Arcam - Fixation Ti-Por - Case Study
Arcam - Fixation Ti-Por - Case Study
Arcam - Fixation Ti-Por - Case Study
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New orthopaedic
implants improve
peoples quality
of life.
Rapid News.
The CE-certified Fixa Ti-Por acetabular cup. The vacuum environment makes the EBM
process especially well suited to manufac-
The first project step was to decide on the
design of the acetabular cups trabecular
Manufactured with an integrated trabecular ture parts in reactive materials with a high
affinity for oxygen. One such example is
structure, which was done in cooperation
with the network of orthopaedic surgeons
structure for improved osseointegration. titanium, the most widely used material for
implants because of its biocompatibility,
that Adler Ortho works with.
whose material properties alter when the Several different designs were proposed and
oxygen content increases. evaluated, and the final one was a cup with a
trabecular structure with interspaces of about
The vacuum thus ensures very high pu- 700 micron (Fig. A) throughout the outer
The problem The solution rity of the material which is imperative in surface. This dimension enables the bony
The ability to Fit and Forget is an essential Adler Ortho Group, the Italian manufac- implant manufacture. The combination of trabeculae to bring about excellent grafting,
requirement in many critical applications, turer of orthopaedic implants, is known for vacuum and a high power energy source favoring the ingrowth of new bony tissue.
and there is nothing more challenging in this its innovative product designs, e.g. femoral also yields high strength properties of the
respect than implants in the human body. stems with modular interchangeable and material. Implants produced with EBM A pilot study was also conducted at the Lab- Fig. A. Trabecular structure,
adjustable necks, and with its new Fixa accordingly feature a chemical composition oratory of Surgical Preclinical Studies of the manufactured with EBM.
The number of people who undergo joint Ti-Por acetabular cup it has now intro- within stipulated standards, fully dense ma- Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli directed by Prof.
replacement surgery, e.g. total hip and knee duced another groundbreaking implant. terial with fine microstructure, high ductil- Roberto Giardino, in collaboration with the
replacement, is steadily increasing as people ity and good fatigue characteristics. VII Division of Traumatologic Orthopaedic
live longer. Higher quality of life expecta- Adler Ortho had been investigating alter- Surgery directed by Prof. Armando Giunti.
tions also produce an increasing number of native means to promote bone ingrowth The additive, layer-based nature of the EBM
younger patients. for some time when it was introduced to process also makes it possible to manufac- Fig. B (taken two weeks after surgery),
Arcams Electron Beam Melting (EBM) ture implants with the continuous trabecular illustrates spongy bone observed in the
Major joint replacement is the only treat- technology, and realized how it can be used structures that enhance the osseointegration. repair phase with thin and dense trabeculae
ment option for many patients with high to build orthopaedic implants with full ma- surrounding the implant, penetrating into
levels of immobility and pain, dramati- terial properties and an integrated trabecular The project the space created by the structures macro-
cally improving peoples quality of life by structure for improved osseointegration. Adler Ortho therefore decided to develop porosity. The bone is directly attached to the
relieving pain and restoring their physical The EBM technology, developed by Arcam a completely new acetabular cup, able to metal without any fiber tissue interposition.
independence. and proven in other demanding mechanical take advantage of the full range of pos-
applications, manufactures parts by melt- sibilities that the EBM technology offers. The first batches of acetabular cups were
An implant that doesnt provide long term ing thin layers of metal powder. The energy The material of choice was Ti6Al4V with produced at Arcam, allowing Arcams en-
Fixa Ti-Por,
fixation and needs to be replaced prema- source is an electron beam gun and the acetabular cup with a its combination of strength and excellent gineers to optimize the production process Fig. B. Spongy bone in the
turely causes unnecessary trauma for the process takes place in a vacuum chamber. continuous, engineered biocompatibility. while Adler Ortho concurrently initiated repair phase.
trabecular structure for
patient, as well as additional social costs the clinical and biomedical trials.
improved osseointegration.
that often arent taken fully into account. It
is therefore vital to reduce the risk of this
occurring to a minimum.
The conventional methods to improve
bone ingrowth by adding a porous coating
of titanium beads or hydroxyapatite to Build envelope 200 x 200 x 180 mm (W x D x H)
the implants surface work well, but still do Build speed Up to 60 cm 3/h
Arcam AB | Kroksltts Fabriker 27A, SE 431 37 Mlndal, Sweden | Phone: +46 31 710 32 00 | Fax: +46 31 710 32 01 | |
Arcam provides Free Form Fabrication machines for Direct Manufacturing of metal parts. The technology offers ultimate geometric freedom combined with first
class material properties. Arcam is guided by our vision to revolutionize the art of manufacturing.Use Arcam to manufacture your future.