Filtration of Solution Containing Heavy Metals and PDF
Filtration of Solution Containing Heavy Metals and PDF
Filtration of Solution Containing Heavy Metals and PDF
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The use of inorganic membranes in pollution treatment is actually limited by the cost of such membranes.
Advantages of inorganic membranes over organic ones are their chemical, thermal and pH resistance. In this
study, low cost ZnAl2O4-TiO2 ultrafiltration membranes were tested for removing Cd(NO3)2, Pb(NO3)2,
Cr(NO3)3, methylene blue and orange acid from water. The electrical interactions between ionic species and sur-
face material govern the rejections of heavy metals and charged species. Retentions of dyes methylene blue and
orange acid are also important but the adsorption of the species leads to fouling when the concentration in-
* Corresponding author
Presented at the EuroMed 2004 conference on Desalination Strategies in South Mediterranean Countries:
Cooperation between Mediterranean Countries of Europe and the Southern Rim of the Mediterranean. Sponsored by
the European Desalination Society and Office National de lEau Potable, Marrakech, Morocco, 30 May2 June, 2004.
0011-9164/04/$ See front matter 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
302 N. Saffaj et al. / Desalination 168 (2004) 301306
Table 1
Rejection rates of different heavy metals, P= 10 bar
Salt Concentration, pH Retention, %
Cd(NO3)2 103 5.1 93
Pb(NO3)2 10 5.2 93.4
Fig. 2. Retention of methylene blue as a function of
Cr(NO3)3 103 3.6 96 time at different pressure, C=50 ppm, pH=5.8.
304 N. Saffaj et al. / Desalination 168 (2004) 301306
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