Lugalbanda - Translation

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8/21/2021 Lugalbanda: translation

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Lugalbanda: translation
1-27Lugalbanda lies idle in the mountains, in the faraway places; he
has ventured into the Zabu mountains.
No mother is with
him to offer advice, no father is with him to talk to him. No one is with him
whom he
knows, whom he values, no confidant is there to talk to him. In his
heart he speaks to himself: "I shall treat
the bird as befits him, I shall
treat Anzud as befits him. I shall greet his wife affectionately. I shall seat
Anzud's wife and Anzud's child at a banquet. An will
fetch Ninguenaka for me from her mountain home --
expert woman, who redounds to her mother's credit, Ninkasi the expert, who redounds to her mother's
credit: her
fermenting-vat is of green lapis lazuli, her beer cask is of refined silver and
of gold; if she stands
by the beer, there is joy, if she sits by the beer,
there is gladness; as cupbearer she mixes the beer, never
wearying as she walks
back and forth, Ninkasi, the keg at her side, on her
hips; may she make my beer-
serving perfect. When the bird has drunk the beer
and is happy, when Anzud has drunk the beer and is happy,
he can help me find
the place to which the troops of Unug are going, Anzud
can put me on the track of my
28-49Now the splendid
'eagle'-tree of Enki on the summit of Inana's mountain of multi-coloured cornelian
stood fast on the
earth like a tower, all shaggy like an aru. With its shade it covered
the highest eminences of
the mountains like a cloak, was spread out over them
like a tunic. It roots rested like sajkal snakes in Utu's
river of the seven mouths. Nearby, in the mountains where no
cypresses grow, where no snake slithers, where
no scorpion scurries, in the
midst of the mountains the buru-az bird had put its nest and laid
therein its eggs;
nearby the bird Anzud had set its nest and settled therein
its young. It was made with wood from the juniper
and the box trees. The bird
had made the bright twigs into a bower. When at daybreak the bird stretches
himself, when at sunrise Anzud cries out, at his cry the ground quakes in the
Lulubi mountains. He has a
shark's teeth and an eagle's
claws. In terror of him wild bulls run away into the foothills, stags run away
their mountains.
50-89Lugalbanda is wise and he achieves mighty exploits. In preparation
of the sweet celestial cakes he added
carefulness to carefulness. He kneaded
the dough with honey, he added more honey to it. He set them before
the young
nestling, before the Anzud chick, gave the baby salt meat to eat. He fed it
sheep's fat. He popped
the cakes into its beak. He settled the Anzud chick in
its nest, painted its eyes with kohl, dabbed white cedar
scent onto its head,
put up a twisted roll of salt meat. He withdrew from the Anzud's nest, awaited
him in the
mountains where no cypresses grow. At that time the bird was herding
together wild bulls of the mountains,
Anzud was herding together wild bulls of
the mountains. He held a live bull in his talons, he carried a dead
bull across
his shoulders. He poured forth his bile like ten gur of water. The bird
flew around once, Anzud
flew around once. When the bird called back to his
nest, when Anzud called back to his nest, his fledgling
did not answer him from
its nest. When the bird called a second time to his nest, his fledgling did not
from its nest. Before, if the bird called back to his nest, his
fledgling would answer from its nest; but now
when the bird called back to his
nest, his fledgling did not answer him from its nest. The bird uttered a cry of
grief that reached up to heaven, his wife cried out "Woe!" Her cry reached the
abzu. The bird with this cry of
"Woe!" and his wife with this cry of
grief made the Anuna, gods of the mountains, actually
crawl into
crevices like ants. The bird says to his wife, Anzud says to his
wife, "Foreboding weighs upon my nest, as
over the great cattle-pen of Nanna. Terror lies upon it, as when wild bulls start butting
each other. Who has
taken my child from its nest? Who has taken the Anzud from
its nest?"

90-110But it seemed
to the bird, when it approached its nest, it seemed to Anzud, when it
approached its nest,
that it had been made like a god's dwelling-place. It was
brilliantly festooned. His chick was settled in its
nest, its eyes were painted
with kohl, sprigs of white cedar were fixed on its head. A twisted piece of
meat was hung up high. The bird is exultant, Anzud is exultant: "I am the
prince who decides the destiny of
rolling rivers. I keep on the straight and
narrow path the righteous who follow Enlil's counsel.
My father 1/5
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Enlil brought me here. He let me bar the

entrance to the mountains as if with a great door. If I fix a fate, who
alter it? If I but say the word, who shall change it? Whoever has done this to
my nest, if you are a god, I
will speak with you, indeed I will befriend you.
If you are a man, I will fix your fate. I shall not let you have
any opponents
in the mountains. You shall be 'Hero-fortified-by-Anzud'."
111-131Lugalbanda, partly from fright, partly from delight, partly from
fright, partly from deep delight,
flatters the bird, flatters Anzud: "Bird with
sparkling eyes, born in this district, Anzud with sparkling eyes,
born in this
district, you frolic as you bathe in a pool. Your grandfather, the prince of
all patrimonies, placed
heaven in your hand, set earth at your feet. Your
wingspan extended is like a birdnet stretched out across the
sky! ...... on the
ground your talons are like a trap laid for the wild bulls and wild cows of the
Your spine is as straight as a scribe's! Your breast as you fly is
like Nirah parting the waters! As for your
back, you
are a verdant palm garden, breathtaking to look upon. Yesterday I escaped
safely to you, since then
I have entrusted myself to your protection. Your wife
shall be my mother" (he said), "You shall be my father"
(he said), "I shall
treat your little ones as my brothers. Since yesterday I have been waiting for
you in the
mountains where no cypresses grow. Let your wife stand beside you to
greet me. I offer my greeting and
leave you to decide my destiny."
132-141The bird
presents himself before him, rejoices over him, Anzud presents himself before
him, rejoices
over him. Anzud says to Lugalbanda the
pure, "Come now, my Lugalbanda. Go like a boat full of
metals, like a grain barge, like a boat going to deliver apples, like
a boat piled up high with a cargo of
cucumbers, casting a shade, like a boat
loaded lavishly at the place of harvest, go back to brick-built Kulaba
with head held high!" -- Lugalbanda
who loves the seed will not accept this.
142-148"Like Cara, Inana's beloved son, shoot
forth with your barbed arrows like a sunbeam, shoot forth with
reed-arrows like
moonlight! May the barbed arrows be a horned viper to those they hit! Like a
fish killed
with the cleaver, may they be magic-cut! May you bundle them up
like logs hewn with the axe!" --
Lugalbanda who loves
the seed will not accept this.
149-154"May Ninurta, Enlil's son, set the helmet
Lion of Battle on your head, may the breastplate (?) that in
the great
mountains does not permit retreat be laid on your breast! May you ...... the
battle-net against the
enemy! When you go to the city, ......!" -- Lugalbanda who loves the seed will not accept this.
155-159"The plenty
of Dumuzi's holy butter churn, whose fat is the fat of
all the world, shall be granted (?) to
you. Its milk is the milk of all the
world. It shall be granted (?) to you." -- Lugalbanda
who loves the seed
will not accept this. As a kib bird, a fresh-water
kib, as it flies along a lagoon, he answered him in words.

160-166The bird
listened to him. Anzud said to Lugalbanda the pure,
"Now look, my Lugalbanda, just think
again. It's like
this: a wilful plough-ox should be put back in the track, a balking ass should
be made to take
the straight path. Still, I shall grant you what you put to me.
I shall assign you a destiny according to your
167-183Lugalbanda the pure answers him: "Let the power of running be in my
thighs, let me never grow tired!
Let there be strength in my arms, let me
stretch my arms wide, let my arms never become weak! Moving like
the sunlight,
like Inana, like the seven storms, those of Ickur, let me leap like a flame, blaze like lightning!
Let me
go wherever I look to, set foot wherever I cast my glance, reach wherever my
heart desires and let me
loosen my shoes in whatever place my heart has named
to me! When Utu lets me reach Kulaba my city, let
him who curses me have no joy thereof; let him
who wishes to strive with me never say "Just let him come!"
I shall have the
woodcarvers fashion statues of you, and you will be breathtaking to look upon.
Your name
will be made famous thereby in Sumer and will
redound to the credit of the temples of the great gods."

184-202So Anzud
says to Lugalbanda the pure: "The power of running be
in your thighs! Never grow tired!
Strength be in your arms! Stretch your arms
wide, may your arms never become weak! Moving like the sun,
like Inana, like the seven storms of Ickur, leap
like a flame, blaze like lightning! Go wherever you look to,
set foot wherever
you cast your glance, reach wherever your heart desires, loosen your shoes in
place your heart has named to you! When Utu
lets you reach Kulaba your city, he who curses you
shall have
no joy thereof; he who wishes to strive with you shall never say
"Just let him come!" When you have had the
woodcarvers fashion statues of me, I
shall be breathtaking to look upon. My name will be made famous 2/5
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thereby in
Sumer and will redound to the credit of the temples of
the great gods. May ...... shake for you ......
like a sandal. ...... Euphrates ...... you feet ......."
203-219He took in
his hand such of his provisions as he had not eaten, and his weapons one by
one. Anzud
flew on high, Lugalbanda walked on the
ground. The bird, looking from above, spies the troops. Lugalbanda,
looking from below, spies the dust that the troops have
stirred up. The bird says to Lugalbanda, "Come now,
Lugalbanda. I shall give you some advice: may my advice
be heeded. I shall say words to you: bear them
in mind. What I have told you,
the fate I have fixed for you, do not tell it to your comrades, do not explain
to your brothers. Fair fortune may conceal foul: it is indeed so. Leave me
to my nest: you keep to your
troops." The bird hurried to its nest. Lugalbanda set out for the place where his brothers were.
220-237Like a
pelican emerging from the sacred reed-bed, like lahama deities going up
from the abzu , like
one who is stepping from heaven to earth, Lugalbanda stepped into the midst of his brothers' picked
His brothers chattered away, the troops chattered away. His brothers,
his friends weary him with questions:
"Come now, my Lugalbanda, here you are again! The troops had abandoned you as one
killed in battle.
Certainly, you were not eating the good fat of the herd!
Certainly, you were not eating the sheepfold's fresh
cheese. How is it that you
have come back from the great mountains, where no one goes alone, whence no
returns to mankind?" Again his brothers, his friends weary him with questions:
"The banks of the
mountain rivers, mothers of plenty, are widely separated. How
did you cross their waters? -- as if you were
drinking them?"
238-250Lugalbanda the pure replies to them, "The banks of the mountain
rivers, mothers of plenty, are widely
separated. With my legs I stepped over
them, I drank them like water from a waterskin; and then I snarled
like a wolf,
I grazed the water-meadows, I pecked at the ground like a wild pigeon, I ate
the mountain
acorns." Lugalbanda's brothers and friends
consider the words that he has said to them. Exactly as if they
were small
birds flocking together all day long they embrace him and kiss him. As if he
were a gamgam
chick sitting in its nest, they feed him and give him
drink. They drive away sickness from Lugalbanda the
251-283Then the men
of Unug followed them as one man; they wound their way
through the hills like a snake
over a grain-pile. When the city was only a
double-hour distant, the armies of Unug and Kulaba encamped
by the posts and ditches that surrounded
Aratta. From the city it rained down javelins as if
from the clouds,
slingstones numerous as the raindrops falling in a whole year
whizzed down loudly from Aratta's walls. The
passed, the months became long, the year turned full circle. A yellow harvest
grew beneath the sky.
They looked askance at the fields. Unease came over them.
Slingstones numerous as the raindrops falling in
a whole year landed on the
road. They were hemmed in by the barrier of mountain thornbushes thronged
dragons. No one knew how to go back to the city, no was rushing to go back to
Kulaba. In their midst
son of Utu was afraid, was troubled, was disturbed by
this upset. He sought someone whom he
could send back to the city, he sought
someome whom he could send back to Kulaba. No one said
to him "I
will go to the city". No one said to him "I will go to Kulaba". He went out to the foreign host. No one said to
him "I
will go to the city". No one said to him "I will go to Kulaba". He stood before the élite troops. No one
said to
him "I will go to the city". No one said to him "I will go to Kulaba". A second time he went out to the
foreign host. No one said
to him "I will go to the city". No one said to him "I will go to Kulaba". He stepped
out before the élite troops.

284-289Lugalbanda alone arose from the people and said to him, "My king, I
will go to the city, but no one
shall go with me. I will go alone to Kulaba. No one shall go with me." -- "If you go to the city,
no one shall
go with you. You shall go alone to Kulaba,
no one shall go with you." He swore by heaven and by earth:
"Swear that you
will not let go from your hands the great emblems of Kulaba."
290-321Afterhe had
stood before the summoned assembly, within the palace that rests on earth like
a great
mountain Enmerkar the son of Utu berated Inana: "Once upon a time my
princely sister Inana the pure
summoned me in her holy
heart from the bright mountains, had me enter brick-built Kulaba. Where there
was a marsh then in Unug, it was full of water. Where there was any dry land, Euphrates
poplars grew there.
Where there were reed-thickets, old reeds and young reeds
grew there. Divine Enki who is king in Eridu tore
up for me the old reeds, drained off the water
completely. For fifty years I built, for fifty years I gave
judgments. Then the
Martu peoples, who know no agriculture, arose in all
Sumer and Akkad. But the wall
of 3/5
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Unug extended out across the desert like a bird net.

Yet now, here in this place, my attractiveness to her has
dwindled. My troops
are bound to me as a cow is bound to its calf; but like a son who, hating his
leaves his city, my princely sister Inana the
pure has run away from me back to brick-built Kulaba.
If she
loves her city and hates me, why does she bind the city to me? If she
hates the city and yet loves me, why
does she bind me to the city? If the
mistress removes herself from me to her holy chamber, and abandons me
like an
Anzud chick, then may she at least bring me home to brick-built Kulaba: on that day my spear shall
be laid aside. On that day she
may shatter my shield. Speak thus to my princely sister, Inana the pure."

Lugalbanda the pure came forth from the palace.
Although his brothers and his comrades
barked at him as at a foreign dog trying
to join a pack of dogs, he stepped proudly forward like a foreign wild
trying to join a herd of wild asses. "Send someone else to Unug for the lord." -- "For Enmerkar son of
Utu I shall go alone to Kulaba.
No one shall go with me" -- how he spoke to them! "Why will you go alone
keep company with no one on the journey? If our beneficent spirit does not
stand by you there, if our
good protective deity does not go with you there,
you will never again stand with us where we stand, you
will never again dwell
with us where we dwell, you will never again set your feet on the ground where
feet are. You will not come back from the great mountains, where no one
goes alone, whence no one returns
to mankind!" -- "Time is passing, I know.
None of you is going with me over the great earth." While the
hearts of his
brothers beat loudly, while the hearts of his comrades sank, Lugalbanda took in his hand such of
his provisions as he had not
eaten, and each of his weapons one by one. From the foot of the mountains,
through the high mountains, into the flat land, from the edge of Ancan to the top of Ancan, he crossed five,
six, seven mountains.

345-356By midnight,
but before they had brought the offering-table to Inana
the pure, he set foot joyfully in
brick-built Kulaba.
His lady, Inana the pure, sat there on her cushion. He
bowed and prostrated himself on
the ground. With (1 ms.
adds joyful) eyes Inana looked at Lugalbanda the pure as she would look at the
shepherd Ama-ucumgal-ana. In a (1 ms. adds
joyful) voice, Inana spoke to Lugalbanda the pure as she would
speak to her son Lord Cara: "Come now, my Lugalbanda, why do you
bring news from the city? How have
you come here alone from Aratta?"
357-387Lugalbanda the pure answered her: "What Enmerkar son of Utu quoth and what he says,
what your
brother quoth and what he says, is: "Once upon a time my princely
sister Inana the pure summoned me in her
holy heart
from the mountains, had me enter brick-built Kulaba.
Where there was a marsh then in Unug, it
was full of
water. Where there was any dry land, Euphrates poplars grew there. Where there
were reed-
thickets, old reeds and young reeds grew there. Divine Enki who is king in Eridu tore up for me
the old
reeds, drained off the water completely. For fifty years I built, for
fifty years I gave judgments. Then the
Martu peoples,
who know no agriculture, arose in all Sumer and Akkad. But the wall of Unug extended
across the desert like a bird net. Yet now, here in this place, my
attractiveness to her has dwindled. My troops
are bound to me as a cow is bound
to its calf; but like a son who, hating his mother, leaves his city, my
princely sister Inana the pure has run away from me
back to brick-built Kulaba. If she loves her city and
hates me, why does she bind the city to me? If she hates the city and yet loves
me, why does she bind me to
the city? If the mistress removes herself from me
to her holy chamber and abandons me like an Anzud chick,
then may she at least
bring me home to brick-built Kulaba: on that day my
spear shall be laid aside. On that
day she may shatter my shield. Speak thus to
my princely sister, Inana the pure."" "

388-398Inana the pure uttered this response: "Now, at the end, on the
banks, in the water-meadows, of a clear
river, of a river of clear water, of
the river which is Inana's gleaming waterskin, the suhurmac fish eats
honey-herb; the kijtur fish eats the mountain acorns; and the ......
fish, which is a god of the suhurmac fish,
plays happily there and darts
about. With his scaly tail he touches the old reeds in that holy place. The
tamarisks of the place, as many as there are, drink water from that pool. "

399-409"It stands
alone, it stands alone! One tamarisk stands alone at the side! When Enmerkar son of Utu
has cut that
tamarisk and has fashioned it into a bucket, he must tear up the old reeds in
that holy place roots
and all, and collect them in his hands. When he has
chased out from it the ...... fish, which is a god of the
suhurmac fish,
caught that fish, cooked it, garnished it and brought it as a sacrifice to the
a-an-kara weapon,
Inana's battle-strength, then
his troops will have success for him; then he will have brought to an end that
which in the subterranean waters provides the life-strength of Aratta. " 4/5
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carries off from the city its worked metal and smiths, if he carries off its
worked stones and its
stonemasons, if he renews the city and settles it, all
the moulds of Aratta will be his."
413 Now Aratta's battlements are of green lapis lazuli, its walls and
its towering brickwork are bright red,
their brick clay is made of tinstone dug
out in the mountains where the cypress grows.

417Praise be to
Lugalbanda the pure.

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Revision history
25.iii.1998-27.iii.1998 : JAB : adapting translation

14.iv.1998 : GZ : proofreading

12.IV.1999 : GZ : SGML tagging

30.iv.1999 : ER : proofreading SGML

30.iv.1999 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0

7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not

changed 5/5

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