting should be one of the following:
0 = Best effort, The default setting for most IP traffic.
24 = Assured flow (AF) or Controlled Load, intended to classify streaming traffic.
40 = Expedited Flow (EF) or Guaranteed, intended to classify high priority traffic. Used by VoIP
gateways to mark VoIP traffic.

A-12 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
Echo Cancellation and Volume Level Adjustments

Echo Cancellation and Volume Level Adjustments

Dealing with Echo Problems in General
The first step in isolating echo problems is to find the source. Usually only one party hears echo. If thats
the case, the echo source is the far end if you hear echo, it is coming from the other partys side.
Example: if your local gateway is causing echo, you will not hear it because there is no delay in signals that
may bounce back to you. However, as the echo causing gateway is moved further away, echo becomes
more noticeable because the delay in the sound that is returned increases. Once you find out which end of
the network is causing the echo, check for devices such as cheap headsets or conference telephones these
devices allow the earphone or speaker output to be feed back into the microphone to cause echo. Other
devices that cause echo are two-wire to four-wire converters and digital-to-analog gateways.

Echo Caused by Older CTX Analog PCBs

To provide optimum voice quality of IP telephones on Strata CTX systems, there are some compatibility
requirements that need to be followed when using analog CO line cards in the system.

Applications, Tips and

It is highly recommended to only use RCOU3A, RCOS3A, REMU1A (four-wire, not two-wire),
RDDU2A, and RGLU3A analog CO line interfaces in IP telephone applications. These PCBs provide
optimum speech quality for IPT1020-SD IP telephone connections.

Do not use RCOU1A, RCOS1A, REMU1A (two-wire), RDDU1A, RGLU1A, or RGLU2A analog CO
line interfaces in IP telephone applications. These PCBs will work but will cause IP telephone users to
experience unacceptable voice quality and echo return loss.

Echo Reduction Adjustments

The items listed below can be adjusted to help eliminate echo. The below items will need to be tweaked,
case by case with trial and error, for each situation.
1. In WinAdmin, select IP Telephone > System IP data (Program 150-10); use Tail length of Echo
Canceller (set to different options and test).
2. In WinAdmin, select System > PAD table (Program 107) pad table; use IPT selection and reduce the
volume (increase Net Loss) to reduce the echo. This setting is a compromise between the acceptable
echo and volume loss levels (set to different options and test).
3. The IP telephone user taps the telephone Vol key (up or down), while on a call to cancel echo on a call-
by-call basis.
4. If using a Headset, the user can adjust the IP Telephone headset transmit volume level. In some cases,
lowering the headset transmit level can reduce echo.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 A-13

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Applications, Tips and Tricks
Echo Cancellation and Volume Level Adjustments

Setting the IPT1020-SD Headset Transmit Volume

1. Press ++++ROG (simultaneously).
2. Press .
3. Press the Feature Buttons to turn the LEDs On/Off for the desired volume transmission level (see Table
Table A-1 Volume Level Transmitted from Headset Microphone

Transmit Level
ON ON ON Level 7 (max.)
ON ON OFF Level 6
ON OFF ON Level 5
ON OFF OFF Level 4
OFF ON ON Level 3 (initial value)
OFF ON OFF Level 2
OFF OFF ON Level 1
OFF OFF OFF Level 0 (min.)

4. Press FB4 for handset voice output in speakerphone mode (LED On = with, LED Off = without).
5. Press +ROG to set the above data.
6. Go off-hook and hang up.

A-14 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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System Error Codes B

The following Error Code Tables are needed when programming Strata CTX670 using the button
programming method. Error Codes display on the programming DKTs LCD.
Note The following error codes only appear when using the telephone button programming method.
These tables are provided for reference only. CTX WinAdmin will feature error codes in a future

Common Error Code Table

Program Code Error Descriptions
1 Invalid Program number.
2 Invalid value.
Invalid parameter designation
3 Input parameter range error.
Required sub-parameter data was not entered.

System Error Codes

4 Invalid FB button pressed.
The time allotted to enter a modification in the desired field has been
Invalid parameter entry
6 Incorrect characters entered
Input method is wrong
Some settings carried out using the range function may not have been
programmed correctly.
16 Identification error
17 Required parameter is not entered.
18 Required parameter does not exist.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 B-1

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System Error Codes
System Programming Error Codes

System Programming Error Codes

Program Code FB Error Descriptions
33 )% The entered Cabinet/Slot value is out of range.
33 )% The entered PCB Type is out of range.
Deleting a Card (000) Programmed station and/or trunk data
49 )%
must be deleted before a card can be deleted.
Changing Card Type Code Card Type cannot be changed.
49 )% Delete the existing Card Type before entering a new Card
49 )% The designated BIOU is already in use.
The PCB cannot be assigned to the designated equipment
49 )%
One of the required parameters (PCM Highway, BDKU Type
50 )%
or TEI Assignment) has not been assigned.
The PCM highway value entered is not applicable for the
50 )% desired PCB assignment. PCB parameters are required for
The Channel Type value entered is not applicable for the
50 )% desired PCB assignment. PCB parameters are required for
The TEI Type value entered is not applicable for the desired
50 )% PCB assignment. PCB parameters are required for PDKU or
33 )% The entered Feature Code is out of range.
An invalid OLG number was entered in OLG Number field
49 )%
when assigning a Flexible Numbering Feature code of 551.

102 Flexible Numbering Plan values cannot be repeated. The

51 )% value entered cannot be registered (e.g., If 1234 is registered,
123 cannot be registered).
The value entered conflicts with an existing extension and
52 )%
cannot be registered.
103 -  See Common Error Code Table on page B-1.
104 -  See Common Error Code Table on page B-1.
33 )%a)% The entered Clock value is out of range.
)% The BIOU general relay number value conflicts with existing
105 49
)% parameter assignments.
49 )%a)% The entered circuit number is not the clock source port.
106 -  See Common Error Code Table on page B-1.
33 )%a)% The entered Pad device number is invalid.
96 )%a)% The number of Pad groups exceed the system capacity.

B-2 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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System Error Codes
System Programming Error Codes

Program Code FB Error Descriptions
33 )% The entered Device Type is out of range.
108 33 )% The PAD group entered is out of the range.
80 )% The Device number entered does not exist in the system.
33 )%a)% The entered equipment is out of range.
50 )%a)% The entered equipment is registered as MOH already.

109 A BIOU circuit with other data such as door phone, etc. is
80 )%a)%
assigned in MOH/BGM 1~7.
A circuit with a non-STU circuit is designated in MOH/BGM
80 )%a)%
Identification error: A super user password cannot be checked
110 16 
if you are logged in with a general user level password.
111 -  See Common Error Code Table on page B-1.
33 )% The entered date is out of range.
98  Allowable number of Working Day Type has been exceeded.
113 33 )%a)% The entered time value is out of range.
114 -  See Common Error Code Table on page B-1.
115 -  See Common Error Code Table on page B-1.
116 33 )% The Program Number entered is invalid.
117 32 )% An invalid character exists in the entered value.

System Error Codes

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 B-3

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System Error Codes
Station Programming Error Codes

Station Programming Error Codes

Program Code FB Error Descriptions
33 )% The entered Shelf/Slot/Circuit value is out of range.
The selected PDN(s) conflicts with an existing PDN(s)
49 )%
assignments for the selected circuit.
49 )% Station Type cannot be changed.
)% The desired DN does not exist.

The entered value conflicts with an existing numbering

51 )%
The entered value conflicts with an existing ISDN assignment
200 52 )%
The quantity of lines, ISDN channels and PDNs entered
54 )%
exceeds the number of ports licensed with this processor.
80 )% The DN does not exist.
A PCB without DKT/SLT setting allowed is designated for a
80 )%
PCB connecting the selected ISDN extensions.
96 )% The allowed number of extensions has been exceeded.
The quantity of station speed dial bins entered exceeds the
98 )%
system's capacity.
51 )% The entered number is not the extension number.
201 52 )% The entered number is not the extension number.
80 )% The entered value is not a valid extension.
33 )% The equipment number entered is out of the range.
PCB assignment is not set for the ISDN card connecting
49 )%
selected extensions.
49 )% The entered equipment is using as other ISDN extension.
49 )% An ISDN trunk channel group conflict has been detected.
Although the P-P connection was selected, an additional DN
49 )%
is registered.
49 )%a)% The desired value conflicts with existing ISDN extensions.

202 The Primary DN entered conflicts with a value of an existing

51 -
numbering scheme.
)%)% The desired value conflicts with existing number schemes.

52 )% A DN used for DKT extensions is designated.

The additional ISDN extension number cannot be registered.
52 )%a)%
The number is already in use by a DKT extensions, etc.
The quantity of lines, ISDN channels and PDNs entered
54 )%
exceeds the number of ports licensed with this processor.
80 )% The DN entered is invalid.

B-4 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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System Error Codes
Station Programming Error Codes

Program Code FB Error Descriptions
A PCB without ISDN extension settings allowed is designated
80 )%
for the PCB connecting the ISDN extension(s) selected.
The number of channel group exceeds the system capacity
96 )%
when ISDN station is registered.
The quantity of lines, ISDN channels and PDNs entered
96 )%
exceeds the number of ports licensed with this processor.
The quantity of station speed dial bins entered exceeds the
98 )%
systems capacity.
The new DN value conflicts with an existing value DN, PhDN,
49 )%
The Primary DN entered conflicts with a value of an existing
51 -
numbering scheme.
The new DN value conflicts with an existing numbering
51 )%
scheme value.
52 )% The new DN value conflicts with existing group extensions.
80 )% The new DN value does not exist.
The number of attendant consoles exceed the number
49 )%
specified in the system.
52 )% DKT is not assigned to DN (ISDN, etc.).
80 )% The DN entered is an extension number that does not exist.
98 )% Allowable Feature Button number is exceeded.

System Error Codes

98 )% Allowable Call History Memory size is exceeded.
100 Sub-parameters must be assigned.
33 )% 120
120 The line number entered is out of range for the systems
48  Required parameter for each Feature Code is not entered.
110 Two or more PhDNs with the same value are registered to one
49 )%
205 700 Only Feature Code(s) allowed for Attendant Console is
790 registered.
49 )%
610 Two or more DSSs with the same value are registered to one
49 )%
120 While assigning sub-parameters to a DN: A DN was selected
130 that does not exist in the system.
49 )%

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 B-5

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System Error Codes
Station Programming Error Codes

Program Code FB Error Descriptions
The Primary DN entered conflicts with a value of an existing
51 )%
numbering scheme.
110 The Primary DN entered conflicts with a value of an existing
numbering scheme.
120 When assigning an Owner DN to a CO or GCO, the related
51 )% 130 CO or GCO buttons are not assigned to the respective FB(s)
of the owners extension.
The Primary DN entered conflicts with a value of an existing
numbering scheme.
110 The Secondary/PhDN entered is already used in ISDN
52 )%
extenstion(s), etc.
120 The CO or GCO Owner DN entered does not exist.
52 )%
80 )% The PrimeDN does not exist in the system.
82  The sub-parameter values assigned to the FB are invalid.
82 120 The line number entered does not exist.
110 The maximum allowable value for GCO, POOL, or PhDN has
96  130 been exceeded.
)% The quantity of Flexible keys programmed exceeds the
)% systems capacity.
)% An invalid DN was selected. The entered PDN is not related to
)% this Phantom DN.
Phantom DN entered is invalid (the entered value is used as a
51 -
part of an existing extension number or numbering plan).
)% An invalid DN was selected (the entered value is used as a
51 )% part of an existing extension number or numbering plan).
The Phantom DN entered conflicts with an existing DKT
52 -
)% The entered DN conflicts with an existing DKT extension, or
)% numbering plan, etc.
A Phantom DN that does not exist in the system has been
80 )%
An invalid DN was selected (the entered value is used as a
51 )%
part of an existing extension number or numbering plan).
208 52 )% The entered DN conflicts with an existing numbering plan.
The DN entered is an extension number that does not exist in
80 )%
the system.

B-6 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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System Error Codes
Station Programming Error Codes

Program Code FB Error Descriptions
If Hunt Method field is set to Distribute, the incoming
49 )%
destination Pilot Number must be assigned.
If Hunt Method is set to Distribute, Pilot Number must be
50 )%
The entered value conflicts with an existing number or
51 )%
209 numbering plan.
52 )% The entered value conflicts with an existing DKT extension.
The designated Hunt Group number does not exist in the
80 )%
The assigned Hunt Group number, exceeds the system
96 )%
The entered DN does not exist in the system (The entered
51 )%
value is used in an extension number or numbering plan).
52 )% The entered value is used in the numbering plan.
80 )% The entered Prime DN does not exist in the system.
The Pickup group number entered is out of the range for the
96 -
systems capacity.
100 The sub-parameters for Feature Code (Key Number) must be
110 assigned.
33 )% 120

System Error Codes

The line number entered is out of range for the systems
33 - 120
48  Essential sub-parameter values must be entered.
Two or more PhDNs with the same value are registered to one
49 )% 110
700 The feature code(s) allowed to attendant console only is
790 registered.
213 49 )%
Two or more DSSs with the same value are registered to one
49 )% 610
120 The entered DN does not exist in the system.
49 )%
The Prime DN entered conflicts with a value of an existing
51 -
numbering scheme.
The secondary/PhDN entered cannot be registered. The
51 )% 110
number conflicts with an existing number scheme.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 B-7

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System Error Codes
Station Programming Error Codes

Program Code FB Error Descriptions
When setting an owner extension to the additional information
51 )% of CO, GCO, the said CO, GCO keys are not assigned to the
Feature Buttons of the owner extension.
The Primary DN entered conflicts with an existing DKT
52 -
The secondary/PhDN entered cannot be registered. The
52 )% 110
number conflicts with an existing ISDN extension(s), etc.
120 The CO or GCO Owner DN entered does not exist.
52 )%
80 )% The specified Prime DN does not exist in the system.
The additional information assigned to the Feature Button is
82 - 120 The line number entered does not exist.
110 The allowable number of GCO, POOL or PhDn has been
96  130 exceeded.
The quantity of Flexible buttons programmed exceeds the
98 -
systems capacity.
33 )%a)% The equipment number entered is out of the range.
49  The designated circuit is already in use.
Multiple DSSs cannot be assigned to the same Shelf/Slot/
The entered DN does not exist in the system (the entered
51  value conflicts with an existing extension number or
numbering plan).
214 52  The entered value conflicts with an existing numbering plan.
80 )% The designated Prime DN does not exist in the system.
The designated PCB and extension combination is not
80 )%a)%
The number of DSS consoles entered exceeds the systems
96 )%a)%
The number of DSS buttons entered exceeds the systems
capacity. This error can occur with PB1~PB8

B-8 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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System Error Codes
Station Programming Error Codes

Program Code FB Error Descriptions
100 The sub-parameters for Key Number field must be assigned.
33 )% 120
The line number entered is out of range for the systems
33 - 120
48  Essential sub-parameter values must be entered.
Two or more PhDNs with the same value are registered to one
49 )% 110
700 The feature code(s) allowed to attendant console only is
790 registered.
49 )%
Two or more DSSs with the same value are registered to one
49 )% 610
120 The entered DN does not exist in the system.
49 )%
215 The Primary DN entered conflicts with a value of an existing
numbering scheme.

System Error Codes

The secondary/phantom DN entered cannot be registered.
51 )% 110
The number conflicts with an existing number scheme.
When setting an owner extension to the additional information
51 )% of CO, GCO, the said CO, GCO keys are not assigned to the
Feature buttons of the owner extension.
The Primary DN entered conflicts with an existing DKT
52 -
The secondary/PhDN entered cannot be registered. The
52 )% 110
number conflicts with an existing ISDN extension(s), etc.
120 The CO or GCO Owner DN entered does not exist.
52 )%
80 )% The specified PrimeDN does not exist in the system.
The additional information assigned to the Feature Button is
82 - 120 The line number entered does not exist.
The allowable number of GCO, POOL or PhDn has been
The number of Flexible buttons programmed exceeds the
98 -
systems capacity.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 B-9

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System Error Codes
Station Programming Error Codes

Program Code FB Error Descriptions
The entered DN does not exist in the system (the entered
51 )% value conflicts with an existing extension number or
numbering plan).
The entered DN conflicts with an existing ISDN extension(s),
52 )%
80 )% The designated Prime DN does not exist in the system.
The entered DN does not exist in the system (the entered
51 )% value conflicts with an existing extension number or
numbering plan).
The entered DN is not designated as an ISDN extension in
52 )%
Program 202.
80 )% The designated DN does not exist in the system.
The DN entered is already assigned to another Hunt Group. A
49 )%
DN can only be in one Hunt Group.
The entered DN does not exist in the system (the entered
51 )% value conflicts with an existing extension number or
numbering plan).
52 )% The entered DN conflicts with an existing numbering plan.
80 )% The entered Hunt Group number does not exist in the system.
80 )% The entered DN does not exist in the system.
The number of Hunt Group assignments has exceeded the
82 )%
system capacity.
The allowable number of Hunt Group member assignments
96 )%
has been exceeded.
More than 560 DNs are designated for members of one
98 )%
hunting group.
Note For FBs in Program 205, 213 and 215, codes shows the entered Feature Code.

B-10 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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System Error Codes
Trunk Programming Error Codes

Trunk Programming Error Codes

Occurred Sub-
Program Code Error Descriptions
FB parameter
33 )% The equipment number entered is out of the range.
When modifying previously assigned equipment:
The designated PCB Type does not allow CO trunk
49 )% assignments.
The designated circuit does not allow CO trunk
The ISDN ILG number is designated for analog trunks or the
49 )%
entered ILG number does not exist in the system.
The ISDN OLG number is designated for analog trunks or the
49 )%
entered OLG number does not exist in the system.
300 )% A conflict exists between the ILG number and the OLG
)% number trunk type.
The quantity of lines, ISDN channels and PDNs entered
54 )%
exceeds the number of ports licensed with this processor.
A trunk number that does not exist in the system has been
80 )%
80 )% The entered ILG number does not exist in the system.
80 )% The entered OLG number does not exist in the system.
96 )% Allowable number of trunks has been exceeded.

System Error Codes

96 )% The line number entered exceeds the systems capacity.
A trunk number that does not exist in the system has been
301 6 )%
33 )% The equipment number entered is out of the range.
Dch position is not set to 16. When setting the time slot
48 )%
pattern for a 2048 kbps interface, this value must be set to 16.
49 )% The type of ILG or OLG entered in not an ISDN.
49 )% The ILG or OLG entered does not exist in the system.
The T-Wait Timer can only be enabled if the Protocol is set to
50 )%
National ISDN.
The entered Channel Group conflicts with an existing ISDN
52 )%
302 extension(s), etc.
The quantity of lines, ISDN channels and PDNs entered
54 )%
exceeds the number of ports licensed with this processor.
The entered Channel Group number does not exist in the
80 )%
An ISDN trunk cannot be assigned to the designated Shelf/
80 )%
80 )% The designated ILG does not exist in the system.
80 )% The designated OLG does not exist in the system.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 B-11

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System Error Codes
Trunk Programming Error Codes

Occurred Sub-
Program Code Error Descriptions
FB parameter
The number of allowable Channel Groups has been exceeded
302 96 )%
when a new ISDN trunk assignment is made.
The entered Channel Group number conflicts with an existing
52 )%
303 ISDN extension(s).
80 )% The entered Channel Group number does not exist.
The Group Type and Trunk Type are assigned based on the
49 ILG settings found in ILG field of Program 300 and in ILG field
of Program 302.
The entered Pool Key Number cannot be assigned. It belongs
49 )%
to another ILG number.

304 The entered GCO Key Number cannot be assigned. It

49 )%
belongs to another ILG number.
80 )% The entered ILG does not exist in the system.
)% The allowable number of GCO or POOL Key Number has
)% been exceeded.
96 )% The number of ILGs exceed the system capacity.
The entered ILG number cannot be deleted. Trunk
49 )% relationships assigned in Programs 300 and 302 must deleted
305 first.
80 )% The entered ILG does not exist in the system.
The Group Type and Trunk Type are assigned based on the
49 OLG settings found in ILG field of Program 300 and in ILG
field of Program 302.
)% The entered Pool Key Number cannot be assigned. It belongs
)% to another OLG number.
The entered GCO Key Number cannot be assigned. It
49 )%
306 belongs to another ILG number.
80 )% The entered OLG does not exist in the system.
The allowable number of OLG Group Number has been
96 )%
)% The allowable number of GCO or POOL Key Number has
96 )% been exceeded.

The entered OLG number cannot be deleted. Trunk

49 )% relationships assigned in Programs 300 and 302 must be
307 deleted first.
80 )% The entered OLG does not exist in the system.
33 )% The entered equipment value is invalid.
80 )% The designated trunk equipment does not exist in the system.

B-12 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

System Error Codes
Trunk Programming Error Codes

Occurred Sub-
Program Code Error Descriptions
FB parameter
)%a No incoming destination number is entered for the parameter
)% required.
The entered DID conflicts with an existing wild card PCB. The
49 )% allowable number of DID assignments including a wild card
PCB is exceeded.
49 )% The selected GCO conflicts with an existing ILG number.
The selected Pool Line Group conflicts with an existing ILG
49 )%
51 )% The entered ILG number does not exist in the system.
The length of entered DID value exceeds the allowable
51 )%
contract digit number.
80 )% The entered GCO key group does not exist in the system.
The selected ILG number does not exist in the system. The
82 )%
number of ILGs exceed the system capacity.
)% The number of allowable GCO or POOL key group
)% assignments has been exceeded.
The allowable number of DID assignments has been
98 )%
33 )% The entered equipment value is invalid.
)%a No incoming destination number is assigned for the required
310 48
)% parameter.
80 The entered circuit is not set to support the designated trunk.

System Error Codes


Although DISA security is set to Necessary, no DISA code

311 49 )%
has been assigned.
49 )% The entered DID number is not assigned to an ILG.
49 The DID Number entered is invalid.
80 DID Number entered does not exist in the system.
82 )% The entered ILG number does not exist in the system.
33 )% The entered equipment value is invalid.
33 )% The entered equipment value is invalid.
When Signalling Method field is set to CLASS:
313 )% The Signalling Contents field value must be assigned
The CLID Equipment Number Position circuit for the CIU
must be entered.
80 )% The entered trunk number does not exist in the system.
)% NONE entered in any field is invalid.
33 )% The entered equipment value is invalid.
The PCB installed in the designated Shelf/Slot must be a
49 )%

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 B-13

Downloaded from manuals search engine
System Error Codes
Trunk Programming Error Codes

Occurred Sub-
Program Code Error Descriptions
FB parameter
33 )% RPTU Equipment Number entered is invalid.
If the Span Interface speed is set to a value not equal to 1.5M,
49 )%
the Dch position is modified.
The entered channel group number conflicts with an existing
52 )%
316 ISDN extension(s).
54 )% The equipment number entered is out of range.
The entered channel group number does not exist in the
80 )%
80 )% The entered circuit must be an assigned ISDN.
33 )% The entered equipment value is invalid.
)% The entered ILG/OLG values do not have ISDN assignments.

The T-Wait Timer can only be enabled if the Protocol is set to

50 )%
National ISDN.
The entered channel group number conflicts with an existing
52 )%
ISDN extension(s).
The quantity of lines, ISDN channels and PDNs entered
317 54 )%
exceeds the number of ports licensed with this processor.
The entered channel group number does not exist in the
80 )%
80 )% The entered circuit must be an assigned ISDN.
80 )% The entered ILG number does not exist in the system.
80 )% The entered OLG number does not exist in the system.
The allowable channel group assignments exceed the system
96 )%
)%a No incoming destination number is assigned for the required
)% parameter.
49 )% The selected GCO conflicts with an existing ILG number.
The selected Pool Line Group conflicts with an existing ILG
49 )%
318 80 )% The entered GCO key group does not exist in the system.
82 )% The selected ILG number does not exist in the system.
The selected ILG number does not exist in the system. The
82 )%
number of ILGs exceed the system capacity.
)% The number of allowable GCO or POOL key group
)% assignments has been exceeded.
319 48 )%a)% The destination number is not assigned.

B-14 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

System Error Codes
Trunk Programming Error Codes

Occurred Sub-
Program Code Error Descriptions
FB parameter
33 )% The entered equipment value is invalid.
The quantity of lines, ISDN channels and PDNs entered
54 )%a)%
320 exceeds the number of ports licensed with this processor.
The circuit for the designated PCB must be an assigned ISDN
80 )%
primary trunk.
321 80 )% The entered OLG number does not exist in the system.
The Group CO or Pool Line Group Destination is out of range
80 )% The entered OLG number does not exist in the system.
)% The designated extension number does not exist in the
)% system.
)% The entered GCO value does not exist in the system.

)% The entered POOL value does not exist in the system.

96 )% The allowable system DID assignments has been exceeded.

18 )% Select the Type of Service for CBC.
33 )% The Incoming Line Group entered is invalid.
33 )% The Outgoing Line Group entered is invalid.
The same value is designated to the Type of Service, Facility
Code, Service Parameters, and Network ID fields that
49 )%a)%

System Error Codes

correspond to the same channel group and different line
service index.
The entered values in Channel Group and Index fields are not
49 )% valid CBC assignments. Select NODATA in Type of Service
field to delete CBC setting.
)% When an INWATS ILG is assigned in ILG field an Out WATS
)% Type of Service cannot be assigned.
)% If OUTWATS service is selected for Type of Service, an OLG
)% value must be assigned.
)% The selected ILG conflicts with an existing ILG number.

)% When an Out WATS OLG is assigned in OLG field an INWATS

)% Type of Service cannot be assigned.
)% Make a selection in OLG field.

)% The selected OLG conflicts with an existing ILG number.


The assigned minimum Bch value (Minimum Calls Zones

49 )%a)% 1~3) exceeds the related (Maximum Calls Zones 1~3)
maximum Bch value.
)% The assigned minimum Bch value (Minimum Calls Zones
49 )% 1~3) exceeds the related (Maximum Calls Zones 1~3)
)% maximum Bch value.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 B-15

Downloaded from manuals search engine
System Error Codes
Attendant Position Programming Error Codes

Occurred Sub-
Program Code Error Descriptions
FB parameter
49 )%a)% The B channel entered is invalid.
49 )% The OLG entered does not exist in system.
)% The entered ILG/OLG values are not assigned ISDNs.

50 )%a)% Make a Service Type selection for field 02.

The entered channel number conflicts with an existing ISDN
52 )%
323 extension(s), etc.
The entered channel group number does not exist in the
80 )%
82  The Channel Group entered does not exist in the system.
The allowable number of assigned channel groups has been
82 )%
96  The number of allowable CBCs has been exceeded.
33 )%a)% The time entered is invalid.
The entered channel number conflicts with an existing ISDN
52 )%
324 extension(s), etc.
The entered channel group number does not exist in the
80 )%

Attendant Position Programming Error Codes

Occurred Sub-
Program Code Error Descriptions
FB parameter
If the Called Number Index is not assigned, Call Destination
400 50 )%
must be set to insert.
33 )% The Attendant group number entered is out of the range.
The entered Attendant group number does not exist in the
404 80 )%
80 )%a)% The designated ILG does not exist in the system.

B-16 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

System Error Codes
Service Programming Error Codes

Service Programming Error Codes

Program Code Occurred FB Error Descriptions
)% A character that is not permitted is included in the Destination
)% number.
A value must be assigned to Destination 1if an assignment
500 50 )%
was made in Destination 2.
The entered System Call Forward number does not exist in
82 )%
the system.
A character that is not permitted is included in the entered
32 )%
501 Speed Dial number.
33 )% The entered Speed Dial number is out of range.
The entered DN does not exist in the system (the entered
51 )% value conflicts with an existing extension number or
numbering plan).
52 )% The entered number conflicts with an existing numbering plan.
The entered extension does not exist. The entered Attendant
502 80 )%
Console does not exist.
The Page group number entered exceeds the systems
96 -
The number of allowable Device number per paging group
98 )%a)%
has been exceeded.
The entered External Generic Relay number conflicts with an

System Error Codes

49 )%
existing device, such as a door lock, etc.
503 The Page group number entered exceeds the systems
98 )%a)% Device Number per paging group is exceeded.
504 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
53 )% Account Code cannot be verified.
Account code confirmation digit does not coincide. (It is larger
506 80 )%
than the value that was registered by Program 570.)
98 )% The Account code number exceeds the systems capacity.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 B-17

Downloaded from manuals search engine
System Error Codes
Service Programming Error Codes

Program Code Occurred FB Error Descriptions
33 )% The DDCB Equipment number entered is invalid.
The destination number value is out of range (when
33 )%a)%
destination type is Paging Group).
The allowable number of Paging Groups have been
33 )%a)%
33 )% The entered Ring Duration is invalid.
Door Phone number entered conflicts with an existing Door
49 )%
Phone number.
507 The equipment assigned in DDCB Equipment Number is
49 )%
already in use.
49 )% The entered value conflicts with an existing DKT extension.
52 )% The entered Circuit conflicts with an existing door lock.
80 )% The entered Door Phone number does not exist in the system.
80 )% The PCB Type designated for this circuit must be a DKU.
82 )% The entered Door Phone number does not exist in the system.
96 )% The allowable number of Door Phones has been exceeded.
33 )% The entered equipment value is invalid.
The designated BIOU PCB circuit is used by another device
49 )% (Night Bell, etc.), or two or more door locks are designated for
the same BIOU PCB.
The PCB Type designated for this DDCB circuit must be a
49 )%
508 PDKU or BDKU.
The DDCB Equipment number entered conflicts with an
49 )%
existing door lock.
Other devices (DKT extensions, door phones, etc.) are
52 )%
designated for the specified DDCB circuit.
96 )% The allowable number of Door Locks has been exceeded.
509 -  No error occurs for this command except for common errors.
510 49 )% The specified COS Override Code digit is invalid.
512 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
513 80 )% ILG number enter does not exist.
514 80 )% The entered OLG number does not exist.
515 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.

B-18 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

System Error Codes
Service Programming Error Codes

Program Code Occurred FB Error Descriptions
A character that is not permitted is used in the Speed Dial
32 )%
The allowable number of Speed Dial Bins has been
50 )%
The entered DN does not exist in the system (the entered
516 51 )% value conflicts with an existing extension number or
numbering plan).
52 )% The entered value conflicts with an existing numbering plan.
80 )% The entered PrimeDN does not exist.
98 )% The allowable Short-dial number has been exceeded.
520 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
The Route Plan Number must be complete to be registered to
51 )%
the Route Plan Table.
The allowable number of participants in the Route Plan Table
has been exceeded.
The Exception Route Plan Number must be complete to be
51 )%
registered to the Route Plan Table.
The allowable number of participants in the Route Plan Table
has been exceeded.
523 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
524 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.

System Error Codes

)% Both the OLG Number and the Digit Modification Index must
525 )% be entered.
50 )% Digit Modification Index value cannot be 0.
526 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
33 )% The entered date is out of range.
527 The public holiday number entered exceeds the systems
98 )%
528 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
529 33 )% The entered time is out of range.
A character(s) that is not permitted is included in the specified
32 )%
DR LCR Table codes cannot be repeated. The value entered
51 )% cannot be registered (e.g., If 1234 is registered, 123 cannot
be registered).
80 )% The code is not registered in the screening table.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 B-19

Downloaded from manuals search engine
System Error Codes
Service Programming Error Codes

Program Code Occurred FB Error Descriptions
A character(s) that is not permitted is included in the specified
32 )%
LCR OLG Access codes cannot be repeated. The value
51 )% entered cannot be registered (e.g., If 1234 is registered, 123
531 cannot be registered).
The allowable number of LCR OLG Access codes has been
82 )%
The allowable number of DR sharing tables has been
98 )%
532 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
A character(s) that is not permitted is included in the specified
32 )%
Dial Strings cannot be repeated. The value entered cannot be
51 )% registered (e.g., If 1234 is registered, 123 cannot be
98 )% The allowable number of DRLs has been exceeded.
A character(s) that is not permitted is included in the specified
32 )%
To add a DRL to the DR Exception Table, the DRL number
534 51 )%
must be complete.
The allowable number of participants in the DR Exception
98 )%
Table has been exceeded.
An incoming destination number must be entered when After
48 )%
Shift Type field is set to Dialing Digits.
51 )% The entered value conflicts with an existing number scheme.
The entered DN conflicts with an existing DKT, ISDN
52 )%
extension, etc.
80 )% The entered DN does not exist.
A character(s) that is not permitted is included in the specified
20 )%
541 The entered DN conflicts with an existing DKT, ISDN
extension, etc.
80  The entered DN does not exist.
Two or more OLG numbers with the same value exist in the
49 )%a)%
550 same group.
80 )%a)% The entered OLG number does not exist.
Registered Digit Length cannot be less than the Verified Digit
49 )%
Registered Digit Length cannot be less than the Verified Digit
50 )%
49 )%a)% The same account code cannot be repeated.
50 )%a)% The same account code cannot be repeated.

B-20 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

System Error Codes
Networking Programming Error Codes

Program Code Occurred FB Error Descriptions
573 80 )% The entered Door Phone does not exist.
576 80 )% The entered Paging Group does not exist.
33 )% The entered circuit type is out of range.
33 )% The Ckt Type number entered, CO, GCO or POOL is invalid.
51 )% The entered circuit number is invalid.
577 52 )% The entered circuit number is invalid.
The Device installed in the Circuit does not existed in the
80 )%
80 )% The entered station number does not exist.
579 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
52  The entered DN is not a VM extension.
80  No error occurs for this command except for common errors.

Networking Programming Error Codes

Occurred Sub-
Program Code Error Descriptions
FB parameter
650 80  An OLG number has not been assigned in system.
The allowable number of Node ID assignments has been
651 98 

System Error Codes

653 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
654 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
655 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
)%a The entered Overlap Code already exists.
656 49

657 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
658 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
659 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.
660 -  No error occurs for this Program except for common errors.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 B-21

Downloaded from manuals search engine
System Error Codes
Equipment Programming Error Codes

Equipment Programming Error Codes

Occurred Sub-
Program Code Error Descriptions
FB parameter
Server Port Number must be entered when PC Operation
49 )% Type is set to Server, or Client Port Number must be entered
when PC Operation Type is set to Client.
If a CTI value (200~208) is assigned to the Logical Device in
49 )% Program 803, then Data Flow must be set to
When PC Operation Type is set to Client, the Client Port
49 )%
Number cannot be deleted.
When PC Operation Type is set to Server, the Server Port
49 )%
Number cannot be deleted.
The values assigned in Program 803 conflict with related I/O
80 )%
Logical and Physical Device assignments.
The selected port conflicts with existing devices, such as CTI,
The Physical Device assignment conflicts with existing serial
number assignments.
The values assigned in Program 803 conflict with related I/O
804 80 
Logical and Physical Device assignments.

B-22 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference C

This chapter is helps you cross-reference programs from Strata DK to CTX and vice versa. For example,
Program 03 of the DK is similar to Program 100 of the Strata CTX. Only programs that have similar
functions have been listed in these tables. The first table lists Strata DK program numbers in ascending
order and the next table, Strata CTX to Strata DK on page C-15 lists Strata CTX program numbers in
ascending order.

Strata DK to Strata CTX

The following numerical listing gives you the Strata DK program numbers and names. It cross-references
Strata CTX programs that are similar.

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
Level 1 Security Code,
00 Software Check Code 1, 2 110 Password Assignment 1 Password
Level 2 Security Code
Flexible PCB Cabinet
03 - Set PCB Code 100 Card Slot Assignment 1 Card Type
and Slot Assignments
Flexible Access Code Flexible Numbering
05 - set Access Code 102 1 Feature Code
Numbering Plan Assignment
(1)Destination Type
5 (Day1,audio/speech)
(1)Destination Type
6 (Day2,audio/speech)

Strata CTX/DK Program


(1)Destination Type
7 (Night,audio/speech)
[PDN],[PhDN],DH, (2)Destination
Set DID Extension Direct Inward Dialing
*09 ACD or Modem DID N/A 309
Number Assignment (1)Destination Type
Ext. Assignments
8 (Day1,data)
(1)Destination Type
9 (Day2,data)
(1)Destination Type
10 (Night,data)

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-1

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
Setting of caller
System Assignments, SMDI Station Number
LED 10-13 5 number digits sent to
Part 3 of 3 Digit Length
VM unit
Voice Mail Message
Setting of auto cancel
LED 04 Waiting Cancel Via Dial Voice Mail Data for 7
10 579 of VM and MW
#64/Automatic System Assignment
Part 2 of 3 Voice Mail Identification
Code, Dual Multi- Dial sending time at
LED 06 8
frequency (DTMF) Voice Mail port
Signal Time
Whether to activate
Ring Transfer of CO Class of Service
LED 07 103 3 Call Transfer With
Line Allowed Assignment
Tone first / Voice first
LED 01 Tone First/Voice First 204 DKT Data Assignment 5
Phantom DN Tone first / Voice first
LED 01 Tone First/Voice First 206 2
Parameter Assignment signaling
Dial Pulse (DP) Make System Timer The assignment of
LED 03 105 25
Ratio Assignment Dial Pulse Make Ratio
Dual-tone Multi- Dial sending time on
System Timer
LED 04 frequency (DTMF) 104 18 external line and
Signal Time extension station
Whether to activate
System Assignments, CO Line Repeat External Ringing
10-1 LED 06 204 DKT Data Assignment 11
Part 1 of 3 Ringing Repeat (Enable/
System Speed Dial
System Timer Restriction Override
LED 10 Override, Toll 105 9
Assignment by System Speed
Dial. Enable/Disable
Destination busy
System Timer detection time when
LED 11 ABR Redial Time 104 15
Assignment recalling the analog
external line
Station Timer Automatic Busy
LED 11 ABR Redial Time 208 3
Assignment Redials Recall Timer
Automatic Busy
Automatic Busy Redial Station Timer
LED 12 208 1 Redials Retry Count
(ABR) Cycles Assignment
when Outgoing Call

C-2 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
Break in warning tone
Executive Override
LED 16 1 of Executive Override
Warning Tone
Enable or Disable
Tones for the
Music-on-hold or Ring transferred party after
LED 05 System Data 3
Back Tone 105 the ringing transfer
takes place
System Assignments,
10-2 Privacy Override/
Part 2 of 3
Privacy Override Attendant Monitor
LED 14 5
Warning Tone warning Enable/
Dual-tone Multi-
LED 11, Frequency (DTMF)
300 Trunk Assignment 11 DTMF Back Tone
20 Tone, Padded Tone
VM SMDI Message Setting of output of
LED 20 3
desk Number Message Desk No
Setting of output of
System Assignments, Call ID / Automatic Voice Mail Data for
10-3 LED 08 579 4 Class, ANI and DNIS
Part 3 of 3 Number ID System Assignment
SMDI Bellcore Set Blank Number for
LED 09 6
Standard Version VM unit
ISDN Primary Trunk
LED 11 PRI ISDN Timer 302 24 T-WAIT
10-4 ACD/ISDN Parameters
ISDN Basic Trunk
LED 12 BRI T-WAIT Timer 317 18 T-WAIT
ACD Timing System Data Automatic disconnect
11 9 Call Disconnect Timer 104 19
Assignments Assignment timer
E911/CAMA Trunk CAMA Operation System Data
*11-0 LED 11 105 8 offer of E911 Service
Assignments Enabled/Disabled Assignment
Enhanced 911 OLG associated with
CAMA Trunk Group Second Hunt to CAMA Trunk
*11-2 550 Emergency Call Group 1-8 Emergency Call
Hunting Assignment parameter Group
Assignment Group Number
CAMA Digits Send on Set sending digits for System Data The sending dialing
*11-5 N/A 105 24
911 Calls E911 Assignment digits as E911

Strata CTX/DK Program

System Timer Dialed 9 and 11
*11-6 E911 Interdigital Timer - E911 Interdigital Timer 104 13

Assignment Judgment Timer
Called Number of
911 Special [DN]
Set [PDN],[PhDN] port Emergency Call Emergency Call(DN,
*11-8 Notification N/A 400 2
number Destination Assignment Pilot Number,Private
Timer to permit dial
System Timer input for the
Code 9 Inter-digital Release 104 9
Assignment telephone and trunk
System Assignments, using DTMF
Basic Timing Code 4 Flashing Timing 2 Short Flash Time
Trunk Timer
Code 4 Flashing Timing 308 3 Long Flash Time
Code 5 Pause After Flash 4 Pause time after flash
Emergency Ring
System Assignments, Standard Telephone Emergency Ring Down Down Timer setting of
12-1 N/A 216 2
Basic Timing Ring Down Timer Assignment an originating

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-3

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
200 Station Assignment 16 CESID
CESID Station
*12 N/A Set CESID ISDN Basic Station
Information 202 20 CESID
Defining the Message Voice Mail to
13 N/A Set Message Center 200 Station Assignment 22
Center Message Waiting
Emergency call group
Station To CAMA 200 Station Assignment 17
E911 Station CAMA of extension terminal
*13 Trunk Group N/A
Trunk Number ISDN Individual Station Emergency call group
Assignment 217 6
Data Assignment of extension terminal
(1)After Shift Forward
After Shift Service Second ACD Pilot DN Type
14-6 Destination 540 1
Destination parameter Assignment (2)After Shift Forward
Tandem Line Class of Service Tandem CO Line
5 103 26
Connection Assignment Connection
CO/DID/Tie Line Signal
Code 1,
CO/DID/Tie Dial Pulse 300 Trunk Assignment 4 Dial Mode
Code 2
Ground/Loop/Tie/DID Set Trunk forced
15 Outgoing Line Group
Line Options Code 7 Forced Account Code 306 13 Account Code need/
no need
Detect Automatic
Automatic Release Trunk Timer Release / Calling
Code 4 308 1
Time Assignment Party Control, and
detection time
Incoming Line Group.
2 Port became of
Assign CO Line member that ILG
16 LED 01-20 Set CO Line 300 Trunk Assignment
Groups Outgoing Line Group.
3 Port became of
member that OLG
Incoming Line Group
304 1 Analog/ISDN Type
ISDN Trunk Group Assignment
*16 N/A Set Trunk Group Type
Type Assignment Outgoing Line Group
306 1 Analog/ISDN Type
LED 02 Wink/Immediate 300 Trunk Assignment 6 Start Method
Automatic Campon
LED 03 DID Camp-on/Busy 17
17 DID/Tie Line Options Incoming Line Group on/off
DID/Tie Second Dial Assignment Called Dial Tone send
LED 04 20
Tone Option on/off

C-4 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
Input DSS1 card slot
Input DSS2 card slot
Input DSS3 card slot
Input DSS4 card slot
DSS Console/ 4
DSS Console position
28 Attendant Telephone N/A Set DSS Console 214
Assignment Input DSS5 card slot
Assignments 5
Input DSS6 card slot
Input DSS7 card slot
Input DSS8 card slot
(1) Feature Code
DSS Console and (3)parameter2
29 Number Button LED 01-20 Set Feature Code 215 DSS Key Assignment 1-60
Assignments (4)parameter3
The number of Add-on Number of Add-on
01,02 204 DKT Data Assignment 4
Modules Modules
(1) Feature Code
Add-on Modules
Button Assignments Add on Module Key (3)parameter2
LED 01-20 Set Feature Code 213 1-20
Assignment (4)parameter3
Automatic Busy Automatic Busy
LED 06 1

Strata CTX/DK Program

Redial(ABR) Access Redial required

Change DISA Security
LED 10 4 Change DISA Codes
Do Not Disturb(DND) DND Override -
LED 17 5
Override Calling Party
DND Override -
Called Party
Station Class of Class of Service
30 103 Privilege as the
Service Assignment
9 originator of
Executive Override
Privacy Override
LED 18 Executive Override 21
Originator forced
LED 08 Forced Account Code 32
Account Code
Verified Account
LED 14 Verify Account Code 33

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-5

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
Permission to
Change Toll Restriction
LED 16 23 Change of Travelling
Travelling Class Code
Class Override Code
200 Station Assignment Change System
LED 05 Speed Dial 30
Speed Dial
Off-hook Call Announce
Station Class of LED 07 32 Automatic OCA
30 (OCA) Automatic
ISDN Basic Station Change System
LED 05 Speed Dial 202 24
Assignment Speed Dial
Microphone Button On Set Microphone initial
LED 03 24
at Start of Call value
204 DKT Data Assignment
Mic Button - Locked/ Set use or no use of
LED 02 25
Momentary the microphone
LED 01 Page Group A
LED 02 Page Group B
LED 03 Page Group C

Telephone Group Page LED 04 Page Group D Terminal Paging Group Paging Group
*30 502 1~16
Assignments LED 05 Page Group E Assignment Number

LED 06 Page Group F

LED 07 Page Group G
LED 08 Page Group H
Allowed or not
Executive and Privacy
allowed as the
LED 18 Override Blocking 10
overridden party of
(Modem) Class of Service
103 Executive Override
All Call Page Allowed-
Whether to invoke
LED 10 Digital and Electronic 23
Emergency Paging
Voice Mail (VM) Groups 209, Message Center Hunt
LED 05-08 Voice Mail Hunt Group
1-4 218 for Voice Mail Port
Off-hook Call Announce
Type of OCA if OCA is
LED 14 (OCA) Handset or 6
Station Class of allowed
31 Speaker
Whether to turn the
microphone ON or
LED 01 Handsfree Disabled 9
OFF when a hands
free call is started
204 DKT Data Assignment
Whether to ring a
splash tone when a
LED 02 Handsfree No Warning 10 hands free call is
started. Enable or
Busy Override (BOV) Ring Over Busy
LED 11 27
Tone repetition timers

C-6 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
Terminal Paging Group
LED 10 All Call Page Allowed 502 17 All Page Group
Toshiba Stratagy,
whether to send A,D
Stratagy DK and/or VP
LED 15 2 tone or not send for
Integration (A Tone/D
Voice Mail
19:Toshiba Stratagy/
whether to send only
Stratagy DK/VP (B No
LED 19, Voice Mail Data B Tone, Not Send, or
Station Class of Station) 580 3
31 20 Assignment B Tone and Extension
Service 20:Toshiba Stratagy/VP
Number for Voice Mail
(B+Station Number)
whether send End to
End-to-end Signal RCV End Signal or not
LED 17 4
(VM) send for Voice Mail
Off-hook Call
Class of Service
LED 03 Announce(OCA) 103 38 Can Originate OCA
Enabled (Receive)
Group Pick up LED Call Pickup Group
*31 Pickup Group 1~20 210 1~20 Pickup Group 1~32
Assignments 01~20 Assignment
set Automatic Programmed with one
32 Automatic Preference N/A 204 DKT Data Assignment 13
Preference type of the preference type
[PDN]/[PhDN]Station Station Hunting Group
33 N/A - 209 1 Hunt Method
Hunting Assignment
Set Hunting Group
[PDN]/[PhDN] Station Set Station Hunting Station Hunting Group Member DN
33 N/A 218
Hunting member Members Assignment DN set type(modify/
[PhDN] Owner Set Owner Station Phantom DN
*33 N/A 206 1 Owner PDN
Telephone Assignment Logical Port No. Parameter Assignment
Station Timer
34 Hold Recall Timing N/A Set Recall Timing 208 4 On-hold recall timer
Station Class of Continuous DTMF Set Continuous
35 LED 17 204 DKT Data Assignment 19
Service Tones Off DTMF

Strata CTX/DK Program

Ring Transfer (Camp- Set Ring Transfer Station Timer No Answer Timer of
37 N/A 208 7
on) Recall Time Recall Time Assignment Ringing Transfer

System Timer
*37 Park Recall Timing - PARK TIME=Seconds 104 3 Park timer
Digital and Electronic
38 Telephone Keystrip N/A The appropriate code 204 DKT Data Assignment 2 Feature Key Pattern
Standard Telephone Emergency Ring Down Emergency Ring
*38 N/A Set Destination Port No. 216 3
Ring-Down Destination Assignment Down Destination
(1) Feature Code

Flexible Button Station Feature Key (3)parameter2

39 LED 01-20 Set Feature 205 1-20
Assignments Assignment (4)parameter3

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-7

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.

Station Outgoing Call Restrict stations from 306 FRL 9

41 Assign FRL.
Restriction making outgoing calls 200 FRL Assignments 6
T1 Span Frame and LED 02 1 Coding Format
T1 Span Line Code
*41-1 Line Code
LED 01 Assignments 2 Set frame format
T1 Span Transmit T1 Trunk Card Data
*41-3 Level Pad N/A Set Transmit Pad Assignment 5 Set send PAD value
T1 Span Receive Level
*41-4 N/A Set Receive Pad 4 Set receive PAD value
Pad Assignments
1 Set Primary Clock 21 Primary Clock Source
System Data
*42 Clock Source 105 Secondary Clock
2 Set Secondary Clock Assignment 22
0 + Credit Card Dialing Destination Restriction Credit Card Calling
43 LED 01-20 restrict/not restrict 111 1
Option Level Assignment Enable/Disable
D-Channel Control and ISDN Primary Trunk
*43-1 N/A D-Channel Circuit No. 302 7 D channel position.
NFAS Assignments Assignment
Network PRI Interface ISDN Primary Trunk
302 6 I/f ID Number
PRI Interface ID Code Assignment
D-Channel Control and
*43-3 N/A DCH Shared ISDN
NFAS Assignments Network PRI Interface
316 Primary Trunk 2 I/f ID Number
Toll Restriction/
44-1- Class Of Service
Traveling Class - Toll Restriction Code 510 1 COS Override Code
8 Override Assignment
Override Codes
14 SPID Initialize Type

BRI Service Profile Display for ISDN

SPID Type, ISDN Basic Trunk 15
*44 Identifier (SPID) N/A 317 SPID Initialize Type
SPID Value Assignment
Parameters 16 SPID Value1
17 SPID Value2
LCR/Toll Restriction Toll Restriction / LCR
Bypass for Special 1 table Code(set / no
Numbers that Do Not set)
Toll Restriction / LCR
*45-2 Begin with */# Digit Code
- 530 Screening Table 2 Toll Restriction Action
*45-3 LCR/Toll Restriction Digit String
Bypass For Special
Least Cost Routing
Numbers that Begin 3
with */#
Toll Restriction 1 Dial String
Allowed/Denied Area
Codes by Class
46-2 Third Toll Restriction Table
Toll Restriction Area Codes 533
46-6 parameter Assignment 2 Add/Delete codes
Allowed/Denied Local
Office Codes Assigned
by Class
Toll Restriction 1 Exception Dial Strings
Exceptional Toll
Exception Office
47 - Office Codes 534 Restriction Table
Codes Assigned by 2 Add/Delete codes
Area Codes
Class Of Service LCR feature
50-1 LCR Parameters LED 01 Enable System LCR 103 29
Assignment availability

C-8 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
LCR Parameters
50-2 LCR Home Area Code - Set Home Area Code 520 1 Local Area Code
Caller ID Circuit
Set Caller ID circuit
*50 Assignments to CO N/A 313 Caller ID Assignment 3 Class Equipment No.
Line PCBs
LCR Route Plan
LCR Plan 523 Schedule Table 2 LCR Time of Day
Second Station LCR Group
Schedule 3
parameter Number
LCR Route Table to
Third LCR Station Group LCR Route Definition
524 Route Definition 1
parameter Number Index - priority No.1
Fourth Route Definition LCR Route Definition
parameter Numbers (First Pick) Index - priority No.2

LCR Schedule Fourth Route Definition LCR Route Definition

53 Assignments for LCR parameter Numbers (Second Pick) Index - priority No.3
Plans Fourth Route Definition LCR Route Definition
parameter Numbers (Third Pick) Index - priority No.4
Fifth Route Definition LCR Route Definition
parameter Numbers (Fourth Pick) Index - priority No.5
LCR Route Definition
Index - priority No.6
LCR Route Plan
529 Schedule Table Time 2 LCR Time Zone
Zone Assignment
Fourth set Start Time for
Start Time 3
parameter Time Zone
First Outgoing Line Group
LCR Plan No. 1
parameter - Number
LCR Route Definition LCR Route Definition
54 525
Tables Second Route Definition Table Assignment 2 Digit Modification
parameter Numbers Index

LCR Route Definition Digit Modification

55 LCR Modified Digits - Modified Digits Table 525 2
Table Assignment Index

Strata CTX/DK Program

Delete Number of

Second LCR Digit Modification
55-0 Digits From the Front Quantity of Digits 526 1 Digits to be deleted
parameter Table Assignment
of Dialed
Add Digits Before and/
Third LCR Digit Modification
55-1 or After the Dialed Digits added 526 2 Add Leading Digits
parameter Table Assignment
Add Digits Before and/
Third LCR Digit Modification
55-2 or After the Dialed Digits added 526 3 Add Trailing Digits
parameter Table Assignment
Station LCR Group
200 Station Assignment 7
LCR Station Group Second Number
56 Set LCR Station Group
Assignments parameter ISDN Basic Station
202 8 LCR Group Number
DK424 Attendant First Attendant Console Attendant Group
58-1 404 3 Overflow Timer
Console Series parameter Overflow Timer Assignment

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-9

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
Attendant Console
Second Overflow destination
58-5 Overflow Destination Overflow Destination 204 DKT Data Assignment 28
parameter of attendant
Attendant Console
DK424 Attendant Second Attendant Group Overflow destination
58-5 Overflow Destination 404 4
Console Series parameter Assignment of attendant group
Caller ID, ANI and DNIS
SMDR Data Output SMDR For System Caller ID field
60-1 LED 01 data will be sent from 512 1
Options Assignment indication
the system SMDR port
Caller ID, ANI and DNIS
SMDR Data Output SMDR For System
60-1 LED 01 data will be sent from 512 3 ANI field indicate
Options Assignment
the system SMDR port.
Caller ID, ANI and DNIS
SMDR Data Output SMDR For ILG
60-1 LED 01 data will be sent from 513 2 DNIS field indication
Options Assignment
the system SMDR port
System Timer Valid Call timer on
60-2 SMDR Threshold Time 2 SMDR Threshold Time 104 5
Assignment SMDR
Output of SMDR
SMDR Incoming/ SMDR Output when a SMDR For ILG
60-3 - 513 3 record for the
Outgoing Calls call is completed Assignment
incoming call
Output of SMDR
SMDR Incoming/ SMDR Output when a SMDR For OLG
60-3 - 514 2 record for the
Outgoing Calls call is completed Assignment
outgoing call
Forced/Voluntary Forced/Voluntary Forced/Voluntary
Account Code Digit
60-4 Account Code Digit - Account Code Digit 570 1 Account Code
Length Assignment
Length Length Verified Digit Length
Credit Card Call Digit Credit Card Call Digit System Data Minimum Dial Digits
60-7 - 105 7
Length Length Assignment of Credit Card Calling
BRI Line/Station ISDN Basic Trunk BRI Equipment
*60 LED 01-04 Set TE/NT 317 1
Operation Assignment Assignment Number
Bearer Capability
Incoming Line Group
304 12 3.1kHzAudio or
Analog Trunk Service Assignment
*61 1 Bearer Service Speech
for ISDN
Outgoing Line Group Number of DID digits
306 11
Assignment received from CO.
Bearer Capability
Non-ISDN Station
*62 1 Bearer Service 200 Station Assignment 14 3.1kHzAudio /
Bearer Service
Number of DID
Number of DID/DNIS Third Incoming Line Group DID Contract Beam
*64-2 Incoming Call Digits per 304 11
Digits for Trunk Groups parameter Assignment Count
Trunk Group
Create Channel
Group Number
Channel Group Second ISDN Primary Trunk
*66-1 Set Channel Group No. 302
Number Parameters parameter Assignment 3 Set ILG
4 Set OLG

C-10 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
Call By Call Service
323 6 Incoming Line Group
Call By Call Service
323 7 Outgoing Line Group
Call-by-Call Trunk
*66-2 Group Codes and Set Facility Code 3 Facility code Value
parameter Call By Call Service
Network ID 323
Third Assignment
Set Service Parameters 4 Service Parameters
Call By Call Service
323 2 Kind of Line Service
Channel Group/Trunk ISDN Primary Trunk Set ISDN Trunk
*66-3 LED 03-06 Trunk Group Type 302 1
Parameters Assignment Group Number
Call-by-Call Trunk
Call By Call Service
*66-4 Group Codes and N/A Set Network ID Code 323 5 Network ID
Network ID
(1)Bearer Capability
Set ISDN Primary Trunk (2)Channel identifier
LED 01 302 8
SpeechSpeech Assignment number slot map,
channel type for
(1)Bearer Capability
Set 3.1 kHz ISDN Primary Trunk (2)Channel identifier
LED 02 302 9
AudioAudio Assignment number slot map,
channel type. for
3.1kHz Audio

Call Types for ISDN (1)Bearer Capability

*67-2 Trunk Group unrestricted digital
Supported Information 64kbps.
Set 64 kbps. ISDN Primary Trunk (2)Channel identifier
LED 03 302 11
DataData Assignment number slot map,
channel type for
unrestricted digital
Information 64kHz.

Strata CTX/DK Program

(1)Bearer Capability

unrestricted digital
Information 56kbps.
Set 56 kbps.
ISDN Primary Trunk (2)Channel identifier
LED 04 DataDataDataData 302 12
Assignment number slot map,

channel type for
unrestricted digital
Information 56kHz
Minimum number of
Bch in Time Zone1
Call Types for ISDN Set Minimum number of Call By Call Service Minimum number of
*67-3 N/A 323 10
Trunk Groups B-channels reserved Assignment Bch in Time Zone2
Minimum number of
Bch in Time Zone3

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-11

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
Maximum number of
Bch in Time Zone1
ISDN Trunk Groups
Set Maximum number Call By Call Service Maximum number of
*67-4 Maximum Channel N/A 323 11
of B-channels reserved Assignment Bch in Time Zone2
Maximum number of
Bch in Time Zone3
Start time of Time
Multiple Time Zone Set Start Time for Time Call By Call Time Zone Start time of Time
*67-5 N/A 324 2
Settings Zone Assignment Zone2
Start time of Time
Default calling
Trunk Group 1
1. Outgoing ISDN Calling Number
*68-1 Calling Number ID 321 Identification
Parameter 2. Outgoing Status Assignment
3. Incoming
Station Port
*69-1 CNIS Channel Group 321 ISDN Calling Number OLG Number
Index Number
Index Number 1 Source Type
CNIS Presentation
*69-2 CNIS Special Number 322
Second Special Number 2 Source Number
Calling Party Number
Parameter 3 Calling Party Number
Whether set or no set
Verified Account Code
69 Verify Account Codes - Verify Account Codes 506 1 as Verified Account
DNIS and ANI Only
Direct inward dialing
71-4 DNIS N/A Lines Voice Mail ID 309 11 Voice Mail ID of DNIS
DNIS Number Name Direct inward dialing Destination Name of
71-5 DNIS N/A 309 12
Display assignment DNIS
Options(Door Phones)
System Timer Electric door lock
77-1 RSIU/RSIS/RMDS, LED 20 Door Lock Time 104 12
Assignment unlocking time

C-12 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.
Set External Music
On Hold1 on ACTU/
BECU connected or
not connected
Set External Music
On Hold2 on BIOU1
connected or not
Set External Music
On Hold3 on BIOU1
connected or not
Set External Music
Options(Door Phones)
External Music On Hold On Hold4 on BIOU1
77-1 RSIU/RSIS/RMDS, LED 05 MOH/NT Relay 109 4
Source Assignment connected or not
Set External Music
On Hold5 on BIOU2
connected or not
Set External Music
On Hold6 on BIOU2
connected or not
set External Music On
Hold7 on BIOU2
connected or not
Door Lock Relay/ Door Lock Control Set Relay Number of
LED 07 508 2
External Page Relay Assignment BIOU
Door Phone Ring On
Door Phone Ring On Set External Paging
External Paging In
Peripheral LED 08 External Page in Night 576 1 Group for termination
Night Mode
Options(Door Phones) mode in Night Mode
PIOU/PIOUS/IMDU, Port Number/Door DDCB Equipment
Door Phone
PEPU. LED 16-19 Phone/Lock Control 507 0 Number that connects

Strata CTX/DK Program

Units to Door Phone

Port Number/Door
Door Phone Deleted Door Phone
LED 16-19 Phone/Lock Control 507 1
Assignment Number
Door Phone
LED 20 Door Phone Ring Count 507 4 Ring Duration
Door Phone Busy Assignment
77-2 Signal/Door Lock LED
Assignments Door Lock Control DDCB Equipment
04,08,12,1 Door Lock Assignments 508 3
Assignment Number
LED 1- (1)Destination Type of
Door Phone Ringing, Door Phone Number 6
79, 12(79) Door Phone DAY1
Door Phone to [DN] 507
*79 LED 1- Assignment (2)Destination
Flashing Assignments Door Phone Number 6
12(79) Number of DAY1

Ground/LOOP Start/ Direct Inward (1)Destination Type

Set Ringing Station at (Day1)
81-83 CO Line Station LED 01-20 310 Termination 1
Ringing Assignment (2)Destination

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-13

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata DK to Strata CTX

Strata DK Strata CTX

Prg Prg FB
Program Name Parameter Summary Program Name Summary
No. No. No.

Ground/LOOP Start/ Direct Inward (1)Destination Type

Set Ringing Station at (Day2)
84-86 CO Line Station LED 01-20 310 Termination 2
Ringing Assignment (2)Destination

Ground/LOOP Start/ Direct Inward (1)Destination Type

Set Ringing Station at (Night)
87-89 CO Line Station LED 01-20 310 Termination 3
Ringing Assignment (2)Destination
Legend: N/A = Not Applicable

C-14 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX to Strata DK

The following numerical listing gives you the Strata CTX program numbers and titles and cross-reference
Strata DK programs that are similar.
Note Only programs having a similar Strata DK program have been listed in the table below.

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
Flexible PCB Cabinet
100 Card Slot Assignment 1 Card Type 03 - Set PCB Code
and Slot Assignments
Flexible Numbering Flexible Access Code
102 1 Feature Code 05 - set Access Code
Plan Assignment Numbering
Station Class of Automatic Busy
1 Automatic Busy Redial 30 LED 06
Service Redial(ABR) Access
Call Transfer With System Assignments, Ring Transfer of CO
3 10-1 LED 07
Campon Part 1 of 3 Line Allowed
Changing DISA Change DISA Security
4 LED 10
Security Code Code
DND Override - Do Not Disturb(DND)
5 Station Class of LED 17
Calling Party 30 Override
DND Override - Called
9 Executive Override LED 18 Executive Override
Executive and Privacy
Overridden party of Station Class of
10 31 LED 18 Override Blocking
Class of Service Executive Override Service
103 (Modem)
Station Class of
21 Privacy Override 30 LED 18 Executive Override
All Call Page Allowed-
Station Class of
23 Emergency Paging 31 LED 10 Digital and Electronic
Tandem CO Line Ground/Loop/Tie/DID Tandem Line
26 15 5
Connection Line Options Connection
29 LCR feature 50-1 LCR Parameters LED 01 Enable System LCR

Strata CTX/DK Program

32 Forced Account Code Station Class of LED 08 Forced Account Code
33 Account Code Verify Service LED 14 Verify Account Code

Off-hook Call
Station Class of
38 Can originate OCA 31 LED 03 Announce(OCA)
Enabled (Receive)
3 Park timer *37 Park Recall Timing - PARK TIME=Seconds
Valid call timer on
5 60-2 SMDR Threshold Time 2 SMDR Threshold Time
System Timer SMDR
Assignment Timer to permit dial K4RCU3/RRCS DTMF
System Assignments,
9 input for the telephone 12 Code 9 Inter-digital Release
Basic Timing
and trunk using DTMF Time

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-15

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
Options(Door Phones)
12 Door lock unlock timer 77-1 RSIU/RSIS/RMDS, LED 20 Door Lock Time
13 9+11 Judgment Timer
11-6 E911 Interdigital Timer - E911 Interdigital Timer
Destination busy
System Timer
104 detection time when
Assignment 15 LED 11 ABR Redial Time
recalling the analog
external line System Assignments,
Part 1 of 3
Dial sending time on Dual-tone Multi-
18 external line and LED 04 frequency (DTMF)
extension station Signal Time
Automatic disconnect ACD Timing
19 11 9 Call Disconnect Timer
timer Assignments
Warning tone of Executive Override
1 LED 16
Executive Override Warning Tone
Tones for the
transferred party after Music-on-hold or Ring
3 System Assignments, LED 05
the ringing transfer 10-2 Back Tone
Part 2 of 3
takes place
Privacy Override/
Privacy Override
5 Attendant Monitor LED 14
Warning Tone
Minimum Dial Digits of Credit Card Call Digit Credit Card Call Digit
7 60-7 -
Credit Card Calling Length Length

System Data E911/CAMA Trunk CAMA Operation

105 8 E911 Service *11-0 LED 11
Assignment Assignments Enabled/Disabled
System Speed Dial
Restriction Override System Assignments,
9 10-1 LED 10 Override, Toll
by System Speed Part 1 of 3
21 Primary Clock Source 1 Set Primary Clock
Secondary Clock *42 Clock Source
22 2 Set Secondary Clock
CAMA Digits Send on Set sending digits for
24 E911 digits *11-5 N/A.
911 Calls E911
System Assignments, Dial Pulse (DP) Make
25 Dial Pulse Make Ratio 10-1 LED 03
Part 1 of 3 Ratio
External Music On Peripheral Options
External Music on 1
Hold1 on BCTU (Door Phones) RSIU/
109 Hold Source 77-1 LED 05 MOH/NT Relay
External Music On RSIS/RMDS, PIOU/
Assignment 2

C-16 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
External Music On
Hold3 on BIOU1.
External Music On
4 Peripheral
Hold4 on BIOU1.
External Music on Options(Door Phones)
External Music On
109 Hold Source 5 77-1 RSIU/RSIS/RMDS, LED 05 MOH/NT Relay
Hold5 on BIOU2
External Music On PEPU
Hold6 on BIOU2
External Music On
Hold7 on BIOU2
Password Level 1 Security Code,
110 1 Password 00 Software Check Code 1, 2
Assignment Level 2 Security Code
0 + Credit Card Dialing
111 Restriction Level 1 Credit Card Calling 43 LED 01-20 Restrict/Not Restrict
Message Waiting to Defining the Message
22 13 N/A Set Message Center
Voice Mail Center
Station LCR Group LCR Station Group Second
7 56 Set LCR Station Group
Number Assignments Parameter
Bearer Capability Non-ISDN Station
14 *62 1 Bearer Service
3.1kHzAudio / Speech Bearer Service
The same parameter
15 Display DN - - -
does not exist in DK424
CESID Station
16 CESID *12 N/A Set CESID
Emergency call group Station To CAMA Trunk E911 Station CAMA
17 *13 N/A
200 Station Assignment of extension terminal Group Assignment Trunk Number
Message Waiting
Defining the Message Voice Mail (VM)
22 Center Port for Voice 13 LED 05-08
Center Groups 1-4
Mail Port
Permission to Change
Station Class of Change Toll Restriction
23 of Travelling Class 30 LED 16
Service Travelling Class Code
Override Code

Strata CTX/DK Program

System Speed Dial
Change System Station Class of
30 30 LED 05 (SSD) (Only Port 000
Speed Dial Service

can change SSD)
Off-hook Call
Station Class of
32 Automatic OCA 30 LED 07 Announce (OCA)
LCR Station Group Second
8 LCR Group Number 56 Set LCR Station Group
Assignments Parameter
ISDN Basic Station CESID Station
202 20 CESID *12 N/A Set CESID
Assignment Information
Change System Station Class of Speed Dial (Only Port
24 LED 05
Speed Dial Service 000 can change SSD)

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-17

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
Digital and Electronic
2 Feature Key Pattern 38 Telephone Keystrip N/A The appropriate code
Number of Add-on Add-on Modules Button The number of Add-on
4 *29 1,2
Modules Assignments Modules
Tone first / Voice first System Assignments,
5 10-1 LED 01 Tone First/Voice First
signaling Part 1 of 3
Off-hook Call
Station Class of
6 Type of OCA 31 LED 14 Announce (OCA)
Handset or Speaker
Microphone ON or
Station Class of
9 OFF when a hands 31 LED 01 Handsfree Disabled
free call is started
Whether to ring a
splash tone when a Station Class of
10 31 LED 02 Handsfree No Warning
hands free call is Service
DKT Data started.
Activate External
System Assignments, CO Line Repeat
11 Ringing Repeat 10-1 LED 06
Part 1 of 3 Ringing
Off hook preference set Automatic
13 32 Automatic Preference N/A
type Preference type
Station Class of Continuous DTMF
19 Set Continuous DTMF 35 LED 17
Service Tones Off
Set Microphone initial Station Class of Microphone Button On
24 30 LED 03
value Service at Start of Call
Enable/Disable the Station Class of Mic Button - Locked/
25 30 LED 02
microphone Service Momentary
Ring Over Busy Station Class of Busy Override (BOV)
27 31 LED 11
repetition timers Service Tone
Attendant Console
Overflow destination Second
28 58-5 Overflow Destination Overflow Destination
of attendant Parameter
The Feature Key
assignment allows
each key on the
telephone to be
addressed and
assigned a code
Station Feature Key Flexible Button
205 1-20 representing the 39 LED 01-20 Set Feature
Assignment Assignments
function to be
performed. Some
feature keys require
additional parameters
to completely define
the key.
[PhDN] Owner Set Owner Station
1 Owner PDN *33 N/A
Telephone Assignment Logical Port No.
Phantom DN Tone first / Voice first System Assignments,
2 10-1 LED 01 Tone First/Voice First
206 Parameter signaling Part 1 of 3
Message Waiting
Station Class of Voice Mail (VM)
9 Center Port for Voice 31 LED 05-08
Service Groups 1-4
Mail Port

C-18 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
Automatic Busy
System Assignments, Automatic Busy Redial
1 Redials Retry Count 10-1 LED 12
Part 1 of 3 (ABR) Cycles
when Outgoing Call

Station Timer Automatic Busy System Assignments,

208 3 10-1 LED 11 ABR Redial Time
Assignment Redials Recall Timer Part 1 of 3
4 On-hold recall timer 34 Hold Recall Timing N/A Set Recall Timing
No Answer Timer of Ring Transfer (Camp- Set Ring Transfer
7 37 N/A
Ringing Transfer on) Recall Time Recall Time
Station Hunting [PDN]/[PhDN]Station
209 1 Hunt Method 33 N/A -
Group Assignment Hunting
Call Pickup Group Group Pick up
210 1~20 Pickup Group 1~20 *31 LED 01~20 Pickup Group 1~20
Assignment Assignments
The Feature Key
assignment allows
each key on the
telephone to be
addressed and
assigned a code
Add on Module Key Add-on Modules Button
213 1-20 representing the *29 LED 01-20 Set Feature Code
Assignment Assignments
function to be
performed. Some
feature keys require
additional parameters
to completely define
the key.
DSS1 card slot
DSS2 card slot
DSS3 card slot
DSS4 card slot
4 DSS Console/
DSS Console position
214 28 Attendant Telephone N/A Set DSS Console
Assignment DSS5 card slot
5 Assignments

Strata CTX/DK Program

DSS6 card slot

DSS7 card slot
DSS8 card slot
The Feature Key
assignment allows
each key on the
telephone to be
addressed and
assigned a code DSS Console and
215 DSS Key Assignment 1-60 representing the 29 Number Button LED 01-20 Set Feature Code
function to be Assignments
performed. Some
feature keys require
additional parameters
to completely define
the key.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-19

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
System Assignments, Standard Telephone
2 Emergency Ring 12-1 N/A
Emergency Ring Basic Timing Ring Down Timer
216 Down Timer setting of
Down Assignment Standard Telephone Set Destination Port
3 an originating terminal *38 N/A
Ring-Down Destination No.
ISDN Individual
Emergency call group Station To CAMA Trunk E911 Station CAMA
217 Station Data 6 *13 N/A
of extension terminal Group Assignment Trunk Number

Station Hunting Hunting Group

2 [PDN]/[PhDN] Station Set Station Hunting
218 Group Members Member DN 33 N/A
Hunting member
Assignment 3 DN set type
Incoming Line Group
16 Assign CO Line Groups LED 01-20 Set CO Line
Outgoing Line Group
CO/DID/Tie Line Signal
Ground/Loop/Tie/DID Code 1
4 Dial Mode 15 CO/DID/Tie Dial Pulse
300 Trunk Assignment Line Options Code 2
6 Start Method 17 DID/Tie Line Options LED 02 Wink/Immediate
Dual-tone Multi-
System Assignments, Frequency (DTMF)
11 DTMF Back Tone 10-2 LED 11, 20
Part 2 of 3 Tone, Padded Tone
Create Channel
Group Number
Channel Group Second
*66-1 Set Channel Group No.
3 Set ILG Number Parameters Parameter
4 Set OLG
Network PRI Interface
6 PSTN ID Number D-Channel Control and
*43-3 N/A PRI Interface ID Code
NFAS Assignments
7 D channel position. D-Channel Circuit No.
(1) Bearer Capability Call Types for ISDN
LED 01 Set Speech
Speech. Trunk Group Supported

8 (2) Channel identifier

ISDN Primary Trunk
302 number slot map/
Assignment LED 01 "Set ""Speech""
channel type for
(1) Bearer Capability "Set ""3.1 kHz
LED 02
3.1kHzAudio. *67-2 AudioAudio"

9 (2) Channel identifier

number slot map/
LED 02 "Set ""3.1 kHz Audio""
channel type for
3.1kHz Audio.
(1) Bearer Capability
11 unrestricted digital LED 03 "Set ""64 kbps. Data""
Information 64kbps.

C-20 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
(2) Channel identifier
number slot map/
11 channel type for LED 03 "Set ""64 kbps. Data""
unrestricted digital
Information 64kHz
(1) Bearer Capability *67-2
ISDN Primary Trunk Call Types for ISDN
302 12 unrestricted digital LED 04 "Set ""56 kbps. Data""
Assignment Trunk Group Supported
Information 56kbps.
(2) Channel identifier
number slot map,
12 channel type for LED 04 "Set ""56 kbps. Data""
unrestricted digital
Information 56kHz
ISDN Primary Trunk
302 24 T-WAIT Timer 10-4 ACD/ISDN Parameters LED 11 PRI ISDN Timer
ISDN Trunk Group Type
1 Analog/ISDN Type *16 N/A Set Trunk Group Type
Number of DID
Number of DID Digits Number of DID/DNIS Third
11 *64-2 Incoming Call Digits
received from CO Digits for Trunk Groups Parameter
per Trunk Group
Incoming Line Group
304 Bearer Capability
Assignment Analog Trunk Service
12 3.1kHzAudio or *61 1 Bearer Service
for ISDN
17 Automatic Campon LED 03 DID Camp-on/Busy
17 DID/Tie Line Options DID/Tie Second Dial
20 Called Dial Tone send LED 04
Tone Option
ISDN Trunk Group Type
1 Analog/ISDN Type *16 N/A Set Trunk Group Type
Outgoing Line Group Bearer Capability Analog Trunk Service
306 11 *61 1 Bearer Service
Assignment 3.1kHzAudio / Speech for ISDN
Set Trunk forced Ground/LOOP/Tie/DID
13 15 Code 7 Forced Account Code
Account Code Line Options
Detect Automatic
Release / Calling Ground/LOOP/Tie/DID Automatic Release
1 15 Code 4
Party Control, and Line Options Time

Strata CTX/DK Program

Trunk Timer detection time

Assignment 2 Short Flash Time Code 4 Flashing Timing
System Assignments,
3 Long Flash Time 12 Code 4 Flashing Timing
Basic Timing
4 Pause time after flash Code 5 Pause After Flash
(1) Destination Type
5 (Day1,audio/speech)
(2) Destination
(1) Destination Type [PDN], [PhDN], DH,
Direct Inward Dialing (Day2,audio/speech) Set DID Extension
309 6 *09 ACD or Modem DID N/A
Assignment Number
(2) Destination Ext. Assignments

(1) Destination Type

7 (Night,audio/speech)
(2) Destination

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-21

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
(1) Destination Type
8 (Day1,data)
(2) Destination
(1) Destination Type [PDN], [PhDN], DH,
(Day2,data) Set DID Extension
9 *09 ACD or Modem DID N/A
(2) Destination Ext. Assignments
Direct Inward Dialing (1) Destination Type
Assignment (Night,data)
(2) Destination
DNIS and ANI Only
11 Voice Mail ID of DNIS 71-4 DNIS N/A Lines Voice Mail ID
Destination Name of DNIS Number Name
12 71-5 DNIS N/A
DNIS Display
(1) Destination Type Ground/LOOP Start/
(Day1) Set Ringing Station at
1 81-83 CO Line Station LED 01-20
(2) Destination Ringing

Direct Inward (1) Destination Type Ground/LOOP Start/

(Day2) Set Ringing Station at
310 Termination 2 84-86 CO Line Station LED 01-20
Assignment (2) Destination Ringing

(1) Destination Type Ground/LOOP Start/

(Night) Set Ringing Station at
3 87-89 CO Line Station LED 01-20
(2) Destination Ringing

Caller ID Circuit
Class Equipment Set Caller ID circuit
313 Caller ID Assignment 3 *50 Assignments to CO N/A
Number number
Line PCBs
T1 Span Frame and
T1 Span Line Code
1 Coding Format *41-1 Line Code LED 02
T1 Span Frame and
T1 Span Framing
T1 Trunk Card Data 2 Set frame format *41-1 Line Code LED 01
315 Assignments
Assignment Assignments
T1 Span Receive Level
4 Set receive PAD value *41-4 N/A Set Receive Pad
Pad Assignments
T1 Span Transmit Level
5 Set send PAD value *41-3 N/A Set Transmit Pad
Pad Assignments
D-Channel Control and Network PRI Interface
316 Primary Trunk 2 I/f ID Number *43-3 N/A
NFAS Assignments Assignment
BRI Equipment BRI Line/Station
1 *60 LED 01-04 Set TE/NT
Number Operation Assignment
14 SPID Initialize Type

ISDN Basic Trunk Display for ISDN SPID BRI Service Profile
317 15 SPID Type,
Assignment Initialize Type *44 Identifier (SPID) N/A
SPID Value
16 SPID Value1 Parameters

17 SPID Value2
18 T-WAIT 10-4 ACD/ISDN Parameters LED 12 BRI T-WAIT Timer

C-22 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
ISDN Calling Number
Default calling Outbound CNIS
321 Identification 1 *68-2 N/A Set CPN
Number Parameters
Trunk Group
1. Outgoing
*68-1 Calling Number ID 2. Outgoing Status
ISDN Calling Number Change
321 Identification 1 OLG Number 3. Incoming
Station Port
*69-1 CNIS
Channel Group
1 Source Type Index Number
CNIS Presentation
322 *69-2 CNIS Special Number
Special Number 2 Source Number Second
Calling Party Number
3 Calling Party Number Parameter

Channel Group/Trunk
2 Kind of Line Service *66-3 LED 03-06 Trunk Group Type
Call-by-Call Trunk
3 Facility code Value *66-2 Group Codes and N/A Set Facility Code
Network ID
Call-by-Call Trunk
Set Service
4 Service Parameters *66-2 Group Codes and N/A
Network ID
Call-by-Call Trunk
5 Network ID *66-4 Group Codes and N/A Set Network ID Code
Network ID
Channel Group
6 Incoming Line Group *66-1 N/A Set Channel Group No.
Number Parameters
Channel Group
7 Outgoing Line Group *66-1 N/A Set Channel Group No.
Call by Call Service Number Parameters
Assignment Minimum number of Call Types for ISDN Set Minimum number
8 *67-3 N/A
Bch in Time Zone1 Trunk Groups of B-channels reserved

Strata CTX/DK Program

ISDN Trunk Groups
Maximum number of Set Maximum number

9 *67-4 Maximum Channel N/A
Bch in Time Zone1 of B-channels reserved
Minimum number of Call Types for ISDN Set Minimum number
10 *67-3 N/A
Bch in Time Zone2 Trunk Groups of B-channels reserved
ISDN Trunk Groups
Maximum number of Set Maximum number
11 *67-4 Maximum Channel N/A
Bch in Time Zone2 of B-channels reserved
Minimum number of Call Types for ISDN Set Minimum number
12 *67-3 N/A
Bch in Time Zone3 Trunk Groups of B-channels reserved
ISDN Trunk Groups
Maximum number of Set Maximum number
13 *67-4 Maximum Channel N/A
Bch in Time Zone3 of B-channels reserved

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-23

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
Start time of Time
Call by Call Time Start time of Time Multiple Time Zone Set Start Time for Time
324 2 *67-5 N/A
Zone Assignment Zone2 Settings Zone
Start time of Time
Called Number of
Emergency Call 911 Special [DN]
Emergency Call(DN, Set [PDN],[PhDN] port
400 Destination 2 *11-8 Notification N/A
Pilot Number,Private number
Assignment Assignments
DK424 Attendant First Attendant Console
3 Overflow Timer 58-1
Console Series Parameter Overflow Timer
Attendant Group
404 Attendant Console
Assignment Overflow destination DK424 Attendant Second
4 58-5 Overflow Destination
of attendant group Console Series Parameter
1 LED 01 Page Group A
2 LED 02 Page Group B
3 LED 03 Page Group C
4 Telephone Group Page LED 04 Page Group D
Paging Group Number *30
Terminal Paging 5 Assignments LED 05 Page Group E
Group Assignment
6 LED 06 Page Group F
7 LED 07 Page Group G
8 LED 08 Page Group H
Station Class of
17 All Page Group 31 LED 10 All Call Page Allowed
Whether set or no set
Verified Account
506 1 as Verified Account 69 Verify Account Codes - Verify Count Codes
Code Assignment
DDCB Equipment
Options(Door Phones) Port Number/Door
Number which
1 77-1 RSIU/RSIS/RMDS, LED 16-19 Phone/Lock Control
connects to Door

Door Phone Door Phone Busy

507 Door Phone Ring
Assignment 4 Ring Duration 77-2 Signal/Door Lock LED 20
(1) Destination Type of
DAY1 Door Phone Ringing,
LED 1-
6 "79, *79 Door Phone to [DN] -Door Phone Number
(2) Destination 12(79)
Flashing Assignments
Number of DAY1
Options(Door Phones)
Set Relay Number of Door Lock Relay/
BIOU External Page Relay
Door Lock Control PIOU/PIOUS/IMDU,
508 PEPU
Door Phone Busy
DDCB Equipment LED Door Lock
3 77-2 Signal/Door Lock
Number 04,08,12,16 Assignments
Toll Restriction/
Class of Service
510 1 COS Override Code 44-1-8 Traveling Class - Toll Restriction Code
Override Assignment
Override Codes

C-24 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
Caller ID field Caller ID, ANI and
SMDR for System indication SMDR Data Output DNIS data will be sent
512 60-1 LED 01
Assignment Options from the system SMDR
3 ANI field indicate port
Caller ID, ANI and
SMDR Data Output DNIS data will be sent
2 DNIS field indication 60-1 LED 01
Options from the system SMDR
SMDR for ILG port
Output of SMDR
SMDR Incoming/ SMDR Output when a
3 record for the 60-3 -
Outgoing Calls call is completed
incoming call
Output of SMDR
SMDR for OLG SMDR Incoming/ SMDR Output when a
514 2 record for the outgoing 60-3 -
Assignment Outgoing Calls call is completed
LCR parameters
520 1 Local Area Code 50-2 LCR Home Area Code - Set Home Area Code
LCR Plan
<input Key> parameter
2 LCR Schedule
LCR Route Plan select Time zone Second
523 53 Assignments for LCR Schedule
Schedule Assignment parameter
Station LCR Group Third LCR Station Group
Number parameter Number
LCR Route Definition Fourth Route Definition
Index - priority No.1 parameter Numbers (First Pick)
Route Definition
LCR Route Definition Fourth
2 Numbers (Second
Index - priority No.2 parameter

LCR Route Table to LCR Route Definition LCR Schedule Fourth Route Definition
524 Route Definition Index - priority No.3 53 Assignments for LCR parameter Numbers (Third Pick)
Assignment LCR Route Definition Plans Fifth Route Definition
Index - priority No.4 parameter Numbers (Fourth Pick)
LCR Route Definition
Index - priority No.5
LCR Route Definition

Strata CTX/DK Program

Index - priority No.6

CO Line Group
Outgoing Line Group - parameter
1 54 LCR Plan Number
LCR Route Definition Number Second Route Definition
Table Assignment parameter Number
Digit Modification LCR Modified Digits
2 55 - Modified Digits Table
Index Table
Delete Number of
1 Digits to be deleted 55-0 Digits From the Front of Quantity of Digits
LCR Digit Add Digits Before and/
526 Modification Table 2 Add Leading Digits 55-1 or After the Dialed Digits added
Assignment Number
Add Digits Before and/
3 Add Trailing Digits 55-2 or After the Dialed Digits added

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-25

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
LCR Route Plan 2 LCR select Time zone LCR Schedule
529 Schedule Table Time Start time for Time 53 Assignments for LCR Start Time
3 parameter
Zone Assignment Zone Plans

Toll Restriction / LCR LCR/Toll Restriction

1 table Code(set / no Bypass for Special
set) Numbers that Do Not
Toll Restriction/LCR
*45-2 Begin with */# Digit Code
530 screening Table 2 Toll Restriction Action -
*45-3 LCR/Toll Restriction Digit String
Bypass For Special
Least Cost Routing
3 Numbers that Begin
with */#
Toll Restriction Third
1 Dial String Area Codes
Allowed/Denied Area parameter
Codes by Class
Toll Restriction Table 46-2
533 Toll Restriction
Assignment 46-6 Third
2 Add/Delete Codes Allowed/Denied Local Area Codes
Office Codes Assigned
by Class
1 Exception Dial String Toll Restriction
Exceptional Toll
Exception Office Codes
534 Restriction Table 47 - Office Codes
2 Add/Delete codes Assigned by Area
(1) After Shift Forward
ACD Pilot DN Type After Shift Service Second
540 1 14-6 Destination
Assignment (2) After Shift Forward Destination parameter
Enhanced 911 OLG associated with
CAMA Trunk Group Second Hunt to CAMA Trunk
550 Emergency Call 1-8 Emergency Call *11-2
Hunting Assignment parameter Group
Group Assignment Group Number
Forced/Voluntary Forced/Voluntary Forced/Voluntary
Account Code Digit
570 1 Account Code Verified 60-4 Account Code Digit - Account Code Digit
Length Assignment
Digit Length Length Length
Options(Door Phones) Port Number/Door
Deleted Door Phone
573 Door Phone Delete 1 77-1 RSIU/RSIS/RMDS, LED 16-19 Phone/Lock Control
Door Phone Ring on
Set External Paging Options(Door Phones) Door Phone Ring On
External Paging in
576 1 Group for termination 77-1 RSIU/RSIS/RMDS, LED 08 External Page in Night
Night Mode
in Night Mode PIOU/PIOUS/IMDU, mode.

C-26 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

Strata CTX Strata DK

Prg FB Prg
Program Name Summary Program Name Parameter Summary
No. No No.
Setting of output of VM SMDI Message
3 LED 20
Message Desk No desk Number
Setting of output of 10-3
Call ID / Automatic
4 Class, ANI and DNIS LED 08
Number ID
information System Assignments,
Setting of caller Part 3 of 3
SMDI Station Number
5 number digits sent to 10 LED 10-13
Digit Length
VM unit
Voice Mail Data for
579 Set Blank Number for SMDI Bellcore
System Assignment 6 10-3 LED 09
VM unit Standard Version
Voice Mail Message
Setting of auto cancel
7 LED 04 Waiting Cancel Via Dial
of VM and MW
System Assignments,
10 Voice Mail
Part 2 of 3
Dial sending time at Identification Code,
8 LED 06
Voice Mail port Dual Multi-frequency
(DTMF) Signal Time
Toshiba Stratagy,
Whether send A,D
Stratagy DK and/or VP
2 tone or not send for LED 15
Integration (A Tone/D
Voice Mail
19:Toshiba Stratagy/
Whether Send Only B Stratagy DK/VP (B No
Voice Mail Data for Tone, Not Send, or B Station Class of Station)
580 3 31 LED 19, 20
System Assignment Tone and Extension Service 20:Toshiba Stratagy/
Number for Voice Mail VP (B+Station
Whether send End to
End Signal or not End-to-end Signal RCV
4 LED 17
send for Voice Mail (VM)
Legend: N/A = Not Applicable

Strata CTX/DK Program


Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 C-27

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Strata CTX/DK Program Cross-reference
Strata CTX to Strata DK

C-28 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets D

Card Assignment Record Sheets
The following record sheets are designed for both CTX WinAdmin and button programming users. PCB
Code and Options are provided for Button Programmers only.
CTX670 Base Cabinet 1: Location Local/Remote ___________
Slot Number B101 B102 S101 S102 S103 S104 S105 S106 S107 S108
PCB Code (FB01) n/a n/a
FB02 n/a n/a
Options FB03 n/a n/a
FB04 n/a n/a
Line/Channel Number n/a n/a
Port Station Number n/a n/a

The designated BECU slot is B101 and the BBCU slot is B102.
Slot S101 is designated for PDKU, BDKU or BDKU/BDKS.

CTX670 Expansion Cabinet 2: Location Local/Remote ___________

Slot Number S_01 S_02 S_03 S_04 S_05 S_06 S_07 S_08 S_09 S_10
PCB Name
PCB Code (FB01)
Options FB03
Line/Channel Number
Port Station Number

CTX670 Expansion Cabinet 3: Location Local/Remote ___________

Slot Number S_01 S_02 S_03 S_04 S_05 S_06 S_07 S_08 S_09 S_10
PCB Name
PCB Code (FB01)
Record Sheets

Options FB03
Line/Channel Number
Port Station Number

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-1

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

CTX670 Expansion Cabinet 5: Location Local/Remote ___________

Slot Number S_01 S_02 S_03 S_04 S_05 S_06 S_07 S_08 S_09 S_10
PCB Name
PCB Code (FB01)
Options FB03
Line/Channel Number
Port Station Number

CTX670 Expansion Cabinet 6: Location Local/Remote ___________

Slot Number S_01 S_02 S_03 S_04 S_05 S_06 S_07 S_08 S_09 S_10
PCB Name
PCB Code (FB01)
Options FB03
Line/Channel Number
Port Station Number

CTX670 Expansion Cabinet 7: Location Local/Remote ___________

Slot Number S_01 S_02 S_03 S_04 S_05 S_06 S_07 S_08 S_09 S_10
PCB Name
PCB Code (FB01)
Options FB03
Line/Channel Number
Port Station Number

RDTU, RPTU and RWIU (up to 16 handsets) allowed slots are: S_01, S_03, S_05 and S_07. The
adjacent slot must be vacant to reach maximum capacity.
RWIU slots for up to 32 handsets are S105 and S_07. Up to three adjacent slots must be vacant to reach
maximum capacity.
All Base Cabinet slots support Speaker OCA. Speaker OCA is supported in slots S_01~S_06 for
Expansion Cabinets.

D-2 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

Card Assignment Record Sheet Strata CTX 100

CTX100: Location Local/Remote ___________
CTX100 Base Cabinet CTX 100 Expansion Cabinet
Slot Number S_01 S_02 S_03 S_04 S_05 S_06 S_07 S_08
PCB Name
PCB Code (FB01)
Options FB02
Line/Channel Number
Port Station Number

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-3

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

COS Record Sheet

COS Assignment Code:_________
Service Name Enable Disable Service Name Enable Disable
Auto Busy Redial DN Retrieve Call Pickup
Call Forward Override Handsfree Override
Call Transfer w/ Camp-on Privacy Override
Change DISA Codes Invoke Emerg Page1
DND Override - Calling Party Join Feature
DND Override - Called Party Through Dialing
Do Not Disturb Tandem CO Connection
Remote Set/Reset DND Day/Night Control
Executive Override Ext BGM Control
Executive Override Allowed LCR Feature
Offhook Camp-on Individual Trunk Access
Group Pickup Trunk Access Allowed
Directed Station Pickup Forced Account Codes
Directed Group Call Pickup Verified Account Codes
Directed DN Call Pickup Allow Short Hook Flash
Ext Call Pickup Allow Long Hook Flash
Directed CO Call Pickup Allow Hook Flash
Remote Retrieve Call Pickup Can Originate OCA

1. Not used in Release 1.

D-4 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

System Data Record Sheet

Service Name Values Service Name Values
01 Executive Override 15 COS Override Code
02 Station MOH Source 16 Multi-Conference
03 Ring Transfer Tone 17 Call Number Display
04 Transfer Privacy Not Used 18 Night Bell Relay
05 Privacy Override 19 Display Preference
06 Credit Card Code 20 Transit Counter
07 Credit Card Digits 21 Primary Clock
08 E911 Service 22 Secondary Clock
09 DR Override by SSD 23 Call History Prefix 1
10 Auto Station Release 24 Emergency Digits Sent
11 ISDN SPID 25 DP Make Ratio
12 Night Mode Relay 26 Call Button Jumping
13 BGM External Paging 14 Lost Call Destination

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-5

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

System Call Forward Record Sheets

Program 500 Values Program 504 Values
00 SCF 03 04 05 01
01 Call Type 02 Period
Number TelStatus Destination 1 Destination 2 TelephoneStatus

D-6 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

System Speed Dial Record Sheet

00 Speed 00 Speed
01 Number 02 Name 01 Number 02 Name
Dial Bin Dial Bin

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-7

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

Day/Night Mode Record Sheet

Program 112 Values Program 106 Values
Work Day, Non-Work Day or
Calender Day 01 Working Day Type Day
01 Monday
02 Tuesday
03 Wednesday
04 Thursday
05 Friday
06 Saturday
07 Sunday

Program 113 Values

Day 1 Day 2 Night
Type of Day
Mode Mode Mode

Work Day

Non-Work Day


D-8 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

SMDR SMDI CTI Port Assignments

Service Name Values

00 Logical Device Number LAN
01 Device Connection
Device Port Number

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-9

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

BSIS RS-232 Serial Port Setup

Service Name Values

00 BSIS Port (1~4)
01 Port Speed
02 Port Parity
03 Data Bits
04 Flow Control
05 Wait Timer

D-10 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

Basic Station Record Sheets
Primary DN: _____________________
01 PDN Equipment No. Day 1 17 Emerg Call Group 31 Network COS
02 Station Type 08 QPL Day 2 18 Remote CF/DND PW 32 Auto OCA
03 Circuit Type Night 19 VMID Code SMDI 33 Originate OCA
Day 1 07 LCR Group 20 MW to VM Port 34 RSTU Supervision
04 COS Day 2 09 Station Name 23 Travel COS Change 35 Station Sp Dial Bins
Night 10 Call Waiting Tone 24 TGAC Override
Day 1 11 Dialing Progress Tone 25 Service Tones
05 DRL Day 2 12 System Call Forward 26 CW and ROB Tone
Night 13 Call Pickup 27 Name Display
Day 1 14 Bearer Capability 28 Door over DND
06 FRL Day 2 15 Display DN 29 Emerg Ringdown
Night 16 CESID 30 Chg Sys Speed

Primary DN: _____________________

01 PDN Equipment No. Day 1 17 Emerg Call Group 31 Network COS
02 Station Type 08 QPL Day 2 18 Remote CF/DND PW 32 Auto OCA
03 Circuit Type Night 19 VMID Code SMDI 33 Originate OCA
Day 1 07 LCR Group 20 MW to VM Port 34 RSTU Supervision
04 COS Day 2 09 Station Name 23 Travel COS Change 35 Station Sp Dial Bins
Night 10 Call Waiting Tone 24 TGAC Override
Day 1 11 Dialing Progress Tone 25 Service Tones
05 DRL Day 2 12 System Call Forward 26 CW and ROB Tone
Night 13 Call Pickup 27 Name Display
Day 1 14 Bearer Capability 28 Door over DND
06 FRL Day 2 15 Display DN 29 Emerg Ringdown
Night 16 CESID 30 Chg Sys Speed

Primary DN: _____________________

01 PDN Equipment No. Day 1 17 Emerg Call Group 31 Network COS
02 Station Type 08 QPL Day 2 18 Remote CF/DND PW 32 Auto OCA
03 Circuit Type Night 19 VMID Code SMDI 33 Originate OCA
Day 1 07 LCR Group 20 MW to VM Port 34 RSTU Supervision
04 COS Day 2 09 Station Name 23 Travel COS Change 35 Station Sp Dial Bins
Night 10 Call Waiting Tone 24 TGAC Override
Day 1 11 Dialing Progress Tone 25 Service Tones
05 DRL Day 2 12 System Call Forward 26 CW and ROB Tone
Night 13 Call Pickup 27 Name Display
Day 1 14 Bearer Capability 28 Door over DND
06 FRL Day 2 15 Display DN 29 Emerg Ringdown
Night 16 CESID 30 Chg Sys Speed

Primary DN: _____________________

01 PDN Equipment No. Day 1 17 Emerg Call Group 31 Network COS
02 Station Type 08 QPL Day 2 18 Remote CF/DND PW 32 Auto OCA
03 Circuit Type Night 19 VMID Code SMDI 33 Originate OCA
Day 1 07 LCR Group 20 MW to VM Port 34 RSTU Supervision
04 COS Day 2 09 Station Name 23 Travel COS Change 35 Station Sp Dial Bins
Night 10 Call Waiting Tone 24 TGAC Override
Day 1 11 Dialing Progress Tone 25 Service Tones
05 DRL Day 2 12 System Call Forward 26 CW and ROB Tone
Record Sheets

Night 13 Call Pickup 27 Name Display

Day 1 14 Bearer Capability 28 Door over DND
06 FRL Day 2 15 Display DN 29 Emerg Ringdown
Night 16 CESID 30 Chg Sys Speed

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-11

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

DKT Parameters Record Sheet

Primary DN: _____________________
01 Station Type 11 Ext. Ring Repeat 19 Continuous DTMF 27 Ring Over Busy Cycles
02 Key Strip Pattern 12 Not Used 20 Display Language 28 Attd. Overflow Dest.
03 Key Strip Type 13 Off Hook Line Preference 21 Adapter 29 Trunk Test and Verify
04 Add-on Modules 14 PDN/Line Preference 22 Blind Transfer 30 Auto Line Hold
05 Tone/Voice First 15 Ringing Preference. 23 Mail Box Selection
06 OCA Type 16 Text Message Display 24 MIC Init. Value
09 Handsfree MIC 17 Call History Memory 25 Microphone
10 Handsfree Tone 18 DTMF Back Tone 26 Speaker Mode Tones

Primary DN: _____________________

01 Station Type 11 Ext. Ring Repeat 19 Continuous DTMF 27 Ring Over Busy Cycles
02 Key Strip Pattern 12 Not Used 20 Display Language 28 Attd. Overflow Dest.
03 Key Strip Type 13 Off Hook Line Preference 21 Adapter 29 Trunk Test and Verify
04 Add-on Modules 14 PDN/Line Preference 22 Blind Transfer 30 Auto Line Hold
05 Tone/Voice First 15 Ringing Preference. 23 Mail Box Selection
06 OCA Type 16 Text Message Display 24 MIC Init. Value
09 Handsfree MIC 17 Call History Memory 25 Microphone
10 Handsfree Tone 18 DTMF Back Tone 26 Speaker Mode Tones

Primary DN: _____________________

01 Station Type 11 Ext. Ring Repeat 19 Continuous DTMF 27 Ring Over Busy Cycles
02 Key Strip Pattern 12 Not Used 20 Display Language 28 Attd. Overflow Dest.
03 Key Strip Type 13 Off Hook Line Preference 21 Adapter 29 Trunk Test and Verify
04 Add-on Modules 14 PDN/Line Preference 22 Blind Transfer 30 Auto Line Hold
05 Tone/Voice First 15 Ringing Preference. 23 Mail Box Selection
06 OCA Type 16 Text Message Display 24 MIC Init. Value
09 Handsfree MIC 17 Call History Memory 25 Microphone
10 Handsfree Tone 18 DTMF Back Tone 26 Speaker Mode Tones

Primary DN: _____________________

01 Station Type 11 Ext. Ring Repeat 19 Continuous DTMF 27 Ring Over Busy Cycles
02 Key Strip Pattern 12 Not Used 20 Display Language 28 Attd. Overflow Dest.
03 Key Strip Type 13 Off Hook Line Preference 21 Adapter 29 Trunk Test and Verify
04 Add-on Modules 14 PDN/Line Preference 22 Blind Transfer 30 Auto Line Hold
05 Tone/Voice First 15 Ringing Preference. 23 Mail Box Selection
06 OCA Type 16 Text Message Display 24 MIC Init. Value
09 Handsfree MIC 17 Call History Memory 25 Microphone
10 Handsfree Tone 18 DTMF Back Tone 26 Speaker Mode Tones

Primary DN: _____________________

01 Station Type 11 Ext. Ring Repeat 19 Continuous DTMF 27 Ring Over Busy Cycles
02 Key Strip Pattern 12 Not Used 20 Display Language 28 Attd. Overflow Dest.
03 Key Strip Type 13 Off Hook Line Preference 21 Adapter 29 Trunk Test and Verify
04 Add-on Modules 14 PDN/Line Preference 22 Blind Transfer 30 Auto Line Hold
05 Tone/Voice First 15 Ringing Preference. 23 Mail Box Selection
06 OCA Type 16 Text Message Display 24 MIC Init. Value
09 Handsfree MIC 17 Call History Memory 25 Microphone
10 Handsfree Tone 18 DTMF Back Tone 26 Speaker Mode Tones

Primary DN: _____________________

01 Station Type 11 Ext. Ring Repeat 19 Continuous DTMF 27 Ring Over Busy Cycles
02 Key Strip Pattern 12 Not Used 20 Display Language 28 Attd. Overflow Dest.
03 Key Strip Type 13 Off Hook Line Preference 21 Adapter 29 Trunk Test and Verify
04 Add-on Modules 14 PDN/Line Preference 22 Blind Transfer 30 Auto Line Hold
05 Tone/Voice First 15 Ringing Preference. 23 Mail Box Selection
06 OCA Type 16 Text Message Display 24 MIC Init. Value
09 Handsfree MIC 17 Call History Memory 25 Microphone
10 Handsfree Tone 18 DTMF Back Tone 26 Speaker Mode Tones

D-12 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

Feature Button Record Sheet

PDN, Sub-parameter Settings
Button Button Button
PDN Phantom DN,
Number Name Code 1 2 3 4 5

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-13

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

Record Sheets for 10-button and 20-button Telephones

PDN No. ______

10 DSS
PDN No. ______
10 DSS
PDN No. ______
10 DSS
PDN No. ______
10 DSS
20 ADM 20 ADM 20 ADM 20 ADM
Location: Location: Location: Location:
Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code
10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20
09 19 09 19 09 19 09 19
08 18 08 18 08 18 08 18
07 17 07 17 07 17 07 17
06 16 06 16 06 16 06 16
05 15 05 15 05 15 05 15
04 14 04 14 04 14 04 14
03 13 03 13 03 13 03 13
02 12 02 12 02 12 02 12
01 11 01 11 01 11 01 11

PDN No. ______

10 DSS
PDN No. ______
10 DSS
PDN No. ______
10 DSS
PDN No. ______
10 DSS
20 ADM 20 ADM 20 ADM 20 ADM
Location: Location: Location: Location:
Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code
10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20
09 19 09 19 09 19 09 19
08 18 08 18 08 18 08 18
07 17 07 17 07 17 07 17
06 16 06 16 06 16 06 16
05 15 05 15 05 15 05 15
04 14 04 14 04 14 04 14
03 13 03 13 03 13 03 13
02 12 02 12 02 12 02 12
01 11 01 11 01 11 01 11

PDN No. ______

10 DSS
PDN No. ______
10 DSS
PDN No. ______
10 DSS
PDN No. ______
10 DSS
20 ADM 20 ADM 20 ADM 20 ADM
Location: Location: Location: Location:
Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code
10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20
09 19 09 19 09 19 09 19
08 18 08 18 08 18 08 18
07 17 07 17 07 17 07 17
06 16 06 16 06 16 06 16
05 15 05 15 05 15 05 15
04 14 04 14 04 14 04 14
03 13 03 13 03 13 03 13
02 12 02 12 02 12 02 12
01 11 01 11 01 11 01 11

D-14 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

Record Sheets for the DKT3014

PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______
Location: Location: Location: Location:
Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code
07 14 07 14 07 14 07 14
06 13 06 13 06 13 06 13
05 12 05 12 05 12 05 12
04 11 04 11 04 11 04 11
03 10 03 10 03 10 03 10
02 09 02 09 02 09 02 09
01 08 01 08 01 08 01 08

PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______
Location: Location: Location: Location:
Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code
07 14 07 14 07 14 07 14
06 13 06 13 06 13 06 13
05 12 05 12 05 12 05 12
04 11 04 11 04 11 04 11
03 10 03 10 03 10 03 10
02 09 02 09 02 09 02 09
01 08 01 08 01 08 01 08

PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______
Location: Location: Location: Location:
Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code
07 14 07 14 07 14 07 14
06 13 06 13 06 13 06 13
05 12 05 12 05 12 05 12
04 11 04 11 04 11 04 11
03 10 03 10 03 10 03 10
02 09 02 09 02 09 02 09
01 08 01 08 01 08 01 08

PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______
Location: Location: Location: Location:
Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code
07 14 07 14 07 14 07 14
06 13 06 13 06 13 06 13
05 12 05 12 05 12 05 12
04 11 04 11 04 11 04 11
03 10 03 10 03 10 03 10
02 09 02 09 02 09 02 09
01 08 01 08 01 08 01 08

PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______ PDN No. _______
Location: Location: Location: Location:
Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code Button Code
07 14 07 14 07 14 07 14
06 13 06 13 06 13 06 13
05 12 05 12 05 12 05 12
04 11 04 11 04 11 04 11
03 10 03 10 03 10 03 10
02 09 02 09 02 09 02 09
Record Sheets

01 08 01 08 01 08 01 08

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-15

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

Phantom DN Record Sheet

02 Tone/Voice 1st Voice Mail
05 System
Phantom DN 01 Owned PDN 04 Display DN 09 Message 11 Display
Tone Voice Call Forward 06 ID 10 User Name
Center Name

D-16 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

Hunt Group Record Sheet

Program 209 Values Program 218 Values
01 Hunt 05 Pilot 06 07 DHG 03 DN Set
Group Method 02 Pilot 04 Number to 01 Hunt Type
No. Multiple Auto 02 DN
Number Number Display Order
Dist Circ SCFwd DN Hunt Camp-on Mod Ins

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-17

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

Station Data Record Sheets

Program 208 Values Program 210 Values (Enter a Check to turn ON)
01 02 03 04 05 06 07
ABR ABR 1st 2nd Ring


Prime ABR Hold
Retry Retry Inter Inter Xfer
DN Recall Recall
Count Interval digit digit Ans

Program 216 Values Program 502 Values (Enter a Check to turn ON) Program 516 Values
01 02 03
All All
Prime Emerg Ring 01 Speed


Page Emerg 02 Number 03 Name

DN Ring down Dest Dial Bin
Grp Page
down Timer

D-18 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

ISDN BRI Station Record Sheets

Primary DN: _____________________
01 Equipment Day 1 14 56Kbps Unrestricted 25 Network COS
15 2x64Kbps
02 ISDN Ch Grp 07 FRL Day 2 26 Additional DN2
03 ISDN Protocol Day 3 16 B Channel Selection 27 Additional DN3
04 Type Connection Day 1 17 Idle B Ch Selection 28 Additional DN4
Day 1 09 QPL Day 2 18 Interdigit Timer 1 29 Additional DN5
05 COS Day 2 Day 3 19 Interdigit Timer 2 30 Additional DN6
Day 3 08 LCR Group 20 CESID 31 Additional DN7
Day 1 10 Speech Capability 21 Voice Calls Allowed 32 Additional DN8
06 DRL Day 2 11 3.1 KHz Audio 22 Svc Tone Permission 33 Auto OCA
Day 3 12 7 KHz Audio 23 TGAC Override
13 64Kbps Unrestricted 24 Ch Sys Speed

Primary DN: _____________________

01 Equipment Day 1 14 56Kbps Unrestricted 25 Network COS
15 2x64Kbps
02 ISDN Ch Grp 07 FRL Day 2 26 Additional DN2
03 ISDN Protocol Day 3 16 B Channel Selection 27 Additional DN3
04 Type Connection Day 1 17 Idle B Ch Selection 28 Additional DN4
Day 1 09 QPL Day 2 18 Interdigit Timer 1 29 Additional DN5
05 COS Day 2 Day 3 19 Interdigit Timer 2 30 Additional DN6
Day 3 08 LCR Group 20 CESID 31 Additional DN7
Day 1 10 Speech Capability 21 Voice Calls Allowed 32 Additional DN8
06 DRL Day 2 11 3.1 KHz Audio 22 Svc Tone Permission 33 Auto OCA
Day 3 12 7 KHz Audio 23 TGAC Override
13 64Kbps Unrestricted 24 Ch Sys Speed

Primary DN: _____________________

01 Equipment Day 1 14 56Kbps Unrestricted 25 Network COS
15 2x64Kbps
02 ISDN Ch Grp 07 FRL Day 2 26 Additional DN2
03 ISDN Protocol Day 3 16 B Channel Selection 27 Additional DN3
04 Type Connection Day 1 17 Idle B Ch Selection 28 Additional DN4
Day 1 09 QPL Day 2 18 Interdigit Timer 1 29 Additional DN5
05 COS Day 2 Day 3 19 Interdigit Timer 2 30 Additional DN6
Day 3 08 LCR Group 20 CESID 31 Additional DN7
Day 1 10 Speech Capability 21 Voice Calls Allowed 32 Additional DN8
06 DRL Day 2 11 3.1 KHz Audio 22 Svc Tone Permission 33 Auto OCA
Day 3 12 7 KHz Audio 23 TGAC Override
13 64Kbps Unrestricted 24 Ch Sys Speed

Primary DN: _____________________

01 Equipment Day 1 14 56Kbps Unrestricted 25 Network COS
15 2x64Kbps
02 ISDN Ch Grp 07 FRL Day 2 26 Additional DN2
03 ISDN Protocol Day 3 16 B Channel Selection 27 Additional DN3
04 Type Connection Day 1 17 Idle B Ch Selection 28 Additional DN4
Day 1 09 QPL Day 2 18 Interdigit Timer 1 29 Additional DN5
05 COS Day 2 Day 3 19 Interdigit Timer 2 30 Additional DN6
Day 3 08 LCR Group 20 CESID 31 Additional DN7
Day 1 10 Speech Capability 21 Voice Calls Allowed 32 Additional DN8
06 DRL Day 2 11 3.1 KHz Audio 22 Svc Tone Permission 33 Auto OCA
Day 3 12 7 KHz Audio 23 TGAC Override
13 64Kbps Unrestricted 24 Ch Sys Speed
Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-19

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Primary DN
Record Sheets

01 Station Name

02 Dial Method

Downloaded from manuals search engine

03 System CF

04 CF Password
ISDN Station Data Record Sheet

05 Door Phone Override

06 Emerg Call Croup

07 COS Override

08 Display DN


12 Name Display

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Record Sheets

ILG Record Sheet
Program 304 Values
ILG: _____________________
01 Group Type Day 1 11 DID Digits 20 Send Dial Tone
02 Trunk Type 08 DRL Day 2 12 Speech/3.1KHz 21 TGAC Override
03 Service Type Night Ringing 13 Delay 1 22 Network COS
04 Private Svc Type Day 1 Timer 14 Delay 2 23 LCR Group
05 GCO Key Number 09 FRL Day 2 Interdigit 15 Timer 1 24 Change COS Ovr Code
06 Pooled Key Number Night Timer 16 Timer 2 25 Reg Speed Dial Codes
Day 1 Day 1 17 Auto Camp-on 26 Originator Invoke OCA
07 COS Day 2 10 QPL Day 2 18 Calling Number ID 27 Senderized Tone Mode
Night Night 19 Intercept 28 Emergency Call Group
Program 513 Values
01 Generate SMDR 02 DNIS Field 03 B Record for 04 Abandoned Call 05 Display Xsferred
Records Indication Incoming Call Record Output Call Records

Program 304 Values

ILG: _____________________
01 Group Type Day 1 11 DID Digits 20 Send Dial Tone
02 Trunk Type 08 DRL Day 2 12 Speech/3.1KHz 21 TGAC Override
03 Service Type Night Ringing 13 Delay 1 22 Network COS
04 Private Svc Type Day 1 Timer 14 Delay 2 23 LCR Group
05 GCO Key Number 09 FRL Day 2 Interdigit 15 Timer 1 24 Change COS Ovr Code
06 Pooled Key Number Night Timer 16 Timer 2 25 Reg Speed Dial Codes
Day 1 Day 1 17 Auto Camp-on 26 Originator Invoke OCA
07 COS Day 2 10 QPL Day 2 18 Calling Number ID 27 Senderized Tone Mode
Night Night 19 Intercept 28 Emergency Call Group
Program 513 Values
01 Generate SMDR 02 DNIS Field 03 B Record for 04 Abandoned Call 05 Display Xsferred
Records Indication Incoming Call Record Output Call Records

Program 304 Values

ILG: _____________________
01 Group Type Day 1 11 DID Digits 20 Send Dial Tone
02 Trunk Type 08 DRL Day 2 12 Speech/3.1KHz 21 TGAC Override
03 Service Type Night Ringing 13 Delay 1 22 Network COS
04 Private Svc Type Day 1 Timer 14 Delay 2 23 LCR Group
05 GCO Key Number 09 FRL Day 2 Interdigit 15 Timer 1 24 Change COS Ovr Code
06 Pooled Key Number Night Timer 16 Timer 2 25 Reg Speed Dial Codes
Day 1 Day 1 17 Auto Camp-on 26 Originator Invoke OCA
07 COS Day 2 10 QPL Day 2 18 Calling Number ID 27 Senderized Tone Mode
Night Night 19 Intercept 28 Emergency Call Group
Program 513 Values
01 Generate SMDR 02 DNIS Field 03 B Record for 04 Abandoned Call 05 Display Xsferred
Records Indication Incoming Call Record Output Call Records

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-21

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

OLG Record Sheet

Group Number: _____________________
01 Group Type Day 1 11 Speech 3.1KHz
02 Trunk Type 08 COS Day 2 12 MOH Source
03 Pvt Service Type Night 13 Account Code
GCO 04 Key 1 Day 1 14 DR
Number 05 Key 2 09 FRL Day 2 15 Credit Card Calling
Pool 06 Key 1 Night 16 Send CESID
Number 07 Key 2 Day 1 17 QSIG Sending Type
10 QPL Day 2 18 Network COS

Group Number: _____________________

01 Group Type Day 1 11 Speech 3.1KHz
02 Trunk Type 08 COS Day 2 12 MOH Source
03 Pvt Service Type Night 13 Account Code
GCO 04 Key 1 Day 1 14 DR
Number 05 Key 2 09 FRL Day 2 15 Credit Card Calling
Pool 06 Key 1 Night 16 Send CESID
Number 07 Key 2 Day 1 17 QSIG Sending Type
10 QPL Day 2 18 Network COS

Group Number: _____________________

01 Group Type Day 1 11 Speech 3.1KHz
02 Trunk Type 08 COS Day 2 12 MOH Source
03 Pvt Service Type Night 13 Account Code
GCO 04 Key 1 Day 1 14 DR
Number 05 Key 2 09 FRL Day 2 15 Credit Card Calling
Pool 06 Key 1 Night 16 Send CESID
Number 07 Key 2 Day 1 17 QSIG Sending Type
10 QPL Day 2 18 Network COS

Group Number: _____________________

01 Group Type Day 1 11 Speech 3.1KHz
02 Trunk Type 08 COS Day 2 12 MOH Source
03 Pvt Service Type Night 13 Account Code
GCO 04 Key 1 Day 1 14 DR
Number 05 Key 2 09 FRL Day 2 15 Credit Card Calling
Pool 06 Key 1 Night 16 Send CESID
Number 07 Key 2 Day 1 17 QSIG Sending Type
10 QPL Day 2 18 Network COS

Group Number: _____________________

01 Group Type Day 1 11 Speech 3.1KHz
02 Trunk Type 08 COS Day 2 12 MOH Source
03 Pvt Service Type Night 13 Account Code
GCO 04 Key 1 Day 1 14 DR
Number 05 Key 2 09 FRL Day 2 15 Credit Card Calling
Pool 06 Key 1 Night 16 Send CESID
Number 07 Key 2 Day 1 17 QSIG Sending Type
10 QPL Day 2 18 Network COS

D-22 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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01 Trunk

02 ILG

03 OLG

Downloaded from manuals search engine

04 Dial Mode

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

05 Signal
Trunk Assignment Record Sheet

06 Start

07 Release

08 Answer

09 Trunk

10 External
Rng Repeat

Back Tone

12 Hunt Order
Record Sheets

Record Sheets
Record Sheets

Caller ID Assignment Record Sheet

Trunk Number 01 Signal Method 02 Signal Content 03 CLID Equip

D-24 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

DID Assignment Record Sheet

ILG ________________ Audio Destination Type Data Destination Type
01 DID Num 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group

ILG ________________ Audio Destination Type Data Destination Type

01 DID Num 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group

ILG ________________ Audio Destination Type Data Destination Type

01 DID Num 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group

ILG ________________ Audio Destination Type Data Destination Type

01 DID Num 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group

ILG ________________ Audio Destination Type Data Destination Type

01 DID Num 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group

ILG ________________ Audio Destination Type Data Destination Type

01 DID Num 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group

ILG ________________ Audio Destination Type Data Destination Type

01 DID Num 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group

ILG ________________ Audio Destination Type Data Destination Type

01 DID Num 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group
Record Sheets

ILG ________________ Audio Destination Type Data Destination Type

01 DID Num 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-25

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

DID Intercept Assignment Record Sheet

ILG Number ___________ Audio Destination Data Destination
01 Type 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group
11 VMID for DNIS 12 DNIS Name

ILG Number ___________ Audio Destination Data Destination

01 Type 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group
11 VMID for DNIS 12 DNIS Name

ILG Number ___________ Audio Destination Data Destination

01 Type 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group
11 VMID for DNIS 12 DNIS Name

ILG Number ___________ Audio Destination Data Destination

01 Type 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group
11 VMID for DNIS 12 DNIS Name

ILG Number ___________ Audio Destination Data Destination

01 Type 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group
11 VMID for DNIS 12 DNIS Name

ILG Number ___________ Audio Destination Data Destination

01 Type 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group
11 VMID for DNIS 12 DNIS Name

ILG Number ___________ Audio Destination Data Destination

01 Type 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group
11 VMID for DNIS 12 DNIS Name

ILG Number ___________ Audio Destination Data Destination

01 Type 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group
11 VMID for DNIS 12 DNIS Name

ILG Number ___________ Audio Destination Data Destination

01 Type 05 Day 1 06 Day 2 07 Night 08 Day 1 09 Day 2 10 Night
02 MOH Source Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest Type Dest
03 GCO Key Group
04 Pool Key Group
11 VMID for DNIS 12 DNIS Name

D-26 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

Trunk Timer/DIT Record Sheet

Program 308 Values Program 310 Values
01 Auto 02 Short 03 Long 04 05 01 Day 1 Destination 02 Day 1 Destination 03 Night Destination
Trunk Equip No. 04 MOH
Release Flash Flash Pause Response Type Destination Type Destination Type Destination

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-27

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Record Sheets

ISDN BRI Record Sheet

Channel Group: _____________________
01 Equipment Number 07 3.1KHz Audio 12 Outgoing B Channel 17 SPID 2
02 Protocol 08 7KHz 13 B CH Selection 18 T-Wait Timer
03 ILG 09 Unrestricted 64K 14 Initialize Type 19 Voice Calls
04 OLG 10 Unrestricted 56K 15 Initialization Display 20 Trunk Subscriber 1
06 Speech 11 Unrestricted 2x64K 16 SPID 1 21 Trunk Subscriber 2

Channel Group: _____________________

01 Equipment Number 07 3.1KHz Audio 12 Outgoing B Channel 17 SPID 2
02 Protocol 08 7KHz 13 B CH Selection 18 T-Wait Timer
03 ILG 09 Unrestricted 64K 14 Initialize Type 19 Voice Calls
04 OLG 10 Unrestricted 56K 15 Initialization Display 20 Trunk Subscriber 1
06 Speech 11 Unrestricted 2x64K 16 SPID 1 21 Trunk Subscriber 2

Channel Group: _____________________

01 Equipment Number 07 3.1KHz Audio 12 Outgoing B Channel 17 SPID 2
02 Protocol 08 7KHz 13 B CH Selection 18 T-Wait Timer
03 ILG 09 Unrestricted 64K 14 Initialize Type 19 Voice Calls
04 OLG 10 Unrestricted 56K 15 Initialization Display 20 Trunk Subscriber 1
06 Speech 11 Unrestricted 2x64K 16 SPID 1 21 Trunk Subscriber 2

Channel Group: _____________________

01 Equipment Number 07 3.1KHz Audio 12 Outgoing B Channel 17 SPID 2
02 Protocol 08 7KHz 13 B CH Selection 18 T-Wait Timer
03 ILG 09 Unrestricted 64K 14 Initialize Type 19 Voice Calls
04 OLG 10 Unrestricted 56K 15 Initialization Display 20 Trunk Subscriber 1
06 Speech 11 Unrestricted 2x64K 16 SPID 1 21 Trunk Subscriber 2

Channel Group: _____________________

01 Equipment Number 07 3.1KHz Audio 12 Outgoing B Channel 17 SPID 2
02 Protocol 08 7KHz 13 B CH Selection 18 T-Wait Timer
03 ILG 09 Unrestricted 64K 14 Initialize Type 19 Voice Calls
04 OLG 10 Unrestricted 56K 15 Initialization Display 20 Trunk Subscriber 1
06 Speech 11 Unrestricted 2x64K 16 SPID 1 21 Trunk Subscriber 2

Channel Group: _____________________

01 Equipment Number 07 3.1KHz Audio 12 Outgoing B Channel 17 SPID 2
02 Protocol 08 7KHz 13 B CH Selection 18 T-Wait Timer
03 ILG 09 Unrestricted 64K 14 Initialize Type 19 Voice Calls
04 OLG 10 Unrestricted 56K 15 Initialization Display 20 Trunk Subscriber 1
06 Speech 11 Unrestricted 2x64K 16 SPID 1 21 Trunk Subscriber 2

Channel Group: _____________________

01 Equipment Number 07 3.1KHz Audio 12 Outgoing B Channel 17 SPID 2
02 Protocol 08 7KHz 13 B CH Selection 18 T-Wait Timer
03 ILG 09 Unrestricted 64K 14 Initialize Type 19 Voice Calls
04 OLG 10 Unrestricted 56K 15 Initialization Display 20 Trunk Subscriber 1
06 Speech 11 Unrestricted 2x64K 16 SPID 1 21 Trunk Subscriber 2

Channel Group: _____________________

01 Equipment Number 07 3.1KHz Audio 12 Outgoing B Channel 17 SPID 2
02 Protocol 08 7KHz 13 B CH Selection 18 T-Wait Timer
03 ILG 09 Unrestricted 64K 14 Initialize Type 19 Voice Calls
04 OLG 10 Unrestricted 56K 15 Initialization Display 20 Trunk Subscriber 1
06 Speech 11 Unrestricted 2x64K 16 SPID 1 21 Trunk Subscriber 2

Channel Group: _____________________

01 Equipment Number 07 3.1KHz Audio 12 Outgoing B Channel 17 SPID 2
02 Protocol 08 7KHz 13 B CH Selection 18 T-Wait Timer
03 ILG 09 Unrestricted 64K 14 Initialize Type 19 Voice Calls
04 OLG 10 Unrestricted 56K 15 Initialization Display 20 Trunk Subscriber 1
06 Speech 11 Unrestricted 2x64K 16 SPID 1 21 Trunk Subscriber 2

D-28 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Record Sheets

PRI Trunks Record Sheet

Enable/ Ch Enable/
Ch Method
Channel Group: __________________________ Disable Method Disable
En Dis Ch Slt En Dis CB CH SB SH
01 RPTU Equip 08 Speech 14 Unrestricted 384K 21 B Ch Select
02 Protocol 09 3.1KHz Audio 15 Unrestricted 1536K 22 T1 Time Slot
03 ILG 10 7KHz Audio 16 Unrestricted 1920K 23 E1 Time Slot
04 OLG 11 Unrestricted 64K 17 Restricted Digital 24 T-Wait Timer
05 Trunk ID Type 12 Unrestricted 56K 18 Video 25 RBT on Incoming
06 Trunk ID 13 Unrestricted 2x64K 19 Multirate Unrest. 26 Network Mode
07 D Ch Position 20 B Ch Sel Method 27 Negotiation Priority

Enable/ Ch Enable/
Ch Method
Channel Group: __________________________ Disable Method Disable
En Dis Ch Slt En Dis CB CH SB SH
01 RPTU Equip 08 Speech 14 Unrestricted 384K 21 B Ch Select
02 Protocol 09 3.1KHz Audio 15 Unrestricted 1536K 22 T1 Time Slot
03 ILG 10 7KHz Audio 16 Unrestricted 1920K 23 E1 Time Slot
04 OLG 11 Unrestricted 64K 17 Restricted Digital 24 T-Wait Timer
05 Trunk ID Type 12 Unrestricted 56K 18 Video 25 RBT on Incoming
06 Trunk ID 13 Unrestricted 2x64K 19 Multirate Unrest. 26 Network Mode
07 D Ch Position 20 B Ch Sel Method 27 Negotiation Priority

Enable/ Ch Enable/
Ch Method
Channel Group: __________________________ Disable Method Disable
En Dis Ch Slt En Dis CB CH SB SH
01 RPTU Equip 08 Speech 14 Unrestricted 384K 21 B Ch Select
02 Protocol 09 3.1KHz Audio 15 Unrestricted 1536K 22 T1 Time Slot
03 ILG 10 7KHz Audio 16 Unrestricted 1920K 23 E1 Time Slot
04 OLG 11 Unrestricted 64K 17 Restricted Digital 24 T-Wait Timer
05 Trunk ID Type 12 Unrestricted 56K 18 Video 25 RBT on Incoming
06 Trunk ID 13 Unrestricted 2x64K 19 Multirate Unrest. 26 Network Mode
07 D Ch Position 20 B Ch Sel Method 27 Negotiation Priority

Enable/ Ch Enable/
Ch Method
Channel Group: __________________________ Disable Method Disable
En Dis Ch Slt En Dis CB CH SB SH
01 RPTU Equip 08 Speech 14 Unrestricted 384K 21 B Ch Select
02 Protocol 09 3.1KHz Audio 15 Unrestricted 1536K 22 T1 Time Slot
03 ILG 10 7KHz Audio 16 Unrestricted 1920K 23 E1 Time Slot
04 OLG 11 Unrestricted 64K 17 Restricted Digital 24 T-Wait Timer
05 Trunk ID Type 12 Unrestricted 56K 18 Video 25 RBT on Incoming
06 Trunk ID 13 Unrestricted 2x64K 19 Multirate Unrest. 26 Network Mode
07 D Ch Position 20 B Ch Sel Method 27 Negotiation Priority

Enable/ Ch Enable/
Ch Method
Channel Group: __________________________ Disable Method Disable
En Dis Ch Slt En Dis CB CH SB SH
01 RPTU Equip 08 Speech 14 Unrestricted 384K 21 B Ch Select
02 Protocol 09 3.1KHz Audio 15 Unrestricted 1536K 22 T1 Time Slot
03 ILG 10 7KHz Audio 16 Unrestricted 1920K 23 E1 Time Slot
04 OLG 11 Unrestricted 64K 17 Restricted Digital 24 T-Wait Timer
05 Trunk ID Type 12 Unrestricted 56K 18 Video 25 RBT on Incoming
06 Trunk ID 13 Unrestricted 2x64K 19 Multirate Unrest. 26 Network Mode
07 D Ch Position 20 B Ch Sel Method 27 Negotiation Priority
Record Sheets

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Record Sheets

Call-by-Call Record Sheet

Program 323 Values Program 324 Values
02 Type Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Start Start Start
03 Fac 04 Service 05 Network
Ch Group 01 Index of 06 ILG 07 OLG 08 09 10 11 12 13 Zone Zone Zone
Code Param ID
Service Min Max Min Max Min Max 1 2 3

D-30 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

B Channel Select Record Sheet

Channel Group: _____________________ (Enter a check mark to indicate activated B Channels)
01 B Ch 02 B Ch 03 B Ch 04 B Ch 05 B Ch 06 B Ch
07 B Ch 08 B Ch 09 B Ch 10 B Ch 11 B Ch 12 B Ch
13 B Ch 14 B Ch 15 B Ch 16 B Ch 17 B Ch 18 B Ch
19 B Ch 20 B Ch 21 B Ch 22 B Ch 23 B Ch

Channel Group: _____________________ (Enter a check mark to indicate activated B Channels)

01 B Ch 02 B Ch 03 B Ch 04 B Ch 05 B Ch 06 B Ch
07 B Ch 08 B Ch 09 B Ch 10 B Ch 11 B Ch 12 B Ch
13 B Ch 14 B Ch 15 B Ch 16 B Ch 17 B Ch 18 B Ch
19 B Ch 20 B Ch 21 B Ch 22 B Ch 23 B Ch

Channel Group: _____________________ (Enter a check mark to indicate activated B Channels)

01 B Ch 02 B Ch 03 B Ch 04 B Ch 05 B Ch 06 B Ch
07 B Ch 08 B Ch 09 B Ch 10 B Ch 11 B Ch 12 B Ch
13 B Ch 14 B Ch 15 B Ch 16 B Ch 17 B Ch 18 B Ch
19 B Ch 20 B Ch 21 B Ch 22 B Ch 23 B Ch

Channel Group: _____________________ (Enter a check mark to indicate activated B Channels)

01 B Ch 02 B Ch 03 B Ch 04 B Ch 05 B Ch 06 B Ch
07 B Ch 08 B Ch 09 B Ch 10 B Ch 11 B Ch 12 B Ch
13 B Ch 14 B Ch 15 B Ch 16 B Ch 17 B Ch 18 B Ch
19 B Ch 20 B Ch 21 B Ch 22 B Ch 23 B Ch

Channel Group: _____________________ (Enter a check mark to indicate activated B Channels)

01 B Ch 02 B Ch 03 B Ch 04 B Ch 05 B Ch 06 B Ch
07 B Ch 08 B Ch 09 B Ch 10 B Ch 11 B Ch 12 B Ch
13 B Ch 14 B Ch 15 B Ch 16 B Ch 17 B Ch 18 B Ch
19 B Ch 20 B Ch 21 B Ch 22 B Ch 23 B Ch

Channel Group: _____________________ (Enter a check mark to indicate activated B Channels)

01 B Ch 02 B Ch 03 B Ch 04 B Ch 05 B Ch 06 B Ch
07 B Ch 08 B Ch 09 B Ch 10 B Ch 11 B Ch 12 B Ch
13 B Ch 14 B Ch 15 B Ch 16 B Ch 17 B Ch 18 B Ch
19 B Ch 20 B Ch 21 B Ch 22 B Ch 23 B Ch

Channel Group: _____________________ (Enter a check mark to indicate activated B Channels)

Record Sheets

01 B Ch 02 B Ch 03 B Ch 04 B Ch 05 B Ch 06 B Ch
07 B Ch 08 B Ch 09 B Ch 10 B Ch 11 B Ch 12 B Ch
13 B Ch 14 B Ch 15 B Ch 16 B Ch 17 B Ch 18 B Ch
19 B Ch 20 B Ch 21 B Ch 22 B Ch 23 B Ch

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-31

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Record Sheets

Shared D Channel Record Sheet

01 Equipment
Ch Group 02 Trunk ID 03 D Ch Provided

D-32 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

Calling Number Record Sheets

Program 321 Values Program 322 Values
01 Default 02 Number 03 Number 04 Default 01 Destination 03 DID
OLG Number 02 Destination
Number Prefix Verification Number 2 Type Number

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-33

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Record Sheets

Attendant Group Record Sheet
00 Attendant Group
01 Call Dist Method 02 Alternate Destination 03 Overflow Time 04 Group Overflow Destination 05 Voice Mail ID











D-34 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets
IP Telephone Programming

IP Telephone Programming
System IP Data Assignment
Service Name Values Service Name Values
01 Automatic Assignment of Station ID 02 Terminal Authentication
03 Diffserv 04 TOS Field Type
05 TOS Precedence Type TOS Delay Type
TOS Throughput Type TOS Reliability Type
06 DSCP 07 IEEE802.1p
08 IEEE802.1p Configuration 09 IP-CTX Identifier
10 Tail Length of Echo Canceller 11 BIPU/IPT VQ Mode

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-35

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Record Sheets
IP Telephone Programming

Station IP Data Assignment

Service Name Values

Prime DN
01 Station ID
02 Station IP Address Type
03 Station IP Address
04 Automatic assginment of Station ID
05 Station Terminal Authentication Mode
06 Station MAC Address
07 Voice Packet Configuration Table Index
08 Audio Codec
09 Display Software Version Number of IPT

D-36 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

Pilot DN Assignment Record Sheet
After Shift
Pilot DN 03 Voice Mail ID
01 Type 02 Destination

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-37

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Record Sheets

System Voice Mail Record Sheet

System Name:________________ System Type:__________________ Date:_______________________

01 VM ID to DID/DNIS 07 Auto Cancel 13 CF No Answer Record

02 Cancellation Method 08 DTMF Duration 14 Direct Call
03 Message Desk No. 09 LCD Control of VM 15 Retrieve Messages
04 CLASS Output 10 Central VM Callback 16 Voice Mail DN
05 Calling Number Digits 11 CF All Call Record 17 Length of VMID
06 Blank Digits 12 CF Busy Record

D-38 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

Voice Mail Port Data Record Sheet

01 Control 02 Send A/D 03 Send B
00 VM Port DNs 04 End-to-end
Method Tone Tone

Record Sheets

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Record Sheets

Routing Definition Record Sheets

Program 524 Values Program 525 Values
00 Route 01 OLG 02 Digit Mod
00 Route Choice Table 01 Rte 1 02 Rte 2 03 Rte 3 04 Rte 4 05 Rte 5 06 Rte 6
Definition Number Index

Program 526 Values

02 Add
00 Digit Mod 01 Delete 03 Add
Index Digits Trailing Digits

D-40 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

Route Schedule Record Sheets

Program 528 Values
Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

Program 523 Values

LCR Group 1 LCR Group 2 LCR Group 3 LCR Group 4 LCR Group 5 LCR Group 6 LCR Group 7 LCR Group 8
Day Type Day Type Day Type Day Type Day Type Day Type Day Type Day Type
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3

Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice
LCR Group 9 LCR Group 10 LCR Group 11 LCR Group 12 LCR Group 13 LCR Group 14 LCR Group 15 LCR Group 16
Day Type Day Type Day Type Day Type Day Type Day Type Day Type Day Type
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3

Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice Rte Choice

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-41

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Record Sheets

LCR Assignment Record Sheets

Program 520 Values Program 521 Values
01 Local Area Code 00 Analysis Digits
02 Local Route Plane 01 Route Plan Number

Program 522 Values

00 Exception Digits
01 Exception Table

D-42 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

LCR Time Zone Record Sheets

Program 527 Values
00 Holiday 00 Holiday 00 Holiday 00 Holiday
Date Desc Date Desc Date Desc Date Desc

Program 529 Values

00 Route 01 Day 02 Time 03 Start 00 Route 01 Day 02 Time 03 Start
Plan Type Zone Time Plan Type Zone Time

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-43

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Record Sheets

DR LCR Screening Record Sheet

Program 530 Values
00 Screening 01 Add String 02 DR 03 LCR 04 Digit Mod 05 Skip
Dial String Add Delete Action Action Action Length

Program 531
01 Behind Centrex 02 Code 03 DR Action 05 Pause
00 OLG 04 Skip Length
Access Code Add Del for Centrex Length

D-44 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

DR Record Sheets
Program 532 Values Program 533 Values Program 534 Values
01 Type 01 Dial 02 Action 01 DRE 02 Action
00 DRL
Allow Deny String Add Delete Table Add Delete

Program 111 Values

Credit Card Calling Credit Card Calling
DRL Number DRL Number
Enable Disable Enable Disable

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-45

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Record Sheets

COS Override Code Record Sheet

01 COS
00 COS 02 Set 03 Set 04 Set 05 Set
Override 06 Network COS

D-46 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

Node ID Assignment Record Sheet

01 Primary
03 Node ID 2 04 Node ID 3 05 Node ID 4
Node ID

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-47

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Record Sheets

Private Routing Plan Analysis Table Record Sheet

01 Route 01 Route 01 Route
00 Node ID Choice 00 Node ID Choice 00 Node ID Choice
Table Table Table

D-48 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

Route Choice Definition Record Sheet

Program 653 Values Program 654 Values Program 655 Values
00 Route Route Definition Tables 00 Route 02 Digit 00 Digit 01 Delete
01 OLG 02 Insert Digits
Choice Table 01 02 03 04 05 06 Definition Mod Mod Table Digits

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-49

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Record Sheets

Network Mapping Record Sheets

Program 658 Program 659 Program 660
Program 657 Values
Values Values Values
Network Local 02 03 04 COS 05 TGAC Table Type: Table Type: Table Type:
COS COS OCA Sys SD Override Override _______ _______ _______

D-50 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

Call History Record Sheet

Circuit Type 01 PDN Circuit Type 01 PDN Circuit Type 01 PDN

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-51

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Record Sheets

Behind Centrex Assignment Record Sheet

01 Behind 02 Assume 03 Pause 01 Behind 02 Assume 03 Pause
00 OLG Number 00 OLG Number
Centrex 9 Timer Centrex 9 Timer

D-52 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

Door Phone Assignment Record Sheet

Program 507 Values Program 576 Values
00 Door Phone 01 DDCB 02 Tenant 04 Ring 05 LCD 06 Day 1 07 Day 2 08 Night 00 Tenant 01 Page
Number Equipment Number Duration Name Dest Num Dest Num Dest Num Number Group

Program 508 Values

00 Door 01 02 BIOU 03 DDCB
Lock Interface Relay Equip

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-53

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Record Sheets

Paging Device Group Assignment Record Sheet

00 Zone Paging Groups (Enter Check to turn On) 17 Include in All 18 All Emerg 19 Ext Generic
Relay 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Paging Group Page Group Relay Number

D-54 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Record Sheets

Emergency Call Group Assignment Record Sheet

00 E-Call OLG Number
Group 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Record Sheets

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 D-55

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Record Sheets

D-56 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Software and Firmware Updates E

Software and Firmware

IP Telephone/BIPU Firmware Update Procedures
These procedures provide the steps for updating IP telephones and BIPU firmware. The procedures apply
to IPT1020-SD telephones and BIPU-M1A and interface PCBs. Use CTX WinAdmin to perform updates.
Before you start the update procedure, store the update files on a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server. The
FTP server can be:
CTX SmartMedia card
WinAdmin PC using Windows virtual ftp
An External Server (required if IP telephones are not in the same network domain as the BIPU
To perform an update you can use one of the following methods:
Important! Download the appropriate DIPXXXX and BIPUXXX IP firmware update files from TSD
FYI, click Technical Services > Software (Strata Systems) > CTX IP Firmware.

Method 1: Update from CTX SmartMedia Card

1. Requires a WinAdmin PC and CTX SmartMedia card for BIPU and IPT program updates.
2. Do not connect the WinAdmin PC directly to the Strata CTX processor network jack (see Figure E-1).
3. All connections must be through the network (see Figure E-1).
4. The BIPU must have the same subnet address as the Strata CTX and CTX WinAdmin both must be in
the same domain.

CAUTION! Do not unplug BIPU, press the BIPU reset button, or turn off the CTX power during
the BIPU program update process. Any of these operations will damage the BIPU
kernel software and require the BIPU software restoration process to enable the BIPU
to function.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 E-1

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Software and Firmware Updates
IP Telephone/BIPU Firmware Update Procedures

WinAdmin Menu CTX Smart Media Card

IP Telephone:
Program (directory):
BIPU Program update
BIPUXXX (file)
DIPXXXX (file)
IPT Program update
1 16
WinAdmin PC CTX Processor BIPU

IP Network-WAN, LAN, VPN, Internet server, VPN Router or Switch Box etc. (not a HUB)

Figure E-1 FTP Server (SmartMedia card) Network Connection

BIPU Update
Important! Complete all Prerequisites on page E-1 before you do the following.
From the WinAdmin PC or External SmartMedia read\write device
1. Force format a SmartMedia card using WinAdmin.
2. Store the update files on the SM card.
3. Copy the BIPUXXX update file under the SM card PROGRAM folder (XXX is the BIPU firmware
version level).
Note The firmware update files can be obtained from TSD FYI, click Technical Services > Software
(Strata Systems) > CTX IP Firmware.

To perform the BIPU update from the WinAdmin PC

1. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet.
2. Select Operations > SmartMedia to Make sure the BIPUXXX file is stored on the SM card under the
PROGRAM directory.
3. Force Disable the BIPU cabinet slot. This will cause all IP telephones that are connected to the disabled
BIPU to be in the MAKE BUSY mode.
4. Select IP Telephone > BIPU Program Update, then select the BIPU card slot and BIPU-M card type.
Note Only BIPU-M1A can be updated. Only BIPU-M1A card slots will be shown with WinAdmin 2.1F
or higher. The BIPU type selection is not required.
5. Select CTX Internal (SmartMedia) radio button.
An ftp Name and Password is inserted automatically. The IP address of the CTX processor
(SmartMedia card) is also inserted automatically.
6. From Data Directory box enter PROGRAM.
7. From File Name box enter BIPUXXX.
8. Click Start and observe the update status: Getting Updated file\Updating\Finished
It could take 1 to 5 minutes to update the BIPU
If an error occurs, recheck file names, locations etc. and try again.

E-2 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Software and Firmware Updates
IP Telephone/BIPU Firmware Update Procedures

9. After the update is complete, select BIPU Configuration, and check the BIUP version numbers to verify

Software and Firmware

they have been updated properly.
10. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet. Enable the BIPU cabinet slot that supports updated IP

telephones. All IP telephones connected to this BIPU should be idle and functioning.

IP Telephone Update
Important! Complete all Prerequisites on page E-1 before you do the following.
From the WinAdmin PC or External SmartMedia read\write device
1. Store the update files on the SM card.
2. Force format a SmartMedia card using WinAdmin
3. Copy the DIPXXXX update file under the SmartMedia card PROGRAM folder (XXXX is the IP
Telephone firmware version level).
From the WinAdmin PC perform the update
1. Select Operations > SmartMedia. Check that the DIPXXXX file is stored on the SM card under the
PROGRAM directory.
2. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet.
3. Force Disable the BIPU cabinet slot that supports IP telephones to be updated.
4. All IP telephones connected to this BIPU should in the Make Busy mode.
5. Select IP Telephone > IPT Program Update. Select the IPT PDN to be updated.
6. Select CTX Internal (SmartMedia) radio button.
7. An ftp Name and Password is inserted automatically.
8. The IP address of the CTX processor (SM card) is inserted automatically.
9. From Data Directory box enter: PROGRAM
10. From File Name box enter: DIPXXXX
11. Click Start and observe the update status: Getting Updated file\Updating\Finished
It could take 30 seconds to 2 minutes to update the IP telephone.
If an error occurs, recheck file names, locations etc. and try again.
12. Select IP telephone > Station Data, check the IPT version number to verify that all IPTs have been
updated properly.
13. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet. Enable the BIPU cabinet slot that supports updated IP
All IP telephones connected to this BIPU should be idle and functioning.
To check the IP telephone firmware version directly from an IP telephone
1. Simultaneously press +ROG buttons on the IP Telephone.
2. At the SELECT = prompt, press  then press +ROG.
3. At the Select function key prompt, press )%, the IP telephone will be displayed.
The WinAdmin PC cannot be connected directly to the CTX processor network jack.
All connections must be through the network.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 E-3

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Software and Firmware Updates
IP Telephone/BIPU Firmware Update Procedures

Method 2: Update From a FTP Directory on the

WinAdmin PC
1. Install the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service component under Internet Information Services on
the WinAdmin PC. This is not installed by default when installing IIS in Windows XP or 2000. See To
create a Virtual FTP directory on the WinAdmin PC below.
2. Create an FTP directory and path to C:\CTX\WinAdmin\CTXIPUPDATE. The drive letter must be the
drive on which WinAdmin is installed. This can be done automatically by running the
CreateFTPVdir executable file provided by Toshiba. See To create a Virtual FTP directory on the
WinAdmin PC below.
3. Make sure the WinAdmin PC is not connected directly to the CTX processor network jack (see the
figure below).

Make all connections through the network (see the figure below).
4. Make sure the IP Telephones have the same subnet address as the CTX and WinAdmin - both must be
in the same domain.

CAUTION! Do not unplug BIPU, press the BIPU reset button or turn off the CTX power during the
BIPU program update process. Any of these operations will damage the BIPU kernel
software and require the BIPU software restoration process to allow the BIPU to

WinAdmin Menu WinAdmin PC

IP Telephone:
BIPU Program update CTXIPUPDATE (directory):

BIPUXXX (file)
IPT Program update
1 16
WinAdmin PC Processor BIPU

IP Network-WAN, LAN, VPN, Internet server, VPN Router or Switch Box etc. (not a HUB)

Figure E-2 FTP Server (WinAdmin PC) Network Connection

To create a Virtual FTP directory on the WinAdmin PC

Setup the Virtual FTP server function on the WinAdmin PC for IP Updates. These procedures were written
using Microsoft Windows XP, there may be some variance when using Windows 2000.
1. Using the Windows XP or 2000 professional installation CR-ROM, install the FTP Service on the
WinAdmin PC.

This FTP Service is located on the installation main menu under: Install Optional Windows
Components > Internet Information Services (IIS).

E-4 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Software and Firmware Updates
IP Telephone/BIPU Firmware Update Procedures

2. On the WinAdmin PC, create a Vftp folder under the WinAdmin folder: After you create the folder, the

Software and Firmware

directory path should be C:\ctx\WinAdmin\Vftp
3. Download the CreateFTPVdir from Toshiba TSD Internet FYI site. On FYI, click Technical Services

> Software (Strata Systems) > CTX IP Firmware > VFTP Script.
4. Copy the CreateFTPVdir to the Vftp folder on the WinAdmin PC: (C:\ctx\WinAdmin\Vftp).
5. On the WinAdmin PC, create a CTXIPUPDATE folder under the WinAdmin folder. After creation the
directory path should be C:\ctx\WinAdmin\CTXIPUPDATE.
6. Run CreateFTPVdir by double clicking on it. This executable file will create the FTP virtual
directory needed for IP updates.
7. You can check the FTP directory from: Control Panel > Administration Tools > Internet Information
Services > Local Computer > FTP Sites > Default FTP > CTXIPUPDATE.
Download the IP Firmware files and store them on the WinAdmin PC
1. Download the appropriate DIPXXXX and BIPUXXX firmware update files from TSD FYI, click
Technical Services > Software (Strata Systems) > CTX IP Firmware.
2. Copy the DIPXXXX and BIPUXXX to the CTXIPUPDATE folder on the WinAdmin PC
(C:\ctx\WinAdmin\CTXIPUPDATE\. These files will be accessed during the IP update processes.

BIPU Update
Important! Complete all Prerequisites on page E-4 before you do the following.
Copy the BIPUXXX file into the WinAdmin PC CTXIPUPDATE directory.
The directory location should be C:\Ctx\W inAdmin\CTXIPUPDATE. The drive letter must be the
drive on which WinAdmin is installed.
(XXX in the BIPU file name is the BIPU firmware version level).

From the WinAdmin PC perform the BIPU update

1. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet. Force Disable the BIPU cabinet slot. This will also cause
all IP telephones that are connected to the disabled BIPU to be in the MAKE BUSY mode.
2. Select IP Telephone > BIPU Program Update.
3. Select the BIPU card slot and BIPU-M card type.
Note Only BIPU-M1A can be updated. Only BIPU-M1A card slots will be shown with WinAdmin 2.1F
or higher. The BIPU type selection is not required.
4. Select Local WinAdmin (radio button)
5. Enter the ftp user login Name and Password.
Note If in doubt, create a new Window logon User Name and password and use it in Step 5.
6. The IP address of the WinAdmin PC is inserted automatically.
7. From Data Directory box enter: CTXIPUPDATE
8. From File Name box enter: BIPUXXX
9. Click Start and observe the update status: Getting Updated file\Updating\Finished
It could take 1 to 5 minutes to update the BIPU
If an error occurs, recheck file names, locations etc. and try again.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 E-5

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Software and Firmware Updates
IP Telephone/BIPU Firmware Update Procedures

10. After the update is complete, select IP Telephone > BIPU Configuration. Check the BIUP version
numbers to verify they have been updated properly.
11. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet. Enable the BIPU cabinet slot. This will also cause all IP
telephones that are connected to the disabled BIPU to be in the operational mode.

IP Telephone Update
Important! Complete all Prerequisites on page E-4 before you do the following.
Copy the DIPXXXX file into the WinAdmin PC CTXIPUPDATE directory.
The directory location should be C:\Ctx\W inAdmin\CTXIPUPDATE The drive letter must be the
drive on which WinAdmin is installed.
(XXXX in the DIP file name is the firmware version level of the IP telephone).
From the WinAdmin PC perform the update
1. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet.
2. Force Disable the BIPU cabinet slot. This will also cause all IP telephones that are connected to the
disabled BIPU to be in the MAKE BUSY mode.
3. Select IP Telephone > IPT Program Update.
4. Select the IPT PDN to be updated.
5. Select Local WinAdmin (radio button).
6. Enter the ftp user login Name and Password.
Note If in doubt, create a new Window logon User Name and password and use it in Step 6.
7. The IP address of the WinAdmin PC is inserted automatically.
8. From Data Directory box enter: CTXIPUPDATE
9. From File Name box enter: DIPUXXX
10. Click Start and observe the update status: Getting Updated file\Updating\Finished
It could take 30 seconds to 2 minutes to update the IP telephone
If an error occurs, recheck file names, locations etc. and try again.
11. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet. Enable the BIPU cabinet slot that supports updated IP
telephones. All IP telephones connected to this BIPU should be idle and functioning.
12. Select IP telephone > Station Data. Check the IPT version number to verify that all IPTs have been
updated properly.
13. To check the IP telephone firmware version directly from an IP telephone.
Simultaneously press the +ROG buttons on the IP Telephone.
At the SELECT = prompt, press  then press +ROG.
At the Select function key prompt, press )%, the IP telephone will be displayed.
To exit this mode, go off and on hook.
The WinAdmin PC cannot be connected directly to the CTX processor network jack.
All connections must be through the network.

E-6 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Software and Firmware Updates
IP Telephone/BIPU Firmware Update Procedures

Method 3: Update from an External FTP Server

Software and Firmware


1. An FTP server must be connected on the same network domain as the IP telephones. The WinAdmin
PC, CTX processor and BIPU must be in the same domain but it does not have to be the domain that
supports the IP telephones and FTP server.
2. The WinAdmin PC cannot be connected directly to the CTX processor network jack. All connections
must be through the network (see Figure E-3 below).

CAUTION! Do not unplug BIPU, press the BIPU reset button or turn off the CTX power during the
BIPU program update process. Any of these operations will damage the BIPU kernel
software and require the BIPU software restoration process to allow the BIPU to

WinAdmin Menu External ftp server PC

IP Telephone:
CTXIPUPDATE (directory):
BIPU Program update

BIPUXXX (file)
IPT Program update
1 16
WinAdmin PC Processor BIPU

Domain A: CTX Network-WAN, LAN, VPN, Domain B: IP Network-WAN, LAN, VPN,

Internet server, VPN Router or Switch Box etc. Internet server, VPN Router or Switch Box etc.
(not a HUB). (not a HUB).

Figure E-3 FTP Server (External Server) Network Connection

Note The WinAdmin PC cannot be connected directly to the CTX processor network jack - all
connections must be through the network.

BIPU Update
Important! Complete all Prerequisites on page E-7 before you do the following.

Store the IP update files on the external ftp sever

1. Create an ftp directory and name it CTXIPUPDATE.
2. Copy the BIPUXXX update files to CTXIPUPDATE directory (XXX is the BIPU firmware version

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 E-7

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Software and Firmware Updates
IP Telephone/BIPU Firmware Update Procedures

From the WinAdmin PC perform the BIPU update

1. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet.
2. Force Disable the BIPU cabinet slot. This will also cause all IP telephones that are connected to the
disabled BIPU to be in the MAKE BUSY mode.
3. Select IP Telephone > BIPU Program Update.
4. Select the BIPU card slot and BIPU-M card type.
Note Only BIPU-M1A can be updated. Only BIPU-M1A card slots will be shown with WinAdmin 2.1F
or higher. The BIPU type selection is not required.
5. Select Other (radio button).
6. Enter the ftp user login Name and Password.
7. Enter the IP address external ftp server.
8. From Data Directory box enter: CTXIPUPDATE
9. From File Name box enter: BIPUXXX
10. Click Start and observe the update status: Getting Updated file\Updating\Finished
It could take 1 to 5 minutes to update the BIPU
If an error occurs, recheck file names, locations etc. and try again.
11. After the update is complete, select IP Telephone > BIPU Configuration. Check the BIUP version
numbers to verify they have been updated properly.
12. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet. Enable the BIPU cabinet slot. This will also cause all IP
telephones that are connected to the disabled BIPU to be in the operational mode.

IP Telephone Update
Important! Complete all Prerequisites on page E-7 before you do the following.

Store the IP update files on the external ftp sever

1. Create an ftp directory and name it CTXIPUPDATE
2. Copy the DIPUXXXX update files to CTXIPUPDATE directory (XXX is the BIPU firmware version

From the WinAdmin PC perform the BIPU update

1. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet.
2. Force Disable the BIPU cabinet slot. This will also cause all IP telephones that are connected to the
disabled BIPU to be in the MAKE BUSY mode.
3. Select IP Telephone > IPT Program Update.
4. Select the IP PDN to be updated.
5. Select Other (radio button)
6. Enter the external server ftp user login Name and Password.
7. Enter the IP address external ftp server.
8. From Data Directory box enter: CTXIPUPDATE

E-8 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Software and Firmware Updates
IP Telephone/BIPU Firmware Update Procedures

9. From File Name box enter: DIPXXXX

Software and Firmware

10. Click Start and observe the update status: Getting Updated file\Updating\Finished

It could take 1 to 5 minutes to update the BIPU
If an error occurs, recheck file names, locations etc. and try again.
11. Select Maintenance > Components > Cabinet. Enable the BIPU cabinet slot. This will also cause all IP
telephones that are connected to the disabled BIPU to be in the operational mode.
12. After the update is complete, select IP Telephone > IP Telephone Data. Select the IP telephone Prime
DN to check that the firmware version level has been updated properly.

To check the IP telephone firmware version directly from an IP telephone

1. Simultaneously press the +ROG buttons on the IP Telephone.
2. At the SELECT = prompt, press  then press +ROG
3. At the Select function key prompt, press )%, the IP telephone will be displayed.
4. To exit this mode, go off and on hook.

Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03 E-9

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Software and Firmware Updates
IP Telephone/BIPU Firmware Update Procedures

E-10 Strata CTX Programming - Part 4: Appendices 04/03

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Numerics called number table, 13-68

100 series programs, 13-11 caller history, 13-86
200 series programs, 13-27 caller ID, 6-8
300 series programs, 13-51 caller ID assignment, 13-61
400 series programs, 13-71 card slot assignment, 13-11
500 series programs, 13-72 CBC table, 13-69
517 Multiple Call Group Assignment, 9-56 CBC time zones, 13-70
600 series programs, 13-89 class of service, 13-15
900 series programs, 13-94 CO line, 1-3, 5-18
CO lines sub-parameters, 5-20
A communicating with Strata CTX, 3-14
account code digit length, 13-86 community name, 10-17
account codes, 9-23 component status/control, 11-7
ADM feature keys, 13-45 copy, 5-17
advisory message default code table, 4-31 COS override assignment, 13-77
attendant, 5-18 country code, 13-96
attendant group assignment, 13-71 CTX processor NIC interface TCP/IP, 1-7
CTX release level, 13-96
B CTX SmartMedia directories, 10-6
B channel, 13-67 CTX WinAdmin
behind connection assignment, 13-89 application software, 2-3
BIOU, 1-2 auto-programming to start-up, 1-1
BIPU program update, 8-9 command table link, 2-5
BIPU update, E-2, E-5, E-7 communicating with Strata CTX, 3-14
button programming examples, 13-5 internet access, 2-1
program 100, 13-5 LAN network, 3-5
program 200, 13-5 planning, 1-8
program 204, 13-6 program for first time, 1-8
program 205, 13-6 system requirements, 1-8
program 208, 13-6 toolbar, 2-4
button sequence, 13-7
C D channel, 13-62
call control, 5-18 data backup, 14-1
call forward, 5-18, 13-13 data initialize, 13-25
no answer timer, 4-11 data initialize programs, 4-32
override, 4-8, 13-15 date adjust code, 4-6, 13-14
call pickup, 5-18, 13-14 day of week mapping, 13-21
call transfer with camp-on, 13-15 day/night mode, 13-21, 13-24

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default feature access codes, 1-8 enhanced 911 emergency call group, 13-85
destination restriction, 9-21 error alarm log, 11-5
destination restriction level, 13-24 error codes, B-1
destination restriction overview, 9-15 error log, 11-2
device table, 4-28 event trace control, 11-3
dial number plan, 4-2 event trace side change, 13-100
DID, 6-13 exception numbers for forced account codes, 13-86
intercept assignment, 13-65 extended list, 5-7
DID/DNIS table view, 6-21 external devices, 9-48
digit manipulation, 9-29
direct inward dialing, 13-58 F
directory number, 5-18 FB00 parameters, 13-7
directory number sub-parameters, 5-19 feature button pattern assignments
DISA codes, 13-15 10 button table, 5-13, 13-37
DISA security codes, 13-61 14 button table, 5-14, 13-37
distinctive ringing, 5-17 20 button table, 5-13, 13-36
DIT, 6-11 feature/button code sub-parameter assignments, 13-39
DIT assignment, 13-60 file information, 10-16
DKT flexible access codes, 4-3
feature keys., 13-37 flexible access plan, 13-12
DKT parameters, 13-33 flexible button assignment feature code table, 13-40
DN, 13-33, 13-50 flexible numbering default settings, 4-4
DND flexible numbering plan default settings table, 13-12
local activation, 13-13 FTP User Accounts, 10-15
local cancellation, 13-13
remote activation, 13-13 G
remote cancellation, 13-13 group call pickup, 13-45
DND override, 13-15
DNIS VMID code, 13-59
door lock, 5-18
requirements, 3-1
door lock control assignment, 13-76
door phone I
delete, 13-86 I/O device, 4-27
night ring over external page, 13-86 ILG Delete, 13-56
door phone assignment, 13-74 incoming line group assignment, 13-54
DR initial setup, 1-1, 1-8
LCR screening table assignment, 13-83 installed equipment ID, 13-96
level table assignment, 13-84 integration
screening table for OLG, 13-84 TPI, A-2
table allow/deny definition, 13-84 intercept, 6-3
DR override by system speed dial, 13-76 intercept treatment, 13-67
DRL exception table assignment, 13-85 IO logical device assignment, 13-92
DSS IP configuration, 13-107
console assignment, 13-47 IP telephone update, E-3, E-6, E-8
feature keys, 13-47 IPT program update, 8-10
DTMF version, 13-96 ISDN
E bearer capability, 13-32
BRI station, 13-30
emergency call destination assignment, 7-3, 13-71
BRI trunk, 13-63
emergency ringdown, 13-49

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station data, 13-49 node ID assignment, 13-90

trunk delete, 13-54 numerical program listing, C-15
trunk trace, 13-100
ISDN bearer capability, 5-34 O
off-hook, 13-3
L off-hook preference, 13-34
LCR OLG delete, 13-57
exception number route plans, 13-81 one touch, 5-18
holiday table assignment, 13-82 one touch button, 5-19
local route plan assignment, 13-80 outgoing line group assignment, 13-56
public day of week mapping table, 13-83 Overview, 2-1
route definition assignment, 13-82

route plan digit analysis assignment, 13-81
route plan schedule assignment, 13-81 PAD
route plan time zone assignment, 13-83 conference table assignment, 13-25
LCR assignment, 9-8 conference value table, 4-23
LCR time zones, 9-14 device number table, 4-22
LCR/DR screening, 9-19 group device types, 4-23, 13-22
least cost routing/destination restriction, 9-6 PAD Table, 13-22
license control, 10-20 paging devices group assignment, 13-73
license information, 10-21 parameter selection record sheet, D-13
local update, 14-2, 14-4 park page, 5-18
password assignment, 13-23
M PCB codes, 13-12
MAC address, 13-102 PDN, 13-39
maintenance, 11-1, 14-1 phantom DN, 13-41
error alarm log, 11-5 PhDN, 13-39
error log, 11-2 pilot DN assignment, 13-85
start/stop/store trace date, 11-2 planning, 1-8
system admin log, 11-6 print, 5-30
make busy control, 13-105 private digit modification table assignment, 13-90
mapping, 9-43 private route choice definition, 9-41
memory access operation, 11-6 private route choice table assignment, 13-89
modified digits table assignment, 13-82 private route definition table assignment, 13-89
multiple call group, 9-54, 9-56 private routing plan analysis table assignment, 13-89
music on hold, 4-25, 13-23 product ID, 13-96
profile, 3-16, 12-2
N program listing
network COS mapping table assignment, 13-91 numerical, C-15
network directory number, 9-28 program listings, 13-7
network DRL mapping tables, 13-91 programming parameters, 13-3
network feature access code, 9-28 programming sub-parameters, 13-4
network jack LAN device assignments, 13-92 Programs
networking, 9-27 100 card slot assignment, 4-1, 13-11
call record and soft keys, A-3 102 flexible access codes, 4-3
centralized attendant, 9-32 102 flexible numbering plan, 13-12
centralized voice mail, 9-31 103 class of service, 4-8, 13-15
configuration, 9-38 104 system timers, 4-10, 13-17
multiple voice mail systems, A-3 105 system data, 4-12, 13-18
node ID, 9-27 106 day/night mode of week mapping, 4-20, 13-21

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107 PAD table assignment, 4-21, 13-21 311 DISA security codes, 6-19, 13-61
108 PAD group assignment, 4-22, 13-22 313 caller ID, 6-8
109 music on hold, 4-25, 13-23 313 caller ID assignment, 13-61
110 password assignment, 4-24, 13-23 315 T1 trunk card, 6-20, 13-62
111 destination restriction level, 9-22, 13-24 316 shared D channel, 6-32, 13-62
112 day/night mode calendar, 4-19, 13-24 317 ISDN BRI trunk, 6-22, 13-63
113 day/night mode daily schedule, 4-20, 13-24 318 DID intercept assignment, 6-16, 13-65
114 PAD conference table assignment, 4-23, 13- 319 intercept treatment, 6-19, 13-67
25 320 B channel, 6-31, 13-67
115 advisory messages, 4-31 321 calling number identification, 6-33, 13-68
116 data initialize, 4-32, 13-25 322 called number table, 6-34, 13-68
117 public dial plan digit analysis, 4-7, 13-26 323 CBC service, 6-29, 13-69
150 system IP data assignment, 8-1 324 CBC time zones, 6-30, 13-70
151 BIPU configuration, 8-4 400 emergency call destination assignment, 7-3,
152 voice packet configuration table 13-71
assignment, 8-5 404 attendant group assignment, 7-1, 13-71
200 station data, 5-1, 13-27 500 system call forward assignment, 4-15, 13-72
201 station delete, 13-30 501 system speed dial assignment, 4-18, 13-72
202 ISDN BRI station, 5-31, 13-30 502 terminal paging group assignment, 5-23, 13-
203 change DN, 13-33 72
204 DKT parameters, 5-8, 13-33 503 paging devices group assignment, 9-53, 13-73
205 DKT feature keys, 5-16, 13-37 504 system call forward operation status, 4-16, 13-
206 phantom DN, 5-24, 13-41 73
207 single touch button data assignments, 13-42 506 verified account codes, 9-24, 13-73
208 station timer assignments, 5-21, 13-44 507 door phone assignment, 9-48, 13-74
209 station hunting groups, 5-26, 13-45 508 door lock control assignment, 9-50, 13-76
210 group call pickup, 5-22, 13-45 509 DR override by system speed dial, 9-25, 13-76
213 ADM feature keys, 5-16, 13-45 510 COS override assignment, 9-26, 13-77
214 DSS console assignment, 5-15, 13-47 512 SMDR for system assignment, 9-45, 13-77
215 DSS feature keys, 5-16, 13-47 513 SMDR for ILG assignment, 9-45, 13-77
216 emergency ringdown assignment, 5-22, 13-49 514 SMDR for OLG assignment, 9-46, 13-78
217 ISDN station data, 5-35, 13-49 515 view BIOU control relay assignment, 9-52,
218 station hunt group assignment, 5-27, 13-49 13-78
219 network DSS key notify data delete, 13-50 516 station speed dial, 5-29, 13-79
219 network DSS notify data delete assignment, 5- 517 multiple call group assignment, 9-56
31 517 multiple calling group index, 13-80
250 station IP data assignment, 8-6 518 multiple calling members assignment, 9-57,
300 trunk assignment, 6-6, 13-51 13-80
302 PRI trunks, 6-25, 13-52 520 LCR local route plan assignment, 9-8, 13-80
303 ISDN trunk delete, 13-54 521 LCR route plan digit analysis assignment, 9-9,
304 incoming line group assignment, 6-1~6-2, 13- 13-81
54 522 LCR exception number route plan, 9-9, 13-81
305 ILG number, 13-56 523 LCR route plan schedule assignment, 9-12,
306 outgoing line group assignment, 6-4, 8-1, 13- 13-81
56 524 route table to route definition assignment, 9-
307 OLG delete, 13-57 10, 13-82
308 trunk timer, 6-9 525 LCR route definition assignment, 9-11, 13-82
308 trunk timers, 13-57 526 modified digits table assignment, 9-11, 13-82
309 direct inward dialing, 6-13, 13-58 527 LCR holiday table assignment, 9-14, 13-82
310 DIT assignment, 6-11, 13-60 528 LCR public day of week mapping table, 9-13,

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13-83 906 event trace side change, 11-4, 13-100

529 LCR route plan time zone assignment, 9-14, 907 system admin log, 11-6, 13-101
13-83 908 format/unmount smartmedia, 13-101
530 DR LCR screening table assignment, 9-19, 908 smart media, 10-4
13-83 909 MAC address, 10-18, 13-102
531 DR screening table for OLG, 9-20, 13-84 910 data backup, 13-103
532 DR table allow/deny definition, 9-21, 13-84 911 program update, 10-9, 13-104
533 DR level table assignment, 9-21, 13-84 911 remote program update, 10-7
534 DRL exception table assignment, 9-22, 13-85 912 make busy control, 13-105
540 pilot DN assignment, 9-1, 13-85 913 license issue, 10-20
541 pilot DN delete, 13-85 914 license activate, 10-21
550 enhanced 911 emergency call group, 9-54, 13- 915 regional selection, 10-4, 13-106

85 916 IP configuration, 10-14, 13-107
570 account code digit length, 9-23, 13-86 BIPU program update, 8-9
571 exception numbers for forced account IPT program update, 8-10
codes, 9-24, 13-86 public dial plan digit, 13-26
573 delete door phone, 13-86 public holidays, 9-14
576 door phone night ring over external page, 9-
50, 13-86 Q
577 caller history, 9-46, 13-86 QSIG, 6-2, 6-5, 6-27, 9-27, 13-53, 13-57
579 system voice mail data, 9-2, 13-87
580 voice mail port data, 9-4, 13-88 R
650 behind centrex assignment, 9-47, 13-89 record sheet overview, 13-1
651 private routing plan analysis table record sheets
assignment, 9-41, 13-89 attendant group (404), D-34
653 private route choice table assignment, 9-42, B channel selection (320), D-31
13-89 basic station (200), D-11
654 private route definition table assignment, 9- behind centrex (550), D-52
42, 13-89 BSIS RS-232 serial port setup (804), D-10
655 private digit modification table assignment, 9- call history (577), D-51
42, 13-90 call-by-call (323/324), D-30
656 node ID assignment, 9-39, 13-90 caller ID assignment (313), D-24
657 network COS mapping table assignment, 9- calling number (321/322), D-33
43, 13-91 card assignment for Strata CTX100 (100), D-3
658 network DRL mapping table, 9-44 card assignment for Strata CTX670 (100), D-1
658/659/660 network DRL mapping tables, 9-44, COS (103), D-4
13-91 COS override (510), D-46
670 remote node data assignment, 9-40 day/night mode (112/106/113), D-8
801 network jack LAN device assignments, 4-29, DID assignment (309), D-25
13-92 DID intercept assignment (318), D-26
803 IO logical device assignment, 13-92 DKT parameters (204), D-12
803 SMDR SMDI CTI port assignments, 4-27 door phone assignment (507/508/576), D-53
804 BSIS RS-232 serial port setup, 4-30, 13-94 DR (532/533/534/111), D-45
900 CTX restart, 10-2 DR/LCR screening (530/531), D-44
900 system initialize, 13-94 E911 emergency call group (550), D-55
901 display version, 10-3, 13-95 feature button (205/213/215), D-13
902 set time and date, 10-3, 13-97 flexible numbering plan (102), 4-5
903 event trace control, 11-3, 13-97 hunt group (209/218), D-17
904 ISDN trace location, 11-3, 13-99 ILG (304/513), D-21
905 all ISDN trunk trace, 13-100 ISDN BRI station (202), D-19

Strata CTX Programming Manual 04/03 IN-5

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ISDN BRI trunk (317), D-28 SmartMedia card, 10-4

ISDN data (217), D-20 SMDR, 9-44
LCR assignments (520/521/522), D-42 for ILG assignment, 13-77
LCR time zone (527/529), D-43 for OLG Assignment, 13-78
network mapping (657/658/659/660), D-50 SMDR for system assignment, 13-77
node ID assignment (656), D-47~D-48 software version, 13-96
paging devices group assignment (503), D-54 start/stop/store trace data, 11-2
phantom DN (206), D-16 station
pilot DN assignment (540), D-37 extended list, 5-7
PRI trunk (302), D-29 PDN selective copy, 5-6
route choice definition (653/654/655), D-49 PDN table view, 5-30
route definition (524/525/526), D-40 station data, 13-27
route schedule record sheets (523/528), D-41 station hunt group assignment, 13-49~13-50
shared D channel (316), D-32 station PDN, 1-3
SMDR SMDI CTI Port assignments (803), D-9 station speed dial, 13-79
station data (208/210/216/502/516), D-18 station timer assignments, 13-44
system call forward (500/504), D-6 Strata CTX100 update, 14-2, 14-4
system data (105), D-5 Strata Net private networking, 9-27
system speed dial (501), D-7 Strata Net programming overview, 9-38
system voice mail (579), D-38 submit, 5-30
trunk assignment (300), D-23 system
trunk timer (310), D-27 admin log, 13-101
voice mail port data (580), D-39 initialize, 13-94
refresh, 5-30 system call forward, 4-15
regional selection, 13-106 operation status, 13-73
remote program update, 10-7 system call forward assignment, 13-72
ring tone, distinct, 5-17 system date, 4-4
ringing preference, 13-34 system integration, A-2
route define, 9-10 system parameters, 13-18
route schedule, 9-12 system speed dial, 13-72
route table to route definition assignment, 13-82 system time, 4-4
RS232C data assignment, 13-94 system timers, 13-17
system voice mail data, 13-87
service, 6-19 T
setup T1 trunk card, 13-62
analog trunk, 1-11 table view
ISDN PRI, 1-12~1-13 DID/DNIS, 6-21
station, 1-11 tables
T1 trunk, 1-12 B channel defaults, 13-68
setup wizards bearer capability table, 13-65
multiple DN assignment, 5-37 bearer services table, 13-54
PDN range, 5-36 BRI bearer capability of ISDN, 13-32
trunk DID/DNIS, 6-35 circuit type code definitions, 13-87
VMID range, 5-39 data initialize programs, 13-26
single touch button data assignments, 13-42 device table, 13-93
slot assignment worksheet, D-1 feature button patterns
SmartMedia 10 button, 13-37
format/unmount, 13-101 14 button, 13-37
restoring data, 13-95 feature/button code sub-parameter

IN-6 Strata CTX Programming Manual 04/03

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assignments, 13-39 port data, 13-88

flexible numbering plan default settings, 13-12
numerical program listings (Strata CTX to Strata W
DK), C-15 WinAdmin configuration, 12-2
numerical program listings (Strata DK to Strata worksheets
CTX), C-1 10-button and 20-button telephones, D-14~D-15
PAD conference table, 13-25 parameter selection, D-13
PAD group device type examples, 13-22 slot assignment, D-1
PAD table, 13-22
telephone button commands
programming sub-parameters, 13-3
telephone button overview, 13-2

telephone button pad record sheets, D-14~D-15
terminal paging group, 13-72
time adjust code, 4-6, 13-14
time and date, 13-97
download, 12-1
tools and profile, 12-1
Toshiba proprietary integration, A-2
trace function, 14-8
trace functions, 11-1
trap IP setup, 10-19
traveling class mark, 9-29
assignment, 13-51
timers, 13-57
trunk timer, 6-9
PRI, 13-52

unrestricted digital information, 13-32
local update, 14-2
program update, 13-102, 13-104
remote update, 10-7
Strata CTX100 local update, 14-4
Strata CTX670 local update, 14-6
update methods
CTX SmartMedia card, E-1
external FTP server, E-7
FTP directory, E-4
user management, 3-16, 12-2

verified account codes, 13-73
version code, 13-96
view BIOU control relay assignment, 13-78
voice mail, 5-18, A-1

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