This document outlines St Bernadette's Primary School's scope and sequence chart for teaching grammar and punctuation from Kindergarten to Year 6. It details the grammatical and punctuation concepts and skills explicitly taught in each year level, including text cohesion, sentence structure, word types, and punctuation marks. The chart provides a progression of learning across years with more complex concepts and skills introduced at higher year levels.
This document outlines St Bernadette's Primary School's scope and sequence chart for teaching grammar and punctuation from Kindergarten to Year 6. It details the grammatical and punctuation concepts and skills explicitly taught in each year level, including text cohesion, sentence structure, word types, and punctuation marks. The chart provides a progression of learning across years with more complex concepts and skills introduced at higher year levels.
This document outlines St Bernadette's Primary School's scope and sequence chart for teaching grammar and punctuation from Kindergarten to Year 6. It details the grammatical and punctuation concepts and skills explicitly taught in each year level, including text cohesion, sentence structure, word types, and punctuation marks. The chart provides a progression of learning across years with more complex concepts and skills introduced at higher year levels.
This document outlines St Bernadette's Primary School's scope and sequence chart for teaching grammar and punctuation from Kindergarten to Year 6. It details the grammatical and punctuation concepts and skills explicitly taught in each year level, including text cohesion, sentence structure, word types, and punctuation marks. The chart provides a progression of learning across years with more complex concepts and skills introduced at higher year levels.
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LEVEL EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT TEACHING FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS TEACHING FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS TEXT COHESION Concepts about print. Concepts about print Identify patterns of Understand the use Understand that Understand linking Understand sentence Notice how a general Explore: Letters. vocabulary: of language features: paragraphs are key devices including beginnings: how they word is often used for a individual sounds Words. Phonics. Word association. organisational features pronoun reference: are used to signal to more specific word (initial and final) Spaces between words. Syllabification. Synonyms. of a written text. pronouns link to the reader how the already mentioned eg letter - sound Sentences. Rhyme. Antonyms. Begin with a topic something previously text is developing. Look at those apples. relationships. Layout on Page. Sequencing events. sentence. mentioned eg this, Can I have one? that, those. Listen for and clap Consistent spelling. Discuss different types of Explore the Understand linking Recognise how syllables in simple Segmenting. texts. development of devices including cohesion can be words. Blending. themes: text connectives: developed through: Connecting-similar create links between Repeating key words. Contrasting- sentences eg however, Synonyms. dissimilar. therefore,nevertheless. Antonyms. Identify characteristic Word associations: Identify how Observe how features and elements e.g. words that refer participants are tracked relationships between e.g. Language patterns to main character. through a text using concepts can be and repetition. pronouns. represented visually through similarity, Describe how text contrast, juxtaposition, connectives provide repetition, class- sequences through subclass diagrams, time eg firstly, then. part-whole diagrams, cause and effect, visual continuities and discontinuities. PUNCTUATION Concepts about print: Concepts about print: The purpose of: Recognise the Know that contractions Identify the use of Learn that possessive Understand the use of Explore letters: Capital letters. Full stops. purpose of: are a features of quotation marks. apostrophes are added commas to separate Upper and Lower case Full stops. Question marks. capital letters for informal language. to the end of regular clauses. (in students names). Exclamation marks. proper nouns. plural nouns ending in s eg my parents car. Build an understanding Directionality: Responding Recognise the Know that apostrophes Experiment with using Learn that for proper of text features. Left to right. appropriately to purpose of: of contractions are quotation marks in nouns the regular Top to bottom. punctuation when commas for lists. used to signal missing writing. possessive form is may reading texts. letters. not apply eg Jamess or James car. Front and back covers. Front and back covers. Identify different Title, Author and Title, Author and sentence-level Illustrator. Illustrator. punctuation.
Describe how the Layout of digital texts. Write different types of
illustrations connect to Functions of keyboard. sentences e.g. the text. statements, questions and discuss appropriate punctuation. KINDERGARTEN PREPRIMARY YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT TEACHING EXPLICIT TEACHING FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS TEACHING FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS SENTENCES AND Use images, marks and Learn that word order Identify the parts of Learn how to express Understand that Understand that Understand the Investigate how the CLAUSE LEVEL approximation of in sentences are simple sentences. ideas using clauses contain a meaning of sentences difference between choice of conjunctions GRAMMAR letters and words to important for meaning. compound subject and verb in can be enriched with: main and subordinate enables the convey meaning. sentences. agreement. noun and verb clauses. construction of groups/phrases and Know that complex complex sentences to prepositional phrases. sentences make extend, elaborate and connections between explain ideas eg the ideas. town flooded when the Explore using letters to Create own written Know that a basic clause Learn how to join Know that a clause is a Create richer, specific Understand that river broke its banks record ideas. texts and are able to represents: a verb, noun simple sentences group of words that descriptions using complex sentences and the town flooded read aloud to the and adverb with conjunctions to contain a verb. noun groups/phrases typically consists of a because the river broke teacher and others. group/phrase. construct compound eg their very old main clause and a its banks. sentences. subordinate clause. Understand that simple Revise clauses. Know that a clause Investigate examples of sentences express a represents: what is quoted and reported single idea represented happening, what state speech and compare by a single independent is being described; who similarities and clause. or what is involved; the differences. surrounding circumstances. WORD LEVEL Use simple sentences Recognise that texts Explore nouns Explore texts Understand that verbs Investigate how adverb Learn to expand a Know that verbs often GRAMMAR when speaking. are made up of words (effective words that identifying: represent different groups / phrases and description by represent actions and Join in with chorus and groups of words describe a place). Common nouns. processes e.g. doing, prepositional phrases combining a related set that the choice of more from narratives and that make meaning. Pronouns. Proper nouns thinking, saying. provide details of of nouns and expressive verbs makes rhymes. Pronouns circumstances. adjectives. an action more vivid. Know that spoken and Explore spoken, written Explore verbs, adjectives, Explore and compare Identify and explore Know that adverb written language can and multimodel texts adverbs illustrations and noun different types of groups/phrases and be broken into smaller and identify elements (learn how a sentence groups/phrases in verbs: prepositional phrases parts. eg words and images. can be made more vivid picture books. doing, saying, can provide important with interesting and sensing, and relating. details about a unusual words). happening. Initiate interactions in Explore different ways of Explore the Understand that these Know the difference conversations, in a expressing feelings and expansion of noun processes are anchored between simple range of contexts, and emotions by extending groups/phrases using in time through tense present tense and the describe both verbally vocabulary. articles and as time is represented simple past tense. and non-verbally what adjectives. through the tense of a they see, hear, touch, verb. feel and taste. Recognise some letter Explore: Names = Know that the simple names and letters in Capital Letters. present tense is own name. typically used to talk about either present states or actions that happen regularly. Know that there are various ways in English to refer to future time.
6 Aeb Unit No. 1 TITLE: My School Looks Different Weeks: 4 UNIT OBJECTIVE: After Completing The Lesson, Students Will Be Able To Compare, Contrast and Describe Places at School
On the Evolution of Language: First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1879-80, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1881, pages 1-16