NI ELVIS II Series Specifications: Analog Input

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NI ELVIS II Series Specifications

The specifications in this document refer to both the NI ELVIS II and the NI ELVIS II+ unless otherwise noted. These
specifications are typical after a 30 minute warm-up time, at 25 C, unless otherwise noted.

Analog Input
Number of channels ........................ 8 differential or Crosstalk @100 kHz
16 single ended (adjacent channel) .......................70 dB
ADC resolution ............................... 16 bits (non-adjacent channel)................80 dB

DNL ................................................ No missing codes Input Impedance

guaranteed Device on
AI+ or AI to AIGND ................>10 G || 100 pF
INL.................................................. 60 ppm max
Device off
Absolute accuracy........................... Refer to the AI Absolute AI+ or AI to AIGND ................820
Accuracy Table
Input bias current.............................100 pA
Sample Rate
Small signal bandwidth (3 dB)......1.2 MHz
Maximum ................................... 1.25 MS/s single channel,
1.00 MS/s multi channel Input FIFO size................................4095 samples
(aggregate) Scanlist memory ..............................4095 entries
Minimum .................................... No minimum
Data transfers...................................USB signal stream,
Timing accuracy ............................. 50 ppm of sample rate programmed I/O

Timing resolution............................ 50 ns
Overvoltage Protection (AI, AISENSE)
Device on.........................................25 V for up to four lines
Settling Time for Multichannel Measurements
Device off ........................................15 V for up to four lines
10 LSB for 1 LSB for
Input current during
Range full scale full scale
overvoltage condition ......................20 mA max per line
10 V, 5 V, 2 V, 1 V, 0.5 V 1 s 2 s
Analog Triggers
0.2 V, 0.1 V 2 s 8 s Number of triggers ..........................1
Source..............................................AI<0..15>, ScopeCH0,
Input coupling ................................. DC
Input range ...................................... 10 V, 5 V, 2 V,
Functions .........................................Start Trigger, Reference
1 V, 0.5 V, 0.2 V, Trigger, Pause Trigger,
0.1 V
Sample Clock, Convert
Maximum working voltage for analog inputs Clock, Sample Clock
(signal + common mode) ................ 11 V of AIGND Timebase

CMRR (DC to 60 Hz) ..................... 90 dB Source level ..................................... Full scale

Resolution........................................10 bits

Modes ..............................................Analog edge triggering,

analog edge triggering
with hysteresis, and
analog window triggering

Arbitrary Waveform Generator/Analog

Number of channels.........................2

DAC resolution................................16 bits

DNL.................................................1 LSB

Monotonicity ...................................16 bit guaranteed

Accuracy..........................................Refer to the AO Absolute

Accuracy (No Load)
Maximum update rate
1 channel .....................................2.8 MS/s
2 channels ...................................2.0 MS/s

Timing accuracy ..............................50 ppm of sample rate

Timing resolution ............................50 ns

Output range ....................................10 V, 5 V

Output coupling...............................DC

Output impedance............................1

Maximum output drive current........5 mA

Overdrive protection........................25 V

Maximum overdrive current............20 mA

Power-on state .................................1 mV

Output FIFO size .............................8191 samples shared
among channels used

Data transfer ....................................USB signal stream,

programmed I/O

AO waveform modes.......................Non-periodic waveform,

periodic waveform
regeneration from
onboard FIFO, periodic
waveform regeneration
from host buffer
including dynamic update

Slew rate ..........................................20 V/s

NI ELVIS II Specifications 2

AI Absolute Accuracy Table
Nominal Range Residual Residual Offset Absolute
Gain Error Gain Reference Offset Error Tempco INL Error Accuracy
Positive Negative (ppm of Tempco Tempco (ppm of (ppm of (ppm of Noise at Full Sensitivity2
Full Scale Full Scale Reading) (ppm/C) (ppm/C) Range) Range/C) Range) (Vrms) Scale1 (V) (V)

10 10 60 13 1 20 21 60 280 1,920 112.0

5 5 70 13 1 20 21 60 140 1,010 56.0

2 2 70 13 1 20 24 60 57 410 22.8

National Instruments Corporation

1 1 80 13 1 20 27 60 32 220 12.8

0.5 0.5 90 13 1 40 34 60 21 130 8.4

0.2 0.2 130 13 1 80 55 60 16 74 6.4

0.1 0.1 150 13 1 150 90 60 15 52 6.0

AbsoluteAccuracy = Reading (GainError) + Range (OffsetError) + NoiseUncertainty

GainError = ResidualAIGainError + GainTempco (TempChangeFromLastInternalCal) + ReferenceTempco (TempChangeFromLastExternalCal)
OffsetError = ResidualAIOffsetError + OffsetTempco (TempChangeFromLastInternalCal) + INL_Error
RandomNoise 3
NoiseUncertainty = ----------------------------------------- For a coverage factor of 3 and averaging 100 points.
1 Absolute accuracy at full scale on the analog input channels is determined using the following assumptions:
TempChangeFromLastExternalCal = 10 C
TempChangeFromLastInternalCal = 1 C
number_of_readings = 100
CoverageFactor = 3
For example, on the 10 V range, the absolute accuracy at full scale is as follows:
GainError = 60 ppm + 13 ppm 1 + 1 ppm 10 GainError = 83 ppm
OffsetError = 20 ppm + 21 ppm 1 + 60 ppm OffsetError = 101 ppm
280 V 3
NoiseUncertainty = -------------------------- NoiseUncertainty = 84 V
AbsoluteAccuracy = 10 V (GainError) + 10 V (OffsetError) + NoiseUncertainty AbsoluteAccuracy = 1920 V
2 Sensitivity is the smallest voltage change that can be detected. It is a function of noise.
Accuracies listed are valid for up to one year from the device external calibration.

NI ELVIS II Specifications
AO Absolute Accuracy (No Load) Table

Nominal Range Residual Residual Absolute

Gain Offset Offset INL Accuracy
Error Gain Error Tempco Error at Full
Positive Negative (ppm of Tempco Reference (ppm of (ppm of (ppm of Scale1
Full Scale Full Scale Reading) (ppm/C) Tempco Range) Range/C) Range) (V)

10 10 75 17 1 40 2 64 2,080

5 5 85 8 1 40 2 64 1,045
1Absolute Accuracy at Full Scale is valid immediately following internal calibration and assumes the device is operating
within 10 C of the last external calibration. Accuracies listed are valid for up to one year from the device external

AbsoluteAccuracy = OutputValue (GainError) + Range (OffsetError)

GainError = ResidualGainError + GainTempco (TempChangeFromLastInternalCal) + ReferenceTempco
OffsetError = ResidualOffsetError + AOOffsetTempco (TempChangeFromLastInternalCal) + INL_Error

Digital I/O and PFI DIO/PFI Electrical Characteristics

Number of channels.........................24 DIO (Port 0),
Level Min Max
15 PFI (Ports 1 and 2)
Positive-going 2.2 V
Direction control..............................Each line individually
threshold (VT+)
programmable as input or
output Negative-going 0.8 V
Pull-down resistor............................50 k typ, 20 k min threshold (VT)

Input voltage protection...................20 V on up to two pins Delta VT hysteresis 0.2 V

(VT+ VT)
Note Stresses beyond those listed under Input IIL input low current 10 A
voltage protection may cause permanent damage to
(Vin = 0 V)
the device.
IIH input high current 250 A
DIO/PFI Recommended Operation Conditions (Vin = 5 V)

Level Min Max PFI / Port 1 / Port 2 Functionality

Input high voltage (VIH) 2.2 V 5.25 V Functionality ................................... Static digital input, static
digital output, timing
Input low voltage (VIL) 0V 0.8 V input, timing output

Output high current (IOH) Debounce filter settings .................. 125 ns, 6.425 s, 2.56 ms,
disable; high and low
P0.<0..23> 24 mA transitions; selectable per
PFI <0..14> 16 mA

Output low current (IOL)

P0.<0..23> 24 mA

PFI <0..14> 16 mA

NI ELVIS II Specifications 4

General Purpose Counter/Timers External Digital Triggers
Number of counter/timers ............... 2 Source..............................................TRIG BNC or any PFI

Resolution ....................................... 32 bits Polarity ............................................Software selectable for

most signals
Counter measurements.................... Edge counting, pulse,
semi period, period, Analog input function......................Start trigger, reference
two-edge separation trigger, pause trigger,
sample clock, convert
Position measurements ................... X1, X2, X4 quadrature clock, sample clock
encoding with Channel Z
reloading; two-pulse
encoding Analog output function....................Start trigger, pause
trigger, sample clock,
Output applications ......................... Pulse, pulse train with
sample clock timebase
dynamic updates,
frequency division, Counter/timer function ....................Gate, Source, HW_Arm,
equivalent time sampling Aux, A, B, Z, Up_Down

Internal base clocks......................... 80 MHz, 20 MHz,

0.1 MHz DMM
Isolated functions ............................DC voltage, AC voltage,
External base clock frequency ........ 0 MHz to 20 MHz
DC current, AC current,
Base clock accuracy........................ 50 ppm resistance, diode
Isolation level..............................60 VDC / 20 Vrms,
Maximum frequency....................... 1 MHz
Installation Category I
Inputs .............................................. Gate, Source, HW_Arm, Connectivity................................Banana jacks
Aux, A, B, Z, Up_Down Resolution ...................................5.5 digits
Default Routing Input impedance..........................11 M
CTR0_SOURCE ........................ PFI8 Input coupling .............................DC (DC voltage,
CTR0_GATE.............................. PFI9 DC current, resistance,
CTR0_OUT ................................ PFI12
AC (AC voltage,
CTR1_SOURCE ........................ PFI3 AC current)
CTR1_GATE.............................. PFI4
Non-isolated functions ....................Capacitance, inductance
CTR1_OUT ................................ PFI13
Connectivity................................Prototyping board
FIFO................................................ 2 samples terminals
Data transfers .................................. USB signal stream,
programmed I/O Voltage Measurement
DC Ranges.......................................100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 60 V
Digital Frequency Generator AC Ranges.......................................200 mVrms, 2 Vrms,
Number of channels ........................ 1 20 Vrms
Base clocks ..................................... 10 MHz, 100 kHz Input frequency range
(AC voltage) ....................................40 Hz to 20 kHz
Divisors ........................................... 1 to 16

Maximum frequency....................... 1 MHz

Base clock accuracy........................ 50 ppm

Default output line .......................... PFI 14 / FREQ_OUT

National Instruments Corporation 5 NI ELVIS II Specifications

DC Voltage Measurement Accuracy
(ppm or reading + ppm of range)

1 Year Tempco/C
Range (Tcal 5 C) (15 to 35 C)

100 mV 225 +280 33 + 50

1V 225 + 60 33 + 5

10 V 225 + 40 33 + 0.5

60 V 1250 + 150 125 + 7

AC Voltage Measurement Accuracy

(% of reading + % of range)

Range 1 Year Tempco/C

(rms) (Tcal 5 C) (15 to 35 C)

200 mV 0.3 + 0.05 0.015 + 0.003


20 V

Current Measurement
DC range..........................................2 A

AC ranges ........................................500 mArms, 2 Arms

Shunt resistance...............................0.1

Voltage burden ................................<0.6 V

Input frequency range

(AC current) ....................................40 Hz to 5 kHz

Input protection ...............................F 3.15 A 250 V,

user-replaceable fuse

DC Current Measurement Accuracy

(ppm of reading + ppm of range)

1 Year Tempco/C
Range (Tcal 5 C) (15 to 35 C)

2A 1350 + 180 85 + 2.5

AC Current Measurement Accuracy

(% of reading + % of range)

Range 1 Year Tempco/C

(rms) (Tcal 5 C) (15 to 35 C)

500 mA 0.5 + 0.07 0.025 + 0.003


NI ELVIS II Specifications 6

Resistance Measurement
Ranges............................................. 100 , 1 k, 10 k,
100 k, 1 M, 100 M

Resistance Measurement Accuracy (ppm of Reading + ppm of Range)

1 Year Tempco/C
Range Test Current Max Test Voltage (Tcal 5 C) (15 to 35 C)

100 1 mA 100 mV 450 + 310 70 + 55

1 k 1 mA 1V 450 + 100 70 + 12

10 k 100 A 1V 450 + 100 70 + 12

100 k 10 1V 450 + 100 70 + 12

1 M 5 5V 450 + 100 70 + 8

100 M 500 nA 5V 8000 + 75 400 + 4

Capacitance Measurement Diode Measurement1

Range .............................................. 50 pF to 500 F Ranges .............................................1 V, 10 V

Accuracy ......................................... 1% Nominal test current ........................1 mA (1 V range)

100 A (10 V range)
Test voltage..................................... 1 Vpk

Test Frequency Function Generator

50 pF to 500 pF .......................... 10 kHz Channels ..........................................1
500 pF to 5 nF ............................ 1 kHz
Output waveform type.....................Sine, square, triangle
5 nF to 50 nF .............................. 1 kHz
50 nF to 1 F .............................. 1 kHz Frequency range ..............................0.186 Hz to 5 MHz (sine)
1 F to 500 F............................ 100 Hz 0.186 Hz to 1 MHz
(square and triangle)
Inductance Measurement Frequency resolution .......................0.186 Hz
Range .............................................. 100 H to 100 mH
DDS resolution ................................10 bits
Accuracy ......................................... 1%
Waveform amplitude range .............10 Vp-p
Test voltage
Waveform amplitude resolution......10 bits
100 H to 1 mH.......................... 0.5 Vpk
1 mH to 10 mH........................... 0.5 Vpk Waveform amplitude accuracy........1% 15 mV
10 mH to 100 mH....................... 1 Vpk Waveform offset range....................5 V
Test frequency Waveform offset resolution.............10 bits
100 H to 1 mH.......................... 10 kHz
Waveform offset accuracy...............1% 15 mV
1 mH to 10 mH........................... 1 kHz
10 mH to 100 mH....................... 1 kHz Duty cycle range..............................0 to 100%

Duty cycle resolution ......................10 bits

Duty cycle accuracy ........................1%

Output impedance ...........................50

1 The Two-Wire Current Voltage Analyzer SFP is the recommended instrument for diode measurement.

National Instruments Corporation 7 NI ELVIS II Specifications

Maximum output current.................100 mA Minimum sample rate
Sine total harmonic distortion NI ELVIS II................................ 0.00465 S/s
(THD) ..............................................50 dB max @ 1 MHz NI ELVIS II+ .............................. 1.526 kS/s
40 dB max @ 5 MHz Timebase accuracy.......................... 50 ppm
Sine Flatness....................................0.5 dB to 3 MHz
Waveform memory depth
3 dB to 5 MHz
NI ELVIS II................................ Streaming to host
Modulation NI ELVIS II+ .............................. 16384 samples
per channel
Inputs ...............................................2 (AM and FM)

Modulation input range ...................10 V Triggering

Modulation factor BNC TRIG Input
AM ..............................................10%/V Input impedance.............................. 1 M
FM...............................................20%/V VIH min ........................................... 2.4 V

VIL max ........................................... 400 mV

Channels ..........................................2 Minimum pulse width..................... 20 ns

Sampling mode NI ELVIS II

NI ELVIS II ................................Scanned Refer to the Analog Input section.
NI ELVIS II+ ...............................Simultaneous
Input coupling
NI ELVIS II ................................AC, DC Type Source
NI ELVIS II+ ...............................AC, DC, GND
Edge, Hysteresis CH 0, CH 1
Input impedance
Digital BNC TRIG Input (PFI 15),
NI ELVIS II ................................1 M || 25 pF
NI ELVIS II+ ...............................1 M || 21 pF
Bandwidth (3 dB)
NI ELVIS II ................................1.7 MHz
DC Accuracy
NI ELVIS II+ ...............................35 MHz (40 mVpp)
50 MHz (all other ranges) NI ELVIS II

Optional noise filter Gain Error Offset Error

NI ELVIS II ................................None Range (% of reading) (% of range)
NI ELVIS II+ ...............................20 MHz
() 10 V, 5 V 0.15 0.1
AC coupling cutoff frequency (3 dB)
() 2 V 0.15 0.15
NI ELVIS II ................................10 Hz
NI ELVIS II+ ...............................12 Hz () 1 V, 0.5 V 0.1 0.15

Resolution () 0.2 V 0.1 0.5

NI ELVIS II ................................16 bits () 0.1 V 0.2 0.5
NI ELVIS II+ ...............................8 bits
Maximum sample rate
Single channel ........................1.25 MS/s
Two channels..........................500 kS/s
NI ELVIS II+ ...............................100 MS/s

NI ELVIS II Specifications 8

NI ELVIS II+ Frequency range
NI ELVIS II ................................Up to 625 kHz
Vertical Offset (using scope channels) ................Up to 50 MHz
Range Range Offset Typical
(Vpkpk) (V) Accuracy Noise (Vrms) Bode Analyzer
0.04 0.4 2 mV 0.00022 Amplitude accuracy
NI ELVIS II ................................Refer to the Analog Input
0.1 0.4 10 mV 0.00035 section.
0.2 0.4 10 mV 0.0007 NI ELVIS II+
(using scope channels) ................Refer to the Oscilloscope
0.4 0.4 10 mV 0.0014 section.

1 4 100 mV 0.0035 Frequency range

NI ELVIS II ................................1 Hz to 200 kHz
2 4 100 mV 0.007
4 4 100 mV 0.014 (using scope channels) ................1 Hz to 5 MHz

10 25 625 mV 0.035
Two-Wire Current-Voltage Analyzer
20 20 625 mV 0.07 Current range...................................40 mA
40 10 625 mV 0.14 Voltage sweep range .......................10 V

Accuracy ......................................... (2% of Input + Three-Wire Current-Voltage Analyzer

1% of Full Scale
Range + 300 V) Supported devices ...........................NPN and PNP transistors
Minimum base current step .............0.48 A
Note Accuracy is calculated with the
programmable offset = 0 V and at 5 C from the Maximum collector current .............40 mA
self-calibration temperature. Maximum collector voltage ............10 V

DC drift ........................................... (0.033% of Input +

0.06% of Full Scale Impedance Analyzer
Range + 40 V) per C Excitation frequency .......................1 Hz to 35 kHz

Resistance measurement range........5 to 3 M

Dynamic Signal Analyzer
Capacitance measurement range .....Refer to the DMM,
Frequency resolution....................... Software controllable Capacitance
(200, 400, 800, 1600,
Measurement section.
3200 lines)
Inductance measurement range .......Refer to the DMM,
Accuracy Inductance Measurement
NI ELVIS II................................ Refer to the Analog Input section.
(using scope channels)................ Refer to the Oscilloscope

National Instruments Corporation 9 NI ELVIS II Specifications

Power Supplies1 Negative Variable Supply
Output voltage................................. 0 to 12 V
+15 V Supply
Output voltage (no load)..................+15 V 5% Voltage setpoint resolution ............. 10 bits

Maximum output current.................500 mA Voltage accuracy (no load) ............. 100 mV

Ripple and noise ..............................1% peak-to-peak max. Maximum output current ................ 500 mA

Load regulation................................5% Ripple and noise.............................. 25 mV

Short circuit protection ....................Resettable circuit breaker Short circuit protection ................... Self-resetting current
15 V Supply
Output voltage (no load)..................15 V 5% Calibration
Recommended warm-up time......... 30 minutes
Maximum output current.................500 mA

Ripple and noise ..............................1% peak-to-peak max. Calibration interval ......................... 1 year

Load regulation................................5%
Short circuit protection ....................Resettable circuit breaker Bus interface ................................... USB 2.0 Hi-Speed

USB signal stream .......................... 4 streams; can be used for

+5 V Supply
analog input, analog
Output voltage (no load)..................+5 V 5%
output, and
Maximum output current.................2 A counter/timers

Ripple and noise ..............................1% peak-to-peak max.

Load regulation................................5% Dimensions ..................................... 34.3 28.0 7.6 cm
Short circuit protection ....................Resettable circuit breaker (14.5 11.0 3 in.)

Weight............................................. 1.9 kg (4.2 lb)

Positive Variable Supply
Output voltage2 ................................0 to +12 V
Voltage setpoint resolution..............10 bits Operating temperature .................... 10 to 35 C
Voltage accuracy (no load)..............100 mV Storage temperature ........................ 20 to 70 C
Maximum output current.................500 mA Humidity ......................................... 10 to 90% relative
humidity, noncondensing
Ripple and noise ..............................25 mV
Maximum altitude........................... 2,000 m
Short circuit protection ....................Self-resetting current
limiter Pollution Degree
(indoor use only) ............................. 2

1 Total output power of all DC and variable power supplies is 30 W.

2 At least 1 mA of load current is required for voltage setpoints lower than +250 mV.

NI ELVIS II Specifications 10

Safety Environmental Management
This product meets the requirements of the following NI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in
standards of safety for electrical equipment for measurement, an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that
control, and laboratory use: eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is
IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1 beneficial to the environment and to NI customers.
UL 61010-1, CSA 61010-1 For additional environmental information, refer to the NI and
the Environment Web page at This
Note For UL and other safety certifications, page contains the environmental regulations and directives
refer to the product label or the Online Product with which NI complies, as well as other environmental
Certification section. information not included in this document.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Waste Electrical and Electronic

This product meets the requirements of the following EMC Equipment (WEEE)
standards for electrical equipment for measurement, control, EU Customers At the end of the life cycle, all
and laboratory use:
products must be sent to a WEEE recycling center.
EN 61326 (IEC 61326): Class A emissions; Basic For more information about WEEE recycling
immunity centers and National Instruments WEEE initiatives,
EN 55011 (CISPR 11): Group 1, Class A emissions visit
AS/NZS CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A emissions
FCC 47 CFR Part 15B: Class A emissions
National Instruments
ICES-001: Class A emissions (RoHS)
National Instruments RoHS
Note For the standards applied to assess the EMC
of this product, refer to the Online Product (For information about China RoHS compliance,
Certification section. go to

Note For EMC compliance, operate this product

according to the documentation.

CE Compliance
This product meets the essential requirements of applicable
European Directives as follows:
2006/95/EC; Low-Voltage Directive (safety)
2004/108/EC; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive

Online Product Certification

Refer to the product Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for
additional regulatory compliance information. To obtain
product certifications and the DoC for this product, visit, search by model number or
product line, and click the appropriate link in the Certification

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20082009 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved. 372590B-01 Feb09

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