Gobekli Tepe, On The Side of The Underworld (R) PDF

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Gobekli Tepe, On the Side of the Underworld

Clifford C. Richey

July 2017
(Revised 7-11-17)

It would be helpful to refer to:

when reading this paper. It explains the use of Form, Imagery, Gesture Signs,
Stance, allusion, position, and incorporation as used in composing glyphs.

For a direct application of the gesture signs to a composition (with illustrations of

the gestures) see: https://www.academia.edu/13193557/The_Mimbres_Bat_Bowl
Illustration 1: Original
The above is the upper portion of a pillar at Gobekli Tepe. This section of the pillar when viewed from
the front represents, a horizontal-place, usually referring to the surface of the earth.. As a side view the
section represents a narrow, vertical-place.

As a Frontal view the entire Large, the great one, T shaped pillar represents. below. The T shape is
based on the gesture sign for, below.1

Illustration 2: The Feline, The

Nocturnal Sun

1 Tomkins, William Indian Sign Language Dover publication, Inc. New York 1969. 14-15
In translating ancient depicted sign language one usually states with the Largest, the great, one,
observable Image. In this case it is the (dark tan) Feline indicating the, nocturnal, Sun. in the Stance of,
head-ing, downwards, positional, on the side, (of the earth). The Feline is composed of many other
signs that will be dealt with below.

Illustration 3: Color Coded

The Body of the Feline has a (green), a horizontal-place, sign at its hind end. The (dark blue) Straight
Line, positional, on, the surface. The (light tan) Tail of the Feline, is a Finger pointing a direction,
here, below. The (tan) Front Legs of the feline have an overall Form of an Upside-down Foot, the
walk, or, journey, positional, below, the surface. E Ankle is composed of The (black) Lines, that
indicates, positional, within, a hidden pathway. The Face of the Feline means, His or her,
appearance, the Sun, and alludes to the (green) Frog as, the one who leaps into the water and up out
of it. The (light blue) Line above the Frogs Head is the sign, for arising. The details within the Frogs
Body cannot be clearly viewed so are not interpreted.

Next to the the Frog is the depiction of a Hand that indicates, the Hand of the Sun, the steward of the
Sun, in todays terms, a Sun-priest. The internal signs are too faint to translate. The Stance of the Hand
is, head-ing, downwards. Above the hand, is a Long Leg, the long, and Foot, walk or journey, that has
the Stance of, heading-upwards, positional, on the side. The (red) Arch of the Foot is the sign for, a
hole, positional, on the side. The area of the (red) Toes is in the Form of a Rightward Slanted Line that
indicates, stopped. It is next to the Rectangular surface-place sign, meaning, positional, at, the

Illustration 5: The
Illustration 4: Color Coded Scorpion
Just below the Hand and Feline is what appears to be a damaged Image, and spirit-essence, of a
relatively, Large, the great, (white question mark) Scorpion, stinger, the one inflicts the sting of death,
or some similar meaning. The Scorpion Imagery has the non existent, in nature, antennae as found on
other depictions of scorpions at Gobekli Tepe. The Stance of the Scorpion is one of, head-ing upwards,
positional, on the side.

In terms of the compositions context the Feline, the Sun, (a title, the one of the Sun) the Frog, the one,
who leaps down into and up out of the water, the Hand, the steward of the Sun, and the Scorpion, the
stinger, all refer to the same Subject, the spirit of the deceased great personage.

Illustration 6: Babylon Culture, the Scorpion as an Archer

Illustration 7: Familiar Signs
In the Babylonian composition we can see many of the familiar signs found in other ancient cultures.
Some of the signs are interpreted.

Illustration 8: Mayan Scorpion and Blowgun Hunter

Illustration 9: Mayan Use of Familiar Signs

In the Mayan composition we see a Hunter using a blowgun. The Scorpion is associated with the
Hunter, as the one who causes the sting of death (Space, the gray, Skull). We can observe The Tree of
Life with Eyes, the Eye of the Sun, as its fruit. The Trunk of the Tree has a Face, his appearance, with
the Large, great, Eye of the Sun, --Venus, on his Forehead.

Illustration 10: Egyptian

In the above Egyptian composition we the see the Scorpion without legs. The overall Form of the
Scorpions Body is that of a Large, the great, Water Drop. water particle. Its, head-ing, is parallel to
the (black), in the darkness, positional, of, the Quarter Circle, the upper-world. The Hair combined
with the sign for the upper-world, indicates, the growth, the development .

The Arms and Hands, the warrior, the steward of the Sun are, positional, above and below. The Arms
and Hands are also within the Water Drop part of the Ankh. The Ankh is, positional, on the side. The
Ankhs are also turned so that the upper one has the T shape for, below, and the lower one an upside
down T equated to, on the surface. The Arms and Hands are on the sides of the (tan) Breasts sign,
the breasts of the female-earth, a metaphor for the hills on the Body of the earth. The (black), holes,
the Nipples, that indicate, moisture, the ones, their locations, of moisture. These signs allude to the
Eye of the Sun Venus, positional, above and below. This is followed by the Vertical Rectangles, the
vertical-places. and the Large (red) sign, the rebirth, that is in the Form for, arising, the ascension.

From the above cultures we see that they had similar cosmologies and used the depicted sign language
system to explain and preserve their cosmologies over time. Many ancient cultures perceived
reflections of events on earth to those in the sky. The Scorpion was also viewed as a constellation by
the various cultures.

Illustration 11: Constellation, The Stinger

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