8.pressure Drop in Piping PDF
8.pressure Drop in Piping PDF
8.pressure Drop in Piping PDF
Pressure Drop in
Piping *
Piping design in production facilities involves the selection of a pipe
diameter and a wall thickness that is capable of transporting fluid from
one piece of process equipment to another, within the allowable pressure
drop and pressure rating restraints imposed by the process. The first step
in being able to make these changes is to understand how pressure drops
in these lines are calculated. This is discussed in this chapter, while the
next chapter discusses the concepts involved in choosing a line size and a
pressure rating.
While this chapter emphasizes piping that exists within a facility, the
concepts included on pressure drop are equally valid for determining the
pressure drop in flowlines, pipelines, gas transmission lines, etc.
This chapter first introduces the basic principles for determining pres-
sure drops in piping and then discusses the flow equations for liquid
flow, compressible flow, and two-phase flow. Finally, it shows how to
calculate pressure drop in valves and fittings when using the various flow
equations. The last part of this chapter includes some example calcula-
tions for determining the pressure drop in various types of pipe.
*Reviewed for the 1998 edition by Eric M. Barron of Paragon Engineering Services, Inc.
Reynolds Number
Re = ^ (8-1)
R. = 7 , 7 3 8 ( S G > d V (8-2)
Re = 92.1 ( S ^ I - (8-3)
where u. = viscosity, cp
d = pipe ID, in.
V = velocity, ft/sec
S.G. = specific gravity of liquid relative to water
Qi = liquid flow rate, bpd
Derivation of Equations 8-2 and 8-3
|l is in cp, p in lb/ft3, d in inches
| / = M/1,488
p = 62.4(S.G.)
D = d/12
Q= Ql x 5.61 _ * ! _ x _ ^ L x _ * _ = 6 .49 x !0-5Q1
barrel 24hr 3,600s
A= r c D 2 = 7td2
4 " ( 4 ) (144)
Re = 20,100 - ^ - (8-4)
" ( 4 ) (144)
Re = 2 0 , 1 0 0 ^ -
Flow Regimes
Flow regimes describe the nature of fluid flow. There are two basic
flow regimes for flow of a single-phase fluid: laminar flow and turbulent
flow. Laminar flow is characterized by little mixing of the flowing fluid
and a parabolic velocity profile. Turbulent flow involves complete mix-
ing of the fluid and a more uniform velocity profile. Laminar flow has
been shown by experiment to exist at Re < 2,000 and turbulent flow at
Re > 4,000. Reynolds numbers between 2,000 and 4,000 are in a transi-
tion zone, and thus the flow may be either laminar or turbulent.
Bernoulli's Theorem
J D2g
AP =144 ^L
Substituting D =
^p = pfLV2(12)
which reduces to:
AP = 0,0013 f p L V (8-8)
Moody Friction Factor
f =-^ (8-9)
For turbulent flow, f is a function of both pipe roughness and the
Reynolds number. At high values of Re, f is a function only of e/D.
Table 8-1 shows the relative roughness for various types of new, clean
pipe. These values should be increased by a factor of 2-4 to allow for age
and use.
Figure 8-1. Friction
factor chart (courtesy of
API RP 14Ej.
AP = ( I L S x I O - 6 ) ^ ' f 0 0 (8-10)
AP = 0 . 0 0 1 3 ^ ^
Q in ft3/s, A in ft2.
Q1 is in bpd.
p = 62.4(S.G.)
L = 0 - 0 1 5 ^ ^ (8-12)
Gas Flow
The Darcy equation assumes constant density over the pipe section
between the inlet and outlet points. While this assumption is valid for liq-
uids, it is incorrect for pipelines flowing gases, where density is a strong
function of pressure and temperature. As the gas flows through the pipe it
expands due to the drop in pressure and thus tends to decrease in density.
At the same time, if heat is not added to the system, the gas will cool,
causing the gas to tend to increase in density. In control valves, where the
change in pressure is near instantaneous, and thus no heat is added to the
system, the expansion can be considered adiabatic. In pipe flow, howev-
er, the pressure drop is gradual and there is sufficient pipe surface area
between the gas and the surrounding medium to add heat to the gas and
thus keep the gas at constant temperature. In such a case the gas can be
considered to undergo an isothermal expansion.
On occasion, where the gas temperature is significantly different from
ambient, the assumption of isothermal (constant temperature) flow is
not valid. In these instances greater accuracy can be obtained by break-
ing the line up into short segments that correspond to only small temper-
ature changes.
The general isothermal equation for the expansion of gas can be given
144 A2
w> = , S , N2-(P*)21 (8-13)
A=^ = 0.00545 d2
(4) (144)
Pi Vi = Ps Vs
Z1 T1 Z s Ts
ro883so i2 =(144)(32'2)(0-545)2d4spidl"pi2-p2"
g p
(0.370) T1ZfL (12) L i
, , SQ 2 Z 1Lf L
2 2
P 1 -P 2 =25.1 V g d 5 '
The "Z" factor will change slightly from point 1 to point 2. It is usual-
ly assumed to be constant and is chosen for an "average" pressure of:
r pp i
2/3 P 1 + P 2 - 1 2 (8-15)
Rearranging Equation 8-14 and solving for Qg we have:
AP = 12.6 , (8-17)
L Pid J
As was the case for liquid flow, in order to solve any of these equa-
tions for a pipe diameter to handle a given flow and pressure drop, it is
necessary to first guess the diameter and then compute a Reynolds num-
ber to determine the friction factor. Once the friction factor is known, a
pipe diameter can be calculated and compared against the assumed num-
ber. The process can be iterated until convergence.
Several empirical gas flow equations have been developed. These
equations are patterned after the general flow equation (Equation 8-16),
but make certain assumptions so as to avoid solving for the Moody fric-
tion factor. The three most common gas flow equations are described in
the following sections.
Weymouth Equation
f=<P? <,..
Substituting this into Equation 8-16, the Weymouth equation
expressed in practical oil field units is:
2 67
r Pl
P2 PP2
Qg =l.lld - " (8-19)
where Qg = flow rate, MMscfd
d = pipe ID, in.
P1 and P 2 = pressure at points 1 and 2 respectively, psia
L = length of pipe, ft
S = specific gravity of gas at standard conditions
T1 = temperature of gas at inlet, 0R
Z = compressibility factor of gas
Assuming a temperature of 5200R, a compressibility of 1.0 and a spe-
cific gravity of 0.6 the Weymouth equation can also be written:
Q^ = 865d267 ^ ^- (8-20)
Panhandle Equation
This equation was intended to reflect the flow of gas through smooth
pipes and is a reasonable approximation of partially turbulent flow
behavior. The friction factor can be represented by a straight line of con-
stant negative slope in the moderate Reynolds number region of the
Moody diagram.
A straight line on the Moody diagram would be expressed:
log f = n log Re + log C (8-21)
f = (8-22)
The Panhandle A equation applies to Reynolds numbers in the 5 X l O 6
to 11 X 10 6 range and assumes n = 0.146. The Panhandle B equation
assumes more fully developed turbulent flow (greater Reynolds number)
and assumes a lower slope of n = 0.039.
Using this assumption and assuming a constant viscosity for the gas,
the Panhandle A equation can be written:
r p 2 . P 2 i0059
Qg = 0.020 E [ s o.853" Z T ^ m j <*2-62 (8 - 23)
r P 2 - p 2 T51
Q g = 0.028 E - j r ^ ^ d2'53 (8 - 24)
^g Q 0 . 9 6 1 ryry j V /
where E = efficiency factor
= 1.0 for brand new pipe
= 0.95 for good operating conditions
= 0.92 for average operating conditions
= 0.85 for unfavorable operating conditions
Derivation of Equations 8-23 and 8-24
C= C-V-)
L = 5,280L m
Spitzglass Equation
Lf = I(I+ Md + 0 .03d]p-l
2.T = 5200R
3. Pi = 15 psi
With these assumptions, and expressing pressure drop in terms of
inches of water, the Spitzglass equation can be written:
L ZT 1 f LS J
AP < 10% P1
036Ah (15)d5 2
Qge =0.2 8 2[- " l"
[ S(1.0) (520) f L J
Q - 0.009 \**T
g SfL
f = fi + M + o.o3dY-L]
r i1/2
Q -009 ^
^g u ' u y ( 36 ^
SL 1 + + 0.03d
Application of Gas Flow Equations
The Weymouth and Spitzglass equations both assume that the friction fac-
tor is merely a function of pipe diameter. Figure 8-3 compares the friction
factors calculated from these equations with the factor indicated by the hori-
zontal line of the Moody diagram for two different absolute roughnesses.
Figure 8-3. Friction factor vs. pipe diameter for three correlations.
In the small pipe diameter range (3-6 in.) all curves tend to yield iden-
tical results. For large diameter pipe (10 in. and larger) the Spitzglass
equation becomes overly conservative. The curve is going in the wrong
direction, thus the form of the equation must be wrong. The Weymouth
equation tends to become under-conservative with pipe greater than 20
inches. Its slope is greater than the general flow equation with 8 = 0.002
inch. This is merely a result of the way in which the Spitzglass and Wey-
mouth equations represent the Moody diagram.
The empirical gas flow equations use various coefficients and expo-
nents to account for efficiency and friction factor. These equations repre-
sent the flow condition upon which they were derived, but may not be
accurate under different conditions. Unfortunately, these equations are
often used as if they were universally applicable. The following guide-
lines are recommended in the use of gas flow equations:
1. The general gas flow equation is recommended for most general
usage. If it is inconvenient to use the iterative procedure of the gen-
eral equation and it is not known whether the Weymouth or the Pan-
handle equations are applicable, compute the results using both
Weymouth and Panhandle equations and use the higher calculated
pressure drop.
2. Use the Weymouth equation only for small-diameter, short-run pipe
within the production facility where the Reynolds number is expect-
ed to be high.
3. Use the Panhandle equations only for large-diameter, long-run
pipelines where the Reynolds number is expected to be moderate.
4. Use the Spitzglass equation for low pressure vent lines less than 12-
inches in diameter.
5. When using gas flow equations for old pipe, attempt to derive the
proper efficiency factor through field tests. Buildup of scale, corrosion,
liquids, paraffin, etc. can have a large effect on gas flow efficiency.
Two-Phase Flow
Figure 8-6. Flow regime for horizontal pipes. (Reprinted with permission from
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 1, J. M . Mandhane, G. A. Gregory,
and K. Aziz, "A Flow Pattern Map for Gas-Liquid Flow in Horizontal Pipes/' 1974,
Pergamon Press, Ltd.)
Vertical Flow
ties not only result in varying wall friction losses, but also result in liq-
uid holdup, which influences flowing density. At higher flow veloci-
ties, liquid can even be entrained in the gas bubbles. Both the gas and
liquid phases have significant effects on pressure gradient.
3. Transition Flow: The change from a continuous liquid phase to a
continuous gas phase occurs in this region. The liquid slug between
the bubbles virtually disappears, and a significant amount of liquid
becomes entrained in the gas phase. In this case, although the
effects of the liquid are significant, the gas phase is predominant.
Transition flow is also known as "churn flow."
4. Annular-Mist Flow: The gas phase is continuous. The bulk of the
liquid is entrained and carried in the gas phase. A film of liquid wets
the pipe wall, but its effects are secondary. The gas phase is the control-
ling factor.
Pressure Drop
Pressure drop in two-phase flow is the sum of the pressure drop due to
acceleration, friction losses, and elevation changes.
In most pipelines, the pressure loss due to acceleration is small. Pres-
sure drop due to friction is typically several times larger in two-phase
flow than the sum of the pressure drops of the equivalent two single phas-
es. The additional frictional pressure drop in two-phase flow is attributed
to irreversible energy transfer between phases at the interface and to the
reduced cross-sectional area available for the flow to each phase.
Pressure drop due to elevation changes is also significant in two-phase
flow. In an uphill line, the pressure drop due to elevation change is mere-
ly the average density of the two-phase mixture in the uphill line multi-
plied by the change in elevation. Since the average density depends on
the liquid holdup, the static head disadvantage in an uphill line also
depends on the average liquid holdup for the segment.
In cross-country lines that consist of a number of uphill and downhill
segments, the worst case for pressure drop occurs at low gas flow rates,
where each uphill segment fills with liquid. That is, in these segments the
liquid holdup approaches the volume of the pipe and the gas is in bubble
flow. When this happens, the pressure drop in each uphill segment is
given by:
AP2 =0.43 (S.G.)AZn (8-26)
where AP2 = pressure drop due to elevation increase in the segment,
AZn = increase in elevation for segment n, ft
S.G. = specific gravity of the fluid in the segment relative to
Derivation of Equation 8-26
AP7 in psi, AZ n in ft, p in lb/ft3,
AP2 = P ^
p = 62.4 (S.G.)
AP2 = ^ (S.G.)AZn
where L = length, ft
W = rate of flow of liquid and vapor, lb/hr
p m = density of the mixture, lb/ft3
d = pipe ID, in.
For f = 0.015
Pn, d
This equation is derived from the general equation for isothermal flow
by making the following assumptions:
1. AP is less than 10% of inlet pressure
2. Bubble or mist flow exists
3. No elevation changes
Derivation of Equations 8-27 and 8-28
w2 = 1"(144JgA2Dl 1"(P1)2-(P2)2I
L ^ JL P1 J
D is in ft, V in ft3/lb, L in ft, A in ft2, w in lb/sec.
AP J|_(144)gA
- X I VDjl 2 ^2
g = 32.2
p m is in lb/ft3, W in lb/hr
A = 0.00545d2
D = d/12
_ 3.4 x IQ"6 f L W2
f = 0.015
. 5 x 10" 8 LW 2
AP = ;
The rate of flow of the mixture to use in this equation can be calculat-
ed as follows:
W = 3,180 Qg S + 14.6 Q1 (S.G.) (8-29)
= Q MMsCfx 1 ) 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 ^ L x 00764(S)Axday
day MM scf 24 hr
G = 3,180 Qg S
W = 3,180 Qg S + 14.6 Q1 (S.G.)
The density of the mixture to use in Equations 8-27 and 8-28 is given by:
12,409 <S.G.)P + 2 . 7 R S P
198.7 P + R T Z
where P = operating pressure, psia
R = gas/liquid ratio, ft3/bbl
T = operating temperature, 0R
Z = gas compressibility factor
Derivation of Equation 8-30
g is gas flow rate in ftVsec, Qg in MMscfd,
1,0Qq00Qscfx day hr ^ 14.7 ^ TZ
g 8 X
MM 2 4 h r X 3,600s X P X 520
g = 0.327 ^ -
1 is in ft3/sec, Q1 in bpd,
3,180Q g 8 + 14.6Q1(S-G.)
~ f Q 2 TZA
3,600 6.49 x 10~5 Q1 + 0.327 - ^
1,000,000 Q 2
R= -
p = ! E,
f 6.49 xlO~ 5 XlO 6 XQ 2 Qa T Z")
3,600 - ^ + 0.327 - ^
{ R PJ
Factor out Qg, multiply top and bottom by R X P and rearrange
_ 14.6 x IQ6 (S.G.) P + 3,180 R S P
" 3,600 (64.9 P + 0.327 R T Z)
Divide top and bottom by 1,177
_12,409(S.G.)P + 2 . 7 R S P
~ 198.7 P + R T Z
Resistance Coefficients
HL=Kr^- (8-31)
Table 8-3
Resistance Coefficients for Pipe Fittings
Global Valve, wide open 10.0
Angle Valve, wide open 5.0
Gate Valve, wide open 0.2
Gate Valve, half open 5.6
Return Blend 2.2
Tee 1.8
90 Elbow 0.9
45 Elbow 04
The total head loss for the entire piping system can be determined
from the following equation:
H L = I K ^ (8-32)
Flow Coefficient
Inward Flush
r/d K
0.00* 0.5
0.02 0.28
0.04 0.24
0.06 0.15
0.10 0.09
The resistance coefficient, KB, for pipe bends other 0.15 & up I 0.04
than 90 may be determined as follows: *Sharp-edged For K,
KB = (n - 1) 10.25 Tt fT ^ +0.5 K ) + K see table
n = number of 90 bends
K = resistance coefficient for one 90 bends (per table)
Figure 8-9. Representative resistance coefficients (K) for fittings (courtesy of Crane
Technical Paper 4 JO).
AP= (11.5xl0^) f L Q] 5 ( S G )
AP = I
n _r gal 1 bbl min hr
min 42 gal hr day
Q1 = 34.3 Cv
S.G. - 1
(34 3 C ) 2 =
11.5 x KT 6 CfLmD)
29.9 d2
"(fL/D) 1 / 2
It follows from the definition of Kr that the relationship between Cv
and Kr is:
The pressure drop for any valve or fitting for which Cv is known is
derived as follows:
Q 1 = C - ^ x J - 1x60 = X 2 4 - ^ 3 4 3 Q
min 42 gal hr day
AP = lpsi, S.G. = 1
I^ILSXIO^K' 34 ^ 2 '
fL _ 73.9
d = 12D
_ 29.9 d 2 _ 29.9 d2
" r f l . i 1 / 2 " (K r ) 1/2
AP = (11.5 x 10"6) 1^- Q 2 (S.G.)
- -|2
AP-8.5 XlO" ^L (S.G.)
_ v_
Equivalent Length
U = ^ (8-37)
74 5d5
T - - f8 m
Equivalent lengths that are usually published in tables are for turbulent
flow. The following equation is used when the flow is laminar, that is, the
Reynolds number is less than 1,000:
(Le)laminar = 1 A n A L e (8-39)
where (Le)laminar = equivalent length to be used in pressure drop calcu-
lations (never less than actual fitting length)
Le = equivalent length of the valve or fitting if flow were
g> S
S? I
9-6 s
1 o
1. General Equation
Specific gravity of liquid:
2. Hazen-Williams
C = 120 (assume)
(1,03O)1-85 (7,000)
FLT = U . U l J To^ Ton
(12O)1-85 d 487
_ 5,604
= (0.91) (62.4) 39
Diameter = 2 in. AP = 74.7 psi
Diameter = 4 in. AP = 2.6 psi
1. General Equation
Specific gravity of liquid:
Gas viscosity = 0.013 (from chart in Chapter 3)
_ (20,100) (23) (0.85) _ 30,227,000
(0.013) d " d
= 0.004 (assume old steel)
Z = 0.67 (from chart in Chapter 3)
4-in. 6-in.
Re 7.6 X 10 5.0 X 106
e/d 0.001 0.0007
f (from chart) 0.0198 0.0180
Pi2-P22 555 XlO 3 66 XlO 3
P2 505 863
AP 395 psi 37 psi
2. Approximate Equation
_ (12.6) (0.85) (540) (0.67) (7,000)(23)2f _ 1.59 x IQ7(f)
(900)d5 ~ d5
Diameter = 4 in.
AP = 308psi
Diameter = 6 in.
AP = 37psi
3. Panhandle B Equation
7,000 . _ ..
Lm = = 1.33 miles
E = 0.95 (assumed)
P l = S l O x 1 O ' - ^
4-in. 6-in.
P2 753 882 psi
AP 147 18 psi
4. Weymouth
(900)2 P
23 = l . l l d * 4 - ^ I"
[(7,000) (0.85) (0.67) (54O)J
81OxIO 3 _ P22 _ [ 2 3 J 2 _ J _
2.2 XlO 6 2.2 XlO 6 " L l - I l J d 533
p| = 8 1 0xl0 3 -^pi^
4-in. 6-in.
P2 476 862 psi
AP 424 psi 38 psi
Example 8-3: Pressure Drop in Two-Phase Line
R = 23,000,000 = 3 O f t 3 / b b l
Density of mixture (compute at 900 psi):
_ (12,409) (0.91) (915) + (2.7) (22,330) (0.85) (915)
~ (198.7) (915) + (22,330) (540) (0.67)
p m = 6.93 Ib/ft3
_ 401xIQ3
Line ID AP
4 in. 392 psi
6 in. 52 psi
8 in. 12 psi
It may be desirable to iterate using an average density for each case.