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International Journal of Economics and Financial

ISSN: 2146-4138

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International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2017, 7(3), 1-8.

International Financial Reporting Standard Adoption and Value

Relevance of Accounting Information in Nigeria

Uwalomwa Uwuigbe1*, Olubukola Ranti Uwuigbe2, Moyosore Esther Durodola3, Jimoh Jafaru4,
Rehimetu Jimoh5
Department of Accounting, Covenant University, Ota-Ogun State, Nigeria, 2Department of Accounting, Covenant University,
OtaOgun State, Nigeria, 3Department of Accounting, Covenant University, Ota-Ogun State, Nigeria, 4Department of Accountancy,
Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria, 5Department of Office Technology, School of Information Communication
Technology, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria. *Email: uwalomwa.uwuigbe@covenantuniversity.edu.ng

This paper examined the impact of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) adoption on the value relevance of accounting information in
Nigeria. In achieving the objectives of this research, the fact book and the annual reports for the period 2010-2013 were used. Also, using the judgmental
sampling technic a total of 10 companies were selected from a population of 26 listed companies in the consumer goods industry listed on the floor of
the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), The Ohlson model was adopted to develop six models for the course of the paper. Using ordinary least square
regression, the study found out that; earnings per share (EPS) and book value of equity per share are accounting variables that jointly explains share
price. The study observed that with the introduction and adoption of IFRS, there has been is an improvement in the value relevance of accounting
information. The study also observed that EPS exhibits a stronger explanatory power both in pre and post IFRS adoption periods. The paper therefore
concludes that though IFRS has helped in the relevance of accounting information; there are still room for earnings management.
Keywords: Value Relevance, Accounting Information, Explanatory Power, International Financial Reporting Standard, Earnings Per Share
JEL Classifications: G21, M41

1. INTRODUCTION users. Financial information is capable of influencing decisions if

it has predictive value, confirmatory values or both (Conceptual
Financial reporting plays a fundamental role in economic Framework, 2010: FQC6-QC10).
development either domestically or globally because it reveals
financial indicators that inform investors decisions (Nassar Nevertheless, going by the recent global financial crisis,
et al., 2014). More so, it helps to boost investors confidence the qualitative characteristics of financial information has
which is vital to the functioning of capital markets; consequently, been questioned as investors confidence has dived since
determining the economic development of a nation (Herbert et al., investors are uncertain about the information available to them
2013; Uwuigbe et al., 2016). Financial information is primarily (Uwuigbe et al., 2016; Oduware, 2012). In a bid to improve the
used to make informed decisions. In lieu of this, relevance and information environment to aid investors decisions, a major
faithful representation have been identified as two main qualities move of International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) is
to be reflected in financial information. Financial information is the introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards
termed useful when it is relevant and represents faithfully what (IFRSs) (Beke, 2010). It basically aims to benefit investors
it purports to represent (Conceptual Framework, 2010: FQC4). and other users of financial statements by reducing the cost of
Relevance and faithful representation are the main qualitative investments and increasing the quality of the information provided.
characteristics of useful information. Financial information is In addition, it is expected to also increase the knowledge of the
relevant when it is capable of influencing the decisions made by users and provide investors and other relevant stakeholders with

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Uwuigbe, et al.: IFRS Adoption and Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Nigeria

capacity to predict future actions (Swati, 2015; Uwuigbe et al., economic decisions. There are four perspectives to value relevance:
2016; Uwuigbe et al., 2016; Emeni et al., 2016). They include the fundamental analysis perspective, the prediction
perspective, the information perspective and the measurement
However, despite the growing adoption of IFRS by emerging perspective. The fundamental analysis described value relevance
economies (e.g.,Turkey, South Africa, Mexico) and developing as the ability of financial statement information to capture the
countries, little attention has been given to the study of the impact intrinsic share value; the prediction perspective captures value
of IFRS adoption on value relevance in emerging economies relevance as the ability of financial information to predict future
(Andre and Evans, 2012; Kargin, 2013). Thus, there is a dearth dividends, future cash flows, and future earnings of future book
in literature in emerging economies on whether the relevance of values. The information perspective described value relevance as
accounting information has improved after the adoption of IFRS. the statistical association between financial information and prices
In addition, there are indications of lack of consensus or mixed or returns and measurement perspective describes value relevance
findings from extant literature on the impact of IFRS adoption as the ability of financial statement information to capture or
on the value relevance of accounting information. This is evident summarize the information that affects share values (Francis
in the findings of Callao et al. (2007), Turel (2009), Hevas and and Schipper, 1999; Nilsson, 2003; Adzor and Abanyam, 2004).
Karampinis (2009), Latridis (2010), Tsalavoutas et al. (2012) Avalue relevance analysis is conducted in order to determine the
were they observed that accounting information relevance has not relationship between accounting information and market values
been improved after the adoption of the IFRS. On the other hand, in the capital market (Khanagha, 2011). Kargin (2013) stated
findings from Schiebel (2007), Tsalavoutas et al. (2012) showed that a financial statement can be termed value relevant when the
that the value relevance of accounting information has increased information embedded therein depicts the value of the concerned
since after the adoption of IFRS. Hence, based on the lacuna in firm. Suadiye (2012) defined value relevance as the statistical
the extant literature, this study will attempt to examine the value association between accounting information and stock market
relevance of accounting information in pre and post financial values.
periods of IFRS adoption for listed firms in the consumer goods
sector from 2010 to 2013. In addition, the study explored value An earlier study of Ball and Brown (1968) empirically evaluated
relevance of book value and earnings per share (EPS) to assess accounting income numbers by linking them with the real-world
stock prices with emphasis on the post-IFRS periods. outcome measured in investment decision which the authors
described as an appropriate test of usefulness. In order to explain
To gain more insight into this study, the remainder of this paper the statistical association between accounting information and
has been organized in the following sequence. Section 2 basically stock market values. Ohlson (1995) developed a model that relates
provides an in-depth review of related relevant literatures and the a firms market value to contemporary and future incomes, book
objectives of the study. Section 3 goes on to discuss the rationale values and dividends. The development of the Ohlsons model
for the study and the description of the methodology adopted for brought to limelight studies to determine the value relevance of
the study. The final sections of this article covers the findings, accounting information. Similarly, Perera and Thrikawala (2010),
conclusions, managerial implications and suggested area of future Nimalathasan and Vijitha (2014), Stephen and Okoro (2014)
researches. examined value relevance of accounting information in order to
determine the relationship that exists between these variables.
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The accounting variables used include EPS, dividend per share,
price/earnings ratio, net asset per share and return on equity. It
2.1. Value Relevance of Accounting Information and was observed that a significant relationship exists between these
IFRS Adoption variables.
Financial statements are the most relevant external information
that helps in communicating the wealth situation of a company in 2.2. Explanatory Power of Accounting Information,
order to inform investors decisions (Perera and Thrikawala, 2010). Share Price (SP) and IFRS Adoption
Beisland (2009) established that one of the major objectives of Beisland (2009) averred that explanatory power is a measure of
accounting information is to provide information on the worth of how much variation in SPs is explained by accounting variables.
a company in order to aid investment decision of equity investors It is used to measure value relevance and statistically measured
which implies that the usefulness of accounting information can using the co-efficient of determination (R2), Soderlund (2010),
only be determined when they influence economic decisions. Kwong (2010), Suadiye (2012) attested to the joint explanatory
However, the issue of reduced accounting quality globally has led power of earnings and book values in the determination of the
to the need for the implementation of IFRS (Uwuigbe et al., 2016). stock prices. Olugbenga and Atanda (2014) examined the trends
Bogstrand and Larsson (2012) posited that accounting figures are of the joint explanatory power of accounting variables for a period
value relevant if they are able to disclose information that influences 1990-1999 in Nigeria. It was found out that joint explanatory
the value of a firm. Amajor goal of IFRS is to ensure that accounting power of accounting variables have been fluctuating which the
information is useful to its primary users (investors) by providing author explained as the influence of political instability; this
a fair view of a business entity (Rebecca et al., 2015). was further confirmed by Umobong and Akani (2015). Whereas,
Umoren and Enang (2015), Yahaya et al. (2015) asserted that the
Barth et al. (2001) stated that accounting information is relevant joint explanatory power of earnings and book value of equity have
when it can be used to predict equity value, that is, it influences improved after the adoption of IFRS.

2 International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 7 Issue 3 2017

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Glezakos et al. (2012) found out that earnings in recent times on accounting quality. Barth (2005) examined the effects of IAS
have played a diminishing role which was explained as the shift on accounting quality using a sample of 23 countries with the aim
of investors interest in stock market prices on the basis of more of comparing firms that adopted IAS and firms that did not adopt.
concentration on fundamental values that make up the business. The results indicate that the IAS adopting firms provide a higher
This was confirmed by a study carried out by Kargin (2013), accounting quality.
who posited that the value relevance of accounting information
has improved considering book values while it is not so with Dobija and Klimczak (2010) study which focused on examining
earnings. Tsalavoutas et al. (2012) further explained that changes the effect of the development of accounting on market efficiency
in the explanatory power of accounting variables are as a result and value relevance of reported earnings using Poland being a
of IFRS being more focused on the statement of financial position transition economy. Atransition economy was used because of
which results in more volatility and less persistence in net income. its unique characteristics of developing a financial market and
However, Qu et al. (2012), Yahaya et al. (2015), Indrawati (2015) relevant regulations. It was found out that at the early stage of
found out that EPS assumed a stronger explanatory power in both the development of financial market; development of accounting
pre-IFRS and post-IFRS adoption periods. had a positive effect on market efficiency and value relevance of
reported earnings. However, as new regulations emerged, there was
2.3. Accounting Information (Book Value of Equity less value relevance of accounting information which according
and Earnings) and SP on IFRS Adoption to the authors implies that the only effect of the international
Several studies (Turel, 2009; Suadiye, 2012; Kargin, 2013) on harmonization process was to promote foreign direct investment
the value relevance of IFRS in Turkey compared accounting and not strengthen the national information environment. This
information under the capital market board accounting standards study was replicated by Alali and Foote (2012) in India. The
to IFRS using the Ohlsons model. The results show that the value study employed the returns-earnings models and price-earnings
relevance of earnings and book value of equity improved after models. The results show that EPS and book value per share are
the adoption of IFRS. Astudy carried out by Kingwara (2015) positively and significantly related to price per share; it was also
evaluated the effect of IFRS on financial reporting in Kenya. The found that accounting information under IFRS is relevant during
author examined financial reporting on the basis of relevance to the inception of the market in 2000. Also, accounting information
economic users and faithful representation of real-world economic relevance under IFRS is dependent on the situation of the market
phenomenon which was tested with the use of Ohlsons model. whether it is bearish or bullish; the size of the company and the
It was observed that the adoption of IFRS had a positive impact type of auditor.
on the financial reporting quality of listed firms in the Nairobi
Stock Exchange. Latridis (2010) concentrated on the differences in financial
reporting under UK GAAP and IFRS. The results show that
Soderlund (2010) examined IFRS and value relevance of financial financial reporting under IFRS improves accounting quality.
reporting in Finland: Adisaggregated approach revealed that
Finland has been using conservative accounting that focuses on In order to examine the value relevance of accounting information.
creditors and the need to be a part of the international capital Khanagha (2011) adopted the regression approach and portfolio
markets brought to fore the adoption of IFRS in Finland. The approach. It was found out that both approaches indicate the
study examined if IFRS is more relevant than Finnish accounting value relevance of accounting numbers. However, for the period
standards. The author adopted a qualitative archival study after accounting reforms, the regression approach indicates a
that entails content analysis of financial statements comparing decline in the value relevance of accounting earnings while the
accounting variables by Finnish accounting standards with portfolio approach indicates that the value relevance of accounting
accounting variables by IFRS. The study as part of its findings information after accounting reforms differ in degree as changes
observed that the statement of comprehensive income is more in earnings and return on equity declined and changes in cash
relevant than statement of financial position. flows improved.

Hevas and Karampinis (2009) examined the effect of the Kwong (2010) examined the value relevance of accounting
mandatory adoption of IFRS on the value-relevance of earnings information and financial reporting among firms in Malaysia
and book values in Greece. The authors adopted the earnings-book across three reporting periods with different levels of the IFRS
value capitalization model. It was found that that IFRS adoption adoption: Pre-Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (MASB);
positively affected the value relevance of consolidated net income post MASB and IFRS convergence. Ohlson model adopted for
and book value but it had no effect on their unconsolidated the study provides evidence to support prior studies that IFRS is
counterparts. Similarly, Tsalavoutas et al. (2012) examined the value relevant for decision-making among investors.
transition of IFRS and the value relevance of financial statements
in Greece on the basis that Greece is a small market and it is known Chalmers et al. (2010) using the AB-share listed companies in
to be characterized by inadequate reporting quality. The results Shenzhen examined the value relevance of accounting information
show that accounting quality did not improve after the adoption for the period of pre and post-2001 accounting reforms found out
of IFRS which was explained by the combined value relevance of that accounting information explains better returns on share for
book value of equity and net income. Also, in order to give more A-share firms and AB-share firms in the post accounting system
representative effects of International Accounting Standards (IAS) for business enterprises. The paper also found out that book value

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Uwuigbe, et al.: IFRS Adoption and Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Nigeria

of equity for AB-share firms is incrementally value-relevant to relation to SP have been researched on by several researchers.
that of A-share firms. Qu et al. (2012) examined whether the value The Ohlson model attempts to break the financial statements into
relevance of accounting information has improved. The research two basic parts; that is, the statement of profit and loss and other
determined whether accounting information has become useful for comprehensive income and the statement of financial position.
investors that trade in A-shares of listed Chinese companies. Dai The need to examine the value relevance of book value of equity
et al. (2015) established that there is improved value relevance for per share representing the statement of financial position in both
A-share market which is similar to B-share even after the change the pre and post-IFRS periods under consideration gave rise to
of accounting standards showing consistency with the results of Model 1 and Model 2 shown below:
Qu et al. (2012).
Model 1: SPI,T = 0 + ABEQI,T +  (1-Pre-IFRS adoption)
An empirical study on value relevance with the aim of comparing
German GAAP and IFRS carried out by Schiebel (2007) by using Model 2: SPI,T = 0 + ABEQI,T +  (2-Post-IFRS adoption)
listed companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The results
show that German GAAP is statistically more relevant than IFRS. Applicable to EPS being the representative of the statement of
Mousa and Desoky (2014) examined the value relevance of IFRS profit or loss and other comprehensive income is its explanatory
using the case of Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) countries, power in relation to SP both in pre and post-IFRS periods expressed
Bahrain. The research adopted two models: Stock return model in a model form for the study developed from the Ohlsons model.
and price earning model. The stock return model showed a minimal This led to the development of Model 3 and Model 4.
difference in the value relevance of accounting information post-
IFRS adoption while the price earning model showed improvement Model 3: SPI,T = 0 + BEPSI,T +  (3-Pre-IFRS adoption)
in the value relevance of accounting information after the adoption
of IFRS. In Nigeria, Umoren and Enang (2015) examined the effect Model 4: SPI,T = 0 + BEPSI,T +  (4-Post-IFRS adoption)
of IFRS adoption on the value relevance of financial statements
of Nigerian listed banks. Ohlson model was adopted for the The introduction of IFRS proposes an improvement in the
research work. It was found out that both book value for equity accounting quality of financial information. Latridis (2010)
and EPS became more value relevant after IFRS adoption which observed that the implementation of IFRS has standardized
was confirmed theoretically by Mohammed and Lode (2015). accounting practice and has given less room for information
Adzor and Abanyam (2014) examined whether investors perceive asymmetry and earnings management consequently improving
financial statements as important in stock valuation and whether efficiency of the stock market; this was further attested by Alali
IFRS adoption has led to a marginal increase in the value relevance and Foote (2012) who found out that the introduction of IFRS
of financial statements in Nigeria. Ohlson model was adopted. The overcomes the challenges of the UAE stock market in the form of
result indicated that there is a positive relationship among EPS; scarcity of investment due to limits on foreign investment owned,
book value of equity and SP and the value relevance of accounting lack of a unified standard for accounting practice and professional
information have improved after the adoption of IFRS. transparency. In order to determine whether IFRS has helped in
the informational role of accounting; there is the need to examine
2.4. Theoretical Framework the relationship between accounting variables and SP in pre-IFRS
Prior to the introduction of IFRS and the issue of recurring financial adoption period and post-IFRS adoption period. This leads to the
credibility crises, financial reports were known to lack integrity, development of Model 5 and Model 6.
transparency and reliability as a result of manipulations all geared
towards the need to ensure that existing investors are not lost and Model 5: SPI,T = 0 + ABEQI,T + BEPSI,T +  (5-Pre-IFRS
potential investors are encouraged to make investments Kingwara adoption)
(2015). However, IFRS emphasizes the need to produce relevant
information (that is, it has predictive or confirmatory ability or Model 6: SPI,T = 0 + ABEQI,T + BEPSI,T +  (6-Post-IFRS
even both), Financial information is relevant when it can influence adoption)
the economic decisions of its users. From investors point of
view, financial information is relevant when it influences their 3. METHODOLOGY
equity investment decisions (Barth et al., 2001; Karunarathne
and Rajapakse, 2010), This section is divided into: Population and sample selection,
research design, sources of data, measurement of variables,
The concept of value relevance of accounting information in model specification and method of data analysis. The population
relation to investors decisions is explained by the inputs-to- for the study is the consumer goods companies listed on the NSE
equity valuation theory which explains that accountings role is with a population size of 28, a sample size of 26 see appendix 1
essentially to provide information on inputs to be used in valuation was arrived at using the Yaro Yamanes formula; mathematically
models that investors use in valuing firms equity (Houlthausen represented as:
and Watts, 2001). Hence, the valuation model suggested by Ohlson
(1995) shows the relationship between accounting information n: N/(1+N (e)2);
and investors decisions. The value relevance of accounting
information is measured in terms of their explanatory power in n: 28/(1+28(0.05)2=26)

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Where, Table3 shows that EPS still maintained a strong explanatory power
n = Sample size, even with the advent of IFRS adoption since the adjusted R2 of
N = Population size, EPS being 0.859 is greater than that of BEQ being 0.583. Hence,
e = Error term (5% was used). hypothesis two is rejected.

However, 10 companies was used as the sample size for Using t-test to compare the difference in the riskiness of EPS and
this research on the basis of reported negative earnings and book value per share, Table4 indicates that there is a statistical
unavailability of data of some companies using the filter rule difference between the standard deviation of EPS and book value
specified by Adzor and Abanyam (2014). The research made use per share.
of the cross-sectional design because observations were made
at a specific point in time. The secondary data in the form of In order to test whether financial statements have become more
audited financial statements was gotten from the NSE and was relevant, the coefficient estimates of the accounting variables
used for the course of the research because the variables needed are used. This is measured by looking at the difference in the
for measurement of the dependent and independent variables are coefficient estimates of the pre-IFRS adoption value and post-IFRS
embedded in the financial statements. The ordinary least square adoption value; a positive difference means an increase while a
regression method with the aid of Statistical Packages for Social negative difference means a decrease. The result indicates that both
Sciences was used to analyze the data being the best method to EPS (7.138) and BEQ (4.286) have become more relevant after
analyze a linear regression model so as to minimize the incidence the adoption of IFRS. This implies that the financial statements
of sum of squared errors. have become more relevant as a result of IFRS adoption. Hence,
hypothesis three was rejected. Also, it was observed that the joint
The dependent variable for this research is value relevance of explanatory power of accounting variables decreased (Table5).
accounting information measured using explanatory power (SP,
EPS and book value of equity) while the independent variable is 4.1. Robustness Checks (Multicollinearity Test and
IFRS adoption broken down into pre-IFRS adoption and post- Data Adjustment)
IFRS adoption. Ohlsons model as used in Pirie and Smith (2005) Prior to the data analysis, the data was adjusted to minimize the
was adopted for the course of the research to develop six models. scaling effects of institutional difference. Hence, the data used

Ohlsons model: SP = 0 + ABEQI,T + BEPSI,T + Table1: Descriptive statistics

Variables Preadoption period Postadoption period
Where, MeanSD N MeanSD N
I, T represent the firm for a particular year period, SP 86.39125.903 20 153.6065293.85 20
SP represent share price, BEQ 10.279.797 20 14.77916.084 20
BEQ represent book value of equity per share, EPS 4.746.255 20 5.5948.188 20
EPS represent earnings per share, Source: SPSS Output(2015). SP: Share price, EPS: Earnings per share, BEQ: Book
represent error term, value of equity, SD: Standard deviation

represent coefficient.
Table2: Explanatory power of accounting variables for
preIFRS adoption period
Model Constant R2 Adjusted R2 Coefficient() P value
1BEQ 7.521 0.692 0.675 10.690 0.000
This section entails analysis of data and results drawn from the
3EPS 23.350 0.971 0.970 19.835 0.000
Predictors:(Constant), BEQ, EPS. Dependent variable: SP. Source: SPSS
Output(2015). SP: Share price, EPS: Earnings per share, BEQ: Book value of equity,
Table1 shows the mean and standard deviation for the observations IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standard
that statistically describes the variables used for the research. On
the average, the consumer goods companies have a SP of 86.39, Table3: Explanatory power of accounting variables for
book value of equity per share of 10.27 and EPS of 4.74 in the postIFRS adoption period
pre-adoption period while in the post-adoption period, an average Model Constant R2 Adjusted R2 Coefficient() P value
of 153.6065, 114.779 and 5.594 for SP, book value of equity per 2BEQ 56.323 0.605 0.583 14.205 0.000
share and EPS respectively. The increase in the mean could affirm 4EPS 32.450 0.859 0.859 33.260 0.000
the positive effect IFRS has on accounting information and the Predictors:(Constant), BEQ, EPS. Dependent variable: SP. SP: Share price,
capital market. EPS: Earnings per share, BEQ: Book value of equity, IFRS: International Financial
Reporting Standard

From the results shown in Table2, explanatory power was tested

using adjusted R2 which shows the degree at which the independent Table4: Paired ttest sample
variable is a strong predictor of the dependent variable. Hence, Paired variables t df Significant
the null hypothesis one was accepted because EPS (0.970) has a (twotailed)
stronger explanatory power in comparison with BEQ (0.675) in Pair 1EPSSTDBEQSSTD 6.722 43 0.000
relation to SP in the pre-adoption period. EPS: Earnings per share, BEQ: Book value of equity

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Table5: Accounting information is not relevant after IFRS adoption

Model 5 PreIFRS adoption Model 6 PostIFRS adoption
Coefficient() P value Coefficient() P value
(Constant) 0.986 (Constant) 48.299
EPS 22.213 0.890 EPS 29.351 0.000
BEQ 1.734 0.000 BEQ 2.552 0.337
Adjusted R2 0.973 0.851
Predictors:(Constant), BEQ, EPS. Dependent variable: SP. Source: SPSS Output(2015). SP: Share price, EPS: Earnings per share, BEQ: Book value of equity, IFRS: International
Financial Reporting Standard

were divided by the number of outstanding shares. More so, the IFRS adoption which implies that IFRS major goal in terms of
data was tested for multicollinearity problem. DurbinWatson improving the economic consequences of financial reporting has
indicated 1.739 which is <2. Variance-in-inflation (VIF) indicated been achieved in the consumer goods sector of Nigeria. This is
1.002 which is <10 and the tolerance level being 0.998 is >0.1. consistent with the findings of Latridis (2010), Kingwara (2015)
Using two different approaches (DurbinWatson and VIF), no and Umoren and Enang (2015). However, findings from this study
multicollinearity problem was found. In addition, to further contradicts the findings of Schiebel (2007), Dobija and Klimczak
buttress the view that investors in the consumer goods sector are (2010) where they observed that the value relevance of accounting
risk-averters. Table1 shows that EPS assumes less risk measured information reduced after the introduction of IFRS. The criteria
using standard deviation in both pre-adoption period and post- for sample selection and IFRS have only helped in the promotion
adoption period. Furthermore, the result indicated in Table4 of foreign capital inflow and not in the reinforcement of the
affirms that there is a statistically significant difference in the information environment were suggested as factors responsible
riskiness of EPS and book value of equity per share. for the outcome.

Tables2 and 3 show a stronger explanatory power of EPS in both 5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
pre and post IFRS adoption periods. This could be explained
from the behavioral point of view that investors in the consumer The study examined the impact of IFRS adoption on the value
goods sector are risk-averters who prefer certainty in information; relevance of accounting information and found out that the value
hence, they opt for an accounting variable which has less risk or relevance of accounting information has improved while EPS
variation. This result is in tandem with the findings of Qu et al. demonstrate a stronger explanatory power even after the adoption
(2012), Yahaya et al. (2015) and Indrawati (2015); where they of IFRS. Also, the study observed that the stronger explanatory
opined that a short period of observation and dependence of power of EPS gives more room for managers to smoothen earnings.
investors on earnings in investment decisions are responsible for Hence, this loophole can discourage foreign direct investment if it
consistency in the superiority of the EPS. However, Glezakos etal. furthers discourage investors from having confidence in financial
(2012), Tsalavoutas et al. (2012) and Kargin (2013) were of the information. However, this can be addressed if the IASB should
opinion that book value of equity has a better explanatory power put into consideration the behavioral pattern of users of financial
to earnings on the basis that IFRS has helped to curtail creative statements and more stringent local policies are to be put to check-
accounting in respect to statement of financial position; IFRS mate the financial reports of companies.
emphasizes timely recognition of assets and liabilities and more
use of fair value measurement; hence, resulting into high volatility
and decrease in the persistence of earnings. In addition, investors
are more interested in the intrinsic value of firms.
This study is however limited by the fact that it only examined
the consumer industry of the Nigerian economy. However, future
Findings from this research also show that the joint explanatory
research could evaluate other sectors of the Nigerian economy. In
power of accounting variables have decreased with the advent of
addition, based on the number of years considered in this study,
IFRS. This could be as a result of other qualitative factors put into
future research in this area could extend the number of years
consideration in the determination of SP not reflected in financial
considered in this study.
statements. This outcome is in line with the findings of Tsalavoutas
et al. (2012), Umobong and Akani (2015). They opined that an
offset of a decline in the earnings with an improvement in book REFERENCES
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Appendix 1: Pooled data for accounting variables and SP for both pre and post IFRS periods
Companies SP(preIFRS) SP(postIFRS) EPS(preIFRS) EPS(postIFRS) BEQ(preIFRS) BEQ(preIFRS)
k k
2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013
PZ Cussons 31.74 35 23.85 51 167 164 61 123 10.48 10.29 7.86 8.00
Nigerian Breweries 77.10 94.42 147 167.90 401 508 503 570 6.63 10.37 11.23 14.86
Unilever 24.25 29 47 54.70 111 145 148 127 1.60 1.38 2.7 2.5
Nestle Nigeria 368.55 445.66 700 1200 1906 2121 2667 2808 21.84 29.64 43.13 51.21
NASCON 6.39 4.01 8 14.99 62 81 104 102 1.87 2.18 2.49 2.6
Honeywell 9 4.84 2.17 2.94 25 30 34 36 1.8 1.99 2.15 2.34
Guiness Nigeria 158.51 245 226 251.07 931 1216 964 793 23.19 27.31 24.82 30.78
Flour mills 69 82.55 58 78 783 537 351 367 18.83 22.49 33.55 39.20
Dangote sugar 16.00 4.7 6 11.70 94 59 90 113 3.41 3.29 3.86 4.48
Champions 4.03 4.03 4.15 16.91 64 64 69 51 3.05 3.57 3.81 4
Source: Nigerian Stock Exchange. SP: Share price, EPS: Earnings per share, IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standard, BEQ: Book value of equity

8 International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 7 Issue 3 2017

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