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ciunlar Mend NO. 9940/SPF&MC/2O15, Dated:7.8.2017

sub:-General Administration (SPF&MC) Dept.,- Interstate transfer of

Govt. Employees between the state of Andhra Pradesh and the
State of Telangana -Guidelines -Issued.

Ref:- 1. Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Organisation of Local Cadres

& Regulation of Direct Recruitment)-Order-1975
2. Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act (Act 6 of 2014), 2014
3. U.O. Note No. 8475/SR1/A1/2015-1, Dt. 8.7.2O15
4. G. O. Rt. No.1634, General Administration (SPF &MC) Dept.,

proviso to sub section (2) of Section 77 of A.P. Reorganisation Act-2014

mandates that employees of Local, District, Zonal and Multizonal Cadres, which
fall entirely in one of the successor States shall be deemed to be allotted tO that
successor state. There have been representations from some local Cadre
employees and state cadre employees for transfer to the State where their
spouses are working or for mutual transfers on grounds of their local candidature
etc., to the State to which they belong.

2. On and with effect from the appointed day, the Provision under Para
5(2) (c) and 5(2)(d) of the Presidential Order-1975, for inter local cadre transfers
of Government employees from One local Cadre tO another i.e., from One District
/ zone / Mull:i zone to another On SPOuSe grounds and On reciprocal/mutual
basis, subject to assigning last rank in the new unit of appointment duly following
the prescribed procedure is confined to the respective States of Andhra Pradesh
and Telangana.

3. The State Advisory Committee on Employees Allocation has

recommended to evolve a transitory policy on inter-state transfers of State
Government employees On SPOuSe and Other grounds between the two States as
the Guidelines on allocation Of State cadre employees dO not COntain Provision
for such cases.

4. Therefore, after careful examination, Government of Andhra Pradesh

in consultation with the Government of Telangana, have constituted a committee
vide reference 4th cited, to evolve such a Policy On interstate transfers Of the
state Government employees in respect Of the following Categories.

A. Inter-State transfer of SPOuSeS.

B. Mutual transfer Of local Cadre Employees i.e., District /Zonal /Multi
zonal cadre employees, and
c. Mutual transfer Of all State Cadre Employees where the final allocation
has been notified by the Central Government.

5. In addition tO the above there are Cases Of State cadre employees

whose spouses are working in other state and whose request to facilitate their
serving in the same state could not be considered due to the pendency of
allocation of employees. The Government have decided that Where the final
allocation of a State Cadre employee has been done bY the Central Government
and the spouses happen to be in different states, the request of the spouse shall
be considered to the state to which the state cadre employee's spouse iS
allocated in the course of allocation of its employees between the two States.
Any residuary cases remaining Without being considered may be done aS Part Of
this Order,


6. The Committee after deta"ed deliberations recommended the fo"owing

guidelines to consider interstate transfer of Local Cadre (District /Zone / Multi
Zonal ) and state cadre employees on spouse grounds /criteria and on mutual
basis and the same are accepted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and
Government of Telangana for implementation. Accordingly, the following
Guidelines are issued.

(a) Government employee seeking inter-state transfer has to apply to the

Head of Department concerned through the proper channel sorithi_n a mLg!]b
from the date of the issue of these guidelines. Application shall be in the
Prescribed form appended. The Administrative Department concerned shall
process all t,he applications and issue orders as per the prescribed procedure laid
down here in preferably within t`^,a months from the date of issue of these

(b) The Departments proposing interstate transfers of local cadre and

state cadre employees on spouse grounds or on mutual basis shall invariably
fumish information in the format annexed to this circular, duly signed by the spl.
chief Secretary/ principal Secretary/ secretary to Government concerned after

(c) Interstate transfer of local cadre or state cadre employees either on

spouse grounds or on mutual basis as provided under para 5(2)(c) and 5(2)(d)
of presidential order shall only be considered. The proposals for interstate
transfers on personal grounds/medical grounds or on any other ground other
than the one mentioned at para `4' above need not be entertained.

:dJployee.Transfers are permlsslble onetlme ln the entire service of the

(e) There shall be a clear vacancy to consider the interstate transfer.

(0 on transfer to a state, the Local cadre/state cadre employee will be

considered to the District/Zone to which he is local in terms of the provisions of
the presidential Order, subject to availability of a clear vacancy, in the said
District /zone or to any District/Zone based on Administrative need.

(g) In case of request transfer on spouse grounds, only one spouse sha"
be transferred to other state where the spouse is working on regular basis in
state Government subject to condition that one of the spouses must be local to
the state to which transfer is sought. This condition sha" also be applicable to
the transfers on mutual basis and such transfers sha" be restricted to state
Government employees only.

on such a transfer the employee may be asked to join any post that the
Government offer as long as it is in the same pay scale.

(h) Employees transferred on request sha" be assigned last rank next to

the last regular candidate in the new state as is being done in case of inter-local
cadre transfers under para 5(2) (c) & 5(2) (d) of presidential order and also the
employee should forego seniority/lien in the existing state.

(i) As thetransfer ison request basis, the employee is notentitled forany

TA & DA claim.

0) The Departments proposing inter-state transfers between two Local

Bodies (zilla Parishad/MFndaI Parishad /Muncipalities) shall also follow the above
guidelines while processlng the cases.

(k) In respect of Teachers, interstate transfers are permlsslble only

between the same ManagementsL and same category/subject (in case of mutual
transfers) in both the state Governments.

( Contd...p...3...)

lR) rF]

(I) proposals on inter-state trans-fer of local cadre employees should

invariably be sent to the General Administration (SPF&MC) Department and in
respect of state cadre employees to General Administration (SR) Department for

(m) orders shall be issued by the respective Administrative Departments

after circulating the files to the chief Secretary to Government of the respective
State Governments.

7. All the Departments of A.P. Secretariat and Telangana Secretariat are

requested to follow the instructions scrupulously.

8. These Orders can be accessed at a.P.Online portal.



All the Departments of the A.P. Secretariat
All the Departments of Telangana Secretariat
All the HODs of Government of Andhra Pradesh
All the HODs of Government of Telangana
All the District Collectors, Government of Andhra Pradesh
All the District Collectors, Government of Telangana
AG, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
AG, Telangana, Hyderabad
The Director of Treasuries Government of Andhra Pradesh
The Director of Treasuries Government of Telangana

Copy to
OSD/P.S to the Chief Secretary to Government of Andhra Pradesh
OSD to Chief Secretary to Government of Telangana
p.s. to the spl. chief secretary to Hon'ble CM, Government of Andhra Pradesh
p.s to the prl.secretary to C.M, Government of Telangana
p.s. to the secretary to Govt, Finance Dept, Govt of Andhra Pradesh
p.s. to the pr'.secretary to Govt, Finance Dept, Government of Telangana
p.s. to E.O. Prl. Secretary to Govt, (SR), Govt of A,ladhra Pradesh
p.s to prl.secy. to Govt., (SR) Government of Telangana
p.s. to the secretary to Govt, (Services), GAD, Government of Andhra Pradesh
p.s. to the secretary to Govt, (Services) GAD, Government Of Telangana
p,A.Jt. Secy to Govt, G.A. (SPF & MC) Department, Government of Andhra
The G.A.(SPF&MC) Department, Government of Te'angana


(contd.... n/p...for Annexure)


(To Circular Memo.No940/SPF&MC/2O15, dated:7-8-2O17)

d/ JyP

1l Full name of the Applicant in Block Letters

Sri/Smt./Kumari. I

2l Fathers name/Husband Name I

3 Date of Birth/Place of Birth I

4 Caste (SC/ST/BC/OC) I

5 Desiclnation/Present place of postinq 1

6 Local cadre /State cadre of

a) Applicant
b) Sl]ouse
7 Name and other details of spouse I

8 Name of the post to which transfer is sought for

9 Unit of Appointment for this post: District/

Zone/Multi Zone/ State cadre
10 Cadre strength of the post to which transfer is
sought for
I ll Number of nan-locals physicaW workincl I

12 permissible number of transfers in this cadre in

accordance with para (2) (H) of circular Memo
No 97462/MC/2004-50, dt 4-10-2006 within the
Prescribed CeilinCl
13 The transfers already effected during the curren
financial year in this cadre
14 The number of transfers which can still be
effected during current financial year in
accordance with para 2(H) of C'lrcular Memo. No.
97462/MC/2004-50, Dt: 4-10-2006
15 Whether there is clear vacancy to effect the
Proposed transfer
Whether the indMdual is willing to take last ran
I 16 below the last reclular candidate in that cateclory
17 Preferential claim Annexure in prescribed forma
enclosed(YES/NO) in respect of State cadre
Disciplinary cases if any pending. ( say yes, Onlyl
i 18 if Articles of charqes is framed) (YES/NO)
19 Local status as per P.O. Applicant and Spous e
(with documentary evidence)

me information sought for at sl.No.ll, 12, 13, 14 pertains to local cadre

employees only. All the employees Whether State Cadre Or local Cadre have tO
furnish the above information accurately.)
I hereby declare that the above information iS correct.

Name and signature of the applicant

verified and found correct

(signed by spl.c.s / prl.secy/ secy. to Govt., Department concerned With

office Seal)

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