Clinical Study
Clinical Study
Clinical Study
Clinical Study
Evaluating the Efficacy of Primary Treatment for Graves
Disease Complicated by Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis
Rita Yuk-Kwan Chang,1 Brian Hung-Hin Lang,2 Ai Chen Chan,1 and Kai Pun Wong1
Department of Surgery, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Division of Endocrine Surgery, Department of Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital, 102 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Received 16 February 2014; Revised 22 June 2014; Accepted 14 July 2014; Published 3 August 2014
Copyright 2014 Rita Yuk-Kwan Chang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Objective. Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a potentially life-threatening complication of Graves disease (GD). The present
study compared the long-term efficacy of antithyroid drugs (ATD), radioactive iodine (RAI), and surgery in GD/TPP. Methods.
Sixteen patients with GD/TPP were followed over a 14-year period. ATD was generally prescribed upfront for 1218 months before
RAI or surgery was considered. Outcomes such as thyrotoxic or TPP relapses were compared between the three modalities. Results.
Eight (50.0%) patients had ATD alone, 4 (25.0%) had RAI, and 4 (25.0%) had surgery as primary treatment. Despite being able
to withdraw ATD in all 8 patients for 37.5 (22247) months, all subsequently developed thyrotoxic relapses and 4 (50.0%) had 1
TPP relapses. Of the four patients who had RAI, two (50%) developed thyrotoxic relapse after 12 and 29 months, respectively, and
two (50.0%) became hypothyroid. The median required RAI dose to render hypothyroidism was 550 (350700) MBq. Of the 4
patients who underwent surgery, none developed relapses but all became hypothyroid. Conclusion. To minimize future relapses,
more definitive primary treatment such as RAI or surgery is preferred over ATD alone. If RAI is chosen over surgery, a higher dose
(>550 MBq) is recommended.
this approach or a more definitive upfront primary treatment surgery. Those who underwent RAI or surgery were rendered
strategy is more appropriate for GD/TPP. To our knowledge, euthyroid by ATDs +/ Lugols solution before procedure.
few studies have specifically evaluated and compared the After primary treatment, all patients were regularly followed
efficacy and treatment outcomes between the three primary up for monitoring of thyroid function. The clinical course of
treatment modalities (namely, ATD, RAI, and surgery) in these patients was followed to the time of analysis. Follow-up
GD/TPP. Although a large series of GD/TPP patients was period was expressed in months and was calculated from the
reported recently, it did not specifically address this issue [13]. diagnosis of GD (with or without TPP) to the latest follow-up.
Thus this study aimed to evaluate and compare the efficacy All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version
and treatment outcomes of ATD, RAI, and surgery as primary 18.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Chi-square or Fishers
treatment for GD/TPP by following the natural course of Exact test was used to compare categorical variables.
3. Results
2. Patients and Methods
Table 1 shows the demographic features of 16 TPP patients.
Data for this study were retrieved from the established The median (range) age on presentation was 28 (1745) years
Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System or CDARS at old. There were 15 males and 1 female. The median (range)
our institution. CDARS is an electronic system that prospec- body weight was 69.9 (45105) kg. Among the cohort, 4
tively captures the diagnoses of all emergency admissions (25.0%) had family history of GD. Thirteen (81.2%) had
at our institution from the year 2000 till now. Using this no previous history of thyroid disease and TPP was the
database, 21 patients were retrospectively identified as having first presenting sign of thyrotoxicosis. Two (12.5%) had
GD/TPP. For the analysis, 5 (23.8%) patients were excluded associated Graves ophthalmopathy. These features were not
due to incomplete follow-up data. Therefore, 16 patients were significantly different when comparing patients who received
analyzed. On emergency admission, all 16 patients were con- ATD, RAI, or surgery as the primary treatment for GD/TPP.
firmed to be biochemically thyrotoxic at the time of paralysis, Among our 16 patients, 8 (50.0%) had ATD, 4 (25.0%)
together with typical features of TPP which included history had RAI, and 4 (25.0%) had surgery as the primary treat-
of clinically flaccid weakness or paralysis, serum potassium ment for GD/TPP. There were 10 (62.5%) thyrotoxic recur-
level <3.5 mmol/L (normal: 3.65.0 mmol/L), and thyrotoxi- rences. When comparing different treatment modalities, all
cosis confirmed by serum free T4 (FT4) > 23 pmol/L (normal: 8 patients who received ATD had thyrotoxicosis recurrence
1223 pmol/L) on presentation. In addition to these criteria, (100%), while 2 out of 4 (50%) in RAI group and 0% in the
all patients with GD/TPP had to have a diffuse goiter with surgery group had thyrotoxic relapse ( = 0.003). Regarding
either clinical ophthalmopathy and/or positive antimicroso- the recurrence of TPP, the overall recurrence rate was 31% (5
mal and/or antithyroglobulin antibodies. Anti-TSH receptor patients) after primary treatment.
antibody (TRAb) and ultrasound (USG) were not routinely Table 2 summarizes the clinical and biochemical profiles
performed. Furthermore, other causes of hypokalemic peri- of the 16 patients on the presentation of GD/TPP. During
odic paralysis such as sporadic/familial hypokalemic periodic the acute attack of TPP, all patients presented bilateral lower
paralysis, primary aldosteronism, and renal or intestinal loss limb flaccid weaknesses, hypokalemia with serum potassium
of potassium were excluded. Clinical and biochemical data of 2.5 mmol/L (1.23.4) mmol/L, and thyrotoxicosis (TSH
during the acute episode of GD/TPP attack prior to initiation 0.03 (range: 0.010.18) mU/L and fT4 60.4 (range: 24.1140)
of potassium supplement including blood pressure, heart ug/dL) (Table 2). All of them had normal body temperature
rate, serum potassium, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and pulse oximeter reading. Electrocardiographic changes
and FT4 levels, primary treatment modality, and subsequent (T inversion in lead II to V) were found in 1 patient with
treatment outcomes such as thyrotoxic relapse, latest thy- preexisting heart disease. Three (18.8%) patients had paralysis
roid function status, and surgical-related complications were upon waking up in early morning. Regarding precipitating
recorded. factors, TPP occurred after taking a heavy meal ( = 4) or
alcohol ( = 3). Other factors included acute upper respira-
2.1. Treatment Principles of GD/TPP. Details of primary tory infection ( = 2) and strenuous exercise ( = 1), while
treatment of GD were described previously [10]. In general, 7 patients had no specific triggers identified. None of these
as a primary treatment of GD with/without TPP, patients patients had symptoms and signs involving respiratory sys-
were prescribed a course of ATDs (usually in the form of tem and bulbar and ocular muscles during GD/TPP. Symp-
carbimazole (CMZ) or propylthiouracil (PTU)) lasting for toms of TPP subsided spontaneously in 2 of our patients,
a period of 1218 months and then thereafter tapered or while the rest required potassium supplementation to reverse
stopped when thyroid function was normal. A great propor- muscle weakness. None of them were prescribed -blockers
tion of GD would eventually go into prolonged remission at acute attack.
after ATD withdrawal [11]. If there was evidence of thyrotoxic
relapse after a full course of ATDs, definitive treatment such 3.1. Details of Treatment Outcomes. Table 3 shows the
as RAI or total thyroidectomy was offered, depending on detailed clinical course of these 16 patients. The median
goiter size and patients preference. Giving another course (range) follow-up period was 91.9 (11.2293.2) months.
of ATDs after a thyrotoxic relapse was an alternative if the In the ATD group, all 8 patients completed their course
patient was not keen on or was contraindicated to RAI or with a median duration of 19.5 (1224) months. Although
International Journal of Endocrinology 3
Table 1: A comparison of patient demographics and treatment outcome between patients who had antithyroid drugs (ATD), radioactive
iodine (RAI), and surgery as the primary treatment for Graves disease with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP).
Although all patients had mild eye signs, only two patients had severe eye signs and required ophthalmic treatment for their eye condition.
Table 2: Clinical and biochemical profiles of the 16 patients on the Of the four patients who received RAI as the primary
presentation of GD/TPP. treatment (patients 912), two (50%) developed thyrotoxic
relapse in 12 and 29 months, respectively. The median first
Number (%)/median (range)
RAI dose given was 325 (300350) MBq while the median
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 131 (90154) accumulative RAI dose required to render hypothyroidism
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 77 (6999) was 550 (350700) MBq. Of the two relapses after RAI, one
Heart rate (beats/min) 100 (66138) (patient 9) had a further 12-month course of ATD and subse-
Body temperature ( C) 37.0 (36.737.2) quently remained euthyroid at the latest follow-up. The other
TSH (normal: 0.354.78 mIU/L) 0.03 (0.010.18) patient with thyrotoxic relapse received a further 300Mbq
Free T4 (normal: 1223 pmol/L) 57.5 (24.1140) RAI and was hypothyroid requiring thyroxine replacement at
K+ (normal: 3.65.0 mmol/L) 2.7 (1.23.4) the latest follow-up (patient 10). In summary, among the four
Precipitating/exacerbating factors patients who received RAI as primary treatment, two (50.0%)
Heavy meals 4 (25.0%)
developed thyrotoxic relapse requiring further treatment and
2 (50.0%) developed hypothyroidism requiring thyroxine
Alcohol intake 3 (18.8%)
Acute upper respiratory infection 2 (12.5%) Table 4 shows the details of 7 patients with GD/TPP
Strenuous exercise 1 (6.3%) who eventually underwent surgery. Of these 7 patients, 3
No factor identified 7 (43.8%) patients (patients 1, 4, and 8) were initially treated with
TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone; K+ : serum potassium. a trial of ATD before developing thyrotoxic relapse. Four
(25.0%) patients underwent total thyroidectomy as primary
treatment (patients 1315). All patients recovered well after
these 8 patients were able to have ATD withdrawn for a total thyroidectomy without the need for calcium +/ vitamin
median duration of 37.5 (22247) months, they all devel- D supplement. None of the patients had vocal cord paresis
oped thyrotoxic relapses subsequently. Among these 8 as documented by postoperative laryngoscopy. All 7 patients
patients, 4 (50.0%) patients suffered at least one further were placed on thyroxine replacement therapy with stable
attack of TPP during their thyrotoxic relapses (patients thyroid function. None of them developed relapsed thyrotox-
2, 3, 6, and 7). Three patients with thyrotoxic relapses icosis or TPP at the latest follow-up.
eventually underwent total thyroidectomy (patients 1, 4,
and 8) while the other 3 required 2 courses of RAI to 4. Discussion
render remission (patients 5, 6, and 7). In this group,
the median accumulative RAI dose to render hypothy- TPP is a rare but potentially lethal complication of hyperthy-
roidism was 550 (500700) MBq. All 3 patients required roidism characterized by muscle paralysis and hypokalemia
daily thyroxine replacement. In the ATD group, 2 (25.0%) [6]. Our series demonstrated the classical features of TPP
patients (patients 2 and 3) remained hyperthyroid and were with the disease predominantly affecting young males of
on ATD on latest follow-up because they remained reluctant Asian descent. Over 80% of our patients presented with
to undergo RAI or surgery. TPP as the first presenting symptom for thyrotoxicosis. This
4 International Journal of Endocrinology
Table 3: A summary of the clinical course of the 16 patients with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis secondary to Graves disease (TPP/GD).
Primary Interval to first Treatment for Interval to second Treatment for Thyroid function
Patient Sex/age up
treatment thyrotoxic relapse first thyrotoxic thyrotoxic relapse second thyrotoxic status on latest
number (years) period
modality (months) relapse (months) relapse follow-up
1 M/31 ATD 22 ATD 25 Surgery 68.0 T4
2 M/33 ATD 76# ATD 20 ATD 124.8 Hyperthyroid
3 M/17 ATD 35# ATD 23 ATD 86.3 Hyperthyroid
4 M/25 ATD 40 ATD 52 Surgery 113.7 T4
5 M/32 ATD 28 RAI 250 MBq 12 RAI 250 MBq 154.3 T4
6 M/23 ATD 247# RAI 350 MBq 6 RAI 350 MBq 293.2 T4
7 M/27 ATD 102# RAI 250 MBq 5 RAI 300 MBq 146.1 T4
8 M/24 ATD 29 Surgery 66.0 T4
9 M/33 RAI 300 MBq 29# ATD 87.3 Euthyroid
10 M/23 RAI 350 MBq 12 RAI 300 MBq 49.7 T4
11 M/39 RAI 300 MBq 22.4 Euthyroid
12 M/42 RAI 350 MBq 96.5 T4
13 M/45 Surgery 11.2 T4
14 F/26 Surgery 152.2 T4
15 M/32 Surgery 19.3 T4
16 M/39 Surgery 125.6 T4
GD/TPP: thyrotoxic periodic paralysis secondary to Graves disease; ATD: antithyroid drugs; RAI: 131 I or radioactive iodine; T4: requiring daily thyroxine
Note: the primary treatment of patient 7 was switched to PTU due to allergy to CMZ.
Patient who had an attack of TPP during the second thyrotoxic relapse.
Table 4: Details of the 7 patients with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis who eventually underwent surgery/total thyroidectomy.
Number of
Weight of Operating Blood Hospital
Patient Sex/age Surgical indication thyrotoxic RLN Postoperative
excised thyroid time loss stay
number (years) relapses before injury hypocalcemia
gland (g) (minutes) (mL) (days)
1 M/31 Patient preference 2 40 69 10 2 nil nil
4 M/25 Patient preference 2 86 151 200 2 nil nil
8 M/24 Patient preference 1 45 58 10 2 nil nil
13 M/45 Large goiter 0 125 273 300 3 nil nil
14 F/26 Patient preference 0 36 165 5 2 nil nil
15 M/32 Patient preference 0 33 90 3 2 nil nil
16 M/39 Large goiter 0 78 144 60 3 nil nil
RLN: recurrent laryngeal nerve.
highlights the importance of thinking about diagnosis of TPP ATD is 5060% [12, 14]. Although the high relapse rate in
and assessing thyroid function in a young Asian male with our study might be an overestimation as a result of selection
hypokalemic periodic flaccid paralysis [36]. biases or small sample size, it seems that GD/TPP might
One of the interesting findings from this observational be less responsive to ATD alone when compared to GD
study was that despite the fact that the 8 patients with in general. It is possible that the occurrence of TPP may
GD/TPP were treated adequately with ATD for a median signify a more severe entity of GD which is less likely to go
duration of 19.5 months, all developed thyrotoxic relapse into remission with ATD alone. Of course this postulation
after ATD withdrawal for a variable period of time. In the requires larger prospective studies to verify.
literature, it is unclear what the actual thyrotoxic relapse rate Another finding worth noting was that among the 8
for GD/TPP treated with ATD is, but for GD in general (i.e., patients who eventually relapsed after ATD, four (50%)
with or without TPP), the well-quoted figure for relapse after suffered another episode of paralysis. This TPP relapse rate
International Journal of Endocrinology 5
appeared higher than a recent study which reported 29.6% so this study might have been underpowered to detect smaller
of patients had repeated TPP during withdrawal or tapering differences.
of ATD [13]. However, this discrepancy might be due to the
difference in the length of follow-up between the two studies
5. Conclusion
as all of those on ATD were followed up for over 5 years (see
Table 3). Nevertheless, these data suggested that significant Patients with GD/TPP appeared to have a greater chance
proportion of thyrotoxic relapse in GD/TPP after treatment of thyrotoxic and paralysis relapse when managed by ATD
by ATD would be complicated by TPP. Moreover, giving alone. As a result, clinicians should consider more definitive
repeated courses of ATD after ATD treatment failure did not treatment such as surgery or RAI as the primary treatment
appear to be effective in achieving remission in GD/TPP. Two modality for patients with GD/TPP. If RAI is chosen over
patients (patients 2 and 3) remained hyperthyroid requiring surgery, a higher dose (>550 MBq) should be used to mini-
ATD after a follow-up period of 86.3 and 124.8 months, mize future relapses with an understanding that permanent
respectively, while the rest ultimately required definitive hypothyroidism might be inevitable.
treatment. This observation therefore suggested that either
RAI or surgery might be a better primary treatment modality
than ATD to achieve remission and to prevent relapse for GD/ Conflict of Interests
TPP in the long term. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
However, it is worth noting that the relapse rate after regarding the publication of this paper.
giving RAI was also high. Within the 7 patients who received
RAI for the first time (i.e., including those who relapsed with
ATD), 5 developed thyrotoxic relapses (patients 5, 6, 7, 9, and Authors Contribution
10) and, of these, 3 had TPP during the relapse (patients 6, 7,
and 9). One possible reason for this high relapse rate might be Rita Yuk-Kwan Chang, Brian Hung-Hin Lang, Ai Chen Chan,
related to the low RAI dose used. Of the two patients receiving and Kai Pun Wong were involved in the review of literature,
RAI 250 MBq, all (100.0%) had thyrotoxic relapse while for acquisition of data, and drafting and completing the paper.
the three patients receiving RAI 350 MBq, two out of three Brian Hung-Hin Lang conceived the study, participated in the
(66.7%) had relapse. In this study, an accumulative RAI dose coordination and the acquisition of data, and helped to draft
500 MBq would render patients permanently hypothyroid. the paper. All authors read and approved the final paper.
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16]. Thus a higher dose of RAI should be considered to References
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