Unit 12: Fresh Fruits (Year 3)
Unit 12: Fresh Fruits (Year 3)
Unit 12: Fresh Fruits (Year 3)
Focus : Listening and Speaking REFLECTION
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Fresh Fruits Attendance:__ /___
Gemilang Content Standard:
___/___ of the pupils able to
By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,
9.00 pupils will be able to: achieve the objectives.
a. Pronounce words and speak confidently with
10.00 ___/___ of the pupils able to answer
the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
b. Listen to and respond appropriately in formal the questions correctly.
and informal situations for a variety of
purposes. ___/___ of the pupils need extra
Learning Standard : guidance.
1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with
guidance. ___/___ of the pupils able to master
1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow: today's lesson.
a. simple instructions.
Objectives : Teachers action :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. Identify at least 3 fruits. _____________________________
b. Follow simple instruction.
Activities :
Sample of
instructions :
Picture one :
Fruit number
one is small
and round. It
is usually
orange in
Picture two : The second fruits are purple in colour. It is sweet and sometimes
Picture four: This fruit has yellow skin. Its flesh is white in colour.
Picture six : Mother will use this fruit to decorate her cake. It is in heart shape
and red in colour.
Picture seven : This fruit is round in shape. It is very tasty and crunchy.
B3 DL2 E1 Able to listen to, follow and give instructions and directions.
Focus : Listening and Speaking REFLECTION
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Fresh Fruits Attendance:__ /___
Gemilang Content Standard:
___/___ of the pupils able to
By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,
9.00 pupils will be able to: achieve the objectives.
1.3 Understand and respond to oral texts in a
10.00 ___/___ of the pupils able to answer
variety of contexts.
Learning Standard : the questions correctly.
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate
understanding of oral texts by: ___/___ of the pupils need extra
a. asking simple Wh-Questions. guidance.
b. answering simple Wh-Questions.
Objectives : ___/___ of the pupils able to master
today's lesson.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. Talk about their favourite fruits by answering Teachers action :
simple Wh-Questions.
b. Ask simple Wh-Questions to get information
about their friends favourite fruit.
Activities :
a. Teacher asks pupils to name few fruits based
on yesterdays lesson.
b. Teacher used the same picture (PowerPoint
presentation of fruits) and drills the pupils using * Today's lesson will be carried
the CGI method. forward due to
c. Teacher will choose few pupils to answer few
simple Wh-Questions what is your favourite
fruit? What is the colour of your favourite fruit? _____________________________
Why do you like it?
d. Teacher will accept any given answers and
then discuss it with the pupils.
e. Pupils are given guideline on how to answer
the above questions and teacher drills them.
Eg. What is your favourite fruit, Alisha?
My favourite fruit is mango.
What is the colour of your favourite fruit?
It is yellow in colour.
Why do you like to eat mangoes?
They are sweet and juicy.
(Teacher may accept any suitable answer)
f. Based on the above script the pupils will work
in pairs. They will take turns asking their friends
according to the script given. (The pupils have
to interview at least three other friends to get
their information.)
g. Pupils complete the given worksheet given
by teacher.
h. Two pairs will call forward to present their
Teaching Aids :
PowerPoint presentation of fruits and
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligence
Added Value:
Being careful, creativity.
Assessment :
Observing on how the pupils ask and answer
the questions with their friends.
It is yellow in colour.
It is _____________________________________________ in colour.
My ______________________________________________________.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
Focus : Listening and Speaking and REFLECTION
3 Theme : World Of Knowledge Attendance:__ /___
Gemilang Topic : Fresh Fruits
Content Standard: ___/___ of the pupils able to
9.00 achieve the objectives.
By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,
10.00 pupils will be able to:
1.2 Listen to and respond appropriately in ___/___ of the pupils able to answer
formal and informal situations for a variety of the questions correctly.
2.2 Demonstrate understanding of a variety ___/___ of the pupils need extra
linear and non-linear texts in the form of print guidance.
and non-print materials using a range of
strategies to construct meaning. ___/___ of the pupils able to master
Learning Standard : today's lesson.
1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow:
a. simple instructions. Teachers action :
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and
sentences in linear and non-linear texts. _____________________________
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. Know the steps of preparing the fruit salad.
b. Rearrange the steps of preparing fruit jelly
accordingly. * Today's lesson will be carried
c. Able to follow simple instructions. forward due to
Activities :
a. Teacher shows to pupils the PDF
presentation of preparing the fruit salad. _____________________________
b. Teacher reads the instructions one by one
and pupils repeat and act it out.
c. Pupils are shown the second PDF
presentation on how to prepare the fruit jelly.
d. Pupils and teacher read the steps
e. They are given 5 minutes to memorize the
f. Then they are given a set of pictures of steps
preparing the fruit jelly.
g. The pupils have to arrange it correctly and
paste it in their exercise book.
Teaching Aids :
PDF presentation (making fruit salad and fruit
jelly) and worksheets (making fruit jelly PDF).
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligence
Added Value:
Being careful, creativity.
Assessment :
The pupils act as they repeat the instructions
after the teacher.
1. First, add jelly cubes in a jar. 2. Then, add hot water. You must stir
the jelly cubes until it dissolved.
3. Next, you add cold water up to 4. Then, you pour the water into
570ml. serving bowl or mould.
5. Add mixed fruit and put in fridge to 6. Finally, serve and enjoy it!
Focus : Reading REFLECTION
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Fresh Fruits Attendance:__ /___
Gemilang Content Standard:
___/___ of the pupils able to
By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,
9.00 pupils will be able to: achieve the objectives.
2.2 Demonstrate understanding of a variety
10.00 ___/___ of the pupils able to answer
linear and non-linear texts in the form of print
and non-print materials using a range of the questions correctly.
strategies to construct meaning.
Learning Standard : ___/___ of the pupils need extra
2.2.1 Able to apply word attack skills by: guidance.
c. identifying word opposite in meaning.
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and ___/___ of the pupils able to master
sentences in linear and non-linear texts. today's lesson.
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: Teachers action :
a. Identify at least 5 words with their opposite
meanings (antonyms) _____________________________
Activities :
a. Teacher asks pupils to write down the
ingredients to make their own fruit salad on a
piece of paper given by teacher.
b. They are given 3 minutes to write down their * Today's lesson will be carried
answers. forward due to
c. Then, 2 pupils are call to write down their
d. The pupils and teacher will discuss both _____________________________
answers and choose the best ones.
e. Using the best answer given by the pupil,
teacher adds some information. Eg:
7 purple grapes
1 small red watermelon
5 green star fruits
1 big yellow lemon
8 small cubes of pineapples
A big bowl to keep the salad
6 small bowls to serve the salad
6 silver forks
6 square napkins
f. Pupils read the ingredients with correct
pronunciations and intonations.
g. Teacher highlights the words small and big
and explains that they are opposite meaning for
each other (antonyms).
h. Pupils are given a minute to get a word with
their opposite meaning.
i. The pupils take turns to give their answer and
teacher writes it on the board.
j. Then teacher and pupils discuss the answers
given and choose the correct ones.
k. Pupils are drill using CGI method and they
write down le list of antonyms words in their
exercise book with clear legible print. (the
pupils are allowed to add on their own words
with the correct opposites meanings)
Teaching Aids :
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligence
Added Value:
Being careful, creativity.
Assessment :
Teacher explains that words with opposite
meaning are also known as antonyms.
Cut out the word tiles at the bottom of the page. Glue them into the box with the correct
Friday Focus : Reading REFLECTION
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Fresh Fruits Attendance:__ /___
Gemilang Content Standard:
By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, ___/___ of the pupils able to
9.00 pupils will be able to: achieve the objectives.
2.2 Demonstrate understanding of a variety
10.00 linear and non-linear texts in the form of print ___/___ of the pupils able to answer
and non-print materials using a range of the questions correctly.
strategies to construct meaning.
2.3 Read independently for information and ___/___ of the pupils need extra
enjoyment. guidance.
Learning Standard :
2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph ___/___ of the pupils able to master
with simple and compound sentences. today's lesson.
2.3.1 Able to read for information and
enjoyment with guidance: Teachers action :
(b) non fiction
Objectives : _____________________________
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. Read a simple passage related to a fruit.
b. Able to transfer the information.
Activities :
a. Pupils are asked to read the simple text in * Today's lesson will be carried
the sheet given to them. forward due to
b. They are given 5 minutes to do silent
c. Each pupil read a line in the passage.
d. Pupils read the same passage with correct
pronunciations and intonations.
d. Teacher corrects them while reading.
e. Then pupils are given a worksheet related to
the passage read.
f. Teacher reads and explains the instruction.
g. Pupils are given 10 minutes to complete it.
h. Once done, pupils and teacher checked the
i. Pupils do immediate corrections.
Teaching Aids :
Story entitled Fruit Salad (refer to the PP
presentation Fruit Salad)
ml , Worksheet
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligence
Added Value:
Being careful, creativity.
2. When I get out of here I am going to be a banana split! Which of the fruit said this
3. Which of the fruit can make the sick people feel better?
Monday Focus : Writing REFLECTION
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Fresh Fruits Attendance:__ /___
Gemilang Content Standard:
By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, ___/___ of the pupils able to
9.00 pupils will be able to: achieve the objectives.
a. Form letters and words in neat legible print
10.00 including cursive writing. ___/___ of the pupils able to answer
b. Write using appropriate language, form and the questions correctly.
style for a range of purposes.
Learning Standard : ___/___ of the pupils need extra
a. Able to write in neat legible print with correct guidance.
(a)phrases ___/___ of the pupils able to master
b. Able to write with guidance: today's lesson.
(a)simple sentences
(b)compound sentences Teachers action :
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: _____________________________
a. Write in clear legible print.
b. Write correctly either simple or compound
Activities :
a. Teacher reads a description about a fruit. * Today's lesson will be carried
My colour is green. I am big. There are many forward due to
thorns on my body. My flesh is yellow in colour.
My seeds are also big. I have a very strong
smell. Guess who am I?
Pupils will guess the answer.
b. Then, pupils are shown two pictures of fruits
with simple phrases.
c. Two pupils are picked to form simple
sentences from the given phrases.
d. Teacher accepts all the answers.
e. Teacher and pupils discuss the given answer
and correct it.
f. Pupils are seated in groups of three.
g. They are given two different pictures of fruit
with different phrases.
h. They are asked to form sentences based on
the material given.
i. After 20 minutes, few pupils are called to
present their answers.
j. Teacher and the others correct the answers
Teaching Aids :
Picture cards with phrases.
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligence
Added Value:
Being careful, creativity.
white flesh
bluish skin
round shape
rough skin
sweet flesh
spiky crown
Name:______________________________________ Class:__________________________
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
B4 DT1 E1 Able to write sentences using correct punctuations from picture
Name:______________________________________ Class:__________________________
oblong round
1. Bananas are
white green
in shape. It has
hard yellowish-white
skin. They have
sharp blunt
3. Durians are covered with
strong big
thorns. They have
smell. The flesh yellow in
Tuesday Focus : Language Arts REFLECTION
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Fresh Fruits Attendance:__ /___
Gemilang Content Standard:
By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, ___/___ of the pupils able to
9.00 pupils will be able to: achieve the objectives.
4.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and
10.00 songs. ___/___ of the pupils able to answer
Learning Standard : the questions correctly.
4.1.1 Able to enjoy action songs, jazz chants
and poems through non-verbal ___/___ of the pupils need extra
response. guidance.
4.1.2 Able to sing action songs, recite jazz
chants and poems with correct pronunciation, ___/___ of the pupils able to master
rhythm and intonation. today's lesson.
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: Teachers action :
a. Give response to the song they read non-
verbally. _____________________________
b. Sing aloud the lyrics of the song with correct
pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Activities :
a. Teacher reads the lyrics of Im A Juicy
Orange * Today's lesson will be carried
b. Pupils listen to it attentively. forward due to
Pupils are given the lyrics and read it together
with teacher.
Tune: Im A Little Teapot
Im a juicy orange
Round as can be.
A big juicy orange
Hanging on a tree.
If you want some juice
Just pick me,
Poke in a straw
And squeeze, squeeze, squeeze!
Im a juicy apple
Round as can be.
A big juicy apple
Hanging on a tree.
If you want some juice
Just pick me.
Poke a straw
And squeeze, squeeze, squeeze!
by Jean Warren
c. Then, teacher will sing it together with pupils
based on the tune of Im A Little Teapot for few
d. Pupils are divided into three groups. They
are given 5 minutes to practice the song with
the actions and perform in front of the class.
Teaching Aids :
Lyrics of the song.
Name:______________________________________ Class:__________________________
Sing it along.
by Jean Warren
B1 DL1 E1 Able to do any of the following : (d) sing in groups
Wednesd Focus : Language Arts REFLECTION
ay Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Fresh Fruits Attendance:__ /___
3 Content Standard:
Gemilang By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, ___/___ of the pupils able to
pupils will be able to: achieve the objectives.
9.00 4.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to plan, organize and ___/___ of the pupils able to answer
produce creative works for the questions correctly.
Learning Standard : ___/___ of the pupils need extra
4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works guidance.
with guidance based on :
(c) action songs ___/___ of the pupils able to master
4.3.2 Able to perform with guidance based on : today's lesson.
(c) action songs
Objectives : Teachers action :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. Produce a simple song with guidance. _____________________________
b. Perform based on the song they sang.
Activities :
a. Pupils sing the Im A Juicy Orange song
together for few times.
b. Then they are asked to produce their own * Today's lesson will be carried
song based on the given phrases in group. forward due to
Sing it along.
by Jean Warren
Tittle : ____________________________________________________
B5 DL2 E2 Able to perform or recite any of the following : (b) action songs
Thursday Focus : Grammar REFLECTION
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Fresh Fruits Attendance:__ /___
Gemilang Content Standard:
By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, ___/___ of the pupils able to
9.00 pupils will be able to: achieve the objectives.
5.1 By the end of the 6- year primary schooling,
10.00 ___/___ of the pupils able to answer
pupils will be able to use different word classes
correctly and the questions correctly.
Learning Standard : ___/___ of the pupils need extra
5.1.6 Able to use adjectives correctly and
(a) colour ___/___ of the pupils able to master
(b) shape today's lesson.
(c) size
(d) opinion Teachers action :
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. Know at least 3 adjectives for:
- colour
- shape
- size
- opinion * Today's lesson will be carried
Activities : forward due to
a. Teacher refreshes pupils by listing down all
the antonyms words they learnt in previous
lesson. _____________________________
b. Few pupils are called to give the antonyms of
the given words.
c. Pupils read the PowerPoint presentation
(grammar PowerPoint1).
d. Teacher informs the pupils that the words in
red are called adjectives. Teacher explains it by
giving simple examples.
e. Each pupil is asked to list at least 10
adjectives words that they know.
f. Choose three pupils to read five of their
adjectives words and write it on the board.
g. Pupils and teacher discuss the answers
h. Pupils are given worksheet and they have to
complete it within 20 minutes.
i. Pupils and teacher discuss the answers.
Pupils correct their mistakes immediately.
Teaching Aids :
PowerPoint presentation (grammar
PowerPoint1) , worksheet
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligence
Added Value:
Being careful, creativity.
Assessment :
Name:______________________________________ Class:__________________________
DAY 10
Friday Focus : Grammar REFLECTION
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Fresh Fruits Attendance:__ /___
Gemilang Content Standard:
By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, ___/___ of the pupils able to
9.00 pupils will be able to: achieve the objectives.
5.1 By the end of the 6- year primary schooling,
10.00 ___/___ of the pupils able to answer
pupils will be able to use different word classes
correctly and the questions correctly.
Learning Standard : ___/___ of the pupils need extra
5.1.6 Able to use adjectives correctly and
(a) colour ___/___ of the pupils able to master
(b) shape today's lesson.
(c) size
(d) opinion Teachers action :
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. Use adjectives correctly and appropriately.
Activities :
a. Teacher refreshes pupils of yesterdays
b. Pupils were asked to give any three * Today's lesson will be carried
adjectives of colour, shape, size and opinion forward due to
c. Those with correct answers will be rewarded.
d. Pupils were given a worksheet. _____________________________
e. Teacher explains the instruction.
f. Pupils complete given worksheet within 10
g. Pupils correct their answers immediately.
Teaching Aids :
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligence
Added Value:
Being careful, creativity.
Assessment :
Name:______________________________________ Class:__________________________
1. Bananas are
2. ________________________________________________________________