RPG Na Recuperação de Pacientes Com Cervicalgia PDF
RPG Na Recuperação de Pacientes Com Cervicalgia PDF
RPG Na Recuperação de Pacientes Com Cervicalgia PDF
J.H. Villafane, PT, PhD, IRCCS Don Methods. The experimental group received GPR, and the reference group received MT.
Gnocchi Foundation, Milan, Italy. Both groups received nine 60-minute-long sessions with one-to-one supervision from physical
C. Vanti, PT, MSc, Occupational therapists as the care providers. All participants were asked to follow ergonomic advice and to
Medicine Unit, Department of perform home exercises. Measures were assessed before treatment, following treatment, and
Biomedical and Neurological Sci- at a 6-month follow-up.
ences, University of Bologna.
[Pillastrini P, de Lima e Sa Resende Results. No important baseline differences were found between groups. The experimental
F, Banchelli F, et al. Effectiveness group exhibited a statistically significant reduction in pain following treatment and in disability
of global postural re-education in 6 months after the intervention compared with the reference group.
patients with chronic nonspecific
neck pain: randomized controlled Limitations. Randomization did not lead to completely homogeneous groups. It also was
trial. Phys Ther. 2016;96:1408
noted that the time spent integrating the movements practiced during the session into daily
routines at the end of each session was requested only of participants in the GPR group and
2016 American Physical Therapy may have had an impact on patient adherence that contributed to a better outcome.
Published Ahead of Print: Conclusions. The results suggest that GPR was more effective than MT for reducing pain
March 24, 2016 after treatment and for reducing disability at 6-month follow-up in patients with chronic
Accepted: March 10, 2016 nonspecific NP.
Submitted: September 9, 2015
tain normal breathing during all of these nets held anteriorly and posteriorly was
therapeutic procedures. provided to reduce the influence of tho-
racic rotation.41 The CROM has demon-
Outcome data collection. Outcome strated good concurrent validity for
measurements were collected by 3 active ROM.42 According to the system-
researchers who were blinded to treat- atic review by Chen et al,42 the mean
ment at baseline and at 2 follow-up normative values of cervical ROM were
examinations: at the end of the treatment determined to be: 52 degrees for flexion,
and after 6 months. 71 degrees for extension, 72 degrees for
rotation, and 43 degrees for lateral
Outcome Measures flexion. Documentation of cervical
The primary outcome measures of this ROM was rendered in the form of full
study were pain and disability. Mean range (ie, a total value for the sagittal,
rates of perceived pain during the last 24 frontal, or transverse plane, yielding 3
hours were measured with a 0 100 measurements).43
VAS,34 and cervical disability was rated
using the Italian version of the Neck Dis- Before starting the study, we calculated
ability Index (NDI-I).35 The NDI is the the internal consistency of ROM assess-
most commonly used questionnaire for ment. Thirty measurements were taken
measuring neck disability; its reliability by 3 different examiners for a total num-
and validity have been demonstrated in ber of 90 measurements. Cronbach alpha
different languages.36 The secondary out- was .93, .96, and .93 for flexion and
Figure 2. come measures were: kinesiophobia, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation
(A) Supine posture with leg flexion progres- perceived effect of the intervention, measurements, respectively, so the inter-
sion: posterior muscle chain stretching. patient satisfaction, and cervical ROM. examiner reliability of the cervical ROM
Starting position. (B) Supine posture with leg Kinesiophobia was assessed with the measure was satisfactory.
flexion progression: posterior muscle chain
13-item Italian version of the Tampa
stretching. Final position.
Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK),37 which Data Analysis
provides a measure of fear of movement Descriptive statistics of the recorded
or injury.38 The Italian version of the TSK characteristics and the outcome mea-
ening a forward head posture) but also to
comprises 2 subscales: the activity avoid- sures at baseline were calculated. Con-
the entire spine and the pelvis (eg,
ance subscale (TSK-1) and the harm sub- tinuous variables were expressed as
correcting lumbar lordosis or pelvic
scale (TSK-2).37 The perceived effect of mean (SD), and categorical variables
tilt). The final parts of each session aimed
the intervention was assessed with the were expressed as absolute and percent-
to facilitate the integration of the pos-
Global Perceived Effect Questionnaire age frequencies. In order to assess base-
tural correction into daily functional
(GPE), a 5-point Likert-type scale used to line homogeneity of the 2 groups,
evaluate self-reported improvement or 2-tailed Student t tests for continuous
deterioration after the intervention. Use variables and chi-square tests for categor-
MT. The MT program included a com- of the GPE is widely reported in the phys- ical variables were performed.
bination of different therapeutic tech- ical therapy literature.39 Patient satisfac-
niques. Axial cervical general traction tion was assessed with the Italian version Repeated-measures mixed models con-
and mobilization of muscle fascia (sca- of the Physical Therapy Patient Satisfac- sidering outcome scores at different
lene, levator scapulae, upper trapezius, tion Questionnaire (PTPSQ-I[15]),19,40 times as the dependent variable, with
sternocleidomastoid, and pectoralis which demonstrated good psychometric time as the within-subject factor and
minor muscles)31 were performed for at properties and a 2-factor structure, group as the between-subjects factor,
least 30 minutes. Then, passive mobiliza- related to perceived overall experience were used to determine treatment effect
tion was applied to the cervical spine and professional impression. on outcomes at each measurement. The
using Maitlands technique for posterior
main hypothesis of interest was group
to anterior accessory movements by
Finally, cervical ROM was measured in a time interaction. The baseline score also
applying the physical therapists thumbs
sitting posture with an inclinometer was included in the calculations to con-
to the spinous process with a rhythmic
(CROM Deluxe model, Performance trol for its potential confounder over the
gentle pressure.32,33 Only slow, grade II
Attainment Associates, Lindstrom, Min- treatment effect. The between-groups
movements were performed from
nesota). The CROM consists of 2 gravity- differences were the estimated mean dif-
C0 C1 to C7T1 for approximately 1
dependent goniometers, one compass ferences in scores (with 95% confidence
minute for each cervical level. Therapeu-
dial, and a head-mounted frame allowing interval) at the 3 measurement times
tic massage was applied to the neck and
measurement of ROM in 3 planes (flex- between the 2 groups. Both unadjusted
shoulder areas as a final technique for
ion/extension, lateral flexion, rotation). and baseline-adjusted between-groups
approximately 15 minutes using almond
A magnetic yoke consisting of 2 bar mag- differences were reported, with the lat-
oil. Participants were instructed to main-
Ninety-four patients were enrolled in the
study and randomized to a treatment
group. One patient assigned to the GPR
group dropped out before the first visit,
leaving 93 participants in our initial sam-
ple (46 in the GPR group and 47 in the
MT group; mean age47.5 years,
SD11.3; 23.7% male). Outcome mea-
surements were completed on 89 partic-
ipants (44 in the GPR group and 45 in the
MT group) at time 1, and 87 participants
(43 in the GPR group and 44 in the MT
group) were examined at time 2. No
important adverse events or side effects
happened in either intervention group.
Furthermore, according to the prelimi-
nary analyses performed at the end of
time 1, we found no evidence for the
superiority of one treatment over the
ter being our main indicator. The Best-case scenario: average ob- The between-groups effect sizes for the
between-groups effect sizes were calcu- served improvement from baseline unadjusted difference from baseline,
lated using the Cohen d statistic. An was assigned to GPR group drop- according to Cohen d values, were mod-
effect size greater than 0.8 was consid- outs, and average observed worsen- erate or large for VAS at time 1, for NDI
ered large, approximately 0.5 was con- ing was assigned to MT group and TSK at time 2 and for TSK-2, and for
sidered moderate, and less than 0.2 was dropouts. ROM flexion and extension and ROM lat-
considered small. eral flexion at both time 1 and time 2. All
Intention-to-treat analysis results were
reported as baseline-adjusted mean dif- of the remaining between-groups effect
An intention-to-treat analysis was con- sizes were less than moderate (Tab. 2).
ferences in scores (with 95% confidence
ducted to assess the effect of dropouts
interval) at each time between the 2
on the results of the baseline-adjusted
groups, according to the 2 scenarios. Time group interaction factors in
mixed models considering VAS and NDI-I baseline-adjusted mixed models were
outcomes as dependent variables. Two significant for VAS, NDI-I, TSK-2, ROM
Mean (SD) values were reported for the
scenarios were defined, based on differ- flexion and extension, and ROM lateral
PTPSQ-I, and absolute and percentage
ent imputing techniques for the missing flexion (P.0043, P.0113, P.0448,
frequencies were reported for GPR out-
scores at time 1 and time 2: P.0109, and P.0120, respectively),
comes. Differences in GPE scores were
Worst-case scenario: average ob- tested with the Fisher exact test, and according to the associated F tests. In
served improvement from baseline differences in PTPSQ-I scores were particular, baseline-adjusted differences
was assigned to MT group drop- tested with the 2-tailed Student t test. All between groups were significant for VAS
outs, and average observed worsen- analyses were performed with SAS/STAT at time 1 and for NDI-I, TSK-2, ROM flex-
ing was assigned to GPR group 9.3 software (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, ion and extension, and ROM lateral flex-
dropouts. ion at time 2 (Tab. 2). All time factors,
NDI-I 15.9 (7.0) 14.6 (5.9) .3451 Our results also may be discussed in a
TSK 30.7 (7.1) 27.8 (7.9) .0711 broader context that takes into consider-
TSK-1 12.1 (3.5) 12.0 (3.9) .8233
ation some psychosocial components of
the chronic pain. Global postural
TSK-2 18.5 (4.4) 15.8 (4.6) .0051*
re-education may be a gentle option to
ROM flexion and 84.2 (22.5) 90.7 (25.9) .1987 propose movement without pain,
extension enhance relaxation via respiratory
ROM lateral flexion 57.7 (18.1) 64.7 (19.9) .0815 rhythm, and offer a positive experience
ROM rotation 106.7 (16.9) 106.0 (17.8) .8469 of body posture modification. This
approach to a clinical encounter can
GPRglobal postural re-education, MTmanual therapy, BMIbody mass index, VASvisual analog
scale, NDI-INeck Disability Index (Italian version), TSKTampa Scale of Kinesiophobia, TSK-1TSK
influence not only the posture but also
activity avoidance subscale, TSK-2TSK harm subscale, ROMrange of motion. *Significantly different. the negative feelings and beliefs that are
frequently associated with chronic pain.
Physical Therapy
Baseline Scorea
Volume 96
T1 Minus T2 Minus
Baseline T1 T2
T1 Minus T2 Minus T1 Minus T2 Minus Baseline/ Baseline/
Outcome GPR MT GPR MT GPR MT Baseline/GPR Baseline/GPR Baseline, Baseline, GPR Minus GPR Minus
Measure (n46) (n47) (n44) (n45) (n43) (n44) Minus MT Minus MT Cohen d Cohen d MT MT
Number 9
VAS 47.0 (24.1) 42.0 (21.0) 13.5 (13.2) 24.2 (20.6) 35.2 (23.8) 41.1 (24.7) 15.7* 11.0* 0.7 0.4 12.2* 7.5
(26.3, 5.1) (21.7, 0.3) (20.6, 3.9) (15.9, 0.9)
Effectiveness of Global Postural Re-education
NDI-I 15.9 (7.0) 14.6 (5.9) 7.8 (6.4) 9.0 (5.7) 12.9 (7.0) 15.0 (6.0) 2.4 3.3* 0.4 0.6 1.8 2.7*
(4.8, 0.1) (5.7, 0.8) (4.0, 0.3) (4.9, 0.6)
TSK 30.7 (7.1) 27.8 (7.9) 26.5 (7.4) 26.3 (5.8) 28.4 (7.6) 29.3 (6.9) 2.8 3.7* 0.4 0.5 1.3 2.3
(5.6, 0.0) (6.6, 0.9) (3.7, 1.0) (4.8, 0.0)
TSK-1 12.1 (3.5) 12.0 (3.9) 10.6 (3.6) 10.9 (3.0) 12.0 (3.9) 12.7 (3.6) 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6
(1.9, 1.1) (2.1, 0.8) (1.6, 0.6) (1.9, 0.9)
TSK-2 18.5 (4.4) 15.8 (4.6) 15.8 (4.3) 15.3 (3.3) 16.4 (4.2) 16.7 (3.9) 2.3* 3.1* 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.6*
(4.0, 0.7) (4.8, 1.4) (2.3, 0.5) (3.0, 0.2)
ROM flexion 84.2 (22.5) 90.7 (25.9) 105.3 (22.2) 105.0 (21.1) 95 (23.1) 91.6 (24.5) 7.8* 11.6* 0.5 0.6 5.3 8.9*
and (0.5, 15.2) (4.2, 19.1) (1.2, 11.9) (2.2, 15.6)
ROM lateral 57.7 (18.1) 64.7 (19.9) 72.0 (20.8) 74.0 (17.8) 63.6 (17.1) 62.4 (17.1) 6.1* 8.7* 0.5 0.7 4.0 6.8*
flexion (0.8, 11.5) (3.3, 14.2) (1.0, 9.0) (1.7, 11.8)
ROM 106.7 (16.9) 106.0 (17.8) 123.7 (18.0) 121.9 (18.1) 110.5 (18.5) 111.3 (17.0) 1.1 2.1 0.1 0.1 1.3 1.7
rotation (4.5, 6.7) (7.8, 3.6) (4.0, 6.6) (7.0, 3.6)
GPRglobal postural re-education, MTmanual therapy, T1time 1 (immediately postintervention), T2time 2 (6 months postintervention), CIconfidence interval, VASvisual analog scale, NDI-I
Neck Disability Index (Italian version), TSKTampa Scale of Kinesiophobia, TSK-1TSK activity avoidance subscale, TSK-2TSK harm subscale, ROMrange of motion, *Significantly different between
groups (adjusting for baseline score): P.05 (95% CI).
September 2016
Effectiveness of Global Postural Re-education
Table 3.
Mean (95% CI), at Each Study Visit, of Principal Outcomes Difference Between Groups Adjusted for Baseline Score, According to Best-
Case and Worst-Case Scenariosa
VAS 13.5* (22.1, 5.0) 10.3* (18.9, 1.7) 9.8* (18.4, 1.2) 4.4 (12.9, 4.2)
NDI-I 2.2* (4.4, 0.1) 3.2* (5.3, 1.1) 1.2 (3.3, 0.9) 1.9 (4.1, 0.2)
GPRglobal postural re-education group, MTmanual therapy group, T1time 1 (immediately postintervention), T2time 2 (6 months postintervention),
CIconfidence interval, VASvisual analog scale, NDI-INeck Disability Index (Italian version), *Significantly different between groups (adjusting for baseline
score): P.05 (95% CI).
A potential bias in this study is the fact day clinical practice, and less experi- The study was approved by the Independent
that randomization did not lead to com- enced therapists might not produce Ethics Committee in Clinical Research of the
pletely homogeneous groups; the GPR results as strong as ours. University of Bologna (53/2013/U/Sper).
group was characterized by higher level The study protocol was registered in the
of pain, disability, and kinesiophobia and The results of this study are easily gener- Clinical Trials Registry of the National Insti-
lower cervical ROM. However, even alizable in common clinical practice due tutes of Health (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:
after adjusting for baseline scores in the to the inexpensive interventions, equip- NCT01947231).
between-groups statistical analysis, this ment, and setting involved. Moreover, DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20150501
inequality between groups did not affect the characteristics of the participants are
our results. We also note that a critical similar to those of individuals who are
component of the GPR intervention is normally seen for physical therapy man- References
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