Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act 1959

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1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Sakes Tax

OF SeCnOh's
I Short titIe, extent and commencement.
2 Definitions.
3 Levy of taxes on sales or purchases of goods.
4 Tax in respect of decIared goods.
4-A R .itnbursement or refund of tax paid in certain casc8,
4-13 Special provision in respect of certain declared goads.
4 -c Refund of tax on sales returns.
3 -n Refund of tax on unfructified sale
5 Tax on goods purchased by dealers registered under Ckntral Act TtS ol
6 Tax urider this Act to be in addition to tax under Centr&:Act W of
1956 or any other law.
7 Payment of tax at compounded rates.
7 4 Levy of purchase tax.
S I'xe~nptionfroin tax.
9 Stape of levy of taxes in respect of imported and exported goods,
10 Burden of proof.
I 1 Assessment of tax
1 2 Procedure to be followed by the assessing authority.
!2 4 Assessment pf sales shown in ar courtr f i t :*ices.
3 Provisional assessment.
3-.i Dealer to continuo payment for the year of tax as assessed in the
preceding year under section 13.
1: Pros11 assessment in certain cases.
Assessrnei~tof legal representatives,
4ssessrnent of escaped turnover,
1 254-71 1

&ncral ~ a i e sTux [1953 : T.N . Act 1

16-4 Assessment of tur,novor not declared under section 7.

16-B Powcr to reduce or*waive penalty in certain cases.
17 Power of Government to notify exernplions atid reductions Of tax.
18 Lj:lbility :o tax of perroils i ~ o lobserving restriction? and collditionr
notified under seztic3 14.

I9 A Liability to tau o f a p.~rtitioned l-findci family, dissolved firm, etc.

20 'f'egistration of dealers
2 1 Procedure for registrat io~i.
21-A Issue of permit.
22 Collectior~of tax by dcnler.
23 Levy of penalty in certain cases.
24 Payment and recovery ot'tax.
24-.4 Transfers to defraud revenue void.
25 Recovciy of penalty.

27 Roundinn nfi oft urriuver, tax, etc.

25 Appointment of Depot). Colnmissioners of Cornnlcrcinl Taxcs,

Appellzte A~sistantCommissioners of Commercial Taxcs, Assistant
Commissioners oECorn~nercialTaxes and Commercial Tax Oficers.
29 Special powers of Assistant Commiss:sners under Rc\lel.ue Recovery

30 Appellatv Tribunal. a

3 1 Appeal to the Appellate Assistant Commissioner.

3 1-A Appeal t o the Deputy Commissioner.
32 Sprcial powers of the Deputy Commissioner.
33 Powers of rav ision of the Deputy Commissioner ,

31-A Power to transfer appeals.

35 Powers of revision by Board of Revenue.
36 AppeaI to the Appellate Tribunal.
37 Appeal to the High Court.
33 I<evisioa by High Court.
39 Petitions, applicatiotls and appeals to High Court to be heard by a
Bench of not less than two Judges.
39-A Amendment of order of assessment, etc..

39-2 Production of accor!ntsL

10 Maintenance of up- to-date, true and correct accounts and recorc;luby
4 1 Powers ti, order practnctiori of accounts, and powers of entry, iltspecttoo,

4 1 4 Powers to inspecf goods delivered to a carrier o r a baile.

42 Establishment of check-post or barrier and inspection of goods while in
of certain records by owrT.er::,etc,, of boats.
43 Possession and s~~lmmission
-14 Possession and submission oFccrtain records 'lry owna0s,ctc,, of goods

47 Cognizance of offelices.
4 5 Assessment, etc., not to be questioned in Prosecution.
49 Bar of certain proceedings.
50 Limitation fdcertain suits and prorecuttons.
5 1 Bar of suits and proceedings to set aside or modify assessments except a8
provided in this Act.
52 Appearance before any authority in proceedings.
520~Publicatioi~of information respecting assessees.
53 Power to make rules.

4 nerd ,Sclles Tax [1959: T.N. Act 1

54 Power to summon wifi3esses and production of dooumert.ts.

-%-A Power to get infolanl~~tidn.
5 5 Power to rectify any e r ~ o rapparent on the facc of record.

57 Prohibition of disc1osur.e of particulars produced b:fore Safes

Tax Authorities. ,
. .
58 Sale or purchase deemed to have taken place inside the State
in cerrain cases.
59 Power to amend Schedules.

60 Certain transactions deemed to be first saics or purchases.


.--" -- <
-- - ----+---

1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Sales Tax 5

'[TAMIL NADU] ACT NO. 1 OF 1959.2

ACT, 1959.
[Received the assent of the Governor on the l lth Marcti
1959 ; first published in the Fort St. George Gazette
on the 18th March 1959 (Phalguna 27, 1880).]
An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to
the levy of a general tax on the sale or purchase of
goods in tbe 3[State of Tamil Nadu].
WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the
laws relating to the levy of' a gelleral tax on the sale or
purchase of goods in the 3[State of Tamil Nadul ;
BE it enacted in the Tenth Year of the Republic of India as
follows :-
. (I) This Act may be called the '[Tamil Nadu] General Short title.
Sales Tax Act, 1959. extent and
' c~mrnenctme~t~
(2) It extends to the whole of the 3[State of Tamil
Nadu]. 1
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the Govern-
ment may, by notification, appoint.
-.. ----- -- ..---
1 These words were substituted for the word " Madras " by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969.
2 FOT Stltement of Objects and Reasons, see Part IV-A of the
Fort St. George Gazette Extraordin..ry, dated the 8th March 1958,
pag? 113 ; for Report of the Select Committee, see ibid, dated the
6th February 1959, pages 23-76.
This Act was extended to the ad 'ed territory by section 3 of the
Tamil Nadu (Added Territory) Extension of Laws Act, 1961 (Tamil
~ a d uAct 9 of 1961), repealing the corresponding law in for(:c in
t h ~ territory.
8 This expression was substituted for the expression "State of
Madras" by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Orc'er, 1969,
as amended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation af Laws (Second Amend
ment) Order, 1969.

6 4-;rncra/ Snlcs Tax [I959 : T.N. Act 1


D:i~n-t~ons. 2, I11 this Act, uilJess the context otherwise requires,-

Appellate Assistant C o m m i s s i o ~ ~"c r nlealls
(a) "

any person appoi~iteci to bl: an Appellate Assistant

Cornmissioner under section 28 ;
(b) " Appellate Tribunal " means the Tribunal appoin-
ted under section 30 ;
(e) " nsscssi~rgauthority" means any persan autho-
r~zedby !he Covernrncnt or by any authority empowered
by tllein ? n make a n y assessment urlcler this Act ;
J[(rc.)" Rssislant Commercial Tax Oficer " means
any pcrson :~pfioin~cclby the I>cpi~tyCommissioner h y
narne or I,y \';rt~ieof his oflice, to exercise the powers of
a11 Assjstant Con~~nercial Tax Officer ;]
"(cc;c) ': Assistntlt Comnlissioner " means any per-
son appointed to be an Assistant Conlmissioner of Com-
mercial Taxes under section 28 ;]

'' business " includes-

(i) any trade, commerce or manufacture or any
advccture or cotlcern in the nature of trade, commerce
or m~~nufacbure, whether or not such trade, commerce,
manufacture, adventure or concern is carried on with
a motive to make gain or profit and whether or not any
profit accrues from such trade, commerce, manufacture,
adventure or concern ; and
(ii) any transaction in connection with, or inciden-
tal or ancillary to, such trade, commerce, manufacture,
adventure or coacean :]
-- --
I This clause was inserted by section 2 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu
Act 8 of 1961), which came into force on the 1st April 1961.
a This clause was inserted by section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 29 of
19SO), which was deemed to have come into force on the 20th July
3 This clause was substituted for the following cIause (d) by
section 2 of the Tamil NaCu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1964) :-
"(J) "busin~ss" lnclu :es ;ny trar'e, commerce or mr~n~if~.clure
Ofdny acivenlure or c0n;ern in lie nature of trade, commerce or
mzrtiuf~c!uce,whether or not any profit accrues f r o p such trac'e,
s~narnerce,ma~ut'a-ct yre, adventure or ~oqcern."

19:;') : T.N. Act 1) Gm~mlSales Tar 7

'[(el "casual trader " means a person who has,

w h c t l ~ c r as principal, agent, or in any other c~pacity,
uccasioixil transactions of a business nature involving
tllc buying, selling, scpply or distribution of goods in the
State, whether for cash, or for deferred paymetlt c)r for
co~nmission,remuneration or other valuable ccnsidsra-
tion, and who does not reside or has no fixed plcce oi'
business within the State ;3
(f) " Commercial Tax Oficer " means any person
eppoin ted to bc a Commercial Tax Officer under section 28 ;
(g) dealer " means any person who carries on the

h11c;iness of buying, selling, supplying or distributing

~ o o d s ,directly or otherwise, whether for cash, or for
deierred payment, or for commission, remuneration or
otlrer valuable consideraticn, and includes-
(i) 2[a local authority], company, 3[Hindu undi.
viaed family, firm or other association of persons], which
carries on such business ;
(ii) a casual trader ;
(iii) a commission agent, a broker or a del credere
agent, or an auctioner or any other mercantile agent.
by whatever name called, who carries on the business of
buying, selling, supplying or distributing goods on behalf
of any principal ;
(iv) every local branch of a firm or company
situated outside the State.

1 This clause was substituted for the following clause (e) by

section 2 (ii) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amend-
ment) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 1961), which came into force
on the 1st Apri: 1961 :-
"(e) "casual trac er" means a perscn who has, whether as prin -
cjp :I, agent, or in t ny other cip. city, ccciisionsI tr~nscrlc!ic-nsQf a
husiness na'ure involvi~~g t h y buying, selling, supply car distribu-
I ticn ofgc)oc!s in lh: State, whetlrer for cash, or for c'eferrea payment,
or f i r cammission, remunersticn, or o t h x valuable ~onsir.?er~tti~n;''
* These words were substituted for the words "the Central
Cr,,vernment, a State Government, local authority" by section 2 (i) (a)
of tlie Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1962 (Tamil
N ~ t l uAct 5 of 1962).
3 These wor s were substituted and were deemed always to have
hocn cabstituted for the words " or Hindu undivided family" by
section 2 o f the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Thiro Amendment)
,4ct, 1963 (Tamil Nadu Act 12 of 1968).

8 General Sales Ta I: [I959: T.N, Act 1

Explanation I[(l)].-A society (including a co-
operative society), club or firm or an association which,
whether or not in the course of business, buys, sells, up-
plies or distributes goods from or to its members for
cash, OF for deferred payment. or for commission, remu-
neration or other valuable consideration, shall be deer.+dt
to be a dealer for the purposes of this Act ;]
l[Explanation (2).-Tile Central Government or
any Statc Government which, vvhether or not in the course
of busiiless, buy, sell, supply or distribute goods, directly
or otherwise, for c-ck, cr for deferred payment, or for
commission, remuneration or other valuable considera-
tion, shall be deemed to be a dealer for the purposcs of
this Act ;] i
(11) " declared goods* " means goods declared by
section 14 of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 (Central
Act 744 of 1956), to be of special importance in inter-State
trade or commerce ;
2[(?zh) ' Deputy Commercial Tax Officer' means any
person appointed by the Dcpt~tyComlnissioncr by name
or by virtue of his of-licc, to cxercise the powers of a Del-ruty
Commcrci;ll Tax Officer ; 1
(i) " DeputyCommissioner " means any person
appointed to be a Deputy Commissisner of Commercial
Taxes under sectioll 28 ;
(1) "goods" means all kinds of movable property
(other t h a t ncwspapers, actionable claims, stocks and
s11al.c~arid securities) and includes all materials, commo-
dities, and articles (including those to be used in the fitting
out, improvement ar repair of movable property) ; and
all growing crops, grass or rhings attached to, or forming
,,,,,.t of, the land which are agrccd to be severed belore
sale or ur!der the co-rltract of sale ;
Tlle ex;?lanation to clause ( g ) was numbered as explanation (1)
of that clnuse and this explanation w:ks added by section 2 (i) ( b )
of the Tarni! Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1962 (Tamil
Nadu Act 5 of 1962).
This clnuse was inserted by section 2 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
G g ~ ~ r Salcs
al Tax (Second ..hiuenbment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nacu
ACT 31 ef 1972)-
* ?'his Act sh :ll, in so f.*r c s i t imposes or authorIszs the
i~nposition~ 3 f iL tax on the sale c r purchlse of dec1:ired gso,js,
be subjccr ro tht restrictions and ci)i~ditioilslaid down in section
15 of th,: Central Slles Tax ~ c 1556 t ~(Central Act 74 of 1956).

1959 : 2.N. Act 11

(k) " Government " means the State Governmsrr! ;

(1) " place of business " includes a warehouse, godown,

or other place where a dealer stores his goods or a placs
where a dealer keeps his books of account ;

(m) " registered dealer " means a-dealer registered

under this Act ;

(n) " sale " with all its grammatical variations and
cognate expressions means every transfer of the pro-
perty in goods by one person to another in the course of
business for cash or for deferred payment or other valuable
con sideration, l [ * * *] but does not include a
mortgage, hypothecation, charge or pledge ;
I' -
Explanation (l).--The transfer of property involved
in the supply or distribution of goods t)la society (jaclud-
ing a co-operative society), club, firm,or any assol:iation
to its memnbdrs, for cash, or for deferred payrne*~t,or
other valuable consideration, whether or. not in the course
of business shall be , deemed to be a sale for the purposes
of this Act.

2[Explanation (1-A).--Every transfer of property

I in goods by the Central Government or any State Govern-
ment for cash or for deferred payment or other valuable
consideration, whether or not in the course of business,
shall be deemed to be st sale for the purposes of this Act.]

Explanation (2).- A transfer of goods on the hire-

purchase or other instalment system of paylnent shall,
notwithstanding the fact that the seller retains the titla
in the goods as security fol payment of the price, bc
deeincd to be a sale.

The words " and i ~ ~ c l u d eas transfer of property in goods in-

volved i n the execution of'a works contract" were omitted by sec-
tion L (0)of the Tamil Nadu Genel-a1 Sales Tax (Arnendmei~t)ALL$
1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 19 of 1960).
This Explaation vra3 inserted by section 2 (ii) of the Tamil
dadu General Sales Tax (Amend~iient) Act, 1962 ( Fa mil N;;iiil
Act 3 of 1962).

Exi~l~lriution(3).- (u) 'I'hc sale or puscl~ase ot gc ~ o d s

sllall be decmed, fcr tlie purposes of this Act, l o l i ~ ~ v c
taken place in the State, whcrcver tlrt: contract of' sale or
purchase might havc bt:en made, if the goods arz within
the Statc-
(i) in the case of specific or ascertained goods,
at the time the contract of salt; or purchase is made.;
(ii) in the case of u~zasccrtainedor fulurc goods,
at the time of their appropri;ltion ro tlie cor~trac~ of sale
or pulchase by the seller or by the purchaser, tvhethtr
lrlc assent of the other p;irty is prior or subsequent to
such appropriation.

(b) Where there is a single contract of sale cr

purchase of goods situated at illore places than one, the
provibions of clause (a) shall ap2ly as it' there were separate
contracts IIJ respect of the goods zt cach of such places.

Explanation (4).-Notwithstanding anything to tht

contrary contained in this Act, two independent sales
er purchases shall, for the purpose:) of this Act, bc decllicd
to havc takcn place--
(u) wllcn the goodsczn: tla~i:,fc'crl*cdfronl u p ~ i ~ i -
cipal to his sclling agent arid fro111 tllc selling q c n t to tl-ie
~ L ~ ~ C ~ Lor
L S C ~ ,

( b ) when the goods arc tsa11sfcrrt.d ti-on1 the seller

t o a b ~ ~ y irgciit g froin the buying agent to his prirlui-
i ~ ~ and
pal, if t!lc agent is found in eitllcr o f the cases a i b csirid-

(i) to have sold the goods at one rate to

have passed on the sale-procceds to his priizcipal at al~otller
rate, o :

(ii) to have purc11azt;d 1 2 1 ~p o d s at o i ~ cr n r c

d !-2ve passed them on to hi:, pri~cii.;l-I
s ~ ti: at al!clLel rn!t:,

(iii) not to have ac.cormted to his principnl ~ b r

thh entire collections or deductions made by liim in Llzc
sales or ,~urcllr.(:,cscllcstcd by hi121 011 behalf 01' lik
grlliciyal ;

(0) "State" means th.e l[State of Tamil Na4ul;

(p) ''taxable turnover" means &heturnover on which

a dealer shall bc liablo to pay tax as determined after
making s~ichdeductions from his total turnover and 111
such manner as may be prescribed ; *

(q) "total turnover" means the aggregate turnover

i11 allgoods of a doaler at all places of business in. the State,
wJurlhc;r or not the wholu or any portion of suc5 t~irnovt-r
is liable to tax ;

(r) "turnover" means the aggregate amount for

which goods are bought or sold, or sbpplicd or distribu-
ted, by a dealer, either directly or through another, on his
own account or on account of others whether for cash
or for deferred payment or other valuable consideration,
provided that the procccds of the sale by a person of agri-
cultural or horticultural produ.ce, other than tea, grown
within the State by himself or on any land. in which he
lzas an intcrcst whether as owner, usuiicucduary mortgagee,
tenant or otherwise, slzall be excluded from his turnover ;

Explu~zutiotz(I).-"Agricultural or hurt tc~1.lt1

ira l pro-
d~rce"shall not include buch produce as bccn, sut~jccicd
to any physical, chemical or other process I'cr bcing inadc
tit for consumption, save mere cleaning, :rl:ding, sc;rtil?g
cr drying ;

ExpZunation '(1-A).-Any amount colbcted by a
dealer by way of tax under this Act shall ilot be il;. '31.teJ

in the t u r n ~ v t r;]

Explanatiorz (2).-Subject to such conditions a ~ t d

restrjcticus, if ally, as may bc prescribed in this bcl~all-

I This cxpressivn was si:bstituted for the cxpreclsiotl "State pf

bfaclras" by the Tamil Nada Adaptation of Lxws Order, 19h5,
as amcnded by the Tan~il Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second
Anxndrnent) Ol.der, 1969.
aThis explanation was i n w t e d by section 2 (ii) of t l ~ e Tamil
Nadu General Sales 'I'au (Secorid Amcndlnentl At-:, 9 ,Iamif
Nadu Act 31 of 1972).

General Sales Tax [I959 :T.N. Act 1

' [ * * * I

(ii) tire ainount for which goods are sold shall

include any sums charged for anything done by the dealel
in respect of the goods sold at the time of, or before tht
del.ivery thereof ;

(iii) any cash or othtr discount on the price

allowed in respect of any sale and any amount refunded
in respect of articlcs returned by cilstonlers sllall not be
included in the turnover; and

(iv) where for accommodating a particular cus-

tomer, a dealer obtains goods from another dealer and
immediately disposes of the same to the said customer,
thc sale in respect cf such goods sl~allbe includ~din the
turi~overof the latl er dealer but not in that of the formcr ;

( r ) c6year" means the financial year.

I The following clause (i) was omitted by section 2 (13) of the

Tamil Nadu General :;ales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu
Act 19 of 1960):-
"(i) th;: amount for which goods are sold shall, in relation to
a works contract, be deemed to be the amount payable to the dealer
f ~ carrying
r out such contract, less such portion as may be prescri-
bed of such amount, representing the usual proportion 'of the cost of
!,ibour to the cost of materials used in carrying out such contract"!

The following clause was omittzd by section 2 (c), ibid :-

'* s)'%vorl<s contract" means any agreement for carrying out

tor cas or for deterred payment or other itllual?le consideration ,
[be fittiog out, im~roverreator repair of any laokable property;"

1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Snles Tax 13

3. (1) Every dealer (other than a casual trad2r or agent Lew of
of a non-resident dealer) whose total turnover for a year sales On
is not less than '[fifty thousand rupees] and every casual purchases of
trader or an agent of a non-resident dealer, whatever be
his turnover for the yea.r, shall pay-a tax fbr each year
at the rate of '[four per cent] of' his-taxable turnover :
Provided that-

ci, 3y
* * * * * * I
in the case oi rice products (for example, rice flour and rice
bran) 4[* * * * *] milk, fresh vegetables (other than
those nicntioned in the First Schedule), fresh fri1its, bctal
and plantain leavss, flowers, eggs, meat and fish (other
than canned meat and fish), the rate shall be one per ccat.
--.-- -- -
1 These words were substituted by section 2 (i) of the Tamil
Naciu Cieneral Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu
Act 23 of 1974), which was deemed to have come into force oc ''i(l

1st lpril 1974, for the words "twenty-five thousand rupees" which
in turn were substituted for the words "fifteen thousand rupees" by
section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment)
Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1971), which was deemed to have
comc into force on the 28th June 1971. The wcrds "fifteen
thousand rupdes" were earlier substituted for the words "ten
thousand rupees" by section 2(i) (a) of t h e Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967).
2 These words were substituted for the words "three and a half per
cent", by section 2 of the Tanlii Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974), which was
decmcd to have come into force on the 15th August 1974. The
words "three and a half per cent", "three per cent" and "two and a
half per ccnt" were earlier subslitutcd for ilie words "thrcc per
cent", "two and a half per cent" and "two per cent" ~.espcctivclyby
section 2(a) of the Tamil Nadu Gcncral Sales Tax (Sccond Amcliti-
tncnt) Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadit Act 13 of 1971), which was dccmed
to hnvc comc into force cn thc 19th June 1971, by sectiori 2(i)(b) of
the ?a!nil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Nadu Act 5 of 1967) and by section 2(a) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (lamll Nadu
Act 30 of 1965).
3 Tile words and brackets "in the case of foodgrains, namely,
wheat, patldy (rice in husk), ricc (hvsked paddy), chola~n,cumbu,
ragi, thinai. varagu, samai and kudiraivali and" were on~lrtedby
section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amenriment) Act,
1976 (PI-esidcnt's Act 40 of 1976), which was deemed to have come
into force on the 7th Sept:rnber 1976.
4 Thc expression "wheat products (for example, wheat flour, soojl
and wheat bran)" was omitted by section 2c) of the Tamil Nadu
~erleralSales Tax (Second Aml:ndment) Act, 197.3 (Tamil Nadu
39 of 1973), which was deerqed to have come into folce on the
i st September 1973.

f 1959 : i4.a.Act i

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-

section (1) in the case of goods mentioned in the First "P
Schedule, the tax under this Act shall be payable by a
dealer, at the rate and orily at the point specified therein
on tht: turnovcr in cacll ycar relating to such goods what-
ever be tllc quantum of turnovcr in that ycar.
(3) Not withstanding any lhing contained in sub -
section (I) or sub-section (2), the tax payable by a dealer
in respect of any sale of goods lllc itioncd in the First Sche-
dule by such dealer to a.~otherfor use by the latter as com-
poncnl part or any otl~crgoods awntiol~cdin that Schedule,
which 11~:intends to ~[manuSacLureinside the Ststt: f o r
sale], shall be at the rate of only 3[four per cent] on the
t ui.novc~'rclat i 112 to such salt ;
- ----- - -- -- -- --
1 The ,wigin A ;lause (ii) stood as f'o1lo~~s:--
"(ii) dca1e1.s clealing e~~lusively i l l one or morc of the goods
c~tu~iic~atctl i n t hi: foregoing clause except l'oodgr.ains, ice
p i otitic~s,I\ l ~ c " ti .xiuzts and milk and whose total turnover
1.01 i ' c thirty L I I C ) C I S ~ I ~ ~ TUPCCS shall not b2
;I JC,II* I,\ I I O ~~ ~ ~ ot11ii11
Iralrlr: to p;iy iil~dcr this sub-SCCL~OII."
I11 tllc s,titi clnusc, 11ic words "wheat prodi~clb" were omitted
by scct ion 2 (i) of the Tall111 Nadu Gencral Salcs Tax (Sccotld
Ame~ldrncnt)Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of l973), whici~wcis
decn~cdlo havc conle into force on the 1st September 1973 and
for the wor~ls "tiurty thousand rupces", the words "thirty-live
thousand rupces" wct-c substilut~d by scctivn 2(1) (c) of tile .
l'amil NLt,,;u (i~itcral Salcs Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Pamil
Nadu Act 5 of 1967). The said clause ~fsclf,as so amended,
was o111ilcd by sectloll (3) (ii) 01' {fie Tall61 Nadu Ciencral Sales
]'ax (/\mcndmcnt) Act, 1974 (Pamil Nadu Act 23 of 1974), which
was clccs~ilcclLo 11,~vccome into forcc on ~ h crirsl April 1974.
2 Tl~cbt:words lvt.~-csubst~tutedfur the words ''rna~~uf'actu~~e lor
sale insidc the SlateJ' by sec'ion 3 of the Talnil Nadu Gelleral
Sdles Tax (L\mcildmenl) ..ict, I 960 (7'a11111Nadu Act 19 of 1960),
which was de-:mcu lo have come i ~ l i of'olcc on the 1st April 1959,
3 These words were substituted for ~ h c words "three per cenl"
by section 3(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 19SO (Tamil Nadu ACL29 of 1980).
[I*,.w r d s "threc per cenl", "two and a half per ceilt", "two
- 3 ~ ' CCII~" and "one and a half per c e ~ ~ twere " earltcr sllbsij u ed for;:
the words " t w o alid a llalf per cer~t", " :wo per. cell ","one and a
hdlf per cznt" and "one pcr cent" rehpectively by sectid11 3 of !he
Tamil Nadu Gcncral Sdles Tax (Scccnd Ainendrnent'j Act, 1972
(Tamil Naclu Act 31 PF 1972), by section 2 (b) of the ralnil Nadu
Gencral Salcs 'Tax (Second Amendmen.) Aci , 197 1 (Tamil Nadu
AC: 13 of 197 1), which was dcerned to have c o i ~ . ~ lnio farce on I 11;:
19ih June 1971, Ly scciion 2(ii) of r h z Tanill Nadu Creneral Slles
l a x (Arne:~dmcnt)Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Acr 5 ol 15167) and by
set 1012 2 jb) of Ire l &nil1 Naau Genc~ai Sales Lax (fs;cond
I 'Zct: 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act Jr) oi 1965).]
-. h - -

iH9 : T N Act 11 Genei.01 $des Tax 45:

Yrovidcd tliat the provisions of this sub-section shall
uot apply to any sale unless the dealer sellii~gthe goods
furnishes to the assessing authority in the pr~scribed
manner 1[withi11 the prescribed period] a dcclaration du I y
filled in and sipled by the dealer to whoin the goo( s
are sold containing the prescribed particular-sin a prrscribed
form obtained from the prescribed authority,
a[kicpkmrttiolz.-For the purposes of this su b-scction ,
'component part' means an article which forms a n identi-
fiable coilstitueilt of thc finisbed prod~:ct,wliich aloil, with
othcrs goes to makc up t i c finished product and u~bichis
ider~tifiablcvisually, or by a mechanical process, aiid not
by a chemical pro~ess.]
"(4) Notwithslandillg anything contained in sub-
sectidn (l), (2) or (3), the tax payable by a dcalcr in rcspect
of any sale of goods-
F (i) rnc~tionedin tllc First Schedule, aiid
(ii) spccificd in a scheme piiblish~3dby tilt; Go\-
cranxmt-, by iic.\tification,-
by such dcalcr to another for use by tlic lr~ttcra:, rail1
i ~ ~ a t c r i ao!'
l any ether good\ n~e~itio~zed
ill that Sciicclu\tl
and specified j a the said scheme, which 11: intends to
inaizufact urc illside the State for sale shall be at the rate
of four per ce~lton the tnrnover relatii~gto sllck salc:

Thesewords were inserted by secticn 3 of the T::mil ~ 2 ~ 1 ~

Ceneral Sales Tax (-iilllen 'ment) Act, 198 i (Tamil N A ~ ' ~
Ack 34 c f 1981).

1 his Explrinali~nwas substitutctl by !:rc;icc 2 of :h:: Talllil

Nadu General Sales TLX (Fourlh Amendn:ent) Ac6, 1970
(Tamil Nadu Act 37 ~f j971~), whicl! was tleenled to h,,\e ccnic
into force 011 t h ~1st April 1959, for the following Expl: ~ l ajcn,
which was ii : l e d by s e ~icn
' 3 c f the Tamil N.I u General 5ales

'TF!x(Third Amt:ndmcnt) Act, 196 1 (Tdrnil Ndiju Act 44 ~f i 9 6 i ) :-

6cExpl~~~rutiorz.-~Forthe purposes of this sull-section, 'compo-
ricnt part' means at1 article which l'ornls an identifiable collstituellt
of the finishcd product and which along with others goes to make
up the finished products."
a These sub-scctions were added by section 3 (ii) of tile Tamit
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 19SO (Tamil
Nadu Act 29 of 1980).

16 Gevteral Sales Tux [I959 : T.N. Act 1

Provided that the provisions of this sub-section shall not
apply to any sale unless the dealer selling the goods
furnishes to the assessir.g authority in the prescribed
maizrrer within the prescribed period a declaration duly
filled in and signed by the dealcr to whom the goods
are sold co ntainiilg t11c prescribed particulars in a pre-
scribed form obtained from the prescribed authority :

Provided further that any dealer who after purchasing

the goods in respect of which he had furnished any declara-
tion proves to the satisfaction of the assessing authority 1
that he was unable to make use of tht, goods so purchased
for the purpose specified in thc declaration, shall pay the
difference of tax payable on the turnover relating to the
sale of s ~ ~ cgoods
h at the rate prescribed in the First
Schedule and fcur per cent.:

Provided also that the dealer purchasing the goods main -

tains a separate stock account for eac\of the goods pur-
chased by him under the scheme mentioned in this sub-
section showing such particulars as may be prescribed.

(5) The scheme referred to in sub-section (4) may

provide for- ?
s class of goods which can be used as
(i) the g ~ o d or *I
r w materials of other goads in respect of which tbe
scE erne shall appiy ;

(ii) the goods or class of goods in the manufacture of I

which such raw materials shall be used;

(iii) the dcalcr or class of dealers selling such raw

materials ; 4

(iv) the dealer or class of dealers using such raw

materials ;and
(v) the conditions and restrictions subject to which
tlze conccssional r,ktc of tax shall apply.
(6) The Government may, by notification, rescind,
revoke, amend or modify any scheme referred to in sub-
section (4). ]

1959 : T.N. Act 1) General Sales Tax 17

4. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3, respect 7 in 7a

the tax under this Acl, shall be payable by a deaa. on decl redof
the sale or purchase inside the State of declared goods at
the rate and only at the point spccified agcifist each in the
Szcond Schedule on the turnover in such goods in each
year, whatever be the quantum of turnovtr lil that year.

2[4-A. (1) Where a tax has been lovied and collected yReimbur.,e-
under 4[section. 4 o r 7-A ] in respect refund]
merit Or
of the sale or piirchase of declared goods and such goods ,,, pairl
are sold in the course of inter-State trade or comnlerce certain case
5fand tax has been paid undcr the Central Sales Tax Act, 1

1556 (Central Act 74 of 1956), in respect of the sale of

such goods in the course of inter-State trade or commerce,
the tax levied and collect~dunder section 4 or 7-A] 6[shaW
be reimbursed to the person making such sale in the course
of inter-Stab trade or commt;rce] in suclt rnanner and
subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.

- --.- -- ----- .----

I The fOllOu4ng proviso wls omitted by sect ion 2 Of the Tamil
Nac'u General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1963 [Tamil NICU ' Act
6 of 1963):-
6cProvidedt h ~ where
t a tax has been levied under this section
in respect of the sale or purchase of declared g3ods 3nd such goocis
are sold in the course of inter-State trac'e or commerce the tax so
levied shall be refunfled .o such person in such manner an3 subject
10 such conditions as ms y be prescribed."

This section was inserted by section 3, ibid.

9 These words were substituted for the word "Refund" by section
3 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amend-
mect) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of 1973), whch was deemed
to have come into force on the 1st April 1973.
This expression was substituted for the expression'soction 4" by
section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General. Sales Tax (Am2ndment) Act,
1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1470), which was deemed to have come
into force on the 27th November 1969.
"his expression was substituted and was deemed always to have
been substituted for the words "the tax so levied and collected" by
section 3 (ii) (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of 1973).
These words were substituted for the words ''shall be refunded
to such person" by section 3 (ii) (b), Did.

(2) Where a tal- at the point of last purchase in the State

11,)s been leviucl anti cc~llcctcdulldcr this Act in rcspect
of goods liablc to tax at such point and wilere the said
purch:ise ceases to b,: the last purchase in thc State by
reason of'a sub~;cclucntpurchase of such goods by another
dealer in the State, tht tax so levied and collected shall be
refunded t o the dealer concerned in such manner and
subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.]
Specill pl-o- 1 1 4 1 (1) WI~crcn tax has been loviccl i~.ndcrthis Act
v'lsion in in respcct of thc sale or p::rchese of any paddy-
'espect of reftrrcd to in sub-itel11 (i) of item 1 of the Sccond Schedule,
czrt;iir~t l t c -
la rdcl goocls. the tax 1cvi;~bic0 1 1 1-ice procuretl o ~ ol'~ si1c11
t paddy d l n l i
be rcducctl by the :mount of' tau lcvicd on i;uch paddy.
(2) Each of the pulses referred to in itcm 6-A of' the
Second Schedule, whether whole or separated, and
whether with or without husk, shall be treated as a single
colninod i ty isorthe p rrposes of levy of tax 1.1nder this Act,]
Refun,l of 2[4-T. Where a dealer has refunded the price of the goods
t A X cn n::I;s returned by castomers together with the tax collected from
rclulns. such cllstorncrs in respect of the sale of such goods and
where l l t o amount representing the price
refr; led by the dealer is included in his turnover, the
dealer shall bc entitled to claim refund of the tax paid
by the dcalcr in respect of such sale, subject to the following
conditions, namely :-
( ( I ) thcnt the sale or purchase was inclitded in the return
and t h - tax pzid ;
( h ) thal the go. d s were recsived back o x rrlurne6
within a period of six months of the dat c of sale or
P~lrchase,as the else may be;
(c) that the p r i c ~of the goods and the tax, if any,
charged thereon we1 e rcfii nded in full to the buyer 01
seller, as the ca se may be; and
( d ) that the claim for refund of tax i s filed wit hi n a
period of thirty days of thb: receipt or despatch of the
goods or before the completion of final asst.rsment, which-
ever is 1ater, to such authority, in st1c h manner and su bjcct
t o such conditi ons a s may be orescr.ibed.
This section was inserted by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Amendr~ent)Act, 1976 (President's Act 40 of 1976),
*srhichwas deemed t :, have come in:o force on the 7th September .
These sections were inserted by section 2 of the Tamil Nadu
General Siles TAX(secfin I Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadv Act
47 of 1979).

1959 : T.N. Act I] a l Tax

C ~ i ~ c r Sales 19

4-D. Where the good s despatched by n d d e r are Refund c f

~-etur%d fol. t h e reason tha: tiley wore not t a h n delivery !ax un-
of by the person for whom they w:re intertdcd, the dealel . fructified I

sh.111 be entitled t o clairn refund of the tax paid by him

011 such unfructified sale :
Provided that the clairrl is prefzrr ed within a per i od
of thirty day5 of the receipt of the goods returned, to such
:o thority, in such manncr and snhjzct to such conditions
as lray be prescribed.
5. Notwit hstanding anythin; contained in sub-section Tax on
(1) of srction 3, every (1cill~rr:gistcred under st b-rcction purcha~ed
(3) of section 7 of the C. ntral S all s Tax Act, 1956 (Central by dcclers
Act 74 of 1956), shall, whatever hc the quantum of his un registered
er Cen-
1s s ~ L : of ,,,IAct 74
t urnover, ps y t fix for t-ach y24i ~ li i . ~cSpcct of 1
baoods with iacfclensz t o th: purchas- c!f which llc has ~f 1956.
furnished a dcclnr ation 1 1 tid er c ub-scction (4) of section
8 of the afor,said Central Act, at the rates specified here-
( a ) one pcr cent of his taxable turnover, in the caqe
of rn:ntioned in clau~e(i) of the proviso t o sub-
section (1) of .secticn 3;
(b) four per cent] of his taxable turnover in the cas"
of ~ ~ t h egoods
r liable t o tax under sub-section (1) of
szction 3.
6. T provisions of this Act relating to taxation T,X
of successiv sales or purchases inside the State, only at this Act to
a single point or at one or more points shall apply be
in acldi-
tion t o tax
only to saks or purchases insidp fhe State (other than ,der c,,-
sales or purchzses in the course of inter-State trade or trdl ~k~ 74
commerce) and the tax undcr this Act , shall he levied in of 1956 or
addition to any tax levied under the Central Sales Tax other
Act, 1956 (Central Act 74 of 1956) or any other law for law.
the time being in force.
-- -- --
1These words were substituted for the words "three and a half
per cent " by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974), wllich was
deemed to have come into force on the 15th August 1974. [The words
'' three and a half per cent ", " three per cent " and " two and a
half per cent " were earlier substituted for the words " three per \

cent ", " two and a half per cent " and " two per cent " respectively
by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
~mendment) Act, 1971 (Tarnil Nadu Act 13 of 1971), which was
deemed to have come into force on the 19th June 1971, by section 3
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Wadu Act 5 of 1967) and by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadrr Act 30 of

20 Opera2 Sales Tax [I959 : T.N. Act 1

Payment of 7'. 1[(1) Notwith;tanding anything contained in SL b-

compound- at s-ctian (1) of seetion 3, t v I-y dealer 2[(other than a
ed rates, casual trader or an agent of a n 0 n 4 sident deal( r)]
whose total turnover ir not less thm 3[6fty thousand
t more than one lakh of iup:es, may
rupees] b ~ not
at his option$instcad of psying the tax. in accordanct
with the provisions of that st b-section, pay tax at the
following rates, namely :-
_--_.--.-I_ --_.-_- -- --- ---.
Sub-section (1) of secticn 7 as originally passed by the
Legislature stood as follows :-
"(I). Not withstanding anything cont ailled in sub-sect it 11,
(1) of section 3, every dealer whose total turnover is not less thAn
ten. t housand rupees but not more than twenty-five t hoilsanct
rupees, may at his option insie:ld of p:~yingthc tax in accor('ance
with rhe provisions (Jf 1h2t sub-se~:ion pay tax at thc
fc)llowing rate^ , nnmely :-
Rate of tax.
(i) Where the total turnover is not less than ten One hundred and twenty rupees
thousand rupees, but is less than fifteen thousand per annum.
(ii) Where the total turnover is not less than fifteen One hundred and eighty rllpees
thousand rupees, but i; 1:ss than twenty thousand per annurn.
(iii) Where the total tur~ovcris not less than twenty Two hundred and forty rupees
thousand rupees, but i i not more than twenty-five per annum."
thousand rupees.
For the said sub-section (I), the following sub-section was substituted by section
3 (i) of the Tamil Nadv General Sales T x (Second Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tamil
Nadu Act 8 of 1961), which came into force n the 1st April 1361 :-
" (1) N~twithslanrlinganything c:n:ain:J In sub-section (1)
of section 3, every dealer whase total turn-3ver is n:la 1:ss than
ten thousand rup-es but not more t h l n fifty-thousaild rupces, ma)
at his option insiea 1 of p !ying the tax in Pccx I.;nce with thc pro-
visions of th it sub-section P::y tax at the following rates, namely:--

R ~ t oef tax.
(i) Where the total turnover is not less than ten One hundred and twenty rupees
thousand rupees, but is le5s than fifteen thousand per annum.
(ii) Where the total turnover is not less than fifteen One hundred and eighty rupees
thousand rupees, but is less than twenty thousand per annum,
(iii) Where the total turnover is not less than twenty Two hundred and forty rupees
thousand ruk,. - but is less than twenty-five per antlurn.
thousa -- a rupees. (contd.)

1959 : T.N. *4cf 11 Gellerul Sales TQX 21

-- - 0
Rate of fas.

(iv)Wl,en the total turoovcr ;\ not I P Fthan

~ twenty- Three h u n d ~ d rupees per
ecs, but is less that1 thirty thou- m ~ u m ~

),! ~ total turnover i r not less than thirty Three hundred and sixty r u m
W h e the
thousand r u m s , but is less t h n thirty-five thou-S r annum*

i , ti& *tfa.j s r w r r e r w P M.W F*.s 'mt l - 2 - f X Z Z G-


(r ii) Where the total turnover is not less than forty Four hundred and eighty rupees
thousand rupees, but is less than forty-five thou- per annum.

(viii) Where the total turnover is not less than forty- Five hundred and forty rums
rupees, but is not more than my per annum."

For the said sub-section as so substituted, ,the folIowing sub-section .was amin
ubstituted by section 4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sdes Tax (Amendment) Act,
967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967) :-

"(I) Notwithstanding anything contained *in sub-section (I) of swion 3, a m

dealer whose total turnover is not less than fifteen thousand rupees but not more than
sevznty-five th~usandr u p m , may at his option instead of paying the tax in amdanm
virh th2 p;oviqions of thlt sub-section, pay tax at the following rates, namely :-

\ Rate of tax.

(i) Where the total turnover is not less than B f ' n One hundred and eighty rums
thousand rupees, but is less than twenty thousand per annum.

(i i) Where the total turnover is not less than twa~ty TWOhundred and sixty rum*
thousand rupees, but is less than twenty-five per annum.
thousand rupees.

fiii) Whsre the total turnover is not less than twenty- Three hundred and fiftyiupeer
five thousand rupees, but is less than thirty thou- per annum.
cand rupees. (coatd.)
22 General Sales Tax Act 1

(iv) Where the ru.I. turnover is not less than thirty Four hundred and fifty mpees
thousu,ld rupes, but is less than thirty-five thou- per annurn.
sand rupees.

(v) Where the total turnover i~ not less than thirty- Five hundred and trvcnty-five
five thousand rupzes, but is less than forty thou- rupees per annum.
sand rupees.

(vi) Where the total turnover is not less than forty Six hwdred rupees per annum.
thousand rupees, but is less than forty-five thou-
sand rupees.

(~ii)m e r e the total turnover is not less than forty- Six hundred and seventy-five
five thousand rupees, but is less than fiftythousand rupees per annum.
(viii) Where the total tpxover is not less than fifty Seven hundred and fifty nlpces
thousand rupees, but IS less than fifty-fivethousand per annum.

6 3 Where the total turnover is not less than fifty- Eight hundred and eighty rupees
five thou~andrupees, but is less than sixty thou- per amurn.
sand rupees.

(x) Where the total turnow is not 19s than sixty Nine hundred and sixty rllpees
tho-d rupees, but is less than sixty-five thous- per annum.
and rupees-

@) m s r e the total turnover is not less fbkn sixty- One thousand one hundred
five thousand rupees, but is less than seventy an6 five rupees per annu*.
' thousand rupees-

( ~ i i )Where thc total turnover is not less than seventy One thousand one hundred alld
thousand rupees, but is not more than seventy-five ninety rupees per annum".
thousand rupees.

For the said sub-section as so substituted, the present sub-section (1) was substitutd
by section 3 (i) of tho Tam11Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) AC~,1971
pamil Nadu Act 25 of 19711, which Was deemed to have come into force on the 28th
June 1971.

a'These brackets and words w:re inserted by section 2 (a) of the Tarnil wadu
~ ~ ~Sales a (Amsndment)
r Tax l Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977).

8 These wards w:re subrtitutzd fcr the words " twerty-five thousand rupeps I *
qrS36t:03 3 (i) of thd Tamil N d u G:n-ral Sales Tax (An-ndmnent) Act, 1974 (Tamil
Nadu Act 23 of 1974). xbich was deemed to have come Into force on t b 1st Aprcl

1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Sales Tax

Rate 05 tax
l[(i)Whcrc: the total turilover is not Eight h u ~ ~ d r eand
less than Mty thousand rupees, forty rupees Pel;
but is less that1 sixty thousand annum.
(ii) Where the total turnover is not -One thousand and
less than sixty thotlsand rupees, eighty rupees per
but is less than seventy thousand annum.
- -
2 These items were substituted for the f o l l o h g items by section 2 of the Tamfl
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tam1 Nadu Act 33 of 3 9 7 9 ~
which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st Apnl 1979 :-
Rate of tax.
660) Where the total turnover is not less than fifty Ejgh hundred and forty mpccr
thousand rupees, but is less than fifty-fivethousand per annum.
rupees. .
(ii) Where the total turnover is not less thane-
five thousand rupees, but is less than sixty thous-
One thousand and cigh ty
rupees per annum.
and rupees.
(iji) Where the total turnover is not less than sixty One thousand three hundred
thousand rupees, but is less than sixty-five thous- and twenty rupees per annum,
and rupees.
(iv) Where the total turnover is not less t h sixty One thousand five hundred
five thousand rupees, but is less than seventy and sixty rupees per annum.
thousand rupees.
f (v) Where the total turnover is not less than One hmm.i and eight
seventy thousand rupees, but is less than seventy- hundred rupees per amum,
five thousand rupees.
(vi) Where the totai turnover is not less tb.n Two thousand and forty rupees
seventy-five thousand rupees, but is less than per zinnum.
eighty thousand rupees.
(vii m e r e the total turnover is not Iess than eighty TWO thousartd two hundred
b t ousand rupees, but is less than eighty-five
thousand rupms.
and eighty rupees per annum,

(viii) Where the total turnover is not less than Two thousand five hundred
eighty-five thousand rupees, but is less than and twenty rupees per
ninety lhousand rupees. annum.
(ix) Where the total turnover is not less than ninety TWO thousand seven hundred
thousand rupees, but is less than ninety-five and sixty rupees per annum.
thousand rupees.
(x) Where the total turnover is not Iess than ninety- 'Chm thousand rupees : per
five thousand rupees, but is not more than one annum."
lakh of rupees. ( m f d*)
I 25-6-3 A

24 Ge~lerdlSales Tax [I959 : T.N. Act I

(iii) Where the ta tat turnover is aot One thousand t hrce

less than seventy thousaou 1upee?, hundred and
but is les, than eighty thousand twenty rupzos p: r
rupees, annum.
(iv) Where the total turnover is not One thousand five
less than eighty thousand rupees, hundred and sivty
but is ZSSthan ninety thousind rupees per nnnutn.

he said items as so substituted were earlier siibstituted fo~.the following itelns by

1 s ~ t i o n3(ii) of the Titmil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 cr:irnil
Nadu ~ c 23t of 1974), which was deemed to have come i n t o Iorcc on the 1st April
Rate of tax.

..(j) Where the total turaover is not less than twenty- Fdur hunJred and eigrt r u w s
five thousand rupees, but is less than thirty per annurn.
thousand rupees.
(ii) Where the total turnover is not less than thirty Five hundred and twenty-ei~ht
thousand rupees, but is less than thirty-five rupees per annum.
thousand rupees

(iii) Where the t o t a ~ -lloveris not less than thirty- Six hundred and twelve rupees
five thou- -ad rupees, but is less than forty thous- per annum.
and rupees.
flv) Where the total turnover is nat less than forty Szven h ~ n d r e d. t ~ deight rup2es
thousand rupees, but is less than forty-five per anuum.
thousand rupees.

(v) Where the total turnover is not less than forty- Seven hundred and ninety-rivo
five thousand rupees, but is less than fifty thousand rupees per annum.
(vi) when the total turnover is not less than fifty Eight hundred and seveilty-six
thousand rupees, but is less than fifty-fivethous- rupees per annurn.
andrum. ,

(di) Where the total turl~ovaris not less than fifty- One thousand and dghty
five thousand rupees, but is less than sixty thous- rupees per annum.
and rupees.
(viii) Where the total turfiov~ris not less than sixty O n e thousand three hubd.
( b o u ~ ~ - sbut u ~is ,less than sixt~fhrothous- and twenty rupees per
and rums. annum.
- --L-
- . .. +r -

1959 : T.N. Act 11 ~ e n e i a ~l a t v sTux 25

Rate of tax.
(v) Where the total turnover is not One th~usandand
less than ninety thousand rupkes, eight hundred
but is not more than one lakh rupees per annum].
of rupees.
(2) Any dealer l[(other than a casual trader or an
ageat of a non-resident dealer)] who estimates his total

I (h) mere the total turnover is not less than sixty- One thousand five hundred and
five thousand rupees, but is less than seven@ sixty rupees per annum,
thousand rupees.

(x) Where the total turnover is not less than seventy Oae thousand and eight hundred
thousand rupees, but is less than seventy five rupees per nnnum.
thousand rupees.
(xi) Where the total turnover is not less than seve?ty- Two thousand and f o ~ rupee5
five thousand rupees, but is less than eighty per annum.
thousand rupee,..

(xii) Where the total turnoyer is not less than eighty Two thousand two h u n b d
thousand rupees, but IS less than euhty-five and eighty r ~ w - per
,housand rupees. annum.

(,iii) Where the total t ~ m v eisr not than eighty- TWOthousand five hundred and
five thousand rupees, but is less than ninety twenty rupees per annu*,
thousand rupees.

(xiv) where the total tUnm!t!ris not less than ninety TWOthousand seven hundred
thousand rupees, but is less than ninety-five and sixty rupees p a annum.
thousand rupees*
(,,I Where the total turnover is not less tha~lninety- Three thorlsalld rupees per
five thousand rupees, hut is less than one lakh annumaw
of r u m .
Again, in the said items as so substituted, in iten1 (xv), for the
words " is less than one lakh of rupees" the words " is not morc than
one lakh ofrupees " were substituted by section 4 of the Tamil ~ a d u
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1873 ('Lgmil Nadu Act
39 of 1973), ~ h i c hwas deemed to have come Into force on the a t h
June 1971).
1 - n a e brackets and words were inserted by section 2(b) of the
~ & l~ d Generalu Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (TW fidu
Act 7 of 1977)*

~ e n e r dSafes Tax [I959 : T.N. Act 1
turnover for a year to be not more than l[one Iakh of
rupees] may apply to the assessing authority to be permitted
to pay th: tax under this section and on being so permitted
he shall pay the tax due in advance during the year in
monthly or prescribed instalments and for that purpose
shall submit such returns in such manner as may be pre-
2[Provided that any dealer paying tax under sub-
sectiou (1) of section 3 and desirous of paying tax for any
year under this section may, at any time before h a 1
assessment for that year, exercise his option to be assessed
under this section and for that purpose shall submit such
returns in such manner gs may be prescribed :
Provided further that any dealer paying tax under
this section and desirous of paying tax under sub-section
(1) of section 3 may, at any time before final assessment
for that year, exercise his option to pay tax i~ accordance
with that sub-section and for that purpose shall submit
s u c ~returns in such manner as may be prescribed.]
3[(2-A) The pe~*missiongrated b./ the assessing autho-
rity under sub-section (2) shall conti.~uein force so long as
the dealer is eligible to be assessed under this
section and has not withdrawn his option to be so assessed].
(3) The tax paid under sub-section (2) shall be subject
to such adj lstrnent as may be prescribed on the comp:etion
of final assessment in the nlaimer prescribed.
.---...-- -- -- ---------.- -------- ----
1 These words were substituted for the words " seventy-five
thousand rujtees " by section 3(ii) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1971),
which was deemed to have come into i'orce on the 28th June 1971.
LThe words " sevcnty-five thousa~ldrupees " and " fifty tuousaad
mpms " were earlier substituted I ~ Jrhe
- words " fifty thousand rupees"
and " twenty-five thousand ~ . u p t ~". s rcspectiv~lyby scctioil 4(ii)
~f the rczn~il Nadu General S::les Tax (Amencimenr) Act, 1967
(Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967) a ~ l dby bection 3(ii) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tanlil Nadu
Act 8 of 1961), -~vhichcame into force on the 1st April 19611,
"These provisos were inserted by section 4 of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tan (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act
29 of 1980).
a'rih subsection was inserted by section 4 of the Tamil Nadir
General S d a Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act
31 of 1972), which was deemed te have come i n t ~force
~ on the 33st
July 1963.

1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Sales Tax 27

1 [7-A. (1) Every dealer who in the course of his business Levy of
purchases from a registered dealer or from any other purchase
person, my goods (the sale or purchase of which is tax.
liable to tsx under this Act) in circumstances in which no
tax is payable under section 3, 4 or 5 ,as the case may be,
atld either,-

(q) c/~3A+*,w
!:, :. A6:?x
p#>?,l fa the

:LZ,& d-72?&:2 :
uiher goods for sale ar otherwise; or

(b) disposes of such goods in any manner other than

by way of sale in the State ; or

(c) despatches them toa Place outside the State

except as a direct result of sale or purchase in the course
of inter-State trade or commerce,

shaIl pay tax on the tuimver relating to the purchase afore-

said at the rate mentioned in section 3,4 or 5, as the case
may be, whatever be the quantum of such turnover in a
year :

Provided that a dealer (other than a casual trader or

agent of a non-resident dealer) purchasing goods (the
sale of which is liable to tax under sub-section (1) of section
3) shall not be liable to pay tax under this sub-section, if
his total turnover for a year is less than 2[fifty thousand

f 1 This section was insertcd by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu

General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1410 (Tamil Nadu Act 2 of
1970), which was dzemed to have come into5 force on thc 27th
November 1969.

8 These words were substituted by section 4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu

General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of
;974, which was deemed to have come int 0 force on :he 1 st April
1974 for the words CC twerrty-five thousand rupees " which in
turn were substituted for the words " ~ & X I thoasand rupees " by
section 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sdes Tax (Third Amend-
ment) Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1970, which was deemed to
have come into force on the 28th June 1971.

28 General Sales TCZX' [1959 : T.N. Act 9

(2) Notwithstanding anytlling coutnined in sllb-section

(l), the provisions of section 7 shall apply to a &3lc1-
referred to in sub-section (1) who purchases goods (the sale
of v-hichis liable to tax under sub-section (1) of section 3)
and who* total turnover for a . year is not less th.,,~
l('[lii ty thousand rupees
but not more than one lakh of'
rupees); and such a dea er may, at his option, illstead of
pr~yillgthe tax in rccord;rnca with the pl.ovi,ions of sub-
section (I), pay tax at the rates mentioned in sub-sectiuu
(1) of section 7.

(3) Every dealer liable to pay p~~rchase tax uuder

sub-section (I), shall, for the purposes of this Act, be
deemed to bc a registered dealer.]

Extnlpt ion 8. Subject to such restrictions and conditions

from tax. as may be prescribed, a dealer who deals in the goods
specified in the Third Schedule shall not be liable to pay
any tar under this Act in respect of such goods.

StPsc of levy 9. Where in the case of any goods tax is leviable at one
'axes in point in a series of sales or purchases, such series shall-
r a m of ?

importid and
(a) in the case of goc\ds imported into the State either
from outside the temtory of India or from any other State
in India, be c b m d to,cornmeoce at thA stage of the sale or
purchase effhted immediately after the import of such
goods ;

(b) in the case of goods exported out of the State to

any place outside the territory of India or to any other State
in India, be deemed to conclude at the stage of sale or
purchase effected immediately before the export of such
1 These words were substituted for the words " fifteen thousand
rupees but not more than seventy-five thousand rupees " by section 4
(ii) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act,
1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1971), which was deemecl to have come
bto force on the 23th June 1971.
2 'llrcje W L I I ~ ' WCTC
~ s~bstiti~led(or the ~vorcls "twzuty-five
hy section -1. (ii) the: 'fitmil Nirclu Cieneral

I ~ O Linti~ S rupcch kjf

a l e s Tax (Alnendment) Act, 1974 ( T a l ~ i lh.1,:~iki 2.3 of 1914),

~vhichwas deemed to have come illto force on tho 1st ~ p r i ji ~ 7 4 .

1959 : T.N. Act 11 Gertsral Sales Tax 29

#J$o1lid54 th21 j ~ !5- p a , g b 7 :z ::2: 2:
the ta& lo aoy pkce outjide the xerritosy oi' Ifidia,
where the sale or purchase effected irnmediatcly before the
export of such goods is under sub-section (3) of section 5
of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 (Celltral Act 74 of lL~o),
a sale or purchase in the course of export, tllc series of
sales or purchasc s of sucb goods shall be desmed to
conclude at the stage of the sale or purchase iillmediately
preceding sucb sale or purchase in thc course of export.]

10. The burden of proving that any dealer or any of his BLg&nof
transactions is ilot liilble to tax under this Act shall lic on proof.
such dealer.

11. The tax under this Act shall be assessed, levied and Assessmcllt
collected in such manner a s may be prescribed. of tax.

12. (1) The assessment of a dealer shall be on the basis Procedure t ~ .

of the prescribed return relating to his tur~~over
submitted he followed
in the prescribed ma~lnerwithin the prescribed period. by the
author it y .
(2) If no retc r P is submitted by the d.:aler under sub-
section (1) within the prbscribed period, or if the return
submitted by hiin appears to the assessing authority to be
iocamplete or ir correct the assessing authority shall,
after making sucf enquiry as it may consider necessary,
assess the dealer to the best of its judgment :

Provided that before taking action under this sub-

section the dealer shall be given a reasonable opportunity
d proving the correctness or completeness of any roturn
submitted by him.

1 This proviso was inserted by section 4 of the Tanlil Nadu

General Sales Tax (Arnendmen:)' Act, 1976 (President's Act 40 of
1976), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st ~ p f i l

30 General sales Tax 11959 : T.N. Act I

l[(3) In addition to the tax assessed under sub-section

(2), ihe assessing authority may, in thr? same order of assess-
ment passed under sub-section (2) , cr by a separate order,
direct the deaier to pay by way of penalty,-

(a) a sum which shall not be less than gty per cent
but which stlall not be more than one hundred and Wty
per cent of the amount of tax due on the turnover that
was not wilCully disclosed by the dealer in his return, or

(b) a sum which shall not be less than fifty per cent
but which shall not be more than one hundred and fifty
per cent of the tax assessed in the case of wilful faiiure to
submit a return.

These sub-sectiol-1swere substituted for the following zub-sectlon

(3) by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act 47 of 1979) :-

" (3) In addition to the tax assessed under sub-section (2), the
assessing author it^ may. in the same order of assessment passed under
sub-section (2), or by a separate order, direct the dealer to pay a
penaltynot exceeding one and a half times the amount of tax due
on the turnovcr that was fiot wilfully disclosed by the dealer in his
return or in the case of wilful failure to submit a return, a penalty
not e ~ -4ing
, one and a half times the tax assessed, as the case may .
be :

Provided that no penalty under this sub-section shall be imposed

iiiiless the dealer aflected has had a seasonable opporturity of showing
causc against such iniposition:

Provided further that no such penalty shall be imposed after

a period of five years fram the expiry of the year to which the
assessment under sub-section (2) relates."

[?'he said sub-sectiou (3) was earlier substituted for the foliowlng
original sub-section by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972):-

" (3) When isaking any assessment under subsection (2), the
assessing authority may also direct the dealer to pay in addition to the
tan assessed, R penalty not exceeding one and a half times the amount
of tax due on the turnover that was not disclosed by the deaIer in his
return or, in the case of failure to submit a return, one and half .
times the tax assessed, as the ease may be. "3

1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Sales Fax 39

(4) Not withstanding anything contained in i~ b-i r' i ; c u

(I). l2) and 121, s t ~ j: ;> jriiJEed
i.cr:-:,~g~ i i i i ~mrj ;

that the accountb maintained by a dealer are correct,

assess such dealer on the basis of such accounts, if such
dealer has-

(i) failed to submit the prescribed rbtul-n ; or

(ii) failed to submit the prescribed returll within

such period as may be prescribed ;or

(iii) if the r e t ~ r nsubmitted is found to be incorrect

or incomplete.

(5) The anessing authority may, in the o~.derof asscss-

n~clitor by a separate order, direct that the dealer shall, in
addition to the tax as1;essed under sub-section (4), pay by
way of penalty, a sur,i--

(i) which, iu the case referred to in clause (i) of sub:

section (4), shall not be less than fifty per a n t but which
shall not be more than one hundred and Mty per cent of the
amount of tax payable ;
(ii) which, in the case referred to in clause (ii) of sub-
section (4), shall be equal to two per cent of the tax payable
for every month or part thereof during which the default
in the submission of the return continued, subject to a
maximum of fifty per cent of the tax ;and

(iii) which, in the case referred to in clause (iii) of

sub-section (4), shall not be less than fifty per oent but
which shall not be more than one hundred and fifty per c a t
of the difference in tax payable on the tulno-ver disclosed
in the return and that determined by the assessing ;ruthority:

provided that no penalty under sub-sections (3) and (5)

he imposed after a period of five years from the expiry
(,I: year to which the asrtessrnentrelates and unbss the
dcalcr affectedhas had a reasonable oppoi tunity of show7iag
cause against such impdsition.]

32 Getteral Sales Tax 11959; T.N. Act .1

Assessment '[12-A. (1) If the assessing authority is satiafieci that s
Of sales dealer has, with a view to evade the: payment of tax, shown
at in his accounts,
accounts in sales or pul chases of any goods at
low priws. prices which are abnormally low compai ed to rhe prevailing 6

market price of such goo&, it may, at any time within a i

period of f i ~ cyears from the expiry of the year to which
the tax r t lates, assess or 1-easseqs the dealer to the best of
its judgm:nt on the.Wnover of such sales or purchases
after making such enquiry as it may consider nemssary
and after giving the dealer a reaiso~jableopportunity to
show cause against such assessment.

(2) Ths provisions of slib-sections (2) to (5) of ustion

16, shall, as far as rimy be, apply to assessment or reassess-
ment under sub-section (1) as they apply to the reassess-
ment of escaped turnover under sub-section (1) of section

provisional 13. (1) The tax for each year payable undet- any of
assessment. the provisious of tlus Act may be assessed, levied and
collected in advance duiing tbe yew in ~nonthlyor otller
prescribed inshlments, and f o ~that purpose a doder
may be :acquired to furnish within tlic prescribed pel iod
a [ s ~ i ~r-eti:rns]
l~ as may be prescribed. The assessing
rtutho,jty ]nay determine i h e amount of tax payable
in 1-esyect of any pe~iod and on such assessment the
dealer shall pay the sum demanded within such time
as b ~ :fixed by such authority.

8 W s e war& were ~ t t b ~ f i t t l f 5 d the words "either an advance estimate of his
,,mover for the year, or such periodical retlirns of the actual turnover ** b M i o n
4 of the Tamil Nadu Genera: S&r Tax (Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil adu Act
of 1963).

1[(2) If no retu~ni~ wbmitted by the dedm mder

sub-sectiou (1) wi hin tho prescribed period, or ~f the ~~etul-n
wbmimd by him r p p w s to the assessing authority to be
incomplete or inco~rect, the assessing authority may,

aRss making such enquiry as it may consider necessarv,

assess the dealer to the best of its judgment:
Provided t h t , before taking action under this sub-
section on the g r o ~ c dthat 'ha r e ~ msubmitted by the
dealar is incomplete or incorrect, the d d e r shall be given
a reasonable opportunity of proving the correctness or
completeness of the rehlm submitted byIhim.1
(3) If the assessing authority has reason to believe
that the provisional assessment made by it for any period
was based on too low a turnover or was made at too
low a rate or was based on too high a turnover or was
made at too high a rate it may enhance or reduce, as the
case may be, such provisional assessment:
Provided tkat befare making an enhancement of
F the provisionr 1 assessment as aforesaid, the assessing
authority shall, except where such enhancement is based
on the turnover finally determined for the preceding
year, give a reasonable opportunity to the dealer to show
cause against such enhancement and make such enquiry
as it may consider necessary.
(4) The assessmat, levy and cdlleotion of tax under
this section shall be subject to such adjustment as may be
prescribed on the completion of fins1 assass~nentin the
manner premibed.
1 This sub-section and proviso were substituted for the following
sub-section (2)and the proviso thereto (by section 4 of the Tamil
Nadu General S h Tax (Second henffinrent) Act, 1961 (Tamil
Nadu Act '8 of 1960, which came into 'force on the 1st April
1961 :-
"(2) If no retitrn is subnti~tedby the dealer under suwection
(1) within the ptcsctibclt period, or if the return submitted b y
him is incomplete or inc.?rrect, the iWSessing authority may deter-
mine, subject tkrS~lClrrilles as may & prescribed, the arnount
of tax payahIe in respect of any period on the basis of the
transactions of the clcaler in the preceding year or the correq-
ponding period of the preceding yew, as the case may be :
Provi .led that oefore taking action under this sub-section
on the ground that tlre return submitted by the dealer is incam-
plete or incorrect, the de::ler shall be given a reasonable
opportunity of proving the correctness or completcne~cof the
retrlrn submitted by nim."

34 General Sales Tax [I959 : T.A. Act :

Dealer to 2[ 13-A. (1) A dealer who has been*provisionallyassessed

'Ontinue pay- to tax during .i: preceding year t~ndersection 13 slull,
ment for the
of tax unless he is not liable to pay tax for the year, continue
as assessed in to pay for the year the tax so assessed in the preceding
tile preceding year in the prescribed manner until he is again pro yisionally
year under assessed to tax for the year under section 1 3.
section 13.
(2) Any tax paid in accordance with the provisioils
of sub-section (1) shall be adjusted in the prescribed
manner against the tax found due on the completion of
pt-ovisional assessment for the year under section 13.1
Fresh assess- (1) Any dealer assessed under sub-section (2) of

in uer-
t,iin cxqeq. section 12 may, within a pariod of thirty days from the
date of service of the assessment order, apply to the
assessing ai~thority for re-assessment, along with the
correct and complete return as prescribed. On such
application, the as9essidg authority shall, if it is satisfied
that the failui-e to submit t h r e t i l r n in time or the
submission of the incorrect or incomplete return was due
to .-easons beyond the conti-ol of the applicant, cancel
the assessment made and inako a fresh assessment on the
basis of the 7,eturn submitted:
Provided that no application shall be entertained
under. this sub-section unless it is accompanied by satis-
factory proof of the payment of tax admitted by the
applicant to be due 01. any such instaiment thereof as
might have become payable, as the case may be .
The following sub-section (5), which was added by section 3 of
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1964
(Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1964), was omitted by section 5 of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment)Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu
Act 47 of 1979):-
" (5) W lere a dealer I&refunded the price of articles returned
by customer:^ together with the tax collected from such customers in
respect of the sale of such articles and where the amount representing
the price refunded by the dealer is included in his turnover, the
dealer shall be entitled to cIaim deduction of the tax levied in respect
of such sale, within a period of six months from the date of sale by
adjustment in the ?.ssessment and the final assessment shall be com-
pleted accordingly but such dealer shall not be entitled to claim any
adjustment or refund of the tax in respect of the sale of such articles
after the expiry of the said period of six months."
[In the said sub-section (S), for the words " within a period of SIX
months from the date of sale " the words " within such period as
may be prescribed " were earlkr substituted and for the words "the
said period of six months ",the words " the perio?, so prescribed "
were substituted by section 6 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Second Amend~nent)Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).]
This section was inserted by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu General
Series Tax (Amendment Act, 1963(Tanail Nadu Act 6 of 1963).
-. - . s

1959 : T.N. Act 11 Genera! LTales T(LX 35

t tax 9n the basis 9! rho ancelled
0)I$ the a m o l ~ n 9f
d~iWbflM?t &cw~;.' ~!k'%Z&!d and if the amount
of tax arrived at as ,A result of the fresh assessment is
different from it, any amount overpaid by the dealer shall
be refunded to him without interest, or the further amount
of tax, if any, due from, him shall be collected in accordance
with the provisions of this Act, as the case may be.
(3) Penalty, if any, imposed and collected under
sub-section (3) of section 12, shall be refunded to the
dealer without interest on cancellation of the order of
original assessment.
15. Where a dealer dies, his executor, administrator, Aswssment
or other legal representative shall be deemed to be the dealer of legal rep-
for the purposes of this Act and .tbe provisions of this resentatives.
Act shall apply to him in respect of the business of the
said deceased dealer, provided h t l ; in respect of any
tax or fee assessed as payable by any such dealer or any
tax or fee which would have been payable by him under
this Aet if he had not died, the executor, administrator
or other legal representative shall be liable o lly to the
extent of the assets of the deceased in his hand!.
16. '[(I) (a) Where, for any reason, the whole or any Assessment
part of the turnover of business of a dealer has escaped of escaped
assessment to tax, the assessing authority may, subject tunow*-
to the provisions of sub-section (2), at any time within a
period of five yews from the expiry of the year to which
the tax relates, determine t o the best of its judgment the
tu:nover which hzs escaped assessment and assess
the tax payable oil such turnover after making such
enquiry a; it inay consider necessary and after giving the
dt;aler a rcaso~~able opportunity to show cause agaiilst
such assessment.

1 This sub-section was substituted for the following sub-section

( I ) by sectiol~2(a) of tbe Tamil Nadu GenenJ Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Act 18 of :966), which was
declned to have come into force 011 the 1st April 1959:-
"(I) Where, f;)r ally reason, the whole or any part of the turn-
ovc;r of business of a dealer has escaped assessment to tax or has
heen assessed at a rate lower than the rate at which it is assessable,
ine assessing authority, may subject to the provisions of s~ib-se~,' ,n
(2), at any time within a period of five years from the expiry of the
year to which the tax relates, assess ihe tax payable on such turn-
over after service of notice on the dealer and after making such
~nquiryas it may consider necessary ."

El959 : T.N.Act 1

( Where, for ally reayov, the whole or auy part of

the turtlover af business of a dealer has I)et=n assessed at
a rate lower than the rate at which it; is asseqsable, the
assessing authority may, at aqy time within a period of
five years from the expiry of the year to which the tax re-
lates, re-assess the tax due after m:lbiing such enquiry as
it mdy cons~dernecessary and after gtving th: dealer a
rerlso!table opportunity to show cauqe against such re-
assessment .]
(2) In mah~ngan assessment '[under clause (a) of
sub-section (:)I, the assessil~g authority mr y, if it is
satisfied that the escape from assessment is due to wilful
non-disclosure of assessable turl lover by the dealsr ,
dilaect the dcaler to pay, in additioq to the tax assessed
l[under cla ise. (a) of sub-section (1)],2[by way of p~nalty,
a sum which shall not be lass than fifty Per cent but
which shall tot be more than one hundrcc; and fifty per
cent of the tax so assessed] :
Provided that at0 psnalty under sub-section (2) shall
be irnposcd u1.1lessthe dca112raffected has had a riasona-
bl.1 opportunity of showing causc against such
(3) Thc powers under sub-section (1) may be
exercised by t h c assessing ituthority even though the
original order of assessment, if any, Passed ill the matter
has been the subject-matter of an appeal or revision.
(4) In wmputing the period of limitation for
stassessment or re-assessment under this ~ection], the
time during which the 4[proceedings for assessment or
re-aqsessment] remained stayed under the orders of s
Civil Court or other competellt authority shall be exclu-
This expression was substituted for the expression "under sub-
sectio~r;I) " by section 2 (6) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales ax
(Second Amendment) Act, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Act 18 of 1966)
which was deem3d to have come into form on the 1st April 1959. '
r These words were substituted for the words " a penalty not
e x d i n g : one and a half times the tax so assessed " by section 6 of
the Tamil Nadu General W89 Tax (Second h e n d m n t ) Act, 1979
(Tamil Nadu Act 47 0i .I97910
8 These words were substituted for the words " assessment of
the escaped turnover unde- this section " by section 2(c) of the Tamil
'PJadu Oencral Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1966 (Tamil
Nadu Act 18 of' 1966), which was deemed to have come into force
on the 1st Aiwil 1959.
These words were substituted for the words " promdin~efor
assessment " by section 2 (c), ibid.

1959 : T.N. Act I] General Sak: Tax 37

y(5) In computing the peiiod of lim~tationfor
assessment Or re-assessment under this section, the time
during which any appeal or other prooeedicg in respect
of ally other asscssme~lt or re-asse~smel-t is pending
before the High Court or the Supreme Court, involving
a question of 1a.w having a direct bearing on the assess-
ment or re-assessment in question shall be excluded.]

[16-A. (1) Where for any reason, any part of the Assessment
turnover of business of a dealer who has been permitted of turnover
to pay the tax under section 7 has escaped ;issessment not declaret!
under set-
from the tax, the assessing authority may, at any time tion 7.
within a period of five years from the expiry of the year to
which the tax relates, determine to the best of its judgment
the turnover which has escaped assessment and reassess
the tax payable on the total turnover (including the turn-
over already assessed under section 7)-

, (i) in case where such total turnover is not more

than one lakh of rupees in accordance with the provisions
contained in sub-section (1) of section 7 ; a,nd

(ii) in other cases where the total turmver is

more than or;e lnkh of rupees in accordance with the other
prk\yizions ccnrzined in this Act.

(2) Before making the reassescment under sub-

section (I), the assessiiig authority may make such enquiry
as it may consider necessary and give the deaicr concerned
n reasonable opportunity to show cause against such

(3) The amount of tax already paid by the dealer

collcerned in Pursuance of .the permission to co~npouild
untler section 7 shall be ncljusted towards the amount of
t 2x due ar the r e d t of reassessment under sub-section
( 1 ).

1 This sub-section was added by section 2 of the Tamil Nadu

General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu
Act 41 of 1975).
This section was inserted by section 7 of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil ~ a d u
Act 31 of 1972).

Cenerall Sales Tax [I959 : '1'.N.Act 1

(4) The provisions of '[sub-sections (2) to (5)J

of ssction 16 shall, as far as may be, apply to reassess-
meiu u:ider sub-scction (1) as they apply to the reassess-
ment of escaped turnover under sub-section (1) of
section 16.1
Power to 1
2[16-B. (I Notwithstanding anything contaioed in
reduce or sub-sections (3) and (5) of section 12 or sub-section (2) of
waive penalty section 16, the *Board of Revenue may, in its discretion
in certain
cases. whether on its own motion or otherwise, reduce or waive
the amount of penalty imposed or imposable on s! dealer;
if it is satisfied that such dealer has--
(a) voluntarily and in good f ~ i t hmade full and
true disclo ,ure of h ; ~turnover prior to the detect ion by
any officer of the Commercial Taxe: Department ;
( b ) co-operated in any inquiry relating to the
assessnlent of such turnover ;and
(c) either paid or made satisfactory arrangements
for the payment of any tax or any other amount payable
in consequence of an order passed under this Act in respect
of the relevant assessment year.
(2) Every order made under sub-section (1) sllall
be final m d shzll not be called into question by any other
pow of 17. (1) The Government may, by notificatioi-1 3[issued
Govern- whether prospectjudy or retrospectively] make, an exemp-
ment to tion, or reduction in rate, i J respect of m y tax payable
exemp- under this Act-
tions and
tions of
,ax. ..--_I_-
1 This exprzssion was substituted for the ~xprcssion " ~ ~ ~ b -
s x i i.>ns ( 2 ) :O (4) *' t .
v set-tinn 3 of the Tamil Nadu General :;alee
Tax (sz;:2d >Lr--2cdmmt)Act, 1 4 7 - ( r2r- 1 h a d u Act 4) r;f 137:).
: Thisse:il;il v,asinseftedbysX'~ion7 oitk,e?hnil S a d L Ge?,<.;j
Sales Tax 6 s.3nd Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act 47 of

Genera1 ~,"2D~~7~t ~~~~~

3 These words were inserted by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu

s ~. ~ e I s $ ~ ~ C ~ ~ d ~ e ~ ~ \ ~~~~e~~~
1974), wh.
* virtue of section 10 (1) of the Tamil Nadu Borrd of Revenpr
Abolition Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1980) any reference tr
&ard of Revenue shall b deemed to be a reference to the Stat c

1959 : T,N. Act 11 General Sales Tax 38

(i) on the sale or purchase of any specified goods

or class of goods, at all points or at a specified point or
points in the series of sales by succes~ivedealers ; or
(ii) by any specified class of perso IS, in 'egard to
the whole or any part of their turnover.
(2) Any exemption from tax, or reduction in the
rate of tax, notified under sub-section (1)-
(a) may extend to the whole State or to .--v
specified area or areas therein ;
(6) may bc subject to such restrictions and condi-
tions as may bc specified in the notification.
(3) The Government may, by' notification, cancel or
vary any noti ficltion issued under sub-section (1).
18. If any rc;triction or condition notified ur~dersectio? Liability to
17 is contravencd or is not observed by a dealer, the sales fax of
or purchases of such dealer may, with effect from the observing
commencement of the year in which such contravention restri,
or non-observmce took place, br: assessed to tax or taxes tions and I

undcr the sppropriate provisions of this Act as if the condi-

orovi:,ions or the notification under section 17 did not tions
apply to such sales or purchases. under
section 17.
19. (1) Where m y firm is liable to pay any tax or otheiqLiability of
alnount under this Act, the firm and each of the partners firms.
of the firm shall be jointly and severally liable for such
(2) Where a partner of a firm liable to pay any tan
or any amount under h i s A d LwLrc~, he shall, notwith-
standing any contract to the contrary, be IiaFSle to pay
the tax or other amount remaining unpa~dat thc: time of
his retirement and any t.zx or other amount due up to the
datc of retirement, tholugh unassessed.

1[19-A. Where a dealer is a Hindu undivided family, Liability to

firm, or other association of persons, and such family, tax of a
firm or association is partitioned, or dissolved, as the case ~arfifioned
I may be,- Hmdu .
---- dissolved
-- firm, etc.
This secti,-n was, and was deemed always to have been, inserted
by section 3 of the TamilNadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment)
~8 Act, 1968 (Tamil Nadu Act 12 of 1968).

40 Genercrl Sales Tax [I959 : I'.N. Act P

(a) the tax payable under this Act by such faunily ,
firm, or association of persons for the period up to the date
of snch partition or dissolution shall be assessed a s if no
such partition or dissolution had taken place and all the
provisions of illis Act shall apply accordingly ; and

(b) every person who was at the time of such

partition, or disso11:tion a member or partner of the Hindu
undivided f~mily,firm or association of persons and the
legal representative of any such person who is deceased
shall, notwithstanding such partition or dissolution, be
jointly and severally liable for the payment of the tax,
penalty or other amount payable under this Act by such
family, firm or association of persons, whether assessment
is made prior to or after such partition, or dissolution.]
Ii~:gistration ''0. (1) Every dealer whose total turnover in ally
of dec' rs. year is not less than '[thirty thousand rupees] shall, and
any other dealer may, get himself registered ander this
(2) No~withstanding anything contained in sub-
section (2)-
(i) cvery dealer carryillg 011 business ill all or any
of the goods mentioned io the First and Second Schedules ;
(ii) cvery casual trader ;
(iii) every dealer registered under sub-section (3) i
of section 7 of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 (Central
Act 74 of 1956) ; i

(iv) every dealer residing outside the State, but
carrying on business in the State ;
(v) every agent of a non-resident dealer ; and
--- -----
1 These words were substituted for the words "fifteen thousanci
rupees" by section 6 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amend-
ment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of 1974), which was deemed to
b v e come into force on the 1st April 1974. [The words "fifteen
thousand rupees " and " ten thousand rupees " were earlier sub-
stituted for the words " ten thousand rupees " and " seven thousand
five hundred rupees " respectively by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act
25 of 1971), which was deemed to have come into force on the 28th
June 1971 and by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales T;..x
(Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of

1959 : T.N. Act 11 G rngml S ~ ~ Sr : T ~ 41

(vi) evcry commission agent, broker, del credere

agent, auctioneer, or any other mercantilc agent, by
whatever name called, who carries on the b ~mle s s of
buying, selling, supplying or distributing good5 on bzhali'
of any principal
shall get himself registered under this Act,
irrespective of the qcan:um of his total turnovcr i n ,such

l[(2-A) Where a registered dealer-

(i) dies, or
(ii) transfers or otherwise disposes of his busincss
in whole or in part, or
(iii) effects any change in the ownership of his
in consequeilce of which he is succeeded in the
business or part thereof by any other person, such successor
get himself re&,-r:? -
in business shall (unless Ile already holds a artificate of
7der this Act.]

1[(2-AA)] The Government may, from tiine to time,

by I 10 tificatio n-

(i) exempt froin the operation of sub-sectio.; (1,

z[sub-section (2) or sub-sectioil (2-A)] any specified class
of dealers or dealers ill any specified goods or class of
goods ;
(ii) enhance tllc: total turllover limit s3ecified in
sub-scction (1) for the registration of any specified class of
dealers or dealers in any specified goods or class of goods

1 ~~b-~ection(lL-A),
which was inserted by section 4 of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu A C ~
19 of lgo), which was deemed to have come into force on the lst
April 1959, was renumbered as sub-section (2-AA) and this
section was inserted by section 8 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972.(Tamil Nadu .Act 31 of
a This expression was substituted for the expression " or sub-
section (2)" by section 8 (ii) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Second ~mendment).Act,1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).

42 General Sales Tax [I959 : T.N. Act 1

l[(2-B) Any exemption under clause (i) and any
ealwncement of the total turnover limit under clause (ii)
of 2[sub-sedicn (2-AA)j- 1

(i) may extend td the whole State cr to any specified

area or areas therein;
(ii) may be subject to such restrictions and condi-
tions a.s may be specified in the notification.
(2-C) ~ i Government
~ e may, by notification, ca:ic~l
or vary any notification issued under "sub-section (2-A A)].
(3) Nothing contailled in this section shall apply to
any. State Government or the Cell tral Governmer!t.

Procedure for 21. (1) An application for registration shall be made

registration. to S U C ~authority, in such manner and within such period
as may be prescribed and shall be accompanied by a fee of
ten rupees,
(2) If the przscribed authority is satisfied tiat the
app1icatic.n is in order it shall register the applicant and
issue to him a certificate in the pr&cri bed forlii[sp ecifying
all his places of business].
"(2- A) A certificate issued under sub-section (2)
siull take e f f ~ cfrom
t such date as may be prescribed.]
(3) A certificate issued under sub-section (2, shall bc
valid fol a year and shall be renewed fxom year to year
bo payment of the fee specified in sub-section (1).

1 Sub-sections 2B and 2C were inserted by section 4 of the Talnii

Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 19
of I Y60), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st April
This expression was substituted for the expression " sub-section
(24) " by section 8 (iii) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
This expression was substituted for the expression " sub-section
(2-A) " by secrion 8 (iv), ibid.
' mew words were added by secrion 5 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
Ciencral S:1Ics Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tarnil Nadu
nt:r ;r 01 I'IOI ). wlriclr cirlrlc into li)r.cc;on the 1st April 1961.
- ~ ~ oI~SCI-1cE1
'illcs ~ , t ~ I ~ - s c t \vns ll hy scclic~~l9 (i'l of the Tamil Nactll
t \ \ t \.\IS.\Ii*>'\',\\ ( S ~ ~ b \ \ \~t I ~ u ~ ~ I \ Act, ~ c I (~T w\ l)l l ~ l Nhltii~
~ I ~ \1972
.\$t 8 \ ,d tQl:h

dm*= a<-
.c4/".3 ?; ..AT
-9 .-..
,, ee .*-y -- -
- --
- -- -
-- - -

Lf'3dl 2,*-:.*2: --- ---

- A

* .
d t ~ Aiik A ikc ei ill-erup*i
~ l t l b ~ h!cJT~i' I.,:
- , ddU:c----,_ a .

if the prcscrib& authcrity is satisfied that the bpplicatiotr

is in order, it shall issue to the registered dcaler a copy or
copies of the registration certificate.

(3-B) If the prescribed authority is satisfied that a

registration certificate or a copy thereof is lost 01- accidentally
destroyed, it shall. on a n application by t h ~registered
dealer accompanied by a fee of one rupee, issue to him
a duplicate of t h re;istr;.t
~ ic:: ?:rt;ficate.

(3-C) A register jd dealer shall exhibit at each place

of his business the registration certificate, or a duplicate
or a copy thereof].

(4) 2LA registered dealer] shall be entitled to have his

registration cancelled, if he is able to prove to the satisfaction
of the prescribed authority that his turnover in each of the
two consecutive years immediately preceding the application
was less than 3[thirty thousand rupees].

-- - -

I These subsections were inserted by section 5 (ii) of the Tamil

Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tamil
Nadu Act 8 of 1961), which came into force on the 1st April 1961.

gures anc~brackets
n 20 " by section

. These words were substituted by section 7 of tbe ~ a m i Nadu

General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of
1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st April
1974 for the words " fiftec;n thousand rupees " which in turn were
substituted for the words " ten thousand rupees " by section 6 of the
, Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1971 (Tamil
Nadu Act 25 of 1971), which was deemed to have come into force on
the 28th June 1971. [The words " ten thousand rupees " were
earlier substituted for the words " seven thousand five hundred
rupees " by section 6 of the Tan~ilNadu General Sales Tax (Amend
ment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967).a

44 General SilIts Tax [I959 :T.N. Act 1

(5) The prescribed authority shall have power lor
good and sufficient reasons-
(i) to caucel, modify or amend m y registration
ccl tifcatc issued by him; and
(ii) to demand from any dealer who has been
registered or has applied for registration under this l[sectionj,
security for proper payment of tax by him for an amount not
exceeding one half of the tax payable on the turnover
of the dealer for the year as estimated by the prescribed
L6) 2[No application for registration or for a copy
or duplicate of the certificate] and no renewal under this
section shall be refused and no ordcr under sub-section (5)
shall be made, unless the dealer concerned has been given
an opportunity of being heard.
(7) A dealer shall, until his registration is cancelled,
be liable to pay the fees specified in sub-section (1) for
every yea1 subsequent to that in which he applied for
registratio11 :
Providcd that when a dealer has ceased to do busi-
ness in any year, and gives notice of the same to the pres-
cribed authority, he shall not be liable to pay any registra-
tion fee from the commencement of the following year
unless he resumes business.
Issue of 3[21-A. (1) Every registered dealer who transacts
business at places other than his registered place or places
of business or employs a travelling salesman or represen-
tative t~ transact business as aforesaid shall cbtain a
permit issued under this Act *[ authorizing him so to do.]

1 This word was substituted and was deemed always to have been
substituted for the word " sub-section " by section 9 (ii) cf the Tamil
Nadu General Sales 'Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil
Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
These words were substituted for th~ewords " No application
fc,r registration " by section 5 (iv) of the Tarnil Nadu General Salts T ~ X
(Secon:! A~nendment)Act, 196.1 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 1961), which
ca:ne illto force on thc 1st April 1961.
3 This secticn was inserted by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu General
s:*!es Tax m mend men t) Ant, (T~milWadv Act 19 of 1960).
4 These words were substituted for the words " authorizing him-
self or, as thc case may be, the travelling salesman or representative SO
to do " by sc:tion 10 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 cf 1972).Q1 --
% L - .

1959 : T.N. Act I] General Sales Tax 45

'[(LA) Whem a registered dealer to whotn

sub- je~tion(i) applies --
(i) dies, or

1 I (ii) transfers or otnerwise disposes of his business iu

trllole or in part, or /

(iii) effects any c.hange in the ownership of his


in consequence of which he is succeeded in the

business or part thereof by any other person, such successor
in business shall (unless he already holds s permit) obtain
a permit referred to in sub-section (1).
(1-B) (a) Where a registered dealer, who has been
: granted a permit under sub-sec.tion (1) or sub-sec~ion(I-A)
employs a travelling salesman or representative to trans?.ct
business, he shall give a written authorisation in favour of
such travelliog salesman or representative and also furnish
a copy of such authorisation to the a~sessingauthority
concerned ;

(b) The authorisati~nshall be in such form, shall

contain such particulars and shall be subject to such condi-
tions, as may be prescribed;

(c) The form of authorisation shall be obtained

from such authority and on payment of sucll fee as may be

(2) The entire turnover of business carried on 2[under

the permit and authorisation] shall' be included and
accou*?tcd fo! by the registered dealer in: his
account and returns and shall be dealt with as if it were
thl: turnover of business done by the registered deater
himsclf at the registered place of business.

These suh.;cdtions wcrc inserted by section 10 (ii) of thc Tanljl

d : t d ~General
~ S ~ l e sTax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil
Nadri ?ct 31 of 1972).
These words were substituted for the words “Under the pel l l , , ,
i l (iji), ibid.
by ~ ~ c t l o 10

5 : T.N. Act 1

[(3) Every permit holder or travelling sslesman r:r

rel?resentative shall carry the permit or the autlrorisa-
tion, as the case may be, on hi:; person and shall produce
it on denland by any officer of tlic Commercial 'Taxcs
Department empowered by the Goverilmellt in this behalf.
Every permit holder or travelling salcsman or representa-
tive shall rnaii~tainaild produce or1 demai~dto any suc11
oilicer a true and correct account of all the transactions
.:::rrir=d orr under the permit, or autliorisation, as the case
f = ~ be,y and every travelling salesman or representative;
shall also 111:lintain and produce on dernai~dtc any such
officer a st(.xk-book showing the quantities of goods
cjltrusted to him by the registered dealer, the quantities
disposed of froin day-to-day by sale or otherwise and the
halance on hand at the end of each day.]

(4) An application for permit referred to in 2[sub-

section (1) or sub-section (I-A)] shall be made to such
zuthority, in such manner and within such period as
rimy be prescribed and shall be accompanied by such
fee not exzeeding tell rupees as may be prescribed.

-rhis sub-section was substituted far the followil~gsub-section

(3) by section 10 (iv) of the Tainil Nado General Sales Tax (Second ,
Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972):-

"(3) Every permit holder shall carry the permit on his person
and shall produce it on demal~dby any officer of the Commercjal
Taxes Department empowered by the Gover~lmentin this behall.
He shall maintain and produce on demand to any such officer :j
true and correct account of all the transactiolls carried on under th:
permit and also a stock book showing the quantities of goods er-
trusted to hiin by the registered dea!er, the quantities disposed 0 1
from day to day by. sale-or otherwise and the balance on hand a t
the end of' each day."

a This expression was substituted for the expression "sub-sectiol

(1)" by section 10 (v) (a), ibid.

The following explanation was omitted by section 10 (v) (I ),

ibid :-

"Explanation.-A separate application with a separate fc e

shall be necessary for the registered dealer and foj onch travelling
salesman or representative employed by hirr ."

1959 : TN. Act 11 General Sales Tax 47

(5) If the prescribed autllority is satisfied that t l ~ c

.iI)plication is in order, it shall issue the permit in 1hc
I I rescribed form.

[(5-A) A permit issued under sub-section (5) siiall

take effect-

(a) in the case of a person succeeding to the

business or part thereof, from the date on which such
person succeeded to the business ; and

(6) in the case of any other person, from the date

uf issue of the permit.]

(6) A permit issued under sub-section ( 5 ) shall be

valid for a year and shall be renewed from year to year
on receipt of an application from the registered dealer
accompanied by such fee not exceeding ten rupees as
may be prescribed.

[@-A) If the prescribed authority is satisfied that

the permit issued under sub-section ( 5 ) is lost or acciden-
tally destroyed, it shall, on application by the registered
dealer accompanied by a fee of one rupee, issue to him
a. duplicate of the pern1it.J

(7) Thc prescribed authority shall canccl a pc.r.lnit-

(a) 011 requisition made in writing by the regis-

tered dealer, and

(6) on the cancellation of the certificate of I egis-

idt ti on.

1 This sub-section was inserted by section 10 (vi) of the Tamil

Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 ('ianljl
Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
a This sub-section was inserted by section G (i) of the T L ~ ; :
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tanlll
Nadu Act 8 of 1961), which came into forc4oi1 thc 1st kl , r i i

48 General Sc~lesTax 11959 : T.N. Act 1 2

1 [(8) Pio application for a permit or for a duplicate

thereof shall be refused ullless the registered dealer has
been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.

(9) No permit holder and no travelling salesman

or representative shall contravene any of the terms or
conditions of the permit or authorisation, as the case
may be, or any of the provisions o f this Act or the rules
made thereunder.

(10) The prescribed authoriiy may cancel a

pcrlnit if the permit holder has contravelled ally of the
ternls or condition3 of the permit or any of thc provisioas
ol' this Act or the zule~1 7 7 ~ dthereunder
~ :

Prov'ded that no prosecution for an offence under

sub.-scctiori ( 1 4 ) of section 45 shall be instituted in
rcspect of the saine facts on which a permit has been
cancelled under this sub-section.

(11) Ko permit shall be cancelled under clause (b)

of sub-sectioi~(7) or under sub-section (lo), unless the
permit holdcr has been given n reasonable opportunity
of being heard.]

l These sub-sections were substituted for the following sub-

secfio~ls(8) and (9) by section 10 (vii) of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of
"(8) The prescribed authority may canccl a permit if the permie
holder has contravene i any of the terms or conditions of the per,
mit or any nf the provision$ cf tkis P ct or the rvles maac thqre-
(9) No application for a permit or for a duplicate thereof
shall be refused and no permit shaIl be canceIIed under clause (b)
of sub-sectiou (7) unless the registered dealer has been given a
reasc,lluf,leopportunity of being heard and no permit shall be can-
,tiled under sub-section (8) unless the perillit holder has been given
a rcclsoniible opportunity of being heard.
[ ~ h said
c sub-section (9) was earlier substituted f ~ the
r follouritlg
origirlal .::lb-iectioil (9) by section 6 (ii) of the Tamil Nadu General
S;rles Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of
1961) :--
"(9) No permit shall be cancelled under clause (6) of sub-
section (7) s r sub-section (8) unless the permit holder concerned
has been given a reasonable opportunity of being hearci."l

1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Sales Tax 49

[22. (1) No person who is not a registered dealer Collection
shall collect any amount by way of tax or purporting of tax by
to be by way bf tax under this Act; and no registered dealer.
dealer shall make ally such collection except in accordance
&' with the provisions of this Act and the rules msde there-

Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall

apply to the collection of an amount by a registered
:' desrler, towards the amount of tax already suffered under
this Act in respect of goods, the sale or purchase price
of which is controlled by any law in force.

Explanarion.--For the purposes of this sub-section,

any State Government or the Central Government sl~all
be deemed to be a registered dealer.

(2) If any person or registered dealer collects any

amount by way of tax or purporting to be by way of tax in
coniravention of the provisioi~sof sub-scction (I), whether
or not any tax is due from such person or dealer under
this Act in respect of the transaction in which he collects
such amount, the assessing authority, may, after giving
such person or dealer a reasonable opportunity of being
hicard, by order in writing impose upon him by way ..f
penalty a sum not excecding one and a half times such
amount :

This section was substituted for the following origifial section

72 by section 11 of thz Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (secol;.~
P :mnBment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972):-
"22. Collection of tax by dealer.--(1) N o person who is
not a registered dealer shall collect any amount by way of tax under
this Act; nor shall a registered dealer make any such c ~ I I c c t i < , ~ ~
except in accordailce with such conditions and restrictions, if an),
as rnay be prescribed.
(2) .?f any dealer or person who is not liable to tax under this
~ c collects
t any amount purporting to be by way of tax, such dealer
or person, shall pay over to the Government within sv,ch tinle
and ill such manner as may bc prescribed all arnouilts sl3 cc]lecfed.

(3) If ally dealer or person collects tax on transactions not

liable to tax under this Act or in excess of the tax leviable ltnder
Act, such deal :r ctr person shall pay over to thl=C;ovcl.nmcnt
i n ntl lition to the tax payable the amount SO collected.'

50 General Sales Tax /I959 : T.N. Act f

Provided that no proceedings under this sub-sectio~i

shall be conlrnenced after a period of five years from thc
expiry of the year in whicl~the amount has been collcc-
ted :
Provided further that no prosecution fbr an offence
under sub-section (1-A) of section 45 shall bc instituted
in respect of' the same facts on which a penalty has been
imposed under this sub-section.]
Levy of 23. If any person purchasing ;~oodsis guilty of ,211
penalty In offence under clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section 45,
the assessing authority, may, after giving him a reason-
able opportunity of being heard, by order in writing
impose upon him by way of penalty a sum not exceeding
one and a half times the tax payable on the turnover
relating tc the sale of such goods at a rate which is
equal to the rate prescribed in the First Schedule [less
(four per cent)2] :
Provided that no prosecution for an offence unde~
section 45 shall be instituted in respect of the same fact!:
0.1 which a penalty has been imposed under this section.

Payment 24. (1) The tax assessed under this Act shall be paid in
and such maiziler and in such instalmelzts, jf any, and within
recovery such time, as may be specified in the notice of assessment,
Of tax* not being l e s ~
than twenty-one days from the date of service
of the nor ice. If default is made in paying according
to the notice of assessment, the whole of the amount i
outstanding on the date of default shail become 1
immediately due and shall be a charge on the properties of i
the pcrson or per sops liable to pay the tax under this Act.
- - t
1These words were substituted for the words "less two and a
half per cent" by section 12 of rhe Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax 5
(Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
[The wor s "tw3 and a half per cent", "two per cent" and "one
and half per c m t " were earlier substituted for the worts "two per
cent", ''oi~eand a ha!f per cent" and "one per cent" respectively
by section 4 of the Tamil h a k ~Gzl:zial
?~ S:ties Tax (Second Amcnd-
~nent)Act, 1371 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1971), which was deemed
t h~ win,: into force on the 19th Juce 1971, by section 7 of the

'Tanli! N a d ! ~General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil

Nadu Act 5 of 1967) andl by section 4 of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Sixon i Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of
These R ords were substituted for the words "three per
cent" by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1380 (Tamil Nadu Act 29 of 1980).

1959: T.N. Act 11 General Sales Tax 51

l[(2) Any tax assessed on, or any other amount due
under this Act from, a dealer or ptrson and any fee due
from him under this Act, shall, subject to the claim of the
Government in respect of land revenue and
the claim of the Land Developnient Bank in regard to the
property mortgaged to it under section 28 (2) of the Tamil
Nadu Co-operative Land Development Banks Act, 1934
(Tamil Nadu Act X of 1934), have ptiority over all other
claims against the property of the said dealer and the same
may without prejodice to any other mode of collection be

[(a) as land revenue, or]

1 (b) on application to any Magistrate, by srch

Magistrate as if it were a fine impcsed by him:
I provided that no proceedings for such recovery shall
be taken or continued as long a? he has, in regard to the
payment of m . ~ htax, other amount or fee, as the case may
be, complied with an order by any of the authorities to
whoni the dealer or persol3 h::s appealed or applied f o r
revisirj~t,under section 31, 31-A, 33, 35, 36, 37 or 381.
1 This sub-section was substituted for the following sub-section (2)
by section 6 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amend-
tnent) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 29 of 1980):-
"(2) Any tax assessed on, or any other amoilnt due under this
Act from, a dealer or person and any fee due from him under this
Act, may without prejudice to any other mode of collection be
(*) as if it were an arrear of land revenue; or
(b) on applicatioc to ally Magistrate, by suc11 Magistrate 30
if it were a fine imposed by him :
Provided that no proceeding for such recovery sF,all be i2ken or
contiliued as long as he hzC:,in regard to the payment of such tax,
other amoullt or fee, as tbc: ca% .'I;.;- 5 - romplied with 2i.l 0:-,?er by
any of the authorities to whom the dealer or pcrson h3s appcn!ed 0;
applied for revision, under section 31, 33, 35, 36, 37 0 1 .?8."
2This clause was sl bstituted for the followinp, clzll~se (cr)
fiection 3 of the Tamil Nadu Gcncral Sales Tax (Ar: c r ; c d ~ - ~ ! -rt ,pcb,
1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 1981):-
"(fit us if it were an anear of land revenue, or "

52 General Sales Tax

(3) Jf the tax assessed under this Act cr any in~-~~:111-
;nu:11 thei.eof is not paid by any dealer or person wit11111
the t imo bpccified therefor in the notice of assessmen( or in
ibe order permitting pnynlcnt in instalnicnts, the dea!~r.r:r
person shall pay by way of penalty, in addition ti: the
an~ountdue - -
'[a sum equal to a sum cnlc~tlatedat the rate of "two
pel- ccrzt) of such. amount for each 1nont21 or part thercol'
nficr f ILL (late specified for its pajlmcnt.1
3[4[Pr~vidcd that if the tax asscsscd i,ild~.rthis Act or
any instalment thereof is less than one h ~ n d r e drupo~s,no
peizalty shall Ire levied For a period of onc inontl~after the
expiry of the time specified in t l i ~nczticc: of assessment or
the order af. m a i d :
t ] a dcaler or person has
Provi~ledfurther t l ~ ~where
preferred an appeal or revision against any order of assess
malt under this Act, the assessing authority may, s~tl3jcct
to such conditions ars it may think fit to impose in the case,
pass an order that no penalty shall be papablc under this
sub-section in 1 sspect of the nmoulit if3 dispute in the
appeal cr i.evisio~i, as long a? such appea 1 or rcvisio;!
remains undisposed of.]

These words were substituted for the words "a sum equal to.-
(a) half a per cent of such amour~t, for each month or part
thereof for the first three months after the (ate specified for its pay-
ment ;
(b) one per cent of such amount, for each month or part '
thereof subsequent to the first three months aforesaid."
by section 13 (a) of the Tamil Nadu Generzl Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
2 These words were substituted for the words "one rupee for every
hundred rupees or part thereof" by section 3 (a) of the Tamil Nadu
General Saies Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of

8 This proviso was added by section 13 (b) of th.6 Tamil Nadu

C;el~eral Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 3 972 (Tamil Nadu I
Act 31 of 1972).

T h e s e words were substituted for tlie words "Provided that"

~y section 3 (h) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977).
. %
* - .

1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Sales Tax 53

l[24-A. Where, during the pendency of any procee- Transfers to
ding unde~this Act, or after the complelicn thereof, any defraud
dealer creaks a chal.ge on, or parts with tile possession (by revenue vrid,
way of sale, mortgage, gift, exchange or any otter mode
of transfer whatsoever) of any of his assets in favour of any
other person, with the intention to defraud th3 revenue,
such charge or traneft r shall be void as against any claim
in rtspect of any tax or any other sum payable by tho
dealer as a result of the completion of the said proceeul~igor
otherwise :
Provided that, such charge or tsa11sfer shall not
bc void if it is made-
(i) for adequate consideration alid without notice of
the pendency of such proceeding under this Act or, as the
case may be, without notice of such tax 0:- other sum
payable by the dmler ; or
(ii) with the previous permission of :he assessing
Explanation.-In this section, 'assets' means land,
building, machinery, plant, shares, securities and fixed
deposits in banks to the extent to which any of thc assets
aforesaid does not form part of the stock-in-trade of the
business of the dealer-]
25. Any penalty payable under this Act shall be deemed Recovery
to be tax under this Act, for the purposes of collection and of penalty.
recovery aad hall be witho~rtprejudice to the institution
of any pro;.rcding for an offence under this Act, ur for rile
recovery of the entire amount remaining I npaiil under
this Act.
26. (1) The assessing a:-t\-rity may at any time or Further
from time to time, by noticc in writrilg (a copy of which m d e of
shall be forwarded to the dealer at his last address known ~.ecovery*
to the assessing authority) require any person from whom
money IS due or may become due to the dealer or any per-
son who holds or may subsequently hold maney for or en
account of the dealer to pay to the assessii~g authority,
either forthwith upon the money becoming due or being
held at or within the time specified in the notice (not being
before the money becomes due or is held) so much of the
money as is sufficient to pay the amount due by the dealer
in respect of arrears of tax or fee or the whole of the money
whsn it is equal to or less than the arrears of tax or fee.
- --.- -- --
1 This section was inserted by section 7 of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Ac?, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 29 of

54 General Sales Tax [1959: T.N. Act I

(2) The assessing authority may at any time or from
time to time amend or revoke any s ~ c hnotice or extend the
time for making any paymen1 in pursuance of the notice.
(3) Any person making any paymen1 in com)liance
with a notice nder this section shall be deemed to have
made the payment under tbe authority of the dealer and
the receipt of the assessing uthority shall constiti& a good
and suEcient discharge of the liability of such person to the
extent of the amount referred to in the receipt.
(4) Any person making any payment to tbn dealer
after receipt of the notice referred to in this be an shall
be personally liable to the asse .:.ing a..thor~ty to the
extent of the payment made or to the ~xtcntof the liabilil y
of the dealer for the amount due under this Act, whichever
is less.
' [ ( 5 ) Wher any person to whom a notice under this
section is served objects to it by a .tatement in the pre-
scribed form that the sLm acmar.ded or any part thcreof
is not due by him to the deaIer or that he does not hold
any moncy for or on accut-nt ofthe dealer, then, nothing
contained in this section shzll be deemed to req .ire S L L C ~

person to pay the sum demanded or part thereof, a? the

case may be, to the assessing authority b..t if it is dis-
covered tnat such statement was fal:,~:in any material
partic~~lar,such perso11shall be personally haMe io the
assessing authority to the extent of his own liability to
the dealer on the date of the notice it* LO e l i ~F X L G ~ of~
the liability of the dealer for the fimollnt dl!e under this
Act, whichever is less].
(6) Any amount which a person is required to pay
to the assessing autholity cr for which he is personally
liable to the assessing a~ithorityundtr this section shall, if it
remains unpaid. be a charge on the properties of the said
person and may be recovered as if it were an arrear of land

This sub-section was substituted for the foliowing sllb-section (5)

b y section 14 of Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amend-
ment) Act, 197 (Tamil Nzd.~Act 31 9:' 1~7'1):-
" ( 5 ) Where m y person to whom a notice under this section is
sent objects to i t on the ground that the SLIE dec~?ndc?if or altjr:wrt
thereof is not due by him to the deaier,or that he does not 11t.11~1 any
,molrey f ~ or r on accoun: ot rh:: dsz!er, then notEi!lg cocta111.d in
this section sha:! be deemed to require such pzrson to pay tllc sum
demanded or m y p a 4 thereof, to the assessing authority."

1959: T.N. Act 11 Genefa1Sales Tax 55

Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, the
a m 3 ~nt d ..e t,, a dealer or money held for or on a c c a ~ n or
a rlealcr by any pcrion shall be compated ai'trr taking i :to
acco., nt such claim ,. if any, as may have fallen d .e for
payment by such dealer to such perion and as may ba
lawfully subsisting.

27. Where the ownership of the business of a dealer Recovery

liable to pay tax or other amoilnt is t:an .ferred, any tax or of tax whet
oti~eramount payable under this Act in respect of such :bus'ness of
business and remaining unpaid at the time of the tranifer ;ealer i;
and any tax cr othcr amount due up to the date of transfer
though unassessed, may, withela t prejudice to any action
that may be taken for its recovery from the tran;feror,
be recovered from thi: transferee as if he were the dealer
liable to pay such tax or other amount :

Provided that the recovery from the transferee of the

arrears of taxes d ~efor the period prior to the date of the
transfer shall be limited to the value of the assets he obtained
b y transfer.

1[2 '-A. The m o u n t of turnover, tax, fee, penalty, 536 Rounding 08

or . ~y othej sum ?myable, and the amount o f refund due, of lurn~ver,
unda; the p ovisions of this Act shall be 1 ounded off to the L d x ~etc*
nearest upee and, for this purpose, where such amount
contains a pa--&of a 1-upee consisting of paise, then. if
such pa t is fifty paise 0:- mo. e, it shal'r be inc eased to
one rupee and if such part is l e ~ than
s €Sty paise, it shall
be igno ed.

~xp2anation.-If the total turnover of a dealer consists

of?eve a1 items of tu: nover liable to tax at diffc ent sates
each such item of tulnover shall 'be rouudzd off as pro-
vided in this section.]

1 This section was inserted by S e ~ t b t l15 of the TT~zI:'!

General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu
Act31 of 1972).

5': * Gcrzeral Sales Tax [1959: T.N. Act 1

Ap~ojntlnellt 28. The Govetnment may appoint as inany Deputy
of Deputy Commissioners of Commercial Taxes, 2[Appellate Assis-
Commlssr o -
of Corn- tmt Con~missioners of Cornme. cial Taxes, Assist, n t
s of Commercial Taxes] and Conliner cial Tax
mercial Taxes Corn ~nissioner
' [Appellate Office1 s zs they think fit, for the purpose of pel forming
Commissio {he functioi~s1 espeotively co~fenedon them by or undor
ners of Corn- this Act. Silch officers shcll pet-foi m the said functions
mercial within such local limits as the GovernmerLt or any autho -
Taxes, Assist- rity or officer empowered by thein in this behalf inay assign
sioners of to them.
Taxes] and
Commercia 1
Tax Officers.
Special 29. (1) 4[An Assistant Commissioner] shall have the
powers of
*Ihsistant powers of a Collector under the 5[Tamil Naduj Revenue
cornmissio- Recovery Act, 1864 (5[Tamil Nadu] Act I1 of 1864), O[*lfor
nersl under the purposes of recovery of any amount due under this
Revenue ~ ~ t .
Act. --.- .-.-- - -- -
These words were substituted for the words " Appellrite Assistant
Commissioners of Commercial Taxes " by section 8 (i) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamit
Nadu Act 29 of 1980), which was deemed to have come into force
on the 20th July 1979.

2 These words were substituted for the words "AppelIate Assistant

Commissioners or Commercial Taxes " by section 8 (ii), ibid.

*These words were substituted for the words " Commercial

T ~ Xofficers* by section 9 (i), ibid.

4 These words were substituted for the \t.ords " A Comel.cial

Tax Officer". by section 9 (ii), ihid.

5 These words were substituted for the word " Madras" by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order,

C Texp~ession
~ "and the Madras City Land hevenue Act, 1851
(Cw,irzl Act XI1 of :851;, ..:.Ic:I:'E~ b;? the Madras City ~ a f i d
Revenue (Amendment) Act, 1867 (Madias Act VI of 1867) was
omitted by sectian 16 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).

1959 : T.N. Act I] Gctzeral Sakes Tax 57

(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3), all

l[Assistan t C~~mmissioner s], shall for the pnrpo ses of re-
covexy of any amount due under this Act, have the powers
of the Commissioners under thc 2[Tamil Nadu] Rent and
Revenue Sales Act, 1839 (Cectral Act VII of 1839), for
the sale of propc.rty &strained for any amount due under
this Act.

(3) Notwithstandi~g anything con tair~cd in the

2[Tt.rmil Nadul R a 1. n,.,,
. .-. . m e Saleq Act, . . 1839
( t c \ I I ' IS 3 ) . thc "[hssistont Cz~~~n~!$.!,\:ir.r 1'
!I\ \;\,I ~ * \ c;.I\,,: ,\is t ,b,v\;\ s L . O I I ~ C ~ I ~d ~:A\-S; C: .L. I (1)
sI\all be subjcct to tllc conti-01 and supcrintcodcncc ui' ilw
Deputy Commissioner and the *Board of Rcwnue.

30. (1) The Government shall appgint an Appellate Appellate

Tribunal consisting of 4[subject to the provisions of Tribunal.
sub-section (I-A)] a Chairman and two other 1nernbt.r~
: to exercise the functions conferred on the Appellate Trio
: bunal by or under this Act. Tbe Chairman shall be a Judi-
cial Officernot below the rank of a District Judge and the
other two members shall possess such qualifications as
may be prescribed.

I These words were substituted for the words " ~ommercia'

Tax Officers" by section 9 (iii) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 29 of 1980),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 20th July 1979.
These words were substituted for the word "IbIac'ras" by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amelded by the
, Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) arder, 1969,
a These words were substituted for the words " Commercial
Tax Officer" by section 9 (iv) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tarnil Nadu Act 29 of 1980),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 20th July 1979.
* These words, Egure, brackets and letter were inserted by section
a l ) of the Tanlil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1963
(Tamil Nadu Act 6 of 1963).

* By virtue of section 10 (1) of the Tamil Nadu Board of Revenue

Abolition Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1980) any reference to tho
Board of Revenue shall be deemed to be a reference to the State

58 Gmeral Sales Tax [1959: T.N. Act 1

'[(l-A) N o t ~ i t h ~ t a ~ J *~y:hin;
;iL~ cc ntained in sub-
section (I), the Gowr --eat may. f om time to time,
appoint sue" nnmbe: of peasons to be additiosal members
of the Appellate Tribunal as the Gove nmant may deem
tlecesPa: y all J to; such pe. iod as may be specified in this
behalf :
P!ovided that as pearly as may be one-half of such-
adi'itional nlembess shall be Judicial Officer s not below t h ~
r: .nk a Su :I chi ate Juds. and the emaining additional
r j f +.

membe: s shall possess such qualifications as may be


(2) Any vacancy in the membei ship of the Appellate

Tribunal shall be filled by the Gove; nment.
(3) (a) The functions of the Appellate Tribunal may
kc 2 ; p i cjgcti--
2[(i) by a Bench consisting of three members
constituted by. the Chairman, or

(ii) by a Bench consisting cf two mernber s consti -

tuterr L'Y the Chairman, or ;

---- --- -
1 This sub-section was substituted by se6rlon 2 of the Tam11 Na 'u
Generai Sales Tsx (Amendment) Act, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Act 3 cif
1966) for the following sub-section (j-A), which was inserred by
section G (2) of thc TanGI Nadu General Sales Tax (Anlendmen:)
Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu Act 6 of 1963) :-
"(1-A) ~ot~ithst2nt'ing znyth'ng cfinta.:ne{';n sub-section (1)
the Government may appoint, for such period as m2y be specified
in this belzalf, two more persons as a,'citionaI members of the
Appellate Tribunal, of whom one shall be a Judicial Officer not
below the rsnk of L Suborc.inate Juc'ge 8Pr' the other shall be an
officerof the ~ommercic,lTaxes Department not below the rank
ofa Deputy Conlmissioner.
These sub-clauses were substituted for the following sub-cfausss
(1) to (iii), by section 6 (3) (i), ibi&-
(((j) by a Bench consisting of all the members of the
Appellate Tribunal, or
(;') by tr Bench consisting of two members n o m h ~ t e din this
behalf by rnt: Cidlrmcn, or
(iii) by a Bench consisting of the Chairman and another
~nem$ernam~nate,.in this behdf by the Chairman, or"
- _
1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Sales Tax 59
(iv) by a single member of the Appellate Tri-
bunal nominated in this bet.zlf l y r tile Clhairrna~~,
in cases
wheAethe total iurnc:v,: as dete mined by tlze assessing
authoi ity does not exceed '[one lakh rupees].

Exp~arzatioti.-The single member iefe~redto in

sub-clause (iv) may be eithei the Chairman or any other
membei :

Provided that, if any case which come#up before

a single membel (who is not the Chairman) or a Bench
(of which the Chai~man is not a member) involves a ques-
tion of law, such single member or Bench may, in his
or its disc; etion, r esei ve such case for decision by a Bench
of wbich the Chail man shall be a member.

(b) Where an appeal or applicati6n is 2[heard by

a Bench consisting of three members] and the members
differ in opinion on any point, the point shall b: decided
in accordance with the opinion of the majol ity.

%; (c) Where an appeal or application is heard by a

Bench consisting of two members, and tho members are
!- divided ia their opinion on any point, the point shall be

1 These words were substituted by section 8 of thc Tamil Nadu

GCII1-,!1 Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of
1967) for the words " fifty thousatld rupees " which in turn were
sul>stitutedfor the words "twenty five thousand rupees" by section
3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendme~~t) Act, 1962
(Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1962).

These words were substituted for the words "heard by all the
hree members of the Tribunal" by section 6 (3) (ii) of the Tamli
fil, 111 't--=-ral sale^ Tax (Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nnclat ..-, "
of 1%'

60 General Sales Tax 11959 : T.N. Act 1

ref& ad f ~r decision to a Bench consisting of llthree

member s of whom one shall be ihe Chairman].

The Appellate Tribuaa~shall, with the p:evious

sanction of the Government, make, by notification, e g u -
lations consistent with the provisions of this Act and the
rules made thereunder for rcguliiting acthe constit[:tio .I
and] the procedure and the disposal of its busjnes.

Appeal to the 31. (1) Any person objecting to 3[m order passed by
Appellate tho appi.opi iate authority under section ?-A, sectioii 121,
histant section 14, secW: 15, sub-st ctiorls (I) and (2) of section 16,
aiemr. section 18, 4[su~-section(2) of section 22, section 23,
S(or section 4711 6[other than an order passed by an Assis-
tant Commissioner] may, within a period of thirty day,>
from the date on which the order was served on him in
the manner prescribed, appeal against such order to the
Appllate Assistant Commissioner '[having jurisdiction] :

1 These words were suk::Il:::?' ~ vords "all the members "

f - \ the
by section 6 (3) (iii) of the Tamil Nadu Geibzral Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu Act 6 of 1963).
2 These mords were inserted by section 6 (4), ibid.
These words, figures and letter were substituted for thi: ..:f, , i d 9
and figtirss '' 8x1 order passed by thi: appropriate aurho~iryunder
section 12" by section 4 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
( S a n d Ame~dment)Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadtl Act 15 of 1904).
This expre5sion was substituted for the expression " sdtion 23,
section 27, sub-section (4) of section 41 or sub-section (3) of section
42 " by section 17 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Yndu Act 31 of 1972).
6 These words and figures were substituted for the words and
figures " sectioil 27 or section 42 " by section 4 of the Rirnil Nadu
General Sales Tax. (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of

These words were inserted by section 10 of the Tamil Nadu

General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu
Act 29 of 19801, which was deemed to have come into Force on the
20th July 1979.
:These words were added by szctlon 7 of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Second 4menchent) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of
19~,,: "~hichcame into force OR the 1st April 1961.

1959 : T.N. Act I] General Sales Tux 61

Provided that the Appellate Assistant Commissioner

may admit an appeal presented after the expiration of the
s satisfied that the appellant had suffi-
presenting the appeal livithin the said

Provided further that in the case of an order under

n 14, section 15 or sub-sections (1) and (2)
appeal shall be entertained under this
I ss it is accompanied by satisfactory proof
of the tax admitted by ih.; app~flmtto be
talments thereof as ntight hzve become
e may be.

(2) The appeal shall be in the prescribcc: for111 and

shall be verified in the prescribed mafine!..

(3) In disposing of an appeal, the Appellate Assistant

Commissioner mcji, aftcr giving the appellant a reasoilable
opportu,nity of bcing heard,

(a) in the case of an order of assessment-

(i) confirm, reduce, enhance or anlzul the

a s s c s s ~ ~ cG'T
~ l tthc ~enczltyor both ;

(ii) set aside the a~:;essment and. t2ii-ctct iirr

avessing. authority to make a fresh assessment after r.li cl;
fi~.thwinquiry as may be di~ccicd;or

(iii) pass such otl~oro~dcrsas hc m:~yI liinli f i i ; 01.

(b) in the case of any other order, confirm, camel,

or varv such order :

Provided that at the hearing of any appeal ageillst

an order of the assessing acthority, the assessing authority
t to be heard either in pcr-son or ky a

62 General sales Tax [I959 :T.N . At: i I

(5) Notwithstanding that an appeal has becn 131. -

ferrcd tinder sub-section (I), the tax shall be paid in accor-
dance with the order of assessment against which the
appeal has been preferred :

Provided that the Appellate Assistant Coinrnissicincr

may, in his discretion, give such directions as he thinks
fie in regrrd to the payment. of the tax before tlre dispa3~ll
of thc appeal, if the appellant furnishes wifficient sec:rrity
to his saticfaction, in such form and in such manner a:,
may he prescribed.

#ppeal to 2[31-A (1) Any person objecting to an order pa;sed

*he Deputy by the Assistant Commissioner under section 4-A, section
~f oner.
COmmls- 12, section 14, section 15, sub-sections (1) and (2) of
section 16, section 18, sub-section (2) of section 22, section
23 or section 27 may, within a period of thirty days from
the datt on which the order was served on him in the manner
prescribed, appeal against sucb order, to the Deputy Com-
missio~erenlpowered by the Government in this behalf:

Provided that the Deputy Commissioner may admit

an appeal presenttad after the expiration of the said period
if he is satisfied that the appellant had sufficient cause
for not presenting ttre appeal within the said peric-rd :

1 The follo\ving sub-section was omitted by section 17(ii).~fthe

Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972
(Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972):-
"(4) Where as a result of the appeal any change becomes
necessary in the order appealed against, the Appellate Assistant
Commissioner ;nay authorize the assessing authority to amend such
order, accordingly and on such amendment being made, any amount
overpaid by the appellant shall be refunded to him without interest
or the further amount of tax, if any, due from him shall be collected
in accordance with the provisions of this Act, as the case may be."

2 This section was i~sertedby section 11 of the Tamil Nadu General

gates Tax (Seccnd Amendment) Act, 1988 (Tarnil Nadu Act 29 of
,~g80),which w;,s de\:med to have come iilto folcc on ~ht:20th July
r 979.
"<- ---.--

General Sales Tax 63

Provided further that in the case of an order under

14, section 15 or sub-sections (1) and (2)
appeal shall be entertained iurcier this
ction unless it is accompanied by sat is factor:^ proof
payment of tbe tax admitted by the appel1ar.t to be
of such instalments thereof as might have Jecome
ble, as the case may be.
-- -
(2) The appeal shall be in t h e prescribed form and
1 be verified in the prescribed manner.

(:I) Tn disposing of an appeal, the Depnty Com-

oncr may, after giving the appellant a reasonable
rtunity of being heard,-

((0 in the case of an order of assessment-

(i) ccniirm, reduce, enharrc~ar amul the ~ ~ . S B S S -
nt or the penalty or both ;
(ii) set aside the assessment and direct; the
essing authority to make a fresh assessment after sucb
rther inquiry as may be directed; or
(iii) pass such other orders as he .may think fit

Cb) in the case of' any 01 her orde~,confiril~,cancel

r vary such order :
Provided that at the hearing of any appeal against
an order of the assessing authority, the assessing ar:tiiority
to bc heal d either in person or by a

(4) Notwitl~stalzdingthat an appeal has been pse-

under sub-section (I), the tax shall be paid in accor-
with the order of assessment against which the apptal

P~ovidedthat tIic Dep t ~yt Colnmissioner may, in his

cretivn give such directjons as he thinks fit in rr:gard
the pi3.ymr~tof the tax before tbc dispoqal of the appeal,
lie appJlant furnisies suEcient security to hjs satis-
nn in sr-cF fcrm and in such n3aiTner as mzv ke rrcsa

64 Generat Sales Tax [I959 : T.N. . A 1

Special 32. (1) The Deputy Commil:sioner may, of his own

DOwers the motion, ca!l for and examine an cader passed or procedir~g
Peputy Corn-
= missioner. recorded by the appropriate authority '(cnder section 4-A,
section 121, section 14, section 15, or sub-sections (1) i~r\ci(2)
of secti~n16 and may make s ~ c h~ncluiryor cause such
inquiry to be made and, sabject to the provisions of' t h i s
Act, m :y pass such order tilereon as he thinks fit

(2) ?'he Deputy Commissioner sha!I not p:c3s ::~y

order under sub-section (I), if-
(a) the time for appeal against the o r d ~ rIi:ts 110
expired ;

(b) the order has been made the subject of an

appeal to the Appellate Assista it Commissioner or t hc i
Appellate Tribunal, or of n revision in the High Court; or

(c) more than *[five years] have expired aftor the

passing of the order.

(3) No order under this section adversely affectiilg

a person shall be passed unless that person has had a
pasonable opportunity of being heard.

sl(4) In computing the period referred to in clause (i*)

of si~l+wi.ion(3), the f i ! chring
~ which. the p f o r a d i g g ~
before the Dcputy Commissio~erremained stayed under
the orders of a Civil Court or other competent autho~ily
shall be excluded.]

1 These words,figures and letter were substituted for the words
and figures "undei section 12'' by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu General ii
Pales Tax (Second Amendmznt) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of
1964). , /
4 These words were substituted for the words "four years" b
section 18 of ths Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second me$
m a t ) Act, 1972 :Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
8 This subsection was added by section 4 of the Tamil Nadu
Oenetal Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1962 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of
-L-- -- - -.

General Sales Tax 65

on objecting to an order passed or pro- Powers of
der this Act for which an appeal has revisiol3 ofthe
provided for in section 3 1, l[or section 3 1-A], Deputy Corn,
,issio, aer,
in a period of thirty days from the date on which
y of the order or proceeding was served on ,4im
e manner prescribed, file an applicatiorl for revision
such order or proceeding to the DepuLy Commissioner:
Provided that the Deputy Commissioner may admit
evision presented after thc expiration
he is satisfied that the applicant had
ol pr~benii~ig illc: appk!,ii,11 wiihin

(2) An application for revision shall be in the pres-

bed form and shall be verified in the prescribed manner.
(3) On adinittilg an applicatioq for revision the
puty Commissionei- may call for and e x a m i ~ ethe
record of the order or Proceeding against which the
s Preferred and ms y make suc:h inquiry
applicatior~h ~ beell
or cause such inquiry ta be m?de and, subject to tlst-
~ ~ o v i s jofo ~this
~ ~ Act pass such order thcreo : as he

(4) Notwit11stal;di:-g illat application has been

section (I), the tax, fee or other
e l l e i - ,
b:.ll :.e y:: 1:
.I r:ccorciance
. 1
wirh the 0;der 0s
eediiig against which the application has been

Provided that the Deputy Commissioner may i n

s discretion, give such directions as he thinks fit, in
gard t o the payment of such tax, fee or other amount,
the applicant furnishes sufficient securify to hi: satis-
ciion in such form and in such manner as may be

( 5 ) N o order under this section adversely affecti~l~

person shall be passed unless that person has ]lad n
reneonable opportunity ol.' being heard.

----_ ----
I This expression was inserted by section 12 of the Tamil Nadu
neral Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu A G ~
of 1980)$ wksl war deemed to have coma into force: QB the 9 ~ 1 ,

66 General Sales Tax [I959 : T.N. Act 1 i
Special 34. (1) The *Board of Revenue may, of its own motion,
pcwers Of call for and examine an order passed or proceeding recor-
Revenue, ded by the appropriate authority ][under seclion 4-A,
section 12j, section 14, section 15 or sub-section (1) or (2)
of section 16 or an order passed by the Appellate Assistant
Commi ,sioner under sub-section (3) of section 31 or by
the Dtputy Commissio,.er u ider 2[sub-section (3) of
section 31-A or] sub-section (1) of sectio.1 32 a ~ may d
make such iuquiry or cause such iirquiry to be made a ~ l d
subject to the provisions of this Act may pass such order
thereon as it thinks fit.

(2) The *Board of Revenue shall not pass iiny or&r I

under su b-section (1) if-

(a) the time for appeal against that order has not [
expired; or t-

(6) the order has been made the subject of an '

appeal to the Appellate Tribunal or of a revisio:~in the
High Court ; or t

1 Tllese words, figures and letter were substituted for the \\ords
and figures "irndel. section 12"by section 6 of the Tanlil Nadu G ~ . i l c r ~ l
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nbdu Acl 15 of

2 This was ~nsertedby section 13 of the Tam;] Nadu

Genera! Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (7 aniil Nadu Act
3 cf !920). which was deemed to have come into folce on the 20th
July 1979.

* ~y virtut: of section lO(1) of the Tamil Nadu Rtvrcl of Revenue 11

Abo:iti,,tl Act, 1980 (Tarni! Nadu Act 36 of 1980) ally I *fcrence to :he
Board of Revenue shall be deemed to be a refir::n,. to the State
1959:T.N.ActlJ General Sales Tax 67

(c) more than '[five years] have expired after the

passing of the order.

(3) No order under this section adversely a , @ e c t h

a person shall be passed unless that person has had a
re son &bleopportunity of being heard.
%[(4) In computing the period referred to in clause
(c) of sub-section (2), the time during which the proceedings
before the *Board of Revenue remained stayed under the
orders of a Civil Court or other competent authority shall
be excluded.]

3[34-A. (l)4[T:1 Chairman of the Appellate Tribunal] power to t*a*

may, either suo motu or on application, for reasons to be nsfer
recorded in ~riting,transfer an appeal pending before an
Appellat~Assistant Commissioner to another Appellate
Assistant Commissioner.

(2) *[I% Chairman of the Appellate Tribunal] may,

when exercising the powers under sub-section(:), direct
the stay of further-proceedings before an Appellate Assis-
tan t Commissioner.
(3) No order under this section adversely affecting
a person shall be passed unless that person has had a
reasonable opportunity of being heard.

These words were substituted for the words "four years" by

section 19 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).

2 This sub-section was added by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu

General ,Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1962 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of

This section was inserted by section 8 of the Tamil Nadu General

Sales Tax (Second kmnndment) Act, 1961 (Tqmil Nadu Act 8 of
, 1961), which came into forc ,on the 1st April 1961.

. '
These words were substituted for the words " The Board of
Revenue " by cection 5 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act. 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of 1973).
* Ry virtlle of section lo(') of the Trmil N -.du Boar ' of Reve-
nue A5 liti0.1 Act, l PO (-r'-.rn I N :du Act 36 of l 88) ar?y refe-
rence to th: Ro .rd of Revenue shall be deemed to be a r&rence
to the State Govzrnment.

68 eneral Sales Tu u [I959 :T.N.Act 1
Powers of 35. (1) Anjr person objecting to an order passed b y
revisiou by the Deputy Commissioner under sub-section (3) of section
Revenue. * 33, may within a period of 30 days from the date on which
a c ~ p yof the order was served on him in the manner
prescribed, file an application for revision of such order
ta the *Board of Revenue :

Provided that the*Board of Revenue ]nay admit an

ap,:ication presented aficr llle expiry of the said period
if it is satisfied that the applicant had sufficient causr: for
not pxesenting the app1ic;ltioii wl.<L.-~ l n
J thc said period.

(2) Such application for revision shall be in the

prescritded form and shall be verified in the prescribed

(3) On admitting an application for revision, the

"Board of Revenue may call for and examine the recard
of the order against which the application has been pre-
ferred and may make such inquiry or cause such inquiry
to be made and, subject to the provisions of this Act, pass
such order thereon as it thinks fit. S.xh an order shall
be fit~sland shall not be liable to be questioned in any
court of law.

(4) Notwithstanding that an application has been

preferred under sub-section (I), the tax, fee or other amount
shall be paid in accordance with the order against which
the application has been preferred :
Provided that the +Board of Revenue may, in its
discretion, give such directions as it thinks fit, in regard
to the payment of such tax, fee or other amount, if the.
applicant furnishes sufficient security to its satisfaction
in such manner as may be prescribed.

(5) No order under this section adversely affecting

a person shall be passed unless that person has had a
reasonable opporkmity of being heard.

* By virtue of section 10 (1) of the Tarn111Girdu hoard of Rebenut;

Abolition Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1980) any reference to
the Board of Revenue shall be deemed to be a reference to the State

1959 :T.N. Act 11 Gnrcrcl Sdlcs Tar 69

36. (1) Any person objecting to an order passed by A p ~ a to l

the Appellate Assistant Commissioner under sub-section T the Appellate
~ ~ ~
(3) of section 31, or an order passed by the Deputy Corn-
missioner under '[sub-section (3) of section 31-A or] sub-
sction (1) of section 32 may, within a period of sixty days
from the date on which the order was served on hill1 in
the wanner prescribed, appeal against such order to the
Appellate Tribunal :

Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may admit

. ~ n:q>penlpresented after the expiration of the sn'd period
,I' i; is s:ttislj,lcl that t l ~ c:rppcllunt had sufficient cause for
1, i~y
, j 4t - ~ t b l l i ~ ~ said period.
ihc :\ppc;~:\ \ ~ i r l l itile

(2) The appeal shall be in the prescribed form and

; sl~allbe verified in the prescribed manner and shall be
accompanied by such fee not exceeding one hundred
.ilpees as may be prescribed.
(3) In disposing of an appeal, the Appellate Tribunal
may, after giving the appellant a reasonable opportunity
of b e i ~ gheard,

(a) in the case of :ln oxter of assessment-

(i) co!lfirm, reduce, enhance or annul the assess-

t penalty or both ;
m e i ~ or

(ii) set aside the assessment and direct the

assessing authority to make a fresh assessment after such
further inquiry as may be directed ; or

ti; (iii) pass such other orders as it may think fit ;

(b) in the case of any other order, confirm,cancel
,or yary such order :

I 'rhis expression was inserted by section 14 of the Tamil Nadu

General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu
Act 29 of 1980), which was deemed to have come into force ern the
20th July 1979.

70 General Sales Tax [1959: tN. Act 1

Provided that at the hearing of any appeal against
an order of the Appellqte Assistant Commissioner or the
Deputy Commissioner the assessing authority shall have
the right to be heard either in person: or by a representative:
Provided further that, if the appeal involves a ques-
tion of law on which the Appellate 'Tribunal has previously
given its decision in another appeal and either a 1evisio1.1
petition in the High Court against such decision or ar,
appeal in t'le Supreme Court against the order of the High
Court the:-con is pendiug, tue Appliate Tribunal may
defer the hearing of the appeal before it, till such revision
petition in the High Court or the appeal in the Supreme
Court is disposed of.

(5) Notwithstanding that an appeal has been p r e

fcrred under sub-section (I), the tax shall be paid in accor-
dance with the order of assessment against which the
appeal has been preferred :
Provided that the Appellate Tribuoal may, in its
discretion, give such directions as it thinks fit in regard
to the payment of the tax before the disposal of the appeal,
if the appellant furnishes sufficient security to its satis-
faction, in such form and in such manner as may be pres-
(6) (a) The appellant or the respondent may apply
for review of any order passed by the Appellate Tribunal
under sub-section (3) on the basis of the discovery
of new and important facts which after the exercise of
due diligence were not within his knowledge or could
not L, >reduced by him when the order was made:
Provided that no such application shall be pre-
ferred more than once in respect of the same order:

The foilowing sub-section (4) was omitted by section 20 of the

Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972
(~ami'lNadu Act 31 of 19'2):-
" (4) Where as a result of the appeal any change becomes
necessary in the order appealed against, the Appellate Tribunal may
authorise the assessing authority to amend such order accordingly
and on such amendment being made any amount overpaid by the
appellant shall be refunded to him without interest, or the further
amount of tax,-if any, due f&rn him shall be collected in accordance
with tlre provisrons of this Aet, as the case rnay be."

,959 ; T.N. Act 11 General Sales Tax 71

(b) The application for review shall be preferred

in the prescribed mannea and within one year from the
date on which a copy of the order to which the application
relates was served on the applicant in the manner prescribed
and where the application is preferred by any party other
tm a departmental authority it -shzll be accompanied
by such fee not exceeding one hundred rupees as may be
('7) Except as provided in the rules made under this
Act the Appell~te Tribunal shall not have power to award
costs to either of the parties to the appeal g review.
(8) Every order passed by the Appellate Tribunal
~ & sub-section
r (3) or (6) shall be commur.iic?ted in
the manner prescribed to the appellant, the respondert,
the authority from whose order the appeal was preferred,
the Deputy Commissioner, if he is not such authority,
and the * Bc ard of Revenue.
I[@) Every order passed by the A~pellateTribunal
under s ~ b ~ s ~ c t i(3)
o nshall, subject to 'the provisians of
sub-sect;on (6) and section 38, be final.]
37. (1) Aay person objecting to an order passed by ~ p p a to
the *Board of Revenue under section 34 may, within n the Ifigil
period of sixty days from the date on which the older courca
was served on him in the manner prescribed, appeal againsi
sucll order to the High Court.

3 'This sub-section was substituted for the followirlg sub-section

(9) by section 9 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amend-
ment) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 19611, which came into force
OD the 1st April 1961:-
" (9) Every order passed by the Appellate Tribtmal under
sub-section (3) in the case of any person whose total turnover a s
determined by the Appellate Tribunal is less than Rs. 50,000 shall
subject to the provisions of sub-section (6) be fmal and every such
order passed by the Appellate Tribunal in the case of any person
whose total turnover as determined by the Appellate Tribunal is
Bs. 50,000 or over shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (6)
and section 38, be final."
* By virtue of section 10 (1) ofthe Tamil Nadu Board of Revenue
Abolition Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1980) any reference tu
the Board of Revenue shall be deemed to be a reference to the State

72 General Sales Tux [I959 : T.N. A d 1

(2) The appeal shall be in the prescribed form .m.i

shall be verified in the prescribed manner.
(3) In disposing cf an appeal, the High Court
after giving the appellant a reasonable opportuni
u :'
, .
being heard, i

(a) in the case of an order of assessment,

(i) confirm, reduce, enhance, or al-ii~ul ti^^
assessment or penalty or both ;
(ii) set aside the assessment and direct ti lo
assessing authority to make a fresh assessment after sr:i:l~
fur the^ inquiry as may be directed ; or
(iii) pass such other orders as it may think BE ;
(6) in the case of any other order, confirm, cancel,
or vary such order :
Provided that at the hearing of any appeal the
assessing authority shall have the right to be heard eithir
in person ox by a representative.
li(4) ** ** +* f * ** 1.
(5) Every order passed in appeal uildcr this section Z
shall be final. k
(6) Noiwithstanding that an appeal has been pis- I
ferred under sub-section (I), the Lax shall be paid in
accordance with the order of assessmefit against wllich
the zppeal has been preferred :
Provided that the High Court may, in its discretion, g
give s ~ directions
~ h as it thinks fit in regard to the payment
of the tax before the disposal of the appeal, if the appclla~it
furnishes sufiicient security to its satisfaction, in such form
and in shch manner as may be prescribed.
------ -
The following sub-section was omitted by section 21 of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972
(Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972):-
" (4) Where as a result of the appeal any change becomes
necessary in the order appealcd against, the High Court may authorise 5
the assessing authority to amend such order accordingly and on such
amendment being made, any amount overpaid by the appellant shall
be refunded to him without interest, or the further amount of tax,
if any, due from him shall be collected in accordance with the pro-
visions of this Act, as the case may be."
.- s
C -.- r

General Sales Tux 73

. (a) The appellant or 'respondent may apply for
. (7)
review of any order passed by the High Court under e ~ b l
hection (3) on the basis of the disciwbry of new an$ im-
portant facts which after the exercise of due diligence were
not within his knowledge or could not be produced by
him when the order was made.

3%.&[(I) Within 2[ni~~ety days] from the date on which Revision by

a copy of the order under b-sed ion (3) or sub-section High Court*
(6) of section 361 is served in the manner prescribed, any
pcr.:on who ob-jects to such order or the Deputy Corn-
r~~issioncrmay prefer a petition to the High Court on the
gro~llildthat t11e Appellate Tribunal has either decided
el-roneously or failed to decide any question of law :
Pmvided that tho High Court may admit a petition pre-
ferred after the period of a[ninety $days] aforesaid if it is
satisfkd that the petitioner lzad sufficient came Sor not
preferring t11c petition within the said period].

Tni a sub-section was substituted for the following sub-section

(1) Py section 10 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (SeconQ
vcndrnent) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 19611, which cai - ;nto
force m the 1st April 1961) :-
" Xn any case in which the total turnover as determined by the
Appe!!:rte TribunaI is Rs. 50.000 or over and within sixty days from
the date: on which a copy of the order under sub-section (3) of section
36 i s served in the manner prescribed, any person who objects ta
such order or the Deputy Cornrnissfonermay prefera petition to the
High C:o,lrt. on the ground that the Appellate Tribunal has either
~ erroneously or failed to decide any question of law :
d ~ r tcd .

kafovided that the Iiigh Court may admit a petition preferred

of sixty days aforesaid if it is satisfied that the petitione<
aRcr ?!ie ~ e r i o d
h:~! st~ificientcause for not preferring the petition within the said
pcf-ioz ".
words werc substituted for the words " sixty days " by
of the Tarnil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, -
S C ~
1062 iTa nil Nadu Act 5 of 1962).

was substituted for the expression " sub-scction

': 'I'f::sexprcssio~~
(3)'oI section 36" by section 22 (a) of the Tatnil Nadu tienetad
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 19% (Tamil Nadtn Act 31 of
3 672).

74 Generul Sales Tax (1959 : T.N. Act 1

(2) The petition shall be in the prescribed form,

s b l i be verified in the prescribed manner, and shd,
where it is preferred by any party other than the
Deputy Coinmissioner be accompanied by a fee of one
hundred rupees.

(3) If the High Court, on perusing the petilion.

~ n s i d e r s that there is no sufficient ground for interfering,
it may dismiss the petition suminarily :

Provided that no petition shall be dismissed unless the

petitioner has had a reasonable opportunity of being heard.

(4) (a) If the High Court does not dismiss the petitioll
summarily, it shall, after giving both the parties to the
petition a reasonable opportunity of being heard, deter-
mine the question of law raised and either rwerse, affirm
or amend the order against which the petition was preferred
or remit the matter to the Appellate Tribunal, with thc
opinion of the High Court on the question of law raised
or pass such order in relation to the matter as the IIigla
Court thinks fit.

(b) Where the High Court remits the matter under

clause (a) with its opinion on the question of law raised,
the Appellate Tribunal shall amend the order passed by
it in confornlity with such opinion.

(5j Before passing an order under sub-section (4),

the High Colirt may, if it considers it necessary so to do',
remit the petition ta the Appellate,Tribunal, and dirk%
i t to return the petitioli. with its finding on any sp~cific
question or issue.

(6) Notui- &at a petition has been pa-

f e r d under scb-section (I), the tax shall be paid in accor-
dance with the order against which the revision has beea
preferred :
Provided that the High Court may, in its discrdioo.
#vc such directions a$ it thinks fit in regard to the pay-
ment of the tan before the disposal of the petition. if thb

Generul Sales Tax

9'f . $titiher fur&h& ~ufficiedt. sbi:ui%)i to its satisfaction,
: io such forb atra in such maatler U may be presorib~d,

(8) (rr) The petitioner or the respondent may apply

for review of any order passed by the High Court under
clause (a) of sub-section (4) on the basis of the discovery
of new and important facts whi~hafter the exercise of
due diligence were not within his knowledge or could not
be produced by him when the order was made.

(b) The application for review shall be prefer~~d

within such time, and in such manner as may be prescribed
and shall, where it is preferred by any party otheL"ban ths
Deputy Commissioner be accompanied by a 'fee of one
hundred rupees.

(9) In respect of every petition or application pre-

ferrcd under sub-section (I), or clause (a) of sub-section
(8) the costs shall be in the discretion cf the High Court.

39. Every appeal preferred to the High Court under Petitions

section 37 and every petition under section 38 shall be applications
heard by a Bench of not less than two Judges, and in ; ~ $ ! ~ ~ l f l l
te~pectof such appeal or petition the provisions of section court to b.
98 c,f the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act V heard by a
ef 1908), shall, so far as may be, apply. Bench of not
less than
two Judges.

a The following subsection was ~ S t t e d

by section 22(1,) of tho
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendinent) Act, 1972
(Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972) :-
"(7) If as a result of the petition any change becomes neceSSa;ry
hsuch assessment, the High Court may direct the &sesslng authonty
to amend the assessment accordingly, and on such amendment being
made, any amount ovcrpaid by the assessee shall be refunded to him
withoot interest, or the further amdunt of tax due from hlm shall b
bllected in accordance with the protJisiens of this Act, as the case

Amendment I[3g-A, (1) Where as a result of any order passed ie

order of appeal or revision or review under this Act, any cha~~gc
et c. becomes necessary, in the order of assessment, the appro -
priate appellate authority, or revising or reviewing authority
may authorise the assessing authority to amend the order of
assessment accordingly and on such amendment beilig
made, any amount overpaid by the assessee shall be re-
funded to him without interest, or the further amount of
tax, if any, due from him shall be collected in accordrrnco
with the provisions of this Act as the case may be.

(2) Pending the exercise of the powers of appca9,

revision or review, the appropriate appellate authority,
or rovisiug or reviewing authorrty may, on applicatio!~
made by the assessing authority or the asscssce, stay 111e P
refilnd to the assescnc 2f' my atrlorlnt, overpaid, or the +
collectio~lof further amount of tax due from the assn,.

in pursu tnoe of the order which is the subject matter o f 1

q ~ p c : ~ l .avision
, or review. F

Production 39-B. (1) Every dealer liable to pay tax under ti~i:.
of account a.
Act, sha'l nake available to the assessing autl~oritya l l y i
account, register, record or other document relating to %lie
day-to-day transaction of his business. 1

(2) The Appellate Assistant Coinmissioner shall

not for the first time, receive in evidence on behalf of'
any dealer i a any appeal, such account, register. recoril;
or documert as is mentioned in sub-section (I), unless
for reasons t~ be recorded in writing, he considers that
ouch account, register, record or document is genuine and
tlrat the failure to produce the same before the assessing
authority was for reasons beyolld the control cf the dealer.

(3) Except as provided in sub-section (2), no appellalz

authority or revising or reviewing authority shall, for the
first time, receive in evidence on behalf of the dealer any
s.-t:h account, register, record or document as is mention4
in suu-section (1).

Explanation.-Nothing ill this section shall apply to

scwunts whictl are built up from the inrtial accounts.]
; These sections were inserted by section 23 of the Tamil N E J ~
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Pd%4#.
Act 31 of 1972).
-- & .. a. - . r

1959 : T.N. Act 11 Genercll Sales Tnx 77

40.4[(1)] Every person register-d undcr this /wt, every Maintenance

dea!x liable to get himself registered undsr this Act, and dale,
every other dealer who is required sc to do by the prescribed
authority by notice served in the prescribed manner, 1~,
of l [ ~true

2P(shallkeep and maintain an up-to-date, true and correct rod record%

acw?iint sl~owingfull and complete particulars of his by deal-rs..
business) and such other record as may be prescribedi
in any of the languages specified in the Eightk. '-hedule
i to the Constitution, or in English, showing such parti-
culars as may be prescribed ; and different particulars
may 3e prescribed for different classes of dealers.
"(2) (a) Ever? registered dealer shall keep st the
plat- of business specified in the certificate of registration
600:.5o f account for the current year. If more than one
plac-c of business in the State is specified in the certificate^
of resistsation, the hooks cf account relating to each place
of busi~zcssfor the current year shall be kept in tlie place of
bGirxss concerned.
(b) Every registered dealer shall also ordinarily
kecp tile books of account for the previous five years at
such phce or places as he may notify to the registering
authority. If the registered dealer decides to change the
place or places so notified, he shall, before effecting such.
change, notify the same to the registering authority.]
6[(3) Every registered dealer or person who moves
goods in pursuance of a sale or purchase or..otherwise
f d m one place to another shall send along with the goods,
moved a bill of sale or delivery note or such otl er documents
as : may be prescribed.]

1 These words were substituted for the words " true and correct
;twzrnfs " by section 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales T a x
(A&cndment) Act, 198 1 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 1981).
aghese words were substituted for the words " shall keep and
maintain a true and correct account " by secticn 6 of the Tamil
Nadu GeiicraI Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu Act
19 O F a sr~o>.
3 This expression was substituted for the words " shall keep and
maintain a true and correct account " by section 4(ii) of the Tamil .
Nadtl General Sales Tax (Amendment) Acty 1981 (Tarnit Nadu Act
34 of 1981).
4 Section 40 was renumbered as sub-section (1) of that section and
this sub-section was added by section 24 of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act; 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of
~"I'his sub-section was added by section 8 of t h e Tamil Nadu General.
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act 47 of

7P General .Sdes Tux [I959 : T.N. Act 1

41. (1) Ally officer empoweled by tho Government in

order pradu-
'Owem 'O this behalf may, fol the purposes of this Act, require any
ciion of dealer to produce before him the accounts, l[register.s,
acfoaat b ahd records and other documents], and to fur nish any other
Power9 of information relating to his business.
entry Inspec-
tion, etc. (2) All accounts, '[registers, records and other doou -
mcllts] maintained by ai dealer in the course of his busin$s,
the goods in his possession, and his offices, shops, godowns,
vesrels or vehicles shall be open to inspection at
reasonable times by such offioer :
PIovided that no residellt ial accommod~tion( riot
being a place of business-cum-residence) shall ba entered
into and searched by such officer except on the authority of
a soarch wa .rant issued by a Magistrate havingjur isdiqim
over the ar ea, and all searches under this sub-wetion sbll,
so far as m zy be, be made in accordance with the provisions
of the *Cold0 of Criminal Procedu~e, 1898 (Central Act V
of 1898).
(3) If any such officer has reason to suspect that m y
dealer is attempting to evade the payment of any tax, fee
or other amount due from him under this Act, he may, for
reasons to be recbtd6d in writing, seize such accounts
%[registers,records or other documents] of the dealer as
he may consider necessary, and shall give the dealer
s receipt for the same. The accounts, 31registers, reoords
atrd documents] so seized shall be retained by such offim
only for so long as may be necessary for their examination
and for any inquiry or proceeding under this Act :
Provided 1hat such accounts, Slregisters, records an$ I
documents] shall not be retaiS'edfor more than thirty days
at a time except with the permission of the nett
higher auth01ity.
- - . - . .-
* These words were substituted for
- - _ ~
the words " registers and
other documents " by soction 7 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sala t
Tax (Arnendn-ant) Act, 196b (';*llL;l ;<rldu Act ;9 of'1960).
These words were substituted for the words " registers or otha
cEocumellts" I. y section 7 (2), ibid.
a These words were substituted for the words " regis~ers aad
aocurncnts" by section 7 (3,ibid.
*Now the Cob:.: of Crimin.1 Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974).

1959 : T.N. Act I ] General Sales Tax 79

'[(4) Any such officer shall, for the pur poses of sub-
bection (2) or sub-section (3), also have power to enter and
search any office, shop, godown, vessel, vehicle, building
or place belonging to any other dealer or any other person,
if such officerhas reasm to believe that a dealer keeps, or is

The original sub-section (4) read as follows:-

" (4) Any such officer shall have powkr to seize and confiscate

any goods .vhich are found in any office,shop, godown, vessel, vehicle,
or any other place of business or any building or place of the dealer,
but not a b u n t e d for by the dealer in his accounts, registers and other
docunhents maintained in the course of his business :

Provided that before ordering the confiscation of' gc ods under

this sub-sectibn, the dfficerskill give the person affected an opportunity
of being heard and make an inquiry in the prescribed manner. "

In the said su b-section, for the words " registers and other docu-
ment! " the words "registers, records and other documents " were
~ubstitdtedby section 7 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 19 of 1960) ;and to the
lid slb-section the followillg further proviso was inserted by section
11 of the Tamil Nadu GenersJ Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act,
1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 1961), which came inta fo~ceon the 1st
April 1961 :-

" Provided further that the officer ordering the confiscation

shall givo the person affected option to pay in lieu of coafiscation-

P (a) in cases wheie the goods slrbt'takable under this Act, in .

;Ldditiofi Po t@ tax recoverabb, a sum of inone)t Hot exceeding one
tfaousand rupees or double the amount of tax reWtrerable, whichever
4s greater ;and

(b) in other cases, a sum of money not exceeding one thousand


The said sub~ectionitself as so amended wasomitted by section 25

uf ihc~Taniil Niidu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972
(Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972). The present sub-section (4) was
. inserted by section S of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amend-
ment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977).

kcepil~g ;III)~ of his goutls, accou~zls,I egiaior a, j cooi

I -othi r ~iocumentsin such office, shop, gxlow11, ~e\.;cl
vei~.lclc, btiilding or place].

E.~,ph:zution.-It shall be open to the Govej nment to

~ ~ n p o w cdiIferent
i. classes of officers for the pwpcr~c4"
lakicy iictio~lunder sub-scctions (I), (2) and (3).

Powers t c i ':$I-A. Wllei c goods are delive~edto a earl io~.0:- 2

gootls L C 1 irsnsmission, the inovcment of the goods sl;rli b,:
delivered dde)nt'~I to commence at the time of sucli delivery and t c r m i
to a lute aL thr; time whel~delivery is taker1 from such carrier <>i
carrier a r b::i!ec. M,he1 e before delivet y is t~ken from kin, a carrier
a bailee.
or b.rilee 19 whom goo!ls are delive~e:? for trans~nission,
koeps the said goods in any office, shop, godo-.vn, vasse!,
i ecopr.acle. vehicle or any other place o f business o r any
building or place, any officer empowered by the Govern-
ment in this behalf shall have power to enter into and sear ell
such officc, shop, go;lown, vessel, ~xxeptaclc, vehicle or
ot!rer place of business or building or piace, and to examills
'70 30iods awi irlspect all I ecords relating to such goc.ts.
1he cai I ier oi- bailee or the puson in charge of the goods
and r acui as shall give all facilities for such examinaticb 01.
n shdl if so required, pi-educe.the bill of sale or
i q s p e ~ ~ i oand
delivw y note o r such other docunlei~tsas may be prescri b-
cd and give a declaration containing such particulars as
may be prescr ibcd r egarding the goods and give his name
:ind nddress and the name and address of the cavies or
the brrilec and ihe consignee.]

Est ahlish- 42. (1) ]If the Goveri~mentconsider that with a view l o
merit of pi u v e k or chcck evasion of tax uui.cr this Act i n any
check post
or barrier pliti:~or p!:ices in the State, it is nccmsary so to do, they
and inspec- milv by notification, direct the setting up of a check
tion of posi'or the erection of a barrier o r both, at such place 07
goods places as may be notified.
while in

- - - -- -- -
"Thissection was inserted by sectionl5 of tho Tamil Vgdu ~ e d e r a t
Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
. . - Act,+ .198b (Tarail N d 1;u A s t , 29 .a)

1959 : T*N. Act I] Ge~lertrlSales Tax 81

At every check-post or barrier inentionecf in

cub-sectim~(I), 0;-at any other place when sg requirild by
; 11y officer empowzjed by the Government in this belxilf,
the ciriver or any other per soil in charge of any gcods
vchicle or boat shall stop the goods vehicle or boat, as
the case may be, and keep it stationivy as long as may
I t:*lronirhly be ncccs::ar y, ant1 allow thc oficcr ill char p , of
I llo cheek-post o j ba! 3 i c ~ or the officer empowe! ad as
,rfi,i.esaid, I;O examine l l ~ econtents in the goods vehiclc or
boat an i inspec: all documents ieiatlng to the goods Glii ied
ivhich are in the possession of such drivzr or other person
ii? charge, for the purpose of ascertaining wheiher the; e has
been any sale or pu; ci~aseof the goods carried and in
case ther e was sale OJ purchase of the goods cal r ied,
whether such sale or purchase is liable to tax under this
Act, and if so-

These sub-sections were substituted for the following sub-sections

12) and (3) by section 26 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972) :--
a- A

" (2) At every check post or barrier mentioned in sub-section

(I), or at any other place when so required by any oficer empowered
by the Government in this behalf, the driver or any other person
i n charge of any vehicle or boat shall stop the vehicle or boat, as the
case may be, and keep it statiomry as long as may reasonably be
necessary, and allow the officer in charge of the checkpost or barrier,
or the officer empowered as aforesaid, to examine the contents in the
vehicle or boat and inspect all records relating to the goods carried,
which are in the possession of such driver, or other person in charge,
who shall, if so required, give his name and address and the naine
and address of the owner of the vehicle or boat as well as those of
the consignor and the consignee of thtt goods.

(3) The officer in charge of the checkpost or barrier, or the oflicer

empowered as aforesaid, shall havb power to seize and confiscate any
goods which are under transport by any vehicle or boat and are not
covered by a delivery note, a Goods Vehicle Record, a Trip Sheet,
or a Log Book, as the case may be, or by a bill of sale where one is
reqilired to be issued :
Provided that before ordering confiscation the officer shall give
the person affected an opportunity of being heard and make an
inquiry in the prescribed manner."

[Earlier in the said sub-section (3), for the words " and are not
covered by a delivery note, a Goods Vehicle Record, a Trip Sheet,
or a Log Book, as the case may be, or by a bill of sale where one is
required to be issued "the following was substituted by section 8 of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendmert) Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu
Act 19 of 1960)j :-- (corzt .)

82 General Sales [TUX 11959: T, N,Act 1:

(a) whether such tax has been Paid, or
(b) whether the sale or purchase of the goods
carried has, for the purpose of the Payment of tax under
this Act, been Propexly accounted for in the documents
neferred to in sub-section (5).

(3) If, on such examination and insPection it appears-

(a) (i) that the tax, if any, Payable under this Act
in respc.ct of the sale or Purchase of the goods carried,
has been paid, or
(ii) that the sale or purchase of the g~odscarried
has, for the Purpose of Payment of tax under this Act, t
been Properly accounted for in tke documents referred
to in sub-section (9,
the said officer shall release the goods vehicle or boat
with the goods carried, or

I__-- - . - -
"and are not covered by,
(i) a bif l of sale or delivery note,
(ii) a Goods Vehicles Record, a Trip Sheet or a Log Book,aa
the casc may be, and

(iii) such other docun~ents as may be prescribed under

sections 43 and 44 :"

T3 thc said sub-section (3) as SO amended, the following further

; .;;is0 was added by section 12 of the Tamil Nadu General
'5:-~ G ST ~ (Second
x Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of
iY;.;), which came into force an the 1st April 1961 :-

"Provided further that the officx ordering the canfiscatiou-

.:?all give the person affected option to pay in lieu of conss--

(a) in cases were the goods are taxable under this Act, in
addition to the ?ax recoverable, a sum of money not exceeding
one thousand rupdes or double the amount of tax recoverable,
whichever in greater ;and

(b) in other cases, a 1 4 ~ 1of money ngl exweding one

theus,,. 1 nupees".]

9: T.N.Act 11 Gcncral Sales Tax

(b) (i) that the tax, if any, payable under this

Act in respect of the sale c r purchase of the goods carried,
I I O ~bccn paid, or

(ii) that the sale lor purchase of the goods carrixi

has, for the purpose of payment of tax under this Act,
not been properly accounted for in the documents referred
5 to in sub-section (5),

and if the said oEcer is satisfied, after making such enquiry

i., rs be deems fit, that with a view to prevent the evasion of
payable in respect of the sale or purchase of the goods
carried, it is necessary to detain the goods, llhe shall detain
the goods and direct the driver or any other person in
charge of the goods vehicle or boat or the consignor or
g' the consignee],-
(i) to pay such tax, or b
(ii) to furnish adequate security in such form and
r in such manner and to such authority as may be prescribed,
& on behalf of tbe person liable to pay such tax.]
(4) If the tax is paid or the security is furnished, then,
the goods so detained shall be released forthwith.
(5) The documents referred to in sub-sections (2) and
: (3) are, bills of sale, or delivery notes, or such other docu-
ments as may be prescribeti.
(6) The driver or any other person in charge of the
goods vehicle or boat shall, if so required, give his name
and address and the name and address of the owner of the
oootls vehicle or boat as well as those of the consignor and
the consignee of the goods.
(7) The driver of the goods vehicle or boat :;hall, on
dcn1;~ncl by tllu sirid ofliccr, produce for inspection his
driver's licence.
(8) (a) If the tax directed to be paid or the security
dirccted to be furnished under sub-section (3) is not paid
or iurnished, or
These words were substituted for the words "he shall dctaln
the &clodsand c..irectthe driver or any other person in charge of tha
goods vehicle or boat" by section 9 (1) o f the Tamil Nadu General
1 Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act 47 of

s;! G clacv*alSales 2 2 x [I959 : T . N. Art 1


(b) If it appears to the said officer that the driver

cr the persqn in charge of the i:oods vehicle or boat is
i., . 2iving the correct name and addrc~sof the o w t . ~ ; .f
tlic g:ods vehicle or of the boat, or of the consi;.
or or the consignee of the goods, and if the said oi;~ci.~*
% satisfied after making such enquiry as he deei-;l; r i b ,
Lijiii. wit11 a vizw to prevent the cvaslon of tax pay2il.i~ - .
1. ; . r-tzspzct of ill,: sale or purchase of the goods cir::: &\r,
i t ;:. i:::-,;:try tc detain the goods, l[Iie shall detni:: 1:;-
ZGC::" either in the check-post or elsewhere as lo~ij,i ~ s
may r asonably be necessary] and shall ascertnic5 i i ~ e
I-orrcct name and address of the owner of the p f c i d s
l.fehiclc or boat or of the consignor or of the c~n:i:~~i::e
t7f i!:e goods :

Provided that no such goods shall be detained I:y

t hvsaid officer for more than twenty-f~urhours cxcclrt
L~iih ;he permission of the next higher authority.

'[(S-A) The said officer may, in his discrctic.:.,

permit the driver or other persola ill charge of the gaodts
vehicle or boat to take the goods detained under sub-
section (3) subject to an undertaking given by the driver
or othe person,-

(i) that the goods shall be kept in the office, godown

or other place within .he State, belonging to the ownw
of tilr: gooas vehicle or boat and in the custody of such
owner, and
(ii) that the goods shall not be delivered to thz
consignor, zonsignee or any other person without tl~h:
ordcrs ~f the said officer: and for this purpose the driver
or any other person in charge of the goods vehicle or bmi
shall. furnish an authorisation from the owner of i l ~ e
goods vehicle or boat authorising him to give such under-
taking on his behalf.]

These words w.3i-e substituted for the words ''he shan dGaiil the
goods as long as may reasonably be necessary" by section 9(2) of tl-.c
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1979
(Tamil Nadu Act 47 of 1979).

This sub-section was inserted by section 9 (3) of the Tasl:il

Nadu Generrl Sa1t:s TPY (*e,.cond Amendnent) Act, 1979 (Tamil
Madu Act 47 of 1979).

- -
5 ~ ? . s ~J&f

x - -
(9) In case the goods are subject to speedv and natural
, and in the case of other goods, wheie no claim is
within the prescribed peridd, the said officer shall,
t to such conditions as may be prescribed, sell
ods in open auction and remit the sale proceed3
redf in a Government Treasury : -

Provided that if the said officer is an offical below

rank, of a Deprty Commercial Tax Officer, the sale
r this sub-section sliall be effected by the Deputy
n~ercialTax Oi-licer having jurisdiction.
(10) Any pcrson entitled to such sale proceeds
all, on application to the prescribed authority and
pon sufficient proof, be paid the sale proceeds mentioned
bub-section (9)' after deducting the expenses of' the
snd other inciclcntal charges and the amount of sales
~ L L under
C this Act in respect of the sale or purchase of
IC goo(Is ill question.

E,~pZnn~i~io~~.--For the purpose of this section, the

expression "said oficer" shall mean the officer-in-charge
of the check-post or barrier or the officer r-rnpo~ereci
iittde~. sub-section (2).]
'[43. The owner or other person i~ charge of a boat p,,,,,,,,
sliall carry with him- a n d submis-
si(\ll of cer-
(i) Bill of'snle or delivery note, ?[or such other t:.i records
doci~mentsas may be yltscribed, and] t)y olrrners,
etc. uf boats,
(ii) Log Book,
- _. _ _ _ _ _ __ -_
4 3[*
_ -_---
* *]
_____-I-____ _.--
: This sectio~lwas substituted for the following section 4.5 t,,
section 9 of the Tamil Nndu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act,
1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 19 of 1960) :-

"43. Submission of cc rtclirr ~~ccor'cls by owners, etc., of botrts.-

The ow 7er or other person ill charg? of a boat shall s u b n ~ t to t
the C(.mm:rcial Tax Oficcr hfivir,& j ~ l . i ~ d i ~ fcncr i 0 n the alert
it1 ~ q ~ i c h goods n1.r dillitcred copies of the 2cg book with
such 1.~1-therp i ~ r t i c ~ ~ lif; : ~ariy,
. ~ , and within such t i n ~ e ,as may
bc \)r.cscr~bed under tltis ,let."

"These words wers added by section 6 (a) of the Tamil Nadu

C3enL;~.:ilSi~lzsTax (.An,endment) Act, 1977 (Tarnil Nacu Act 7 (?j
'I'he word " and " was omitted by sectior~6 (b) of the Tamil
G e n e r ~ lSales
~.ll~r~lu Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act
7 of 1977).

5'6 General Sales Tax [I959 : T .N. Act 1

'[(iii) *** *** ***I.

relating to the goods under trans2ort and contain-

ing such pilseiculars z; z n y preccribed and shall submit
to "~sue'liofficer as may be prescribed1,the documents aforr-
said. or copies thereof within such time as may be
Po~session "44. Tlic owner or other person in charge of a goods
and submi$-- vzhicle shall c ~ r l - with
y him---
sion of cer-
lain recor,.ls (i) Bill of sale or delivdry ?;otc, 4[or such other
by ownerY7
CIC., of
~iocul11~.t.<3s mciy bz p l ~ ; c r i b ~a~nf(,]

I '1-hr: following item was omitted by section 6 (c) of the Tamil -

Nadu Gsnsrnl Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act
7 of 1977) :- t

''(iii) such other documents as may be prescribed." f

Thesc words were substituted for the words " the Commercial
Tax OrEccr, having jurisdiction over the area in which the goods are
dclivcred" by section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Genera1 Sales Tax (Second
A ~ n c ~ ~ d ~ l iAct,
c n t j1979 (Tamil Nadu Act 47 of 1979).

"This section was substituted for the following section by section

10 of the Tpmil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1660
('Tamil Nadu Act 19 of 1960) :-

44. Submission of certain record~by owners, etc.,


of goods vehicles.--The owner or other person in charge

of a goods vehicle shall submit to the Commercial Tax
Officer having jurisdictiorl over the area in which the goods
arc delivered copies of the Goods Vehicle Record or
Trip Sheet with such further particulars, and within such
time, as may be prescribed under this Act. "

* These words were added by section 7 (a) of the Tamil Nadu

General Saies Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of

"he word " and " was omitted by section 7 (b) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act
'1 of 1977).
" - -. -. A

General Sales Tax C7

relating to the goods under transport and containing
particularsas may be prescribed and shall suhn~itto
h oficer as may be prescribed] the docurnents,d()resaid
copies thereof within such time as may be prescribed.
45.. (1) Any person who- Ofl3ences and
(a) being an assessee under this, Act, fails .to submit fie1l'JLies*
a return as required by the provisions of this A ct, or the
n~les made thereunder, or
(b) being a person obliged to register himself as a
dealer under this Act, does not get himself regi5 iered, or
3[(~) being a person obliged to take on t a permit
under this Act docs not take out such permit 4[ * 1.
B[* * * * $1
shall, on conviction by a Magistratt, not below
the rank of a Second-class Magistrate*, be liable to fine
which may cxtcnd to two hundred rupees.
6L(1-A) Any person who collect; al,y amount by
way of tax or purporting to be by way of tax under this
Act in contravent~o~~ of' the provisions of sub-section (1)
of seclio,~22 shall, on conviction by a Magirtsale, not
tclow the rank of ;.Second-Class Magistrc~tc,Ise liable to
fi,~e . ~ h i r hmay extcnti to five hundred rupees.
-- - ----- --- -- w-

The following item was omitted by section 7 (c) of the Tamil

(Amorrdment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7

"(iii) such other documents as may be prescribed."

These words were substituted for the words "the Commercial
Tax Officer, having jurisdiction over the area in which the goods are
delivered" by section 11 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales T a x (Second
Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act 47 of 1979).
"Clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 45 was relcftered as
clause ( d )of that sub-section and this clause was inserted by sectiatz
I J of tile Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1960
(Tamil Nadu Act 19 of 1960).
Tlie word "or " was omitted by section 27 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu
Act 31 of 1912).
ti The expression '' (d) collects any amount by way of tax under
this Act in contraventior, of the provisions of sub-section (1) OF
section 22" wasomitted by section 27 (i), ibid.
These sub-sections were inserted by section 27 (ii), ibid.
p y ~ c c o r d i nto~clause (b) of sub-se:ction (3) of section 3 of
the C { ~ dof c Criminal Procedure, 1473 (Central Act 2 of 1974),
any reference to a Magistrate of the Second. Class shall b: cons-
trued as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate of t1?e Second

General Sales TGIX [I959 : T. N. Act 1

(1 -B) Any permit holder, travelling salesman or re-

prtsentative,who contravenes any of the terms or con~itioi~s
of thc pel-mit or the authorisation, as the case may. be,
or any of the provisions of this Act or the rules ~ilade
thcrcunder, shall on collviction by a Magistrate llot below
the rank of a *Second-Class Magistrate, be liable to fine
which may extend to five hundred rupees. j

(2) Any person who-

(a) wiifu.lly submits an untrue return ,or, not b e i o ~
already an asstssee under this Act, fails to submit a return
as rsquireu by the provisions of this Act or the rules made
thereunder, or
(b) fraudulently evades the payment of any tax
assessed 011 him or any fee or other amount due from
him under this Act, or

(c) dishonestly objects to a notice issued to hinl

under sub-section (1) of section 26, or
1)eing a persoti o b l i g d to keep and mairltnin
'[(cc) 1
t rui: and correct account and record u~lcler sub-sectiot* $
(I) of scction 40 fails to keep and maintain such account
or record, or kceps any hooks of nccoul~tat any place
in colitrnvcr~ti~~i of' sub-scction (2) of section 40, or
2[moves ti13 goods from one plnct: to another in pursuance
of a s d e or pur(:hase or o.tlxrwise in cotltr;kvention of he
provIsIor?s 01' S U G - S ~ L ~ ;(:j~ ) ~of~ L G C ~ ~ 40
L ) ~without a bill
of sale or delivery note or such other documents as may
be prcscr ibc ti, or]

(d) wilfully acts in contravention of any of the

provisions of this Act, or
.- - - - , - ---- -.- --...A

This clause was inserted by section 27 (iii) of the Tamil Nadr

General SaIcs Tax (Second Amst?dment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act
31 of 1372). A

" h i s exptsssion was added by section 12(i) of t1.e 'l'anril Narlu

Gener;i1 Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tan:il Nactil Act
fl of 1979).
* Acc:>rJing to clause (b) of sub-section (3) of section 3 of i

the Cutle ~i Criminal Proced tire, 1' 73 (C~ntr:'l Act 2 of 1 5 74), t

any r c f ~ i - e n c tto a hlagistrate cf the Second Class shall be cons-
trued as i.. reference to a Judicial Madistrate of the Second P
Class. Z

1959 : T. N. Act i] General Sales Tax 89

(e) after purchasing any goods in respcct of which

he has made a declaration l[under the proviso to sub-
section (3) or under the first proviso to sub-sccticn (4)
of sectiofl 31 fails witllout reasonsble excuse to 111akc
use of the goods for the declared pdrpose, shall, orn
conviction by a * Presideacy Magistrate or a Mcgistrate
of the First-class, be liable to a fine whizh may exterld ia
orlc thousand rupees and in the event of a second or subse-
quent conviction, to simple imprisonment which may
extend to six ~nonthsor a fine which may extend to two
thousand rupees or both 2[orjl

3[(J') mikes a n y statement or declaration ill Ilie

application for registration, submitted to t l ~ crcgiateri lip
authority, which he knows or l ~ a sreason to bclievc to bc:

(g) wilfully acts in contravent~on oT the under-

taking given undcl- sub-section (8-A) of sectioi: 421.

This expression was substitutecl for the expression < Z LlfiCIci 111:

proviso to sub-section (3) of section 3 " by section 16 c , f t'le 7'sn!~i

Nadu General Sales Tax (Secand Amendment) Act, i3b3 l s i l i i i
Nadu Act 29 of 1 9 8 9

This word was added by section 12 (ii) of the Tamil Nydu Ge:>zra\
Sales Tax (Second Amei~dment)Act, 1979 (Tamil Naciu Act 47
of 1979).

These clauses were added by section 12 (iii). ibid,

* ~ c c o ~ d i to
n gclauses (a), and (r) of sub-section (3) of section
3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974),
a n y reference to a Magi.itrate of the first class shall be c o n s t r i ~ ~ d
as a rt2fzrence to a Judicial Magistrate of the first class and any
r~ferzrlcr:to a Presidency MagiTtrate shall be construed as 3 r e l e r e i ~ ; ~
iu a Metropolitall Magistrate wit11 effect on and froin 1st April 1$;rr

l[(3) Bay person who prevents or obstructs an olticer

horn exercising his powers or dischsrgiog his duties under
sectiori 41 or section 42, shall, on conviction, be liable
to simple imprisonment which inay extend to srx months,
~ ~rupees or both.
or a fine which inay extend to two t h sand
(4) (a) Any owner or other person in-charge of a
boat or a zoods vehicle who fails to carry with him any
of the records or docuineilts specified in section 43 or
-option 44, as the case may be, shall, on conviction, be
liable to simple imprisonment which may extend to six
months or afine which may extend to two thousand rupees
or both.
(b) The owner of the boat or the goods vehiclc,
if he was not in charge of the boat or the goods velliclc
at the time of the cominission of an offence under clause
(a),shall also be liable to be punished with the punishment
provided for the offence under clause (a) unless he proves
that the offence was committed witllout his knowledge
or that lie exercised all due diligence to prcvent the commi-
ssiorn of sucl~ctience.
(5) If the driver or any olher person in-charge of
any goods vehicle or boat, refuses on demand by the
officer-in-charge of the check-post or barrier or the officer
empowered under sub-section (2) of section 42 to g,ive
his name and address or the name and address of the
owner of the vehicle or boat or of the consignor and
consignee of the goods or gives any name and address
which h: knows or has reason to believe to be false, or if
the driv:r refuses on demand by such officer, to produce
for inspection his driver's licence, he sball on conviction,
be liable to simple imprisonment, which may extend to
six months or a fine which may extend to two thousand
rupees or both.

' These su b-sections were substituted fcr the following sub-section

3 by section 27(iv) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
A mendrnent) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972): -
" (3) Any person who-

(a) prevents or obstructs inspection, entry, search or seizure

I;y an officer empowered under section 41, or
(b) prevents or obstructs inspection of any goods vehicle, or
boat carrying goods, by an officer-in-chargeof a check post or barrier
o r any officer empowered under section 42, shalt, on conviction, be
liable. to siniple imprisonment which may extend to six rr~ollths
Q C 3 fiil;: which may extend to two thcusand rupoes or both ,"

(6) Any person who makes any statement or declara-

I ionin any of' the records or documents specified in section
43 or section 44, as the case may be, which sta~b,-~nt
or declaration he knows or has reason to believe to be
false, shall, on conviction, be liable to simpIt: imprisonment
which may extend to six months, or a fine which may
extend to two thousand rupees or both.
(7) Any person who is in ally W C : ~knowingly coilccrned
in any fraudulent evasion or attempt at evasion or abet-
ment of evasion of any tax, payable in respect of tlie sale
or purchase of any goods under this Act, shall, on conviction,
be liable to simple iinprisonlneut which may extend to six
morlths or a fine which may extend to two thousand
rupzes or both.1
l[46. (I) The pl esci ibed authcn ity may, whether on
applicatioo made to it in this behalf or otheiwise, give Cof ooffences.
any pel son who hap committed or is reasonably suspected
of having c~minittedan offenoe under this Act, option to
pay within a sp~cifiec peiiod, by way of coinpositiou of
such offence$::-
(a) where tho offence consists of the failure to pay,
or the evasion of, an!l tax recoverable under this Act, in
addition to the tax so rec;o\/bi a sum of money not
exceeding or~ethousaild rupees or double the amount
sf the tax r ecoveiable whichever is gr-eater ; and
(b) in other cases, a sum of money uot exceediug
one thousand rupees.

I This section was substituted for the following seetion 46 by sectien

7 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act,
1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1964):-
"46. Composition of ofeences.-The prescribed authority may
accept from any person who has committed or is reasonably suspected
of having committed an offence against this Act, by wzy of composition
of such offence-

(a) where the offence consists of the failure to pay, or the eva
$ion of, any tax recoverable under this Act, in addition to the tax
s; iecoverablo, a sum of money not exceeding one thousand rupees
or ilcwhle the amount of the tax recoverable,whichever is greater, and

(b) in other cases, a sum of money not exc~edingonc thou-

sand rup~es."

Generclf ~ a Tax
b [i959 : T.N. Act i
(2) On payn~cntof such sum of money ancl the tax,
if ally, recovciable under this Act, no p osecution for an
otl'cncb under this Act shz~llbe instituted in I espect of the
same facts 011 which a compo-ition. has been allowed
u.nder this section.,

(3) Wl;c;c the p: e;ci ibed authority, o'i applicatio 3

iiladt: urtder sub-~ectiol, (l), passe& at) ordc; r efusioiz
$63 ~rllow composition undc; this scciioil, it :.llzall ~ c c otJi
irl wi il,jng tltc r.cttcons the! efw' ;ailti ,iiil i i b l ~ti) 1 1 1 apl~lic;j.~it ~
;4, ~ ! > I - i ~ f sl;~tc~l~crr
. r I ~ : C I I I C \ ;I, t 01' l l ~ c: , ~ , I I I ~U:I I ~ C : , ~i ,l l iLllY c;:i -C
f l!c tic; ilwd 3ut1101 ity is 01' tile opitlior~i l i i i t it will 1 1 1 ) L

bc i ~til ~ cpublic i~~tt::est1 0 f w 1 r ~ ~ suc:Il ~ i ~ l ts ~ , t i c n ~ vJ~ s t .

~ o g n i z , r , ~ c e 47. N o nt-os~cutianfor any o fkncc: u n d c ~sub-secl ioll

of olfenc-s. (3) uU section 15 sl~;rllbe insiituled cxccpt with tile IV: ittoil
~ 0 l l b c l l tof' tl;c Deputy C ' O ~ ~ I I I ~ S ~ ~ O ~ I C ; ' .
Assessment, 48. ( I ) ordcl, of asw:ssmenr 1 l ) i i ~ l~~: : I , . I C ~tiiii A c t
etc. not to be shall be c c i ~ ~ l ~ ~evideilce
sivc i n ally -prosecutiw or otller
questioned pTocoeding.
in prosecu-
t ion.
(2) Thc v;rlidity of thc asscssmc~:t of ally t,!x, ot
of tile levy of ;i.ny fee or otl1elaW I O U Im;!de
~ ~ , ul~det.this Act,
or t17c liab lity of any person to pay a n y tax, fee or othoi.
ataount so assessed or levied shall not be questioned i . ~
a n y c!.irniilal caul t in any prosecution or other p; o c e a d i r ~ ~ ,
wliothcr ullclci this Act or otherwise.

B ; L of
~ cert. 49. (1) No suit, prosecution or other p!.oceeding shall lic
ai~aprocee- agaillst any oilice- or servant of the Go~~cr.l;melit for arty
iiings. actdoncos purporting to bedone undoi this .4ct, witl~out
tile pscvious fanction of the Govcl-nlnent.

(3) No oficcr or servant of the Gove:-i~n~en t sllall 1 3

liable in ~-espectof any such act in any civil or c: imirlal I
proceeding if thc act was donc in good Sa.ith in the course
of the execution of duties 01. the dischai~geof' functiolis t
imposecl bv ot undcr this Act. t

50. No suit shall be institoted against the Governmcn~

~crnifat~ol'arid I o suit, prosecution or nthcr pi-oceeding shall be
for certain iiisbt uted against any office;. 01. s e s v a ~ of
~ t the Gover nment
s 1 ; 1 $ ancl
pi oseculiol?. r espcct of any act dolle or- pul-po~.tin:, to be done ~mde!.
' "

1959 :TON.Act 11 General sales Tax 93

this Act, unless the-suit, p~osecution or other proceeding
is instituted within six rnot~thsfrom the date of the act
complained of.

51. '[(a)] No suit or oihei plocectiiligs shall, except Bar cf suits

as expressly pi~ovideduildai this Act be instituted ia any- ar in%
n .~ r c c e e -
caul t tc set aside or- modify any assess~ue~~tinade ulldei asicle to,,
o set
h i s Act, dify assess-
men t s except
as provided
I[(b) No injilnction shall be giaankd Lv ally court i l l this ~ c t .
ill respect of any assessment made, or to be made, or ia
I esyect of ally actioll takcn, or to be taken, it? pul sur.oce
of ally of the pro~isions of this Act.]

52. Any pcr'sgn who is entitled to appear before any Appear-arxe
authol ity otl~cs111rln the High Court in cor,nt.ction with before Y
~ Act 2[may, subject to such authority
;my proceedings u i ~ d ethis in
conditions as mLy be pi escl-ibed, be repl-esc~-lted] bt:fo;-c
such sutlzor ity-

(a) by his relative 01-a pe.!-sonregula! ly cmployed by

him, if such relative or pel soil is duly ~?.utho? jzed
by him in writing in this behzlf; or

1 (6) by a legal practitioner ; or
F (c) 3[ ****] by an accountant or sales tax priacti-
tioner possessing the prescribed qualificat~onsand duly
authorised by him in writing in this behalf.

1 Section 51 was lettered a s clause (a) of that sect.io,i and thjs

clause was adcled by section 28 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).

Tlisse words were substituted for the words " may be representeds9
by section 8(n) o f the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendn?eol)
Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977). \

The words " subject to such conditions, as may be prescribed. ''

wore 0111itted by section 8(6), ibi~l.

Publication 1[52-A. (1) If the Government are of opinion that it is

of infornil- iiecessary or expedient in the public interest to publish the
tion respec-- names of any assessees and any other particulars relating
ting asses-
sees. to any proceedings under this Act in respect of such assessees -
they may, sabject to such condil ioas as may be prescribed,
cause to be published such names and particulars in such
manner as they think fit.

(2) No publication under this sectioll shall bc madc

in relation to any penalty imposed, or any conviction for
any offenc~connected wit11 any yroceediilgs under this
Act, until the time for presenting an appeal el: a revision,
as the casl: may be, has expired without an appeal or
revision k.av~ng been presented or the appeal or revision, if
presented, has beell disposed of.
I 0 .

Explana tion.-In the case of a firm, company or other

association of persons, the names of the partners of the
firm, directors, managing agents, secretaries and. treasurers,
or managers of the company, or the members of the asso-
ciation, as the case may be,may also be publiJhed if, ia, the
opinion of t.he Government, the circumstances of the case
justify it.]

~ w c r to 53. (1) Thc Government may make rules to carry oul

mal:c rules. ;he purposes of this Act.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the gene.

rality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for-

(a) all matters expressly required or allowed

by this Act to be prescribed ;

(bj determining tho total turnover or turnover

of a deal( r far tbe purposes of this Act; 1.

(c) the assessment to tax undzr this Act of busi-

ness which is discontinued or the ownership of which
ha; changed ;
., ..-------
, -- - -
This section was inserted by .section 9 of the Tamil Nadu Genera I
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977' ('Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977).

'[(cc) the assessment to tax unaer this Act of any

Hindu undivided family, firm or other association of per-
sonc, whtre such family, fir m or associaticlil is partitioned
or dissolved ;]

( d ) the assessmerit t o tax u~ldcrthis Act of busi-

ness owned by minors and other incapacitated ptrsotls or
by persons rcsidirg outside the State;

(6) thc asi.:ssrncnt of a husiwss own<cj by m y

prrsoll W ~ O S Cu'stzfc
: or a X - yporfiol? of whosc estate is
u!~det the control of the Court of Wards, the Admirdstra-
tor-General, thc Official Trurtee, or ar y rzcciver or
managcr appoicted by or under a7 y ordc r of a Court;

(f) thc administration of the check posts set up

:.n(!.bxrrie1.s erected un6er this Act and the regulation of
i the work thcrcil?;

2i * * *I '

( h ) compclli-g the submission of 1etur::s;

. ( i ) the form in which a11d the particulars to be

cd ?tai :ell i 1 at: y d~cla~ati0.1
10 be given u nder this Act,
the authority from whom, the co11ditions subject
t o which a ~ d the fees subject to payment
of which at2y form of daclaration prescribed

1 This clause was inserted by section 4 o f the Tamil Nadu General

Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1968 (Tamil Nadu Act 12 of
1 968).

a The following clause was omitted by section 29 of the Tamil

Nadu Genctal Sales T a x (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil
Nadu Act 31 of 1972):-

96 Gcilerut Sates 2'cr.v [ I Y S ~ : - T . NAct

. 1
r l [ ~ ~ i;be-~ t i IoS (3) a11cI (3)] of section 3 may be
~ , i ~ i : ~ * l ! ~ cwili.:h
o h t ; i i ~ i ~ I, lxe i s 1 l- ths f o r n l
hall bc I<epl i t 1

t;u ;to:ly i t 1 1 ~ ; I t ~ jc18,l~ l ~i ~ ~ ~~ .i ci ~

t (:~ ~~ , i ! l~ t ~tll~.:
~ i ~~ ~ ~ ~~ , ~
matiller i l l wllicll ally 5urh foj-m I I I : : . ~Ls uicd ilnd it1.V
such i'e~l;l.i-;ttion m s y e fur~lish::.';

(I) tJ1c circumstal~ia., i:; whicll tllc cxtt.1 t tr,

i ~ , yxid In yursuaikct: of seclior~ 26 rimy be IC-
w h ~ ~fe:::
fun dcd;

(m) the issue of bill, 01%cab11 ilicmoranda, tlic

clas., :- classes of dc:,lcr.-, \vllo should 11x1i n t a in counter*
foils for the sa.1111: aria the particulal-s to be sllowi~ in and
thc Jnallncr of mail~lenanceof such counlcsfoils and the
l i should bu preserved ;
tii11~1'01- w l ~ i ~they
(n) the mail. tenance of purclinse bills or accounts
of p~:rchascsand sales by dealers and the tii~lefor which.
they should be yrexrved ;

issue of delivery notes in respect of goods

(0) the
delivered or tansferred to retail dealers in pursrlance of
sales effected to them, the form and inaniier of their issue
and the time for which they should bc preserved ;

(y ) gcncrally regulatiirg the prowdure to bc

followed and the forms to be adopteo'. in plsoceedings under
this Act.

(3) (a) 111 making a rule under sub-section (1) or

sub-suction (2), the Government may provide that a person
guilty of a breach thereof shall he pur-ishable with fine
lvhich may extend to 'one thousand rupees and, where' the
breach is a continuing one, with further fine which may
extend to fifty rupees for every day after the first during
which the breach continues.
.I.__ _I
- -C_-- - -- - .r --A
l -_
-- _- -..
? This expression was substituted for the cipression "sub-seciicfi
(3)" by section 17 sf' the Taniil Nadu Gent ~ a Shlts
l 7 a x (Secei,cI
An~endment)Ac!, 1980 (Tarnil Nildu Act 29 of 19t0).

f I-
)f$e ?-: - '/

-- 9

(b) No Cou.rt inferior to that of a * Presidency

3fagjstrate or a Magktrate of the Second-class shall
Inquire into or try any offcncc consisting of a breach of a

l[(4) (a) All rules made under this Act shall be

published in the ?Fort St. George Gazette and, unless they
are expressed to come into force on a particular day, shall
come into force on the day on which they are so published.
(b) All notifications issued under this Act, shall,
unless they are expressed to come into force on a particular
day, come into force on the day on which they are published.
ule made or notification issued under this
on as poisible, after it is made or issued,
thc tithle of' both Houses of the Legislature,
the expiry of the session in which. it is so
next session, both Iiouses agree iir making
n in any such rule or notific~tion or
ee that; the rule or notification should not
issued, the rule or notification sliall
thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of
no effect, as the case may be, so however, thai any such
modification or a~~~lulrllent sliall be without prejudice to
tile validity of anything previously done under that rule
or notification.]
_. _ _ _
C .
___I-- -- --------_-- _ -

These sub.sections were substituted for the following sub-sections

(3) and (5) by section 13 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Ameadment) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 1961), which came into
forcc on the 1st April 1961:-
"(4) All rules made under this section shall be published in the
Fort St. George Gnzette, and upon such publication shall have effect
as if-enacted in this Act.
(5) All rules made and all notifications issued under this Act
sl~all,as soon as possible after they are made, be placed on the table
of both the Houqes of the Legislature and shall be subject to such
modifications byway of :tmendment or repeal as tht: Legislata~rc:mxp
rr1 kt. eithsr in the same session or in the next session."

* Accordir~gto clauses (b) and (c) of sub-section (3) of section

3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974),
any reference to a Magistrate of the second class shallsbe construed
as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate of the second class and any
reference to a Presidency Magistrate shall be construed as a leference
to a Metropolitan Magistrate with effect on and from the 1st April
i 1974.
t NQIVthe T m i l Nadu G9 verttmefit Gazef tee
98 General Sales Tax [1959: T. NoAct 1
Power to 54. 1[(1)JAn assessing authority or an appellate or
nesses revising authority (including the Appellate Tribunal) or
production any officer of t h c Commercial Taxes Department, not
of docu- lower in rank than ail Assistant Commercial Tgx Officer
ment~. shall, for the purposes of this Act, have all the powers
conferred on a Court by the Code of Civil Procedure,l908
(Central Act V of 1908), for the purpose of-

(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of,

any person and examining him on oath or affirmation;

(b) compelling the productio~nof any document.

2[ (2) Without Prejudice to the provisions of any

other law for the tine being in Ibrcc, where a person to
whom a summms is issued either to attend to give evidence,
or produce ~ccounts,registers, records or other documents
at a certain place and time intmtionally omits or fails to
attend or produce accounts, registers, records or other
documents at such place or time, the authority or officer
mentioned in sub-section (1) may after giving the person
concerned a reasonable opportunity of being heard impose
upon him by way of penalty a sum not exceeding
five i~undre d rupees as it or hc thinks fit.

(3) Any officer of the Commercial Taxes Department,

not lower in rank than an Assistant Commercial Tax
Officer shall have powers to call for such information,
particulars or records as he may require from any person
for the purpose of assessment, lcvy and collection of tax
under this Act.]

S e L - n 54 was renumbered as sub-section (1) of that section by

sction 30 o f the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second ~mendmenr:)
Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).

YlXese i~'>-s::!i> 1; ~ : r 3 added by section 30, ibi,l


1959: T.'N. Act 11 General sale^ Tax 99

1[54-A. (1) a[Any assessing authority or appellate or p o w to at

revising authority under this Act or any officer 'nfOrmation*
of the Commercial Taxes Departinent not low{r in
rank thin an Assist..nt Commercial Tax Officer],
may by writting, for the requireany person or authority
to furnish such information, particulars or records
available with that person or autho~ityas will t e useful
or relevant to any pr.oceedingxnder this Act.

(2) The person or authority from whom such infor-

mation, particulars or records is or are required under
sub-section (1) shall furnish, within a reasonable -
time, the information, particulars or records if available.]

55. (1) An assessing authority or an appellate or Power lo

revising authority (includhg the Appellate Tribunal) may. , ,,,,
rectify any
at any time within three years from the date of any order rent on the
passed by it, rectify any error apparent on the face of the face of
record : record,

Provided that no such rectificaticn which has the effect

of enhancing an assessment or any penalty shall be made
unless such authority has given notice to the dealer and
has allowed him a reasonable opportunity of being

(2) Where such rectification has the effect of reailcing

an assessment or penalty, the assessing authority shall mz k:
any refund which may be due to the dealer.

(3) Where any such rectification has the effect of

enhancing an assessment or penalty, the assessing autllority
shall give the dealer a revised notice of assessment 0 1 .
---- -- --I-.

I This section was inserted by section 31 of the Tamil Nadu General

Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of

a There words were substituted for the words "Any assessing

authority or apellate or revising authorlty underthis Act' by sectit n
5 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amnedmedt) Act, 19811
(Tamil Nadu Act 34 af the 1981).

100 Gcl~eralSnlcs T a x j1359: T.N.Art 1

penalty and there upo 1 the provisions of this Act aiitl th::
rides ~IJCLC thcre under shall apply a;, if such 1:oticc: I~J~J
,becu given in the first instance*

l[(4) The provisions of this Act relating to appeal iiud

revisioti shall apply to an order of rectification made under,
this section as they apply to the order in respect of whicl; ,

such order ok rectification has been made.)

Prohibition 5% (1) All particillars contailled in any statement rnaclr2,

of return Surnished or Y[accounts,registers, records or docu-
Of proJuc:d ments] produced undcr the provisiol~sof this Act or in
before sales any evidence given or affidavit or deposition made, in the
T a x Autho- course of any proceeding under this Act or in any record
rit:s. of any proceeding -relating to the recovery of a demand,
prepared for the purposes of this Act shall be treated
' ,
confidential and shall ilot b~ disclosed.

This sub-scotion was added by section 32 of the Tamil Nadii

General Sales Tax (Second Amandrnent) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu
Act 31 of 1972).

a The folll~\vingsection was omitted by section 33 of the Tamil

Nadu Gzneral Ssles Tax (Second Arnandment) Act, 1972 (Tarnil
Nadu Act 31 of 1972) ;--

"j~.porrpcr tfi re!nove di&clllties.- (1) If any difficulty arises

in givin!~effect to the provisions of this Act, the Government may,
as occasion n,sy require, by order, do anything which appears to
them nzcess3ry for the purpose of rcrnoving th2 difficulty. *-.

(2) All ordars tnads under sub-sect ion (I) 3 h t 11, as soon.as possible
after they are kndde, be placed on the Table of both the Hoiises of
the Legislature and shall be sub-iect to such modifications by way
of am2ndments or repa:il as the Legislature may make either in the
sanx session or in the next session."

These words were substituted for the wor 1s "accounts or ~ O C L I -

merits" by section 12(1) of the Tamil NaduGeneral Sales Tax
(~mendmtnt)Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 19 Of 1960).

102 General Sales Tax [I959 : T.N. Act

(vii) to an officer of any department other than the
Conmercial Taxes Department of the State Government
after obtaining-
(a) the permission of the '[Assistant Commissioner]
of the district where such particulars are to be
furnished by an officer subordinate to the '[Assistant
Commissioner]; and
(b) the permission of the Board of Revenue* where
such particula,.~are to be furnished by 2[au Assistant Com-
missioner] or an Appellate Assistant Commissioner or a
Deputy Commissioner :
Provided that such particulars shall be fLrnished under
clause (vii) only in exceptional cases and that any officer
oLc:;ming such particulars shall keep them as confidential
and use them as confidential and use them only in the
lawful exercise of the powers conferred by or under any
enactment ;
(viii) Nothing herein contained shall prevent the
publication of the final assessment of any party in the
prescribed manner. -
Sale or
58. (1) Any sale or purchase which took place on or
purchase before the 6th day of September 1955 shall be deemed
deemed to to have taken place inside the State ifthe goods have
have taken actually been delivered as a direct result of such sale or
place in- purchase for the purpose of consumption in the State,
side the
S:ate in notwithstanding the fact that under the general law relating
cer: aitl to sale of goods the property in the goods has by reason
cases. of such sale or purchase passed in another State, and be
subject to tax under this Act accordingly.
(2) The provisions of this section shall not affect the
liability to tax of any sale or purchase under any
other provision of this Act.

These words were substituted for the words "Commercial Tax

Officer" by section 186) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 29 of 1980), which was
deemed to have come in!o force on the 20th July 1979.
* These words were substituted for the words "a Commercial
Tax Officer" by section 18(ii), ibid.
*BY virtue of section 10(1) of the Tamil Nadu Board of Revenue
Abolition Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1980) any reference tc
the Board of Revenue shall be deemed to be a referenm t~ the
State Government.

General Sales T a x 103

(1) The Government may, by notification, alter, Power to
o or cancel any of the Schedules. amend

ith or without modifications, but without prejudice to

the validity of anything previously done thereu oder:

Provided further that where For any reason

a Bill as aforesaid does not become law within six months
from the date of its introduction in the Legislature, the
notification shall cease to have effect on the expiration of
the said period of six months.
(3) All references made in this Act to any of the Schedules
shall be considered as relating to the Schedules as for
the time being amended in exercise of the powers conferred

60. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Certain tran-

Act, the sale or purchase of such of those goods- sac tions
deemed to bc
first sales or
(i) as were not liable to tax only a t the point of first purchases.
sale or purchase before the commencement of this Act;
(ii) as are liable to tax only at the point of first sale or
purcha!se under sub-section (2) of section 3 of thii 4ct ;
effectcd within the State after the commencement of this
Act sl~allbe deemed to be +;liefirst sale or purchast? for

_ _ ____ __ __..--.---- ---
- - 1 - - - - -.__
1 s:c in11 60 W:IS rcnurnbert:d as sub-se:tion (1) of th :t s ~ cjell
by see+ j 'n 3 of the Tamil Naau Gcncral Sales Tax (Amw {men[)
Act, 1979 (Tamil N ~ d uAct 33 of 19791,

104 General.-Sales Tax [1959: T.N. Act 1

the purposes of this Act, although any sale or purchase o
such goods has taken place within the State before suc

l[(2) Notwithstanding anything cont jined in this Act,

the sale or purchase of such of those goods-

'(i) as were not liable to tax only at the point of first

sale or purcl~ascbefore thc inclusion of such goods in tl,,
First Schedule; and

(ii) as arc liable to tax only at the point

of first sitlc O i purchit~cunder sub-~c-ctiofl
(2) of section
3 of this ,Act ;

effected within the State after the

inclusio~~ of such goods in the First Schedul,! shall be
dccmcc! to be the first sale or purchare for the purposes
of this Act, although any salt or purchase of such goods
has takm place within tllc State before such inclusio~z:

Proviclcd that i n the case of goods which are held in

stock o ! the
~ 6atc 011 which such goods are included ir,
the First Schedule a31d which had alrcr.dy suffered trrx
prior to that date and which by virtuc of this section
have bccomc taxbblc at the point of first said or
purcl~ase on or aft2r the sitid date, the rate of tax
pn yablc by ntiy dealer in rcspect of' those goo:js under
thiv Act s l ~ n be
l ~ reducccl to the difference between the .
rate 3f tax payable on the sale or purchase of goods
u:lticr sub-section (2) of secticn 3 of this Act and
the of tax which the goods had already suffered
prior to the said date:

Provided further that if the rate of tax payable I

under sub-section (2) of ':ectioll 3 is less than the rate 2t A
k,-:-h t11~goods have already suffered tax prior to the said
date, no further tax shall become payable on sqch goods
under this Act.]

section 60 was renumbered as sub-section (1) of that section and

tilis sub-section was inserted by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act 33 of 1979).

i%Y: T.N. Act General Sales &x 103

61. '[(I) (i) The Madras General Sales Tax Act, 1939,ReptaI.
(Madras Act IX of 1939) (hereinafter in this section
rcferred to as the said Act) is hereby repealed.
(ii) The repeal of the said Act by clause (i) shall not
(a) anything done or any offence committed, or
any fine or penalty incurred or any proceediqgs begun
before the commencement of this Act; or
(b) the previous operation of the said Act or anythins
duly done or suffered thereunder; or
(c) any right, privilege, obligation or liao~,~.:?
acquired, accrued or incurred under the said '4ct; or
(d) any fine, penalty, forfeiture or punishment
incurred in respect of any offence committed against the
said Act; or
(e) any investigdtion, legal proceeding or rcmedy
in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation, liability,
fine, penalty, forfeiture or punishment ns aforesaid;
and any such investigation, legal.proceeding or rcmedy
may be instituted, continued or enforced and any such
fine, penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed,
as if this Act had not been passed.
(iii) Subject to the provisions o f clause (ii), anything
done or any action taken including any appointment
made, notification, notice or order issued, rule, forin or
regulation framed, certificate, licence or permit granted,
under the said Act shall be deemed to havc becn done
or taken under the corresponding provisior~of t h i s A r t
and shall continue in force accordingly, unless and until
superseded by anything done or any action taker undcr this
.-.---- -..
This sub-section was 3 ~ b ~ t ~ r31-d
l ~ tvas
~ , deemed
l a:ways to have
been substituted for the following sub-secticn (1) by section 2 of
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendnient) Act. 1963
(Tamil Nadu Act 10 of 1963) :-
"(1) The Madras G~ncralSales Tax Act, 1939 (Madras A C ~
I X of 1939) is hereby repealed :
Provided that such rerpeal shall not affect the previous operation
of the said Act or any right, title,obIigztion or liability alreadyacguired,
accrued or incurred thereunder and subject thereto, anything done
or any action taken including any appointment, notification, notice,
order, rule, form, regulation, certificate, licence or permit in the exer-
cise of any power conferre t by or under the said Act shall be deemed
to have been done or taken in the exercise of the powers conferrqd
by or under this Act, as if this Act were in force on the date oT3which
such thing was done or action was taken, and all arrears of 4 P x am7
other amounts due at the commencement of this Act may bl: F ~ C iered
as if they had accrued under this Act."

~ e n e r aSale8
t Tax [I959 : T.N. Act 1
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section
(1) any application, appeal, revision or other proceeding
made or preferred to any officer or authority under the said
Act and pending at the commencement of this Act, shall
after such commencement, be transferred to and disposed
of by the officer or authority who would have had jurisdic-
tion to entertain such application, appeal, revision or other
proceeding under this Act if it had been in force on the
date on which such application, appeal, revision or othcr
proceeding was made or preferriid.



Sevidl Description of the goods. Point of Rate of

number. levy. tax.
(1) (2) (3) (4)

I Typewriters, tabulating machines, calculating At the point '[l51

machines and duplicating machines and parts of first
thereof s,!le in tile
'[ ** ** 1. State.

1 The words "and typewriter ribbons" which were acided by section 2 (a) of
the Tamil Nadu General Sales ?'ax (Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu ~ c 16 t of
1973), which was deemed to have come into force on the 23rd February 1973, were
omitted by section 10 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Saleb Tax (Amendment) ~ c t ,
1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977).
2 These figures were substituted Tor the figures "12" by section 2 (a) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) k t , 1970 (Tamil Nadu ~ c 13t
of 1970), which was deemed to have come into force on the 26th February 1970.
[The fimres "12", "1 1" and "10" were earlier substituted for the figures L b 1 I
"10" and "7" respectively by zection 9 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have come
into force on the 18th June 1967, by section 5 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965) and by section 3 (o)
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu
4ct,10 of 1963)].

1959 f 2.N. Act i]

Serial Descr@tion of the goods. Pointof Rateoj

number. levy. tax.

(3) (4)


111-A ~ypewriterribbons and similar ribbons whether At the point of 151

or not on spools. first sale in I
the State.

S[l-B. Teleprinters, parts and accessories thereof. Do. 153

2 A11 clocks, timepieces and watches and parts therc - Doo 'US1
of 8[and'watch straps].

1 This item and the @tries were inserted by section 10 (b) of the TamiI Nada
General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977).

2 This item and the entries were inserted by section 4 (a) of the Tamil Nado
General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act 33 of 1g7g),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st April 1959.

8 These words were added by section 10 (c) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tam11 Nadu Act 7 of 1977).

4 These figures were substituted for the figures "12" by section 2 (a) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1 970 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1g70),
which was deemed to have come into force On the 26th February 1970. [The figures
"1299 and "11" were earlier substituted for the figures "11" and "10" respectively
by section 9 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax {Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Nadu ~ c5 oft 1967), which was deemed to have come into force on the 18th June 1ge7
and by section 5 (a) of the Tam11 Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
~ c t 1965
, (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of l965)le

Ser icrl L3d icripllon elf the goorls, Poi11t 0f Iiute of

number. le VY. lox.
(0 (2) (3) (4)
1[3 Motor vehicles includirlg motor cars, motor taxi- At t hc pctint 2[15]
cabs, motor cyclesandcyclecombinations, uffirs~srzlein
motor scoot?;rs, motor ettes, motor ornni- thc Sid!c.
buscs, motor vans and motor lorries, chasis
of motor vehicles, bodies built on chasis of
motor vehicles belonging to othcrs (on the
turnove; relating to bodies), compone~ltparts
of motor vehicles, all varieties of trailers, by
whatever name known, tyres (inclucling
pneumatic tyres) and tubes ordinarily used
for motor vehicles and trailers (whether or
not such tyres and tubes are also used for other
vehicles), and articles (excluding batteries)
adapted for use generally as parts and acces-
sories of motor vehicles and trailers.
3[3A 4[Electric storage batteries and parts thereof inch- Do. 15
ding containers, covers and plates.]
Do. -- ..--- ----151
----- 3B Dry Cells -- --
These items and entries &re substituted for %w -ng
i item 3 and the entries
relating thereto by s, '; 2 (u) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
.'-L t, 1965 (T:.-il Nadu Act 7 of 1965), which was deemed to have come into force
on the 23rd December 1964 :-
"3 Motor vehicles including motor cars, motor taxi- Do. 7"
cabs, motor cycles and cycle combinations,
motor scooters, motorettes, motor omni-
buses, motor vans and motor lorries, chasis of
motor vehicles, component parts of motor
vehicles ;articles (including rubber and other
tyres and tubes and batteries) zdapted for use
as parts and accessories of motor vehicles not
being such articles as are ordinarily also used
for purposes other than as parts or accessories
of motor vehicles.
In the said i tern. in column . . (2), after the wor& "conpone3t parts s f ao'i~r
\~,&i:jc..<" th< u,,\-js ..::;-- \-;FF~;I,- ->f ~ 2 -b- h-.-.A- - k:s%= WE& j : z H % <
$\ &\-.%\? 2 t:\ .\-- -
.\.- .-- --- - k,, ,-y-.&&+- T
---T - r - - _ -ZZ- l%J . 4 %*.

.hb& -\bx \Y. h-. : 2 - / _

iW *+ ?-L?? <L=T2 : :sc -$TA+,G ;zzc

&,Uft: -7" ,tbz &ures -'i ti" were b s i b s c i ~ e dby WOE
>- A & i ~ m z(2)
3 (a) c f the Tamil 3 - 4 u
General sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil N ~ d Act u 10 of 1963).
a ~ h e s figures
e were substituted for the figures b612"by section 2 (a) of the
Tamil ~ a d General u Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 15 70 (Tamil Nadu .
Act 13 Of 1970), which was deenlcd to have come into force on the 26th Febru-
ary 1970. (The figures "12" and c411" were earlier substituted for the figur,es
"11" and "10" respectively by section 9 (1) of the Tamil Nadu Genegal
SalesTax (Ameament) Act, 1367 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1$67),which was deemed
to have come into force on the 18th June 1967 and by section 5 (a) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Seccnd Amendment) ~ c t :S, 65 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of
a These items and entries wme substi- for the following item a d tbc d e 8 *.
thereto, by section 2 (a) of the Famii Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) -
Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 11 of 1972), which was deemed to have come into force
on the 24th February 1972:-
6c3-A.Batteries dry cells) .. ..
Do. lO'#
This entry Was substituted for the entry "~atteries" by section 2(a) of the
Tami l Nadu Genera I Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil: Nadu Act 15 of
1975), whichwas deemed tohave come intoforce on the 3rd March 1975.

1939: ~ . g&kct
. I] ~ e r t e r a )Sales %.r iob
Serial Dcscr@tion of the goods. Point of Rate of
number. levy. tax.
('1 (2) (3) (4) 1

l[3-C Spark plugs .. .. .. .. At the point

of first
sale in the

3 '[Refrigerators or otllcr refrigerating appliances, Do.

air conditioning plants, air colidition :rs
and other. air condltioning appliances, air
coolers, room coolers including cooling appli-
ances, apparatus ??c' ;n.+nments, parts and
accessories thereof.1

5 Wi seless reception instruments and appatratus, Do. 3[ 1 51

4Ctelevision sets], radios and radio gramowhon-
es, electrical valves, accumulators, amplifiers,
and loudspeakers and spare parts and .
accessories thereof.

1 This item and entries were inserted by section 2 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1975), which was
deemed to have come into force on the 30th November 1974.

2 his entry was substituted for the following entry by section 2 (i) ofi :.eamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 39
of 1978), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st July 1978 :-

"kefrigei, tors, air conditioning plants,, component parts of refrigerators or air

conditioning plants."

a These figures were substituted for the figures "12" by section 2 (a) of the ~ a m i '
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act: 1 j70 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of
1970), which was deemed to have come into force on the 26th February 1970. [The
figures"ly,"1 1" and "10" were earlier slibstituted for the figures "1 1","10" and "7"
respectively by section 9 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act,1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have come into force on
the 18th June 1967, by section 5 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965) and by section 3 (a) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu Act 10 of 1963)],

4 Thcse words were iqserted by section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Tl~irdAmendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 44 of 1975), which was deemed 40
!:ivr: come into force on the 8th October 1975.

i 1b ~ e ~ ~ esafes
r a i pax 1 5 : T.. Act i
Serial Description of the goods. . Point of Rate of
number levy. tax.
(1) (2) (3) (4)

6 l[Cinematographic equipment including cameras, At the point of 2[151

projectors, sound recording and reproducing first sale in
equipment, lenses, tilms, arc carbon or cinema the State.
carbon and parts and accessories required for
use therewith.J
7 Photographic and other cameras, and enlargers, Do. 2[151
lenses, films, plates, paper, cloth and other
parts and accessories required for use there-
'[7-A ** ** ** 1

8 Binoculars, telescopes and opera glasses . Do. W I

9 Gramophones and component parts thereof,
drgramaphone records and gramophone needles.1 Do. a[151
10 5[Dictaphone, tape-recorder and other similar Do. 2E151
apparatus for recording sound and their parts
and accessories.]
P - -----
This entry was substit7ltedfor the following entry by section 2 (1) (a) of the
Tamil Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 7
of 1981), which was deemed to have come into force on the 29th October 1980:-
"Cinematographic equipment including cameras, projectors, sound recording
and reproducing equipment, lenses, films, and parts and accessories required for use
These figures were substituted for the figures "12" by section 2 (a) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of
1970), which was deemed to have come into force on the 26th February 1910. [The
figures Yr2" , "11" and "lC" were earlier substituted for the figures "ll", "10"
and "7"'respectively by section 9 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amend-
ment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have come into
force on the 18th June 1967, by section 5 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965) and by section 3 (a)
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu
Act 10 of 1963)l.
The following item and the entries which we1 e inserted by section 10 (d) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977)
were however omitted by section 2 (ii) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of 1978), which was deemed to have come
into force on the 1st July 1978 :-
elsewhe~e in this Schedule). sale in the Statt
4 These words were substituted for the words "and records" by section 2 (6) of
All kinds of films (other than those specified At the point of first 15".

the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 16 of
1973), which was deel~...' to have come into force on the 23rd February 1973.
5 This enLljwas substituted for the following entry by section 10 (e) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977) :-
"Dictaphone and other similar apparatus for recording sound and spare parts
1I I C ~ W ~ "

. Description of the goods.

Poht of

11 Sound transmitting equipment including tele- At the point lEl5I
phones and loud speakers and spare parts of first
thereof. sale in the
12 AII arms includin~:~eifles,revolvers, pistols and Do.
ammunition for. the same.
13 Iron and steel safes and al~xirahs .. .. Do.
14 Mechanical lighters and cigarette cases . Do.
15 Bullion pure or alloy and specie .. .. Do.
16 Cotton waste .. .. .. .. Do.
17 Cottonyarnwaste .. .. . .. Do. *[41
18 Artificial silk yarn and staple fibre yarn .. Do. 4[41

These figures were substituted for the figures "12" by section 2 (a) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 197d (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1970),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 26th February 1970. [The figures ,
u12Y9, 6611w alld 6 t 1 0 ~were earlier substituted for tlie figures "1 I", "10" and ?7"
respectively by section 9 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to h a v ~come into force on
the 18th June 1967, by section 5 (a) of the Taxnil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965) and Ijy section 3(a) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu Act 10 of 1963)l.
This iten1 and entries were substituted for the following item and the entries
relating thereto by section 3 (6) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amend-
ment) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu Act 10 of 1963), which was deemed to have come into
t'orce on the 1st April 1959:-
"15 Bullion and specie .... .. .. Do. i!"
3 This figu1.e was substitu~edby section 2 (i) of the ?Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 19781, which was dcemed to have
tiluted for the figures "*"
colne into force on the 21st February 1978 for the figure " 1 ",which in turn was subs-
by section 5(6) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of' 1965).
4 This figure was substituted for the figure "3" by section 2(ii) of the Tamil Nadu
Genera] Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Aci 22 of 1978), which was
deemed to have come into force on the 21st February 1978 [The figures "3" ,b62499
and "2" were earlier substituted for the figures "2 k","2" a d "1 " ~.cspectively by section
~ ( 2 of
) Tantil Nadu General Sales Tax (Am~ndlncrlt)Act, 1067 (Tamil Nadu Act
5 of 19671, which was deemed to have come into forc? on the 18th June 1967, by set-
tj,,n 5 ( c ) of the Tcotliil Nadu Gelieral Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965
(Tamil Nadu Act 30 ot 1965) and by section 2(ii) of the Tamil Nadti General Sales Tax
[~nlzndrnent)Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1964), which cilxit, lnio force on the
1 st April 1964*]

Serial Descr@tion qf the goods, Point of Rate c,f

number levy. tar,

'[I 8A Blended cotton yarn with noa~~cellulosicfibre At. the point of 31

content not exceeding16 2;3% by weight . first sale in the State.
t o that of cotton yarn (i.e. cotton/vis-
cose or cotton/polynozic).

1 19 *[All kinds of jari incluciing metallic yarn, meti+ Do. Y4j

I!ic jari yarn, metallic plastic yarn, polyester
film yarn and radiant yaru.]

This item and entries were inserted by section 2(a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1980 [Tamil Nadu Act 28 of 1980), which was deemed to
have come into force on the 5th December 1979.
1 This entry was substituted for the following entry by section 2(b) of the Tamil
,Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act; 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 28 of 1980),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 9th January 1980:--

"Jari "

a This figure was sub3tituted for the figure "3" by section 2(ii) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Amendment) A c t , 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1978), which was
deemed to have come into force on the 21st February 197t'. [The figures '3" and "29"
were earlier substituted for the figures "24" and "2" respectively by section 9(2) of
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1 967 (Tamil Nadu Acl
5 of 1967), which was deemed 1 0 have come into force on the 18th June 1967 and by
section 5(c) of the Tamil Nadu Generrl Sales Tax (Secontl Amendment) Act, 1965
(Tarnii Nadu Act 30 of 19651.3
4 The following item and entries were omitted by section 7(a) of the Tamil Nadu
Gei~eralSales Tax (Amendrient) Act, 1963 (famil ~ a d u4ct ti of 1963), which came
into force on the 1st April 1963:-

, . "20 All vegetable oils .. 4 - .. .. .. no. -- .,


1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Sales T a x 113

Ferial Devcription 0 f the goods. Point of R ~ t nef
r urnbet, , levy. lux,

(1 (2) (3) (4)

21 '[(I) Ammonium Sulphate At the point 4C391
of first sale
in the State.
(2) Ammonium Sulphate Nitrate
(3) Urea I

(4) Ammonium Chloride

(5) Sodium Nitrate
(6) Calcium Ammonium Nitrate
(7) Superphosphate Single
(3) Superphosphate Triple
(9) Kotka Phosphate
(10) Di-calctum Phosphate
(11) Potassium Chloride (Muriate of Potzsh)
(12) Sulphate of Potash
(13) Mono Ammonium Phosphate
(14) Di-ammonium Phosphate , ,
(15) Ammonium Phosphate Sulphates of any
Nitrophosphates of any description
N. P. K. Complex of various grades
(18) Bone meal
(19) Urea-ammonium Phospha.tel
(20) Fused Calcium Magnesium Phosph~ te
(21) Rackphos pha te
2[(21-A) Zinc Sulpha te]
(22) Any mixture of two or more of the ~rticles
mentioned in items s[(l) to (21)and (21-A)]above
with or without the addition of other itrticles
(on the turnover relating to components thereof
which have not already suffered tax).]
--- P -- -- ---
--. - - - -

1 This entry w r ~ ssubstituted for the following mtry by wction 2 of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendi~?ent)Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 26 of 1970),
which was dcemed to have come into force on the 6th August 1970:-
Chemical fertilizers, that is to say-(1) ammonium sulph: te, (2) ammonium
nitrate, (3) urea, (4) ammonium chloride, (5) sodium nitr; te, (6) Calci~~rn ammonium
nitrate, (7) super phosphate single, (8) super phosphate f-riple, (9) kotka phosphiite,
(10) di-.calcium phosphate, (1 1) potassium chloride (rnunn te of potash), (12) sulphate
&f potash, (13) mono ammonium phosphcte, (14) di-ammonium phosphate, (15)
Bone meal, (16) any mixture of one or more of the r rticks rncntioll,,l in items I;)to
(15) and one or more of the organic manures. "
2 This sub-item was inserted by section 10 (f) (i) of the Tarnil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 ~f !977), which was deemed to have
come into force on the 2nd February 1977.
a This expression was substituted for the ~XP-.:ssion"(1) to (21)" by section 10 (f)
(ii), ibid .
4 These figures were substituted for the figure "3" by section 5 (d) of the Tamil
Madu General Sales Tax (Seco~dAmendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Wadv Act 30 sf

General ~ n l e Tax
.~ [1959: T.N. Act 1
of the goods.
D~~stir.iaCion Point of Rate of
levy. tax.

(3) (4)


I The following item and the entries were omitted hy section 2(b) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act , 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1965). which came
into force on the 1st April 1965 :--

"22 n pencil set,

Any pen, pencil or ~ e and Do. 3"
sold for Rs. 20 or more.

The following item and entries were omitted by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 44 of 1C 6 I), t,vhich
was deemed to have come into force on the 1st April 1961 :-

"23 Machinery (other than those falling under Do, 3"

item 41) : -1-111dingany article, implement,
contrZ-r~nce,apparatus or part of such machinery
made of any metal (not being a typewriter,
tabulating machine, calcul~ ting machine and
duplicating machine and parts thereof), hard-
ware, iron and steel (other than those men-
iioned under declared goods) and all articles
made therefrom (excluding articles used for
agricultural purposes and all items specifically
provided in the Schedul:).

[The wid item and entries were earlier substitukd for the following original item
and entries by section 13 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act,
1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 19 of 1960)l:-

"23 Machinery (other than those falling under Do. 3")
item 41, including any article, implement,
contrivance, apparatus or part of such machi-
nery made of any metal (not being a typewriter,
tabulating machine, calculating machice and
duplicating machine and parts thereof), hard-
ware iron and steel (other than those mentioned
under declared goods) and all articles made
therefrom (excluding . ~rticlesused~for agricul-
tural purposes) and a. 1 items specifically provi-
ded in the Schedule,

195% T. N. Act 11 General Sales Tax

Serial Description of the go ods. Point of Rate of
number, levy. tax.
(1) (4 (3) (4)

'(24 Milk foods (excluding milk but includiug milk At the point 2[4]]
poder.) - of first
sale in the

1 This item an 1 entries were substituted for the following item and the entries
relating thereto, by section 13(2) of the Tamil Nadc General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 19 of 1960) :-

" 24 Milk foods (excluding fresh milk) but including Do. 3"
milk powder.
T h i s figure was substituted by section 9(3) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was dpcmed to have
come into force on the 18th June 1967, for the figures "3$" xxlhich in turn were sub-
stituted for the figure "3" by section 5(d) of the Tamil Nadu Genera1 Sales Tax
(Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).
The following items and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section
2(iii) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu
Act 7 of 1964), which came into fbrce on the 1st April 1964 :-

"25 Asafoetida .. .. .. .. .. Do. 3

26 All kinds of wood and timber.. ........and Do. 3
similar articles (excluding firewood and charcoal).
.. ..

27 Ice and ice fruits .. .. .. Do. 3

29 Biscuits and cakes (packed, tinned or otherwise Do, 3"
excluding brea-').
4 The following item and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section 2(b)
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadix Act 7
of 1965), which ceme into force on the 1st April "163 :-
"28 Confectionery(tinned,packedorotherwise) . Do. 3"

General Sales Tax [1959: T. N. Act 1

Serial Description of the goods. Point of Rate c f .

number. . - levy. tax.
(1) Q) (3) (4)


30 Precious stones, namely, diamonds, emeralds, At the point of 2[9]

rubies, real pearls l[cat's eye] and sapphires, first sale in
whether they are sold loose or as forming part the State.
of any article in which they are set.

31 Chicory .. .. .. .. .. .. Do. 31f3

32 Coffee, that is to say, any one of the forms of Do. 8[q

coffee such as coffee beans, coffee seeds (raw
or roasted) coffee powder, but not including
coffee drink.

These wclrds were inserted by section 6(a) of the Tamil h a d u General Sales 'I'ax
(Amendment) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 1981).

This figure was substituted for the figure "7" by section 2(h) of the Tanlil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Aniendment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1970).
which was deemed to have come into f ~ r c one the 76th February 1970. [The figures
"7", "4" and "34" were earlier wbstituted for the figures "4", "3$" and "3" I eq-
pectively by section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Salcs Tax (Amendment) Act, 1969
(Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1969), \ rhich was deemed to have come into force on the 11th
December 1968, by section 9(3) of thc Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have come into force
on the 18th June 1967 and by seciion 5(d) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Secon i Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tarnil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).]

3 This figure was substituted by section 2(b) of the Tamil Nadu General Salt-F
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1975), which was deemed to ha\ e
come into force on the 3r11 March 1995 for the figures "5i" which in turn were sub-
stituted for the figure "5" by section 5(e) of the Tamil Nadu General Scles Tax
Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).
4 The following item was omitted by section 7 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1962 ('Tamil Nadu Act S cf 1962), which Was deemed to have
come into force on the 1st April 1962 :-

4'33 French coffee (if the coffee portion of the French Do.
coffee has not already suffered taq in the
State under item 32).
* * L . '

l!2 a 317
Description of the goods. Point of Ra te of
levy. tax,

(2) (3) (4)


34 Cement .. .. .. .. .. .. At r h.: poi:>t

of first s, le
i n the St:.ie.
*** *** *** 1
36 Tea, that is to say, any one of the forms of tea Do. E61
in which it is sold but not including tea c rink
3[or green tea leaves].

--- --

1 These figures were substituted for the figure "8" by section 2(iii) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1978), which
was deemed to have come into force on the 21st February 1978. [The figures "8".
"6" and "55" were earlier substituted for the figures "G", "5?," and '3'' respectively
by section 2(c) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second ~,.:endmenr)Act, 1970
(Tamil Nadu Act 13 of! 970), which was deemed to 3ave come illto force c n the 26th
February 1970, by section 9(4) of the Tamil Nadu Gener~lSales Tax (Amendmeat)
Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have c.- me into force
on the 18th June 1967 and by sect ion 5(e) of the Tami I Nc"ci,uGeneral Sales Tax
(Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).?

a The following item and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section 2(1)
(6) of the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil
Nadu Act 7 of 1981), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1 s t November
1980 :-

"35 Kerosene .. % .. ' . r I, . c Do. 84- I,

[In the said item, the figures "8$" were earlier substituted by section 6 (i) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act
39 of 1973), which was deemed to have come into force on the 16th November 1973
for the figures "54" which in turn were substituted f3r the figure "5" by section
5(e) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tarnil
Nadu Act 30 of 1965).]

These words were added by section 8(i) of the "amil Nadu General Sales Tax
j (Second Amendment) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1964).
t -
3 This fig~lrewas substituted by section 2(b) OF the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amerdment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1975), which was deemed ta
t have come into force on the 3rd March 1975 for the figures "54" which in turn were
substituted for the figure "5" by section 5(e) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tar
s ($ocond Amendmen;) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).

118 General Sales Tax [I959 :T.N. Act 1

Serial Descripfion o f the good#. Poing of Ratc oj-
number, levy. tax.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
37 "All kinds, of soaps "(excluding hand m ~ d e At the 4C61
soaps)], soap flakes, socp powders, detergent point of
powders and liquids 8( * * * *)I* first sale
in the Stale,
28 5[Cycl- bicycles, i ricycles, cycle-rickshsws, Do. "61
tandem cycles, cycle cambinations and
perambulators and g.irts and accessories
including tyres ..nd tubes]. J

- **** $***I
--...- -
1 This en'ry was subs~itute?for the following enlry by section 2 of the Tamil
N X ~ UG?ner&lSdles Tax (Four t 11 Anlendment) Acts 1968 (Tamil N.: c:u Act 1 3 of
1 9 6 which
~ was deemed to hwe come into force on 1st August 1968 :-
"All kinds of soaps and soap powder including metal polishing b.~r':
The said entry wns earlier substitued for the original entry "Soaps" by set-
tion 9(5) of the Tamil Nadu Generdl Siles Tax (Ameniment) Act, 1967 fTamjl
Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which carfle into force On the 1st July 1967.
a These brackets and words were inserted by section 8(i) of the Tamil Nadu
G-eral Salzs Tax (Amendmen~)Act, 1974 (Tamil Nldu Act 23 of 1974), which
was deemed to have come into force on the 20th February 1974.
The words '(and metaI polishing bars" were omitted by section 10k) of the
T ~ m iNndu
l General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of
1g77), which was deemed to have come into force on the 25th July 1977,
4 his figure w g s substituted by section 2(iv) of i he Tamil Nddu ~ a ~ rSnlesa l
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22of 1978), which wds eemed to
I have come into force th: 21st R ~ ~ U1978,
XY for the figures "S)", which in turn
were substituted for the figure 5 by section 5(e) of the Tamil N.idu Generdl salee
$6 9'

Tax (Second Amendment) Ac , 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).

his entry was substituted for the following entry by section 10(h) of *he
Tamil Nddu ~ e n e r a lSales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil ~~d~
7 of 1977):-
.'Bicycles, t andon cycles anJ cycle combination, t yres, tubes and ymssories
and parts".
I* said entry for the word "tsndon" the words "tandemm wds earlie*
substituted by section 14 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (second
Amendmant) Act. 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 1961), whicb came into fcrfe
on the 1st April 1961.
This figure Was substituted by section 9 (4) of the Tamil N a d ~General
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which
m m e d t o have come into force on the 18th June 1967 far the fi8uns
"sfw, which in turn wzre substituted for the figure "5" by sactibn ~ ( ~ 1
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) ~ g t ,1965
(Tamil Nddu Act 30 of 1965)"
? he following item was 0m1tted by secLion 3 of the Tami 1 ad^ ~ m ~ ~ d
sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 44 of 1 ~ 19 1
which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st April 1961:-
asg, L e a r b ~goods of all kind@ excluding footwear,, Do, 5",

General Sales Tltx

serial Description of the goo dd. Point oj Rrte oj
h'~. 1 ax,

(1) (2) (3) (4)

f 40 E(i) Sheets, (ii) cushions, (iii) pillows, h r ) At the point %PI

L matresses, and (v) other articles, made of of f i r ~ tsale /
foam rubber, plastic foam or other synthetic ia the b r'.k.
li foam.]

1 This entry was substituted for the following entry by section 2(b) of the Tamil
.Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of
1975), which was deemed to have come into force on tbe 13th November 1974 :-
"Foamed rubber sheets, foamed rubber cushions and foamed rubber pillows".
r I
The said entry was earlier substituted for the following original entry by section
35 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tam j 1
Nadu Act 31 of 1972) :-
''Foamed rubber sheets , cushio ns, pillcws and other like articles".
8 This figure was substituted for the figure 6c7"by section 2(b) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Arnzniiment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nac'u Act 13 of
1970), which was deemed to have come into force on the 26,h February 1970. [The
figures "7" :nd "69" were earlier subs:it uter fcr the figures ( 6 6 9 9 ' sncl " 6 6 ,
respectively by section 9(6) of the Tamil Nac'u General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1967 (Tamil Nac'u Act 5 of 1967), which was c!sen~edto have come into
force on the 181h June 1967 and by section 5 (f) of the Tamil N.tdu General Sales
Tax (Scccrnd Amendment) Act, 196q (T~F;JNadu Act 30 of i965.)]

120 General Sales T a r i.1959: TaN, Act 1

. -
Description of the yoods. Poinr of Ie v? . Rate of

1141 All kinds of elcctl-ical goods (other than those At the point 9
specified elsewhere in this Schedule), including of firs! sxle
wire!, holders, g!ugs, switches, casmgs, in ;h? S t a b
cappmgs, reapers, bends, junction boxes,
meter boxes, switcl~boxes, meter boards,
switch boards, r 1ec:rical earth2n- wclre r;n 1
porcelain-ware. i
I The original item 41 stood as foflows :-
"41 All electrical goods, instruments, apparatus, Do. 6"
appliances and al! such articles, the use of:
which cannot be had except with the appli-
cation of electrical energy, including fans,
lighting bulbs, electl-1ca1earthenwares and
porcelain and all other accessories and
component parts either sold as a whole or in

In the said item, the following entry was substituted for rhe entry in column (21
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1364
by scction 8(ii) 01' ~ h T~unll
(Tamil N;ldi~.Act 15 01 1364) :-

.* AII clcc't L i ~ . ~S,\L\JS,

l m.lchj~?a), instruments, apparatus, appiiances, accessories

and cirmponent pirrrs (either sold as a whole or in parts), including fans, lighting !
bulbs, electrical earthenwares, porcelain and all other instruments, apparatus, appli-
ances, accessories p ~'- pomponent pans, the use of which cannot be had except :
=7iLhthe ap.-';?at~enof electrical energy,"

In the entry 3s 2 3 su!)stituted, after the words " A!] dectrical goods ", the brackets
and words " (other thal? those npecjfically mentioned in this Schedule) " were inserted
by section 2(b) of :he Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act. 1972 (Tamil
Nad:~Act 11 Of 1372), which wr s ~ e r n r 'to h?ve come into force on the 24th ~ e b -
ruary 1972. Again in column (4) of the said item 41, for the figures "6", 61 and "P,the
figures " 61 ", " 7 " and " 9 " were sub~titutedrespectively by seclion 5 u ) of the +

Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30
of 1965)~by section 9(6) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act,
1967 ( ~ a m i lNadu Act 5 ot 19671, which was deemed to have come into force on
the 18th June 1967 and by ~sction 2(b) of the T'amil Nadu General Sales Tax
(second ~mendment)Act, 1976 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1970), which was deemed to
have come into force on the 26th February 1970. The present items 41, 41-A, 41-B
and 41-C and the cntries relating thereto were substi~nsdfor item 41 and its corres-
~ ~ n d i nentries
g by section 2(c) 0; the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
~ c t ,1975 ( ~ a m i Nadu
l Act 15 c.f 19751, which was deemed to ha^ come into force
0%the 3 rd Marcb 1975.

1959: T.N. Act I]

Seria I Description gf the goods. .Point of levy. Rate 0

rz m b e r . tax.
(1) (2) (3) (4)

41-A A11 electrical instruments, apparatus and At the point 9

appliances (other than those specified of first sale
elsewhere in this Schedule), but including in the State.
electrical fans, lighting bulbs, torches,
flourescent tubes and ;heir fittines including
chokes and starters and parts and accessories
of all such electrical instruments, apparatus 2nd
41-B ZIDon~esticelectrical appliances, namciy, Do.
grinders, mixers, blerrders, hair driers,
shavers, washing machines, heaters, cooking
ranges, boilers, ovens, geysers, vacuum
cleaners, floor polishers, juice extractors,
cream whippers, egg beaters, irons, massage
apparatus, kettles, saucepans, steamers,
coffee makers, cookers, egg boilers, frying
pans, toasters, coffee roasting appliances,
room heaters and ice cream churners and parts
and axessories of all such goods.
rExplanation.-" Domestic electrical appliances " means, electrical appliances,
normally used in the household and similar electrical appliances used in hotels, restau-
rants, hostels, officcs, educational institutions, hospitals, train kitchens, aircraft or
-ships, pantries, canteens, t~iloringestablishments, laund~y shops, hair dressing
saloons and in similar establishments.]
41-C Electronic systems, instruments, apparatus, Do.
appliances (other than those specified else-
where in this Schdyle),, but including
electronic cash-regktermg mdexing, card-
punch ing, franking and addressing machines,
computers of analog and digital varieties,
one-record units and other electronic goods
and parts and accessories of all such goods.
2[41-D Generators, generating sets and transformers Do.
and parts and accessories of all such goods.

1 This entry was subsiiiuted for the following entu by section 1O(i) of the Tim)#
Naclu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977) :-
-*fa 7"

" Electrical grinders, mixers, blenders, hair-

driers, shavers, washing machines, heatcrs,
cooking ranges, boilers, ovens, gejser s,
generators, transformers and parts and
accessories of' all such goods. "
This ilsm ancl cnrries \Vt:ic ii~qcrtetfbq seciioir 10fj), ioid.

Serial r)escr&tiorz of"the goods, Point of J Z L ~ ~ !:f

number. levy. tax,
(1) (2) (3) (4.1
[42 * I
4 [43 Vacuum Aas~s of all k-in&, including refills for Ai ihe pc~lni
such vacuum flasks. cf first s-1e
in the s ..le. [811

45 Vegetable products, that is to say, any vegetable Do. Is1

oil or fat, whic 1 whether by itself or in admixture
with any other substance, has by hydrogenation
or by any other process been hardened for
human consumptian.

..".,U__--I ---- .--^ --. - - - _ -- -


The follo~ingiiem and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section 2(b>
of the Tamil Nadu General S:~les Tax (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 7
of 1965), which came into forcr: on the 1st April 1965:-
" 42 Crockery and cut1;K:/, including knives, forks and Do. 6 "

spoons, articles made of glass, China porelain

or glazed earth:nware adopted for domestic use.

"his item aitd ectries were substituted for the foliowii~gitem and the
relating thereto by section 2 (c) of the Tamil Nadu Gelieral S ~ 1 . sTax (Amendment)
Act, 1965 (Tamil NaJu hct 7 of 1965), which was deemed to have comc into f 0 1 - c ~
on the 1st April 1464 :-
'C 43 Vacuum flasks of all kilrds , . .. .. Do, 6
a This figure was substituted for the figure "7" by scction 4 (i) of the Tamil N.I~LI
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Ta-il Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemdd to have come illto force c.n the 15tl~August 1974. [The figures
"7" and ''6.2" were exIier subs:itutec! for the figures "61," and "6" respectively by section
9 (6) of the Tamil Nadu Gzneral Sals:s Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5
of 19G7), which was deemed to ha\e come into force on the 18th June 1967 and by
section 5 (f) of the Tamil Nadu General sale:, ictx (Sr.:ond Amendment) ACL,1965
(Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965):.
. ; ~ : a; i tile entries relating i;lercto ivcre o.nictcd by section 3 of
' The f ~ l l ~ ~ : : l iiL.x:~
tile Tamil Nab G c n ~ r a lbale; Tax (Third Arne.idmcn t) Act, 1961 (Tainil Nadu
Act 44 of 1962) :--
''44 Upholst.:i'cci furn'ture, sofa sets, dressing tables Dc (,¶$

and f lrnitit e u, a!] types including rilose n;adc oi

steel and ;:iic carpsis-(otncrthan those mdntioned
in itcm 13).
- .
h~ t'olii>rililigl:e:a unJ r he eritsies relatin2 tilereto wezi: onlitzed by sectaoL
2 (i) of the ?a,ri!! i"4adu Gmer:~lSales Tax (Ar1lendmen1) Act, .1965 (Tainil Nadu
, A:! 7 of 196S), wl~ici:s;im; iato force on the ; h i April 1965 :-
;5 Faizts, coloclrs a ,.'. ,~ruish,lithographic ixinting DO. 6 "
and duplicatin:; in!;.
., S . '

1959: T . h'. Act 11 General Sa&s Tax 123

Serial Description of tile goods. Powr of Rate of
number. kvy. tax.


-------_ -- -.-------.-- - --
I The original item 47 and the entries relating thereto F tood as follows :-

.. ..

" 47 Lubricating oils and greases no. 6"

Jn the said item in column (2), for the words "Lubricrrting oils and greases",
the words and brackets "Lubricating oils, all kinds of mineral oils (not otherwise
provided for in this Act), quenching oils and greases" were substiiuted by section 2 (iv)
of the Tamil Wadu Genera1 Sales Tax (Amendn!ent) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 7
of 1964), which came into force on the I st April 1964 and in column (4) thereof, for the
figure "6" the figures "69" were substituted by section 5 (f) of the ~ a h iNadu
l General
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act,1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965); again for the
said figures "64" the figure "7" was substituted by section 9 (6) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was
decnled to have come into force on the 18th June 1967. During the period commencing
oil th2 1st April 1964 and ending \\ith the 30th November 1965, for item 47 and the
entries relating thereto, the followillg items and cntrics relating theretc wcre si Esti?uted
by sxtion 2 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third A n ~ ~ n d ~ i i eAct, n t ) 1967
(Ti\-nil Nadu Aci r ? of 1967) :-

'* 1 7 Lubricati~igoils (not ~the:.~.{,isc

provided for i I; this I-?, 6
Act), quer;chins oils and greases.

47-A All kinds of ~nineraloils (other than those falling 130. 6 39

undcr item47 ai~dliot oti~srwisepro\idec! fbr ii1

this Act) including i mar,; oil.

The figures in colill~ln(4) 01'thc said items 47 and 47-A were ~l~bscqt!ently amended
as "Si" and "7" during the period commer?cing n the 1st Clzcernber
1965 zild ending with the 17th .lu!lc 1967 and with etEct on a i d fron; the l f t h June
19.37 by scctjons 2(b) and 2(cj r:spsctively of the Tamil Nadu Get1e:ai Sales Tax (Third
Am--ndrnent) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nada Act 19 of 1967). Again ibr I h c figure "7" in
CC!,~I,III (4) of the said items 47 and 47-A the figure "8" was subsiituieci by section
4 (i) of t l ~ eTamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendmeilt) Act, 5974 ( i a n d
Na,!t~Act 36 of 1973), which \.?as deemed to have conic into force on rlse 15th tlugust
l37.t. Pi1 the said item 47-A, for the words an figures ''c>:ller inhn those falling under
item 47"' the words, figures and letter "other than those falling under item 47 of this
Sci?:;.!~le,and under item 3A of the Second Schedule" were substituted by sectior. 5 (1)
of it%?.:Tamil Nadu General Sales Trtx (Amendment) h c i , 1976 (President's Act 40 of
147 r, which was deemed to have come into fwce on Ifie '7th Septcn~ber1976. The ,
s a i d items 47 21-id47-A and thc entries relating thereto were,4101vevc1-,orniiied by s~cti014.
2(1)(3) of the 'ratnil Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amendmect and Repeai) Act, 198 1 (Tamil
Nad~:4ct 7 of 1081), which was deemed to have come into force c n die 1st Bwedber

Geizeval Sales Tax [1959: T . N . Act 1

berial Description of the goods. Point of Rate 0)'

number. levy. tax.


A t the point of first "8 J

sale in the Stale.

The following item and the eldries relating thereto were omitted by sectioli 2 of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (~mendment)Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1961),
which was deemed to have oome into force on the 19th October 1960 :-

a' 48 Tinned, canned, bottled or packed foods or Do. 6 "

provisions (excluding those mentioned under
items 24, 28 and 29).

a The following item and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section 2 (d)
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of
1965), which came into force on the 1st April 1965 :-

n49 Camphor .. . .. .. .. ..
, Do. 6 "

This figure was substituted for the figure "7" by section 4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come illto force on the 15th August 1974. [The figures
"7" and "6h" were earlier substituted for the figures "6i" and "6" respectively by
section 9 (6) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have come inte force on the 18th June
1967 and by section 5 (f) of the Taknil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
Act, 1965 (Tarnil Nadu Act 30 of 1965.)]

4959 :T . N . Act 11 General S t r b 125

Serial Description of the goods. Point of Rate of

(1) (2)
(3) t?
[51 (i) Scents and perfumes ; At the point 121
(ii) hair oils, hair creams, of first sale
hair dyes, hair darkeners, in the State.
2iair tonics, shampoos,
hair lotions, brilliantines,
pomades and vaselines ;
(iii) lipsticks, lipsalve, nail '

polish, beauty boxes, nail

brush, face powder, toilet
powder, baby powder,
talcum powder, powder
compacts, powder pads
and puffs, toilet sets
(with or without con-
tents), scentspray, depila-
t ories, blemish-removers,
cleansing milk, eye-liers
-all sorts, eye shadow,
eye brow pencils, eau-de-
cologne,. eye-lash brushes,
toilet sponges, solid
colognes, lavender-water,
snows, face creams, all
purpose creams, cold
creams, deansing creams,
make-up creams, vanishir g
creams, beauty-milk, ski1 -
foods, skin-tonics, com-
plexion rouge, nail ,
cutters, sailitary towels,
astringent lotions, after-
shave lotions and creams
and deodorants.
1 The original item 51 and the entries relating thereto read as follows :-
6 51 Scents and perfumes, powders, snows, scsntec! hair oils, Do. 6"
scented sticks, cosmetics and toilet requisites except soaps.
For the said item and t112 entries the following item and entries were substituted
by section 7 (b) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil
Nadu Act 6 of 1963) :-
4 1 Scents and perfumes, powders, snows and scented hair oils. Do. 6"
In the said item in colun~n(2), after the word "sno~s", the brackets and words
"(including all purpose creams and cold and vanishing creams)" were inserted by
section 2 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tcx (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil
Nadu Act 7 of 1965), which came into force on the 1st April 1965. In column ( 2 ) as so
amended, for the said entry the present entry was substituted by section 10 (k) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendmezt) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977),
which was deemed to have ccme into force on the 25th July 1977. In the same item
51 in column <4), the present figures "12" were sr bstituted for the figure "9" by section
2 (d) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 15
of- 1975), which was deemed to have come into force on ihe 3rd March 1'975. [The
figures "9", "7" and "St" were earlier substituted for the fiyures """ "64" 2nd "6"
respectively by section 2 (b) of the Tamil Nadu General Sale- ',)x (Second Amendment)
Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1970), which was deemed to have come intl force on
the 26th February 1970, by s(:ction 9 (6) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amend-
ment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), wl1ic11 was decrned to have come into
force on the 18th June 1967 and by section 5 (f) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Second Amendment) Act, 1965(TamiI Nadu Act 30 of 196511.

Gelzeral Sales Tax [I959 : T. N. Act X:

Ser~ar Description or the goods. Point of k v y . Rate of
number. fax.


Tooth P ~ ~ S L G S rooth
, powders and At the point of firs^ 8
other dentifrices, 100th brushes, sale in thc St,:tc;
tonguc c1c:iners and mouthwashes.
Sl~aving sets (with or without Do.
contents), I'dZOrS, safety razors,
rams bi,itfcs, s h ; ~ v i ? ~ g and

Fireworks, including colow~cl do.

m; tches .

These itenis ~ i ? i ir3e entries relating thercto were inserted by section 10 (0

of the Tamil Nadu Gcrl:~.al Salss Tax (Amendm:~~t)Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7
oi 1977), which wa.: 6;c!~!:d to have come into force on the 25th Juiy 1977.

The I'oilov,illg ~!ei!i:jneO tlre entries relatins rherc:o were omitted by section
12 (f ;of thc T:I!I:~! "4 . d I: (;e;-iLral Sales Tax (Amend!nen:) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 4
of l9I;S), whicll c - , l : t - : icto f(!sce on the 1st April 1955:-

"52 Fut-j nliti \ki;ls ( c ? ~ ! I c I -than those Do. 6"

of cattk, *~':ct'p a,,d goats) and
a r i f personal or domestic
use ni.: .i t'icret'r.or,:.

' This ngurc \/:I. -. -?,<titutcti for the figure " 7 " by section 4 (i) of the Tamil
Nadu Gsnerdl s a 1es TJ.i IS :eond Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 19741,
whi::h wa.;d-ewr .I 1,: i *ivc
s. -- ,.
COX,= 11110 force on thc 15th August 1974. (The figures
87.iid '' 64 " ?,r, '1 e ir:;cr s~lbsliitu::d for the figures '"63" and " 6 " respectrvely
by sccrtim 9 ( 6 ) of ti-? 'TznriI Narlu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Pdr:ilu Act 4 o f 1S6, lit'? as dcenled to have come into force oil the i Zth J u n ~
" 7 and by %ticl: 5 ti: :>I'the: -Parnil Nadu Gensral Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
Act, 1965 (k'a~nilN:i~1i1Ac; 33 of 1965).
i t e n and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section
The follc~v~i~lg
3 of the Tamii k?d:i Gr:,~crz;lS ~ l ( -Tax s Act (Third Ameiidl-ilent) Acl-, 1961 (Tamil
Nadu Act 44 of I N ! ) , ivhicr? \+ns deemed to have c(,mc into force 01: the 1st April
1951 :--
'65‘r-I GIasriwasc, b ~ i t l e sand phials, Do 6"
funnels, globe?, glass part, of
lainps sheets a n d pl,:tes, an6 photo
and other. frameS,

5 ; J -3.A r t IJ GELT,E!S+
* , 7 * .
7 -

Serial Descr@tion of the goods. Poit~fof levy. Kate of

number. tax.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
55 '[All varieties of trrictors ant: bull- At the ~ o i n t of 2E9]
dozers, component parts of first sale in the Stat,..
tractors and bull-dozers, tyres
(including pneumatic tyres) and
tubes ordinarily used for tractors
an3 bull-dozers (whether or not
such tyres anti tubes are also
used for other vehicles) and articlcs
(excluding batteries) adapted for
use generally as parts and
accessories of tractors and bull-
55-A Rear Ilumps, Loaders, Scrapers,
4(Platform Trucks) Forklift
Trucks and other similar varieties
of machinery of whic9 a mecha-
nically propelled vehicle forms
an integral part, tyres (including
pneumatic tyres) and tubes
ordinarily used for the above
(whether or not such tyres and
tubes stre also used for other
vehicles j, and articles (excluding
tatteries) adapted for use gene-
rally. as parts and accessories of
the above.
* :ic ** **I
6[56 L .-- -- - -- -- -- - - - - ---_---- --- -
This entry was s:lbstItuted for the entry "All varieiies of tractors and bull-
dozers " by sectioi~2 (g) of the Tamil Nadu Genera! Sales Tax (Amerrdment) Act,
1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 15)65), which was dr:emed to have comc into force on the
23rd December 1964.
a This figitre was silbstit~tedfor the fipurr, "7" by scclior, 2 (b) of I Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Sccond Amendment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nacit~ ,2rt 13 of
1970), which was deemed to have come ~ n t oforce OI-J the 2Gth Fcbruarj 1970. [The
for the figures " 6 4 " and b b 6 9 '
figures " 7 " anti " 6 9 " W ~ T Cw ~ l i c rsubst~iut~ci
respectively by section 9(6) of the Tarnil Nadu GencraL Sales Tax (Amendn!ent) Act,
1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have ccme into force 011 the
18th June 1967 and by sccfion 5 (f) of the 'Fac-1i1Nadu Ger:sral 5alc.s Tax (Sccond
Amendment) Acf, 1965 (T:triil Nadu Act 30 f.11 I!:65l i
This item arid tkc entl-is relating thereto were I13se.-lec! by section 2 (c) of the
Tamil Nadu G e n c r ~ Salts
l Tau (Amendment) Acl, 1377 ('ialiiil Kadu Act i of 3973),
which was deenct! to i x v e cc;r,~cinto force on tilc 2171 Fcb~.uary1973.
W e s e word; w6re incei-led by section 10 (117) s f the Tamil Nadu C c ~ l e ~ Sa zl , l ~ s
Tax (Amendmc~~t) A:t, 1977 (IH'amil Nadu Act 7 of 1977).
ti The follou irg item a ~ 1dhe entries relatiirg the1 cto \iicl c ornili~c:b j sccticn
2 (v) of the Tartiil Nzdu Gcnerai Sales Tax (Amencirticii~'I /.i:t, ~ + C L(7-z.- jl 1 x 2 ~ ~
Aea 7 of f 964), whic!~cat\;2eintc? force on the I st day o f ,-i- - I! 1% ,! :.--
"56 Plastic sheers and fabrics and b?-, * y

articli s J I I : L ~ thcr-2
c from.

Gclzerlrl Sales ?ax [I959 T . N. Act 1
Serial Description of the ,goods. Poirtt of levy. Rate of
number. tax.


57 Folding umbrellas and parts At the point of first [S]

sale in the S l ~ t e .
%[5S ** ** ** 1
a[59 Wattle bark, Avara~nbark, Konnam At the point of last 4(2)3
bark, Wattle extract, Quobracho purchased in thc
and Chestnut extract. State.

6[60 Raw wool, goat's lair and similar At rhe point of first 4(2)1
fibrous growth t n the bodies of sale in the State,

This figure was substituted for the figure " 7 " by section 4 (i) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come, into force on the 15th August 1974. (The figures
" 7 " and " 64 " were earlier substituted for the figures " 69 " and " 6 " respectively
by section 9 (6) of the Tamil NaGu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed t o have come inro force on the 18th June
1967 and by section 5 (f) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).
"he following item and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section
2 (v) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act
7 of 1964), which came into force on the 1st April 1964:-
"58 Musical i i~struments At the point of first 6"
sale in lihe Stxte.
This itan and the cntrie?: relating thereto were su'>stituted for the frAlo\vinp
original item and entries by section 13 (3) of tkic Tamil Nzdu Gencrnl Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1960 (Ta~hilNadu Act 19 of 1960):--
"59 W'ittle bark including dyeing and A t the ~ o i n tof la3t 3"
tanni,~grnnteria Is. p~~rchase
i n the State.
This figure was substituted by seciion 9 (7) of tile Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1967 (Ta:nil Nadu Act 5 q i A Y U ~ , ,,vhic:i iva; deemed to have come
into force on the 18th June 1967 for the figures " I :! " which in turn viere substi:uted
for thl: figure " I " b?r s e c t ; ~ u5 (3) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (SCCOII~
Amendment) Act, 1965 (-! iwil Nndu Act 30 of 1965).
This itel11 and the enti-ie; relating thereto were substitutcd for the following
item and entries by szciion 8 ( i i i ) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1964 (Tr\rr?il Nadu Act 15 of 1964):-
"60 Raw wool At the poilit of last 3"
purchase in the

- -..... L--
s . h. - -

1959: T .N. Act I] General Sales Tax 129

Description of the goods. Point of levy. Rate of


Palmyra fihree and stalks At the point of last 2

purchase in the
Sta e.
Do. l(12),
At the point of first 2
purchase in the
2[64 a[(i) Ingots, (ii) bars, (iii) blocks, At the point of first 6[61'
(iv) slabs, (v) billets, (vi) shots, sale in the State.
(vii) pellets, ~(viii)plates, (ix) sheets,
4[(x) circles, (xi) strips, (xii) rods
and (xiii) wire rods, of aluminum,
pure or alloy.]
provided that, if any aluminium,
pure or alloy, has suffered tax
under any one of the sub-items
mentioned above, it shall n ~ be
again subject to tax under the
same or any other sub-item
Caustic soda Do. 6[61
-- -
These figures were substituted for the figure " 7 "by section 4 (ii) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil lvadu Act 3;
1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1,''- August 1974. (The
figures " 7 ", " 4 " and " 34 " were earlier substituted for the figures c c 4
and " 3 " respectively by section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax [second
Amendment) Act, 1968 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 1 9 6 8 which of
66 36

was deemed to have come

into force on the 25th January 1968, by sectlon 9 (3) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 ?f 19671, which was deemed to have
come into force on the 18th June 1967 and by sect!on 5 (d) of the Tamil Nadu Genera]
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tam11 Nadu Act 30 of 1965).
2 These items and the entries relating thereto were added by section 5 (h) the
Tamil Nadu Genera! Sales Tax (Szcond Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu A C 30 ~

3 ~ h j elltry
s was wbstituted for the entry " Ali~miniumingots " by section 2 (c.
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu
~ c5 of
t 1973, which was deemed to have come rnto force on the 2nd October 1974,
4 These sub-items were substituted for the sub-items "(x) circles and (xi) s$
by section 6 (b) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1981 (Tamil
Nadu Act 34 of 1981).
6 This proviso was added by section 10 (n) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to haR
come into force ofi the 25th July 1977.
8 This figure was substitutcd for the figu IcS '" err*s ectior~9 (4) of the Tamil
Nadu General Saiee Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967),
was $&m& t o have come into force on the 18th Ji~ne1967,

130. General Soles Pax j1959:T.N. Act 1

Serial Descriptio~aof the Poirzt of levy. Rate of
number. gooas. tax.

'r 66 f[Fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, At the point of first 3Q]
pesticides, rodenticides and sale in the State. i
combinations thereof.]

1 This item and the entries relating thereto were added by secti~n
2 of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 11 of 1967),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st July 1967.

This entr- ,vas substituted for the entry " Pesticides and insecticides " by section !
10 (0) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Acty 1977 (Tamil Nadu 1
Act 7 of 1977).
3 The following item and the entries relating thereto which were added by section 2
of thc Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Zhird Amendment) Act, 1969 (Tamil Nadu
Act 20 of 1969), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st April 1969
were, however, omitted by section 2 (1) (c) of the Tarni3 Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amend-
ment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1981):-
I " 67.1 Fuel gas (Burshane, Calgas and Do. 7"
the like).
Earlier, for the figure " 7 " the figure " 8 " was substituted by section 4 (i) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act
36 of 1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 15th August 1974.

4 The following item and the entries relating thereto which were added by sectiw 4
s f the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 2
of 1970), which was deemed to have wme into force on the 18th October 1969 were, .
:however, omitted by section 10( ) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
~ c t 1977
, P
(Tamil Nadu Act 7 o 1977), which was deemed to have come into force rn
She 25th July 1977 :-
a' 68 Jaggery and gur (other than palm At the point of first 5"
jaggery). purchase in the State.
me following entry was esrlier substituted for the said entry in column
section 4 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1975
Nadu Act 41 of 1975), which was deemed to have come into force on the
9975 :--(
Jaggcry and gut (other tbaa palm jaggay a d
w d 9 ) wuditlg jW#MY
and aa-ai",)
LatestLaws.com *. - -
. >.

General Sales Tax 131

Description of the good. Point of Rate of
levy. tax.

(2) (3) (4)


Coconut [other than those falling At the point of first 5

under sub-item (viii) of item 6 of pwchase in the State.
the Second Schedule].

i69-A ** ** 1

-- ---+

The following item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 4 of
3he Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 2 sf
1970), which was deemed to havecome into force on the 4th Novsmbr 1969 ;-

At the point of first 5"

purchase in the State.

In the said item for the entry " Coconuts " the entry " Coconuts including copra ''
was substituted by section 2 ( d ) of the Tamil Nndu General Sales Tax (Second Amend-
ment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 19701, which was deemed to have come into
force on the 4th November 1969.

Again for the said item and the entries relating thereto as so amended, the following
f jtems and entries were substituted by section 2 (c) of the Tamil Nedu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 11 of 1972) :-

- '' 69 Coconut Do. 5

69-A Copra Do. 5"

The present item 69 and the entries relating thereto were suustituted and item 69-A
.and the entries relating thereto were omitted, %y section 6 (ii) and 6 (iii) respectively
of the Tamil Nadu General Sale!?Tax (Second Amendment) A:t, 1973 (Tamil Nadu
,Act 39 of 1973). which wm deemed lo have u m e into forcer on the 1st April 1973.

General Sales Tax [1959: T.N. Act 1,

Serial De scriptton of f he goods. Point of levy. Rate of tax

(1) (2) (3) (4)
0 (a) All k i ~ d sof foreign liquors, At the point of first
that is t o say, wines, sale in the State.
2[25] i?
spirit and beer imported in- 1
to India from foreign countries
and dealt with under the
11:dian Tariff Act, 1934 (Centrai
Act XXXTI of 1934) or under
a n y other law for the time
being in force relating t o the
duties of customs on goods
imported into India.

(b) All Pincls of alcoholic liquors Do. "2.5j

for human consumption [other
than foreign liquors falling
under scb-item (a), toddy and

IThiS item and the eiltries relating therero were substituted for the
following item and elltries by section 2(d) of the Tamil Nadu General
sales T ~ x(Amenclment) Act, 1972 ( ~ a m i Nsdu
l Act 11 of 1972), which.
was deemed t o have come into force on the 22nd February 1972:-
"70 (a) All kinfib of a l c o l ~ ~ l i At
c the point of first 12
liquors fcr human consum- sale in the State.
p ~ i o n(other than todc!y 2nd
(b) Arrack .
. .. Do. 6'$
The said iten1 and the entries relaring thereto earlier SubStitu!e.i by
sectioi: 2 of the Trlnlil NaCu General s:?les T::x (Fourth Amendment)
Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1971), which was deemed to have
come into force 01' thzt 1st August 1971, for the following item and
the entries reic.li!lg thereto which were adc?ed by section 4 of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amen(7nrent) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu
Act 2 of 1970), wllich was deemecl to have come illto forcs on the 1st
December 1969 :-
"70 All ki~lds of alcoholic At the point of first 12"
liqucbrs for human coasum- sale in the State,
ption (other than toddy and
8 rrack).

2T11Vbo figures were subs!i!uted for the figures 6624"by section 8 (ii) of the
Tamil Na&i General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of 1974),.
which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974.
a These figures were su5st;tuted for the figures "12" by section 8 (iii), ibid.

1959 :T.N. Aa 11
Pdnt of levy. Rate of


. . At the point
of first sale
in the State
'173 E[Rawrubbet, namcly latex1 '[At the point of last 5I
purchaee in the State.]

$hc following items 71 and 72 and the entries relatingp thereto were added by
section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Srlcs Tax (Amendment) Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu I

Act 7 of 1971), which was deemed to have comc into force on the 10th March 1971 t-

" 71 Asphalt (Bitumen) DO, 3

72 Sulphl~t JDO. 7"

The mid items 71 and 72 werc rei~urnbaedas items 72 and 73 respectively by section
1($1 of the Tamil Nadu Geniml Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act
16 of 1973). which was deemed to Rave come into force on the 10th March 1971.
In the iaici items as so renumbered, in column (4), for the figure "7" the figme " 8 "
was substituted by section 4 ( i ) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amend-
ment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Sauu Aci 2L uf :!X'4), which was deemed to have comc
into force on the 15th August 1974. The sald item 73.its so renumbered and the
entries relating thereto were omitted by section 2 (1) (6)of the Tamil Nadu Sales
Tax Lam (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1981), which
was deemed to have come i;lta force on the 1st November 1980.

This item and tho entries relating thereto were added by sectior, 2 (e) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (An~endment)Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 16 of 1973).

These words were substituted for the ward '' Rubber " by section 2 of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 37 of 1974).
7,vhich was deemtd to have come into force on the 19th June 1944.

This entry was substituted for the following cntry'by section 6 (c) of the ad
Madu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 1981) :

" At th6 point of first purchase in the. State ".


1.34 Ge~z.cral.Sales ITdx [1959; T.N, Act 1

De, -r+ntion of the goods. . .Pain; of levy: -.:Rate of .tnx
. ,
(1) . (2) (3) (41.. B

.. - '175 Wheat products for example. At the ~ o i n of

wheat flour soc~jian wheat bran),
t first
salein the State. 6


*[76 Cardamon1 .. .. ., At the point of

first purchase in the
S rate.

'177 "Oil cakes (excluding oil cakes At the point of first

which are products of country o il
chekkus or hand oil presses or of
. sale.in the State;
3 A]
co-operative societies formed of
owners of country oil chekkus or j
hand oil presses, single or multiple).] . ,

A. - - ,:.,.....,. : ,: ... -
, . ..
-: .7 ' , . . .. V .

, .
i.: . . . .
. ,
. . . . *.. . . ' " .....
r . ' . , * .
: . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

. .
i .

. . -. .
I , ,. . - r .

. . . . ,. ..,.
I . .

. ,. . . . r .' .... - . '" *.I

. . .
I' " .- - .. .. .. . * . . : r .... . . I . _ . . . . .
- . . . .
I. . . . .
". a . 8 .

This item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 6 (iv) of the Tamil
Nadu denera1 Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu-Att39 of 1973),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st September 1973.

This item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 6 (v) of the
1.. . i!
Act, 1973, , . (Tamil Nadu
T a ~ jSla d u General Sales Tax ( S e c ~ ~Amendment
Act 3%ofJY73,), which was deemed to have come into orce on the 1st April .1973. , -.
.'. .>. * . . . s
r' f

I . . 1

- , 'I

- ':!! T ~ S was substituted for the figure " 3 '' by section 2(ii) of the ~ a r n iNadu
Ge9era-l Sa es Tax (Amendment] Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1978), wMch was
dwmd to have come into force on.fhe21st February 1978, , , , , . . a . -
r : i ,. , . _. v , .
..- . , -.. I
hih his item and th;
entries relating fhirito were added biskction 8 (iv) f the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of 1974).
which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974.

This entry was substituted for the entry "oil cakes" by section 10 (q) of the ~ a m i l
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Kadu Act 7 of 1977), which
was deemed to have come into force on the 25th July 1977.
. . .
. .

19391 T .N . Act 11
Serial Descriptian of the good$. Point of levy. .Race of tax.

a[ 78 "All vegetable oils (including At the point of first 6[4]]

refined vegetable oils) other than sale in the Srate,
those specifically mentioned
in this Schedule but excluding
oils which are products of comb
try oil chckkus or hancl oil presses
or of co-operat ive societies formed
of owners of couritrp oil chekkus
Jr hand oil presses, single or

1379 Machine made matches. Do. '1413

Handmade matches.

This item and the entries relating thereto were added by sect~qn8(ir) of ihg Taroil
Nadu General Tax (Amendmerat) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of 1974), wh~chwas , .
deemed to have come into face on the 4th Marc11 1974. - -

2 This entry was substiluteLlfor the entry "All vegetable oils (including refined
vegetable oils) other than those specifically mentioned in this Schedule" by section
10 (r) of the Tamil Nade General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu
Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to have come .into force on the 25th-July 19'77,ir
- . "

This figure was substituted for the figures ' "34" by section 2 (e) of thi. f&il
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Mrrdu Act 15 nf 1975); which
was deemed to have come into force an the 3rd March 1975. . .
- - . ,

. ,

This item and the entries refatin8 thereto were inserted by section 4 (b) of the
Tamil Nadu C3eneral-SaIesTax (Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tarpil Nadu Act 39 of 193¶?),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1979.

.. .

.. . .
I . '
. . .C

,. . , . .. . , . . ,
, .
,. .
. . . . I
. .
. . - . . . f . . . .
12 5 - 6 lOA
, , ' "
' I : C

&%era/ Sales Tax

Serial Descriptiorr of the goods. Point of ,'u1)3,. Rcite cg'Tax .

(1 (2) (4) (-1 1
PER Ci Kl'.
l[80 (a) Pulses ancl grams (other At the point of first 4
than those specified under item sale in the State.
6-A of the Second Schedule).
(b) Dhalls of pclses and grams Do. 41
(whether whole or split) parched
and fried pulses and grarns,their
brokeils and flour which have
not suffered tax under subditem
(0)above or under item 6-A of
I the Second Schedule.
"All machinery (other than
those specifically mentioned in
this Schedule) worked by (i) electri-
city,(ii) diesel or pe trol,(iii) furnace
oil, (iv) kerosene, (v) coal lnclud~ng
charcoal, or (vi) arry other form of
fuel or power ; and parts and
accessories of such machinery and
tools used with such machinery.]
-VII ---.--
a The following Item and the eatries relating thereto which were added by sectiou
8 (iv) of: the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil NadU
~ c 23t of 1974), \TI-;eh was deemed to have come lnto force on the 4th March 1979,
.=-re omitted by section 5(2) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act;
1976 (President's Act 40 of 1976), which was deemed to have come ~ n t oforce on the
7th September 1976 :--
"80 (a) Pulses and grams. DO. 3+
r<b)Dhalls of pulses and grams (whether Do. 3&"
whole or split) parched and fr~edpulses
and grams, the~rbrokens and flour, wh~ch
have not suffered tax under sut-ltem (a)
(In the said item for the figures "38" the figure "4" was earlier substi t llted by
2 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu ~~t
15 of 1975), whlch was deemed lo have come lnto force on the 3rd March 1975).
' The present item and the entries relating thereto were inserted by sectjon 10 cs)
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tam11 Nadu ~ c 7 tof
1g77), which was deemed to have come into force on the 3rd February 1977.
This entry was substituted for the following entry by sectlon 10 (t) of fhe Tami 1
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tarml Nadu k t 7 of 1977) :-
' 'All machery worked by (i) electricity, (ii) diesel, . DO... :-. .
(iii) petrol, (IV)furnace oily (v) kerosene, 1

(iv) coal includ~ngcharcoal or (vii) any other fuel

or power; and parts and accessores of such machi-
nery other than those specifically mentioned in
this Schedule."
a This figure Was substitut =d for the figure ''5" by s~*ction 2 (v) of the Tam
Nadu eeneral Sales Tax (A neodment) Acty 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1978).
which was deemed to have corns into force on the 21st February 1978, . .

Serial Descriptiort of the goods. Poitzt of levy. Rate of tax

(1 (2) (3) - (4)

[82 Charcoal and Leco (Brand name of

I At the point of first 5
Lignite marketted by . Neyveli sale in: the State.
Lignite Corporat~on).
83 Laurel ail .. . .. 5
.. ..
84 Tirber and bamboo a[At the point of &-st 5
sale in the State.
E.~plartation.-For the
paeposcof this it em,
in Lhecase of timber
and bamboo purchased
by the forest contrac-
tors in the auction of
forest coupesconducted
by the Forest Depart-
ment of the Govern-
ment, the sale by
such contractors of
such timber and
bamboo iri any form
or size shall be deemed
to be the first sale
and the sale by the
Forest Department
in such auction of
forest coupes aha11
not be deemed to
be the first sale.)
85 Lemongrass oil. .. .. ' ,, [At the point of first
sale in the State.]
86 [Hosiery goods other than those Do. 51
made atholly or partly of wool.] .
[S7 *** -- ***I -...
These items and the entries relating thereto were added by secrion 8(iv) of d c
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of
1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974.
a This entry was substituted for the entry ",Do. " by section 2 (f) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1975)'
which was deemed to have come into force on the 12th March 1975.
a This entry was substituted for the entry " Dl,.'' by section 2 (g), ibid.
This entr was substituted for the entry " Hosic ry goods made wholly of cotton"
by section 136) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tiur (Second Amendment) Act, 1979
(Tamil Nadu Act 47 of 1979), which was deemed to have come into force on the 5tb
September 1979.
The following item and the entries relating thereto, which were added bY section 8
(iv) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23
of 1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974, were
-omitted by section 2(1)(d) of the Tamil Nada Sales Tax Laws (Amendmenf and Repeal)
,Act, 1981 (Tardl Nadu Act 7 of 1981) which was deemed to have come into force on
the 17th December 1980:-
"87 Articles of ready-to-wear apparel (known DO* 5'
commercially as ready- made garments)
including under garments and bcdy
supporting garments, sold uader a
l~rrri~clnnmc registered under thc
'I'rn~Io ntld Merchandise Miirks Act,
1958 (Central Act 43 of 19:8), but
cxcludi~rghosiery g~ods.

' 138 ~ c t t e f n f Sales Tax

rrumbcr . L)escr.iption of tlrc goods. Poitit of bvy.
Rate of

(1) ca (3) (41


"88 Cashewnut and kernel .. At the poiilt of first

purchase in the

89 Sewing machines ahd 'embroidery At tlie poiilt of first 5

~nachiacsand parts and acces- sale in the Staic.
sories thereof.

90 Bricks, roof t iies and ccme~ltflooring


91 [Aerated waters and bottled soft

drinks sold under a brand name
registered under the Trade and
Merchandise Marks .4ct, 1958
(Central Act 43 of 1958),
whether or not flavoured or
sweetened and whether or not
contailling vegetable or fruit
juice or fruit gulp.]

93 X-ray apyara'us, films, plates 110.

aad other cquzpment required
fur use therewith and accessories
acrid spare parts thereof.

I These itorus and the elltries rclating thereto weie added by seclicl~ 8 (it j of
the Tamil Nadu Gcaernl Sales Tax (Amendmcnl) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 sf
1974), which was tleen~etito have come into force on the 4th March 1974.
8 This entry \\as subslilulcd lbr the entry "Acsatcd waters and bottled soft dtinh 5
sold under a bralit1 namc w11c:rher or not flavcurcd or swectencd and whether or not
containing vegetable or fruit juice or fruit pulp" by seclioll 2 (iii) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tam'l Nadrl Act 33 of 39781,
which was decmctl to have come into force on the 1st July 1978.
'This bgura - w s sut)sLil~~!~:Z1
I'orll~efigure"3" by w t i o u 6 (d) ol tlie Tatbill Nah111
General Sales Tax (Amendmei~t)Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 19811.

1PS9: T.N. Act 11 Genefal' SaE cs Tax 13 j

Serial . Description' of the goods. -, - P oilt t l e v3~. Rufe i$
number. tax;
(1)' (2) (3) (4)CBNT.

94 French coffee (on the turnover At the point of [dl

relating to components t hercof, first sale in
namely, cclffee and chicory which the State.
have not already suffered tax).
95 a [Drugs, patent or propreitary Do. 1811
medicines as defined in section
3 of the Drugs and Cosmetics
Act, 1940 (Central Act XXIYI of
1940) or medicinal mixtures or
compounds, the components of
which have not already suffered
tax, but excluding Arishtams
or Asavas and including Surgi-
cal dressing.]
* 196 Lithographic, printing and duplicat- Do. [81
ing inks.
97 All kinds of welding electrodes and Do. E81
welding rods.
iis" Rolling bearing, that is to say, ball Do. C81
or roller bearings (all hunds).
99 Power driven pumps (including motor Do. la
wnps, turbo pumps and mono
[lock pump sets) for liquids,
whether or not fitted withmeasur-
ing devices.
100 (a) Arecanut, including betel nut Do. 5
and seeval,

(b) Scented nut ..
Chinaware and porcelainware in-
.. Do.
eluding tableware, sanitary-ware
and sanitary fittings but exciud-
ing glazed floor and wall tiles
~ n terracotta.
.; -
This figure was substituted for. the figures "54" by section 2 (b) of the Tamil
Nadu Generel Sales'Tax (Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 c f 1975)'
which was deemed to have come into force on the 3rd March 1975.
This entry was substituted for the entry "Drugs, patent or proprietary medicines
s -as,defi~edin se&ion.3 of the Drugs and Cosnletics Act, 1940 (Central Act XXIII of
-j94Q),but .excluding Arishtams or asavas nd including surgical dressing" by section
10(u) of the Tamil-Nadu General Sales +ax (Amendment) Act, 1957 (Tamil sjidu
Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to have come into force on the 25th July 1937,
- * - T h i sfigure was 'substituted for the figure "7" by section 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu
General.Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of.1974),

which.was deemed to bav'e came into force on the 15th August 1974.
+' fl'4These item rand the edtries relathg thereto were added by section 8 (jv)
of.the Tarnil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) ,Act, 1974 (Tamii Nadu Act 23 of
1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974.
This figure was substituted for the figure "7" by .section 4(i) of the Tamil Naeu
G%neralSale~~Tax: (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 46hb Augus4 '974,

140 General SdIis Tdx [1959: T.N. Act 1

Serial Desc~iptimof the goods. &lnt of levy. Rate 6.f
trumbe r . fax.
(1) (2, (3) (4)
g[lOl-A Sanitary fittings of every descriptioiz At the point of k s t 83
other than those specified clscwherc sale jn the State.
in th: '+hedulq
102 urass and glassware :
(i) St-lcct glass and plate glass IJo. 2C10]
(ii) Mil-rors .
(iii) Idaborato.ry e;lassware.
iv) Glass shefirs, glass globes and
chimneys for lamps and lan-
(v) Other glasswsre iacluding
103 (i) Biscuits,
1 (ii) Toffecs,
(iii) Chocolates,
(iv) Confectionery,
I (v) Butter,
(vi) Ghee,
(vii) CIleese, and
(viii) Foods including preparations
of vegetables, fiuits, milk,
oert%ils, flour, starch,.d birds'
eggs, meat and meat offals, animal
blood, fish crustaceans and
This itan aa,lthe entries relating thereto were inserted by sect icn 2 (c) cfthe
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 5 9 0 (Tamil Nadu Act 2'8 af 1B0)
which wds deemed to I ~ ~ come
v c into force art the 2ist May 198Q.
These figures were substitllted by secfion 2(iii) of the Tatnil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Aot 22 of 1978), which was deemed
to have corrie into force cn the 21st February 1978, for the figure "8" which in turn
was substituled for the figure ''7" by seclion 4 (i) cf the Tamil Nadp GWral Sales
*Tax(Second Amendmelit) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 cd 1974), which was dpemed
to have come into force on the 15th August 1974.
a This figure wcissubstituted for the- figure '1'7" by section 4 (i) of the Taniil
Nadu General Sabs Tax \second Amendment), Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of'
20741, which was rleemcd t o h n ~ oct?rne into force on tfi: 15th August 1974.

1959: T.N.Act 11 Geneiul Sales Tax

Suial . Descrr'ption of the goods. Pohvb of lay. Rate of .
I[ ** ** ** 3-
l[(a)] arc sold under any brand
name registered under the Trade
and Merdiandise Marks
Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of
1958); and

I[@)] do not fall under item $24.

7104 Wttter meters, parts and accessories At tho point of first '[8]
!sale in the State.
105 Brake fluid Do. 8[8]
106 Gases (other than those specified in Do. 4~101
item 67) in compressed, Iiquefied
or solidified form.
107 6[Ethyl alcohol, absolute alcohol, Do, 'L81
rectified spirit, neutral spirit
and denatured spirit].
108 Nitric, hyclrochloric and sulphuric Do. '@I
109 6[Articles made of stainless stecl Do. 'I 1011
other than those falling under
item 109-A].
--- *-

I T b clause "(a) are tinned, canned, bottled or packed;'Was omitted and clauses
(b) and (c) were relettered as clauses (a) and (b) respectively by section 13 (6) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amend ent) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act
47 of 1979), which was deemed to have come into orce on the 10th October 1979.
These items and the entries relating there~owere added by section 8fiv) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amen&aent)4Act,1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of i974),
which wiis detmed to have come into force m the 4th March 1974.
a This figure was substituted for the figure '7'' by section 4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (T.ami1 Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 15th August 1974.
These figures were substituted by section 2 (iii) of the Talnii ~ ~ a dgene,^:
u Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 QP 1978), wllic11 was deemed
\to have come into force on the 21st February 1978, for the figure "8" which in turn
was substituted for the figure "7" by section 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
'Tax (Second Ammdment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974), which was dee-
med to have come into force on the 15tl.1August 1974.
This entry was substituted for the entry "Ethyl alcohol and denatured spirit"
by section 2 (iv) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act,
1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of 1978), which was deemed to have come into force on the
1st July 1978.
This entry was substituted for the entry "Articles made of stainkss stecl"
by section 6 (e) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1981 (Tarn il
W u Act 34 of 1981), which was dcemcd to have come into force on the 8th Ap rr'l

142 ~ e ~ l e rsales
al 'Tax * [1959': T.N. 'Act 1

serial Descriytiotr of'rhe goods. Poirlt of levy. Rate oj' t ~ r x .



l[109-A Staillless steel nib:; whzther gold At the point of firbt 4I

plated or otherwise and whether sale in the State.
iridium tipped or not.
10 Paints, colours, dry distenlpers, var- Do. '[JOI
nishes and blac :ks,cellulose lacquers,
3[polishincluding metal polishing]
bars (but nol; boot polish)] pig-
mcnts, indigo, eramels, cement-
based watcr-~aints, oil-bound
distemper, w t e r pigments, finis-
hes for leather, plastic emulsion
paints, turpentine oil, bale oil,
white oil and thinners.
11 1 Oil engines, parts ancl accessories. Do. "8 J

112 GISpectacles,sunglasses, goggles and

attachments, parts and accessories
thereof, but not including rough-
blanks, lmses and mere frames.] Do. . 7811

-- --_--
_-_-____ -*--- -- --- -
This item and the entries relating thereto were inserted by section 6 (f) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 1981),
which was deelned to have come into force on the 8th April 1981.
These items and the entries relating tlxreto were added by section 8 (iv)
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23
of 1974), which V-F deemed to have come into force on tlie 4th March 1974.
These ~ r d sand brackets were substituted for the words and brackets "polish
(but not boot polish)" by section 10 (v) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amend-
ment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to have come into
force on the 25th July 1977.
These figures were substitt1.ted by gection 2(iii) of the Tamil Nadu General SaIes
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1978), which was deemed to have
come into force on the 21st February 1978, for the figure "8" which in turn was
substituted for the figure "7" by sectio~4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Second Amendnlent) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974), which was deemed
to have come into force on the 15th August 1971.
This figure was substituted for the figure "7" by section 4 (i) of the Tanlil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemed to have conle into force on the 15th August 1974.
This entry was substituted for the entry "Spectades, sunglasses, goggles, rough
blanks, lenses, frames, attachments parls and accessories" by section 2 ( d ) of the
Tamil Nitdu General Sales Tax (Fourth &mndment).Act, 1974.(Tanlil Nadu Act 5
of l!i74), which was dcelncd to have come into force on the 6th November 1975.
) s

'(l&erbf Sales Tax 143

Description of the goods. ' Point of levy. && of
(3) (4)
*** -
--_' -- - *** ***I
'I 114 Plywood, block-board, Lamhi board, At the point of first *[10]
batten board, hard or soft wall boards sale in the State
or insulating board and :.veneered
panels whether or not containing any
material other than wood ;-cellular
wood panels building boards of wood
pulp or of vegbtable fibre, whether or
not bonded with natural or artificial or
reconstituted wood being wood
shavings, wood flour wood chips,
saw dust, or other ligneous waste
ag~lon~erated with natural or artificial
I*cslnsor other organic binding sub-
stances in sheets, bIocks, boards,
or the like.
1 15 Prod~~ctsof all sorts made of both as- DO. '[8]
bestos and cement, including flat and
corrugated sheets, pipes and tubes,

n The following item and the entries relating thereto which were a L d by sectI;,i
q(iv) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) ALL, 1°74 (Tamil Nadu Act
23 of 1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974 %as
omitted by section 10(w) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act,
1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to have come into force on the
25th July 1977 :-
1 13 Razor and razor blades .. Do, 7"
[In the said item for the figure " 7 " the figure " 8 " was carlier substituted by
section 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974
(Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 15th
August 19741. -
9 2 These itenls alld the entries relating thereto were adder1 by section 8(iv) of the
'Iarnil Nadu Gcneral Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of1974),
wl~ichwas dccnicd to have come into force on thc 4th March 1974.
V h e s e figures were substituted by sectioll 2(iii) of thc Tajnil Nadu Ciencral Salts
'Lax (Ar, lendmeit) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1978), which was deemed to have
come into fdrce on the 21st "February 1978, for the figure "8 "which in turn \,.as
7 " by section
substituted for the figure 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act ?G of 1974), which was deemed
to have come into force 011 the 15th August 1974.
* This figurc wits s~bslil~~t,ed
for the figutc " 7 " by scction 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu
Ccrreral Salcs Tax (Second Atxlendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil N:~duAct 36 of f974)
~4iichwqs deemed to have come into force on tllc 1 ith August 1974.
144 General Sales Tug [1959: T.N.Act I
Serial Dwcr@tion 3f the goods. Poiizt of levy. Rate of
number.7 tax.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
l[116 Goods other than footwear made wholly At the point of first 8
or principally of leath~r(whether or sale in the State.
not other materials such as thread,
lieing, rivets are used).
116-A Cioods for indoor or outdoor games or Do.
sports, other th xn those specified else-
where in this Schedule, including toys,
swings, medals,, cups, trophies and
'[I 17 Paper, all sorts (including paste-board, DO. " h]]
mill-board, straw board and card
(i) Cigarette tissue ;
(ii) blotting, toilet, target, tissue other
than cigarette tissue, teleprinter,
typewriting, manifold, bank,
bond, art paper, chrome paper,
t ubsized paper, cheque paper,
stamp paper, cartridge paper,
parchment and coated board
(including art board, chrome
board and board for playing
cards) ;
(iii) printing and writing paper, pack-
il~gand wrapping paper, straw
board and pulp board, includ-
ing grey board, corrugated
board, duplex and triplex boards,
other sorts :

I These items and thc entries relating thereto were substituted by section 2 ( d ) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 28 of 1980),
for the following iten1 and mtries which were added by section 8 (iv) of thz Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, IS74 (Tamil Nadii Act 23 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th arch 1974:-
, "1 16 Len thcr goods clt her thail Coot-wear 110. 7"
(In the said item 116, for tile f ~ u l - e"7" the figurc "8" was earlier substituted by
scction 4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974
(Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974), which was dee111edto have come into force on the
15th August 1974).
Z'This iten1 'lild I ~ C c~l(t.ie;I-elatingthereto \icrc added by scction S (iv) of the
Tarnil Nadu General Sales 'Tax (Amendmne~lt)Act, 1974 (Tamil Nad~r Act 23 of' 1974),
which was decnied to haw come into force on tlie 4th March 1974:
T h i s figure was substituted for the figure "7" by section 4 (i) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tan~ilNadu Act 36,
of 1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 15th Aul;ust 1974
.*--*- - - - 4
-- -

1959 : '@.N?Act I] ~enerat~ a Tax

b i45
Serial Description of the goo&. Point of levy. Rate of
number. Wx.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
PER k .
I[iv) all other kinds of paper and paper board
not otherwise specified, including carbon
paper and stencil paper but excluding
cinematographic and photographic paper].
Provided that, if any paper has suffered tax
under any one of the sub-items
mentioned above, it shall not be again
subject to tax under *[the same or any
other sub--itemaforesaid].
118 pRail coaches, wagons and parts and At the point of first sale 4 [ 8 ]
accessories thereof]. i n the State.
1 19 [;Bolts, rivets and nuts] threaded or Do. 4[~1
tapped and screws of base metal or
alloys thereof, including boltends ,
screw studs, screw studding, self-
tapped-screws, screw hooks and
screw rings.
120 CIHosierygoods made wholly or partly no, '[%I
of wool].
121 Furniture of all kinds not specifically Do. *PI
mentioned in this schedule.
122 Pressure lamps and parts and acces- Do. '[81
sories thereof.
123 Pressure cookers, pressure stoves, Do. ~81
gas ovens, and parts and cccessories
124 Playing cards.
125 Synthetic rubber including butadicne
Acrylonitrile rubber, styrene butaciene
rubber and but yl rubber; synthetic
rubber latex including prevul- Do. 91
- - - . - - .. -.-- syxz.lletic i-ubber latex.
-- - -- - - d

'This slib-item was substituted for the sub-item "(iv) all other kinds of paper
and paper board not otherwise specified,including carbon paper but excluding cinemato-
graphic and photographic papel.." by section 2 (v) of the Tamil Nadu Gmeral
Sulcs Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu l ~ c39 t of 1978), which was
~ l c ~to ~ bavc ~ j illto force on the 1st July 1978.
~ i conic
I'l\~.se\\,ords \yere substituted for the words "any other sub-item aforesaid" by
st.ctic~r\ 10 (s\ of the Ti\.\r\~il Nndu General Sales Tax (Xmendment) Act, 1977 (Tarnil
, 7 of 1~73).\\hich \\.as deemed to have ciw.e intv force on the 25th July
~1)leseitems and the entries relating thereto were added by section 8 (iv) of the
t1 Tamil Nadu General Sal ~jTax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23
1')74), which was deemed to have corllc ~ I ~ L force
U on the 4th March 1974.
'T his figure was substituted for the figure "7" by section 4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
4 General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
21" which was deemed to have come into force on the 15th August 1974.
6 This expression was substituted for the expression "Bolts and nuts" by section 2(1)

1 (e) of the Tamil NaduSales Tax Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act; I981(TamilNadu
ict 7 of 198I), which was deemed to have come into force on .the 3lst-.Det%nlber1980.
I aThis entry was substituled for the e~ttiy'"Ho~ierygoods bother -thin those made
wholly of cotton7*by section 13 (c) of.the Tamil Nadiu. General Sdles Tax (Second
Amendment) . k t , 1979 (Tarni I Nadu hct 47 of 1979), ~ f l ~ cwash deen$ed to have mmr
ir:t'\ ft>i~e on the 5th S t t e n ~ 1b

146 (7ciwrd S ~ Tuxl ~ ~ [I959 : T.N. Act 1

Serb1 Description nf the ,.rrodb, I ' O J (lj'lev.~,
I~~ I< lie i/ i1
rlrrmb~r. rctx
(1) (2) 6%) (-4 i
'11 26 Rubber latex cornpour?d i~ndrubber At the pairsC or fil'st
sale in the State..
pmdi~ctG , n3n1ely:---

t i ) Latex foal71spon ye ..
(ii)Platcs, sheets and strips un-
hardened, whether vulcanizerl
or not and whether combined with
any textile material or other-

(iv) Tl'ansmissiou conveyor or

elevator belts or beltiug of
vulcanized rubber, whether
co~lbined with rrnv textile
m a t eria 1 01' ~ )herwi'~e

These items and the entries relating thereto were added by section 8[iv] of
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax [Amendment] Act, 1974 ]Tamil Nadu Act 23
of 19741, which was deemed to h&vecome into force on the 4th March 1974.
aThis item and the entries relating thereto were SO bsti t uted for the following item and
entries by section 2 (1) of the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amendment and
Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1981), which was deemed to have come
inio force on the 17 th Decembcr 1980:-
"126 Rubber products, namely:--
(i) Latex foam sponge .. Da 9"
(ii) Plates, sheets and strips unhar-
dened, whether vulcanized or not,
and whether combined with a ny
textile material or otherwise.
(iii) Piping and tu bing of unhardened
vulcanised rubber.
- (iv) Transmission, conveyor or
Jevaior belts or bolting of vulca-
n W rubbor, whether wrnbioed
. . . wffh m y textile material or other.
- . .- - @?&:
- - L- - - *- - .

1959 : T.N. Act 11 G ( a ~ ~ c Srsl"s

yd Tnx 147
Sericil Description 0f the pods. Poirtt of levy. Rate of
11 14moer. tnx.
(1 (2) (3) (4)
127 Pure silk cloth other than that woven At the point of first sale 10
on handlooms. i n the State.

128 l[Furniture (including household fwni- DO.

twe) and officeequipment of every
description (other than those men-
tioned in item 13) including tubul-
ilr and upholstered furniture and
a combination of iron, steel or any
other metal or alloy orwood
or other material and slotted angles
and gussets, plates, panels used
therewith made of iron and steel
or any other metal or alloy,]
. I .

-- - - - -- --- --- -------,

1Tliis entry was substituted for the following entry by section 2 (e) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendwent) Act, 1980 nilmil Nadu Act 23 of 19801,
whiclr wcs deemed to have come into force on the 21st N'ay 1980 :-

"Furniture (including kAo~~s;.nold

f :r-i+wr-) qnd office equiyiuent of every deseript ion
other than those mentioned in item 13) made of ircn and steel cr any other metal or
alloy including tubular and upholstcrcd flrrnituc and a cotnbi~iationof iron, steel
or any other metal or alloy 01. wood or other material."

[The said entry was eiirlier substituted for the following entry by section 10(y)
or the Tamil Nadu Gerieral Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil N a d u
Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to have come into for ce on the 3 1st December
1975:-. .

&&Furniture and other office equipment of every description (other than those
mentioned in item 13) made of iron and steel or any other metal or alloy including
tubular and ' furniture and a cornobinationof iron, steel or any otba
metsl or alloy or wood or other material."] .

11959 : 'F. N. Act 1

Serial Description ofthe goods, Point of levy. Rute 01%
nuntbet . tax.

At she point of PBRC ~ N T .

first sale in tfie
State. 1 53

130 Marble and marble articles

13 1 Pile Carl3CtS

132 Ceramic and ~noraic tiIes gl~zed

floor and wall tiles.

~[132-A P.V.C. (Vinyl) asbestos floor tiles, nu. :I 51

wdl tiles a ~d flexible flooring

133 Lifts operated by electricity or Do. 15

hydraulic pot :er.



3[136 P.V. C. Conduit pipes and fittings no.

4[137 Ptawns, !obsters, crabs, frogs and At the paint of last

tiog-legs. purchase in the State. 51

I These items and the entries relating thereto were added by section 8 (iv) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974.
a. -'rhic item all(, the elltries relating thereto were inserted by section 2 (f) oC the
Tamil Nsrctu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 28 of 1980),
which was deemed to have cfome into force on the 2nd January 1980.
3 This iten1 and the entries relating thereto were added by section 2 (e) of the
Tarnil Nadu General Sales Tar, (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 5
of 1975), which w,i% deemed to hay~ecome into force on the 29th November 1974.
This item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 2 (/z) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amer,dment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1 9 7 9 ,
which was dezmed to have come into force on the 3rd March 1975.

1959: T.N. Act 11 General Sales Tax 149

serial Descriflion of the goods. Po irz t of Rate of

number. levy. tax.
(1) (2) (3 (4)
11138 Dyes and chemicals other than those At the point of first %
specifically me~~tionedin this sale in the State.
130 "Essences, squashes and concent ra- Do. 8
tes, whether in solid or liquid
form.] I

140 ,Rough synthetic gemboules .. Do. 15

141 Cotton sewing thread .. .. Do. 3

a142 Locks .. .. .. .. .. Do. 8


143 Combs , I . rn I DO. ' 1)

144 Stationery articles (other than those Do. 8

sp2cifioC el~e~vhere in this Sche-
dule) including note-books, account
books, pens, ball-point pens and
145 "[Past ic ar tic;les excluding P.V.C.con- Do. 8
duit pipes sad fittintp.]

146 Galvanised r.ron b~lckets .. .. Do. 8

147 Candles .. 8 . .. .. .. Do. 8

148 Asafoetida .. .. .. .. Do. 8

Camphor .. .. .. .. .. - DO.
1 These items and the entries relating thereto were added by section l o ( ~ )
of the
~ ~ ~ i l N Geaeral
a d u Sales Tax (Amendment)Act, 1977 ( ~ a m iNadul Act 7 of 1977)
which was deemed to have come into' ,
force on the 25th July 1977.
a =his entry was substituted for the following entry by section 6 (g)of the Tamil
Nadu ~ e n e r aSales
l Tax (Amendment). Act, 1981 (Tam11Nadu Act 34 of 1981):-
'cEssences and squashes".
3 These items and the entries relating thereto were added by section
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Ani'endment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu
1980), which was deemed to have cbme into for( e on the 3rd July 1980.
4 This entry Was substituted for th~.folloWing
entr by section 6 (h) of the Tamil
~ a d General
u J
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, :98 1 ( amil Nadu Act 34 of 1981):-

150 General Sales Tax [ 1959 :T.N.Act 1 L


Serial Description of the goods. Point of Aute o j '

number. leu. tux.

1[150 Articles of food and drink, sold At the point of first 101
to customers ic Three Star, Four sale in the State.
Star and Five Star Hotels as recog-
nised by Tourism Department,
Government of India, whether
such articles are meant to be con-
sumed in the premises or outside.

a[151 Petrol .. .. . . Do. "111

152 Aviation Fuel .. -* . .. Do. 7

153 High Speed Dies :I Oil ., I Do, 11

154 Light Diesel Oil ., . .. Do, "111

155 Kerosene .. . .. Do. a+

156 Lubricating oils (not otherwise pro-. Do.

vided for in this Act), quenchtng
oils and greases.

1 n i t s item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 2 (1) (g) o f
the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax h w s (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nad
~~t 7 of 1981), which was deemed to have come into force on the 6th October 1980.

These items and the entries relating thereto were added by section 2 (1) (g) of
the dl Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil ad^
A C 7~of 1981), which was deemed to have come into force on the I st November 1980.

These figures were sutstituted for the Qure '-3 " b y section 6 (i) of the lbmij
General Sales Tax (eendment)
N&ju Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 1981), wh jch
was deRmedto have come in to force on the 1st April 1981.
. . 4 These figures were substituted for the figure '' 9 " by section 6 (j), ibid.
6 Thofe figures were substituted for the figure " 9 " by secti~o6 (k),ibld

1959 f T.W. Act 11 General Xales Tux is1

Serial of tlze goods.
D~~scription YJ/)i1~t ,& a t e of
nuinbey. levy. tax.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
157 A11 kinds of mineral oils (other than At .'he point of first sale - 8 .
thosefallingunderitem156ofthis irtheStatc,
Schedule and under item 3-A of
the Second Schedule and not other-
wise ptovided ~ O L Act) in-
clllding furnace oil.

158 Asphalt (Bitumen) . . .. .. Do. 1

'[I59 Fuel gas including liquefied petro- Do. '? I

lettm pas,

Explanation I.-For the purpose of items 151 to 159, .a sale by one oil company
to another oil company shall not be deemed to be the first sale in the State and accord
ing1y any sale by one oil company to any other person (not being an oil company)
shall be deemed to be the first sale in the State.

Exp?maiion I1.-For the purpos of Explanation I, '' Oil company mew,-

(a) the Madras Refineries Limited ;

(h) the Indian Oil Corporation timited ;

(c) the Bharath Petroleum Corporation Limited :

( d ) the Hin,.lustan Petroleum ~ o t ~ o t a t i oLin~ited

n ;

'and indudes any other oil company notified in this behalf by the Government in the
TnmN Nadh Goternrnent Gtaetfe.1

'[I60 Empire cloth and empire sleeves .,' Do. 101 -,

- --

1 This item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 2 (1) (.g) ~ o kc
TanGl ~ a d Sales
u Tax Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu ~~t 7
of 1981).
"is itern and the entries relating thcreto were added by section 6 (1) of the
ramii Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendmeht) Act, 1981 (Tamil
. - -
Nadu Act 340f 1981);
-. ...

General Jtd.';, >.A 11959; T.N. .Act I



Seriar Description of the goods. Point of Rate oJ

number. 1evy. tax.

Cereals, that is to say,- At the poiilt of first 11
(i) paddy (Oryza sativa L.) ; sale in the State,
(ii) rice (Oryza sativa L.);
(iii) wheat (31.iticurn vulgare,
T. compactum, T.sphaerococcum,
T. durum, T.aestivurn L., T,dicoccuna);
(iv) jowar or milo (Sorghum vulgare
Pers) ;
(v) bajra (Pennisetum typhoUeum L,)
(vi) maize (Zea rmys L.);
::.?leusine coracana Gaertn) ;
(vii) rcr~.
(viii) kodon (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.) ;
(tx) kwtki (Panicurn miliare L.);
( x ) barley (Hordeurn vulga~e
1[1-AIs[Coal, including wke in all its forms, Do.
but excluding cha-coal:
Provided that during the period
commencing on the 23rd February
1967 agd ending with the 1st April
1973, this clause shall have effect
subject to the modification that
the words, "but excluding charcoal"
had-been omitted].
- -. -.---- - . U p A

1 Item 1 was renumbered as item 1-A and this item and the entries relating thereto
were inserted by section 60) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
~ c t 1976
, (President's Act 40 of 1976), which was deemed to have come into force
the 7th September 1976.
a This entry was substituted and was deemed always to have been substituted for
the following entry by section 7(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1973 ( t'amil Nadu Act 39 of 1973):-
"Coal, including coke in all its forms"
a This w e was substituted for the me
"2" by section 10(1) of the Tamil Nadu
Q e w a l Gales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), whieh was
&enred to have come into f@rq on the 18th June 1967.

1959: T.N1 Act 1 ] General Sales Tax 153

Seriul Descr@tion of the goods. Point of Hate of

number. levy. tax.
(1) (2: (3) (4)
Cotton, that is to say, aU kinds of At the point of last ~- 3- 1
cotton (indigenous or imported) purchase in the
in its unmanufactured state, whew State.
ther ginned or un~ginned, baled,
pressed or otherwise, but excluding
cotton waste.
Cotton yarn, but excluding cotton At the point of first l31
yam waste. .sale in the State.
Crude oil, that is to say, Do. 41
crude petroleum oils and crude
oils obtained from bituminous
minerals (such as shale, calc~lc
reous rock, sad), whatever their
composition, whether obtained
from normal or condensatioc;Oil-
deposits or by the destructive
distillation of bituminous wine-
rals and whether or not subjected
to all or any of the following
(1) decantation ;
(2) de-salting ;
(3) dehydration ;
(4) stabilisation in order to
normalise the vapour pres-
(5) elimination of very light
fractions with a view to
returning them to the oil-
deposits in order to improve
the drainage and maintain
the pressure ;
(6) the addition of only those
hydrocarbons previously re-
vered by physical methods
during the course of the above-
mentioned processes ;
(7) any other minor process
(including addition of pour
point depressants or flow
improvers) which does not
change the essential charac-
ter of the substance.
This figure was substituted by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1975), which was deemeu rO have
comc :nto force on the 3rd March1975, for the figure "2"which in tulll -as substituted
for the figure "1" by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1964), which came into force on the 1st April 1964.
This item and the entries relating thereto were inserted by section 6 (2) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1976 (President's Act 40 of 1976).
which was deemed to have come into force on the 7th September 1976.
154 Gener'af Sale8 Tax
% .
[I959:.T.N.Act 1 ,I

Serial Descri~)tionof the goods. Point of Rate of

-. levy. tax.
? '.. * 4
(0 (2) (3) (4)

14 '[Iron and steel, that is to say,- At the point of 2[41

first sale in the
(i) pig iron and cast iron including
ingot moulds bottom plates, iron
scrap, cast iron scrap,' .runner
scrap and iron skull scrap ;
(ii) steel semis (ingots, slabs, blooms
and billets of all qualities: shapes
and sizes);
(iii) skelp bars, tin' bars, sheet bars,
hoe-bars and sleeper bars ;
(iv) steel bars (rougds, rods, squares,
flats, octagons and hexagons,
plain and ribbed or twisted, in
coil form as well as straight

This entry wa(s substituted for the fbllow~llgentry ~y section 7 (ii) of thc! Tatnil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act., 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of 1973),
which was deenleil to have ccme into force on the 1st April 1973:--
"Iron and steel, that is to say-
(a) pig iron and iron scrap ;
(b) iron plates solti in the same form in which they are directly produced by
the rolling mill ;
(c) steel scrap, steel ingots, steel billets, steel bars and rods; and
(d) (i) Steel plates ;
(ii) Steel sheets ; ..

(iii) Sheet bars and tin bars ;

(iv) rolled steel sections; 'and.
(v) Tool alloy steel,
Itetns (i) to (v) sold in the same form in which they arc directIy produced by th
tolling mill."
a This figure was substitutcd by section S(a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 41 of 1975), which was dwmed
to have come int 0 force on the 1st July 1975, for the figure "3" which in turn was sub-
situtel for the figure "2" by section 10 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to hn ve
corns nto- .force on L A , ~ 18th June 1967. -.

3ii 1959 : T.N. Act 11 Genetal Sales Tczx t 55
Y Serial Description of the goods, Point of Rate of
number. levy. tux.
(1) (2) (3) (4)


4-contd. (v) steel structwals (angles, joists,

channels, tees, sheet piling sec-
tions, Z sections or any other
rolled sections);

(vi) sheets, hoops, strips and skefp,

both black and galvanised, hot
and cold rolled, plain and corn-
gated, in all qualities, in strai
lengths and in coil form, as ro ed
and in rivetted condition ;

(vii) plates bot plain and chequered

in all qualities ;

(viii) discs, rings, forgings and

steel castings ;

(ix) tool, alloy and special steels of

any of the above categories ;

(x) steel melting scrap in all forms

including steel skull, turnings and
borings ;

(xi) steel tubes, both welded and

seamless, of all diameters and
lengths, including tube fittings ;

(xii) tin-plates, both hot dipped and

electrolytic and tinfree platas ;

(xiii) fish plate bars, bearing plate

bars, crossing sleeper bars, fish
plates, 'bearing plates, crossing
sleepers and pressed steel sleepers, - , . .
rails-heavy and light crane rails ;

General Sales Tax [I959 : T.N, Act I

Description of the goods. Poitzt ~f/ejy, /<ale c!f
(2) (3) (4)

4-cor~td. (xiv) wheels, tyres, axles and wheel

sets ;

(xv) wire rods and wires-rolled,

drawn, galvanised, aluminised,
tinned or coated such as by cop-

(xvi) defectives, rejects, cuttings

or end pieces of any of the above
categories .]

@ [Jute, that is to say, the fibre extrac- At the point of first 2[3]
ted from plants belonging to the sale in the State.
species Corchori capsularis and

Corchorus olitoiius and the fibre

known as mesta or bimli extracted
from plants of the species Hibiscus
cambinus and Hibiscus sab-
darifa- Var altissima and the fibre
known as Sunn or Sunnhenzp
extracted from plants of the species
Crotalaria juncec~ whether
baled or otherwise.]

'This entry was substituted for the following entry by section 7(iii) of the Tanlil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of
1973), which was deeme .! to have come into force on the 1st April 1973:-
"Jute, that is to say, the fibre extracted from plants belonging to the species
corchorus capsularis and corchorus olitrious and the fibre kllown as mesta or bimli
extracted from ~ l a n t sof the species hibiscus Cannapinus and hibiscus sabdarifavar
altissima, whether baled or otherwise."
%Thisfigure was substituted f ~ the
r figure "2" by sectiol~l O ( 1 ) of the Ta~niiNadu
General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which wa5
deemed to have come into force :he 18th J~itie 1967,

1959:T.N. Act11 Genertlt s S u l ~Tax

Serial Descrip.'ion of the goods. ' Point of levy. Rate
number. of tax.


16 . Oil seeds, that is to say,-- -

(i) groundnut x peanut (Arachis At the point of first a [3]
Jtypogaea) ; purchase in the State.

I The original item and the entries relating thereto read as follows:- ,

"G (a) Oil seeds, other than cardamom, At the point of first 2
that is to say, seeds yielding non- sale in the State. m
volatile oils used for human con-
sumption or in industry, or in the
lnanufacture of varnishes, soaps and
the like or in lubrication and volatile
oils used chiefly in medicines, peu-
fumes, cosmetics and the like.
(h) Ci~rdamom . . .. ..
: l i t the. point of first 2' ;

l>urchase it1 the State.

The following item and the entries relating thereto were substituted for thc: said
original item and the entries by section 14 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tar
Amendment) Act, I 960 (Tarn:l Nadu Act 19 of 1960) :--
"(a) Oil seeds, other than cardamom At the point of first
and goundnut, that is to say, seeds sale in the Statc.
yielding ncm-volatile oils used for
human consumption or in industry
or in the manufacture of
varnishes, soaps and the like
or in lubrication and volatile oils
used chiefly in medicines, perfumes,
cosmetics and the like.
(b) Cardamom . . . . . . .. At the point of first
purchase in the
(c) Groundllut , . . a .. .. Do. 1" I

In the said item in sub-item (c), for the figure "I", the figures "1 g" were substi-
tuted by section 6 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act,
1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965) and in the sub-items (a) and'(b), for the figure "2"
the figure "3" was substituted by section lO(1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to
have come into force on the 18th June 1967.
The present item and the entries relating thereto were substituted by section 7(iv)
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu
Act 39 of 1973), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st April 1973. -
2 This figure was substituted for the figures "I$" by secti an 7(iv) of the Tzmil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second .Qmendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of
1973), vllich was deemed to have come into force on the 1st October 1973.

158 ,Scrles Tax

t;L>m?r~~I l l 9 5 9 : T I N . Act .f

SeriuZ Descriptio?l of the goods. YOiit of levy. R(1t e ($'

number. tax.

G conld. (ii) Sesamu~ll cr Ti1 (Sesautzurn At the point of tirst 3

orientole) ; sale in the State.

(iii) Cotton seed (Gossypium Spp.) ; 00. 3

(iv) Soyabean (Glycine seja); Do.

(v) Rapeseed and Mustard--

(1) Toria (Brassica catnpestris

vurtoriu) ;
(2) Rai (Brussica Juncea) ;
(3) Jamba-Taramira
Satiya) ;
1 3
(4) Sarson, yellow and brown (Bras-
sics campestris var sarson) ;
(5) Banarsi Rai or True Mustard
(L' -vvica nigra) ;

(vi) Linseed (Linzf!nzusitatissimurn) ;

(vii) Castor (Ri~hti

IS cornmllnis) ; . Do. 3

(viii) Coco~lut(i.e., Copra excluding At the point of first 3

tender coconuts (Cocosnucifera) ; purchase in the

(ix) Sudower (Heliarrthus annus) ; .. At the point of first

sale: in the State.

(x) Niger seed (Guizotia a6yssinica) ; Do. 3

(xi) Neem, vepa (Az~dirachtaindiccr] ; - - Do. - 3


Setiol De~*c&iionof g d . P6ir;i c.f In>-. kbSe

number. Oj' iGX*


6-contd. (xii) Mahua, illupai, I p p e (Madhuca At the point of first 3

indica M. Latifolia, Bassia, Lutffolia sale, in the State.
and Madhuca Longifolia syv. M.
LongifoIia) ;
(xiii) Karanja, Pongam, Honga (Ponga- Do.
mia pimata syn, P. Glabra) ;
(xiv) Kusum (Schleichera oleosa syn. Do.
S.Trijuga) ;
(XV)Puma Undi (Calophyllum inophyl- Do.
lum) ;
(xvi) Kokum (Carcinia indica) ; Do, 3
(xvii) Sal (Shorea robusta) ; Do, 3
(xviii) Tung (Aleuritesfordii and A. Do.
montana) ;

(xix) Red palm (Elaeisguine1isis) ; .

, 00. 3
(xx) Safilower (Carthanustinctorius); .. 110. 31'
l[G-A Pulses, that is to say,- Do. 41
(i) gram or gulab gram (Cicerarie-
tinurn L.) ;
(ii) fur or arhar (Cajanus cajan) ; 9

(iii) moong or green gram (Phaseolus

aureus) ;
(iv) masur or lentil (Lens esculenta
Moertclt Lens c~ilinarisMedic,) ;
(v; urad or black gram (Phaseolus
mrrrtgo) ;
(vi) moth (Phaseolus acortitifolius
Jacq) ;
(vii)lakk or khesllri (Lathyrus sativus L.)

---..--I-- --.-- _ ___ _ ---

I This item and the entries relating there to were Inserted b y section 6(3) o f the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1976 (President's Act 40 o f 1976), which
wag deemed 1- have come into force on the 7th September 1976.


~ 8.

Serinl Description of
I number goods
[I) 121

i 2 Tobacco and its products.

'14 Cotton fabrics, woollen fabrics and
rayon or artificial silk fabrics,
as defined in items 19,21 and 22 res-
pectively of the First Schedule to the
Central Excises and Salt Act, 1944
(Central Act I of 1944).]

1 he followina item and the entries relating therdto were omitted by section 2(2)
of the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu
t 1981), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st November 1980:-
~ c7 of

"Motor spirit as defined in the Tamil Nadu Sales of Motor Spirit Taxation ~ c t ,
1939 (Tamil Nadu Act V[ of 1939)."
2 The following item and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section 5
of the Tamil Nadu Ganeral Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1970 (Tamjl Nadu
t 1970). which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st December 1969 :-
~ c2 of

"Any goods on which duty is levied or leviable under the Tamil Nadu Prohibi-
tion ~ c t 1937
, (Tamil Nadu Act X of 1937), or the Opium Act, 1878 (Central ~ c I t
of 1878) on the entire quantity of such goods and not merely on any ingredient which
forms part of such goods."
3 This itan and the entries were substituted for the following original item and
the entries relating thereto by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax ( ~ jrd
i Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 37 of 1974j, which was deemed to have come
into force on the 1st April 1974 :--
"All varieties of textiles (other than dunies, carpets, druggcts and pure sik
I ~10thmade wholly or partly of cotton, staple fibre, rayon, artificial silk or wool in-
cluding handksrchiefs, towels, napkins, dust@!?, cotton velvets and velveteen, tapes,
*wars and jaws and hosiery cloth in lW@8."

Serial Descripr ion of the

number. goods
(1) (2)
'[s Sugar excluding bura sugar, sugar-
candy and sugErcandy honey drained
from raw sugar.]

6 Handspun yarn.

7 Halldlooln cloth.

=Thisitem and the entries relating theref0 were s~lbsfitutedfor the following i teln
and the entries by section 6 oftbe Tamil Nadtl C;*ner2I Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
- Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 11 of 1975), which was t!eem~:d to 'have come into force
on the 7th July 1975:- 1

"Sugar including jaggi ry and gur."

[In the said item for the word "including", the words "but +lot including" were
earlier substituted by section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
~ c t 1968
, (Tamil Nadu Act of 1968), which was deemec! to have come into fol*cc
OR t b 1st January 1968.1

Gcnt.mZ Sales Tax [I963 : T.N.Act 10

(Second .imend&nt)
l&iMIL N A D q ACT No. 10 OF 1963.8
ACT, 1963.

[Received the assent cf the Governor on the 28th August

1963 , first published in the Fort S!. George Gazette
Extraordinary on the 29th August 1963 (Bhadra 7, 1885).1
An Act further to amend the l[Tmil NaduIGeneral Sales
Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the s[St~teof ~ a m i l
Nadu] in the Fourtienth Year of the Republic cf India
as follows:-
Short e and
tit'cement. 1. (1) This Act may be called the '[Tamil Nadu)
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1963.
(2) (a) Clause (a) of section 3 shall come into: force .,
o n such date as the State Government may, by notifica-
tion, appoint.
(b) Clause (6) of section 3 shall be deemed to
have come into force on the 1st day of April 1959.
2-3. [The end ments made by these sectiens have
already been incorporr.ted in the prin~ip?~l Act viz., the '
. Tamil N:nt'ln General Ss:los Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu
Act I of 1959),] , I

Validation 4. Notwithstanriing anytbing contain~din any judg-

of levy meet, dec~eeor older of any Court, all tax.es Ieviablo
a d collection of for any period before the 1st day of April 1959 under the
certain taxes, provisir ns of the Madras Genei a1 Seles Tax Act, 1939
(Madr.1.s Act IX of 1939) and of the rule6 m a d e
thereunder but levied or collected or purportinq to have
been levied or collected in pursuance of the proviso '4.0
sub-section (1') of section 61 or any other provision of the
principal Act on or after the 1st day of April 1959 and
-------.- of this Act ia tbe *Fort-.
before the date of the publication
lThese words wcre substituted for the word "bfadras" by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Naau Adaptation of Laws (Secom~d Amendment Order, 1

2F0r Statement of Objects a@ re as or:^, see Fur? St. Gecrge
Gazette. Extraordinary, dated the 1st August 1963, Part IV-Section
3, pages 109-110.
SThis expression w3s substituted for the exprzssion "State of
Madras" by the Tamil Nel:. A d ~ ~ t a t i oof n Laws Order, 1969, as
arrlended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptatio~.of Laws (Second Ameild-
ment) Order, 1969.
*Now tbt i-tttnii iv'udu Guvai nmcrrc Guzt;rie.

all acts, proceedings or things done or taken by

Government or by arlyofficsrof the State Govern-
r by any other authority in, conntction with the
collection c.f such taxes shall i"ur all purposes be

no suit or 6 ther psooaeding shall be main tain-d

ued in any Court against the State Government
ny perron cr authority what~.oeverfor the refund of
taxes so paid ; and

(c) no Court skall enf~rctany decree or order

directing the rbfu~idof any taxet so paid :
i :, ,

t act cr olnis~io~z
Prov;ded t h ~ no on tl'nc part o f any
pcrjoa shall be puniahat,lc as an offence wlqid~wc uld not
bavt bccn so ~us~isllablci t t l ~ Act
~ s had not bcen passad.

%N Act IS) C;,?iwrulSales Tax <.Q,:.orzdAnzcnc

TAMIL NADU] ACT No. 15 OF 196d2.

t h e asscrlt of tlze Goverl* oh the 26th August
first published iir the Fort St; G ~ o i g cGazette
ordinary on NIL' 1st September 1964 (Bhadra 10,

, AN Act jkrther ro muend the ' [ ~ b y iNadtr]

General sales TUXAct, 1959.
Legislature of the ,$State of Tamil
nth Year of the ieeppblic of India

This Act may be called the l[Tamil Nadu] General Short title,
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1964.
. [The nnzenci1?2citts nlacl~. bjl tlrese sect ioits lznve
corpol.ott.d in tllc. principal Act, vis.,
t 1 ~ j " 15'59.1

nding anything contailled in any jadg- Validation

order of any court, no levy or collection levy and col
y t r x un&x the provisions of the principel Act sad tion of cera
les made thereunder in respect of saIes in the course a x e s .
ther or no;: it is carried on with a motive
profit sshzII be dec~nedto be inv2~lidor
to have beell invalid on the gl-ound only t . 1 such ~
r colfectioi~was not in accordance with law and such
or yiil.porting to have bee11 levied 01.
r all purposes, bc deemed to bc and
to have becri validly I ~ v i e dor collected ; arid

a) all acts, ploccedings or things b i l e or taken

c State Governlnent or by any officer of t!~,:. State
y any other autlzority in c o ~ ~ ~ i c c t i o n
-.- -
bstituted for the word " Madras " by r h ~
n of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969.
Objects a116 Reasons, see Fort St. George
ated tii:: 23rd July 1964, Part IV-Seaion 3,

substitutccf for the expressioa " State 01

Nadu Adaptntlon of Laws Order, 3 969, a j
du Adapts tlofi of Laws (Second &xbead~~errt)

298 General sales 7'ax (Second Amendment) [1%4 : T*N*Act 15

uith the levy or collectiorl of such tax shall,for all purposes.

be deemed to be, and to have alhvays been, done or taken
in accordance with law ;
(b) no suit or other proceeding shall be maintained '
or continued in any court against the State Government
or any person or authority whatsoever for the refund
of any tax so paid ; and
(c) no court shall enforce any decree or order direc-
ting the refund of any tax so paid ;
(d) any such tax levied finder the principal Act
before .;he commencement of this Act but not collected
before such commencement or any such tax leviable
under t h principal
~ Act but not levied before such oom-
mencement may be'collected (after levy of the tax wfierever
a*cssary) in the manner provided in the pnnclpal Act.

" 448 GenerctI Sales Tax (Second ~meitdment) [1965: I;Ne A C30

I[TAMIL NADU] ACT No..30. .OF.. 1965.~


(SECOND &MENDMENT) A d , 1965. ;

[ Received the assent of the Governor on the 2182 November
1965 , first published in the Fort St. George Gazette
on the 24th November 1965 (Agrahayana 3, 1887).]
An Act further to amend the l[Tamil Nadu] General
Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the a[Stat e of Tamil
Nadu] in the Sixteenth Yew of the Republic of India
as follows :-
Short title and 1. (1) This Act may be called the lpamil Nadu]
comenament* General Sales Tax (Seoond Amendment) Act, 1965.

(2) It shall come into force on such date as the

.State Government may, by notification, appoint.
2 6 . [The amendments made b j these secfjons haw
already k e n inoorporated in the principal Act, viz., the
Tamil Nadu Oeneral Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu
Act 1 of 19$9).]
special prod- 7. Where the rate of tax payable under the principal
m n in respect Act has been reduced by a notification issued or deemed
of rate
reduced under to hsve been issued under sub-section (1) of section 17
m i o n ~y(1). of the principal Act, the rate of tax so redwed shall stand
increased by half a per cent of the taxable turnover or
turnover, as the case may be, with effect on and from the
date of coming into force of this Act :
Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the
power ofthe State Government to reduce under sub-scotion
(I) of section 17 of the principal Act the rate of tax
increased aforesaid.
l These words were substitllted for the word " Madras " by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil ~ a d uAdziptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order,
'For Statement of Objects ad Reasons, see George
Gazette Emaordinary, dated the 3rd August 1965, Part IV-
Section 3, page 156.
8 This expression was substituted for the exprmgioa State of
Madras '' by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969,
as amended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second
Ame?dment) ~ d e r ,1969.

' 568 General Sales Tax [SecondAmendment) [I966 : T.N*Act 18

Validation of 3. Notwithstanding anything contained in any judg-
tevy and co*a-
of ment, decree or ordar of any court or other authority,
no assessment, re-assessment, levy or collection of any
tax or penalty made or purporting to have been made
under tho provisions of section 16 of the principal Act
before the date of the publication of this Act in the *Fort
St. George Gazette shall be deemed t o be invalid or ever
to have been invalid on the ground only that such assess-
ment, re-assessment , levy or collect ion was not in accor-
dance with law and such tax or penalty assessed, re-ass-
essed, levied or collected or purporting to have been
assessed, re-assessed, levied or collected shall, for all
purposes, be deemed to be and always to have been validly
assessed, re-assessed, levied or collected, and accordingly-

(a) all acts, proceedings or things done or taken by

the State Governent or by any officer of tho State
Government or by any other auth xity in C O M ~ C ~ ~ O ~
with the ass~ssnent,re-assessment, levy or collection of
such tax or penalty shall, for all purposes, be deemed
to be, and to have a l w y~~ heen done or taken in accor-
dance with law;

(b) no suit or other proceeding shall be maintained

or continued in any court against the State Governmaat
or any person or authority whatsoever for the refund of
any tax or penalty so paid, and

(c) no court shall enforce any decree or order d i r s -

ting the refund of any tax or penalty so paid.

- --
* Now the Ta.ijil Nadu Governinent Gazettel

- --
. - -
* Y

+ -:a
--.ak' -d
t ,

General Sales Tax (Amendment) 623

, --.
:., t
* ' . I ? - ..'.

MIL NADUl ACT NO.*'5 OF 1961.2 - ,' --'%

1 . * - .* .-.. ..
. ' C


1) This Act may be called the l [ ~ a m i lNadu] Gene- Short title

s Tax (Am~dment)Act, 1967. cornmen~tmc~~t.
)' Section 9 (except clause 15) of that section) and
10 shall be deemed to have come into forre on
se ( 5 ) of section 9 shall come
1967' and the rest of this Act

le under the principal swal

09 issued or deemed provision
' 9
*J I(-
ofl (1) of section 17 in r e s m of &
reduced shall stand rate
axable turnover or under
ct on and from the section 17 (1).
he Fort St. George ,

n shall a&ct the

duce under sub-
Act, the rate of '


s t * (


630 General S:tle.~Tux (Third Amenrftnent) [I967 : T.N. Act 1f~

'[TAMIL NADU] ACT No. 19 OF 1967.2


[Receil-ed the assent of the Governor on the 29th December

1967, first published in the Fort St. Gorge eazt t t
Extt*aordirzaryon the 5 th Jarwary 1968 (Pausa
A2 Act further to anzend the [Tamil Nadu] General Sales
IRcrx Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the =[State of Ta
Xadu] in the Eighteenth Year of the Republic of In
2 s follows :--
Short title. 1 This Act inay be called the I[Tstmil Nadu] Genera
Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 2967.
2-3.[The an~endmentsmade by these s,ec
sfheady been incorporated in the principal Act, name
the Tamil N ~ d uGeneral Sales Tax Act, 1959 CTa
Nadu Act 1 of 1959).]
3, 4. Notwithstanding anything contained in any
judgment, decree or order of any court or other authority,
all taxes levied or collected or purporting to bave been
levied or collected under the principal Act on the sale of
the goods specified in item 47-A of the First Schedule to
tha principal Act as amended by this Act for the period
commencing on the 1st April 1964 and ending with the
date of the publication of this Act in the *Fort St. George
Gazeftc shall fix all purposes be deemed to be, and to have
a h a vs been va Ii dly levied or collected in accordance with
law i s if section 2 had beell in force :tt all mate
wher~such tax was levied cr collecteci and acco
(a) all acts, proceedings or things done
by any authority, officer or person in connec
the Ievy or collection of such tax shall, for all
be deemed to be and to have always been dono
in accordance wit11 Iaw ;
(b) no suit or other proceeding shall
or continued in any court for the refund of any
paid ;
(c) Cc:llrt shall enforce any decree or order
directing the refund of any tax so paid.
These words were substitutezfor the wcrd s*~adrasoby the
'Tamil Nadu Adaptat ion of Laws jt)rder, 1969, rs mended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptat ion of Laws (Second Amendment) Order
For Statement of Objeots nd Reasons, see ~ms t . George
GazeNe Extraordinary, dated the 25 t h November 1967, Part rV-
Section 3, page 83.
"his expression was substitu,ed for th: express ion <*Statc
of Sladras" by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969,
as r.mended by thc Tamil Nadu Adaptatioi~ of Laws (Second
A.=slmdment)Order, 1969.
* Now the Tnr~ilNadu Govern,llent Gazette.
* -'=.*-Rarzcmty.4,:*+ >%L~- +,- .S F-- .,
- - ----


General Sales Tax (Thiid Amend

NADU] ACT NO.12 OF 19682.


ACT', 1968.
Received the assent of the Governor on the 14th Septem-
ber 1968, first published in the Fort St. George
azettc Extraordinary, on the 1 6th September 19 68
(Bhadra 25, 1890).]
An Act further to amend the 1 [Tamil Nod&]Genera1
Sales Tux Act, 1959.

rs of the aptate of Tamil

of the Republic of India

lled the 'parnil N d u ] GeneraJ Short title.

dment) Act, 1968.
s made by these sections have
d in the princilal A C ~ ,viz.,

contained in eny judg- Validation.

Y court or other anthority,
or purporting to have been
principal Act before the date
n the *Fort St. George Gum tte,
ed family, firm cr other
E pr.stitic n or di: solution,
r 7.11 purposes be ctr emed to
-- - --
r the word " Madras " by the
er 1969, as amended by the
second Amendment) Order, 1969.

d Reasons, see Fort a.

ary. dated the 17th August 1968, Part IV-Section 3,

n was substftuteri for the expression "State of

amil Nadu Adaptation of Laws .Order, 1969,
Tamil Nadll Ad aptat ion of Laws (Second

. Sales Tax (2 h i d Amendment) 11968:T.N.Act 12

be, and to have always h e n , validly bvied cr crllrctrd
in accordanoe with law as if section 3 had 'been in fcrce
at a-A .- 1-times when such tax was levied or &~lle&d
I1 materia '

and accordingly ,-

(a) all acts, proceedings or things done or taken

any authority, officer or person in connection with tb
lcvy or collection of such tax shall, for 211 purposes,
be deemed to be, and to have always been, done or taken
in accordancDewith law ;

{Vlno suit or other proceeding shall be maintaine

or continued in any court for the refund of m y tax s
paid ;

(c) nc cuul t shall enforce

.tne terunu
r . - ally decree or order :directing
t *
or any tsl x so pald.
I -

, , L~
--2Z-L - -.A .- 5

59 :T.N. Act 31 GenriaaZSales Tax (Secotzd 4ntendmut ) 6%

IjrAMIL NADU] ACT No. 3 OF 1969."


sceived the assent of the Governor on the 4t h Marc?a 1959,

+ first published in the Fort St. George Gazcite on f he
5th March 1969 (Phalguna 14, 1890).]

the l[Tarn;l Niidu] Generhl

. ,.

ature of the 8[Stare of Tamil

r of the Republic of India as

called the '[Tamil Nadul General Short title.

endment) Act, 1969.

5: 2. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Madras ~ , t turnover

'bneral Sales Tax Act, 1939 (Madras Act IX of 1939) and Under MadrW
'the Madrr s enera1 Sales Tax (Turnover and Assessment) -4ct IX qf 1939
*'Rules,1939, clause (i) of sub-rub (I) of rule 5 t.f the V+id
: rules shall be deemed to have been omitted d u ~ i n gthe
. piiod commencing cn the 5th JT-nuary 1957 m .ndending
* with the 31st March 1959 and for tne purposes of the szid
Aot and rules, net turnover shall be deemed nlways to hr.ve
included the excise duty, if any, paid by a dcaler to the
Central Government in respect of the goods sold by him.


A: q-wse Words were substituted for the word "Madras" by the

Nadu Adaptation of Lews Order, 1969, as a~aendedbp
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amen dmctd) Order,
cts and Rfasons, see l b r t Sf. George
d the 27th January 196% Part IV
6 for the e-xp ession "Siate of
apiaiion of L?.ws Order, 1969,
Adaptatiorc of U w s (Smfid

Gi2nernlC' Saks Tim (Second Amendment) [I969 :'T*

Taxable turn* 3. Notwithstanding anything
over under Nadu] General Sales Tax Act, 195
'[Tamil Nadu 1 of 1959) and in the $[Tamil Nadu]
Act] 1 of 1959
to iuclude Rules, 1959, clause (f) of rule 6 of the
excise duty. deemed to have been omitted d
cing on the 1st April 1959 and
1966 and for the purposes of t
turnover shall include and s
included the excise duty, if any, paid
Central Government in respect of
Validation Of 4. Natwithstanding anything contained in any
levy and colldcj-judgment, deuee or order of any Co
tion of tax, rity, any tax levied or collected 0.:
been levied or coUected for the peri
the 5th January 1957 and endin
1966, shall, for all purposes. be deemed to b
have alway: been validly levied or cdlected in
with law as if this Act had bezn in force at
times when such tax was levied or collected
(a) all acts, proceedings, or things d
by any autllority or officer or person in connection
the levy or collection of such tax sh
be deemed to be and to have always been,
in accordance with law ;
(b) no suit or other proceeding shall & kin-
tained or continued in any Court for the refund of an
tax so paid ; and

(c) no Court shall enforce 'any d

directing the refund of any tax so paid.
5, The Madras General Sales
ment) Ordinance, 1968 (Madras Ordina
is hereby repealed.
I - - -
This expression w s substituted for t
Act '' Q, paragraph 3 of the
drder, 1970.
These words were substit
the Tamil Nadu, Adaptation
by the Tamil Na3u Adaptation of
(- rder, 1969,

F". ,. I&$*.
- ,r .-

. , '

Sales T& Act, 1959.

as follows :-
Short title I. (I) This Act may be called, the Tamil Na
and corn- General Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1974. ;
mencet~~ent ,
(2) Section 2 shall be deemed to have come into fo
. the 1st April 1959

Validation of
levy and
collection o f

(a) all acts, proceedings or things done or taken

any authority, officzr or person in connection with t
levy or collection of such tax shall, for all purposes,
deemed to be, and to have always been, done or taken
accordance with law ;

(c) no court shall enforce any decree or order direct

the refud of any tax so paid.
50 General Sales Tax I 972 :T.N. Act Q&
(Second Amendment)


[Received the assent of the Governor on the 5th Octoberg
1972, fist published in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazette Extraordinary on the 9th October 1972 (Asvina
17, 1894)P.
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
Act, 1959-
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil
Nadu in the Twenty-third Year of the Republic of India
as follows :-
Short :title ~ bs called the Tamil Nadu General
1. (1) This A L may
and 'Om-
Sales Tax !Second Amendment) Act, 1972.

(2) Sec~ion4 shall be deemed to have come into

force on the 31st July 1963 and the rest of this Act shall
come into force on such date. as the State Government
may, by notification, appoint.
2-35. [The amendments made by these sections have
alregdy been incor~loratedin the principal Act, namely,
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil Ngdu
Act 1 of 1959) I
36. The Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Definition of
Repeal. Turnover and Validation of Assessments) Act, 1954 oamil
Nadu Act XVII of 1954), is hereby repealed.

1973 :T.N. Act 391 General Sales Tax 333

(Second Amendment)


[Received the assent of the Governor on the 19th December
1973, jirst published in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazctte Extraordinary on the 20th December 1973
(Margazhi 6, Piramathisa (2004-Tiruvalluvar Andu)).]
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil
Nadu in the Twenty-fourth Year of the Republic of India
as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General ~ ~ ~ " ,
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1973.
(2) (a) Section 2 and clause (iv) of section 6 shall
be deemed to have come into force on the 1st September
1973 ;
(b) Section 3 [except sub-clause (a) of clause
(ii)], clauses (ii), (iii) and (v) of section 6 and section 7
[except clauses (i) and (v)Jshall be deemed to have come
into force on the 1st April 1973 ;
(c) Section 4 shall be deemed to have come into
orce on the 28th June 1971;
1 (d) Clause (i) of section 6 shall be deemed to have
come into force on the 16th November 1973 ;
(e) Clause (v) of section 7 and section 8 shall be
deemed to have come into force on the 1st October 1973.

27. m e amendments made by these sections have

already been incorporated in the principal Act, namely,
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil
Nadu Act 1 of 1959).1
* For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 1st December 1973,
part IVSection 3, Pages 397-398.
334 Gencral sale,^ Tax [I973 : T.N. Act 39
(Second Amendment)

Validation of 8. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any

assessments, judgment, decree or order of any court or other authority
to the contrary, any assessment, re-assessment, levy or
collection of any tax made or purporting to have been
made, any action or thing taken or done in relation to
such assessment. re-assessment, levy or collection under
the provisions of the principal Act, before the 1st October
1973, shall be deemed to be as valid and effective as if
such assessment, re-assessment, levy or collection or
action or thing had been made, taken or done under the
principal Act as amended by sub-clause (a) of clause
(ii) of section 3 and clause (i) of section 7 of this Act,
and accordingly-
(a) all acts, proceedings orlthings done or action
taken by the State Government or by any officer of the
State Government or by any other authority in connection
with the assessment, re-assessment, levy or collection of
such tax shall. for all purposes, be deemed to be and to
have always been done or taken in accordance with law ;

(b) no suit or other proceedings shall be main-

tained or continued in any court or before:any authority
for the refund of any such tax ; and
(c) no court shall enforce any decree or order
directing the refund of any such tax.

(2) For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared

that nothing in sub-section (1) shall be construed as pre-
venting n ny person-
( a ) from questioning in accordance with the
provisions of the principal Act, as amended by this Act,
the assessment, re-assessment, levy or collection of such
tax for any period, or
(b) from claiming refund of any tax paid by him
in excess of the amount due from him under the principal
Act as amended by this Act.

Repeal. 9. The Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)

Ordinance, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Ordinance 6 of 1973), is
hereby repealed,

1974: T.N. Act 231 - General Snies Tax 361



[Received the assent of the Governor on the 10th May 1974,
first published in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette
Extraordinary on the 14th May 1974 (Chithirai 31,
Anantha (2005-Tiruvalluvar Andu)).]
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu
in the Twenty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as
1.(1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Short title
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974. and commen-
(2) (a) Clause (i) of section 8 shall be deemed to have cement.
come into force on the 20th February 1974.
(b) Section 8 [except clause (i)] and section 9 shall be
deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974.
(c) The rest of this Act shall be deemed to have
come into force on the 1st April 1974.
2-8. [The amendments made by these sections havd
already been incorporated in the principal Act, namely, the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu
Act 1 of 1959).]

9. Notwithstanding anything contained in the principal Certain trans-

Act, the sale or purchase of such of those goods- actions
deemed to be
(i) as were not liable to tax only at the point of first first sales
sale or purchase before the 4th March 1974 ; and or purchases.
(ii) as are liable to tax only at the point of first sale
or purchase under sub-section (2) of section 3 ofthe
principal Act as amended by this Act;
effected within the State on or after the 4th March 19749
shall be deemed to be the first sale or purchase for the
purposes of the principal Act as amended by this Act,
although any sale or purchase of such goods has taken
place within the State before the 4th March 1974.

*For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu Govern-

ment Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 9th April 1974, Part IV-
w on 1, Pages 121-122.


[Received the assent of the Governor on the 9th May 1975,
first published in the Tami 1 Nad.u Govzrnment Gazette
Extraordinary on the 14th Muy 1975 (Chithirai 31,
Iratchasa (2006-Tiruvulluvar Andu)).]
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax Act, 1959.
BB it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tainil
Nadu in the Twenty-sixth Year of the RepublZcof India
as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nzdu General Short title and
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1975. commencement.

(2) (i) Clauses (a) to (e) and (h) of section 2 and

section 3 shall be deemed to have come into force on the
3rd March 1975.

(ii) Clauses Cf) and (g) of section 2 shall be deemcd

to have come into force on the 12th March 1975.
2-3. [The amendments made by these sections have
already been incorporated in the principal Act, namely,
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu
Act 1 of 1959).]

4. Notwithstanding anything contained. in section 59 Certain amend-

of the principal Act, the amtndmcnt to item 77 of the meet made by
First Sched~tleto the principa 1 Act, mr de by the notifi- ~~~~~~~n
oation of tbe State Oovcrnmcnt in the Cornmrrcial Taxes ,he ?rd March
and Rrligicus Endowments Department Nc. 11 (I)/ 1975 deemed
mRE/207(b)/75, dated the 1st March 1975, p~lblishednot to have
at pages 1 to 2 of Part 11-Section 1 of the Tamil Nadu fakeneffect.
Government Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 3rd March
1975, shall b,: deemed never to have taken effect.

.- -- --
* For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil N a d ~
Government G?zetteExtraordinary, dated the 16th April 1975,
part N-Section 1, Pages 131-132.
992 General Sales Tax [I979 : T. N. Act 53
MENT) ACT, 1979.
[Received the assent ofthe Governor on the 28th May 1979,
first published in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette
Extraordinary on the 29th May 1979 (Vaikasi 15,
Chitharthi (2010-Tiruvalluvar Andu)).]
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil
Nadu in theThirtieth Year of the Republic of India as
follows :-

short title 1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General
and cornmen- Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1979.
(2) (i) Section 2 shall be deemed to have come into
force on the 1st April 1979 ;
(ii) Clause (a) of section 4 shall be deemed to have
come into force o n the 1st April 1959 ;

I (iii) Clause (b) of section 4 shall be deemed to

have come into force on the 4th March 1979.

2-4. [The amendntents made by these sections have

already been incorporated in the principal Act, namely, the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu
Act 1 of 1959).]
Validation 5. Notwithstanding anything contained in any judg-
of levy and meat, decree or order of any court or other authority,
of tax. all taxes levied or collected or purporting to have been
levied or collected under the principal Act on the sale of
the goods specified in item 1-B of the First Schedule to the
principal Act as amended by this Act for the period com-
mencing on the 1st April 1959 and ending with the date of
the publication of this Act in the Tamil Nadu Government

* For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see TamilNadg

&vem@ Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 20th April 1979,
Part N-Section 1, Pages 125-126.
fw :T.N. Acq33] General #ales Tuk
9 93

Gazette shall for all purposes be deemed to be, and to have

always been val~dlylevied or collected in accordance
with law as if clause (a) of section 4 had been in force at aU
material times when such tax was levied or collected and
(a) all acts, proceedings or things done or taken bg
any authority, officer or person in connection w ~ t hthe
levy or collection of such tax shall, for all purposes, be
deemed to be and to have always been done or taken in
accordance with law ;
(b) no suit or other proceeding shall be maintained
or continued in any court for the refund of any tax so paid ;
(c) no court shall enforce any decree or order direct-
ing the arefund of any tax so paid.

730 General Sales Tax (Amendment) [I982 :T.N.Act 4

' 7
. . TAMIL NADU ACT NO. 4 OF 11)f12.*
[Received the assent of the Governor on the'20th p e b r e I

1982,first publislzen in the Tamil NacW (iovement

, . . Gazette Extraordinary on the 20th February 1982

(Masi 8, Thunmuthi, Thiruvalluvar AundG2013).]

An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Saler
Tizx Act, 1959,
BE it LatestLaws.com
enacted by thc; 14egis1atureof the State of Tamil N&U
in the .Thirty-third Year of the
- . Republic of India 'L
follows:- 2

rhort title and 1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu ~ene;al
-Oaent* Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1982.
8 . . . 1ri-2
(2) .(i) Clauses (a) and (d) of section 2 shall.be
.. a

deemed to have come into force on tbe 8th Ptly 1981.*

. (ii) Clause ~ ( bo) f section 2 shall be deemed to havo

come into force on the 1st July 1981. . ''I

(iii) Olause (c) of section 2 shall be deemed to

have come into force on the 15th June 1981.
bendmeat of 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General
he First Sales Tax Act, 1959 ( T a d Nadu Act 1 of' 1959),-
lchedule to
Camit Nadu (a) in item 3, in the entries in columrm (21.-
kt 1 of 1959,
(i) after the words " motor cyclc s and cycle
combinations " and before the words " mo :or scooters"
the following words and brackets shall be inserted, namely:-
" cycles (including bicycles, trb cycles, cyde-
rickshaws, tandem cycles, cycle combinations and
perambulators) fitt.tt:d with motor engines, " ;
(ii) the follovring words and brackets shall be
added at the end, namely :-
and motor engines used for being fitted to
cycles (including bicycles, tri-cycles, cycle-rickshaws,
tandem cycles, cycle combinations and perambulators ) ."
* or Statement of Objects and Reasons, gee T a m u a d u
Goyemen$ Gazette Extraordinary dated the 22nd August 1981
part W-Section 1, pages 666-667.

1982 :T.N. Act 41 . General Sales Tax (Amendment) 73 1.'

(b) items 144, 145 and 147 and the entries relating
thereto shall be omitted ;
(c) in item 150, for the entry in column (2), the
following entry shall be substituted, namely :--
"Articles of food and drink other than those
specified elsewhere in this Schedule, sold to customers
in hotels classified or approved by the Department of
Tourism, Government of India." ;
(d) after item 160 and the entries relating thereto,
the following item and entries shall be added, r.amely :-
'' 161. Carbon black At the point of first 8"
sale in the State.

806 Get~rralSales Tax (Second 11982 : T.N. Act 22

LReceiv-d rile crsscnt oj' the Governo~on the 27th April
1932. *firstpu3iisltctl in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gaz:tt: Extr;rordirtary on the 29th April 1982
(Chitlrirai 16. 7'11crrrrh~:bi,Tirri vrrlluvur Amdu-2013).]
An Act furt/rcr to T ~ ~ nNadrr
~ l i ~ l e t j the
d General Sa?es
TUXAct, 1059.
BE it enz;i;.d by the Legislatu;~ of the State of Tamil
Nadu 1- the Thirty-third Year of the Republic of India
a ,. follovs :---
~ h att tit le and 1. (I) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General
cornmenccm'zt* Salos Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1982.
(2) It sliaall come into force 01,such date as the State
Oovernmentnmav, by notificatioti ,appoint.
Amdndrnrntof- 2, !u seciioll 17 of +hc Tamil Nadu General Sales
=amil Nadu Tax Act, 1959 (?'amil Nadu Act 1 cf 1959) (hereinafter
Act 1 of 1959. referred to as the principal Act), after sub-section (3),
the following sub-section shall be added, namely :--
" (4) The Governmeat may, in such circumstances

and subject to such conditi~nsas may be prescribed, by

notification, remit the whole or a n y p:ut of tlle tax or
penalty or fee payable in respzct cf c t ~ y p:.riod by any
dealer under this Act.".
Am:nam~nt of 3. In section 20 of the principal Act, for sub-section
s~ctian21, (I), the follo~~ing sub-sections shall be subeitituted,
'T~milNaJu namely :-
A C ~1 c>f 1959.

" (1) Evt:ry d~a1i.rwhose total t lrrnover in any year

is not less th.tn thirty thousand rupzes shall, and any
ether dealsr or psrson intending to commence busin:ss
may, get himself registered under thi,s Act.
(I-A) Wnerz a pzrson intending to commence
basiness is a minor or where a minor inherits an existing
business or succeads a dealer, the certificate of registration
shall bz issued in the name of any guardian, trustee or
a p n i oI^ ti13 minor carrying on husiness on behalf -6f a&
far tbe bmefit- si set.$ ~IDc)~'.''.

- - -
*For Statem;n! Of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu'
gov;rnment Gazette gxtriiordinzry, dated the 22nd Auyun .
981, part W S t c t i o n 1, pages 656-667,

1982 :T N Act 221 General Sales Tax 807

l'b . cvn Amendmen,)

4. In section 21 of thi principal Act,-

(I) for sub-section (I), the following sub-saction&of ,,,dun 2 1 ,
shall be substituted, narrlely :- Tamil N a d ~
u Act 1 of 1959,
(1) An application for. rcgisr ation shall bc In:idc
to such authority in ,sucn rr,itl-jlct* : ~ n t lw i I~~ i i l :;tlC11 p1%1
as may be prescrihcd and sh:~tlI J ~:tc.cot~tl::r~~ir
. { I i,y r , , I, .
of ten rupees for thc prij~cjlxtlj,l:tcc ol I)i~:,;rlc:~:,,; t ~ l t l
addition a further fee of five rupees in respect of each of
his places of business other than the princip a1 place of
(I-A) Where it appears necessary to the authosjty
to whom an application is made under sub-section (1) so
to do for the proper realisation of the tax payable under
this Act, it may, by order in writing and for reasons to
be recorded therein, impose as a condition for the issue of
a certificate of registration a requirement that the dealer
shall furnish in the prescribed manner and within such
time as may be specified in the order, such security as
may be specified for the aforesaid purpose :
Provided that, the security.shali not exceed one
half of the tax payable on the taxable turnover upto the
end of the year as estimated by the applicant himself.";
(ii) for sub-section (2), the following sub-section
shall be substituted, namely :-
" (2) If the prescribed authority is satisfied that

the application is in or Cer and the condition,if any,imposcd

under sub-section (1-A) has been complied with, it shali
i register the applicant and grant to him a certificate of
registration in the prescribed form specifying all his plarrs
of business with copies for each of his plac.: of b~isine:.~
other than the principal place of business." ;
(iii) after sub-section (2-A),the followin. sub-sections
shall be inserted, namely :-
" (2-B) Where it appears necessar-, to the
authority granting a certificate of registration under this

t1 section so to do for thc proper realisation of the tax

payable under this Act it may, at any time, while such
. certificate is in force, by an order in writing and for
reasons to be recorded therein, require the dealer tc -+om
i the certificate has been granted, to furnish within s:ich
time as may be specified in the order and in the prescribed
manner such security or, if the dcaler has already furnished
any security in pursuance of an Q der urtdcr this sub.

k#I8 General Sales Tax

($3cp nd Amendment)
section or sub-section ( 1 4 ) such additional security,
,st may be specified in the order for the aforesaid purpose.

(2-C) No dealer shall be required to furnish

any security under sub-section (I-A) or any security 0

additional security bnder sub-section (2-B) by the authoiity

referred to therein, rnleas he has been given an oppo~unity
,.ofbeing heard. The amount of security which a deak
wiry be required to furnish under sub-seotion (1-A)or
nb-section (2-B) or the aggregate of the amount of 6 d
security and the amount of additional security which'ht
may be required to furnish under sub-smion (2-8) by
the authoriiy referred to therein, sh4l not exceed O Q ~
&If of the tax pey:tble, i l l accordance with rhe estimate of
such authority, on the turnover of srlcl: dealer for the
year in whlch such.socurity,or as the case mdy be,additio~l
security is rcquir :d to be furnished.
(2-D) Where the security furnishec' by a deakr
under sub section (I -A) or sub-section (2-R) is ia the form
of a surety bond and the surety becomes insolvent or
dies, the dealer s h ~ l lwithin
, thirty days of the accurrence
of any of the aforesaid events, inform the authority pan*
tiog the certificate of' repistiation and shai; within ninety
drys of such occurrcnct furnis t a f r ~ s hsurety bond or
furnish in the prescribed manner other security for the
amount of the bond.
(2-E) The authority granting the certificate of
stgistration may by order and for good and sufficient
cause forfeit the wtole or any part of the security furnished
by the dealer for rcalising any amount of tax or penalty
payable by the dealer :
Provided that no order shall be passed under tbrs
snb-section without giving the dealer an opportunity of
being heard.
(A-7)Where by reason of an order under sub-
section(2-L),the security furnished by any dealer is rendered
insufficient, he shall make up the deficiency in such
aanney and withip such time as may be prescribed.
('Gf 711s r~rhon'ry garring a c e r t l h b &
rr-&uu~im q2r; ~p;k=ion
FATI. by &&r to w b m a
his k2 gamsd, cr2-r r& r:fdn2 of soy
& &5i
tb:;rsf cl=p;;.;r.i
5,,?c=k.!3 :.-"
- .
&%Ei-kz " 2 2 > :rz
T *
th d&cr by w y
J & ~ * Y &,d
--< -*+-
T zs&-& ??J zg

- --

9982 : T.N. Act 221 Geneml Sales TJX(Second 809

it is not required for the purpose of this Pxt, or if in the
course of three years the d~aler proves himsdf to be
prompt in payment of tax and above rl:proach in the
conduct of his business ." ;
(ivl sub-section (3-A) shall be omitted ;
(v) for sub-section (5), the following sub-section
shall be substituted, namely :-
" (5) The prescribed authority slral! have power for
good and sufficient reasons to cancel, modify or amend
any certificate of registration granted by him.".
5. 1n section 24 of the principal Act ,-- Amendmedc of
(i) in sub-section (I), for the words " The tax Tamil section 24,
assessed under this Act " , the words " The tax assessed A,t of 1959
or bas become payable under this Act " shall be substi.
tuted ;
(ii) in sub-section (2), for the words " Any tax
I assessed on ", the words " Any tax assessed on, or
has become payable by," shall be substituted ;
(iii) in sub-section (3),--
(a) for the words "tax assessed ", the words
c 6 tax assessed or has become payable " shall be substj-
tuted ;
(b) for the words " by way of penalty ", the
words " by way of interest " shall be substituted ;
(c) for the first and second provisos. the following
provisos shall be substituted, namely :-
"Provided that if the tax assessed or has become
payable under this Act or any instalment thereof is less
than one hundred rupees, no interest shall t e levied for a
period of one moat h after the expiry of the time specified
in the notice of assess1~1~1;; c; the order aforesaid :
Provided further that where a dealer or person has
preferred an appeal or revision against any order of
assessment under this Act, the interest payable under this
sub-section, in respect of the amount in dispute in the
appeal or revision, shall be postponed till the disposal of
the -appeal or reasion, as the case may be, and shall be
&cul;rteb on the amount that bec~mesdue in hccordance
with. the final order passed on t-he appeal or revzsion aa
if such amount had becn the subject matter of the appeal
0s revision.

--y;-- I--I

810 Generul Salts Tax (Second [1982: T.N. Act 22

(iv) after sub-sediorl (3), t'he following sub-seclion
shall be added. namely :-

"(4) Where the tax paid under this Act is found to bc

In exc;ss on final assessment or revision of assessment,or as
a resuh of an order passed in appecl, revision or rcvibw,
cxcess a mount shall _b.., refunded to the dealer afxer adjv st-
ment of arrears of tax, if any, due from him. Where the
excess amount is not refunded to the dealer wirhin a period
of ninety days from the date of the order of assessment or
revision of assessment or order passed in appeal, revision
or review, th2 Govzmment shall pay by way of inter@:,
whxe th:: amount refundable is not less than one hundred
rupees, a sum equal tc a sum calculated at the rate of one
per cznt or part th3reof of such amount for each month
or part t h m o f after t h a expiry of the said period of ninety ,
days. 99
n of the principal Act,-
6. In s e ~ i o 25
(i) in th3 marginal hcading, for the word " penally ",
the words " penalty or interest " shall be substituted ;
(ii) for thz word "penahy", the words " penally or
interest " shall b3 substituted.
.endment of 7. In section 32 of the principal Act,--
ion 32,
ail Nadu (i) for sub-s:ction (I), the foliowing su b-sec!ion shall
Of 1959* b
: subrituted, nam:ly :-
" (1) The D;puty Commissioner may of his own
motion, call for and examine an ordsr passed or 3xocseding
recordsd by th: appropria4:e authority undx wc ion 4-A,
szction 12, csction ' 12-A, section 14, sec ion 15, or sub-
sections (1) and (2) of section 16 and if sue5 ordsr or
procxding rccord ;d is prejudicial to the interests of revenue
may make such inquiry or cause such inquiry to bb.:mnde
and, subj~ctto the provisions of rhis Act, may initiate
p:oo:edingi to revise, modify or set asid!: such order or
procerding and may pass such order thl=ro~n as hs thinks
fit .";
(ii) in sub-section (2) ,for the expression "Th?D~puty
Commission-:r sha 11 not pass any ord2r undx sub-sec.ion
(I), if ", t h.: ~xprzssio.l " Th.;&put y Commissioner shall
not iniriate promedings against any such order or proc3ed-
jng r ~ f ~ r r ctod in sub-section (I), if" s?:ill b substituted;
-. LatestLaws.com
LatestLaws.com - --A%
- -- --.A&+ .- - - .- --.-.-.------- - +-

)L (!

' I

1982 : TON. Act 221 General Sales TUX(Second 8 11 I i'

Amendment) l

(iii) to subsection (2), the following proviso shall be I I!d,

added, namzly :- ;I :;I


"Provided that if the order passed or proceeding 'I

recorded by he appropriate authority referred ro in sub- !'/I
section (1) involvt-s an issue oil which the High Court has
given its decision adverse io ihc revtnue in any 0ihLr pro- i
meding;, and an appeal to the Supreme Coun against the
order of the High Court is pending, the period of time
bdwzen the date of the abovesaid order of the High Court
and the date of the order of the Supreme Court shall be
excluded in computing the period referred to in clause
(c) .".
8. In section 34 of the principal Act,-- ~ m c n ~ m eof
secicn 34,
Trmil Sadu
(i) in the marginal hcadillg, for the words " Board of 1 of 1959.
avenue", the words " Joint Commissiont.r of Ccmmtrcial I
Taxes " shall be su bs'iituted; I

(ii) fasub-section (I), the followitlg sub-scc:ion shall /

be substituted, namely:- I
; I

'! I
(1) The ~ o i n tCommissionor of Con;nk:rc'al Taxes
may, of his own motion, call for and examine an order i ii
pas:;d or proceeding recordtd by I hc app~.opl.iat~ all; ho- it
rity under sec.ion 4-A, SGC ion 12, sac ion 12-A, seci ion 14, f
sec.ion 15 or sub-sec-ion (1) or (2) of seciion 16 or an i
order passed by the Appi:llatc A s i s ant Commisr.ioncr
under sub-section (3) of 3 . c ion 31 or byi h~ Dipu.yCom-
n cf' rim ion 3 I -A or sub-
missioner under s ~ b - ~ e c t i c(3)
section (1) of scction 32 and it' L U C ordt:r
~ 01- pr or, ( ding
! ~ , 11,2kL.
recordLd is prejudicial 1 0 t hc in crcus ,>fr o v ~ n ~ may
suoh inquiry or c.lurc sllch inqtli1.y i 0 be m;d~ and, subj,d
to ihe provisions cf ihis Ac , may inilia72 proc,,c ding,, 10
revise, modify or at aside order or ~1 JC. ding and
may pass such order thereon as he think fi ."; 1

O I Ifor 1 he exprev!.ion "The Board

(iii) in s u b - S ~ C - ~(2), 1

of Rcv~nucshall not pass any order under ~ ~ l b - s ~ c t i ~ ~ ( l ) ,

if", th.; exprt.sr~ion" The jcint Commicsioncr of Commc;r- 1
cial Taxas shall not init ia-e PI-occc.ding.-.againl,{ any
or proceeding refirrcd to in sub-:c.c;ion (11, i f m I i
:hall kJ ~ubstituted: I

(iv) to sub-section (2), the following provisio shall be

adkled, namsly :-
" Provided that if the order passed or procseding
reoordd by th: appropriate authority, Appellate Assistant
Oommissioner or Dzp~!ty Con~missioncrrefered to in sub-
section (I) involves an issue on wliicli the High Court has
given its d.;cision adverse to the revenue in any other
proc:edingj, and an appsal to the Supreme Court against
the:ord:r o f t h? High Court is pending, the period of time
betwsn the date of th: above said order of the High Court'
and the date of the order of the Supreme Court shall bs-
excluded in computing the period referred to in clause
(c). ";
(v) in sub-section (9for
, the words "the Board of
Revenue "the words " the Joint Commissioner of Commer-
cial Taxes " shall be substituted.

bendment of 9. In s-,ction36 of the principal Act, after sub-section (3),

:ection 36, the following sub-scctlon shall be inserted, namely :-
lamil Nadu
Ict 1 of 1959.
'' ( 3 4 ) Within a pzriod of sixty days from the data of'
recsipt of notice that an appeal against the order passed by
the Appsllate Assistant C?ommissioner u nder su b-section
(3) of section 31 or an order assed by the-Deputy Corn
missioner undm sr 21-section 3) of section 31-A or sub-
section (1) of section 32 has been filed, any assessing;
authority or his representative appearing bsfore the Ap*
late Tribunal may fils an enhancement pstition in the
prescribed form and in the prescribed manner against tfio
order o f thz Appellxte Assistant Oommissioner or t k
mputy Commis;ioner, as r he case may be. The Appellate
Tribunal msy, afrer giving a reasonable opportunity to tk,
appellant and the repre sentative of the assessing authority
of Mng bard pass such orders on the petition as it think
fit :

Provided that t a: Appellate Tribunal may admit an

enhncemmt petition presented after the expiration of the
said psriod if it is satisfiedthat the asszssing authority orz
his representative had sufficient cause for not filing the
abanoement petition within the said period.


[Received the assent of the Governor on the 27th April 1982,
first published in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazette Extraordinary on the 28th April 19132 (Chithirai
16, Thunthubi, Thiruvalluvar Aandu-2013).]
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nddu Ge~reralSales Tax
Act, 1959.

BEit enacted by the Legislature vlr the State of Tamil Nadu

in the Thirty-tnird Year of the Republic of India as
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Short title and
Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1982. commencement.

(2) (i) Sections 2, 3, clauses (b), (c), (d), (e), (0,(i),

(j)of section 4 and section 5 shall be deemed to have come ., .,
into force on the 1st March 1982 ;
,(ii) Clauses (a) and (1) of section 4 shall-be.deemed
to have come into force on the 30th December 1981 ;-
(iii) Clause (g) of section 4 shall be deemed to,Qaye
come into force on the 11th November 1981 ;
(iu) Clause (h) of section-4.shall!he deelged t o : . b ~
come into force on the 27th January 1982 ;
a(v) Clause (k) of section 4 shall be deemed.to have
wme into force on the 30th September 1981.
2. In section 3 of the Tamil Nadn General Sales-Tax Act Amendment of
1959) Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1959) (hereinafterZreferredto as section 3,
the principal Act), in sub-section (I), for the words "four ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ $ j 9 .
per ant", the words "five per cent" .shallrbe substitq~d.
3. In section 5 of the principal Act,in clause(@, for the Amendment of
words "four per cent", theLwords'!five per cent" shall be section 5,
subjtituted. Tamil Nadu
-- . ---- .a", ,Act 1 of 1959.
*For Statement of Objects aitd Rcrsons, see Tnrltil Nnrh Goveut-
tlgnt G~zetteExtraorciin;~ryditted thc 3rd April 1982, 1':~-t IV--scc-
tion 1, pagcs 344-345.

qmennment of 4. In the First Schedule to the principal Act,--

he First
Scheduie to (a) in item 8, for the entry in column (2), the folla
hmi' Nddu entry shall be substituted, namely :-
i c t I of 1959.

" other than those falling under item 18-B." ;

(c) after item 18-A and the entries relat~ngthereto,
the following item and entries shall be inserted, namely:--
''18-B. Blended cotton yarn At the point of 6rst sale 4";
sold for use in power in the State.
looms in the form of
(d) in item 34, in column(), for the figures "lo", the
fgures " 12 " shall be substituted ;
(e) in items 41 and 41-A, in column (4), for the figure
'' 9 the figures " 10 " shall be substituted;

in items 70 (a) and 70 (b), in column (4); for the

figures " 25 ",the figures " 50 " shall be substituted ;
(g) for item 74 and the entries relating thereto, the
following item and entries shall be substituted, namely :-
c674(a) Natural rubber At the point of last 5
latex. purchas e in the St ate.
(6) All varieties and
grades of raw rubber
(if they had Q O ~
suffered tax under
this Act).

(h) in item 76, for the entry in column (3), the following
entry shall be subtituted, namely :-
"ALthe point of first sale in the State.";
in item 81, in column (4), for the figure " 6 ",the
ft,gt~tr.* b* ** slrali IN* sul~stituted:

a 1982 : T.N. Act 251 6eneilot sales i&k 8i 5

(Third Amendment)
(k) in item 104, for the entry in column (2), the follow-
- ing entry shall be substituted, namely :-
" Water meters, gas meters and industrial thermo-
meters and parts and accessories of such mctcrs. ";
(I) in item 109, for the entry in column (2), the follow-
ing entry shall be substituted, namelj :-
" Articles made of stainless steel orher than parts
and accessories made of stainless steel f~llingunder item
81 and the stainless steel nibs falling under item 109-A.";
( I ) during the period commencing on the I st hti~rch
1982 and ending with the 10th March 19S?. after item 161
- and the entries relating tht.reto,thefollo\vingiten1 snd cth.r~es
M I k &r>.d. tp b..%lt: k,.1?t L ? \ i d . ll:%l,,\.l) *

"1 b1 Hdndl~>om
s,lk i.iIyi IC?;, I\: t h ~f~)11'1i \\; fiibi >.,I; >";
in the State.
(n) with effect on and from the 11th March 1982,
item 162 and the entries relating thereto shzll be deemed to
have been omitted.
5. In the Second Schedule to the principal Act, for Amendment of
item 3 and the entries relating thereto, the following item the Second
and entries shall be substituted, namely :- Schedule to
Tamil Naduq
Act 1 of 1959.

3 (a) Cotton yarn, other than At thc point of first sale

those falling under sub-i tern in the Sttite.
(b), but excluding cotton
yarn waste.
(6) Cotton yarn sold for use At the Point of first sale 4''.
in powerlooms in the in the Stake.
form of cones.
6. In tlie Third Schedule to the pri11cipa.l P ct,-- Amendment of
(a) during the period commencing on the 1st March the Third Sche-
1982 and ending with the 1 0th hJa.~ch 1982, for item 7 and dule to Tamil
the entry relating thereto, the following item and entry Nadu 1959. Act I. of
shall be deemed to have been substituted, namely:-
" 7. Handloom cloth excluding handloom silk
fabrics. " ;
(b) with effect on and from the 11th March 1982, for
item 7 and the entry relating thereto, the following item and
entry shall be deemed to have been substituted, namely :-
" 7. Handloom cloth.",

1982 :T.N. Act 461 General Sales Tax 8 75

, . . Amendment)
a. .-
[Received the assent of the Governor 'on the 22nd September
1982, Jirst published in the Tamil N8du Gcvernment
Gazette Extraordinary on the 24th September 1982
(Purattasi, 8, Thunthubi, Thiruvalluvar Aandu-2013).]
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
Act, 1959.
BEit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu
' in the Thirty-third Year of the Republic of' India as fol-
lows :-
I. (11 This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Short title
Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1982. and
ment. ,
(2) (i) Section 2 s b l l be deemed to have come into force
on the 1st April 1982,
a .

(ii) Clauses (a), (b) and (d) of section 3 and section

4 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st July
(iii) Clauses (c) and (e) of section 3 shall come into
force on the 1st October 1982.
2. In sub-section (1) of section 7 of ihe Ts?mil Nadu Amendment
General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1959) ;f?4dion7s
(hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), for items (i) Ntdu Act
to (v), the following items shall be substituted, namely ;-- af 1959. A

R~rteof tax.
"(j) Where the total turnover is not One t ho~sand and
less than fifty thousand rup- eighty rupees per
ees, but is less than sixty annum.
thousand rupees.
(ii) Where the total turnover is not One thousand three
less than sixty thousand ru- hundred and eighty
pees, but is less than seventy rupees per annum.
thousand rupees.

*For Statement of Ob'ects and Ressons, see Tamil Nadu Government

Gazette Extraordinai8y, ated the 4t h! September 1982, Part IV-Sect ion
1, Pages 413-41 4,
- - ..
...- - . . --- ---- .. .-- - .-

876 Genera? Sales Tax (Fourih '[L982 :T.H.


:(iii)Whsrethet~talt~rno~erisnot One thousand

lessthan seventy thousand hundredand '
rupees, but is less than eighty rupees per an
thousand rupees.
-(iv) Wherethetotel turnov~risnot One thousa
less than eighty thousand hundred a
rupws, but is bss than ninety xupees per an
thrzusand rupzes,
(v) Where the total turnov4r is not Two thousand
less than niaety thousand hundre(1andei
rupees, but is not more than rupees per annu
one lakh ~f rupezs.
3. In the First Sckedule to the pl incipal Ac tr--
"it (a) in item 34, f!,r the entry in column (21, the following
chedute -.entryshall k substituted, namely :--
lzdu Act
of 1959. Cement, i~~chlding
" its substitutes" ;
(b) item 78 and tlte entries relating thereto shall bc
a mitted ;
(c) in item 135inthe entriesin column (2j, the f~llowing
shall bt added at the ead, namely :-
"whether or not prepared in conformity with any
prescribed foi mulatiom." ;
(dl item 138 and the entries relating thereto shall b
omitted ;
(e) after item 161 and the entries rekfirig tkeretc ,the
following item and entries shall be added, namely :-

" 162 Weigtri.2 machines including At the point of 8"

pdforrn scales, weigh bridges, first sale in
counter-scales, spring balances, the State.
wzighing scales and balances and
plrts and accessories of such,
,machines and wzights used


fMA-:TSY.k ~iti] d e n e r a i ~ b Tax

s 875
(Fourth Amendment)
3r;nedule to the principal bpf
't. IU U L ~ :3 e ~ o 1 - i ~
, ,,,Amend
- ment
of the
item 6 (i), for the entry in column (3), the folk win1! entry second
shall bc substituted, namely :- Schedule
of Tami 1
"At the point of first sale in the State". Nadu Act
1 of1959,
5. el')$ The Tamil Nad.u Generat, -- -
----- - - s--g I P.. ~T n =.Y rl
,,?ourth Repeal and
Atnendment) Ord.mance, 1982 (Tamil Nadu Ordinance 7- savim.
cf 19821, is hereb;Y repealed.
- - -

Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done

action taken under the yril~cifiaiAct as anlended
V --- by
fir gnv
' - ' 'y the
r cl'a 11 U G ucerrlcu
to nave *otc n done or taken

under theprinci~alAct as amended by section 2 c f this Act.


The iollotvlng Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislature received

the hsS,ent of the Governor on the 29t,l1 July 1985 and is hereby
~:uhllshed lor y ellera1 information :-

ACT No. 36 OF 1985

,It{ A c t 1u1 t l t r t l o ( ~ t t i ~ t t lilie
j 7'utr~zEXc~du (>enern1 Sales Tax A G ~ ,
lii ~t c-.nru+tctl;1:) the 1,egislatnrr ~f t 1 1 ~Stcite of Tamil Nadu in
tiit, 'L 11ir Q - ~ I x ~ I I of [ b e L<epublrc of l r ~ d i aas fallows :-

S o 1
1. 1 I , ,- ( I A inay be
i ~ l l e t i i t ~ e'I1att,il liildn CSe~leral Snlcs T a x ('Tllil-tl .4mrrldment+)
! , \ ( , I , ILJ8!).

(2) sh:i!l lrt. dct-mid to h a \ - r c o n ~ e into force on the

2. ,VcIbetllile to 'I'G~~JI~!.
. I r t ~ i ' r ~ ( l i ~ i r ~orfi t i l l f ~Fi71'1 N ( L ~Auc t 1 of
1 LII {lie I'ir ci Sclicri~llel,o 1 he 'Tiltuil Nadu Gerleral Sales
'I'Lt,k Ac.1, 1!)5!) ('l'aillil S:itlu A c t 1 of 1!35!3r,-
err, in i l ( q , l 11-(', in colulrln ( / I ) , for. tllp figures " 18 ", the
I " 0 ' ' h11:ill I ) C S I I I ) S ~ ~ I I I ~ P ~ ;

( h ) in itern 70 (c), in colum~l(4), for the figure " 6 ", the

1 1s 2.5 " illtill 1)e s n h s t i t ~ i ~ c d ;
!O a l t e r
i i c l r ~ 164, and tlie eritries relating tjhereto, the
fo1ln\iine itc111 o11(1 cr~l,liess l ~ a l l~ c s p e c t i v r lbe
~ added, 11amely:-
$ ' 165. Aer icult,ural At the point 8."
prodt~cts,riamely, of first sale
chillies, lamasintl, in the Stale.
lurnlericl, coriander
iiil(1 pepper.
(By order of the Governor.)

A Group) lV-2 Ex. ( 89) 2


- .


! of the Governor on the 7th June 1986and is heqeJSg

pblirhed for general information :- m.

' .. '
ACTN0.360F1986.- , .
- . ,1

An Act jurlher to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax A A a

BE it enacted by the Legiskture of theState of Tanlil Nadu & @@
Thirty-seventh Year of rhe Republic of h d i a as follows :- t

1. title' arzd con~nzencetnerit.-(1) This .4ct may' he d i d
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1986
.(2) (i) Clauses (a), (b), (d) and (e) of section Zshall be
hdve come into force on the 1st October 19S.5.

(ii) Clause ( c ) of section 2 shall be .deemed to have coma
mto force- on the 3rd March 1981.
2. Amendment of the First Schedule ro T m i l Nadu
Xct 1 if
iI 1959.-In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Salk. Tax
; Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1959),-
(a) after item 10 and the entries relating thereto. the foilowing
item and entries shall be inserted, namely :- r:

"10-A Video cassette players and
rqcorders, video cassette
At the point of
firs1 sale in
tapes and video compu- the State.
I ters and parts and acces-
sories thereof,
(h) for item 88 and the entries relating thereto, t h-- 5 . f o l l ~ a .
! item and entries shall be substituted, namely :- 1
1 "88 (a) Cashewnut with sheU. At the poilit of 6
first rjurchase
: ill ~h:: 8 1nto.
(b) Cashcv,hu~kcrnc: in,!, A + Ihu ~9j1ttof 5."~
ding processcd kernel. first ,anlo In .
the State,

(c) in item 106, in the entries in column (2), foi the expris
ha "itein 67 ", the expressj,on "item 159" shau be shbhtituted; .

... . . . -, , . .
.- . . -


The following Act of' the Tamil Nadu Le~islature-received - - - - - th'e


s r c n t o f t h e ~ o v ~ r n o r o n t h e l Z t h J r l d ~ 1 9 8 6 a ~ d i ~ ~ e ~.e b y p ~ b ~ ~
fnr general information :- -
ACT No. 40 OF 1986. , .

An Acf flirther 1 0 ' amend the Tamil Nad1.i G~neralSales Tax Act,
1959. e

. BE it enacted by the h g i d d u r e of
the State of Tan~ilNadu in the
Thirty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows :- I

I . S/7ol-t title and commsncemmt.-41) This Act may be c d l d

the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax ( S m d Amendment) Act, 1986. :


(2) It shall come jato force on such date as the State Govern-,
ment may, by notification, appoint.
. 2 . Alnendnler~tof section 31, Tamil N ~ d uAct 1 of 1959.-In the .
Tamil Nadu General Sdes Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil Madu Act 1 of 1959)
(hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), in sub-sectioq (I) - of
.section 3 1,- L

(n) after the expression ''section 12". the expression "section .
12-A " shall be inserted ; and I .

, '
(6) ia the second proviso, a k r the oxpression " section 12 -
the expression " section l2.A " shall be insatcd.
3, Amendment of secllon 31-A, Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1959.-
In sub-section .(I) of section 31-A of the principal Act,-
- ( a ) after t h e expression " section 12 ",' the expression " section
12-A " shall. be inserted '; and
( h ) in the second proviso, after the expression "section 12",
thc expression " section 12-A " shall be inserted.
t t t s e ~ i o n42, Tanril Nadu A c t . 1 , of 1959.-In
4. A m e n d ~ ~ ~ eof
[ section 42 ,of &Ile~fincipal~ c t , .the. Explanation shall bc -nurnbmed
a9 Expia!iation Z and afier ~ ~ ~ ! ~ n oi a
i n Explar~atior~, shall be added, namely :-
. --

t is oson numbered, the loll&


"Explanation 11.-For the purposes of this section and sections

44 a l ~ d45,. "goods vehide" includes a- motor vehicle. vessel, animal
and any other foim of conveyance. w .

'Ihe following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislature received thd
=sent of the Governor on the 12th June 1986 and is hereby -
p1hlishtd for gzueral information :-
ACT No. 41 OF 1986. .

; dn Act fu~~dzerfo amend the Tamil

- -- Nadu General Sales Tm Act, .

BE it enacted by the 'Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu in the

$ Thirty-seventh Year of the Republic of India. as follows:-'-

I . Short title and cornmencement.--(I) This Act- may-be called
he Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1986.
(2) (0) Clauscs (k) and (1) and clause (m)in.so far as it relates
ro items 166 to 170, of section 4 and section 5 shall. be deemed to
bave come into force on the 17th March 1986.
e I b 'l Clause ( m )in so far as it relates to item 171 of section 4-
- -

all be hiemed, to 'h& come into force on th 5th April 1986,

(c) 'Clauses ( a ) to (g), (i) and ( j ) of section 4 shall1 be
:med to have come into force on tli e 1st April 1986.
I d ) Clause ( h h of section 4 shdl be deemed to haye cbme
into force M Ule 1st October 1982.

2. Amendment of section 20, Tamil Nadir Act 1 of 1959:-In ,

section 20 of the Tamil Nadu General1 Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil !I
' Nadu Act 1 of 1959) (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act),
lo sub-section (I/, 'for the vords " Sf:)- :housand rupees ", t h e words
%vent y -five thousand rupeesv shall be substituted.
t 3. /Imendmenr of secliorc 21. Tamil Nadzd Act 1 of 1959--h- !I
IP' t-rtlrsn 3 1 nf f h p nnAf?inal A r t - I

~t (a) in sub-section (I),--

(i) for t h e words "ten rupeesy' I the words cconc hundred
E. ruoees" shall be substituted : and i
(ii) for the words " five rupees ", the words " twenty rupees''
hall be substit,uted. ; i
. .
( b j in sub-section (41, for-the words " thirty thoosand r u p z ;~
* .
words "seventy-five thousand rupees" shall bc substituted. ,

(A Group) IV-2 Ex. (316)-




- 4. Amendment of the Firsf Schedule lo Tamil Nadu Act 1 of

1959.-In the First Schedule to the principal Act,-

(a) in, item 1, for the entry in column (21, the following entry
ahall be substituted, namely :-
"Typewriters including electronic typewriters, tabuiztiug and
calculating machines including electronic tabulating and calculating
machines,. duplicating mechines including electroflic duplicating
machines and .parts and accessories thereof .";

( b ) ih item 2, in the entries ih col&nn (2/, after the word

"parts7', the words "and accessories", shall be inserted .;

item 8, iu the entries in column (21, the following shall

(c) in
be added at the end, namely :-
. .
'' and parts and accessories thereof. " ;
.. ( d ) in jtem.9, in the entries 3n column ( 2 ) , , after the word
" parts", the words " and accessories " shall he inserted ;
(e) in item 11, in the entries in C O I U & ~ ( 2 / , after the word
"parts", the words "and accessories" shall be inserted ;
If) in item 12, in the entries in column (Z), after the word
"pistols ", the words "parts and accessories thereof" shall be inser-
(g) in item 41-C, in the entries in column (2); after the-words
" one recprd units ",the words " word processor " shall be inserted ;
( h ) . item 77 a i d 'tha 'entries *elating thereto shall be omitted;

- (0 in item 116-A, in the entries in column (2), after the word

"trophies", the word "shields" shall be inserted ;
(j) in item 133, in the entries in column (21, the following shall
be added at the end, namely :-
"and parts and accessories thereof.";
(k) initem 163, in column (4), for the figures "20", the figures
"!O" shall be substituted;
( I ) in itern 165. in the entries in column (2). for the expres-
sioh " and pepper ", tht: expression " pepper ,and soap-nut
'(sikakkai)." shabbe
- . substituted ;. .. . - .--
' .
1, ,
, .*:*I
\., .. . I

t Legisi;~ture received the

198G .and . is, here&

General Sales Tax Act,

. .'

s of Tamil Nadu in the

.-. i as follows :- : '.
- 1

his Act may be ' h e d

hendrnent) Act, 1986.
~ , d a & as the state

Tndtr Act 1 of 1959.-

i Sales Tax Act, 1959
ired t o as the 'principal
iamely :-

'- ?ads i~volvedin works-

in section 3; 4,--!5,7 '
(this Act, every dealer
ection -2 whose tofd
bf propkrty ih ggods',
\is not than S t y
bent of a non-resident
his 'turnover for the
of transfer of
works contract
lat the rates&&d
be said schedule.

\involves more ihan

i114 thc rato ol tax
- -

- . . - . - - . .. .- .. . .

n u 'GAZETTE EXTW.O~IN.Q+ iii-
--- _/

The following Act of the Tamil. Nadu Legislature received the

Lent of the Governor on the 4th Juile 1986 slhd . is, here&
published fur general information :-

. .
ACT' No. 42 OF 1986.

An Act further io amend the Tamil Nadtt General Sales h Act,

. ,


1 BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil N ~ iUn the

Thirty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows :-- : -

1.. Short title and conzmencmekt.- ( 1) This Act may be d e d

he Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax ( ~ o u r t hAmendment) Act, 1986.
( 2 ) It shall come into force on such dpte' as the State
Government may, by notification, appoint.

2. D~serrionof new section 3-LI in Tamil Nadli Act 1 of 1959.-

Mcr section 3-A of the Tamil. Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959
(Tamil Nadu Act 1. of 1959) (herciaafter referred to as the principal
Act), the following section shall be -inserted, namely :-

" 3-B. Levy of on the transfer of mods involved in works

tonrrocr.-Notwithstanding anflbing contained in section 3, 4,..5, 7
a 7-A, but subject to the other provisions of this Act, every dealer
~ferredto in item (vi) of clause,(gl of section .2 whose total
'annever relating to the business of transfer of property in goods,
lved in the axecution of a works contract is not less than 9£ty
sand rupees and every casual trader or agent of a non-resident
daler in respect o f such business whatever be .his turnover for the -

pr, shall pay for each year a tax oh his .turnover of transfer of
property in goods invoIved in the execution of works contract
oned in column (2) of thc Fourth :Schedule at tho rates;pecified
corresponding entries io column (3) of the said schedule.
ExpZu nario~i.-Whers any worlts contract involves moie than
cm of work specified iri the Fourth Schedulu, the rate of tax
be dete~uinedseparatdy for each such item, ".
. -

. . .. -
-- .'-
, .- -- .. . - . -
A - .. -.. ..----- --..
--..--A --.----..-Ah----.-

3. Additiort of Fourth Schedrrle ijz Tamil Nadu -4ct 1 of 1959 .-

After the Third Schedule to the prirlcipal Act, the following Schedule


(See Section 3-B)
oJ works contract
13e~,cripriot~ .

. ,

5. Construction, repair, improvement and overhauling

of Air-cfafts and Helicopters. .

sets and
8. Fabricatkn. and installation of cranes and hoists.

- 11. Fabrication and installa:ion cf plaqt and

- -- ... . .

... . . .


-------- ----I---

Serial Descriptiolz o fworks corz&ract. . Rate of 1

n ~ l t her. tax.
I ~z

u (per cent.)
(1 1 . (2) . .' - (3) *

: 1 3 Supply and e'rrec~ionof weighing machines and 8

weigh bridges.

14. Supply and installation of submersible and centri- 8

fugal pumpsets with necessary panel boards,
starters, pressure gauges, electrical switches,
fuses, etc.
15. Supply and erzction of sa~litary fittings and . 8
articles for pl~~mbing, drainage, sewerage, etc.
16. ;Ship and boat building including c o n s m t i o n of 5 .

barges, ferries, tugs; trawlers and dredgers.

, 17. Fabrication and instal lation of rolling shutters
and collapsible pate. . ._
18. Fabrication and erection of Structwal works 5
including &brimtion, supply and erection of
iron trusses, purlins, ztc.
19. Fabrication and installation of dobrs, door frames, 5, .
windows and frames, window grills, gates, gate
grills. -
. 20. Civil works like construction of buildings, .bridges,
roads, etc.
21. Other contracts, not falling unbet serial numbcrs 10. .. ".
1 to 20 above.

(By order of the Governor.)

C'omm issioner ond Secrc f ary lo Govcrnmefil.
. *,- : ' ..
.I, IAWDep W fr n ~ f l f

m m AND
-. - ' '-,
- - - - ' - - I . -

PUBUSHI% DY M E D I R m f ) R 3F STITI()NBIO. ANI) ~ R I H . ~ I ~

-I _.--.-- - - --.-
* - ad

MMRAE, OFI BFmLF O p W. rdIVl3WVWr np T A l m d r n . l I n < .




.The followi~lgAct of the Tamil Nadu Legislature received the

assenl of the Governor on the 13th June 1986 and is hereby
published for genelValinformation :--

ACT NO.43 OF 1986.

AA Act further lo amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax -4d,

BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu in tbs

Thirty-seventh. Year of the -Republic of Tndia as follows :-
- -
1. Short title and commence~nent.-(1) This . Act n a y be called
the Tartd Nadu General Sales Tax (Fifth Amendment) Act, 1986.

( 2 ) It shdl come into force on such date as the State Govern-

ment may, by notification, appoint.

2. Amendment of section 3. Tamil Nociu Acr 1 of 1959.-In

section 3 of the Tainil Nadu General kales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil
Nadu Act 1 d 1959) (hereinafter referred to as the principal
A c ~ ) ,after sub-secticn - (2). the following sub-section shall be inserted,
. namely :-
. ;
'"(2-A) Notwithsiandin~ anything contained in sub-section (1)
or sub-section (Z), in the case of goods nentiooed in the
- Fifth Schedule, the tax under this Act shall be payable by a dealer.
at the:rate and at the point specified therein on the turnover in each
year relating to mch goods whatever be the quantum of t
; in that year :

Provided that in resnect of sale by the first dealer to anotba

registerid deaIer, the dealzr selling the goods shall Eur~lish to (be
assessing authority in tohe prescribed manner within the prescdM '

period a declaration duly filled in and signed by the dealer to

the goods are sold containing the prescribed particulars in 3
prescribed form, obtained from the presc~ibed authority. >'.

3. Amendment of the First Schedrrle to Tamil No&r 1

1959.-In the First Schedule to the principal Act, iteln ad
the entries r.latinb thercto shall he 0mitte.d.

- .. -.. + . .
-- .
. ,


4. Additiorz oj nelv Schedule itr Tamil Nadir Acr ; of 1959.-

After the Fourth Schedule to :he principal Act, the foUowing
Schedule shall be added, namely :--
[See section 3 (2-A).]

Serial Descripifon of goods. '

At t h c poi~lfof A t the point oj At the point
f i r s 1 sale in first sak in of la& safe
the Starc to rho sthie to-..in the Sfate. -

Articles made cf stain-

less steel otker than
those speci5eC i n
- the First- Schec'r;ic.

(By order of the Governor)


,i .
declaration duly filled in and signed by the d=aler to whom the gcods
are sold containing the preicribed particulars in .a: prescribed form
bbt&ed horn the prescribed authority : . .

Provided further that any dealer who, a f t ~ rpurchasing the goods
,I . in respect. of which he had furnished any declaration, fails to make
usa of the goods su purchased for the purpose specified in the dtcia-
. -
ration but disposes of such goods in any other, manner, shall pay thc
'I djfference of taxyayable on the turnovzr relating to sale of such '

'! goods at the rate prescribed and four per cent :
I .

,- Provided also that the dealer purchasing t h e goclds maintains a

I![. ,-. , - .
Explbkiion.-Foz tho purposes of this sub-section ' consumables ',
, . . ,


means fuels,' wdding electrodes, welding rods, abrasives, carbide tip
:I took and lubricating oils.
4 1
- < . .

(3) Where a n y dealer, after availing the concessicnal rate of

111' ..

- , lax under sub-section (3), does not sell the finished go,ods but
despatches them to a place outside the State eithcr by branch transfer
or by dmsfer to an agent, by whatever name callqd, for sale, or in
anv other manner. exce~tas a direct result of s d e ' b r D U ~ C ~ ~ SinP the

Ilir .

il * :- ..
the concessional rate,of tax already paid under su5-section ( 3 ) , tax
at two per cent on t&e value of goods so purchased.";

st-- . :. (2) sub-sections (5) and ( 6 ) shall be omitted:

sion " Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section ( 1) ,

(2') or
(3) " sbdl be substituted. I

Comm issioncr and Secretary to Government,
Law Denartmenf.

. 21



1 >: -3. Tamil Nadu ~ c I tof 1959, as subsequently modified,- to have


- - 2

eflecr srrbjtct to nzodificatio/ls.-The principal Act shaU have eEe*

as if,-

(a) in section 2, aRer clause (n) , the following clause had been
inserted, namely :- '

"(nn) ' Special Appellate Tribunal ' nieans the Tamil Nadu
.!Sales Tax Special Appellate Tribunal constituted undcr section
'; 36-C;" ;
(bj in section 16, in sub-sectim ( 5 ) , for the words "High
Court ", the words "Special Appellate Tribunal" had been substi-

(c) in section 32, for the words "High Court", wherever they
occur, the words ''Special Appellate Tribunal" had been
tukd ;

(d) in sectioii 34, for the words "High Court" wherever t h q
occur, the words "Special Appellate Tribunal" had beer1
tutcd :

(e) in section 36, in sub-section (3), for the words "High C o d

wherever they occur, the words - "Special Appellate Tribunal" b
" been substituted:

(f) after seqtion 36, the following sections had been inse
namely :-
I : 1
. . , J

Lc36-A.Tribunals undcr Article 3 2 3 3 uf rhe ~urrstitrctibn1

sales tax matters.-It is hereby declared that the assessing autbo~
-referred to in 'clause (c} of section 2, the Appellate Assistant CE

missioner referred to in section 31, the Deprmty Commissioner r e f a

.: to;.in-+sections31-A and 32,, the Joint Commissioner of Comma

Taxes referred to in section 34, the Appeliate Tribunal appojlJ

. under sectiond30,the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Special AppcP-
Tribunal constituted under section 3642 shall be the hierarchy 1
Tribunals for purposes of clause 3 (a) of Article 323-B of the d
,.sfitution for .adjudication or trial of any dispute or complht r
. respect - t o levy, assessment, collection aqd enforcement of sale -

(iii) has, for at least two years, held the post of Chief
Secretary to Government or any post equivalent thereto, in the Stah
Government ;

I , .

unless he-
(b) as Vice-Cl..
- lairman of the Soecial A ~ ~ e l l a Tri
----. . . .

(i) is, or has been, a Judge of a High Court ; or

. t-e-----
- Ahl~nal --KT

(ii) has been an officer of the Government not beIow

the rank of Special Can~missionerand Secretary to the State
Governmen-t. whether in the Secretariat or elsewhere, for a period of
r I not less than twu years ; or
, {iiij ha; bee n Secretary to Government, Law Department
i , of the- State Government, for a of not less than six years; or
(jv) h n c~ ,,
, a ,
, ,
fnr n.
-~,r i n dnf
, nnt
, .--.-,
., IPGC than thtpp ,,., ~ P M
vParc ..-., .

ofice as a Judicial Member or an Administrative Member ;

( c ) as a Judic.iaI Member of the Special Appellate Tribunal
unless he- I

I . . . . , . . -.,
. - I
I .
(i) is, or h,,ac h,----
W ~ I ICourt ; or
e n nr
, ,
c n ~- l --
~ n, i- -
f i etn
- --, a,..--
d , --
T I I ~ V P nf B- -
a n

(ii) has bc.en the Secretary t o Government, Law Depart- .,

ment of the State Gov&-nment, for a period of not' less than tbree
years ;
(d) as an+Aclminislrative.Member of the Special Appellate
. Tribunal unless he has been an offic-er of the State Government not:,
below the rank of Con~missionerand Secretary to the State Govern
i ment, whether in the .Secretariat or elsewhere, and has dealt with-
I . taxation measures during his senrice in the Gove~nmentin 2ny
1 city for a period of not less than one year in the aggregate.
(5) A ~ r yvacancy in the office of Chairman, Vice-Chairman a ;
other ndember shall. be filled in by the Government, in. accordana
with the probisions of this Act.
36-D. Twm.r und conditions of service of Clzairmun, Vice:
, P
<,'huimun and Member.-(1) The Chairman, Vice--Chairman 'or oil
Member shall hold office as such for a term of five years from
&I* on which he cnters upon his office or until he- attains,--
I (a) in the case of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman, 5
.age of sixty-five and. 4 3

(b) in the czse of other Member, the s t y t J j &


--- ---
. -. . ..

. - ---
.- ---. - ...
-,-- -4


(ii) by a Bench consisting of the Vice-Chairman and the

. other fi4ember constituted by the Chairman ; or

(iji) by a single Member of the Special Appellate Tribunal

'nominatecl in this behalf by the Chairman in such cases as he deems

Explmation.-The single Member ref erred t o in clause (iii)

may be either the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or the other Member:
Provided that if any case which comes up before a single
, Member (who is not the Chairman) or a Bench (of which the
Chairman is not a Member) involves a question of law,
... .
or Bench may, in his or i,ts .discretion, reserve su
for decision by a Bench of which the Chairman shall be a Member.
( 5 ) (a) Where an 'appeal or application or revision is heard
-'bya Bench consisting of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the
other Member and the Members differ in opinion on any point, the
shall be decided in .accordance-with the opinion of the
) Where an appeal or applicatio~ior revision is heard by
nsisting of two Members and the Members are divided in .
their opinion o'n any point, the point shall be referred for
to a Bench consisting of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman 'aild the

other Member, .-

36-G.Bar of jurisdiction of all courts except the Supreme
: court.-Notwithdafldhgany~ing contained in any other law, the
. -jurisdiction of all Courts -except the jurisdiction of the Supreme
Cdurt, is excluded with respect to any matter which is by or unda
this Act required- to be decided or dealt with by the asses
$ty referred to i n clause, (c) of section 2, the Appellate
'Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioner, the Joint Corn
o f Commercial Taxes, the Appellate Tribunal or the Special Ap&
late Tribunal.
, . jG-H. Bar of,writs in High Court.-No writ shall lie in
-, Court to set aside or modify any proceedings or order taken or
by the assessidg authority referred to in clause (c) of secti
~ppellate Assistant Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioner,
, Joint Commissioner of .Commercial Taxes, the Appellate Tribunal
the Special Appellate Tribunal under this Act or with res
' other matte; which is by or under ibis Act, required to be
'dr'dealt with by the assessing authority referrcd to in cla
section 2, the Appellate Assistant Comm.issioner, the D
. Coninlissionor, the Joint Commissioner of Commercial Taxes
Appellate Tribunal or the Special Appellate Tribunal.

.- ----.

. ' _

..---. 1 . . . - , . -

- . 36-1. Power to summon persons ro give evidence and produce

doc~mcrzts.-(1) The Special Appellate Tribunal, the Appellate
e;'; Tribunal. the Joint Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, ' the
- -- -
r the Appellate Assistant Commissioner
Deputy ~ o m m i s s i o n ~and
k'shall have power to summon any person whose attendance . ,such
b . i..)7:.

$ authority or officer considers necessary either t o give evidence or

5 to produce a document or any other thing in 'any inquiry which
j such authority or officer is making in connection with the assess-
1; ment, levy or the collection of tax.
(2) A summons t o produce documents or other ihings may
be for the production of certain specified documents or things. or
for the production o f all documents o r things of a certain &scrip
tion in the -possession or under the control of the person s u m o n e &
(3) AU persons so summonid shall be bound to attend either
5 in person or by an authorised -agent, as such' authority or officer
:' . m y direct and all persons so summoned shall be hbund 40 stafe
f the truth upon any subject respecting which they are examined OE -

*make statements and produce such document3 and other-: thin& , ,

,. as may be required : !!, ,

Provided that the exemption under section 132 of the Code

! qf Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act- V of 1908) shall be appli-
I cable to ally requisition for attendance under this section.
(4) Every such inquiry as aforesaid shAll be deemed - _tobe

a judicial proceeding within the meaning of section 193: and

section 228-of the 1ndian Penal Code (central Act XLV of '1860).
36-J. ~ o g n i m c eof ofences.-(l j Notwithstanding anything
contained in section 47, no court shall take cognizanw of --any
offence nunishable under section 36-1. save on.condaint made bv
: t h e ~overnriient or by any officer empbwered by the special ~ ,~ , ., ~ e k
'-,, Iate Tribunal, in this behalf- - , .


(2) No court inferior t o that of a Metropolitan. Magistrate

'or. a Judicial Magistrate of the First Class shall try any. .:offen,ce
under scctioh 36-1."; ..
. ,

(g)in section 37,-

I:. .
tuted ;
(i) in tha margkn?.! heading, for the words "High
", the w ~ d s" Special Appellate. Tribunal " had been substi-

(ii) in sub-section (I), for the &ds '" the B ~ a r dof

P Revenue ", the words " the Joint Commissioner of Commerc,iaf
. Taxes " had been sub!;tituted ;

' _

_- ----- - I_._. . .. . _-_-

(iii) for the words "High Court" wherever they occur, the
words " Specid Appellate Tribunal " had been substituted ;
A (h) in section 38 including the marginal heading, for the j
words "High Court" wherever they occur, the wgrds "Special Appel-
, .

late Tril~unal"had been substituted ;

(i) section 39 had been omitted ; and 2
. 1

(j) in sectioi~52, for the words " High Court ", the words 2

. "Special Appellate Tribunal" had been substituted. . $

. ,
4. Transfer of pending -proceedings in the High Court to the.
Special A ppelhte Tribunal.--41) All cases connected with the
_.. s-des tax matters dealt with in t h e principal Act and pending in the
Court immediateily before the date of commencement of this
A n as would have been within the jurisdiction of such Special I
Appellate Tribunal, if the causes of action on which such proceed-
jags ale based had arisen after the said date of commencement, shall


.'$and transferred to the Special Appellate Tribunal with effect from

the date of the commencement of this Act.
- (2) writ petitions (inclu'ding any petitions and proceedings
thereto) c&nnected wiit, o: arising cut of procee
under'lhe principal Act, and pending in the High Court immediately
before the date of commencement of this Act, shall stand tram
firred to the Special Appellate Tribunal, with effect from the date
of commencement of this Act and the said writ petitions, petitbas
and proceedings sh@l be deemed to be revision petitions under section -'

38'of the principal Act and the Special Appellate Tribunal shall pa^
- - .. orders accordingly.
- - I

1: (3) All writ appeals '(including any petitions and p~oceedin~ 1

selatiog thereto) connected with, i r a n s i n g out of proceedin+
under, the principal Act and pending in the High Coua immedia*
before the date of commencement of this Act, shall be heard and
disposed of by the High Court as if this Act had n& been passed

(Ry order of the Governor)


1 2 . .

Commisiioner and Secretary to Govsrnmc


w nnmnuf-nu*
w ~
/ r ; p u ~r r r ~ c r : t .

. --C

------ __L_.X-I.. -.. ,--- --_-._--.__..
- -... .. -
!I + ---_

*.a ::
The fo!lowin: Act of thc Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly I
fepeoeived the assent of illc Govcrrpx- on thc 15th Drccmbcr 1986 (5

rand is hereby prrblished fcr genera: inl'urmmt'1{7n se c lj (


for t

An Act furfher 10 ~rmevrdthe 'I'amil Na&! Gcna-ul SclIes 7'ux ACI,

BE i enacted by the Legislative r''issc:nbly of tI~cStale of Tamil Nadu
in tI! e Thirty-seventh Yzar of tbr: Rcpublic of India as follows :-
I. Short tjile.-This Act may bc callor1 thc 7'amil Nndu Gcl~cral
Sales Tax (Eighth Amc-~dmont)Act, 1986.

2. Amendment of seclion 31, Tawtil Nadli Act I of 1959.-In

section 31 of 'the Tamil Nadu Gent:ral Salcs Tax Act, 2959 (Tamil
Wadu Act f of 1959) .Thereinafter yzkrrcd to as fhc principal Act),
n sub-section ( 1) , j;i the Rrst pro viso, for the word's '' may admit
In appeal presented afttr rhe expjration nf the said period ", !he
vords "may, itithin a further period of fifteen days, admit an appeal
,?resented after the expiration of the said pesipd of thirty days "
hall be subslitu.tcd.

3.' Amendment of section 31-A.c Trrr~lilN a d ~ Act

f 1 of 1959.-In
.:ction 31-A of tha prjnc:,::' Act, in sub-section ('I), in the- first
roviso, f:r .the wc-ls "may admit an appeal presented after thz
ipiration of the said period ", the worcis c t may, within a further
:rkd of fifteen days, admit an appeal presented after the expiratian
' the said period of thirty days '' :.hall bz substitutcrl.

4. Ame~ldmentof .rectiv!.r 33. Tnmil Nadu A CI 1 of 1959.-In

ction 33 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1 ), in thc proviso. for
a wmds '; may admit an application for revision prcscnted after
. z expiration of the said period ", the words 'may, within a further
riod of fifteen days, admit an application for revision presented
fer the expiration of the said pcriod of thirty days " shall be
- . i

5. Arrrer~he~zf 3 5 , ;rfiwil hradrr Act 1 o f 1959.-In

of .~cctior~
ti911 35 nf ihe prinCipa1 -Act. in sub-sectinn (1). in the provise.
- the words " may admit an applicstiun presented after he cxpirv of
2 said period ", the words " may. within a furlber period of Rfleen
;ys, admit an apylicatioi prcsrntrd after f h c expjra.con of thc said
:.iod of thirty
.- -
- days " shall be suhs!itstetl. . - --- . .,


6. A n l e r l d ~ ~ ~ cofn tsection 36, Tarnil Nadu

I of 1959.-In
section 36 of the principal Act, in sub-section (11, in the proviso, .
for the words may admit at1 appcal preseiltcd after the expiration

of the said period ", the words "may, wiihi,~ a further period of
ihiriy days, admit all appeal presented a f k r the expiration of the
said period of sixty days " shall be suhstitutcd.

7. Atnerldment of section 3G-A, Tanzil Nadu Acl 1 of 1959.-In

" General Sales Tax
xeclion 36-A of the principal Act., for thc ~~lortls
Special Appe!late Tribunai ':, the: words " Sales Tax Special AppelIate
Tribunal " ;hall be substitured.

8. Amendment o/ seclidn. 35, Tatnil Nad~r .4ct I of 1959.311

section 38 of the principal Act, in sub-section (I), #in the proviso,
fnl- the words "may admit a petition preferred after the period of
nincty days aforesaid ", the words " nlay, within a further period of
fact y-five days, admit a petition prefci-rcd after tllc expiration of the
said pel-iod of ninety days" shall bc s ~ b s ~ i t ~ ~ r c d .

(By order of the ~ o v onor)


Commis,rioner and Secretory to Government,
Lmv Deparr'wertt .


% 173
- - - - - - - -

The following Act of the Tsrnil Nadu Legklative -Assembly

received the assent ol the Governor cn thc 12th December 1986 and
is hereby published for general information :-

ACT No, 77 OF IPS6

, 4 r z Act furlher to antend the Tamil Nadu Gent?raE S&s Tax Act,

BE it enactcd by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu

in the Thirty-sc~enthYear of the Republic o lnd'a as icllc~!s.-

1. Slzort title and cunzmerzcen~erzt.-(1) This Act may be called

~ b cTamil Nad~iGeneral Sales Tax (Ninth Amendment) Act, 1956.
, I

(-2) (a) Clause ( a ) of section 2 shall bm3 deemed to have

,::plni: into fol-cc on [I-lc 1st August 1986.

(b) Clausc ( b ) of s e c t i ~ n2 shaIt be deemed to have cmc

i r ~ t oEcrce or1 the 5th August 1986.

3. /lt1lc-'r1rl;71~111f0: t!:c k - f r . Srf1eclrl7e

~~ Ic Tantill rVadu Act f of
- I ~ L *Fii-~rSchctliilc ((1 rhc %mil N a d u - ~ e n e r a Sales
l Tax
-\.:I. Ir>5[? ('fatnil Xadtl : k t , 1 OF 1959);-
('(!I irk
itz111 168, for ~ h centry in column (Z), the followkg
:.zt!.~ sllall l>e s:~bslItutccl, n;lnlcIy :---

.' .4 1\ k iuds of i~tlbcsi:-r:q and snlutions including nsturd

!.e<ills.' 7 .,

Ih) in itcr1-r 169, fur the cntry i l l column (Z), thr: follulving
--:,I;I-~ shall be substi~uiecI,namely ;---

" Paraffm iwax, slack wax and micro-refined wax. " ;

- IV-2 Ex. (745)-2
( A Group)


{c) after item 171 and the entries relating thereto, the folllawing
. . .

item and entries shall be added, namely :-

"172. Ships, ~tamers,motor and At the point of first 8.*'.
steam boats and launches, sale in the State.
trawlers, tugs afid other
vessels operated by any
form of power, including
. . their hulls, engines, parts
and accessories.i
"l.C % - . , _ _ _
~$4; ;
-:d-b,. (By order of the Governor.)
.. . . -. .. . .
- -..I I . A .
i * .-
.I.- I - . . - S. VADIVELU,
1 , Cummissioner and - Secretary to Governme12t,

. - *


' .-.

The following Act ~f (he Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received

the wsmt of the Govcrnor on ;he 17th December 1986 and
is hereby for gefieral information.

ACT N o . 78 O F 1986

An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Soles Tax Act,

BE it enacted by the Ugislalive Assembly of rhe State of Tamil Nadu

' in the Thirty-seventh Year of the Repcblic ul India as follows:-

1. Short title and comnzencemen&.-(1) This Act may be called

the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Tenth Amendment) Act, 1986.

(2) It shall come into force M such date as t h State

~ Govern-
men t may, by notification, appoint.

2. Amendmenl of section 2, ~ a m i lNadrr Act 1 of 1959.-In

section 2 of til: Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil -.
Nadu Act 1 of 1959) (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act),-

(i) clause (a) shaIl be rdettered as clause (aa) of that section

and before clause (ua j as so rc-lettered, the following c l a ~ ~ sshall
e be
inserted, namely :-

" ( a ) " Administrative

Assistant Commissioner " means any
person appointed to be an Administrative Assistant Commissioner of
Commercial ~ a x e under
i section 28 ; " ;

(ii) for clause (ccc), the following clauses shall be substituted,

namely :-

" (ccc)
" Assistant Commissioner {Assessment) '' means any
. . person appointed to be an Assistant Commissioner of Commercial

(cccrr) " Assistant Colnn~issioncr (Checkposts) " means any

person appolinted to be an Assistant Comnlissio~~erof Commercial
Taxes (Checkposts) under scclion 28;

" Assist ant Cunm issioaer (Enfurcement) " means any

nerson appointed to be an Assistant Commissioner of Commercial
1axes (Enforcement) under section 28 ;" ;
-.-. --
(iii) after clause, (f),the following clduse shall be inserted,
namcly :- =, L

'I (fl) " Conmissioner" means any person appointed to be a

Commissioller of Commercial Taxes under section 28 ;" ;

(iv) after clausc ( k ] , the folIowing clause shall be inserted,

aan~ely:- ..

" jkk) '' Joirit Commissioner '' means any person appointed
to bc a Joint Commissioner of Commercial Taxes under section 28 ;";
-+- nm?-w-q

(v) after clausc ( p ) , the following clause,shall be inserted,

mnmcly :- i . ...
I I .

" (pp) " Territorial Assistant Comrnissione~" means any .

person nppointcd to be a Territorial Assistant Commissioner of Corn-
nlercial Taxes under section 28;";
. .
(vi) in clause (r),-

(a) for Explanniion ( I-A), the following E.rplarla#ion shall be

substituted, namely :-
- " Explanation (1-A).--Any
amount charged by a dealer by
way of tax separately without including the same in the price of the
goods bought or sold shall not be included in the turnover. ";
(61 after Explanation (21, the following ~ n ~ l o n a l i oshh d be
added, namely :--

nI! " Explanation (3).-Any amount realized by a dealer by

id way of sale of his business as .a. whole, shall not he included in the
turmvcx. " . . . .J

3. Amendment of section 7-A, Tamil Nadzt Act 1 of 1959.-In

section 7-A of the principal Act, in sub-section (I),-
(a) for. the expression " no tax is payable under sections 3, 4
or 5 , as the case may be, and either,", the expression " no tax is
payable under seitions 3, 4 or 5, as the case may ba, (not beil~ga-'
circumstance in which goods liable to tax under sub-section (2) of
section 3 or section 4, wcre purchased at a point other than the taxable9*
point specified in the First or the Second Schedule) and either,
shall be substituted ;
(b) in clause (a), after the word " consumes ", the words " or
uses '' shall be inserte'd

4. Amendment of seclion 13, Tamil N a d ~ lAct 1 of 1959.-For

section 13 of the principal Act, the following section shall be sub-
stituted, namely :-

''13. Advance payment of f a x . - - ( l ) The tax for each year

payable under any of the provisions of this Act may be collected in
advance during the year in monthly or other prescribed instalments
and for this purpose a dealer may be required to furnish within the .
prescribed period such'returns as may be prescribed. The assessing
authority may provisionally determine the amount of tax payable in
advance during any year Qr in respect of any period and on such
determination and i n h a t i o n to the dealer, he shall pay such tax in .
such instalments and wi,thin such period as may be prescribed.

(2) In Iieu of 'the tax provisionally deteimined under

sub-section (I), a dealer may, at his op~on, pay tax in advance
during .the year on the basis of his actual turnover for each month
or for such other periods as may be prescribed. For this purpose, he
may be required to furnish returns showing his actual turnover for
each month or other periods as may be prescribed arid to pay tax on
the basis of such returns. The tax under this sub-section shdl become
- due without any notice of demand to the dealer on the date of receipt
of the return or on the last due date as prescribed, whichever is

(3) If ilo return is submitted by the dealer under sub-section
(I) or sub-section (2) within the prescribed period, or if the return
submitted by him appears to the assessing aatboritv to be incomplete
or incorrect, tilt assessing authority may, after making such enquiry
as it considers necessary, determine the tax payable by the dealcr
to the best af its judgm+nt :
-, ,

Provided that, before taking action under this sub-section on the

- ground that the return submitted by thc dealer is incomplete or in-
correct, the dealcr shall be given a reasonable ~pp,:~llnity of proving
the correctness or complcte~~css of the returll submitted by him.
If the assessing authority has reason to believe that the
tax detc~rninedby it for any period was based on too low a funover
or was made at 1.00 low a rate or was based on too high a turnover or
was made at too high a rate it may enhance or reduce, as the case
may be, such determination of tax;
Provided that before making an enhancement of the tax
payable as aforesaid, thc assessing authority shall, except where such
enhancement is based on h e .turnover finally determined for the pre- I

ceding year, give a reasonable opportunity to the dealer to show cause .

against such enhancement and make such enquiry as it may consider '

( 5 ) The determination and collection of tax under this
section shall be subjcct to such adjustment as may be prescribe8 on
t l ~ ccompletion of iiual ilsscssmcn.t in the manner prescribed.
5. Aiszendnzenr of section 13-A, Tamil hradu Act 1 of 1959.-In
section 13-A of the principal Act,-
(a) in the ~mnrgin,;l i;s::!lr?z, for the sxpressim " as assessed ",
t h e expressioll " as ddcrmined " shall be substituted ;
( b ) for sub-section (I), t17c rol!owing sub-section shall be sub
stitutcd, llalncly :-
" (1,! A dcalcr in whosc case the tax due during the preced-
ing yea1 has becn provisionaIly de,tcrmined under section 13 shaU, ' .
ulllcss he is not liable to pay tax for the year, continue to pay for the
year the fax so detcrnlincd in the preceding year in the prescribed
rnmner until the tax due from him is again provisionally determined
f o r the year under s e c t i ~ n13. " ;
(c) in sub-section (Z), for the words " cornpletbn of provisional
asscssi~ient", the words " provisional determination " shall be sub-
6. Amendnzent of seclior. 16, Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1959.-In
section 16 of the principal Act, after sub-section-(51, the follo*g
sub-section shall be added, namely :-
" (6) 111 ccrnpu,ting the period of 1imitat.ion for assessment or
re-assessment under this section, the time during which any appeal
7' -. !.. a..-.,* nF rn-77 m ~ m f i - ~ ~ w n m - 1-
L -* ~ p + n r r y r A ~r rtf ! +ha ,

same or part of the turnover made under any ukher enactment was I

, pending before any appellate or revjsional authority or the Special Y

- Appellate, Tribunal or the Supreme Court shall be excluded. ", I i

7. Amendment -ofsection 1643, Tanril Nadu Act 1 of 1959.-In

section 16B of the principal Act, in sub-section (I), for the words
." the Board o f Revenue may, in its discretion, whether on its own
motion or otherwise, reduce or waive the amount of penalty imposed
or imposable on a dealer, if it is satisfied t h a ~ tha words " the
Co-issioner of Commercial Taxes may, in his discrktion, whether
. qn his own motion or otherwise, reduce or waive the amount of
b. .penalty imposed or imposable on a dealer, if he is satisfied tha't"
. .h a U b~ substituted.

8. Imertion of new sccfion 16-C in Tamil Nadu Acf 1 of 1959.-

--,Aftersection 16-B of the principal Act, the following sectjoo shdl
be inserted, namely:- !

" 16-C. Assessment in cmes (I/ price varlcllion.-N~tivithstanding ,

'anqtfiing contained in sections 16, 16-A and 1643,-

( a ) if a dealer receives in any year any amount due to price 1

.variations, which would have been included in his turnover for any
, i
previous year if i t had been received by him in that year, he shall,
.. > . thirty days from the end of the year in which such amount is
received, submit a return in the prescribed form to the assessing .
authority and thereup& h e assessing authority shall proceed to assess I
; . the tax payable on such amount ; I
jb) if a deal5r rcturns ir, aay w a r any arnqunt due to price! :
-variations, which would have been excluded in 'his turnover for my
! previor~syear if it hr.d hem rcttlroc.d by h i n ~ in that year, he shall, !

within thirty days from the end of the year in which such amount is 4

returned, submit a return in the prescribed form to the assessing

'authority and thereupon the assessing authoxjty shall proceed to
arrive at the quailturn of the tax refundable on the amount returned !:
- by the dealer ;
(c) jf the assessing authority b satisfied that any return 1
submitted mder clause ( a ) or clause (b) is correct and complete, it i
, shall assess or re-assess, as thc case may be, ihe dealer on the basis
thereof; 3

(il) if the ret-urn submitted by a dealzr under clause (a)

appears to the assessing authority to be incorrect or incomplete, the '
assessing authority shall, after making such enquiry, as it may consider
necessary and after taking into account all relevant materiab gathered ;
by it, assess the dealer to the best of its judgment :- i


- - .>. -
- . .- _ __ __ . '
. . . - _ __ - u
Proviclcd that belore taking action under this clause, 'the
dealer shall be given a reasonable opportunity to prove the corre~t-
ness and comp!ctencsls of the retui+n;
( e ) if a0 rctt1i.n is submitted by the dealer under clause ( a ) ,
[he assessing authority may, within five years from the expiry of the
period witllill which such return must have been submitted, proceed
to asstss the tax payable on the amount referred to in the said
Provi(lerl t h a t beforc making any assessment under this clause,
thc assessing authority shall gi\!e the dealer im ~ p p o r t ~ l ~ o~fi tbeing
hcarci and 111ake such othcr enquiry as it may consider necessary.".

9. A~ncnd~nent of section 21, Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1959.-In

section 21 of the principal Act, fur sub-section (31, the following
sub-scction shall be substituted, namely :-
" (3) The certificate issued under sub-section (2) shall be valid
To]- a y car and sIlall IJC renewed in such manner and within such period
as may bc prescribed, on payment of the fce specified in sub-section
(I). Thc ccrtificatc shall be cleerned to have been cancelled unless
it hiis bccn rcncwcd.".

e t zscctiorz
10. A t ~ ~ e ! ? d ~ ~ roJ r 24, firmil N U C ~ ~Act
' 1 of 1959.-For
scdion 34 or the pril~cipal Act, thc fol10wi11g section shall be subs-
ti111tcd, nanlely :-
" 21. /'~)~/,~or! o/ l o . ~ . - ( 1 ) Save as otherwise pro-
c ~ t r t ithrr*olJery
virtccl f(:r i l l sub-scclion ( 2 ) of scclion 13, thc tax assessed or has
t!t.con~c p;~~lable r!nclci- [his Act from a dealer or person and any
othcr anlotint duc [lmomhim under this Act shall be paid in such
rnwncr and in such insttllments, if any and within such time as may be
s~~ccificd in the notice of assessment, not being less than twenty-one
t1uy.r: I'rclm thc dn1.c oi' sel-vicc of the notice. The,tax under sub-section
(2) of scclion 13 shall bc paid without any notice of demand. In
~!cfnult of such payments the whole of 'the amount outstanding on
t l ~ c(!ate of dcElult sll;~llhecomc i~nmediatelydue and shall be a charge
011 the p~-opi-rI.icsOF thc person or persons liable to pay the tax or
i ~ ~ l c r c sl ~t n d e rt h i ~Act.
( 2 ) ~ n t 3yx ~ S S C S S011~ ~CT h a s become payable by, or any
othcr amount due u ~ i t l r l .this Act from a dsalex or person and any
-Tee dc~c f r o n ~him under this Act, shall, subject t n the clainl of the
I;r)\rct*n!ncn~ iu rcspect of land rcvcnuc and the clam of the Land


Development Bank in regard t o the property moxtgaged t o it under

section 28 (2) of the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Land Development
Banks Act, 1934 (Tamil Nadu Act X qf 1934). have priority over all
other claims against the property ~f t.he said dealer or person and the
Same may without prejudice to aiiay other mode of collection be
recovered, -
(a1 as land revenue, or
(b) on appli~~ltion t o any Magistrate, by such Magistrate
as: if it were a fine inlposed by him:

Provided that no proceedings for such recovexy shall be

taken or continued as long as 11e has, in regard to .the payment of
such tax, other amount ar fee, as the cast: may be, complied with an
order by any of t I ~ cauthorities to whom the dealer or person has
: appealed or applied for revision, under section 31, 31-A, 33, 35, 36,
', 37 D r 38. I

. ,

(3) On any amount remaining unpaid after the date specified

for its payment as referrwl ta in sub-section (1j or in the order per-
mitting payment in instalments, the dealer or person shalt pay, in
addition tio the amount due, interest _ a t two per cent per month of
such amount for the errtire period of default:

Provided that the*' amount remaining unpaid is less than one

llundred rupees and the period of default is not more than a month,
no interest shall be paid :

Provided fuliler that where a dealer or person has preferred .,

an appeal or rcvision against any order of assessment under this Act,

the interest payable under this sub-section, in respect of the amount in
dispute in the appeal or revision, shall be postponed till the disposal
of the appeal or revision, as the case may be, and shall be calculated
on the amount thantbecomes due in accordance with the final order
passed on the apbeal or revision as if such amount had been the
subject matter of the appeal or rcvision.
' (4) Where the tax paid onder this Act is found to be in
cxcess on final assessment or revision af assessment,-or as a result
! of an order passed in appeal. revision or review, the excess amount 1
shall be refunded to the dealer after adjustment of arrears of tax,
if any, due from him. Where the excess a n l o u ~ tis not refunded
to: the dealer within a period of ninety days from the date of the
I ' '

a order. of assessment or revjsion of assessment or order passed in

appeal, revision or review, the Government shall pay by way of
.- .-..
' C


- .
. 4-w-m-
-.-b.- --.14=-':*---
- .--- -- ----- -
ir?jcri.ct, i\:l~ui.c thi: ~I!?IOL!IIi rciundabl e is nut less tban c . 1 1-~h~mdred
;-upccs, a s l ~ mcqua1 lo a sun1 cclcculatcd at lh:: ratc of one per cent
:;i nai.: thercoi r j l sach amount for cath morith or !:art iiicrco! after the
i;~~< ~ . ~said period ul llinetv days.".
of i the'
!I ~ 1 o! 1959,-h
.teciion 2G, 'I'ar~zilN a d ~ .Act oj
: ; I I n r i a Act, for s~.lb-sect,ic~n ( I), 111~ following
s:!h-sc!:ii:~n shall bc ;.ubstitrrtd, nzmely :.-
I ' l ' i ~ caszciilnp autlio~'ity may, at any ::in~or from time
. ; :i .
.. i !
iI (i: C C I oI: ~ ~:~hic11ij!::iI/ i3:: ~~;;-~:::.~cI~cI

i l L l ; ~ l L - ~ - i.!t h!.; ;:~sr ~ ~ ! ( l ; ~~cI sI ~s V N Iti-)

J i l l c ?~:;;:,..i;~q ::~~~~~:~:-!!y),
,I.: ::'
. ' . > , J : ; ? ;-c,-... ,

ri) ni?.:. .
t:cl-son become
f r o ~ iw l ~ c l i l money
~ is di!c nr i\??.lr
tic;.: t;, i bc rl.::lc. or to ailv person who ilas bccl3r??~liaMc to p2.y
;?r::,. ;;i;>~\cifit_ circc ~rrzdcr: this Act: or
[ii) a !: v pcrspn vi;ho I~oIcls !j:. may subsr:rl~ciitIv hold m o a q
I'!?r iir n;l nccwnt of thc tlccilcr or otter pcrscii~ 1vh6 has become
!;li;,;(: tp pay al:y smou:?t duc andcr this Act, .

:n :::I:: ir, 1;;~ assessing nut!mrity either l'crthwith upon !he rnoncy
- !:r:;:.~i~i;l? dt!c nr bcing 3eld a t or within thc !il~lr:s!:ecii.i.d in t1:;
!..:i;t.:: l i i i l t i:cl!l!: bcfr.1-e !I:c l?lonev bocon~c:;_rluc(:!- i:, I!c!r!: so 11luch
,!. !:!,: !??cl!?~:v ;!s jl'. sufiicid:cl t o Fa;] the sinc?!~r!t
?:I: ti:c dcalcr
. . . :-.i c- - i h -:cr.yj.ln irl ~ - c ~ ! > ccc:': the ;!rlmcel-sti?nt !:albfi: Fczop~e ;iayal?le

..-- ..,I

, : ; : : ! c . i . i::;~:
. -
A c t or t!?r :?,hl;!o cC- rhc l ~ l u n z yW ~ C Rit j:j ccjuai 19 01.
--: f?;all i:;:: 11
Grrc3l-S aFr>l-esaifJ. !1

L~ -, . >
. ,. .-,!
;!j ~ f l ! ~ r i ~ / ! t ~ / Cct~
~ t I I ! ~ ~ , T , S ~ ~ ~:I/
IIL~* 1 i-riul Tuxe,~,
..ML);:?f <-'( ,:,:: .~ .! ~ - { ; ; t v ~ ~ ~ ~ -~, ~ ~ ? i *I.! r ri"o.vt*.~,
J id
. .
(I.: !ltlw!! !*
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,,j 0~>J)::?!).s,~~:;//(!~-.\~ .: ! '!'L~.YE,Y I,
l ! j <-.fi; 9.'F;-:fr

' lp?..'!;:,t

. - I I. . .


f l y'

t 7

a.ripgjnt a '

, . .. - 4 ; . . : i : ~ ~ ~ 3 : I ,;. : K C ; ;qrl ;,!: II::?!IXJ J(?;af (~h~jirnjs-

. , , .- ,. ..r
-, , ,. (--aq I!?
:T~:I~!:! 21
I a XC;,
D~pl.~t,y i s ~ ' o i > ~ (r??? -C O ~ I I ~ ~ C I T ~ ? , I
.. . r7
, ,
. , . '. , - .: . : I ,
5 omrniss.ianci.s c:f:
;. rol:ri:?cr.ci,?: Taxes,
,.. ,

. , ,, >' ! : ?
I ~ i s n c r nfs Co~n!?~er.;~i;i!
1 I 3 ::.cq .bLdn;inis= rr*

. m,.
., C.'!~I:IIII~SS~CI~CI-S OC Comn~crc::~ls ,A?s'lsf;lnt
! : I - I![ C'~)IIIII!CI-CJ=~IT ~ I X C SS S II. 4ssis!.;l,n?
. .
i a Taxes {CICC'~;f-'h~;sl Fx!!?isl2Tl t

.- ' l ; t ? i : . ~ , : - ! d ? ! ~ ~ - ? - ~ .

[ b f ~'on>!l~crriaI rT;!s~s (€!n!';>rcet~~ct~!\ ~ J ? ( ro!:~rt~crcial

' : : I 1 : ! ! , , i 1 p i , the
ti !ni-
t ion:; re:,n~ctia~rl$con fcrlrd on them by 0:- ~uldcr this ' ~ c. t


--..,, --- -
.- !

The Commissioner of Cvmmerci~l Taxes shall perfoxn? the q

functions c o n k r e d on him throughout thc State, and the other

oficers sllaII pcsforni. their functions within such local limits as the
Government of any auth~ritycr oficer empowered in this behalf,
~ may assign to them. *I
. I

I! 13. A~?zendmentof section 29, T a ~ ~Nadu

section 29 of the principal Act,--
(a) in slrl--section (I),-
il Act 1 oj 1959.-IF,

\:; For the words " A n Assistant Commiss!oner ", the words
and brackets " A Territorial Assistant Conlmissioner or a n
" shalI be s u t s t i tntcd ;
Assistant Con1.11Gssioncr (Assessn~e~lt)
( i i ) for th;: cxpl-cssian " h l:~c!ras RCVCII~IL'
~ E C C C I V C ~Act,
~ 1864
(Madras Act I1 of 1864) ", the expression "Tamil Nado Kcvenuc
Recovery Act, 1864 {'Talnil Nadc! Act I1 of 186417'shalI be
( 6 ) in sub-section ( 2 ) , for the words " a11 Assistant Coi~lmis-
sjoners ", the tvtlrds and brzcicets " the Territorial Assistant
Commissioner and the Assistant Colnmissioner (Assessment) " shall
be substituted;

I ( c ) in sub-section (3),-
(i) for the .words " Assistant Commissio~zer", the words and

brackets "Territorial Assistant Commissioner and the Assistant Conl-

n~issioner assessment^ " shall be substiituted ;
(ii) for the words " Poard of R c v e n ~ ~",e thc words
" Commissioner of Commercial Taxes " shall be sr ~bsiituLed ;
I ( d ) after sub-section ( 3 ) , the following sub-section shall be
1 added, namely :-
" (4) The Territorial Assistant Commissioncrg and i l l ~Assis-
tant Commissioner (Assessment ) , may subjcct to thc controI and
superintendeace of the Deputy Commissioner and the Commissioner
of Colnmercial Taxes, delegate the powers vested in them under sub-
sections (1) and (2), to any oficer not below the rank of an Assistant
Commercial Tax Officer placed under their authority and the provi-
sions of sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) shall apply !o such
oficer GS they apply to the Territorial Assistant ro~nmissioncrand
the Assistant Commissiouer (Assessment 1 .".
14. ,.?mendment of section 31, Tamil Nodu Art I clJ 1gs9.--rn
section 31 of the principal Act,-
( a ) in sub-section (I), for the words '' an Assis;ar~t Cr-mmis-
sioner ", the words and braikets "an Assistant- CarninissIooer
.(As~essmcnt) " s h d be substituted;

m .
- .

. . .: 1-.: :;
-. -
., ,;A4 L-L; '
.--,.... 7 .. 7 .. .
. .- -..,
, , . - .- - - --- - - .-.--
-< + -
:: .,a
. , . - --

- .;>;,;i,:,.#y,a
( 6 ) for sub-sectioo 2 , the following sub-section shao be -.,,-:,-:;;-::;$
.:-:--.I ,

substituted, namely:- ,



" (2) The appeal shall be in the prescribed form and, shall
8 bc verified in the prescribed manner and shall be accbmpanied!'.by
such fce not exceeding' fifty rupees as may be prescrikied."; . :-, ',

(c) in sub-seclion (3, after the words " a reasonable oppor- . .:.
tunity of being heard ", the words " and for suflicient reasons to be

recorded in writing " shall be inserted. -r:
I .
,. 6 )
~ r n e n d r k n tof section 3 1-A, Tamil Nadrr Act 1 o f 1959,.--1;
-, :-
.3. ,.
...,, . .;
I :z1
In section 3 1-A of the, principal Act, in sub-section (1 ), : for,;;the
, .

words "the Assistant Commissioner ", the ..words and brackets. ,,the
,-' ,.
.) {-
Assistant Commissioner (Assessment) shall bz substitutcd ; -"

16. Amendment of &on 34, l ihil ~ k d r .i Act 1 ;j ib59.- '

In seclion 34 of the principal Act, i,n sub-section (1), aftq the-

expression " sub-section ( 1) o f . section 3 2 ", the expression '!;or
sub-section ( 3 ) of section 33 " ,shall be inserted; .. ,
. r..,
.... .
8 , -t:\
17. Amendment of section 35, Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1959.- :
In section 35 of the principal Act,- .A
. '

( a ) 'in the marginal heading, for the' words "Board df .

&venue ". the words "Joint Commissionc=r of Com~nercid
. .
Taxes . -:..% ,
", 3
,haU be ~~;
J .

,. . . .,*<. &ii:+J.
+.: . .. '<>

A * (6) the words " Board of Revenue " wherever it cjcqys,

the words " Joint Commissioner of Commercial Taxes " shill, . I be . . i:r
. c$
L. ,I

r ybstil-d; . .. ,_.. . - .:-!I

..-, (,I
. -
(c) in the proviso to sub-section ( 1 ) , for,tha words " if it is:. F .,ac

,.t a, , .+-

satisfied ", the word's " if he is satisfied " shall be substituted; , . .. .+,- ...j; - , , ,

( d ) ,in sub-section ( 3 ) , for the. words pass such brder : :

44 4


ibereon as it thhh % ", the words "pass such order therbon as hk-i~.:;i:{ ,- , ,.a ?.

ihirjks fit " shall be substituted; :.;!-j,._ :!..(:-.Y~:

,I.... . ' L:~*

(e) in the proviso to sub-section (4),-

(i) for the words " in its discretion, &ve -such
,rs it thinks fit ", the words "in his discretion give such
as hc thinks fit " shall be substituted;
(ii) for the words " to its satisfaction ", thc word
satisfaction " shall be substituted.
18, An~endmentof seclion 36, ~ u m i lNadu Act 1 of
In secti,on 36 of the principal Act,-. , ,

" not - ex&

- ( a ) in sub-section (Z), ' the words

hundred rupees " shall be omitted;


( b ) in sub-section ( 3 I ,-
(i) in the opcning portion, aftcr tl~cwords n ro:lsonal,ll:

opportunity of being heard ", the words " and for suilic.ierit rcasons
to be recorded in writing " shall be inserted ;
(ii) in clause (a)? ilrl sub-clause (i), aftcr the word
"enhance ", the words " restore fully or partially, as the case may
be '' shall bc inserted ;
I%) in the first proviso, for the words " t l ~ c assessing
authority shall have the right to be heard either in person or by a
represmtativo ", the words " the Government she11 have thc
right to be heard by n representative " sIla1I hc substir~rtcd;
(c) ia sub-sectios (3-A),-
( i ) after the expression " may file an e~~hancementpeu-
tion ", the expression " or a petition for rcstorn!ion of the asscss-
mcnt 01- pcnaIty or both, I'ull y or palmrially,as th:: casc may bc si.~all "

be inserted ;
(ii) for the proviso, the following proviso sl~all bc su$s!i-
tuted, namely:-
" Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may admit sn
enhancement petition or a petition for rcstora;ion of lilt ttsscssmcn t
or penalty or both, fully, or partially, as the case may bc, prescnted
after the cxpirat~onof the said period, if it is satisiied that the asscs-
sing authority or his representative had sufficient causz for not filing
such petition within the said period.";
( d ) in sub-siction (6), in clause ( b ) , tlitl words "not
exceeding one hundred rupees " sllall bc omitted ;
( e ) in sub-section (8), for thc words " 13oard of Rcvetluc ",
the words "Corrunissioner of Commercial Tasc!:" shall be s~tbslii~
tuted, .>*r, ,, , . 2

19. Amendment of section 37, Tamil Nadu Act : of 1959.- -

In section 37 of the principal Act, ri;l;-;~3ti~l: (7), in clause ( 6 ) .

for the words " a fee of one i~undredrupecs ", the words " such fcc
as-may be prescribed " shall be substiluted.
20. Amclzdment of section 38, Tumil Nadu Acl 1 nf 1959.--In
section 38 of the principal Act,-.-
( ( I ) in sub-scction ( 2 ) , Tc~r thc wm-ds 3 fee of onc hundrcd

rupees ", the words " such fce as lnny be prescribcd ? sllall bc sub-
.- ;


[ b ) jn sub-section (S), in clause ( b ) , for the words " a fee

of onc hundred rtlpees ", the words " sucIi fee as rnay be prescribcd"
shall bc substituted.

21. Amendment of section 39-A, Tamil Ncdu Act 1 of 1959.-

In ~ection39-A of the principal Act,-
(a) in sub-section (2),--
(i) the words " or thk assessee " shall bz omitted; I
(ii) the words "or the collection of further amount of t m
~ i u cfroin the assessee " shall be omittcd ;
( 6 ) after sub-section (2), the following sub-section shdl be a

added, namely: -
" ( 3 ) Pending the exercise of the powers of review, the
sppropriate reviewing authority may, on application made by &e .*
assessec, stay the collection of further amount of tax d ~ i efrom the
nssessec, in pursuance of the order which is the subject matter of
review before -the disposal of the review -application, if the assessee
furnishes sufficient security to its satisfaction, in such form and .in
such manner as may be prescribed.".

22. Amendmend of section 52, Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 3 959.-

l'n scction 52 of the principal Act, in clause (a),, for the words
1 I 1

-'regularly employed ", the words " employed full time " . shdl be i
23. Anzendment of sccriorz 55, Tnrzlil Nadrl Act I of 1959.-
I -i n sccrion 55 of the principal Act,- . .
{a)in sub-scction (I), for the words " threc years ", the i
~vords"five years " shall bc. substituted ; i
{ b ) after subsection (3), the following sub-section shall be
Inserted, namely:--

" (3-A) The powers ilnrlcr sub-section (I.) may be cxercjsed
by thc assessing authorities even though the origiilel ordcr of assess-
mcnt, if any, passcd in the millt,cr h a s bccn the s~i'bjectmatter of an
appc-a1 or 1-evisim.".

24. Amendment of section 57, 2amil IVad~i Act 1 01 1959.-II~

szc-tion 57 of the principal Act, in sub-scction (2), in clausc (vii), in
sub-clnusc ( b ) , for thc words '-Board of Rcvcnuc', thc words
! $;

" Commissioner of Commercial Taxes " shall bc substituted. .. . !


25. Amem-lnzerrt of the First Schedule to Tamil Nadu Acr 1
1.959.-In the First Schedule to the principal Act,--
(a) in item 3, in the entries in c o I m (2), after the worcis
."motor vehicles and trailers" and before the words, " and motcu-

engines", the following brackets and words shall be i~lserted,
namely :-
"(whether or not such articles are used for other purposes),";
( b ) in item 5, in the entries in column (2.1, after the words
"Wireless reception", the following words shall be inserted. narnclg :-

'' and transmission ";
in item 55, in the entries in column (2), the following worcls

shall be added at the end, namely :- I

" and tools and implements used therewith.";
. ( d ) in item 101, in the entrics in column. (Z), after the word
chinaware ", the words " glazed earthenware " shall be inserted ;
and ...
. ...-, . ,

(el after item 101-A and the entries relatirig thereto, t k :

following item and entrbs s h a be inserted, namcly 1--
; " 10143 Wata supply materials and At the point of 51s- 5''
I firlinps (other than those sale in t ! ~ eStatc-.
specified elsewhere in this
scbedule or in thesecond
Schedule) including pipe?,
hand pumps and other
arlicles used for the sup-
ply or distribution of

(By order of the Governor)



- b

d The hllowhing Act of the Tamil Nadu Legjshtive Assehibly ..

received the assent of the Governor on the f 7th December 1986 a d

is hereby published for general information:
ACT No. 79 OF 1986.
A n Act f urtlzer lo amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act,!. :,'
' - -. .

1959. - -.
.,.. .,,: .. ,.-

? 1 I-

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu

in the Thirty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as folfows :-
1. Short title and commencemenL(1) This Act may be called the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Eleventh Amendment) Act, 1986.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government
may, by notification, appoint.

1959.-In section
2. Amendment of sectioiz 20, Tamil Nadu Act 1 of
20 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu Act
- 1 of 1959),-
(i) sub-section (I) shall be lettered as clause (a) of that sub-sec-
tion, and after clause (a) as so lettered, the following clause shall be
added, nameIy :-
" (b) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (a), every
dealer referred to in items (vi) and (viii) of clause (g) of section 2, whose
total turnover in any year is not less than forty thousand rupees, shall
get himself registerbd under this Act." ;
(ii) in sub-section (2),,for the words "First and Second Schedules"..
thc words "First, Second and Fifth Schedules" shall be substituted.
(By order of the Governor)
and Secretary to GovernlPreot,
Lmv Department.

<- --. - --
S T ~ T T ~ ~ J I V PRWWCf

* ~ d p I c - ~ ~ - ~ GAZETTE

- I

; .,j#-:.-G- Ad, ths Tam3 Nadu Legislative Assembly (C

item an
:v & e d the assent,of the Governor on thq 4th Junc 1987 and 4 hereby

*fi&d for general information :-
.I?' :
.. . 8 .

ACT NO: 17 OF 1987.

- 1 1

j 4'
fup$h& 10 amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tux Act,
, . .. 1959.
I BB it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu
in tbc.,Thirty-eighth Year of the Republic of1 India as follows :-
. I


I. Short title and commencement.-(1) This Act mzy be called


*Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (~mendlnent)Act, 1957.

(2) (a) Clauses (:i), (b) and (c) of section 2 shall be deemed
bstue come into force on the 1st January 1987.
(3) Clause (d) of section 2 shall be deemed
, to have come into
& r e on the 1st April 1987.
., (c) Clause ( e ) of section 2 shall be dcelned to have came into
. .a-
, && on the 1st February 1987.
2. Xmedment of the First Schedule so Tamil Nadrc :4ct 1 oj 1959.-
(Zp Finr Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959
(TW Nadu Act 1 of 1959),-
t t

(a) ahsr item 51-Band the entries relating thereto, the fol!owing
i ! @ ~md mtries shall be inserted, namely :--.
Air purifiers. cupboard fresh- At the point

nets and deodaurizerc whether of first

odo'ltrl~sor ,with odour- sale in the
( b ) in h 10% in the entries in column (2), sub-item (v) shall
bc rbnumbered as sub-item (vi) and bcforc sub-item (vi) as so renum.
&t%dj the fd0-g sub-ite~shall be inserted, namely:-
&,$, (v) Glasa bottl~s,glass marbles and glass b e ~ 3 "

, :;;

graduated or calibrated:

( e ) after item 166 and the entries relating thereto, the fd-1
item and entries shall be inserted, namely :-
"166-A. Nattusakkarai At the point - 8'@*

(By order of the Governor.)

commissioner and Secretmy $o GOV-
Law 23eLmtment. . .+ .,

+* .


. .*

$ 1 i 4:: 3 :$ji.fjiid.:. r 4llIllll4d#i~r]JgIi!



---- -

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly receit-ed
the assent of the Govei-nor on the 4th June 1987 and is hereby
' published for general information.

, t-\---

ACT Pie. 20 OF 1987.

I :
An AQI further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act,
\ i
" i ! 1 1 1 , , ( I : "r I 1 1 -c I 1 r. 11

BE it enacted by the Legislative ~ s s e m b 1of~ the State of T'ardil

Nzdu in the Thirty-eighth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
1 . Short title and commencement.-(I) This Act may be called
the Tamil' Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Aot, 1987.
(2) It shalt come into force at onck
2. Amenrir.ttent of section 3, Tamil IVudu Act I of 1359.-Ifi
section 3 of the T a d Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil
Nadu Act 1 of !959), in vh-section (3), for the first proviso, the
following proviso shall be substituted, namely :-
" Provided that the provisions d this sub-section shall not
apply to--
(i) any sale of naptha ; and
( 8 ) any sale unless the dealer selling the goods furnishes
to the assessing authority in the prescribed manner within the
pre'scribed period a declaration duly filled in and signed by the dealer
to whom the goods are sold containing the prescribed particulars in a
prescribed form obtained from the prescribed authority : ".
(By order of the Governor')


Commissioner and Secretary to Government,
Low Department.

-- - -




. .- . .
The foUowiog Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assemb
hall. be.- or
received the assent of the Governor on the 21st July 1987 a
is hereby published for general information :-- (3) ir
ACT No. 31 OF 1987.
'An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tar A
I 1959. '( 2

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of TadY (ii

Nadu in the Thirty-eighth Ycar of the Republic of India as follows:- :exprcs:
1 . Short title and cornmenceri?ent.--( 1) This Act may be cal
the .Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 15
(2) It shall be deemed to have con~einto force on the (5)
- Mi-1987. - le co:
tions '

- 2. Ameindment of the First Schedrile to Tamil Nadu Act 1 a

1959.-In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales
'Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1959) (hereinafter referred
the principal Act),- 6.
I ing item

(1) in item 3, for the entry in column (2), the following en
shall be substituted, namely:-
" Motor Vehicles including-
,. . (7)
(i) motor cars, ~ o t o rtaxi-cabs, motor omnibuses, m
vans, jeeps and motor lorries, chassis of motor vehicles, b shall be
built on chassis of motor vehicles belonging to others (on I (8
turnover relating 'to bodies), autorickshaws and all the varieties shall be
trailers, by whatever name known;
(ii) m ~-7: cycles, motor scooters, rnotorettes, rnopds;
(iii) bicycles, tricycles, cycle-rickshaws, tandem cycles, mg iten
combinations znd ,perambulators fitted with motor engines and m "
84. (i'
en&nes used f.3:- heing fitted thereto. " ; d.A w-


-RY 16 5

(2) items 13, 76, 121 and 128 and the entries relating thereto

(3) in item 21, in the entries in column C!),-

(i) after sub-item 21-A the following subitem sha& h.
rnserted, namely :-

(ii) in sub-item 22, for the expression " l to 21 and 21-A ",
the expression " 1 to 21-B " shall be substituted ;
(4) in item 30, in column (11, for the figure ' 9 ', ' the
figures ' 10 ' shall be substituted ; >

(5) in item 38, in the entries in coiumn (2k for the words
"cycle combinatiolls and perambulators", the words "and cycle com-
binations " shall be substituted ;

" 38-A. Pcrarnbulators inciod- At the point of first

in8 push chairs for babies sale in ihc " 10." ;
and component parts, State.
spare parts and acces-
sories thereor.
(7) in item 40, in colrlmn (4), for the figure '9', the figures '10'

(8) in item 43, in co!umn (4), for the figure ' 8 ', the figures '10 ' ,

(9) in item 79-A, in column ( 4 ) , for the figure ' 2 ', the figure ' 3 '
shall be substituted ; i

(10) for item 84, and the ent~iesrelating thereto, the follow-
ing item and entries shall be substituted, namely :-
. b . At the pcint of Arst sale in 8.
the State. - -4


--. .__ _ . ,.___. - -- --- ---
F +

.-- - - -- -- .._
--* .- .- - - - --- -- ----- -- -- - ------- '4


(ii)Bamboo .. At the point of first sale in 5

the State.

I -
Explanation.-For the pur-
!. pose df this item, in the case of
timber and bamboo purchased by
the brest contractors in the
auction of forest coupes conducted .
bv the Forest Department of the
dovernment, the sale by such cont- I

ractors of such timber and bamboo

in any form or size shall be deemed
to be the first sale and the sale by
the Forest Department in such
wction of forest coupes shall not
be deemed to be the first sale.
(11) for item 90 and the entries relating thereto, the following
item and entries shall be subs;itufed, namely:-
"90, (i) Bricks .. . At the point of first sale in
the. state.

L.u 1
. - t flooring- stones At the point of first sale in 5.";
is!. and all kinds of tiles the state. -
I -
other than those speci- t
fied elsewhere in this

Schedule. 1
in item 97, in column (4)~for the figure
- !8', the figures
-- '10'
shall be substituted ;-
(13) in item 101, in column (4), for the figure '8', the figures '10'
shall be substituted ; t
i ,
r' (14) in item 115, in column (4), for the figure '8', the figures '10'
gs - shall. be substituted ;
L . J
. .. for the- fimresfl0'
152. in column (4). " - ---- fi~ures
the -- -- 2 --0

'14 ' s'hau be substitue'd ;

3t 4

$[;$;-'. (i6) in item 166, for the entries in columns (31 and (4), the
bz.1:-following entries shall be substituted, namely :-
At the point of first purchase in the state in respect of 8

: ... - goods purchased or from outside the sthe.

T 1
i ' (b) At the point of first purchase in the State in respect 8.. 1
. .- '- o f goods not-falling under sub item (a] above;

' .- -
- .: .-
< I


' ?

- --

(17) after item 172 and the entries relating thereto, the follow-

"1 73. Fenugreek (Menthi), fennel (Somhu), At the point of 8

ajwan (Omam), poppy seeds (Kasa- first sale in
kjasa)~, dried gingpr (Sukku]; , the State.
cloves, cassia (Lavanga Pattai),
nutmegs (Jathika) and mace I

(Jathi pathri).
174. Palm fatty acid At the point of 5
first sale in
the State.

175. (1)) Vat colours At the point of 5

first sale in

(5) Acid colvurs

(6) Bhsic colours I
(7) Reactive 4:lyes I

(8) Optical whit cning age11ts

(9) Plastic colours
(10) Nylon co!ours
(1 1) Alizarine colours
(12) Sulphur colours I

176. (1) Soda ash At the point of 8

(2) BIeacl~ing powder first sale in
(3) Sodium bi-carbonate
(43 I-Iydrosulphitk
(5) Sulphate of Alumina
(6) Sodium Nitrate
(7) Sodium Acetate
(8) Sodium Sulphate
(9)' Acid Slurry .,-,
(10) Trisodium Phosphate
( I 1) Sodiurn 'Tri-poly Phosphate .
(12) Sodiuin Silicate
(I 3)' Sodium Meta-silicate
(1 4) Carboxy Methyl Cellulose
(1 5) Sodiuin Sulphide
(16) Acetic Acicl
(17) Sodium bi-sulphite
(18): Oxalic Acid

(19) fiodium 'I'hio Sulyl~tite

(20) Sodium Sulphite
(21) Sodium Alginate
(22) Benzene
(23) Citric k i d '

(24) Diethylene Glycol

(25) Sodium Nitrite
(26) Hydrogen Peroxide.
177. Ivory articles and articles At the point of 10.".
in laid with ivory. first sale in
d .; the State.
? " ,

- 3. Amendment of the Second Schedule to Tamil Nadu Act I of

1959.-In the Second Schedule to the principal Act, for item 7 and
. the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries sl~allbe
substit,uted, namely:-
'' 7 ( a ) Raw -hides and skins .. At the point o! last 2.
purchase in the State.

(b) Dressed hides and skins At the point of fil st 2 ".

- sale in the State.

; 4. Amendment o f the Fourth Schedule fc Tcmi! Nadu -4ct I of

1959.-In the Fourth Schedule to the principal Act, in item 21, in
column (3), for the figures '10' the figure '5' shall be substituted.

5. Amendment of the Fifth Schedule to Tamil Nadu Act I of

-In the Fifth Schedule to the principal Act, the existing item
be numbered as item 1 tend after item 1 as so numbered, the
owing items and entries shall be added, namely :-
? "2. Parts and accessories of motor vehicles
12 8 4
5 and trailers excluding batteries.
3. 'J)ms including pneumatic tyres and 9 6 3.
.& h . ordiharily used for motor
.rr Web and trailers (whether or not !
- w

unch tyres and tubes are also used for

e other vehicles).

5. Iron and steel safes and ahirahs, cash 15 10 5.
chests, Cash boxes, wall coffers, safe
deposit lockers, locker cabinets, strong >
room or vault doors and ventilators I I
, ii~cludingparts and accessories of the I

above. r

5. (i)i Furniture (includkg household 10 6 4. 1

furniture) and office equipments of
4 every description other than those men-
tione'd in item 4 above. z;d 53

4."- -23
(ii) Slotted angles, gussets, plates, panels 10 6 +$

used with furniture or office equip i

i ments, mentioned in sub-item (i) 9

' above, made of -. iron and steel or any
other metal or MlOY. 1
(By order of the Governor]

r -


-- -- --- --- --

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu ~ e g i s l a t i b

received the assent of. the over nor
on the 11th Dec
and is hereby published for general inforination :-

ACT No. 52 OF 1987.

An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu. General

1259. I1 /

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembl of the state

in the Thirty-eighth Year of the! Requ ic' of Indi b
1 . Short title and commencement.-(1) This A
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Sixth Amendm
(2) (a) Clause (a) of section 2 shall be 'd
into force on the 1st September 1987. . .O

( b ) Clauses ( b ) , ( c ) , ( d ) , ( f ) and (g
be deemed to have come into f ~ r c eon the 1st
( c ) Clause ( e ) of section 2 shall be tf ' I

i n t ~force on the 17th June 1987.


( d ) Section 3 shall be deemed to have c

the 1st--.September 1.987,
' I

2. Aimndment of the Fzrst Schedule to

1959.-In the First Schedule to the 'Tamil
. Act, 1959 amif if Nadu Act 1 of 1959) ( h e r
the principal Act) ,--.

( a ) in item 3, in column (29,- /

(i) in sub-item (ii), the ward "and "

omittM ;
, - .
(ill in sub-item (iii),the word " and " shall be added -ati
the end;

(iii) aftex sub-item (iii), the ,follodi

- ,.
addcd, namely :-
'' (iv) Tyres includiog ,pneumatic tyr
~j.sedfor motor vehicles and trailers mcntio
(iii) above (whether .or-hot such tyvs and
other vehic$e&)." :;


At the vritvt d 3.";

f49t purchak:
in the Stare.


purchased or pro-
cured from outside
. the State.

-;I- ----

(1 1) after item 183 as so added, the followingite~

mesh, expanded metal and chain

link iliade of any metal or
material. ., A

185. Crockery and cutlery other than At the point of first sale in Lhe Stat
those specified elsewhere in this
186. Suit cases, brief cases, attached At the point of Grst salc in the State ..
cases and vanity bags including
those made of lelther.
187:Carbide tips and tools .. .. At the point of first sale in the Statc ..

190. Beedi leaves .. -. .. .. At the point of first sale in the State ..

191. Light roofing sheets .. .. At the point of first sale in the State ..

(By order of the Goveillor )


k \

. -

(i) for the 'words " fifteen days ", the words " thirty days " shall be
substitu tcd ;

(ii) for the words " said period " in two places where they oc&r, the
words " the first ~nentionedperiod "- shall be substituted. I

5. Tn sectiol~ 31-A of tlle principal Act, in sub-section ( I ) , in the first Amendment of

proviso :- section 31-A.

(i) for the words " fifteen days '), the words - " thirty days " shall be
substituted :
(ii) for the words " said period " in two places where1 t h q occur, the
words " the first mentioned period " shall be substituted.
' ~ m e n i m e n tof
6. In section 33 of the principal Act, in sub-section ( I ) , in thc proviso,- section 33.

(i) for the words " fifteen days ", the words "thirty days " shall hc
substituted ;
(ii) for thc words " said period " in two places where they occur, the
words " the first mentioned period " shall be substituted. .


Amendment of 7. In Section 35 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), in the provis

Section 35
(i) for the words “fifteen days” the words “thirty days” shall be
(ii) for the words “said period” in places where they occur, the
words “the first mentioned period” shall be substituted.
Amendment of 8. In section 36 of the principal Act, in subsection (1) in the proviso-
Section 36
(i) for the words “thirty days” the words “sixty days” shall be
(ii) for the words “said period” in places where they occur, the
words “first mentioned period” shall be substituted
Amendment of 9. In Section 38 of the principal Act, in Sub-section (1), in the provis-
Section 38 (i) for the words “forty-five days” the words “ninety days” shall
be substituted
(iii) for the words “said period” in two places where they occur, the
words “the first mentioned period” shall be substituted.

Insertion of new 10. After section 60 of the principal Act, the following section
section 60-A shall be inserted namely :
payment of tax in “60-A. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Sale or
respect of goods purchase of such of those goods which were liable to tax only at the
shifted from single, point of first sale or purchase under sub-section (2) of section 3 of
point to multi- point this Act, and become liable to tax under sub-section (1) of section 3
of this by virtue of the omission of such goods from the first
Schedule, no further tax shall be payable under the section (1) of
section 3 of this Act on the goods which are held in stock on the
date, on which such good s were omitted from the first schedule
provided the goods had already suffered single point tax prior to
that date and the rate of tax payable under the section sub-section
(2) of section 3 of this Act was equal to or more than the rate
specified under sub-section (1) of section 3 of this Act.
Provided that if the rate of tax payable under sub-section
(2) of section 3 of this Act was less than the rate prescribed under
sub-section (1) of section 3 of this Act, the dealer shall be liable to
pay the difference of tax between the rate of tax at which the goods
had suffered tax prior to such date and the rate prescribed under
subsection (1) of section 3 under this Act.”


ACT No. 19 OF 1989.

An Act furthtr to omt 1.d the Tarnil Nadg Geneml ~illesTax Act, 195"

I3r~ it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil. Nadu in

Fortieth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadii General Sales Tax (Third Amend
mentl Act, 1989.

*-7-B. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) of,section 3, papent

every deler whose total turnover is not less than ten lakhs of rupees but not more compoun
than fifteen lekhs of rupees on the sale of food and drinks in hotels and restaurants; rate %Y
may at his option instead of paying the tax in accordance with the provisions of that and
sub-section, pay tax at the following rates, namely:-

Rate of tax.
(i) Where the total tunover is not less than Thirty-one thousand hve hundred
ten lakhs of rupees, but is less than eleven rupees per annum.
lalchs of rupees.
(ii) Vlhere the total turnover is not less than Thirty-seven thousand three hundred
eleven lakhs of rupees, but is less than and seventy-five rupees per annum,
twelve lakhs of rupees,
(iii) Where the total. turnover is not less Forty three thousand seven hundred
than twelve lakhs of rupees, but is less and fifty rupees per annum.
than thirteen lakhs of rupees.

(iv) Where the total turnover is not less Fifty-four thousand rupees per
than thirteen lakhs of rupees, but is less
than fourteen lakhs of rupees. .

(v) Where the total turnovei is not less than Sixty-five thousand two hundred and
fourteen lakhs of rupees, but is not more fifty rupees per annum,.
than fifteenlakhs of rupees.
(2) Any dealer who estimates his toti1 turnover for a year to be not more than
fifteen lakhs of rupees may apply to the assessing authority to be permitted to pay
the tax under this section and on being so permitted he ;hall pay the tax due in
advance during the year in monthly or prescribed instalments and for that purpose
shall submit such returns in such manner as may be prescribed:
Provided that any dealer paying tax ~ n d e rsub-section (I) of section 3 and
desirous of paying tax for any year under this section ma], at any time before final.
assessment for that year, exercise his option to be asssssed under this section and
for that purpose shall submit such returns in such manner as may be prescribed :

(3) The permipsior1 granted by the assessing authority
shall continue in force so long as the dealer is eligible to be asse
and has not withdrawn his option to be so assessed.

"-- - * /.71% 2

(4) The tax paid undsl sub-~ection(2) r h t l 1e s~bject1.0 such adjustran

as may be prescribed on the completion'of final assesment in the manner prescribed
(5) A dealer who has been permitted to pay the tax under sub-section (I),
, shail not collect- any amount by way of tax or purporting to be by way ot tax on
tho sales so long as he opts to pay the tax as provided under sub-section (I).".
3. In section 16-A of the principal Act,-
section 16-k
r.U ,
(i) in the marginal heading, after the expiassion " section 7", the expression
"or section 7-B " shall be ~nserted; I
(i: ' in sub-section (I),--
(a) for the expressio~ " under section 7 " in the two places where .
they ,occur, the expression " under section 7 or section 7-B " shall' be substituted ; I

[b) for items (i) and (ii)., the following shall be substit~ted,namely :- Q

"'(i) in case where such total turnover is not more than two lakhs of
rupees in accordance with the provisions contained in sub-
section (1) of section 7 or in case whera such total turnover is
not moro than fifteen lakhs of rupees in accordance with the
provisions contained in sub-section (I) sf' section 7-B ; and
(ii) in other casos, where !the total turnover is more than two lakhs
of rupees 'under section 7 or fifteen lakhs of rupaes under
section 7-B, in accordance with the other provisions contained
in this Act." ;
(iii) in sub-section (3), for the expression " section 7 ':, the expression " section
7 or sbction 7-B" shall be substituted.

(By order of thq Governor.)

Secretary to GoFernment, Law Department.

The following Act of the ~ a m i l - ~ a LegbJative
du Aa4ernbly re.-eived the
-%,I. .--h- v- e m o r on the 8th Febmary 1991 and is hereby publ$hed for
+, *ha

general information :-
ACT No. 10 OF 1991.

LA," --- ,-

BE it *acted by the Legislative b m b l y of the State of Tamil Nadu in the

p o a y - f i Year
~ of the Republic of India as follOW~:-

1. (1) ~ hA& i may a& title 'ad

~ be called tho Tamil Nadu General sale9 'fa
(Amendment) Act, 1991.
--- ,.,A 11 tl, ,.Iavof
(21 It &shall be deemed to have come into force OIL r l r A&-- -d --

(1) in item 96, in the entries in column (2), the words " but escludng
Arishtams or Asavas and " shall be omitted ;
x -11
(2) item 135 and the entrieq relating thereto snail ur ~.l-----

(By order of the Governor.)

Lutr Department.
&cretary to Gwer~aq~urlt,


general information:-

ACT No. 34 OF 1991.

A?&Act furtl~erto avze?zd the Ta.miZ Nndu Ge?rcr.t~EScrles Il'nx Acf, 1959.
U1C it enacted I)y the l~cgisl:ltiv~
~isscrnblyof the State of Taxnil Niid11 in the
Forty-second Ycar oll the Republic of India as follows :-

Short title and

commencement. (Third Amendment) Act, 1931.

(2) It shall be deemed t o have come into force on the 5th day of
September 1991.
2. I n qection 2 of the Tamil Naclu Genera1 Sdes Tax Act, 1959 (herein- Nadu
after referred to as the principal Act),, in clauue ( r ) , after the expression ~ c 1 of
t 1959, ,
" other than tea ", the expression " and rubber (natural rubber latex and all
varieties and grades cd raw rubber) " shall l),e iwrted.
3. I n section 3 of the principal Act, in sub-section (3))-
(1) in the opening portion, for the expression beginning with the
words " for sale by him " and ending with the words " to guch sale ", the ex-
pression " for sale by him of any goods mentioned in the First Schedulq other
than those falling under items 70 (c) and 107 of the gajd Schedule, shall be
at the rate of only three per ,cent on the turnover relating to such sale " sh$
be substituted ;
(2) in the second proviso, for the words " four pcr cent; ", the words
" three per cent" &all be substituted.
4. In section 12 of the principal Act,-
(1) in sub-secqon ( I ) , for'the proviao, the folloeng proviso shall be
substituted, namely :-

' a dealer whose totd turnover is less than rupees1 five lakhs per annum and who
fulfils the following conditions, namely :-
( a ) that he has not obtained or received any of the! declaration Forms
prescribed under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 (Central Act 74 of 1956) ;

(c) that he bas not contravened any other conditions prescribed,

may make a self assessment and the return filed by him, shall be accepted
without calling for the accounts. ";
(2) in sub-section (1-A), for the worda " deemed assesmatt ", the
words " self assessment " shall be substituted ;
(3) in sub-section (1-B), for the words " deemed assessment ",the words
'eelf assessment " shall be substituted.
5. In section 16 of the principd Act, in wb-sectlon (23, for the words
'* deemed assessment ", the words " self assessment " shall1 be subsitituted.


- -

7. I n section 23 of the principal Act, for the words "Your per cent, ", Amendment
the words "three per cent " shdl be substituted. of section
8. In section 45 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), in clause ( e ) ,
the exprewion " or under the first proviso to sub-section (4) " shall be omitted. 45.

9. In the First Schedule to the principal Act,- Amendment ,

of mt
(1) in item 21, in colullls (a), for the figures " 3% ", the figure " 3 " Schedule.
shall be substituted ;
(2) in itein 37 (a), in column (4), for the fiqure " rj ", the figures "18"
shall be substituted ;
(3) in itern.37 (b), in colymn (4), for the figure " 6 ", the figure " i "
shall be substituted ;
(J/ in item 66, in column (4), for the figures " 3% ", the figure " 3 "
.shall be substituted ;
(5) io item 95, in column (4), for the figure " 8 ", the figure "6"
shall be substituted ;
(6) in item 153, in column (4), for thc figures " 14 ", the figures " 16 "
shall bc substituted ;
(7) in item 154, ili column (4), for the figures " M ", the figures " 16 "
shall be substituted ;
(8) in item 194, in column (4), for the figure " 4 ", the figure " 2 "
shall bc substituted. .

1'0.I n the Second Schedule to the principal Act, for item 7 and the entrits Amendment
relating thereto, the following item and entriers shall be mblptituted, namely:- of
Scheddo. I
"7 (a) Raw hides and skins . At the point 4
of Iwt purchase
in the State.
(b) Dressed hides and At thc point of 4. " .
skins (which were not first sale in the State.
' subjected to tax under this
Act as raw hides and skins).

(By e~deref tkr Governor )


. The following LC$of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Asembly received the
v t of %he Gtovmor on the 22nd October 1991' aad is hereby published for
general infomti0n:'--
ACT No. 35 Oil3 1991.

Ani Act fuGher t o amend the Tamil Nadu *nard Saks Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Leghhjtive Assembly of the ~ G t ofe Tamil N a b in the
F o r t y - m n d Year cf the Republio of India as follows :--

1. (I) This Act mag be called the Tamil Na,du uenerm uus in. \Fourth q&xt title
Amendment) Act, 1991.
( 2 ) It shall be deemed to have come into Toroe on xnr ruru uw
September 1991.

" Tea, that is to ~ s y ,any one of the f o r m of teal in which it is ~old

bat not including tea drink or tu:learrr*?''1

1 shall be subqtituted, n w d y , : . -.
(2) in itom 192, for the entries in column (2):, the follo+g entrics

Cuddappa atone slabs and Shahbad stone dabs. " ;


(3) &eq item 192 and the entrias relating thereto, the f o l l o a item
i and entries shall be inserted, namely :-
b a

" 192-6 (a) Rough ar raw
granite blocks,
At the point
of first '
b .
! ,*
, I
' salein the
State. 8.
(a) Polished granite *4t the poult
ulabinoluding of h t
- 2- .I,.,.
tomb stone, sale m rua
monument &b State .# 8

- * r c
and head , : - A

I ( .
,(By,ordeq of the Governor.)

q'he following A& d the ,Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the
a-:scnt of thc Governor on the 12th June 1992 and i$ hereby publi~Jledfor
general informartion :- . I - +

ACT No., 30 OF 1992.,

An Act further to amen& the Tam&! Nadu Gsnerul 8 a l e ~Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legialativo Aqembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Forty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be W e d the I ' d 1 Nadu General Sdes Tax shalt titla and
1hnendment) Act, 1992. commencement.

,(2) (a) Section - ihdl come into force a t once.

( b ) Section 3 sliall be deemed to have come into force on the 7th
day of Mash 1992.,

iil Nadu Act 2. In section 3 of the Tnniil IVdu General Sdes Tax Act, 1959 (herein- Amendment of
~f 1959. after referlred to as the principal Act), in sub-section (3), in the firrrt section 3.
(1) in clause i(i), the word " and" occurring a t the end shall be
omitted ; I Y ' . , +

(2) afler clause (i), the followjny clause shall be jnserted, nanlely :-.
" (i-A) any sale of molasses ; and " ;
3. In the Second Schedule to the principal Act, in item '7 (b), in columa Amendmat of I

(4),for the figure ' 4 ', bhe figure ' 1 ' sliall be mhtituted. Second Schedule
;(By order of the Governor.)
/ BID. 18hlAII1,
8eoreta-g to Cfoverttntent, Lazv Department
LatestLaws.com I


Tlic following Act of the Tamil Nadu

assent of the Govcrnor on the 12th J111ie
general information :- '
ACT No. 31 OF 1092.
BB it enacted by the Legislative d&rrhlp of' the State of Tamil hadu in
the Forty-third Year of thc Republio of Tnclia as folloms :-
1 This Act may be called the Taonil Nadu Omera1 SiiIe~T D ~(&Fond Sh:&.
'10 Amendment) Act, 1992. . I

after referred to as the principal Act),-

, I

(I) in clawel ( g ) , for rmh-clnuse (iii) , tho following m~h-olq~~sc

be h ~ b s t i l u t dnamely
~ :-

" (iii) a factor, a broker, a commission agent or arW1, a det credore

agena or an audioneer, or any other mercantile agent by whatever name calleCt,
and whethm of the same ilmription, as hereinbefore or not, wha d e e on the
business of buying, s..":-g, supplying or distributing goodd on behalf of knY
principal, or through whom the goods are bought, sold, supplied or dMri-

('2) in e l a w '(11); after Explanation (1-A), the following 8zplandtioli

s h f l be inserted, namely :-
" Explaitation (I -B) .-The transfer of property involved in tho
purchase, aalc, supply or ~listributionof goods throng-h a factor, broker, corn-
~nissionagent or arhati, deE credwe agent or an a~~ctioneer or any other mer-
cantile agent, by mhatcvvl- name called, ~xhetherfor ca@ or for defesred
Payment or other valuable consideration, shall be deemed to be a purcliase
or sdc, as the case may be, by such facbr, broker. conlmission agent, arhati,
c3.d credere agent, auctioneer or any other nercantilo agent, by whatever I J a w
eallcd, f o r the purposes of this Aitt.";

~lia3lhe inserted, namely :-

factor, brolcer, commiseion agent, ar'hati, deZ credere agcr t, auctioneer or any
other mercantile agent, by whatever name called. ".
3. In section 3 of the principal Act, for sub-section)'(2-13)) the following
.sub-section shall be substituted, namely :-

(2-B)'Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) or m'i-

ctection (2) or sub-section (2-A), in the case of goods mentioned in bhe Sixth'
Schedule, the tax under t h i ~Act shall he pnya1)le by a ilcnler, nl: t h ~first
point of ~rtlennil the mcond point of mle, at, the rrute specified therein, on the
turnover, in each year relating to m~chgooitg, ~vhrhatclaerbe the quantum of
turnover in that year:

Proviclcd that at tho secon,d point of salt, the turnover of the goods
liable to tax shall be arrived a$ by deducting the turnover of snch goods on
vi~ichtax ha9 becn levied at the first point of sale.".


fib-section shall be inserted, naillely :- '

(6) The provisi 7 s of tllisj section shall not apply iu si.cpcct of nrlp
!ale u r I,u~.thnst:l~lntlcon old aftcr the 1st 'cla? o f April 1992."

Anrendment 5. Tn seetiol~20 OF the principal Act, in ,wb-scction (2), Tot* ~1n11s.c (vi),
of section
20. tllc following clause sliall be substituted, namely :-
" (vi) every factor, broker, commission agent or arhatj, dsl s c v e d c ~ ~
agent or auctioneer or any other mercantile agent, by \vhate~cl*llelnq calloil,
and wliether oE the mule description m hereinbefore or not, 1~110calYie6: on
tlie businessl of buying. slelling, supplying or dislrlibuting goods on bellalf. of
any nrincipal, or through mhonl the goods are bopght, sold, snppljed or dis-
I tribiltea,". II

Amendment 6, In the Sistll Schedule to tho principal Act, in item 1, for the e n t y in
of sixth
acheduls. cnlulnn ' (3), tho folloning eritry shall be mhst.iti~teil,nnn~cly:-
" A t kllc first point of sale and tlic second point of sale in ill(: State."

' ,\By order of the Governor.) I t , , I

&ID.~ s & ~ A ~ J I ,
Secretary t o Government, Lalo, I)epurt.?r~ewt,

-I-_ _ -

(2) It shall be d e ~ m e dto have come i n to force on the 12th day of Mar oh 1993.



Description oj the good$. Point of levy. Rate oj

(2) (3) (4)

e PART- A.

Bullion, that is t o say, gold and silvel irl mass and unooined, pGre or alloy, At thc point of fit st 1
and spscie inoluding palamarel silver and kora gold. sale i n the State.
d' I
t bsato.1 j3wellery and bihor artiolespade of gold or silver
01r1 a d w o r n x ~ or At the point d last I
i 11clud i ng pa lamarb) silver . , purohase in the
* P'2te.

:; ; c ~ LlL ~ '11 prod~lcts,nam:ly, chiliies, coriandar, soapnut (Sikakkai), lama- At t h o point of 61st 3
:~m.! fin all its forms), !!~rrneric*,pepper irloluding long popp.:r. sal: I n the State.

Explanation.-Eaoh oi' the pulses referred to i n :bis item whether wholc

ot separated 3 r d whether with n without husk shdll be t~eatedas a single
co:amodity j the plpose sf levy of tax under this item.


\ *
(1) (2)
, i t t h ~\-!(!!
4 Allvegoisbleoils(ino1udingrefined vegetableoils) .. .. in thr ::cS
5 Oil cakes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. C.

6 Cardamom . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. At t h o pcbr
PUI O ' I ~ L L
7 ( 3 'lln ?'In j ~ g : - y3od
Jq,g:.y n q d g ~ ~ '1:. >)laost\dy)including j1gg.1.y fa) At 1:i: ,f

po#.Aar and nattu sakkarsli. firs1 st*1, ' L\'

it1 rcspc'i~ , .\d: f

purctl:!: : , ;>Io-

the State.
I (b) At tho p n i n ~ of
first p ~ i r ~ h ; ~i n.
the Slate in respect
of goods 1101 falltng
u n d e ~item (a) above.

3 Kelosenc .. I. ,. .. .. At the poi n; of first

' \\ .# sale in the State.
9 Coconuts [04h3r thsn h3.3 f ~ l l i a gunder sub-item (viii) of item 6 of the At the point of last
Syond Schedule]. purchase i n the

10 Tapioca f l o ~ rand tapioca, kappi ..


At the pt int f first
sale in thc State. j
11 Tamarind seeds and Tamarind fibres . .. .. .. do^

12 Vermicelli .. .. .. .. .. .. Do.
13 (i) Baby milk f w d used as alternativeto mc#ther9smilk .. r>.
(ii) Baby feeCing bc'ttles axid nipples made of any material ., Dct.
14 ~luminiumdomestic utensils .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * Do.
15 Aluminiud scraps .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Do.
16 Plastic raw materials .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. DO.
17 Rubber play balloons .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Do.
18 hand-made soap of all kinds (both &thing and washing snap) ir.clvding soap
flakes, soap powders, sc )apliq~.idsana detergents b ~ exclllding
t shampocj~
and metal p~ lishes in any fclrni.
19 (i) Raw wt.cdl(g{lat9shair and similw fibrous growth cjn bodies cf animals)
incltiaing its waste.
(ii) Wtollen yarn and its waste .. .. H .. + A ..
20 Hosiery goods (other than those made wholly or partly of wool) ~. 1

21 A11 kinds of sewing thread whether natural o r artificial excluding surgical

sewing threads.

22 Impc rted raw silk . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. DL.

23 Stitched artlcles made of cloth other than articles of ready to weal apparel >-,/

and hosiery goods,

I (2)
k Artides of gold and nilvei incl~diag;w*11eT ..

.. .. .. At the
.. mint of
-- --
: ih-the State.

used therewith, cycle seat vers an . cycle cyna&-lig$ts.

Q, -
Perambulators includicg push ichairs f ~ babies,
r parts and accessories in- Do.
cluding tyres and tubes and f l a p used therewith.

essian cloth ..\

; .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. Do. 3

Insect. re$&i/it @a,
(I '
.. .. .. Do. 3

k .. .. .. .. .. .. A t the pointof last 3

.. ..
...... .. .. .. .. purchase in the State.
~ d p o d s ..
ntract ..
.. ...... .... .. .. ..
... ...
.. .. .. .. ....
. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. .or nuts
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Karada bar'k
onnam bark
--,. .
.. .... ..
IXV) ort tan-OL ..
cn extrad
.. .,. .. . .
.. ... ....
.... .... .. .. . .


m nuts . . .. . b

dn bark .
: ..
.. ..
. . . . .. .. &.
.. . . . . . . . . '.
- 4 0

A seed rests . . . . .. .. . . ..
. . . . . . .. . . . . ...- .... ..
q .

.. .., .. .. .. .. . . . . . .

. . .. ..

-- 1-3
. . ... - ..
rr., 7.m-

NI wattle axtraot or '&mo& extract .


~rniinIIV-2 EX.(2E


..a. --
----- . -

3j Cheniical fertilisers, that is 1o say - -

(i) Cl,lc,ricte . .
AIIIIIII)II~LIII~ .. .. .. 1: t tilt: 1 ) ~
(ii) A~mntrni~lm Mclyt: :at,: . . .. .. .. .. sale i,. t'
(iii) Ammoniuln Pilospi;atc S-ilphate of any description
(iv) Aminc~niumSulphate . . .. .. .. . . , .

(4 A m ~ n o n i u ~Sulphate
~i ?<itrate . . .. .. ..
(vi) Bone meal .. .. .. .. ..
(vii) Bcrex (Sbdium fetrcibc rate) .. .. .. ..
(viii) Calciun: Ammonium Iaitrate . . .. .. .. ..
(ix) Chelated Iron as Fe-EDTA . . .. ..
(X) Chelated Zinc as Zn-ED'IA . . .. .. .. ..
(xi) Copper Su lphate .. .. . . .. .. .. .,
(xii) ~i-ammoniuru Phosp!late .. . . . . . . ..
(xiii) Di-Calciullz Ph~sphate . . .. . . . . . , , ,

(xiv) Ferrc~usS:ilpliate . . . . .. .. . . .. ..
(sv) FUsed Calcium Magnesium phosphate .. ..
(xvi) Kutka Phc,sphate .. .. .. .. .. ..
(xvii) Manganese Sulphatc .. .. .. . . . .
(xviii) Mineral GYPSL'!IZ . .. .. .. .. ..
(xix) Mono Ammu n~umPhc spliate . . .. .. ..
(XX) Nitro pili spl~ateof aqy descripti~n . . .. ..
;Xxi) N.P.K. C(,mplcx of varivus grades .. ..
(xxii) Potassicii, chluricie ( M u riate of ~ c ~ t a s c ) . . .. ..
(xxiii) Rock phospllate . . . . .. .. . . . .
( xxiv) Solubur .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . -
(XXV) S u l p l l a t r . c , f ~ ~ t a r l l . , .. .. . * .. ..
(xxvi) &;per Phc sp21:lte Single .. . .
. .. . .. . /'

(xxvii) S ~ ~ p Phosphate
er Triple .. .. .. .. ..
(Xxviii) Urea (other than t ecllilical grado urea) .. . . . .
(xxix) Urea Ail,. ,ilium Phosphate . . . . .. . . .. . .
(XXX) ,LC Sulpllate .
.. . ..
.. .. . . . .
(xxxi) Mioro Nutrient and
(xxxii) Any mixture of L W O or more of the articles mentioned in itelns (i) t o
(xxxi) a b ~ v ewith or without the addition of other artioles (on t$e
turnover relaLingt o oomGments thereof whioh have n ~ already t
suffered tax).
36 Basio Ohromium Sulphatc .. .. .. .. .. <. n

37 Sodium bichromate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.- l

Eleotronic dup1ian:i ng inaoh'nes, reprographio oopiers inaluding duplicators, Uc,

Xerox and photo copying machines and any other electronio apparatus for
obtaining duplioate copies, whether reduoed, enlarged or the same size as
the originals, psrts and aoosssories thereof, ribbons, plates used therewith.
Eleotronic teleprinters and fax maohines of all kinds, parts as# aocessories Do.
thereof and ribbons used therewith,
Eleotronia typswriters, parts and acaessories thereof and Eleotronio typewriter Do,
ribbons whether or not in spools. rr

Eleotronio tabulating, aaloulating rnaohines, parts and aooessories thereof, Do

ribbons used ,therewith. . ,= 1

Eleott onio or all other cloob, tiae-pieces, watches (whether 01 not i n combi- Do.
nation with any other delices), stopwatches, time switohss, mechanical-
timers, time-reoords, au:o print time punuhibg clocks, time.regi&tqs,
isstxvment panel olocks 01 all kinds, parts and aacessorias thereof, watch
ba qds, wat oh braoelets, watoh ohaim, watoh st1aps.
, . .. +?-
(7) (3) (4
Wireless recep~ionand transmissim e uipments, instruments and apparatus At the point of first 3
including oar radios, t~ansistorr a d i k (with or without eleotrooie analog! sale in the State.
digital olocks), walki6-talkie, transmission and rcocpiion appc?ratus for
radio-telephony, radio-teleg~aphy, radio-broadcasting radai apparatus,
radia navigational aid apparatus, and radio remote control e_nnRratlls,
parts and acaessoriss thereof, such as eleot~ical valves, iiansls.~rs,
amplifiers, loud speake~sand raoeivers.

Tslevision sets of a.11 kinds, 'iar television, television cameras, television Dc.
monitors, projeatars, dosed circuit televisioa sets and cameras, video
televisions, video oaaeras, teleprompteis, parts and c(ccessories thoreof
and antenna, aish antenna, boosters and T.V. stand.
.* .A ,

Video $&%tic players and raoorders with or withbut combination of oleotronic Do.
analogldigital olocks, blank magaetio video tapes, ~ i d c ocassettes for use
therewith and video computels (electronia games), parts and aocassories
t heraof

Gramaphones of all kinds including reoord ,players, radio gran~aphones,

parts an4 aocassoiies thereof and - grama hone reoo~ds, m~.trices for
reaords, glamaphone needles, styli, re~ordc angers. l

Sowui. reoording and raproducing eqi~ipm&tsincluding diataphonas. tape Do.

reoorders, cassatte ~eoorders, oar csssette players, iape-de~ks,tape players,
oompact diso playzrs (including a o~mbinationof any of them) w i t h or
without wiraless reception instrumeuts and blank magaciic tapes,
oassettes, compact diso, microtapes and microfische for use therewith,
parts and accessories thereof and head cleaner in any form.

Prz-raoorded aassettes (both audio and video) and oompact diso .. Do.

Sound ttansmitting equipments of every desariptios inoluding telephones, Do.

inter-am devices, mode3 and loudspeakers including stereo or hi-fi
amplifiers, speakas arrd spe;Lb; -jc:c:~c, which are used with sicreo or
hi-fi musioal systems, microphones and stands the1 ofor, hed phones,
eaI phones an&combined micr ophone] speakers sets, parts and accessories
thereof and telephone &8bs aad fibre optic wbles.
I '

Electronic sysiems, instnunent%, apparatus, appliauoes and other electronic

goods (other than thoso specified elsewhere in the Schedule) but inoluding Do.
eleotronic cash registuring, indexing, card punohing, frehking, addressing
machines, and oomputeis of analog and digital vsleres, one record units,
word prooessor and otqer electronio goods and parts and accessories of
all suah goods.

Eleotronic volta e stabilizers, uninterrupted power supply and controlling Do.

Isystem-arld t 'yrister oontrolled power equipments.
8%' t.

El paits and aikessories of s ~ o hmeohir 6s arid Do. .

aing plat- .,-. q@es, weigh bridges with or
splay). .".;:.h' +

* .&
': 7
~and~un.i$Zsed for the supply and distr'ifnltion of wate~,parts and acces-
sories t hex eof .
Palmlr&,&e~ and stalks
', -$ L
.. .. . . .adc
, .
.. .. At the point of last
purohase in the
* ?:: State.


--- .-

(1) (2) ,

1 Ohicory .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. At the point of first

sale in the State.

2 (i) Coffee, that is t o say, anyone of t be forms of coffee suoh as ooffee beans, Do.
cloffee seeds whether or not oured 01 roasted or decideinated,
coffee powder, exoluding coffee drink and instant ooffee ;
(ii) lnstant coffee in granule or powds~form ; @
I #+

(iii) French coffee (on the turnover relating t o compcnents therec f, nrmcly
coffee and chicory which have not a1re~"~cl.y suffered t 2x1.
3 (i) Tea,that isto say, anyone of the forms oftea in which it is sold b ~ not
inch ding tea drink, green tea leavcs or instant tea.
(ii) Instant tea (other thar instant tes! drink).
(iii) Tea waste other $ban denatured.
4 Vegetable products including Vanaspathi and margarine ..... r i
Explanation.- Vegetable products means any( vegetable oi! or fat, wbicb,
whether by itself or in admixt~rewith any cther SL bst rncc , h a w bydro- ,
genation or by any other process, been hs-ldened for h ~ m a ncons1 my[icn.
5 (a) Cashewnut with shell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. At the poi~lt of d
pi rchase in i .<
g a t e by a dl :;
liable to ta::.
(b) Ca~hewnutkernels, that is to say, raw, processed, roz.stcc1 :I :I s: ltcc' ,".I the point (,I
kernels including brokens of them. sale in th.: .:' 1
6 Arecanut ,including betelnut and see-val .. ., + o *. Do.

I 7 Goods-fallingunder item 1 of Part-E b t t not branded .. .. ." Do a

8 Bread whether or not branded .. .. .. .. .. .. Do. 5 8

9 Food and drinks other than those falling elsewhere c nder the S c h e l ~les, Do.' 5 5.

by any hotel, restaurant, sweet stall or any other eating house. f

10 Jeera including black Jeera (Cu n,in seeds) .. .. .. .. .. Do.
11 njwan (Omam), Anise-seeds (Sombu), Cassia (Lavanga-pattai or cinnamon), Do. 5
Cloves, Dried Gingel (Sukku), Fennel (Sathaki ppsLi), Fenc gi eck (Menthi),
Mace (Jathipatbri), Nutmegs (Jathika), Poppy seeds (Kasakasa), Saffi-on.
12 Compound cattle feed including feed supplements and concentiates .. Do.
.. ..

13 Ghee or other milk produ cts sold without brand name .. Do.
14 Man made staple fibres, fibre yarn, fil~mentyzr n a d west e cf s?ny of them Do. 3

15 Jari of all kinds including metallic y a n , metallic jari yp.in, maallic plastic Do. 5
yarn, polyester film yarn and radiant yarn.
16 Cotton waste of all kinds whether obtained from ginning, spinning or other- ro. 5
17 Cotton yarn waste .. .. .-. ... s. .. .. .. Do. 5 I
18 Articles of ready to wear apparel (known commercially as ready-made Do.
garments) including 11nder gar y ents and body su morting garments but
excluding hoiserj goods. 4
-- 2-
- 71-

(3) (4)
Per cen
- *.&::$,+&*.
4 '"-.*
.... -At the point of first 5
sale in the State.
conforming to the followingdescription :-
Do. 5

#sin&*which expressicd sball inch de adhesive plaste~s,

ster dressing, gygsana plaster, of paris and bandages, velrock
elgstro crepe bandagel,'ga~ze, wzdding g&uze,lintand
ulticfs and similar articles imp?cgnatcd or ccat ed with
pifh~w~~t R i d st bstances p1.t up in ;forms or packings for surgical
' I
of the,medical profession.
g * , '&+
47 -3 -
pmpc,ks which bave beensteriliwd adconformto the accepted standards

(vj PkwPhPrrmOedical an& surgical prcdocts!of and rubber including

gtoyesaaprons and cpps. ,.
(B) ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~apphancesut s a nseddinmedical,surgieel,de~llalorveterinary
sciewes,in~ludingscientigrapbic apparak s, otber eleclr cmedicsl zppaatus
and sigbt testing instru ments jnclt ding ophthalmcsccpe, Qtosccpe, Lar yngo
scope; Retiaosccpe, Binoc~ltu Icupe, parts and acceesories therecf (other
than those specified elsewhere in tbis Schedule).

(i) Intravenous sets, scalp vein sets, blood administraticn sets, klccd dcncr Do. 5
sets and solution administfation sets.
(ii) Dextrose,thatisto say,dextrose mono hydrate and anhydrous dextrose.
(iii) Measured~olumeset.
x-\, .
Country drugs .. .. .. .. @
i.. .. .. ... ... Do. 5
Machine made matches .." .. .. .. .:. .,.

... Do. 5
Rubbuiscd c o i produ$s .. .. .. .. .. ... ... Do, 4

(i) Stainless steel i ti/les made wholly or principally c f stainless stcel other Do. 5
han those speci
Yess steel utensils,
elsewhere in this Scbed~le.
inclu.ding copper or other metal
(ii) Moasebold
non-sticklined utensils.
that is, kitchenware coated with heat resistant
as well as serving.
for domestic purposes other than those Do. 5

I I... .-. - .-. ". .. ..

Baml- a .
L m

Explanat n.- For the purpose of tusitem Inthe case of bamboo purchased
by t h forest oontractors in the auction of forest coups condu cted by
t& rest Department of the Government, sale by such contractors of
suc bamboo, in any form or size shall be deemed to be the first sale and
the ale by the Forest Department SQ sugb qu~tionof forest Coupes shall
be dee~qedt v be t b first sale,

? I L

' "

72 'IL'AMTLNADIJ C;OVLKF4?4iE;.<'I G,!.ZiJ i H2

' EX? B' : 2 J:l~l%
' i ~

,+-.- - -- -- - - -

. -
M1C wq_li _I_----
- < Ur .
.- -L- ^

\ I
: I)
3 C c i ~ ~ cflool
i l ing stoncs, s1:l.b~anc!. a1l k i ~ ~ tof
l stilcs other 111:111 I,( :( ~!c 1;
itlic , i,
elsewhere in this Scl edi,le. szle IU t l , ~;,

k t o Rickshaws anc! otlicr tluee wheelers by whatevel name kllo\)i~~, DL.

chassis cf A ~ t oRicksh~ws ar-d. cf her three wheelel s? bcc'ics or tankcl s
b~,iltcr meant fcr m c nting~ ontlu-eewheelers belcng~ngtoollzel s(on thc
L L rnovl-i s reli-tingto bcdies), part: 2nd eccesscl ies the- cc f inclt <.kg b ~ l b q .
faic mclci s b~t excll c!.ing ttfter i, s, tyres, tubes and f12ys.
* 'ulor cycles. hfotor c y c ~ tccmbinrlions, Motor sccctel s, Mct C I scc c : c r Do.
combinations, n;ciclc'tc r . n-c rc r s . pi:^?^ and acccssciicb tl~ciccf incl~iill;
b:,lbs b ~tl cxcl~ding bnttcr ics, 1 yr c: ,l t t bcs and flaps.

31 Rlc,tol iscd bicyclcs,tri-cycles, c; clc r i c k s h ~ , t n . m cyc!Ls, cyclc-cc nl:~iiu!

t ions,cai I iagcs f c r invalid p;r: ( ns uncl pel ::mb~ la~cr> ; 1 ~ IN( . 1c1 Ln;ll.zs
L. scu fur bcilig fi~tcci I~ C CIJu ; 1)'1.11s;!~lci ; ~ , C C ~ S S O ~01'1l~c
~ C S '( I c~!gi~xcr 1
c~mbinatic~ns, inclt ( k g t y C~S , b's znd ikps.

i 32 (i) Dumpers, loaders, scrapel s, crawler tractc)~

s .. .. .. ',

(ii) Paver finishersiexcavatool e, c!ragnct s, dredge1s, bullc'.ozel s, yhcel dozcrs,

road rollers and other silni1r.1 vi.1icties cf rnr.chinery of whlch a mecha-
nically propelled vehicle fcr ms an integral pdrt (otber than those specified
elsewhere in the Schecit le), tyres (inch ding pneo =.tic tyiirs, r&k&alty es), ,
tubes and flaps ordinzrily L srd fcr the abcve (whether or nct si ch tyies.
tubes and flaps are also ~ ~ s fc,r
e d cther vehic1es)and r.lliclc~ (excl~~ i n g
y pmts and a.ccessc1 i c ~f
batteries)adapted for L sc gcncl ~ l l :is ~ the above.
* I

33 Crane lorries incl~dingfloating ciai:cs, brrek down l~riics,rozd s ecper CG.

lorries, sprayinglorries, cr RCI cte mixer lc rries, mabili workshops, Lobile
radiological units, a m b ~li:nccs, fircfigll'ing units incl~dingfire floats,
drilling rigs mounted on mctor vthicles and floating vessels, platform
trucks, f o ~ lift
k trucks cnd other similar varieties of machinery of which
a mecham~?llypropelled vebicle f o ms ~ an integral p a t whichis subsidiary
t o their main function, tyres (inc!uding pneumatic tyres, radial tyres),
tabes and flaps oidin~rily~isedfor the above (whether or not such tpes,
tubes and flaps are also i ~ e dfcr other vehicles) and articles (excluding
batteries)adapted fcr I se gen,l Ily as parts and accessories c f the above.

(i) Ingots
Alcminium, pure or alloy in the f ~ r m
(ii) 'BUS
.. .. ..
... Do, ,

(iii) Blocks (iv) Slabs

(v) Billets (vi) Shots
(vii) Pellets (viii) Plates
(ix) Sheets (x) Oircles
(xi) Wires (xii) Strips
(xiii) Rods (xiv) Wire rods and
(xv) Any alloy of aluminium with any other metal or metals on the
turnover relating to oomponents which have nat already suffered tax:
)Provided that, if any aluminium, pure or alloy, has suffered tax under
any one of the sub-itoms mentiondd above ,it ,shall not kpgain suSrjaet
$0 tax under the same or any other sub-items afor#&id.
/.-' 5

35 (ij ~ u b b e rlatex (natulal) of all qualities and grades isoluding earth s c ~ a p At tho. ojnt of lost
trae laoe, anloniatod ltltox, prossrvod latex oonoentrate, oentrifuged latex.
pwro asc i n t h ~ ,
1: 5
(ii)Raw rubber of a11 varia!ies and grades iuoluding dry ribbed sheet of all
IRMA grades, drycrepe rubbzr, dry black rubber, skimmed rubber, if they
had not suffered tax 1.1nd3r s:~S-i:e!rn (i) above.
(iii) Reclaimed rubber, all grades and qualities. 3

36 Rough syothetic gem bov!es. .. . , .. .. . . . .. At the point c. r L

I *
sale i n the :'I,, : -5

per cent
Sawing mshines and embroidery matpines of all kinds, parts and acces- At the point of first 5
sorids thereof and needles used therewith. sale in the State.
X-Ray apparatus, films, pldtes and othn equipments reduired for use Do. 5
therewith, parts and accessories thereof. I

Corrugated boxes and Cartons-

. . .. . . .. .. .. Do. 5
Plastic produots, inoluding melamine ware and break-resistant plastics Do. 5
other than those specified elsewhere in this Sohedule.
All types of bottle caps .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .
L Do. 5

Tin oontdiners .. .. .. .. ...

.. .. .. Da. 5

Oi nematographic raw films .. .. .. .. .. ... ... Do, 5

Paper, all sotts (inoluding paste board, mill-board, straw board and card Do. 5
board), that is to say-
(i) Cigarette tissue ;
) Blotting, filter, toilet or target tissue (other r han cipr elte tissue), teleprin-
('"tel, t yperw&ing, manifold, bank, bond, art, phrome, tab sized, cheque, stamp
or cartridge papea, p r o b e n t board inoluding art-board , cbrome board
and board for playing cards ;

(iii) printing and writing paper ,.packing and wrapping paper, blank
ccmputer stationery +whether plain or colocr ruled ind whether cr not
interleaved with carbon paper), straw board and pulp board, including
grey board, corm gated board, duplex and triplex board a, other sorts;

Do, 5
Do- 'S
Do. 5
Do. ' "5
Do. 5

A Group ) IV 2 Ex; (287)-3


50 Zinc .. .. .. .. ., .. .. . . .. .. .. ,.It the p ,int o f f i l k '

~ l in
e $ 1 ~ : St'>.[ -
51 Ice blocks .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. D a.
52 Beedi leaves .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. DCi.
53 Sago and st ;.r ch c;f ..:ly kina .. .. .. .. .. .. DD.
I 1 Fuel gds i,lclr.<ing liqul.ficd pt.11c,lcr n l gr.s .. .. .. .. .. A ' illc. paint o: L -
sa:e in the St::'-
Explanation I.-For the pi,] posc ~f t llisitem and itclns 8 in P;: 1-B.1 2nd 22
in P a t - D , 23,24 and 25 input-E , 19 anci 20 in Pat-I; ant! 1 , 2 cnc! : in
Part-G, a si:le by one oil c.lln;~!ny 1 o ancther oil comp::ny shsll nc,t bc
deeinedio Lethe first baleinljii~S'b-tt L:.C: ;.cc( I C . ~ gI>;
I I I( l-yc n c il~
cdinpar-y l o any ot her pci \( n .nc .i being en cil cc n8p;I y) :1 .; 11 bc
deemed to be the first s21c 111 11re S1r:rc.
Explaniztion IZ.-For the pi I puhc c f Explcn:-t ic n I, "oil ccmpcny" mcr,ns- -.

ta) The M'tcll as Refire; ics Limi: :c?.

b) T1~eI~ldianOil CLl~p,)r:-tionLimit cd.
(c) Tlze B rarat Pctruicil m Cc I pc1 e'lca Limited.

% -*
(a) The IIil~d~.stan Pctsole~m Ccl yt ~ i . ~ i oLimit
r i ec!.
(e) Indc-B~~r ma Petrolel 1x1 Colnp~.nyLirniteci.
,tnd incl~desany other oil cc)mp:.ny notificc in I his bch21t by the Govr~lr
m ~ i l in
t t lie Elmil Nathc G~v~~rtlrncnt Gazette. Y

2 (i) S~~ilteC! T L ,z<*zs~zC!

~ 01. ~ ~ ~~d
1 SCCV?.!
1 1 . . .. . . . . . . Dz .
(ii) P'ln mr:sala by wkkl e v ~ rxanlc c;.!!cc! cc ril~i~ur-g bctel a~t s, th2.t is i o
say, n ~ oft a] eca cattachr: bi bken ::~xdpel f~:med,r.nci t i r c cr mcnt 1101 c r
sandal oils LJ ctlldamc;m or :ob.!cco or any owol. m ~ r c,f c tllcsc ingrcc.iil:'s.
3 P r e s s ~ ~lzmps
re ::nd prrt s and :icces\czic s r hcrecf .. ." .. .. Do.
4 P r e s s ~ r ecookers, p:-ess~reb f c Vi $, g; 2 C! i vcs, @S Gvcns 2nd pcrt s anc Do.
accessories cf eliscch g x d s ~.!Ilcr I h x n those .~pccifii,.delsewlrexe in r:js
Schedrl le.
5 Essences and Squrshcs .". .. . . ..
. . .+. . .. . Do. 2
( 6 Locks of 211 kinds ; : i d v:ii ic! i i r .. , . .. .. .:. .. .. Do.
7 Asafcetida .. .. -. .. .. .. .,. .. .. Do.
8 r7:lvphor .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Do.

JI (i) Croksry (other thzn thosi. s p x ;fizcl els.$wherc i n this Schedule) . . . . Do. , 2

(ii) Ct~llery(other tha 11 thos- spdor f i d cis :where j n this Sched~le)i no3t.dliig
tablc cutlsry, fork%
10 (i) Sieel almir.111~and furniture of all kinds, including household furniture Do,
(other than fhose spscifixl elv?w?~c~-e in this Schcc!~lfc) mzde from all kincis
of wstals, fibre glass, reinforosd plastics or made primarily fronrany kind
ol plastics, upholstered furnitare or furniture in the manufaoture of
laminatad s k i s ars uscd. whether sold in assembled or unassem *jchled
form and ready t o assemble, parts thereof.
(ii) Oiiioa equipments of every desoription,irlolu3ing filing oabinets, card-
index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays, office sfamp stands
and similar office ox desk equipments whcther sold, in assembled or C . :J;
unassembled form aiid ready t o assemble, parts thereof (other than those , ,
spmified elsewhere i n this Schedule and stationery artioles). . , * : , *

Bxp1anizion.- Slotted nogles, gusnsls, a s , p a s and strips whirl(,' wbin , - t ? f .iX,

jassemblsd form furniture or offioel quipment, shall be deemed t o be ., !
, furniture or offi;: equipmznts, as t hc oase may be, for LIE purpase oi t h i ~ , , .,L ~.,,. ~ ~
item. ; I I I ,

. . t-
. ,

(40 -
Per ce

=wms ..
.. .. .. .. Do. 8
.. ..
., .. .. Do. 8'
- --
' 7 +.:*--,.y ,A'
b ~ . d all
f kinds including beaoh and 'garden umbrellas and folding Do. 8
- - parts thereof,
Leather g6ods other than foot-wear mide wholly or principally of leather Do. 8
(whether or not other materials such as thread, lining, rivets are used).

IS Lottery tioke~s .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Do. 8

20- Helmets .. ... .. .%.: .. .. .. .. .- n


. . . ,. ..ith or without brand name .. .. .. .. .. .. Do. 8

.22 Asphalt (Bitumen) Do.
p' '23 Timber i d u d i ng sized timbsr but excluding firewood .. .. .. .. Do. 8
--- .--
----- - - For the o u r ~ o s eof this item in the case of timber purchased
F.xnIarlat~ma.- - . - .
6 y tho foq$!t crontra$ors in the auction of forest coupes conduated by the
Forest Department of the Government. the sale by such contractors of
suoh timbsr i a form size shall be deemed to be the first sale a ~ d
tbn sale by the Forest d b t m e n t in s ~ o ah y t i o n of forest coupes shall
not be deemed to be the first sale. I

# I LUU..., I.I".YU.UO ... .-. ..--- ---- ..

for the supply or distribution of water (including RCC pipes), parts

and accessories thereof including valves.

25 Water meters, pas msters, indns::i~l,thcrmometers,~ pait@ and accessories Do. 8

27 Barbad wire, wire mesh,ohiokcn-mesh,- eipanded metal and ohsiu link made Do. ! 8'
of an 7 metal or natwial.

t I igir ragfine ndecrs (5S:ai n2d by i mmxsi ng paper mat i d bitumen) -, Do. 8

8 cu&$appahs t o 5~h b s an J Shahitbad stom shbs .. .

e -. .. Do. .. ..M* I 8
iA Group) IF' 2 Ex. (2871 3a

_ _. --_- -- - -- _ -_ _ -_ -
;J L t ~ r i \ k l

(1) (2) (3)

30 (i) Granite blocks (rough or raw) .. .. .. ..

At tiic p(;iilt o f f i i .'I
salc in the State.
(ii) Polished granite slabs including to111b stones, monument slab and heail Do.
31 Fire works including coloured matches .. .. .. .. .. Do.
32 Playing cards .. .. .. .. .. .. Do.
33 Cinematographic equipnlents incl~ding czmerzs, prcjectc~s, over-hc:d Do.
projectors, sound-reccrcing and rcpicdccing eqL ipmtnt s, p a r s zndk-.
accessories thereof rrnd leliscs, exposcd films, am-strips, 2.1 c or ciu.cnle
carbons, cinema slides, paper, pzper boa1ds required for c se t herewith.
34 Pbotograpbic and other camel s ~ sand e~lls?rgcrs,parts
end access01icst hercc.f Do.
and lenses, instant print films, pbdog~apbicfilms mnc! printing pz.pi
(excluding X-ray and cine) plzt c: , paper boards and textiles, flt-.,11 l~ght
apparatus required for use tl~ercuithand photogrephlc prints, whether
mounted, framed or otherwise. . s ,

35 Macljneries of all kinds (othcr than thosc spccifically mcnti~neqin this Do.
Schedule) worked by (i) Elccl~icit y,(i i)Nilclear ower ,(iii) Hydrodyw-m~c
and steam power ,(iv) Diesel or prlrol, (v) F L J ~ce o i (vi)
~ Kerosene, (vii)
Coalinchding coke and charcoal or (viii)any other form of f ~ c 1o ~ p o w c r
(excluding human or animal l a b o ~),i (ix) P a t s znd zcccssci ic s cf mzchi-
ueries and tools used will] lhc mechinesics mentioned in st b-itcms (i) to
(viii) abovg.
35 Welding electrodes, graphite electrodes, welding rcds of all kinds, incl~.ding Do.
brazen rods and soldering wircs.

$37 [Rolling bearings, that is to say, ball or roller bearings of a11 kinds. Do.
!38 :Power driven pumps for liqt ids and liqt id elcvidcrs whether or not fitted Do.
witb a measuring device including-
I(a) Motor pumps ;
#b) Cent1 ifugal p,; i p s (Hoi izc,l1talo1 vci l id PI nlph);
c(c) deep tube-well turbine pn mps ;
r(d) submersible pumps ; 4

ge) axial flow and mixed flow vertical pt mps ;

(0 Jet and mono block pump sct s, p a t s :~.11daccessai ics wl~ich?.re h"
ga~eratlyadapted for tise with sdcb pumps ;
(g) Valves.

39 Oil ~ngines,parts and accessa ics thereof .. .. .. .. .. Dd.

40 Bolts, nuts and rivets, threaded or tappcc! and screws of base m c t ~or
l iilloys Do.
thereof, including bolt end, screw slt ds, scrcw stt dding, self-trppcd scl cw,
screw books, screw rings and scrc w eye and hooks.- -+ .

(i) Clamps of all kinds ;

(ii) Cotter pins of all kinds ;
valves and control V?~IVCF ;
(iii) Valves of all kinds including ~~ressrrcrelief
(iv) Washers of all kinds ; C

(v) Perforated sheet of any mela I or malcrial.

41 (i) Nnn-electronic weighing machincs of a11 kinds includirg piatfor m scelcs, ils.
weigh bridges (even if tkey bave digital displays), counter-scalcs, s p ing
balances, weigh~ngscales and balances, parts and accessories cf sr dl V.

mncljncs ;lild weights r~scdthcrc with. 2

'5 F
(ii) Dippirig measures, metric po~i;ing n.lcaacres, conical measures, cylindr ic2,i
, i

I mec~s~~res.
[iii) hf c t e~ scales, measusingi tnpes','slcel ynlds and burvey ~ l a a i ~ s ' . . k
F 4
.r c--
, -i

- - -


51 Carbon blaok, aoetylene black. AT the point of fiA

sale in t h Sate.
52 Meroury. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . Do.

53 'Caustic Soda. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... . . . . Do.
41 Sulphur. -. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . DO,
55 lnks of all kinds inoluding lithographic, printing 2nd duplioating inks Qut Do.
excluding writing ink.
56 Ethyl nloohol, absolute aloohol, methyl alcohol, reotified spirit, neutral Dq.
spirit and denatured spi~it.

57 Nitric, hydroohlorio and Sulphuric acids .

I .
I. .. .. .. 30.

58 Adhesives of all kinds inoluding gum, glue, resins and solutions ... ... Do.
59 (i) Paraffin wax-food grade standard .
II - --
(ii) Paraffin wax of all glL..I:standards other than food grade standard
C, ... Do.

~noludingst,.,dard wax and matoh wax. ,

'h .I
(iii) Slack wax.

41 (i) Soda as11 Be,

(ii) Bleaohi ng powder ...
(iii) Sodium bi-carbonare
(iv) Sodium Hydrosulphiie
(v) Sulphate of Alumina
(vi) Sodium Nitrate
(vii) Sodium Aoetate
(v i ii) Sodium Sulphate
(ix) Acid Slurry
(x) Trisodium Phosphate
(xi) Sodium Tri-Poly Phosphate
(xii) Sodium Silicate I +

(xiii) Sodium Metasiiicate

(xiv) Car boxy Methyl Cellulose
(XV)Sodium Sulphide
(xvi) Acetic Aoid
(xvii) Sodium bi-sulphite
fxviii) Oxalic Aoid
(xix) Sodium Thio Sulphate . ,
.. ,
". .
' I &

(xx) Sodium Sulphite

(xxi) Sodium r! Igi nate e .., :, +

(xxii) Bcnze ne
,, , 2 .+1
(xxiii) Citric Acid '5d ;%, i+/ . .
(xxiv) Dictbylene Glyca!
. -
(xxv) S d i u m Nitxitc s J

txxvi) Hydro&enh o x i c k . . , L

(xxvii) Acmaldehyde

. ( u v ~ l i Pehiter
) yl hr~tol.
(X~II) Alpha Olefin Sdphonate C
(xxx) Scdi urn Format e.
Drycells, dry czll batteries, button celis, sciar cells of all kinas, parts and At the p i n t cffirst
accessories t hercc f i~:cludingzinc ca!a s 7 ~ carbon
d rods. salein the State.

.* .. .. . . .. .. .. .. At the p?int of first
sale in t he State.

Precious stones,na,mely, diamonds, emernlds,rubies, pearls-nat ma1 or cultured,

cat's eye, sapph~res,carbuncleor garnets, wral, sardonyx,topa;: and other
semi grecious STcmes whether they are sold loose or as forming part cf any
article or jewellery in which t hey are set.

Soaps, that isto say^

. a

(ii) Washing soaps o f all kinds including floor washing soaps, soap flakes,
soap powders, soap liquids and detergents in all forms, excl~xdinghand-
made i terns of r hese goods.

4 (i) Vacuum flasks of 311 kinds, p ~ r t :sI I I accessories

~ t h~reof inc!rd ng refills.
- 3

(ii) All domestic and cornmerc!ial receptacles designed to keep fcod or be-
verages or othx ariides hot or cold inclrldng ice buckets or boxes, faris
and acccssorlcsthery. '

moutBwa&@ad other dentifrices whet her

in sectior, 3 offhe Drags ar.d Cosinetics
of 1940) a s -~j$az&ttfectured
under a li cer.ce
rushes, tcngue demers.

LatestLaws.com *r


8 smvlng octs cwrth or without contents), razors, safety razors, razor blzdes, At the point of first
shaving brushes and shaving creams. sale in the State,

I1 Glass and glassware, all sorts ( 0 t h - than those spxifhd alsewhzra ill tllis
Schedule) i ~aluding-

(i) Flat glass, including sheet glass, wired glass and rollod glitss whether
in the form of plate glass, figured glass or in any other form, caloured
glass, coolex glass, toughened glass, laminated safety glass, tinted glass.

(ii) Laboratory glasswares, hygienic or phal;rna~eutioal glass wares (who?licr

or not graduated or oalibratcld and slass miao slides) ,
%' d'

(iii) Glass shells, glass globes and chimneys for lamps and lantdins

(iv) lass jars, glass bottles, glass marbles and glass beads. 4.

(v) Table wares mado of glass.

112 (i) Glass mirrors

fii) Coloured glass mirrors.
'1. .

f iii) Fig~lredglass rgirrorsa 6
(iv) Framed mirrors (on the t~rncvorrelating to components thereof which
have not already suffered t a x )

13 (i) Plywood, Yard board, garticle b ~ a r d , Block board, insu lation board, Do;
laqin board, batten board, l ~ a r dor saft wall ceiling ;floor boards, and
similar boards of wocd, of all kinds, wheth~ror not containing any
material other tban wood . .

(ii) All other non soft boards or issulatiag material made of any other materid
otller than waod.
-*, '.
14 Cement articles, asbestos articles and asbestos cement articles othar than Do.
RCC pipas and those sPBcified elsewhere in this Schedule (whether or not
other material such as iron, saud are used) inaluding k t , corrugated sheets-
and tubas.
Foam ruFh*r produots, plastic fosln products, fibre roam products 01- other D;:
synthetic foam products ot every description iacluding -

(i) Sheets
(ii) Cushions1 3

(iii) Pillo ws and

*)Mattresses. I*



- - -- -

(1) s' 4'

(31 (4)
.t -
a1 i " , PER QBNT
At tbepoint of first 12
sale in the State.

Do. 12

d elsew1 ere in this Do. 12

.lion oi in connection

Do. 12

82 , A N ~ ~NADU
-- - -- p-
- .%.

(1 (2) (3)
20. E ~ ~ Japp!ia ~ ~16;sE (D~:n:;.ic
~ , ~ nl~d
~ c j m ner ciat) namely :--c;ollt. ,It , 11'. i>,,i111 of ii ,I
.,!le 111[I-e State.
(x) Ice-cream churnel s ;
(XI) Irons ;
(XI,) Juice ex!l act01 s ; 6:.
( ~ 1 1 1 ) \lassage appal-atLI s ; g;
(xlv) \.losquito destroyers a,nJ ins-c: killer devices, incl t ding Ilc:.i 1 i l ? d

devices sed with i~lsccrrepcllant mnl s ; k -

(xvuv) Ovens and microwave ovens ;
(xvi) Room heaters ;
(uv~i)Shavers, sharpeners ;
Cxvlii)Steamers, c~ffeemakel-s (incl~ding p;rcoIateis), c o ~ k e r segg
, bcilch ;
(xix) Vacuunl cleaners ;
(xx) Vendir g machines ;
Washir grnachines, drying machines (whether or not s'oldas acomposite
nit) ;
(ux~i)Parts and accessories of all goods menticned in SL b-itcms (i) tc (xxi)
above. I
Explanation 1.- All the above goods notwitbstendiqg that they contain
c\ectronic circuits, switchings or con:rol device syslems, siall be deemed
; o be elec'rical appliances (domzstic anc! commercial).

~xplanationH.-''D~mzstic and Comrn:rcial Q ~ e c t r i aapp!ianwsW

a~ means
elcct~icalappliances, normally csed in the ]roc setold and u s e d b l hotels,,
nircrafts or ships, pantries, canteens, tailoring establishments, lgb ndry
shops, hair dressing saloons a] .d in similar establishments.
21 (i) G:np,rators, g:neratil g sets, trslnsformers and mn-electrcnic vol?r-.ge Do.
stabilisers ;
(ii) Transformers ;
(iii) Parts ar d accsssories of sub-it ems (i) and (iij above.
22 Silgircane excl~?dingsugsrcane
sets .. .. .. -. .. .. At ' t h i "oint of last
pnrcbase in the
23 !LIb .i:xting oils, quenching oils and greases .. .. .. .. .. At the point of fiir-:
szle i 1. the Statc.
21 $ 1nzral oils of all kinds (other than those mentioned in item 23 of Pzrt-E DOE
, ~ n under
d item 3-A of rhe S - c ~ n dSched~lle)i n c l ~ d i n gf~rnace cil end
Nap! h2.

25 ( I ) G s e s (other t t a n those specified elsewhere in t i is Schedule) in all its Do.

forms ;
(ii) Pcl iE:d and p;oc:ssed gases in all its forms .. .. .. .. Do.

A"?, L '

1 (~)S~ntsaadperfrlmesina~yformexc~odirgdoopand.agarl>al~isbut
including aragaja, javvadu and pu nu gu ; sale ill the State.
(ii) Hair oils, hair creams, hair dyes, hail Lirkeners, hair to&.,, brillian-
tinps, pomades and vaselines ;
(iii) Lipsticks, lipsalve, nail poiishes, nail varnishes, nail brushes,
bzaoty boxes, face powders, toilet powders, baby powders,
talc.1 m powders, powder compacts, .,i,, ;r?.s ard 1. ffs7
toilet sets made of all ma.terials (with or witbo1.t ccntents),toilet spcnges,
scs:~ts p a y , depilc?tories,blemish removers, eyeline s all sorts, eye s h d c w ,
ey, brow pzncils, eyc-l~shb~ sbes,ear-decologne, olic! cGlcgnes,lavender
w [ter, snows, face cieams, all p! rpose creams, cold cres-ms, cleaning
C-e:.ms, m 3 k ~ - ~ 1creams,
p b e ~ ty
r creams, beauty miik, clealling milk,
h:-il- foods, skin onics, conlglexio~lrouge, nail cutters, sanitary tcwels
,tic! napkins, a5'riqgen" Ioticns, pre-st ave and after-shave loticns .&nd
Crc..111>, mnist rriscrs of all .-oris and personal (bcdy) decdorants.

(2h 4' (3) (3

-*a- Ang oft be items listed ab re c;Ln if medicated or as cle fined,
1n sedlon 3 of the Drugs and ~ o s m Q i c Act.
s 1940 (Central Act XXllI
of 196N)or manufactdred ontbelicenceissued, tlnder the said Act w ~ l fl d l
under tbisitem.
2 Air purifiers, CL pboa~dfreshne~
s and d d d r s , whet hcr c d c I~less or At the point of first 16
sale in the State.

.. .. -. .. .. .. .. D<,. I 16

(v) Marble floor t i l t s and wz11 tiles ;
(vi) Other articles made of marbles.
,5 Floor cove1;&@, that is to say, carpets, mupetry and rugs, whether t ,.fted,
i D, . 16
piled or 'otherwise whether made from cotton, silk, synthetic cr cther
fibpes, whether machine-made, hand-made or made on hzndlcoms but
exclkding handmade or handloom made woven durrizs and jamakh.1a.m~
and a1so excli ding he~~c'.m?-deor band-woven ccir,m:! ings.

! P. V. C. (Vinyl) asbestos floor tiles, walltiles and flexible flooring materials. . J3'0. 16

8 Lifts and hoists operated by electricity or hyc'dic

, , power, parts and Do. 16
accessories thereof.
( . I

9 Strongroom osvault doors and ventiIatars,armoured or reinforced sefes, Do. 14

strong l&des and dpors, qash' Chests,'wh br deed boxes, wall coffers,
safe deygsit lockers. locker cabinets, parts and accessories of all such
goods made of iron and steel or o t k b e metals.

.,parts and accessories

*thereof including 16

A tironp) ZV-2 Ex, (287)--4a

- -

----- -
(1 (3)

(ii) Refrigeration plants and all kinds of rcfrig~,~::~.,

s.2;!i:.nces acrl
equipments including refrigerators, deep freezers, mechanical water
coolers, coffee coolers, walk-in coolers.

(iii) Cold storage equipment s, ps rts and accessories thereof i n c l u d ~ n ~

materials like polystyrene and polyurethane foam
materials used in refrigerators and cold storage equipments.
17 (i) Arms of all kinds including rifles, revolvers, pistols, parts ancl zt.f i IICI)! i t

1 accessories thereof and bayonets, truncheons and ammunition usecl 51$1 \ale in + 1 .
(ii) Hand grenades.
(iii) Air guns, air rifles, p:~rts and accessories thereof and pellets clscc: f
t 11e1ewi! h. F
IS (i) C.gu .,nd Cig 1.-c te c scs, Iic>l?.c~
s, t o b ~ c opipes, cigal elte filtel s 2nd Dc . 1t

hc!r>~ L I .I

(ii) Liglrters of all kinds incl~ding sperk lighters.

19 High Speed diesel oil .. .. .. I..

,.. .. .. .. D ). d r;
20 Light dicsel oil .. .. .. .. .. .. \* .. .. .#
Dc. 16:
21 Sp:.rkplr gs and parts the1ec.f .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. Do. +


1 "-trol. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. At the point of f i 1 SL ?C &-.

sale in the Sta'e. L
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ii

2 Aviation Gasoline Do. 110 5'

3 Aviation turbine fuel including jet fuel .. .. .. .. .. . . Do. 24 $,
1 Molasses .. .. .. .. -. .. .. .. At the poi nt of first 22
sale In the Stata.
2 All kinds of alcoholic liquors for human consumption which are purchased/ Do.
procured /brought from outside tbe St ate of Tamil Nadu (other than rrri

foreignliquors falling under item 1 of Part I, toddy and azrac 1.

I F!
1 A11 kinds offoreignliquors, f hat is to say, wines, spirits and he! jmpofied ~t the pc irt of fin[ 509
India from foreign countries and dealt with Ydder the Indian T&jffAct, sale in .the State.
1934 (Central Act XXXI[ of 19-34)or undex any other law for the time b i n g
in fotce relating to the duties o.'customs on g o q s imported into lnaia.
' b
3. Forthe Sixth Schedule f 0 the principal Act, tfie following ~che&le*a]r be ,y&iiitution
substituted, namely :- d.' L r: .
-. I
. 4 r A

*- I . . ScheJuie.


LatestLaws.com I

general information :-

ACT NO*25 OF 1393.

An Act further to amend the Tah3 Nadu (=er eral S&s T& Act, 1959.
BE' t enacted by the Legislative A b l y of the State of Tamil Nadu
of the Repnblic of InZia as] follow :-
in the For4~--fo~trt&Vrar

1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadn Generlll Sales Tax
(Secon(l Amendbent) Act, 1993. S hmencement.
g i&it

(2) (a) Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 27 shall be deemed to have come

into forte on tho 12th day of March 1993.

Cb) Sedions 9, 12 and 14 &dlbe deemed to have come into force

an the 1st day i>f April 1993. .

, after clause (m), the following

G o n e r ' means any person appo5n- '

sioner of Comme~cidTaxes under

Amendment d
sectibn 31.

a casual trader or agent of a non-

ye& is not is9 than one lsLh of
a noa-resident dder, whatever be
for tach year in accordance wit&

b-section ( I ) , in the case of god^

nderl this Act shall be payable by

.Provided that all spare- parts, components and accew~iesof

, such
poods s y also be taxed at the same rate as that of the g o o h if s~c11spare
parts, compbnents and accessories are not specifically enumerated in the First
S~hednleand made liable to tax under that Schedule. " ;

42; fort sub-section (2-A) excluding the proviso thereto, the following
mt?-qectim shall be substit~~ted,
namely :-

..12-A) Subject to the proviaions of sub-secti'on (I),in the case of

goods rnentioncd in the Fifth Schedule, the tax under this Act shnll he pay-
by a dcalrr a t thc rate and at the point spdcificd therein on the tu18novw
in year rlclnting ~11('hgood6 : ";

-- --


-- .. - -- --. - - - - - -= *

(3) for sub-section (2-B) excluding the proviso ther'cto, the foileir-Iug
sub-section & d l be substituted, namely :-

" (2-B)
Subject to the provisions of sub-section ( I ) , in the ~ a ~ > :
of goods mentioned in the Sixth Schedule, the tax under thii; .ic.t shall bi:
payable by a dealer at the M point ofl wle and the secon(l poj n t hr' m1~.
and at the 14te spec3ed therein on the turnover in each >-2, i . I.%liiting t -
sndh goods : ";

'4) for sub-section ( 3 ) ) the following sub-section.: shiilill i :, ,lll)~il?~i

ted, namely :-

" (3) Notwithst;mdjng anything contained iu su11-stctio11 ' 2 1. 'r~::

subject to the provk,ions of sub-section ( 1 ) the t a x pa)-al~le1))- n d c - l l ~ . ~in
respect of sale of any goods includkg consurnables, packing matprial and
labels, but excluding plant and ~rtachinery,to anothed dealer for use I,;*- t h ~
latter in the manufacture, and assemlling, packing or labelling in c t ~ u i l ~
tion with such manufacture &ide the State, for safe by him oU any goctlq
mentioned in the First Schedule, other thaa those fallin.. under item 56 in
h"t 4'
Part D of the said Schedule and arrkwk, shall be at the rate of onl:; f-1zre-j
per cent on the turnover relating to such sale :
Provided that the p~~ovisions
of this sull-scction sliall not apply- I*)---
any sale of g o d s falling under items 23, 24 and 25 in Ptl-t
E and item 1 in Part E, of the said Schedule; and

( 8 ) any sale, d e s s the dealer selling such goods furni&es to the

assessing authority in the prescribed manner and within the. prescribed
P - ,t;

period, a declaration duly filled in and'signed by the deaier to whom the

*$.%*(.. ' .v j! 6,t
gmds are sold containin;: the prescribed particxilark in a prcsribbd f o m
i,'* f
~~btained from the prescribed auth~rity!q: F:
. 144 A.J,?

Provided fortper that any dealer who, after purchasing th; g'&dr
in respect of which he had furnished any declaration, fails to make use
, ', '.#

the goods .w purchased for the purpose specified in the declaration but dIs-
poses of surh goods in any other manner, shall pay the differknee of tax pny-
able on the ti~rnoverrelating to sale of such goods at the rate prescrih3d and P

three per) cent:

Provided also thzt the dealer purchasing the gmds maintainv a

. separate stock amount for each of the ioods purchssed by him showin&&
particulars as may he prescribed. a-.

(4) Where any dealer, after availing the conccssion~lrate of t a r under

sub-section ( 3 ) , d m not sell the goads so manufactured, but despatches therrt
to a place outside the State either by b m c h , t ~ ~ n s f e roA by traasfer to an
agent, .by w h t i t e v ~ ~time
, e a l l p d , for sale, or in any ether manner, except 2 3
a direct of sale or purchase in the course of+inter-hate trade or j.orn-
nerce, shall pay, in ad(!iltovto the concewional rate of t a u :~ll-ccrIppfiiil ~r~:.i;-.

sub-section (3), tax at two per cent on the value o' the gtajds s o


F TAd@f&.Nd&&J G@VERNMEN-';I~)G~Z-ETT~

s ( 5 ) in sub-section (7), fcrr the express,ioq~"~otwithstandin~any-

thing contained in sub-sccthn (I), ( 2 ) ) (2-A), (2-13) or (3), but. subject to
I* hub-section (8) ", the expression "Notwithstanding anything contained in mb-
section (2), (2-A), (2-13) or (3), but subject to snb-sdtions (1) and (8) " shall
be substituted.

4. For lqection 3-A of the principal Act, the following section shall oe Substituti~noC
-l.tbstituted, namely :- section 3-A.

" 33-8. Levy of tax on the right to use any gbods.-(1) Notwithstand-
f ing anything con%ined in nub-sections (2-81, (2-B), (3), (4)) (7) m d (8)of
t %&ion 3, or &tion. 7-A but subject,tq the other provisions of this Ac; :-lcludr
A' a"'. h@e .$revisions of, sub-section (19 o f 2secti~n3, every dealel ~ e f e n t dto in
Item (viii) of clause (g) of secticm 2 shall pay, for each year, a tax on his
taxable turhover relating to the business of transfer of the right to use any
good8 for any purpose at the rates mentioned in sub-section ( 2 ) of section 3
or, as the case m y be, in section 4

(2) The taxable turnover of4the dealer, of the business of transfer
of the rright to w e any goods for my purpose, shall, on ancl from the 1st
day of April 1986, be arrived a t after deducting the following amounts
Prom thc total turnover of that dealer:-

(a) all amounts inv~lvedin respect of goods involved in the busi- I

ncss of transfer of the right to use any goodq for any purpose, in the courze
of export of the goods out of the terkitory of India or in tllc course of im-
port of the goods into the terrritory of h d i a or in the course o f inter-State
trade or commerce ;
s-' '
( b ) all amounts for1 which any ~ o o d s specified in the Firqt Sche-
dule or S&ond Schahle *. .
are ~urchased,
from registered
-~. dealers liable t o ~ * a r
- 1

~ H lY~ r d e this
r Act nnd used in t& san& form in the t,r;lnsfo*of the r5r?ht t o
1 '

llse 81icli goods for anv hnruose : and!

! i c j ;,I1 a:llountm . * e ' ~ + i ? ~tn sale of any goods involved in the

businws o' trcnsfcr of the right to use, which arc spcc,ifically excmptcd Frc~r11

lax m d e r any of the provisions of this Act.".

- '----*.z
,. - I

5. For'section 3-B of the principal Act, the following section shall be substitutim ot
k substituted, nnbelyi - section 3-B.

y tax o n the t r m f e r of goods invalved in w o ~ k scon-

3-B. L e ~ 'of
\ % . ? ' ?-,
i ilraci-(1) Notwithstanding anything gp&ained in sub-sections (2-A), (2
.(a), (4),:(7) and (8) of section 8, or section 7-4 but snbjcct to the other
e provisions of this Act including t h e ; ~ ~ ~ of-
o nsub-wction
s (1) of sectio~
3, evar.y dca1c.r referred to Jn item lvi) of clause ( g ) of section (2) shall
~ y fop , &ch year, a tax on his faxable turnover of transfer of property i n
ai" d hdvod & thb
i executiou of works contract at the rates mentioned in
(2)of section 8 or, ss 'the case m y be, in section 4..
Y >**
{:\O~n~p)lf-2-E~.(287)4 .

-- --- - -- -

Explanation.-Whore any works contrlact involves morc than one i t c n ~

of work, the rate of tax shall be determined separately for r:'lch snch item
of work.

(2) The taxable turnover of the dealer1 of transfer of p~oi)tri.vin-

volved in the execution of tvorks contract shall, on and from the 2ril:l clay of
June 1986, be arrived at after deducting the following arnounti: f i ~ o m the
tqtal turnover of that dea7erl:-

( a ) all amonnts involved ix --n+ -.-

of w w ! ? i-3; i 1 *cd in
the execntion pf mnrlw contract in the course of oxport c,-t thc ~ I P , 7.); ,,-,I; oi' the
t~r-itorv of Tndia, or1in the course cf import of the goods into the tc~ritory
of Tndia or in t'lc coi: ce of inter-State tradc 01- comnlelsc,c.;

(6) all amoimts for which any goods specified in i11v 'ti'i~qt.Sche-
d-11e or Second Schedule, are purchased from rcgis;terecl d ( b i i l ( ' ; , 1i:lI)ic 10

pap tax nnder this Act act1 used in the exrci~tionof ivorlr~, jb31ractin f'ho
same f o r b in which wch gsods were pur$ased ; -.. \ .a'

(c) all amounts relating to the sale of any goods involrcil in the
execution of works contract which arc! specifically exempted from +ax under

I m y of ths provisions of this Act ;

'(d) all amounts paid to the sub-contractors as consittcrnt,ion for

execution of ~~701 contract
~s whether wholly or partly :

Provided that no such deduction shall he ~llonledunles.: the dcaler

vlaimina deduction, produc~sproof that the snh-contractor is a rccrist ~ r c d
n ' r a l ~ rliahlt. to nav tax nnrler this Act and that the turnover of surh amounts
is included in the return filed by such sub-contractor ; and

( e ) a l l amoiint.: towards 'lahonr charges and c t h ~ rlike charges '

not invnlvinp anp transfer of property in woods. actllally incurred in conn~c-
tion with the exerntion of works contr$ct, or snch amounts calcu'iafed
at the rate sr~pifiedin column (3) of the Tahlc h ~ l o ~ if v , they are not aspor-
tainahle from the 11oo1~s of accounts maintained and produced by a d ~ s l e r
before cne assessing authority.

Serial "6 , Type of works cctltract. Labour o r other charges
number. ' a$ a percertage value
Of the works contract.
(1) . (2) +'
1 Electrical contracts 15
2 All structural contracts 15
3 Sanitary contracts 25
1 Watch and/or clock repair.
contracts % 50
5. Dyeing contracts
i so
All 0 t h c o n m s
I zo. ".
... . .
7I '

- -
5 -

- i

6. I n seetioh 4 of the principal

- Act,- '1
1 : ' of
(1) for the expression "Notwithstanding anything contained h section
section 3 or 3-81 ", the expression " Notwithstanding anything contained in 4.
wb-sections (2) to (8) of seaion 3 or section 3-A or section 3-I3 but suhjent
,$x&the provisions of s u b - s t i o n (1) of section 3 " shall be substituted;
.Q'3E+ 2% '*-4

frX# , ,*, ,{2)- the. exp~qsion" w h a t e v ~ ~- bthe
e quantum, of turnover in that
3;mRIItwr-e +-


t 1 v X

* ~ 7.
a M b n 5 &the principal Act &all be omitted.
'~t*: , ;. , ) *, ,,,, . <
of section 5 .
-8. %I 'sectio&?-~+,
I /---
of &the
s \
;AC~,in sub-section (1),-
" ZGsg dealer ", the expression Subject to
r -

(1) fot --the -expresdon " ment of

p-0- of g u k c t i o n ,(l) *section 3, every dealer " shall be sub 7-A.
- &t$$ed,~
$"-> ,!?f:r~lf?
,yv "t
s .$.2vbe.L 2 (2) fop the. expression “,@ion
3, 4 or 5 inqtwo @aces where lit
6 6 section 3 $<&$shall be substituted ; .
-.. A h. p

. (8) in clause (c), for thc &resim " de patches thpm ", the
sion " despatches or adea them " rahall be au tituted;
, .?*:
t exprcs-

) in .*s concluding. ;'the exprr:ssion " whatever be the

of ~tm&i*.tnmover& 't &all be omitted;
k$3 :@"
(6) the proviso shall be o&t@.
r a$$u#t-,:~:~t,.
", :
= a?v

- :9, After &on 7-B of the + pal Act, the faowing section shall be Cnsertion I

inserted, namely :- . of new -a$a

P_ "
7-C. Pa.went of tax at 'c&m3ounded rates by cid works contrctctcrr-

" 7-C.
Notwithstan 'ng anything contained in section 3-B, every dealer referred
to in item (vi) of clause ( g ) of section 2, in so far as ciyil works contract
is concerned, m y, a t h b optlon, instead of paying tax in accordance with
section 3-B, pay, on the total value of the civil w o r h contract executed by
him in a year, tax calculated at the rate of two per cent of such t q a l con-
tract value of the civil works executed by him in that year.
* (2) A w l e r who executes civil w o r b coiltract may apply to the
assessing author'ity a1on'g with dhe f i ~ s tmonthly return for the financial year,
his option tonpay tht tax under sub-section (1) and shall pay the tsx during
the year in monthly instalments and for this purpose, he shall furaish such
return within such period and in such manner as may be prescribed:
Pyovided that the option under this s b-wction fo11 the financial
year commencing on the 1st day of April 1993 s all be exercised on or before l I
the 30th day of June 1993. I

(3) The option'exeycised under sub-section (1) shall he final for

that financial year.
(4) A dealer, exercising option under sub-section ( I ) shall, so long
ad the option remains in force, not be required to maintain accounts of his
business under this Act or the rules made thereunder except the records in
originals of the civil works contract, extent of their execution and payments
received or receivable in relation to such civil w o r k contrlact, executed or
under execution.

Rxplanution.-For the purpose of this seetian " civil works con-

aact ", means civil works of construction OF. new building, bridge, road, run-
way, dam or c-1 including any lining, tiling, pa*ting 011 dec,~ating
~ M c his an inherent part 01the new construction ; but shall not include
any repair, maintenance, improvement or upgradation of such civil work w.


- _ _ _ . ________. - ---- - ---

];lying of all kinds of floor tilcs, rnowic tilts, ~ l i ~ l stoncs,
~ l e a n sof fixjllg ;lo/ )~,
mnrb]cs, gl;v.cd tilts, yauting, polishing, partition, wall panc~lieg,intcricbr
decoration, false ceiling, ca~petingand extra fittings, or any mamer
improvement on an existing structure. 'I.

1'0. I n section 12 of the pqincipal Act,-

(1) sub-section (1)shall be rknumbered as e l a d ( G ) (I f i,hiit s l ~ b -
section, and for the proviso to clause ( p r ) as so renunibelled, 'I'e Poliowing

shall be substituted, namely :--
" Provided that subject to the proviqions of clause &) and the pro-
virsions of sub-section (1-A), a dealer b b s e total turnover is less thaa fire
I* of rupees, per year may m& a, &-&sr~ehment forf that yenr a d the
rstupn filed by him shall be accepted .withbut'calling for the accounts.
( b ) A dealer shall not be eligible for making a self amee~m6i3.Y;~-
$): Fd ti5 1.m obtaijlled @ %t%ived any W e di~lara'tionFoms
pmwribed uncler the Central Salt& 'T& bct, '1956 (Ceh't!hl.W 74 of WJ6) ;
(ii) if Be has abtaidcd '6fr v & ~ f v e dFo-
* XVXI, XS or i~U-33
prescribed under this Act ; ,* /

(iii) for such period ad may .be p r k r i b d if the awessing autho-
r4ty during iagpection or otherwise, detect^ any supp %&3 slon of 6 l e or pur-
chase turnover ;
(iv) in respeci; of his first m w m e n t year or the last assessl~~cnt
year of his business ; I

(v) if the aspcssment of the dealer' has been made undet the
proviso to clause (a) continuously fofi a period of three years immediately
preceding the asaessment year ;
(vi) if the acceptance tif .&turn will result in the refund more
than ten thousand rupees ;
(vii) if the proof of payment of admitted tax as per ietulm has
not accompanied the return.
(c) Where the rbturn submitted by a dealer under the' proviso fx.
clause (a) is found to have any Bmbr'iipparent in thg zomputation of his'
totail or taxable turnover or1 in respect of the rate of tax applicable to any
goods, the assessing authority shall, while making an :tssessmcnt under sub-
wction (I),correct such error :
Provided that if any such correction has the effect of in~rczsingthe
tar liability of the dealer, the aesessing authority shall so correct only aiter
obtaining the concurkence of the deak, 1, .,i.tlL.b.
(d) Every dealcr making a self-asqessnent under the proviso to
clause (a), shall mairtail~true and correct accounts notrvith.itan&ng the
fact that they are ent;tled to be a s w e d under the wid proviso to clnuse
( a ) . ";
(2) for smb-sections (3) to (5) includingC tho proviso thereto, thc
following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:-

(C (3) I n addition to the tix messed under1 sub-seetion (2)) the

awessing authority shall, in the same order of assessment passed under
sub-seation (2) or by a ssparate order, d i h d the dealer to pay by way of
penalty, s sum-
i n ) which s l n h l ~bc, in the case 01failure to snhui t rcl r l vrt.
hundred 2nd fifty per' c*nl of the tax assesyed on' final asse,rnneqt.;

incomplete return,-
(i) fifty per ce& of the dserence of the tax assessed and the
tax paid as peI1return, if the tax paid as per the return, falls short of tlla
tkk-&6"s&d on final assessment, by not more than fifteen per cent;
(ii) scv~nty-fiveper cent of the dzerence of the tax assessed
md the tax paid as per the return, if the tax paid as per the ~eturn,falls
shodt .of the tax a&ged on h a 1 tlssemnent by more than fifteen per *cent
t more than twenty-five per ' c a t ;
b ~ not
(lii) one hundred per cent of the dserence of the tax asse~sed
tlnd the taxdpaiQas per keturn, if &e tax gaiu as per the rerturb, falls short
of ' the tax aqmSed on final aassemnt, by more than twenty-five per cent I I

(iv) one hundred and twenty-five per. cent of the difference of

the tax assemed larid the tax gait1 B~Lp6rthc.retuyn, if the tax \paid as per
tH6 jt.etmn, hlh short of the tax k3.w- bn the &@lassessment by more than
fifty perr cent, but not more thah'%ev&@-five per cent; I

(v) one hundred and Bty per cent of the difference of the tall
, amessed and the tax paid as per ' h e return, if the tax paid aq per he
fet'ura, falls $ox% of the tax @s&d 6n the Snal assessment by more than
seventy-five per &t ;- a d
(c) which shall be, in the c a of submission of the prescribed
return after ten days after the expiry of the phscribed period, two per
cent of the tax pzjrabln +om p n p r y month ar part thereof during which the
default in the submission of the return continued :
Pfovided that no penalty uade11 this Gb-section shall be impcised
after the periqil of five years frorn't.he.date of the ordm of the final amem-
m t under this section and unless the dealer affected has had a reeasonat~le
opp01lGunity c$ showing c a m &t such imposition.". I

of the principal Act, for mb-section (2), the follow-

be mbstitiifed, nme1y:- Amend,
ment of

In making an ass&entiunder clause (a) of sub-spction (1) E~~~~

g ,dn'thoqitg w y , if it is. aatidied that the escape fmm the
isS3&eto ~i~ful'non-&& of assessable turnover by the
ect the tkder, to'pay, & addlition to the tasr awessed under
. of penalty a sum which BZlall be-
of sub-section (I), by wag:
. #- 1

. (a) fity per cent of the &.due on the turpover that was wilfully
:,&&aed if the %ac\&ue mrfm-~~ri i q ,not1rndPet h h ' t b ' per cent
tas; <paidas:perlftheptldm;-

'tax, paid w per the return;

of the tm due on the asses&

, in rhe case 'of self~assewent

' ' 'R&~&I 'bat taoo a d e i ~t.h i ~~ubsectionshall be
unless the dealer &ected has htdb.ii%i!@.@nable opportunity of showing bum
against such imposition. ". -.


. . : 4 \!Zk e

_ __
___--_I__-_ - . -- - -
Insertion 32. 4-fter section ,6-_4 of the principal Act, tile iollb~.it:~.. -+ * I 111 :!:ail ic
of new be inserted, namely: - i,
16-AA . l' 16-AA. Assess,uei~t of turnover not declal*cd under sccEioli 7-C!.? -J #"
(1) \Xherc for any reason, any part of the turnover of busilless ol ;I ~lealt:~
who has been ~erlnittcdto pay the tax under section 7-C has ewaped assess-
ment from the tax, the assessing authority may, at any time within a period
of five years from the expiry of the year to which the tax relates, dcte~hinc
to the best of its judgment, the turnover which has escaped as.:esmcnt and
IE-assess the tax payable on the total turnover (including the turnover
already assessed under section 7-C) in accordance with the provisions of this &
Act. - .-%I? ;
(2) Before nxalring the re-assessment under sub-scction 1 ) the s-
:messing author'ity nlay nmlce such enquiry as,' it may consitlcr llecessary and
give the dealer concerned a reasonable opportunity to show cause ngeinst

. uch re-as~~essment. $

( 3 ) The amount of tax already paid by the dealer i40nt,or.~lcil in

pursuance of tile pel-missioa to compound under section '742, shall be adjustecl
towards the amount of tax due as the result of ye-assessnlcnt under sub-
scvtion (1). b

(4) Thc ~)rovisiolisof sub-sections (2). to , 5 ) 01' s r c t ion 1 (ishall,
n , far as may be, apply to re-assessment under s b'-sectiol~ 71) rca they
?pply to the rk-assessment of escaped turnover under sub-srction (I) of
.ection 16. ".
Arneild, 13. I n section 16-B of the principal Act, in sub-sectioll (l),-for the
mcnt of expression "sub-sections ( 5 ) and ( 5 ) " , the expression "su11-se:ti~tn ( 3 ) "
16-13. shall be substituted.
Arilend- 14. In section 16-C or" the principal Act, in tllc opcbning l)nrtion. r,)~.the
ment of
expression " sections 16, 16-A and 16-B", the expression " scctions 16, lii-A,
16-C. 76-AA and 16-B" shall he substituted.
Amend. 15. I n section 20 of the principail Act,-
rnent of
section (1) in mb-section ( I ) , c l a m ( 3 ) shall be omitted;
(2) in sub-section (2)) clause (i) shall be omitjed.

I Amend-
ment of
16. I n section 22 of the prlincipal Act, in sub-section ( 2 ) , for the egpses-
nion " a sum not exceeding one and a half times quch bmount ", the follow-
22. ing shall be substituted, namely:-.
" a sum which shall be,-
(i) where the excess amount has been collected in the - 7 .

belief that it had to bc collectedt, one hundred per cent of the bmarmt c&t*
ed; -P- .
(ii) where the excess amount has been collected willfully and imo~v-
ing that it was not due to be collected, one hundred and fi* per cent of
the amount co-llected.I". c

Amend, 17. I n sectim 24 of the principal Act, after sub-sectiao f3), the lollo~v.
ment od
sectioc ing subsection shall be inserted, namely:-
. -
(3-8) W h e l a dealer submite the$rescribed return wit& ten days
a,€ter the expiry of the prsscribed perlod, he shall a1m-pay, in addition to
m ~ o u n tof tax due gn per his return, inte6est a t two ped cent of the
tax payable for evetp month 0s p,&' hmf
.?.. .
- ,, - -
. 7- --- - --

66a* l&Mn &&ion 28 of $he

+ Act, including the madghal heading,
&ion 9 Deputy Conihitssionera of Commercial Taxes ", in two
it o&imb, the expredon"'' Appellate Deputy Commissioners of
:?Tax*, Deputy ~~mmissioners of Commercial Taxw " shall be
.. ' . .h '
.I 'is

al begding, for the %-remion " Deputy Com-

*&&dghwsion " Appellate Deputy C o d

ression "empowered by the Govern-

ng jurisdiction " shall be mbsti-

s>;>-26In section 32 of the principaJ<Act, in sub-section (2), in clause ( b ) , Amendment of

*& the eoxpressioq "of the Appellate Tribunal ", the expression " @ lqhe m i 0 n 32.
Appellate Deputy /Commiwioner or the Appellate Tribunal " shall be wbsti-
21. In section 34 of the principal Act+ Amendment of
section 34.
(1) in sub-section (I), for the expression "by the Deputy Commis-
sioner under sub-section (3) of section 31-A or sub-section (1) of section
32 ", tb expression " by the Appellate Deputy Cornmisaioner under. sub-
section (3) of section 31-A or by the Deputy C~mmissionerunder sub-section
(1) of section 32 " shall be substituted ;
(2) in sub-section (2), in the proviso, for tllz expregsion " or Deputy
Commissioner ", the expression " or Ap~ellate Deputy Commissioner or)
Deputy Commissioner" shall be substituted.
22. In ~ection34-8 of the principal Act,- Amendment of
section 34-A.
(1) in sub-section (1). for the expression " transfer an appeal pencl-
ing ", the expression " transfer an appeal pending befofie an -' ,)pellate
n e p u 6 Commissioner to another Appellats Deputy Conl~~,' -*;oner o r , an
appeal pending " shall be substituted ;
(2) in sub-section (2), for the expression " before an ~ p p e l l a t e
A s e i s t a n ~ C o m _ i s s i ~ e rthe expression " before an Appellate Deputy Com-
missioner or an Appellate Assisfmt Cpmimissioner, as the case may be "
shall be suWh'ted. ,
23. I n section 36 af the principal Act,- Amendment of
section 36.
(1) in sub-section (I), for the expression " by the Deputy Com-
missioner~undbr sub-sedion (3) of section 31-A or sub-section (1) of section
32 ", the exqbession " by the Appellate Deplty Commissioner under sull-
section 31-A o~ by the Deputy Commissioner under sub-section
32 " shall be gubstituted ;
(2)' ih sub-section (3), in the first prbviso, for the expression " or the I
Deputy Cobqissioner ", the expredon " or the Appellate Deputy Commis-
sioner or $he 'Deputy Commissioner " shall be substituted ;

' ( a ) for the expression "by the Deputy Comnisgioner under sub-
section ( 3 ) ~f section 31-A or1 sub-section (1) of qection 32 ", the expression
"by tke Appellate Deputy Commidoner under s'lb-section (3) of section
31-A /or by the Deputy Commissioner' under sub-section (1) of section 32"
shall/ be substituted ;
(b) for the expression "the Appellate Aasistilnt Commissioner or
th Deputy Cormaissioner", the expredon "the Atjpel1at.e Assistant Comrnls-
!@ ner or the Appehte Deputy; C o ~ i o noat the Deputx C o d *
f;ontr" F ~ R UhR t ~ b s t i t ~ ~ t g d I 1 ..



.- .- _- _ __ __ .___
. . . ___ _ - _ __ ^ __
_- _ _ ________
Y .-___ -..-

Amendesw of 24. In section 39-G of the principal Act, in sub-sectjon (2), fort the
d* 39-B. expression " The Appellate Assistant Commissioner ", the csvression ': 'J11le
Appellate h i s t a n t Comrnisbioner or the Appellate Deputy C'onmniissiost~:*
&all be substituted.
Amendment of 25. In section 53 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), in clause (i),
section 53. for the expression " sub-sections (3) a,@ (4) ", the a p r m i o n " sub-suti~n
(3) " shall be substituted.
Amendment of 26. I n =tion 57 of the principd &tp in sub-section. (2)) in claus
section 57. (vii), in sub-clause (b), fo11 the expression "or an Appellate &&stant Oom7
missioner ", the expression " crr an Appellate Assistant C o d q i o n e y or an
Appdlate Deputy Commissioner " shall be qbstituted.
Omission of 27. The Fourth Schedule to the principal Act shall be 3mitted.
Fourth Schetlu %:

(BY orlder of the Governor)'


Secretary to Governmetzt, Znlu I ) e p ( t i s f ) ~ z c r ~ t .


- 6
-- ----.
-- ---- -
The following Act of the Tmnil Nadu Legislati~ebsernbly received the
assent of thc Governor n the 7th January 1994 and is hereby published for general
information :-

ACT No. 2 OF 1994.

An Act furtlzer to A~?~cizd

the ~nrlzilNadu General Sales T a x Act, 1959.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assenlbly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the

Forty-fourth Year of the Rcpdblic of India as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu G-encral Sales Tax (I.'ourlh
k t *
amdCan- Axnendment) Act, 1993.
(2) It shall come into force a t once.

meadoat d 2 . In the First Schcdnlc to the Tamil Nadu acneral Srtlcs Tas Act,
nt 1959,- & I d ,\'
,b#1nb. 1IEIPj.
(1) in PAR5'-D, item 18 and the entriea relating thereto shall 1
omitted ;
(2) in PART-B, after itern 54 and the entries, relating thercto, the
following item and entries shall be added, namely :-
a " 55 Lotteiy tickets. .. . At the point of
.? , ' #rat sale in the State.

CBa order od the Governor)

Secretary to (;nvertunctu.
Law Dcpar/ment.


- -- --- _f_____
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 16th January 1994 and is hereby publishd for gtneral
information :-
ACT No. 3 OF 1994.

An Ad Further ro Amcnf the Tamil Nadu General Sales T ~ Act,

X 1959.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Forty-
fourth Year of the Republic of India as fol1ows:-
1. (1) This Act may be c d e d the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fifth Amend- Short title
ment) Act, 1993. aad com-
(2) Tt shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1 lth day of August 1993.
2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred to as t b
principal Act), in the Second Schedule, for item 9 and the entries relating thereto, the
- following items and entries shall be substituted, namely:-,

"9 (i) Sugar, in or in relation to the manufacture of which no process is .At the paint
ordinarily carried on with the aid of power. ofGnrtsale 4
in rhe State
8i) Uandsari sugar .* .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
10. Woven fabrics of wool (produced or manutnctured in India), that is to ay,-
p) hair belting .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
(b) blankets and fabrics of width not exceeding 15 cms, .. .. .. Do. 4
1 I. Rubbarised textile fabrics, otherthan tyre card fabrics of high tenacity yarn Do. 4".
or polyamides polyesters or viscose rayon.

the Third Schedule, the following Schedule shall


Description o j goods.
obacco and tobacco refuse (produced or manufactured.
(3), against the heading "24.01" in cohunn (I), of
onal Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance)
57) (hereafter in this Schedule referred to as the said

bacw (produced or manufactured in India) as

the heading "24.02' ' in column (I), of the First

(iii) Cigarettes and cigarillos of tobacco (produced or manufactured in India)

as described in column (3), against the heading "24.03" in column (I), of the First
Schedule to the said Act;
(iv) Other manufactured tobacco (produced or manufactured in India) as des-
cribed i q column (3), against the heading "24.04" in colu~lln(I:), of the First Schedule
to the said Act, that is to say,-

(a) Smoking mixtures of tobacco for pipes and cigarette:;; cut-tobacco;

.AGroup) 1V-2Ex. (30)- .la


- - - --- -- -.- -- ---
-'Y-?-m-91-."".. r W"
-- 1
(6) Hookah tobacco;
(c) Biris of tobacco ;
(d) Chewing tobs; ;co including preparations commonly known as ~ h & a
Masala, Kimam,. Dokta, Zarda, Sukha and Surti ;
(e) Snuff of tobacco ;
(f) Preparations containing snuff of ~abaccoin any proportion.
2. (i) Woven cotton fabrics (produced or manufactured in India) as described
in column (3), against the headings "52.05, 52.06, 52.07, 52.08, 52.09, 52.10, 52.11
and 52.12" in column (I), of the First Schedule to the said Act ;
(ii) Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics, tufted textile fabrics (produced
or m<snufacturedin India) as described in column (3), against the heading "58.01"
in column (I), of the First Schedule to the said Act ;
(iii) Terry towelliilg and similar wove11 terry fabrics (produced or manufactured
in India) as described in cloumn (3), agaiqst the heading "58.02" in oolumn (I),
of the First Schedule to the said Act ;
(iv) Tulles and other net fabrics not including woven, knitted or crocheted
fabrics 'lace in the piece, in strips or in motifs (produced or manufactured in India) as
described in column (3), against the heading "58.04" i l l column (I), of the First Schedule
to the said Act.
3. (i) Sugar, other tliall Khaodsari sugar (produced or inailufactured in
India) as described in colulnn (3), against the heading "17.01" in column (I), of the
First Schedule to the said Act ;
(ii) Palmyrah sugar (produced or maufaetured in India) as described in column
(3), against the heading "17.02" in colulnll (I) of the First Schedule to the said Act.
4. Handspun yarn.
5. Haildlooln cloth.

6. Wove11fabrics of silk or of silk waste (produced or manufactured in India) as

desoribed in column(3), againt the heading "50.03" i n colunln (1) of the First Sobedule
to the said Act.
7. Woven fabrics of wool (produced or manufaotured i n India) (exoludiag hair
belting, blankets and fabrios of width not oxoooding 15cms)as described in column (3)
against thi! ho;.dings '' ;1.06" and '51.07" in aolumn (1) of the First Schedule to the said

8. (i) Woven fabrios of man-wzde filarslailt yzrn (produced or l~anufaoturodin

India) asdascribed in colvmn (3), sgzinst tho hoadingsc'54.08, 54.09,54.10 and 54.11"
i n aolumn (I), of tho First Schedule to the Said Act;
yarn (produced or manufactured in
(ii) Wovan fa brics of pol yastar fil~~mant
India) as dcscribad iu coluinn (3), against tho heading "54.12" in column (I), of the
First Schadulc to the said Act;
(iii) Woven fa brios of man-made stapla Gbro or polyester staple fibre (produced t
or manufactured in India) as described in column (3),against the headings "55.07, b
35.08,55.09, 55.10,55.11 and 55.12 " in column (I), of the First Schedule to the said

9. Gauze (produoad or manufa cturod in ladia) a s described in colulnn (3), against

the heading"58.03" in column (I), of the First Sobedule to the said Act.
10. Bnibroide~*yi n t h o pioae, i n s!;rips or i nlotifs (produoed or manufaotured
in Ifidia) a s ciascrib~di n ca!un~n(3), agcinst tho heading "58.05" in c o l u ~ (I),
~ u of the
Pirst Soht~tiuloL O ~ i 7 : 5; id Aat.

man-made 1 . d x ~ i i materj~
~ 1s
lumn (3,w n s t the heading

12. ~ ~ ~fabrics l ~ with gnm or alllylbcoous su.bsu.ncns Of "ili"

r i aoaiJd ~sed
for oilrcr oovoTs of books or - A 2 ;;XL; 610th; propami p-inlillg LhlVh"
buakram and simil;r s;iffsnod texiilc f-brics (firoducoa or ma nllf3 c l u e d i n lndiz)
described in colnmll (3)' a g i n s t th* heeding '59.91 ' i n columll(l)* of the First
Sahedule t o the said Act.
13. T~~~cord hbricS of high ;unariry y:lrn or poiy;alidas, p~~l:/i>~-"'"or viscose
rayon (pro iUGld m:lnUf;ic;LIOd in iflt\iB); J (.ji>;clib~i:i l l O : ~ ! . I I ~ I I (3). :?aiiilsi
hesding "59.JT i n cliomn t i ) , ;" Sch:dL!lc 10 ih.! s i:'.'.

16. G~~~.,J acJc;13; a3 tcibiits, sorts ( ! l r o L i L L ~ d ~ c i01 11;;i ~ i ; . k : ~ ~it11! India),

!!~c Pirst
2 s doscribed in co\ilma (3), ,, i !?;t tho ilcnding "60.01" in C ( . ~ U I I I (i ~ ), af
-Schedule t o tho s a d Ac?".
(By otdor ot t h o Govarnor)

Scoetury to Government,
L(lvv Del>attlric'tit .



Pangmi 3, Srirnuga, hi ruv~lluvrr Aanc!u -2025
__ _ _______ ____ __ _ -. _ - --_ _ _ - -- -- -- -.- _

-.c ',' The following Aet of the ~ a m i Nadu

l Lkgisrative Assembly received the assent
+ *of the President on the 12th March 1994'and is hereby published for general infor-

ACT No. 17 of 1994

An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.

1 . ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tainil Nadu General Sales T3x (Third Amend- Short title and
commcncenent .
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
notification, appoint.
2. After section 44 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Insertion of
referred to as the principal Act), the following section shall be inserted, namely:- new section
"44-A.Issue of translt pass.--(l) (u) When a goods vehicle carrying any goods
mentioned in the Seventh Schedule coming from any place outside the Sute and
bound for any other place outside the State, passes through the State, the owner
or other persou incharge of such goods vehicle shall obtain a transit pass iil the pies-
cribed form and in the prescribed manner from the officer incharge of the first check-
post or barrier, after its entry into the State.


.; 7 .X='pij;son incharge of the goods vehicle shall notwithstanding anything contained in
sub-section (1) of section 3, be jointly and severally liable to pay tax in accordapce
-. -..A

with the provisions of this Act, irrespective of the quantum of turnover and also'
penalty which shall be one hundred and fifty per cent of such tax :
Provided that where the goods carried by such goods tehicle are, after their
entry into the State, transported outside the State by any other vehicle or conveyance,
the onus of proving that the goods have actually moved out of the State, shall be 011
the owner or person incharge of the goods vehicle veho originally brought the goods
into the State.
Explanation.-In a case where a goods vehicle owned by a person is hired
for transportation of goods by some other person, the hirer of the vehicle shall, for
the purposes of this sub-seztion, be deemed to b ~the " owner of the good, vehicle.
(2) (a) When any goods specified in the Seventh Schedule are consigned
or transferred by any goods vehicle to another Statc from any place.within the State,
the consignor or transferor of the goods shall obtain a transit pass in the prescribed
form and in the prescribed manner, from the assessing authority having jurisdiction
over the place from where !he goods are consigned or transferred to other State.
(b) The con~ignoror transferor of the goods shall Jeliver or cause
to be delivered, withiu the prescribed period, the transit pass to the offiar incharge
of the last chezkpxt o i b ~:rier, before the exit of the go3ds vehicle f r o s the State.
(c) If the consignor or transferor of the goods fails to comply with clause (b),
it shall bo deemsd that the goods carried thereby have bzsn sold within
the State by the consign~ro: transferor and such consignor or transferor shall, not-
withstanding a~ythingcontained in sub-section (1) of section 3, be liable to pay tax
in accordance with the p:ovisions of this Act, irrespwtive of the quantum
of turnover and also psnslty which shall be one hundred and fifty per cent of such
(3) Save as otherwise provided in sub-sections (1) and (2), the provisions
of'this Ast shall apply in rzlation to the tax payable under sub-sections (1) and (2)
as they apply in relation to the tax payable under this Act. .
- Explnnation0-For the purp~seof this section, "goods vehicle" includes
a motor vehicle, vessel, animal and any other form of conveyance.".

3. After the Sixth Schedule to the principal Act, the following Schedule shall new sch
ht added, namely:-
(See Section 44-Aj '

Serial Description of the goods.

(1) (2)
I Vegetable oils including refined vegetable oils.
2 Pulses and grams falling under first and second Schedules
3 Washing machines.
4 Refrigerators, Air-Conditioners, Air-Coolers, Water Coolers.
5 Diesel engincs.".

(By order of the Gov~rnor.)

SeoGetccryto Government, Law Department.

4 I Y


, r

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the .,"4
assent of the Governor on the 14th June 1994 and is hereby published,
for general information. 3

Act No. 32 of 1994.

. '".
Be it enacted by the Legis1atli.e Assembl! of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Forly-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follo\\ls :- a ~$4

I . ( I ) This Act may be called the Tamil, Nadu detieral Sales Tas
(Amendment) Act, 19'14.
conulienw- ' I _.I

(2) It shall be deemed to ha\.e come into force on the 1 st day of April 1994. '
A1lle'ldment 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tas Act, 1959 .I.u~niI ad;‘
of' First ~ c 1t of ""
Scl,ed,llc, (hereinaher referred to as the principal Act).--

'< i
(cl) in item 3. for sub-itern (ii). the follo\ving shall be substituted, namely:-
--(ii) Brokens and flours of pulses AL point of 3
.I f
and grams first sale in the State -$

(iii) Husk and dust of pulses and -Do- " 9,; a .

. (,:I)

(h) items 4 and 6 <and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted:, , .-
I , , , , , X,'
(c) in iteni 7, in the entries in colun~n(2), the expression "palm jaggexy , 2q
and" shall be oniil-ted; .I i!!

(4 item 9 and the entries relating tliereto shall be omitted;

(i I !
(e) for item 10, and the entries relating thereto, the follorr;nL:
., item and

entries shall be substituted. namely:- Y

., , ,!(> \
' "10 (i) Tapioca flour At the point of 3 -
first sale in t ~ & " ~ t a ~ e "'

(ii) 'Tapiot:n knppl -Do- ' ' 1'3' .
r , 3
(iii) Tapioca Tllippi -Do:V .,: 3"; ,: 1'
(fl for ileni 23 and the entries relatlng thereto, [he following item and entries 4
shall be substituted. nrmel3,:-
"23 Stitched articles ma4e of cloth
including stitched handloom and mill made
the point of 3": k'
h,mdkerchiefs but excluding articles of ready
first sale in ,

to neearapparel aid Ilosiery goods

- >

(S) items 48 and 54 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitled; d
(71) after item 55 and the entries relating thereto, the follo\ving items and .-
entries shall be added, namely:- "- !

"56 Salt for industrial use At the point of last 3

purchase in the State A


- ' - r . .
a% . . 57 Senna leaves. Senna pods and Cassia At the point of 3

leaves lirst sale in the Stale

58 Power tiller
59 Pumpsets of 3 h.p. and 5 h p. At the point or 3
first sale in the State
(A (i) Poult? feed -Do- 3
(ii) Rabbit Feed
(iii) Monkey feed
(kt) Pig feed
61 Cotton seed husk
62 Goods for indoor or outdoor games or
sports including s n ings. medals. cups.
&c;:-4 trophies. shields and badges.
tK.26;q ,
, 63 Products of bisket making and mat-
\\*eeving induiiries (other thin those
i specified in the Third Schedule)
3; (4 Junnadi goods
9 '
05 , P31nl\.rah sugar candy
(6 Count? bricks and countn tiles rilnde

kk of baked cia!. and stonenare

ef '.. c

?; 67 (i) Hone!,
(ii) Bees \ \ a s
6 ~.&ii
<ir ii7r.1 ,!il:
9 (i) Coir. Coir fibre. Coir products and

Coir dust
P' '

1,t-. (ii) Deccan hemp fibre and hemp

i$yAe bo C; lf Id I I $oduCtS
70 Coconut husk
"71 Scre\s,pine fibre
72 tkuidmade embroider? products
73 Indigenous products of sericultilre
!FI t
74 Desiccated coconut
75 Burn sugar and sugar catid),
76 Beds. pillows and quilts made of colton
or silk cotton
1- 77 Candles
78 Thonnai
79 Handmade matches
80 Gum Ben~oine(Sambrani)
81 Articles made of sea-shells



82 Thanjavur Art plates At thq point o r 3 ,

first sale in the SLLtLb
83 All 111usrcnirllsll url~crll~~ -[lo- 3 %

(111) Wicks arid glass ~ l ~ ~ r n n or'

c y sub-

86 Non-pressure kerosene stoves

87 G.I. Buckets
88 Broom stick
89 (i) Writing pencils. other than wood
covered lead pencils
(ii) Colour pencils
(iii) Ernscrs
(iv) Sl~arpol~ors
OO (i) Pens. ball point pens. refills
(11) I ? \ \ , \ I ~ ~ I1L~L*II:;.
* l : l i , \ ~ ~ i l ~ * lWt\!i

(iii) Writing ink including ink tablets

9 3 ~ t n i n l e s stcel
s nibs
cr2 (i) Black boards "

(iii) Geometric boses

(iv) Dissection boses
(11) Other instruments for dra\\;ing or

03 Rubber play balls -Do- 3

oL6 Combs -Do- 3

05 (i) Laurel oil -Do- 3

(ii) Lemon grass oil
(ili) Ginger grass o ~ l
9" Licensed computer software -Do- 3 4
97 Humcan hair -Do- 3 i
98 Wigs -Do- 3 3

Sand -DO- 3 T
100 Handmade paper including handmade -Do- 3"; q*q
paper board .. - .%

(2) in PART-C,-
. - ----: A -(ii) and the entries relating thereto shall be omitt€

I ,


for item 7 and the entr~esrelating thereto. the folloning item and er
e subst~tuted.nan~ei\.:-
."7 Goods - Falling under item I4 of A[ the point of 5
the Sixth Schedule. but not branded
in item 20.-
first sale in the State

(i) in sub-item (13). ,for the \\,orti "scientigrnphic". the \\.orcl "scientific"
- *!iq
all be substituted: \ $@

( i ~ after
) sub-item (B). the follo\\ing sub-item sliall be added. naniel\~:-
. ':?
"(C)(i) tieart pacemaker (pulse generator)
(ii) Intra-ocular lenses":
(LO in Item 21. after sub-itel11 (111): the folio\\ ~ n gsub-~tenisli;~llbe added.

"(i\,) D~agnosticreagents":
(e} for item 45 and the entries relating thereto. the Sollo\\in:; iteili and entries
shall be substituted. namel!.:-
"45 (I) Xerox copies At the po~ntof 5
(ii) Laser copies/printouts first sale in the Stat?
(ii~)Computer printouts:
Provided that if the paper used for
t a k i n ~such copies or printouts has
suKered tax under item 44 of Part-
C. the copies or printouts shall riot
again be sub-ject to tas under any
of the sub-itenis n~entionedab0j.e.
( i s ) All pr~ntedmater~alsother t h a ~ At the po~ntof 5".
those spec~fied~nsub-~tems(I)to (111)above first sale ~n the State
'and blaih coniputer stat~onerles(c\liether pla~n
or colour-ruled) pr~nted\\1tI1 an!, matter or
,,, after tern 53 and the entries
relating thereto. the Sollo\ving iten1 'and entries
shall be added. namely-
"54 Spectacles (other tlian thosi: specified
in the Third Schedule). sunglasses.
goggles and attachn~enls.parts and
, accessories thereof
(3) in PART-D.-
(a) items 2. 10. 19 and 23 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.
ii . (h) in item 38, in the entries in column (2). for the esprepsion "Poi\,er driven
pumps for liquids and liquid ele\.c?tors\\.hetlier ( - not fitted with a measuring device
including". the folloiving expression shall be sr ~stituted.namely :-
"Power driven pumps for liquids and liquid elevators whether or not fitted nith
ks a measuring device, escluding pump sets of 3 h.p. or 5 h.p.. but including";
(c) for item 62 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
shall be substituted. namely:-

~ V A T A M I # N A ~1 Cfl\lF,RNMA;.NI'

..62 .All types of furnaces and boilers At the point of first 8".
~ncludingflu~di/edbed bo~lersand ~gn~fluid sale In the Stale
borlers and bo~lers using ngr~cultural
\\aste as firel but not ~nclud~ng bo~lers
uslng miin~cip;il\\nsle only as rue1
(4) in PART-E. items 1. 3 and 7 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted: '5

(5) in PART-I;. ilem I and the entr~esrclat~ngtherelo shall be omitted.

AmsnhnclN 3. In the Second Schedule to the principal Act. in ileiil 6 . for sub-item ( ~ . i i i )and
01' Sccollll
the entries relating thereto. the follo\\ing sub-11en1and entries shall be substituted.
nmnel\. :-

"(viii) coco~~ut including copra (cocos At ,;,- point of

nuci fera) purcliase in lhe
Stale b!, a dealer
Tor crushing oil
4. In the Third Schedule to the principal Act.- :a
Schccl~l~lc (1) for the espressiun "Descriplion of goods". I the folloi\,ing shall be -.
substituted. namel!, :- ,
"Description of goods.
PART - A";
(2) ~tems4 and 5 and the entries relating therelo shall be omitted: -+
(3) after item 16 and the entries relating thereto. the follo\ving shall be added.
1. Handspun yarn
2 Handloom cloth
3. Fresh \*egetablesand fruits including potatoes and garlic (other ~hanbr'mded.
p;lckcd i(cms)
4. Fresh meal. poultn,. lish. se;lfood and eggs (otller than branded. processed and
packed items)
5. All cereals mentioned in item I oT111eSecond Schedule. and handpounded rice.
parched (beaten) rice. purred rice. rice Ilcrrr. and rice bran. but- escluding
\\.heat products
. Fresh milk and directly reconstituIed rililk (\\.ithoi~t additives other than lvater)
7. Common salt (Sodium Cl~loride)including iodised or \.itarninized salt for human
consumption. other than salt for industrial use.
8. Products,of nill lets (rice, flour. brokens and bran of cholarn. cunibu, ragi; thinai,
\.aragu, samai. Kudirai\,ali. milo aid n ~ a i ~ e )
9. Water (other tha11 distilled water or mineral Hater or any water sold in-bottles
and sachet.)
10. Coconut. copra and Tender coco~~ut other than those falling under the Second
I I. Black sugarcane for retail human consumplion (not for purchase by mills)
12. Betels

'' i
3 1. Blood and blood plasma b!. l~ospitnls f
32. Electr~calhearing a d s $,
33. Simple spectacles sold to Go\eninient for d~str~but~on
at G~\~ernrnent
Free Eye
camp. I

34. Countn. drugs. namel!. -

Aconitum-Hterroph! IIum\\ :ill
Quercus Infectorla 011\
klagnolia-Fuscata Anc;~
So~noloc~s Ract rnosa Ro\b
Boerhaa\lia D~ffusaL~nn
35. Life sa\.lng drugs naniel!, -
C>-tos~ne Arabinosrde
Pentosi fylline
36. Crutches. \\heel chairs. support sticks of all materials. prosthetics. artificial
- limbs and parts and three \~rlieelerswith or \vitliout motor used by physically
handicapped person.
35. Bangles,other than those tilade of platinum. gold or silver
38. Kumku~n(in all forms) and Kha-jal
39. Slate. slate penc~ls.chalkp~eceand \\)ood co\.ered lead pencils.
40. Read~~niade Thali made of gold not exceeding e~ghtgrams in weight inclusive
of all attachments to such ..7'hch' but \ \ ~ t h o i ~chain.
41. Electrical energy
42 Clollirags
43. UNICEF Greeting cards and calendars
44. Cycle ricl\sha\v (\\ ~thoutmotor)
45. Declared goods taxable :t the point of last purchase if such goods are sold in
the course of lnter-State trade and tas p a ~ dunder Central Sales T,z\ Act. 1056
(Central Act 74 or 1056)
46. Renenable energ? equlpriients and de\rrces -.
(i) Flat plate solar collectors
(ii) Concentmting and pipe t>.pesolar collectors
(iii) Solar cookers
(iv) Solar \\.ater heaters and s\.stems
(1') Air/Gas/Fluid heating systems

-. --- ----

$: ,

(14) Solar crop driers arid s!.stenis

m. -
(vii) Solar stills and desalination s!.stems
(viii) Solar pumps based on solar ther~naland solar photo~~oltaic con\,ersion
(is) Solar pol\ er generating s!-ste~lis .
(s) Solar phot~\~01taic n~odules.and panels for \vater pun~pingand other
+ applications
0. (si) Windnlills and an!. ~peciall!~ designed devices \\hich run on \\.indnlills
(sii) Any special de\,ices' including electric generators and pumps running on
\\ ind energ?,
(siii) Bio-gas plants and bio-gas engines
, (siv) Municipal \\.aste con\,ersion delrices producing energ!,
p ( v ) Equip~nentfor utilising ocean \\.a\+esand thermal energy
2E*. (sti) Solar energ*equipnients
(stlii) Solar refrigerators. solar cold storage and solar air-conditioning s!.stems
(sviii) Electricall!. operated vehicles including battev ponered or fuel cell vehicles.
47. Sjmthetic gerns
- Food and drinks Tailing under iten1 9 of Part-C of the First Schedule b!. any
L hotel. restaurant. sneet stall or an!. other eating house. \\hose total turno! er
does not esceed Rs.3 Iakhs per nnnum
&- . 49. Dry leaves(Manthara leaves)
50. Horse-shoe and horse-shoe nails
5 1. Coconut thatches

52. Fire wood

$. 53. Reading books including Test Books -
p :54. Students " ~ o t Books
e and Cop!. Books ".
65 * 5. In the Sixth Schedule.to the principal Act, aRer item 4 and the entries relating A1nclld'wll'
P:' thereto. the follo~vingitems and entries shall be added. namely:- .,-..-.....-.
"5 All vegetable oils (including refined At the first point of 3
vegetable oils) sale and the second
point or sale in the
6. Cardamom -Do- 3
7. Pre-recorded casettes (both audio -Do- 3
& video) and compact discs
i 8. Instant coff'ee in granule or ponder
-Do- 5
9 (i) Scented nut. roasted or scented -Do- 8
(ii) Pan nlasala by \\.hate\,er name
called containing betel nuts. that is
to say. nut of arecncatachu broken
and perfumed. and lime or menthol
or sandal oils or cardamom or
tobacco or my one or more of I
these ingredients. I

lo Suit cases. br~efcases. attaclie cases. At the first point of X
despatch cases, an~t)bags. \ an~t!. cases sale and the second
and \,an~t!. boxes (other tlian those po~ntof sale in h e
specified else\.here in the Schedules) State
Exp1anatioll.- Vanit! bag. \ anit! case
and \an~t!. bo\ mean a bag. case
or bos holding a niirror and
cosmellcs or oilelries.
II Timber including s ~ / e d t~mherbut -Do-
escluding fire \\ ood
Expl:~~~ation.- For the pill-pose of this
~ t e n i ~n the case or t~iiiber
purchased b! the li~restcontractors
in the auction of forest coupe5
conducted b!. the Forest
Department of the Go\ ernnlent. the
sale b!. such contractors of such
timber in ail!. form or s i ~ shall
e be
deemed to be {lie first sale and the
sale b!. the Forest Departmelit in .
such nuctlon of forest coupes shall I

not be deemed ro be the first sale.

12 (i) Steel almirahs (other than those -Do-
specified else\\ here In the
Schedules) parts thereof
(ii) O r f ~ c e equtpments o f e\er!. .. I $ I ,

descr~ption~ncludingfiling cabinets.
card-indes cat inets. paper tra1.s.
paper rests. pen tra!-s. ofice slamp
stands 'and slmilar office or desk
equipn~ents whether sold in
assenibled or .~lnassen~bledfonn
and ready to assemble. parts
thereof (other than !hose specified
elsenhere in the Schedules and
Explanation.- Slotted angles. gussets.
plates. panels and strlps \\hich.
\vhen asse~ilbied form office
equipment. shall be deemed to be
office equipments for the purpose
of th~sitem
13 Furniture of all kinds ~ncludinghousehold -Do-
furniture (other than those specified
elsewhere In the Schedules) made from
all kinds of metals. fibre glass. \\ood.
reinforced plastics or nmde priniaril!,
froni any kind of plastic. upholstered
furniture or furn~turein the manufacture
of lvhich lammated sheets are used.
\\.hether sold in assembled or
unassembled f ~ r n iand read! to
assemble. parts hereof

* , A ,-
" - RY *

Explanation.- Slotted angles. gussets.

plates. panels and strips n.hich
\\hen assembled form furniture
shall,be deemed to be furniture for
- the purpose of this iteni.
14 (i) Biscuits. At the first point of 12
(ii) Toffees. sale and the secotid
point of sale in the
(iii) Chocolares.
f Slate
(i\.) Confectionen..
(\.) Butter.
(vi) Ghee.

(\.ii) Cheese. and


( l r i i i ) Milk foods including milk ponder

but excluding bab\ food. reconlbined
milk (except direct reconstitution
\\ ithout additi1.e~other than \\.ater)
and includin~fla\,oured milk and
condensed m~lkand foods including
preparations of Vegetables. fruits.
milk. cereals. flour (other than
bread). starch. birds-eggs. meat
& . offals. animal blood. fish
crustaceans and molluses
Sub-items ( i ) to (Ieiii) sold under
brand name. nhether such brands are
registered under the Trade and I
Merchandise Marks Act. 10.58 (Central
Act 43 of 1958) or not
15 Machine made soaps. that is to say- -Do-

! . (i) Toilet soaps of all kinds ~ncluding

medicated soaps. liquid soaps and
moisturised soaps. but excluding
hand-made soaps and shampoos.

5: (ii) Washing soaps of all kinds including

floor \cashing soaps. soap flakes.
soap pou ders. soap liquids ' and
detergents in all forms. escluding
hand-mide items of these goods
16 Tooth pastes. tooth po~vdersand mouth -Do-
\\ashes and other dent~fricesuhether
or not medicated or as defined In sectlon
3 of the Dnlgs and Cosmetics Act. I940
(Central Act X X l l l of 1930) as
manufactured under a IicCnce issued
under that Act. tooth brushes. tongue

escluding doop and agarbathis but

including aragaja. javvadu and , point of sale in the
punugu: State.
(ii) Flair oils, hair creams. hair dyes:
hair darkeners. hairi tonics.
brilliantines, pomades and "yelines:
(iii) Lipsticks, lipsal\.e, nail polish&. nail
\.arnishes. nail brushes: beauty
boses. race po\vdersl toilet po\\.ders.
bab~.poueders. talcuni po\\.ders.
powder compacts. po\\.der pads and
puKs. toilet sets made of dl materials
(\\fith or lvithout contents). toilet
sponges, scent spray. depilatories.
bleniish remo\'ers. eye liners all
sorts. e\,e shadow. eye brow
. . pencils. e\velash brushes.
eaudecologne, solid colognes,
lavender water. snows, face
creams, all purpose creams, cold
creams, cleaning creams. make-up
creams. beauty creams. beaut?.
milk, cleaning milk. hair foods, skin
tonics. complesion rouge. nail
cutlers. sanitary towels and napkins,
astringent lotions, pre-shave and
after-shave lotions and creams,
moisturisers of all sort? and persotid
(body) deodarants

Explanation.- Any of the items listed

above even'if medicated or as
defined in section 3 of the Drugs
'and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (Central
Act X X l l l of 1940)' or
manufactured on the licence issued
under the said Act will fall under

. .
(By order of the Governor)

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received
the assent of the Governor on the 15th June 1994 and is he(eby published
for general information:- I
Act No. 33 of 1994,

An Acl.fi~rlke~'
lo n m o d llzc 7'nmrl Nodii C;encrnl Snles 7;rs Acl, 19-79.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Asseliibly ofthe State ofTamil Nadu in the Forty-
fifth Year orthe Republic orlndia as folions .-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tas (Second
t" Amendment) Act. 1904. ant1 coln-

(2) It shall be deemed to lime come into force on the 1 st day of April 1994.
'rclmilNaclu 2. In Section 3 of tlie Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Acl. 1959 (hereinafter Alncntllncnt
referred to as !he principal act), in sub-section (3): in clause (a)),in the first proviso. for
the expression "Items 23,24 and 25 in Part-E", the expression "items 23,24 and 25 in
Part-E, itenis I I) 'and 20 in Part-F" shall be substiluted.

3. In section 3-B of the principal Act, in sub-section (2). after clause (e) and the Amtndmcnt
u Table thereunder. the following clause shall be added, namely :- of' scction
"(f) a11amounts (including the taxcollected from the customer) rerunded to the
customer or adjusted towarc's any amo~int'~a!~able by the customer, in respect of
unexecuted portion of \\larks contract based on the corrections on account o r
measurements or check measurements. sub-iectto the conditions that-
(i) the turnover was included in the return and tax paid: and
(ii) the amount (including the tax collected froni the custonier) is so rcfunded
or adjusted, within a period ofsix months from the d ~ e d a t Tor
e filling oftlie return in
k which the said amount ~ v a included
s and {as pgid."
4. In section 7-C o r the principal Act, in sgb-section (2). Tor tlie pro\,iso, Ihe Amc~ldlncnl
following proviso shall besubstituled. namely:- of scction
"Provided that the option under this sub-section for 111sfil~ancialyears com-
mencing on the 1st day orApril 1993 'and the 1st day of April 1894, sliall be exercised
on or before the 30th day ofJune 1994."

(By order of the Governor).



The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legisla,tivc Assembly received the assent
of the Governor on the 28th November 1994 and is herebv putlished for general
information :-
ACT No. 55 OF 1994.
An Act further to amend the Tamil hadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the LegisIative Asse.nbly of the State of Tan~ilNa,lu in th.
Forty-fifth Year of the Republic of Tr:clia as follo\+s :-

1. (1) This Act may be caller' the 'I'a":iil Nadu Ger.era1 Sales Tax('i'hircj c?,!i~ecl.'- S/zo,~ttitle
ment ) Act, 1994. and
(2) This Act, except section 5, shall be Ceerne?. to have come ii-to force on the
1st d.ay of April 1994.

Tamil hadu 2. In the Tamil Nad.u General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (lierei,?afterreferred to as the A~t~erlcl,ncnt
Act 1 01 principal Act), in the First Schehule,- of Eirst
1959. Sclzedftle.
(I) in PA RT--%,-
( 0 ) in ite .i 7. il; tile elltries
illc o l ~ ~ (21, ~ ) :' e expressio:? "(otl,cr.1' a - aal,-.*
~ , i far
candy)", the expression "(other tl,an palnl jaygery arc1 pall11 ca .':!i" sl all he
subrtituted ;

(b) for item 23 and tl;e entries relating t ' ereto, t'.e fc;llo\vir?g item and
entries shall be substituted, namely :-

"23 Stitched articles made of cloth Cotl..er than At the point of first stile 3:.;
articles of ready to wear apparel, hosiery in t. e Stale.
goods and stitched Iranu'loom and mill-
made hand kerchief).

(c) items 60 and GS and the entries relatin2 thereto s3:tll bi: oinitted;
(d) for item 69 and t? e entries relatii!g t ' erctc), t c followi! :T item and
entries s:?all be substituted, namely :-

6669 (i) Coir products ot;,er than thosc mentioned At t!~epoii~tof first sale 3
in item 59 of the Tliird Scl~edule. i : ~tite State.
(ii) Deccan lle~npproducts otl?crthan clecuan At the point of 3'.;
hemp fibre. iil the State. /
(E) items 73, 74, 88, 89, 90,91 and 92 and the elitries relatin: tl ereto si all be
omitted ;

(a) in item 2, after sub-item (i) and the entrres relating therc to. the following
sub-item and entries shall be inserted, namely :-

"(ii) Instant coffce in grrtllule or powder form.";

(b) for item 7 and the entries relatilzg thercto, the foliowine, item and
entries shall be substituted, namely :-
" 7 Goods falling under item 1 of Part-E but At the.*dint of firs1 s:,lc
not branded. , , in the State.

"2 ti) S w \ \ t d t\ut, n~tistnlo r sc.t.t\lt.ds r c ' ~ i ~ l At Ute poht of first sale 8";
it1 the State.

(01) IJun Masuln by wlialcvc~* r~ur~lo csllcd

containing betainuts, that is to say,
nut of areca catachu broken and perfumed,
and lime or menthol or sandal oils or
cardamom or tobacco or any one or
more of these ingredients.

(4) in PART-E,-
(a) before item 2 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, name,y :-
"I (i) Biscuits, At the point of first salt 12";
in the State.
(ii) Toffees,
{iii) Chocolates,
(iv) Confectjonsry,
(v) Ruttcr.

{vi) Ghee,

(viii'! h4illc foods incl~ldj~g milk powder bct

excltding bzb, food, recombined milk
(except direct rr.onstitution witbout
adl!itivt.t c tbar tivan water) and includinf
flav3nrcd milk and condensed milk,
(ix) Foods including preparations of vcge-
tables, fruits, milk, cereals, flour (other
than bread), starch, birds-eggs, meat
offals, animal blood, fish crustaceans
and molluses,

Sub-items (i) to (ix) sold under brand name,

whether such brands arc registered under
the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act,
1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958) or not.

jh) after item 2 and tho cntries relating thereto, the followisf items and entries
shall be inserted, namely : -

"3 Machi~c-madesoaps, t h a ~is to say-

(i) Toilet soaps of all kinds including medi- At the poht o f f rst d o 12" J
cated soaps, liquid joaps and moisturised in tho State.
soaps but excluding hand-made soaps
and shampoos.

(ii) Washing soaps of all kinds iacluBing

floor washing soaps, soap flakes, ssap
powders, soap liquids and dotergents in
a11 forms, oxcluding hand-made items
of these goods.

(cj aftel item 6 and the entries relating thereto, the fo!lowi lg item afid entries
shall be inserted, namely :--

" 7 Tooth pastes, toot11 pc\lrdel.s ?.nd ninuth vashcs At the point of first sale 12";
and other dentifrices whether or not medicated in the State.
or as defined in section 3 of the Drug, and
Cosmetics Act, 1940 (Central Act XXllI of
1940) as manufactured under a Iicence issued
under that Act, tooth brushes, t o n a e

(5) in PART-F, before item 2 acd tke entrics relarirg~keretc,tl;e follc\\irg iten and entries
shall be inserted, namely :-

a& 1 (i) Scents and perfunles in !any for111 ex- At the point of !& first 16";
cluding doop and agarbathis but includ- sale in the State.
ing aragaja, javvac'u and punugu.

(ii) Hair oils, hair creams, hair dyes, hair

d arkners, hair tonins, brilliarltines, po-
mades and vaselines and all hair
applicants other than sl~ampoos Inen-
tioned in item 4 of the Sixth Scl~edule.

(iii) Lipsticks, lipsalve, nail polishes, nail

varnishes, nail brushes, beauty boxes,
face powders, toilet powders, baby pow-
d ers, talcum po.;vders, powder
compacts, powder pads and puffs,
toilet sets made of all materials (with or
without contents) toilet sponges, scel;t
spray, depilatories, bleniish removers,
eye liners all sorts, eye shadow, eyebrow
pencils, eyelash brushes, eaud ecologne,
solid colognes, lavender water, snows, face
creams, all purpose creams, cold creams,
cleanirlg creams, make-up creams, beauty
creams, beauty milk, cleaning n,ilk, hair
foods, skin tonics, complexion rouge,
nail cutters, sanitary towels and napkins,
astringent lotions, pre-shave and after-
shave lotions and creams, moisturisers of
all sorts and personal (body) deoderantr.

Explnna tion.-Ary of the iteins listed above

even if nledicated or as defined in
section 3 of the Drugs and Cosmstics Act,
1940 (Central Act XXIII cf 1940) or
manufactured on the licence issued under
the said Act will fall under this item.

(A Group) IV-2 Ex. (677) -2


of Tllird
Scltc du &.
3. 111 the Third S:hedule to the principal Act, in P-ART-B, after item 54 and
the entries relating t ~ereto,t.le follo . v i i l ~itz-nj an3 entries shallbe added, namely:

"55. Palm jaggery. . 1' . .

56. Stitshed handlooin aqd mill lnad e handkerchiefs. '

, 57. (i) Poultrv fetd ;

(ii) Rabbit feed 1

(iii) Monkey feed :

(iv) Pig feed.

5s. Korai grass and korai mats.

59. Coir, coir dust, coir fibre a 1d coir husk (excluding coir products).

60. D:;can hen? fijre (exsludiag d e x a l h e a ? products).

61. I~zdege~lous
products of sericulture.

62. Desiccated cocoi~ut.

63. Broorn stick.

64. (i) Writing pencils :

(ii) Colour pencils ;

(iii) Erasers ;
(iv) Sharpeners.

65. (i) Pens, bal! point pens, refils ;

(ii) Ebonite pens, Ebonite Ball pens ;

(iii) Writing ink iucluding ink tablets.

66. Stainless steel nibs.

67. (i) Black Boards ;

(ii) Dusters ;
(iii) Geoinetric boxes ;
(iv) Dissection boxes ;
(v) Other instrumeilts for drawing or dissesiion.
- "5
1 . 1
j ! ; I ; b8. Charcoal.

I .,
n '

69. Packed pickles waighing b:low fifty grams.

-, -.,.
.. ,. ..,"
70. All varieties of app~larnsaad vadams.".

-.- .
4. In the Sixth Schedule to the principal Act, items 8, 9, 14, 15, 16
a n d 17 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

5. Notwithstanding anything contained in any judgement, decree or order

of any court, tribunal or other authority, all taxes levied or collected or pur-
porting to have been levied or collected at the first point of sale in the State
in respect of goods mentioned in items 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of the Sixth
Schedule to the principal Act, for the period commencing on the 1st day of
April 1994 and ending with the 27th day of September 1994, shall, for all pur-
poses be deemed to be, and to have alwz!ys been validly levied or collected under
the First Schedule to the principal Act In respect of those goods, as if clauses
42) (a), (3), (4) and (5) of section 2 of this Act had been in force at all
.material times when such tax was levied or collected and accordingly--
(a) all acts, proceedings or things done or taken by any authority, officer
or person in connection with the levy or collection of such 1:ax shall, for all
purposes, be deemed to be and to have always been validly dune or taken
in accordance with law ;
(b) no suit or other proceeding snail be maintained or continu(:d in any
Court, Tribunal or other nuthoriry for the refund of any tax sc) paid ;

(c) no Court, Tribunal or other authority shall enforce any decree or order
'directing the refund of any tax so paid.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Govel.~znterzt,Law Department.





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meil.rYkcf:W'S* , .-. ,,,, :,,,


L.. }3)!,-.>

,, .
. .-

&th Year oP, the: ~ c ~ .jci, .t,cf India

1. (I), This Aqt ~ .'l y called
. ,., ns

'. .S t L
( .

. :-
L. follows



. .

.,' , , , .

Part IV

1 ,

(2) It rhnll b damed'to have come into fcrce on thc 1~ t ~ d aofyA M 1 M5.

3. ARer section 7-C of the principal Act, the following sectiob WI b insert&,

-section 2
Tamil Nadu Acts and Ordinances.

7-D. Pavnrent of compounded atnount by dealers in l o t t e r ~ti$e,ts.--

accordance with

a 0 r,

Type c?f draw..
{I) weekly draw
(2) Monihly instant d r a w
(3) Monthly bii mpcr draw
(4) Festival b1:nlper draw
( ,

A,CT M~:~ilO.l

An Act firthcr to amend the Tamil Nadu Genrrul Sa1e.v Tax .,Ic t , 1959.
n d d . hv tk idativc Assemnbly of the S t ~ t ofdamil
c Nndu in the Forty

thc.Taqtil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amcnd-

I ,, ! ,, ., . ,. is,


. 1835.


.. .

' T ,



, ~ q f der
e how.


Six thousand rupees.

Fineen thousand rupe&.

Fifteen thousand rupees.

Twenty thotisand rsoees.
.," ,
Registered No. M ?


?, ..


Insd m of
Ilew d 0 1
1-n:>p .


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-- -
- . ..--- _ _ _ - -- ---A-

-- +
(2) Any dea1t:r in lottery tickets may apply to the assessing akthority along
with first monthly return in such form as. may be prescribed, for 'rhz 5nancial year,
nis option to compound the tax liability, under sub-section (1) and shall pay the
compounded a~ncunt,thirty days prior to the draw, and for that purpose shall.
furnish such monthly return in such form, within such period and in wch manner.
as may be ~res~ribed:
Provided that the option under this sub-section for the financial p a r commer-
cing on the 1st dzy of April 1995 shall be exercised on or before the 30th day 0).
f June 19Q5.".
fpmenamenu or 4. h section 12 of the prlncipai Act, in sub-section (3), in clause (b),for sub-
section 12, c1au.s.e (i), the following sub-clauses shall be substituted, namely :-- .
" (i) twenty-five per cent of the difference of the tax assessed and the ta:
.- paid as per retut n, if the tax paid as per the return falls short of the tax assessed [OL
final assessment by not more than five per cent:
ti-a) fifty per cent of the difference of the tax assessed and the tax paid a5
9 r return, if the tax paid as per the return falls short of the tax assesscd on finn l
aswqqrncnt by more than five per cent but not more than fifteen pel cent :"

Insertion of
llew s d o n
, .-Aftcr7section 16-AAlol the principal Act, the following sect ionfsl~allbe
inse?' XI, namelv :-
16 AAA.
':16-AAA. A s s e s ~ e n tgf draw not declared under section 7-0.- (1) Where
' for cay reason, any draw has escaped assessment from the payment of compounded'
amorint under secdon 7-D, thc asses~ngaurhor~tymay, at any i~ruewithin a period
of &re years from the'expiry of the year in which the draw is held, determine to
the Iaest of its judgement, the amount in respect of the draw which has escaped'
assekment and reassess the amount payable in respect of such draw (including the
draw alr~ady~assessed under section 7-D) in accordance with the provisions of '

sectidn 7-D.
+,L) Before making the re-assessment under sub-section (1 , the assessing
authority may make such enquiry as it may consider necessary an give t6e dealer
concerned a reasonable opportunity to show cause against such re-assessmeni.
. . ' (3) .lnc compounded amount already paid by the dealel codcerneti .,I
pursuance of the option under section 7-0 shall be adjusted towards compounded-1
amount due as the result of reassessment under sub-section (1).
. I
<4) In making an assessment under sub-section (I), the assessing authority
,nay, if it is satisfied that the escape from the assessment is due to wilful non-dis-
closure of assessable amount in respect of a draw by the dealer, direct the dealer to
pay, in addition to the amount assessed under sub-section (I), by -8ay of penalty, a.
sum which shall be-
(a) my per cent of the amount due on the draw that was B wilfully not
disclosed if the amount due on such draw is not more than ten per cent of the amount
paid as per the return :
(b) one hundred per cent of the amount due on the draw that was wilfully
.rot disclosed, if the amount due on such draw is more than ten per cent but G rlot
'more than fifty per cent of the apount paid as per the return
(c) one hundred and fifty per cent of the amount due on the assessab-le
draw that was wilfully not disclosed, if the amount due on such draw is more *?an.
fifty per cent of the amoum paid as per the return r
rovided that no penalty under this suo-sectlon shall Be imposed unlejs the
deakr af'Fected has bad a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against such',
(5) The providions of sub-sections (3) to Q of section 16 shall, as far a8 may-
ue, q.pp y to re-assessment under sub-section (I) as they apply.to trie rmssessmenr m:-
escn 2ed twn-over mnder sub-section (I) of ~ c t i o n16.
LatestLaws.com -


- -
- -
- - -
- .-.-

6. In the First Schedule to the principal Act,- Amendment of

First Schedule.
(1), in PART-B,-
(a) ent.iies relating theretc,
after item 51 aI?d the entries eretc tlie fclicwing
' lic w
C items and
entries shall be i,nserted, namely :-

" 51-A. Small transformers used in electronic equipmen ts, includhig-

At the pofnt 3
(i)Transformers rs (Power and Control),
COI frcm
(step eown frc 3 230 V to less than of iirst sale
100 V, of vc
100 wer rating
vcwer ra tin^ not exceedic~
exc 250 V A I in the State,
(ii) Bu ck/bcost tranaorners (230 V/fess than luu v
(5)Invertor transformers . ,

liv) Isolation bansformers

(v) Rectifier tran$tormers
(vi) F m o Resonant transformers
(vii) Line drivcr tracsformers (less thar! 50 VA)
Sigh ~ e n d o i -
(viii) Fly back transformers/Lino output t l a n s f c r m m ~
[ix) M ~ i afiltertransformers
(x) Line driver transfo rmers

:XI) .Torcldal waretranstc r n e r s acd R-co~etransfotmcrs

lul) switch moue power supply transfcrmers.
(Sub-items (viii) to (xii) a t c 1e arc ferrite transf~rrne~s).

Explanation-All the ~ b o v etransformers shall br deemed to fall undt r this

f.em, ooly if each of them bas nc t even one of the windings rate41 above 5W PAC.

51-B. Capacit~rsother than those specifieo trocr iten 3 P . A c FPart-D. Do, 3'11

(b) items 7 7 , 8 5 , 8 6 and 93 and the entries relatirg tkeretc s l - b l i be o~niirec~

(2) in PART-C,-

(a) in item 9, for the entries i~ column (2). the ILILwing i:ntries stsll be
substituted, namely :-

"Food and drinks (other than those falIing elsewhere1 under the Schohka),
s ~ j by-
d i
(i)s t . hotels rccognised as such by the Tourism depa of the State
Government or the Government of India ;

(ii) restaurants attached to such star hotels ; and

(iii) dl sweet sfdls";

(b) in im 39, fcr the entries in column (2), the foYculeg trtries shall he
substituted, namely :-

" f w d h ~ a r dboxes. corrugated boxes and cartons '$1


- A-
- -- -
r ; ,
- -
(3) in PART-D, after item 35 acd the entries relating thereto, thelfollowing
rtem and entries shall be inserted, namely :- .

I .tthe point " 38-A. All powei ractor and shunt capacitors (1 ,KVAR to 100 K V A R 4 1 5 , V
I f first sale 8 or 660 V)"
1 the State.
(4) in PART-E, in item 21. tor the entiies in column (2). the f~llowiagentries
shall be substituted, namely :-
"(a) Generators, Generating sets, Transformers and -NO~-Electronic
stabilisers ;
(b) AU electrical transforlllers (other than the small transformers;mentioned
under item 51-A of PART-B) including-

(i) Transmission power Wnsformers (33 KV to 232 KV)

(ii) Distribution transfornlers (33 KV tc 3.3 KV)
(iii) Traction pnwer transformers (110 KV)
( 2 5 KV or thercabcuts)
(iv) Boostel tra~~sfornmcrs

(vii) Wolding transformers

; (viii) Step up tmnsformcrs 230 V/up, 5 to 5C K V and 41515 to 50 KV
(ix) Auto transformers (variac)
(x) Instrument 'tnnsformers like current transformers and pc tcn tial
tratlsforrners ;

(c) Parts -11d accessories cf sub.ltems.(a) and (b) above ".

4 mendment of 7. In the Third Schedule to.the princifal Act, in PART-B,-
Third Schedule.

shdl be substicdted namely :-

; (1) for iteln :trld the en:rie; relating therqto, the following itcrn and entsles
. '

" 9. Watc! including plain water sold in bulk in large barrels or drums
or tanks pullet1 by animals or tractors or lorries (other than water sold in bottles,
sachets, jugs or jeiry calls as:d dictilltd water or mineral water sald ifi any form
of container) " ;

(2) in item 21,-

, , . (a) under th'e heading " 4. )List of agricultural implements exclusively
used with humar power ", after sub-item (13), the following sub-items shall .be
addcd, n ?me1 y :-

" (14) Li*vellcr$

(15) Hot.; " ; 8 .

(b) under thc hezding " 11. List of agricultural rniplcments cxclufively
used with an ma1 power ", after sub-item (4), the following sub-itern shall b , added,
namely :-
" ( 5 ) L:vollors " ;

(3) for item 48 sad the entries relating thereto, the following items and
d e s shall be substituted, nam:ly :-
"48. Food and drinks falling under itc~n9 of PART-C of the First Sched
sold by-
(i) any hotel other than a star hotel recognised as such by the Tour
Depai-Iment of the State Government or the Government of India;
k (ii) any restaurant other than those attached to such
4 star hotels;
a (iii) any other eating house :
48-A. Food and driokr falling ultl:r i t e s 9 of PART-Cof the First Schedule,

any Star H ~ t e r:cognis?d
l as sn:h by th: Tavrisrn D y i r t m n t of the
nent o r the G~vern.nentof India ;
(ii) any restaurant attachsd to such Slar H ~ t e;
t (Ti) any Sweet Stall,
whose total turnover does not exceed thwr lakhs of ru2ses per annum";
(4) after item 70 and the entries relatin: th:reto, th: follovring items an4
entries shall bz addzd, namsly :- I
t I
" 71. Candles
72. (i) Hurricane lights and bedroom lights burning on oil
(ii) Kerosene lamps (other than gas lights and petromax lights)

(iii) Wicks and Chimneys of sub-items (i) and (ii) above

73. Non-pressure kerosene stoves
73. -
")cr play balls.".
(By order of the Ciovernor) AZ drrhrr a

=-.I- *-.- ---I- ---

OX 81
Groapj VI.2 Ex,(330)-2


- - .,--- _ _ _*-

The following Act of the Tarnil Nadu LegislaLiveAssembly receivd the a s . ~ ~ )

.of the Governor on the 6th July 1995 and is hereby publilche4 for genera;
ACT No. 18 OF 1995.

An Acr jwrthcr tomend the 'Pamil Nadu General Salts Ta+~ct.J1959,

BE it eaacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the

Forty-sixth Year of tne Republic of India as Follows :--
1 . This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Short title.
Amendment) Act, 1 995.
2. In section 22 of the Tamil Nad u General Sales Tax Act, 1959, in sub-section Amendment or
(I), for the Explanztion, the following Explanation shall be substituted, namely :- section22

"Jxp2a~ation.--For the purposes of this subsection, any State Government

ortac Ctltral Gavernmsat, or any dealer exempt under sub-section (2-AA) of
~ecnen23. shall be deemed to bc: a registered dealer.".
{BY orcer of the overn nor.;^
Lmp Depafmmt .;
Sbcretary to G o v e ~ n t ,

' F

r on the 6th July 1995 and is hereby published for general

ACT No. 19 OF 1995.

An Act further to amend the Tarnil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 19L9.

1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third lhort title
Amendment) Act, 1995. commen

(2) It shall come into force at once.

INacIu 2. I n tile First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, in Amendment ot
of 1959. PART-B, in item 21, for the entry in column (2), the following entry shall be First
substituted, namely:- - Schedule.
'<All kinds of sewing thread whether natural or artificial (other than those
. . of item 3 ot the Second Schedule) but excluljing surgical
falling under sub-itern (a)
kr sew& threads.".
k (By crder of the Governor.)

Secreturv to Governmen;, L a r v Depurtment.



The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assenlbly received thc a s s c ~ ~ t
te of the Governor on the 6th July 1995 and is hereby publ~shedfor senera1
~nformation:- !

ACT No. 20 OF 1995.



An Act~urtherfo anzcnd the Tamil Nndu General S O ~ PTa.x

J Act, 1959.
66 i T enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Ta
Forty-sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows :- I

Y, 1. (1) This Act may be ca!led the Tamil Nadu General Sales T a x (Fourth Short title and ' 1
Amendment) 44, 1995,
(2) (a) Sub-clauses (a), (h) and (c) of clause ( I ) and clause (21, of section 2 an3
section 3 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day ot April 1994.

( b ) Sub-clause ( d ) of clause ( 1 ) of section 2 shall be deemed to have come
into force on the 9th day of Janaaly 1995.

I- 2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinalter referred to as Amendment of_
b 1 of 1559. the principal Act), in the First Schedule,- Pirst

(1) in PART- B,-

(a') atter item 3 and the entries relating thereto, the following
iten1 and entries shall be inserted, namely :-

"4 All vegetable oils (including refined , i t the point of first sale 3" :
vegetable oils). in the State.

ib)after itam 5 and, the elltries relztii~gthxeto, t h followi~lg

~ item and elltries
shall be ~=lsarted, namely:--

"6 Cardamom At .the- point

- .
of first sale 3'*,
in the state.

rn &fter Item 47 a n d the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely;-
' I

~ C A O
I lu-lwvlur.. r.---..--- ':---- audio
r n ~ c p t t elhnth
---- -
and At the ~ o i n tof first sale 3 "1
video), and compact discs. -in t h e State.

rP namely :-
( d ) in item 6, for the entries in column (3), the following entries shall be substituted,
"At the point of last purchase in tFe State"; i
(2) in PART-D, before item ?0 a l l t'le entries item
relating tl?ereto,t';e foll~wir~g
and entries shall be inserted, namely:- ./ I
6" I
"1 9 W t cases, brief cases, attache cases, At the point of irst I

despatcll cases, vanity bags, vanity sale in tt,e State. I

cases, and vanit) boxes (other than those I
specified elsewhere in the Schedules).

Bqtarwtwn.- Vanity bag, vanity case a d varuty

box mean a l ~ a ,case or a bon
holdin&a mirror and cosmetics
or toiiletries.


mendment of
ixth Schedule . entries3. Inrelating
the Sixth Schedule to the principal Act,
t'lereto sl~allbe omitted.
items 5,6,7 and 10 and the

slidation. 4. NotbvitistlnJi.2 a.ly: ,i lg co :ta~1e.I in ally judgerrient, decree or order of
ablycourt, tribu-la1 or ot'ler autlloritj, a11 taxes levled or collected or purporting
to have been levied or collected at the first point of sale1 n the State in respect of
goods me.~tio.;ed i.1 items :, 6 , 7 and 10 o f t ' e Sixty Schedule to t'-e principal Act,
for t'le period comme,~ci*~g oq the I st d a) of April 1994 and ending wit17 tke 8 t h day
of Ja;luary :995, s ]all, for all purposes be deemed to be, and to h ve always been
~alidl.~, 4
levis3 or co1le:teci ulder the First Schedule to tlie principa Act, in respect
of those goods, as if sub-clauses (a), (6) and (c) of clauses (1) and caluse(2), of section
2 of this Act had been in force at all illater~altimes when such tax was levied
or csllected and accordingly-
(c) all acts, proceedings or things done or taken by ally authority, officer
or pe:son in connection with the levy or collection of such tax, shall Tor a11 purposes,
bedeemed to be and to 1:ave always been validly done or taken in accordance with
law : Tamil
suit or ottlcr procecdi,ig sh:ill bc n~aintainec!or continued in any
( / J ) 110 1931
Coun, tribunal or other nutl~orityfor the ref~lndof any tax so paid;
( c ) no Court, tribunal or other authority sl~alleuforcc rrny decree or
order directing thc rel'und 01' a,ly tax so pai:!.

Governmefit, Law Depurtmi rr t.
Secrc.tcrry to


lowing Act of the Tamil Nadu Legisl ative Assembly received the
e Governor on the 1 lth Deoembe~ 1995 and is hereby
r general information:-

ACT No. 36 OF 1995..

- --..-- .- - -
Act fcrthet to amend the lam11 Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1Q59.

it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu ip the Forty-
th Year of the Republic of India as follows : -
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fifth Amend- Short title
and ann-
(2) (a) Section 4 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 22nd day
of' June 1988.
(b) Sections 2 and 3 sllall come into force on such date as the Ctate Goverq
mcnt may, by notification, appoint.

2. In section 21 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment
referred t o as the principal Act), in sub-section (3-B), for the words ','one rupeeg9, ofsection 21,
the words "ten rupees" shall be substituted.

3. In sectlon 31 of the principal Act, iII $ub-secti~:l(21, for the words '"fifty Amendment of
r u ~ e e ~ the
" , words "011: I rupee\" s!laIl b(; substituted
hi L Z ~i'd section 31.
4 IQ section 31-A of the principal Act, for s~ib-section(,' . . ' i c following sub- Amendment
ssction sllall be subdituted, nalnely : of section
"(2) The appeal shall be in the prescribed form and shall be verified in the
manner and shall be accompanied by S Y C fee
~ 110t exccedin.5 one hundred
pupees as may be arescribzd.".

(a) all rules made or all acts, proceedings or t!liags done or taken by any
authority, officer or person in connection with the lew C i collection of such fee shall,
for all purposes, be deemed to be and to have always zeen n~adc,done or taken jn
accordance with Inw ;
(b) no suit or other proceeding shall be alai~~tllaincd
or contil~uedin any court
for the refund of any fee so paid ;

(By ordcr of tlie Goverhoi..)

Secretary to Gor*crnmmr. &a w Deparrmel,t.

a "4


The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Asseml3ly r5aceived the
assent of the Governer on the 1lth December 1995 and is hereby
published for general information:-

AOT No. 37 OF 1995.

Art Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales T,zx Act, 1959.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil N,adu in the Forty-
sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Ti x (Sixth Amend- Short title and
ment) Act, 1995.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April 19t5.

2. In section 7-D of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, t o sub-section (I), Amendment
the following proviso shall be inserted, namely :- of 8ectio~
- -.
"Provided that where a dealer has paid the compounded amount under this
sub-section in respect of sale of a particular name and type of lottery tickets of a
particular State and for a particular draw, the tax in respect of the sale of such
lottery tickets, by any other dealer or any person in this State liable to pay tax
under sub-?:ction (2) of section 3, shall be deemed to have been paid under this Act.".

(By order of the Governor )

Secretary ro Gocernmenr, liaw Dqartment.
, *

The following & off ths Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly raeivcd & a-t crfl
the Governor on the 29th War& 19% andi is hereby published for general information :-

NO. 10 OF Y 996.

An Act further to PraQd :he Tamil Nadu General S&s Tax Act, 1959.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the

Forty-seventh Year of the Republie of India 2s follows :-
1. (1) T V s Aat wrp be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Shzt tr
Act, 1996. oommen
(2) (a)~Clause (1) of section 2 shall be deemed to have come into form on the
12th day of Mareh 1993,
(b) Clause (2) of section 2 shall come into 'force at once.
*,,{I Nadu Act 2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959,- Amendn
(1) in the First Schdulc, i n Part-B, in item 3, in sub-item (i), theexpression
bs fox grams " shall be omitted;
(2) in the Sixth Schedule, in item 13, the Explanation shall be omitted.

(By order of tho Gcwernorr.)

M. M W ,
Secretary to Government, Law D e ? m w .


Sericcl Descr@tio?7 of the goods.

(1) (2,)
Goods which are taxable at the rate of 2 pc cent.

2 Poultry fezd supplements and concentrates

3 Wornout or beaten jewellery

Goods which are taxable at the rate of 4 per cent.

1 Aluminium scraps
2 Ajwain (Omam), anise-seeds (sombu), cassia (lavanga pattai or cinnamon),cloves, dried
I ginger (sukku), fennel (sathakuppai), fenugreek (methi), mace (jathipathri), nutmegs
(jathika), poppy seeds (kasakasa), saffron
3 (i) Baby milk food
(ii) Baby feeding bottles and nipples made of any material
4 Basic chromium sulphate
5 Beds, pillows and quilts made of cotton or silk cotton
6 Beedi leaves
7 Biscuits, toffees, confectionery arid chocolates which are not branded ..
8 Bread whether or not branded
P Bricks, including-
(i) Refractory bricks, brick-bars, brick ballast
(ii) Hollow block bricks
(iii) Table moulded bricks and
(iv) Country bricks and c o u ~ t r ytiles made of baked clay and stonewarc.
10 Butter and ghee which are not branded
11 Cardamom

12 Cattle feed e o ~ ~ ~ p o u~ncluding

~ids feed supplements and concentrates ..
1J that is to sny-

(i) Alllnlonium ~1110ride(ii) A~unloniummolybdate (iii) Ammonium phosphate sulphate of


- .
.. -

(iv) Ammonium sulphate (v) Ammonium sulphate nitrate (vi) Bone meal (vii) Borex
(Sodium fetroborate) (viii) Calcium ammonium nitrate (ix) Chelated iron as Fe-EDTA
(x) Chelated zinc as Zn-EDTA (xi) Copper sulphate (xii) Di-ammonium phosphate
(xiii) Di-Calcium phosphate (xiv) Ferrous sulphate (xv) Fused calcium magnesium
phosphate (xvi) Kotka phosphate (xvii) Manganese sulphate (xviii) Micronutrient (xix)
Mineral gypsum (xx) Mono ammonium phosphate (mi) Nitro phosphate of any description
(xxii) N.P.K. complex of various grades (xxiii) Potasium chloride (Muriate of potash) (xxiv)
Rock Phosphate (XXV)Solubor (xxvi) Sulphate of Potas11 (xxvii) Super phosphate single
(xxviii) Super phosphate triple (xxix) Urea (other than technical grade urea) (xxx) Urea
ammonium phosphate (xxxi) Zinc sulphate and (xxxii) Any mixture two or more of the
articles mentioned in items (i) to (xxxi) above with or without the addition of other articles
(on the turnover relating to components thereof which have not already suffered tax).

Cinematographic raw film - - - - ... First sale

.. .. .. .. .. Last purchase.
(i) Coir products other than those mentioneci in item 59 of the TI-rid Schedule .. .. First sale.
(ii) Deccan hemp products other than deccan hemp fibre.
.. .. .. Do.
C7mputers of analog and digital varieties, peripherals and accessories thereof .. .. Do.
Computer software, lj-ensed
Cotton seed husk ... .. .. .. . Do.

Cycles, bi-cycles. tricycles (including delivery tri-cycles, childran tri-cycles and carriages), Do.
cycle-rickshaws, tandem cycles, cycle combinations, carriages for invalid persons, parts
and accessories including tyres, tubes and flaps used therewith, cycle seat covers, cycle
dynamo lights and cycle pumps
Empty gunny bags .. Do.
(i) Fungicides, herbicides including weedicides, insecticides, pesticides, rodanticides, germicides Do.
and combinations thereof
(11) Insect repellant coils, mats, liquids and creams.
.. Do.

Gold and silver jewellery including articles thereof .. Do.

.. Do.

Gun1 benzoine (sambrani) .. Do.

Hnl~dmadeembroidery products DO,
3 Halldmade paper including handmade paper board DO.

Handmade soaps of all kinds (both bathing and qashing soap) including soap flakes, powders, Do.
liquids and detergent4 but excluding shampoos and metal polishes in any form -
fl HJlld pumps used for the supply and distribution of water, pans and accessories~thereof , Do.
- DO-
ijzsslan ~10th ... Do.
- I

- Do


&- - .---
..l,..I-..+- -U.'a-'"---
- . .IIUY.,..I.YIUW,U W(il Lr44-Llr r ,w

36 (i) Huma~i:.air (ii) Wigs.

37 Ice blocks
38 Junnadi goods
39 Jute twine

43 Lottery tickets
44 Musical i~strumentsof all kinds
45 Newsprint

Oil cakes
Parched gram or tried gram

48 Peas aad peas d h l l
49 Perambulators including pus3 ciiairs for babies, parts and acces,ories 11 c l u c ' i ~ ~tyres,
g ti,hcs
and flaps used therewith.
50 Photographic films, plates, paper, prints, instant print films and che*nicals used i n t+e '
p:?otograpbic davelopment and printing procmss.

~ 51'
Plastic raw ma'erials
Power tiller

53 Printing and wri;ing paper and computer stationery of all kinds ..
54 Products of basket making and mat weaving industries (other than ~ I I C S A 5pccified in 11le
Third S~hedule)
55 Pulses and Grams including horsa grams, avarai (beans), Mochai and Ka.l*amani(othe~than
those speoifiod under item 80 (a) of the Third Schedule) including brokons, husk and d u ~ t
56 Pumpsets of 3 h.p. and 5. h.p. ..
Quinineand its products
Raw siM which is impsrtad
Read-y-to-weax ~pparcl(known con~~ne~cially as ready made garmonls) it~cl~!c!;ngunder.
garments a.nd body suppolrting gqyrnents but excluding hosiery goods. ..
Rubbe~playballoons .*
Sago and starch 01 any kind ..
Salt for 4ndostrial use . . Lan
Sand - .. Fir:[
Sorew pine fibre
Sea-shell articles

---*- I

:nnn leaves, sqnrla poas and cassia leaves

d:'urn bi-chroma1 e .. Do

Tamarind seeds and tama~indfibres D3.

Tanning materials, that is to w.y

Pica sak.
Tolevision sets, acccscorie%thereof and TV antenna

:. ..
"$3 * < 7 2 l * ~ a 2
~ ) Ex (480) -2
( ~ ' b r o u IV-2 .. .. - -,- , ,"-- , t.k.v,g+~;;r;
d. 1. .q: :-. r:sr '. ,..r '. - -, ,.;y &.,A; .?':.,,-,....
:':. I.
3,s . . .'
*a*.: 'I#:?'iy!E{r ; : . , 7
" .

Goads which are taxable at the rate 8 Per cent.

Aluminium, pure or alloy in the form of :

(i) T n p t c fii) Bars (iii) Bloaks (iv) Slabs (v) Billets (v:) Shots (vi;)Pelrt!s lvg;i) Plates (IF)
q Shects x circles (xi) wires (xii) strips (xiii) rods (xiv) wire rods
a d (xvf on:aioy of aiuminium with any other metal or metals on the turnover relating
.' to con~ponentswhich have not already suffered tax:

Provided that, if any, aluminium, pure or alloy has suffered tax under any ope of the sub.
items mentioned above it shall not be again subject to tax under the same or any other sub-
items aforesaid.
2 Aluminium wares other than domestic utensils
3 Arecanut ioclud ing betel nut and seeval
4 Bamboo
Explanation.-For the purpose of this entry in the case of bamboo purchased by tho forest con-
tracton in tho auction of forest coupas canductod by the Fmst.DepaemeaC of tho Goveem-
m a t sale by sych contractors of such bamboo m any form?t srw shall badacrnad to ba the
first sale and, the sale by the Forest Department in such auctlon of Forest CoupQsshall not be .
d e e d to be the fitst sale.

of-ti&dker t h n thase spe'.if ie ' eb ewhac 'n t I- e

C-e.zeat-Pcmrin+stones, da is ani all~kin8.s

.I I bt .= Coffee beans c o w seed s wnathcr ar not c u d .OFttmted or decatiainatai, coftm p w d CF, ex-
1 &ding cob drink.
~r fli)' la-t coffee in granule or powd cr farm
4ki) French coffee (on the turnover rd iting ro eomponcnrs thmeof ~ a m d coftce
y and ch'kIcxy
which ksvc not drcody suffered tax)

(3) Milk f o {s~ inctu4ing milk powder ba excluding baby food r ~ c w ~ b i . ~miik e d (;cxco#
d i c t m s t i t u t i o n without qlditives othat than w;tter) i~ndinciltriog Fhvoure: milk and
, (it$ . Faods induding prepations or vogctables, fruits, mitk, *ccrri~ks,f$wf '(ephwthan t~;ui)
starch, bird 5-6ggS , ~,.:*jt okls, animal Mood, fish, c~ustlceans and moHusce.
Sizb-itaM(i, LJ(Giii) WM without a Wnd nitme

15 ~~ cry ceU b;ttbrrits, button cells, s+&s edls of all kinds

faskLdinLzh- C a h s and Carbun mh.
paw md n'c~%Ssotibs

. C)

cal fans of all types, electrical lighting bulbs (including gas filled bulbs/vaccum bulbs r.ot
ing 100 watts), flourescent lighting tubes and their fitting including chokes arrd starters. Do.


and drirks (0th r han those FT:lling elsewhere under the Schcdul ),sold by-
. .. , '
. !Po.
Star hotels m g r ise as such by the Tourism b p a R m a . t of the S tc Government or $he
cmmcnt of India :and
Restamants attached to such star hotels

twear with 01 without brand name Do.

gas incl~ldinp,licruified petroleum gas

, .

~ p h n a t i o n15.-Wr the purpose of Explanation I Oil ~omp&y means (a) he' W r a t

Refineries E+d {b) The Ir,dian Oil Corporation Ltd (c) The BMnt Petroburn Coq,onMion
Ud (d).Ths.Hi v!ustan Petroleum ~ r p o r a t b pLtct (e) Incio-Butma P@role~mC o ~ p ~ y
j,,$d and inchdoany other oil company ,notified8 ,m the ,
ir\ his behalf by the Gover~~merf .*,
Tamif Mid. u Goucr.:me:..t Gazette.

Inks Pfl &ds incluciing LitXo5npbb printing and duplicating inks but ercluding writing' ink ' Da
+ *

fuiof aU kinds including metallic yarn, metalficjari yarn, mdalbc plastic yam, pctlyster film Do.
yPtn and mti8n.t yarn.

bags vvbich arc taminzted Do.

~ a c h i nm
i d e matches Do.
Man m d e stilpl~Gi~res,fibre y;-rn fililme: t y;:nA,.,
and waste of any of the* . DO.

(A) Medkh.~
conforming to the following ciescripfian :- Do.

ii$ Caun(q thm&s


(B) (i) Sure;ical dressing which e~nressio? shall i*~clu~{e
.\ll~(:\ivc plnqtcr~,
a-lhesive plaster dressing gypsoq:a plaster of qaris a n l ba~Idages,vclcropo;? bandages,
elastro crz ,e bx~dages,gauze, wa \ding gauze, lint altd cot to>^ wool poultice\ n ~ t dsi~nilarar-
ticle im~rz;nate4 or coatel with pharmaceutical suh.;ta~icesput u? in ror~llror packinas for
surgical purposes w'lich have 53%I sterilisol an?. conform to t i e accepted stdndards- of the
madical profession.
(ii) Pharmaceutical and surgical products of plastic and rubSer inclu 'in2 gloves, aproas and
( C ) Instruments and aa2liances usel in melical, surgical, debtal or veterinary sciences, inclu-
ding %cie3~tific
apparatus, other cleztrome iical apparatus and srght testing instrulnents including
opthalmoscope, otoscope Laryngoscope, Retinoscope, Binocular lou)e, parts and
rccessories theraof (other than those s?ecifie.f elsewhere in this Scheddule)
(D) X-ray a-raratus, films, plates ayl ot!lcr eqvi,>meltsraquire 1 for u\e 1 herewith pacts
and accossoriaq thereof .
(E) (i) tiaart I .. .-tnakor (pulso g a ~ ~ e r ~ t o r )
(ii) f ntm-ocular le-.ses

(F) (i) Intravenous sets, c i : ~ I j l voi I sets, blood admiqistr tion set<, hlootl donor sets and
autio11 :.drni~~istrstionsets
, (ii) Dextrose, that is to say, aextrose mo:lolly 'rate a!l1 anhjJrous dextrose
(iii) Measured volume qet
I (i v) Du~nosticrea:ar ts
1". .b .
29 Pa1.n h ~ y . + c $ . ..

. . tissue .
( i ) Cigarette
4, d .

%CE('f''i:i' 'fiifcrtdi16t b'r 'tatie+:tts~;~fe

(ii) (other' 3han cikrette tissue), telexit!ter: type- . . .
writing, "".iifQl
a ,
f, Eh.~,W&t; :a?ft>:&fi& t i b s i z d ; &cic@e, .stanlo or cartrii(i$ pa*;
! i % d i'ik & r t - b d 1 ti'c.hrohe .
,. War< and b6$ts\foi playink cards . .
. ? +

(iii) . Packing aF\.l'wrd*>pi~g w w r , straw 33 LC I a? 1 nulp boar 1 inch ling grzy tj& f; '
.;j 1 ., \ du;slsx and tri,>lex boards
... boar
, '171
(ivj"" ~ 8 $ e and
r board i- t'arni~ted, chard=\, or. in.terline-1, ihlith other matdfldls , -

i 1

' (vf' ' w :fi paper '.nil s{;nilai hall &ovcl ibs, Window transpa& tics of . . . ' i
.! "* , ;*
.I : .I

- .:r.-...r - .- .
Provi ;e ;thzt i i a ~ paper
y has suff&e$ tax.utder any oze 01' the sub-items ~ e ~ n t i o ~ e d
"'&ovs, it shall not be azin sdfjject to tdf u,~dePdtn&or m y bther su3-items aforif&i?l"'- : -- , "'
...* ,'

"* i?. ,

oorded audio cassettes


Rough synthetic gem boules Do.

Rubberised coil products Do.
Raw rubber of all varieties and grades including dry ribbed sht,: -f all RMA grades,
crzpe rubber, dry black rubber, skimmed rubber, if t h y had not sufferea tax under item@

(ii) Reclaimed rubber, all grades and qualities.

bnted nut, roasted or scented seeval Rrst sale.
Bewin; machines and eabroidery machines of all kinds, parts and accessories thereof and
&ks used therewith Do.
Spectacles (other than those specified in the Third Schedule), sunglasses, goggles and attach- Do.
ments, parts and accessories thereof
(i) Stainless steel articles made wholly or principally of stainless steel other than those specified
elsewhere in this Schedule
(ii) Stainless steel household utensils, including copper or other metal bottomed utensils
and non-stick lined utensils
(iii) Heat resistant cook-ware, that is kitchenware coated with heat resistant coatings and
used for cooking as well as serving

(iv) All other stainless steel goods used for domestic purposes
%garcane excluding sugarcane setts Last
First Sale.

(ii) Instant tea (other t h n instant tea drink)

(iii) Tea waste 3 t k r than denatured
(A) Three wheelers by wllatever name known including auto rickshaws, chassis of auto Do.
rickshaws and other three wheelers, bodies or tankers built or meant for mounting on three
wheeler chassis belonging to others (on the turnovers relating to bodies), parts and accessories
thereof jncluding bulbs, fare metres but excluding batteries, tyres, tubes and flaps

(C)Motorised bicycles, tri-cycles, cycle rickshaws, tandem cycles, cycle-cambinations, c m a -

ges for invalid persons and perambulators and motor engines used for being fitted thereto,
, parts and accessories of motor engines and combinations, inekuding tyres, tubes and flaps.
O)) (i) Dumpers, loaders, scrapers, crawler tractors.
(ii) Paver finishers, excavators, dragnets, dredgers, bull-dozers, wheel dozers, road rallm .
and other similar varieties of machinery of whish a mechanically propelled vehicle form6 en
integral p a t (other tkan those specified elsift,lme in the Schedule), tyres (including pneumatic
tyres, radial tyres], ~ I Wand flaps ordinarily used for the above (whether or not such tylFas,
tubes add flaps' &reAlso ascd fdr other vehkles) and articles ( ~ c l u d i n battdes)
g adapted for
asc perally as parte and accessories of the above.
{A Group) IV 2 EX.(480)-3.


(E) Crane lorries including floating cranes, break down lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying
~ ~ r r i k awncrete
, mixer lorries, mobile .workshops, mobile radiological units, ambulances,
firefighting units including fire floats, drilling rigs mounted on motor vehicles and floating
vessels, platform trucks, fork ,ift trucks, and other similar varieties of machinery of which
a mechanically propelled vehicle forms an integral part which is subsidiary to their main
function, tyres (including pneu.matic tyres, radial tyrzs), tubes and flaps ordinarily used for
the above (whether or not such tyres, tubes and flaps are also used for other vehicles) and
articles (excluding batteries) adapted for use generally as parts and accessories of the above.
47 Timber including sized timber but excluding firewood.
Explanation: For the purpose of this item in the case of timber purchased by the forest
contrmtors in the auctiorl of forest coupes conducted by the Forest Department of the
Government, the sale by such contractors of such timber in any form or size shall be deemed
to be the First Sale and the sale by the Forest Department in such auction of Forest Coupes
shall not be deemed to be the First Sale.
48 ' Tin containers.
49 Transistor and pocket radios, two-in-ones, cassette recorders and pIayers and cassettes and - fJl&,g
accessories for use therewith.
Water-supply materials and fittings (other than those specified e sewhere in this Schedule or
in the Second Schedule) including Water taps, Showers, Water anks including PVC Water
Tanks and other articles used for the supply or distribution of wate; (including RCC Pipes),
parts and accessories thereof including valves
51 Waste paper
52 (i) Xerox copies
(ii) Laser copies/printouts
(iii) Cornputor printouts
Provided that if the paper used for taking such copies or print.outs has suffered tax under
item 53 in Part-B, the copies or printouts shall not again be subject to tax under any of the
sub-items mentioned above
(iv) All printed materials other than those specified In sub-items(i) to (iii) above.
53 Zinc

Goods which are taxable at the rate of 11 per cent.

1 Adhesives of all kinds including gum, glue, resins and solutions

2 Aerated waters, tinned, canned, bottled or packed soft drinks, whether or not flavoured or
sweetened and whether or not containing vegetable or fruit juices or fruit pulp, soM under
brand name whether suc brands are registered under the Trade and Merchandise Maks
Act, 1958 (Central Act 3 of 1958) or pot.
3 Asphalt (bitumen)
4 Barbed wire, wire mesh, chicken-mesh, expanded metal and chain link made of a,ly metal
or material.
5 Biscuits, toffees, confectionery and chocolates which are sold under a brand name
6 Bobs, nuts and rivets, threaded or tapped and screws of base metal or alloys thereof,
includiq boll end, screw studs, screw studding, self-tapped.-=pew, screw hooks, s a w
va]= & control v*es, (iv) ww,
r i w and scrc\v eye and h w h and (i) Clamps of all kinds, @) Cotter pins of
(iii) \'al\rs \>&.'I kinds including p m w &f
I' kinds. (v) Pcfrfbritd sheet of meta_' or maerjd.

"'7--=w-- --*-e*-*--
--==-WS~* --..-*- -


-- -.
Brake fluid .. First sale
Butter and Ghee sold under a oralii LUIL,: .. Do.
Camphors .. bo;
Carbide tips and tools ' Do,
Carbon black, acetylene black .. Do:
Caustic soda .. Do.
Chemicals, the following :
(i) Soda ash, (ii) Bleaching powder, (iii) Sodium bi-carbonate, (iv) Sodium hydrosulphite, Do. I
(v) Sulphate of alumina, (vi) Sodium nitrate, (vii) Sodium acetate, (viii) Sodium sulphate,
(ix) Acid slurry, (x) Trisodium phosphate, (xi) Sodium tri-poly phosphate, (xii) Sodium
silicate (xiii) Sodium nietasilicate (xiv) Carboxy methyl cellulose, (xv) Sodium sulpbate,
(xvi) Acetic acid, (xvii) Sodium bi sulphate, (xviii) Oxalic acid, (xix) Sodium thio-sul-
phite, (xx) Sodium sulphite, (xxi) Sodium alginate, (xxii) Benzene, (xxiii) Citric acid, (xxiv)
Diethylene glycol, (xxv) Sodium nitrite, (xxvi) Hydrogen peroxide, (xxvii) Acetaldehyde,
(xxviii) Pentaerythritol, (xxix Sodium alpha olefin sulphonate, (xxx) Sodiuin formate.
Cinematographic equipments, including cameras, projectors, over-head pro'cctors, sound- Do.
recording and reproducing equipments, parts and accessories thereof and 1,
ses, expused
films, film-strips, arc or cinema carbons, cinema slides, paper, paper boards required for
use therewith.
Clocks, time-pieces, watches (whether or not in combination with any other devices), stop Doc
watches, time switches, mechanical-timers, timeirecords, auto print time punching clocks,
time-registers, instrument panel clocks of all kinds including all such ekctronic devices,
parts and accessories thereof, watch bands, watch bracelets, watch chains, watch straps.
ji) Crockery (other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule) .. Do.

iii) Cutlery (other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule) includiag table cutlery,
Cuddappah stone slabs and Shahabad stone slabs ..
Electronic duplicating m,achines, reprographic copiers including duplicators, Xerox and ph-
copying machines and any other electronic apparaws for obtaining duplicate copies,
whether rednc-ed, enlarged or the same size as the originals, accessories thereof, ribbons,
plates used therewith.
Electronic systems, apparatus, appliances and other electronic goods (other than tbose Do.
specified elsewhere in the Schedule) but including electronic indexing, card punching,
franking, addressing machines, one record units and other electronic p d s and accecsories
of all such goods.
Electronic teleprinters and fax machines of all kinds, accessories thereof and ribbons used
Do. 1
Electranic typewriters, accessories thereof and Electronic typewriter ribbons whet her or not Do.
in spools.
E jllpire clot 11 and ernpire sleeves 6 Da
T ,

zt hyl .alcoh+, I , nbsolut e alcohol, methyl alcohol, rectified spirit, neutr a1 spirit and denatured Do,
mjrks i nclt~ding coloilred matches, C. Do.

Furnaces and boilers of all types including fluidized bed boilerb . ignifluid boilers and Do
boikrs using agricultural w a t e as fuel but not including boilers using municipal waste
onlr as fuel.

27 (1) Granite blocks (r cu gh or raw)
(ii) Polished granite slabs including tomb stones, monu roent slab and head sto ne.
28 H'elmetsl
29 Hosiery goods made wholly or partly of wool

I 30 Leather goods other than foot wear made wholly or principally of leather (whet her or not
I other materials such as thread, lining, rivets are used.)
31 Light roofiing sheets (obtained by immershing paper mat in bitumen)
32 Locks of all kinds and varieties
33 Machineries of all kinds (other than those specifically mentioned in this schedule) worked
by (i) Electricity (ii) Nuclear power (iii) Hydro dynamic and steam power (iv) Djesel or
petrol (V) Furnace oil (vi) Kerosene (vii) Uoal including coke and chi~rcoalor (VIII) any
other form of fuel or power (excluding human or animal labour) (ix) Parts and asccessorjes
of machineries and tools used with the machineties mentioned in sub-ltems (I) to (~111)
34 Mercury
35 (i) Motor cats, Motor taxi-cabs, motor omni buses, motor vans, jeeps and motor lorries
chassis of motor vesicles bodies bxilt on chassis of motor veh~cles belong~ngto others
(on the tdi-novet telating to bodies) all varieties of trailers by whalever n: me known
(other than trailers of tractors) other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule.
(ii) Parts and accessories of motor vehicles and trailers including bulbs. faiemeiers but
excluding batteries.
36 Nitric hydrochloric and sulphuric acids
37 Oil engines, parts and accessories thereof
38 Pan masala by whatever name called containing betel nu1 s 1 ha.1 i s to say nut of areca caiachu
brolC€il btl @iNajed and ot men?hof:or sandal oj1s or c~,r.rciam~n~ or tobacco or
any one or inore of these ingredients.
39 ti) Paraffin wax-food grade standard

(iii) Slack wax.

46 Parts of electronic goods mentioned under items 18 and 75 in Part-B and items 18.19 and 49
I in Part 0,
41 Playing cards
42, Power-factor and shunt capacitors of all Ends

44 Pressure lamps and parts and accessories thereof

43 P.V.C:Pipes, tubes and fittings of all varieties including flexible and rigid pipes, hoses and
tubes whether transparent or not, P.V.G. and plastic waterevpply items and sanitarfwane.
46 Rail coaches, wgops, containers for the transport ofzflujds, other rail coaches specially
daigaed for specific purposes and rail locomctives, parts and accessories thereof.

--- .

---- --- - -"- ---- -

m i
- - -*- -- . Il*r.

nil and ~d b k r pro . L U G ~(excluding

~ phamhceutical and surgical Brst sale.

l i u, L L I ~ V U ~ C ; ~ ~ I ~ SillG Upii
C ~ ~ ~ l ~ j .I ~cr uLOCI s in phtes, s h e , or s,riPSI
, m a y f o r m or

i) 3t her idr 111s(1; kc: r otl s, t:. bes and pioftle snapes) and a:ticles (for exainple discs and rings,

(hi) Rubhr 111-cad and cord

(ip) Plates, blocks, sheer s, s, rips, rods anll profile sha~esoi i u bber

oses of rubber, with or lvithout their fittingf (ior example joints,

{$ij Uonveyor. transmission or elevator belts or belting of rubber whether combined with
any textile ~natwialor otberwire.

(vii) in;crc~agccible t yre treads {Tread rubber)

el and olotbing mxmorim (iaaldint gloreo) for all purposas of

(ix) Other artiolsc ,df &bar; wd

fd aardenad mbbap (for exnmple ebonite) in all forms, including waste and wrmp and
adds 01hard rubber.

WWer oC rynthetia orlsin including buradiena a~r).loaitrilarubber, styrene butaditme rdbbez Do*
avb butyl rubbsr, gyathetio rubber latex induding prarulcanised synthetic rubbar Sates.

(i) &ips, stcalncrs, mator? and ste;ll;I bx:s an6 la.unahss, trawlers, t u y , submarines, oil m.
rankerr and other ~nssslsoperated by any form of power, including thcir hulls, enginar,
pop?# thoreof
a ~ t d~cceq~c?iies
(il) Bnrgos arld c.jniqns and sirnilar vosrcls not coining utlddr sub-iten? (i) above.

51 %%:ill i ~~-s,f ~ s r s in electron!^ equipmonts, including :-

~ > r ~ nltsed Do.

(j) Tr<irlsf #:,~I,:;.; (Power and Control'~(step down from 230 V to less than 100 V of power
r.<aLii~g11 -!oxci?eding 250 VA), (ii) Buck b ~ o s transforrzlers
t (230 V/lsss than 100 V), (iii)
I nvertor transformers, (iv) isolation irnnformers, (v) R2ciifisr iransformsrs, (vi) Ferro
resonant transformers, (vii) Line driver t~ansformers(less !ha11 50 VA), (viii) Fly back
transformers/liae output transformcrs~Extrahigh tansion transformers, (ix) Main filter
traosformarr, (a) Line driver transformers (xi) Torolbal core translormar8 and R-Core
transforn~rr($1) lwitoh mode gowar supply tran~for~nera.
(&items (viii) to (xii) above are ferrite tlanafotmero).
f uplmmrlnn.+\ll the ~ b o v etransf:-rmera shall ba deemwl to fall under this item only if
~ o n th t h o ~ nh;;~ not tven one of the windings rstcd at ove 500 'P GC.

9 So~tndreoordir~ga?d 7 ~?roducingequipments (excluding item 49 in P a w ) including dicta.

phonss, cal aassette plqyor s, t 4 ~ -,:;cl:s,
. is?e players, compact disa players (inoluding
a oon~binztionnf any of ttl3rn) witb or witho rt wir31sss reception instruments and oompaot
disa, magrletic tapes, micro tapes .and micro fische tcr use therewith, parts and aaaessories
;beroof and head charier in any form.
53 Sound tr;t n ,:lliti:fg equipments ot every dsscri~tioni noluding telephones, inter-oom devioes,
iuo~ler~allti l<wd.;pea kerS includir 5 qtereo or hi-fi amplifiers, speakers and speaker syftemes
which are used wi h stereo or ni-fi musical systems, micro phones and stands therefer,
head pholles, c a r ~ b.I"\ . ~ n dcombined miarophones/speaket sets, parts and m s o ; t e 9
tfier.~ofarid ieiey;i:ont: cable? and fibre optio oables.
9 jlquash~srrt~dessencus
(A Group) IV.2 Ex. (480)-4.

182 TAMIL NADU GcVi:K:; h)ENT GAZ!?mE EXTKI',(;i. : ' !I' :,kK!.
_ _ _
I- , . F r i ~ i u YrV

- - - -- -- - - ..

- .
(i) Stae] a]mirahs and fLlr!lilur.::,f 411 ki*ldr illclllding hntl?,1-<ili1f u r n i t l l r r (Oill, 1 11 ' b l ' - A 38
apmifid elsewherein tnis Schedulr. mane from all kinds cT meilis, fibid gi: +$. $ ' 1 ld,

inforced plsstios or made prirnrr~~ly fi-,n nny kind oi pl i.:ics; up1101s;ed I I ~ ~ I ) ~ ,'~ I01% II
furniture in the maqufnc:~r r rf which hminated sheets are used, whethcr si.!d i l ? assern -
blecf or unassembled form ?.nd r e ~ d yta ~sscmbla,~ q r t theraof
s and all krttc s ot stands.

(ii) Office eq~ipmentsof avmy deaoription, including filing cabinets, card index cabinet%
TJaper traqs, p q e r rents, pen tray?, ~ A i c ns!qn~p9:ands \nd sim;la.l cfficc r r desk eqt?ip
ments whathflf sold in assamblad cr ~tnas~embleci form anct rrsay to assamble, parts thwe
of (other than thosa qpecifiod alse shere in this Zbbaduta and stationery ir.rticlas).
Hxplanation. Sloiteda wgles, gussets, plates, pan411 and atrips whiah when assembled form
furniture or equipmeats, shall be tleemed to be furniture or omoa equipments as the o a ~
my,be, Eor fbe purpose of this, item.
56 Wit oases, brief aasos, attached oases, despatch aaaas, vanity bags, vanity cases and vanity m.
boxes (other ,ban those speoiflad alwabe~ein iha &hadula)-
ppbn.tlou.-Vanity bag. vanity oars and v a n i ; ~Wx mean a bl:a raw or a 5or llolding
a mirror and aosmetlos or toiletriaa.
, '5 <.,
57 Sulphur

58 Television cameras, projectors, closed circuit television sets and cameras, car television, video
televisions, video cameras, teleprompters, parts and accessories thereof, dish antenna and
59 (i) Tyres including pneumatic tyres, tubes and flaps, ordiuarily used vith power driven two Be.
,. I wheelers, three wheelers, four wheelers and higher number of wheelers (whether or not such
tyres are also used for other purposes).
. , (ii)
, Tyres, tubes and flaps of animals drawn vehicles.
60 Umbrellas of all kin 's including beach and g ?rden umbrellas and foldirg umbrellas, perts
61 Video cassette players and recorders with or without combination of e1e:ctronic analog-digital
clocks, blank magnetic video tapes, video cassetts for use therewith and video computers
(electronic games ) parts and accessories thereof.
62 Water msters, gas meters, industrial t.herrnometers, parts and accesg,ories thereof
<3 (i) Weighing machines of all kinds including platform scales, weigh bridges, counter scales,
spring balanos weighing sccrles and baiances, parts and .xccessories of such machines and
weights used therewith
(ui Dipping measures, metric pouring measures, conical measures, cylindrical measures
(iii) Metre scales, measuring tapes steel yards and surveq chains.
64 Welding electrodes, graphite electrodes, welding rods of all kinds, including brazen rods
and soledring wires.
_ Wet grain grinders worked by an) form of power, o ~ e thanr human labour(w11ether or not
sold as a composite unit, with or without motors), parts dnd accessories of such grinders.
66 Wi~clessreception and transmission equipments, instruments and apparatus including, car
radios, walkis-talkie, transmission and reception apparatus for radio-telephony radio-
telegraphy, radio-broadcasting radar apparatus, radio navigational apparatus and ralio
I remote control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof, such as electrical valves transistors,
-- s lamplifiers, loud speakers and receivers.
87 All other goods not speaified elsewhere in any of the Schedules.
G3ods which are taxable at the rate of I6 per cent.

1 Cement articles, asbestos articles and asbestos cement art~clesother than RCC pipes and thosz F!r5t
specified elsewhere in this Schedule (whether or not other materials such a \ iron, sand arc
used) including flat, corrugated sheets and tubes.
L C-= i23&;l ~i 5.i m!1:2 ,:.
z r - ~ : ?-,i 5f7a5~337 ~ , c ,:.; .

LatestLaws.com -


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- _ .- 4

3 Ceramic sanitaryware~ and Sanitary fittings of ever:- descripticn including sink-, First
rash basins, wash basin pedestaIs, baths, showers, bidets, water closet pans, flushing
tisters, urinals, commodes, man-hole covers used in connection with drainage and
meragc disposals, parts and accessories there3f.

ncluding milk powder but excluding baby food, recombined milk (ex*
on without additives other than water) and inclutliag flavoured milk and

Poods including preparations of vegetables, fruit& milk, cereals, flour (other than bread)
b, bids-eggs, meat offals, animal IIOUJ, Sib crustaceans and mdluses.
) to (iii) sold under brand name, whether each Bran& are regr'ste;ud under 'i'rj~d~
ntisc Marks Act, 1358 (Central Act 43 of 1958) or not.
. b . 3 5 . , . ' S
" .
Betpica1 appliances (domestic and commercial) n&elj:--
9) Coffee roasting appliances (ii'i Cooking range+ [iiji_i2:-
whippers, curd makers and legg
h t e r s (iv) Floor polishers (v) Frying pans, sauce pans, kettles and toasters (vi) Geysers,
water beaters, boilers and immersion heaters ( ~ i i Grinders
) (other than wet grain grinders spe-
cibed elsewhere in this sc edule) mixers and blenders (viii) Hair driers, b i r curlers, p q n e n t
waving apparatus and cu ling tong beaters (ix) Hot plates, grillers, boiling plates, plate war-
mers, food warming trays, food warming trollies and hot fog@ cabinets (x) Ice-cream churnep
(xi) Irons (xii) Jaice extractors (xiii) Massage apparatus (xiv) Mosquito destroyers and
mt killer devices, including heating devices used with insect repellant mats (xv) Ovens and
dmowave ovens (xvi) Room heaters (xvii) Shavers, sharpners (xviii) Steamers coffee-mak-
(fncluding percoiaters), cookers, egg boilers (xix) Vaccum cleaners (xx) Vending machines
Mi) Washing machines, drying machines (whether or not sold as a composite unit) (xxii)
h f i s and accessories to all goods mentioned in sub-items (i) to (xxi), above.
#,ypIunation I: All the above goods notwithstanding that they contain electronic circuits,
trol device systems, shall be deemed to be electrical appliances (domestic

fiplafiatron 11: "Domestic and Commercial electrical appliances" means-electrical appli-

ances, normally used in the household and used in hotels, restaurants, hostels, offices, cdu-
a h n a l institutions, hospitals, train kitchens, r)ir.crafts, or ships, pgntries, canteens, tailoring
wablishrnents, laundry shops, hair dressing saloons and in similar establishments.

kinds (other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule) used in ,

ission, distribution or in connection with thz consumption of electricity
wires and cables, holders, plugs, switches, casings, tappings, reapers,
s. coupli~-gboxes, meter boxes, switch b~xes, fues, switch boxes, distri-
er mctcrs, mcter boards, switch bdards, woodenplugs (gattls), lighting
earthen ware and porcelain .ware,, parts and accessories of all such

mlectrical instruments, apparatus, appliances of all kinds, (other than those specified else- Do.
where ill this Schedule) including exhaust fans, air circulators, vaumm and gas filled bulbs,
sodium and mercury vapour discharge lamps, chandeliers. and their shades, protectors, stands,
iiytores, fittings, brac':ets, torches, emergency lamps, and emergency lighting systems notwith-
standingtheir containing any electronic control circuiting rectifiers, sound or visual signalling
dppdratus such as bells, sirens, indicator panels, burglar or fire alarms, parts and accessories
~f all such goods.

rubber products, plastic foam products, fibre foam products or other synthetic foam
,,.,,c!ncts of every description including :
% t sheets (ii) Cushion> (iii) Pillows and (iv) Matresses

, , Gat c \ (oiilc. than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule) in all its forms Do.
., ,, , , > i c ~ cgases
~i in all i t s forms

, set<, t r n n s f ~rmers and non-eli.ctronic toltage stabillesers Do.



(B) All electrical transformers (other than the samll transformers mentioned under iten1 -1')
in Part-D) including.
(i) Transmission power transformers (33 KV to 232 KV) (ii) Distribution transformers ( 3 3
- KV to 3.3. KV) (iii) Traction power transformers (110 KV) (iv) Boosters transformers (25
KV or thereabouts) (v) Furnace transformers (vi) Resin potted transformers (11 KV or thcre-
abuts) (vii) Welding transformers (viii) Step up transformers (230V/up, 5 to 50KV and 415/5
to 50 KV) (ix) Auto tranzformers (variac) (x) Instrument transformers like current transfor-
ma8 and potential transformers.
(C) Parts and accessories of sub-items (A) and (B) above I
11 Ghm and glassware of all sorts (other than &hosespecified elsewhere i n this Schedule) ~ & t

vircd glass am rolled whether in the form of plato
@ glass or in any ot"%er h,
glarro, including eet glass,
tlnted glas
coloured glass, coolex glass, toughened glass,
, l

QD Laboratory giasswares, hygienic or pharmaceutical glass wares (whether or cot graduated

or calibrated and glass micro slides)
@i) sheets, glass globes and chimneys for lamp and lanterns
(lv) Olm jan, glas~bottles, glam marbles and glass heah.
13 (i) C3lao~mirrors
(ii) Colourd elass mirrors
. I
.(iii) leured glass mirrors
(ir) Frame4 mirrors (on the turnover relating to components thereof which have not ~iI~t;ic+y
suffered tax)
Glazed earthenwares of all kinds including china-wares, porcelain wares, stone-wares other
than those mentioned in thiu Sched~ledand terracotta
4 Ice creams of all kinds, including ice candy, ice-cake, ice-jelly, fruiti, kulfi and frozen ion-
fectionery, frozen dessert sold under a Lrand name, whether such brands are registered under
the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958) or not

15 Ivotjr articles and articles inlaid with ivory

16 Lubricating oils, quenching oils and grease8

19 Mineral oils of all kinds (other than those mentioned in item 16 of Part - E of this Schedule
and under item 3-A of the Second Schedule ) including funnace oil an4 Naptha
18 (i) Paints and enamels not otherwise specified in this Schedule, including powder p~ints,
stiff paste paints and liquid paints
(ii) Colours
(iii) Pigments, including water pigments and leather finishes
(iv) Dry distempers including cement based water - paints, oil-bound distempers, plastic
emulsion paints
(v) Polish including metal polishes in any form (but not boot polishes)
(vi) Varnishes, french polish, bituminous and coal-tar blacks
(vli) Cellulose lacquers, nitro-cellulose lacquers, elear and pigmented and nitro-dlulooc
d t a r i e s in liquid, &lid or pea* forms.
(*) Turpentine oil, bde oil, white oil
(in)Dllutenrs and thinners including nataral and synthetic drying and oilssuch
r double boiled linseed oil, blown linseed oil, stand oil, sdphu- Im,=rna
a e oil and tung oil
t: Q Glaziers putty, graf~ngputty, resin cerpents, caulking colgpounqls and othq masti-,
painters slings, non-refractory surfacing preparations for facades, indoor walls, false ceiling
t3e like

2 (xi) primers of all kinds

(ri) d l other materials used in painting and varnishing ~ u c has flint papers, emery
bthes, brushes, paint removcrs and stainers of all kinds
@ Plywood, hard board, particle board, block board, W a t i o n board, lamin board, batten
board, hard or soft wall ceiling, floor boards, and similar boards of wood, of aa kinds, whether
not containing any material other than wood
(ii) ~ l other
l non-soft boards or insulating material made of any .other material other tbaq
w o u s stones namely, diamonds, emeralds, rubies, pearl4-natural or cultured, cat's eye,
sapphires, carbuncle or garnets, coral, sardonyx, topaz and other semi precious stones whether
they are sold loose or as foriping part uf any article or jewellery in which they are set.

I# Shaving sets (with or without contents), razors, safety razors, razor biades, shaving brushes
and shaving creams
Soaps, machine made, that is to say-

I (i) Toilet soaps of all kinds including medicated soaps, liquid soaps and moisturised soaps,
but ~cludinghand-made soaps and shampoos

I (ii) Washing soaps of all kinds including floor washing soaps, soap flakes, .-an powders,
soap fiquids and detergents in all f~rms,excluding hand-made items of these gooas
~ 0 0 t hpastes, tooth powders and mouth washes and om,djnWces whether or nat p p j k Do.
s COBmOfiCW Act,
cated or as defined in Section 3 of the D ~ g an4 (Wtral.Aa XXUI of
1940) as manufactured under a licence issued under that Act, tooth brushes, tongue cleaners.
m a r i n e blle, washing blue, robin blue, laundry brightener of all kinds in all its
' .

b 6) Vaceuin flasks of all kinds, paM llnd a c c c ~ ~Wme p f including refib .. Do.
(ij) All domestic and commercial receptacles det@ncd $0 keep food or bcveragts or other
L cold incluhng ice buckets or boxts,.pa,rts.and accessories tfrmof.
articles ~ G or

I Goods which are taxable at the rate of 18 per cent. I

11 High $peeddiesel oil ~ i m ~t i ~ e .

I 2 Light diesel oily Do.

1 Goods which are taxable at tb kite of 26 per cent.

1 :; . *-conditioning
plants, air-conditioners and other a k o n d itioning appliances, ah
ro3m c ~ ! l v t inc!udi~g all woling aypliances, apparatl r and inst~wments,pans
.First sale.

- -
-PC-' ,gt, ;k.5;c

(iii) Cold storage equipment~,parts and accessories thereof inclading refrigeration materials
like polysterene and polyurethane foam materials used in refrigerators and cold Ftorage
2 Airpurifiers, cupboard freshners and deodourizers, whether odourless or with odour .. I
3 (i) A~X)IS6f $iW lld s in~ltldbgrifles, re~01trery1,pistdls, parts and accessories thereof and
bayohets, m c h e o n s and amrnunitiah used &Mewith, (ii) Hand grenades, (iii) Air guns,
air rifles, parts and accessories thereof and veUets used therewith.
I Binoculars, monoculars, opera glasses, other optical telescope, astronomical instruments,
microsc.op.ts, binocular microscopes, magnifying glasses, diffraction apparatus and
optical lenses, parts and
mountidg thetefcrt i~icludingtheodolite, gfiPv,ey insttuments &&ti
accessories thereof.
5 ti) Cig4'.8fld,c@i$kttk cab~s,hoidt:ts, fdB8cc6 pipes, cigtitekte filters and hookah, fii) Lighters ,
of all krttirf~ itlclirtiing spark lightW.
6 Duplicatiqg machines, reprographic copiers, including roneo machines other than electronic
dupliatihg ffla6hines, repro :raphic coplei%inclrldjrlg duplldht&s and any other apparatus
for obtaining duplicate copi~:s,parts and accessories thereof, ribbons, plates used there-
7 EaectriC f 6fa&ebatteries a6d parts arid et~eeoiitsthueof iholuding containers, covers and
8 moor cov&iiings,that is to ay,wp6ts, c8tpekystlid rugs, whether tufted, piled or etherftrise
whether made from cotton, silk, synthetic or other fibres, whether machine made, hand-
made or made on handlooms but excluding hand-made or handloom made woven durries
and jamakkalams and also excluding hand-made or hand waveli cair mattinge,

~ 9
Lifts and $dists dpM&tedby dectridty 6i.hydWtlic power, part's and accessories thereof
11 . Marble, that is to say-
Marble dusts, (v)

12 (i) Mosaic tilw mad chips

J .C d

(ii) Ceramic tiles, glazed door, roofing and wall tiles

I 13 _If ~ . v . C (Vinyl)

. asbastbs'flbor tiles, ball t
W Wd fWbb 4borisg materials
(i) Scents a d peffflrnw in an fd$m ~4&iilf.#tM@ an$ ~ a t b f t t h ibut
s including aragaja,
jawadu and punugu, (ii) Bir iiils, hELir M W S , htiit &6s, hair darkeners, hair tonics,
brilliantines, pomades and vaselines and qll'hair applicants (other than shampoos).
(iii) Lipsticks, lipsalve, nail polishers, nag rarq$hes, nail brushes, beauty boxes, face powders,
toilet powders, baby powders, talcum p6wd&s, powder compacts, powdcr pads and puffs,
,: ,toilet sets made of all materials (with or 7 5 t h r ) l 7 t rontents), toilet sponges, scent Spray,
dcpilaiories, blemish removers, eye liners of all sorts, eye shadaw, eye brow ptnkils, eye-!ash
bmsl1$8, eau de cologne, solid cologneo, lavender water, snow, face creams, all purpose
weams, cold creams, cleanir~gcrea.ms,makc up creams, beauty creams, beauty milk,
cleaning milk, hair foclds,skin tonics, complexion rouge, nail cutters, sanitary towels
and napkins, astringent lotions, p&vc and a f t 'e ~ h a v elotions and creams, moisturisers
of all sorts and personal (body) deodaraats, *

Explmation: Any of the items listed above even if medicated or as defined in section 3
, of the D N and~ Cosmetia Act, 1940 (Central Act XXIIIof 1940) or manufactured on
the licence Issued under the said Act mil'&dlunder &is item.
15 Shampoos of all kinds including herbal and medicinal preparations, mld in hottlas, c ~ n t a i i : ~ ; ~ ,
sachets and in any other forms.
Spgrk plugs and pasts tharaof ..

fig, calculating machiries excluding electronic tabulating, calculating machines, Do.

and accesso~iesthereof, ~ibboasused therewith.
rintets other than electronic teleptiqters, Wrts and aocessories thereof and ribbons Do.

l'pmriters excluding electronic typewriters, pal ts and accessories thereof, typewriter ribbon Do.
~ c e dtherewith, whether or not on spools and co~rectionrnuids.

Goods which are taxable at $he rate af 24 par cent.
.. First sala.
Aviation turbine fuel inaludinf: jet fuel ... Do.
... h.

Goods which arc taxable at the rate of 30 per aant.
~lcoholicliquors for human con:;umption of all kinds whi~hare p~tchasad/procured/brought First sala.
from outside the State of Tanlil Nadu (othc~than foreign liquors falling under item 1 of
Part-J, toddy and amtack).
.. Do.
Gooda which ara kuable at the rate ot 60 par cant.
kinds of foreign liquors, that is to say, winas, spitits aqd b z imported into Jpdia from First sala
b j a n countries a n d dealt with under the Indian Wff Act, 1934 (dhbal Act
RXXII of 1934) or u,nd cu an$r oJbmlaw for $ha tjyo bin$ in force rotating ts the duties of
astoms on goods rmportbd ~ n t o&dl&

3, In tha prinaipal Aot, in the So$~;pd4q@41tlo,-

(3) in item 3, in sub-itam (a), in cofumn (4), for the figure '3', tho Bgure '4'
shall be substituted.
(4) in item 5, in colu~nn(4), for the dgwe '3', dhe $: ura '4' ahall be substituted ;
(5) in item 6, in column (4), for the figure '3', wheravar it occu~s,the figure
'4' shall be substituted ;
(6) i; i t n 7, in sub-item (b), in column (4), for tho fi~ura'l', the f i g m '2'
shall be substitute:: ;
4. Jn thu prinaipal Act, in the Thitd SchaduIe ,in Part-B,-
(1) f o itams
~ 48 and 48-A aud the emies relating thara to, rho f~llowingshall
h uhstitut~d, name& :-


7 - _ _ - - - _ - _
"48. Food and drinks (falling unCer item 26 of PA K? -C' of the- First
Schedule) sold by-
(i) any Hotel other than a Star Hotel recogniseci as such by tho Tourism
department of the State Government or the Gover~msnt of Iliciia ;
(ii) any rc3staurant other than those attached to such Star Eotels ;
(iii) any other eating house ;
(iv) any Sweet Stall ;
48-A. Fooc; and drinks (falling under item 20 of PART-C of the Firsf
Schedule) sold by-
(i) any Star Hotel qocognisad as such by the Tourism department of t h o
State Govemnment or the Government of India ;
(ii) any Restaurant attached to such Star Hotal;
whose total turnover does not exceed three lakhs of rupees per anaum".
(2) in item 59 for the words 'Coir fibro' the words 'Coir fibre' 'Co~rrope"
shall be substituted.
I (3) rfter itern 74 ~ . n dthe, entries rdating thereto, the f o l l ~ u i n gitems and
entries shall bo added, namely :-
"75. Coconut husk.
76. Handmade Matahes.
77. Paddy husk and broken rice.
78. Aluminium domestic utensils.
79. Silver metti, Silver anklet and Silver waist cord.
80. Thanjavur Art Plates.
81. The following ,for sale, by any daaler whosa total turnover does not
Qo4ed h,. 100 crores in a year-
(a) Pulses and gratns;qhe following, inoludilig brokens, splits, husk and
dust therecf
(i) Gram or gulab gram
(ii) Tur or arhar
(iii) Moorig or grean gram
(iv) Masur or lentil
(v) Urad or black grrrm
(vi) Moth
(vii) Lekh or khesari
(b) Chillies, tamarind, ooriander, turmeric, pepper and shikakai;
(c) Jzggery 2nd gur including jaggery powder and nattu sakkarai,
(d) Asafoetida.
(e) Jasra including blaok iaera (aumin seeds).
(f) Palmyrah sugar oandy" ;
--- - -.-
5. I n the principal Act, in the Sixth Schedule,- Amendmeotr
of Sixth
(1) in item 1,- Schedule.
(a) in colurnn (2), for the expressions "item 1 of Part 1" and "item 2 of
Part H",the expressions "item I of Part J9'and"item I of Part 3" shall respectively
be substituted ;
(6)i n column (4), far the figures"25", the figures "30" shall be substituted ;
(2) items 2,3.4, 11, 12 and 13 and the entries relating thereto shall be

(By oraer of the G0v-m.)

Group) 1Y-2 Ex.(480)-6.



- -- ---- - -- 1_1
- - _ ------ -.
The following Act of the T:!n~il Na.iu Logislativa Assal~lblyraccivutl the aasoltt
of the Gavarnor on the 8th September 1996 an4 is horaby puhlishocl I'ot y,unuraI
inf otmation :-
ACT No. 38 QF 19%.
An Act furtl3er to amend tlwTarni1Na.d~&nerd %h3STPxAct, 1w.

Bt:i t enacied bv tbe Legislative Assembly 04 t h . State (4Tamil Nadu in the Fmty-
peventh Year of tbe Republic cf India as fouows :- l

1. g) This Act mg,be caltcd t J?eTamil Nadu Cknexal Wes Tax (Third AHlenr.- Short tfibUC
R?~II@) Act, 1996. i ~

(I)) ta) %icil 6 shall be deer& Rc, have cam into fa ce oa the 1st day
ei A*il 1596.
. <

qb) S e d m s 3,5:7and 9&lIbedeemedtobavecome into 01.rtbil7th

day of J ~ l y1996. ..
tc) Sectioil 8 shall wme into 4mce atonce.
Cd) Seclinns 2 and 4 shall come iAo f r ~ e on
e tbe 1s cia; of Nowmber 1996.
2. I n seciio~i2 of the Tamil Naclu Gen~ialSalcs Tax Acf, 1959 (ke~einafler Ammdrnettt.
-tr-crrec t~ a s tho principal Aci),- of s e g t i ~ a2,
(m), t h e following cb.vse shall ke irrse11:c', nafi~ely:
(1) alter ctai~sc: -
wale' to1 t h e purpcm of section 3-C means the sale of goods
''(m1n)" "I
,I t . . ,. 8

I~~ntionc,d : ~ I I G Skth Schedu k,pul cbased wit bin t be State,

in the First S c h d ~~ c or 1.. . > ;.
jn tbeoamne form inwhichst~chgoads ale p~lchased or with modification~cl
it~wrovementfthereto abich do not Pmovnt to m a n u f ~ t u ~ e .
Ex@analic n.-Por the pttrpose of this clause, 'sale ot goods' ~ h a nmean sale
of goods at points other than the point of levy specified in the i npective Schedale";
$2) after gtause(r),thefollowingc~~useshaIlbe substituted, namely:-
L'(I,r) "turnover or resale" for tM purpose of section 3-Cnreans the value . ..%.
. . J

added on the resale of goods mentio~~ed in the First Sohedubor,t h~ Sixth S&u le - ,. ,r.;j,
at ail places of his business in the State, by any dealer, arrived at after dedz:ct ing ; i :, -/

f r o n t h e turnover of sale, theturnaver rekingto thegoods bought froma registered % .

deakr within the State.

Bxptknat ion.-For the pur- of thiasda~~se,'goods bol ghl ' shell alsi, indvde
'padngmateriab, labels and such @dds which are oonsun~ed or used for
car1 ying o~!ttnodification oi implovqment, if any, on the @;occtsBbefore rbsale". :
8 ,!!
7 . T n seic.ctior~3 of the p:incipal Ad.- ! Amendrueat of
section 3.
( I ) in sub-s:d ion I). for the expression "is not less t hun o r ~ elakh of rupees".
6 s rupees* s h a U be sit k
the c.cprc~sionL 6 ~ s c e e1d I~cc t ~ k h of t i t 1 tcci ;!
(3 insub-=tion(2), after the proviso, the following proviso shzll be
a d d 4 , n3lnels :
"Provided further that in I he case of goods men1 ioned in the First Sc11ec1,le
which are taxable at the point of first sale, tbe tax under this Act shall be payable
by the 61st or ear lies1 of the su sccessive dealers :n f hc St2.l e who is Veble io tkx
under this section;
(3) In subsection [3),--
(a) for the expression "mentioned in the First Schedule, ollw than those
falling under item 56 in Part D of the said SChedule", the expression ''other than
those falling under item 22 in Part D mentioned in the First Schedule, goods falling
ur.der Part A of the Third Schedule. goods falling under item 1 of the Sixth Schedule"
shall be substituted.

- _- TA
- _ _ _ _ _ _--_ _-_
- -- _ P -
"2,. I
- -
." --
-_ -_-_

(b) in the first proviso, tbr clause (a), tbe following clause sh-dl be substituted,
n d y :-
"(a) any sale of goods falling under items I and 2 in Part-F and item 2
in Part-I of the said Schedule; an&?!
(4) after sub-section (41, the following sub-sectionsl~allbe inserted, namely :-

" ( 5 ) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sec ion (2), but subject to the
provisions of subextion (I), the tax phyable by dealer ia respect of sale of any af
.. the gopds mentioned ig, item 34 in Part-C items 24, 32, 36 and 40 in Part-D and
:, item"l0 in Pait-E of the First Schedule, to any other deader for installation of, and
use in, his factory site situate within the State for the manufacture'of any goods
at the
. . . on the turnover relating to such sale:
of three per cent
Frovided that the provisions of this sub-section shall not apply to any sale, unless
er selling such goods fu~nishesto the assessing authority in the prescribed
bd'%ithin 'the .prescnW 'periou, a J e J ~ r a t i o rdvly filled ,inand ~igned
by the Wer to whom tbe goods are sold, containing the prescribed particulap in the
m iform obtained from the prescribed authority:

Provided fvrther that any such dealer, who. after purchasing the good3 in
respect bf which he had frirnished any dblaration, fails to install the goods and make
w of the goods so purchased for the purpose s p i f i e d in the declaration or disposes
df such gciods in any other manner within a period ef five years shall pay the
difference of tax payable on the turnover relating to sale of such goods at the rate
prescribed and three per cent".
4. After section 3-I) of the principat Act, ths following sectiol~ s11all be
inserted, namely :-
"3-C. Levy of value added tax. --
* -
Notwithstandink anything contained in subsections (11, (2) .,nJ (2tB) of section
3 and sections 3-A and 3 B , every dealer whose total turnovar for a year exceeds
seventy five lakhs of rupees shall pay a tax on the turnover of resale of goods at the
rate specified in the respective Sqhedple in such manner prescribed".
5. A%r section 4-13 of the principal Act, the folfov~ingsections shall be
inserted, namqly :-
" 4-ELIpdun@ of, Tqp in qq~?ajn,

A ~agisteped100 proant expott orientad unit or unit lecatad in the Madras

~ ~ p o r t I ? r ~ a g @ m ~ l l ~ . ~ t i ~ M f @ ewBplaofth%,tq~~,
it' on $la0 p m b of~ any MQ&H,lM~d!n ~onsll;&bp.# p.aLipg qqptfaa arta
IiWIr, bat axchiling plpnt; and q@j~qrq., w jab M.q bmn usad, by s)rob unit i'n the
~ d w t d t ande assembling, p a k ~ n gof b'hllina cf goods manufaotured within
the 3ktt-s ,- 3 sold by way of export by sqqh unit;
ProvidaiB that tho unit,sh@llsati6fy suah aonditions rtnd shall subniit an appliaa-
tion for r&nd in sueh mnnor qnd in such fc;rrq as may be piesoribad.

5. Tax on g o d s purchased by daaleps ~ a g i s t ~ eundcr

d Ccnl rnl Act 74 of I 956.-
-- -.PI+ rs-

Notwithstandi~ganything oontained in sub-saction (1) of section 3, ovary

dm]er registered under sub-section (3) of section 7 of the Central @.les Tax Aal, 1956
(Central Aot 74 of 1956) shall, whateves be tba quantum of his turnover, pay tax
for eaoh year in respect of the wle of goods with reference to the
p u r * ~ of wbiab be has furnished a dealaration under sub section (4) of section 8
of, tb sai$ Uentral Act, at q e rates s~laaifiedunder su~seotiona(2) and (2 B) of
secliqn 3 or &+1jpq 3 - 4 or1$l$Q$4".
----- ----.-- -

( I ) NolwiihsA;l.ndinganything ccntriincd in sub-sec'icn (2) cf sccliol~3 and

scc: ion 4, ovr,ry dcalcr (o:her than a causal trader or an agent of a non-resident dealer),--
(a) whosrl total turnover excacds thrae lakhs of rupccs but doas not axaoad'
ten lakhs of rupees in the immedia.tely preceding yoar, or
(b) whosc total turnover would exceed three 1a.khs of rupees but would not
axcrlcd :an I:l.khs of rupaes in tho immediately preceding y8a.r if prop~rtionately
ca,lcula!cd for a full yoar with roforencc to his turnovar for the actual period of
business, may, fit his option, insieati of pa,ying tax in accordnncc with ~ I I C pi+ovisions
of sub-section (2) cf section 3 or secrion 4, as the case may be, pay tax at the following
rates, namely :-
(i) Whcre the total turnover does not exceed fivs lakhs ot Rate of tax 3 per oent
rupees. of the total turnover,
(ii) Where the total turnover excoeds five lakhs of Rs. 15,000 4 5 percent
~upces,b ~ l does
t not exceed ten lakhs ot ~upees. of the total trunover
in excess of rupeef<
five lakhs.
Provided that such dealer shall not be required to maintain detailed commodity-
wise accounts, other than purchase and sals bills and total accounts relating to
monthly sales, monthly tax c3llection and tax payments annual purchases and annrtcsl
opening and cloqing stocks :
Provi,'ed further that this sub-Section shall not apply to-
(a) any dealer whose total turnover exceeds rupees ten lakhs in the course
of a year ; or
(b) any dealer who has is~ueddeclaration under sub-section (4) of section 8
of the Centralsales Tax Act, 1956 (Central Act 74 of 1956) for the purchase dgoods,
in relation to the turnover relating to sale of such goods.

( 2 ) 1-very dealer who opts for payment of tau at the compoundec! rate, shall
npoly to the assessing autliority in such form a? may be prescribed, on or
before the 3bth day of' April of the yea;, exercisil~~
his o;>tioprto pay tax a s specified
urtcler huh-section (1)and s9allpay taxinadvaace4uri~gthe year in monthly instal-
ments, and, for this purpose, he shall furnish such returns within such perlod and in
sucl-r m:inner as may be prescribed :
Provitled that the option under this sub-sevtio;: for the year commencing on tho
1 st day o f April 1996 shall be euercise,! on or before the 3 1st day of October 1996.

(3) The option so exercised under this seetion. shall be finalfor that year and sb!l
ccntinue for subsequent years until the dealer becomes ineligible, or tvitlldraws h u
option i n writing.
(1) A dealer who has been permitted to pay the tax undcr sub-section (1) sliall
not collz~tany arnourlt by wa\r of tax or purporting to be by way of tax on the sale
to oay t5e t2xas provided u ~ d e wb-%%tion
~2 !172 .is he o ~ t s r (1) ".
. 1 -- - . . ..--_-.- --.. -. -
. . ..
- - .- - . , - -
- A
-. -.,-- -,-- . , , ,
% ; 1 , . I w - Amendry
dm l m
. , . _ _ ._ .'... ' - ' . . > ----,*I-.
. ,
-..-- . :-

Pro\1 t e l , tirat subject [ o the prouaionr oi ciause ( 3 , 27' C: 7:5*.>:bZi I11 J


sc;t I \-A), a dealer who% tatal turnover does not e m 3 tcn W h s of ,rupees per
: ; l n y make a self-arse;rment for that year and the return filed by hlm shall be
.,; ivitnout calling the accounts ;

94 T A ~ NADU
K Y'
0 -- - -
_______-____ _._-

(b) A dealer shall not be eligible for making self-assessment,-

(i) for a successive period of three years, including the year of a s s ~ ~ s n l a ~ ~ t ,
if he is found to have suppressed his sale or purchaseturnover at the tilile of inspection
in the year of assessment ; or
(ii) if the of payment of taxadmitted by him in his returr, !la, ,lot
aocompanied the r-turn : or
(iii) he is tloing his business for the first year or last year :
Provide$ that where a dealer claimsrefund of tax exceeding ten thousar,d rupees,
he shall file all the relevant accounts and records in connectlon with such claim for
scrutiny by the assessing ;tuthorlty.
(1-A) Nothwithstanding anything ccntained in the proviso to clause (a) ol' sub-
section (I), twenty-five per cent of the total number of such assessments shall be
selected by the Commissioner in such manner as may be prescribed for the purpose
of detailed scrutiny regarding the correctne-s of the return submitted by the dealer
in this connection and in scuh.cases, final assessment orders shall be passe-l in accorci-
anoa with the provisions of this Act. ".
8. In section 21 of the priricipal Act,-

(1) in sub-section (I),

(a) for the expression " one hundred rupees ", the expression " two I-iunc?rcd
rupees " shall be substituted ;
(b) the following proviso shall be added, namely :-
c 6 Provided that any dealer who has registered under the companies Act, 1956

(Central Act 1 of 1956) or who has been doing business continuously for a period of
five years and who desires to pay a registration fee for five years in a lumpsum may
d o so a t his option by paying a sum of-rupeesone thousand fqr the .principal place
of business and rupees one hundred m respect of each of his additional places of
business other than the prin1:ipal place of busiaess " ;
(2). in sub-section (3), for the expression " shall be valid for a year ", the
expression "shall be valid for one year or five yeas, as the case may be ", shall be
9. I n section 45 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), in clause (e), for the A
the expression " under the proviso to sub-section (3) of section 3 ", the expression o
"under the second proviso to sub-section (3) or sub section (5) af section 3 " shall be

Secretary to Government,
Law Department.

4 -

6 ,- * -


-=. - rwmmU..O).L-
-- - -
The followi~igAct of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the
assent of the Governor or the 20th February 1997 and is hereby published for
general information :-
ACT No. 12 OF 1997.
An Act further to a~rsmd,the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly or the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Forty-eighth Year of thc Republic of India as follows:.-

1. (1) This P,ct may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Short title and
Amendment) Act, 1997. commencemel~t
(2) It shall come into force at once.
Tamil Nadu Act 2. In section 24 of tht: Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959,- Amendmcrlle of
1 of 1959. sectioh 24,

Nac' u (I) in sub-section(3), in the second proviso,-

I of
1- (a) for the words "any order of assessment under this Ace' the words
"any order of assessment or revision of assessment under this Act" shall be substi-
(b) for the word s "as if such amount had been the subject matter of the appeal
for revision the words as if such amount had Imen specil'ied in the oxder of
assessment or revision of assessment, as the cass may be shall be substituted.
2. (a) in sub-section (4), for the words, from the date of the order of
assessment or revision of assessment or order passed in appeal, revision or review, the
words "from the date of the order of assessment or revision of assessment and in the
case of order passed in appeal, revision or review, within a period of ninety d ays
from the date of receipt of the order" shall be substituted;
(b) after sub-section (4), the following Explanation shall be added, namely:-
"Explanation.-For the purpose of this section, the expression "order passed
inappeal, revision or review", shall not include ail order passed in such appeal,
revision or review with direction to make fresh assessment order.
(By order of the Governor.)
Secretary to Government, Law Department.



-- -- ---.- -- - -
X The tollc?vlng 4 c l of (he Tam I h-adu Legislative Assembly received the of
the Ci~\~ernor
on the 20til f'cbrutiry 1997 and is hereby published for general

ACT No. 13 01' 1997.

An Act Further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in ;he Forty-
eigf7t-i Year of the Rc~iiblicof India as follows:---
I . ( I ) TIlis Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (T'lird Amend- Short title
ment' Act, 1997. , and com-

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 17th day of July 1996.
amil Nadu rr.2. In section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment
d 1 of 1959. referred to as the principal Act),-- of section 3.

(1) in sub-section (3), for the expression "other than those falling under item 22
in Part-D tnentioned in the First Schedule" the experssion "other than ethyl alcohol,
absolute alcohol, methyl, alcohol, rectified spirit, neutral spirit and denatured spirit"
shall be substituted :
(2) in sub-section ( 5 ) , for the expression "in respect of sale of any of the goods
mentioned in item 34 in Part-C item 24.32,36 and 40 in Part-D and item 10 in Part-E
r f the Fjrst Schedul::", the expl ession "in respect of sale of any of the goods mention-
cd in the Eighth Scheuule " shall be substituted.
3. After thc Seventh Schedule to the principal Act, the following Schedule shall Addition of
hc ndtled, namely:-- new
(See section 3 (5).)
Serial number. Description of the goods.

I . Furnaces and boile,, )f -I! t!r!-e"including fluidise.1 bed boilers and ignifluld
boilers and boilers using agricultural waste as fuel but not including boilers using
municipal vvnste only as fuel, parts and accessories thereof.

2. (A) Gel.lcsat~rs, Generating sets, transformer and non-electronic voltage

( B ) All Electrical transformers (other than the small transformers men-
tioned under iten1 51 in Part- D) including-

(i) Trat~sn~issio~l power tr:lnsformers (33 KV to 232KV) (ii) Distribution

tra~~sforrner(3.3 KV to 33KV) (iii) Traction power transformers (1 IOKV) (iv) Booster
transformers (25 KV or thereabwts). (v) Furnance transformer (vi) Resinpotted
transformers ( I l K V or thereabouts) (vii) Welding trat~sformers(viii) Step up trans-
formers 230 V/up, 5 to 50 KV and 41 515 to 50 K V (ix) Auto transformer (variac)
(x) Instrtrment transformen like current transformers and p ten ial transformers.

( C ) Parts and accessories of sub-items (A) and (B) above.

3 Machineries of all kinds (other than those specifically mentioned in this
schedule) worked by (i) Electricity (ii) Nuclear power (iii) Hydro-dynamic and steam
powzr (iv) Diesel or petrol (v) Furnace oil (vi) Kerose~te(vii) Coal including coke and
charcoal or (viii) any other form of fuel o r power (exclud~nghuman or animal labout)
(ix) parts and accessories of machineries and tools used with the mechineries menti-
oned in sub-itcm (i) to (viii) dbove.


- -- ..--
-. - ---- s - - <.,.

4. Oil c~lgincs,palls :lnJ acccssoricb (I~crcol'.

5. Power driven pumps for liquids and elevators whetlicr or no( littcd with ,I
measuring device, excluding pump sets of 3 h.p. or 5 1. p. including (a) blotor punlps
(b) Centrifugal pumps (horizontal or vartical pumps I (c) Deep tube well turbine pumps
(d) Submetsible pumps (e) Axial flow and mixed flow vertical pumps (f) Jet and mono-
block pumpsets (g) parts and accessories which are actually adapted for use with pulnps
in sub-items (a) to (f) abwe and (h) Valves.

6 . Power factor and shunt capacitors of all kinds and part, nnd acccssorics

(Bv order d the Goveraorj

4 . K . KAllih.
Secretary tn -.,pi c I ~ i t t ~ i
Luw Dipu~~mb.nr

. --

The follotv~ngAct of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 17th May 1937 and is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 39 OF 1997.
s .
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.

131 cnactcd b! the I,cg~slat~vc Assembly of t h ~State of Tan111 Nadu In thc

l'orti -c~glitliYcar of the Rcpubllc of lndla as follows -
j called the Tarn11Nadu Gel~cralSalcs Tax (Fourth Amendment) Short titlo
1 ( 1 ) This Act ~ n a be
Act. 1997 and com-
( 2 ) It shclll bc dccmcd to have comc into force on the 1st s 4 . 1 \ of .4pr1l 1997
2 4ftcr scction 3-C of ihc Tan11 Nadu General Salcs Tau Act. 1959 (hcrc~naftcr Insertion of
ACI). the follow~ngscctlol~sshall be ~tiscrtcd.namcl! -
\ii 1 of 1050 ~ c f c ~ r ctod .I\ the, pr~nc~pal nest sections
3-D ant1 3-E

"3-D. Payment of tax by hotels, restaurants and sweet stalls -

an! th~ngcontained rn sub-scct~on( I ) ofscci~on7. cvcn dcalcr
( 1 ) Not\\ ttiistand~n~
\\hose ~otalturnover 1s not Icsc; than hvcnty five lakh; of rupccs for tiic I, car on the salc of
food anti dl Inks .n l~otcls.rc~t~rurants, swcct stalls anc! an! other catlng houses other than
ltcm 20 of PART-C of the F~rstSchcdulc. shall pa! ta\ at the ratc
1l10,c I ' ; ~ I I I I I \ ~ 1111dcr
\ J ~ L C lI i ~ d111 1) \ I < I -A vf'thc Ninth Schcdulc

( 2 ) I\ (11 Lllcrl~ablc
to pi !ta\ undcr sub-scct~oll( 1 ) shall not collect an) amount by
:I! of I , \ \ 01 l ~ l ~ ~ p o to
~ ibc
l i bg! \\a!, of tax on thc salc of food and dnnks
3-E. Pajment of tax b,y dealers in jewel1ery.-

( I ) h<)t\\ itl~starl(l~~lg1l11i1g contalncd In sub-scct~on( I ) of.scctlon 3. cvcg dcalcr

\ i I ! o ~r o l ~ il i ~ ~ r lCoI \1s 11otIiiorc ~hnnrift! Iahhh of rupee 6.r the \car on the salc of gold

and s~lvcrjcwcllcry~ncludingart~clcsthereof. shall pa! tzx at the ratc spec11 I( III P A R I - t3

of the Ninth Schcdulc
(2) a dcalcr liable to pay tax undcr sub-sectlon ( 1 ) shall not collcct an\ :uiio~ii~l
way of tax or purporting to be by way of tax on thc sale "
3 In scctlon 7-D of the principal Act, for sub-s~ctron( I ) c \ c l ~ ~ t l ~l l l~i l g I

thcrcto. the follouing sub-scction shall be subst~tutcd.namcl) -

"(1) Notmlthstandlng anything contained In sub-sc ction(2) of scct~on7 c~cr-\ ci~,llc~
in lottcq t~ckctsIn thc Statc ma!. at his option. instcad of pa! in? ta\ 111 nccordsncc \ \ I ~ I I
the provlslons of that sub-scctioii. compound the tau I i a b ~ l ~Int ~t i ~ l ~ c ocfl ~ l l oc f lollsdr\
t~ckctsand pay the compounded amount at the follo\\in; ratc. namcl\ -
T! pc of draw Rate pc i cl i 'I\\
Wcckl3 draw or draw. thc pcr~odof which IS less than a Tell tl~ol~s~lii(l

\\ cc k

Fort-nightl!, drab F~ftccllt I i o t ~ \ ~ tI ~L~I i~l C L ~

Monthlj draw Twcnt\ -fi\ c tliousantl 1 1 1 1 1~

Monthlq bumper draw Fort! :ho~i\'lndI ~ipcc5

Spccial bumper draw or Fcst~valbumper draw S~st! thous,u~tiI upcc\ "
4 In the Third Schcdulc to thc pnnclpal Act. in PART-B, for ~Lcin4X , ~ n dtlic C I I ~I LI iii~c~.(Ir~~tnt

relating thereto. the following item and entrles shall be substituted. naincl! -

"48 Food and drinks (fall~ngundcr Item 20 of P 2RT-C of'tl~ci list SCI~L~IUIL
1 .(llil
b> -

(1) any Hotcl othcrthan a Star Hotcl rccognised as such b! thc fou11srn d c p , l ~ ~ n ~ i ~ r i 1

the Statc Govcmmcnt or thc Government of Ind~a.

(11) an\ restaurant othcr than those attachcd to such 'Star Hotcis
(111) an> othcr catlng house,
(IV) any Swcct Stall,
whose total tumovcr does not excecd twcnty-five lakhs of n p c c s per niinum "

.4fter the Eighth Schedule. the follow~ngSchc.dulc shall be added. n a m c l ~- ItItIitlo~~

(See section 3-D)
rat^ of ta\
(I) Where the total tumovcr cxcecds twenty-five lakhs of Twcnt) -foul tl~ous~u~ci
IU ~ L L ,
rupccs. but docs not cxcccd t h i e lakhs of rupcc:s per annuni

(11) whcrc the total turnover cxcccds thirty lakhs of n pees Thirt) -si\ thousand nlpcc%<
pc I
but does not exceed forty lakhs of rupees annuin
-. - -

(111) \\here the total turnovcr evcceds forty lakhs of rupees Forty-clght thousand rupees '
but docs not cxcesd fifi! lakhs of rupees per annum

( \ ) \\ Ilc~crltc total turnoccr cvcccds fifty lakhs of rupccs TROper cent of thc total turn-
1:xpkrntrtlon - For the purposes of computing the total turnovcr. thc purchase
t~ilno\c r llnblc to tau undcr scctlon 7-A ofthe Act shall be added to thc sales turnover.

1 Part-B
(See section 3-E)
Ratc of tax

(I) Whcrc thc total turnover cvcecds three lakhs ofrupees SIXthousand rupees per annum
but docs not exceed five lakhs of rupees
(11) \\ hcrc thc total t lrnovcr cxcecds five lakhs of rupees Twelve thousand rupees per an-
1x11docs not C X C C C ~ten 1;lkhs of rupccs. num

(111) hcrc thc total turnover cxcceds ten lakhs of rupees

\\ Twcnty-four thousand rupees
but docs not exceed twenty lakhs of rupees. per annum.

(I\ ) \\here thc total tumovcl excceds twenty lakhs of Forty-eight thousand rupees
rupccs but docs not exceed thirty lakhs of rupees. per annum.

( ) hcrc thc total tumovcrc.icccds thirty lakhs of rupecs

\\ Scvcnty-two thousand rupees
but docs not exceed forty lakhs of rupces. pcr annum.

(VI) whcrc the total turnovcr exceeds forty lakhs of rupees

Eighty-four thousand rupees
but docs not cxcecd fifty lakhs of rupecs.. per annum.

f<xpbnorlon - For the purpose of comput~ngthe total turnover, the turnover of

sales of bull~onand sllvcr as specified in item 1 of Part-A of Flrst Schedule, the turnover
of purchase of wornout or bcaten jewellery as spcc~fiedIn ~ t e m3 of Part-A of the First
Schcdulc. the purchase turnover of bullion and silver liable to tax under section 7-A shall
be ~ncluded." ,- -.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government,
Law Department.

The foliow~ngAct of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 17th May 1997 and is hereby published for general informatio~~.-
ACT No. 40 OF 1997.

An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.

. --
BE ~t enacted by the L,egislative-Assembl? of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Fort! -eighth Year of thc Republic of India as follows- -
1 ( 1 ) Thls Act ma) be called the Tamil Nadu General Salcs Tax (Fifth Amendment) Short title
Act 1997 and Com-

(2) (a) the provisions of 1111sAct, except sub-clausc (b) of clausc (2), and sub-clause ,
(a) and sub-clause (b) of clausc (4). of section 2, shall be deemed to have come into force
on thc 5th da! of March. 1997

Sub-clai~sc(b) of cla\lsc (2). and sub-clausc (a) and sub- clausc (b) of clausc (4).

ot scctiol~2. shall be dccrncd to have come into force on the 6th day of Fcbruan, 1997 -

2 In thc l'am~lNadu General Salcs Tax Act, 1953 (hereinafter referred to as thc Amendment
\it I of 1959 1111nclp:llAct). in thc F~rstSchedule,- of First
Schedule. ,

( 1) in Part-A,
(a) for ltcrn 1 and thc ~ntrtesrelating thereto, the following items and enuies shall
hc \ ~ l l ~ \ t l t l l l ~ ~1 c1 l~ 1 1 1 l ~ -l \

I A c c ~ \ s o r ~ of
c s Tclcv~s~on
Set First sale.

I -A E3ullic>n. that IS to say, gold and silver in mass and uncoined. pure or alloy. and First sale.
s l ~ c c ~i~lclud~n,:
c palaran~arclsilver and kora gold
_ __ - A

I -B Modem and spcakcrs. parts and acccssorics thereof

1-C Parts and acccssorles (~nclud~ng nbbons) of clcctron~cgoods I ' l t l l l ~ r I~I I I ~ I ,I 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 , it 4, I t 1, ",
18 and 75 of Psrt B. ~tems18 and 49 of Part-C and ltcllis 1 % . 10 2 0 1 I >' 58 ''1

61 an" 66 of Part-u of thc Flrst Schedule by an: dcalcr

(b) after itcm 2 and thc entrics relating thercto. the folio\\ ing Itcnl .
c l ~ ~ I(I l~i I, \li,11 I
be ~nsertcd.namely .-
"2-A Small transformers uscd 111 cicctronic equipment~.includtn~-
(i) Transformers (Po~\.crand control) (Stcp dowi~from 230 V to lcsi 1 1 , ; l i 1 100 1' 01'
pcnvcr ratilig [lo(c,sccccl~t~g 2 5 0 VA). (11) Fhtck l~ooslI~:IIIS~OI-II~L.I.S ( ' :O i'1 ~ ~ s I: ;I I ~ I I
I00 V), ( i i i ) Inverter trat~sfonncrs,(iv) tsolat~ot (r-a~lsfi)~ I I I ; I .; ( \ ) l ( ~ , \ . i ~ l

trxisformcrs. (vi) 1:crro rcsonantlrarsfor111crs.( V I I ) I ,illc (II.ILCI I I ; I I I \ I ~ I I I I I ~ , I : ( I ( , \ ' ,

~II:III i 0 VA). ( \ / i i i ) I X I C ~ tr;~~~sfor~i~crs/litic
o11l1~1t t r : ~ ~ i s l i ) ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~III!~.II rs/l'\tr;l
tension transformcrs, (ix) Main filter transfom~crs,(1)L~ucclr-t\ c.1 [~;rr~xl;\r I I I L , ~ .( \ I )

Toroidal core transformcrs and R-Core transformc:rs. ( s ~ iSI\ ) itcll ~liotlcI I U \ \ L ' I
supply transfom~crs.
~ I S to (SII)above arc fcrritc tralsforn1c.r~)
( s u b - I ~ C (viii)
Iixplcmol~on- All the nbovc transformers shall be dccmc,d to fhll L I I ~ ~ C I I ~ U I I ~

on14 ~feach of them has not cvcn one of thc w~ndrngsratcd aboi c 5OO V :I(

(a) aftcr itcm 6 and the cntrics rclating thcrcto. the follo~\ing item nnd cntr~csshall
bc inscrtcd. namely:-
"6-A Biomass Briquc:tcs

(b) aftcr iten1 7 and the cntrics relating thcrcto, the follocving Itcln and cntrics sl~all
be inserted, namely:-
"7-A Biscuits which arc sold under a brand name not rcgistcrcd rrndcr the TI-ntic
and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1058)
(c) aftcr rtcm 7-A as so inscrtcd and the entries rclntlng thcr~to.the folio\\ rng ~tcnii
and cntncs shall bc ~nscrtcd.namely:-
Blue Mctal

7-C Brass and Copper domestic utensils

(d) In Item 18, for thc cntry in column(2), the follow rng cntn shall bc si~bstlti~tcd
namcl! -
-'Computers of analog and digital varlctics aid pcrtl>hct-als..
(c) in ltcm 11. in the ciltrics in column (2). t h i cyprcjslon "crirr~azcshr 1111;:IrcI

persons" shall bc omitted:

(f) aftcr itcm 22 and the cntnes relatlng thcrcto. ihc fol1,~ningitcms and cntrtcs jl1,iiI
bc inscrtcd, name15 -
"22-A. Fish net

22-13Flavot:rcd Milk t\ ~ t h
or without brand nmlc First salr
2?-C: Footwear ~vithoutbrand name First sale
22-11 F11cd (riroundnt~tKcr~icl First si~lc.";
( g ) aftcr itcm 24 and the cntrics relatillg thcrcto. the folloc\,ing itcnl and cntrics shall
hc ~nscrtcd.narncl\,:-

"24-A Glass Beads and Glass Marblcs (Goli gundu) First sale.";
(h) itcm 27 and the cntrlc s rclatlng thcrcto shall be omlttcd.
( I ) nftcr I ~ C I I I32 and the cntrlcs rclatlng thcrcto. the follois~ngltcin and cntrlcs shall
I,c ~nscncd.na~ncl! -

.'32-A Helmets F.;rst sale.";

(jf item 35 and thc entries rclating thcrcto shall hc omitted.

(k) after ltcm 43 and the entrics relating thereto. the following item and entries shall
bc inserted, namcly :-
"43-A Mosqu~todest105,crsand Insect killer dcvlccs lncludlng hcatlng dcvlccs First sale."
uscd \\ ~ t h~nscctrcpcllcnt mats

( I ) aftcr ltcrn 46 and the cutrtcs rclat~ngtincrcto. rhc follow~ngltcm and cntr~csshall
be tnscrtcd. name15 -
"46-A Paper bags First sale.";

(m)for ltc~n47 and the cntrlcs rclating thcrcto. the folloc\ing itclns and cntrics shall
bc s~lbstltutcd.nan~cl! -
"47 Old brass. coppcr and stainless stccl vcsscls

4 7-A I'archcc! gram or fried gram First sale.

47-13 Parts and acccsscr1c:s of scc~ingand cliibroldcry niachlncs of all k ~ n d and

s First siile.";
11cctllc\t1\ctl !llclc\\ 1111

f o r ~tcnl.'12 and the cnlrlcs rclating thcrcto. the following ltcm and cntrlcs shall

bc ~nscrtcc!.namcl! -

-'.i2Plastlc scrap
7.;-.\ I ' < ~ \ \ ~ tiller-

( 0 ) itciii~0 5 '~nd66 and tli: cntr~csrclatiiig thcrcto shall kc orn~ttcd.

(12) .lfic~~tcm(7') and the en rlcs rclating thereto th:: folio\\ lng Items and cntncs shall
[li ~~lscitcri n,unlcl\ -

OcJ-\ SIN111l,lc1and D I11, 11-r~gat~on

cqu~pmc~its First sitlc

00 1% Sta~~llcsb
btccl Iio~~schold
and donlcst~ci~tcns~ls
coppcr or other First sale
mctnl bottolncd utcnsils and non-stick lincd utcnsils

69-(' Stat~oncngoods namcly. paintlng boucs. panting water colours. 011 First sale.";
i o l c ~ ~i~n rc,ll\~
s )r . in I ~ q u ~forms.
d draic~ngboards. brushes uscd thcrc~n


(q) .fici I ~ C I I7
I0 and the c ~ l t r ~iclnllil!:
c\ ll~crctothe follon ing 11, 111:111d c n t ~I ( -
1 .I1
be Inserted. namclq -
--70-A Studci11.s Note books and ccpy Hooks othcr than thr\sc spuc~fiuil111 i t 1 111
54 of Part-B of the Thlrd Schcdulc
(r) after item 72 and the cntrlcs rclat~ngthcrcto. the follo~zingltcm and cntllcs \II.III
be ~nscrtcd.namely -
"72-A Tarn11Typcu rlters

(s) 111 ltcm 74. in the cntrlcs m column (2). thc cxprcsslon Tapioca h a p p ~J I I ~
Tap~ocaTh~ppl"shall bc omlttcd.
(t) In ltcm 75. for du:Fntrlcs in column (2). the f o l l o ~ vcntncs
~ ~ i ~ shall be ~ i ~ b ~ t i ~ i i ~ i t l
narncl! - . . 1 . -
sets and T V Antt:nna
"Telcv~s~on ".
(u) itcms 77 and 78 and thc entries rclating thcrcto shall bc omitted;
( v ) bcforc itcm 79 and the cntrlcs rclating thcrcto. the follor\lng Item and cntrlcs
shall be inserted. namely.-
-'78-A Toys of all kinds First

(w) a k r itcm 82 and the entries relating thereto. thc following itcrn and cntrlcs shall
be inscrtcd. namely:-
3 2 - A Wastc Paper First

(3) in Part - C. -
(a) for itcm I and the cntr~csrclatlng thcrcto. the follokvlng Items and cntrlcs shall
bc subst~tutcd.namely:-
" 1 .Adisarakku itcms, that is to sa) .
I . Adi Thanda
2. Angle Brackets
3. .4rukamanai
4. Bcd Bolt
5 Clamps used in pump scts
6 Door C h a m
7 Door Jakki
8 Door Kundu
9 Door Pattas
10 Dosa~Chatt~
I I . Ghan~cllasor Santhu Chatti
12. Kccls
13. Kcels used in pump sets
14. Kokki Bolt
15. Kolu Pattai used in tractor
I h Kolu Pattai
I 1 1.;oItt A ; ~ n tK;r.;~r A;ir~t~ l s c dIn ploughs
I ;! I, 111111/11 ..t I
. 4-


20L Brackcts
21Mookanam Kay~ruChains
23Spoons made of stccl
24T Thappal
25 Vandl Patta~
26 Vandl Acchu
27 Vasakkal Brackcts
I -A Aluni~num,pure or alloy ~nthe form of,- First sale.";
(1)Ingots (11)Bars (111)Blocks (iv) Slabs (v) Blllcts (VI)Shots (VII)Pcllcts ( V I ~Plates
(IY) Sliccts (x) C~rclcs(XI)Wires (XU)Strips (x~ii)Rods ( u ~ vW ) ~ r crods and (xv) an! allo!
of a l ~ ~ i ~ i\\~~nt han!
~ u other
~ ~ i nictal or metals on the turnover rclatlng to components M h ~ c h
ha\ c not alrcad! suffered tax
Proc tdcd that. ~fan!, aluminium, purc or all01 has suffered tax undcr any one of the
sub-~tcmsnlcnt~oncdabove. it shxll not be agaln subjcct to tax undcr the same or an! other
(b) In item 12. In sub-~tcni(11)In the entrlcs In column (2). thc cxprcsslon "flavoured
inilk and" shall be on~lltcd.
( c ) In rtcm 18. for thc cntrlcs in column (2). the follo\v~ngcntrlcs shall be subst~tutcd.
nalliclj -
"Elcctron~c lnstrumcnts including cash Rcgistcrs. tabulating and calculating
machlncs ".
(d) 111 item 2 1. ln the cntrics In column (2). the cxprcsslon "or w~thout"shall be om~ttcd.
(e) after Itcni 72 2nd thc c31l-.c: rf.'?t1qgthcrcto. the following ltcm and cntrlcs shall be
lnscrtcd. namcl! -
22-A tland~craftsart~clcs First sale.";

(j) In ~tcm4 I . In the cntrlcs In column (2), thc cxprcsslon "parts and acccssoncs thereof
and nccdlcs used thcrcv lth" shall be omitted, I

(g) In ~tcm42. i n the entncs in column (2), aftcr the exprcsslon "goggles and
attaclimcnts". lhc cvprcsslon "lcnscs for spcctaclcs ~ncludlngcontact lcnscs and"
shall be inserted.
(h) In ltcm 43. sub-~tems(11)and (iv) and the entries relatlng thereto shall be om~tted.
(I) aftcr ltcnl 44 and the cntrlcs relating thereto, the following Item and cntrics shall be
~nscrted,namely -
"44-A Tarpaulin First sale.";

(I) In Item 49, In the cntncs In column (2), the cxpresslon "and accessorlcs for usc
thcrcw~th"shall be omitted.
( k ) aftcr itcln 49 and thc cntrlcs relating thcrcto, the follow~ngltcms and cntrlcs shall
be ~ n s c ~ l cnamely
d, -
- 1

..49-A Typcwr~tcrs.(cxclud~ngclcctron~ctvpc\vritcrs) parts alcl accc.\aol ~ c sI , i t . t t b11(

thcrcof, typcwr~tcrr~bhor~
used therewith. whcthcr or not In q3oolf anrl
corrcctlon flu~ds

49-B Umbrellas of all k ~ n ~ncludlng

h beach and gardcn unibrcllas ant1 li)lclttlg I:it\f w i L .' ,
unibrcllas and parts thcrcof
(1) ttcm 5 1 and the cntrics rclat~ngthcrcto shall be oni~ttcd.
(4) in Part W . -
(a) in itcm 5, in the cntrics in column (2). for thc cxprr:sslon "Blscu~ts.tof'fccs".
the expression "Toffecs" shall bc substituted:
(b) aftcr item 5 and the entries :elating thereto. thc follo~cingitcm and cntr~csshall
be inserted. namcl) .-
"5-A Biscu~tsN h ~ c harc sold under a trade mark rcg~stcrcdundcr the I radc Fir91 \,I~c.";
and Mcrchandlsc Marks Act. 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958)
(c) in item 18, in the cntrics in column ( 3 , the cxprcsslon "acccssor~csthcrcof.
ribbons, plates used therewith" shall be omitted:
(d) In Item 19. In the cntrlcs In column (2), the csprcs:,lon "and a c c c s s o ~ ~oc fs ,dl
such goods" shall be om~ttcd.
(e) 111 ltcm 20, in the cntrics In column(2). the cuprcsslon '-acccssor~csthcrcof'and
ribbons uscd thcrcn~th"shall be om~ttcd.
(f) in itcm 2 1. in the entries in column (2). :he csprc:ssion "ncccsso~-~cs tlli,~-cof'
and Electronic typccvritcr ribbons whctllcr or not in spools" s l ~ ~ILl l 01111ttcii.
(g) ltcm 26. for the cntr~csIn column (2). the follo\\~ngcntncs shall be
subst~tutcd.namcl? -
"Graniaphoncs of'all kinds including record 111a!c1s. radio gramaphonc\
gramaphonc rccords. matnccs for records and rccorci cllat~gcr\
(11) itcnis 28. 3 X and 40 ;111d(Ilc entries rcI;1t111gtI1c1.co sII;III I)c O I ~ I I I ~ L . ~ ~

(i) aftcr Item 46 and thc cntrics rclatlng thcrcto. thc folio\\ ~ n g~ t c mand cntl ~ c s
shall be ~nscrtcd.namcly -
"46-A. REP IicenccIExim Scrip
(I)Item 5 I and thc cntrlcs rclat~ngthcrcto shall be olii~ttcd.
(k) In Item 52, In the cntncs In column (2), the csprcssion "parts and acccssol ~ c s
thcrcof and head cleaner in any form" shall be omitted.

thc folio\\ ~ nks: ~ ~ r nssk~i i hi. subsrlturi.d. r.~n-::\ -

"Sound transmitting cquipments of cvcn d c s c ~ ~ p t ~I Io~ CnI \ I L ~ I I ~ ; : t c l ~ ~ / ~ 1 ~ o ~ i \ ' ~ .
inter-corn devices. loud speakers including ster2o or hi-fi nmp1itic.1-s.spcahc~
systems wtich arc uscd cvith stereo or hi-fi rn;lsical s~stcms 111icro~ I I O I I L - S
a n d ,.tar!rfc. r h i ; r c f r ) r . head p h o n s : . c r r r\h?!l:s .1!:,! <z!~~\~ll~;,!

mlcrophones/speaker sets. parts and accessories thereof and telephone cables

and fibre optic cables.";
(m) In ltcm 58. In the entncs in column (2), the expression "parts and accessories
thcrcof' shall be omltted.
(n) ltcm 60 and the entnes relatlng thereto shall be omitted,
(0) in item 6 1. in the entries in column (2), the expression "parts and accessories
thcrcof' shall bc omitted;.
(p) in Item 66. ir, the cntrlcs in column (2), the expression "parts and accessories
thcrcof such as" shall be omitted;
( 5 ) ~nPart - E, -

(a) In Item 4, in sub-item (ii), in the entries in cohimn (2). the expression
"flavourcd mllk and" shall be omitted,
(b) In ltcm 5. sub-ltem (xiv) and the entries relating thereto shall be omittcd;
(c) In Item I I . in the entries in column (2), for sub-item (iv), the following
sub-~tcmshall be substituted, namely:-
"(lrr) Glass jars and glass bottles";
(6) in Part - G. -
(a) In item 4. for the cxpresslon "optlcal lenses" in column (2) the followlng shall
bc subst~tutcd.nanel) -

"Opt~callcnscs other than lenses for spectacles".

( h ) after item 12 and the cntr~csrelating thereto. the followlng Item and entries
shall be ~nscrted.namel! -
" 12-A Pan Masala b! whatever name called contaming betel nuts,that is First sale.";

I to say. nut of areca. Catachu broken and perfumed and limc or menthol
or sandal 011s or cardamom or tobacco or any one or more of these
- (c) ~tcm20 and the entrlcs rclat~ngthcrcto shall be omltted.

3 In thc pnnc~pnlAct. ~nthc Th~rdSchedule. ~nPart-B, - Amendment

of Thirtl

(a) 111 Itcm 2 I . under the hcadtng "I Llst of agricultural lmplcmcnts cxcluslvcly
uscd nlth human powci". after sub-item (15). the following sub-item shall
bc addcd.nruncl\ -
.( 1 0 ) qlcdgc Hammcr".
(I,) lo1 1 l c 1 1 1 '5 ,111~1~llccntllcs rcl;lt~l~g
thcrcto, thc fbllo\\ ~ n Item
g ruld cntrlcs sliall
bc substltutcd. namely

-25 Products of Palni lndustry other than those llstcd ~nFirst Schedule and I

of artlclcs such as baskets, mats,brushes, fans manufactured out of


-1 -

Palm lcavcs. Coconut leaves and Datc lcavcs and I Iiari~ h ( ~ o d ; l ~

Muram and other products of Bamboo"

(c) for item 34 and thc entries relating thcreto. the follou ~ n grtcm and cntrlcs shall
be subst~tuted.namcly-
'-34. Pipcrcubcbalinn, Kacmpccaria-galang, 'Tribulus - I ' c r r c s t r u s l ~ ~ ~ n .
Woodfordia Fruiticosa Kura. Aconitum-Htcrropl-~!~II~~rn\zall. Qucrc~~s
Infectoria Oilv, Magnolia-Fuscata Andr. Somolocts Rnccmosn K o ~ b .
lndigofcra Tinctoria Linn. Boerhaavia Diffusa Linn. N c l l i l \ a i . ~ ~ ~11~I .p p i
Cassiaflowcr. Galangal roots. Big Galangal roots.Kart)o~aris~.
Calamus root: G>,mncma,Sylvcstra. Sarja Rasam (Di~n~arbatu). Hondu nut.
Black cumin. Athin~aturam(Cl\.zorrizha orLiq71oricc soots). N ~ l l a p
PanaiKizhangu, Andrographic Paniculat. Mulaippa' Viriha~.;4iidl.ol1o~a1l
Muricatus.Osxilium Savivum. Satavari. B~shopmccd. f11lIscctls. Vl'~~ll:ul~a
Somnifctra, Bcnjarninc. Ponlogranitc Shcll. Vilvapazhanl. Vlr~~i~pazllan~.
Siruthekku, Pippra Moolam, Patakam, Stramor.ium S C ~ ~ Sas;ls\\
S . atht Icn\.cs.
Thulasi Icavcs. Stons flowcr, Vcmpadamp;~ttai.Hibiscus and Kasthl~t-I
(d) after Item 35 and the cntrlcs rclatlng thcrcto, thc folio\\ rng ltcm and cntl ~ c s
shall bc ~nscrtcd.namely -
.'35-A Drugs used In thc treatment of cancer. lcpros! and tubcr(.~tlos~s.
name[\ -

Inj .Streptomycin '

Tab. INH
Tab. Etharnbutol
Tab. Pyrazinam~dc
Tab. Diamino-Diphenyl Sulphone
Tab. Azathioprinc
Inj. Adriamycin
Inj. Cisplatin
Inj. 5 Flurouracil
inj. Mitomycin. C
Inj . Vincristine
inj. Cyclosphospharnide
Tab. L) ;! -phosphamide
Inj . Etoposide
Inj . Veriblastine
Tab. Busulphan
Inj . Methotrcsate
Tab. Mcthotrocatc
Cap. Damazol
Tab. Tarnoziffen litrate. ":
(c) m Item 36. In the eritncs. the follontng shall bc added n! thc cnd nnni( i\ -

L.. *_.
.-_. . -. -


-.- -
( f )for ltcm 34 and the cntncs relat~ngthcrcto. the follocvlng itcm and entries shall
bc substltutcd,namcly -
"54 Students' note-books and copy books manufactured out of paper
purchased from registered dealers llablc to pa! tay under this Act ".

1L (2) rn rtcm 57. aftcr sub-~tcm(IV) and thc cntncs relatrng thcrcto thc f o l l o ~ l n g
sub-ltcms and entnes shall be added.narnel! -
"( \ ) Cattle feed. othcr than those falllng under ~ t r
cn 12 of Part-B of the Flrst
Schcdulc and Wheat bran

I ( \ I ) Fish feed ".

(11) Sor itcm 75 and thc cntr~csrelating thereto, the follocving itcm and entries
shall be substitutcd.namcly:-
"75 Coconut husk. coconut shell and ~ t chlps",
(I) after Item 79 and the cntncs rclating thcrcto. the following item and entries
shall bc ~nscrted.name]! -
'79-A Old S ~ l v c rmcttl. Anklet. and walst cord purchased for thc
manufacture of n ~ \ v\ l \ c r mettl. anklet m d ualst cord ".
(1) after I t,!n Y 1 and thc cnt::zs rzlatirg thereto. rhs folio\\ lng Itcrns and cnmss
> , ,
. ..<.. :-
v , k j ? : d . ? r n ~ -l ~

,-- p --.-
-.... 1.
>.-.-- ;;.<--

,- I... A , ~ : i ; i ' i. h.r ; : i . :hrrd

, -
~ ; maps ~nclud~ng
rounst g u ~ d cmaps
h i (,roundnut shc.,l
X i Shlkaka~po\\ d:r
80 Scnna Icavcs. pods and cassla lcavcs
87 Tapioca Kappi nnd Tapioca Thlppl

Secretaty to Government,
Law Department.


*"c .1..~, @
L Tr
~ ~ P R Q:W or TAMIL ~ , - \ ~ l i degtstered No M-;
Price ! Rs. 0.45 Pah


I/_ II


A i ~ ~ a21,
s i Zsvara, Thiruvalluvar ~antl~-2028

, , Part IV - Section 2
_. Tamil Nadu Acts and Ordinances.

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the asmat
of the Governor on the 28th Octcber 1997 and is hereby published for general
informatton :-

ACT NO. 60 OF 1997.

1 An Act further to anlend theTamil Nadu Ge~ieralSalesTaxAct, 1959.

BE it enactcd by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Forty-Eighth Year of the Rep~blicof India as follows:-
1, (1 ) This A.c$ may be called the Tamil Nadu Gereral Sales Tax (Sixth Short tide
Amend mer.t) A ct, 1997. and .;s

<2) ( ( 1 ) A 11 sectiol s except rections 4 ane 11 shall come into force at once.
(b) section 4 shall be deemed to have come into force on the first day of
April 1996.
(c) ezction 11 shall come itto force on the first Cay of April 1998.
Tal111l I\i::ti u 2 . I R se.:tiori 7-it1 of t h t l amil Nadu GeneralSalesTaxkct, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment of
, - , t -
rei'clrcci ro ;:s rhc Psil:ciplal P ct), in sub-section (1) for clnuac (a). the following section7-A,
clause stla11 be substituted, namely:-

yCI)consumes or uses such goods in or for the manufacture oFother goods

for sale or otherwise 01".

(A ~ i , n , , p ) 1V-2 EX. (56O)--l I 315 I



3. For j-%iorL -16 of tkc Pn'.xci~aI-:-ct, the folloaing zectioc s k i 1 3t s-bstituted

S ~ O D10. namely:-
. .
I [ : . B&m of =~opf:-j: 1 FQ: 1 3 p l = ~ -->- --Y. ..:I=:: / ::1 -::5 : :-.s
ofprmizg r2z: EL: r r t m-s r iD2 c y xy .- .'-' - .. r. - .- -- - . . . - '
. : z- --'7
3-ct tk b,r& ..:--q7*-

:., ri' ska!' i,t 5 . j',,. ;,;z;r.

(2) xotwitbu?ndinp anything ; o r , ~ i n din this ~ cort in any ottt r 1a.v ior the
time being in force. a cealer in any af the good ii liable to tax in respect of the first
sale or first purchasein the State shall be deemed to be the first ~elleror first purchaser
as the case may be of such 8003 s and shaL be liatlc to pay tan accorciinglyon his
turnover cf sale er purchase rcls.ir.9 to such po<k s. unless he proves that t ! ~ s:!lr
r or
c l n q b: .<>f such gw,i s had ;\lrtsi ) b:t : SU\$CYI;.: I \, T . i ~
ptlrchsx as ~ h CAR
under this Act,.

(3) Where any d taler knowingly produces a false bill vouchers declaration
certificate or other document with a view to support or make any claim that a trans-
' action of sale or purchase effectec~by him is not liable to be texea or liable to be taxed
at a lower rate. the assessing authority shall on detecting such produetior, direct the
dealer producing such d0cumer.t to pay ss penalty a sum-
(i) which shall be in the case of first such detection fifty percent of the
tax due in respect of suchtransaction ; and
(ii) which shall be in the case of seconc' or subsequent detections one
hundrd per cent of the tax due in respect of such transaction:
Provided that no penalty shall be levied without giving the d ealer an OPPor-
tunity of being heard ".
lend m a t 4 Jn section 12 of the Principal Act,-(1) after sub-section (2),: the
won 12. following subaectic: ehall be4inserted, namely:-

"(2-A) (a)An assessment in respect of registered dealers under sub-sections

sL* --=-
z ---:-< ;-& -*---=-,.--_-
(I), C1-.4)and ( 2 ) shall ne mad e within a perioo of three ye21 s from tke expry of the
* -xil:G:c-
& ,
w- L > : x z - - * - /-•
--7Lyz > *-L:

&& .y 2.-,ydi 5-&== :? :-e 55

v-,tcf 't= 5xszs= --2-

provided that where an assessment made under this sectior; orsectlon 16 is

set aside by the authorities under section 31,31-A, 34,36 or 38, as the case rnay be,and
there by, the assessing authority is directed to make a fresh assessement, the
assessing authority shall pass freoh orders within a period of one year from the date of
receipt of such direction :

provided further that the time limit shall apply to the assessment for the financial
years, commencing on the 1st day of April 1996 .
provided also that any assessment relating to any finarlcial year pior
to the financial year commencing on the 1st day of April 1996 shall be completed
on or before the 31st day of March 2000.

(b) he omm missioner of Commercial Taxes may, by order, direct any assessing
authority to defer assessment pendir.g clarification by him on any question referred
to him under section 28-A if Such question has a bearing on such assessment. The
period between the date of such direction and the date on which such clarification
has beenrzseived shall be excluded in computing the period speciW in this sub-
~ f ~ * ~
makzgthe- e E

--- u-' --

(c) Where an assessment is not concluded within the time specifled the,
total and the taxable turnover declared by a dealer in his return shall be deemed to have
'been assessed for that year on the basis of the said return under the provisions of this
(2B) In Computing the period of limitation for assessment under this
section the following period shall be excluded, namely : -
(i) the time during which the proceedings for assessrnent remained stayed
under the orders of a civil court or other authority;
(ii) the time during which any appeal or other proceeding in respect of
ally other assessment or reassessment is pending before the Special 'Tribunal, the
High Court or the Supreme Court involving a question of law having a direct bearing
on the assessment in question;
(iii) the time during which any appeal or proce-,l;nq in respect of
any assessment or reassessment of the same part of the turnover made under any
other enactment was pending, b:lore any appellate or revislonal authority or the
Specla1 Tribunal or the High Court or the Supreme Court.";
(2) 111sub-section (3). the following Explanation shall be added at the
end, namely :-
"Explanation; -For the purpose of levy of penalty under clause (b) above, the
tax assessed on the following kinds of turnover shall be deducted from the tax
assessed on l'~r,al assessment:-
(i) Turnover representing additions to the tcrnover as per books made by the
assessitlg atithority without an! reference to any specific concealment of turnover
from the accounts ;
(ii) Any turnover estimated by the Assessing Authority with reference
to any specific concealnlent of ,Jny turnover from the accounts ; I

(iii) Any turnover on which tax is paid at the concessional rate subject
to the condition of furnishing any declaration but where such declaration
could not be furnished at the sime of assessment.".

j. After sectioll 19-A of thl: Principal Act, the following section shall be inserted Jn~ertionof new
~intnely;-- sectionl9-B.
"1 9-B. Liability to t ~ xprivate company on winding up.-Where a dealer
is a private company and such company is wound up, every person who
was a director of such conlpany at the tl~ne of such winding up shall,
not withstallding such windl ng up, be jointly and. severally liable for the pajment
of tax, penalty cr other amount payable under thls Act by such company whether
assessment is made prlo, t, c:- -f+pr such winding uy unless he proves that the non-
payment of tax cannot be attributed to any gross neglect misfeasance or breach
of duty on his part in relation to the affairs of the Company.".

6. In sectioll 21 of the Principal Act, sub-section (7) shall be omitted. Amendmentof

section 21.
7. After section 28 of the Principal Act, the following section shall be insuted, Insertion of
na~nely:- new section
"28-A. Power to issue clarification by Commissioner of Commercial Taxes.-
(1) The Commissioner of Commercial Taxes on an application by a
registered dealer, may clarify any point concerning the rate of tax under the Act.
Such clarification shall be applicable to the goods specified in the application:
Provided that no such application shall be entertained unless it is
accompanied by proof of payment of such fee, paid in such manner, as may be
- - .- -.---
---..- -..- -----
(2) The Comnissioner of Co.n;llcrcial Taxes may, if he considers it
necessary or expedient so to do, for the purpose of uniformity in the work of
assessemant and collection of tax, clarify any point concerning the rate of tax
I under this Act or the procedure relating to assessment and collection of tax
as provided for under this Act.
(3) All persons working under the control of Cor, missioner of Conmacia1
Taxes shall observe and follow t.he clarification issued under sub-section (I) and
sub-section (2).".
unendment of 8. In section 31 of the Principal Act, in sub-section (I),-
section 31.
(1) after the expression "section 4-A", the expression "sub-section (3) of
section lo", shall be inserted;
(2) in the second proviso, for the expression "under section 12", the
expression "under sub-section (3) of section 10, section 12" shall be substituted.-- .

imendment of 9. In sectio. 31-A, of the Principal Act, in sub-section (I),- -

section ? l - A
(1) after the expression "section 4-A,", the expression "sub-section (3) of
section 10," shall be inserted ;
(2) in the second proviso, for the expression "under section 12", the expression
"under sub-section (3) of section 10, section 12" shall be substituted.
imendment of 10. In section 32 of the Principal Act, in sub-section (I), after the expression
section 32. "swtion 4-A,", the expressio? "under sub-section (3) of section 10," shall be

hendment of 11. In section 34 of the Principal Act,-

section 34.
(I) in sub-section (I), the expression , "Appellate Assistant Commissiorer
under sub-section (3) of section 31 or by the Appellate Deputy Commissioner under
&+section (3) of section 31-A or by the" shall be omitted ;
(2) in the provisio to sub-section (2), the expression "Appellate Assistant
commissioner or Appellate Deputy Commissioner" shall be omitted.

hendment of 12. In section 36 of the Principal Act, for sub-sections (1) and (2), the following
section 36. sub-sections shall be substituted, namely :-
"(1) Any officer empowered by the Government or any person objecting to
an order passed by the Appellate Assistant Commissioner under sub-section (3)
of section 31, or by the Appellate DepuFy Commissioner under sub-section (3) of
section 31-A, or by the Deputy Commissioner under sub-section (1) of section 32,
(i) within a period of one hundred and twenty days, in the case of an
officer so empowered by Government.
(ii) within a period of sixty days, in the case of any other person,
irom the date on which the order was served in the manner prescribed, appeal
against such order to the Appellate Tribunal :
Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may, within a furthcr periotl of one
. hundred md twenty days, in the case of an oficer empowcrctl by Ciovcr 11111cnt and
slxty days in the case of any other person, admit an i11,pcal prcsc~llotl i ~ f h .thr:
expiration of the first mentioned period of one hundred and twenty dilys 01 sixty
days, as the case may be, if it is satisfied that the appellant had sufficient
cause for not presenting the appeal within the first mentioned period.
(1-A) The officer empowered under sub-section (1) or the person
. against whom an ap eal has been preferred, as the case may be, on.receipt of notice
that an appeal has een preferred under sub.section (1) by the other party, m@y
file within sixty days of the receipt of the notice, a memorandum of
objections and such memorandum shall be disposed ot by the Appellate Tribunalcr,op
as if it were an appeal presented within the time specified in sub-section (1).

. -- - - _
_ . _ --- - --.-- -.-- -
( 2 ) The a p p ~ a land the memorandum of cross-objections shall be in the
.- -

1-rcscribed form and shall be verified in the prescribed manner and shall be
nccompanied by such tee as may be prescribed :
P~uvidedthat no fel: sl~allbe payable by the cKcer ernpowercd under sub-
:ccLioa (I).".

13. In section 45 of the Principal Act, after sub-section (7), the following sub- Amendment of.
section sha'l be added, n:~n;zly :- s:cti )n 45.
"(8) Any pcrqon wlio knowingly issucs a lalsc hill, vouchcr, declaration,
~ L isate
I ate or otllzr docurnc~rtv,ith a view to support any dealer to claim exempt~on
or ixiuction in rate of tax on the sale or purchase of any goods under t h ~ sAct,
st: i i i , on conviction, be liable to simple imprisonment which may extend to
t!~,?~:17rnths and in the e\ent of a second or sub,ehuer.t conviction to r~gorous
icon nent for six mon:hs.".

14. All proceedings initiated under sub-seciion (1) or section 34 of the Princi>al Disp~salof
A,:; . i ~ ~p:nding
d before thc j o ~ n tCommissioner of Commei-cia1 Taxes immediately pending cases
I.:i\,i.e the date of commen:dment of section 11 of this Act shall be heard and before Joint
:I<;> +,cd of by the Joint Commissioner of Com~uer:ial Taxes as if, this-Act-had Cornn~issioner
i ; ~ t been passed. of Commerci~l
(By order of the Governor)
Scretnry to Ciov,:rnrni.nt,L G M ~

- -7--
- I

The following Act of llle Tamil Nadu Le!:islative Assembly rcccived the assent
of the Governor on the 27th March 1998 and is hereby published for general
information :-

ACT NO. 2 OF 1998 [

An Act ta amend the TamllNadu General Sales Tax (Sixth Amendment) Act, 1997.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the

Forty-ninth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-

1.-This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Sixth Short title
Amendment) Amendment Act, 1998.
Tamil Nadu 2. In section 1 of the ~ a m i l Nadu ~G'eneral Sales Tax (Sixth Amendment) Amendment I
Act 60 of 1997. Act, 1997, in sub-section (2), for clause(c), the i'ollowing clause shall be substitu- of section I.
ted, namely :-
"(c) Sectlon 11 shall come into force on the 1st day of June 1998.".
--&k..l$ 7 1.f' LA-

y order of the Governor.)

Cct.ptarl) to Government, Law Department.



The following Act of the Jarnil Nadu Legislative Assenlbly receved the assent
of the Governor on the 22nd December 1998 and is hereby published for
general information :-
ACT No. 45 OF 1998. 1
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu Genera.] Sales
Tax Act, 1959. I

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of

Forty-ninth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Short title and
Amendqent) Act, 1998. commencement.
(2) @) Clause (I) of section 2 and clause (1) of section 3 shall be deemed to
have come Into force on the 28th day of August 1998 ;
(b) Clause (2) of section 2 and clause (2) of section 3 shall be deemed to
have come into force on the 8th day of September 1998.
2. I n the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred to Amendment
as the principal Act), jn the First Scl~edule,in Part-B,- First Schedula
(1) in item 9, for sub-item(iv), the following sub-item shall be substituted,
namely 3-
" (iv) Country bricks and country ti!es made of baked clay, whether
machine made or hand made (other than those falling elsewhere under the Schedules)
and stoneware." ;
(2) for item 12 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely :-
" 12. Cattle feed supplemenis and concentrates. First sale?
3. In the principal Act, in the Third Schedule, in Part-B,- Amendment of
Third Schedule.

(1) for item 40 and the cntries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
" 40, Thali made of gold, not exceeding eight grams in weight inclusive
of all attachments to such Thali but without chain. ";
12) in item 57, for sub-item (v), thc follou7ing sub-item rl.:11JI be s~bstituled,
(((v) Cattle feed and wheat bran used for cettle feed, including conlpounded
cattle feed, other than those falling mder item 12 of Part-B of the First Schedule.".

(By Order of the Governor .)

A. K. Y J A N ,
Secretary to Government, .-
Law Department.
- - -- >-
. - ----- -


The iollowtng Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
thc Govcrnor on the 31st Mav 1999 and- is- herehv, nrrhlich~rl
r--'-I-'-- fnr ot-nt-rat - '.rrmatinn.-
--.- P
' A - a
. U

ACT No. 14 OF 1999.

An Act further to nmend the Tamil A'adu General Sales Tax . k t , 1959.

BI it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fiftieth year
of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth Short titic an
Amendment) Act. 1999. Commencc
(2) Ir shall comc into force on such datc as the State Government may. by
notification, appotnt.

II I ~ Nadu
I of 1959
ict 2. In section 31 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter
referred to as the principal Act). tn sub-section (1). in the second proviso. the following
expression shall be added a t the end, namely:-
"and trventy-five per cent of the difference of the tax assessed by the assessing
Amendment c

authority and the tax admitted by the appellant.".

3 . I11 section 3 1-A of thc principal Act, in sub-section (I), in the second provtso, Amendment o
the following expression shall be added at thc cnd. namely:- section 3 1-A.

"and twentyfive per cent of the differencc of the tax assessed by the assessing
authortty and the tax admitted by the appellant." J

4. In section 36 of the principal Act, in sub-scc ton (I:, after the proviso. the Amendment o
following pror.tso shall be added, namely:- sc~Zion36.

"Provided lurthe~' h ~ +PQ ??peal filed by any person objecting to an order



(0) under sub-section (3) of section 3 1 or under sub-section (3) of scction

3 1-A shall bc entertained unless it is accompanied by satisfactory proof of the payment
of the tax as ordered by the Appellate Assistant Cornmisstoner or by the Appellate
Deputy Commissioner, as the case may be;

(b) under sub-section (1) of section 32, unless it is accompanied by satisfactory

proof of the payment of the tax admitted by the appellant to be due or of such instalnients
thereof as might have become payable, as the case may be, and twenty-five per cent of
the difrcrcncc of thc tax ordcred by the Dcputy Cornmissioncr undcr scction 32 and thc
tax adrnittcd by the appellant.".

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government,


Law Department,
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 3 1st May 1999 and is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 15 OF 1999.
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the ftftieth year .
of the Republic of India as follows:- Shon titie and
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fifth Amend- me*.
ment) Act, 1999.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
Act notification, appoint. Insertion of new
section 7-F.
2. After section 7-E of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, the follow-
ing section shall be inserted, namely:-
"7-F. Deduction oy tax at source in works contract.--(l) Notwithstanding
anything contained in this Act, every person responsible for paying any sum to any dealer
for execution of works contract shall, at the time of paynent of such sum, deduct an
amount calculated, at the following rate, namely:-
(i) Civil works contract. .. Two per cent of the total amount
payable to such dealer;
(li) All other works contract. .. Four per cent of the total amount
payable to such dealers:
Provided that no deduction under sub-section (1) shall be made where,-

(a) no transfer of property in goods (whether as goods or in some other form)

is involvbd in the execution of such works contract; or
(b) the dealer produces a certificate from the assessing authority concerned
that he has no liability to pay or has paid the tax under section 3-B or section 7-C; or
(c) declared goods are purchased from a registered dealer within the State and
used in the execution of works contract ir. the same form ic which such goods were
Provided further that no such deduction shall be made under this section, where the
amount or the aggregate of the amount paid or creaited or likely to be paid or credited,
during the ycar, by such person to the dealer for execution of the works contract
including civil works contract does not or is not likely to, exceed one lakh rupees.
Explanation.-For the purpose of this section,-
(i) the term 'person' shall includ-
(a) the Central or a State Government,
( h ) a local authority,

(c) a corporation or body established by or under a Central or Statc Act,

(d) a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 (Cenrral Act
I of 1956), including a Central or State Government ur.dertaking,
(e) a society including a Co-operative Society,
u> an educational institution, or

(g) a trust.
(ii) the term "civil works contract" shall have the same meaning as In the
Explanation to section 7-C.
(2) Any person making such deduction shall deposit the sum so deducted to
such authority, in such manner and within such time, as may be prescribed.
(3) .'- v person who makes the deduction and deposit, shall, within fifteen
days such deposit, issue to the said dealer a certificate in the prescribed form for each -

deduction, separately, and send a copy of the certificate of deduction to the assessing
authority, having jurisdiction over the said dealer together with such documents, as may
be prescribed.

(4) On hrnishin a certificate of deduction referred to In sub-section (3). the
amount deposited under sub-section (2), shall be adjusted by the assessing authority
towards tax liability of the dealer under section 3-I3 or section 7-C, as the case may be,
and shall constitutc a good and sufficieqt discharge of the liability of the person naking
deduction to the extent of the amount deposited.
(5) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) or sub-
section (2), sliall pay, in a!Idition to the amount required to be deddcted and deposited,
interest at two per cent per month of such amount for the entire period of default.
( 6 ) Where the dealer proves to the satisfaction of the assessing authority that
he is not liable to pay tax under section 3-B or section 7-C, the assessing authority shall
refund the amount depositred under sub-section (2), after adjusting the arrears of tax. if
any, due from the dealer,l in such manner as may be prescribed.

(7) The tax or interest under this section shall become due without any notice
of demand on the date of accrual for the payment by the person as provided under sub- ,
sections (1) and (2).".

, (By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government,
Law Department.


9 -

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- ..
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assc~llblyreceived the assent of
the Governor on the 17th June 1999 and is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 26 OF 1999.
An Act further to arrzend the Tamil Nadu Gerieral Soles Tax .4ct, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fiftieth
year of the Republic of India as follows:-
. ( I ) This Act may be called the Ta~nilNadu General Sales T a s (Second s ' ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ - n d
Amendment) Act. 1999. ment.

2. (a) Tlie provisions of this Act, except sub-clause (a) of clause (I), sub-clausc
(q) of clause (2). clause (4). clause (8) and clause (!I), of section 2. shall be deemed to
llave come into force o,l the 1st day of April 1999.

( h ) Sub-clausc (a) of clause (I). sub-clause ( q ) sf clause (2), Clause (J, clause
(8) and clause (9) of section 2 shall be deemed to have come into forcz on the 171h day
of March 1999.
.hendnicnt of 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act. 1959 (hereinafter T m i l Nndu
First Schcd- Act 1 o f
referred to as the principal Act):- 1959.
(1) in PART-A,-

(a) in item 1-C, for the eQression "PART-C and." the expression
"PART-C, item I of PART-CC and" shall be substituted.

ib) after item 2-A and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"2-B, Vegetable vathal like sundavathal, brinjalvathal. kothavarangai \ ~ ~ t h a l , First snle.";
manathakkali vathal, thamarai vathal and vathal of all kinds sold without the brand
(2) in PART-B,- ,

(a) for item 8 and the entries relating tl:erelo, the following itel11 and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"8. Bread and rusk whether or not branded. Fint snle.";

(b) for item 22 and the entries relating thereto. the following itern and
entries shall be substituted. namely:-
"22 Empty gunny bags and condemned gunny bags. First snle.";

(c) in iten1 23. after sub-item (ii) and the entries relating thereto. the -
~ollowingsub-item and entries shall be inserted. nan1el~:-
"(iii) Napthalet~eballs":
(0) at14 fh;f;/jIrw$r~;/J#Ufq
!Of /ff,rfl 70 ~ ) V , ! J / I I ~f h 4 , / O ~ / / / Y / / I/I/:!//
/~ )l/d
(,t~tr/(,t: j ~ ~b/,/ i :41thtlI//ItAt ~ ~ f t ~ ; t )

3 , II I ; I I I ~ I I I ; I ~ Cso;~psof ill1 kir~ds(both bi~tli~ng and washing) incli~d~nl soap lqirst ~nlc.'';
Il;~ltcs,~)o\\tlcrs,Ilcl~~itls ; r ~ l t ldclcrgc~ltsbut cscl~~tli~lg
slli!~l~poo:~nd11lct;ll polishcr $11ilnY

t \:\tt :\nd h* c\i.t\ningp\\ckm m~ttalnlnss1kuk.3~

(11) h z n t t l r k k o ~ ~llilppa~
,v\ ;.\kc. \\v\,\\tk~:h:i~\$ia is~i.u \i=,\~s. k ~ s u t nun!$
' and 3n!- Iuch i n m e a f s or tao
2; mcr; ci z w h lngrc.illent>.


(iii) Scouring or cleaning powder other than those specified .n item 22 of part-
E of this Schedule.
(e) after item 34 and:the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entrie: shall be inserted, namely:-
"34-A. Hosiery goods made wholly or partly of wool. First sale."; 1
V) for item 39 and the entries relating therero, the fcllcwing item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:- I
- . "39. Jute twine, jute table mats, jute door m.ats, jute handicrafts and jute wall
First sale.":

(g) for item 43-E3 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"43-B. Mosquito destroyers, insect killer devices including heating devices used
with insect repellant mats and Mosqrrito nets of all kinds.
First sale-";

(h) after item 45 and the entries relating thereto, the following items and
entries shall be inserted, namely:- I
"45-A,, Non-ferrous metal scraps, that is to say, scraps of copper, copper alloys, First sale.";
brass, lead and lead alloys (other than those specified elsewhere in the Schedule).
"45-B. Oats. First sale.";

( i ) for item 46-A and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted. namely:-
"46-A. Paper bags and paper envelopes whether printed or not. First sale."; 1

(j) after item 47-B and the entries relating thereto, the following item
and entries shall be inserted, namely:-
Patents, trade marks, import licenses exim scrips, export permit or license First sale.";
or quota and other gbdds of incorporeal or intangible character.
(k) for item 52-A and the entr~esrelating thereto, following item and 1
entries shall be substituted, namely:- 1
"52-A. Power tiller and trailer of power tiller. First sale."; 3

( I ) for item 53 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"53. Printing, writing, teleprinter, typewriting, manifold and bond paper and com- First sale.";
puter stationary of all kinds.
(mj for item 63 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"63 Sand, red earth and red gravel.- First salt.? /
(n) after item 67 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"67-A Sherbet. First sate.";

( 0 ) for item 69 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-

"69 (i) Sports goods including goods for indoor or outdoor games, swings, medals, First sale.'?:
cups, trophics, shields and badges:

(ii) Articles and equipments for gymnastics including health fitness equip-
(iii) Childrens' play ground equipments:
( p ) after item 71-A and the entries relating thereto, the following item
and cntrics shall be inserted, namely:-
"71-B.(i) Sweets made of groundnuts, gingelly, puffed rice, fried gram and peas First sale.";

(ii) Mun~kkusold with or without brand nnmc:

(iii) Chips of all kinds sold without brand name.

(q) for itcm 75 and the entries relating thereto. the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
'-75. Television antenna. First sale.";

( ) after item 81 and the entries relating thereto. the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
'-81-A. Vegetable vathal like si;ndavathal. brinialvathal, kot~,,,varangai vathal. First sale.";
n~anathakkalivathal. thamarai vathal and vathal of all kinds sold with brand name."
(3) in PART-C,-

(a) after item 1-A and the entires relating thereto, the following item and
entircs shall be inserted, namely :- -
"I-B. Agarbathi."; First sale.";

( h ) for item 2 and the entries relating thereto, the following items and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"2 All kinds of grill made of iron and steel. First sale.";

"2-A Aluminium wares other than domestic utensils. First, snle.";
1; \

(c) after item 15 and the entries rclating thercto. thc follo\ving i t e i and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
..15-A. Duplicating machines, reprographis copiers including roneo machines first s a w ' ;
other than electronic duplicating machines. reprographic copiers including duplicators
and any other apparatus for obtaining duplicate copies, parts and accessories thereof,
ribbons. plates used therewith.-
(d) after item 19 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
'. 1 9-A Emph gas cylinders. Flnt sale.";

(e) after item LL-A ana tne entries relating thereto. the follo~vingitem
and entries shall be inserted. namely:-
Ice cream sold without brand name. First sale.";
u> d€er item 25 and the entries relating thereto. the following iiehl and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-

(17) - in item 32, after sub-itern (iv) and the entries relating thereto. the
following items and e n t ~ e sshall be inserted namely:-

"(v) Account~books,registers, order books. receipt books, nlemorandunt pads,

folders, file covers and book covers made of paper or paper board.
(vi) Greeting Cards and invitation cards or all kittds.":
/ -3

(4) after PART-C. the following PART shall be inserted, namely:-

i +

Goods which are taxable at the rate of 10per cent.

I. Television sets. First sale.";

( 5 ) in PART - D,- .

(0) after item 7 and the entrleb cial ling thereto. the following item and entries
shall be inserted, namely:-
"7-A. (i) ~ r a ~ r d e processed
d, and packed fresh meat, poultry, fish, sea food F l n t snle.";
and eggs.

(ii) Branded and packed fresh vegetables and fruits.

(b) after item 17 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
'-17-A (i) Dry fruits and nuts and kernal such as almond. pistha. dry F i n t snle.";
grapes. figs, apricots, walnut, other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule.

II (ii) Wet dates.

iI (c) iten1 29 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

i (4 in item 35, in sub-item. (ii). the espression .'bulbs.* shall be omitted.
(e) item 40-A and the entries relating thereto sha1.I be omitted:

(a) after item 3 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
shall bc inserted, namely:-
"3-A. Chips of all kinds sucll as potato chips. sold with brand name. F i n t snle.";

a (h) after item 11 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"1 1-A. Glass bottles. whether old or used.
(c) in item 19, after sub-item (ii) and the entries relatingthereto, the follow-
ing sub-item and entries shall be added, namely: "(iii) Medium Density Fibre (MDF)
boards and prelaminatecVveneered medium density fibre boards which are imported from
other countries.";

(a) iten1 6 arid the entries relating thcrcto shall be omitted:

(h) item 18 and tire entries relating tl~crctoshall bc omitted:
(8) in PART-I, item 3 and the entries relating tl~eretoshall be omitted:


(9) in PART-J, after item I and the entries relating thereto,. the follo~vingitem
and entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"2. Pan Masala by whatever name called containing beta1 nuts, that is to say, nut First S~IIP.";

of areca, catachu broken and perfumed' and lime or menthol or sandal oils or cardamom
or tobacco or anyone or more of these ingredients.
3. In the Tllird Schedule to the principal Act. in PART-B,- .\~aent~~ernt
( I ) in item 46, after sub-item (wiii) and the elltries relating thereto. the S~lledll"

following sub-item shall be added, namely:-

"(six) Solar photo-voltaic lanterns.";
- (2) 'after item 97 and the entries relating thereto. the following items and
entries shall be added, namely:-
"08. Sarce falls

99. Straps of foot-wear

100. Cotton rope
101. Thatti. Icoodai and muram made of cane
102. Prawn feed and shrimp feed
103. Steam
104. Bagasse."

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to C;overnirfenl,
Law Departitrent.

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 17th June 1999 and is hereby published for general information:-

I ACT No. 27 OF 1999.

An ,4ct further to amend the Tarriil Nadu Generc~lSales Ibx.4ct, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fiftieth
year of the ~ e ~ u b lof
i c India as follows:-
i, r
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amend-
ment) Act, 1999.
~ h o &title and

of April 1997.
b ~ a d ~u c t 2. After section 3-E of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter insertionofnew
W 1959. referred to as the princripal Act), the following section sliall be inserted, namely:- section 3-F.

"3-E Levv oftax on sugarcane.-(I) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-

sections (1) and (2) of section 3 and section ?-A, every dealer shall pay a tax on the
last purchase of sugarcane excluding sugarcane setts in the State, at the rate of rupees
sisty per metric tonne.
(2) The provisions of this Act shall ~iutatisrnutaridis apply in respect of the
tas payable under this section."
sdment of 3. In the First Schedule to the principal Act. in PART-C. item 44 and the entries
asc'lea'lle. relating thereto shall be omitted.
bci011. 4. Notwithstanding anything contained in any judgment. decree or order of any
court, tribunal or other authority, the tax levied or collected or purporting to ham been
levied or collected at the last point of purchase in the State in respect of sugarcane
escluding sugarcane setts for the period commencing on the 1st h v of April 1007 and
ending with the date of publication of this Act in the Tc~rrrilNadu Gove,.nntent Gazette,
shall. for all purposes be deemed to be, and to have always been validly levied or
collectcd under the principal Act, as if the principal Act as aniended by this Ac: had
been in force at all material times when such tax was levied or collected and accordingly
all acts, proceedings of things done or taken by any authority. officer or person in
connectio~lwith the levy or collection of such tax, shall for :ill purposes, be deemed to
be and to have always been validly done or taken in accordance with law.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Govern!iient, I

Law Depart~rienl. ,

--- --.-- -. -- . - _ __ _ _-

- ---

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 17th June 1999 and is bereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 28 OF 1999.
.4n .4ct fi~rfliel.to nllre~dthe Tatrril Nadu Genrianl,)ir/es 7'nx '4 ct, 1959.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fiftieth
Year of the Republic of India as follows.--
I. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Sixth Anlend- Short title nnd
ment) Act. 1999. t-,bn~n~ence-
(3.) It shall be deemeq to have come into force on the 1st day of April 1999. Snhstih~tionof
sections 3-D
2. For sections 3-D and 3-E of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, the and 3-13.
following section shall be substituted, namely:-
"3-L) Pavrtrent of tax h.v hotels, restauranrs and .~~~~eet-stnl/s.-(l)
anything contained in sub-section (1) of section 3. every dealer whose total turnover is
not lcss than twenty five lakhs of rupees for the year on the first point of sale of food
and drinks in hotels. restaurants, s~veet-stallsand any other eating houses other than
those falling undcr item 20 of.Part-C of the First Schcdu e shall pay fax at the rate of
two per cent of the tasable turnover.
Explanatio~.-For the plnpoh~ "C ,-ompiiting the total turnover under the sub-
section. the purchase turnover liable to tax under section 7-A shall be added to the sales
(2) Every dealer referred to in sub-section (1) may. at his option, instead of
paying tax in accordance with the provisions of that sub-section. pay tax at the rate
specified in Part-A of the Ninth Schedule.
(3) Every dealer. wllo opts for payment of tax under sub-section (2). shall
apply to the assessing authority 111 such form as may be prescribed, on or before the 30th
da? of April of the year or within thirty days of conln~encenlentof business, as the case
may be. and shall pay tax in advance during the year in monthly instalments and for
this purpose. he shall furnish such return. within such period and in such manner. as may
be prescribed:
Provided that the option under this sub-section for the year commencing on the 1st .
day of April 1999 shall be exercised on or before the 30th day of June 1999.
(4) The option so exercised under sub-section (2) shall be final for that year
and shall continue for susequent years until the dealer becomes ineligible or withdraws
his option in writing.
(5) A dealer liable to pay tas under sub-section (2) shall not collect any
amount by way of tax or purporting to be by way of tax on the sale of food and drinks.
3-E Paytrrent of tax b.v dealers in j e w e l l e ~ v . - ( 1 ) Notwithstanding anything con-
tained in sub-section ( 1 ) of section 3, every dealer whose total turnover is not more than
fifty lakhs of rupees for the year on the sale of gold and silver jewellery including
articles thereof may, at his option, instead of payink, tax in accordance with the
provisions of sub-section (2) of section 3, yay tax at tlle rate specified in Part-B of the
Ninth Schedule.
(2) Every dealer, who opts for payment of tax under sub-section (1). shall
apply to flte assessing authority in such form as may be prescribed, on or before the 30th
day of April of the year or within thirty days of corninencement of business, as the case
may be, and shall pay tas in advance during the year in monthly instalments arid for


the purpose, he shall furnish such return, within such period and in such manner. as may
be prescribed:
Provided that the option under this sub-section for the year commencing on !he 1st
day of April 1999 shall be esercised on or before the 30th day of June 1999.
(3) The option so exercised under sub-'section (2) shall be final for that year
and shall continue for subsequent years until the dealer becomes ineligible or withdraws
his option in writing.
(4) A dealer who has been permitted to pay the tax under sub-section (1) shali
not collect any amount by way of tas or purporting to be by way of tas on the sale so
long as he opts to pay tax as provided under sub-section (l)."

(By order of the Governor)

Sc.crt.tr~[vto C;ovcrrinlent,
Law Departrrten1.
- - ---- - _____ __ - - ___
-- _/

--- -----_ _ __ -
_ -

tlie Goverrior on tlie 18th June 1999 and is hereby published for general infontlation:-
ACT No. 36 OF 1999.
An Act further to antend the Ta~trilNndu General G1e.s Tnx Act, 1959.

BE it enacted by tlie ,Legislative Assembly of the State of Tanlil Nadu in the Fiftieth Year
of the Republic of India as follows:-
I. (I) This Act iliay be called the Ta~iiilNadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, sllort title R I , ~
(2) It shall be deemed to lmve collie into force on the 1st day of April 1999.
2. 111section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tds Act, 1959 (lierei~lafterrererred Anlcntln~ent of
to as the principal Act), in sub-section (4), for the espressiotl "two per cent". the seCti"ll 3.

expression "one per cent" shall be substituted.

3. In section 7-C of the Principal Act,- n ~ c n c l 7-C:
AS.C,.OI. n ~ c not f

(1) in the marginal heading, for the expression "civil works c,'itractor", the
expression "works contractor" shall be substituted;
(2) for sub-section (I), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:-
"(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3-B,every dealer referred
to in itel11 (vi) of clause (g) of section 2, may, at his option, instead of paying tas in
accordance with section 3-B, pay, on the total value of the works contract executed by
lii~nin a year, tax calculated at the following mte, namely:--
(i) Civil Works Contract Two ?er cent of the total contract
value of the civil works executed:
(ii) All d i e r works contracts Four per cent of the total contract
value of the works executed.";
(3) in sub-section (2),- I

(a) for the expression "civil works contract". the expression "works contract"
sh.111 be substituted;
(b) after the proviso, the following provisio shall be added, nat11ely:-
"Provided further that tlie option under this sub-section in respect of
works contract other than civil works contract for the financial year commencing on tlre
1st day of Apri! 1999 shall k esercised on or before the 30th day of June 1999.";
(4) in sub-section (4), for the expresion "civil works contract" in two places
witere it occurs, the expression "works contract" sball be si~bstituted.
4. In seaion 20 of the p-incipal Act, in subsection (I), in clause (a), for the Atnendmcnt of
expression "one takh and f@ thausa~idrupees", the exgwesdm "three lakh rupees" shall -.20.

be slrbstituted.
5. In section 21 of the principal Act, in sub-sectioa (4), fbr %beexpression "sevetlty An~rndnlentor
five thousarid rupees", the expressiorl "three lakh rupees" shag1 be sll4stituted. s ~ r f i o n21.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Governnienr,
Law Departntent.

-- -- -
- - - ----.
--- ---_____

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of thc Governor on the 1st December 1999 and is hereby published for general
information :-
ACT No. 42 OF 1999.
An Actjurther to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Statg of Tamil Wau in the Fiftieth
Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Madu Goneral Sales Tax (Eighth Short title and
Amendment) Act, 1999. corn-ent.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 12th day of November
1 Nadu Act; 2 In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 Amendment of
1959. (hereinafta refsyred to as the principal Act),- First Schedule.
(I) in PART-J, item I and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(2) after PART-J, the following PART shall be insertec!, namely :-
Goods which are taxable at the rate of SO per cent.
1. Alcoholic liquors of all kinds for human cons~lmptionwhich arepurchasedI
procured/brought from outside the Stace (other than foreign liquors falling under First sale".
item 1 of PART-K, toddly and arrack).
3. I n the Sixth Sched,uleto the principal Act, in item 1,- Amendmen6 of
(1) in column (2), fbr the expression "item 1 of PART-J of theFirst Schadule", Schedule.
the expression "item 1 of PART-JJ of the First Schedule" shall be substituted ;
(2) in column (4), for the figures "40," the figures "SO", shall be substituted.

(By order of the Governol)

secretary to Governmenf,
Law Department.


--" - , . . ON BBHALP OF THE GOVERN-f' OF TiWl'L N m .
- --_ _ . _ _
- - - - --
-- -- - - -
_ - -225
1 The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the overn nor
information :-
on the 14th December 5999 and is lieribbypublished for general

ACT N o . 47 OF 1999.
AII Act farrrlter to arnend rite Tamil ~VaduGeneral Sales Tax Act, 1959.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tzntil Nadu in the

Fiftieth Year of the Republic of India as foltows :--
I . (I) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Seven111 Short title and '
Amendment) Act, 1999. commencement.

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into fcrce on the 1st day uf June 1999.
bmil Nadu 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Madu General Sales Tex Act, 1959, in Amendnient to
stlof ' Part-33,- First Schedule.
(1) for item 1 anti the entries relating tkereto, thefclicuingitrnls and entrics
$hail be' substituted, namely :-
, "1. Agricultural power sprayer. First sale.

1-A. Aluminium scraps. First sale."

(2) for items 22-C and 22-D and the entries relating thereto, the folla\~i.ing
items and entries shall be substituted, namely :-
"22-C. Flovr of grams, rice and ragi mixed with spices or First sale. I
t masala powdcr sold with or without brsnd n w . 1
22-D.Footwear without brand name. First sale.

22-E. Fried Grnundnut Kernel. First sale "

(By order of the Governor.)

Secretary to Giovcr nment,
Law Department. .,--

I (AGreup) 1V 2 Ex. 043)--1-4


t h 3~1st MPrch 2000 Pnd is hereby publish4 for general information:-

ACT No. 6 OF 2000.
further to amend fhe Tami/ Nadu General Sales Tax A C ~1959.

n ~ by thed kgislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadr in the Pi@-fim Yor a* %

Republic of India as follow :-

(2) It shall k deemed to have come into force on the la day of April 1996.
Tamil Nadu 2. In section 12 ofthe Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, sub-sections (2-A) and Amendment
of section

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government,
Law Department.




i \ l l l ' N l ' 0 I'AMI1,NAI)II
iRi*gtl. No. TNfChicf PMG-30112(MDO.

2000 1 Pt.icib: Rs. 0.4fl
r -


No 2351
- .
--- ---



I'anguni 30, Pramathi, Thiruvalluvar Aandii-203 I

- -- - -- --

Part IV--Section
Tailiil N a d l ~Acts and Ordinances.

Tlic follo\ving Act of t l ~ cT;l~~iil Nadu Lcgislati\.c Assclnbly rccci\fcd tlic asscnt of t l ~ cG ~ \ ~ c r n o r
O I I tlrc I I l l ) April 2 0 0 0 ;ind is licrch! p~~blisl~cd
Tor gcriccll inTor~n;rtion:-
ACT No. 7 OF 2000.

I Br.. it cni~ctcdby tlic 1,cgislntivc Asscrnblj oftlic S k ~ t ofT;llnil

of tlic Rcpublic of Indiii ;IS follo\\~:-
c N;tdu in tllc Fifty-first Year


(2) It sh;lll bc dcc~ncdto Iia\.c c o n ~ cinto forcc on tlic 1st day of July 1999.
2. In scction 3-D ofllic Til~llilNitdl1 Gcncral SiIlcs Tils Act. 1959 (Ilcrcinaftcr rcfcrrcd 10 Amendment
11 ' iIS t l ~ cpriticipill Act). in sub-scclion (3). in rllc pro\.iso. for llic csprcssion "30111 day of Junc OT section
IOOO". tllc csprcssion "3 1st dily of Ja1111;ln20(#)" sliilll bc w~bstitutcd.
3. In section ?I-E of tlrc pri11cip;il Act. in sub-scction (2). in the proviso. for llic csprcssion Amendment

-I. In scction 7-C of thc principill Act. in sub-section (2). in tllc second proviso., for thc Amendmentc
csprcssion "30111 diy ofJt~nc1099". tlic csprcssion "3 1st day ofJanuitn 2000'' 3llall bc srlbstitutcd. of section

(2) Not\vilIis~i~nding sttcl~repcill. i~nytl~ing

dorlc or ilny action t;lkcn ilndcr rllc principal
Act. as ;lmcndcd bj. t l ~ cslid 0rdi1i;lncc. slli~llbc dccrncd to lii~\~c bccn donc or tilkcn undcr Ihc
princhp;ll Act. as anicndcd by tl~isAct.
(By ordcr of tlic Governor)


the assent of the

ACT N0.12 OF 2000 I

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 23rd day of January 2000.

2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959,- Amendment
of F~rst
(1) in PART-A, items l-A, I-B, l-C, 2-A and 3 and the entries relating thereto shall Schedule. 1
(2) in PART-B,-
(i) for item 78-A and the entries relating thereto, the followtng item and entries -
shall be substituted, namely:-

I "78-A, Toys of all kinds other than those falling under item 8 of Part-DD of the
Flrst Schedule.
(ii) for item 80 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall
be substituted, namely:-
First sale.";

"80. Vegetable oil of all kinds (including refined vegetable oil) other than those F~rstsale.";
specified elsewhere in this Schedule.

(iii) after item 84 and the entries relating thereto, the following items and entries
shall be added namely:-
"85. Modem and Speakers, parts and accessories thereof. First sale.";

"86. Uninterrupted power supply system. First sale.";

(i) in item 19, the expression "uninterrupted power supply" shall be omitted,
(ii) for item 47 and the entries relating thereto including the Explawtzon
thereunder, the following shall be substituted, namely:-

"47. Timber including sized timber but excluding firewood other than those specified First
elsewhere in this Schedule.

Explanation:-For the purpose of this item in the case of timber purchased by the forest
contractors in the auction of forest coupes conducted by the Forest Department of the
Government, the sale by such contractors of such timber in any form or size shall be deemed
to be the first sale and the sale by the Forest Department in such auction of forest coupes shall
not be deemed to be the first sale.

(iii) after item 53 and entries telating thereto, the following items and entries
shall be'added, namely:-
"54. Electronic duplicating machines, reprographic copiers including duplicators, sale.
Xerox and photo copying machines and anyother electronic apparatus for obtaining
duplicate copies, whether reduced, enlarged or the same size as the originals.

I lrst salc
56. Flectron c telepr~ntersand fay rnach~nesof all k ~ n d s .

I ~ r \ tu l c 58. ~ l t a m d ~ l l o n e sof all kinds ilicludllig record playe~s. ladlo g~a~iioplione\.

g~amoplione~ e c o ~ c irnatrlccs
s, for records and record changers
f I I S sale
~ 59 S o ~ ~ n~de c o ~ d i nand g i e p ~ o d u c ~ nequlpments
g (exclud~ngltcm 49 in Part-C)
~ n c l u d ~ ndlctaphones,
g car cassette players, tape- decks. tape p l a y e ~ s compact
, d ~ s cplayers
( ~ n c l [ i d ~ 'n1 ycontbination of any of them) \ijth or without w~relessreception ~nstrumentsand
compact d~kc,, ltiagnctlc t ~ p c s .nllc.Io t ~ p c s ~ n c i mlclo f ~ s c h ehi use tlie~cw~tll

f lrbl sale 60 I t.lev~ on cameras, pi!~jcctols,closed c l l c u ~ t tele\ ~ s ~ osets n and cdmerds. ~ J I

sf,le\ ~ s ~ o n\ ~s d e otcle\ lsions. \ ~ d e oc,lnielas. teleprompters. d ~ s hantenna and b o o s t e ~ s

I 1t\1 ~ J \ C 61 V ~ j c oCassettc p l a y e ~ sand recorders wlth or without c o m b ~ n a t ~ o nof elect~onic

.III,I~O~ tl1grt.11c.!ocl\\, bl,~nl\ nlagnctlc \ ~ d c o tapes. v ~ d e o cassetes for use tliere\t~th and
\ ~ d e o compute s ( e l c c t ~ o ~galiics).
I'1rs1 sale 62. Head cleaners In any form and parts and accessories (~ncludlngr~bbons)of electronic
goods fal111g under Items 18 and 75 of Part-B, Items 18, 49, 54, 55, 56, 51, 58, 59, 60 and
61 of Part-(' and Items 18 and 19 of Part-DD of thls F ~ r s tSchedule.

(I) 'I'ra~~stor~ (I'owtlr

~ ~ c ~ sand ('ontrol) (Step down from 230 V to less than 100 V ol
power ratlng not exceeding 250 VA), (11)Buck boost transforn~ers(230 VI Less than 100V),
(iii) Inverler transformers, (iv) isolation transfo~mers,(v) Rectlfler Transformers, ( V I )
Ferro resonant transformers, (vii) Line driver transformers (less than 50 VA), ( v ~ i Fly~ ) back
transformerslline output transformers1Extra high tention transformers, (ix) Main filter
transformers, (x) Line d r ~ v e rtransformers, (xi) Toroidal core transformers and R-Core
transformers, ( x l i ) Switch mode power supply Transformers [sub-items (viii) to xi^) above
are ferrite Transformers.]

Explancztion:-All the above transformers shall be deemed to fall under this item only
if each of them has not even one of the windings rated above 500 VAC.
(4) In PART-CC, item 1 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

(5) In PART-D, items 1, 2, 14, 15, 16, 17-A, 1.8, 19, 20, 2 1, 24, 26, 30, 3 1, 35, 45, sub-
items (iii), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii) and (ix) of items 48, 52, 53, 58, 61 and 6 6 and the entries
relating thereto shall be omitted;

(6) after Part-D, the fojlowing PART shall be inserted, namely:-



First Sale 1. Adhesives of all kinds including gum, glue, resins and solutions.
First SaIc . 2. Aerated waters, tinned, canned, bottled or packed soft drinks, whether or not
flavoured or sweentened and whether or not containing vegetable or fruit j u ~ c e sor fruit pulp,
sold under brand name whether such brands are registered under the Trade and
Merchand~seMarks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958) or not.

3. Acroplanes. and

4. Ci~ieniatographicequipments, including cameras. pro,jectors over head projects, sou!td 17irst sale.
rccortling and reproducing cquipnlents, parts and accessories thereof and lenses, exposed
f~lnis. I'ilnl-stl.ips, are or cinema corboris, cincma slides. paper. paper ho;~rds rccluired for
use thcre\vith.

5 Clocks, tlme pleces, watches (whether or not In c o m b ~ n a t ~ owlth

n any other devices,, I-~rstsale
stop watches, tlme sw~tches, mechan~cal t~mers, t ~ m e records, auto print time punch~ng
clocks, tlme registers, instrument panel clocks of all k ~ n d s~ncludlng all such electrorrc
devices, parts and accessorles thereof, watch bands, watch bracelets, watch c h ~ n s ,wat:h

6. ( i ) Crockery (other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule). First sale.

(ii) Cutlery (other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule) including, table
cutlery, forks.
7. (i) Dry fruits and nuts and kernel such as almond, pistha, dry grapes, figs, apricots, First sale
walnut, other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule.

(ii) Wet dates.

8. Electronic Toys. First sale.

9. Fire works including coloured matches. First sale.

10. Furs and Skins with fur (other than those falling under item 84 in Part-B of this First
Schedule and under Second Schedule)

1 1. Leather goods other than foot-wear made wholly or principally of leather (whether First sale,
or not other materials such as thread, lining, rivets are used).

12. Light roofing sheets (obtained by immersing paper mat in bitumen) First sale.

i 13. (i) Motor cars, Motor taxi cabs motor omni bus, motor vans, jeeps and motor lorries, First sale.
chassis of motor vehicles, bodies built on chassis of motor vehicles belonging to others (on
f the turnover relating to bodies) all varieties of trailers by whatever name known (other
than trailers of tractors) other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule.
(ii) Parts and accessories of motor vehicles and trailers including fare meters but
excluding batteries.
14. PVC pipes, tubes and fittings of all varieties including flexible and rigid pipes, First sale.
hoses and tubes, whether transparent or not, PVC and plastic1 water supply items and

I 15. Rubber products (excluding pharmaceutical and surgical products namely:-

( I ) Rubber thread and cord; 1
First sale

( 1 1 ) Tubes, pipes and hoses of rubber, w ~ t hor *ithout then ftttlngs (for example,
jolnts, elbows flanges);
(iii) Conveyor-transmission or elevator belts or belting of rubber whether combined
with any textile material or otherwise;

(iv) interchangeable type treads (Tread rubber).

(v) Articles of apparel and clothing accessorles (~ncluding gloves) for all
purposes, of rubber; and

(vi) Other articles of rubber.




First sale. 16. Sandalwood and Sandalwood oil.

First sale. 17. S o ~ ~ ntransmitting
d equipments, of every description including telephones, intercom,
devices, Iood speakers including stereo or hi-fi amplifier, speaker systems which as: used with-
stkreo or hi-fi musical systems, micro phones and stands therefor, head phones, ear phones
and combined microphones/speaker sets. parts and accessories thereof and telephone
cables, fibre optic cables.
First sale. 18. T::levision sets.

First sale."; 19. 'Wireless reception and transmission equipments, instruments and apparatus
including car radios, walkie talkie, transmission and reception apparatus for radio telephony,
radio-telegraphy, radio broadcasting radar apparatus, radio navigational aids apparatus
and radio remote control apparatus, electrical valves, transistors, amplifiers, loud speakers
and receivers.

(7) after Part-K, the following Part shall be added, namely:-



First sale. 1. Bullion, that is to say gold and silver in mass and uncoined, pure or alloy and specie
including palaramarel silver and kora gold.

Last 2. Wornout or beaten Jewellery.

Purchase". ,

(By order of the Governor)

Srrrelary lo (;o~~errrrire~rl,
Law Departrrte~lt.



The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Lenislative Assemblv, received

---- awent of the
. - - - - -- the -I--.

Governor on the i l s t May 2000 and is hereby published for general information:-

Ail Act ft~rtlterto amend the Tmrtil Nrrrlu Gettern1 Sn1t.s T(1.r Act. 1959.

! BI: it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil.Nadu in the Fifty-first Year
! of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Short,t$lq.pnd

(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may,
- by notification,

lit Nadu

2. In section 36 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959,-
(1) to sub-section (1-A), the following proviso shall be added, namely:-
of sectmn

" vt*
P "Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may, within a further period of thirty days, admit r
b 3
a memorandum of cross-objections filed after the expiration of the first mentioned period of
sixty days, if it is satisfied that the officer empowered under sub-section ( 1 ) or the person
against whom an appeal has been preferred, as the case may be, had sufficient cause for not
filing the memorandum within the first mentioned period."; I
(2) in sub-section (2), for the expression "shall be accompanied by such fee", the
expression "the appeal shall be accompanied by such fee" shall be sub!itituted.

(By order of the Governor)


ACT NO. 14 OF 2000.

An Act jlrr.thcv. to (~I)I(JI~(/ the 7ii1111l

N(I(ILI 7i11- /1~'t,1959
G e l ~ v l ~S(I/C>.\

Br it enazted b y the Legislative Assembly of the State o f Tamll Nadu in the F~fty-firstYear
of the Republlc o f I n d ~ aas follows:--

1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Flfth Amendment) SI~ortI I I I C '

COIllIlIcIlcc- '

( 2 ) ((I) Sectlon 2 shall be deemed to have come ~ n t oforce on t l ~ e1st day of A p r ~ l . "'""'

( h ) S e c t ~ o n s3,5 and 6 shall come into force on such date

may, by not~ficatlon,a p p o ~ n t .
;IS the State Government I
2. In section 3 of the Tan111 Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (heremafter referred to Amendment (21'

ZLI I as the pr~llclpalAct), sub-section ( 1 ) shall be renumbered as clause ( a ) of that sub-sect~onand 'w"''n
1')") after clause (a) as s o renumbered, the f o l l o w ~ n gclause shall be ~nserted,namely:--
I "(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause ( a ) , evdry dealer (other than a I 1
casual trader or agent of a non-resldent dealer) whose total turn-o\ er for a year exceeds three
lakhs ol'rupees but does not exceed ten lakhs o f rupees shall not be liable to pay tax on the
first three lakhs o f rupees of his total turn-over, p r o v ~ d e dthat no amount by way of tax o r
purporting to be by way of tax has been collected by him under this Act In respect o f that first
three lakhs of rupees.".

3. For section 7-D of the p r ~ n c ~ p aAct,

l the f ~ r l o w l n gsectlon shall be substituted, S~lbst~tut~on
of sectloll
namely:- 7-1)

trckets.-( I ) Notwitlistand~nga n y t h ~ n gcontained in sub-

" 7 - 0 . Le\y of'tlis o n lottcr:~.
section (1) of sectlon 3, every dealer In lottery tickets in the State shall pay tax at the rates

spec~fiedin the Tenth Schedule:

Provided that where a dealer has paid the tax under this sub-sectlon ~n respect of
a part~cularname and type of lottery t ~ c k e t sof a particular State and for a particular draw,
the tax In respect of the sale of such lottery tickets, by any other dealer or any person in this ~
State llable to pay tax under this Act shall be deemed to have been paid under this Act.

( 2 ) The dealer shall pay the tax under sub-section ( l ) , thtrty days prlor to the draw
~n such manner as may be prescr~bed.

( 3 ) A dealer liable to pay tax under sub-sect~on( 1 ) shall not collect any amount by
way of tax or purporting to be by way of tax on the sale o f lottery t~ckets.".
4. In section 12 of the principal Act,-- I

of section
( 1 ) in sub-sect~on( I ) . - -

( a ) in clause (a), for the provisos, the f o l l o w ~ n gshall be subst~tuted,namely:-

"Provided that subject to the provlslons of clause ( b ) and the provisions of sub-
section (I-A), a dealer whose total turn-over 111 a year does not exceed one crore o f rupees

(DTP) IV-2 Ex. (359);-2a


! 44 t ,. TAMIL NADU G O V E R N M E N T G A Z E T T-
! -- -
may make a self-assessment for that year suhjcct to the c o n d ~ t ~ uthat
n he gets h ~ saccounts
audited and certified by a Chartered Accou~lta~lt
and sub~nitsto the assessing authorit)! a copy
of the audited and cert~flcdstatement of accounts and such other statements, as nlay he
prescr~bed,on or before thi: 30th day of September of the succeed~ngyear, And such reiurn so
filed by him shall be accepted without calling for the accounts.

(aa) The provisions of clause (a) and sub-section ( I - A ) shall apply to the
assessments for the financial years, commencing on the 1st day of April 1999.";

( b ) in clause (b), in item (iv) for the expression "second proviso to clause (a)", the
expression "proviso to clause (a)" shall be substituted;

( 2 ) for sub-section (1-A), the following sub-section shall be substituted. namely:-

of F ~ r s t

"(1-A) otwitl~standinganything contained in the proviso to clause (a) of sub-
( I ) , twenty er cent of tile total nunlber of such assessments shall be selected by the
Cornm~ssionerin s ~ c l imanner as nlay be prescribed for the purpose of detailed scrutiny
regarding the corre tness of the return submitted by the dealer in this connection and in such
cases, final assessment orders shall be passed In accordance w ~ t hthe provisions of this Act.".

5. In the First Schedule to the principal Act, in PART-B, item 43 and the entries relating
thereto shall be, om~tted.

Insertion of 6. After the Ninth Schedule to the principal Act, the following Schedule shall be added,


(See section 7-D)
Tjye o j (/I-NIV. Rate per draw.
(1) Weekly dram or draw, the per~odof which is
less than a week .. Twenty thousand rupees.
( i i ) Fortnightly draw .. Twenty-five thousand rupees.
( i ~ i ) Monthly draw .. Forty thousand rupees.
(iv) Monthly bumper draw .. Sixty thousand rupees.
(v) 'special bumper draw or Festival bumper draw .. One Idkh 'rupees.".

(By order of the Governor)

S c ~ c r e f ~to
r yGo~~eriintent,
Law Dc~prrr.tnlenr.

ed the assent of the

Governor on the 31st May 2000 and is hereby published for general information:-- ,
ACT No. 15 OF 2000.

the Republic of India as follows:-

1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Sixth Amendnyent) Short trtle
Act, 2000. and com-

(2) ( a ) The provisions of this Act. except sub-clause (0)of clause (2) of section 2
shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April 2000.

(b) Sub-clause (a) of clause (2) of section 2 shall be deemed to have come into
force on the 1 lth day of April 2000.
1m1lNadu 2 . In the First schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment
ACI I of of First
referred to as the principal Act),-- Schedule.

II (o) items 1-AA and 2-B and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

( h ) the following item and entries shall be added at the end, namely:-

"4. Parched gram or fried gram First sale.";

(2) in PART-B,-

(a) for item,ll and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
shall be substituted, namely:-

'" I. Cardamom ) At the point of first purchase within the State.


(b) At the point of first sale not falling under clause

(a) above.";

( b ) items 46-A, 47-A and 71 and the entries relating thereto shall be omiirted; I
(c) after item 86 and the entries relating thereto, the following items and
entries shall be added, namely:;
"87. Head cleaners in any 'form, and parts and accessories (including ribbons) of First sale.
electronic goods falling under items 18 and 75 of Part-B, items 18,49,54,55,56,57,58,59,60
and 61 of Part-C and items 18 and 19 of Part-DD of this Schedule. , I: *

. ,
I I /

88. Small transformers used in dlectronic equipmknts, including- First sale.";

(i) Transformers (Power and Control) (Step down froin 230 V to less thah 100 Y 'of
power rating not eyceed_i'3;8,$fiP ye), I(,ij,f,Ry~+,,poqy{~t5a,aqformers
'f '
ylless than, $00V),
(iii) lnverted transformers, (iv) Isolation transformers. (v) Rectifier transformers, (vi) ferro
- Ir&milntrltra~~rsjc$~~hYne&er t ~ f o r m e r s j ~ l e s s ~ ~ t50h aVA), n (viii) Fly back
transfor$serslline~&utpu~.~tmtllsfomqrs/Extra high tedsion transformers, (ix) Main 'fdter
I itransfarm& jB(k+ti'kirib<rctfavrii
I trmsfdrrfiar~, (xi)!rTxxoida.i cdre transfomers rand 1R;Cdre

moi& power supply trdnsformers [sub-items (viii) to (xii) above are

ferrite transformers].
~ijjrdiririliit.-iAatHa a o v e k n s f 6 r m k n shall be dikmed to HI1 udder this iteni dhly
if each of them has not even one of the windings rated above 500 V AC;

46 -
( 3 ) in PART-(',--

( a ) Item 1 and the entries relat~ngthereto shall be omitted;

( h )for lterns 62 and 63 and the entrics relatlng thereto, the followlng Items and entrles
shall be subst~tuted,namely.-

Frrst sale "02 Bleach 11quid

I First sale.
Flrst sale
133 C'eramlc brlcks

63 Electl~calgoods of all k ~ n d s(other than those specified else\\he~eIn th15

Schedule) used lrl the generatton, transnilsslon. d ~ s t r ~ b u t ~oro n111 connect~onw ~ t hthe con-
, sumptlon of electricity lnclud~ngall klnds of wlres and cables. holders. plugs, swrtches.
casings, cappings reapers. bends, junctlon boxes. coupllng boxes. meter boxes, swltch boxes.
fuse switch boxes, distr~butlonboxes, power nleters,, meter boards, switch boards. wooden
plugs (gattis), lightning arrestors, electr~calearthenware ?nd; porcelainware, parts and acces-
sories of all such goods.
I t ,'? ,' , ',,l.~ . 1
~ i i sale.
t 65. Pages.
3,',','12 J

First sale."; 66.Rolling bearings, that is to say, ball or roller bearjn~s/~qf

all kiqds. t

1, 3 - , 1 ) . , ?hell ,be gm/tted;

(4) in PART-D, item 47, and. the entri~s,relatiqg,tberet~ 2

( 5 ) ln ,?APT-DD,-- ;, , , [ I ~ 1J rI j3 2 f I l # ~ ~ , , l ,A

( 0 ) for item 2 and the entrles relating,thqefp,

substituted, namely:-
t .
I- _ l
p and entries shall be

'Y i '
First sale."; "2. (i) Aerated waters including soft drlnks whether tinned, canned, bottled, packed
or otherwise, whether or not flavoured orsweetened, the maximum retail price of which IS
below rupees twenty nine per litre. , I , ( , %

Exp1anrrtion.- The above goods when sold in quantities k s s than one I~tre,the maximum
retail price shall be arrived at proportionately for a litre and when it is below rupees twenty
nine, it shall fall under this item.

(11) Soft drlnks containing vegetable or fruit julces or fruit pulp.

Sub-ltems (1) and (li) sold under brand name whether such brand IS registered under
the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958) or not.

( h )after ltrm 19 and the entries relatlng thereto, the followlng items and entries shall
be added, namely:-
,I >.
First sale. "20. Ceramic sanitary wares and sanirary fittings of every description including sinks,
wash basins, wash basln pedestals, baths, showers, bic'ets, water closet pans, flush~ngcrsterns,
urinals, commodes, man-hole covers used in connection wlth drainage and sewerage disposals,
parts and accessories thereof.
1 F~rstsale. 21. Electrical appl~ances(domestic and con~mercial)namely:-

1 ( i ) Coffee roasting appliances, ( i i ) cooking ranges, (iii) Cream whippers. curd makers
and egg beaters, (iv) Floor polishers, ( v ) Frying pans, sauce pans, kettles and toasters,
(vi) Geysers, water heaters, boilers and ilnn~ersionheaters, (vii) Grinders (other than wet grain
! #.,
grinders specified elsewhere in the Schedule) mixers and blenders, (viii) I-lair driers, hair
curlers. permanent W ~ V I I apparatus
I ~ and curling tong beaters, (ix) I-lot plates, grillers, boiling
plates. plate warmcrs. food warming trays, food warming trolleys and hot food cabinets.

(x) Ice-cream churners, ( X I ) trons, (xti) Juice extractors, ( X I I ~ )Massage apparatrls, (xiv) ovens
a~lci nilcrowave ovens, ( x v ) room heaters, (xvi) Shavers, sharpeners, (xvii) Steamers,
coffee-makers (inciuding percolators), cookers, egg boilers, ( x v i i ~ )Vacuum cleaners,
( X I XVend~ng
) machines, (xx) Washing machines, drying machines (whether ot not sold as a
composite unit), (xxi) parts and accessories of all goods mentioned in sub-items (i) to (xx)
E.~plcrnntionI.-All the abo. e goods notwithstanding that they contain electronic circuits,
switchings or control device systems shall be deemed to be electrical appliances (domectic and

Explanation 11.-"Domestic and commercial electrical appliances" means electrical

appliances, normally used in the household and used in hotels, restaurants, hostels, offices,
educatiohal institutions, hospitals, train kitchens, aircrafts, ships, pantries, canteens, tailoring
establisHinents, Iadndry shops, h'iiir dressing saloons and in similar establishments.
I , .(.,',
I t ,
8 / I:
22. Electrical instruments, apparatus, appliances of all kinds (other than those specified ~ hsale.
elsewhere, in this :Sehedtlle) ~tincjudingexhrtust~.fans,air circulaturs, vacuum awl gas filled
bulbs, sodiumland mercury vapoufidischar$e lamps, chandeliers'artd their shades, protectors,
stands, fixtures, fittings brackets, torche>, amrgency lamps, and qmergency (lighting qyptems
notwithstanding their containing any electronic control circuiting rectifiers, sound or visual
signalling apparatus su& ad &ells: sirens, indicator'pantls, burglar or fire alarms, parts and
' r
accessories of all such goods. ,. " I I

23. Glass and Glassware of all sorts (other than those specified elsewhere in the ~ i r ssale.
Schedule) including-
.,' *j?ji*,*
. . d l
I - a I / , 1 ,

(i) Flat glass, including sheet glass, wi!ed glass and rolled glass whether in the form *
, 1' 1-
of p~at&bliss,figlired&k'i 6r'id'hny othei hth; co~&ib$'~lilk$;cooleg giiss, todghened glass, .

laminated safety glass, tinted glass;

. t ~ O :I.)'.
f ':<:,;do2 .* 8 . $ 0

(ii) Laboratory gfasswares, hygienlc or pharmaceutical glasswares (whether or not
graduateP:ar,.calibggt@ a d ,miqo.~lides); , it7 , bill,! a s , s J q

(iii) Glass sheet, glass globes and chimneys for lamps and lanterhs;
,t * r .,I ( , r z ; ;f I.

(iv) Glass jars and bottles;

I (

(v) Tablewares made of glass.

24. Glass bottles, whether old or used.

2 5 . Marbles, that is to say-- First sale. I

(i) Marble boulders or lumps,
(ii) Marble slabs,
(iii) Marble chips,

(iv) Marble dusts,

(v) Marble floor tiles and wall tiles,

(vi) Other articles made of marble.

26. (i) Mosaic tiles and chips, First sale.

(ii) Ceramic tiles, glazed floor, roofing and wall tiles.


', ' I , I , !,I !

, ~ ( 6 ) l i nRARTrE,
' ~ items 3,5,6,7,11 , I 11-A and sub-item (w) of,iCerp $18 a q d ~ t b eentries
selaESnq thereto shall be omitted; , II!' ,
' 0 I ,l: I I , ,
, (7) in PART-G,-

, , ((I) itoms 11 and 12 and the entries reJatlng there@, shall $beomhtted; ,
(b) after Item 19 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries

shall be added, namely:-

, r.

1 8 : 1 ' s f , L 'I
ExpJanation -The above goods when: sold in quantities less, than one Iltre, the
maximum retail price shall be arrtved at propartionately for a liire and when it IS rupees
I twenty- nine and above they shall fall under this ]tern.
Amendment 3. In the Third Schedule, to the principal Act, ~n PART-B.-
I of Third
I Schedule.
I ( i ) for item 6 and the entrles relating thereto, the following items and entries shall
be substituted, namely:-
"6. Fresh milk, pasteurised milk and directly reconstituted milk.";

(ii) for item 32 and the entries relat~ngthereto, the fillowing item and entries shall
be substituted, namely:- 1
"32. Electrical hearing-aids and hearing-aid cords.";

(3) after item 104 and the entries relating thereto, the following items and entries shall
be added, namely:-
"105. Vinca rosea (Nithya Kalyani) leaves and roots.

106. Adisarakku items, that is to say,--

(1) Adi Thanda

(ii) Angle Brackets
(iii) Arukamanai
(iv) Bed Bolt , .
(v) Clanips used in pump sets
(vi) Door Chains
(~11) Door Jakki
(vili) Door Kundu
(ix) ' rloor Pattas

(x) Dosai Chatti

(xi) Ghamellas or Santhu Chatti
(xii) Keels
(xiii) Keels used In pump sets

(xiv) Kokki Bolt

(XV) Kolu Pattai used in tractor
(xvi) Kolu Pattai
(xvii) Kolu Aani, Kasu Aani used in ploughs
(xviii) Kumizh sets

k (xix) Kondis
(XX) L. Brackets
(xxi) Mookanam Kayiru Chains
(xxii) Nembu
(xxiii) Spoons made of steels -Q
(xxiv) T.Thappal
(xxv) Vandi Pattai
(xxvi) Vandi Acchu
(xxvli) Vasakkal Brackets.
I 107. Braided Cords
'08. Sugarcandy and Burasugar
109. Masala powder in all ~ t sforms whether or not with oil 01 other additives, sold
without a brand name.
110. Vegetable vathal like sunda vathal, brlnjal vathal, kothavarangal vathal,
nianathakkali vathal. thanlarai vathal and vathal of all klnds solcl without the brand name.
1 1 1. Tamil daily sheet calendars. b

112. Paper bags and paper envelopes whether printed or not.

1 13. Frozen Semen Straws.".

(By order of the Governor)


1 (DTP) IV-2 Ex. (359)-3


The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Leg~slat~ve Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 31st May 2000 and is hereby publrshed for general 111fc1rniation:-

ACT No. 16 O F 2000.

A11 Act jirr.tht.r to trrric~ritl111~.Ttrrriil Ntrtlrr Gc~nc~rtrl

S t r l ~ \ Tvs At.?, 1959.
G 131 it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tanill Nadu in the Fifty-first Year
of the Republic of India as follows:-

1. ( 1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tzx (Seventh Amendment) Short tltlr and
Act, 2000. commence
(2) (a) Section 3 shall be deemed to have come into force on tqe 1st day of April 2000.

( h ) Section 2 shall come into force on such date as the S ate (3overnmenr, may, by
notification, appoint.

f frail Nodu
referred to as the principal Act),- i
2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales T x Act, 1959 (hereinafter

(1)in PART-A, after item 4 and the entries relatlng thereto, the following iten1 and
~ ~ ~ " d m ~ l - '
of Flrst

entries shall be added, namely:-

[ "5. Flour of pulses and grams. F~rstsale ".

(2) in PART-B,-

((1) in item 79, after sub-item (ii), the following sub-item shall be inserted,

"(iii) Combined harvester and transplanter.";

(b) for item 82-A and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries,
shall be substituted. namely:-
"82-A. Waste paper. purchase.".

(3) in PART-D, after item 65 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and First Sale.".
entries, shall be inserted, namely:-

"65-A. Ready-mix concrete.


Ame~dment 3. In the Third Schedule to the principal Act, in Part-B, in item 81, for the expression "The
of rhird following, for sale, by any dealer whose total turnover does not exceed Rs.100 crores in a !

year", the expression "The following goods. for sa1e.b~any dealer whose turnover in respect
of the goods in each sub-item does not exceed rupees three hundred crores in a year" shall be

(By order of the Governor)

S L ' C ~ ~ ~to
I CGosernn~cnt,
Law Depcrrfment.
*.;. I
!(MP) IV-2 Ex. ( 3 5 9 ~ 3 - 3 .


T h e Following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legtslatlve Assembly received the assent of the
1"-" ' I-n
G n v ~ r n n ron the 28th November 2000 and i s hereby nubllshetl for general information:-- i

I BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamrl Nadu in the Fifty-first Year o f
the Republtc o f Indta a s follows:-

Short trtle and 1 . ( 1 ) T h i s Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Eighth Aniend-
i ment) Act, 2000.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 26th day of July 2000.
Amendrncnt of 2. In section 7-C of the Tamtl Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (heletnafter IJ~";I
the prtncrpal Act). - I' yo

( 1 ) in sub-sectron ( 1 ). for the expresston "on the total value o f the works contract
executed by htm In a year", the expression "ettlier on the total value of each works contract or
on the total value of all works contract, executed by h ~ mIII a year" shall be substituted;

( 2 ) for sub-section (3). the following sub-section shall be substituted. namely:---

"(3) where a dealer has exerctsetl hrs optron under sub-sectron (I).-

in respect of each works contract, such option shall be final till the coniple-
tion of such works contract;

( h ) in respect of all works contract, such option shall b e final for that finan-
cial year.".

Amendment of 3 . In section 12 of the prrnclpal Act,--

sectlon 12
( I ) tn sub-section ( I ),-

((I) in clause (a), for the proviso, the following provisos shall b e substituted,

"Provided that >ubject to the provrsions o f sub-sectron (1-A). a dealer whose total
turnover does not c cecd twenty lakhs of rupees per year, shall make a self-assessment for
that year and the ret Irn Stled by hrm shall be accepted wrthout calling for the acco~lnts:

Provtded furtliqr that subject to the provls~onsof sub-section ( I - A ) , a dealer whose total
turnover in a year exceeds twenty lakhs of rupees but does not exceed one crore o f rupees,
shall make a self-assessment for that year subject to the condttrons that he gets his accounts
audited and certified by a Chartered Accountant and submlts to the assessing authorrty a copy
of the audlted and certlfted statement o f accounts and such other statements, a s may be
prescribed, on or before the 30th day of September o f the succeeding year, and such return so
filed by him shall be accepted without c a l l ~ n gfor the accounts.";

( h ) clause ( b ) shall be omitted;

( 2 ) In cub-sectlon ( I - A ) , for the expresston "provrso to clause (a)", the expresston

"provtsos to clause (a)" shall be substrtuted.

ol' section
4. In s e c t ~ o n3 1 of the prtnctpal Act, In sub-sectton ( I ) , in the second provtso, for the
i 31 expression "t~wenty-five per cent", the expresston "twelve and a half per cent" shall be

5. In section 3 1-A of the princ~palAct, in sub-section ( I ) , in the second proviso, for the Amndment

6. (1)The Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Eighth Amendment) Ordinance. 2000 is
nanC"C'ereby repealed.

( 2 ) Notwithstanding such repeal. anything done or any action taken under the principal
Act. as amended by the said Ordinance, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the
principal Act, as amended by this Act.

(By order of the Governor)

Secrctrrv to Govi?rnmmt,
L ( I MDe,nczrtnrent.
The follow~ngAct of the Tam11Nadu Legislat~veAssenlbly rece~vedthe assent of the
t Governor on the 5th December 2000 and is hereby publ~sheafor general information:--

I At1
ACT No. 38 OF 2000.
Actf'irrtltci. to czi?lc.r7tlthe Tamil N c d ~Genei.cll Stilts Tux A c t , 1959.

Bt. it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-first
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
k 1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Ninth Amendment) Short title and
B Act, 2000.
(2) ( n ) Section 2 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of
June 2000.

( b )Section 3 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 6th day of July

Nadu Act 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 Amendment of
1959 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act),- First Schedule.

( a ) for item 41 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-

"4 1. Polythene and Plastic bags including .-

LDPE plastic bags for milk pouches. First sale.";

( b ) after item 88 and the entries relating thereto, the following items
and entries shall be added, namely:-

k "89. kotton waste of all kinds whether obtained from

ginning, spinning or otherwise. First sale.

90. Glass bottles, whether old or used. Last purchase.";

(2) in Part-C,-

(a) item 13 and the entries relating thereto shall be olmitted;

( h ) in item 52, after sub-]ten1(vi), the following sub-lteni shall be added,


"(vil) Trade mark labels.";

( c ) after item 66 and the entries relating thereto, the following items
and entries shall be added, namely:-

"67. Light roofing sheets (obta~ncdby lrnrners~ngpaper

mat in bitumen). dirst sale.

68. PVC pipes, tubes and fittings of all \.ar ietie:; including
flexible and rigid pipes, hoses and tubes, whether trans-
parent or not. I'VC and plastic water supply Items and
sanitaryware. F~rstsale.";


((I) itcliis 12. 1-1 aiici 24 ; ~ n d tllc ontries 'strlat~n~

t11t.1-cto silall ht.
omitted ;

( h ) atier item 27 and the entries relating thereto, the following iten1 and
entries shall be added, namely:--
First sale.";

"28. (i) Glass mirrors.

(ii) Coloured glass mirrors.
(iii) Figured glass mirrors.
(iv) Framed mirrors (on the turnover relating to components thereof
which have not already suffered tax).

(4) in Part-E, item 1 2 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

Amendment of 3 . In the Seventh Schedule to the principal Act, after item 5 and the entries relating
Seventh thereto, the following items and entries shall be added, namely:-
"6. Raw rubber.
7. Marbles.".

(By order of the Governor)

Secretrrry to Goverr~mcwt,

kr The followiqg Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 3rd December 2000 and is hereby published for general information:--

ACT No. 39 OF 2000.

1 An Act further. to crnzrntl the Trrnlil Ntrdlr Genc>rtrlS(11e.s Trrx Act, 1959.
Bt it enacted by the Legislative Assembly o f the State o f Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-first
--: $
Year of the Republic of India a s follows:--

1. (1) This Act may b e called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Tenth Shorttitleand
Amendment) Act, 2000. commence-
(2) (a) Clause ( I ) , clause (2). clause (3), clause ( 4 ) in so far as it relates to
Rect~fieds p i r ~ tand Transmission Towers, and clause (5), of section 2
I shall be deemed to have come into force on the 10th day of Augi~st2000.

(b) Clause ( 4 ) of s e c t ~ o n2 111 so fat as ~t relates to A.C S R conductors

shall be deemed to have conie into folce on the 24th day of August

( c ) Section 3 shall be deemed to have come Into force on ,he 14th day
of August 2000.

In the Flrst Schedule to the l'amll Nadu General Sale: Tax Act, 1959 Amendlnelit to
(heremafter referred to as the prlnc~palAct),- I lrs~Schedulc ,

(1) in P A R [ - B for
, Item 44 and the e n t r ~ e srelatlng thereto, t11e follow~ngItem
and entrles shall be substituted, namely -

"44. Irldlan Muslcal Instruments. Ftrst sale.";

(2) In PART-C.aftel Item 68 and the entr1t.s rclatlng thertto, the f o l l o w ~ ~ l g

Item and entries shall be added, namely:--

"69 Mu51cal lnstru~rieritsof all L ~ n d sother than Flrst sale ";

Indian M u s ~ c a lInstrunlents.

( 7 ) ~n Ptrtr-D. ~n ~ t e n i2.3. 111 the cnt11c5 111 column the eupresslon

"rect~fiedS ~ I I I\hall
~ " be o m ~ t t c d ,

( 4 ) In P I K I - D D ,aftel Item 3 h and the e n t ~ ~ relating

items and entrles shall bc added. 11an1ely:---

"29 Uectlf~cdsp11it.
tl~ct,to, the following

F ~ r s tsale "

-30. l'ral~sn~issiun
'l'o\ver~. 1:irst sale.

3 i . A.C.S.R cnnductols. First sale.";

( 5 ) in PAR!--G.after item 20 and thc entries ielatil~gthereto, the following

iten1 and entries shall bc added. nan1ely:----

" 2 1. Narcotics. First sale."


Amendment of
( I ) for the expresslon "item I-A of PART-A",the expression "Item 1 of
-%I1 shall be substituted;

(2) for the expresslon "Item 3 of PARI-A",the expression "item 2 of

PART-Z"shall be substituted.

(By order of the Governor.)

Sec.r.etary to Govt~r~~lr~~crit.
Law Depnrrrnent

The following Act of the Tam11 Nadu L e g ~ s l a t ~ vAssembly
e rece~vcdthe assent of
the G o v e r ~ ~ oorn the 4th December 2000 and I S hereby p~~blisIi~:d for general

ACl' No. 40 O F 2000.

Strlv\ 7ir1 ,Ic i . 1959

All Act frrr.ther to rrnrc~rrtlthcl Ttrmlrl Nrrrlrr Gc~r~c~rtrl
-I ---.Kr -, *nreaWWlaP

BI ~t enacted by the L.eg~slat~ve Assembly of the State of 'I'am~lNzdu In the F ~ f t y -

frrst Year of the R e p u b l ~ cof I n d ~ aas follo\+s:--

I. This Act may be called the Tanill Naclu Genela1 Sales l a x ( E everth Amendment) 4ho11 I I I I C
Act, 2000.

. .I \ ~ C ~ L A
I L ~ 2. In section 12 of the Tarn11Nadu Cieneral Sales Tax Act, 1959. ~nsub-sect~on( 1 ), ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ,,,t i ~ ~ , , ~
1 1 5 ) In clause (a), after the second provlso. the follow~ngprovlso shall kc added, namely:- \ ~ ~ l l o I2

"Provided also that copy of the audited and certified state of accounts and
other prescribed statements, for the financlal year commencing 1st day of April
1999 shall b e submitted to the assessing authority on or the 31st day of
December 2000.". !

(By order of the Governor)

to G'over-nment.
Law Deprrr.tnzcrr t.

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 5th December 2000 and is hereby published for general
ACT No. 4 1 OF 2000.
An Act jlrr.thei to (~tt~elrtl
t11~'T(zt?111N [ I ( / ~GI S I I C I YS(IIC'J
I ~ T(1.y Act. 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu In the Fifty-first
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Twelfth shorttitle
Amendment) Act, 2000.

I ~ r ; i ~ 'lc a d u 2. In section 12 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act,1959, ~n sub-sectlon Amendment of
1'1 I ot ( I ) , in clause (a), for the second proviso, the following proviso shall be subst~tuted, Sect1On 12

5 namely:-
"Provided further that subject to the provisions of sub-section (I-A), a dealer
whose total turnover in a year exceeds twenty lakhs of rupees but does not exceed
one crore of rupees, shall make a self-assessment for that year subject to the conditions
that he gets his accounts,-
(i) in respect of the goods manufactured and sold by him, audited and
certified by a Chartered Accountant or by a Cost Accountant;
(ii) in respect of other goods, audited and certified by a Chartered
and submits to the assessing authority a copy of the audited and certified statement
of accounts and such other statements, as may be prescribed, on or before the 30th
day of September of the succeeding year, and such return so filed by him shall be
accepted without calling for the accounts.".
(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government,
Law Department.


eived the assent of the

eneral information:-
ACT No.23 OF 2001.
AII Acl Jrrr/ler to a.wend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Ta.r Act, 1959.
BEit enacted by the Legislative Assembly ol'the State orTar.iil Nadu in the Fifty-second
Year o f the Republic of India as follows:-

1. (1)This Act may br: called the Tamil Nadu Gencral Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, Short litlc and
( 2 ) (a) The provi:iions of this Act, except sub-clause (m) of clause (3) of
section 2 shall bc deemed rcl have come into force on the 18th day of August 2001.
( 6 ) Sub-clahse(m)of clause (3) of section 2 shall be deemed to have come into
force on the 16th day of August 200 1.

'. 2 . In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter
referred to as tbe principal Act),-
Amendment of
(1) PART-Aand all items and entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(2) in PART-B ,-
(a) item 3-A and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

( b )for item 7 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
shall be substituted, name1y:-
"7. Biscuits which are dot branded . First sale.*;

(c) items 7-A, 10 and 10-A and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(4for item 12 and the entries relating thereto, the fcllowing item and entries
shall be substituted, namely;-
" 12. (i) Cattle feed supplements and concentrates Firs! sale.";

(ii) Poultry feed supplements and concentrates.

(e) in itern 21, for the expression "cycleseat covers, cyclc dynamo Iights", the
expression "cycle seat covers, cyclc locks, cycIe dynamo tights" shall be substituted;
22-C and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
V) for i ~ e m
shall be substiiuied, namely ;-
"22-C. (i) Flour of pulses and grams

(ii) Flour of grams.rice and ragi mixed with spiccdmasala powder sold
with or without brand name

(gj itenl22-D and the entrirs relating thereto shall be omitted;

h ) for itern 22-Eand thc entries relating thercro, the following item and entries
sl1311 bc substit~rted,namely:-
"22-E.(i) Fried groundnut Kernal
(ii) Parched gram or fried gram
( i ) sub-item (i) of item 30, items 3 1,4743; 50 and 53 and the entries relating
thercto shall he o n ~ i ~ r e d ;


Ij)in item 79, for thz sub-items ( i ) and ( j i ) and [he entries reiating thereto. rh?
following sub-items and entries shall be substituted, namc1y:-
"(i) Tractors of all kinds (excluding crawler tractors) and articles(excludin~; ' i:,,:~S ~ I C . - ,
batteries) adapted for w e , generally as parts and accessories of tractors and tools and
implementsused therewith.

, (ii) Trai ers of tractors of all kinds.

(k) in iten187, for the expression "items 18,49", thc expression "ilems 18,19,
49" shall be substituted;

(1) after item 90 and theentrie~relatin~theretcs,

the following items andcntrics
shall be added. namely:-
"91. Jari of ail kinds includingmetallicyam, metallicjari y am,metallic plastic Firs1 salt.
yam, polyester film yarn and radiant yam.
92. Jeera including black jeera (cuminseeds) First salt,

93.Maize products. Firsr salt.

94. Manmadestaple fibres, fibre yam, filament yam and wasteofany orthem. Firs1 salt.

95. Sijk cotton seeds. t:~rst sale.

(a) b item 16,aftcr sub-item(xii), the following sub-itcm and entries relating
thereto, shall be added, 11arne1y:-
"(xiii) All other dyes not specified elsewhere in the Schedule.";
(b) in item 17, for the expression "Fluorescentligbting tubes", the expression
"compact fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lighting tubes" shall be substituted;
(c) for item21 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
shall be substituted, namely:-
"2 I . Footwear other than those specified in the Third Schedule. Firs1 5311

(d) in item 22, in the Explanalion-1, for the expression "3 in Palt-DM,[he
expression" 32 in Part-DD" shall be substitutcd;
(e) items 24 and 27 and the entries relating thereto shall be ornilled;
(fl in item 30,after sub-item (vi) and befare !tie proviso thereunder, the
following sub-item sball be inserted, namely:-
"(vii)Printing, writing, tclcprintcr, typewriting, manifnld and bol~dpaperand
computer stationery of all kinds.";
(g) for item 3 1 and the entries 'relating thereto, the following item and enrries
shall be substituted, namely:-

"31. Paper napkin and paper cups.

(h) in item 32,after the expression "partsand accessories thereof and lenses",
the expression "Photographicfilms, plates, paper, prints, instant print filmsand chemicals
used in the photographic development and printing process" shall be added;
(i) for jtcm 33 and the cnrries rclnting tl~err'to.~lkcfollriali~tgile~uand cnrrirs
sbnll bc subsliluted. tlanrc1y:-

Ij)in item 4 1, for the expression "all kinds",the expression "all kinds, parts and
accessories thereof and needles used therewith" shall be substituted; -

(1) for item 46 and the entries reIating thereto, the following item and entries.
shall be substituted, namely:-

"46. (i) Parts and accessories, ihcluding fare meters but excluding batteries, Firs1 sale.";
tyres, tubes and flaps of two wheeIers and three wheelers specified in itcm 66 o f f ART-DD
of the Schedule.

(m)in item 52, for sub-items (iv) to (vii) and the entries relating thereto, the -

following sub-item and entries shall be substituted; namely:-

"(iv) all printed materials other tban those specified in sub-items (i) to (iii)
above, whether made ofpaper, paper board or other materials like account books, registers,
order books, receipt books, memorandum pads, folders, file covers, book covers, greeting
cards and invitation cards of all kinds and irade mark labels including those materials

(n) item 64 and the entries relating fhereto shall be omitted;

"65. Pagers and cellular telephones- First sale.";

(p) after item 68 and the entries relating thereto, the follohing items and entries
shall be added, namely:-

First salt.

72. Dumpers, loaders, scrapers, crawler tractors, excavators, bull dozers and Firsl sale.
wheel dozers.
73. Toffccs, confcctionery and chocolates which are not branded. First sale.

74 Tyres (includingpneurnatic tyres, radial tyres), tubes and flaps ordinarily First sale.";
used for tractors except crawler tractor and trailer of tractors.

(4) PART-CC shall be ornilted;

( 6 )in PART-DD,-

sub-ilems and entries shall be substituted, namely:- I

"(ii) Paver finishers, dragnets, dredgers, road rollers and other similar varieties
of niachincry of which a mechanically propeIled vehicle forms an integral part (other than
rl~oscspccilictl clsci-~hcrein the Schedule).



---- -
(iii) Crane lomes including floating cranes, break down lorries. road sweeper
lomes, spraying lorries, concrete mixer lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological
units, ambulances, fire-fighting units including fire floats, drilling r jgs mounted on mntor
vehicles and floating vessels platform irucks. fork lift trucks and other similar varieties of
machinery of which a m~:chanicallypropelled vehicle forms an integral par1 which is
subsidiary lo their main function.
(iv) Parts and accessories of motor vehicles and trailers falling under
sub-items (1) to (jii) above and item 72 of PART-C including faremeters but excluding
I batteries.";

- I
. (b) for item 15 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
s h a l be substituted, naniely :--
"15. Rubber latex compound aadrubberproducts (excluding pharmaceutical and First salc.":
surgical products), namely:-
(i) Compound rubber, unwlcanised, in primary fornrs or in plates, sheets or
(ii) Other forrns (like rods, tubes andprofile shapes) and articles (far example
discs and ~ g ofsrubber).
(iii) Rubber thread and cord.
(iv) Plates, blocks, sheets, strips, rods and protile shapes of rubber.
(v, T:lbes, pipes and hoses ofrubber with or withow their fittings (for example,
joinrs, elbows, flanges).
(vi) Conveyor, transmission or elevator belts or beJting of rubber whether
combined with any textile material or otherwise.
(vii) interchaugeable tyre treads (Tread rubber).
(viii) Article* of apparel and clothing accessories (including glovcs) for all
purposes of rubber.
(ix) Hardened rubber (far axampleebonite) in all forms, including wasteand
scrap and vricles of hard lubber.
(x) Other articles of rubber.";
(c) lorilml9snd ilrcenhie~rclatia~
thereto, the following items and ennisr B a l l
be substituted, namely:-

"29. ELhyl alcohol, absolute aicolol, methyl iiicoh01, rectified spirit, neutral
spirit and denatured spirit.
(d) after item3 1 and the entiiesrelatingthereto,the following items and en*es
shall be added, namely:-
"32. Asphalt @itlua&) Fiisr salt."

33. BarkdwiFe. wiremwh, chicken-mesh expandedmetal andchain linkmade Firs1 sale.

ofany mekd or mate-ial.

34. Tofl'ees, confectioneryamd chocolates which aresoldunder abrand name. i'irst salc.

35. Biscuits which are soId under a brand name. PirSt salt.

36. ~olts,nutsmdrivets, threaded or tapped and screws ofbase metal or alloys Firsr sale.
theroof, bclu&g bolt end, screw studs, screw studding, self-tapped screw, screw hooks,
s m w rings and screw eye and hooks and (i) clamps ofall kinds (ii) cotter pins of all kinds

. (iii) valvesof all kinds including pressure relief valves and conlrol valves (iv)washers of
. dl kinds (Y) perforaed sheet of any mcml or material.



37. Brake fluid.

38. (i) Branded, processed and packed fresh meat, poulny, fish,sea food
Fint salt.

Firs1 salc.
i and cggs.
(ii) Branded and packed fresh vegetables and fruits.

E,B 39. carbide tips and tools and hand tools.

40. Carbon black and acetylene black.
Firs1 sale.

First salt.

1 4 1 . Chemicals, the following:-

(i) Soda ash (ii) Bleachingpowder (iii) Sodium bi-carbonate(iv) SodiumhydrosuIphite '
Fint sale.

(v) Sulphate of alumina (vil Sodiumnitrate(vii) Sodium acetate (viii) Sodium sulphate (ix)
Acidslurry (x) Trisodiurnpho~ph~l, f c "ntripolyphosphace(xii) Sodiumsilicatc(xiii)
Sodium metasilizate(xiv) Carboxy methyl cellulose (xv) Sodium sulphide (xvi) Acetic Acid
(xvii) Sodiumbi-sulpbite (xviii) Oxalic acid(xix) Sodiumthio-sulphate (xx) Sodium sulphite
(xxi) Sodium alginate(xxiij Benzene (xxiii) C i h c a cid (xxiv)Djethy lcne glycol (xxv) Sodium
nitrate (xxvi) Hydrogen perdxide(xxvii) Acetaldehyde(xxviii) Pentamyhiotol(xxix) Sodium
alpba olefin sulphonate (axx) Sodium ionnate ( x x x i ) All ocher chemicals not specified
elsewhere in the Schedule.

6 42. Cuddapah stone slabs and shababad stone slabs.

43. Electrical goods of all kinds (other than those specified elsewhere in this
Schedule) used in the gdneration, traosmission, distribution or in connection with che
Fimt salt.

First salc

consumptionof elecfricity includhg all kind5 ofwires and cables, empire clothandempire
sleeves, holders, plugs, switches, casings, tappings, reapers, bends, junction boxes,
coupling boxes, meter boxes, switch boxes, fuse switch boxes, dishbution boxes, power
meters, meter boards, switchboards, wooden plugs (gettis), lightning arrestors, e l e c ~ c a l
earthenware and porcelain-ware, ports and accessories of all such goods.
44. Fumacas and boilers of all types including fluidizedb e d b i l a andignifluid Fint salt.
boilers andboilersusing agriculturalwasteas fuel but not including b o i l e r s u s i n g ~ c i p a l
waste only as fuel.
45. (i) ~raniteblacks (rough or raw) First salt. '

(ii) Polished granite slabs, including t&b stones, r n o k e n t slab and head

46. Handmade soap of a11kinds (bothbathing and washing) including soap flakes, F i n t salt..
powder, liquids and detergents but excluding shampoo and metal polishers in any form.

47. I c e - c r e m of all kinds, including ice-candy, ice-kakt, icejelly, fruti,W and

frozen coyfectionery, frozen dessert sold under a brand name, whether such brands are
registered under the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (CenmlAct 43 of 1958) w

48. Locks of all kinds and varieties except bicycle Iocks. Fimt salt.

49. Machineries of all kinds (other than-those specifically mentioned in this First sale..
Schedule) worked by (i) ElecQ-icity(ii) Nuclearpower(iii) Hybo-dpamicaodskeampower
(iv) Dicscl orpebol(v) FurnaceoiI (vi) Kerosene (vii) Coal includingcokeandcharcoal(viii)
any other form of fuel orpower (excIudinghuman or animal labour) {ix)Partsand accmorics
of machineries and tools used with the machineries mentioned in sub-items (i) and (viii)
50. Mercury.

5 1. Nitric, hydrochloric and suIphbric acids.



52, Oil engines, pans and accessories thercof. l'irsf s a l t , 1

53. Plasticproducts, including melamine wear and break resistant plastics other l:irjl
than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule-
54. Playing cards.
55. Power factor and shunt capacitors of all kinds.

56. Pre-recorded video cassette and compact discs. First salt.

57. Railcoacbes, wagons, containers for the transport offluids, olher rail coaches jCirsl .:aIc.
specially designed for specific purposcs and rail locomatives, parts and accessories
thereof. '

58. Readymixconcrete. Firs1 5alc.

59. Rubber of synthetic origiq including butadicne acrylonitrile rubber, styrene Firs1 sdc.
butadiehe rubber and butyl rubber, synthetic rubber latex, including pre-vulcanised
synthetic rubber latex.
60. (i) Ships, steamers, motor and steam boats and launches, trawlers, tugs, First sale,
submarines, oil tankers and other vessels operated by any form ofpower, including their
hulls, engines, parts and accessories thereof.
(ii)Barges andcanoesandsimilarvessels not coming under sub-item(i) above.
61. Squashes and essences. F~rsrsalc.

62.stainless steel articles made wholly or principally of stainless s ~ c eothcr

l than First sxle
those specified elsewhere in this Schedule,
63.(i)Steelalminhs and furniture of all kinds including household furniture (Q ther Firs1 salt-
than those spccifiod elsewhere in this Schedule) made from all kinds of metals, fibre glass,
wood,reinbrczdplastics or made fromany kind ofplasrics, upholdstered furnirurc
orfhmiture inthe manufactureof which laminated sbeets are used, whethersold in assembled
or unassembled fonn and ready to assemble, parts thereof;~ n da[[ kinds of stands.
(ii) Office equipments of every description, ilicluding filing cabinets, card-
index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen-trays, officestamp stands and similar office
or desk equipments whethersold in asscmblcd orunassembled form and ready to assemble,
parts thsrcof (other h a n those specified elelsewhere in this Schcdulc and stationery

~&danatio~r.-Slotted angles, gussets, pla~es,p n e h and strips which when

assembled formfurniturc orequipments,shallbedeemed to be furniture or officecquiprnents,
as the case may be, fi a thc purpose of this item.

64. Suit cascs, brief cases, attache casei, despatch cases, valiity bags, vanity v i r s ~sdc.
cases and vanity boxes (other than those specified elsewhere in the Schedule].

ExpJonation - Vanity bag, vanity case and vanily box mean a bag, a case or a box
holding a mirror and cosnletics or toileEies.
65. Sulphur. Firs1 salc.

66. (i) Thrce wheelers by whatever name known including autorikshaws, chassis Firs1 snlc-
ofantorickshawsand othcr three wheelers, bodies clr tankers, built or meant For mounting
on three wheeler chassis belonging to others (on the turnover relating ro bodies).

(ii) Motor cycles, motor cycle combinations, motor scooters, motor scooter
combinations. molorettes and mopeds.

(iii) Motorised bi-cycles, tri-cycles, cycIe rickshaws, tandem cycles, cycIe

combinations, carriages for invalid persons and perambulators.
67.Tyres including pneumatic tyres, tubes and flaps, ordinarily used with power Firsl salc.
driven two wheelers, three wheelers, four wheelers and higher number ofwheelers jwherher
or not such lyres are also used for other purposes) other than t1;ose specified elsewhere
in the Schedule.

68. Water meters, gas merers, industrial thermometers. pads and accessories First sale.

69.Welding electmdes, graphite electrodes. welding rods ofall kinds, including First salc.
brazen rods and soldering wires.

70. Wet grain grinders worked by any form of power, other than human labour
(Whether or not sold as a composite unit, wit11or without motors), parts and accessories
of such grinders.

(7) in PART-2, aftcr item 2, Ihc iollowing itcm and enlrics shall be added, namely:-
"3. Synthetic gem. Firs! salc.";
- .
(3)In thc Second Schedule to the principal Act, in sub-itern (b) of item 7, for the Arncndmtnl of
figure "2" in column (41, the figure "4"shall br substituted. Second
4. In the Third Schedule to the principal Act, in PART-B,- Arncndmtnl of
( 1 ) in item 8, for the expression "milo and maize", the expression "andmilo" Schedule.
shall be subs,ituted;
(2) item 47 and entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(3) fur item 73 and ~ h entries
c relating thereto, the fcllowing itcmand tlIc -ntries
shall be substituted, namely:-
"73. Non-pressure kerosene stoves arid parts and accessories of kerosene
stoves. ";

(4) in item 8 1 , sub-item (e) and the entries relaling thereto shall be omitted;

(5) in item 106, after sub-itern(xxvii) and the enrries relating thereto, the following
sub-itcms and entries relating thereto shall be nddded, namely:-
"(xxviii) lron Vadai chatti
(xxix) iron adtippu

(xxxi) Iron mmukku and idiappa ural

(xxxii)bothu kuzhaj, Thee idukki and Pslhira kuradu
(sxxiii)Zinc milkcan
(xxxiv) Z i w bucket an:l Al~daa
(xaxv) lrun nluram and K o d a i
[xxx vi) Dosai kal and Rinalru urulai
(..ixxuii) Rat traps
(xxxviii) lrbn sallacii
( x x x i x ) Malhu, Bajji Kattai,Poori
Palagai and Kuzhavi.";


( 6 )after item 113 and the entries relating thereto, the following items ant1 entries
relating thereto shaIl be added, namely:-

" 1 13. Footwear with MRP ]'ate of less than rupees one h u ~ l d r e d .

115. Hand pumps used for the supply and dis~ributionof water. parts and
accessories thereof. ".

(By order of the Governo~)

Seer-einry to Governn~enr.
Lnlv Depnr-rtt~et~t.


The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received theassent ofthe
Governor on the 25 th September 2001 and is hereby published for general informaiion:-

An Acr J I I - C I I P ~ to amend rhe Tamil Nadri General Su1r.s Tnx Acl. 1959.
BE iL enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Statc of Tamil Nadu in the
Fifty-second Year ofthe Republic of India as follows:--
I (1) This Act may be caIled the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Short tide and
Amendment) Act, 200 1. con\mcncc-
(2) It shail be deemed to have come into force on the 28th day of August 2001.
2. In the First Schcdulc to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment of
referred to as the principal Act).--

((I) for ilem 18 and thc entries relating Lheretcr, thc following item and entries
shall be substituted, namely:-
" 18 Computers, personal, mini, maififrames and laptops of analog and digitaI
varielies including Automatic Teller Machines, their hardware and peripherals like rn0de.m
and speakers, key board, monitor, mouse, CPU, floppies nf all sizes, cartridge tape drives,
CD ROM drives, U A T d. ives, hard disc Iike printers of dot matrix, ink jet and laser, line,
:inc-matrjx,scanners, m111timedia kits, plotters, computer consumables including DAT
[apes, printer ribbons, printcrcarhidges and cartridge tapes and computer cleaning kits.";
( b ) for item 82-A and the entrits relating thereto, the following item and
zntric: shall be substituted, namely:--
"82-A.Waste paper and waste of paper board. ~ a s purchase.";
( c ) itcm 85 and the enhies relating thereto shall be omitted;
(4 after item 95 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be added, namely:--
"96. Agarbathi and camphor First sale.";
(2) in PART-C, item 1-Band the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(2) in PART-D,item 9 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(4) in PART-J, in ilem 2, the expression "or tobacco" shall be omitted;
3. In the Third Schedule to the principal Act, in Part-B,-- Arnend~cntof
. Third
( I ) for items 35 and 35-A and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-

"35. Life saving drugs,namely:-

CycIosporin, B leomycin, Cytosine, Arabinoside, As athioprine, Nitrogiycerine,
Pentoxifylline, lnj. Strrptomycin, Rifampicin Cap. and Tab., Tab. INH.Tab. Ethambutal,
Tab. Pyrazinamide, Tab. Diamine-Diphonyl, SuIphone (DAPSONE),Tab.Azathioprine,Inj.
Adriamycin, Inj. Cisplatin, Inj. 5 Flurouracil, I j . Mitomycin-C, Inj. Vincristine,
Inj. Cyclophospharnide, Tab.Cyclophosphamide, Inj. Etoposide, Vinblastine, Sulphate
Inj., Ta b. Basulphan, Inj. Methotrexate, Tab.Methobexate, DanazoI Cap. Tamoxifon Cimte
E.rplfl~~fltic;~r.,-- For the purpose of this item, the anti-T.B. drugs mentioned shall
it~cludcttic c r t r i ~ h i ~ l a t i opack
n o f s l ~ i bctr~gs.";

(2) In itenl72, for sub-item (iii) and the cntries reIating thereto, 1l1c following
sub-item and entries shall be substituted, namely:--
"(iii) Parts and accessories including wicks and chimncys of sub-ikms
(i) and (ii) above.".

(Byorder of the Governor)

Srcr-ernry to Govenrntenr.
Lnlv Depnrrmetrr.

- PRINTED AND PUCll.lSllbI) UY 'I'HE DIRECTOH 11F S'l'h IlOKlJHY AN11 llltlK'I'lN1;, ~'1ll~i~Nhl

. --
LatestLaws.com 1
- -A- -- - --


The following Act of the 'Tam11 Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the1
Governor on the 18th April 2002 a i ~ d1s hereby published for general information:--

ACT No. 5 OF 2002.

An Act further to amend the Tamil-Ncldu General Sales T(IX,4ct. 1959.

Bc it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of 'TabnilNadu in the Fifty-third Year of
the Republic of India as follows:--

I. (1 ) 'This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Genelal Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 2002. Short title
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on t11e 29th day of November 2001. commence

"' ' 2. In section 12 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred to
as the principal Act), in sub-sect~on( I ), in clause (a),-
of sectio~
( i ) in the second proviso, for the expression "30th day of September", the expression
"31st day of October" shall be substituted;
( i i ) after the third proviso, the following proviso shall be added, namely:-

"Provided also that copy of the audited and certified statement of accounts and other
prescribed statements, fair the financial year commencing on the 1,st day of April 2000 shall
be submitted to the assessing authority on or before the 30th day of November 2001.".
Tamil Nadu 3. (1) The Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Ordinance, 2001, is hereby Repeal and
Ordinance saving.
8 of 2001

(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the principal '

Act, as amended by the said Ordinance, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the
principal Act, as amended by this Act.

(By order of the Governor)

Sccretc~ryto Governmettt.
LN MI Dc'~)~rt~nent.


The following Act of the 'Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 26th May 2002 ahd is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 12 OF 2002.
AH 4 c l jirrther lo ultrerlil the Tunil Nadrr Genrrol Strles Tux .-irt. 1 9 j Y .
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of tile State of Taniil Nadu in the
k Fifty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:--
1. ( I ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales .Tax (Second
'W 7
Amendment) Act. 2002. ,:, cmmencenien

b (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 21th day;of September
200 1. , .&,
2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax' Act. 1959,- Aniendmentrlf
in PART-C.- First 'ichedi~le

ti (a) in 'item 52. in the proviso. for the expres~ion"item 53 in Part-B", the
espression "item 30 in Part-C" shall be substituted:
(b) after item 74 and the entries relating thereto. the following item and
entries shall be added, namely:-
"75. Biscuits uhich are sold under a brand name. not registered under the First,&":
Trade and Merchandise Marks Act. 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958) excluding biscuits
imported from orher cour~irk s .
(2) in PART-D, for item 35 and the entries relating thereto, the following
item and entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"35. (i) Biscuits which are sold under a trade mark registered under the Firstsale."
Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958);
(ii) Bisci~itsimported from other countries.".

(By order of the Governor)

l o (;ol'rrnt~tc~t~t,
L11\v D ~ ~ L I ~ I I I I ~ I I I .


The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 75th V ay 2003 a d is hereby published for zeneral information:-
ACT No. 13 OF 2002.

BE it enacted by tht: Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the

Fifty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:--
1. ( I ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax ('l'hird ~horttitleand
Amendment) Act, 2002. ci>mmencenicnt.

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of December
200 1.
Act 2 , in the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 Alnendmelltof
(hereinafter referred to as the principal Act),- First Schedule.

(1) in Part-B, in item 34-A, in the entries in column (2), the expression
"made wholly or partly of wool" shall be omitted;
(2) Part-D and the items and entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

(a) for item 67 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted. namely:-
"67. ( i ) Tyres including pneumatic tyres, tubes and flaps, ordinarily used with ~i,,t
power driven two wheelers, three wheelers, four wheelers and higher number of
wheelers (whether or not such tyres are also used for o t h d j purposes) other than
those specified elsewhere in the Schedule;
(ii) Tyres, tubes and flaps of animal drawn vehicles.
. .
(b) after item 70 and the entries relating thereto, the following items-'
and entries shall be added, namely:-
"71. Caustic soda First sale.

72.(i) I'lraffin wax-food grade standard. First sale.

(ii) 'araffin wax of all grade standards other than food grade standard
including standard was and match wax.
(iii) Slack was.
7 3 . Pressure lamps. I. irst snlc

74. (i) Weighing machines of all kinds including platforni scales. weigli bridges. I:~rstsnlc
counter scales, spring balances. weighins scales and balances.
(ii) Dipping measures. metric pouring rnedstlres. conical measures and
cylindrical measures.
( i i i ) blerre scales. measuring tapes. steel lards and survey chains.
75.All other goods not specified elsewhere in any of the Schedules. 1'1rsis~~lc.".

( 4 ) in Part-JJ. for the heading "Goods which are taxable at thp -.ate of 50
per cent". the heading -.Goods which are taxable at the ratc -'
55 per cent" shall
be substituted.

Amendnient of 3. In the Third Schedule to the principal Act. in Part-B. item 92 and the
'I'hird entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

Amendnlent of 4. In the Sixth Schedule to the principal Act, I ~ite~n

I I . in column (4). for
Sisth the figures "50", the figures "55" shall be substituted.

(by order of the Governor)

Secretrrry to Govrr~itneilt,
L t n ~LIe1)crrrment.

ACT No. 18 OF 2002.

An Act jirrther to amend the Tumil Nadzi General ,''ales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-third
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
I. (I) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Short title and
Act, 2002. commence-
(2) (a) The provisions of this Act except section 8 shal! be deemed to have come
into force on the 27th day of March 2002.
(b) Section 8 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of

2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred to as the Substitution of
Act 1 of principal Act), for the First Schedule, the following Schedule shall be substituted, First Schedule.



Description of the goods toint of levy in

the State.

(2) (3)

Goods which are taxable at the rate of 1 per cent
I. B~.:lion,that is to say, gold and silver in mass and uncoined, pure or alloy and First sale
sp cie including palaramarel silver and kora gold
2. Wornout or beaten jewellery I,ast purchase
First sale
3. Sqnthetic gem

Gooils ~vhicakure ta.lrahle at the rate of 4 per cent I

I. (i) Agarbathi , First sale

(ii) Camphor,

(iii) Gum Benzoin (Sambirani) and

(iv) lnstart sanlbirani in the fornl of tablets or sticks



2. (i) Agricultural power sprayers, F ~ r ds;iIe

(ii) Power tiller and trailer of power tiller,

(iii) Pumpsets of 3 h.p. and 5 h.p. and
(iv) Sprinkler and drip irrigation equipment.
F ~ r s ts d e
3. ,Baby feeding bottles and nipples made of any material
4. (i) Baby milk food, k l r s l sale

(ii) Flavoured milk,

(iii) Foods and food preparations and mixes includ~nginstant foods, coconut
milk powder, p~ckles,sweets, cheese, confectiont:ry. chocolates, toffees and
savories like chips and popcorn sold without a brand name.
(iv) Ice creams sold without brand name,
(v) Non-alcoholic beverages sold without a brand name.
(vi) Sherbet,
(vii) Sweets made of groundnuts, gingelly, puffed rice, fried gram and peas dhall
and rnuruk ku,
(viii) Vegetable vathals of all kinds sold under a brand name.

5. Bamboo F1r.r sale

Explanation.-For th: purpose of this entry, in the case of bamboo purchased by [lie
forest contractors in the auction of forest coupes conducted by the Forest Department of
the Government sale by such contractors of such bamboo, in any form or size shall be
deemed to be the First sale and the sale by the Forest Department in such auction of Forest
coupes shall not be deemed to be the First sale.

6. (i) Basic chromium sulphate, f'lrst sale

(ii) Sodium bi-chr~mate,

(iii) Bleach liquid,

7. Beds, pillows and quilts made of cottor, or silk cotton [ . I T S (sale

8. Beedi leaves F~rs:sale

9. Biomass Briquettes Firs1 sale

10. (i) Blue metal f ~ r L. .:ale

(ii) Bricks, including -

'9) Refractory bricks. brick-bds. b~ici, ballad.
(b) Hello\\ block bricks and cement hollorc l!lv:l+.s.

( c ) 'Jabie moulded bricks and

( d ) Country bric:,s and caantr!: tilt\ ; x ~ u ,. t-.i!,+-i! cln\ .bhc!hc; jnnclti: :
made or hand ni,,ilc iorhcr tf,,tnrhl ;r i'3iit:i; cis' A ~ I ; * , ' t t r . i ~h\ s:r!t~Je\ '

and sror ware.

( c ' ) Grog of ( a ) (dl.

( i i i ) SCind,red earth and red gravel i


First sale

(ii) Bakery products including biscuits and cakes sold without a brand name or
with a brand name nit registered under the Trade and Merchandise M.arks
Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958).
12. Cardamom - First purchase
(ij Purchased within the State,
First sale
(ii) Purchased froin outside the State.
13. (i) Cattle feed supplements and concentrates, First sale .
(ii) Poultry feed supplements and concentrateq.

14. Chemicals Fertilizers, that is to say- First sale

( i ) Ammonium chloride, (ii) Ammoniuni molybdate, (iii) Ammonium
phosphate sulphate of any description, (iv) Ammoniuni sulphate, (v) Ammonium sulphate
nitrate. (vi) Bone meal, (vii) Borex (Sodium fetroborate), (viii) Calcium ammonium nitrate,
(ix) Chelated iron as Fe-EDTA (x) Chelated zinc as Zn-EDTA, (si) Copper sulp~ldte,(xii)
Di-ammonium phosphate, (xiii) Di-calcium phosphate, (xiv) Ferrous su;;'late, (xv) Fused
calcium nlagnesium phosphate. (xvi) Kotka phosphate, (xvii) Manganese sulphate, (xviii)
Micro nutrient. (xix) Mineral gypsum, (xx) Mono arn~nonium phosphate, (xxi) Nitro
phosphate of an), description. (xxii) N.P.K.complex of vcrious grades, (xxiii) Potassium
cliloride (Muriate of potash). (xxiv) Rock phosphate, (sxv) Solubor, (xxvi) Sulphate of
potash, (sxvii) Super phosphate single, (xxviii) Super phosphate triple, (xxix) Urea (other
than technical grade urea). (sxx) Urea ammonium phosphate, (xxxi) Zinc sulphate and
(sxuii) Any niisture cf two or more of the articles mentioiled in items (i) to (xxxi) above
\\.it11 or without the addition of other articles on the turnover relating to components
thereof which have trot already suffered tax. ,

15. Clay. I.ast purchase.

16. (i) Coir products. coir mattings other than thase specified elsewhere in the First sale

( i i ) [leccan hemp products other than deccan hetnp fibre.

17. Combs. First sale

18. ( I ) Computers. personal. mini. mainframes and laptops of analog and digital First sale
varieties including Automatic Teller Machines, their hardnarc and peripherals like modern
and speakers. key board. monitor, nlouse. CPU, floppies ot all sizes, cartridge tape drives,
CI) ROM drives. rlA'1- dri\es. hard disks. printers like dot ~natris,ink jet and laser. line,
line-matrix. scanners. ~nulti rnedia kits, plotters. computer consumables including DAT
tapes. print ribbons. printer cartricqes and cartridge tapes :u~tlcomputer cleaning kits.
( i i ) I.icenscd soli\vare. including 1.1- soft\i1are,
( i i i ) tSlectrc)riic ite~nsas notified by the Government.
10. C'!.clcs. bi-cycles. tric\,clcs including deli\:ery tri-c>clc.s. children tri-cycles and I'irst hale
cat-riagcs. ranclelll cycles. c>cle cornbinntions, parts and acr:cssories including tyres. tubes
anti flaps used tlicrc\iith. z!cle seat covers, cycle loch,. cyclc clqliamo lights and cqrle

30. f)oliiestic ilietisils i ~ ~ c l ~ ~ buckets

d i t i g made of tnctalb or. ulloqs of metals (other than I:irtt >nit
nlumininln) not operated b> pressurc or electricity
7 1. Flht-t.s that i s to siiy- I.'irht salc
( i ) Screw pine tibre.
( i i ) l'aniarind tibre. .
TAMIL NADU .GOVc t t i \ ~ I / ~ cil \ ~~
.. -

22. (i) Flour of Pulses and grams.

(ii) Flour of grams. rice and ragi mixed with spices1 ma:,alii powclcr sold nitll or
without brand name,
(iii) Maize products.
(iv) Masala powder or paste whether or not with oil or additives. \old under a
brand name,
(v) Ready to use flour pastes,
(vi) Sago and starch of any kind,
(vii) Tapioca flour,
(viii) Vermicelli,
(ix) Wheat products, that is to say, atta, maida, sooji, rava and tlour.
23. (i) Fried Groundr.ut kernel,
(ii) Parched gram or fricd gram.
(iii) Peas and peas dhall, including brokens, husk and dust thereof,
(iv) Pulses and Grams including horse grams, avarai (beans), mochai and kara~nani
other than those specified in Second Schedule,
(v) Broken, husk and dust of pulses and grams.
24. (i) Fungicides, herbicides including weedicides, insecticides, pesticides,
rodanticides, germicides and combinations thereof,
(ii) Insect repellent coils, mats, liquids and creams,
(iii) Napthalene balls.
25. Glass Beads and Glass Marbles (Goli gundu).
26. Glass bottles, whether old or used.
27. (i) Gold, Silver, Platinum jewellery including articles thereof,
(ii) Gold covering and imitation jewelle~y,
(iii) I..-inus stones, namely, diamonds, emeralds, rubies, pcarls natural
or cultured, cats eye, sapphires, carbuncle or garnets, coral, sardonyx, topaz
and other semi precious stones whether they are sold loose or as forming part
of any article or jewellery in which they are set.
28. (i) Hair and body c:eaning powders containing shikakai, boonthik';ottai. illuppai
oil cake. poolankizhangu. usilai leaves. ka~thuri manjal'and any such
ingredients or two or more of such ingredients,
(ii) Scouring or cleaning powder other than those specified in sub-itern
(ii) of item 10 of Part-E of this Schedule.
29. (i) Handicraft articles,
(ii) Jute table mats, jute door mats, jute handicrafts and jute wall hangings.
30. (i) Handmade embroidery products,
(ii) Handmade paper including handmade paper board,
(iii) Handmade ultramarine blue, handmade washing blue, handmade robin
blue, handmade laundry brightners of all its forms.

32. (i) Honey,

(ii) Bees wax.
33. (i) Human hair,
(ii) wigs.

34. Ice blocks First sole

35. Indian Musical instruments First salc

36. Jaggery and gur including jaggery powder and nattusakkarai,
(i) Purchased within the State, First purchase
(ii) Purchase from outside the State. I:irst salr

37. (i) Jari ofall kinds includingmetallic yarn.metallic jari yarn. metallic plastic yarn. First sale
polyester film yam and radiant yarn,
(ii) Man made staple fibres, fibre yarn and flament yarn.
(iii) Sewing threads ofall kinds whether natural or artificial other than those falling
under sub-item (a) of item 3 of the Second Schedule but excluding surgical
sewing threads.
38. (i) Lemon grass oil, First sale
(ii) Laurel oil,
(iii) Ginger grass oil. I

39. Light roofing sheets obtained by immersing paper mat in bitumeil. First sale

40. Mosquito destroyers, insect killer devices including heating devices used with First :ale
insect repellant mats and mo~quitonets of all kinds.
First sale
4 1. Newsprint.
First sale
42. Oats.
First sale
43. Oil cakes including de-oiled cakes.
First sale
44. Packing materials, that is to say-
(i) Bottle caps of all type,
(ii) Empty gunny bags and condemned gunny bags,
(iii) H.1J.P.t. and PE Wuvril ALAS,
(iv) HDPEIPP woven strips. HDPE/PP circular strips and woven fabrics,
(v) Hessian c:ldth,
(vi) Jute bags which are laminated,
(vii) Jute twine,
(viii) Polythenc:: and plastic bags including LDPE plastic bags for milk pouches,
(ix) Tin Containers.
First salr
45. Palm fatty acid.
46. Patents. trade marks, import licences. exim scrips. export permits or licence or I:,~,,
quota and other goods of incorporeal or intangible character.
47 Peranlbulators including push chairs for babies and tyres. tubes and flaps used r:irst salt
48. Plastic raw ~naterials.
49. Pollution control equipments: namely:-- First sale

(i) Water Pollution Control equibnients-

Coarse screenlmicro screen (stainless stuel,'mild steel), Rotary screen/
conlmini~tor(stainless steelldetritor), Racker arms, weirs, paddles, motor with

reduction gear arrangements intended for clarifiers for liquid waste

treatment, surface aeratorstfloating aerators and accessc ries, diffuses of all
types for supply of air, in liquid waste treatment, radial arms and accessories
for trickling filters, demineraliser for effluent treatment, synthetic packing
media for trickling filters, packed bed columns/towers for effluent treatnrent,
Headers and laterals with accessories for trickling filters, digesters, gas meters
and electrical heaters for digesters, gas holding tanks for digesters,
(ii) instrumentation-
B Oc Incubator, C Oc Apparatus, Ion Analyser,
(iii) Air Pollution Control Equipments-
Filters (fabric filters, bag filters, vacuum filters), Electrostatic precipitators,
Cyclones, Wet scrubbers, Particle analyser 6 0 2 , CO, NOx, SOX, hydrocarbons,
chlorine, fluorine, etc.,), Personal samplers, Detectors (for grass), Higll r/olun~c
sampler, pressure gauges, timber, filter head assembly, pitet tube, sampling train
(for ambientjstack air quality monitoring). Smoke metei, Mist eliminator.
Products ot'pallu. b,llnhoo. cane boskct ~ni~king
and mat \\eating indt~striesotllrr 1 I I ~ \ale
50. I

thar, *hose specified irl the Third Schedule.

.s I . Quinine a~idits products.
52. Raw silk and Silk yarn imported from abroad.
53. (i) Readymade garments and made-ups,
(ii) Hosiery goods,
(iii) Junnadi goods
54. Renewable energy equipments clnd devices,-
(i) Flat plate solar collectors,
(ii) Concentrating and pipe type solar collectors,
(iii) Solar water heaters and systems,
(iv) Air/GastFluid heating systems,
(v) Solar crop driers and systems,
(vi) Solar stills and desalination systems,
(vii) Solar pumps based on solar thermal and solar photovoltaic conversion,
(viii) Solar power generating systems,
(ix) Solar photcvoltaic modules and panels for water pumping and other .
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<>: ~5 x;,jb m : ~c+-ersJ.
(\i\ ) Sol.ir c.ners> ~ q u i p t l ~ ~ ~ t s .
(SV) Solar refrigerators, solar cold storage and solar air-conditioning s)stcrns.
(xvi) Electrically operated vehicles including battery powered or fuel cell yehicjes.
(xvii) Solar photo-voltaic lanterns,
(xviii) Solar photo-voltaic cells.
- - ..- .
3 ? i J I
- - - -

56. Scraps and waste of all ginds namely,-

(i) (a) Aluminium scraps, First sale
(b) Non-ferrous metal scraps, that is to say, scraps of copper, copper
alloys, brass, lead and lead alloys other than those specified elsewhere
in the Schedule,
(c) Cotton waste, cotton yam waste and cloth rags,
(d) Waste of man-made staple fibres, fibre yarn and filament yarn,
(e) Waste of wool (goat's hair and similar fibrous growth on bodies of
animals) and waste of woollen yarn and
(ii) (a) Plastic scrap, Last purchase
(b) Old brass, copper and stainless steel vessels whether worn-out or
(c) Waste paper and waste of paper boar 1.
57. (i) Silk cottcn seeds, First sale
(ii) Tamarind seeds.
58. Spices including Ajwain (omam), anise-seeds (sombu), star anise-seeds, cassia First sale
(lavanga pattai or cinnamon), cloves, dried ginger (sukku), fennel (sathakuppai),
fenugreek (menthi), mace Cjathipathri), nutmegs Cjathika), poppy seeds
(kasakasa), saffron, pepper and jeera including black jeera (cumin seeds).
59. (i) Sports goods including goods for indoor or outdoor games, swings, medals, First sale
cups, trophies, shields and badges, excluding apparel and footwear.
(ii) Childrens' play ground equipments.
60. (i) Stationery goods namely, painting boxes, painting water colours, oil coloun First sale
in cakes or in liquid forms, drawing boards, brushes used therein,
(ii) Student Note books and Copy books. '

61. Sugar imported into India from foreign countries. First sale

62. Tanning materials, that is to say+) Arjuna bark (ii) Avaram bark (iii) Babul bark Last purchase
and pods (iv) Cashew extract (v) Cashew tests: (vi) Cashtan extract (vii) Chestnut
extract (viii) Cutch extract (ix) Dhawa leaves (x) Ghatbor nuts (xi) Karada bark
(xii) F'nnnam bark (xiii) Lycowat (xiv) Mangroves or Goran (xv) Mortand:!
.halam extract (xvii) Myrobalam nuts (xviii) Quebracho extract (xix)

Sarl: 1 Sal bark (xxi) Tamarind seed testa (xxii) Tanulux (xxiii) Wasub
(xxiv) Wattle bark (xxv) Wattle extract or mimosa extract.
63. Textile machinery. First sale

64. Toys of all kinds, other than those specified elsewhere. First sale

65. (i) Tractors of all kinds excluding crawler ractors, and articles excluding Ftrstsale
batteries adapted for use, generally as parts and accessories of tractors and
tools and implements used therewith,
(ii) Trailers of tractors of all kinds,
(iii) Combined harvester and transplanter,
66. Unlbrellas of all &lrrds including bcach and garde~ ut:ibteila~ folding first sale
umbrcilas and parts thereof.
I ..
'I'AMIId NAI)IJ (iOVIz,I<NMI,,NI GA;tl, I 1 1 ; l;X I I { / \ O I < I ) I , ~ ! ~ I \
_ _. - - -
-- - -

67. Vegetable oils of all kinds including refined vegetable oils other than those
specified elsewhere in this Schedule.
6 8 . Vegetable products including vanaspathi and ~nargarine.
Esplonufio11.-Vegetable products means any vegetable oil or fat. which whether by
itself or in admixture with any other substance. has by hydrogenation or by any other
process. been hardened for human consumption,
69. ' Wool in raw form (goat's hair and similar fibrous growth on bodies of animals) First

(ii) Woollen yam.

1. (i) Aluminium, pure or alloy in the form of Ingots, Bars, Blocks, Slabs, Billets, sale
Shots, Pellets, Plates, Sheets, Ci-cles, Wires, Strips, Rods, Wire rods and any
alloy of aluminium with any other metal or metals on the turnover relating to
components which have not already suffered tax:
Provided that, if any aluminium pure or alloy, has suffered tax under any one of
the sub-items mentioned above, it shall not be again subject to tax under the same or any
other sub-items aforesaid,
(ii) Non-ferrous metals and alloys thereof excluding those specified elsewhere in
this Schedule,
(iii) Zinc.
2. (i) Arecanut, including betel nut and seeval, Firs1I sale

(ii) Scented nut, roasted or scented seeval.

3. (i) Bulbs, horns, cables and fare meters for all motor vehicles, First sale

(ii) Parts and acct:ssories excluding batteries, tyres, tubes and flaps of two
wheelers and ttlrez wheelers specified in sub-items (i), (ii) and (iii) of item 22
of Pan D of the Schedule,
(iii) Tyres, tubes and flaps ordinarily used for tractors, trailer of tractors.
4. (i) Butter sold with a brand name First sale

(ii) Ghee.
5. . (i) Card board boxes, corrugated boxes and cartons,
(ii) Empty gas cylinders.
6. (i) Cashew with shell, First

(ii) Cashew nut kernels, that IS to say, raw. processed, roasted and salted First
kernels including their brokens.
7. (i) Cement flooring stones, slabs and all kinds of tiles other than those specified
elsewhere in the Schedule.
(ii) Ceramic bricks.
8. Chips of all kinds such as potato chips and coconut ~nilkpowder sold with a First
brand Qame but not registered under the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, i 958
(Central Act 43 of 1958).
9. (i) Coffee, that is to say, any one of the @rms of coffee such as coffee beans, salc
coffee seeds whether or not cured or roasted or decaffeinated, coffee powder.
excluding coffee drink.


(ii) lnstsnt coffee in granule or powder form

(iii) French coffee on the Tbrnover relating to components thereof namely coffee
and chicory which have not already suffered tax,

(v) Tea, that is to say, any one of the forms of tea in which it is sold but not
including tea drink or green tea leaves,
(vi) Instant tea other than instant tea drirrk,
(vii) Tea waste other than denatured.
Dry cells, dry tell batteries, button celis, solar cells of all kinds, parts and First sale
accessories thereof including zinc calots and carbon rods.
(i) Duplicating machines, reprographic copiers including roneo machines other First sale
than electronic duplicating machines, reprographic copiers including
duplicatorsoand any other apparatus for obtaining duplicate copies, parts and
accessories thereof, ribbons, plates used therewith,
(ii) Tabulating, Calculating machines excluding electronic tabulating, calculating
machines, parts and accessories thereof, ribbons used therewith.
Dyes, that is to say -(i) Acid dyes (ii) Alizarine dyes (iii) Bases (iv) Basic dyes First sale
(v) Direct dyes (vi) Napthols (vii) Nylon dyes (viii) optical whitening agents (ix)
Plastic dyes (x) Reactive dyes (xi) Sulphur dyes (xii) Vat dyes. (xiii) All other
dyes not specified elsewhere in the Schedule.
(i) Electronic items not specified elsewhere. First sale

(ii) Electronic or electric wires, sleeves, casings, cappinis, cables, all capacitors,
resistors, switches, plugs, holders, jacks, connectors and other components,
lighting bulbs including gas filled bulbs/vacuum bulbs, compact fluorescent
lamps, flourescent lighting tubes, fittings, chokes, starters, other than those
specified elsewhere in the schedules and all general electric or electronic
accessories like reapers, bends, junction boxes, coupling boxes, meter boxes,
switch boxes, fuse switch boxes, distribution toxes, power meters, meter
boards, switch boards, wooden plugs (gattis), lizhtning arrestors, electrical
earthenware and porcelain-ware, parts and accessories of all such goods.
Fo.ttwear other than those specified in the Third Schedule. First sale
Grills of all kinds made of iron and steel. First sale

Inks of all kinds including Lithographic printing and duplicating inks but First sale
excluding writink ink.
Key chains and key holders. First sale
Machine made matches. First sale
(i) Medicines conforming to the following description: Any medicinal First sale
formulation or preparation ready for use internally or externally for treatment
or mitigation or prevention ofdiseases or disorders in human being or animals
excluding products capable of being used as creams, hair oils, tooth pastes,
tooth-powders, cosmetics, toilet articles. soaps and shampoos but includini -
(a) Allopathic medicines,

(b) Other medicines and d r u g including ayurvedic, homeopathic, siddha and
bnani preparations,
( 2 ) Country drugs,

(d) Medicinal mixtures or compounds, the components of which have not

already sutfered tax,

(ii) (a) Surgical dressing which expression shall include adhesive plaster,
adhesive plaster dressing gypsona plaster of paris and bandages, velcro pop
bandages, elastro crcpe bandages, gauze, wadding gauze, lint and cotton wool
poultices and similar articles impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical
substances put up in forms or packings for surgical purposes which have been
sterilised and conform to the accepted standards of the medical profession.
(b) pharmaceutical and surgical products of plastic and rubber including
gloves, aprons and caps,
(c) Surgical implants, artificial bones, bone cement, abdominal support
belt, cervical collars and knee cap.
(iii) Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary
sciences, including scientific apparatus, other electromedical apparatus and
sight testing instruments including opthalmoscope, otoscope, Laryngoscope,
retinoscope, binocular loupe, pans and accessories thereof other than those
specified elsewhere in this schedule,
(iv) X-Ray apparatus, films, plates and other equipments required for use
therewith, parts and accessories thereof.
(v) (a) Heart pi~cemaker(pulse generator),
(b) Intra-ocular lenses.
(vi) (a) Intravenous sets, scalp vein sets, blood administration sets, blood donor
sets and solution administration sets,
(b) Dextrose, that is to say, dextrose monohydrate and anhydrous dextrose,
(c) Measured volume set, .
(d) Diagnostic reagents,
(e) Lactose (IPIBP),
ivii) Thermometers.
20. Medium Density Fibre (MDF)boards and pre-larninated/veneered medium density
fibre boards, excluding such goods imported from other countries
21. Musical instruments of all kinds other than Indian Musical Instruments
22. Paper, all sdrts including paste board, mill-board, straw board and card board that
is to say -
(i) Cigarette tissue,
s f
(ii) Blotting, filter, toilet or target tissue other thari cigarette tissue, Bank ,.tt,
chrome, tub-sized, cheque, stamp or cartridge payc r, parchnirhntboard including
art-board, chrome board and board for playing cards,
(iii) Packing and wrapping paper qtraw board and pulp board irtcluding gray
board, corrugated board, duplex and triplex bo: rds,
(iv) Paper and board: Laminated, coated, or interlined with cjthcr niaterinls,
(v) Wall paper and similar wall covrrinps, ~ ' ~ r d otransparell.
w irs of paper.

(vi) All other kinds of paper and papel board not otherwise spzcitied, including
carbon pitper, stencil paper, ammonia paper, tcrro paper, celloohanc paper.
litmus-paper hut excluding cinematographic and photographic paper,
(vii) Printing, writing, teleprinter, typewriting, manifold and bond paper and
computer stationery of all kinds:

Provided that if any paper has suffered tax under any one of the sub-items mentioned
above, it shall not be again subject
to tax under the same or any other sub-items aforesaid.
23. Paper napkin and paper cups. 1 First sale

24. Photo album, stamp album and such other albums. First sale

25. (i) Photographic and other cameras, flashlight apparatus and enlargers and First sale
lenses, photographic films, plates, paper, prints, instant print films and
chemicals used in the photographic development and printing process.
(ii) Cinematographic raw film.
26. Power driven pumps for liquids and liquid elevators whether or not fitted with a First sale
measuring device excluding pumpsets of 3 h.p or 5 h.p but including (a) Motor
pumps, (b) Centrihgal pumps (horizontal or vertical pumps, (c) Deep tube-well
turbine pumps (d) Submersible pumps, (e) Axial flow and mixed flow vertical
pumps (0 Jet and monoblock pumpsets, (g) Parts and Accessories which are
actually adapted for use with pumps in sub-items (a) to (0 above and (h) Valves.
27. Pre-recorded audio cassettes. First sale

28. (i) P.V.C. Pipes, tubes and fittings of all varieties including flexible and rigid First sale
pipes, hoses and tubes, whether transparent or not, P.V.C.and plastic water-
supply items and sanitaryware.
(ii) Water supply materials and fittings other than those specified elsewhere in
this Schedule or in the second Schedule including water taps, showers, water
tanks including PVC water tanks and other articles used for the supply or
distribution of water including RCC pipes, parts and acceiories thereof
including valves,
29. Ready to eat unbranded foods including sweets, savouries, unbranded non- First sale
alcoholic drinks and beverages served in or catered indoors or outdoors by Star
Hotels recogr~isedas such by Tourism Department of the State Government or
Government of India and Restaurants attached to such Star I Jotcls.
30 Rolling bearings. that is to say, ball or roller bcarir-gs 01 all kin&. I lrlr ,rlc
31 Rough synthelrc gcm boulc.s. 1 t 1 9 tale

32 ftubberiwd coir products. I ~ r talc

v ~

33. (i) Rubber latex (natural) of all qualities and grades including earth scrap, tree Last purchase
lace, amoniated latex, preserved latex concentrate, centrifuged latex,
(ii) Raw rubber of all varieties and grades including dry ribbed sheet of all RMA
grades, dry crepe rubber, dry black rubber, skimmed rubber, if they had not
suffered tax under item (i) above,
( i i i ) Reclaimed rubber, all grades and qualities.
34. Sewing machines and embroidery machines of all kinds and n e d l .s used therewith. First sale

35. Spectacles other than those specitied in the Third Schedule, sunglasses, goggles First sale
and attachments, lenses for spectacles including contact lenses and parts and
accessories thereof.
36. I'arpaulin. Fitsl sale

-47. Timber including pulpwood sized tiniber but excluding fire wood other than
tliose mentioned elsewhere in this Schedule.

Erphulion.--For the purpose of this item in the case of' timber purckased by rlre
forest contractors in the auction of forest coupes conducted by the Forest Department of'
the Government, the sale by such contractors of such timber in any form or size shall be
deemed to be the Firsr sale and the sale by the Forest Department in such auction of forest
coupes shall not be deemed to be the First sale.
38. Typewriters, excluding electronic typewriters, typewriter ribbon used therewith.
whether or not ill spools, and correction fluids.
39. Water sold in bottles, sachets, jugs or jeny cans and distilled water or mineral
water sold in any form of container.
30. (i) Xerox Copies;
(ii) Laser copieslprintouts;
(iii) Computer printouts:
Provided that ifthe paper used for taking such copies or printouts has suffered
tax under item 22 ofthis part the copies or printouts shall not again be subjected
to tax under any of the sub-items mentioned above.
(iv) All printed mdterials other than those specified in sub-items (i) to (iii) above,
whether made of paper, paper board or other materials, like account books.
registers, diaries, order books, receipt books, memorandum pads, folders, file
covers, book covers, greeting cards and invitation cards of all'kinds and trade
mark labels including those materials manufactured according to specification
of customers whether or not with logo or name or matter.

Gocds Taxable at the rate of12 per cant
1. Adhesives of all kinds including gum, glue, resins and solutions.
2. (i) Aeroplanes and other aircrafts including lielicopters and all kinds of
parachutes, dirigibles, all kinds of gliders, aircrafts launching gear parts and
accessories thereof.
(ii) Rail coaches, wagons, containers rur I , K transy.;rt 3f fluids. other rail coaches
specially designed for specific purposes and rail locomotives, parts aild
access0 ies thereof.
(iii) (a) Ships, steamers, motors and steam boats and launches, trawlers,
tugs, submarines, oil tankers and other vessels operated by any form
of power. including their hulls, engines, parts and accessories thereof.
(b) B:.rges and canoes and similar vessels not coming under sub-item (i)
3. Articles and equiprnents for gymnastics including health fitness equipments.
c'enlr'111sheets. tlat or corr~!gated.
5 . (i) Biscuirs. c,ihzs. confecrioner). chocolate and tot?>?s sold tr irh a b n n d niri?
registered under the Trade and Me,chandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43
of 1958).
(ii) Fresh meat, poultry, fish and seafood which are processed, packed and sold
with a brand r,ame.
(iii) Ice-creams of ail kinds including ice-candy, ice-cake, ice-jelly. fruiti, ki~lfiand
frozen confectionery, frozen desert sold with a brand name.
(iv) Fruit juices and fruit drinks sold with a brand name.
6. (i) Ceramic sanitary wares and sanitary fittings of every descriptio;l including
sinks, wash basins, wash basin pe&stals, baths, showers, bidets, water closet
pans, flushing, cisterns, urinals, coimodes, man-hole covers used in connection
with drainage and sewerage disposals. parts and accessories thereof.

(ii) Ceramic tiles. glazed floor. roofing and wall tiles.

(iii) Cuddappah stone slabs and Shahabad stone slabs.
(iv) ( a ) Granite blocksTrough or raw) (b) Polished granite slabs, including tomb
stones, monument slab and head stcne.
(v) Marbles, that is to say-(a) Marble boulders or lumbs (b) Marble slabs
(c) Marble chips (d) marble dusts (el Marble floor tiles and wall tiles (f) Other
articles made of marbles.
(vi) Mosaic tiles and chips
7. (i) Chemicals, the following: Soda ash, 3leaching power, Sodium First s ~ l c
bi-carbonate, Sodium hydrosulphite, Sulphate of alumina, Sodium nitrate. Sodiuni
acetate, Sodium sulphate, Acid slurry, ?'ribodium phosphate, Sodium tri-poly
phosphate, Sodium silicate, Sodium metasilicate. Carboxy methyl cellulose.
Sodium sulphaide, Acetic Acid, Sodiuni bi-sulphite, Oxalic acid, Sodium thio-
sulphate, Sodium sulphite, Sodium alginate. Benzene, Citric acid, Diethylene
glycol. Sodium nitrite, Hydrogen peroxide, Acetaldehyde. Pentaerythritol, Sodium
alpha olefin sulphonate, Sodium formate and all other chemicals not specified
elsewhere in the Schedule.
(ii) Carbon black, acetylene black.
(iii) Nitric, hydrochloric and sulphuric acids.
(iv) Sulphur.
(v) Caustic soda.
8. Cinematographic equipments, including cameras, projectors, over-head projectors. First sale
sound-recording and reproducing equipments, parts and accessories thereof and
lenses, exposed films, film-strips, arc or cinema citrbons, cinema slides, paper, paper
boards required for use therewith.
9. Clocks, time-pieces. watches (whether or not in cotnbination with any other devices), First sale
stop watches. time switches. mechanical-timers, time-records. auto print time punching
clocks, time-registers, instrument panel clocks of all kinds including all such electronic
devices, parts and accessories thereof, watch bands, watch bracelets, i~lqtchchains,
batch straps.
First salc
10. (i) Crockery other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule
(ii) C~ttleryother than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule including table
cutlery, forks.
1 1. (i) Dry fruits and nuts and kernel such as almond, pistha. dry grapes, figs, apricots, First sale
walnut, other than those specified else~vherein this Schedule
(ii) Wet Dates.
13. ( i ) Tyres, tubes and flaps, ordinarily used with power driven two wheelers, three First sale
~theelers.four wheelers and higher nun~berof wheelers (whether or not such
tyres are also used for other purposes) othel than those specified elsewhere in
the Schedule.
( i i ) T ~ r e s tubes
. and flaps .of aninials drawn vehicles.
13 Ethll Alcohol. absolute alcohol, methyl alcohol. rectified spirit, neutral spirit artd F ~ r s sale
detlatured spirit.
I4 ( i ) Fans. air circulators, ~ioltagestabilirers atid regulators not specified elsewhere. First snlc
controlling systems and thyristor control power ecluipments and ACSR
(ii) I-.lectrical domestic and commercial appliances including:--
('offee roastitig appliances. Cooking ranges. Cream whippers, curd makers and
egg heaters, Floor polishers, Frying pans, satlce pans, kettle< and toasters,
(lebsers. water heaters, boilers and imtiietsio~ heatc~s.Grinders other rhan

wet-grain grinders specified elsewhere in this Schedule mixers and blenders,

hair-driers, hair-curlers, permanent waving apparatus and curling tong beaters,
Hot plates, grillers, boiling plates, plate warmers, food warming trays, food
warming trolleys and hot food cabinets, Ice-cream churners, Irons, Juice
extractors, Massage apparatus, Ovens and microwave ovens, Room heaters,
Shavers, Sharpeners, Steamers, coffeemakers including percolators, cookers,
egg boilers, Vacuum cleaners, Vending -machines, Washing machines, drying
Explanation-1.- All the above goods, notwithstanding that they contain
electronic circuits, switchings or control A+=vicesvstems. shall be deemed to be
electrical appliances (domestic and commercial).
Explanation-11.-"Domestic and Commercial electrical appliances" means
electrical appliances, normally used in the household and used in hotels,
restaurants, hostel-<,offices, educational institutions, hospitals, train kitchens,
air craRs or ships. pantries, canteens, tailoring establishment, laundry shops,
hair dressing saloons and in similar establishments.
(iii) Electrical instruments, systems, apparatus, appliances of all kinds, other
than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule including chandeliers and
their shades, protectors, stands, fixtures, fittings, brackets, torches, sodium
and mercury vapour discharge lamps, emergency lamps and emergen~y
lighting system notwithstanding their containing any electronic control
circuiting rectifiers, sound or visual signalling apparatus such as bells,
sirens, indicator panels, burglar or fire alarms.
(iv) Electronic instruments including cash registers, tabulating and calculating
machines, electronic duplicating machines, reprographic copiers including
duplicators, Xerox and photo-copying machines and any other elecrronic
apparatus for obtaining duplicate copies, whether reduc~d,enlarged or the
same size as the originals, electronic teleprinters and fax machines of all
kinds and electronic typewriters, indexing, card punching, franking,
addressing machines, one record units.
(v) Wireless reception and transmission equipments and devices including radios,
walkie-talkie, transmission and reception apparatus for radio-telephony,
radio-telegraphy, radio-broadcasting radar apparatus, radio navigational aids
apparatus and radio remote control apparatus. amplitiers, loud speakers and
rereivers, liiultiple systems.
Ivi) Audio and video cassettes. CDs, corresponding recorders and pla~ers.
Gramophones of all kinds including record pla>ers. radio gramophones.
gramophone records, matrices for records and record changes. sound
recording and reprnducing equipments including dicta-phoncs. car cassette
players, tape decks. tape p l a ~ e r s . compact disc p l a ~ e r s ~ncluding a
combination of an! o f then. \\ ith or ithout wireless reception ~nstrument.
pages and czl'ular r:lephoncs.

i t 2 : . 2,; speders mc1,d n,= sr=rta or h , - 5 ;;*-pljfi=r_i. _i,pe&:

sJsrems ~ h i c h,tre x e d \iith stereo or hl-fi muslcal sjsrcms. micro phones
and stands thereof. headphones. earphones and comb~nedrnrcrophones
speaker sets.
(viii) Tcle\ision sets. ar.tenna, tcletision and tideo cameras. projectors
teleprompters. dish antenna and boosters, all electronic toys and games.
15. Fire works including coloured matches.
16. Furnaces and boilers of all types includi?g fluidized bed boilers 3,ld ignifluid f rr\t ,‘tic
boilers and boilers using agricultural waste as fuel but not including boilers klrst ,ale
using municipal waste only as fuel.

- - -l
-- - -

17. Glass and glassware of all sorts other than those specified elsewhere in this First sale
Schedule including-

(i) (a) Flat glass, including sheet glass, wired glass and rolled glass whether
in the form of plate glass, figure glass or in any other form, coloured
glass, coolex glass, toughened glass, laminated safety glass, tinted
(b) Laboratory glasswares, hygienic or ph~rmaceuticalglasswares (whether
or not graduated or calibrated and glass micro slides)
(c) Glass sheets, glass globes and chimneys for lamps and lanterns.
(4 Glass jars and glass bottles
(e) Table wares made of glass
(ii) Glass mirrors, Coloured glass mirrors, Figured glass mirrors and Framed
mirrors on the turnover relating to components thereof which have not
already suffered tax.
18. Handmade soap of all kinds (both bathing and washing) including soap flakes, First sale
powder, liquids and detergents but excluding shampoo and metal polishers in any
19. Leather goods other than footwear made wholly or principally of leather (whether First sale
or not other materials such as thread, lining, rivets are used)
20. Machiner~esof all kinds other than those specifically mentioned in this Schedule First sale
worked by (i) Electricity (ii) Nuclear power (iii) Hydro-dynamic and steam power
(iv) Diesel or petrol (v) Furnace oil (vi) Kerosene (vii) Coal including coke and
charcoal (viii) any other form of fuel or power excluding human or animal labour
(ix) Parts and accessories of machineries and tools used with the machineries
mentioned in sub-items (i) and (viii) above.
21. Mercury First sale

22. (i) Motor cycles, motor cycle combinations, motor scooters, motor scooter First sale
combinations, motoreties, mopeds.
(ii) Motorised bicycles, tri-cycles, cycle rickshaws, tandem cycles, cycle-
combinations, carriages for invalid persons and perambulators.
(iii) Three wheelers hy whatever name known including auto rickshaws, chassis of
auto rickshaws and other three wheelers, bodies or tankers built or meant for
mollrlting on three wheelers chassis belonging to others on the turnovers
r ~ ' ' < nbodizs.
(iv) motor taxi-motor omni buses, motor vans, jeeps and motor lorries,
chassis of motor vehicles, bodies built on chassis of motor vehicles belonging
to others on the turnover relating to bodies all varieties of trailers by whatever
narnc known other than trailers of tractors other thal~those specified elsewhere
in this Schedule.
(v) Paver finisher?. dragnets. dredqers, road-rollers and other similar varieties of
machinery of which a mechanically propelled v~hicleforms and integral part
other than thosc specified elsewhere in the Scliedule.
(vi) C.'rane lorries including floating cranes, bredkdown lorries, rclad sweeper lorries,
sptc?;~inflorries, concrete mixer lorries, mobile workshops mohrie radiological
u~:*t;, arnbuiitllcc fire firl\tini anits incl\ldi!. frre ~'tt~-its.c:rilIin~rigs mounted
on inot.Jr vel~iclz and Ilui~:rr,~, fork iih ri-ucks and other
,#easelsplurfilrin :r~~cir,,
sirnila: varietie. vf machlriery of which a mechanically propelled vehicle forms
an ,\tt~::raI part which is subsidiary to their main functiorl.

(viii) Spark plugs ol i l l ' k111cls

(is) Pans and accessories of motor vehicles and [railers olhcr tli,.~thoqe jpeciticcl
in this Schedule.
25. (i) Non-stick wares.kitchenware including heat resistant cookware, metal\+;lre r i d
metal articles other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule.
(ii) I'rcsurc coolicrs. I'rcssiirc stoves, gas stoves and gas ovens other tha! those
mention in any of the Schedules.
24. Oil engines
2 5 . (i) Paraffin wax-food grade standard
(ii) Paraffin wax of all grade standards other than food grade standard including
standard wax and niatch wax
(iii) Slack wax
26. Plastic products, including melamine wear and break resistant plastics other than
those specified elsewhere in this Schedule.
27. Playing cards
28. (i) Poli:.'. including metal polishes in any form but nor boot polishes
( Barbed wire, wire mesh, chicken-mesh, expanded metal and chain link made of
any metal or material
(iii) bolts, nuts and rivets. threaded or tapped and screws of base metal or alloys
thereof, including bold end, screw studs, screw studding, self-tapped screw,
screw hooks, screw rings and screw eye and hooks and clamps of all kinds,
Cotter pins of all kinds, Valves of all kinds including pressure relief valves and
control valves, washers of all kinds, perforated sheet of any metal or material.
(iv) Carbide tips and tools
(v) hand tools
(vi) Locks of all kinds and varieties except bicycle locks
(vii) Welding electrodes, graphite electrodes, welding rods of all kinds, including
brazen roads and soldering wires
29. Pre-recorded video cassette and compact discs
30. Pressure lamps
3 1 . Ready mix concrete
32. (i) Rubber latex compound and rubber products excluding pharmaceutical and
surgical products, namely:-
(a) Compoitnd rubber, unvulcanised, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or
(b) Other forms like rods. tubes and profile shapes and article (for csalnple
discs and rings of rubber)
(c) Rubber thread and cord
(d) Plates. blocks, sheets. strips, rods and profile shapes of rubber
(e) Tubes. pipes and hoses of rubber with or witho~it their fittings (for
example, joints, elbows. flanges)
(f) Conveyor. transmission or zlevaar belts or belting of' rubber wl~ether
combined with any textile material or otherwise
- LatestLaws.com
. - - - -4
4 4
. .'
$4.3 I

(g) lnterchengeable tyre treads ('Tread ruboer)

(1) Atticles of appa%l and clothing accessories including gloves for all
purposes of rubber
(i) Hardened rubber (for example ebonite) In all f'or~ns, including waste and
scrap and articles of hard rubber
Cj) Other articles of rubber.
(ii) Rubber of synthetic origin including butadiene acrylu. ''rile rubber, styrene
butadiene rubber and butyl rubber, synthetic rubber latex includtng prevulcanised
synthetic rubber latex.
33. Sandal wood and sandal wood oil F~rstsale
34. Squashes and essences First sale
35. (i) Steel almirahs and furniture of all kinds including household furniture other Flrst sale
than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule made from all kinds of metals,
fibre glass, wood, reinforced plastics or made primarily from any kind of
plastics; upholstered hrniture or furniture in the manufacture of which laminated
sheets are used, whether sold in assembled or unassembled form and ready to
assemble, parts thereof and all kinds of stands.
(ii) Office equipments of every description, including filling cabinets, card-index
cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays, office stamp stands and similar
office or desk equipments whether sold in assembled or unassembled form and
ready to assemble, parts thereof other than those spec~fiedelsewhere in this
Schedule and stationery articles.
Explanation.-Slotted angles, gussets, plates, panels and strips which when
assembled form furniture or equipments, shall ' ~ edeemed to be furniture or
office equipments as the case may be, for the purpose of this item.
36. Suit cases, brief cases, attache cases, despatch cases, vanity bags, vanity cases and ~,,,t
vanity boxes other than those specified elsewhere in the Schedule.
Explanation.- Vanity bag, vanity case and vanity box mean a bag, a case or a box
holding a mirror and cosmetics or toiletries.
37. Trarl lnission Towers F~rstsale

38. (i) dater meters, gas meters, industrial thermometers, parts and accessories thereof. Flrst sale

(ii) (a) Weighi~gmachines of all kinds including platform scales. weigh bridges,
counter scales, spring balances, weighing scales and balances, pans and
accessories of such machines and weights used therewith. (b) Dipping measures,
metric pouring measures, conical measures, cylindrical measures (c) Meter
scales. measuring tapes. steel yards and sulvey chains.
39. Wet grain grinders worked by any form of power, oiher than human labour i.trst sale
(whether or not sold as a composite unit, with or without motors)
40. All other goods not specified elsewhere in any of the Schedules. i.~rstsale
Goorl.~iu.~ahleat the rate c?f' 16 per cent
1. Cement articles, asbestos articles and asbestos cement articles other than RCC
pipes and those specified elsewhere in the Schedule.
2. Foam rubber products, plastic foam products, fibre foam products or other
synthetic foam products of every description including:
(i) Sheets (ii) Cushions (iii) Pillows and (iv) Mattresses
3. (i) F-nds and food preparations including cheese, milk foods, milk power,
recomvined milk except direct re-constitution without additives other than
water and condensed milk, mixes including instant foods, sweets and savories
like, popcorn sold with a brand name.
(ii) Non-alcoholic: beverages and aerated drinks sold with a brand name registered
under Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958).
(iii) Chips of all kinds such as potato chips and coconut milk powder sold with
a brand name registered under Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958
(Central Act 43 of 1958).
4. (i) Gases other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule in all its forms.
(ii) Purified and processed gases in all its forms.
5. (i) Generators, Generating sets, transformers and non-electronic voltage stabilizers.
(ii) All electrical transformers other than the small transformers including-
(a) Transmission power transformers (33 KV to 232 KV), (b) Distribu~iori
Transformers (33 KV to 3.3 KV) (c) Tractbn power trarlsformers (1 I0
KV), (d) Booster transformers (25 KV or thereabouts), (e) Furnace
transformers (f) Resin potted transformers (1 1 KV or thereabouts) (g)
Welding transformers (h) Step up transformers 230 Vlup, 5 to 50 KV and
41515 to 50 KV, (j) Auto transformers (variac) a)
instrument transformers
like current transformers and potential transformers.
6. Glazed earthen wues of all kinds including china-wares, porcelain wares, stone
wares other thiin those mentioned in this Schedule and terracotta.
7. (i) Paints and enamels not otherwise specified in this Schedule, including powder
paints, stiff paste paints and liquid paints.
(ii) Colours.
(iii) Pigments, including water pigments and leather finishes.
(iv) Dry distempers including cement based water-paints, oil-pound distempers,
plastic emulsion paints.
(v) Varnishes, French polish, bituminous and coal-tar blacks.
(vi) Cellulose lacquers, nitro-cellulose lacqucl-s, clcai ..xipr2:nents anci nitrc;
cellulose ancillaries in liquid, semi-sulid rv pasty forms.

(vii) Turpentine oil, baie oil. wiltre oil.

di > ing and mi drying
(viii) Dilutents and thinners includicg natural and sy~;.~~etic'
oils such as double boiled linseed oil. blown litlsetd oil. stand oil. qt~lphtirisci
linseed oil, parilla oil, whale oil and tung oil


(ix) Glaziers putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other
mastics, painters fillings. non-refractory surfacing preparations for facades,
indoor walls, false c d i n g or the like.
(x) Primers of all kinds
(xi) All other materials used in painting and varnishing such as flint papers, emery
clothes, brushes, paints removers and stainers of all kinds.
8. (i) Plywood, hard board, particle board, block board, insulation board, lamin First sale
board, batten board, hard or soft wall ceiling, floor boards and similar
boards of wood, of all kinds, whether or not containing any material other !

than 'wood.
(ii) All other non-soft boards or insulating material made of any other material
other than wood.
9. Refractory cement, white cement and other cement substitutes. First sale

10. (i) Shaving sets with or without contents, razors, safety razors, razor blades, First sale
shaving brushes and shaving creams.
(ii) Soaps, machine made, that is to say-
(a) Toilet soaps of all kinds including medica.ed soaps, liquid soaps and
moisturised soaps, but excluding hand-made soaps and shampoo.
(b) 'Nast.;n; s o y c ~f 311 kirlds including floor washing soaps, soap flakes,
soap powders, soap liquids and detergents in all forms, excluding hand-
made items of these goods.
(iii) Ultramarine blue, washing blue, robin blue, laundry brightener of all kinds
in all its forms other than those mentioned in item 30 (iii) of Part-B of this
(iv) Tooth pastes, tooth powders and mouthwashes and other dentifices whether
or not medicated or as defined in Section 3 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
1940 (Central Act XXllI of 1940) as manl~facturedunder a license issued
under that Act, tooth brushes, tongue cleaners.
I I . (i) Vacuum Flasks of all kinds including refills. First sale

(ii) All domestic And commercial receptacles designed to keep food or beverages
or other articles hot or cold including ice buckets or boxes.

Goods which are ~uxublent the rate of 20 per cent
I. (i) Air-conditioning plants, air-conditioners and other air-conditioning appliances, First salc
air-coolers, room coolers incl~~ding all cooling appliances, apparatus and
(ii) Refrigeration plants and all kinds of refrigerating appliances and equipments
including refrigerators. deep freezers. mechankal water coolers, cotfee coolers,
(iii) Cold storage equipments inclilding refrigeratior, materials like polysterene
and polyurethane foam materials used in refrigerators and cold storage
(iv) Water cooler .c11m heater units
First sale
2 . Air purifiers, cupboard fresheners and deodorizers, whether odourless or with


(ii) I land grt'nauc'h

(iii) Air guns, air ritles and pellets used thercwith
4, Binoculars, monoculars. opera glasses. other optical tele\cope, a s t t o n o l i ~ ~ c ~ ~ l
instruments, microscopes, binocular microscopes. magnifying glasses. d~tliacr~on
apparatus and mounding therefor including theodolite, survey instrument5 and
optical lenseq other than lenses for spectacles.
5. (i)
Cigar and cigarette cases, holders, tobacco pipes, cigarette filters and hook'rh
Lighters of all kinds including spark lighters.
6 . Electric storage batteries including containers, covers and plates f
7. (i) Floor coverings, that is to say, carpet:;, carpetry and rugs whether tufted,
piled or otherwise whether made from cotton, s ~ l k synthetic
, or other fibres,
whether machine made, handmade or made on handlooms but excluding
handmade or handloom made woven durries and jamakkalams and also
excluding handmade or hand woven coir mattings.
(ii) Linoleum.
(iii) PVC (Vinyl) asbestos floor tiles, wall tiles and flexible flooring materials.
8. Lifts ar~dhoists operated by electricity or hydraulic power.

9. Narcotics
10. (i) (a) Scents and perfumes in any form excluding doop and agarbathis but.
including aragaja, javvadu and punugu.
(b) Hair oil, haid creams, hair dyes, hair darkeners, hairtonics, brilliantines,
pomades and vasalines and all hair applicants other than shampoos.
(c) Lipsticks, lipsalve, nail polishers, nail varnishes, nail brushes, beauty
boxes, face powders, toilet powders, baby powders, talcum powders,
powder compacts, powder pads and puffs, toilet sets made of all nlaterials
(with or without contents), toilet sponges, scent spray, depilatories,
blemish removes, eye liners all sorts, eye shadoy, eye brow pencils, eye-
lash brushes, eau de cologne, solid colognes, lavender water, snow face
creams, all purposes creams, cold creams, cleaning creams, make-up
creams, beauty creams, beauty milk. cleaning milk, hair foods, skin
tonics, complexion rouge, nail cutters, sanitary towels and napkins,
as~rirrgentlotions, after-shave lotions and creams, moisturisers of all
sorts and personals (body) deodorants.
Explanation:- Any of the items listed above even if medicated or as
defined in section 3 of the Drugc and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (Centr~'yXI11
of 1940) or manufactured on the license issued under the said Act will fall
under this item.
(ii) Shampoos of all kinds including herbal and medicinal preparations. sold in
bottles. containers, sachets and in any o t h ~ rforms.
I I . Strong roolit or Vault doors and ven.ilator. artnored or reinforced safes, strong
b~bscs and doors, cash chests, C ~ s hor deed boxes. wall coffers. safe deposit lockers
atid locker cabinets.
12. 'I't.lcprintc.rs othcr than c.lcctronic teleprinters and ribbons used there\vitk.
- --


ar tl7e rates specified below
e r[1.~~7ble

I Point of R ~ t eof
levy tax
(per cent)
(3) (4)

coholic liauors of all kinds for human consumption which are purchased. procured, First sale 55
ght fro* outside the State other than foreign liquors falling inder item -5 of this
toddy and arrack
phalt (bitumen) First sale 12
riation Gasoline First sale 24
riation turbine he1 including jet fuel First sale 24 .
u--liauos. that is to sav. wines. soirits and beers imported info India from foreign
- 7 -- - - , First sale 70
uneies and dealt with und;; the lndidn Tariff Act, 1934 (central Act X
under any other law for the time being in force relating to the duties of customs on
ds imported into India.
ip' ' b

,I Fuel gas including liquefied petroleum gas First sale

(i) From ,
10 3 1-3-2002 10
(ii) From

I1 High Speed Diesel Oil


First sale
(i) From

Imported cigarettes, medium density fibre boards, textiles and other items falling in First sale 20
' Parts D and E of the First Schedule

Kerosene First sale 4

light Diesel Oil First sale 18

: ~ubricatingoils, quenching oils and greases First sale 16

e Mineral oils of all kinds other than those mentioned in item I I of this Part and under
1' item 3-A of the Second Schedule including furnace oil and Naphtha
First sale I6

Molasses First sale 30

b First sale 40
1. Panmasala by whatever name called containing betel nuts, thht is to say, nut of areca.
catachu broken and perfuned and lime or menthol or sandal oils cr cardamom or any
one or more of these ingredients.
First sale
15. Petrol ( i ) Fro111
I to 3 I -j-2002 '*I

Ih Rrnkr f l ~ ~ i d First sale 12
kt: r LatestLaws.com


-80 -
Explanation I.-For the purpose of petroleum products of this Part, a sale by one oil
company to another oil company shall not be deemed to be the First sale in this State and
accordingly any sale by one oil company to another person (not being an oil company) shall
be deemed to be the First sale in the State.
Explanation 11.-For the purpose of Explanation I, Oil Company means (a) Chennai
Petroleum Corporation Limited (b) The Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., (c) The Bharat
Petroleum Corporation Ltd., (d) The Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., (e) Indo-
Burma Petroleum Company Ltd. and includes any other oil company notified in this behalf
by the Government.

Note.- All 17% :..Ins, colnponents and accessories of the above said goods shall be taxed
at the same I L.r?,i. that of the goods, provided such spare parts, components and accessories
are not specificall) enumerated in this Schedule and made liable to tax under this Schedule.
Amendment of 3. In the Second Schedule to this principal Act,-

( I ) in item 1, for the figure "I" in column (4), the figure "4" shall be substituted;
(2) after item 3-A, the following item and entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"3-B Desiccated Coconut At the point of
Fixt sale in the
State 4".
Substitution of 4. In the principal Act, for the Third Schedule, the following Schedule shall be substituted,
Third namely:-



The following goods produced or manufactured in India as described in column (3)
Against the relevant heading in column (1) of the First Schedule to the Additional Duties
of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (Central Act 58 of 1957).
I. (i) Sugar, other than Khandsari sugar as described against the heading " 17.01"
(ii) Palmyrah sugar as described against the heading "17.02"
2. (i) Unmanufactured tobacco and tobacco refuse as described against the heading
(ii) Cigars and Cheroots of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes as described
against the heading "24.02"
(iii) Cigarettes and Cigarillos of tobacco as described against the heading "24.03"
(iv) Other manufactured tobacco as described against the heading "24.04"
(a) smoking mixtures for pipes and cigarettes,
(b) cut tobacco,
(c) Biris
(d) Chewing tobacco and preparations containing chewing tobacco,
(e) Snuff of tobacco and preprations containing snuff of tobacco in any
3. Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste as described against the heading "50.05"
4. (i) Woven fabrics of carded wool excluding hair belting as described against the
heading "5 1.10"
(ii) Woven fabrics of combed wool excluding hair belting as described against the
heading "5 1.1 1 " I

5. Wo\t-- fabrics of cotton as described against the heading "52.07, 52.08 and I


E 6. (i) Wovcn fabrics of synthetic filament yam as described against the heading
(ii) Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, as described against the heading

7. ( i ) Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres as described against the heading

''55.1 1, 55.12 and 55.13"
( i i ) Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, as described against the heading
8. (i) Woven pile fabrics and cl~cn~lle fabrics of wool, cotton ns manmade fibres,
.1* rlescrihed against i- i. he;dirlg "5S.*)1 "

. ( ~ i )lerrv towelli ~g and similar woven terry fabrics snd tufted textile fabrics as
dcsclibed ag'iinst the heading "58.02"
c i ~ i ; :,; uzc :is ticscrihed against the headiry "58.03"

described again,t the heading '58.04'

(v) Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs as described against the
heading '38.05'
(vi) Narrow woverl fabrics as described against the heading '58.06'
9. (i) Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances of a kind used for
the outer covers of books or the like; tracing cloth: prepared painting
buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics as described against the heading
'59.0 1'
(i.i) Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn or polyamides, polyesters or viscose
ray011 as described against the heading '59.02'
(iii) Textiles fabrics of cotton and manrnade textile riaterials impregnated, coated,
covered or laminated with plastics as described against the heading '59.03'
(iv) Fabrics covered partially or fully with textile flocks or with preparation
containing textile flocks on base fabrics of cotton or man made textile
material as described against the heading '59.37'
10. Pile fabrics, including 'Long pile' fabrics and terry fabrics, k,iitted or crocheted,
of cotton or nan made fabrics LL,,ri'Jcd agahst the heading '60.01' and

I. Agricultural implements worked or operated exclusively by human or animal
agency and tlreir parts and accessories as notified by the Government.
2. Aids for physically disadvantaged persons as notified by the Government.
3. Aluminium domestic Utensils not operated by pressure or electricity.
4. (i) Appalams and vadams of all varieties,
(ii) Vegetable vathals of all kinds sold without a brand name.
5. Aquatic feed, poultry feed. feeding stuff for animals other than those specified
elesewhere in any of the Schedules.
6. Asafoetida sold by any dealer whose total turnover in respect of this iteni does
not exceed Rs. 300 crores in a year.
7. Bacterial cultilre for agricultural purpose, organic manures and all kinds of seeds
including green manure seeds, excluding oil seeds those described in Second
8. Bagasse
9. (i) Bangles other than those made of platinum. gold or silver
';i) Kumkum. khajal and bindi.
10. Black sugarcane for retain human consuniption (not for purchase by mills)
I I. Blood and Blood plasma
12. Butter sold without a brand nanie
I . Candles "c

14. (i) Cereals me?tioned in item 1 of the Second Schedule excluding rice and wheat


(ii) Hand-pounded rice. parched (beaten) rice. puffed rice, rice flour, rice-bran
and de-oiled rice-bran;
I (i) Charkas. (ii) handspun yam and (iii) handlooin cloth
16. Chillies, tamarind, corriander, turmeric and Shikakai sold by any dealer whose
I total turnover in respect of these items does not exceed Rs. 300 crores in a year

I 17. Coconut, copra other than those falling under the Second Schedule
18. Common salt (Sodium Chloride) including iodised or vitaminized salt for human
consumption other than salt for industrial use.
19. (i) Condoms and contraceptives
(ii) Nirodh advertisement and publicity materials
20. (i) Cycle-rickshaws (without motor)
(ii) Bullock carts
21. Declared goods taxable at the point of last purchase if such goods are sold in the
course of inter-State trade and tax paid under Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
(Central Act 74 of 1956)
22. (i) Electrical energy, (ii) Charcoal, (iii) firewood
23. Electoral rolls
24. Fish net and fishing hook
25. Footwear with MRP rate of less than rupees one hundred
26. (i) Fresh meat, poultry, fish, seafood other than branded, processed and packed I
items ,
(ii) Eggs and dry fish
27. (i) Fresh milk, pasteurised milk and directly reconstituted milk
(ii) Curd
28. Fresh vegetables. tender coconut, potatoes, garlic and fruits.
29. Frozen Semen Straws.
30. Goods manufactured by Village blacksmiths and adisarakku items as notified by
tho Government.
Hand pumps used for tne supply and distribution of water, parts and accessories
Handmade niatches and partly machine made matches.
Handmade or h;\ndloom made woven durries, coir mattings and jamakkalams
(i) Hurricane lights and bedroom lights burning on oil
( i i ) Kerosene lamps (other than gas lights and petrolnax lights)
(iii) Kerosen stcves
(iv) Parts and accessories including wiclis and chimneys of the above goods.
Indigenous products of.sericulture and silk yarn
Life saving drugs as notified by the Government
L,ivestock other than race horses
Masala Powder or paste whether or not with oil or additives, sold without a brand

3 roof\ in Ilcsl~ or tlrictl fornl

Mcdicinnl herbs i~ticl co~lntrydrugs incl~~tlilig i1.s
notified by Governmetit.
40. Natural flowers and plants, all green leaves, green tea leaves and betel leaves
other than those specified elsewhere in the Schedule.
4 1. Panjamirdham
42. Paper bags and paper envelopes whether printed or rot
43. Pottery
44. Products of millets (rice, flour, brokens and bran of cholam, cumbu, ragi. thinai,
varagu, samai, Kudiraivali and milo)
45. (i) Products of palm industry other than those listed in the First Schedule and of
articles such as I)ask.ets, mats, brushes, fans manufactured out of palm leaves,
coconut leaves and Date leaves and Thatti, Ic-oodai, Muram and other products
made of bamboo or cane, palmyrah fibres and stalks, dry leaves (manthara
leaves), Coconut thatches, korai grass and korai mats, coir, c ~ i dust,
r coir fibre,
coir rope and coir husk (excluding coir products), deccan hemp fibre (excluding
deccan hemp products), broom stick and thonnai.
(ii) Tapioca kappi and tapioca thippi, groundnut shell, coconut shell and its chips.
(iii) Cotton rope, pulichakeerai rope and braided cord
(iv) Cotton seed husk, coconut husk and paddy husk .

(v) Palm jaggery and palmyrah sugar candy

(vi) Sugar candy and bura sugar
46. Rubber play balls and balloons
47. Saree falls
48. Sea shell and articles made thereof
49. Shikakai powder
50. (i) Slate, slate pehcils, chalk piece and wood covered lead pencils
(ii) Educational charts and maps including tourist guide maps
(iii) Reading books including text books
(iv) Writing pencils, colour pencils, erasers, sharpeners
(v) Pens, ballpoint pens, refills, ebonite pens, ebonite hall pens, writing irlk
including ink tablets
(vi) Stainless steel nibs
(vii) Black boards, dusters, geometric boxes, dissection boxes, other instruments
for drawing or dissection.
5 1. (i) Energy saving clioolas
(ii) Solar cookers
(iii) Municipal waste conversion devices for !~coducingcneryj
52. Steam
53. Vibuthi and namakatty
54. Water including plain water sold in bulk in hrge barrels or drutn or tanks p11i1eJ
by animals or tractors or lorrim other than water sold in toltles, sachets. jugs
or jerry cans and distilled water or mineral water scdd in any form of container."
LatestLaws.com L .Id-

Substitution of
i i t l i ~Schedule.


[See section 3(2-A)]
D.'scription of goods. Poinr qf levy and rate o j ' t m per cent.

At the point of At the point of every
First sale in sale other than First
the Srare sale in the State
(4 (b/
1. PPC grade cement the selling price
(inclusive of tax) of which is not more
than Rs. 135 per bag of 50 kg. 16 I
2. OPC grade cement the selling price
(inclusive of tax) of which is not more
than Rs. 145 per bag of 50 kg. 16 1
3. PPC grade cement the selling price
(inclusive of tax) of which is more than
Rs. 135 per bag of 50 kg. 24 5
4. OPC grade cement the selling price
(inclusive of tax) of which is more than
Rs. 145 per bag of 50 kg. 24 5.";
6 . In the principal Act, in the Sixth Schedule, in item 1 , inntfie entry in column (2), Amendment of
for the expressions "iten? 1 of P-rt Y qf the First Schedule" &d "item I of Part-JJ of the Sixth Schedule.
First Schedule", the expressions "item 5 of Part-G of the First Schedule" and "item 1 of
Part-G of the First Schedule" shall, respectively, be substituted;
7. In the principal Act, in the Eighth Sch:dule, after item 6 and entries relating Amendment of
thereto, the following item and entries shall be added, namely:- Eighth
"7. Electrical Panel Boards and parts thereof.".
8. In the principal Act, in the Ninth Schedule, for Part-A and entries relating thereto, Amendment of
the fo!lowing Part and entries shall be substituted. namely:- Ninth
(See section 3-D)
Rate of tax.
(i) Where the total turnover exceeds ten lakhs Twelve thousand rupees per
of rupees but does not exceed twenty-five annum.
lakhs of rupees.
(ii) where the total turnover exceeds twenty-five Twenty-four thousand rupees per
lakhs of rupees hut does not exceed thirty annum.
lakhs of rupees.
(iii) where the total turnover exceeds thirty lakhs 'fhirty-six thousand rupees per
of rupees but does not exceed forty lakhs anntlm.
of rupees.
(iv) where the total turnover exceeds forty lakhs Forty-eight tllousand rupees per
of rupees but does not exceed fifty lakhs annuni.
of rupees.
86 TAMIL NAUU C"UV ~ K I U M C I ' . ~ L d ~ I - j ,rr r .- .---- -

E~pIut~uriot~.--Forth Ipilrposes o f computing the total tarnover. the ptlrchase turnover

liable to tax under sectioll 7-A of the Act and the t.urnover on outdoor cnlcring shall he
added to the sales turnover.",

(By order o f the Governor)

Secretur). to Go~~rrnntent,
Lulv Drpurtntent.

Governor on the 25th May 2002 and is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 19 OF 2002.

,417 So1e.r Tee; .lcr, 1959.

,-lcr fz~rrher ro untend the Tunill Nudzr Geri~~rcrl
B t it enacted by the L.egislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-third
Year of the Republic of India as follows:--
1. ( I ) This Act may be called the Tarnil Nadu General Sales 7'ax (Fifth Amendment) Shorttltlcand
Act, 2002. merit

(2) It shall come into force at once.

2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred to as tho ~rncndmento f
principal Act), in section 3 1 , in sub-section ( I ) , in the second proviso, for the expression sect'""31
"twelve and a half Qer c-nt", tf?e e\,?res<ion "twenty-five pe, cent" shall be substituted.
3. In the principal Act, in section 3 1-A, in sub-section ( 1 ), in the second proviso, for An~endmentof
the expression "twelve and a half per cent", the expression "twenty-five per cent" shall section 31-A
be substituted.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government,
Law Department.

and is hereby published for general information:--

ACT No. 20 OF 2002.

An Act further lo aniend the Tamil Nudzr General ,;ales 7ax Act, 1Y.59.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-third
Year of the Republic of India as tollows :--
I. ( I ) 'This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales ?'ax (Sixth Amendment) Short title and
Act, 2002. com-
(2) Section 2 sllall be deemed to have come into force on the 27th day of March
2002 and sections 3,4,5 and 6 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of
April 2002.
mil Nadu 2. In section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales 'Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred Amendment of
kt I ol' to as the principal Act),- section 3.
(1) the proviso to sub-section (2-A) shall be omitted;
(2) in sub-section (3), in the first proviso, for clause (a), the following clause shall
be substituted, namely:-
"(a) any sale of high speed diesel oil, light diesel oil and molasses; and".
3. In section 3-D of the principal Act, for sub-sections (1) and (2), the following Amendment of
sub-sections shall be substituted, namely:- section 3-D.

"(1)Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) of section 3, every

dealer whose total turnover is not less than ten lakhs of rupees for the year shall pay tax
at the rate of two per cent on the first point of sale of ready to eat unbranded foods
including sweet(;, savories, unbranded non-alcoholic drinks and beverages served in or
catered indoors or outdoors by hotels, restaurants, sweet-stalls, clubs, caterers and any
other eating houses other than those falling under item 29 of Part-C of the First Schedule.
Explanation (I).-For the purpose of computing the total turnover under this sub-
section, the purchase turnover liable to tax under section 7-A shall be added to the sales
(2).--For the purpose of computing the total turnover under this sub-
section, the salcs tulnover of all business units in a common pemises sharing the common
kitchen or cow *.~tl employees shall be a d d e d 0 the sales turnover of the business unit
having high;' r p

(2) .uu;.;l(hstanding anything contained in sub-section ( I ) , every dealer whose

total turnove~I not more than fifty iakhs of rupecs for the year may at his option, pay tas
at the rates spe:.ified in PART-A of the Ninth Schedule.".
4. Af!cr ,::tctior: 3-F of the principal Act, the following section shall bc inserted. Insertion of new
namely:- scctlon 3-G.

d 61.prillter.:.- -( 1 ) Not~ir;~sta:idir:
t tizv trr c o t ~ ~ p o u n t kro/c
" 3 4 . fJ(q i ~ n o/
anything coniarrlrif I I I sub-section (2) of section 3 or scctlon 3 4 , e v ~ r ydert!t.r ,tho carries
o n the bwines- .)fp;inting may, at his option. nsleiid o f p.ry~rtgtax ,, ,rccfq~*dancc. nith sub-
srctiotl ( 2 ) oi ihctic*n3 or secticn 3-U, pay ta.\ ~t t i i t rate uf ti11c.- pew ;::!I the toti11
1 1 be: it. i r opts t i s i F i r ' j l t t t UZ :.:\. ,:':tier- sui. ~ c c r i o [i ~I), stiali apply

tothe as\: v t ! , " -if\ in 1,uch Ibrm as Itlay he prcscriL~cdon or bctitrc i t i t * 30th (lay of

Apt il o f !I:, :- .ii,!:in thirty days C C i~om~ner~crment of business. as tiw case may be,
and .;hal! ,- .. I!! .:h s,!ch :eiilm. wtthin such pericod and in such ~nallncr,as may
kc 1)rL ,, !
J ~ *1(1J1 ~ I J I I I O I I I I I I I I V I 1l1i8, 4,110 :lo111111 I I I Y V C ~ ~ (I I~ I I I I I ~ I ' I I1 (1 1 1 ~ 1111
I L ~ o v ~ ~III,II 1 1 1 ~ 4

151 day 01' April -"\fI'J \ l i , ~ l l l>c c ~ c : ~ ~ (111 \ e ord bclo~cIIIC ? I \ ! (!<I?01 .I[IIY.!I102
(3) The option so exercised under sub-section (2) shall be tirial fitr that \car ant1
shall continue Tor subsequent years until the dealer withdratrs his option in uriting on or
before the 30th clay of' April of the subsequent year.".
Amendment of 5 , In section 21 of the princi~alAct.--
seclion 2 1 .
( I ) for sub section (I), the following sub-section sllall be substituted. naniely:-
"(I) An application for registration shall be made to such authority, in such
manner and within such period as may be prescribed and shall be acc~n~panied by a fee
of two thousand and five hundred rupees in respect of Public Limited Companies, one
thousand rupees in respect of Private Limited Companies and five hundred rupees in
respect of other dealers for the principal place of business and in addition, a further fee of
two hundred rupees in respect of Public Limited Companies. one hundred rupees in respect
of Private Limited Companies and fifty rupees in respect of other dealers in respect of each
of the places of business other than the principal place of business:
Provided that any dealer who has registered under the Conlrranies Act 1956 (Ccntral
Act 1 of 1956) and who desires to pay the registration fees for five years in a lumpsunl
may do so at his option, by paying a sum equal to five times the fee specified for the
(2) to sub-section (S), the following proviso shall be added, namely:-
"Provided that a registered dealer who fails to renew the certificate of
registration within the prescribed period shall be perlnitted to renew the certificate before
a further period, as may be ,~rescribed,on payment of renewal fee and also a'penalty equal
to renewal fee.";
(3) in sub-section (3-B), for the expression "ten rupees", the expression " one
hundred rupees" shall be substituted.
Amendment of 6. In section 21-A of the principal Act,-
2 1 -A.
(1) in sub section (4). for the expression "such fee not exceeding ten rupees
as may be prescribed", the expression "a fee of one hundred rupees" shall bc substituted:
(2) in sub-section ( 6 ) , for the expression "such fee not exceeding ten rupees as
may be prescribed", the expression "a fee of one hundred rupees" shall be substituted;
(3) in sub-section (6-A). for the expression "one rupee", the expression "twenty
rupees" shall be substituted.

(By order of the Governor)

to C;o\~ern,i~ent.
Lou. Dc~portnir~ir.


'The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 26th May 2g02 arid is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 22 OF 2002.

An Acr further ro amend rhe Tamil X c ~ d tGeneral

~ Sulrs Tux Act, l Y 5 Y .
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-third
Year of the Republic of lndia as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Seventh Amendment) Short title md
Act, 2002. ,al,lmence-
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
notification, appoint.
2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (herein after referred to as the Amendment of
principal Act), in section 2,- section 2.

( I ) in clause (g), after the Explanation (2). the following Erplanufion shall be
added, namely:-
"Explanation (3)- Each of :!ie following persons or bodies who dispose of any
goods including unclaimed or confiscated or unserviceable or scrap surplus, old or obsolete
goods or discarded material or waste products whether by auction or otherwise directly or
through an agent for cash or for deferred payment or for any other valuable consideration,
notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, shall be deemed to be a dealer for the
purposes of this Act to the extent of such disposals, namely:-
(a) Port trust;
(b) Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils and other local authorities
constituted under any law for the time being in force;
(c) Railways administration as defined under the Railways Act, 1989;
(d) Shipping, transport and coristruction companies;
(e) Air Transport Companies and Airlines;
(f) Any person holding permit for the transpoc vetlicles granted under the Motor
Vehicles Act. 1088 wliic!~are used or adopted to be i~sedfor hire;
(g.' hi. Tamil Nadu State Road Trar&sportCorporations:
/1 .I; r>+-partmentof tile Government oi' India administering the Custo.ns
Act, 1962;
ti) 117 urance and Financial Corporations or Compdnies and Ranks ir~clt!ed ir.
the Second ScI. :-dule to the Reserve Bank of lndia Act, 1934;
6) ,"Avertising agencies; and
other Corporation. Company, body CJI. .Iiiiilori@ owned or scot up by, or
( k j An!
subiect to nd!~tlriistrativecontrol of, the Central Governrner: or an;: State Gove!nment.'
( 2 ) for cfa rse (kk), the following clalrses shall be substitured. I anlet). -.-
"(I i.:; , ?put & v " mcal:s tax pt3i.j or p y a ! $ ~by t i ~ ~:#ur2!i5
: 7f. :;a?:: :
;ii (j~.:d4r,t(:
t t i ~ .?.r:ppli.-. ?,%. # ; ~ y ; ~ ; : eft

TAMIL NADU ( j 0 V I ; K N M E N ' r G A Z E 1'I.E FIX'I'K -2OIi L)INt\R\.'


(3) in clause (~iim).liv ~ h ecspressiori " section 3-C mcilna. IIIC \ale 01' goutla,
mentioned in the First Schedule or the Sixth Schedull:". the expression "scction .;-I./ tiie:ui~
the sale of' goods mentiorled in the First Schedule or the Elcventh Sclicdulc" $hall l ~ c
(4) in clause (n). after (I-B),
E.vp/ut~trflori shall be i11,ertl.d.
the foIlo\~itig~.Y/7l~ll7~11011
"E.~pl~wtirion(I-C).-- Every transfer of property in goods i~icludinggoods ns ~ n c l ~ ~ i m e d
or confiscated or as unservicenblc or as scrap surplus. old, obsolete or dt5carded n1'1terials
or as waste products, by tlie persons or bodies referred to in E.~pltrt7trrruti(31 in clai~sr( g )
of section 2 of this Act, for cash or for deferred payment or for an) other valuable
consideration whether or not in the course of business shall be deemed to be a sale for tht:
purposes of this Act.".
(5) after clause (o), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely:--
"(00) "surcharge" means surcharge on tax levied under this Act;
(000) "tax" means and includes a sales tax, purchase tax. resale tax or surcharge.
as the case I.:.v be, payable tinder this Act;";
(0)clause ( r r ) shall be omitted.
Amendment of 3. In section 3 of the pr;ncipal Act,-
section 3.
(1) in sub-section (3), the word "only" shall be omitted;
(2) afier sub-seztion (2-B). ti,? following sub-section shall be inserted. namelq:---
"(2-C) Suhiccr to the pro\ isions of sub-section I1 ). in the case of zoods mentiontd
in rliz Flciznrti Sclic..iirl~.:hi. -.I\ under 1P.s . k t ji~.?il be pa\;lt.lc b\ 2 ck;l/c-r 31 the rare and
at the poirit spccifizd ~ ~ C I ~ IOIII : tht ttlrrio\er or qi~.lrltit? i n ~ a c t i>e.ir rcl.~ting to SLICII
Substitution of 4. For section 3-C, the following section shall be substituted, namely:---
section 3-C.
"3-C. Inplct tau credit.- ( I ) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section
(2) of section 3, every dealer shall pay tax at the rate specified in the First Schedule, on
every sale made by him within the State, in respect of goods as may be notified by the
Government from among the goods specitied in the First Schedule.
(2) A registered dealer shall be entitled to claim input tax credit, sub-ject to such
conditions as may be prescribed.".
Omission .of . 5. Section 3-F of the principal Act shall be omitted.
section 3-F.
Insertion of new 6 . After section 3-G of the principal Act, the following sections shall be inserted,
sections 3-H. namely:--
3-1 and 3-5.

J-H. Lev)! uf'resals tc/.v.- Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections


( I ) and (2) of section 3, every dealer, other than the dealer liable to pay tax under
section 3-5, whose total turnover is not less than ten laklis of rupces for the year. sliall pa!
a resale tax at such rate not exceeding one per cent as may be fixed by tlie C;overnment.
by notification, on the turnover of resale of goods specified in the First Schedule and the
Eleventh Schedule other thar: the goods notified by the Government under section 3-C. at
a point other than the point of levy specitied therein:
Provided that any resale turnover included in the total turrtover of a dealer paying
tax under sub-section (2) of section 3-D and sections 3-E. 7-C, 7-Dand 7-E is nor liable
for resale tax: +C


-- - -

Provided further that the goods taxable at the point of last ,xchase,in the state
are not liable to resale tax.
E.~plnncrtion.- For the purpose of this section, the turnover of resale in respect
of goods taxable at the point of first purchase means the sales turnover of such goods at
all points of sale by subsequent dealers.
3-1. Levy of surcharge.- A surcharge at the rate of five per cent shall be levied
on the tax levied under sub-sections (2), (2-C), (3) and (5) of section 3, sections 3-A, 3-
B and 3-C. sub-section (1) of section 3-D and sections 3-G, 3-5, 5, 7-A and 7-C and at the
first point of sale in the State under sub-section (2-A) of section 3.
3-J. Levy of tm on trade mark holder.- Notwithstanding anything contained in
this Act, whenever a dealer, who holds the trade mark or the patent thereof, sells goods
other than the declared goods at ary point of sale other than the first point of sale, he shall 1

be deemed to be the first seller in the State and shall be liable to pay tax accordingly and
for determining the tax due to be paid by him, the tax levied and collected, if any at the
'mmediate preceding point of sale, on the same goods shall be deducted from the tax .

payable by him at that point of sale.".

7. In sectim 7-A of the principal Act,- Amendment o f
section 7-A.
( 1 ) in clause (b), the word "or" shall be omitted;
(2) in clause (c), the word "or" shall be added at: the end;
(3) after clause (c) as so amended, the following c ause strall be added, namely:-
"(d) installs arld uses such goods in the factory for the manufacture of any
8. In section 7-C of the principal Act, after sub-section (2), the following sub-section Amendment oi
shall be inserted, nam:ly:- section 7-C

"(2-A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), any dealer who

executes works contract may apply to the assessing authority along with the first monthly
return on the commellcement of each works contract, his option to pay the tax under
sub-section ' 1 ) in respect of each works contract."
9. In -ction 7-F of the principal Act,- Amendment of
section 7-F.
( I ) in sub-section ( I ) , in the proviso, in clause (b), for the expression "a certificate"
thc expression "a certificate in such form as may be prescribed" shall be substituted;
(2) to sub-section (4), the following proviso shall be added, namely:-
"Provided that the burden of proving that the tax on such works contract has
already been deposited and of establishing the exact quantum of tax so deposited shall be
on the dealer claiming the deduction.";
(3) after sub-section (7). the following sub-section shall be added, namely:- ,

"(8) If any person contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) or sub-section

(2). the whole amount of tax payable shall be recovered from such person and all
provisions of this Act for the recovely of tax including those relating to levy of penalty and
interest shall apply, as if the person is an assessee for the purpose of this Act.
- -- -. ---- --- -------
Antrndnlent of 10. In section 12 of the principal Act.---
section 12.
( 1 ) for sub-section (1). the following sub-section shall be substituted. nlunely. -

"(I) (a) The assessment in respect of a dealer \hall be on the basis of the return
relating to his turnover submitted in the prescribed nianner within the prescribed period.
(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause ( u ) of this sub-section, a
dealer whose turnov~,S-lhich includes the total turnover under this Act, inter-State sales,
export sales and stock transfers to outside the State does not exceed ten crores of rupees
in a year. may make a self-assessment for that year in the manner and subject to such
conditions as may be prescribed.
(c) The provisions of clause (b) and sub-section (I-A; shall apply to the
assessments for the financial years commencing from the 1st day of April 2001 .";
@) in sub-section (I-A), for the expression "in the provisos to clause (a) of sub-
section (I), twenty per cent of the total number", the expression "in clause (bj of sub-
section (I), five per cent of the total number" shall be substituted;
(3) in sub-section (2j. after the expression "best of its judgement", the expression
"subject to such conditions as may be prescribed" shall be added;
(4) in sub-section (3),-
(a) for the expression "under sub-section (2)" occurring in two places, the
expression "under sub-section ( I ) or (2)" shall be substituted;
(b) in clause (c), after the proviso, the following pl.oviso shall be inserted,
"Provided further that no penalty under this sub-section or the interest under suh-
section (3) of section 24 of the Act, shall be imposed on the oil companies as explained
in the Explanation-ll of the Eleventh Schedule if the difference of tax due as per accounts
and the lax paid as per the rctunls is less than five per cent and revised return is filed along
with the difference of tax due within a period of three months from the due date for filing
the monthly return.".
Insertion of new 11. After section 12-A of the principal Act, the following section shall be insrrtetl,
section 12-8. namely:-

"12-B. Assessment of sales in certuirr cases --(: J Notwithstanding anytlling

contained in this Act but subject to the provisions of section 16. the ass~ssmentof a dca!t.r
in respect of the assessment for the period prior to the 1st d;.y of .4prsi I$?'? shall 1.r: on
the basis of the return relating to his turnover and on .r<tsi\ ot rhe dec!,,ra:icn nr
$; ! :

certificate furnished on or before the 3qth day of Septe~riher.2':i)'_' and rch retiin1 sh;,ll be
accepted subject to such conditions as may be prt.rcrib:d
Provided that this sub-sectiori shall not apply to s dealel who 7as filed an ;.ppzni
or other proceeding in respect of any assessrr,cnt fo; trie pc:.iod refetrcd :u i:b!hie citb-
section and is pending before th+ Spzzial 'i ribur31, c,hr Wgls ,:uti17 or ':e S u l ) - m e ( ~ i : , : .
as the case may be.
(2) Every dealer hilo c h i v fa nc ::6 4.. ' t G,Q+ i;:td :. (urn.
shall file the return on or bcfort h i ., -;h i: 5 ,rgr-rb,"+.:, 4: r:. ::: ,c<crib~2? I I P ie:
$.I ~
relating to his turnover for the , ctisb prir, IG i,,? ;;: .,a) \. ' '3 t ::nd such !i-tu!:!
shall be accepted subject to the pro\lsions :.f secii~iti r j . iu; , ,g 3,tch r re ,t,;:alt ,,, =!i:.li
\% 1;

be cancelled after giving him a reasdnable opportbri;i:y of being ireat& '.


shall be inserted, namely:--


t "(2-A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections ( I ) or (2), every dealer

I> othtr than those paying tax under sub-section (2) of section 3-D, section 3-E, or 7-E, whose
i total turnover in the preceding year &as not less than ten lakhs of rupees or his taxable turn-
over was not less than three lakhs of rupees and all dealers newly registered in the year
shall pay tax in advance during the year on the basis of his actual turnover for each month
or for such other periods, as may be prescribed.".
13. In section 16 of the principal Act, in sub-section (I ), for the expression "expiry Amendment of
of the year to which the tax relates" occurring in two places, the expression "date of order section 16.
of the final assessment by the assessing authority" shall be substituted.
14. In section 16-A ,f the principal Act,- Amendment of
section 16-A.
(1) for the marginal heading and sub-secticn (I), the following shall be substituted,
Assessment ofturnover not disclosed under the cor~~pot~ritiingprovisions.- (1)
Where for any reason, any part of the turnover of business of a dealer who has been
permitted to pay tax under sub-section (2) of section 3-D, sections 3-E, 3-G or 7-E has
escaped assessment from the tax, the assessing authority, may at any time within a period
of five years from the date of order of the final assessment by the assessing authority,
determine to the best of its judgement the turnover which has escaped assessment and re-
assess the tax payable on the total turnover including the turnover already assessed under
tile said sections.";
(2) in sub-section (3), for the expression "under section 7 or section 7-B", the
expression "under the sections referred to in sub-section (1)" shall be substituted.
15. In section 16-AA of the principal Act, in sub-section ( I ) , for the expression Amendment of
"expiry of the year to which the tax relates", the expression "date of order of the final section
assessment by the assessing authority" shall be substituted.
16. In section 16-AAA of the principal Act,- Amendment of
(1) in sub-section (I), for the expression "expiry of the year in which the draw is 16-AAA.
held", the expression "date of order of final assessment by the assessing authority" shall
be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (3), the expression "in pursuance of the option" shall be
17. In section 16-C of the principal Act,- Amendment of
section 16-C.
( I ) for the expression "sections 16, 16-A, 16-AA and 16-B", the expression
"sections 16, 16-A and 16-AA" shall be substituted;
(2) after clause ( e ) , the following clauses shall be added, namely:-
"(f) in addition to the tax assessed under clauses (to or (e). the dealer is liable
to pay a penalty, at the rdte specified in sub-section (3) of section 12 and the assessing
authority shall i:i the same order of assessment or by a separate order direct the dealer to
pay such penalty.
(g) in making the re-assessment under clauses (to or ( r ) . in addition to the tax
assessed, the dealer is liable to pay a penalty, at the ratc specified in sub-section (2) of
section 16, if there is wiltill nun-disclosure of assessable turriover by the dealer to the
satisfaction of' tllc assessi~igauthority.".
- -- ---

insertion of new 18. After section 16-C of the principal Act, the following scction sli,ill bc inserted.
scctioti 16-11, namely:--

"16-D. Consrirnfi(mofSptlcii~IC'onln?iltee.-- ( I ) The Government shall appoint

a Special Committee consisting of,---.
( I ) Secretary to Government, Commercial Taxes Department;
(2) Commissioner of commercial Taxes; and
(3) Secretary to Government, Finance Department or his nominee.
( 2 ) Notwithstanding anyhing contained in this Act. the Special Committee
may of its o w motion or on ~ppiication.call tor and e\.lminz t'lc' ri',-~rdi of'1t1c' .issi'ssi~l;
authoriy in respect of an? proceeding or order under sub-section ( 3 ) or ( 3 ) of section I2
or sub-section ( I ) or (2) of section 16. if such proceeding or order is ~1:~Sed in \iolation
of the provisions of the Act or rules niade thereunder or \vitho:lt follo\\ing tile principles
of natural justice, set aside the said proceedings or order and dir,cct thc asscssitig a~rtllori(\,
to make a fresh assessment and pass fresh proceeding or order in such manner as may be
Provided that such proceeding or order against which a n appeal or writ is
'pending shalt not be entertained under this sub-section.
(3) The order ;)assed under sub-section (2) shall be tinal."
Amendment of 19. In section 36 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1). after the second proviso, the
section36. following proviso shall be addzd, namely:-
"Provided also that no appea: shall be admitted against an order, passed by the
Appellate Assistant Commissioner under section 31 or by the Appellate Deputy
Commissioner under section 3 I-A, as the case may be. setting aside the assessment and
directing the assessing authority to make a fresh assessment.".
Instrtion of 20. After section 38-A of the principai Act, the following section shall be inserted,
new namely:-
section 39.
"39. Constitution of Sales Tax Settlement Commission.- ( 1 ) The Government
shall, by notification, constitute a Commission called "Sales Tax Settlement Commission"
for the settlement of arrears of tax, additional sales tax, penalty or interest in respect of the
following classes of dealers, namely:-
(a) Dealers who stopped business prior to the I st day of April 1995 and whose
arrears are not covered by any appeal or revision as on the 28th day of February 2002.
(b) Dealers in lottery tickets with arrears relating to the assessment years prior
to the 1st day of April 1996.
(c) Public Sector Undertakings including Oil Compar~ies,Government Conlpanies
and Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited.
(d) Dealers who have requested waiver of arrears af tax, surcharge, additional
sales tax, penalty and interest for the assessment years prior to the 1st day of April 1999
but no appeal or revision is pending as on the 28th day of February 2003 on that matter.
(2) The Commission shall consis: - r T chairman and such number of members
not exceeding two, appointed by the Government, as it may, from time to time. consider
necessary for the proper discharge of the functions conferred on the Commission under this
(3) No person shall be appointed as Chairinan or member of tlie Cpmmission
unless he possesses such qualifications as may be prescribed and for such period as rnny
be specified in this behalf.
(4) Subject to the previous sanciion of the Govertiment, the Coniniission shall
for the purpose of regulating its procedure and disposal of its business make regulations
not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act agd rules.".


d the entries relating :\nle~~dment@f

F ~rst
tilereto, shall be o~nitted. sj Schcdule
22. In the Sixth Schedule to the principal Act, in item 1 , in the entry in column (2). Arncndment of
lbr the expressions. "item 5 of PART-G of the First Schedule" ancl "item I of PAKT-G
of the First Schedule", the expressions "item 6 of the Fleventh Schedule" and "item I of
the Eleventh Schedule". shall, respectively, be substituted.
23. In the Ninth Schedule, for PART-B. the following PART shall be substituted, Amendment of
(See section 3 - E )
Rate of Tax.
(i) Whore the total turnover exceeds Seven thousand and eight
three lakhs of rupees but does not hundred rupees per annum.
exceed five lakhs of rupees.
(ii) Where the total turnover exceeds five Fifteen thousand and six
lakhs of rupees but does not exceed hundred rupees per annum.
ten lakhs of rupees.
(iii) Where the total turnover exceeds ten Thirty-one thousand and two
lakhs of rupees but does not exceed hundred rupees per annum.
twenty lakhs of rupees.
(iv) Where the total turnover exceeds Sixty-two thousand and four
twenty lakhs of rupees but does not hundred rupees per annum.
exceed thirty lakhs of rupees.
(v) Where the total turnover exceeds Ninety-three thousand and six
thirty lakhs of rupees but does not hundred rupees p :r annum.
exceed forty lakhs of rupees.
(vi) Where the total turnover exceeds One la& nine thousand and
forty lakhs of rupees but does not two hundred rupees per
excced fifty lakhs of rupees. annum.".
24. After the Tenth Schedule, the following Schedule shall be added, namely:- Addition of new

[See section 3 (2-C)]

uj' gootls. Poirrr of Rare oj
/el y. tct-r.
(3 (4)
I. Alcoholic liquors of all kinds for human consumptiori First sale 55 per cent
which are purchased/procured/brclught from outside
the State other than foreign liquors falling under
item 5 , toddy and arrack.
2. Asphalt (bitumen) First sale 12 per cent

3 Aviation G:~soli~ie First sale 24 per cent

4. A\~at~ori
titrbilie fuel including jet h ~ r l First sale 74 per cent
First sale 13 per cent


-- ----- --

Srritrl Desc-ription of gouds. Porrrl of Kutc oJ

(1) (2)
6. Foreign liquors, that is to say, wines, spirits and First sale 70 per cent
beers imported into India from foreign countries and
dealt with under tt e Indian Tariff Act, 1934 (Central
Act 32 of 1934) 0. under any other law for the time
being in force relating to the duties of custorns on
goods imported into India.
7. Fuel gas including liquefied petroleum gas First sale 8 per cent
8. High Speed Diesel Oil First sale 72 per cenl
9. Imported cigarettes, medium density fibre boards, First sale 20 per cent
textiles and other items falling in Parts D and E
of the First Schedule.
10. Kerosene First sale 4 per cent

1 1. Light Diesel Oil First sale 18 per cent

12. Lubricating oils, quenching oils and greases First sale 16 per cent
13. Mineral oils of all kinds other than those mentioned First sale I6 per cent
in item 12 of this Schedule and under item 3-A of
the Second Schedule including furnace oil and
14. Molasses
15. Panmasala by whatever name called containing
betel nuts, that is to say, nut of areca, catachu
First sale
First sale
30 per cent

40 per cent l
and perfumed with lime or menthol or I

sandal oil or cardamom or any one or more of

these ingredients.
16. Petrol First sale 28 per cerlt
17. Sugarcane
purchase per metric
E~plcmation-I.-- For the purpose of this Schedule, a sale of petroleum product by one
oil company to anothel oil company shall not be deemed to be the First sale in this State 1
and any sale by one oil company to another person (not being an oil company) shall be
deemed to be the First sale in the State.
-I/.-- - For the purpose of E.yplrrnc~~ion-I,
E.~/~lrrncrtion Oil company means (a) Chennnl
Petroleum Corporation !Ad., ( h ) The India11Oil Corporati011 1,td.. (c) The Bharat Petrolcu~~l
Corporation 1,td.. (to 'The Ilindustan Petroleum Corporation L.td., (c) Indo- Burma Petroleum
Company Ltd., and includes any other oil conipany as may be notified in this behalf b) the
Government in the Ttrtllrl ~ V a t hC;or.errulleril
~ Cicrzc~ttc.

(B} order of the Governor)

7- L ~ ~ ~ ~ ' l !O' ~ ~01'~'1'171~1~17/,
L ~ I I I De/1111~1rirer~f
-.. ----..___ _
---- -
I he followillg Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent ofthe

Governor or? the 15th November 2002 and is hereby published for general information:--

ACT No. 47 OF 2002.

Strlr..r Ttr.r Act, 19-59.

r . rrrr?c.r~tltlic> 7'iri11ilNirtlir Ge~tcl.it/
,417 A c t ~ i r r . r / i c ~to

131-i t enacted by the I,egislative Assembly of tlie State of 'I'amil Nadu in the Fifty-third
Year of the Republic of Intlia as follows:

1 . ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Eighth Short title and
Amendment) Act, 2002. conimcnce-

( 2 ) ( t i ) Clause (a) of sub-section (.I ) of section 2, clause (a) of sub-section (2) of

section 3, sub-section ( I ) , and clause (a) of sub-section (2), of section 4, sub-section ( I )
of section 6 , sub-section (1 ) of section 7 and sub-sectidn ( 1 ) of section 8 shall be deemed
to have come into force on the 27th day of March 2002.

( b )Clause (b) of sub-section ( I ) , and sub-section (2), of section 2, sub-section

( I),and clause (b) of sub-section (2), of section 3, clause (b) of sub-section (2) of section
4, section 5, ~ u b ~ s e c t i o(2)
n of section 6, sub-section (2) of section 7 and sub-section (2) of
section 8 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of July 2002.

' 'I'
2. In the Tamil h'adu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred to as the
principal Act), in section
Amendment of
section 3.

( 1) in sub-section (?),--

( ( 1 ) for the expreziiun "sub-section (2)", the expression "sub-section (2) or

(2-A)" shall be substituted;

( h ) for the expression "sub-section (2) or (2-A)", as so substituted, the

expression "sub-section (2), (2-A) or (2-C)" sha!l be substituted.

(2) in sub-section (7), for the expression "sub-sections (2), (2-A), (2-B) or (3)",
the expression "sub-sections (2). (2-A), (2-13). (2-C) or (3)" shall be substituted.

3. In section 3-A of the principal Act,--- & Amendment of

section 3-A.
( 1 ) for the expression "sub-sections (2-A), (2-B), (3). (4). ( 7 ) and (8) of
section 3", the expression "sub-section (?-A), (2-B), (2-C'), (3), (4), (7) or (8) of section
3" shall be substituted;

( 2 ) ( ( 1 ) for the expression "sub-section ( 2 ) of section 3", the expression

"sub-section ( 2 ) or (2-A) of section 3" shall be substit~ltecl:

( h )for the expression "sub-section ( 2 ) or(2-A)ol.section 3". as so substituted,

the expression "sub-section ( 2 ) , (2-A) or (2-C) of section 3" shall be substituted.

4 . In s c c t i o ~3-I3 Act, in sub-section ( 1 ),..---

~ of the pri~~cipal A~liendrncn~ 01'
sccliitn 3-13
( I ) fill- the expression "sub-sections (2-A), (2-L3), (3). (7)". the expression
.'sub-sections (2-B), ( 3 ) . ( 4 ) . (7)" shall be substituted:

(2)( ; I ) li)r lhc exprcssictn "sub-scctio~l(2)". the expression "sub-section ( 2 ) or

(2-I\ )" .;II;III hc suhslitutc~l:

( h ) l i ~ rthe expt.cbslojl "sub-scction ( 2 ) o r ( 2 - A ) " . a s so substitutctl. thc

~ . \ I N ~ ~ \ , ~"I ~O ~Hi I ~ - s c c ~
( ?i o:I) 01 (2-C') "sliall lx. strbs111~t1c.d.
) r(t 2


- -- - -- --- -- .-

Amendlnent of 5. In section 3-14 of tile principal Act, for the expression "sub-scctiol~s( I ) and ( 2 ) 0 1 '
section 3-11. section 3", the expressio~i"sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 3, section 3 - A or 3-B" shall
be substituted.

Anlendrncnt of 6. In sectioli 5 of the ),rincipal Act:--.

section 5.
(1) for the expression "sub-sections (2) and (2-B)", the expression "sub-sections
(2), (2-A) and (2-B)"shall he substituted;

(2) for the expression "sub-sections (2), (2-A) and (2-13)", as so substituted, thc
expression "sub-sections (2), (2-A), (2-B) and (2-C)" shall be substituted.

Amendment of 7. In section 7-A of the principal Act, in sub-iection (I),--

section 7-A.
(1) for the expression "sub-section (2) of section 3 or sectic.~4, were purchased
at a point other than the taxable point specified in the Firs! or the Second Schedule and
either", the expression "sub-section (2) or (2-A) of section 3 or section 4, were purchased
at a point other than the taxable point specified in the First, the Fifth or the Second
Schedule, respectively, and either" shall be substituted;

(2) for the cxpression "sub-section (2) or (2-A) of section 3 or section 4, were
purchased at a point other than the taxable point specified in the First, the Fifth or the
Second Schedule, resp-ctively and either", as so substituted, the expression "sub-section
(2), (2-A) or ( 2 4 ) of section 3 or section 4, were purchased at a point other than the
taxable point specified in the First, the Fifth, the Eleventh or the Second Schedule,
respectively, and either" shall be substituted.
Amendment of 8. In section 7-E of the principal Act, in sub-section (I),-
section 7-E.
(1) for the expression "sub-section (2)", in two places where it occurs, the
expression "sub-sections (2) and (2-A)" shall be substituted;

(2) for the expression "sub-section (2) and (2-A)", in two places where it is so
substituted, the expression "sub-sections ( 2 ) , (2-A) and (2-C)" shall be substituted.

(By order oC the Governor)

Secretary to Governnlerrt.
Law Depcirfment.


L.-- - h.
'J'he following Act of the Tanlit Nadu Legislative Assembly received th
Cjovernor on the 15th November 2002 and ishereby published for general

ACT No. 48 OF 2002.

1 All Act .filr.tker to c~inerrtlthe Tcr~nilNudu General Sales T(1x Act, t

Dl. it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-,.
Year of the Republic of India as foIIows:--
1. ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Ninth Amendment) Short tt,.
Act, 2002. commencc-
(2) I t shall be deemed to have come into force on the 19th day of August 2002.
2. In section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred Amendment of
to as the principal Act), in sub-section (I),- section 3.

(i) for clause (a), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
"(a) (i) Every dealer, other than the dealer, casual trader or agent of a
non-resident dealer referred to in clause (ii), whose total turnover for a year exceeds three
lakhs of rupees: and
(ii) every dealer in bullion, gold, silver and platinum jewellery including
articles thereof and worn-out or beaten jewel1.r~ and precious stones and every casual
trader or agent of a non-residcnt dealer, whatever be his turnover for the year,
shall pay tax for each year in accordance with the provisions of this Act.";
(ii) in clause (b), for the expression "a casual trader or agent of a non-resident
dealer", the expression "a dealer in bullion, gold, silver and platinum jewellery including
articles thereof and worn-out or beaten jewellery znd precious stones and a casual trader
01 agent of a non-resident dealer" shall be substituted.

3.111 section 20 of 111eprincipal Act, in sub-sectic.1(2), after clause (iv), the following Amendment of
section 20.
clause shall be inserted, namely:--
"(iv-a) every dealer in bullion, gold, silver and platinicm jewellery including
.II t~clcstlicrrof a r ~ dworn-out or beaten jewellery and precious stones.".

4. In the Ninth Scl~eduleto the principal Act, in Part-B, for clause (i)and the entries Anieni' I ~ n off
relating thereto, the following clauses and entries shall be substituted, nailr,ly:-- Ninth Schedule.

"(i) Where the total Four thousand six

turnover docs not hundred and eighty
exceed three lakhs of rupees per annum.

(i-3) Where the total Seven thousand and

turnover exceeds three eight hundred rupees
lakhs of rupees but does per alrnu~n.".
not cxoccd f'iv: Iakhs
of' I.LIpCcS.

2 70 'I'AMIl, NAIIO (;OVl:l<NMEN-I' (iALfi'l'll:

_. _ - ^ ---- _ - _ -- - - -- ---- . +

Itepeal a11cl 5. ( 1 ) I'he 'l'amil Nadu Cieneral Sales 'I act (hltl111A n ~ e
.saving hereby repealed.

( 2 ) Notwlthstancl~~~g
sl1c11repeal, anyt11111pilonc 01 any actroll 1 4 t l \ c . r ~ trl~tlc~
principal Act, as amended by the said Ord~~rance, shall he deemed to hat c been donc ol
taken under the principal Act, as amended by t111\ Act.

(By order of the Governor)

Secrctcrry to Governnlent,


The following Act of the Tamil Nadu 1.egislative Assembly received the assent of
the <;overnor on the 18th May 2003 and is hereby published for general information: -
ACT No. 21 OF 2003.
,411 Act jirr.tlic~rt o irrr~c~ntl N(rilrr (;ent.r-trl St11r.s Ttrs Act. 1959.
the firr~~il
Dl: it enacted by the 1.egislative Assembly of the State of Tanlil Nadu in the Fifty-fourth
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Short title and
Act. 2003. commence-
( 2 ) I t shall be deemed to have come into force on the 2 1st day of March 2003.
Jadu ACI 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment of
1950. referred to as the principal Act),-- First Schedule.

( 1 ) in Part-D, in item 14,--

(a) in sub-item (ii), the expression "Washing machines" shall be omitted;
(6) in sub-item (vi), for the expression "pagers and cellular telephones", the
expression "and pagers" shall be substituted;
(c) in sub-item (vii), the expression "telephones" shall be omitted;
(2) after Part-D and thc entries thereunder, the following Part and entries shaH be
inserted, namely:-
1. Telephones and cellular telephones Fim sale.
2. Washing machines First sale.".
3. In the Eleventh Schedule to the principal Act,-- Amendment of
(1) in item 3, in column (4), for the figures "24". the figures "29" shall be
(2) in item 4, in column (4), for the figures "24", the figures "29" shall be
(3) in item 8, in column (4), for the figures "22", the figures "25" shall be
(4) for item I0 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall
be substituted, namely:--
"10. Kerosene other than White Kerosene First sale 4 per cent.";

(5) in item 1I, in column (4), for the figures "18", the figures "25" shall be
(6) in item 16, in column (4). for the figures "28", the figures "30"shall be -
substituted; and
(7) after item 17 and before Explanation-1 the following item shall be inserted,
"18. White kerosene (superior kerosene oil) First sale 25 per cent.";

(By order of the Governor)


Srcr-rtcrr:t' to Government.
L(rw Department.

I n r a $ - ~T
t . 1 n . ~ - 7 - Y '* - - 3 8 1 BU 5 - - -a
E -
' E
I- 175
T h e following A c t o f the T a m i l N a d u Leglslatlve Assembly recelverl the assent o f the .
Govenior o n the 14th November 2003 and 1s hereby published for genela1 ~ n t b r n ~ a t ~ o n : - -

8 i

t ACT No. 40 OF 2003.

An Actfilrtlter to (1menr1the T(1nlnlrl Ntrrllr Ge/~et.tilStile, Tilt il(,t. 1959

BE it enacted by the Legrslatlvc Asscmbly o f thc Statc o f Tanill Nrdu In the F~ft)-fourthYcar o f thc I

Republlc o f lndla as follows - -

I. (I) Thls Act may be called the Tam11 Nadu General Salcs T;lr (Scscond Allicndment) Short t l t l c and
Act, 2003. conimence-
men I
(2) I t shall bc dccmcd to havc cori~cInto forcc on the 3rd d ~ oy f .iunc :!(lo3
ml Nadu Act 2. In the Seventh Schedule to the Tanill Nadu General Srlcs T ~ Act.
Y l"9. after ltcm 7, the Amendment o f
I of 1950 follow~ngltcms shall bc addcd, nanicly - I Seventh
"8. A l l kinds o f alcoholic liquors for hunian consumption othcr. than tc~lclcly ; ~ n darrack.
9. Foreign liquors, including winc, spirit and bccr ~niportcd Into ndia from foreign
countries and dealt with under Indian Tariff Act, 1934 (Central Act X X X l l of 034) nr 11nArr "..,
.,-.-..--. anv
othcr law for thc tinic bcing in forcc rclating to thc duties ofcustonis on goods I
1 :
. ,
10. White kerosene (superior kerosene oi I).".

(By order o f the Governor) I

Secretclry to Government,

Ex. ( 3 2 0 ) - -3a


The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of the Governor on the 23rd February 2004 and is hereby published for general

ACT No. 4 OF 2004.

An Act further to amend the Taniil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-fifth
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
Short title and 1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
' Act, 2004.
Amendment of (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of October
Eleventh 2003.
2. In the Eleventh Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, in TamilNadu
item 16, in column (2), for the expression 'Petrol", the expression 'Petrol with or ~ c 1 tof
without additivesn shall be substituted. 1959.

(By order of the' Governor)

Secretary to Government,
Law Department.

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 5th August 2004 and is hereby published for general information:--

ACT No. 14 OF 2004.

An A c t further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
Bt- it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tam11Nadu in the Fifty-fifth Yea:
of the Republic of India as follows :-
I.(I)This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Genxal Sales Tax (Second Short title and
Amendment) Act, 2004. commence-
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
notification, appoint.
2. In section 24 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, in sub-section (3), for ~mendme'ntof
the expression 'interest at two per cent per month of such amount for the entire period of 24.
'359, default", the expression "interest at one and half per cent per month of such amount for
the Rrst three months of default and at two per cent per month of such amount for the
subsequent period of default" shall be substituted.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government-incharge,
Law Department.

y received the assent of

or general information:-

ACT No. 15 OF 2004.

An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadd in the

Fifty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Short title and
Amendment) Act, 2004. commence-
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 6th day of April 2004.
2. In the Seventh Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, after Amendment of
item 10, the following item shall be added, namely:- Seventh
"1 1. All types of plastic granules and plastic raw materials.".

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Govemmer~t-incharge,
Law Department.

M ill


The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 5th August 2004 and is hereby published for general information:-

ACT No. 16 OF 2004.

k An Act further 'to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BEit enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-fifth Year
of the Republic of India as follows :-
1. (1) '?his Act may be called the 'Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth short title and
Amendment) Act, 2004. commence-
(2) It shall he deemed to have come into force on the 18th day of May 2004.
bNadu 2. In the Sixth Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, in Amendment of
I item 1, for the entries in columns (3) and (4), the following entries shall, respectively, Sixth .
101 1959. be substituted, namely:- Schedule.

"At the first point of sale in the State 55

At the second point of sale in the stare 35.".

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government-in-charge,
Law Department.

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assemt:ly received the assent of
the Governor on the 5th August 2004 and IS hereby published for general information:-

ACT NO. 17 OF 2004.
P An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-fifth
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
I.' (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fifth Amendment) Short title and
Act, 2304. commence-
Ii t (2) It shall come into force at once.

bNadu 2. In section 22 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, in sub-section Amendment
w 1959. (2), in the first proviso, for the expression 'five years from the expiry of the year in
which the amount has beon collected", the expression 'five years from the date of

order of the final assessment by the assessing authority" shall be substituted.

Secretary to Government-in-charge,

The following Act of the Tam11Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the I l t h December 2004 and is hereby published for general information:-

ACT No. 40 OF 2004.

An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 7959.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-fifth Year
of the Republic of India as follows:--
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Sixth Amendment) Short title
Act, 2004. and com-
(2) It shall come into force at once. ment.

2. In section 4-E of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, for the exprescinn
"Madras Export Processing Zone", the expression "Madras Special E c o n ~ Zone" shall
be substituted.
Amendment of
~ e ~ ~ ~ ~

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government-in-charge,
Law Department.


- ------- -- - - - --- ---
-__----_I____- -I_--
---- 21
The I h l l o \ v ~ i Act
i ~ ~ of the I'anill Nadu 1 e;tblc~trve Asscmblj ~ c c c ~ v e cthc
l , ~ s \ ~ rof
the Gobernor on the 9th Octobcr 2005 and IS hereby g u b l ~ s l ~ efur d general ~r~fol~:~;lllun -

Dr: it cnactzcl by the I,cgisla~rveAsscn~blyof' the Statc oi' 'I'an~il Natlu in thc I:lfiy-s~x~h
Year of the Kepubllc of India as f611o:vs :-
,hart title and . ( I ) Thls .Act m y bc called the 'I am11Natilt (;cnesaI Sales Tax (An~endlliel~t)
coliinienccnicIi1. 2 OC)5
e dee~tlcdto have conlc into fi)rce on the 13th day of July 2005. 5
Arnendrne~itof' 2; In seclion 37 of the Tamil Nadu General Sates ?'ax .4ct,.1959 (hereinafter sekrred
,section 37. to a s !.(he ~?sincip;~l AcI), in sub-scction ( I ), fbr. rl~cI \ ostls "l3i)asd 01. RCVCII~IC". 1 1 1 ~\I orcis
"Joi~.'!~C ' c ~ r i ~ ~ ~ ~ i s,soi fo C'o~li~~lcrci:tl
~icr 'l';~scs" :;I1311 be s ~ ~ b s t i t ~ ~ t o d .
:cnurnhcl.i~igof I ~ [IIL* t\ortl>
I ) ~ ~ I I I I I I I wit11
3. Scc[iorl .JO (1'' t l i ~pr111cip:11 Acl wit11 \ l i t * L.AI>IC>:~IO~I
sccilon 30. "30: ('o~istil\~tioll of' Sa1c.s 'I'ilx Sc~tlclncnt ('r~nrrn~ss~oo" and ending wit11 ~11ci\ords
r.eg;i;ations not inconsistent with the provisions o f this Act and n~les"shall be renunlbesc~l
as sectinn 3.5-A.

(2) No.:\vithstr;ndi~igsuc11 repeal, anything done or any action taken undei. the
principal Act. as a m c t ~ d ~l)y~ dfhc said 01.dina11ce.shall bc dcerilcd to ha\%cbr.c%nd o ~ l cor
tal;tn untlcr tltc principal Act, as 3111c1ldedby tl~is,qct.

( B y order of the Governor)

Secretnr:)~to Go\terr~nicnt,
Lnrv Depnrtntent.

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Asselnbly received the assent of
the Governor on the 12th October 2005 and 1shereby published for general information:-

ACT No. 13 OF 2005.

An Act f i r t l ~ e r lo anlerrd the Tnmii N n h Getierrrl Snlrs Tar Act, 1959.
1 3 ~it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of 'rarnil Nadu iq the Fifty-sixrh
Year of the Republic of India as follows :--
I . ( I ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second short title and
Amendment) Act, 2005. commence-
men t
( 2 ) It sllall be dcerneci to h a \ e conlc into force on thc 20th day of June 2005.
2. In the First Schedule to the -Farnil Nadu (3eneral Sales Tax Act, 1959, in Part-B. Amendment of
in item 44, for sub-item (iv), the following sub-item shall be stlbstituted, namely:- Sc heduie.
1 "(iv) HDPEtTP woven strips, FIDPEPP circular strips, woven fabrics, I.ID?E/
I,Di3E sheets, films and flat strips.".

(By order of the Governor)

Secr.~*tnr.yto Government,
LNw Depcrr-tment.



The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of the Governor on the 2nd February 2006 and is hereby published for general information:-

ACT No. 5 OF 2006.

A n A c t further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Natfu in the Fifty-seventh
',ear of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (~Aendment) Short title s
Act, 2006. commenc
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 2nd day of January 2006. II
Tamil Nadu 2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, fclr tht? Fifth Schedule, the Substitutior
Act 1 of following Schedule shall be substituted, namely:- Fifth
1959. Schedule

[See section 3(2-A)] i!


Serial Description Point of Rate of Tax

Number. of Goods. levy in the (per cent).

(1) (2)
1 All grades of First sale 14.".

(By Order of the Governor.)

Secretary to Government,
Law Depatfment.

- -- -- -
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received th
the Governor on the 11th September 2006 and is h&reby published

I ACT NO. 2s oe 2006.

1 An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE if enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tarnil Nadu in the
Fifty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Short title and
Act, 2006. comrnence-
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 22nd day of July 2006.

adu 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment of
of referred to as the principal Act), in Part-6- First
Schedule. .
(1) in item 1, sub-item (iii) and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(2) in item 18, for sub-item (ii) and the entries relating thereto, the following
sub-~temand entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"(ii) Licensed software, including IT software but excluding licensed software
with complete Tamil version.".
3. In the Second Schedule to the principal Act, in item 3, in sub-itern (a), after the Amendment of
word "excluding", the expression "hank yarn and" shall be inserted. Schedule.
4 In the Third Schedule to the principal Act, in Part-B, after item 54 and the entries Amendment of
relating thereto, the following items and entries shall be added, namely:- Third
- -
"55 Licensed software with complete Tamil version
56 Hank Yarn
57 Gum Benzoin (Sambirani)."

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government in-charge,
Law Department.

I -P IV-2 Ex. (249)--la



- -
The following. Act of the Tam11 Nadu Legislative Assembly received the
assent of the Governor on the 16th December 2006 aod is hereby publ~shed for general

ACT No. 36 OF 2006.

An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Fifty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Thlrd Amendment) Short title a n d L
Act, 2006 commence
1 (2) It shall be deemed to have come Into force on the 6th day of September 2006. I

Tarnll Nadu 2 In the First Schedule to the Tam11Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1'359 (hereinafter Amendment of
AC! 1 of 1959 referred to as the principal Act), In part-6, In Item 1, sub-item (IV) and the entr~osrelatrng First
thereto shall be om~tted schedule.

3 In the Second Schedule to the prlnclpal Act, In Item 6, In sub-ltem (VIII), for the Amendment of
expression "Coconut includ~ng Copra (cocos nucifera)", the expresslcln "Copra Second
(cocos nuafera)" shall be substituted schedule
1 4. In the Third Schedule to the principal Act, in part-B,- Amendment of
(i) for item 17 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall schedule
be substituted, namely :-
"17. Coconut.";
(ii) for item 25 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall
be substituted, namely:-
"25. Footwear with MRP rate less than rupees two hundred ";
(iii) for item 57 and the entries relating thereto, the following Item and entries shall
be substituted, namely:- i
"57. Gum Benzoin (sambirani) and instant Sambirani id, the form of
tablets or sticks.".

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to G o v e r ~ ~ n ~ e ~ ~ t - i n - c h a r g e .
Law Department. 1

DIP--IV-2 EX 3501-- l a
ELI23ELZC ,qe sr.. "a' EU r ? p ~ s s r q a p c ; n e-,.- :-ur-;a r u . an . ..~nqpetua
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the
assent of the Governor on the 16th December 2006 and is hereby published for general

ACT No. 37 OF 2006.

An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Fifty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) short t~tleand
Act, 2006. commence-
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Government may, by notification,

Tam11Nadu 2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act. 1959 (hereinafter referred to as the Insertion of
Act 1 of i959. principal Act), after section 12-B, the following section shall be inserted, namely:- . new ,
section 1 2 4 .
"12-C. Assessment of sales in certain cases.-(1) Notwithstandinganything contained
in this Act but subject to the provisions of section 16, the assessment of a dealer in respect
of the assessment for the period prior to the 1st day of April 2006 shall be on the basis of
the return relating to his turnover and on the basis of the declaration or certificate as may
be prescribed, furnished on or before the 31st March 2007 and such return shall be
accepted without requiring the presence of the dealer or production of books of accounts
by the dealer subject to such conditions as may be prescribed:
Provided that this sub-section shall not apply to a dealer who has filed an appeal
or other proceeding in respect of any assessment for the period referred to in this
sub-section and is pending before the High Court or the Supreme Court, as the case
may be.
(2) Every dealer who claims to be not liable to pay tax and has not filed return,
shall file the return on or before the 31st March 2007 in the prescribed manner relating to
his turnover for the period prior to the 1st day of April 2006 and such return shall be
accepted, subject to the provisions of section 16, failinj which his registration shall be
cancelled, after giving him a reasonable opportunity of being heard.".

(By order of the Governor.)

Secretary to Government-ill-charge,
Law Department.

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