EdTPA Glossary - 2014

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Common edTPA Glossary

academic language: Oral and written language used for academic purposes. Academic
language is the means by which students develop and express content understandings.
Academic language represents the language of the discipline that students need to learn and
use to participate and engage in the content area in meaningful ways. There are language
demands that teachers need to consider as they plan to support student learning of content.
These language demands include vocabulary, language functions, syntax, and discourse.

discourse: Discourse includes the structures of written and oral language, as well as
how members of the discipline talk, write, and participate in knowledge construction.
Discipline-specific discourse has distinctive features or ways of structuring oral or written
language (text structures) that provide useful ways for the content to be communicated. 8
o In Elementary language arts and literacy, there are structures for composing,
interpreting, and comprehending expository, narrative, poetic, journalistic, and
graphic print materials as well as video and live presentations. If the language
function is to interpret character development, then appropriate language forms
could include written essays (with particular ways of citing textual evidence) or
pattern sentences, such as, The author used (action, dialogue, and/or
description) to introduce (main character). One example of (action, dialogue,
and/or description) was ____________, which suggested that the character was
o In Elementary Mathematics, language structures include symbolic
representations such as numbers, equations, and proofs (which can be
translated into words), tables and graphs (which are shorthand language for
summarizing complex sets of data), and narrative (e.g., explanations of problem
solutions). If the function is to compare, then appropriate language forms could
include Venn diagrams or pattern sentences such as The _____ is
longer/larger/heavier than the ______. If the function is to explain, then students
might use sentence starters like First, I, Then I to structure the
explanation, and use Finally, I to signal the conclusion.
o In performing arts, language forms include symbolic representations such as
notation, dynamics (which can be translated into words), stage and section
diagrams, choreography, and narrative (analytical and evaluative critique). If the
function is to compare, then appropriate language forms could include Venn
diagrams or pattern sentences such as The _____ is similar to/different from the
______. If the function is to explain a procedure or technique, then students
might use sentence starters like First I and Then I to structure the
explanation, and use Finally I to signal the conclusion. Students respond
verbally and/or physically to symbolic and gestural language in music and dance
to demonstrate understanding of these forms of language in a performing arts
o In physical education, language structures include symbolic representations such
as officiating signals (which can be translated into words), graphic
representations such as Xs and Os (which is shorthand language depicting
game play strategies), pictures (which represent movement forms), and

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orienteering maps or diagrams. If the language function analyzes movement,
then appropriate language structures would be a list of critical elements that
describe the essential movements of the skill.
o In history/social studies, language features include expository, narrative,
journalistic, maps, and other graphic print materials; presentations of data in text,
charts, and graphs; and video and live presentations. Discourse structures can
be at the sentence, paragraph, or symbolic level. If the function is to develop a
document-based argument, then appropriate language features could include
written essays with specified formats and pattern sentences such as The two
main causes of _____________ were ____________ and ____________. For
example, the (author of) (document) stated that _______________ (citation).
o In English Language Arts, language structures include words, grammar and
mechanics, text structures, writing processes, and genres. If the language
function is to persuade, then appropriate language structures include claims,
supporting evidence, and counterarguments.
o In mathematics, language structures include symbolic representations, such as
numbers, equations, two-column proofs (which can be translated into words),
graphic representation (which is shorthand language for complex sets of data),
and narrative (e.g., to describe or compare). If the language function is to prove,
then appropriate language structures include formal two-column proofs as well as
informal explanations that begin with a statement of the problem and known
information, followed by a series of statements such as And then, I know
_______ because _______, ending with what is to be proved.
o In science, language structures include symbolic representations such as
chemical equations (which can be translated into words), graphic and tabular
representations (which are shorthand language for complex sets of data), lists
(e.g., materials lists), and narrative (e.g., analysis and conclusion sections in a
lab report). If the function is to draw conclusions, then appropriate structures
could include charts of investigative results or sentence starters to structure an
analysis such as The result of the investigation show . . ., This data suggests
that. . . .
o In the visual arts, if the function is to respond to a work of art, then an appropriate
language form would include an essay beginning with a summary of the overall
response, followed by paragraphs identifying specific elements of the work that
contributed to the response, with supporting details explaining why or how they
worked. For a kindergarten student, the response might consist of pattern
sentences such as What catches my eye about this painting is ______ because
it ________ .
o In agricultural education, language structures include symbolic representations
such as schematics and blueprints, graphic representation (which is shorthand
language for complex sets of data), and narrative (e.g., to describe or compare).

DISCOURSE is not used in the early childhood, special education, or

world language handbooks.

language demands:9 Specific ways that academic language (vocabulary, functions,

discourse, syntax) is used by students to participate in learning tasks through reading,
writing, listening, and/or speaking to demonstrate their disciplinary understanding.

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language functions: The content and language focus of the learning task, represented
by the active verbs within the learning outcomes.
o in elementary mathematics include describing mathematical phenomena,
predicting from models and data, comparing based on common attributes,
summarizing mathematical information, recording multiple ways to solve
problems, justifying conclusions, evaluating data and mathematical
representations, classifying based on attributes, explaining how or why certain
strategies work, drawing conclusions based on data, representing
mathematical information, and so on.
o Common language functions in the performing arts include describing techniques
or methods used in a given period or style of performance, using analysis to
reproduce or reinvent performances, making comparisons based on common
attributes, summarizing information, justifying conclusions, evaluating
performances, classifying based on attributes, explaining processes, drawing
conclusions, and so on.
o Common language functions in physical education include, but are not limited to,
interpreting instructions in task cards; describing how to perform a particular
movement; explaining the how and why of a movement, tactic, or strategy;
signaling verbally and nonverbally to classmates about tactics during a game;
interpreting data; critiquing a peer performance and listing personal health-
enhancing fitness goals; and describing the purpose of opposition, contrasting
player-to-player versus zone defense.
o Common language functions in English Language Arts include reading/listening
for main ideas and details; analyzing and interpreting characters and plots;
writing narrative, informational, or poetic text; using presentation skills to present
a play, deliver a speech, or do a dramatic reading; evaluating and interpreting
an authors purpose, message, and use of language choice, setting, mood, tone,
and other literary strategies; comparing ideas within and between texts; and
making sense of unfamiliar vocabulary through pictures, word parts, and
contextual clues.
o Common language functions in history/social studies include interpreting maps,
graphs, and data tables; evaluating and interpreting an
author/presenter/historians purpose and message; examining evidence an
author/presenter/historian uses to support claims; analyzing arguments in favor
of a perspective; writing/presenting persuasive arguments; analyzing and/or
describing causes of historical, economic, geographic, and political events; and
defending argument with evidence.
o Common language functions in mathematics include describing mathematical
phenomena; predicting from models and data; comparing based on common
attributes; summarizing mathematical information; justifying conclusions;
evaluating data, models, and mathematical representations; classifying based
on attributes; explaining phenomena and processes; drawing conclusions
based on data; representing mathematical information; and so on.
o Common language functions in science include interpreting written investigative
procedures, diagrams, figures, tables, graphs, and dense authoritative text;
writing or presenting causal explanations; explaining models of scientific
phenomena; predicting from models and data from scientific inquiries;
comparing based on common attributes; summarizing scientific data from
inquiries; justifying conclusions with scientific evidence; evaluating data and
investigative procedures; classifying based on attributes; describing processes
and procedures; drawing conclusions based on investigative results; and so

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o Common language functions in the visual arts include describing elements of a
work of art, comparing two works of art from a similar genre, explaining how a
certain way of applying a technique makes it more effective, critiquing a peers
work, analyzing what makes elements effective or not effective in
communicating meaning, interpreting symbols, and evaluating the extent to
which elements work together to create an impact or convey an intended
o Common language functions in agricultural education include describing
agricultural phenomena; interpreting investigative procedures, diagrams,
figures, tables, graphs, and dense authoritative text; predicting from models and
relationships between concepts; classifying based on common attributes;
summarizing agricultural data from investigations; justifying conclusions;
evaluating data; explaining phenomena and processes; drawing conclusions
based on data; and so on.

LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS is not used in the early childhood, special

education, or world language handbooks.

syntax: The set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases together into
structures (e.g., sentences, graphs, tables).

vocabulary: Includes words and phrases that are used within disciplines including: (1)
words and phrases with subject-specific meanings that differ from meanings used in
everyday life (e.g., table); (2) general academic vocabulary used across disciplines (e.g.,
compare, analyze, evaluate); and (3) subject-specific words defined for use in the

assessment (formal and informal): Refers to all those activities undertaken by teachers and
by their students that provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and
learning activities. Assessments provide evidence of students prior knowledge, thinking, or
learning in order to evaluate what students understand and how they are thinking. Some
examples of informal assessments are student questions and responses during instruction and
teacher observations of students as they work. Some examples of formal assessments are
quizzes, homework assignments, lab reports, journals, and projects.

assets (knowledge of students):

personal: refers to specific background information that students bring to the learning
environment. Students may bring interests, knowledge, everyday experiences, family
backgrounds, and so on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning.

cultural: refers to the cultural backgrounds and practices that students bring to the
learning environment, such as traditions, languages, worldviews, literature, art, and so
on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning.

community: refers to common backgrounds and experiences that students bring from
the community where they live, such as resources, local landmarks, community events
and practices, and so on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning.

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central focus: A description of the important understandings and core concepts that you want
students to develop within the learning segment. The central focus should go beyond a list of
facts and skills or procedures, align with content standards and learning objectives, and address
the subject-specific components in the learning segment.
o elementary literacy: The subject-specific components for elementary literacy include an
essential literacy strategy and the associated requisite skills for comprehending or
composing text. For example, the central focus for a primary grade learning segment
might be summarizing narratives. The learning segment would focus on the essential
literacy strategy (summarizing) and requisite skills (e.g., decoding, recalling,
sequencing). The central focus for an upper elementary learning segment might be
persuasive writing. The learning segment would focus on the essential literacy strategy
(using evidence to support an argument) and requisite skills (e.g., writing paragraphs,
using correct verb tense, or other conventions).
o elementary mathematics: For example, the subject-specific components for elementary
mathematics are conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, AND mathematical
reasoning or problem-solving skills. A central focus for the elementary mathematics
learning segment might be equivalent fractions or equivalencies. The learning segment
would focus on conceptual understanding and the associated computational/procedural
understandings AND reasoning or problem-solving skills.
o K12 Performing Arts: For example, the subject-specific components for K12
Performing Arts include using artistic skills, knowledge, and contextual understandings
to create, perform, or respond to music/dance/theater. A central focus for a music or
dance learning segment might be recognizing rhythmic patterns. The learning segment
would focus on conceptual understanding of rhythm and recognizing the different beats
through clapping or counting. In theater performance, an example might be a focus on
character motivation. The learning segment could include working with students in
dialogue analysis to determine the clues offered through language into the characters
o physical education: A statement that captures or summarizes the overarching learning
outcomes associated with content standards and learning objectives. It may not be as
broad or comprehensive as a central focus used in a longer unit of instruction, but it
should represent a focus beyond facts and skills. For example, the central focus for a
physical education learning segment might be executing basic basketball skills in a
small-sided game.
o Middle Childhood English Language Arts: For example, the subject-specific components
for Middle Childhood English Language Arts include construction of explicit and inferred
meaning from text and analysis of themes and ideas. A central focus for the learning
segment might be analyzing the authors use of language to develop theme within a
complex text. The learning segment would focus on conceptual understanding of
figurative language and characterization, citing evidence and appropriate reasoning.
o Middle Childhood History/Social Studies: For example, a central focus for a Middle
Childhood History/Social Studies learning segment might be the effects of British
colonial rule in India or the role of political parties in the electoral process. The
learning segment would focus on facts, concepts, analyses, and interpretations of
sources to build and support arguments about historical events, a topic/theme, or a
social studies phenomenon.
o Middle Childhood Mathematics: For example, the subject-specific components for middle
childhood mathematics are: conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, AND
mathematical reasoning and/or problem-solving skills. A central focus for the learning
segment might be relationships between symbolic expressions and graphs of lines. The

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learning segment would focus on conceptual understanding of linear functions, slope,
and intercepts, and the associated procedures and mathematical reasoning and/or
problem-solving skills.
o Middle Childhood Science: For example, the subject-specific components for Middle
Childhood Science are: conceptual understanding, use of scientific practices during
inquiry, and evidence-based argument about a scientific phenomenon. A central focus
for the learning segment might be inheritance of traits. The learning segment would
focus on understanding factors producing genotypes and phenotypes. The learning
segment would focus on conceptual understandings of genotypes, phenotypes,
dominant genes, and so on; an investigation of how relationships between genotypes
are expressed in phenotypes; and an argument of how these relationships would affect
distributions of phenotypes in a population.
o Secondary English Language Arts: For example, the subject-specific components for
Secondary English Language Arts include construction of explicit and inferred meaning
from text and analysis of themes and ideas. A central focus for the learning segment
might be analyzing the authors use of language to develop a theme within a complex
text. The learning segment would focus on conceptual understanding of figurative
language and characterization, citing evidence, and appropriate reasoning.
o Secondary history/social studies: For example, a central focus for a secondary
history/social studies learning segment might be the effects of British colonial rule in
India or the role of political parties in the electoral process. The learning segment
would focus on facts, concepts, analyses, and interpretations of sources to build and
support arguments about historical events, a topic/theme, or social studies phenomenon.
o Secondary mathematics: For example, the subject-specific components for secondary
mathematics are: conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, AND mathematical
reasoning and/or problem-solving skills. A central focus for the learning segment might
be relationships between symbolic expressions and graphs of lines. The learning
segment would focus on conceptual understanding of linear functions, slope, and
intercepts, and the associated procedures and mathematical reasoning and/or problem-
solving skills.
o Secondary science: For example, the subject-specific components for secondary
science are conceptual understanding, use of scientific practices during inquiry, and
evidence-based argument about a scientific phenomenon. A central focus for the
learning segment might be inheritance of traits. The learning segment would focus on
understanding factors producing genotypes and phenotypes. The learning segment
would focus on conceptual understandings of genotypes, phenotypes, dominant genes,
and so on, an investigation of how relationships between genotypes are expressed in
phenotypes, and an argument of how these relationships would affect distributions of
phenotypes in a population.
o Visual arts: For example, the subject-specific components for visual arts are form and
function, production, art context, and personal perspective. An example of a central
focus for a learning segment in third grade (based upon the bigger idea of motion and
movement) might be learning about the use of line in visual arts to communicate the idea
of motion. The learning segment would focus on students being introduced to the
concept by examining several artworks in which it features prominently. Next the class
would experiment with the concept, followed by the whole group sharing their
observations of their own and others explorations of how and why the line was used to
create the feeling of motion.
o Agricultural science: Agricultural-related conceptual understanding, skills, and problem-
solving strategies. For example, the central focus for an agricultural science learning
segment might be understanding factors involved in producing genotypes and

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phenotypes in connection with the development of genetically modified food sources.
The learning segment would focus on conceptual understandings of genotypes and
phenotypes, and an investigation of how relationships between genotypes are
expressed in phenotypes and affect distributions of phenotypes in development of an
improved food source. In contrast, the central focus for an agricultural mechanics
learning segment might be developing the knowledge and skills to do arc welding. The
learning segment would focus on the relevant skills necessary to safely weld joints on
mild steel by selecting the proper amperage, understanding the procedures and properly
using safety equipment, strike and arc, and making butt and fillet welds.
o Early Childhood: The subject-specific components for an Early Childhood central focus
are: developmentally appropriate practices to promote language and literacy
development in an interdisciplinary context that take into consideration the active and
multimodal nature of young childrens learning. Within an Early Childhood context, the
unit of instruction may center on a theme (e.g., birds or insects) or a particular aspect of
language and literacy development (e.g., making how-to books, poetry, genre study).
However, the central focus of the learning segment might be rhyming sounds or poetry
made up of 35 learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate, take into
consideration the active and multimodal nature of young childrens learning, and take
place in an interdisciplinary context. For example, a central focus on poetry might
include developmentally appropriate, interdisciplinary, active, and multimodal learning
experiences on a rhyming poem, haiku poem, and picture poem; or a learning segment
on how-to books might include similar learning experiences on reading a how-to book,
focusing on parts of the booktitle, author, illustrator, table of contents. Or a central
focus on learning to express feelings through words might include reading a book
about feelings, making a chart about different feelings, and drawing a picture about
o World Language: The central focus of world language teaching is developing students
communicative proficiency in the target language in meaningful cultural context(s). For
example, the central focus for a world language learning segment might be talking about
family and self by using adjectives, pronouns, vocabulary that relates to kinship, and
verbs such as to be and to have in the target language. The whole segment can
focus on the development of students communicative proficiency in the target language,
developing their skills to be able to introduce and talk about self and family through the
creation of family albums, biographical writing pieces, and posters/drawings of family
trees with labels.

CENTRAL FOCUS is not used in the Special Education Handbook.

engaging students in learning: Using instructional and motivational strategies that promote
students active involvement in learning tasks that increase their knowledge, skills, and abilities
related to specific learning objectives. Engagement in learning contrasts with student
participation in learning tasks that are not well designed and/or implemented and do not
increase student learning.

evaluation criteria: Performance indicators or dimensions that are used to assess evidence of
student learning. They indicate the qualities by which levels of performance can be
differentiated and that anchor judgments about the learners degree of success on an
assessment. Evaluation criteria can be represented in various ways, such as a rubric, a point
system for different levels of performance, or rules for awarding full versus partial credit.
Evaluation criteria may examine correctness/accuracy, cognitive complexity, sophistication or

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elaboration of responses, or quality of explanations.

learning environment: The designed physical and emotional context, established and
maintained throughout the learning segment to support a positive and productive learning
experience for students.

learning objectives: Student learning outcomes to be achieved by the end of the lesson or
learning segment.

learning segment: A set of 35 lessons that build one upon another toward a central focus,
with a clearly defined beginning and end.

learning task: Includes activities, discussions, or other modes of participation that engage
students to develop, practice, and apply skills and knowledge related to a specific learning goal.
Learning tasks may be scaffolded to connect prior knowledge to new knowledge and often
include formative assessment.

patterns of learning: Includes both quantitative and qualitative consistencies for different
groups of students and individuals across the whole class. Quantitative patterns indicate the
number of similar correct responses or errors across or within student assessments. Qualitative
patterns include descriptions of understandings and/or misunderstandings, and/or partial
understandings that underlie the quantitative patterns.

planned supports: Instructional strategies, learning tasks and materials, and other resources
deliberately designed to facilitate student learning of the central focus.

prior academic learning and prerequisite skills: Includes students content knowledge and
skills as well as academic experiences developed prior to the learning segment.

rapport: A close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups understand each
others feelings or ideas and communicate well with each other.

respect: A positive feeling of esteem or deference for a person and specific actions and
conduct representative of that esteem. Respect can be a specific feeling of regard for the actual
qualities of the one respected. It can also be conduct in accord with a specific ethic of respect.
Rude conduct is usually considered to indicate a lack of respect, disrespect, whereas actions
that honor somebody or something indicate respect. Note that respectful actions and conduct
are culturally defined and may be context dependent.

variety of learners: Students in your class who may require different strategies or support.
These students include but are not limited to students with IEPs or 504 plans, English language
learners, struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic
knowledge, ands/or gifted students.

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