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RheoFIT® 726

New generation of polycarboxylic ether based plasticizer for Manufactured Concrete Products,
specially engineered for use in production hollow-core slabs, masonry and paving blocks.

Description of Product Fields of Application

RheoFIT® 726 is an innovative multi-purpose RheoFIT® 726 is suitable for Manufacturing
plasticizer based polycarboxylic ether polymers Concrete Products, especially:
specially developed for semi-dry concrete mixes. • Pavers
The product is suitable for the production of • Blocks
hollow-core slabs, masonry and paving blocks. At • Hollow-core slabs
the same time, RheoFIT® 726 accelerates the
strength development and reduces the cycle time Features and Benefits
whilst the appearance is maintained or even RheoFIT® 726 offers the following benefits for the
improved. MCP industry to:
• Optimised mix design
Due to its unique principle of action on the cement • Enhanced productivity due to shorter cycle
grain, RheoFIT® 726 fully exploits the hydration time
potential of cement resulting in higher early • Higher early strength
strengths and shorter curing times. • Optimised curing cycles due to shorter curing
RheoFIT® 726 is a key component to BASF’s FIT Packaging
4 VALUE concept. RheoFIT® 726 is available in 210 litre drums or
FIT 4 VALUE considers the four elements essential
for MCP Manufactures: Application Procedure
1. FIT for Economics RheoFIT® 726 is a liquid ready-to-use admixture
2. FIT for Performance to be added to the concrete during the mixing
3. FIT for Aesthetics process. The best results are obtained when the
4. FIT for Durability admixture is added after all the other components
Here, FIT means meeting every requirement for are already in the mixer and after the addition of at
economics, performance, aesthetics and least 80% of the total water. The water content is
durability. adjusted to obtain the desired consistence or
RheoFIT® 726
*Technical Data/Typical Properties Storage
RheoFIT® 726 must be stored in a place where
Appearance Whitish to light brownish
coloured liquid.
the temperature does not drop below 5°C.
If stored in unopened containers according to
Specific gravity @ 25°C 1.103
manufacturer’s instructions, the shelf life is 2
pH-value 5-7 years.

Standards Handling and transportation

EN 934-2 Table 3.1 and 3.2 No special requirements must be observed while
the product is used. Protection gloves and glasses
Dosage rate are recommended. Do not eat, drink or smoke
The normally recommended dosage rate is 0.4 to during the application. RheoFIT® 726 is non-
1.2 litres per 100kg of cementitious material. flammable, non-toxic or irritant and is not subject
to special transport requirements.
Other dosages may be used in special cases
according to specific job site conditions. In this Note
case please consult our Technical Services Field service, where provided, does not constitute
Department. supervisory responsibility. For additional
information contact your local BASF
Compatibility representative.
RheoFIT® 726 is compatible and recommended
for use with: BASF reserves the right to have the true cause of
any difficulty determined by accepted test
• RheoFIT® 742, colour enhancer methods.
• RheoFIT® 744, water repellent, to reduce
water absorption (e.g. EN 1338, class 2 B) Quality and care
All products originating from BASF’s Dubai, UAE
RheoFIT® 726 is not compatible with RheoFIT® facility are manufactured under a management
764 or Rheobuild superplasticizers. system independently certified to conform to the
requirements of the quality, environmental and
occupational health & safety standards ISO 9001,
ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

11/2009 BASF_CC-UAE

* Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.

Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or implied with
any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any labour involved in the
application are beyond our control.

As all BASF technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.

BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC

P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 8090800 Fax: +971 4 8851002
Certificate No. Certificate No. Certificate No. e-mail: 963680 945787 772556

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