NI ELVIS II Series Specifications: Analog Input
NI ELVIS II Series Specifications: Analog Input
NI ELVIS II Series Specifications: Analog Input
The specifications in this document refer to both the NI ELVIS II and the NI ELVIS II+ unless otherwise noted. These
specifications are typical after a 30 minute warm-up time, at 25 C, unless otherwise noted.
Analog Input
Number of channels ........................ 8 differential or Crosstalk @100 kHz
16 single ended (adjacent channel) .......................70 dB
ADC resolution ............................... 16 bits (non-adjacent channel)................80 dB
Timing resolution............................ 50 ns
Overvoltage Protection (AI, AISENSE)
Device on.........................................25 V for up to four lines
Settling Time for Multichannel Measurements
Device off ........................................15 V for up to four lines
10 LSB for 1 LSB for
Input current during
Range full scale full scale
overvoltage condition ......................20 mA max per line
10 V, 5 V, 2 V, 1 V, 0.5 V 1 s 2 s
Analog Triggers
0.2 V, 0.1 V 2 s 8 s Number of triggers ..........................1
Source..............................................AI<0..15>, ScopeCH0,
Input coupling ................................. DC
Input range ...................................... 10 V, 5 V, 2 V,
Functions .........................................Start Trigger, Reference
1 V, 0.5 V, 0.2 V, Trigger, Pause Trigger,
0.1 V
Sample Clock, Convert
Maximum working voltage for analog inputs Clock, Sample Clock
(signal + common mode) ................ 11 V of AIGND Timebase
DNL.................................................1 LSB
Output coupling...............................DC
Output impedance............................1
2 2 70 13 1 20 24 60 57 410 22.8
GainError = ResidualAIGainError + GainTempco (TempChangeFromLastInternalCal) + ReferenceTempco (TempChangeFromLastExternalCal)
OffsetError = ResidualAIOffsetError + OffsetTempco (TempChangeFromLastInternalCal) + INL_Error
RandomNoise 3
NoiseUncertainty = ----------------------------------------- For a coverage factor of 3 and averaging 100 points.
1 Absolute accuracy at full scale on the analog input channels is determined using the following assumptions:
TempChangeFromLastExternalCal = 10 C
TempChangeFromLastInternalCal = 1 C
number_of_readings = 100
CoverageFactor = 3
For example, on the 10 V range, the absolute accuracy at full scale is as follows:
GainError = 60 ppm + 13 ppm 1 + 1 ppm 10 GainError = 83 ppm
OffsetError = 20 ppm + 21 ppm 1 + 60 ppm OffsetError = 101 ppm
280 V 3
NoiseUncertainty = -------------------------- NoiseUncertainty = 84 V
AbsoluteAccuracy = 10 V (GainError) + 10 V (OffsetError) + NoiseUncertainty AbsoluteAccuracy = 1920 V
2 Sensitivity is the smallest voltage change that can be detected. It is a function of noise.
Accuracies listed are valid for up to one year from the device external calibration.
NI ELVIS II Specifications
AO Absolute Accuracy (No Load) Table
10 10 75 17 1 40 2 64 2,080
5 5 85 8 1 40 2 64 1,045
1Absolute Accuracy at Full Scale is valid immediately following internal calibration and assumes the device is operating
within 10 C of the last external calibration. Accuracies listed are valid for up to one year from the device external
Output high current (IOH) Debounce filter settings .................. 125 ns, 6.425 s, 2.56 ms,
disable; high and low
P0.<0..23> 24 mA transitions; selectable per
PFI <0..14> 16 mA
P0.<0..23> 24 mA
PFI <0..14> 16 mA
1 Year Tempco/C
Range (Tcal 5 C) (15 to 35 C)
1V 225 + 60 33 + 5
10 V 225 + 40 33 + 0.5
20 V
Current Measurement
DC range..........................................2 A
Shunt resistance...............................0.1
1 Year Tempco/C
Range (Tcal 5 C) (15 to 35 C)
1 Year Tempco/C
Range Test Current Max Test Voltage (Tcal 5 C) (15 to 35 C)
1 k 1 mA 1V 450 + 100 70 + 12
1 M 5 5V 450 + 100 70 + 8
1 The Two-Wire Current Voltage Analyzer SFP is the recommended instrument for diode measurement.
10 25 625 mV 0.035
Two-Wire Current-Voltage Analyzer
20 20 625 mV 0.07 Current range...................................40 mA
40 10 625 mV 0.14 Voltage sweep range .......................10 V
Ripple and noise ..............................1% peak-to-peak max. Maximum output current ................ 500 mA
Short circuit protection ....................Resettable circuit breaker Short circuit protection ................... Self-resetting current
15 V Supply
Output voltage (no load)..................15 V 5% Calibration
Recommended warm-up time......... 30 minutes
Maximum output current.................500 mA
Ripple and noise ..............................1% peak-to-peak max. Calibration interval ......................... 1 year
Load regulation................................5%
Short circuit protection ....................Resettable circuit breaker Bus interface ................................... USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
CE Compliance
This product meets the essential requirements of applicable
European Directives as follows:
2006/95/EC; Low-Voltage Directive (safety)
2004/108/EC; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
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