He Asked Me To Make Propeller and Shaft Arrangment....... : Badwal

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he asked me to make propeller and shaft arrangment.......

i made safe tole wala figure....... then he asked me

"was that in ur ship?"......

i said "it was not from my ship, but this is wat i studied"....... then he asked me

"wat is this?"(pointing towards araldite).....

i said "araldite".... then he asked me

"wat is that araldite for?"........

i said "for bonding"..... then he said

"do u think this araldite can take all the stresses?".........

i was like "kya bolu".......... i said "no sir"....... then he asked next que....

asked first abt which propeller in ship,

i said keyless,

he told to draw

i drew a diagram from the internet with certain self-modifications , was satisfied, previous guy drew
from saif , he got pissed,

how weight is taken in pintless rudder

i drew carrier as in pintleless rudder rudder carrier brg will take the full load.

1. Rudder carrier brg.. its cone shaped bearing where the rudder load is taken and transmitted to the structure
how is it attached to stock wanted details

as shown in above fig spade rudder has conical taper stock which is tighten from bottom.

how propeller is fitted

he accepts diag frm mcgeaorge

by dry method by wedge or by pilgrim method or by strong back and hyd jack.
and by wet method.
7. material of propeller, tailshaft

Boss - brass

sleeve pearlitic grey cast iron

joining material between boss and sleeve araldite 1 mm

shaft solid forged ingot steel

propeller - alluminium bronze , manganese bronze , nickel bronze.

8. types of fixed fire fighting sys in m/c space

Co2, hyper mist, foam, fire line.

4. hw keyed nd keyless propeller helps in torque transmission

Keyed peopeller torque is transmitted from shaft to boss by interference fit and key is used as back

Keyless propeller - torque is transmitted from shaft to boss by interference fit

draw keyed propeller shaft along with boss attach- the fillet provided on shaft is it fully
cover , half cover or not at all cover by pilgrim nut

should be half covered.

how keyed and keyless propeller connected to shaft with diag

tell me the difference between bulk carrier and chemcial tkr..

freeboard, water tight integrity, free surface effect, type of cargo, pumps for cargo discharge, cranes
are required, can be gearless but tankers should have pps, ig, hazardous area. Wing tanks in tkr bulk
carriers has hopper tanks, pv valve, pv breaker, relief valves, mast riser, deck sprinkler sys, fixed deck
fire fighting sys, gas detection sys, pp room and cargo comp and motor room.
2)draw rudder carrier bearing- wrong explain its working how it takes the weight of rudder
pilgrim nut method.draw and explain
... what prevents rudder stock from falling down-

coller on the moving cone.

Or the by help of clamp as shown.

Then asked me to draw entire arrangement of shafting from engine to propeller..

coeficient of friction between boss and shaft of propeller 0.12
All about clearances in rudder

Clearances to be checked in rudder - x head clr (16 to 19 mm) , rudder drop(16 mm) , neck bush
clr.(1-2 mm) , clr betn rudder stock OD & brg ID, jumping clr. ( 6mm) , pintle clr.(1.1 to 3.3 mm)
New design in rudder carrier brg

Towing procedure n apparatus for which all ships..

2. For cargo ships constructed on or after 1st jan 2010, psmgr ships not layer than 1st jan 2010
The diagram is in ETA file.
The emergency towing system is designed so that a tug can easily pick up the towing line
from the ship if a main engine failure or another emergency situation should occur. This
specification is based on required I.M.O Res. MSC 35(63) and SOLAS, Ch.V, Reg,
15.1 and IACS standard with
ISO testing standard.
1) Pick-up gear
a. The pick-up gear is arranged in steel container and can be opened by a handgrip. The
opening facility of the container is located at the top.
b. The pick up gear and buoy have to be manually deployed by one of the crewmember.
c. It consists of the following parts are inter connected in the following sequence, counted
from the attachment to the pennant wire towing connection.
- Connecting sequence -
2) Strongpoint Fairlead
a. The strongpoint fairlead is steel casting. It is designed for a rated working strength of
2000KN (breaking load 4000KN) at a side angle of 90 and 30 downwards.
3) Storage Drum
a. The storage drum must be placed at a minimum of 1.5 meter from the towing bracket to
secure a proper spooling of the wire to the drum. The drum is a welded steel construction,
and made for direct welding to the deck.
b. The drum has a capacity of max 100 meter 80mm towing wire with a groove for the end
stopper made by spelter. For retrieval of the towing wire the drum can be equipped with a
portable air motor. The drum is also equipped with a centrifugal brake system securing the
towing wire being paid out at a controlled speed & can meet I.M.O Res. MSC 35(63)(in the
absence of main power on the ship to be towed and easy connection to the towing vessel)
4) Towing Pennant
a. The towing wire terminating in the wire end socket and in the closed spelter socket shall
supplied by "Manho Steel Co, Ltd. which is the best maker in Korea". The spelter socket
shall be installed with strong point.
b. The breaking load testing of the wire rope to be carried out according to I.M.O Res. MSC
35(63) with attending of classification society.
The wire is 6 ws(36) iwrc
* Dimension: 80mm dia 100m length
* Working load: 2000KN
* Min breaking load: 4000KN
c. Retrieval Wire
10m, 14mm dia retrieval wire
5) Storage box for Pick-up Gear
This container contains the pick-up gear and is made of steel.
The container is mounted on four steel beams for welding to the ship deck.
Messenger Rope
100m rope 42mm dia strong fiber rope
Messenger Wire
10m, 16mm dia messenger wire
Marker Buoys ( Self-igniting light )
The self-igniting light equipped with an automatic light-up when the buoy is in floating
Pick-up rope
20m, 20mm dia pick-up rope

Anti roll mechanism and detail explaination of fin stabilizer used on passenger ship along
with diagram....

badwal uncle likes diagram alot...


Gheorghe SAMOILESCU, Asso. prof. ph. eng.*

Serghei RADU, eng.(marine first electric engineer)*

*Naval Academy Mircea cel Batran, Constantza

ABSTRACT: Over the past twenty-five years, the stabilizer has become increasingly popular as a

fitment for ships, especially on passenger/ vehicle carrying ships and on certain classes of warships.
Attempts to

reduce the rolling motion of a ship date back more than a century but not until 1936 was fully
practical solution

to the problem achieved when Brown Bros of Edinburgh and William Denny and Bros of Dumbarton

successfully installed fin stabilizers on the steamer Isle of Sark. Following this, the design rapidly
gained favor

over the clumsier, bulkier and less practical devices of earlier years. During the 1939-45 War, for
instance, over

one hundred ships in the Royal Navy were fitted with stabilizers to improve gunnery. After 1950,

were installed in increasing numbers on merchant ships.

1. Introduction. A ship at sea has six degrees of freedom, i.e. rolls, heave pitch, yaw, sway

and surge. Of these, only roll can effectively be reduced in practice by fitting bilge keels, antirolling
tanks or fin stabilizers. A combination of fins and tanks has potential advantages in
prime costs and effective stabilization at both high and low speeds. Since a ship is a damped

mass elastic system, it has a natural rolling period and large rolling motions may be induced

by resonance with relatively small wave forces. Large resonant rolls can be avoided by

generating forces equal and opposite to the impressed sea force.

Figure 1. Amplification factor




Trgu Jiu, May 24-26, 2002

Trgu Jiu, Geneva Street, nr.3, 1400, Gorj, Romnia,Tel.+4053215848, Fax+4053214462,

www.utgjiu.roFig.1 shows that the roll amplitude at resonance is much greater than that at long wave

periods. The ratio of these amplitudes is the dynamic amplification factor, which is limited by

the inherent damping of the ship, i.e. viscous damping and the action of bilge keels.[1]

The control system for the fin stabilizer can be classified as electro-hydraulic. On the

electrical side, it includes heavy electrical gear (motors, starters, solenoid valves, etc.), very

sensitive electromechanical sensors and sophisticated electronic circuitry.

Figure 2. Roll and roll damping curves

Fig.2 shows roll and roll damping curves for two ships in various sea conditions, and obtained

results with stabilizers.[2]

2. Beam sea/Following sea control. Early stabilizer control systems were designed on

assumption that rolling is the result of one of two distinct types of the sea state, Beam Sea

or Following sea. Under Beam Sea, the tendency is for the ship to roll heavily at its own

natural period especially if the natural period of the waves matches that of the ship.

Stabilization action in this case amounts to true damping of the periodic motion, i.e. fin

position should be such as to oppose roll motion. In practice, some roll angle (actually about

10%) is added to roll velocity to effect a phase advance of the velocity signal and thus make

up for the time lag between the initiation of a control movement of the fins and their actual


Fig.3 (a) shows the curves used for Beam Sea control, i.e. actual roll, a 10% inverted roll,
and roll velocity (the latter to a slightly reduced scale).

In the Following Sea conditions, the ship has a tendency, in addition to its own period of

roll, to lie over on the contour of the waves in an irregular manner. Stabilization here must

include action to restore the ship to an upright position in addition to damping out of the periodic
motion. Roll velocity is combined with a percentage of the non-inverted roll angle

signal to produce a control signal which lags behind the pure damping (i.e. velocity) signal.

The amount of lag is adjusted by varying the percentage of roll used. Fig.3 (b) shows the

curves when 63% roll angle is combined with roll velocity.

Figure 3. Basis for (a) beam sea control and (b) following

On occasions when sea conditions were neither entirely Beam nor Following the choice

of which type of control mode to put into operation was left to the navigator.

The sensing elements of the Beam / Following Sea control system are two 150mm diameter

gyroscopes, one a vertical keeping gyro and other a velocity sensitive gyro (Fig.4).

Figure 4. Original control The former is a pendulous wheel, which is provided with automatic means
for keeping it

vertical when, upset by ship acceleration, ship turning, etc. The velocity sensitive gyro has its

spin axis against centralizing springs, the deflection of the springs being proportional to the

angular velocity of roll. Magslip transmitters convert the motions of each gyro unit into

electrical signals. These are then summed by a follow-through transmitter magslip and

applied to an ARL Type B hydraulic unit. Two magslip transmitters are provided for the

vertical keeping gyro so that the different roll angle signals required for Beam and Following

Sea can be selected as appropriate.

The hydraulic unit acts as an amplifier, converting the low power electrical signals into

hydraulic power sufficient to actuate the hydraulic pumps operating the fins.

3.Fin stabilizers The stabilizing power of fins is generated by the lift on airfoil

sections which may be all-moveable, with or without flaps or partly fixed, partly moveable.

These fins are tilted, usually hydraulically, in phase with the roll at long wave periods, 90 out

of phase at resonance and in phase with roll acceleration at short periods.[3]

Non-retractable fins are commonly used where space within the hull is limited. They are

usually fitted at the round of the bilge and do not project beyond the vertical line from the
ships side or the keel line, to minimize the risk of contact with a quay wall or the sea bottom.

The fin shaft, to which the fin is rigidly attached, passes through a sea gland in a mounting

plate welded or bolted to the hull and is supported by two substantial bearings. A doubleended lever
keyed to the inner end of the fin shaft is actuated by two hydraulic rams supplied

from an electrically driven pump.

Control of fin movement is automatic and is usually derived from gyroscopic sensing gear

which, in its simplest form, Velocity Control, is based on one small, electrically driven

gyroscope mounted horizontally with its axis athwart-ships. The angular velocity of roll of the

ship causes the gyroscope to process against centralizing springs to an amount proportional to

the velocity and generates a small force which is hydraulically amplified by a hydraulic relay

unit to provide power sufficient to operate the controls of the variable delivery pump via

suitable linkage. Part of the linkage is coupled to the fin-shaft to transmit a canceling signal to

the pump control and to bring the fin to rest at the angle of tilt demanded by the sensing unit.

This type of control is often fitted in small installations, usually for economic reasons, and is

most effective against resonant rolling.

Ships seldom roll in a purely resonant mode: the sea state is often highly confused. More

elaborate, and more expensive, control systems are required to deal with suddenly applied

roll, rolling at periods off resonance and rolling in conditions arising from the combination of

several wave frequencies. A sensing unit based on a vertical-keeping gyroscope coupled into

differentiating and summation units enables fin movement to be controlled by a composite

function derived from roll angle roll velocity and roll acceleration. By adding a natural list

unit, stabilization is achieved about the mean point of roll and so reduces both propulsion and

stabilizing power demand. This is known as a compensated control system, (Fig.5), and is

generally used in large installations. Figure 5. Principles of Multra control system

4. Multra Control System by Muirhead In the Multra Control Systems, fin

movement is a function of:

1. Roll angle.

2. Roll velocity.

3. Roll acceleration.

4. Natural list.
5. Ship speed, if a speed control unit is employed.

Roll acceleration this control function opposes the commencement of any rolling motion. It is

particularly effective in confused sea conditions or when the ship is acted upon by large

irregular waves. The control signal is derived from the velocity gyro by measuring the angular

velocity at which the velocity gyro precesses about the vertical axis. Position sensor P1

provides the input to a simple position servo, the position driver being servomotor M and

feedback loop via sensor P2. The output of tacho generator T is proportional to the angular

velocity of P1, which, of course, is roll acceleration. (Fig.6)

Natural list this control function allows the vessel to stabilize around a listed position (to

avoid propulsive power being wasted using the stabilizers to correct for list). This control

signal is obtained by applying the roll angle signal to a position servo with a long time

constant and using the steady list output to modify the roll angle signal (Fig.7). Figure 6. Roll

Figure 7. Natural list

Ships speed control (fin angle reduction) to a first approximation, the hydrodynamic forces

on the fin are proportional to the square of the forward velocity of the ship, hence at higher

speeds the generation of a given restoring couple requires a smaller fin tilt angle. In some

ships, to avoid over-correction and unacceptable cyclic stressing of the fin shaft as the fin

oscillates; a fin angle/speed control system is necessary. This automatically reduces the angle

to which the fin is tilted as the ships speed increases. The reduction is so arranged that the lift

generated by the fins remains constant and the speed at which reduction starts is known

therefore as the design speed.

The ships log signal is used as an input to control the necessary reduction in output from the

gyro unit when operating above the design speed. A fail-safe facility brings maximum fin

angle reduction into operation if the ship' log should fall below a certain level. This will

come into operation if the ship' log fails (or if the ship is travelling too slowly for the fins to

be of use anyway).

Hydraulic relay unit. Several stages of improvement have been made to the hydraulic relay

unit since the type B unit of the Beam/Following Sea control system (which had the

disadvantage of providing rather harsh control of the main pumps).

The unit is a sensitive, two-stage hydraulic amplifier, which produces sufficient power to

operate the tilt mechanism of the VSG pump. Two noteworthy refinements of the unit are a

dither drive (to eliminate static friction), and a hydraulic accumulator (to reduce the size of

the driving motor and pump yet still obtain a rapid step function response). Roll reduction in excess
of 90%, typically 30 out to out reduced to less than 3 out to out,

can be achieved at resonance and low residual rolls can be maintained over a wide range of

frequencies. However, since the stabilizing power varies as the square of the ships speed, fins

are least effective at low or zero speed where they function only as additional bilge keels.

Retractable fins fall into two classes, those that extend and stow athwart-ships and those that

hinge into a fore-and-aft stowed position.

In the athwart-ship-retracting type, the fin-shaft has a tapered outboard end to which the fin is

keyed. The parallel inboard end passes through a sea gland on the inboard face of the fin box

and is supported by two bearings. One, close to the inboard end of the fin, is carried in a

heavy crosshead, arranged to slide in top and bottom guides with the fin box and the other in a

crosshead slideably mounted on the extension guides, within the hull. The hollow bore of the

parallel section of the fin-shaft houses a double-acting piston to act as housing and extending

gear. Tilting of the fin is by two or four hydraulic cylinders, which may be of the simple

oscillating type or arranged on the Rapson-slide principle as used for steering gears. Power

units, control and sensing equipment are as for non-retractable fins.

In hinged or folding type, the fin-shaft is rigidly fixed into the crux, which has two heavy

trunnions disposed vertically and housed in bearings top and bottom to the fin box. The fin is

free to oscillate on the fin-shaft and a vane type motor the stator of which is secured to the

crux provides the tilting force and the rotor keyed to the fin through a flexible coupling. The

van motor is housed in an oil-tight casing secured to the fin and is provided with a sea gland

bearing on a sleeve fitted to the crux. The whole of the casing and the fin is full of oil under

pressure to prevent the ingress of seawater.

A double acting-oscillating cylinder connected to the upper trunnion achieves housing and

extending the fin. Power units, control and sensing equipment are generally similar to the

other types of stabilizers except that feedback of fin angle is accomplished electrically by

The fin and fin-shaft are integral structures supported on taper roller bearings, which are

carried in the fin housing. Movement of the fin-shaft to tilt the fin is effected by means of a

cylinder tilting mechanism with a double acting piston. The fins are rigged out for operation

from the stowed position by rotation of the fin housing about the rigging axis, in upper and

lower bearings in the fin box.[3], [4].

The Muirhead New-Multra systems comprise their own attitude sensors. Fin movement is a

function of the same control parameters used in the system previously described, with the

exception of helm correction, the desirability for which was considered marginal. Ships

speed control is included as part of the new system. The principal change in the system is the

control unit. This has been redesigned and simplified for greater reliability by using electronic

analogue computer techniques. The vertical gyro has been dispensed with, roll and roll

acceleration being produced by electronically integrating and differentiating the roll velocity

signal. Only two synchros for picking up the roll velocity signal from the rate gyro. The

output from the unit is a modulated 60 Hz carrier signal suitable for driving a hydraulic relay

unit, or fin control unit for operating an electro-hydraulic servo-valve. Where possible, it is

preferable to use the electro-hydraulic servo valve because one time delay in the system is

eliminated. However, not every installation is adaptable to the direct use of an electrohydraulic servo-
valve, particularly where a mechanical input is required, and there the

hydraulic relay unit is used. A feature of the system is that it operates from one power supply

only, single phase. No supplies at other frequencies or d. c. are necessary. Because the control

unit no longer utilizes a vertical gyro, stabilization is about the mean or natural list position.

List correction is available, if it is required to operate the ship stabilizing with respect to the

vertical. This is provided from a heavily damped pendulum system in the control unit with a

synchro picking off the angle between the pendulum and the ships structure. This signal can

be switched to the summation unit within the controller to appropriately modify the roll angle. A
switch is provided to enable the vessel to be force rolled. The method of doing this in the

original system was by no means of a linear variometer in series with the fin control signal

acting as an induction regulator and rotated mechanically by a cam lever system driven by a

servo system controlled from the ships log output signal. In the new system a linear

variometer (i. e. a device giving an out put voltage directly proportional to roll angle when
coupled to a gyro) is used in the ships log to provide the speed signal. The speed attenuation

is obtained in an electronic potential divider. Speed parameters in the circuit are adjusted on

test so that the attenuation commences at the design speed and provides the correct output

voltage over the specified speed range. To make up the gain lost in the potential divider, an

amplifying stage employing an operational amplifier is incorporated. A fail safe feature is

included in the circuit to prevent overloading of the fins in the event of failure of the log

signal. As an alternative to the hydraulic relay unit which provides a mechanical output for

operating the pilot valve of the main fin hydraulic machinery, a fin control unit, may be used

which will drive an electro-hydraulic servo valve directly. The unit takes the fin control signal

from the control unit and the fin angle signal from the fin transmitter box to derive an error

signal, which is phase sensitively demodulated and amplified to give a voltage suitable for

operating the electro-hydraulic servo valve.[5], [6]

For small vessels only roll velocity is used as a control signal which can still provide good

stabilization, especially at, or near, the ships period so the control unit essentially contains a

velocity gyro unit with synchro coupled to it giving a signal suitable for feeding on to either a

hydraulic relay unit or a fin control unit. Speed compensation is again available if required.

5. Denny Brown Stabilizers Control unit (Fig.8) is based on the use of an angular

accelerometer rather than a gyro as the sensing device for roll motion. The accelerometer

output, which is proportional to the roll acceleration of the ship, is integrated once to obtain

roll velocity then a second time to obtain roll angle. The three signals, roll acceleration, roll

velocity and roll angle, provide all the information about the ships rolling motion necessary

to obtain optimum roll reduction.

Figure 8. Block diagram of the Denny Brown stabilizer control system The low range angular
accelerometer incorporates an annular tube or toroid filled with a

sensing medium of silicone fluid for use as the seismic mass. A small paddle block the tube

and an inductive type of pick off senses the positions of the paddle as it is pushed by the

inertial mass when the accelerometer rotates. This pick off signal is fed to a servo amplifier

which, in turn, drives a torque coil forcing the paddle back to its central position and thus

exactly countering the force applied to the paddle by the fluid.

Since the torque is servo controlled, an electrical signal output is generated which is exactly
proportional to the acting angular acceleration.

Conventional integrating circuits, employing high gain operational amplifiers, produce first

velocity then roll angle signals. Each of the basic roll motion signals (i. e. acceleration,

velocity and angle) is routed through a sensitivity switch before being combined with the

other signals in a summing amplifier. Each sensitivity switch has 12 positions so that a precise

mix can be arranged between the three signals to suit the characteristics of a particular ship.

An interesting feature is the incorporation of drift corrector circuits on the acceleration and

velocity output lines. Since both the average angular acceleration and average angular

velocity of the ship must equal zero, drift correctors, which are constantly monitoring signal

outputs, produce an output such that the average acceleration and average velocity is zero.

The use of a three-term controller (acceleration, velocity and angle) ensures automatically that

the amplitude and phasing of the fin angle demand signal is optimized over the whole

frequency band. At low frequencies, the angle term predominates; at the resonant frequency,

the angle and acceleration terms cancel and the velocity term predominates; and at high

frequencies, the acceleration term predominates.

A separate servo amplifier is provided for each fin system. Current from the servo amplifier

energizes the actuating coils of the pump servo valves. Fin angle reduction circuitry is

included in the system although the facility is not used on all ships.

Improvements to the control system resulted from the introduction of the MC (moving coil)

servo valve. Amplification was eliminated and, as a result, the number of components in the

pump servo system was greatly reduced. The system response was also improved. Current in

the coils of the torque motor causes rotational movement of the rotor of the servo valve away

from its neutral position. Balance is achieved when the torque of the feed back and centering

springs match that produced by the torque motor. The new position taken up by the rotor

allows hydraulic fluid to be admitted to one of the tilting cylinders of the main pump and

away from the other.

The direction and magnitude of tilt (and hence the stroking of, and sense of fluid flow of, the

main pump) is determined by the direction and magnitude of current in the torque motor coils.

As the pump tilt shaft rotates to the demanded position, torque is applied to the servo valve
rotor via the feedback spring which equals the torque exerted by the torque motor and the

centering spring returns the servo valve rotor to the neutral position. Pump output is thus

directly related to the current input.

Torque to counter roll is generated by the combination of the ships forward speed and the

tilting of fins projecting laterally from each side of the ships hull. The angle of tilt of the fins

relative to their direction of motion through the water is determined by the control system

(previously described) which produces appropriate control signals. Direction of tilt

is such as to exert a moment on the hull opposing the incipient roll. For example, if a roll to

starboard were to develop the port fin would be tilted nose down and the starboard fin would

be tilted nose up.

Rapid reversal of the attitude of the fins is essential and this is provided for in the mechanical

equipment. The total period of double roll may vary from ten seconds for a ship such as the

QUEEN ELIZABETH and only a small part of this period can be allotted to the reversal of

fins at the end of each roll in order that the righting moment may be retained effectively as

long as possible. In practice the reversal time ranges from one second up to three and a half
seconds. During this period each fin may have to be rotated through an angle of 40. As a

point of interest this may be contrasted with the thirty seconds usually required to move a

rudder through 70.

The fin tail-flap is gear driven from a fixed rack so that, as the fin tilt angle increases from

zero in either direction, so the tail-flap angle changes in the same sense but at a higher rate.

For a given fin area and ship speed, the hydrodynamic loading on the fin (and the consequent

anti-roll couple exerted on the hull) is increased by use of such a tail-flap.

6. Tank stabilizers Tank stabilizers are virtually independent of the forward speed of the

vessel: they generate anti rolling forces by phased flow of appropriate masses of fluid (water

or reserve fuel, etc) in transverse tanks installed at suitable heights and distances from the

ships center line. Fluid transfer may be by open flume or from and to wing tanks connected

by cross ducts. The tank/fluid combination constitutes a damped mass elastic system having

its own natural period and capable of developing forces at resonance with the impressed wave

motion. [5], [6].

Since the fluid can only flow downhill and has inertia, it cannot start to move until the ship
has rolled a few degrees. The natural restoring forces limit the maximum roll angle and

initiate a roll in the opposite sense. In the mean time the fluid continues to flow downhill,

piles up on the still low side and provides a moment opposing the ship motion. As the ship

returns and passes its upright position, fluid again flows downhill to repeat the process.

The fluid flow tends to lag quarter of a cycle behind the ship motion, a phase lag of

approximately 90, to generate a continuing stabilizing moment. This is due, mainly, to

transfer of the center of gravity of the fluid mass away from the centerline of the ship. The

transverse acceleration of the fluid generates an inertia force and thereby a moment, about the

roll center, which reduces the gravity moment when the tanks are below the roll center and

increases it when they are above. In practice, tanks may be placed 20% of the beam below the

roll center without serious loss of performance. Above the roll center, other factors associated

with the phase of fluid motion prevent augmentation of the gravity stabilizing power being

realized. The phase lag may be increased, within limits, by placing obstructions, e. g. orifice

plates, grilles, etc. in the fluid flow path to increase the damping.

In the wing tank system the mode of operation is similar to the simple flume but the tank

geometry combined with the dynamic amplification of the flow tends to make fluid pile up to

a greater height at a greater distance from the ships center line to give more effective

stabilization. The wing tanks must be of sufficient depth to accommodate the maximum rise

of the fluid without completely filling them. For purely passive action the tank tops are vented

to atmosphere but in a controlled passive system, such as the Muirhead-Brown, they are

connected by an air duct fitted with valves, controlled by a roll sensing device, which regulate

the differential air pressure in the tanks to modify the natural fluid flow rate. This system will

generate its full stabilizing power from a residual roll at about 7 out-to-out at resonance, due

to the fact that dynamic amplification of the fluid motion may be from twice to six times the

long period effect. The natural period of the fluid is a function of tank geometry and the

volume of fluid contained; it is arranged to be equal to or slightly less than the lowest natural

roll frequency of the ship. Provided the system has little damping, maximum roll reduction is

achieved at resonance and the roll amplitude/roll period characteristic is virtually a straight

line at about the optimum residual roll characteristic. (fig.9) Figure 9. Typical performance curves for
Muirhad-Brown tank stabilizer
7. Bibliography:

1. D.W.SMITH, Marine Auxiliary Machinery, Butterworths, (sixth edition), London, UK,


2. G.O.WATSON, Marine Electrical Practice, Butterworths (fifth edition) London, UK, 1995

3. J.A. Hint, Automation in merchant ships, LTD, London, (fourth edition),1991

4. V. Maier, Mecanica si constructia navei, Editura Tehnica, 1989;

5. V. Maier, Solicitari generale in arhitectura navala moderna, Editura Tehnica, 1997;

6. *** News Ships, Marine engineering development, International Shipbuilding, 2001

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