Tamil Nadu Sale Tax (Settlement of Arrears) Act, 2006 PDF

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The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the Il t h September 2006 and is hereby published for general

ACT No. 27 OF 2006.

A n Act to provide for settlement of arrears of tax, penalty or interest pertaining to !

sales tax and the matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.; I
u Whereas it is expedient to provide
the case rnay be, under the Tamil Nadu
Iu Sales Tax (Surcharge) Act, 1971, the
of Central Sales Tax Act, 1956;

BL i t erlacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Fifty-seventhYear of the Republrc of lndra as follows.-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax (Settlement of Arrears)
extent and
Act, 2006.
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Tamil Nadu. ment.
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may,
by notification, appoint.
2. (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,- Definitions

(a) "applicant" means a dealer as defined in the relevant Act, except the following
classes of dealers, namely:-
(i) Public Sector Undertakings including oil companies, Government
companies or Corporations:
(ii) Dealers in lottery tickets;
(iii) Dealers who are availing or had availed themselves of deferral of
(b) "arrears of tax, penalty or interest" means,-
(i) tax including additional sales tax, surcharge, additional surcharge and
cerrtral sales tax, payable by an applicant upon assessment under the
relevant Act, or
(ii) penalty payable by an applicant under the relevant ,kt, or
(iii) interest payable by an applicant under the relevant Act.
as the case may be other than the dues as per the return, accrued upto the 31st day of
March 2001 under the relevant Act, and pending collection on the date of filing of application
under [his Act;
(c)"designated authority" means an authority appointed under Section 3;
(d)"Government" means the State Government;
(e) "relevant Act" means,-

iil Nadu (i) the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959;
;t 1 of 1959
111 Nadu (ii) the repealed Tamil Nadu Sales Tax (Surcharge) Act, 1971;
:t 24 of 1971
nil Nadu (iii) the Tamil Nadu Additional Sales Tax Act, 1970;
ct 14'0f 1970
ntral Act .
(iv) the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956;
4 of 1956.
and includes the rules made or notifications issued thereunder.



(2) Unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context, all expressions used
in this Act, which are not defined, shall have the same meaning as defined or used in the
relevant Act.
Designated 3. For carrying out the purposes of this Act, the Government may, by notifiytion, appaint
authority one or more authorities referred to in Section 28 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act. Tarr
I 1959, to be the designated authority and such authority shall exercise jurisdiction over such Ac
area or areas as the Government may specify in the notification. 19
Eligibility for 4. Subject to the other provisions of this Act, an applicant may make an application for
settlement settlement of arrears of tax, penalty or interest.
Application for 5. (1) An application for the purpose of Section 4 shall be made to the designated suthority
settlement. by an applicant within three months from the date of commencement of this Act or by such
later date as the Government may, by notification, specify, from time to time, in such form, and
in such manner, as may be prescribed, with proof of payment of the amount payable at the
rates specified in Section 7.
(2) A separate application shall be made for each assessment year
(3) The applicant shall send a copy of the application made under sub-section
(1) to the assessing authority, appellate authority or revisional authority or the Court other than
the Supreme Court under the relevant Act, before whom any proceeding or appeal or revision,
as the case may be, is pending, within seven days from the date of making such application
before t e designated authority.

Determination 6. ( 1 ) The designated authority shall verify the correctness of the particulars furnished in
of amount the ap lication made under Section 5 with reference to all relevant records and determine the
payab!e by amount payable at the rates specified in Section 7.
2) The designated authority shall demand further amount payable by the applicant in
the for : prescribed, if the amount paid by the applicant along with application falls shor! of not
more than ten per cent of the amount determined under sub-section (1).
r 3) If the applicant has not paid ninety per cent of the amount payable under Section
7 along with the application, the designated authority shall summarily reject the application.
((4)The amount determined under sub-section (1) shall be rounded off to the nearest
rupee and, for this purpose, where such amount contains a part of a rupee, and if such part
is fifty paise or more, it shall be rounded off to the nearest rupee, and if such part is less than
fifty paise, it shall be ignored.
Rate appl~cable 7. The amount under sub-section ( I ) of Section 6 shall be determined as follows :-
in determin~ng
amount ( a ) Where it relates to arrears of tax with corresponding arrears of penalty and interest
payable accrued up to the 31st day of March 1991, if the dealer pays the entire arrears of tax pending
ccllection on the date of application, the balance of the entire penalty and interest shall be
(b) Where it relates to arrears of tax with corresponding arrears of penalty 2nd interest
accrued between the 1st day of April 1991 and the 31st day of March 2001, if the dealer pays
tt-e entire arrears of tax due along with ten per cent of penalty and
tvventy-five per cent of interest pending collection 017 the date of appl~cation,the balance
of ninety per cent of penalty and seventy-five per cent of interest shall be waived;
(c) Where rt relates to arrears of penalty or interest or both accrued up to the
3'ist day of March 2001, and where there IS no corresponding arrears of tax pending
collection on the date of application, if the dealer pays ten per cent of penalty and
twenty-five per cent of interest, the balance of ninety per cent of penalty and seventy-five
pP?rcent of interest shall be wa~ved
I Settlement of 8. ( I ) The designated authority, shall on being satisfied about the payment of the
I (
arrears and amount determined under sub-section ( I ) of section 6 , by an order, settle the arrears of tax,
issue of
penalty or interest and issue a certificate in such f ~ r m
as may be prescribed, and thereupon,
the appl~cantshall be discharged from his liability to make payment of the balance amount of
such arrears of tax, penalty or interest. Separate certificate shall be issued in respect of each


p-- -- -- -- - --
(2) The designated authority, for reasons to be recorded in writing, may refuse to
settle the arrears of tax, penalty or interest:

Provided that no order under this sub-section shall be passed without giving the applicant
a reasonable opportunity of show~ngcause against such refusal.

(3) The authority notified by the Government in this behalf may, al any time w~thinninety
days from the date of issue of certificate under sub-section ( 1 ) by the designated authority,
modify the certificate by rectifying any error apparent on the face of the reco-d.

Provided that no such rectification adversely affecting the applicant shall be passed
without allowing the applicant a reasonable opportunity of showlng cause against such

9. A certificate issued under Section 8 shall be conclusive as to the settlement to which Bar on re-
it relates, and no matter covered by such certificate rhall be reopened in any proceeding of Ope"ng
review or revision, or in any other proceeding, under the relevant Act. cases.
10. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any provision in the relevant Act, Withdrawal of
any proceeding or appeal or revision for any periocl pending before the assessing authority or appeal and
appellate authority or revisional authority or the Court other than the Supreme Court, as the
case may be, under the relevant Act in respect of which a certificate is issued under Section
8, shall be deemed to have been withdrawn from the date of making of the application by Ihe
applicant under sub-section (1) of Section 5. Any order passed by the assessing authority or
appellate authority or revisional authority or the Court other than the Supreme Court subsequent
to the date of filing of application for settlement of arrears of tax, penalty or interest, resulting
in claim for refund of amount paid upto the time of settlement of such arrears of tax, penalty
or interest under this Scheme, will not be taken into consideration.

Explanation.-.For the purpose of this Act, appeal or revision shall not include Writ or
Writ Appeal.

11. No authority shall proceed to decide in any proceeding or appeal or revision under Authority not
the relevant Act relating to any assessment year in respect of which a copy of the application to proceed in
has been received under sub-section 3 of Section 5: cases.
Provided that such authority shall proceed to decide such proceeding or appeal or revision
for such assessment year in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Act, if a certificate
referred to in sub-section (1) of section 8 is refused to the applicant by an order passed by
the designated authority in writing under sub-section (2) of Section 8

12. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 9 or Section 10, where if: appears Revocation of
to the designated authority that an applicant has obtained the certificate under section 8 by certificate.
suppressing any material information or particulars or by furnishing any incorrect or false
information or particulars, such designated authority, may, within a period of two years from
the date of issue of the said certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after ~ i v i n g
the applicant a reasonable opportunity of showing cause, revoke the certificate issued under
sub-section (I) of Section 8.

(2) If a cerlificate is revoked under sub-section ( I ) , any proceeding or appeal or

revision, as the case may be, under the relevant Act, covered by such certificate shall,
notwithstanding the provision of Section 9 or Section 10, stand revived or reinstated ~nimediately
up011such revocation, and such proceeding or appeal or revision shall to decided In ascordance
with the provisions of the relevant Act, as if no settlement of the arrears of tax, penalty or
inte~eslin such proceeding or appeal or revision has ever been made under th~sAct.
_ I
.__..______ . .. .

(3) In 'the case of res,oc,qtron of a certlflcate in accordanc'e w~thsub-sectlon ( I ) , t n ~ !

aniount paid by the appllcant utid?r secti~n6 shhll be treated as payment towards the
amount payable under the relevs:it Act for ti-e ~ e t i o dfor which the cenificate has been

13 The desrgnated authon!y shall inform t t ~ eassessing author~tyor appellate authority

o r ~evlsionalauthor~tyor the Cod,t, other than the Supreme Court as the case may be
~rndeithe relevant Act who for the tlrne berny lids jur~sdlctlonover the appllcant under
the relevant Act,-
(a) the fact o: making of an application by the appi~cantunder sectlon 5,
(b) the fact of passing of ~ t i yorder by !he des~gnateauthor~tyunder section 8,
( r ) the fact of revocation of any cert~ficateunder sect~on12, and
(cl) such other matters CIS it may deem necessary,

I !n such form, In <-,LII manner, and wrthln such time, as may be prescribed
14 If any rilfficulty arises in givlng effect to any of the provlsrons of thls Act, the
Power to
remove Gover17meritmay, by order, not ~ncons~stent wlth the provlslons of thrs Act, remove such
d~ff~cirltirs d~ffict~lty
Prov~dedtllal no s u c h oidci ~ 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 ~ ~ndde
. aftcv IIic cxpiry of oric yonr frnrr, !ti('
date of coming into force of thls Act
Power to 15. (1) The Government may, make rules, whether prospectively or retrospectively,
makeRulas for c.~rryingout the purposes of thls Act
(2) (a) All rules made under thls Act shall be published In the Tamil Nadu
Govejnment Gazette and unless they are expressed to come into force on a particular
day, 'shall come into force on the day, on whlch they are so published.
(b) All not~ficationsissued under thls Act shall, unless they are expressed to
come Into force on a particular day, come ~ n t oforce on the day on which they are
(3) Every rule made and every notification issued under this Act and every order
made under sect~on14 shall, as soon as possible after it is made or issued, be placed
or1 the table of the Leg~slativeAssembly and if before the expiry of the session in which
~t IS so placed or the next session, the Assembly makes any modification in any such
rule or notlficat~onor order or the Assembly decrdes that the rule or notrfication or order
shoilld not be made or Issued, the rule or notificatron or order shall thereafter have effect
only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be, so, however, that any
such modification or annulment shall be, w~thoutprejudice to the validity of anything
previoi~slydone under that rule or notification or order

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government in-charge,
Law Department.

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