Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act 1959
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act 1959
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act 1959
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30 Appellatv Tribunal. a
47 Cognizance of offelices.
4 5 Assessment, etc., not to be questioned in Prosecution.
49 Bar of certain proceedings.
50 Limitation fdcertain suits and prorecuttons.
5 1 Bar of suits and proceedings to set aside or modify assessments except a8
provided in this Act.
52 Appearance before any authority in proceedings.
520~Publicatioi~of information respecting assessees.
53 Power to make rules.
(n) " sale " with all its grammatical variations and
cognate expressions means every transfer of the pro-
perty in goods by one person to another in the course of
business for cash or for deferred payment or other valuable
con sideration, l [ * * *] but does not include a
mortgage, hypothecation, charge or pledge ;
I' -
Explanation (l).--The transfer of property involved
in the supply or distribution of goods t)la society (jaclud-
ing a co-operative society), club, firm,or any assol:iation
to its memnbdrs, for cash, or for deferred payrne*~t,or
other valuable consideration, whether or. not in the course
of business shall be , deemed to be a sale for the purposes
of this Act.
ExpZunation '(1-A).-Any amount colbcted by a
dealer by way of tax under this Act shall ilot be il;. '31.teJ
in the t u r n ~ v t r;]
ci, 3y
* * * * * * I
in the case oi rice products (for example, rice flour and rice
bran) 4[* * * * *] milk, fresh vegetables (other than
those nicntioned in the First Schedule), fresh fri1its, bctal
and plantain leavss, flowers, eggs, meat and fish (other
than canned meat and fish), the rate shall be one per ccat.
--.-- -- -
1 These words were substituted by section 2 (i) of the Tamil
Naciu Cieneral Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu
Act 23 of 1974), which was deemed to have come into force oc ''i(l
1st lpril 1974, for the words "twenty-five thousand rupees" which
in turn were substituted for the words "fifteen thousand rupees" by
section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment)
Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1971), which was deemed to have
comc into force on the 28th June 1971. The wcrds "fifteen
thousand rupdes" were earlier substituted for the words "ten
thousand rupees" by section 2(i) (a) of t h e Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967).
2 These words were substituted for the words "three and a half per
cent", by section 2 of the Tanlii Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974), which was
decmcd to have come into force on the 15th August 1974. The
words "three and a half per cent", "three per cent" and "two and a
half per ccnt" were earlier subslitutcd for ilie words "thrcc per
cent", "two and a half per cent" and "two per cent" ~.espcctivclyby
section 2(a) of the Tamil Nadu Gcncral Sales Tax (Sccond Amcliti-
tncnt) Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadit Act 13 of 1971), which was dccmed
to hnvc comc into force cn thc 19th June 1971, by sectiori 2(i)(b) of
the ?a!nil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Nadu Act 5 of 1967) and by section 2(a) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (lamll Nadu
Act 30 of 1965).
3 Tile words and brackets "in the case of foodgrains, namely,
wheat, patldy (rice in husk), ricc (hvsked paddy), chola~n,cumbu,
ragi, thinai. varagu, samai and kudiraivali and" were on~lrtedby
section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amenriment) Act,
1976 (PI-esidcnt's Act 40 of 1976), which was deemed to have come
into force on the 7th Sept:rnber 1976.
4 Thc expression "wheat products (for example, wheat flour, soojl
and wheat bran)" was omitted by section 2c) of the Tamil Nadu
~erleralSales Tax (Second Aml:ndment) Act, 197.3 (Tamil Nadu
39 of 1973), which was deerqed to have come into folce on the
i st September 1973.
f 1959 : i4.a.Act i
the tax under this Acl, shall be payable by a deaa. on decl redof
the sale or purchase inside the State of declared goods at
the rate and only at the point spccified agcifist each in the
Szcond Schedule on the turnover in such goods in each
year, whatever be the quantum of turnovtr lil that year.
2[4-A. (1) Where a tax has been lovied and collected yReimbur.,e-
under 4[section. 4 o r 7-A ] in respect refund]
merit Or
of the sale or piirchase of declared goods and such goods ,,, pairl
are sold in the course of inter-State trade or comnlerce certain case
5fand tax has been paid undcr the Central Sales Tax Act, 1
cent ", " two and a half per cent " and " two per cent " respectively
by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
~mendment) Act, 1971 (Tarnil Nadu Act 13 of 1971), which was
deemed to have come into force on the 19th June 1971, by section 3
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Wadu Act 5 of 1967) and by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadrr Act 30 of
20 Opera2 Sales Tax [I959 : T.N. Act 1
R ~ t oef tax.
(i) Where the total turnover is not less than ten One hundred and twenty rupees
thousand rupees, but is le5s than fifteen thousand per annum.
(ii) Where the total turnover is not less than fifteen One hundred and eighty rupees
thousand rupees, but is less than twenty thousand per annum,
(iii) Where the total turnover is not less than twenty Two hundred and forty rupees
thousand ruk,. - but is less than twenty-five per antlurn.
thousa -- a rupees. (contd.)
-- - 0
Rate of fas.
),! ~ total turnover i r not less than thirty Three hundred and sixty r u m
W h e the
thousand r u m s , but is less t h n thirty-five thou-S r annum*
(r ii) Where the total turnover is not less than forty Four hundred and eighty rupees
thousand rupees, but is less than forty-five thou- per annum.
(viii) Where the total turnover is not less than forty- Five hundred and forty rums
rupees, but is not more than my per annum."
For the said sub-section as so substituted, ,the folIowing sub-section .was amin
ubstituted by section 4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sdes Tax (Amendment) Act,
967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967) :-
\ Rate of tax.
(i) Where the total turnover is not less than B f ' n One hundred and eighty rums
thousand rupees, but is less than twenty thousand per annum.
(i i) Where the total turnover is not less than twa~ty TWOhundred and sixty rum*
thousand rupees, but is less than twenty-five per annum.
thousand rupees.
fiii) Whsre the total turnover is not less than twenty- Three hundred and fiftyiupeer
five thousand rupees, but is less than thirty thou- per annum.
cand rupees. (coatd.)
22 General Sales Tax Act 1
(iv) Where the ru.I. turnover is not less than thirty Four hundred and fifty mpees
thousu,ld rupes, but is less than thirty-five thou- per annurn.
sand rupees.
(v) Where the total turnover i~ not less than thirty- Five hundred and trvcnty-five
five thousand rupzes, but is less than forty thou- rupees per annum.
sand rupees.
(vi) Where the total turnover is not less than forty Six hwdred rupees per annum.
thousand rupees, but is less than forty-five thou-
sand rupees.
(~ii)m e r e the total turnover is not less than forty- Six hundred and seventy-five
five thousand rupees, but is less than fiftythousand rupees per annum.
(viii) Where the total tpxover is not less than fifty Seven hundred and fifty nlpces
thousand rupees, but IS less than fifty-fivethousand per annum.
6 3 Where the total turnover is not less than fifty- Eight hundred and eighty rupees
five thou~andrupees, but is less than sixty thou- per amurn.
sand rupees.
(x) Where the total turnow is not 19s than sixty Nine hundred and sixty rllpees
tho-d rupees, but is less than sixty-five thous- per annum.
and rupees-
@) m s r e the total turnover is not less fbkn sixty- One thousand one hundred
five thousand rupees, but is less than seventy an6 five rupees per annu*.
' thousand rupees-
( ~ i i )Where thc total turnover is not less than seventy One thousand one hundred alld
thousand rupees, but is not more than seventy-five ninety rupees per annum".
thousand rupees.
For the said sub-section as so substituted, the present sub-section (1) was substitutd
by section 3 (i) of tho Tam11Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) AC~,1971
pamil Nadu Act 25 of 19711, which Was deemed to have come into force on the 28th
June 1971.
a'These brackets and words w:re inserted by section 2 (a) of the Tarnil wadu
~ ~ ~Sales a (Amsndment)
r Tax l Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977).
8 These wards w:re subrtitutzd fcr the words " twerty-five thousand rupeps I *
qrS36t:03 3 (i) of thd Tamil N d u G:n-ral Sales Tax (An-ndmnent) Act, 1974 (Tamil
Nadu Act 23 of 1974). xbich was deemed to have come Into force on t b 1st Aprcl
(viii) Where the total turnover is not less than Two thousand five hundred
eighty-five thousand rupees, but is less than and twenty rupees per
ninety lhousand rupees. annum.
(ix) Where the total turnover is not less than ninety TWO thousand seven hundred
thousand rupees, but is less than ninety-five and sixty rupees per annum.
thousand rupees.
(x) Where the total turnover is not Iess than ninety- 'Chm thousand rupees : per
five thousand rupees, but is not more than one annum."
lakh of rupees. ( m f d*)
I 25-6-3 A
..(j) Where the total turaover is not less than twenty- Fdur hunJred and eigrt r u w s
five thousand rupees, but is less than thirty per annurn.
thousand rupees.
(ii) Where the total turnover is not less than thirty Five hundred and twenty-ei~ht
thousand rupees, but is less than thirty-five rupees per annum.
thousand rupees
(iii) Where the t o t a ~ -lloveris not less than thirty- Six hundred and twelve rupees
five thou- -ad rupees, but is less than forty thous- per annum.
and rupees.
flv) Where the total turnover is nat less than forty Szven h ~ n d r e d. t ~ deight rup2es
thousand rupees, but is less than forty-five per anuum.
thousand rupees.
(v) Where the total turnover is not less than forty- Seven hundred and ninety-rivo
five thousand rupees, but is less than fifty thousand rupees per annum.
(vi) when the total turnover is not less than fifty Eight hundred and seveilty-six
thousand rupees, but is less than fifty-fivethous- rupees per annurn.
andrum. ,
(di) Where the total turl~ovaris not less than fifty- One thousand and dghty
five thousand rupees, but is less than sixty thous- rupees per annum.
and rupees.
(viii) Where the total turfiov~ris not less than sixty O n e thousand three hubd.
( b o u ~ ~ - sbut u ~is ,less than sixt~fhrothous- and twenty rupees per
and rums. annum.
- --L-
- . .. +r -
I (h) mere the total turnover is not less than sixty- One thousand five hundred and
five thousand rupees, but is less than seven@ sixty rupees per annum,
thousand rupees.
(x) Where the total turnover is not less than seventy Oae thousand and eight hundred
thousand rupees, but is less than seventy five rupees per nnnum.
thousand rupees.
(xi) Where the total turnover is not less than seve?ty- Two thousand and f o ~ rupee5
five thousand rupees, but is less than eighty per annum.
thousand rupee,..
(xii) Where the total turnoyer is not less than eighty Two thousand two h u n b d
thousand rupees, but IS less than euhty-five and eighty r ~ w - per
,housand rupees. annum.
(,iii) Where the total t ~ m v eisr not than eighty- TWOthousand five hundred and
five thousand rupees, but is less than ninety twenty rupees per annu*,
thousand rupees.
(xiv) where the total tUnm!t!ris not less than ninety TWOthousand seven hundred
thousand rupees, but is less than ninety-five and sixty rupees p a annum.
thousand rupees*
(,,I Where the total turnover is not less tha~lninety- Three thorlsalld rupees per
five thousand rupees, hut is less than one lakh annumaw
of r u m .
Again, in the said items as so substituted, in iten1 (xv), for the
words " is less than one lakh of rupees" the words " is not morc than
one lakh ofrupees " were substituted by section 4 of the Tamil ~ a d u
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1873 ('Lgmil Nadu Act
39 of 1973), ~ h i c hwas deemed to have come Into force on the a t h
June 1971).
1 - n a e brackets and words were inserted by section 2(b) of the
~ & l~ d Generalu Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (TW fidu
Act 7 of 1977)*
~ e n e r dSafes Tax [I959 : T.N. Act 1
turnover for a year to be not more than l[one Iakh of
rupees] may apply to the assessing authority to be permitted
to pay th: tax under this section and on being so permitted
he shall pay the tax due in advance during the year in
monthly or prescribed instalments and for that purpose
shall submit such returns in such manner as may be pre-
2[Provided that any dealer paying tax under sub-
sectiou (1) of section 3 and desirous of paying tax for any
year under this section may, at any time before h a 1
assessment for that year, exercise his option to be assessed
under this section and for that purpose shall submit such
returns in such manner gs may be prescribed :
Provided further that any dealer paying tax under
this section and desirous of paying tax under sub-section
(1) of section 3 may, at any time before final assessment
for that year, exercise his option to pay tax i~ accordance
with that sub-section and for that purpose shall submit
s u c ~returns in such manner as may be prescribed.]
3[(2-A) The pe~*missiongrated b./ the assessing autho-
rity under sub-section (2) shall conti.~uein force so long as
the dealer is eligible to be assessed under this
section and has not withdrawn his option to be so assessed].
(3) The tax paid under sub-section (2) shall be subject
to such adj lstrnent as may be prescribed on the comp:etion
of final assessment in the nlaimer prescribed.
.---...-- -- -- ---------.- -------- ----
1 These words were substituted for the words " seventy-five
thousand rujtees " by section 3(ii) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1971),
which was deemed to have come into i'orce on the 28th June 1971.
LThe words " sevcnty-five thousa~ldrupees " and " fifty tuousaad
mpms " were earlier substituted I ~ Jrhe
- words " fifty thousand rupees"
and " twenty-five thousand ~ . u p t ~". s rcspectiv~lyby scctioil 4(ii)
~f the rczn~il Nadu General S::les Tax (Amencimenr) Act, 1967
(Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967) a ~ l dby bection 3(ii) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tanlil Nadu
Act 8 of 1961), -~vhichcame into force on the 1st April 19611,
"These provisos were inserted by section 4 of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tan (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act
29 of 1980).
a'rih subsection was inserted by section 4 of the Tamil Nadir
General S d a Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act
31 of 1972), which was deemed te have come i n t ~force
~ on the 33st
July 1963.
1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Sales Tax 27
1 [7-A. (1) Every dealer who in the course of his business Levy of
purchases from a registered dealer or from any other purchase
person, my goods (the sale or purchase of which is tax.
liable to tsx under this Act) in circumstances in which no
tax is payable under section 3, 4 or 5 ,as the case may be,
atld either,-
(q) c/~3A+*,w
!:, :. A6:?x
p#>?,l fa the
:LZ,& d-72?&:2 :
uiher goods for sale ar otherwise; or
StPsc of levy 9. Where in the case of any goods tax is leviable at one
'axes in point in a series of sales or purchases, such series shall-
r a m of ?
importid and
(a) in the case of goc\ds imported into the State either
from outside the temtory of India or from any other State
in India, be c b m d to,cornmeoce at thA stage of the sale or
purchase effhted immediately after the import of such
goods ;
10. The burden of proving that any dealer or any of his BLg&nof
transactions is ilot liilble to tax under this Act shall lic on proof.
such dealer.
11. The tax under this Act shall be assessed, levied and Assessmcllt
collected in such manner a s may be prescribed. of tax.
(a) a sum which shall not be less than gty per cent
but which stlall not be more than one hundred and Wty
per cent of the amount of tax due on the turnover that
was not wilCully disclosed by the dealer in his return, or
(b) a sum which shall not be less than fifty per cent
but which shall not be more than one hundred and fifty
per cent of the tax assessed in the case of wilful faiiure to
submit a return.
" (3) In addition to the tax assessed under sub-section (2), the
assessing author it^ may. in the same order of assessment passed under
sub-section (2), or by a separate order, direct the dealer to pay a
penaltynot exceeding one and a half times the amount of tax due
on the turnovcr that was fiot wilfully disclosed by the dealer in his
return or in the case of wilful failure to submit a return, a penalty
not e ~ -4ing
, one and a half times the tax assessed, as the case may .
be :
[?'he said sub-sectiou (3) was earlier substituted for the foliowlng
original sub-section by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972):-
" (3) When isaking any assessment under subsection (2), the
assessing authority may also direct the dealer to pay in addition to the
tan assessed, R penalty not exceeding one and a half times the amount
of tax due on the turnover that was not disclosed by the deaIer in his
return or, in the case of failure to submit a return, one and half .
times the tax assessed, as the ease may be. "3
provisional 13. (1) The tax for each year payable undet- any of
assessment. the provisious of tlus Act may be assessed, levied and
collected in advance duiing tbe yew in ~nonthlyor otller
prescribed inshlments, and f o ~that purpose a doder
may be :acquired to furnish within tlic prescribed pel iod
a [ s ~ i ~r-eti:rns]
l~ as may be prescribed. The assessing
rtutho,jty ]nay determine i h e amount of tax payable
in 1-esyect of any pe~iod and on such assessment the
dealer shall pay the sum demanded within such time
as b ~ :fixed by such authority.
8 W s e war& were ~ t t b ~ f i t t l f 5 d the words "either an advance estimate of his
,,mover for the year, or such periodical retlirns of the actual turnover ** b M i o n
4 of the Tamil Nadu Genera: S&r Tax (Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil adu Act
of 1963).
in uer-
t,iin cxqeq. section 12 may, within a pariod of thirty days from the
date of service of the assessment order, apply to the
assessing ai~thority for re-assessment, along with the
correct and complete return as prescribed. On such
application, the as9essidg authority shall, if it is satisfied
that the failui-e to submit t h r e t i l r n in time or the
submission of the incorrect or incomplete return was due
to .-easons beyond the conti-ol of the applicant, cancel
the assessment made and inako a fresh assessment on the
basis of the 7,eturn submitted:
Provided that no application shall be entertained
under. this sub-section unless it is accompanied by satis-
factory proof of the payment of tax admitted by the
applicant to be due 01. any such instaiment thereof as
might have become payable, as the case may be .
The following sub-section (5), which was added by section 3 of
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1964
(Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1964), was omitted by section 5 of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment)Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu
Act 47 of 1979):-
" (5) W lere a dealer I&refunded the price of articles returned
by customer:^ together with the tax collected from such customers in
respect of the sale of such articles and where the amount representing
the price refunded by the dealer is included in his turnover, the
dealer shall be entitled to cIaim deduction of the tax levied in respect
of such sale, within a period of six months from the date of sale by
adjustment in the ?.ssessment and the final assessment shall be com-
pleted accordingly but such dealer shall not be entitled to claim any
adjustment or refund of the tax in respect of the sale of such articles
after the expiry of the said period of six months."
[In the said sub-section (S), for the words " within a period of SIX
months from the date of sale " the words " within such period as
may be prescribed " were earlkr substituted and for the words "the
said period of six months ",the words " the perio?, so prescribed "
were substituted by section 6 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Second Amend~nent)Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).]
This section was inserted by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu General
Series Tax (Amendment Act, 1963(Tanail Nadu Act 6 of 1963).
-. - . s
El959 : T.N.Act 1
[16-A. (1) Where for any reason, any part of the Assessment
turnover of business of a dealer who has been permitted of turnover
to pay the tax under section 7 has escaped ;issessment not declaret!
under set-
from the tax, the assessing authority may, at any time tion 7.
within a period of five years from the expiry of the year to
which the tax relates, determine to the best of its judgment
the turnover which has escaped assessment and reassess
the tax payable on the total turnover (including the turn-
over already assessed under section 7)-
s ~. ~ e I s $ ~ ~ C ~ ~ d ~ e ~ ~ \ ~~~~e~~~
1974), wh.
* virtue of section 10 (1) of the Tamil Nadu Borrd of Revenpr
Abolition Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1980) any reference tr
&ard of Revenue shall b deemed to be a reference to the Stat c
(iv) every dealer residing outside the State, but
carrying on business in the State ;
(v) every agent of a non-resident dealer ; and
--- -----
1 These words were substituted for the words "fifteen thousanci
rupees" by section 6 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amend-
ment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of 1974), which was deemed to
b v e come into force on the 1st April 1974. [The words "fifteen
thousand rupees " and " ten thousand rupees " were earlier sub-
stituted for the words " ten thousand rupees " and " seven thousand
five hundred rupees " respectively by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act
25 of 1971), which was deemed to have come into force on the 28th
June 1971 and by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales T;..x
(Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of
1 ~~b-~ection(lL-A),
which was inserted by section 4 of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu A C ~
19 of lgo), which was deemed to have come into force on the lst
April 1959, was renumbered as sub-section (2-AA) and this
section was inserted by section 8 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972.(Tamil Nadu .Act 31 of
a This expression was substituted for the expression " or sub-
section (2)" by section 8 (ii) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Second ~mendment).Act,1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
dm*= a<-
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~ l t l b ~ h!cJT~i' I.,:
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-- - -
gures anc~brackets
n 20 " by section
1 This word was substituted and was deemed always to have been
substituted for the word " sub-section " by section 9 (ii) cf the Tamil
Nadu General Sales 'Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil
Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
These words were substituted for th~ewords " No application
fc,r registration " by section 5 (iv) of the Tarnil Nadu General Salts T ~ X
(Secon:! A~nendment)Act, 196.1 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 1961), which
ca:ne illto force on thc 1st April 1961.
3 This secticn was inserted by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu General
s:*!es Tax m mend men t) Ant, (T~milWadv Act 19 of 1960).
4 These words were substituted for the words " authorizing him-
self or, as thc case may be, the travelling salesman or representative SO
to do " by sc:tion 10 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 cf 1972).Q1 --
% L - .
5 : T.N. Act 1
"(3) Every permit holder shall carry the permit on his person
and shall produce it on demal~dby any officer of the Commercjal
Taxes Department empowered by the Gover~lmentin this behall.
He shall maintain and produce on demand to any such officer :j
true and correct account of all the transactiolls carried on under th:
permit and also a stock book showing the quantities of goods er-
trusted to hiin by the registered dea!er, the quantities disposed 0 1
from day to day by. sale-or otherwise and the balance on hand a t
the end of' each day."
Payment 24. (1) The tax assessed under this Act shall be paid in
and such maiziler and in such instalmelzts, jf any, and within
recovery such time, as may be specified in the notice of assessment,
Of tax* not being l e s ~
than twenty-one days from the date of service
of the nor ice. If default is made in paying according
to the notice of assessment, the whole of the amount i
outstanding on the date of default shail become 1
immediately due and shall be a charge on the properties of i
the pcrson or per sops liable to pay the tax under this Act.
- - t
1These words were substituted for the words "less two and a
half per cent" by section 12 of rhe Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax 5
(Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
[The wor s "tw3 and a half per cent", "two per cent" and "one
and half per c m t " were earlier substituted for the worts "two per
cent", ''oi~eand a ha!f per cent" and "one per cent" respectively
by section 4 of the Tamil h a k ~Gzl:zial
?~ S:ties Tax (Second Amcnd-
~nent)Act, 1371 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1971), which was deemed
t h~ win,: into force on the 19th Juce 1971, by section 7 of the
[(a) as land revenue, or]
These words were substituted for the words "a sum equal to.-
(a) half a per cent of such amour~t, for each month or part
thereof for the first three months after the (ate specified for its pay-
ment ;
(b) one per cent of such amount, for each month or part '
thereof subsequent to the first three months aforesaid."
by section 13 (a) of the Tamil Nadu Generzl Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
2 These words were substituted for the words "one rupee for every
hundred rupees or part thereof" by section 3 (a) of the Tamil Nadu
General Saies Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of
Ap~ojntlnellt 28. The Govetnment may appoint as inany Deputy
of Deputy Commissioners of Commercial Taxes, 2[Appellate Assis-
Commlssr o -
of Corn- tmt Con~missioners of Cornme. cial Taxes, Assist, n t
s of Commercial Taxes] and Conliner cial Tax
mercial Taxes Corn ~nissioner
' [Appellate Office1 s zs they think fit, for the purpose of pel forming
Commissio {he functioi~s1 espeotively co~fenedon them by or undor
ners of Corn- this Act. Silch officers shcll pet-foi m the said functions
mercial within such local limits as the GovernmerLt or any autho -
Taxes, Assist- rity or officer empowered by thein in this behalf inay assign
sioners of to them.
Taxes] and
Commercia 1
Tax Officers.
Special 29. (1) 4[An Assistant Commissioner] shall have the
powers of
*Ihsistant powers of a Collector under the 5[Tamil Naduj Revenue
cornmissio- Recovery Act, 1864 (5[Tamil Nadu] Act I1 of 1864), O[*lfor
nersl under the purposes of recovery of any amount due under this
Revenue ~ ~ t .
Act. --.- .-.-- - -- -
These words were substituted for the words " Appellrite Assistant
Commissioners of Commercial Taxes " by section 8 (i) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamit
Nadu Act 29 of 1980), which was deemed to have come into force
on the 20th July 1979.
5 These words were substituted for the word " Madras" by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order,
C Texp~ession
~ "and the Madras City Land hevenue Act, 1851
(Cw,irzl Act XI1 of :851;, ..:.Ic:I:'E~ b;? the Madras City ~ a f i d
Revenue (Amendment) Act, 1867 (Madias Act VI of 1867) was
omitted by sectian 16 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
'[(l-A) N o t ~ i t h ~ t a ~ J *~y:hin;
;iL~ cc ntained in sub-
section (I), the Gowr --eat may. f om time to time,
appoint sue" nnmbe: of peasons to be additiosal members
of the Appellate Tribunal as the Gove nmant may deem
tlecesPa: y all J to; such pe. iod as may be specified in this
behalf :
P!ovided that as pearly as may be one-half of such-
adi'itional nlembess shall be Judicial Officer s not below t h ~
r: .nk a Su :I chi ate Juds. and the emaining additional
r j f +.
---- --- -
1 This sub-section was substituted by se6rlon 2 of the Tam11 Na 'u
Generai Sales Tsx (Amendment) Act, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Act 3 cif
1966) for the following sub-section (j-A), which was inserred by
section G (2) of thc TanGI Nadu General Sales Tax (Anlendmen:)
Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu Act 6 of 1963) :-
"(1-A) ~ot~ithst2nt'ing znyth'ng cfinta.:ne{';n sub-section (1)
the Government may appoint, for such period as m2y be specified
in this belzalf, two more persons as a,'citionaI members of the
Appellate Tribunal, of whom one shall be a Judicial Officer not
below the rsnk of L Suborc.inate Juc'ge 8Pr' the other shall be an
officerof the ~ommercic,lTaxes Department not below the rank
ofa Deputy Conlmissioner.
These sub-clauses were substituted for the following sub-cfausss
(1) to (iii), by section 6 (3) (i), ibi&-
(((j) by a Bench consisting of all the members of the
Appellate Tribunal, or
(;') by tr Bench consisting of two members n o m h ~ t e din this
behalf by rnt: Cidlrmcn, or
(iii) by a Bench consisting of the Chairman and another
~nem$ernam~nate,.in this behdf by the Chairman, or"
- _
1959 : T.N. Act 11 General Sales Tax 59
(iv) by a single member of the Appellate Tri-
bunal nominated in this bet.zlf l y r tile Clhairrna~~,
in cases
wheAethe total iurnc:v,: as dete mined by tlze assessing
authoi ity does not exceed '[one lakh rupees].
These words were substituted for the words "heard by all the
hree members of the Tribunal" by section 6 (3) (ii) of the Tamli
fil, 111 't--=-ral sale^ Tax (Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nnclat ..-, "
of 1%'
Appeal to the 31. (1) Any person objecting to 3[m order passed by
Appellate tho appi.opi iate authority under section ?-A, sectioii 121,
histant section 14, secW: 15, sub-st ctiorls (I) and (2) of section 16,
aiemr. section 18, 4[su~-section(2) of section 22, section 23,
S(or section 4711 6[other than an order passed by an Assis-
tant Commissioner] may, within a period of thirty day,>
from the date on which the order was served on him in
the manner prescribed, appeal against such order to the
Appllate Assistant Commissioner '[having jurisdiction] :
1 These words,figures and letter were substituted for the words
and figures "undei section 12'' by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu General ii
Pales Tax (Second Amendmznt) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of
1964). , /
4 These words were substituted for the words "four years" b
section 18 of ths Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second me$
m a t ) Act, 1972 :Tamil Nadu Act 31 of 1972).
8 This subsection was added by section 4 of the Tamil Nadu
Oenetal Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1962 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of
-L-- -- - -.
----_ ----
I This expression was inserted by section 12 of the Tamil Nadu
neral Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu A G ~
of 1980)$ wksl war deemed to have coma into force: QB the 9 ~ 1 ,
66 General Sales Tax [I959 : T.N. Act 1 i
Special 34. (1) The *Board of Revenue may, of its own motion,
pcwers Of call for and examine an order passed or proceeding recor-
Revenue, ded by the appropriate authority ][under seclion 4-A,
section 12j, section 14, section 15 or sub-section (1) or (2)
of section 16 or an order passed by the Appellate Assistant
Commi ,sioner under sub-section (3) of section 31 or by
the Dtputy Commissio,.er u ider 2[sub-section (3) of
section 31-A or] sub-section (1) of sectio.1 32 a ~ may d
make such iuquiry or cause such iirquiry to be made a ~ l d
subject to the provisions of this Act may pass such order
thereon as it thinks fit.
(a) the time for appeal against that order has not [
expired; or t-
1 Tllese words, figures and letter were substituted for the \\ords
and figures "irndel. section 12"by section 6 of the Tanlil Nadu G ~ . i l c r ~ l
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nbdu Acl 15 of
. '
These words were substituted for the words " The Board of
Revenue " by cection 5 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act. 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of 1973).
* Ry virtlle of section lo(') of the Trmil N -.du Boar ' of Reve-
nue A5 liti0.1 Act, l PO (-r'-.rn I N :du Act 36 of l 88) ar?y refe-
rence to th: Ro .rd of Revenue shall be deemed to be a r&rence
to the State Govzrnment.
68 eneral Sales Tu u [I959 :T.N.Act 1
Powers of 35. (1) Anjr person objecting to an order passed b y
revisiou by the Deputy Commissioner under sub-section (3) of section
Revenue. * 33, may within a period of 30 days from the date on which
a c ~ p yof the order was served on him in the manner
prescribed, file an application for revision of such order
ta the *Board of Revenue :
(4) (a) If the High Court does not dismiss the petitioll
summarily, it shall, after giving both the parties to the
petition a reasonable opportunity of being heard, deter-
mine the question of law raised and either rwerse, affirm
or amend the order against which the petition was preferred
or remit the matter to the Appellate Tribunal, with thc
opinion of the High Court on the question of law raised
or pass such order in relation to the matter as the IIigla
Court thinks fit.
Production 39-B. (1) Every dealer liable to pay tax under ti~i:.
of account a.
Act, sha'l nake available to the assessing autl~oritya l l y i
account, register, record or other document relating to %lie
day-to-day transaction of his business. 1
1 These words were substituted for the words " true and correct
;twzrnfs " by section 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales T a x
(A&cndment) Act, 198 1 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 1981).
aghese words were substituted for the words " shall keep and
maintain a true and correct account " by secticn 6 of the Tamil
Nadu GeiicraI Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu Act
19 O F a sr~o>.
3 This expression was substituted for the words " shall keep and
maintain a true and correct account " by section 4(ii) of the Tamil .
Nadtl General Sales Tax (Amendment) Acty 1981 (Tarnit Nadu Act
34 of 1981).
4 Section 40 was renumbered as sub-section (1) of that section and
this sub-section was added by section 24 of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act; 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 31 of
~"I'his sub-section was added by section 8 of t h e Tamil Nadu General.
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act 47 of
'[(4) Any such officer shall, for the pur poses of sub-
bection (2) or sub-section (3), also have power to enter and
search any office, shop, godown, vessel, vehicle, building
or place belonging to any other dealer or any other person,
if such officerhas reasm to believe that a dealer keeps, or is
any goods .vhich are found in any office,shop, godown, vessel, vehicle,
or any other place of business or any building or place of the dealer,
but not a b u n t e d for by the dealer in his accounts, registers and other
docunhents maintained in the course of his business :
In the said su b-section, for the words " registers and other docu-
ment! " the words "registers, records and other documents " were
~ubstitdtedby section 7 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 19 of 1960) ;and to the
lid slb-section the followillg further proviso was inserted by section
11 of the Tamil Nadu GenersJ Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act,
1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 1961), which came inta fo~ceon the 1st
April 1961 :-
Est ahlish- 42. (1) ]If the Goveri~mentconsider that with a view l o
merit of pi u v e k or chcck evasion of tax uui.cr this Act i n any
check post
or barrier pliti:~or p!:ices in the State, it is nccmsary so to do, they
and inspec- milv by notification, direct the setting up of a check
tion of posi'or the erection of a barrier o r both, at such place 07
goods places as may be notified.
while in
- - - -- -- -
"Thissection was inserted by sectionl5 of tho Tamil Vgdu ~ e d e r a t
Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
. . - Act,+ .198b (Tarail N d 1;u A s t , 29 .a)
[Earlier in the said sub-section (3), for the words " and are not
covered by a delivery note, a Goods Vehicle Record, a Trip Sheet,
or a Log Book, as the case may be, or by a bill of sale where one is
required to be issued "the following was substituted by section 8 of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendmert) Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu
Act 19 of 1960)j :-- (corzt .)
I__-- - . - -
"and are not covered by,
(i) a bif l of sale or delivery note,
(ii) a Goods Vehicles Record, a Trip Sheet or a Log Book,aa
the casc may be, and
(a) in cases were the goods are taxable under this Act, in
addition to the ?ax recoverable, a sum of money not exceeding
one thousand rupdes or double the amount of tax recoverable,
whichever in greater ;and
These words w.3i-e substituted for the words ''he shan dGaiil the
goods as long as may reasonably be necessary" by section 9(2) of tl-.c
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1979
(Tamil Nadu Act 47 of 1979).
- -
5 ~ ? . s ~J&f
x - -
(9) In case the goods are subject to speedv and natural
, and in the case of other goods, wheie no claim is
within the prescribed peridd, the said officer shall,
t to such conditions as may be prescribed, sell
ods in open auction and remit the sale proceed3
redf in a Government Treasury : -
"he word " and " was omitted by section 7 (b) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act
'1 of 1977).
" - -. -. A
relating to the goods under transport and containing
particularsas may be prescribed and shall suhn~itto
h oficer as may be prescribed] the docurnents,d()resaid
copies thereof within such time as may be prescribed.
45.. (1) Any person who- Ofl3ences and
(a) being an assessee under this, Act, fails .to submit fie1l'JLies*
a return as required by the provisions of this A ct, or the
n~les made thereunder, or
(b) being a person obliged to register himself as a
dealer under this Act, does not get himself regi5 iered, or
3[(~) being a person obliged to take on t a permit
under this Act docs not take out such permit 4[ * 1.
B[* * * * $1
shall, on conviction by a Magistratt, not below
the rank of a Second-class Magistrate*, be liable to fine
which may cxtcnd to two hundred rupees.
6L(1-A) Any person who collect; al,y amount by
way of tax or purporting to be by way of tax under this
Act in contravent~o~~ of' the provisions of sub-section (1)
of seclio,~22 shall, on conviction by a Magirtsale, not
tclow the rank of ;.Second-Class Magistrc~tc,Ise liable to
fi,~e . ~ h i r hmay extcnti to five hundred rupees.
-- - ----- --- -- w-
This expression was substitutecl for the expression < Z LlfiCIci 111:
This word was added by section 12 (ii) of the Tamil Nydu Ge:>zra\
Sales Tax (Second Amei~dment)Act, 1979 (Tamil Naciu Act 47
of 1979).
* ~ c c o ~ d i to
n gclauses (a), and (r) of sub-section (3) of section
3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974),
a n y reference to a Magi.itrate of the first class shall be c o n s t r i ~ ~ d
as a rt2fzrence to a Judicial Magistrate of the first class and any
r~ferzrlcr:to a Presidency MagiTtrate shall be construed as 3 r e l e r e i ~ ; ~
iu a Metropolitall Magistrate wit11 effect on and froin 1st April 1$;rr
(a) where the offence consists of the failure to pay, or the eva
$ion of, any tax recoverable under this Act, in addition to the tax
s; iecoverablo, a sum of money not exceeding one thousand rupees
or ilcwhle the amount of the tax recoverable,whichever is greater, and
Generclf ~ a Tax
b [i959 : T.N. Act i
(2) On payn~cntof such sum of money ancl the tax,
if ally, recovciable under this Act, no p osecution for an
otl'cncb under this Act shz~llbe instituted in I espect of the
same facts 011 which a compo-ition. has been allowed
u.nder this section.,
B ; L of
~ cert. 49. (1) No suit, prosecution or other p!.oceeding shall lic
ai~aprocee- agaillst any oilice- or servant of the Go~~cr.l;melit for arty
iiings. actdoncos purporting to bedone undoi this .4ct, witl~out
tile pscvious fanction of the Govcl-nlnent.
52. Any pcr'sgn who is entitled to appear before any Appear-arxe
authol ity otl~cs111rln the High Court in cor,nt.ction with before Y
~ Act 2[may, subject to such authority
;my proceedings u i ~ d ethis in
conditions as mLy be pi escl-ibed, be repl-esc~-lted] bt:fo;-c
such sutlzor ity-
1 (6) by a legal practitioner ; or
F (c) 3[ ****] by an accountant or sales tax priacti-
tioner possessing the prescribed qualificat~onsand duly
authorised by him in writing in this behalf.
Tlisse words were substituted for the words " may be representeds9
by section 8(n) o f the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendn?eol)
Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977). \
2i * * *I '
f I-
)f$e ?-: - '/
-- 9
1959: T.'N. Act 11 General sale^ Tax 99
penalty and there upo 1 the provisions of this Act aiitl th::
rides ~IJCLC thcre under shall apply a;, if such 1:oticc: I~J~J
,becu given in the first instance*
(2) All ordars tnads under sub-sect ion (I) 3 h t 11, as soon.as possible
after they are kndde, be placed on the Table of both the Hoiises of
the Legislature and shall be sub-iect to such modifications by way
of am2ndments or repa:il as the Legislature may make either in the
sanx session or in the next session."
_ _ ____ __ __..--.---- ---
- - 1 - - - - -.__
1 s:c in11 60 W:IS rcnurnbert:d as sub-se:tion (1) of th :t s ~ cjell
by see+ j 'n 3 of the Tamil Naau Gcncral Sales Tax (Amw {men[)
Act, 1979 (Tamil N ~ d uAct 33 of 19791,
~ e n e r aSale8
t Tax [I959 : T.N. Act 1
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section
(1) any application, appeal, revision or other proceeding
made or preferred to any officer or authority under the said
Act and pending at the commencement of this Act, shall
after such commencement, be transferred to and disposed
of by the officer or authority who would have had jurisdic-
tion to entertain such application, appeal, revision or other
proceeding under this Act if it had been in force on the
date on which such application, appeal, revision or othcr
proceeding was made or preferriid.
1 The words "and typewriter ribbons" which were acided by section 2 (a) of
the Tamil Nadu General Sales ?'ax (Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu ~ c 16 t of
1973), which was deemed to have come into force on the 23rd February 1973, were
omitted by section 10 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Saleb Tax (Amendment) ~ c t ,
1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977).
2 These figures were substituted Tor the figures "12" by section 2 (a) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) k t , 1970 (Tamil Nadu ~ c 13t
of 1970), which was deemed to have come into force on the 26th February 1970.
[The fimres "12", "1 1" and "10" were earlier substituted for the figures L b 1 I
"10" and "7" respectively by zection 9 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have come
into force on the 18th June 1967, by section 5 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965) and by section 3 (o)
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu
4ct,10 of 1963)].
(3) (4)
2 A11 clocks, timepieces and watches and parts therc - Doo 'US1
of 8[and'watch straps].
1 This item and the @tries were inserted by section 10 (b) of the TamiI Nada
General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977).
2 This item and the entries were inserted by section 4 (a) of the Tamil Nado
General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act 33 of 1g7g),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st April 1959.
8 These words were added by section 10 (c) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tam11 Nadu Act 7 of 1977).
4 These figures were substituted for the figures "12" by section 2 (a) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1 970 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1g70),
which was deemed to have come into force On the 26th February 1970. [The figures
"1299 and "11" were earlier substituted for the figures "11" and "10" respectively
by section 9 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax {Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Nadu ~ c5 oft 1967), which was deemed to have come into force on the 18th June 1ge7
and by section 5 (a) of the Tam11 Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
~ c t 1965
, (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of l965)le
1939: ~ . g&kct
. I] ~ e r t e r a )Sales %.r iob
Serial Dcscr@tion of the goods. Point of Rate of
number. levy. tax.
('1 (2) (3) (4) 1
1 This item and entries were inserted by section 2 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1975), which was
deemed to have come into force on the 30th November 1974.
2 his entry was substituted for the following entry by section 2 (i) ofi :.eamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 39
of 1978), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st July 1978 :-
a These figures were substituted for the figures "12" by section 2 (a) of the ~ a m i '
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act: 1 j70 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of
1970), which was deemed to have come into force on the 26th February 1970. [The
figures"ly,"1 1" and "10" were earlier slibstituted for the figures "1 1","10" and "7"
respectively by section 9 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act,1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have come into force on
the 18th June 1967, by section 5 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965) and by section 3 (a) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu Act 10 of 1963)],
4 Thcse words were iqserted by section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Tl~irdAmendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 44 of 1975), which was deemed 40
!:ivr: come into force on the 8th October 1975.
i 1b ~ e ~ ~ esafes
r a i pax 1 5 : T.. Act i
Serial Description of the goods. . Point of Rate of
number levy. tax.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 16 of
1973), which was deel~...' to have come into force on the 23rd February 1973.
5 This enLljwas substituted for the following entry by section 10 (e) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977) :-
"Dictaphone and other similar apparatus for recording sound and spare parts
1I I C ~ W ~ "
. Description of the goods.
Poht of
11 Sound transmitting equipment including tele- At the point lEl5I
phones and loud speakers and spare parts of first
thereof. sale in the
12 AII arms includin~:~eifles,revolvers, pistols and Do.
ammunition for. the same.
13 Iron and steel safes and al~xirahs .. .. Do.
14 Mechanical lighters and cigarette cases . Do.
15 Bullion pure or alloy and specie .. .. Do.
16 Cotton waste .. .. .. .. Do.
17 Cottonyarnwaste .. .. . .. Do. *[41
18 Artificial silk yarn and staple fibre yarn .. Do. 4[41
These figures were substituted for the figures "12" by section 2 (a) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 197d (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1970),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 26th February 1970. [The figures ,
u12Y9, 6611w alld 6 t 1 0 ~were earlier substituted for tlie figures "1 I", "10" and ?7"
respectively by section 9 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to h a v ~come into force on
the 18th June 1967, by section 5 (a) of the Taxnil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965) and Ijy section 3(a) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu Act 10 of 1963)l.
This iten1 and entries were substituted for the following item and the entries
relating thereto by section 3 (6) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amend-
ment) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu Act 10 of 1963), which was deemed to have come into
t'orce on the 1st April 1959:-
"15 Bullion and specie .... .. .. Do. i!"
3 This figu1.e was substitu~edby section 2 (i) of the ?Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 19781, which was dcemed to have
tiluted for the figures "*"
colne into force on the 21st February 1978 for the figure " 1 ",which in turn was subs-
by section 5(6) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of' 1965).
4 This figure was substituted for the figure "3" by section 2(ii) of the Tamil Nadu
Genera] Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Aci 22 of 1978), which was
deemed to have come into force on the 21st February 1978 [The figures "3" ,b62499
and "2" were earlier substituted for the figures "2 k","2" a d "1 " ~.cspectively by section
~ ( 2 of
) Tantil Nadu General Sales Tax (Am~ndlncrlt)Act, 1067 (Tamil Nadu Act
5 of 19671, which was deemed to have come into forc? on the 18th June 1967, by set-
tj,,n 5 ( c ) of the Tcotliil Nadu Gelieral Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965
(Tamil Nadu Act 30 ot 1965) and by section 2(ii) of the Tamil Nadti General Sales Tax
[~nlzndrnent)Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1964), which cilxit, lnio force on the
1 st April 1964*]
I!ic jari yarn, metallic plastic yarn, polyester
film yarn and radiant yaru.]
This item and entries were inserted by section 2(a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1980 [Tamil Nadu Act 28 of 1980), which was deemed to
have come into force on the 5th December 1979.
1 This entry was substituted for the following entry by section 2(b) of the Tamil
,Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act; 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 28 of 1980),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 9th January 1980:--
"Jari "
a This figure was sub3tituted for the figure "3" by section 2(ii) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Amendment) A c t , 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1978), which was
deemed to have come into force on the 21st February 197t'. [The figures '3" and "29"
were earlier substituted for the figures "24" and "2" respectively by section 9(2) of
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1 967 (Tamil Nadu Acl
5 of 1967), which was deemed 1 0 have come into force on the 18th June 1967 and by
section 5(c) of the Tamil Nadu Generrl Sales Tax (Secontl Amendment) Act, 1965
(Tarnii Nadu Act 30 of 19651.3
4 The following item and entries were omitted by section 7(a) of the Tamil Nadu
Gei~eralSales Tax (Amendrient) Act, 1963 (famil ~ a d u4ct ti of 1963), which came
into force on the 1st April 1963:-
1 This entry w r ~ ssubstituted for the following mtry by wction 2 of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendi~?ent)Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 26 of 1970),
which was dcemed to have come into force on the 6th August 1970:-
Chemical fertilizers, that is to say-(1) ammonium sulph: te, (2) ammonium
nitrate, (3) urea, (4) ammonium chloride, (5) sodium nitr; te, (6) Calci~~rn ammonium
nitrate, (7) super phosphate single, (8) super phosphate f-riple, (9) kotka phosphiite,
(10) di-.calcium phosphate, (1 1) potassium chloride (rnunn te of potash), (12) sulphate
&f potash, (13) mono ammonium phosphcte, (14) di-ammonium phosphate, (15)
Bone meal, (16) any mixture of one or more of the r rticks rncntioll,,l in items I;)to
(15) and one or more of the organic manures. "
2 This sub-item was inserted by section 10 (f) (i) of the Tarnil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 ~f !977), which was deemed to have
come into force on the 2nd February 1977.
a This expression was substituted for the ~XP-.:ssion"(1) to (21)" by section 10 (f)
(ii), ibid .
4 These figures were substituted for the figure "3" by section 5 (d) of the Tamil
Madu General Sales Tax (Seco~dAmendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Wadv Act 30 sf
General ~ n l e Tax
.~ [1959: T.N. Act 1
of the goods.
D~~stir.iaCion Point of Rate of
levy. tax.
(3) (4)
I The following item and the entries were omitted hy section 2(b) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act , 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1965). which came
into force on the 1st April 1965 :--
The following item and entries were omitted by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 44 of 1C 6 I), t,vhich
was deemed to have come into force on the 1st April 1961 :-
[The wid item and entries were earlier substitukd for the following original item
and entries by section 13 (1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act,
1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 19 of 1960)l:-
"23 Machinery (other than those falling under Do. 3")
item 41, including any article, implement,
contrivance, apparatus or part of such machi-
nery made of any metal (not being a typewriter,
tabulating machine, calculating machice and
duplicating machine and parts thereof), hard-
ware iron and steel (other than those mentioned
under declared goods) and all articles made
therefrom (excluding . ~rticlesused~for agricul-
tural purposes) and a. 1 items specifically provi-
ded in the Schedule,
'(24 Milk foods (excluding milk but includiug milk At the point 2[4]]
poder.) - of first
sale in the
1 This item an 1 entries were substituted for the following item and the entries
relating thereto, by section 13(2) of the Tamil Nadc General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 19 of 1960) :-
" 24 Milk foods (excluding fresh milk) but including Do. 3"
milk powder.
T h i s figure was substituted by section 9(3) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was dpcmed to have
come into force on the 18th June 1967, for the figures "3$" xxlhich in turn were sub-
stituted for the figure "3" by section 5(d) of the Tamil Nadu Genera1 Sales Tax
(Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).
The following items and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section
2(iii) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu
Act 7 of 1964), which came into fbrce on the 1st April 1964 :-
These wclrds were inserted by section 6(a) of the Tamil h a d u General Sales 'I'ax
(Amendment) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 1981).
This figure was substituted for the figure "7" by section 2(h) of the Tanlil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Aniendment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1970).
which was deemed to have come into f ~ r c one the 76th February 1970. [The figures
"7", "4" and "34" were earlier wbstituted for the figures "4", "3$" and "3" I eq-
pectively by section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Salcs Tax (Amendment) Act, 1969
(Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1969), \ rhich was deemed to have come into force on the 11th
December 1968, by section 9(3) of thc Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have come into force
on the 18th June 1967 and by seciion 5(d) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Secon i Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tarnil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).]
3 This figure was substituted by section 2(b) of the Tamil Nadu General Salt-F
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1975), which was deemed to ha\ e
come into force on the 3r11 March 1995 for the figures "5i" which in turn were sub-
stituted for the figure "5" by section 5(e) of the Tamil Nadu General Scles Tax
Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).
4 The following item was omitted by section 7 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1962 ('Tamil Nadu Act S cf 1962), which Was deemed to have
come into force on the 1st April 1962 :-
4'33 French coffee (if the coffee portion of the French Do.
coffee has not already suffered taq in the
State under item 32).
* * L . '
l!2 a 317
Description of the goods. Point of Ra te of
levy. tax,
--- --
1 These figures were substituted for the figure "8" by section 2(iii) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1978), which
was deemed to have come into force on the 21st February 1978. [The figures "8".
"6" and "55" were earlier substituted for the figures "G", "5?," and '3'' respectively
by section 2(c) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second ~,.:endmenr)Act, 1970
(Tamil Nadu Act 13 of! 970), which was deemed to 3ave come illto force c n the 26th
February 1970, by section 9(4) of the Tamil Nadu Gener~lSales Tax (Amendmeat)
Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have c.- me into force
on the 18th June 1967 and by sect ion 5(e) of the Tami I Nc"ci,uGeneral Sales Tax
(Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).?
a The following item and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section 2(1)
(6) of the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil
Nadu Act 7 of 1981), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1 s t November
1980 :-
[In the said item, the figures "8$" were earlier substituted by section 6 (i) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act
39 of 1973), which was deemed to have come into force on the 16th November 1973
for the figures "54" which in turn were substituted f3r the figure "5" by section
5(e) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tarnil
Nadu Act 30 of 1965).]
These words were added by section 8(i) of the "amil Nadu General Sales Tax
j (Second Amendment) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1964).
t -
3 This fig~lrewas substituted by section 2(b) OF the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amerdment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1975), which was deemed ta
t have come into force on the 3rd March 1975 for the figures "54" which in turn were
substituted for the figure "5" by section 5(e) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tar
s ($ocond Amendmen;) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).
- **** $***I
--...- -
1 This en'ry was subs~itute?for the following enlry by section 2 of the Tamil
N X ~ UG?ner&lSdles Tax (Four t 11 Anlendment) Acts 1968 (Tamil N.: c:u Act 1 3 of
1 9 6 which
~ was deemed to hwe come into force on 1st August 1968 :-
"All kinds of soaps and soap powder including metal polishing b.~r':
The said entry wns earlier substitued for the original entry "Soaps" by set-
tion 9(5) of the Tamil Nadu Generdl Siles Tax (Ameniment) Act, 1967 fTamjl
Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which carfle into force On the 1st July 1967.
a These brackets and words were inserted by section 8(i) of the Tamil Nadu
G-eral Salzs Tax (Amendmen~)Act, 1974 (Tamil Nldu Act 23 of 1974), which
was deemed to have come into force on the 20th February 1974.
The words '(and metaI polishing bars" were omitted by section 10k) of the
T ~ m iNndu
l General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of
1g77), which was deemed to have come into force on the 25th July 1977,
4 his figure w g s substituted by section 2(iv) of i he Tamil Nddu ~ a ~ rSnlesa l
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22of 1978), which wds eemed to
I have come into force th: 21st R ~ ~ U1978,
XY for the figures "S)", which in turn
were substituted for the figure 5 by section 5(e) of the Tamil N.idu Generdl salee
$6 9'
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 This entry was substituted for the following entry by section 2(b) of the Tamil
.Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of
1975), which was deemed to have come into force on tbe 13th November 1974 :-
"Foamed rubber sheets, foamed rubber cushions and foamed rubber pillows".
r I
The said entry was earlier substituted for the following original entry by section
35 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tam j 1
Nadu Act 31 of 1972) :-
''Foamed rubber sheets , cushio ns, pillcws and other like articles".
8 This figure was substituted for the figure 6c7"by section 2(b) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Arnzniiment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nac'u Act 13 of
1970), which was deemed to have come into force on the 26,h February 1970. [The
figures "7" :nd "69" were earlier subs:it uter fcr the figures ( 6 6 9 9 ' sncl " 6 6 ,
respectively by section 9(6) of the Tamil Nac'u General Sales Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1967 (Tamil Nac'u Act 5 of 1967), which was c!sen~edto have come into
force on the 181h June 1967 and by section 5 (f) of the Tamil N.tdu General Sales
Tax (Scccrnd Amendment) Act, 196q (T~F;JNadu Act 30 of i965.)]
1141 All kinds of elcctl-ical goods (other than those At the point 9
specified elsewhere in this Schedule), including of firs! sxle
wire!, holders, g!ugs, switches, casmgs, in ;h? S t a b
cappmgs, reapers, bends, junction boxes,
meter boxes, switcl~boxes, meter boards,
switch boards, r 1ec:rical earth2n- wclre r;n 1
porcelain-ware. i
I The original item 41 stood as foflows :-
"41 All electrical goods, instruments, apparatus, Do. 6"
appliances and al! such articles, the use of:
which cannot be had except with the appli-
cation of electrical energy, including fans,
lighting bulbs, electl-1ca1earthenwares and
porcelain and all other accessories and
component parts either sold as a whole or in
In the said item, the following entry was substituted for rhe entry in column (21
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1364
by scction 8(ii) 01' ~ h T~unll
(Tamil N;ldi~.Act 15 01 1364) :-
and cirmponent pirrrs (either sold as a whole or in parts), including fans, lighting !
bulbs, electrical earthenwares, porcelain and all other instruments, apparatus, appli-
ances, accessories p ~'- pomponent pans, the use of which cannot be had except :
=7iLhthe ap.-';?at~enof electrical energy,"
In the entry 3s 2 3 su!)stituted, after the words " A!] dectrical goods ", the brackets
and words " (other thal? those npecjfically mentioned in this Schedule) " were inserted
by section 2(b) of :he Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act. 1972 (Tamil
Nad:~Act 11 Of 1372), which wr s ~ e r n r 'to h?ve come into force on the 24th ~ e b -
ruary 1972. Again in column (4) of the said item 41, for the figures "6", 61 and "P,the
figures " 61 ", " 7 " and " 9 " were sub~titutedrespectively by seclion 5 u ) of the +
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30
of 1965)~by section 9(6) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act,
1967 ( ~ a m i lNadu Act 5 ot 19671, which was deemed to have come into force on
the 18th June 1967 and by ~sction 2(b) of the T'amil Nadu General Sales Tax
(second ~mendment)Act, 1976 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1970), which was deemed to
have come into force on the 26th February 1970. The present items 41, 41-A, 41-B
and 41-C and the cntries relating thereto were substi~nsdfor item 41 and its corres-
~ ~ n d i nentries
g by section 2(c) 0; the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
~ c t ,1975 ( ~ a m i Nadu
l Act 15 c.f 19751, which was deemed to ha^ come into force
0%the 3 rd Marcb 1975.
1 This entry was subsiiiuted for the following entu by section 1O(i) of the Tim)#
Naclu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977) :-
-*fa 7"
The follo~ingiiem and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section 2(b>
of the Tamil Nadu General S:~les Tax (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 7
of 1965), which came into forcr: on the 1st April 1965:-
" 42 Crockery and cut1;K:/, including knives, forks and Do. 6 "
"his item aitd ectries were substituted for the foliowii~gitem and the
relating thereto by section 2 (c) of the Tamil Nadu Gelieral S ~ 1 . sTax (Amendment)
Act, 1965 (Tamil NaJu hct 7 of 1965), which was deemed to have comc into f 0 1 - c ~
on the 1st April 1464 :-
'C 43 Vacuum flasks of all kilrds , . .. .. Do, 6
a This figure was substituted for the figure "7" by scction 4 (i) of the Tamil N.I~LI
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Ta-il Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemdd to have come illto force c.n the 15tl~August 1974. [The figures
"7" and ''6.2" were exIier subs:itutec! for the figures "61," and "6" respectively by section
9 (6) of the Tamil Nadu Gzneral Sals:s Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5
of 19G7), which was deemed to ha\e come into force on the 18th June 1967 and by
section 5 (f) of the Tamil Nadu General sale:, ictx (Sr.:ond Amendment) ACL,1965
(Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965):.
. ; ~ : a; i tile entries relating i;lercto ivcre o.nictcd by section 3 of
' The f ~ l l ~ ~ : : l iiL.x:~
tile Tamil Nab G c n ~ r a lbale; Tax (Third Arne.idmcn t) Act, 1961 (Tainil Nadu
Act 44 of 1962) :--
''44 Upholst.:i'cci furn'ture, sofa sets, dressing tables Dc (,¶$
-------_ -- -.-------.-- - --
I The original item 47 and the entries relating thereto F tood as follows :-
.. ..
Jn the said item in column (2), for the words "Lubricrrting oils and greases",
the words and brackets "Lubricating oils, all kinds of mineral oils (not otherwise
provided for in this Act), quenching oils and greases" were substiiuted by section 2 (iv)
of the Tamil Wadu Genera1 Sales Tax (Amendn!ent) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 7
of 1964), which came into force on the I st April 1964 and in column (4) thereof, for the
figure "6" the figures "69" were substituted by section 5 (f) of the ~ a h iNadu
l General
Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act,1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965); again for the
said figures "64" the figure "7" was substituted by section 9 (6) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was
decnled to have come into force on the 18th June 1967. During the period commencing
oil th2 1st April 1964 and ending \\ith the 30th November 1965, for item 47 and the
entries relating thereto, the followillg items and cntrics relating theretc wcre si Esti?uted
by sxtion 2 (a) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third A n ~ ~ n d ~ i i eAct, n t ) 1967
(Ti\-nil Nadu Aci r ? of 1967) :-
The figures in colill~ln(4) 01'thc said items 47 and 47-A were ~l~bscqt!ently amended
as "Si" and "7" during the period commer?cing n the 1st Clzcernber
1965 zild ending with the 17th .lu!lc 1967 and with etEct on a i d fron; the l f t h June
19.37 by scctjons 2(b) and 2(cj r:spsctively of the Tamil Nadu Get1e:ai Sales Tax (Third
Am--ndrnent) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nada Act 19 of 1967). Again ibr I h c figure "7" in
CC!,~I,III (4) of the said items 47 and 47-A the figure "8" was subsiituieci by section
4 (i) of t l ~ eTamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendmeilt) Act, 5974 ( i a n d
Na,!t~Act 36 of 1973), which \.?as deemed to have conic into force on rlse 15th tlugust
l37.t. Pi1 the said item 47-A, for the words an figures ''c>:ller inhn those falling under
item 47"' the words, figures and letter "other than those falling under item 47 of this
Sci?:;.!~le,and under item 3A of the Second Schedule" were substituted by sectior. 5 (1)
of it%?.:Tamil Nadu General Sales Trtx (Amendment) h c i , 1976 (President's Act 40 of
147 r, which was deemed to have come into fwce on Ifie '7th Septcn~ber1976. The ,
s a i d items 47 21-id47-A and thc entries relating thereto were,4101vevc1-,orniiied by s~cti014.
2(1)(3) of the 'ratnil Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amendmect and Repeai) Act, 198 1 (Tamil
Nad~:4ct 7 of 1081), which was deemed to have come into force c n die 1st Bwedber
The following item and the eldries relating thereto were omitted by sectioli 2 of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (~mendment)Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1961),
which was deemed to have oome into force on the 19th October 1960 :-
a The following item and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section 2 (d)
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of
1965), which came into force on the 1st April 1965 :-
n49 Camphor .. . .. .. .. ..
, Do. 6 "
This figure was substituted for the figure "7" by section 4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come illto force on the 15th August 1974. [The figures
"7" and "6h" were earlier substituted for the figures "6i" and "6" respectively by
section 9 (6) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to have come inte force on the 18th June
1967 and by section 5 (f) of the Taknil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
Act, 1965 (Tarnil Nadu Act 30 of 1965.)]
Tooth P ~ ~ S L G S rooth
, powders and At the point of firs^ 8
other dentifrices, 100th brushes, sale in thc St,:tc;
tonguc c1c:iners and mouthwashes.
Sl~aving sets (with or without Do.
contents), I'dZOrS, safety razors,
rams bi,itfcs, s h ; ~ v i ? ~ g and
The I'oilov,illg ~!ei!i:jneO tlre entries relatins rherc:o were omitted by section
12 (f ;of thc T:I!I:~! "4 . d I: (;e;-iLral Sales Tax (Amend!nen:) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 4
of l9I;S), whicll c - , l : t - : icto f(!sce on the 1st April 1955:-
' This ngurc \/:I. -. -?,<titutcti for the figure " 7 " by section 4 (i) of the Tamil
Nadu Gsnerdl s a 1es TJ.i IS :eond Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 19741,
whi::h wa.;d-ewr .I 1,: i *ivc
s. -- ,.
COX,= 11110 force on thc 15th August 1974. (The figures
87.iid '' 64 " ?,r, '1 e ir:;cr s~lbsliitu::d for the figures '"63" and " 6 " respectrvely
by sccrtim 9 ( 6 ) of ti-? 'TznriI Narlu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Pdr:ilu Act 4 o f 1S6, lit'? as dcenled to have come into force oil the i Zth J u n ~
" 7 and by %ticl: 5 ti: :>I'the: -Parnil Nadu Gensral Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
Act, 1965 (k'a~nilN:i~1i1Ac; 33 of 1965).
i t e n and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section
The follc~v~i~lg
3 of the Tamii k?d:i Gr:,~crz;lS ~ l ( -Tax s Act (Third Ameiidl-ilent) Acl-, 1961 (Tamil
Nadu Act 44 of I N ! ) , ivhicr? \+ns deemed to have c(,mc into force 01: the 1st April
1951 :--
'65‘r-I GIasriwasc, b ~ i t l e sand phials, Do 6"
funnels, globe?, glass part, of
lainps sheets a n d pl,:tes, an6 photo
and other. frameS,
5 ; J -3.A r t IJ GELT,E!S+
* , 7 * .
7 -
articli s J I I : L ~ thcr-2
c from.
Gclzerlrl Sales ?ax [I959 T . N. Act 1
Serial Description of the ,goods. Poirtt of levy. Rate of
number. tax.
6[60 Raw wool, goat's lair and similar At rhe point of first 4(2)1
fibrous growth t n the bodies of sale in the State,
This figure was substituted for the figure " 7 " by section 4 (i) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come, into force on the 15th August 1974. (The figures
" 7 " and " 64 " were earlier substituted for the figures " 69 " and " 6 " respectively
by section 9 (6) of the Tamil NaGu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil
Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed t o have come inro force on the 18th June
1967 and by section 5 (f) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965).
"he following item and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section
2 (v) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act
7 of 1964), which came into force on the 1st April 1964:-
"58 Musical i i~struments At the point of first 6"
sale in lihe Stxte.
This itan and the cntrie?: relating thereto were su'>stituted for the frAlo\vinp
original item and entries by section 13 (3) of tkic Tamil Nzdu Gencrnl Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1960 (Ta~hilNadu Act 19 of 1960):--
"59 W'ittle bark including dyeing and A t the ~ o i n tof la3t 3"
tanni,~grnnteria Is. p~~rchase
i n the State.
This figure was substituted by seciion 9 (7) of tile Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1967 (Ta:nil Nadu Act 5 q i A Y U ~ , ,,vhic:i iva; deemed to have come
into force on the 18th June 1967 for the figures " I :! " which in turn viere substi:uted
for thl: figure " I " b?r s e c t ; ~ u5 (3) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (SCCOII~
Amendment) Act, 1965 (-! iwil Nndu Act 30 of 1965).
This itel11 and the enti-ie; relating thereto were substitutcd for the following
item and entries by szciion 8 ( i i i ) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1964 (Tr\rr?il Nadu Act 15 of 1964):-
"60 Raw wool At the poilit of last 3"
purchase in the
- -..... L--
s . h. - -
3 ~ h j elltry
s was wbstituted for the entry " Ali~miniumingots " by section 2 (c.
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu
~ c5 of
t 1973, which was deemed to have come rnto force on the 2nd October 1974,
4 These sub-items were substituted for the sub-items "(x) circles and (xi) s$
by section 6 (b) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1981 (Tamil
Nadu Act 34 of 1981).
6 This proviso was added by section 10 (n) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to haR
come into force ofi the 25th July 1977.
8 This figure was substitutcd for the figu IcS '" err*s ectior~9 (4) of the Tamil
Nadu General Saiee Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967),
was $&m& t o have come into force on the 18th Ji~ne1967,
'r 66 f[Fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, At the point of first 3Q]
pesticides, rodenticides and sale in the State. i
combinations thereof.]
1 This item and the entries relating thereto were added by secti~n
2 of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 11 of 1967),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st July 1967.
This entr- ,vas substituted for the entry " Pesticides and insecticides " by section !
10 (0) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Acty 1977 (Tamil Nadu 1
Act 7 of 1977).
3 The following item and the entries relating thereto which were added by section 2
of thc Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Zhird Amendment) Act, 1969 (Tamil Nadu
Act 20 of 1969), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st April 1969
were, however, omitted by section 2 (1) (c) of the Tarni3 Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amend-
ment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1981):-
I " 67.1 Fuel gas (Burshane, Calgas and Do. 7"
the like).
Earlier, for the figure " 7 " the figure " 8 " was substituted by section 4 (i) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act
36 of 1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 15th August 1974.
4 The following item and the entries relating thereto which were added by sectiw 4
s f the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 2
of 1970), which was deemed to have wme into force on the 18th October 1969 were, .
:however, omitted by section 10( ) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
~ c t 1977
, P
(Tamil Nadu Act 7 o 1977), which was deemed to have come into force rn
She 25th July 1977 :-
a' 68 Jaggery and gur (other than palm At the point of first 5"
jaggery). purchase in the State.
me following entry was esrlier substituted for the said entry in column
section 4 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1975
Nadu Act 41 of 1975), which was deemed to have come into force on the
9975 :--(
Jaggcry and gut (other tbaa palm jaggay a d
w d 9 ) wuditlg jW#MY
and aa-ai",)
LatestLaws.com *. - -
. >.
i69-A ** ** 1
-- ---+
The following item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 4 of
3he Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 2 sf
1970), which was deemed to havecome into force on the 4th Novsmbr 1969 ;-
In the said item for the entry " Coconuts " the entry " Coconuts including copra ''
was substituted by section 2 ( d ) of the Tamil Nndu General Sales Tax (Second Amend-
ment) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 19701, which was deemed to have come into
force on the 4th November 1969.
Again for the said item and the entries relating thereto as so amended, the following
f jtems and entries were substituted by section 2 (c) of the Tamil Nedu General Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 11 of 1972) :-
The present item 69 and the entries relating thereto were suustituted and item 69-A
.and the entries relating thereto were omitted, %y section 6 (ii) and 6 (iii) respectively
of the Tamil Nadu General Sale!?Tax (Second Amendment) A:t, 1973 (Tamil Nadu
,Act 39 of 1973). which wm deemed lo have u m e into forcer on the 1st April 1973.
IThiS item and the eiltries relating therero were substituted for the
following item and elltries by section 2(d) of the Tamil Nadu General
sales T ~ x(Amenclment) Act, 1972 ( ~ a m i Nsdu
l Act 11 of 1972), which.
was deemed t o have come into force on the 22nd February 1972:-
"70 (a) All kinfib of a l c o l ~ ~ l i At
c the point of first 12
liquors fcr human consum- sale in the State.
p ~ i o n(other than todc!y 2nd
(b) Arrack .
. .. Do. 6'$
The said iten1 and the entries relaring thereto earlier SubStitu!e.i by
sectioi: 2 of the Trlnlil NaCu General s:?les T::x (Fourth Amendment)
Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1971), which was deemed to have
come into force 01' thzt 1st August 1971, for the following item and
the entries reic.li!lg thereto which were adc?ed by section 4 of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amen(7nrent) Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu
Act 2 of 1970), wllich was deemecl to have come illto forcs on the 1st
December 1969 :-
"70 All ki~lds of alcoholic At the point of first 12"
liqucbrs for human coasum- sale in the State,
ption (other than toddy and
8 rrack).
2T11Vbo figures were subs!i!uted for the figures 6624"by section 8 (ii) of the
Tamil Na&i General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of 1974),.
which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974.
a These figures were su5st;tuted for the figures "12" by section 8 (iii), ibid.
1959 :T.N. Aa 11
Pdnt of levy. Rate of
. . At the point
of first sale
in the State
'173 E[Rawrubbet, namcly latex1 '[At the point of last 5I
purchaee in the State.]
$hc following items 71 and 72 and the entries relatingp thereto were added by
section 2 of the Tamil Nadu General Srlcs Tax (Amendment) Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu I
Act 7 of 1971), which was deemed to have comc into force on the 10th March 1971 t-
This item and tho entries relating thereto were added by sectior, 2 (e) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (An~endment)Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 16 of 1973).
These words were substituted for the ward '' Rubber " by section 2 of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 37 of 1974).
7,vhich was deemtd to have come into force on the 19th June 1944.
This entry was substituted for the following cntry'by section 6 (c) of the ad
Madu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 1981) :
A. - - ,:.,.....,. : ,: ... -
, . ..
-: .7 ' , . . .. V .
, .
i.: . . . .
. ,
. . . . *.. . . ' " .....
r . ' . , * .
: . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
. .
i .
. . -. .
I , ,. . - r .
. . . . ,. ..,.
I . .
This item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 6 (iv) of the Tamil
Nadu denera1 Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu-Att39 of 1973),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st September 1973.
This item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 6 (v) of the
1.. . i!
Act, 1973, , . (Tamil Nadu
T a ~ jSla d u General Sales Tax ( S e c ~ ~Amendment
Act 3%ofJY73,), which was deemed to have come into orce on the 1st April .1973. , -.
.'. .>. * . . . s
r' f
I . . 1
- , 'I
- ':!! T ~ S was substituted for the figure " 3 '' by section 2(ii) of the ~ a r n iNadu
Ge9era-l Sa es Tax (Amendment] Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1978), wMch was
dwmd to have come into force on.fhe21st February 1978, , , , , . . a . -
r : i ,. , . _. v , .
..- . , -.. I
hih his item and th;
entries relating fhirito were added biskction 8 (iv) f the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of 1974).
which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974.
This entry was substituted for the entry "oil cakes" by section 10 (q) of the ~ a m i l
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Kadu Act 7 of 1977), which
was deemed to have come into force on the 25th July 1977.
. . .
. .
19391 T .N . Act 11
Serial Descriptian of the good$. Point of levy. .Race of tax.
Handmade matches.
This item and the entries relating thereto were added by sect~qn8(ir) of ihg Taroil
Nadu General Tax (Amendmerat) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of 1974), wh~chwas , .
deemed to have come into face on the 4th Marc11 1974. - -
2 This entry was substiluteLlfor the entry "All vegetable oils (including refined
vegetable oils) other than those specifically mentioned in this Schedule" by section
10 (r) of the Tamil Nade General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu
Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to have come .into force on the 25th-July 19'77,ir
- . "
This figure was substituted for the figures ' "34" by section 2 (e) of thi. f&il
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Mrrdu Act 15 nf 1975); which
was deemed to have come into force an the 3rd March 1975. . .
- - . ,
. ,
This item and the entries refatin8 thereto were inserted by section 4 (b) of the
Tamil Nadu C3eneral-SaIesTax (Amendment) Act, 1979 (Tarpil Nadu Act 39 of 193¶?),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1979.
.. .
.. . .
I . '
. . .C
,. . , . .. . , . . ,
, .
,. .
. . . . I
. .
. . - . . . f . . . .
12 5 - 6 lOA
, , ' "
' I : C
rrumbcr . L)escr.iption of tlrc goods. Poitit of bvy.
Rate of
I These itorus and the elltries rclating thereto weie added by seclicl~ 8 (it j of
the Tamil Nadu Gcaernl Sales Tax (Amendmcnl) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 sf
1974), which was tleen~etito have come into force on the 4th March 1974.
8 This entry \\as subslilulcd lbr the entry "Acsatcd waters and bottled soft dtinh 5
sold under a bralit1 namc w11c:rher or not flavcurcd or swectencd and whether or not
containing vegetable or fruit juice or fruit pulp" by seclioll 2 (iii) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tam'l Nadrl Act 33 of 39781,
which was decmctl to have come into force on the 1st July 1978.
'This bgura - w s sut)sLil~~!~:Z1
I'orll~efigure"3" by w t i o u 6 (d) ol tlie Tatbill Nah111
General Sales Tax (Amendmei~t)Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 19811.
(b) Scented nut ..
Chinaware and porcelainware in-
.. Do.
eluding tableware, sanitary-ware
and sanitary fittings but exciud-
ing glazed floor and wall tiles
~ n terracotta.
.; -
This figure was substituted for. the figures "54" by section 2 (b) of the Tamil
Nadu Generel Sales'Tax (Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 c f 1975)'
which was deemed to have come into force on the 3rd March 1975.
This entry was substituted for the entry "Drugs, patent or proprietary medicines
s -as,defi~edin se&ion.3 of the Drugs and Cosnletics Act, 1940 (Central Act XXIII of
-j94Q),but .excluding Arishtams or asavas nd including surgical dressing" by section
10(u) of the Tamil-Nadu General Sales +ax (Amendment) Act, 1957 (Tamil sjidu
Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to have come into force on the 25th July 1937,
- * - T h i sfigure was 'substituted for the figure "7" by section 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu
General.Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of.1974),
which.was deemed to bav'e came into force on the 15th August 1974.
+' fl'4These item rand the edtries relathg thereto were added by section 8 (jv)
of.the Tarnil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) ,Act, 1974 (Tamii Nadu Act 23 of
1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974.
This figure was substituted for the figure "7" by .section 4(i) of the Tamil Naeu
G%neralSale~~Tax: (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 46hb Augus4 '974,
I T b clause "(a) are tinned, canned, bottled or packed;'Was omitted and clauses
(b) and (c) were relettered as clauses (a) and (b) respectively by section 13 (6) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amend ent) Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act
47 of 1979), which was deemed to have come into orce on the 10th October 1979.
These items and the entries relating there~owere added by section 8fiv) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amen&aent)4Act,1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of i974),
which wiis detmed to have come into force m the 4th March 1974.
a This figure was substituted for the figure '7'' by section 4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (T.ami1 Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 15th August 1974.
These figures were substituted by section 2 (iii) of the Talnii ~ ~ a dgene,^:
u Sales
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 QP 1978), wllic11 was deemed
\to have come into force on the 21st February 1978, for the figure "8" which in turn
was substituted for the figure "7" by section 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
'Tax (Second Ammdment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974), which was dee-
med to have come into force on the 15tl.1August 1974.
This entry was substituted for the entry "Ethyl alcohol and denatured spirit"
by section 2 (iv) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act,
1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of 1978), which was deemed to have come into force on the
1st July 1978.
This entry was substituted for the entry "Articles made of stainkss stecl"
by section 6 (e) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1981 (Tarn il
W u Act 34 of 1981), which was dcemcd to have come into force on the 8th Ap rr'l
142 ~ e ~ l e rsales
al 'Tax * [1959': T.N. 'Act 1
-- --_--
_-_-____ -*--- -- --- -
This item and the entries relating thereto were inserted by section 6 (f) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 1981),
which was deelned to have come into force on the 8th April 1981.
These items and the entries relating tlxreto were added by section 8 (iv)
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23
of 1974), which V-F deemed to have come into force on tlie 4th March 1974.
These ~ r d sand brackets were substituted for the words and brackets "polish
(but not boot polish)" by section 10 (v) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amend-
ment) Act, 1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to have come into
force on the 25th July 1977.
These figures were substitt1.ted by gection 2(iii) of the Tamil Nadu General SaIes
Tax (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1978), which was deemed to have
come into force on the 21st February 1978, for the figure "8" which in turn was
substituted for the figure "7" by sectio~4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Second Amendnlent) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974), which was deemed
to have come into force on the 15th August 1971.
This figure was substituted for the figure "7" by section 4 (i) of the Tanlil Nadu
General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
which was deemed to have conle into force on the 15th August 1974.
This entry was substituted for the entry "Spectades, sunglasses, goggles, rough
blanks, lenses, frames, attachments parls and accessories" by section 2 ( d ) of the
Tamil Nitdu General Sales Tax (Fourth &mndment).Act, 1974.(Tanlil Nadu Act 5
of l!i74), which was dcelncd to have come into force on the 6th November 1975.
) s
n The following item and the entries relating thereto which were a L d by sectI;,i
q(iv) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) ALL, 1°74 (Tamil Nadu Act
23 of 1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974 %as
omitted by section 10(w) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act,
1977 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to have come into force on the
25th July 1977 :-
1 13 Razor and razor blades .. Do, 7"
[In the said item for the figure " 7 " the figure " 8 " was carlier substituted by
section 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974
(Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 15th
August 19741. -
9 2 These itenls alld the entries relating thereto were adder1 by section 8(iv) of the
'Iarnil Nadu Gcneral Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of1974),
wl~ichwas dccnicd to have come into force on thc 4th March 1974.
V h e s e figures were substituted by sectioll 2(iii) of thc Tajnil Nadu Ciencral Salts
'Lax (Ar, lendmeit) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1978), which was deemed to have
come into fdrce on the 21st "February 1978, for the figure "8 "which in turn \,.as
7 " by section
substituted for the figure 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act ?G of 1974), which was deemed
to have come into force 011 the 15th August 1974.
* This figurc wits s~bslil~~t,ed
for the figutc " 7 " by scction 4(i) of the Tamil Nadu
Ccrreral Salcs Tax (Second Atxlendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil N:~duAct 36 of f974)
~4iichwqs deemed to have come into force on tllc 1 ith August 1974.
144 General Sales Tug [1959: T.N.Act I
Serial Dwcr@tion 3f the goods. Poiizt of levy. Rate of
number.7 tax.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
l[116 Goods other than footwear made wholly At the point of first 8
or principally of leath~r(whether or sale in the State.
not other materials such as thread,
lieing, rivets are used).
116-A Cioods for indoor or outdoor games or Do.
sports, other th xn those specified else-
where in this Schedule, including toys,
swings, medals,, cups, trophies and
'[I 17 Paper, all sorts (including paste-board, DO. " h]]
mill-board, straw board and card
(i) Cigarette tissue ;
(ii) blotting, toilet, target, tissue other
than cigarette tissue, teleprinter,
typewriting, manifold, bank,
bond, art paper, chrome paper,
t ubsized paper, cheque paper,
stamp paper, cartridge paper,
parchment and coated board
(including art board, chrome
board and board for playing
cards) ;
(iii) printing and writing paper, pack-
il~gand wrapping paper, straw
board and pulp board, includ-
ing grey board, corrugated
board, duplex and triplex boards,
other sorts :
I These items and thc entries relating thereto were substituted by section 2 ( d ) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 28 of 1980),
for the following iten1 and mtries which were added by section 8 (iv) of thz Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, IS74 (Tamil Nadii Act 23 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th arch 1974:-
, "1 16 Len thcr goods clt her thail Coot-wear 110. 7"
(In the said item 116, for tile f ~ u l - e"7" the figurc "8" was earlier substituted by
scction 4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974
(Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974), which was dee111edto have come into force on the
15th August 1974).
Z'This iten1 'lild I ~ C c~l(t.ie;I-elatingthereto \icrc added by scction S (iv) of the
Tarnil Nadu General Sales 'Tax (Amendmne~lt)Act, 1974 (Tamil Nad~r Act 23 of' 1974),
which was decnied to haw come into force on tlie 4th March 1974:
T h i s figure was substituted for the figure "7" by section 4 (i) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tan~ilNadu Act 36,
of 1974), which was deemed to have come into force on the 15th Aul;ust 1974
.*--*- - - - 4
-- -
'This slib-item was substituted for the sub-item "(iv) all other kinds of paper
and paper board not otherwise specified,including carbon paper but excluding cinemato-
graphic and photographic papel.." by section 2 (v) of the Tamil Nadu Gmeral
Sulcs Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu l ~ c39 t of 1978), which was
~ l c ~to ~ bavc ~ j illto force on the 1st July 1978.
~ i conic
I'l\~.se\\,ords \yere substituted for the words "any other sub-item aforesaid" by
st.ctic~r\ 10 (s\ of the Ti\.\r\~il Nndu General Sales Tax (Xmendment) Act, 1977 (Tarnil
, 7 of 1~73).\\hich \\.as deemed to have ciw.e intv force on the 25th July
~1)leseitems and the entries relating thereto were added by section 8 (iv) of the
t1 Tamil Nadu General Sal ~jTax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23
1')74), which was deemed to have corllc ~ I ~ L force
U on the 4th March 1974.
'T his figure was substituted for the figure "7" by section 4 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
4 General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1974),
21" which was deemed to have come into force on the 15th August 1974.
6 This expression was substituted for the expression "Bolts and nuts" by section 2(1)
1 (e) of the Tamil NaduSales Tax Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act; I981(TamilNadu
ict 7 of 198I), which was deemed to have come into force on .the 3lst-.Det%nlber1980.
I aThis entry was substituled for the e~ttiy'"Ho~ierygoods bother -thin those made
wholly of cotton7*by section 13 (c) of.the Tamil Nadiu. General Sdles Tax (Second
Amendment) . k t , 1979 (Tarni I Nadu hct 47 of 1979), ~ f l ~ cwash deen$ed to have mmr
ir:t'\ ft>i~e on the 5th S t t e n ~ 1b
t i ) Latex foal71spon ye ..
(ii)Platcs, sheets and strips un-
hardened, whether vulcanizerl
or not and whether combined with
any textile material or other-
These items and the entries relating thereto were added by section 8[iv] of
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax [Amendment] Act, 1974 ]Tamil Nadu Act 23
of 19741, which was deemed to h&vecome into force on the 4th March 1974.
aThis item and the entries relating thereto were SO bsti t uted for the following item and
entries by section 2 (1) of the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amendment and
Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 1981), which was deemed to have come
inio force on the 17 th Decembcr 1980:-
"126 Rubber products, namely:--
(i) Latex foam sponge .. Da 9"
(ii) Plates, sheets and strips unhar-
dened, whether vulcanized or not,
and whether combined with a ny
textile material or otherwise.
(iii) Piping and tu bing of unhardened
vulcanised rubber.
- (iv) Transmission, conveyor or
Jevaior belts or bolting of vulca-
n W rubbor, whether wrnbioed
. . . wffh m y textile material or other.
- . .- - @?&:
- - L- - - *- - .
-- - - - -- --- --- -------,
1Tliis entry was substituted for the following entry by section 2 (e) of the Tamil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendwent) Act, 1980 nilmil Nadu Act 23 of 19801,
whiclr wcs deemed to have come into force on the 21st N'ay 1980 :-
[The said entry was eiirlier substituted for the following entry by section 10(y)
or the Tamil Nadu Gerieral Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Tamil N a d u
Act 7 of 1977), which was deemed to have come into for ce on the 3 1st December
1975:-. .
&&Furniture and other office equipment of every description (other than those
mentioned in item 13) made of iron and steel or any other metal or alloy including
tubular and ' furniture and a cornobinationof iron, steel or any otba
metsl or alloy or wood or other material."] .
13 1 Pile Carl3CtS
I These items and the entries relating thereto were added by section 8 (iv) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of 1974),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 4th March 1974.
a. -'rhic item all(, the elltries relating thereto were inserted by section 2 (f) oC the
Tamil Nsrctu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 28 of 1980),
which was deemed to have cfome into force on the 2nd January 1980.
3 This iten1 and the entries relating thereto were added by section 2 (e) of the
Tarnil Nadu General Sales Tar, (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 5
of 1975), which w,i% deemed to hay~ecome into force on the 29th November 1974.
This item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 2 (/z) of the
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amer,dment) Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1 9 7 9 ,
which was dezmed to have come into force on the 3rd March 1975.
Camphor .. .. .. .. .. - DO.
1 These items and the entries relating thereto were added by section l o ( ~ )
of the
~ ~ ~ i l N Geaeral
a d u Sales Tax (Amendment)Act, 1977 ( ~ a m iNadul Act 7 of 1977)
which was deemed to have come into' ,
force on the 25th July 1977.
a =his entry was substituted for the following entry by section 6 (g)of the Tamil
Nadu ~ e n e r aSales
l Tax (Amendment). Act, 1981 (Tam11Nadu Act 34 of 1981):-
'cEssences and squashes".
3 These items and the entries relating thereto were added by section
Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Ani'endment) Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu
1980), which was deemed to have cbme into for( e on the 3rd July 1980.
4 This entry Was substituted for th~.folloWing
entr by section 6 (h) of the Tamil
~ a d General
u J
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, :98 1 ( amil Nadu Act 34 of 1981):-
1[150 Articles of food and drink, sold At the point of first 101
to customers ic Three Star, Four sale in the State.
Star and Five Star Hotels as recog-
nised by Tourism Department,
Government of India, whether
such articles are meant to be con-
sumed in the premises or outside.
1 n i t s item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 2 (1) (g) o f
the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax h w s (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nad
~~t 7 of 1981), which was deemed to have come into force on the 6th October 1980.
These items and the entries relating thereto were added by section 2 (1) (g) of
the dl Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil ad^
A C 7~of 1981), which was deemed to have come into force on the I st November 1980.
These figures were sutstituted for the Qure '-3 " b y section 6 (i) of the lbmij
General Sales Tax (eendment)
N&ju Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 1981), wh jch
was deRmedto have come in to force on the 1st April 1981.
. . 4 These figures were substituted for the figure '' 9 " by section 6 (j), ibid.
6 Thofe figures were substituted for the figure " 9 " by secti~o6 (k),ibld
Explanation I.-For the purpose of items 151 to 159, .a sale by one oil company
to another oil company shall not be deemed to be the first sale in the State and accord
ing1y any sale by one oil company to any other person (not being an oil company)
shall be deemed to be the first sale in the State.
'and indudes any other oil company notified in this behalf by the Government in the
TnmN Nadh Goternrnent Gtaetfe.1
- --
1 This item and the entries relating thereto were added by section 2 (1) (.g) ~ o kc
TanGl ~ a d Sales
u Tax Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu ~~t 7
of 1981).
"is itern and the entries relating thcreto were added by section 6 (1) of the
ramii Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendmeht) Act, 1981 (Tamil
. - -
Nadu Act 340f 1981);
-. ...
Cereals, that is to say,- At the poiilt of first 11
(i) paddy (Oryza sativa L.) ; sale in the State,
(ii) rice (Oryza sativa L.);
(iii) wheat (31.iticurn vulgare,
T. compactum, T.sphaerococcum,
T. durum, T.aestivurn L., T,dicoccuna);
(iv) jowar or milo (Sorghum vulgare
Pers) ;
(v) bajra (Pennisetum typhoUeum L,)
(vi) maize (Zea rmys L.);
::.?leusine coracana Gaertn) ;
(vii) rcr~.
(viii) kodon (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.) ;
(tx) kwtki (Panicurn miliare L.);
( x ) barley (Hordeurn vulga~e
1[1-AIs[Coal, including wke in all its forms, Do.
but excluding cha-coal:
Provided that during the period
commencing on the 23rd February
1967 agd ending with the 1st April
1973, this clause shall have effect
subject to the modification that
the words, "but excluding charcoal"
had-been omitted].
- -. -.---- - . U p A
1 Item 1 was renumbered as item 1-A and this item and the entries relating thereto
were inserted by section 60) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
~ c t 1976
, (President's Act 40 of 1976), which was deemed to have come into force
the 7th September 1976.
a This entry was substituted and was deemed always to have been substituted for
the following entry by section 7(i) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second
Amendment) Act, 1973 ( t'amil Nadu Act 39 of 1973):-
"Coal, including coke in all its forms"
a This w e was substituted for the me
"2" by section 10(1) of the Tamil Nadu
Q e w a l Gales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), whieh was
&enred to have come into f@rq on the 18th June 1967.
This entry wa(s substituted for the fbllow~llgentry ~y section 7 (ii) of thc! Tatnil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act., 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of 1973),
which was deenleil to have ccme into force on the 1st April 1973:--
"Iron and steel, that is to say-
(a) pig iron and iron scrap ;
(b) iron plates solti in the same form in which they are directly produced by
the rolling mill ;
(c) steel scrap, steel ingots, steel billets, steel bars and rods; and
(d) (i) Steel plates ;
(ii) Steel sheets ; ..
3ii 1959 : T.N. Act 11 Genetal Sales Tczx t 55
Y Serial Description of the goods, Point of Rate of
number. levy. tux.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
@ [Jute, that is to say, the fibre extrac- At the point of first 2[3]
ted from plants belonging to the sale in the State.
species Corchori capsularis and
'This entry was substituted for the following entry by section 7(iii) of the Tanlil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of
1973), which was deeme .! to have come into force on the 1st April 1973:-
"Jute, that is to say, the fibre extracted from plants belonging to the species
corchorus capsularis and corchorus olitrious and the fibre kllown as mesta or bimli
extracted from ~ l a n t sof the species hibiscus Cannapinus and hibiscus sabdarifavar
altissima, whether baled or otherwise."
%Thisfigure was substituted f ~ the
r figure "2" by sectiol~l O ( 1 ) of the Ta~niiNadu
General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which wa5
deemed to have come into force :he 18th J~itie 1967,
I The original item and the entries relating thereto read as follows:- ,
"G (a) Oil seeds, other than cardamom, At the point of first 2
that is to say, seeds yielding non- sale in the State. m
volatile oils used for human con-
sumption or in industry, or in the
lnanufacture of varnishes, soaps and
the like or in lubrication and volatile
oils used chiefly in medicines, peu-
fumes, cosmetics and the like.
(h) Ci~rdamom . . .. ..
: l i t the. point of first 2' ;
In the said item in sub-item (c), for the figure "I", the figures "1 g" were substi-
tuted by section 6 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act,
1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1965) and in the sub-items (a) and'(b), for the figure "2"
the figure "3" was substituted by section lO(1) of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax
(Amendment) Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1967), which was deemed to
have come into force on the 18th June 1967.
The present item and the entries relating thereto were substituted by section 7(iv)
of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu
Act 39 of 1973), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st April 1973. -
2 This figure was substituted for the figures "I$" by secti an 7(iv) of the Tzmil
Nadu General Sales Tax (Second .Qmendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of
1973), vllich was deemed to have come into force on the 1st October 1973.
(vi) Linseed (Linzf!nzusitatissimurn) ;
Serinl Description of
I number goods
[I) 121
'14 Cotton fabrics, woollen fabrics and
rayon or artificial silk fabrics,
as defined in items 19,21 and 22 res-
pectively of the First Schedule to the
Central Excises and Salt Act, 1944
(Central Act I of 1944).]
1 he followina item and the entries relating therdto were omitted by section 2(2)
of the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu
t 1981), which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st November 1980:-
~ c7 of
"Motor spirit as defined in the Tamil Nadu Sales of Motor Spirit Taxation ~ c t ,
1939 (Tamil Nadu Act V[ of 1939)."
2 The following item and the entries relating thereto were omitted by section 5
of the Tamil Nadu Ganeral Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1970 (Tamjl Nadu
t 1970). which was deemed to have come into force on the 1st December 1969 :-
~ c2 of
"Any goods on which duty is levied or leviable under the Tamil Nadu Prohibi-
tion ~ c t 1937
, (Tamil Nadu Act X of 1937), or the Opium Act, 1878 (Central ~ c I t
of 1878) on the entire quantity of such goods and not merely on any ingredient which
forms part of such goods."
3 This itan and the entries were substituted for the following original item and
the entries relating thereto by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax ( ~ jrd
i Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 37 of 1974j, which was deemed to have come
into force on the 1st April 1974 :--
"All varieties of textiles (other than dunies, carpets, druggcts and pure sik
I ~10thmade wholly or partly of cotton, staple fibre, rayon, artificial silk or wool in-
cluding handksrchiefs, towels, napkins, dust@!?, cotton velvets and velveteen, tapes,
*wars and jaws and hosiery cloth in lW@8."
6 Handspun yarn.
7 Halldlooln cloth.
=Thisitem and the entries relating theref0 were s~lbsfitutedfor the following i teln
and the entries by section 6 oftbe Tamil Nadtl C;*ner2I Sales Tax (Second Amendment)
- Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 11 of 1975), which was t!eem~:d to 'have come into force
on the 7th July 1975:- 1
2F0r Statement of Objects a@ re as or:^, see Fur? St. Gecrge
Gazette. Extraordinary, dated the 1st August 1963, Part IV-Section
3, pages 109-110.
SThis expression w3s substituted for the exprzssion "State of
Madras" by the Tamil Nel:. A d ~ ~ t a t i oof n Laws Order, 1969, as
arrlended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptatio~.of Laws (Second Ameild-
ment) Order, 1969.
*Now tbt i-tttnii iv'udu Guvai nmcrrc Guzt;rie.
t act cr olnis~io~z
Prov;ded t h ~ no on tl'nc part o f any
pcrjoa shall be puniahat,lc as an offence wlqid~wc uld not
bavt bccn so ~us~isllablci t t l ~ Act
~ s had not bcen passad.
This Act may be called the l[Tamil Nadu] General Short title,
Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1964.
. [The nnzenci1?2citts nlacl~. bjl tlrese sect ioits lznve
corpol.ott.d in tllc. principal Act, vis.,
t 1 ~ j " 15'59.1
" 448 GenerctI Sales Tax (Second ~meitdment) [1965: I;Ne A C30
- --
* Now the Ta.ijil Nadu Governinent Gazettel
- --
. - -
* Y
+ -:a
--.ak' -d
t ,
1 . * - .* .-.. ..
. ' C
s t * (
NADU] ACT NO.12 OF 19682.
and accordingly ,-
, , L~
--2Z-L - -.A .- 5
F". ,. I&$*.
- ,r .-
. , '
as follows :-
Short title I. (I) This Act may be called, the Tamil Na
and corn- General Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1974. ;
mencet~~ent ,
(2) Section 2 shall be deemed to have come into fo
. the 1st April 1959
Validation of
levy and
collection o f
.- -- --
* For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil N a d ~
Government G?zetteExtraordinary, dated the 16th April 1975,
part N-Section 1, Pages 131-132.
992 General Sales Tax [I979 : T. N. Act 53
MENT) ACT, 1979.
[Received the assent ofthe Governor on the 28th May 1979,
first published in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette
Extraordinary on the 29th May 1979 (Vaikasi 15,
Chitharthi (2010-Tiruvalluvar Andu)).]
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General
Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil
Nadu in theThirtieth Year of the Republic of India as
follows :-
short title 1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General
and cornmen- Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1979.
(2) (i) Section 2 shall be deemed to have come into
force on the 1st April 1979 ;
(ii) Clause (a) of section 4 shall be deemed to have
come into force o n the 1st April 1959 ;
rhort title and 1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu ~ene;al
-Oaent* Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1982.
8 . . . 1ri-2
(2) .(i) Clauses (a) and (d) of section 2 shall.be
.. a
come into force on the 1st July 1981. . ''I
- - -
*For Statem;n! Of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu'
gov;rnment Gazette gxtriiordinzry, dated the 22nd Auyun .
981, part W S t c t i o n 1, pages 656-667,
- --
--y;-- I--I
)L (!
' I
(iii) to subsection (2), the following proviso shall be I I!d,
'! I
(1) The ~ o i n tCommissionor of Con;nk:rc'al Taxes
may, of his own motion, call for and examine an order i ii
pas:;d or proceeding recordtd by I hc app~.opl.iat~ all; ho- it
rity under sec.ion 4-A, SGC ion 12, sac ion 12-A, seci ion 14, f
sec.ion 15 or sub-sec-ion (1) or (2) of seciion 16 or an i
order passed by the Appi:llatc A s i s ant Commisr.ioncr
under sub-section (3) of 3 . c ion 31 or byi h~ Dipu.yCom-
n cf' rim ion 3 I -A or sub-
missioner under s ~ b - ~ e c t i c(3)
section (1) of scction 32 and it' L U C ordt:r
~ 01- pr or, ( ding
! ~ , 11,2kL.
recordLd is prejudicial 1 0 t hc in crcus ,>fr o v ~ n ~ may
suoh inquiry or c.lurc sllch inqtli1.y i 0 be m;d~ and, subj,d
to ihe provisions cf ihis Ac , may inilia72 proc,,c ding,, 10
revise, modify or at aside order or ~1 JC. ding and
may pass such order thereon as he think fi ."; 1
(h) in item 76, for the entry in column (3), the following
entry shall be subtituted, namely :-
"ALthe point of first sale in the State.";
in item 81, in column (4), for the figure " 6 ",the
ft,gt~tr.* b* ** slrali IN* sul~stituted:
"1 b1 Hdndl~>om
s,lk i.iIyi IC?;, I\: t h ~f~)11'1i \\; fiibi >.,I; >";
in the State.
(n) with effect on and from the 11th March 1982,
item 162 and the entries relating thereto shzll be deemed to
have been omitted.
5. In the Second Schedule to the principal Act, for Amendment of
item 3 and the entries relating thereto, the following item the Second
and entries shall be substituted, namely :- Schedule to
Tamil Naduq
Act 1 of 1959.
R~rteof tax.
"(j) Where the total turnover is not One t ho~sand and
less than fifty thousand rup- eighty rupees per
ees, but is less than sixty annum.
thousand rupees.
(ii) Where the total turnover is not One thousand three
less than sixty thousand ru- hundred and eighty
pees, but is less than seventy rupees per annum.
thousand rupees.
S o 1
1. 1 I , ,- ( I A inay be
i ~ l l e t i i t ~ e'I1att,il liildn CSe~leral Snlcs T a x ('Tllil-tl .4mrrldment+)
! , \ ( , I , ILJ8!).
(2) sh:i!l lrt. dct-mid to h a \ - r c o n ~ e into force on the
2. ,VcIbetllile to 'I'G~~JI~!.
. I r t ~ i ' r ~ ( l i ~ i r ~orfi t i l l f ~Fi71'1 N ( L ~Auc t 1 of
1 LII {lie I'ir ci Sclicri~llel,o 1 he 'Tiltuil Nadu Gerleral Sales
'I'Lt,k Ac.1, 1!)5!) ('l'aillil S:itlu A c t 1 of 1!35!3r,-
err, in i l ( q , l 11-(', in colulrln ( / I ) , for. tllp figures " 18 ", the
I " 0 ' ' h11:ill I ) C S I I I ) S ~ ~ I I I ~ P ~ ;
- .
' .. '
ACTN0.360F1986.- , .
- . ,1
BE it enacted by the Legiskture of theState of Tanlil Nadu & @@
Thirty-seventh Year of rhe Republic of h d i a as follows :- t
1. title' arzd con~nzencetnerit.-(1) This .4ct may' he d i d
the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1986
.(2) (i) Clauses (a), (b), (d) and (e) of section Zshall be
hdve come into force on the 1st October 19S.5.
(ii) Clause ( c ) of section 2 shall be .deemed to have coma
mto force- on the 3rd March 1981.
2. Amendment of the First Schedule ro T m i l Nadu
Xct 1 if
iI 1959.-In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Salk. Tax
; Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1959),-
(a) after item 10 and the entries relating thereto. the foilowing
item and entries shall be inserted, namely :- r:
"10-A Video cassette players and
rqcorders, video cassette
At the point of
firs1 sale in
tapes and video compu- the State.
I ters and parts and acces-
sories thereof,
(h) for item 88 and the entries relating thereto, t h-- 5 . f o l l ~ a .
! item and entries shall be substituted, namely :- 1
1 "88 (a) Cashewnut with sheU. At the poilit of 6
first rjurchase
: ill ~h:: 8 1nto.
(b) Cashcv,hu~kcrnc: in,!, A + Ihu ~9j1ttof 5."~
ding processcd kernel. first ,anlo In .
the State,
(c) in item 106, in the entries in column (2), foi the expris
ha "itein 67 ", the expressj,on "item 159" shau be shbhtituted; .
... . . . -, , . .
.- . . -
s r c n t o f t h e ~ o v ~ r n o r o n t h e l Z t h J r l d ~ 1 9 8 6 a ~ d i ~ ~ e ~.e b y p ~ b ~ ~
fnr general information :- -
ACT No. 40 OF 1986. , .
An Acf flirther 1 0 ' amend the Tamil Nad1.i G~neralSales Tax Act,
1959. e
. BE it enacted by the h g i d d u r e of
the State of Tan~ilNadu in the
Thirty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows :- I
(2) It shall come jato force on such date as the State Govern-,
ment may, by notification, appoint.
. 2 . Alnendnler~tof section 31, Tamil N ~ d uAct 1 of 1959.-In the .
Tamil Nadu General Sdes Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil Madu Act 1 of 1959)
(hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), in sub-sectioq (I) - of
.section 3 1,- L
(n) after the expression ''section 12". the expression "section .
12-A " shall be inserted ; and I .
, '
(6) ia the second proviso, a k r the oxpression " section 12 -
the expression " section l2.A " shall be insatcd.
3, Amendment of secllon 31-A, Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1959.-
In sub-section .(I) of section 31-A of the principal Act,-
- ( a ) after t h e expression " section 12 ",' the expression " section
12-A " shall. be inserted '; and
( h ) in the second proviso, after the expression "section 12",
thc expression " section 12-A " shall be inserted.
t t t s e ~ i o n42, Tanril Nadu A c t . 1 , of 1959.-In
4. A m e n d ~ ~ ~ eof
[ section 42 ,of &Ile~fincipal~ c t , .the. Explanation shall bc -nurnbmed
a9 Expia!iation Z and afier ~ ~ ~ ! ~ n oi a
i n Explar~atior~, shall be added, namely :-
. --
'Ihe following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislature received thd
=sent of the Governor on the 12th June 1986 and is hereby -
p1hlishtd for gzueral information :-
ACT No. 41 OF 1986. .
I . Short title and cornmencement.--(I) This Act- may-be called
he Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Act, 1986.
(2) (0) Clauscs (k) and (1) and clause (m)in.so far as it relates
ro items 166 to 170, of section 4 and section 5 shall. be deemed to
bave come into force on the 17th March 1986.
e I b 'l Clause ( m )in so far as it relates to item 171 of section 4-
- -
(a) in, item 1, for the entry in column (21, the following entry
ahall be substituted, namely :-
"Typewriters including electronic typewriters, tabuiztiug and
calculating machines including electronic tabulating and calculating
machines,. duplicating mechines including electroflic duplicating
machines and .parts and accessories thereof .";
- . . - . - - . .. .- .. . .
n u 'GAZETTE EXTW.O~IN.Q+ iii-
--- _/
. .
ACT' No. 42 OF 1986.
pr, shall pay for each year a tax oh his .turnover of transfer of
property in goods invoIved in the execution of works contract
oned in column (2) of thc Fourth :Schedule at tho rates;pecified
corresponding entries io column (3) of the said schedule.
ExpZu nario~i.-Whers any worlts contract involves moie than
cm of work specified iri the Fourth Schedulu, the rate of tax
be dete~uinedseparatdy for each such item, ".
. -
. . .. -
-- .'-
, .- -- .. . - . -
A - .. -.. ..----- --..
--..--A --.----..-Ah----.-
. ,
sets and
8. Fabricatkn. and installation of cranes and hoists.
- -- ... . .
... . . .
n ~ l t her. tax.
I ~z
u (per cent.)
(1 1 . (2) . .' - (3) *
m m AND
-. - ' '-,
- - - - ' - - I . -
ACT NO.43 OF 1986.
AA Act further lo amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax -4d,
- .. -.. + . .
-- .
. ,
At t h c poi~lfof A t the point oj At the point
f i r s 1 sale in first sak in of la& safe
the Starc to rho sthie to-..in the Sfate. -
,i .
declaration duly filled in and signed by the d=aler to whom the gcods
are sold containing the preicribed particulars in .a: prescribed form
bbt&ed horn the prescribed authority : . .
Provided further that any dealer who, a f t ~ rpurchasing the goods
,I . in respect. of which he had furnished any declaration, fails to make
usa of the goods su purchased for the purpose specified in the dtcia-
. -
ration but disposes of such goods in any other, manner, shall pay thc
'I djfference of taxyayable on the turnovzr relating to sale of such '
'! goods at the rate prescribed and four per cent :
I .
,- Provided also that the dealer purchasing t h e goclds maintains a
I![. ,-. , - .
Explbkiion.-Foz tho purposes of this sub-section ' consumables ',
, . . ,
means fuels,' wdding electrodes, welding rods, abrasives, carbide tip
:I took and lubricating oils.
4 1
- < . .
(3) Where a n y dealer, after availing the concessicnal rate of
111' ..
- , lax under sub-section (3), does not sell the finished go,ods but
despatches them to a place outside the State eithcr by branch transfer
or by dmsfer to an agent, by whatever name callqd, for sale, or in
anv other manner. exce~tas a direct result of s d e ' b r D U ~ C ~ ~ SinP the
Ilir .
il * :- ..
the concessional rate,of tax already paid under su5-section ( 3 ) , tax
at two per cent on t&e value of goods so purchased.";
sion " Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section ( 1) ,
(2') or
(3) " sbdl be substituted. I
Comm issioncr and Secretary to Government,
Law Denartmenf.
. 21
- - 2
(a) in section 2, aRer clause (n) , the following clause had been
inserted, namely :- '
"(nn) ' Special Appellate Tribunal ' nieans the Tamil Nadu
.!Sales Tax Special Appellate Tribunal constituted undcr section
'; 36-C;" ;
(bj in section 16, in sub-sectim ( 5 ) , for the words "High
Court ", the words "Special Appellate Tribunal" had been substi-
(c) in section 32, for the words "High Court", wherever they
occur, the words ''Special Appellate Tribunal" had been
tukd ;
(d) in sectioii 34, for the words "High Court" wherever t h q
occur, the words "Special Appellate Tribunal" had beer1
tutcd :
(f) after seqtion 36, the following sections had been inse
namely :-
I : 1
. . , J
(iii) has, for at least two years, held the post of Chief
Secretary to Government or any post equivalent thereto, in the Stah
Government ;
I , .
unless he-
(b) as Vice-Cl..
- lairman of the Soecial A ~ ~ e l l a Tri
----. . . .
I . . . . , . . -.,
. - I
I .
(i) is, or h,,ac h,----
W ~ I ICourt ; or
e n nr
, ,
c n ~- l --
~ n, i- -
f i etn
- --, a,..--
d , --
T I I ~ V P nf B- -
a n
--- ---
. -. . ..
. - ---
.- ---. - ...
-,-- -4
other Member, .-
36-G.Bar of jurisdiction of all courts except the Supreme
: court.-Notwithdafldhgany~ing contained in any other law, the
. -jurisdiction of all Courts -except the jurisdiction of the Supreme
Cdurt, is excluded with respect to any matter which is by or unda
this Act required- to be decided or dealt with by the asses
$ty referred to i n clause, (c) of section 2, the Appellate
'Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioner, the Joint Corn
o f Commercial Taxes, the Appellate Tribunal or the Special Ap&
late Tribunal.
, . jG-H. Bar of,writs in High Court.-No writ shall lie in
-, Court to set aside or modify any proceedings or order taken or
by the assessidg authority referred to in clause (c) of secti
~ppellate Assistant Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioner,
, Joint Commissioner of .Commercial Taxes, the Appellate Tribunal
the Special Appellate Tribunal under this Act or with res
' other matte; which is by or under ibis Act, required to be
'dr'dealt with by the assessing authority referrcd to in cla
section 2, the Appellate Assistant Comm.issioner, the D
. Coninlissionor, the Joint Commissioner of Commercial Taxes
Appellate Tribunal or the Special Appellate Tribunal.
.- ----.
. ' _
..---. 1 . . . - , . -
I:. .
tuted ;
(i) in tha margkn?.! heading, for the words "High
", the w ~ d s" Special Appellate. Tribunal " had been substi-
' _
(j) in sectioi~52, for the words " High Court ", the words 2
. ,
4. Transfer of pending -proceedings in the High Court to the.
Special A ppelhte Tribunal.--41) All cases connected with the
_.. s-des tax matters dealt with in t h e principal Act and pending in the
Court immediateily before the date of commencement of this
A n as would have been within the jurisdiction of such Special I
Appellate Tribunal, if the causes of action on which such proceed-
jags ale based had arisen after the said date of commencement, shall
38'of the principal Act and the Special Appellate Tribunal shall pa^
- - .. orders accordingly.
- - I
1 2 . .
w nnmnuf-nu*
w ~
/ r ; p u ~r r r ~ c r : t .
. --C
------ __L_.X-I.. -.. ,--- --_-._--.__..
- -... .. -
!I + ---_
*.a ::
The fo!lowin: Act of thc Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly I
fepeoeived the assent of illc Govcrrpx- on thc 15th Drccmbcr 1986 (5
for t
of the said period ", the words "may, wiihi,~ a further period of
ihiriy days, admit all appeal presented a f k r the expiration of the
said period of sixty days " shall be suhstitutcd.
Commis,rioner and Secretory to Government,
Lmv Deparr'wertt .
, 4 r z Act furlher to antend the Tamil Nadu Gent?raE S&s Tax Act,
Ih) in itcr1-r 169, fur the cntry i l l column (Z), thr: follulving
--:,I;I-~ shall be substi~uiecI,namely ;---
{c) after item 171 and the entries relating thereto, the folllawing
. . .
. - *
ACT N o . 78 O F 1986
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Soles Tax Act,
" (ccc)
" Assistant Commissioner {Assessment) '' means any
. . person appointed to be an Assistant Commissioner of Commercial
" jkk) '' Joirit Commissioner '' means any person appointed
to bc a Joint Commissioner of Commercial Taxes under section 28 ;";
-+- nm?-w-q
(3) If ilo return is submitted by the dealer under sub-section
(I) or sub-section (2) within the prescribed period, or if the return
submitted by him appears to the assessing aatboritv to be incomplete
or incorrect, tilt assessing authority may, after making such enquiry
as it considers necessary, determine the tax payable by the dealcr
to the best af its judgm+nt :
-, ,
( 5 ) The determination and collection of tax under this
section shall be subjcct to such adjustment as may be prescribe8 on
t l ~ ccompletion of iiual ilsscssmcn.t in the manner prescribed.
5. Aiszendnzenr of section 13-A, Tamil hradu Act 1 of 1959.-In
section 13-A of the principal Act,-
(a) in the ~mnrgin,;l i;s::!lr?z, for the sxpressim " as assessed ",
t h e expressioll " as ddcrmined " shall be substituted ;
( b ) for sub-section (I), t17c rol!owing sub-section shall be sub
stitutcd, llalncly :-
" (1,! A dcalcr in whosc case the tax due during the preced-
ing yea1 has becn provisionaIly de,tcrmined under section 13 shaU, ' .
ulllcss he is not liable to pay tax for the year, continue to pay for the
year the fax so detcrnlincd in the preceding year in the prescribed
rnmner until the tax due from him is again provisionally determined
f o r the year under s e c t i ~ n13. " ;
(c) in sub-section (Z), for the words " cornpletbn of provisional
asscssi~ient", the words " provisional determination " shall be sub-
6. Amendnzent of seclior. 16, Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1959.-In
section 16 of the principal Act, after sub-section-(51, the follo*g
sub-section shall be added, namely :-
" (6) 111 ccrnpu,ting the period of 1imitat.ion for assessment or
re-assessment under this section, the time during which any appeal
7' -. !.. a..-.,* nF rn-77 m ~ m f i - ~ ~ w n m - 1-
L -* ~ p + n r r y r A ~r rtf ! +ha ,
same or part of the turnover made under any ukher enactment was I
.variations, which would have been included in his turnover for any
, i
previous year if i t had been received by him in that year, he shall,
.. > . thirty days from the end of the year in which such amount is
received, submit a return in the prescribed form to the assessing .
authority and thereup& h e assessing authority shall proceed to assess I
; . the tax payable on such amount ; I
jb) if a deal5r rcturns ir, aay w a r any arnqunt due to price! :
-variations, which would have been excluded in 'his turnover for my
! previor~syear if it hr.d hem rcttlroc.d by h i n ~ in that year, he shall, !
within thirty days from the end of the year in which such amount is 4
e t zscctiorz
10. A t ~ ~ e ! ? d ~ ~ roJ r 24, firmil N U C ~ ~Act
' 1 of 1959.-For
scdion 34 or the pril~cipal Act, thc fol10wi11g section shall be subs-
ti111tcd, nanlely :-
" 21. /'~)~/,~or! o/ l o . ~ . - ( 1 ) Save as otherwise pro-
c ~ t r t ithrr*olJery
virtccl f(:r i l l sub-scclion ( 2 ) of scclion 13, thc tax assessed or has
t!t.con~c p;~~lable r!nclci- [his Act from a dealer or person and any
othcr anlotint duc [lmomhim under this Act shall be paid in such
rnwncr and in such insttllments, if any and within such time as may be
s~~ccificd in the notice of assessment, not being less than twenty-one
t1uy.r: I'rclm thc dn1.c oi' sel-vicc of the notice. The,tax under sub-section
(2) of scclion 13 shall bc paid without any notice of demand. In
~!cfnult of such payments the whole of 'the amount outstanding on
t l ~ c(!ate of dcElult sll;~llhecomc i~nmediatelydue and shall be a charge
011 the p~-opi-rI.icsOF thc person or persons liable to pay the tax or
i ~ ~ l c r c sl ~t n d e rt h i ~Act.
( 2 ) ~ n t 3yx ~ S S C S S011~ ~CT h a s become payable by, or any
othcr amount due u ~ i t l r l .this Act from a dsalex or person and any
-Tee dc~c f r o n ~him under this Act, shall, subject t n the clainl of the
I;r)\rct*n!ncn~ iu rcspect of land rcvcnuc and the clam of the Land
. ,
ri) ni?.:. .
t:cl-son become
f r o ~ iw l ~ c l i l money
~ is di!c nr i\??.lr
tic;.: t;, i bc rl.::lc. or to ailv person who ilas bccl3r??~liaMc to p2.y
;?r::,. ;;i;>~\cifit_ circc ~rrzdcr: this Act: or
[ii) a !: v pcrspn vi;ho I~oIcls !j:. may subsr:rl~ciitIv hold m o a q
I'!?r iir n;l nccwnt of thc tlccilcr or otter pcrscii~ 1vh6 has become
!;li;,;(: tp pay al:y smou:?t duc andcr this Act, .
:n :::I:: ir, 1;;~ assessing nut!mrity either l'crthwith upon !he rnoncy
- !:r:;:.~i~i;l? dt!c nr bcing 3eld a t or within thc !il~lr:s!:ecii.i.d in t1:;
!..:i;t.:: l i i i l t i:cl!l!: bcfr.1-e !I:c l?lonev bocon~c:;_rluc(:!- i:, I!c!r!: so 11luch
,!. !:!,: !??cl!?~:v ;!s jl'. sufiicid:cl t o Fa;] the sinc?!~r!t
?:I: ti:c dcalcr
. . . :-.i c- - i h -:cr.yj.ln irl ~ - c ~ ! > ccc:': the ;!rlmcel-sti?nt !:albfi: Fczop~e ;iayal?le
..-- ..,I
, : ; : : ! c . i . i::;~:
. -
A c t or t!?r :?,hl;!o cC- rhc l ~ l u n z yW ~ C Rit j:j ccjuai 19 01.
--: f?;all i:;:: 11
Grrc3l-S aFr>l-esaifJ. !1
L~ -, . >
. ,. .-,!
;!j ~ f l ! ~ r i ~ / ! t ~ / Cct~
~ t I I ! ~ ~ , T , S ~ ~ ~:I/
IIL~* 1 i-riul Tuxe,~,
..ML);:?f <-'( ,:,:: .~ .! ~ - { ; ; t v ~ ~ ~ ~ -~, ~ ~ ? i *I.! r ri"o.vt*.~,
J id
. .
(I.: !ltlw!! !*
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,,j 0~>J)::?!).s,~~:;//(!~-.\~ .: ! '!'L~.YE,Y I,
l ! j <-.fi; 9.'F;-:fr
' lp?..'!;:,t
. - I I. . .
f l y'
t 7
a.ripgjnt a '
. , ,, >' ! : ?
I ~ i s n c r nfs Co~n!?~er.;~i;i!
1 I 3 ::.cq .bLdn;inis= rr*
. m,.
., C.'!~I:IIII~SS~CI~CI-S OC Comn~crc::~ls ,A?s'lsf;lnt
! : I - I![ C'~)IIIII!CI-CJ=~IT ~ I X C SS S II. 4ssis!.;l,n?
. .
i a Taxes {CICC'~;f-'h~;sl Fx!!?isl2Tl t
.- ' l ; t ? i : . ~ , : - ! d ? ! ~ ~ - ? - ~ .
\:; For the words " A n Assistant Commiss!oner ", the words
and brackets " A Territorial Assistant Conlmissioner or a n
" shalI be s u t s t i tntcd ;
Assistant Con1.11Gssioncr (Assessn~e~lt)
( i i ) for th;: cxpl-cssian " h l:~c!ras RCVCII~IL'
~ E C C C I V C ~Act,
~ 1864
(Madras Act I1 of 1864) ", the expression "Tamil Nado Kcvenuc
Recovery Act, 1864 {'Talnil Nadc! Act I1 of 186417'shalI be
( 6 ) in sub-section ( 2 ) , for the words " a11 Assistant Coi~lmis-
sjoners ", the tvtlrds and brzcicets " the Territorial Assistant
Commissioner and the Assistant Colnmissioner (Assessment) " shall
be substituted;
I ( c ) in sub-section (3),-
(i) for the .words " Assistant Commissio~zer", the words and
m .
- .
. . .: 1-.: :;
-. -
., ,;A4 L-L; '
.--,.... 7 .. 7 .. .
. .- -..,
, , . - .- - - --- - - .-.--
-< + -
:: .,a
. , . - --
- .;>;,;i,:,.#y,a
( 6 ) for sub-sectioo 2 , the following sub-section shao be -.,,-:,-:;;-::;$
.:-:--.I ,
substituted, namely:- ,
" (2) The appeal shall be in the prescribed form and, shall
8 bc verified in the prescribed manner and shall be accbmpanied!'.by
such fce not exceeding' fifty rupees as may be prescrikied."; . :-, ',
(c) in sub-seclion (3, after the words " a reasonable oppor- . .:.
tunity of being heard ", the words " and for suflicient reasons to be
recorded in writing " shall be inserted. -r:
I .
,. 6 )
~ r n e n d r k n tof section 3 1-A, Tamil Nadrr Act 1 o f 1959,.--1;
-, :-
.3. ,.
...,, . .;
I :z1
In section 3 1-A of the, principal Act, in sub-section (1 ), : for,;;the
, .
words "the Assistant Commissioner ", the ..words and brackets. ,,the
,-' ,.
.) {-
Assistant Commissioner (Assessment) shall bz substitutcd ; -"
,. . . .,*<. &ii:+J.
+.: . .. '<>
,.t a, , .+-
satisfied ", the word's " if he is satisfied " shall be substituted; , . .. .+,- ...j; - , , ,
ibereon as it thhh % ", the words "pass such order therbon as hk-i~.:;i:{ ,- , ,.a ?.
" not - ex&
( b ) in sub-section ( 3 I ,-
(i) in the opcning portion, aftcr tl~cwords n ro:lsonal,ll:
opportunity of being heard ", the words " and for suilic.ierit rcasons
to be recorded in writing " shall be inserted ;
(ii) in clause (a)? ilrl sub-clause (i), aftcr the word
"enhance ", the words " restore fully or partially, as the case may
be '' shall bc inserted ;
I%) in the first proviso, for the words " t l ~ c assessing
authority shall have the right to be heard either in person or by a
represmtativo ", the words " the Government she11 have thc
right to be heard by n representative " sIla1I hc substir~rtcd;
(c) ia sub-sectios (3-A),-
( i ) after the expression " may file an e~~hancementpeu-
tion ", the expression " or a petition for rcstorn!ion of the asscss-
mcnt 01- pcnaIty or both, I'ull y or palmrially,as th:: casc may bc si.~all "
be inserted ;
(ii) for the proviso, the following proviso sl~all bc su$s!i-
tuted, namely:-
" Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may admit sn
enhancement petition or a petition for rcstora;ion of lilt ttsscssmcn t
or penalty or both, fully, or partially, as the case may bc, prescnted
after the cxpirat~onof the said period, if it is satisiied that the asscs-
sing authority or his representative had sufficient causz for not filing
such petition within the said period.";
( d ) in sub-siction (6), in clause ( b ) , tlitl words "not
exceeding one hundred rupees " sllall bc omitted ;
( e ) in sub-section (8), for thc words " 13oard of Rcvetluc ",
the words "Corrunissioner of Commercial Tasc!:" shall be s~tbslii~
tuted, .>*r, ,, , . 2
for the words " a fee of one i~undredrupecs ", the words " such fcc
as-may be prescribed " shall be substiluted.
20. Amclzdment of section 38, Tumil Nadu Acl 1 nf 1959.--In
section 38 of the principal Act,-.-
( ( I ) in sub-scction ( 2 ) , Tc~r thc wm-ds 3 fee of onc hundrcd
rupees ", the words " such fce as lnny be prescribcd ? sllall bc sub-
.- ;
added, namely: -
" ( 3 ) Pending the exercise of the powers of review, the
sppropriate reviewing authority may, on application made by &e .*
assessec, stay the collection of further amount of tax d ~ i efrom the
nssessec, in pursuance of the order which is the subject matter of
review before -the disposal of the review -application, if the assessee
furnishes sufficient security to its satisfaction, in such form and .in
such manner as may be prescribed.".
-'regularly employed ", the words " employed full time " . shdl be i
23. Anzendment of sccriorz 55, Tnrzlil Nadrl Act I of 1959.-
I -i n sccrion 55 of the principal Act,- . .
{a)in sub-scction (I), for the words " threc years ", the i
~vords"five years " shall bc. substituted ; i
{ b ) after subsection (3), the following sub-section shall be
Inserted, namely:--
" (3-A) The powers ilnrlcr sub-section (I.) may be cxercjsed
by thc assessing authorities even though the origiilel ordcr of assess-
mcnt, if any, passcd in the millt,cr h a s bccn the s~i'bjectmatter of an
appc-a1 or 1-evisim.".
25. Amem-lnzerrt of the First Schedule to Tamil Nadu Acr 1
1.959.-In the First Schedule to the principal Act,--
(a) in item 3, in the entries in c o I m (2), after the worcis
."motor vehicles and trailers" and before the words, " and motcu-
engines", the following brackets and words shall be i~lserted,
namely :-
"(whether or not such articles are used for other purposes),";
( b ) in item 5, in the entries in column (2.1, after the words
"Wireless reception", the following words shall be inserted. narnclg :-
'' and transmission ";
in item 55, in the entries in column (2), the following worcls
- b
1959. - -.
.,.. .,,: .. ,.-
? 1 I-
1959.-In section
2. Amendment of sectioiz 20, Tamil Nadu Act 1 of
20 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu Act
- 1 of 1959),-
(i) sub-section (I) shall be lettered as clause (a) of that sub-sec-
tion, and after clause (a) as so lettered, the following clause shall be
added, nameIy :-
" (b) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (a), every
dealer referred to in items (vi) and (viii) of clause (g) of section 2, whose
total turnover in any year is not less than forty thousand rupees, shall
get himself registerbd under this Act." ;
(ii) in sub-section (2),,for the words "First and Second Schedules"..
thc words "First, Second and Fifth Schedules" shall be substituted.
(By order of the Governor)
and Secretary to GovernlPreot,
Lmv Department.
<- --. - --
S T ~ T T ~ ~ J I V PRWWCf
* ~ d p I c - ~ ~ - ~ GAZETTE
- I
*fi&d for general information :-
.I?' :
.. . 8 .
j 4'
fup$h& 10 amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tux Act,
, . .. 1959.
I BB it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu
in tbc.,Thirty-eighth Year of the Republic of1 India as follows :-
. I
(a) ahsr item 51-Band the entries relating thereto, the fol!owing
i ! @ ~md mtries shall be inserted, namely :--.
Air purifiers. cupboard fresh- At the point
, :;;
graduated or calibrated:
( e ) after item 166 and the entries relating thereto, the fd-1
item and entries shall be inserted, namely :-
"166-A. Nattusakkarai At the point - 8'@*
+* .
. .*
---- -
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly receit-ed
the assent of the Govei-nor on the 4th June 1987 and is hereby
' published for general information.
, t-\---
ACT Pie. 20 OF 1987.
I :
An AQI further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act,
\ i
" i ! 1 1 1 , , ( I : "r I 1 1 -c I 1 r. 11
Commissioner and Secretary to Government,
Low Department.
-- - -
. .- . .
The foUowiog Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assemb
hall. be.- or
received the assent of the Governor on the 21st July 1987 a
is hereby published for general information :-- (3) ir
ACT No. 31 OF 1987.
'An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tar A
I 1959. '( 2
(1) in item 3, for the entry in column (2), the following en
shall be substituted, namely:-
" Motor Vehicles including-
,. . (7)
(i) motor cars, ~ o t o rtaxi-cabs, motor omnibuses, m
vans, jeeps and motor lorries, chassis of motor vehicles, b shall be
built on chassis of motor vehicles belonging to others (on I (8
turnover relating 'to bodies), autorickshaws and all the varieties shall be
trailers, by whatever name known;
(ii) m ~-7: cycles, motor scooters, rnotorettes, rnopds;
(iii) bicycles, tricycles, cycle-rickshaws, tandem cycles, mg iten
combinations znd ,perambulators fitted with motor engines and m "
84. (i'
en&nes used f.3:- heing fitted thereto. " ; d.A w-
(2) items 13, 76, 121 and 128 and the entries relating thereto
(ii) in sub-item 22, for the expression " l to 21 and 21-A ",
the expression " 1 to 21-B " shall be substituted ;
(4) in item 30, in column (11, for the figure ' 9 ', ' the
figures ' 10 ' shall be substituted ; >
(5) in item 38, in the entries in coiumn (2k for the words
"cycle combinatiolls and perambulators", the words "and cycle com-
binations " shall be substituted ;
(8) in item 43, in co!umn (4), for the figure ' 8 ', the figures '10 ' ,
(9) in item 79-A, in column ( 4 ) , for the figure ' 2 ', the figure ' 3 '
shall be substituted ; i
(10) for item 84, and the ent~iesrelating thereto, the follow-
ing item and entries shall be substituted, namely :-
. b . At the pcint of Arst sale in 8.
the State. - -4
.-- - - -- -- .._
--* .- .- - - - --- -- ----- -- -- - ------- '4
I -
Explanation.-For the pur-
!. pose df this item, in the case of
timber and bamboo purchased by
the brest contractors in the
auction of forest coupes conducted .
bv the Forest Department of the
dovernment, the sale by such cont- I
L.u 1
. - t flooring- stones At the point of first sale in 5.";
is!. and all kinds of tiles the state. -
I -
other than those speci- t
fied elsewhere in this
Schedule. 1
in item 97, in column (4)~for the figure
- !8', the figures
-- '10'
shall be substituted ;-
(13) in item 101, in column (4), for the figure '8', the figures '10'
shall be substituted ; t
i ,
r' (14) in item 115, in column (4), for the figure '8', the figures '10'
gs - shall. be substituted ;
L . J
. .. for the- fimresfl0'
152. in column (4). " - ---- fi~ures
the -- -- 2 --0
$[;$;-'. (i6) in item 166, for the entries in columns (31 and (4), the
bz.1:-following entries shall be substituted, namely :-
At the point of first purchase in the state in respect of 8
' .- -
- .: .-
< I
' ?
- --
(17) after item 172 and the entries relating thereto, the follow-
(Jathi pathri).
174. Palm fatty acid At the point of 5
first sale in
the State.
5. Iron and steel safes and ahirahs, cash 15 10 5.
chests, Cash boxes, wall coffers, safe
deposit lockers, locker cabinets, strong >
room or vault doors and ventilators I I
, ii~cludingparts and accessories of the I
above. r
4."- -23
(ii) Slotted angles, gussets, plates, panels 10 6 +$
' above, made of -. iron and steel or any
other metal or MlOY. 1
(By order of the Governor]
r -
( b ) Clauses ( b ) , ( c ) , ( d ) , ( f ) and (g
be deemed to have come into f ~ r c eon the 1st
( c ) Clause ( e ) of section 2 shall be tf ' I
purchased or pro-
cured from outside
. the State.
-;I- ----
185. Crockery and cutlery other than At the point of first sale in Lhe Stat
those specified elsewhere in this
186. Suit cases, brief cases, attached At the point of Grst salc in the State ..
cases and vanity bags including
those made of lelther.
187:Carbide tips and tools .. .. At the point of first sale in the Statc ..
k \
. -
(i) for the 'words " fifteen days ", the words " thirty days " shall be
substitu tcd ;
(ii) for the words " said period " in two places where they oc&r, the
words " the first ~nentionedperiod "- shall be substituted. I
(i) for the words " fifteen days '), the words - " thirty days " shall be
substituted :
(ii) for the words " said period " in two places where1 t h q occur, the
words " the first mentioned period " shall be substituted.
' ~ m e n i m e n tof
6. In section 33 of the principal Act, in sub-section ( I ) , in thc proviso,- section 33.
(i) for the words " fifteen days ", the words "thirty days " shall hc
substituted ;
(ii) for thc words " said period " in two places where they occur, the
words " the first mentioned period " shall be substituted. .
Insertion of new 10. After section 60 of the principal Act, the following section
section 60-A shall be inserted namely :
payment of tax in “60-A. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Sale or
respect of goods purchase of such of those goods which were liable to tax only at the
shifted from single, point of first sale or purchase under sub-section (2) of section 3 of
point to multi- point this Act, and become liable to tax under sub-section (1) of section 3
of this by virtue of the omission of such goods from the first
Schedule, no further tax shall be payable under the section (1) of
section 3 of this Act on the goods which are held in stock on the
date, on which such good s were omitted from the first schedule
provided the goods had already suffered single point tax prior to
that date and the rate of tax payable under the section sub-section
(2) of section 3 of this Act was equal to or more than the rate
specified under sub-section (1) of section 3 of this Act.
Provided that if the rate of tax payable under sub-section
(2) of section 3 of this Act was less than the rate prescribed under
sub-section (1) of section 3 of this Act, the dealer shall be liable to
pay the difference of tax between the rate of tax at which the goods
had suffered tax prior to such date and the rate prescribed under
subsection (1) of section 3 under this Act.”
An Act furthtr to omt 1.d the Tarnil Nadg Geneml ~illesTax Act, 195"
Rate of tax.
(i) Where the total tunover is not less than Thirty-one thousand hve hundred
ten lakhs of rupees, but is less than eleven rupees per annum.
lalchs of rupees.
(ii) Vlhere the total turnover is not less than Thirty-seven thousand three hundred
eleven lakhs of rupees, but is less than and seventy-five rupees per annum,
twelve lakhs of rupees,
(iii) Where the total. turnover is not less Forty three thousand seven hundred
than twelve lakhs of rupees, but is less and fifty rupees per annum.
than thirteen lakhs of rupees.
(iv) Where the total turnover is not less Fifty-four thousand rupees per
than thirteen lakhs of rupees, but is less
than fourteen lakhs of rupees. .
(v) Where the total turnovei is not less than Sixty-five thousand two hundred and
fourteen lakhs of rupees, but is not more fifty rupees per annum,.
than fifteenlakhs of rupees.
(2) Any dealer who estimates his toti1 turnover for a year to be not more than
fifteen lakhs of rupees may apply to the assessing authority to be permitted to pay
the tax under this section and on being so permitted he ;hall pay the tax due in
advance during the year in monthly or prescribed instalments and for that purpose
shall submit such returns in such manner as may be prescribed:
Provided that any dealer paying tax ~ n d e rsub-section (I) of section 3 and
desirous of paying tax for any year under this section ma], at any time before final.
assessment for that year, exercise his option to be asssssed under this section and
for that purpose shall submit such returns in such manner as may be prescribed :
(3) The permipsior1 granted by the assessing authority
shall continue in force so long as the dealer is eligible to be asse
and has not withdrawn his option to be so assessed.
"-- - * /.71% 2
[b) for items (i) and (ii)., the following shall be substit~ted,namely :- Q
"'(i) in case where such total turnover is not more than two lakhs of
rupees in accordance with the provisions contained in sub-
section (1) of section 7 or in case whera such total turnover is
not moro than fifteen lakhs of rupees in accordance with the
provisions contained in sub-section (I) sf' section 7-B ; and
(ii) in other casos, where !the total turnover is more than two lakhs
of rupees 'under section 7 or fifteen lakhs of rupaes under
section 7-B, in accordance with the other provisions contained
in this Act." ;
(iii) in sub-section (3), for the expression " section 7 ':, the expression " section
7 or sbction 7-B" shall be substituted.
The following Act of the ~ a m i l - ~ a LegbJative
du Aa4ernbly re.-eived the
-%,I. .--h- v- e m o r on the 8th Febmary 1991 and is hereby publ$hed for
+, *ha
general information :-
ACT No. 10 OF 1991.
LA," --- ,-
(1) in item 96, in the entries in column (2), the words " but escludng
Arishtams or Asavas and " shall be omitted ;
x -11
(2) item 135 and the entrieq relating thereto snail ur ~.l-----
Lutr Department.
&cretary to Gwer~aq~urlt,
general information:-
A?&Act furtl~erto avze?zd the Ta.miZ Nndu Ge?rcr.t~EScrles Il'nx Acf, 1959.
U1C it enacted I)y the l~cgisl:ltiv~
~isscrnblyof the State of Taxnil Niid11 in the
Forty-second Ycar oll the Republic of India as follows :-
(2) It shall be deemed t o have come into force on the 5th day of
September 1991.
2. I n qection 2 of the Tamil Naclu Genera1 Sdes Tax Act, 1959 (herein- Nadu
after referred to as the principal Act),, in clauue ( r ) , after the expression ~ c 1 of
t 1959, ,
" other than tea ", the expression " and rubber (natural rubber latex and all
varieties and grades cd raw rubber) " shall l),e iwrted.
3. I n section 3 of the principal Act, in sub-section (3))-
(1) in the opening portion, for the expression beginning with the
words " for sale by him " and ending with the words " to guch sale ", the ex-
pression " for sale by him of any goods mentioned in the First Schedulq other
than those falling under items 70 (c) and 107 of the gajd Schedule, shall be
at the rate of only three per ,cent on the turnover relating to such sale " sh$
be substituted ;
(2) in the second proviso, for the words " four pcr cent; ", the words
" three per cent" &all be substituted.
4. In section 12 of the principal Act,-
(1) in sub-secqon ( I ) , for'the proviao, the folloeng proviso shall be
substituted, namely :-
' a dealer whose totd turnover is less than rupees1 five lakhs per annum and who
fulfils the following conditions, namely :-
( a ) that he has not obtained or received any of the! declaration Forms
prescribed under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 (Central Act 74 of 1956) ;
7. I n section 23 of the principal Act, for the words "Your per cent, ", Amendment
the words "three per cent " shdl be substituted. of section
8. In section 45 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), in clause ( e ) ,
the exprewion " or under the first proviso to sub-section (4) " shall be omitted. 45.
1'0.I n the Second Schedule to the principal Act, for item 7 and the entrits Amendment
relating thereto, the following item and entriers shall be mblptituted, namely:- of
Scheddo. I
"7 (a) Raw hides and skins . At the point 4
of Iwt purchase
in the State.
(b) Dressed hides and At thc point of 4. " .
skins (which were not first sale in the State.
' subjected to tax under this
Act as raw hides and skins).
. The following LC$of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Asembly received the
v t of %he Gtovmor on the 22nd October 1991' aad is hereby published for
general infomti0n:'--
ACT No. 35 Oil3 1991.
Ani Act fuGher t o amend the Tamil Nadu *nard Saks Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Leghhjtive Assembly of the ~ G t ofe Tamil N a b in the
F o r t y - m n d Year cf the Republio of India as follows :--
1. (I) This Act mag be called the Tamil Na,du uenerm uus in. \Fourth q&xt title
Amendment) Act, 1991.
( 2 ) It shall be deemed to have come into Toroe on xnr ruru uw
September 1991.
1 shall be subqtituted, n w d y , : . -.
(2) in itom 192, for the entries in column (2):, the follo+g entrics
(3) &eq item 192 and the entrias relating thereto, the f o l l o a item
i and entries shall be inserted, namely :-
b a
" 192-6 (a) Rough ar raw
granite blocks,
At the point
of first '
b .
! ,*
, I
' salein the
State. 8.
(a) Polished granite *4t the poult
ulabinoluding of h t
- 2- .I,.,.
tomb stone, sale m rua
monument &b State .# 8
- * r c
and head , : - A
I ( .
,(By,ordeq of the Governor.)
q'he following A& d the ,Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the
a-:scnt of thc Governor on the 12th June 1992 and i$ hereby publi~Jledfor
general informartion :- . I - +
iil Nadu Act 2. In section 3 of the Tnniil IVdu General Sdes Tax Act, 1959 (herein- Amendment of
~f 1959. after referlred to as the principal Act), in sub-section (3), in the firrrt section 3.
(1) in clause i(i), the word " and" occurring a t the end shall be
omitted ; I Y ' . , +
(2) afler clause (i), the followjny clause shall be jnserted, nanlely :-.
" (i-A) any sale of molasses ; and " ;
3. In the Second Schedule to the principal Act, in item '7 (b), in columa Amendmat of I
(4),for the figure ' 4 ', bhe figure ' 1 ' sliall be mhtituted. Second Schedule
;(By order of the Governor.)
/ BID. 18hlAII1,
8eoreta-g to Cfoverttntent, Lazv Department
LatestLaws.com I
factor, brolcer, commiseion agent, ar'hati, deZ credere agcr t, auctioneer or any
other mercantile agent, by whatever name called. ".
3. In section 3 of the principal Act, for sub-section)'(2-13)) the following
.sub-section shall be substituted, namely :-
Proviclcd that at tho secon,d point of salt, the turnover of the goods
liable to tax shall be arrived a$ by deducting the turnover of snch goods on
vi~ichtax ha9 becn levied at the first point of sale.".
(6) The provisi 7 s of tllisj section shall not apply iu si.cpcct of nrlp
!ale u r I,u~.thnst:l~lntlcon old aftcr the 1st 'cla? o f April 1992."
Anrendment 5. Tn seetiol~20 OF the principal Act, in ,wb-scction (2), Tot* ~1n11s.c (vi),
of section
20. tllc following clause sliall be substituted, namely :-
" (vi) every factor, broker, commission agent or arhatj, dsl s c v e d c ~ ~
agent or auctioneer or any other mercantile agent, by \vhate~cl*llelnq calloil,
and wliether oE the mule description m hereinbefore or not, 1~110calYie6: on
tlie businessl of buying. slelling, supplying or dislrlibuting goods on bellalf. of
any nrincipal, or through mhonl the goods are bopght, sold, snppljed or dis-
I tribiltea,". II
Amendment 6, In the Sistll Schedule to tho principal Act, in item 1, for the e n t y in
of sixth
acheduls. cnlulnn ' (3), tho folloning eritry shall be mhst.iti~teil,nnn~cly:-
" A t kllc first point of sale and tlic second point of sale in ill(: State."
&ID.~ s & ~ A ~ J I ,
Secretary t o Government, Lalo, I)epurt.?r~ewt,
-I-_ _ -
(2) It shall be d e ~ m e dto have come i n to force on the 12th day of Mar oh 1993.
e PART- A.
Bullion, that is t o say, gold and silvel irl mass and unooined, pGre or alloy, At thc point of fit st 1
and spscie inoluding palamarel silver and kora gold. sale i n the State.
d' I
t bsato.1 j3wellery and bihor artiolespade of gold or silver
01r1 a d w o r n x ~ or At the point d last I
i 11clud i ng pa lamarb) silver . , purohase in the
* P'2te.
:; ; c ~ LlL ~ '11 prod~lcts,nam:ly, chiliies, coriandar, soapnut (Sikakkai), lama- At t h o point of 61st 3
:~m.! fin all its forms), !!~rrneric*,pepper irloluding long popp.:r. sal: I n the State.
6 Cardamom . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. At t h o pcbr
PUI O ' I ~ L L
7 ( 3 'lln ?'In j ~ g : - y3od
Jq,g:.y n q d g ~ ~ '1:. >)laost\dy)including j1gg.1.y fa) At 1:i: ,f
the State.
I (b) At tho p n i n ~ of
first p ~ i r ~ h ; ~i n.
the Slate in respect
of goods 1101 falltng
u n d e ~item (a) above.
At the pt int f first
sale in thc State. j
11 Tamarind seeds and Tamarind fibres . .. .. .. do^
12 Vermicelli .. .. .. .. .. .. Do.
13 (i) Baby milk f w d used as alternativeto mc#ther9smilk .. r>.
(ii) Baby feeCing bc'ttles axid nipples made of any material ., Dct.
14 ~luminiumdomestic utensils .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * Do.
15 Aluminiud scraps .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Do.
16 Plastic raw materials .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. DO.
17 Rubber play balloons .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Do.
18 hand-made soap of all kinds (both &thing and washing snap) ir.clvding soap
flakes, soap powders, sc )apliq~.idsana detergents b ~ exclllding
t shampocj~
and metal p~ lishes in any fclrni.
19 (i) Raw wt.cdl(g{lat9shair and similw fibrous growth cjn bodies cf animals)
incltiaing its waste.
(ii) Wtollen yarn and its waste .. .. H .. + A ..
20 Hosiery goods (other than those made wholly or partly of wool) ~. 1
.. .. .. At the
.. mint of
-- --
: ih-the State.
Insect. re$&i/it @a,
(I '
.. .. .. Do. 3
Karada bar'k
onnam bark
--,. .
.. .... ..
IXV) ort tan-OL ..
cn extrad
.. .,. .. . .
.. ... ....
.... .... .. .. . .
m nuts . . .. . b
dn bark .
: ..
.. ..
. . . . .. .. &.
.. . . . . . . . . '.
- 4 0
A seed rests . . . . .. .. . . ..
. . . . . . .. . . . . ...- .... ..
q .
.. .., .. .. .. .. . . . . . .
. . .. ..
-- 1-3
. . ... - ..
rr., 7.m-
~rniinIIV-2 EX.(2E
(4 A m ~ n o n i u ~Sulphate
~i ?<itrate . . .. .. ..
(vi) Bone meal .. .. .. .. ..
(vii) Bcrex (Sbdium fetrcibc rate) .. .. .. ..
(viii) Calciun: Ammonium Iaitrate . . .. .. .. ..
(ix) Chelated Iron as Fe-EDTA . . .. ..
(X) Chelated Zinc as Zn-ED'IA . . .. .. .. ..
(xi) Copper Su lphate .. .. . . .. .. .. .,
(xii) ~i-ammoniuru Phosp!late .. . . . . . . ..
(xiii) Di-Calciullz Ph~sphate . . .. . . . . . , , ,
(xiv) Ferrc~usS:ilpliate . . . . .. .. . . .. ..
(sv) FUsed Calcium Magnesium phosphate .. ..
(xvi) Kutka Phc,sphate .. .. .. .. .. ..
(xvii) Manganese Sulphatc .. .. .. . . . .
(xviii) Mineral GYPSL'!IZ . .. .. .. .. ..
(xix) Mono Ammu n~umPhc spliate . . .. .. ..
(XX) Nitro pili spl~ateof aqy descripti~n . . .. ..
;Xxi) N.P.K. C(,mplcx of varivus grades .. ..
(xxii) Potassicii, chluricie ( M u riate of ~ c ~ t a s c ) . . .. ..
(xxiii) Rock phospllate . . . . .. .. . . . .
( xxiv) Solubur .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . -
(XXV) S u l p l l a t r . c , f ~ ~ t a r l l . , .. .. . * .. ..
(xxvi) &;per Phc sp21:lte Single .. . .
. .. . .. . /'
(xxvii) S ~ ~ p Phosphate
er Triple .. .. .. .. ..
(Xxviii) Urea (other than t ecllilical grado urea) .. . . . .
(xxix) Urea Ail,. ,ilium Phosphate . . . . .. . . .. . .
(XXX) ,LC Sulpllate .
.. . ..
.. .. . . . .
(xxxi) Mioro Nutrient and
(xxxii) Any mixture of L W O or more of the articles mentioned in itelns (i) t o
(xxxi) a b ~ v ewith or without the addition of other artioles (on t$e
turnover relaLingt o oomGments thereof whioh have n ~ already t
suffered tax).
36 Basio Ohromium Sulphatc .. .. .. .. .. <. n
37 Sodium bichromate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.- l
Eleott onio or all other cloob, tiae-pieces, watches (whether 01 not i n combi- Do.
nation with any other delices), stopwatches, time switohss, mechanical-
timers, time-reoords, au:o print time punuhibg clocks, time.regi&tqs,
isstxvment panel olocks 01 all kinds, parts and aacessorias thereof, watch
ba qds, wat oh braoelets, watoh ohaim, watoh st1aps.
, . .. +?-
(7) (3) (4
Wireless recep~ionand transmissim e uipments, instruments and apparatus At the point of first 3
including oar radios, t~ansistorr a d i k (with or without eleotrooie analog! sale in the State.
digital olocks), walki6-talkie, transmission and rcocpiion appc?ratus for
radio-telephony, radio-teleg~aphy, radio-broadcasting radai apparatus,
radia navigational aid apparatus, and radio remote control e_nnRratlls,
parts and acaessoriss thereof, such as eleot~ical valves, iiansls.~rs,
amplifiers, loud speake~sand raoeivers.
Tslevision sets of a.11 kinds, 'iar television, television cameras, television Dc.
monitors, projeatars, dosed circuit televisioa sets and cameras, video
televisions, video oaaeras, teleprompteis, parts and c(ccessories thoreof
and antenna, aish antenna, boosters and T.V. stand.
.* .A ,
Video $&%tic players and raoorders with or withbut combination of oleotronic Do.
analogldigital olocks, blank magaetio video tapes, ~ i d c ocassettes for use
therewith and video computels (electronia games), parts and aocassories
t heraof
Prz-raoorded aassettes (both audio and video) and oompact diso .. Do.
* .&
': 7
~and~un.i$Zsed for the supply and distr'ifnltion of wate~,parts and acces-
sories t hex eof .
Palmlr&,&e~ and stalks
', -$ L
.. .. . . .adc
, .
.. .. At the point of last
purohase in the
* ?:: State.
(1) (2) ,
2 (i) Coffee, that is t o say, anyone of t be forms of coffee suoh as ooffee beans, Do.
cloffee seeds whether or not oured 01 roasted or decideinated,
coffee powder, exoluding coffee drink and instant ooffee ;
(ii) lnstant coffee in granule or powds~form ; @
I #+
(iii) French coffee (on the turnover relating t o compcnents therec f, nrmcly
coffee and chicory which have not a1re~"~cl.y suffered t 2x1.
3 (i) Tea,that isto say, anyone of the forms oftea in which it is sold b ~ not
inch ding tea drink, green tea leavcs or instant tea.
(ii) Instant tea (other thar instant tes! drink).
(iii) Tea waste other $ban denatured.
4 Vegetable products including Vanaspathi and margarine ..... r i
Explanation.- Vegetable products means any( vegetable oi! or fat, wbicb,
whether by itself or in admixt~rewith any cther SL bst rncc , h a w bydro- ,
genation or by any other process, been hs-ldened for h ~ m a ncons1 my[icn.
5 (a) Cashewnut with shell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. At the poi~lt of d
pi rchase in i .<
g a t e by a dl :;
liable to ta::.
(b) Ca~hewnutkernels, that is to say, raw, processed, roz.stcc1 :I :I s: ltcc' ,".I the point (,I
kernels including brokens of them. sale in th.: .:' 1
6 Arecanut ,including betelnut and see-val .. ., + o *. Do.
9 Food and drinks other than those falling elsewhere c nder the S c h e l ~les, Do.' 5 5.
13 Ghee or other milk produ cts sold without brand name .. Do.
14 Man made staple fibres, fibre yarn, fil~mentyzr n a d west e cf s?ny of them Do. 3
15 Jari of all kinds including metallic y a n , metallic jari yp.in, maallic plastic Do. 5
yarn, polyester film yarn and radiant yarn.
16 Cotton waste of all kinds whether obtained from ginning, spinning or other- ro. 5
17 Cotton yarn waste .. .. .-. ... s. .. .. .. Do. 5 I
18 Articles of ready to wear apparel (known commercially as ready-made Do.
garments) including 11nder gar y ents and body su morting garments but
excluding hoiserj goods. 4
-- 2-
- 71-
(3) (4)
Per cen
- *.&::$,+&*.
4 '"-.*
.... -At the point of first 5
sale in the State.
conforming to the followingdescription :-
Do. 5
(i) Intravenous sets, scalp vein sets, blood administraticn sets, klccd dcncr Do. 5
sets and solution administfation sets.
(ii) Dextrose,thatisto say,dextrose mono hydrate and anhydrous dextrose.
(iii) Measured~olumeset.
x-\, .
Country drugs .. .. .. .. @
i.. .. .. ... ... Do. 5
Machine made matches .." .. .. .. .:. .,.
... Do. 5
Rubbuiscd c o i produ$s .. .. .. .. .. ... ... Do, 4
(i) Stainless steel i ti/les made wholly or principally c f stainless stcel other Do. 5
han those speci
Yess steel utensils,
elsewhere in this Scbed~le.
inclu.ding copper or other metal
(ii) Moasebold
non-sticklined utensils.
that is, kitchenware coated with heat resistant
as well as serving.
for domestic purposes other than those Do. 5
Baml- a .
L m
Explanat n.- For the purpose of tusitem Inthe case of bamboo purchased
by t h forest oontractors in the auction of forest coups condu cted by
t& rest Department of the Government, sale by such contractors of
suc bamboo, in any form or size shall be deemed to be the first sale and
the ale by the Forest Department SQ sugb qu~tionof forest Coupes shall
be dee~qedt v be t b first sale,
? I L
' "
,+-.- - -- -- - - -
. -
M1C wq_li _I_----
- < Ur .
.- -L- ^
\ I
: I)
3 C c i ~ ~ cflool
i l ing stoncs, s1:l.b~anc!. a1l k i ~ ~ tof
l stilcs other 111:111 I,( :( ~!c 1;
itlic , i,
elsewhere in this Scl edi,le. szle IU t l , ~;,
(i) Ingots
Alcminium, pure or alloy in the f ~ r m
(ii) 'BUS
.. .. ..
... Do, ,
35 (ij ~ u b b e rlatex (natulal) of all qualities and grades isoluding earth s c ~ a p At tho. ojnt of lost
trae laoe, anloniatod ltltox, prossrvod latex oonoentrate, oentrifuged latex.
pwro asc i n t h ~ ,
1: 5
(ii)Raw rubber of a11 varia!ies and grades iuoluding dry ribbed sheet of all
IRMA grades, drycrepe rubbzr, dry black rubber, skimmed rubber, if they
had not suffered tax 1.1nd3r s:~S-i:e!rn (i) above.
(iii) Reclaimed rubber, all grades and qualities. 3
per cent
Sawing mshines and embroidery matpines of all kinds, parts and acces- At the point of first 5
sorids thereof and needles used therewith. sale in the State.
X-Ray apparatus, films, pldtes and othn equipments reduired for use Do. 5
therewith, parts and accessories thereof. I
(iii) printing and writing paper ,.packing and wrapping paper, blank
ccmputer stationery +whether plain or colocr ruled ind whether cr not
interleaved with carbon paper), straw board and pulp board, including
grey board, corm gated board, duplex and triplex board a, other sorts;
Do, 5
Do- 'S
Do. 5
Do. ' "5
Do. 5
% -*
(a) The IIil~d~.stan Pctsole~m Ccl yt ~ i . ~ i oLimit
r i ec!.
(e) Indc-B~~r ma Petrolel 1x1 Colnp~.nyLirniteci.
,tnd incl~desany other oil cc)mp:.ny notificc in I his bch21t by the Govr~lr
m ~ i l in
t t lie Elmil Nathc G~v~~rtlrncnt Gazette. Y
JI (i) Croksry (other thzn thosi. s p x ;fizcl els.$wherc i n this Schedule) . . . . Do. , 2
(ii) Ct~llery(other tha 11 thos- spdor f i d cis :where j n this Sched~le)i no3t.dliig
tablc cutlsry, fork%
10 (i) Sieel almir.111~and furniture of all kinds, including household furniture Do,
(other than fhose spscifixl elv?w?~c~-e in this Schcc!~lfc) mzde from all kincis
of wstals, fibre glass, reinforosd plastics or made primarily fronrany kind
ol plastics, upholstered furnitare or furniture in the manufaoture of
laminatad s k i s ars uscd. whether sold in assembled or unassem *jchled
form and ready t o assemble, parts thereof.
(ii) Oiiioa equipments of every desoription,irlolu3ing filing oabinets, card-
index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays, office sfamp stands
and similar office ox desk equipments whcther sold, in assembled or C . :J;
unassembled form aiid ready t o assemble, parts thereof (other than those , ,
spmified elsewhere i n this Schedule and stationery artioles). . , * : , *
. . t-
. ,
(40 -
Per ce
=wms ..
.. .. .. .. Do. 8
.. ..
., .. .. Do. 8'
- --
' 7 +.:*--,.y ,A'
b ~ . d all
f kinds including beaoh and 'garden umbrellas and folding Do. 8
- - parts thereof,
Leather g6ods other than foot-wear mide wholly or principally of leather Do. 8
(whether or not other materials such as thread, lining, rivets are used).
IS Lottery tioke~s .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Do. 8
27 Barbad wire, wire mesh,ohiokcn-mesh,- eipanded metal and ohsiu link made Do. ! 8'
of an 7 metal or natwial.
t I igir ragfine ndecrs (5S:ai n2d by i mmxsi ng paper mat i d bitumen) -, Do. 8
_ _. --_- -- - -- _ -_ _ -_ -
;J L t ~ r i \ k l
35 Macljneries of all kinds (othcr than thosc spccifically mcnti~neqin this Do.
Schedule) worked by (i) Elccl~icit y,(i i)Nilclear ower ,(iii) Hydrodyw-m~c
and steam power ,(iv) Diesel or prlrol, (v) F L J ~ce o i (vi)
~ Kerosene, (vii)
Coalinchding coke and charcoal or (viii)any other form of f ~ c 1o ~ p o w c r
(excluding human or animal l a b o ~),i (ix) P a t s znd zcccssci ic s cf mzchi-
ueries and tools used will] lhc mechinesics mentioned in st b-itcms (i) to
(viii) abovg.
35 Welding electrodes, graphite electrodes, welding rcds of all kinds, incl~.ding Do.
brazen rods and soldering wircs.
$37 [Rolling bearings, that is to say, ball or roller bearings of a11 kinds. Do.
!38 :Power driven pumps for liqt ids and liqt id elcvidcrs whether or not fitted Do.
witb a measuring device including-
I(a) Motor pumps ;
#b) Cent1 ifugal p,; i p s (Hoi izc,l1talo1 vci l id PI nlph);
c(c) deep tube-well turbine pn mps ;
r(d) submersible pumps ; 4
41 (i) Nnn-electronic weighing machincs of a11 kinds includirg piatfor m scelcs, ils.
weigh bridges (even if tkey bave digital displays), counter-scalcs, s p ing
balances, weigh~ngscales and balances, parts and accessories cf sr dl V.
I mec~s~~res.
[iii) hf c t e~ scales, measusingi tnpes','slcel ynlds and burvey ~ l a a i ~ s ' . . k
F 4
.r c--
, -i
- - -
53 'Caustic Soda. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... . . . . Do.
41 Sulphur. -. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . DO,
55 lnks of all kinds inoluding lithographic, printing 2nd duplioating inks Qut Do.
excluding writing ink.
56 Ethyl nloohol, absolute aloohol, methyl alcohol, reotified spirit, neutral Dq.
spirit and denatured spi~it.
58 Adhesives of all kinds inoluding gum, glue, resins and solutions ... ... Do.
59 (i) Paraffin wax-food grade standard .
II - --
(ii) Paraffin wax of all glL..I:standards other than food grade standard
C, ... Do.
(xxii) Bcnze ne
,, , 2 .+1
(xxiii) Citric Acid '5d ;%, i+/ . .
(xxiv) Dictbylene Glyca!
. -
(xxv) S d i u m Nitxitc s J
txxvi) Hydro&enh o x i c k . . , L
(xxvii) Acmaldehyde
. ( u v ~ l i Pehiter
) yl hr~tol.
(X~II) Alpha Olefin Sdphonate C
(xxx) Scdi urn Format e.
Drycells, dry czll batteries, button celis, sciar cells of all kinas, parts and At the p i n t cffirst
accessories t hercc f i~:cludingzinc ca!a s 7 ~ carbon
d rods. salein the State.
.* .. .. . . .. .. .. .. At the p?int of first
sale in t he State.
. a
(ii) Washing soaps o f all kinds including floor washing soaps, soap flakes,
soap powders, soap liquids and detergents in all forms, excl~xdinghand-
made i terns of r hese goods.
(ii) All domestic and cornmerc!ial receptacles designed to keep fcod or be-
verages or othx ariides hot or cold inclrldng ice buckets or boxes, faris
and acccssorlcsthery. '
LatestLaws.com *r
8 smvlng octs cwrth or without contents), razors, safety razors, razor blzdes, At the point of first
shaving brushes and shaving creams. sale in the State,
I1 Glass and glassware, all sorts ( 0 t h - than those spxifhd alsewhzra ill tllis
Schedule) i ~aluding-
(i) Flat glass, including sheet glass, wired glass and rollod glitss whether
in the form of plate glass, figured glass or in any other form, caloured
glass, coolex glass, toughened glass, laminated safety glass, tinted glass.
(iii) Glass shells, glass globes and chimneys for lamps and lantdins
(iv) lass jars, glass bottles, glass marbles and glass beads. 4.
f iii) Fig~lredglass rgirrorsa 6
(iv) Framed mirrors (on the t~rncvorrelating to components thereof which
have not already suffered t a x )
13 (i) Plywood, Yard board, garticle b ~ a r d , Block board, insu lation board, Do;
laqin board, batten board, l ~ a r dor saft wall ceiling ;floor boards, and
similar boards of wocd, of all kinds, wheth~ror not containing any
material other tban wood . .
(ii) All other non soft boards or issulatiag material made of any other materid
otller than waod.
-*, '.
14 Cement articles, asbestos articles and asbestos cement articles othar than Do.
RCC pipas and those sPBcified elsewhere in this Schedule (whether or not
other material such as iron, saud are used) inaluding k t , corrugated sheets-
and tubas.
Foam ruFh*r produots, plastic fosln products, fibre roam products 01- other D;:
synthetic foam products ot every description iacluding -
(i) Sheets
(ii) Cushions1 3
- - -- -
Do. 12
Do. 12
82 , A N ~ ~NADU
-- - -- p-
- .%.
(1 (2) (3)
20. E ~ ~ Japp!ia ~ ~16;sE (D~:n:;.ic
~ , ~ nl~d
~ c j m ner ciat) namely :--c;ollt. ,It , 11'. i>,,i111 of ii ,I
.,!le 111[I-e State.
(x) Ice-cream churnel s ;
(XI) Irons ;
(XI,) Juice ex!l act01 s ; 6:.
( ~ 1 1 1 ) \lassage appal-atLI s ; g;
(xlv) \.losquito destroyers a,nJ ins-c: killer devices, incl t ding Ilc:.i 1 i l ? d
A"?, L '
1 (~)S~ntsaadperfrlmesina~yformexc~odirgdoopand.agarl>al~isbut
including aragaja, javvadu and pu nu gu ; sale ill the State.
(ii) Hair oils, hair creams, hair dyes, hail Lirkeners, hair to&.,, brillian-
tinps, pomades and vaselines ;
(iii) Lipsticks, lipsalve, nail poiishes, nail varnishes, nail brushes,
bzaoty boxes, face powders, toilet powders, baby powders,
talc.1 m powders, powder compacts, .,i,, ;r?.s ard 1. ffs7
toilet sets made of all ma.terials (with or witbo1.t ccntents),toilet spcnges,
scs:~ts p a y , depilc?tories,blemish removers, eyeline s all sorts, eye s h d c w ,
ey, brow pzncils, eyc-l~shb~ sbes,ear-decologne, olic! cGlcgnes,lavender
w [ter, snows, face cieams, all p! rpose creams, cold cres-ms, cleaning
C-e:.ms, m 3 k ~ - ~ 1creams,
p b e ~ ty
r creams, beauty miik, clealling milk,
h:-il- foods, skin onics, conlglexio~lrouge, nail cutters, sanitary tcwels
,tic! napkins, a5'riqgen" Ioticns, pre-st ave and after-shave loticns .&nd
Crc..111>, mnist rriscrs of all .-oris and personal (bcdy) decdorants.
.. .. -. .. .. .. .. D<,. I 16
(v) Marble floor t i l t s and wz11 tiles ;
(vi) Other articles made of marbles.
,5 Floor cove1;&@, that is to say, carpets, mupetry and rugs, whether t ,.fted,
i D, . 16
piled or 'otherwise whether made from cotton, silk, synthetic cr cther
fibpes, whether machine-made, hand-made or made on hzndlcoms but
exclkding handmade or handloom made woven durrizs and jamakh.1a.m~
and a1so excli ding he~~c'.m?-deor band-woven ccir,m:! ings.
! P. V. C. (Vinyl) asbestos floor tiles, walltiles and flexible flooring materials. . J3'0. 16
*thereof including 16
- -
----- -
(1 (3)
1 accessories thereof and bayonets, truncheons and ammunition usecl 51$1 \ale in + 1 .
(ii) Hand grenades.
(iii) Air guns, air rifles, p:~rts and accessories thereof and pellets clscc: f
t 11e1ewi! h. F
IS (i) C.gu .,nd Cig 1.-c te c scs, Iic>l?.c~
s, t o b ~ c opipes, cigal elte filtel s 2nd Dc . 1t
hc!r>~ L I .I
*- I . . ScheJuie.
LatestLaws.com I
general information :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadn Generlll Sales Tax
(Secon(l Amendbent) Act, 1993. S hmencement.
g i&it
Amendment d
sectibn 31.
42; fort sub-section (2-A) excluding the proviso thereto, the following
mt?-qectim shall be substit~~ted,
namely :-
-- --
(3) for sub-section (2-B) excluding the proviso ther'cto, the foileir-Iug
sub-section & d l be substituted, namely :-
" (2-B)
Subject to the provisions of sub-section ( I ) , in the ~ a ~ > :
of goods mentioned in the Sixth Schedule, the tax under thii; .ic.t shall bi:
payable by a dealer at the M point ofl wle and the secon(l poj n t hr' m1~.
and at the 14te spec3ed therein on the turnover in each >-2, i . I.%liiting t -
sndh goods : ";
ted, namely :-
Provided fortper that any dealer who, after purchasing th; g'&dr
in respect of which he had furnished any declaration, fails to make use
, ', '.#
the goods .w purchased for the purpose specified in the declaration but dIs-
poses of surh goods in any other manner, shall pay the differknee of tax pny-
able on the ti~rnoverrelating to sale of such goods at the rate prescrih3d and P
sub-section (3), tax at two per cent on the value o' the gtajds s o
F TAd@f&.Nd&&J G@VERNMEN-';I~)G~Z-ETT~
4. For lqection 3-A of the principal Act, the following section shall oe Substituti~noC
-l.tbstituted, namely :- section 3-A.
" 33-8. Levy of tax on the right to use any gbods.-(1) Notwithstand-
f ing anything con%ined in nub-sections (2-81, (2-B), (3), (4)) (7) m d (8)of
t %&ion 3, or &tion. 7-A but subject,tq the other provisions of this Ac; :-lcludr
A' a"'. h@e .$revisions of, sub-section (19 o f 2secti~n3, every dealel ~ e f e n t dto in
Item (viii) of clause (g) of secticm 2 shall pay, for each year, a tax on his
taxable turhover relating to the business of transfer of the right to use any
good8 for any purpose at the rates mentioned in sub-section ( 2 ) of section 3
or, as the case m y be, in section 4
(2) The taxable turnover of4the dealer, of the business of transfer
of the rright to w e any goods for my purpose, shall, on ancl from the 1st
day of April 1986, be arrived a t after deducting the following amounts
Prom thc total turnover of that dealer:-
ncss of transfer of the right to use any goodq for any purpose, in the courze
of export of the goods out of the terkitory of India or in tllc course of im-
port of the goods into the terrritory of h d i a or in the course o f inter-State
trade or commerce ;
s-' '
( b ) all amounts for1 which any ~ o o d s specified in the Firqt Sche-
dule or S&ond Schahle *. .
are ~urchased,
from registered
-~. dealers liable t o ~ * a r
- 1
~ H lY~ r d e this
r Act nnd used in t& san& form in the t,r;lnsfo*of the r5r?ht t o
1 '
5. For'section 3-B of the principal Act, the following section shall be substitutim ot
k substituted, nnbelyi - section 3-B.
-- --- - -- -
(6) all amoimts for which any goods specified in i11v 'ti'i~qt.Sche-
d-11e or Second Schedule, are purchased from rcgis;terecl d ( b i i l ( ' ; , 1i:lI)ic 10
pap tax nnder this Act act1 used in the exrci~tionof ivorlr~, jb31ractin f'ho
same f o r b in which wch gsods were pur$ased ; -.. \ .a'
(c) all amounts relating to the sale of any goods involrcil in the
execution of works contract which arc! specifically exempted from +ax under
Serial "6 , Type of works cctltract. Labour o r other charges
number. ' a$ a percertage value
Of the works contract.
(1) . (2) +'
1 Electrical contracts 15
2 All structural contracts 15
3 Sanitary contracts 25
1 Watch and/or clock repair.
contracts % 50
5. Dyeing contracts
i so
All 0 t h c o n m s
I zo. ".
... . .
7I '
- -
5 -
- i
frX# , ,*, ,{2)- the. exp~qsion" w h a t e v ~ ~- bthe
e quantum, of turnover in that
3;mRIItwr-e +-
t 1 v X
* ~ 7.
a M b n 5 &the principal Act &all be omitted.
'~t*: , ;. , ) *, ,,,, . <
of section 5 .
-8. %I 'sectio&?-~+,
I /---
of &the
s \
;AC~,in sub-section (1),-
" ZGsg dealer ", the expression Subject to
r -
. (8) in clause (c), for thc &resim " de patches thpm ", the
sion " despatches or adea them " rahall be au tituted;
, .?*:
t exprcs-
- :9, After &on 7-B of the + pal Act, the faowing section shall be Cnsertion I
" 7-C.
Notwithstan 'ng anything contained in section 3-B, every dealer referred
to in item (vi) of clause ( g ) of section 2, in so far as ciyil works contract
is concerned, m y, a t h b optlon, instead of paying tax in accordance with
section 3-B, pay, on the total value of the civil w o r h contract executed by
him in a year, tax calculated at the rate of two per cent of such t q a l con-
tract value of the civil works executed by him in that year.
* (2) A w l e r who executes civil w o r b coiltract may apply to the
assessing author'ity a1on'g with dhe f i ~ s tmonthly return for the financial year,
his option tonpay tht tax under sub-section (1) and shall pay the tsx during
the year in monthly instalments and for this purpose, he shall furaish such
return within such period and in such manner as may be prescribed:
Pyovided that the option under this s b-wction fo11 the financial
year commencing on the 1st day of April 1993 s all be exercised on or before l I
the 30th day of June 1993. I
shall be substituted, namely :--
" Provided that subject to the proviqions of clause &) and the pro-
virsions of sub-section (1-A), a dealer b b s e total turnover is less thaa fire
I* of rupees, per year may m& a, &-&sr~ehment forf that yenr a d the
rstupn filed by him shall be accepted .withbut'calling for the accounts.
( b ) A dealer shall not be eligible for making a self amee~m6i3.Y;~-
$): Fd ti5 1.m obtaijlled @ %t%ived any W e di~lara'tionFoms
pmwribed uncler the Central Salt& 'T& bct, '1956 (Ceh't!hl.W 74 of WJ6) ;
(ii) if Be has abtaidcd '6fr v & ~ f v e dFo-
* XVXI, XS or i~U-33
prescribed under this Act ; ,* /
(iii) for such period ad may .be p r k r i b d if the awessing autho-
r4ty during iagpection or otherwise, detect^ any supp %&3 slon of 6 l e or pur-
chase turnover ;
(iv) in respeci; of his first m w m e n t year or the last assessl~~cnt
year of his business ; I
(v) if the aspcssment of the dealer' has been made undet the
proviso to clause (a) continuously fofi a period of three years immediately
preceding the asaessment year ;
(vi) if the acceptance tif .&turn will result in the refund more
than ten thousand rupees ;
(vii) if the proof of payment of admitted tax as per ietulm has
not accompanied the return.
(c) Where the rbturn submitted by a dealer under the' proviso fx.
clause (a) is found to have any Bmbr'iipparent in thg zomputation of his'
totail or taxable turnover or1 in respect of the rate of tax applicable to any
goods, the assessing authority shall, while making an :tssessmcnt under sub-
wction (I),correct such error :
Provided that if any such correction has the effect of in~rczsingthe
tar liability of the dealer, the aesessing authority shall so correct only aiter
obtaining the concurkence of the deak, 1, .,i.tlL.b.
(d) Every dealcr making a self-asqessnent under the proviso to
clause (a), shall mairtail~true and correct accounts notrvith.itan&ng the
fact that they are ent;tled to be a s w e d under the wid proviso to clnuse
( a ) . ";
(2) for smb-sections (3) to (5) includingC tho proviso thereto, thc
following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:-
incomplete return,-
(i) fifty per ce& of the dserence of the tax assessed and the
tax paid as peI1return, if the tax paid as per the return, falls short of tlla
tkk-&6"s&d on final assessment, by not more than fifteen per cent;
(ii) scv~nty-fiveper cent of the dzerence of the tax assessed
md the tax paid as per the return, if the tax paid as per the ~eturn,falls
shodt .of the tax a&ged on h a 1 tlssemnent by more than fifteen per *cent
t more than twenty-five per ' c a t ;
b ~ not
(lii) one hundred per cent of the dserence of the tax asse~sed
tlnd the taxdpaiQas per keturn, if &e tax gaiu as per the rerturb, falls short
of ' the tax aqmSed on final aassemnt, by more than twenty-five per cent I I
(v) one hundred and Bty per cent of the difference of the tall
, amessed and the tax paid as per ' h e return, if the tax paid aq per he
fet'ura, falls $ox% of the tax @s&d 6n the Snal assessment by more than
seventy-five per &t ;- a d
(c) which shall be, in the c a of submission of the prescribed
return after ten days after the expiry of the phscribed period, two per
cent of the tax pzjrabln +om p n p r y month ar part thereof during which the
default in the submission of the return continued :
Pfovided that no penalty uade11 this Gb-section shall be impcised
after the periqil of five years frorn't.he.date of the ordm of the final amem-
m t under this section and unless the dealer affected has had a reeasonat~le
opp01lGunity c$ showing c a m &t such imposition.". I
. (a) fity per cent of the &.due on the turpover that was wilfully
:,&&aed if the %ac\&ue mrfm-~~ri i q ,not1rndPet h h ' t b ' per cent
tas; <paidas:perlftheptldm;-
' ' 'R&~&I 'bat taoo a d e i ~t.h i ~~ubsectionshall be
unless the dealer &ected has htdb.ii%i!@.@nable opportunity of showing bum
against such imposition. ". -.
_ __
___--_I__-_ - . -- - -
Insertion 32. 4-fter section ,6-_4 of the principal Act, tile iollb~.it:~.. -+ * I 111 :!:ail ic
of new be inserted, namely: - i,
16-AA . l' 16-AA. Assess,uei~t of turnover not declal*cd under sccEioli 7-C!.? -J #"
(1) \Xherc for any reason, any part of the turnover of busilless ol ;I ~lealt:~
who has been ~erlnittcdto pay the tax under section 7-C has ewaped assess-
ment from the tax, the assessing authority may, at any time within a period
of five years from the expiry of the year to which the tax relates, dcte~hinc
to the best of its judgment, the turnover which has escaped as.:esmcnt and
IE-assess the tax payable on the total turnover (including the turnover
already assessed under section 7-C) in accordance with the provisions of this &
Act. - .-%I? ;
(2) Before nxalring the re-assessment under sub-scction 1 ) the s-
:messing author'ity nlay nmlce such enquiry as,' it may consitlcr llecessary and
give the dealer concerned a reasonable opportunity to show cause ngeinst
. uch re-as~~essment. $
(4) Thc ~)rovisiolisof sub-sections (2). to , 5 ) 01' s r c t ion 1 (ishall,
n , far as may be, apply to re-assessment under s b'-sectiol~ 71) rca they
?pply to the rk-assessment of escaped turnover under sub-srction (I) of
.ection 16. ".
Arneild, 13. I n section 16-B of the principal Act, in sub-sectioll (l),-for the
mcnt of expression "sub-sections ( 5 ) and ( 5 ) " , the expression "su11-se:ti~tn ( 3 ) "
16-13. shall be substituted.
Arilend- 14. In section 16-C or" the principal Act, in tllc opcbning l)nrtion. r,)~.the
ment of
expression " sections 16, 16-A and 16-B", the expression " scctions 16, lii-A,
16-C. 76-AA and 16-B" shall he substituted.
Amend. 15. I n section 20 of the principail Act,-
rnent of
section (1) in mb-section ( I ) , c l a m ( 3 ) shall be omitted;
(2) in sub-section (2)) clause (i) shall be omitjed.
I Amend-
ment of
16. I n section 22 of the prlincipal Act, in sub-section ( 2 ) , for the egpses-
nion " a sum not exceeding one and a half times quch bmount ", the follow-
22. ing shall be substituted, namely:-.
" a sum which shall be,-
(i) where the excess amount has been collected in the - 7 .
belief that it had to bc collectedt, one hundred per cent of the bmarmt c&t*
ed; -P- .
(ii) where the excess amount has been collected willfully and imo~v-
ing that it was not due to be collected, one hundred and fi* per cent of
the amount co-llected.I". c
Amend, 17. I n sectim 24 of the principal Act, after sub-sectiao f3), the lollo~v.
ment od
sectioc ing subsection shall be inserted, namely:-
. -
(3-8) W h e l a dealer submite the$rescribed return wit& ten days
a,€ter the expiry of the prsscribed perlod, he shall a1m-pay, in addition to
m ~ o u n tof tax due gn per his return, inte6est a t two ped cent of the
tax payable for evetp month 0s p,&' hmf
.?.. .
- ,, - -
. 7- --- - --
' ( a ) for the expression "by the Deputy Comnisgioner under sub-
section ( 3 ) ~f section 31-A or1 sub-section (1) of qection 32 ", the expression
"by tke Appellate Deputy Commidoner under s'lb-section (3) of section
31-A /or by the Deputy Commissioner' under sub-section (1) of section 32"
shall/ be substituted ;
(b) for the expression "the Appellate Aasistilnt Commissioner or
th Deputy Cormaissioner", the expredon "the Atjpel1at.e Assistant Comrnls-
!@ ner or the Appehte Deputy; C o ~ i o noat the Deputx C o d *
f;ontr" F ~ R UhR t ~ b s t i t ~ ~ t g d I 1 ..
Amendesw of 24. In section 39-G of the principal Act, in sub-sectjon (2), fort the
d* 39-B. expression " The Appellate Assistant Commissioner ", the csvression ': 'J11le
Appellate h i s t a n t Comrnisbioner or the Appellate Deputy C'onmniissiost~:*
&all be substituted.
Amendment of 25. In section 53 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), in clause (i),
section 53. for the expression " sub-sections (3) a,@ (4) ", the a p r m i o n " sub-suti~n
(3) " shall be substituted.
Amendment of 26. I n =tion 57 of the principd &tp in sub-section. (2)) in claus
section 57. (vii), in sub-clause (b), fo11 the expression "or an Appellate &&stant Oom7
missioner ", the expression " crr an Appellate Assistant C o d q i o n e y or an
Appdlate Deputy Commissioner " shall be qbstituted.
Omission of 27. The Fourth Schedule to the principal Act shall be 3mitted.
Fourth Schetlu %:
- 6
-- ----.
-- ---- -
The following Act of the Tmnil Nadu Legislati~ebsernbly received the
assent of thc Governor n the 7th January 1994 and is hereby published for general
information :-
meadoat d 2 . In the First Schcdnlc to the Tamil Nadu acneral Srtlcs Tas Act,
nt 1959,- & I d ,\'
,b#1nb. 1IEIPj.
(1) in PAR5'-D, item 18 and the entriea relating thereto shall 1
omitted ;
(2) in PART-B, after itern 54 and the entries, relating thercto, the
following item and entries shall be added, namely :-
a " 55 Lotteiy tickets. .. . At the point of
.? , ' #rat sale in the State.
Secretary to (;nvertunctu.
Law Dcpar/ment.
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Forty-
fourth Year of the Republic of India as fol1ows:-
1. (1) This Act may be c d e d the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fifth Amend- Short title
ment) Act, 1993. aad com-
(2) Tt shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1 lth day of August 1993.
2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred to as t b
principal Act), in the Second Schedule, for item 9 and the entries relating thereto, the
- following items and entries shall be substituted, namely:-,
"9 (i) Sugar, in or in relation to the manufacture of which no process is .At the paint
ordinarily carried on with the aid of power. ofGnrtsale 4
in rhe State
8i) Uandsari sugar .* .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
10. Woven fabrics of wool (produced or manutnctured in India), that is to ay,-
p) hair belting .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
(b) blankets and fabrics of width not exceeding 15 cms, .. .. .. Do. 4
1 I. Rubbarised textile fabrics, otherthan tyre card fabrics of high tenacity yarn Do. 4".
or polyamides polyesters or viscose rayon.
man-made 1 . d x ~ i i materj~
~ 1s
lumn (3,w n s t the heading
Scoetury to Government,
L(lvv Del>attlric'tit .
1 . ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tainil Nadu General Sales T3x (Third Amend- Short title and
commcncenent .
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
notification, appoint.
2. After section 44 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Insertion of
referred to as the principal Act), the following section shall be inserted, namely:- new section
"44-A.Issue of translt pass.--(l) (u) When a goods vehicle carrying any goods
mentioned in the Seventh Schedule coming from any place outside the Sute and
bound for any other place outside the State, passes through the State, the owner
or other persou incharge of such goods vehicle shall obtain a transit pass iil the pies-
cribed form and in the prescribed manner from the officer incharge of the first check-
post or barrier, after its entry into the State.
with the provisions of this Act, irrespective of the quantum of turnover and also'
penalty which shall be one hundred and fifty per cent of such tax :
Provided that where the goods carried by such goods tehicle are, after their
entry into the State, transported outside the State by any other vehicle or conveyance,
the onus of proving that the goods have actually moved out of the State, shall be 011
the owner or person incharge of the goods vehicle veho originally brought the goods
into the State.
Explanation.-In a case where a goods vehicle owned by a person is hired
for transportation of goods by some other person, the hirer of the vehicle shall, for
the purposes of this sub-seztion, be deemed to b ~the " owner of the good, vehicle.
(2) (a) When any goods specified in the Seventh Schedule are consigned
or transferred by any goods vehicle to another Statc from any place.within the State,
the consignor or transferor of the goods shall obtain a transit pass in the prescribed
form and in the prescribed manner, from the assessing authority having jurisdiction
over the place from where !he goods are consigned or transferred to other State.
(b) The con~ignoror transferor of the goods shall Jeliver or cause
to be delivered, withiu the prescribed period, the transit pass to the offiar incharge
of the last chezkpxt o i b ~:rier, before the exit of the go3ds vehicle f r o s the State.
(c) If the consignor or transferor of the goods fails to comply with clause (b),
it shall bo deemsd that the goods carried thereby have bzsn sold within
the State by the consign~ro: transferor and such consignor or transferor shall, not-
withstanding a~ythingcontained in sub-section (1) of section 3, be liable to pay tax
in accordance with the p:ovisions of this Act, irrespwtive of the quantum
of turnover and also psnslty which shall be one hundred and fifty per cent of such
(3) Save as otherwise provided in sub-sections (1) and (2), the provisions
of'this Ast shall apply in rzlation to the tax payable under sub-sections (1) and (2)
as they apply in relation to the tax payable under this Act. .
- Explnnation0-For the purp~seof this section, "goods vehicle" includes
a motor vehicle, vessel, animal and any other form of conveyance.".
3. After the Sixth Schedule to the principal Act, the following Schedule shall new sch
ht added, namely:-
(See Section 44-Aj '
4 I Y
, r
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the .,"4
assent of the Governor on the 14th June 1994 and is hereby published,
for general information. 3
. '".
Be it enacted by the Legis1atli.e Assembl! of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Forly-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follo\\ls :- a ~$4
I . ( I ) This Act may be called the Tamil, Nadu detieral Sales Tas
(Amendment) Act, 19'14.
conulienw- ' I _.I
(2) It shall be deemed to ha\.e come into force on the 1 st day of April 1994. '
A1lle'ldment 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tas Act, 1959 .I.u~niI ad;‘
of' First ~ c 1t of ""
Scl,ed,llc, (hereinaher referred to as the principal Act).--
'< i
(cl) in item 3. for sub-itern (ii). the follo\ving shall be substituted, namely:-
--(ii) Brokens and flours of pulses AL point of 3
.I f
and grams first sale in the State -$
. (,:I)
(h) items 4 and 6 <and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted:, , .-
I , , , , , X,'
(c) in iteni 7, in the entries in colun~n(2), the expression "palm jaggexy , 2q
and" shall be oniil-ted; .I i!!
., , ,!(> \
' "10 (i) Tapioca flour At the point of 3 -
first sale in t ~ & " ~ t a ~ e "'
(ii) 'Tapiot:n knppl -Do- ' ' 1'3' .
r , 3
(iii) Tapioca Tllippi -Do:V .,: 3"; ,: 1'
(fl for ileni 23 and the entries relatlng thereto, [he following item and entries 4
shall be substituted. nrmel3,:-
"23 Stitched articles ma4e of cloth
including stitched handloom and mill made
the point of 3": k'
h,mdkerchiefs but excluding articles of ready
first sale in ,
(S) items 48 and 54 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitled; d
(71) after item 55 and the entries relating thereto, the follo\ving items and .-
entries shall be added, namely:- "- !
?; 67 (i) Hone!,
(ii) Bees \ \ a s
6 ~.&ii
<ir ii7r.1 ,!il:
9 (i) Coir. Coir fibre. Coir products and
Coir dust
P' '
Sand -DO- 3 T
100 Handmade paper including handmade -Do- 3"; q*q
paper board .. - .%
(2) in PART-C,-
. - ----: A -(ii) and the entries relating thereto shall be omitt€
I ,
for item 7 and the entr~esrelating thereto. the folloning item and er
e subst~tuted.nan~ei\.:-
."7 Goods - Falling under item I4 of A[ the point of 5
the Sixth Schedule. but not branded
in item 20.-
first sale in the State
(i) in sub-item (13). ,for the \\,orti "scientigrnphic". the \\.orcl "scientific"
- *!iq
all be substituted: \ $@
( i ~ after
) sub-item (B). the follo\\ing sub-item sliall be added. naniel\~:-
. ':?
"(C)(i) tieart pacemaker (pulse generator)
(ii) Intra-ocular lenses":
(LO in Item 21. after sub-itel11 (111): the folio\\ ~ n gsub-~tenisli;~llbe added.
"(i\,) D~agnosticreagents":
(e} for item 45 and the entries relating thereto. the Sollo\\in:; iteili and entries
shall be substituted. namel!.:-
"45 (I) Xerox copies At the po~ntof 5
(ii) Laser copies/printouts first sale in the Stat?
(ii~)Computer printouts:
Provided that if the paper used for
t a k i n ~such copies or printouts has
suKered tax under item 44 of Part-
C. the copies or printouts shall riot
again be sub-ject to tas under any
of the sub-itenis n~entionedab0j.e.
( i s ) All pr~ntedmater~alsother t h a ~ At the po~ntof 5".
those spec~fied~nsub-~tems(I)to (111)above first sale ~n the State
'and blaih coniputer stat~onerles(c\liether pla~n
or colour-ruled) pr~nted\\1tI1 an!, matter or
,,, after tern 53 and the entries
relating thereto. the Sollo\ving iten1 'and entries
shall be added. namely-
"54 Spectacles (other tlian thosi: specified
in the Third Schedule). sunglasses.
goggles and attachn~enls.parts and
, accessories thereof
(3) in PART-D.-
(a) items 2. 10. 19 and 23 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.
ii . (h) in item 38, in the entries in column (2). for the esprepsion "Poi\,er driven
pumps for liquids and liquid ele\.c?tors\\.hetlier ( - not fitted with a measuring device
including". the folloiving expression shall be sr ~stituted.namely :-
"Power driven pumps for liquids and liquid elevators whether or not fitted nith
ks a measuring device, escluding pump sets of 3 h.p. or 5 h.p.. but including";
(c) for item 62 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
shall be substituted. namely:-
~ V A T A M I # N A ~1 Cfl\lF,RNMA;.NI'
..62 .All types of furnaces and boilers At the point of first 8".
~ncludingflu~di/edbed bo~lersand ~gn~fluid sale In the Stale
borlers and bo~lers using ngr~cultural
\\aste as firel but not ~nclud~ng bo~lers
uslng miin~cip;il\\nsle only as rue1
(4) in PART-E. items 1. 3 and 7 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted: '5
'' i
3 1. Blood and blood plasma b!. l~ospitnls f
32. Electr~calhearing a d s $,
33. Simple spectacles sold to Go\eninient for d~str~but~on
at G~\~ernrnent
Free Eye
camp. I
-. --- ----
$: ,
lo Suit cases. br~efcases. attaclie cases. At the first point of X
despatch cases, an~t)bags. \ an~t!. cases sale and the second
and \,an~t!. boxes (other tlian those po~ntof sale in h e
specified else\.here in the Schedules) State
Exp1anatioll.- Vanit! bag. \ anit! case
and \an~t!. bo\ mean a bag. case
or bos holding a niirror and
cosmellcs or oilelries.
II Timber including s ~ / e d t~mherbut -Do-
escluding fire \\ ood
Expl:~~~ation.- For the pill-pose of this
~ t e n i ~n the case or t~iiiber
purchased b! the li~restcontractors
in the auction of forest coupe5
conducted b!. the Forest
Department of the Go\ ernnlent. the
sale b!. such contractors of such
timber in ail!. form or s i ~ shall
e be
deemed to be {lie first sale and the
sale b!. the Forest Departmelit in .
such nuctlon of forest coupes shall I
descr~ption~ncludingfiling cabinets.
card-indes cat inets. paper tra1.s.
paper rests. pen tra!-s. ofice slamp
stands 'and slmilar office or desk
equipn~ents whether sold in
assenibled or .~lnassen~bledfonn
and ready to assemble. parts
thereof (other than !hose specified
elsenhere in the Schedules and
Explanation.- Slotted angles. gussets.
plates. panels and strlps \\hich.
\vhen asse~ilbied form office
equipment. shall be deemed to be
office equipments for the purpose
of th~sitem
13 Furniture of all kinds ~ncludinghousehold -Do-
furniture (other than those specified
elsewhere In the Schedules) made from
all kinds of metals. fibre glass. \\ood.
reinforced plastics or nmde priniaril!,
froni any kind of plastic. upholstered
furniture or furn~turein the manufacture
of lvhich lammated sheets are used.
\\.hether sold in assembled or
unassembled f ~ r n iand read! to
assemble. parts hereof
* , A ,-
" - RY *
. .
(By order of the Governor)
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received
the assent of the Governor on the 15th June 1994 and is he(eby published
for general information:- I
Act No. 33 of 1994,
An Acl.fi~rlke~'
lo n m o d llzc 7'nmrl Nodii C;encrnl Snles 7;rs Acl, 19-79.
Be it enacted by the Legislative Asseliibly ofthe State ofTamil Nadu in the Forty-
fifth Year orthe Republic orlndia as folions .-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tas (Second
t" Amendment) Act. 1904. ant1 coln-
(2) It shall be deemed to lime come into force on the 1 st day of April 1994.
'rclmilNaclu 2. In Section 3 of tlie Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Acl. 1959 (hereinafter Alncntllncnt
referred to as !he principal act), in sub-section (3): in clause (a)),in the first proviso. for
the expression "Items 23,24 and 25 in Part-E", the expression "items 23,24 and 25 in
Part-E, itenis I I) 'and 20 in Part-F" shall be substiluted.
3. In section 3-B of the principal Act, in sub-section (2). after clause (e) and the Amtndmcnt
u Table thereunder. the following clause shall be added, namely :- of' scction
"(f) a11amounts (including the taxcollected from the customer) rerunded to the
customer or adjusted towarc's any amo~int'~a!~able by the customer, in respect of
unexecuted portion of \\larks contract based on the corrections on account o r
measurements or check measurements. sub-iectto the conditions that-
(i) the turnover was included in the return and tax paid: and
(ii) the amount (including the tax collected froni the custonier) is so rcfunded
or adjusted, within a period ofsix months from the d ~ e d a t Tor
e filling oftlie return in
k which the said amount ~ v a included
s and {as pgid."
4. In section 7-C o r the principal Act, in sgb-section (2). Tor tlie pro\,iso, Ihe Amc~ldlncnl
following proviso shall besubstituled. namely:- of scction
"Provided that the option under this sub-section for 111sfil~ancialyears com-
mencing on the 1st day orApril 1993 'and the 1st day of April 1894, sliall be exercised
on or before the 30th day ofJune 1994."
(By order of the Governor).
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legisla,tivc Assembly received the assent
of the Governor on the 28th November 1994 and is herebv putlished for general
information :-
ACT No. 55 OF 1994.
An Act further to amend the Tamil hadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the LegisIative Asse.nbly of the State of Tan~ilNa,lu in th.
Forty-fifth Year of the Republic of Tr:clia as follo\+s :-
1. (1) This Act may be caller' the 'I'a":iil Nadu Ger.era1 Sales Tax('i'hircj c?,!i~ecl.'- S/zo,~ttitle
ment ) Act, 1994. and
(2) This Act, except section 5, shall be Ceerne?. to have come ii-to force on the
1st d.ay of April 1994.
Tamil hadu 2. In the Tamil Nad.u General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (lierei,?afterreferred to as the A~t~erlcl,ncnt
Act 1 01 principal Act), in the First Schehule,- of Eirst
1959. Sclzedftle.
(I) in PA RT--%,-
( 0 ) in ite .i 7. il; tile elltries
illc o l ~ ~ (21, ~ ) :' e expressio:? "(otl,cr.1' a - aal,-.*
~ , i far
candy)", the expression "(other tl,an palnl jaygery arc1 pall11 ca .':!i" sl all he
subrtituted ;
(b) for item 23 and tl;e entries relating t ' ereto, t'.e fc;llo\vir?g item and
entries shall be substituted, namely :-
"23 Stitched articles made of cloth Cotl..er than At the point of first stile 3:.;
articles of ready to wear apparel, hosiery in t. e Stale.
goods and stitched Iranu'loom and mill-
made hand kerchief).
(c) items 60 and GS and the entries relatin2 thereto s3:tll bi: oinitted;
(d) for item 69 and t? e entries relatii!g t ' erctc), t c followi! :T item and
entries s:?all be substituted, namely :-
6669 (i) Coir products ot;,er than thosc mentioned At t!~epoii~tof first sale 3
in item 59 of the Tliird Scl~edule. i : ~tite State.
(ii) Deccan lle~npproducts otl?crthan clecuan At the point of 3'.;
hemp fibre. iil the State. /
(E) items 73, 74, 88, 89, 90,91 and 92 and the elitries relatin: tl ereto si all be
omitted ;
(a) in item 2, after sub-item (i) and the entrres relating therc to. the following
sub-item and entries shall be inserted, namely :-
(b) for item 7 and the entries relatilzg thercto, the foliowine, item and
entries shall be substituted, namely :-
" 7 Goods falling under item 1 of Part-E but At the.*dint of firs1 s:,lc
not branded. , , in the State.
"2 ti) S w \ \ t d t\ut, n~tistnlo r sc.t.t\lt.ds r c ' ~ i ~ l At Ute poht of first sale 8";
it1 the State.
(4) in PART-E,-
(a) before item 2 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, name,y :-
"I (i) Biscuits, At the point of first salt 12";
in the State.
(ii) Toffees,
{iii) Chocolates,
(iv) Confectjonsry,
(v) Ruttcr.
{vi) Ghee,
jh) after item 2 and tho cntries relating thereto, the followisf items and entries
shall be inserted, namely : -
(cj aftel item 6 and the entries relating thereto, the fo!lowi lg item afid entries
shall be inserted, namely :--
" 7 Tooth pastes, toot11 pc\lrdel.s ?.nd ninuth vashcs At the point of first sale 12";
and other dentifrices whether or not medicated in the State.
or as defined in section 3 of the Drug, and
Cosmetics Act, 1940 (Central Act XXllI of
1940) as manufactured under a Iicence issued
under that Act, tooth brushes, t o n a e
(5) in PART-F, before item 2 acd tke entrics relarirg~keretc,tl;e follc\\irg iten and entries
shall be inserted, namely :-
a& 1 (i) Scents and perfunles in !any for111 ex- At the point of !& first 16";
cluding doop and agarbathis but includ- sale in the State.
ing aragaja, javvac'u and punugu.
of Tllird
Scltc du &.
3. 111 the Third S:hedule to the principal Act, in P-ART-B, after item 54 and
the entries relating t ~ereto,t.le follo . v i i l ~itz-nj an3 entries shallbe added, namely:
59. Coir, coir dust, coir fibre a 1d coir husk (excluding coir products).
61. I~zdege~lous
products of sericulture.
(ii) Dusters ;
(iii) Geoinetric boxes ;
(iv) Dissection boxes ;
(v) Other instrumeilts for drawing or dissesiion.
- "5
1 . 1
j ! ; I ; b8. Charcoal.
I .,
n '
-.- .
4. In the Sixth Schedule to the principal Act, items 8, 9, 14, 15, 16
a n d 17 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.
(c) no Court, Tribunal or other authority shall enforce any decree or order
'directing the refund of any tax so paid.
Secretary to Govel.~znterzt,Law Department.
'. ..
a u a.i t m
-- - -
L.. }3)!,-.>
,, .
. .-
'. .S t L
( .
. :-
L. follows
. .
.,' , , , .
Part IV
1 ,
(2) It rhnll b damed'to have come into fcrce on thc 1~ t ~ d aofyA M 1 M5.
3. ARer section 7-C of the principal Act, the following sectiob WI b insert&,
-section 2
Tamil Nadu Acts and Ordinances.
accordance with
a 0 r,
Type c?f draw..
{I) weekly draw
(2) Monihly instant d r a w
(3) Monthly bii mpcr draw
(4) Festival b1:nlper draw
( ,
A,CT M~:~ilO.l
An Act firthcr to amend the Tamil Nadu Genrrul Sa1e.v Tax .,Ic t , 1959.
n d d . hv tk idativc Assemnbly of the S t ~ t ofdamil
c Nndu in the Forty
. 1835.
.. .
' T ,
, ~ q f der
e how.
?, ..
Insd m of
Ilew d 0 1
1-n:>p .
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-- -
- . ..--- _ _ _ - -- ---A-
-- +
(2) Any dea1t:r in lottery tickets may apply to the assessing akthority along
with first monthly return in such form as. may be prescribed, for 'rhz 5nancial year,
nis option to compound the tax liability, under sub-section (1) and shall pay the
compounded a~ncunt,thirty days prior to the draw, and for that purpose shall.
furnish such monthly return in such form, within such period and in wch manner.
as may be ~res~ribed:
Provided that the option under this sub-section for the financial p a r commer-
cing on the 1st dzy of April 1995 shall be exercised on or before the 30th day 0).
f June 19Q5.".
fpmenamenu or 4. h section 12 of the prlncipai Act, in sub-section (3), in clause (b),for sub-
section 12, c1au.s.e (i), the following sub-clauses shall be substituted, namely :-- .
" (i) twenty-five per cent of the difference of the tax assessed and the ta:
.- paid as per retut n, if the tax paid as per the return falls short of the tax assessed [OL
final assessment by not more than five per cent:
ti-a) fifty per cent of the difference of the tax assessed and the tax paid a5
9 r return, if the tax paid as per the return falls short of the tax assesscd on finn l
aswqqrncnt by more than five per cent but not more than fifteen pel cent :"
Insertion of
llew s d o n
, .-Aftcr7section 16-AAlol the principal Act, the following sect ionfsl~allbe
inse?' XI, namelv :-
16 AAA.
':16-AAA. A s s e s ~ e n tgf draw not declared under section 7-0.- (1) Where
' for cay reason, any draw has escaped assessment from the payment of compounded'
amorint under secdon 7-D, thc asses~ngaurhor~tymay, at any i~ruewithin a period
of &re years from the'expiry of the year in which the draw is held, determine to
the Iaest of its judgement, the amount in respect of the draw which has escaped'
assekment and reassess the amount payable in respect of such draw (including the
draw alr~ady~assessed under section 7-D) in accordance with the provisions of '
sectidn 7-D.
+,L) Before making the re-assessment under sub-section (1 , the assessing
authority may make such enquiry as it may consider necessary an give t6e dealer
concerned a reasonable opportunity to show cause against such re-assessmeni.
. . ' (3) .lnc compounded amount already paid by the dealel codcerneti .,I
pursuance of the option under section 7-0 shall be adjusted towards compounded-1
amount due as the result of reassessment under sub-section (1).
. I
<4) In making an assessment under sub-section (I), the assessing authority
,nay, if it is satisfied that the escape from the assessment is due to wilful non-dis-
closure of assessable amount in respect of a draw by the dealer, direct the dealer to
pay, in addition to the amount assessed under sub-section (I), by -8ay of penalty, a.
sum which shall be-
(a) my per cent of the amount due on the draw that was B wilfully not
disclosed if the amount due on such draw is not more than ten per cent of the amount
paid as per the return :
(b) one hundred per cent of the amount due on the draw that was wilfully
.rot disclosed, if the amount due on such draw is more than ten per cent but G rlot
'more than fifty per cent of the apount paid as per the return
(c) one hundred and fifty per cent of the amount due on the assessab-le
draw that was wilfully not disclosed, if the amount due on such draw is more *?an.
fifty per cent of the amoum paid as per the return r
rovided that no penalty under this suo-sectlon shall Be imposed unlejs the
deakr af'Fected has bad a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against such',
(5) The providions of sub-sections (3) to Q of section 16 shall, as far a8 may-
ue, q.pp y to re-assessment under sub-section (I) as they apply.to trie rmssessmenr m:-
escn 2ed twn-over mnder sub-section (I) of ~ c t i o n16.
LatestLaws.com -
- -
- -
- - -
- .-.-
51-B. Capacit~rsother than those specifieo trocr iten 3 P . A c FPart-D. Do, 3'11
(b) items 7 7 , 8 5 , 8 6 and 93 and the entries relatirg tkeretc s l - b l i be o~niirec~
(2) in PART-C,-
(a) in item 9, for the entries i~ column (2). the ILILwing i:ntries stsll be
substituted, namely :-
"Food and drinks (other than those falIing elsewhere1 under the Schohka),
s ~ j by-
d i
(i)s t . hotels rccognised as such by the Tourism depa of the State
Government or the Government of India ;
(b) in im 39, fcr the entries in column (2), the foYculeg trtries shall he
substituted, namely :-
- A-
- -- -
r ; ,
- -
(3) in PART-D, after item 35 acd the entries relating thereto, thelfollowing
rtem and entries shall be inserted, namely :- .
I .tthe point " 38-A. All powei ractor and shunt capacitors (1 ,KVAR to 100 K V A R 4 1 5 , V
I f first sale 8 or 660 V)"
1 the State.
(4) in PART-E, in item 21. tor the entiies in column (2). the f~llowiagentries
shall be substituted, namely :-
"(a) Generators, Generating sets, Transformers and -NO~-Electronic
stabilisers ;
(b) AU electrical transforlllers (other than the small transformers;mentioned
under item 51-A of PART-B) including-
" 9. Watc! including plain water sold in bulk in large barrels or drums
or tanks pullet1 by animals or tractors or lorries (other than water sold in bottles,
sachets, jugs or jeiry calls as:d dictilltd water or mineral water sald ifi any form
of container) " ;
(b) under thc hezding " 11. List of agricultural rniplcments cxclufively
used with an ma1 power ", after sub-item (4), the following sub-itern shall b , added,
namely :-
" ( 5 ) L:vollors " ;
(3) for item 48 sad the entries relating thereto, the following items and
d e s shall be substituted, nam:ly :-
"48. Food and drinks falling under itc~n9 of PART-C of the First Sched
sold by-
(i) any hotel other than a star hotel recognised as such by the Tour
Depai-Iment of the State Government or the Government of India;
k (ii) any restaurant other than those attached to such
4 star hotels;
a (iii) any other eating house :
48-A. Food and driokr falling ultl:r i t e s 9 of PART-Cof the First Schedule,
any Star H ~ t e r:cognis?d
l as sn:h by th: Tavrisrn D y i r t m n t of the
nent o r the G~vern.nentof India ;
(ii) any restaurant attachsd to such Slar H ~ t e;
t (Ti) any Sweet Stall,
whose total turnover does not exceed thwr lakhs of ru2ses per annum";
(4) after item 70 and the entries relatin: th:reto, th: follovring items an4
entries shall bz addzd, namsly :- I
t I
" 71. Candles
72. (i) Hurricane lights and bedroom lights burning on oil
(ii) Kerosene lamps (other than gas lights and petromax lights)
' F
An Act further to amend the Tarnil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 19L9.
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third lhort title
Amendment) Act, 1995. commen
INacIu 2. I n tile First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, in Amendment ot
of 1959. PART-B, in item 21, for the entry in column (2), the following entry shall be First
substituted, namely:- - Schedule.
'<All kinds of sewing thread whether natural or artificial (other than those
. . of item 3 ot the Second Schedule) but excluljing surgical
falling under sub-itern (a)
kr sew& threads.".
k (By crder of the Governor.)
Secreturv to Governmen;, L a r v Depurtment.
Y, 1. (1) This Act may be ca!led the Tamil Nadu General Sales T a x (Fourth Short title and ' 1
Amendment) 44, 1995,
(2) (a) Sub-clauses (a), (h) and (c) of clause ( I ) and clause (21, of section 2 an3
section 3 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day ot April 1994.
( b ) Sub-clause ( d ) of clause ( 1 ) of section 2 shall be deemed to have come
into force on the 9th day of Janaaly 1995.
I- 2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinalter referred to as Amendment of_
b 1 of 1559. the principal Act), in the First Schedule,- Pirst
"4 All vegetable oils (including refined , i t the point of first sale 3" :
vegetable oils). in the State.
rn &fter Item 47 a n d the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely;-
' I
~ C A O
I lu-lwvlur.. r.---..--- ':---- audio
r n ~ c p t t elhnth
---- -
and At the ~ o i n tof first sale 3 "1
video), and compact discs. -in t h e State.
rP namely :-
( d ) in item 6, for the entries in column (3), the following entries shall be substituted,
"At the point of last purchase in tFe State"; i
(2) in PART-D, before item ?0 a l l t'le entries item
relating tl?ereto,t';e foll~wir~g
and entries shall be inserted, namely:- ./ I
6" I
"1 9 W t cases, brief cases, attache cases, At the point of irst I
cases, and vanit) boxes (other than those I
specified elsewhere in the Schedules).
mendment of
ixth Schedule . entries3. Inrelating
the Sixth Schedule to the principal Act,
t'lereto sl~allbe omitted.
items 5,6,7 and 10 and the
slidation. 4. NotbvitistlnJi.2 a.ly: ,i lg co :ta~1e.I in ally judgerrient, decree or order of
ablycourt, tribu-la1 or ot'ler autlloritj, a11 taxes levled or collected or purporting
to have been levied or collected at the first point of sale1 n the State in respect of
goods me.~tio.;ed i.1 items :, 6 , 7 and 10 o f t ' e Sixty Schedule to t'-e principal Act,
for t'le period comme,~ci*~g oq the I st d a) of April 1994 and ending wit17 tke 8 t h day
of Ja;luary :995, s ]all, for all purposes be deemed to be, and to h ve always been
~alidl.~, 4
levis3 or co1le:teci ulder the First Schedule to tlie principa Act, in respect
of those goods, as if sub-clauses (a), (6) and (c) of clauses (1) and caluse(2), of section
2 of this Act had been in force at all illater~altimes when such tax was levied
or csllected and accordingly-
(c) all acts, proceedings or things done or taken by ally authority, officer
or pe:son in connection with the levy or collection of such tax, shall Tor a11 purposes,
bedeemed to be and to 1:ave always been validly done or taken in accordance with
law : Tamil
suit or ottlcr procecdi,ig sh:ill bc n~aintainec!or continued in any
( / J ) 110 1931
Coun, tribunal or other nutl~orityfor the ref~lndof any tax so paid;
( c ) no Court, tribunal or other authority sl~alleuforcc rrny decree or
order directing thc rel'und 01' a,ly tax so pai:!.
Governmefit, Law Depurtmi rr t.
Secrc.tcrry to
lowing Act of the Tamil Nadu Legisl ative Assembly received the
e Governor on the 1 lth Deoembe~ 1995 and is hereby
r general information:-
it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu ip the Forty-
th Year of the Republic of India as follows : -
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fifth Amend- Short title
and ann-
(2) (a) Section 4 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 22nd day
of' June 1988.
(b) Sections 2 and 3 sllall come into force on such date as the Ctate Goverq
mcnt may, by notification, appoint.
2. In section 21 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment
referred t o as the principal Act), in sub-section (3-B), for the words ','one rupeeg9, ofsection 21,
the words "ten rupees" shall be substituted.
3. In sectlon 31 of the principal Act, iII $ub-secti~:l(21, for the words '"fifty Amendment of
r u ~ e e ~ the
" , words "011: I rupee\" s!laIl b(; substituted
hi L Z ~i'd section 31.
4 IQ section 31-A of the principal Act, for s~ib-section(,' . . ' i c following sub- Amendment
ssction sllall be subdituted, nalnely : of section
"(2) The appeal shall be in the prescribed form and shall be verified in the
manner and shall be accompanied by S Y C fee
~ 110t exccedin.5 one hundred
pupees as may be arescribzd.".
(a) all rules made or all acts, proceedings or t!liags done or taken by any
authority, officer or person in connection with the lew C i collection of such fee shall,
for all purposes, be deemed to be and to have always zeen n~adc,done or taken jn
accordance with Inw ;
(b) no suit or other proceeding shall be alai~~tllaincd
or contil~uedin any court
for the refund of any fee so paid ;
Secretary to Gor*crnmmr. &a w Deparrmel,t.
a "4
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Asseml3ly r5aceived the
assent of the Governer on the 1lth December 1995 and is hereby
published for general information:-
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil N,adu in the Forty-
sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Ti x (Sixth Amend- Short title and
ment) Act, 1995.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April 19t5.
2. In section 7-D of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, t o sub-section (I), Amendment
the following proviso shall be inserted, namely :- of 8ectio~
- -.
"Provided that where a dealer has paid the compounded amount under this
sub-section in respect of sale of a particular name and type of lottery tickets of a
particular State and for a particular draw, the tax in respect of the sale of such
lottery tickets, by any other dealer or any person in this State liable to pay tax
under sub-?:ction (2) of section 3, shall be deemed to have been paid under this Act.".
Secretary ro Gocernmenr, liaw Dqartment.
, *
The following & off ths Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly raeivcd & a-t crfl
the Governor on the 29th War& 19% andi is hereby published for general information :-
NO. 10 OF Y 996.
An Act further to PraQd :he Tamil Nadu General S&s Tax Act, 1959.
M. M W ,
Secretary to Government, Law D e ? m w .
(1) (2,)
Goods which are taxable at the rate of 2 pc cent.
Goods which are taxable at the rate of 4 per cent.
1 Aluminium scraps
2 Ajwain (Omam), anise-seeds (sombu), cassia (lavanga pattai or cinnamon),cloves, dried
I ginger (sukku), fennel (sathakuppai), fenugreek (methi), mace (jathipathri), nutmegs
(jathika), poppy seeds (kasakasa), saffron
3 (i) Baby milk food
(ii) Baby feeding bottles and nipples made of any material
4 Basic chromium sulphate
5 Beds, pillows and quilts made of cotton or silk cotton
6 Beedi leaves
7 Biscuits, toffees, confectionery arid chocolates which are not branded ..
8 Bread whether or not branded
P Bricks, including-
(i) Refractory bricks, brick-bars, brick ballast
(ii) Hollow block bricks
(iii) Table moulded bricks and
(iv) Country bricks and c o u ~ t r ytiles made of baked clay and stonewarc.
10 Butter and ghee which are not branded
11 Cardamom
- .
.. -
(iv) Ammonium sulphate (v) Ammonium sulphate nitrate (vi) Bone meal (vii) Borex
(Sodium fetroborate) (viii) Calcium ammonium nitrate (ix) Chelated iron as Fe-EDTA
(x) Chelated zinc as Zn-EDTA (xi) Copper sulphate (xii) Di-ammonium phosphate
(xiii) Di-Calcium phosphate (xiv) Ferrous sulphate (xv) Fused calcium magnesium
phosphate (xvi) Kotka phosphate (xvii) Manganese sulphate (xviii) Micronutrient (xix)
Mineral gypsum (xx) Mono ammonium phosphate (mi) Nitro phosphate of any description
(xxii) N.P.K. complex of various grades (xxiii) Potasium chloride (Muriate of potash) (xxiv)
Rock Phosphate (XXV)Solubor (xxvi) Sulphate of Potas11 (xxvii) Super phosphate single
(xxviii) Super phosphate triple (xxix) Urea (other than technical grade urea) (xxx) Urea
ammonium phosphate (xxxi) Zinc sulphate and (xxxii) Any mixture two or more of the
articles mentioned in items (i) to (xxxi) above with or without the addition of other articles
(on the turnover relating to components thereof which have not already suffered tax).
Cycles, bi-cycles. tricycles (including delivery tri-cycles, childran tri-cycles and carriages), Do.
cycle-rickshaws, tandem cycles, cycle combinations, carriages for invalid persons, parts
and accessories including tyres, tubes and flaps used therewith, cycle seat covers, cycle
dynamo lights and cycle pumps
Empty gunny bags .. Do.
(i) Fungicides, herbicides including weedicides, insecticides, pesticides, rodanticides, germicides Do.
and combinations thereof
(11) Insect repellant coils, mats, liquids and creams.
.. Do.
Handmade soaps of all kinds (both bathing and qashing soap) including soap flakes, powders, Do.
liquids and detergent4 but excluding shampoos and metal polishes in any form -
fl HJlld pumps used for the supply and distribution of water, pans and accessories~thereof , Do.
- DO-
ijzsslan ~10th ... Do.
- I
- Do
43 Lottery tickets
44 Musical i~strumentsof all kinds
45 Newsprint
Oil cakes
Parched gram or tried gram
48 Peas aad peas d h l l
49 Perambulators including pus3 ciiairs for babies, parts and acces,ories 11 c l u c ' i ~ ~tyres,
g ti,hcs
and flaps used therewith.
50 Photographic films, plates, paper, prints, instant print films and che*nicals used i n t+e '
p:?otograpbic davelopment and printing procmss.
~ 51'
Plastic raw ma'erials
Power tiller
53 Printing and wri;ing paper and computer stationery of all kinds ..
54 Products of basket making and mat weaving industries (other than ~ I I C S A 5pccified in 11le
Third S~hedule)
55 Pulses and Grams including horsa grams, avarai (beans), Mochai and Ka.l*amani(othe~than
those speoifiod under item 80 (a) of the Third Schedule) including brokons, husk and d u ~ t
56 Pumpsets of 3 h.p. and 5. h.p. ..
Quinineand its products
Raw siM which is impsrtad
Read-y-to-weax ~pparcl(known con~~ne~cially as ready made garmonls) it~cl~!c!;ngunder.
garments a.nd body suppolrting gqyrnents but excluding hosiery goods. ..
Rubbe~playballoons .*
Sago and starch 01 any kind ..
Salt for 4ndostrial use . . Lan
Sand - .. Fir:[
Sorew pine fibre
Sea-shell articles
---*- I
d:'urn bi-chroma1 e .. Do
Pica sak.
Tolevision sets, acccscorie%thereof and TV antenna
:. ..
"$3 * < 7 2 l * ~ a 2
~ ) Ex (480) -2
( ~ ' b r o u IV-2 .. .. - -,- , ,"-- , t.k.v,g+~;;r;
d. 1. .q: :-. r:sr '. ,..r '. - -, ,.;y &.,A; .?':.,,-,....
:':. I.
3,s . . .'
*a*.: 'I#:?'iy!E{r ; : . , 7
" .
Goads which are taxable at the rate 8 Per cent.
Provided that, if any, aluminium, pure or alloy has suffered tax under any ope of the sub.
items mentioned above it shall not be again subject to tax under the same or any other sub-
items aforesaid.
2 Aluminium wares other than domestic utensils
3 Arecanut ioclud ing betel nut and seeval
4 Bamboo
Explanation.-For the purpose of this entry in the case of bamboo purchased by tho forest con-
tracton in tho auction of forest coupas canductod by the Fmst.DepaemeaC of tho Goveem-
m a t sale by sych contractors of such bamboo m any form?t srw shall badacrnad to ba the
first sale and, the sale by the Forest Department in such auctlon of Forest CoupQsshall not be .
d e e d to be the fitst sale.
.I I bt .= Coffee beans c o w seed s wnathcr ar not c u d .OFttmted or decatiainatai, coftm p w d CF, ex-
1 &ding cob drink.
~r fli)' la-t coffee in granule or powd cr farm
4ki) French coffee (on the turnover rd iting ro eomponcnrs thmeof ~ a m d coftce
y and ch'kIcxy
which ksvc not drcody suffered tax)
(3) Milk f o {s~ inctu4ing milk powder ba excluding baby food r ~ c w ~ b i . ~miik e d (;cxco#
d i c t m s t i t u t i o n without qlditives othat than w;tter) i~ndinciltriog Fhvoure: milk and
, (it$ . Faods induding prepations or vogctables, fruits, mitk, *ccrri~ks,f$wf '(ephwthan t~;ui)
starch, bird 5-6ggS , ~,.:*jt okls, animal Mood, fish, c~ustlceans and moHusce.
Sizb-itaM(i, LJ(Giii) WM without a Wnd nitme
. C)
cal fans of all types, electrical lighting bulbs (including gas filled bulbs/vaccum bulbs r.ot
ing 100 watts), flourescent lighting tubes and their fitting including chokes arrd starters. Do.
and drirks (0th r han those FT:lling elsewhere under the Schcdul ),sold by-
. .. , '
. !Po.
Star hotels m g r ise as such by the Tourism b p a R m a . t of the S tc Government or $he
cmmcnt of India :and
Restamants attached to such star hotels
, .
Inks Pfl &ds incluciing LitXo5npbb printing and duplicating inks but ercluding writing' ink ' Da
+ *
fuiof aU kinds including metallic yarn, metalficjari yarn, mdalbc plastic yam, pctlyster film Do.
yPtn and mti8n.t yarn.
(A) Medkh.~
conforming to the following ciescripfian :- Do.
(B) (i) Sure;ical dressing which e~nressio? shall i*~clu~{e
.\ll~(:\ivc plnqtcr~,
a-lhesive plaster dressing gypsoq:a plaster of qaris a n l ba~Idages,vclcropo;? bandages,
elastro crz ,e bx~dages,gauze, wa \ding gauze, lint altd cot to>^ wool poultice\ n ~ t dsi~nilarar-
ticle im~rz;nate4 or coatel with pharmaceutical suh.;ta~icesput u? in ror~llror packinas for
surgical purposes w'lich have 53%I sterilisol an?. conform to t i e accepted stdndards- of the
madical profession.
(ii) Pharmaceutical and surgical products of plastic and rubSer inclu 'in2 gloves, aproas and
( C ) Instruments and aa2liances usel in melical, surgical, debtal or veterinary sciences, inclu-
ding %cie3~tific
apparatus, other cleztrome iical apparatus and srght testing instrulnents including
opthalmoscope, otoscope Laryngoscope, Retinoscope, Binocular lou)e, parts and
rccessories theraof (other than those s?ecifie.f elsewhere in this Scheddule)
(D) X-ray a-raratus, films, plates ayl ot!lcr eqvi,>meltsraquire 1 for u\e 1 herewith pacts
and accossoriaq thereof .
(E) (i) tiaart I .. .-tnakor (pulso g a ~ ~ e r ~ t o r )
(ii) f ntm-ocular le-.ses
(F) (i) Intravenous sets, c i : ~ I j l voi I sets, blood admiqistr tion set<, hlootl donor sets and
autio11 :.drni~~istrstionsets
, (ii) Dextrose, that is to say, aextrose mo:lolly 'rate a!l1 anhjJrous dextrose
(iii) Measured volume qet
I (i v) Du~nosticrea:ar ts
1". .b .
29 Pa1.n h ~ y . + c $ . ..
. . tissue .
( i ) Cigarette
4, d .
(iii) . Packing aF\.l'wrd*>pi~g w w r , straw 33 LC I a? 1 nulp boar 1 inch ling grzy tj& f; '
.;j 1 ., \ du;slsx and tri,>lex boards
... boar
, '171
(ivj"" ~ 8 $ e and
r board i- t'arni~ted, chard=\, or. in.terline-1, ihlith other matdfldls , -
i 1
' (vf' ' w :fi paper '.nil s{;nilai hall &ovcl ibs, Window transpa& tics of . . . ' i
.! "* , ;*
.I : .I
- .:r.-...r - .- .
Provi ;e ;thzt i i a ~ paper
y has suff&e$ tax.utder any oze 01' the sub-items ~ e ~ n t i o ~ e d
"'&ovs, it shall not be azin sdfjject to tdf u,~dePdtn&or m y bther su3-items aforif&i?l"'- : -- , "'
...* ,'
"* i?. ,
(iv) All other stainless steel goods used for domestic purposes
%garcane excluding sugarcane setts Last
First Sale.
Goods which are taxable at the rate of 11 per cent.
"'7--=w-- --*-e*-*--
--==-WS~* --..-*- -
iii) Cutlery (other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule) includiag table cutlery,
Cuddappah stone slabs and Shahabad stone slabs ..
Electronic duplicating m,achines, reprographic copiers including duplicators, Xerox and ph-
copying machines and any other electronic apparaws for obtaining duplicate copies,
whether rednc-ed, enlarged or the same size as the originals, accessories thereof, ribbons,
plates used therewith.
Electronic systems, apparatus, appliances and other electronic goods (other than tbose Do.
specified elsewhere in the Schedule) but including electronic indexing, card punching,
franking, addressing machines, one record units and other electronic p d s and accecsories
of all such goods.
Electronic teleprinters and fax machines of all kinds, accessories thereof and ribbons used
Do. 1
Electranic typewriters, accessories thereof and Electronic typewriter ribbons whet her or not Do.
in spools.
E jllpire clot 11 and ernpire sleeves 6 Da
T ,
zt hyl .alcoh+, I , nbsolut e alcohol, methyl alcohol, rectified spirit, neutr a1 spirit and denatured Do,
mjrks i nclt~ding coloilred matches, C. Do.
Furnaces and boilers of all types including fluidized bed boilerb . ignifluid boilers and Do
boikrs using agricultural w a t e as fuel but not including boilers using municipal waste
onlr as fuel.
27 (1) Granite blocks (r cu gh or raw)
(ii) Polished granite slabs including tomb stones, monu roent slab and head sto ne.
28 H'elmetsl
29 Hosiery goods made wholly or partly of wool
I 30 Leather goods other than foot wear made wholly or principally of leather (whet her or not
I other materials such as thread, lining, rivets are used.)
31 Light roofiing sheets (obtained by immershing paper mat in bitumen)
32 Locks of all kinds and varieties
33 Machineries of all kinds (other than those specifically mentioned in this schedule) worked
by (i) Electricity (ii) Nuclear power (iii) Hydro dynamic and steam power (iv) Djesel or
petrol (V) Furnace oil (vi) Kerosene (vii) Uoal including coke and chi~rcoalor (VIII) any
other form of fuel or power (excluding human or animal labour) (ix) Parts and asccessorjes
of machineries and tools used with the machineties mentioned in sub-ltems (I) to (~111)
34 Mercury
35 (i) Motor cats, Motor taxi-cabs, motor omni buses, motor vans, jeeps and motor lorries
chassis of motor vesicles bodies bxilt on chassis of motor veh~cles belong~ngto others
(on the tdi-novet telating to bodies) all varieties of trailers by whalever n: me known
(other than trailers of tractors) other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule.
(ii) Parts and accessories of motor vehicles and trailers including bulbs. faiemeiers but
excluding batteries.
36 Nitric hydrochloric and sulphuric acids
37 Oil engines, parts and accessories thereof
38 Pan masala by whatever name called containing betel nu1 s 1 ha.1 i s to say nut of areca caiachu
brolC€il btl @iNajed and ot men?hof:or sandal oj1s or c~,r.rciam~n~ or tobacco or
any one or inore of these ingredients.
39 ti) Paraffin wax-food grade standard
--- .
l i u, L L I ~ V U ~ C ; ~ ~ I ~ SillG Upii
C ~ ~ ~ l ~ j .I ~cr uLOCI s in phtes, s h e , or s,riPSI
, m a y f o r m or
i) 3t her idr 111s(1; kc: r otl s, t:. bes and pioftle snapes) and a:ticles (for exainple discs and rings,
{$ij Uonveyor. transmission or elevator belts or belting of rubber whether combined with
any textile ~natwialor otberwire.
WWer oC rynthetia orlsin including buradiena a~r).loaitrilarubber, styrene butaditme rdbbez Do*
avb butyl rubbsr, gyathetio rubber latex induding prarulcanised synthetic rubbar Sates.
(i) &ips, stcalncrs, mator? and ste;ll;I bx:s an6 la.unahss, trawlers, t u y , submarines, oil m.
rankerr and other ~nssslsoperated by any form of power, including thcir hulls, enginar,
pop?# thoreof
a ~ t d~cceq~c?iies
(il) Bnrgos arld c.jniqns and sirnilar vosrcls not coining utlddr sub-iten? (i) above.
(j) Tr<irlsf #:,~I,:;.; (Power and Control'~(step down from 230 V to less than 100 V of power
r.<aLii~g11 -!oxci?eding 250 VA), (ii) Buck b ~ o s transforrzlers
t (230 V/lsss than 100 V), (iii)
I nvertor transformers, (iv) isolation irnnformers, (v) R2ciifisr iransformsrs, (vi) Ferro
resonant transformers, (vii) Line driver t~ansformers(less !ha11 50 VA), (viii) Fly back
transformers/liae output transformcrs~Extrahigh tansion transformers, (ix) Main filter
traosformarr, (a) Line driver transformers (xi) Torolbal core translormar8 and R-Core
transforn~rr($1) lwitoh mode gowar supply tran~for~nera.
(&items (viii) to (xii) above are ferrite tlanafotmero).
f uplmmrlnn.+\ll the ~ b o v etransf:-rmera shall ba deemwl to fall under this item only if
~ o n th t h o ~ nh;;~ not tven one of the windings rstcd at ove 500 'P GC.
182 TAMIL NADU GcVi:K:; h)ENT GAZ!?mE EXTKI',(;i. : ' !I' :,kK!.
_ _ _
I- , . F r i ~ i u YrV
- - - -- -- - - ..
- .
(i) Stae] a]mirahs and fLlr!lilur.::,f 411 ki*ldr illclllding hntl?,1-<ili1f u r n i t l l r r (Oill, 1 11 ' b l ' - A 38
apmifid elsewherein tnis Schedulr. mane from all kinds cT meilis, fibid gi: +$. $ ' 1 ld,
inforced plsstios or made prirnrr~~ly fi-,n nny kind oi pl i.:ics; up1101s;ed I I ~ ~ I ) ~ ,'~ I01% II
furniture in the maqufnc:~r r rf which hminated sheets are used, whethcr si.!d i l ? assern -
blecf or unassembled form ?.nd r e ~ d yta ~sscmbla,~ q r t theraof
s and all krttc s ot stands.
(ii) Office eq~ipmentsof avmy deaoription, including filing cabinets, card index cabinet%
TJaper traqs, p q e r rents, pen tray?, ~ A i c ns!qn~p9:ands \nd sim;la.l cfficc r r desk eqt?ip
ments whathflf sold in assamblad cr ~tnas~embleci form anct rrsay to assamble, parts thwe
of (other than thosa qpecifiod alse shere in this Zbbaduta and stationery ir.rticlas).
Hxplanation. Sloiteda wgles, gussets, plates, pan411 and atrips whiah when assembled form
furniture or equipmeats, shall be tleemed to be furniture or omoa equipments as the o a ~
my,be, Eor fbe purpose of this, item.
56 Wit oases, brief aasos, attached oases, despatch aaaas, vanity bags, vanity cases and vanity m.
boxes (other ,ban those speoiflad alwabe~ein iha &hadula)-
ppbn.tlou.-Vanity bag. vanity oars and v a n i ; ~Wx mean a bl:a raw or a 5or llolding
a mirror and aosmetlos or toiletriaa.
, '5 <.,
57 Sulphur
58 Television cameras, projectors, closed circuit television sets and cameras, car television, video
televisions, video cameras, teleprompters, parts and accessories thereof, dish antenna and
59 (i) Tyres including pneumatic tyres, tubes and flaps, ordiuarily used vith power driven two Be.
,. I wheelers, three wheelers, four wheelers and higher number of wheelers (whether or not such
tyres are also used for other purposes).
. , (ii)
, Tyres, tubes and flaps of animals drawn vehicles.
60 Umbrellas of all kin 's including beach and g ?rden umbrellas and foldirg umbrellas, perts
61 Video cassette players and recorders with or without combination of e1e:ctronic analog-digital
clocks, blank magnetic video tapes, video cassetts for use therewith and video computers
(electronic games ) parts and accessories thereof.
62 Water msters, gas meters, industrial t.herrnometers, parts and accesg,ories thereof
<3 (i) Weighing machines of all kinds including platform scales, weigh bridges, counter scales,
spring balanos weighing sccrles and baiances, parts and .xccessories of such machines and
weights used therewith
(ui Dipping measures, metric pouring measures, conical measures, cylindrical measures
(iii) Metre scales, measuring tapes steel yards and surveq chains.
64 Welding electrodes, graphite electrodes, welding rods of all kinds, including brazen rods
and soledring wires.
_ Wet grain grinders worked by an) form of power, o ~ e thanr human labour(w11ether or not
sold as a composite unit, with or without motors), parts dnd accessories of such grinders.
66 Wi~clessreception and transmission equipments, instruments and apparatus including, car
radios, walkis-talkie, transmission and reception apparatus for radio-telephony radio-
telegraphy, radio-broadcasting radar apparatus, radio navigational apparatus and ralio
I remote control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof, such as electrical valves transistors,
-- s lamplifiers, loud speakers and receivers.
87 All other goods not speaified elsewhere in any of the Schedules.
G3ods which are taxable at the rate of I6 per cent.
1 Cement articles, asbestos articles and asbestos cement art~clesother than RCC pipes and thosz F!r5t
specified elsewhere in this Schedule (whether or not other materials such a \ iron, sand arc
used) including flat, corrugated sheets and tubes.
L C-= i23&;l ~i 5.i m!1:2 ,:.
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LatestLaws.com -
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-----.-. -- -
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--. -- -
-- ---_
- _ .- 4
3 Ceramic sanitaryware~ and Sanitary fittings of ever:- descripticn including sink-, First
rash basins, wash basin pedestaIs, baths, showers, bidets, water closet pans, flushing
tisters, urinals, commodes, man-hole covers used in connection with drainage and
meragc disposals, parts and accessories there3f.
ncluding milk powder but excluding baby food, recombined milk (ex*
on without additives other than water) and inclutliag flavoured milk and
Poods including preparations of vegetables, fruit& milk, cereals, flour (other than bread)
b, bids-eggs, meat offals, animal IIOUJ, Sib crustaceans and mdluses.
) to (iii) sold under brand name, whether each Bran& are regr'ste;ud under 'i'rj~d~
ntisc Marks Act, 1358 (Central Act 43 of 1958) or not.
. b . 3 5 . , . ' S
" .
Betpica1 appliances (domestic and commercial) n&elj:--
9) Coffee roasting appliances (ii'i Cooking range+ [iiji_i2:-
whippers, curd makers and legg
h t e r s (iv) Floor polishers (v) Frying pans, sauce pans, kettles and toasters (vi) Geysers,
water beaters, boilers and immersion heaters ( ~ i i Grinders
) (other than wet grain grinders spe-
cibed elsewhere in this sc edule) mixers and blenders (viii) Hair driers, b i r curlers, p q n e n t
waving apparatus and cu ling tong beaters (ix) Hot plates, grillers, boiling plates, plate war-
mers, food warming trays, food warming trollies and hot fog@ cabinets (x) Ice-cream churnep
(xi) Irons (xii) Jaice extractors (xiii) Massage apparatus (xiv) Mosquito destroyers and
mt killer devices, including heating devices used with insect repellant mats (xv) Ovens and
dmowave ovens (xvi) Room heaters (xvii) Shavers, sharpners (xviii) Steamers coffee-mak-
(fncluding percoiaters), cookers, egg boilers (xix) Vaccum cleaners (xx) Vending machines
Mi) Washing machines, drying machines (whether or not sold as a composite unit) (xxii)
h f i s and accessories to all goods mentioned in sub-items (i) to (xxi), above.
#,ypIunation I: All the above goods notwithstanding that they contain electronic circuits,
trol device systems, shall be deemed to be electrical appliances (domestic
mlectrical instruments, apparatus, appliances of all kinds, (other than those specified else- Do.
where ill this Schedule) including exhaust fans, air circulators, vaumm and gas filled bulbs,
sodium and mercury vapour discharge lamps, chandeliers. and their shades, protectors, stands,
iiytores, fittings, brac':ets, torches, emergency lamps, and emergency lighting systems notwith-
standingtheir containing any electronic control circuiting rectifiers, sound or visual signalling
dppdratus such as bells, sirens, indicator panels, burglar or fire alarms, parts and accessories
~f all such goods.
rubber products, plastic foam products, fibre foam products or other synthetic foam
,,.,,c!ncts of every description including :
% t sheets (ii) Cushion> (iii) Pillows and (iv) Matresses
, , Gat c \ (oiilc. than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule) in all its forms Do.
., ,, , , > i c ~ cgases
~i in all i t s forms
(B) All electrical transformers (other than the samll transformers mentioned under iten1 -1')
in Part-D) including.
(i) Transmission power transformers (33 KV to 232 KV) (ii) Distribution transformers ( 3 3
- KV to 3.3. KV) (iii) Traction power transformers (110 KV) (iv) Boosters transformers (25
KV or thereabouts) (v) Furnace transformers (vi) Resin potted transformers (11 KV or thcre-
abuts) (vii) Welding transformers (viii) Step up transformers (230V/up, 5 to 50KV and 415/5
to 50 KV) (ix) Auto tranzformers (variac) (x) Instrument transformers like current transfor-
ma8 and potential transformers.
(C) Parts and accessories of sub-items (A) and (B) above I
11 Ghm and glassware of all sorts (other than &hosespecified elsewhere i n this Schedule) ~ & t
vircd glass am rolled whether in the form of plato
@ glass or in any ot"%er h,
glarro, including eet glass,
tlnted glas
coloured glass, coolex glass, toughened glass,
, l
19 Mineral oils of all kinds (other than those mentioned in item 16 of Part - E of this Schedule
and under item 3-A of the Second Schedule ) including funnace oil an4 Naptha
18 (i) Paints and enamels not otherwise specified in this Schedule, including powder p~ints,
stiff paste paints and liquid paints
(ii) Colours
(iii) Pigments, including water pigments and leather finishes
(iv) Dry distempers including cement based water - paints, oil-bound distempers, plastic
emulsion paints
(v) Polish including metal polishes in any form (but not boot polishes)
(vi) Varnishes, french polish, bituminous and coal-tar blacks
(vli) Cellulose lacquers, nitro-cellulose lacquers, elear and pigmented and nitro-dlulooc
d t a r i e s in liquid, &lid or pea* forms.
(*) Turpentine oil, bde oil, white oil
(in)Dllutenrs and thinners including nataral and synthetic drying and oilssuch
r double boiled linseed oil, blown linseed oil, stand oil, sdphu- Im,=rna
a e oil and tung oil
t: Q Glaziers putty, graf~ngputty, resin cerpents, caulking colgpounqls and othq masti-,
painters slings, non-refractory surfacing preparations for facades, indoor walls, false ceiling
t3e like
I# Shaving sets (with or without contents), razors, safety razors, razor biades, shaving brushes
and shaving creams
Soaps, machine made, that is to say-
I (i) Toilet soaps of all kinds including medicated soaps, liquid soaps and moisturised soaps,
but ~cludinghand-made soaps and shampoos
I (ii) Washing soaps of all kinds including floor washing soaps, soap flakes, .-an powders,
soap fiquids and detergents in all f~rms,excluding hand-made items of these gooas
~ 0 0 t hpastes, tooth powders and mouth washes and om,djnWces whether or nat p p j k Do.
s COBmOfiCW Act,
cated or as defined in Section 3 of the D ~ g an4 (Wtral.Aa XXUI of
1940) as manufactured under a licence issued under that Act, tooth brushes, tongue cleaners.
m a r i n e blle, washing blue, robin blue, laundry brightener of all kinds in all its
' .
b 6) Vaceuin flasks of all kinds, paM llnd a c c c ~ ~Wme p f including refib .. Do.
(ij) All domestic and commercial receptacles det@ncd $0 keep food or bcveragts or other
L cold incluhng ice buckets or boxts,.pa,rts.and accessories tfrmof.
articles ~ G or
I Goods which are taxable at the rate of 18 per cent. I
- -
-PC-' ,gt, ;k.5;c
(iii) Cold storage equipment~,parts and accessories thereof inclading refrigeration materials
like polysterene and polyurethane foam materials used in refrigerators and cold Ftorage
2 Airpurifiers, cupboard freshners and deodourizers, whether odourless or with odour .. I
3 (i) A~X)IS6f $iW lld s in~ltldbgrifles, re~01trery1,pistdls, parts and accessories thereof and
bayohets, m c h e o n s and amrnunitiah used &Mewith, (ii) Hand grenades, (iii) Air guns,
air rifles, parts and accessories thereof and veUets used therewith.
I Binoculars, monoculars, opera glasses, other optical telescope, astronomical instruments,
microsc.op.ts, binocular microscopes, magnifying glasses, diffraction apparatus and
optical lenses, parts and
mountidg thetefcrt i~icludingtheodolite, gfiPv,ey insttuments &&ti
accessories thereof.
5 ti) Cig4'.8fld,c@i$kttk cab~s,hoidt:ts, fdB8cc6 pipes, cigtitekte filters and hookah, fii) Lighters ,
of all krttirf~ itlclirtiing spark lightW.
6 Duplicatiqg machines, reprographic copiers, including roneo machines other than electronic
dupliatihg ffla6hines, repro :raphic coplei%inclrldjrlg duplldht&s and any other apparatus
for obtaining duplicate copi~:s,parts and accessories thereof, ribbons, plates used there-
7 EaectriC f 6fa&ebatteries a6d parts arid et~eeoiitsthueof iholuding containers, covers and
8 moor cov&iiings,that is to ay,wp6ts, c8tpekystlid rugs, whether tufted, piled or etherftrise
whether made from cotton, silk, synthetic or other fibres, whether machine made, hand-
made or made on handlooms but excluding hand-made or handloom made woven durries
and jamakkalams and also excluding hand-made or hand waveli cair mattinge,
~ 9
Lifts and $dists dpM&tedby dectridty 6i.hydWtlic power, part's and accessories thereof
11 . Marble, that is to say-
Marble dusts, (v)
I 13 _If ~ . v . C (Vinyl)
. asbastbs'flbor tiles, ball t
W Wd fWbb 4borisg materials
(i) Scents a d peffflrnw in an fd$m ~4&iilf.#tM@ an$ ~ a t b f t t h ibut
s including aragaja,
jawadu and punugu, (ii) Bir iiils, hELir M W S , htiit &6s, hair darkeners, hair tonics,
brilliantines, pomades and vaselines and qll'hair applicants (other than shampoos).
(iii) Lipsticks, lipsalve, nail polishers, nag rarq$hes, nail brushes, beauty boxes, face powders,
toilet powders, baby powders, talcum p6wd&s, powder compacts, powdcr pads and puffs,
,: ,toilet sets made of all materials (with or 7 5 t h r ) l 7 t rontents), toilet sponges, scent Spray,
dcpilaiories, blemish removers, eye liners of all sorts, eye shadaw, eye brow ptnkils, eye-!ash
bmsl1$8, eau de cologne, solid cologneo, lavender water, snow, face creams, all purpose
weams, cold creams, cleanir~gcrea.ms,makc up creams, beauty creams, beauty milk,
cleaning milk, hair foclds,skin tonics, complexion rouge, nail cutters, sanitary towels
and napkins, astringent lotions, p&vc and a f t 'e ~ h a v elotions and creams, moisturisers
of all sorts and personal (body) deodaraats, *
Explmation: Any of the items listed above even if medicated or as defined in section 3
, of the D N and~ Cosmetia Act, 1940 (Central Act XXIIIof 1940) or manufactured on
the licence Issued under the said Act mil'&dlunder &is item.
15 Shampoos of all kinds including herbal and medicinal preparations, mld in hottlas, c ~ n t a i i : ~ ; ~ ,
sachets and in any other forms.
Spgrk plugs and pasts tharaof ..
l'pmriters excluding electronic typewriters, pal ts and accessories thereof, typewriter ribbon Do.
~ c e dtherewith, whether or not on spools and co~rectionrnuids.
Goods which are taxable at $he rate af 24 par cent.
.. First sala.
Aviation turbine fuel inaludinf: jet fuel ... Do.
... h.
Goods which arc taxable at the rate of 30 per aant.
~lcoholicliquors for human con:;umption of all kinds whi~hare p~tchasad/procured/brought First sala.
from outside the State of Tanlil Nadu (othc~than foreign liquors falling under item 1 of
Part-J, toddy and amtack).
.. Do.
Gooda which ara kuable at the rate ot 60 par cant.
kinds of foreign liquors, that is to say, winas, spitits aqd b z imported into Jpdia from First sala
b j a n countries a n d dealt with under the Indian Wff Act, 1934 (dhbal Act
RXXII of 1934) or u,nd cu an$r oJbmlaw for $ha tjyo bin$ in force rotating ts the duties of
astoms on goods rmportbd ~ n t o&dl&
(3) in item 3, in sub-itam (a), in cofumn (4), for the figure '3', tho Bgure '4'
shall be substituted.
(4) in item 5, in colu~nn(4), for the dgwe '3', dhe $: ura '4' ahall be substituted ;
(5) in item 6, in column (4), for the figure '3', wheravar it occu~s,the figure
'4' shall be substituted ;
(6) i; i t n 7, in sub-item (b), in column (4), for tho fi~ura'l', the f i g m '2'
shall be substitute:: ;
4. Jn thu prinaipal Act, in the Thitd SchaduIe ,in Part-B,-
(1) f o itams
~ 48 and 48-A aud the emies relating thara to, rho f~llowingshall
h uhstitut~d, name& :-
Bt:i t enacied bv tbe Legislative Assembly 04 t h . State (4Tamil Nadu in the Fmty-
peventh Year of tbe Republic cf India as fouows :- l
1. g) This Act mg,be caltcd t J?eTamil Nadu Cknexal Wes Tax (Third AHlenr.- Short tfibUC
R?~II@) Act, 1996. i ~
(I)) ta) %icil 6 shall be deer& Rc, have cam into fa ce oa the 1st day
ei A*il 1596.
. <
added on the resale of goods mentio~~ed in the First Sohedubor,t h~ Sixth S&u le - ,. ,r.;j,
at ail places of his business in the State, by any dealer, arrived at after dedz:ct ing ; i :, -/
- _- TA
- _ _ _ _ _ _--_ _-_
- -- _ P -
"2,. I
- -
." --
-_ -_-_
(b) in the first proviso, tbr clause (a), tbe following clause sh-dl be substituted,
n d y :-
"(a) any sale of goods falling under items I and 2 in Part-F and item 2
in Part-I of the said Schedule; an&?!
(4) after sub-section (41, the following sub-sectionsl~allbe inserted, namely :-
" ( 5 ) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sec ion (2), but subject to the
provisions of subextion (I), the tax phyable by dealer ia respect of sale of any af
.. the gopds mentioned ig, item 34 in Part-C items 24, 32, 36 and 40 in Part-D and
:, item"l0 in Pait-E of the First Schedule, to any other deader for installation of, and
use in, his factory site situate within the State for the manufacture'of any goods
at the
. . . on the turnover relating to such sale:
of three per cent
Frovided that the provisions of this sub-section shall not apply to any sale, unless
er selling such goods fu~nishesto the assessing authority in the prescribed
bd'%ithin 'the .prescnW 'periou, a J e J ~ r a t i o rdvly filled ,inand ~igned
by the Wer to whom tbe goods are sold, containing the prescribed particulap in the
m iform obtained from the prescribed authority:
Provided fvrther that any such dealer, who. after purchasing the good3 in
respect bf which he had frirnished any dblaration, fails to install the goods and make
w of the goods so purchased for the purpose s p i f i e d in the declaration or disposes
df such gciods in any other manner within a period ef five years shall pay the
difference of tax payable on the turnover relating to sale of such goods at the rate
prescribed and three per cent".
4. After section 3-I) of the principat Act, ths following sectiol~ s11all be
inserted, namely :-
"3-C. Levy of value added tax. --
* -
Notwithstandink anything contained in subsections (11, (2) .,nJ (2tB) of section
3 and sections 3-A and 3 B , every dealer whose total turnovar for a year exceeds
seventy five lakhs of rupees shall pay a tax on the turnover of resale of goods at the
rate specified in the respective Sqhedple in such manner prescribed".
5. A%r section 4-13 of the principal Act, the folfov~ingsections shall be
inserted, namqly :-
" 4-ELIpdun@ of, Tqp in qq~?ajn,
( 2 ) 1-very dealer who opts for payment of tau at the compoundec! rate, shall
npoly to the assessing autliority in such form a? may be prescribed, on or
before the 3bth day of' April of the yea;, exercisil~~
his o;>tioprto pay tax a s specified
urtcler huh-section (1)and s9allpay taxinadvaace4uri~gthe year in monthly instal-
ments, and, for this purpose, he shall furnish such returns within such perlod and in
sucl-r m:inner as may be prescribed :
Provitled that the option under this sub-sevtio;: for the year commencing on tho
1 st day o f April 1996 shall be euercise,! on or before the 3 1st day of October 1996.
(3) The option so exercised under this seetion. shall be finalfor that year and sb!l
ccntinue for subsequent years until the dealer becomes ineligible, or tvitlldraws h u
option i n writing.
(1) A dealer who has been permitted to pay the tax undcr sub-section (1) sliall
not collz~tany arnourlt by wa\r of tax or purporting to be by way of tax on the sale
to oay t5e t2xas provided u ~ d e wb-%%tion
~2 !172 .is he o ~ t s r (1) ".
. 1 -- - . . ..--_-.- --.. -. -
. . ..
- - .- - . , - -
- A
-. -.,-- -,-- . , , ,
% ; 1 , . I w - Amendry
dm l m
. , . _ _ ._ .'... ' - ' . . > ----,*I-.
. ,
-..-- . :-
sc;t I \-A), a dealer who% tatal turnover does not e m 3 tcn W h s of ,rupees per
: ; l n y make a self-arse;rment for that year and the return filed by hlm shall be
.,; ivitnout calling the accounts ;
94 T A ~ NADU
K Y'
0 -- - -
_______-____ _._-
(Central Act 1 of 1956) or who has been doing business continuously for a period of
five years and who desires to pay a registration fee for five years in a lumpsum may
d o so a t his option by paying a sum of-rupeesone thousand fqr the .principal place
of business and rupees one hundred m respect of each of his additional places of
business other than the prin1:ipal place of busiaess " ;
(2). in sub-section (3), for the expression " shall be valid for a year ", the
expression "shall be valid for one year or five yeas, as the case may be ", shall be
9. I n section 45 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), in clause (e), for the A
the expression " under the proviso to sub-section (3) of section 3 ", the expression o
"under the second proviso to sub-section (3) or sub section (5) af section 3 " shall be
Secretary to Government,
Law Department.
4 -
6 ,- * -
1. (1) This P,ct may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Short title and
Amendment) Act, 1997. commencemel~t
(2) It shall come into force at once.
Tamil Nadu Act 2. In section 24 of tht: Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959,- Amendmcrlle of
1 of 1959. sectioh 24,
An Act Further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in ;he Forty-
eigf7t-i Year of the Rc~iiblicof India as follows:---
I . ( I ) TIlis Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (T'lird Amend- Short title
ment' Act, 1997. , and com-
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 17th day of July 1996.
amil Nadu rr.2. In section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment
d 1 of 1959. referred to as the principal Act),-- of section 3.
(1) in sub-section (3), for the expression "other than those falling under item 22
in Part-D tnentioned in the First Schedule" the experssion "other than ethyl alcohol,
absolute alcohol, methyl, alcohol, rectified spirit, neutral spirit and denatured spirit"
shall be substituted :
(2) in sub-section ( 5 ) , for the expression "in respect of sale of any of the goods
mentioned in item 34 in Part-C item 24.32,36 and 40 in Part-D and item 10 in Part-E
r f the Fjrst Schedul::", the expl ession "in respect of sale of any of the goods mention-
cd in the Eighth Scheuule " shall be substituted.
3. After thc Seventh Schedule to the principal Act, the following Schedule shall Addition of
hc ndtled, namely:-- new
(See section 3 (5).)
Serial number. Description of the goods.
I . Furnaces and boile,, )f -I! t!r!-e"including fluidise.1 bed boilers and ignifluld
boilers and boilers using agricultural waste as fuel but not including boilers using
municipal vvnste only as fuel, parts and accessories thereof.
6 . Power factor and shunt capacitors of all kinds and part, nnd acccssorics
4 . K . KAllih.
Secretary tn -.,pi c I ~ i t t ~ i
Luw Dipu~~mb.nr
. --
The follotv~ngAct of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 17th May 1937 and is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 39 OF 1997.
s .
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
( 2 ) I\ (11 Lllcrl~ablc
to pi !ta\ undcr sub-scct~oll( 1 ) shall not collect an) amount by
:I! of I , \ \ 01 l ~ l ~ ~ p o to
~ ibc
l i bg! \\a!, of tax on thc salc of food and dnnks
3-E. Pajment of tax b,y dealers in jewel1ery.-
\\ cc k
relating thereto. the following item and entrles shall be substituted. naincl! -
"48 Food and drinks (fall~ngundcr Item 20 of P 2RT-C of'tl~ci list SCI~L~IUIL
1 .(llil
b> -
(1) any Hotcl othcrthan a Star Hotcl rccognised as such b! thc fou11srn d c p , l ~ ~ n ~ i ~ r i 1
(11) an\ restaurant othcr than those attachcd to such 'Star Hotcis
(111) an> othcr catlng house,
(IV) any Swcct Stall,
whose total tumovcr does not excecd twcnty-five lakhs of n p c c s per niinum "
(See section 3-D)
rat^ of ta\
(I) Where the total tumovcr cxcecds twenty-five lakhs of Twcnt) -foul tl~ous~u~ci
IU ~ L L ,
rupccs. but docs not cxcccd t h i e lakhs of rupcc:s per annuni
(11) whcrc the total turnover cxcccds thirty lakhs of n pees Thirt) -si\ thousand nlpcc%<
pc I
but does not exceed forty lakhs of rupees annuin
-. - -
(111) \\here the total turnovcr evcceds forty lakhs of rupees Forty-clght thousand rupees '
but docs not cxcesd fifi! lakhs of rupees per annum
( \ ) \\ Ilc~crltc total turnoccr cvcccds fifty lakhs of rupccs TROper cent of thc total turn-
1:xpkrntrtlon - For the purposes of computing the total turnovcr. thc purchase
t~ilno\c r llnblc to tau undcr scctlon 7-A ofthe Act shall be added to thc sales turnover.
1 Part-B
(See section 3-E)
Ratc of tax
(I) Whcrc thc total turnover cvcecds three lakhs ofrupees SIXthousand rupees per annum
but docs not exceed five lakhs of rupees
(11) \\ hcrc thc total t lrnovcr cxcecds five lakhs of rupees Twelve thousand rupees per an-
1x11docs not C X C C C ~ten 1;lkhs of rupccs. num
(I\ ) \\here thc total tumovcl excceds twenty lakhs of Forty-eight thousand rupees
rupccs but docs not exceed thirty lakhs of rupees. per annum.
Secretary to Government,
Law Department.
The foliow~ngAct of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 17th May 1997 and is hereby published for general informatio~~.-
ACT No. 40 OF 1997.
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
. --
BE ~t enacted by the L,egislative-Assembl? of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Fort! -eighth Year of thc Republic of India as follows- -
1 ( 1 ) Thls Act ma) be called the Tamil Nadu General Salcs Tax (Fifth Amendment) Short title
Act 1997 and Com-
(2) (a) the provisions of 1111sAct, except sub-clausc (b) of clausc (2), and sub-clause ,
(a) and sub-clause (b) of clausc (4). of section 2, shall be deemed to have come into force
on thc 5th da! of March. 1997
Sub-clai~sc(b) of cla\lsc (2). and sub-clausc (a) and sub- clausc (b) of clausc (4).
ot scctiol~2. shall be dccrncd to have come into force on the 6th day of Fcbruan, 1997 -
2 In thc l'am~lNadu General Salcs Tax Act, 1953 (hereinafter referred to as thc Amendment
\it I of 1959 1111nclp:llAct). in thc F~rstSchedule,- of First
Schedule. ,
( 1) in Part-A,
(a) for ltcrn 1 and thc ~ntrtesrelating thereto, the following items and enuies shall
hc \ ~ l l ~ \ t l t l l l ~ ~1 c1 l~ 1 1 1 l ~ -l \
I A c c ~ \ s o r ~ of
c s Tclcv~s~on
Set First sale.
I -A E3ullic>n. that IS to say, gold and silver in mass and uncoined. pure or alloy. and First sale.
s l ~ c c ~i~lclud~n,:
c palaran~arclsilver and kora gold
_ __ - A
1-C Parts and acccssorles (~nclud~ng nbbons) of clcctron~cgoods I ' l t l l l ~ r I~I I I ~ I ,I 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 , it 4, I t 1, ",
18 and 75 of Psrt B. ~tems18 and 49 of Part-C and ltcllis 1 % . 10 2 0 1 I >' 58 ''1
Toroidal core transformcrs and R-Core transformc:rs. ( s ~ iSI\ ) itcll ~liotlcI I U \ \ L ' I
supply transfom~crs.
~ I S to (SII)above arc fcrritc tralsforn1c.r~)
( s u b - I ~ C (viii)
Iixplcmol~on- All the nbovc transformers shall be dccmc,d to fhll L I I ~ ~ C I I ~ U I I ~
on14 ~feach of them has not cvcn one of thc w~ndrngsratcd aboi c 5OO V :I(
(a) aftcr itcm 6 and the cntrics rclating thcrcto. the follo~\ing item nnd cntr~csshall
bc inscrtcd. namely:-
"6-A Biomass Briquc:tcs
(b) aftcr iten1 7 and the cntrics relating thcrcto, the follocving Itcln and cntrics sl~all
be inserted, namely:-
"7-A Biscuits which arc sold under a brand name not rcgistcrcd rrndcr the TI-ntic
and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1058)
(c) aftcr rtcm 7-A as so inscrtcd and the entries rclntlng thcr~to.the folio\\ rng ~tcnii
and cntncs shall bc ~nscrtcd.namely:-
Blue Mctal
22-13Flavot:rcd Milk t\ ~ t h
or without brand nmlc First salr
2?-C: Footwear ~vithoutbrand name First sale
22-11 F11cd (riroundnt~tKcr~icl First si~lc.";
( g ) aftcr itcm 24 and the cntrics relatillg thcrcto. the folloc\,ing itcnl and cntrics shall
hc ~nscrtcd.narncl\,:-
"24-A Glass Beads and Glass Marblcs (Goli gundu) First sale.";
(h) itcm 27 and the cntrlc s rclatlng thcrcto shall be omlttcd.
( I ) nftcr I ~ C I I I32 and the cntrlcs rclatlng thcrcto. the follois~ngltcin and cntrlcs shall
I,c ~nscncd.na~ncl! -
( I ) aftcr ltcrn 46 and the cutrtcs rclat~ngtincrcto. rhc follow~ngltcm and cntr~csshall
be tnscrtcd. name15 -
"46-A Paper bags First sale.";
(m)for ltc~n47 and the cntrlcs rclating thcrcto. the folloc\ing itclns and cntrics shall
bc s~lbstltutcd.nan~cl! -
"47 Old brass. coppcr and stainless stccl vcsscls
f o r ~tcnl.'12 and the cnlrlcs rclating thcrcto. the following ltcm and cntrlcs shall
bc ~nscrtcc!.namcl! -
-'.i2Plastlc scrap
7.;-.\ I ' < ~ \ \ ~ tiller-
00 1% Sta~~llcsb
btccl Iio~~schold
and donlcst~ci~tcns~ls
coppcr or other First sale
mctnl bottolncd utcnsils and non-stick lincd utcnsils
69-(' Stat~oncngoods namcly. paintlng boucs. panting water colours. 011 First sale.";
i o l c ~ ~i~n rc,ll\~
s )r . in I ~ q u ~forms.
d draic~ngboards. brushes uscd thcrc~n
(q) .fici I ~ C I I7
I0 and the c ~ l t r ~iclnllil!:
c\ ll~crctothe follon ing 11, 111:111d c n t ~I ( -
1 .I1
be Inserted. namclq -
--70-A Studci11.s Note books and ccpy Hooks othcr than thr\sc spuc~fiuil111 i t 1 111
54 of Part-B of the Thlrd Schcdulc
(r) after item 72 and the cntrlcs rclat~ngthcrcto. the follo~zingltcm and cntllcs \II.III
be ~nscrtcd.namely -
"72-A Tarn11Typcu rlters
(s) 111 ltcm 74. in the cntrlcs m column (2). thc cxprcsslon Tapioca h a p p ~J I I ~
Tap~ocaTh~ppl"shall bc omlttcd.
(t) In ltcm 75. for du:Fntrlcs in column (2). the f o l l o ~ vcntncs
~ ~ i ~ shall be ~ i ~ b ~ t i ~ i i ~ i t l
narncl! - . . 1 . -
sets and T V Antt:nna
"Telcv~s~on ".
(u) itcms 77 and 78 and thc entries rclating thcrcto shall bc omitted;
( v ) bcforc itcm 79 and the cntrlcs rclating thcrcto. the follor\lng Item and cntrlcs
shall be inserted. namely.-
-'78-A Toys of all kinds First
(w) a k r itcm 82 and the entries relating thereto. thc following itcrn and cntrlcs shall
be inscrtcd. namely:-
3 2 - A Wastc Paper First
(3) in Part - C. -
(a) for itcm I and the cntr~csrclatlng thcrcto. the follokvlng Items and cntrlcs shall
bc subst~tutcd.namely:-
" 1 .Adisarakku itcms, that is to sa) .
I . Adi Thanda
2. Angle Brackets
3. .4rukamanai
4. Bcd Bolt
5 Clamps used in pump scts
6 Door C h a m
7 Door Jakki
8 Door Kundu
9 Door Pattas
10 Dosa~Chatt~
I I . Ghan~cllasor Santhu Chatti
12. Kccls
13. Kcels used in pump sets
14. Kokki Bolt
15. Kolu Pattai used in tractor
I h Kolu Pattai
I 1 1.;oItt A ; ~ n tK;r.;~r A;ir~t~ l s c dIn ploughs
I ;! I, 111111/11 ..t I
. 4-
20L Brackcts
21Mookanam Kay~ruChains
23Spoons made of stccl
24T Thappal
25 Vandl Patta~
26 Vandl Acchu
27 Vasakkal Brackcts
I -A Aluni~num,pure or alloy ~nthe form of,- First sale.";
(1)Ingots (11)Bars (111)Blocks (iv) Slabs (v) Blllcts (VI)Shots (VII)Pcllcts ( V I ~Plates
(IY) Sliccts (x) C~rclcs(XI)Wires (XU)Strips (x~ii)Rods ( u ~ vW ) ~ r crods and (xv) an! allo!
of a l ~ ~ i ~ i\\~~nt han!
~ u other
~ ~ i nictal or metals on the turnover rclatlng to components M h ~ c h
ha\ c not alrcad! suffered tax
Proc tdcd that. ~fan!, aluminium, purc or all01 has suffered tax undcr any one of the
sub-~tcmsnlcnt~oncdabove. it shxll not be agaln subjcct to tax undcr the same or an! other
(b) In item 12. In sub-~tcni(11)In the entrlcs In column (2). thc cxprcsslon "flavoured
inilk and" shall be on~lltcd.
( c ) In rtcm 18. for thc cntrlcs in column (2). the follo\v~ngcntrlcs shall be subst~tutcd.
nalliclj -
"Elcctron~c lnstrumcnts including cash Rcgistcrs. tabulating and calculating
machlncs ".
(d) 111 item 2 1. ln the cntrics In column (2). the cxprcsslon "or w~thout"shall be om~ttcd.
(e) after Itcni 72 2nd thc c31l-.c: rf.'?t1qgthcrcto. the following ltcm and cntrlcs shall be
lnscrtcd. namcl! -
22-A tland~craftsart~clcs First sale.";
(j) In ~tcm4 I . In the cntrlcs In column (2), thc cxprcsslon "parts and acccssoncs thereof
and nccdlcs used thcrcv lth" shall be omitted, I
(g) In ~tcm42. i n the entncs in column (2), aftcr the exprcsslon "goggles and
attaclimcnts". lhc cvprcsslon "lcnscs for spcctaclcs ~ncludlngcontact lcnscs and"
shall be inserted.
(h) In ltcm 43. sub-~tems(11)and (iv) and the entries relatlng thereto shall be om~tted.
(I) aftcr ltcnl 44 and the cntrlcs relating thereto, the following Item and cntrics shall be
~nscrted,namely -
"44-A Tarpaulin First sale.";
(I) In Item 49, In the cntncs In column (2), the cxpresslon "and accessorlcs for usc
thcrcw~th"shall be omitted.
( k ) aftcr itcln 49 and thc cntrlcs relating thcrcto, the follow~ngltcms and cntrlcs shall
be ~ n s c ~ l cnamely
d, -
- 1
..49-A Typcwr~tcrs.(cxclud~ngclcctron~ctvpc\vritcrs) parts alcl accc.\aol ~ c sI , i t . t t b11(
thcrcof, typcwr~tcrr~bhor~
used therewith. whcthcr or not In q3oolf anrl
corrcctlon flu~ds
(i) aftcr Item 46 and thc cntrics rclatlng thcrcto. thc folio\\ ~ n g~ t c mand cntl ~ c s
shall be ~nscrtcd.namcly -
"46-A. REP IicenccIExim Scrip
(I)Item 5 I and thc cntrlcs rclat~ngthcrcto shall be olii~ttcd.
(k) In Item 52, In the cntncs In column (2), the csprcssion "parts and acccssol ~ c s
thcrcof and head cleaner in any form" shall be omitted.
(a) In Item 4, in sub-item (ii), in the entries in cohimn (2). the expression
"flavourcd mllk and" shall be omitted,
(b) In ltcm 5. sub-ltem (xiv) and the entries relating thereto shall be omittcd;
(c) In Item I I . in the entries in column (2), for sub-item (iv), the following
sub-~tcmshall be substituted, namely:-
"(lrr) Glass jars and glass bottles";
(6) in Part - G. -
(a) In item 4. for the cxpresslon "optlcal lenses" in column (2) the followlng shall
bc subst~tutcd.nanel) -
I to say. nut of areca. Catachu broken and perfumed and limc or menthol
or sandal 011s or cardamom or tobacco or any one or more of these
- (c) ~tcm20 and the entrlcs rclat~ngthcrcto shall be omltted.
(a) 111 Itcm 2 I . under the hcadtng "I Llst of agricultural lmplcmcnts cxcluslvcly
uscd nlth human powci". after sub-item (15). the following sub-item shall
bc addcd.nruncl\ -
.( 1 0 ) qlcdgc Hammcr".
(I,) lo1 1 l c 1 1 1 '5 ,111~1~llccntllcs rcl;lt~l~g
thcrcto, thc fbllo\\ ~ n Item
g ruld cntrlcs sliall
bc substltutcd. namely
-25 Products of Palni lndustry other than those llstcd ~nFirst Schedule and I
-1 -
(c) for item 34 and thc entries relating thcreto. the follou ~ n grtcm and cntrlcs shall
be subst~tuted.namcly-
'-34. Pipcrcubcbalinn, Kacmpccaria-galang, 'Tribulus - I ' c r r c s t r u s l ~ ~ ~ n .
Woodfordia Fruiticosa Kura. Aconitum-Htcrropl-~!~II~~rn\zall. Qucrc~~s
Infectoria Oilv, Magnolia-Fuscata Andr. Somolocts Rnccmosn K o ~ b .
lndigofcra Tinctoria Linn. Boerhaavia Diffusa Linn. N c l l i l \ a i . ~ ~ ~11~I .p p i
Cassiaflowcr. Galangal roots. Big Galangal roots.Kart)o~aris~.
Calamus root: G>,mncma,Sylvcstra. Sarja Rasam (Di~n~arbatu). Hondu nut.
Black cumin. Athin~aturam(Cl\.zorrizha orLiq71oricc soots). N ~ l l a p
PanaiKizhangu, Andrographic Paniculat. Mulaippa' Viriha~.;4iidl.ol1o~a1l
Muricatus.Osxilium Savivum. Satavari. B~shopmccd. f11lIscctls. Vl'~~ll:ul~a
Somnifctra, Bcnjarninc. Ponlogranitc Shcll. Vilvapazhanl. Vlr~~i~pazllan~.
Siruthekku, Pippra Moolam, Patakam, Stramor.ium S C ~ ~ Sas;ls\\
S . atht Icn\.cs.
Thulasi Icavcs. Stons flowcr, Vcmpadamp;~ttai.Hibiscus and Kasthl~t-I
(d) after Item 35 and the cntrlcs rclatlng thcrcto, thc folio\\ rng ltcm and cntl ~ c s
shall bc ~nscrtcd.namely -
.'35-A Drugs used In thc treatment of cancer. lcpros! and tubcr(.~tlos~s.
name[\ -
Tab. INH
Tab. Etharnbutol
Tab. Pyrazinam~dc
Tab. Diamino-Diphenyl Sulphone
Tab. Azathioprinc
Inj. Adriamycin
Inj. Cisplatin
Inj. 5 Flurouracil
inj. Mitomycin. C
Inj . Vincristine
inj. Cyclosphospharnide
Tab. L) ;! -phosphamide
Inj . Etoposide
Inj . Veriblastine
Tab. Busulphan
Inj . Methotrcsate
Tab. Mcthotrocatc
Cap. Damazol
Tab. Tarnoziffen litrate. ":
(c) m Item 36. In the eritncs. the follontng shall bc added n! thc cnd nnni( i\ -
L.. *_.
.-_. . -. -
-.- -
( f )for ltcm 34 and the cntncs relat~ngthcrcto. the follocvlng itcm and entries shall
bc substltutcd,namcly -
"54 Students' note-books and copy books manufactured out of paper
purchased from registered dealers llablc to pa! tay under this Act ".
1L (2) rn rtcm 57. aftcr sub-~tcm(IV) and thc cntncs relatrng thcrcto thc f o l l o ~ l n g
sub-ltcms and entnes shall be added.narnel! -
"( \ ) Cattle feed. othcr than those falllng under ~ t r
cn 12 of Part-B of the Flrst
Schcdulc and Wheat bran
(11) Sor itcm 75 and thc cntr~csrelating thereto, the follocving itcm and entries
shall be substitutcd.namcly:-
"75 Coconut husk. coconut shell and ~ t chlps",
(I) after Item 79 and the cntncs rclating thcrcto. the following item and entries
shall bc ~nscrted.name]! -
'79-A Old S ~ l v c rmcttl. Anklet. and walst cord purchased for thc
manufacture of n ~ \ v\ l \ c r mettl. anklet m d ualst cord ".
(1) after I t,!n Y 1 and thc cnt::zs rzlatirg thereto. rhs folio\\ lng Itcrns and cnmss
> , ,
. ..<.. :-
v , k j ? : d . ? r n ~ -l ~
,-- p --.-
-.... 1.
>.-.-- ;;.<--
Secretaty to Government,
Law Department.
*"c .1..~, @
L Tr
~ ~ P R Q:W or TAMIL ~ , - \ ~ l i degtstered No M-;
Price ! Rs. 0.45 Pah
I/_ II
, , Part IV - Section 2
_. Tamil Nadu Acts and Ordinances.
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the asmat
of the Governor on the 28th Octcber 1997 and is hereby published for general
informatton :-
<2) ( ( 1 ) A 11 sectiol s except rections 4 ane 11 shall come into force at once.
(b) section 4 shall be deemed to have come into force on the first day of
April 1996.
(c) ezction 11 shall come itto force on the first Cay of April 1998.
Tal111l I\i::ti u 2 . I R se.:tiori 7-it1 of t h t l amil Nadu GeneralSalesTaxkct, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment of
, - , t -
rei'clrcci ro ;:s rhc Psil:ciplal P ct), in sub-section (1) for clnuac (a). the following section7-A,
clause stla11 be substituted, namely:-
(2) xotwitbu?ndinp anything ; o r , ~ i n din this ~ cort in any ottt r 1a.v ior the
time being in force. a cealer in any af the good ii liable to tax in respect of the first
sale or first purchasein the State shall be deemed to be the first ~elleror first purchaser
as the case may be of such 8003 s and shaL be liatlc to pay tan accorciinglyon his
turnover cf sale er purchase rcls.ir.9 to such po<k s. unless he proves that t ! ~ s:!lr
r or
c l n q b: .<>f such gw,i s had ;\lrtsi ) b:t : SU\$CYI;.: I \, T . i ~
ptlrchsx as ~ h CAR
under this Act,.
(3) Where any d taler knowingly produces a false bill vouchers declaration
certificate or other document with a view to support or make any claim that a trans-
' action of sale or purchase effectec~by him is not liable to be texea or liable to be taxed
at a lower rate. the assessing authority shall on detecting such produetior, direct the
dealer producing such d0cumer.t to pay ss penalty a sum-
(i) which shall be in the case of first such detection fifty percent of the
tax due in respect of suchtransaction ; and
(ii) which shall be in the case of seconc' or subsequent detections one
hundrd per cent of the tax due in respect of such transaction:
Provided that no penalty shall be levied without giving the d ealer an OPPor-
tunity of being heard ".
lend m a t 4 Jn section 12 of the Principal Act,-(1) after sub-section (2),: the
won 12. following subaectic: ehall be4inserted, namely:-
provided further that the time limit shall apply to the assessment for the financial
years, commencing on the 1st day of April 1996 .
provided also that any assessment relating to any finarlcial year pior
to the financial year commencing on the 1st day of April 1996 shall be completed
on or before the 31st day of March 2000.
(b) he omm missioner of Commercial Taxes may, by order, direct any assessing
authority to defer assessment pendir.g clarification by him on any question referred
to him under section 28-A if Such question has a bearing on such assessment. The
period between the date of such direction and the date on which such clarification
has beenrzseived shall be excluded in computing the period speciW in this sub-
~ f ~ * ~
makzgthe- e E
--- u-' --
(c) Where an assessment is not concluded within the time specifled the,
total and the taxable turnover declared by a dealer in his return shall be deemed to have
'been assessed for that year on the basis of the said return under the provisions of this
(2B) In Computing the period of limitation for assessment under this
section the following period shall be excluded, namely : -
(i) the time during which the proceedings for assessrnent remained stayed
under the orders of a civil court or other authority;
(ii) the time during which any appeal or other proceeding in respect of
ally other assessment or reassessment is pending before the Special 'Tribunal, the
High Court or the Supreme Court involving a question of law having a direct bearing
on the assessment in question;
(iii) the time during which any appeal or proce-,l;nq in respect of
any assessment or reassessment of the same part of the turnover made under any
other enactment was pending, b:lore any appellate or revislonal authority or the
Specla1 Tribunal or the High Court or the Supreme Court.";
(2) 111sub-section (3). the following Explanation shall be added at the
end, namely :-
"Explanation; -For the purpose of levy of penalty under clause (b) above, the
tax assessed on the following kinds of turnover shall be deducted from the tax
assessed on l'~r,al assessment:-
(i) Turnover representing additions to the tcrnover as per books made by the
assessitlg atithority without an! reference to any specific concealment of turnover
from the accounts ;
(ii) Any turnover estimated by the Assessing Authority with reference
to any specific concealnlent of ,Jny turnover from the accounts ; I
(iii) Any turnover on which tax is paid at the concessional rate subject
to the condition of furnishing any declaration but where such declaration
could not be furnished at the sime of assessment.".
j. After sectioll 19-A of thl: Principal Act, the following section shall be inserted Jn~ertionof new
~intnely;-- sectionl9-B.
"1 9-B. Liability to t ~ xprivate company on winding up.-Where a dealer
is a private company and such company is wound up, every person who
was a director of such conlpany at the tl~ne of such winding up shall,
not withstallding such windl ng up, be jointly and. severally liable for the pajment
of tax, penalty cr other amount payable under thls Act by such company whether
assessment is made prlo, t, c:- -f+pr such winding uy unless he proves that the non-
payment of tax cannot be attributed to any gross neglect misfeasance or breach
of duty on his part in relation to the affairs of the Company.".
hendment of 12. In section 36 of the Principal Act, for sub-sections (1) and (2), the following
section 36. sub-sections shall be substituted, namely :-
"(1) Any officer empowered by the Government or any person objecting to
an order passed by the Appellate Assistant Commissioner under sub-section (3)
of section 31, or by the Appellate DepuFy Commissioner under sub-section (3) of
section 31-A, or by the Deputy Commissioner under sub-section (1) of section 32,
(i) within a period of one hundred and twenty days, in the case of an
officer so empowered by Government.
(ii) within a period of sixty days, in the case of any other person,
irom the date on which the order was served in the manner prescribed, appeal
against such order to the Appellate Tribunal :
Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may, within a furthcr periotl of one
. hundred md twenty days, in the case of an oficer empowcrctl by Ciovcr 11111cnt and
slxty days in the case of any other person, admit an i11,pcal prcsc~llotl i ~ f h .thr:
expiration of the first mentioned period of one hundred and twenty dilys 01 sixty
days, as the case may be, if it is satisfied that the appellant had sufficient
cause for not presenting the appeal within the first mentioned period.
(1-A) The officer empowered under sub-section (1) or the person
. against whom an ap eal has been preferred, as the case may be, on.receipt of notice
that an appeal has een preferred under sub.section (1) by the other party, m@y
file within sixty days of the receipt of the notice, a memorandum of
objections and such memorandum shall be disposed ot by the Appellate Tribunalcr,op
as if it were an appeal presented within the time specified in sub-section (1).
. -- - - _
_ . _ --- - --.-- -.-- -
( 2 ) The a p p ~ a land the memorandum of cross-objections shall be in the
.- -
1-rcscribed form and shall be verified in the prescribed manner and shall be
nccompanied by such tee as may be prescribed :
P~uvidedthat no fel: sl~allbe payable by the cKcer ernpowercd under sub-
:ccLioa (I).".
13. In section 45 of the Principal Act, after sub-section (7), the following sub- Amendment of.
section sha'l be added, n:~n;zly :- s:cti )n 45.
"(8) Any pcrqon wlio knowingly issucs a lalsc hill, vouchcr, declaration,
~ L isate
I ate or otllzr docurnc~rtv,ith a view to support any dealer to claim exempt~on
or ixiuction in rate of tax on the sale or purchase of any goods under t h ~ sAct,
st: i i i , on conviction, be liable to simple imprisonment which may extend to
t!~,?~:17rnths and in the e\ent of a second or sub,ehuer.t conviction to r~gorous
icon nent for six mon:hs.".
14. All proceedings initiated under sub-seciion (1) or section 34 of the Princi>al Disp~salof
A,:; . i ~ ~p:nding
d before thc j o ~ n tCommissioner of Commei-cia1 Taxes immediately pending cases
I.:i\,i.e the date of commen:dment of section 11 of this Act shall be heard and before Joint
:I<;> +,cd of by the Joint Commissioner of Com~uer:ial Taxes as if, this-Act-had Cornn~issioner
i ; ~ t been passed. of Commerci~l
(By order of the Governor)
Scretnry to Ciov,:rnrni.nt,L G M ~
- -7--
- I
The following Act of llle Tamil Nadu Le!:islative Assembly rcccived the assent
of the Governor on the 27th March 1998 and is hereby published for general
information :-
The following Act of the Jarnil Nadu Legislative Assenlbly receved the assent
of the Governor on the 22nd December 1998 and is hereby published for
general information :-
ACT No. 45 OF 1998. 1
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu Genera.] Sales
Tax Act, 1959. I
(1) for item 40 and the cntries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
" 40, Thali made of gold, not exceeding eight grams in weight inclusive
of all attachments to such Thali but without chain. ";
12) in item 57, for sub-item (v), thc follou7ing sub-item rl.:11JI be s~bstituled,
(((v) Cattle feed and wheat bran used for cettle feed, including conlpounded
cattle feed, other than those falling mder item 12 of Part-B of the First Schedule.".
BI it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fiftieth year
of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth Short titic an
Amendment) Act. 1999. Commencc
(2) Ir shall comc into force on such datc as the State Government may. by
notification, appotnt.
II I ~ Nadu
I of 1959
ict 2. In section 31 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter
referred to as the principal Act). tn sub-section (1). in the second proviso. the following
expression shall be added a t the end, namely:-
"and trventy-five per cent of the difference of the tax assessed by the assessing
Amendment c
"and twentyfive per cent of the differencc of the tax assessed by the assessing
authortty and the tax admitted by the appellant." J
4. In section 36 of the principal Act, in sub-scc ton (I:, after the proviso. the Amendment o
following pror.tso shall be added, namely:- sc~Zion36.
Secretary to Government,
Law Department,
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 3 1st May 1999 and is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 15 OF 1999.
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the ftftieth year .
of the Republic of India as follows:- Shon titie and
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fifth Amend- me*.
ment) Act, 1999.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
Act notification, appoint. Insertion of new
section 7-F.
2. After section 7-E of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, the follow-
ing section shall be inserted, namely:-
"7-F. Deduction oy tax at source in works contract.--(l) Notwithstanding
anything contained in this Act, every person responsible for paying any sum to any dealer
for execution of works contract shall, at the time of paynent of such sum, deduct an
amount calculated, at the following rate, namely:-
(i) Civil works contract. .. Two per cent of the total amount
payable to such dealer;
(li) All other works contract. .. Four per cent of the total amount
payable to such dealers:
Provided that no deduction under sub-section (1) shall be made where,-
(g) a trust.
(ii) the term "civil works contract" shall have the same meaning as In the
Explanation to section 7-C.
(2) Any person making such deduction shall deposit the sum so deducted to
such authority, in such manner and within such time, as may be prescribed.
(3) .'- v person who makes the deduction and deposit, shall, within fifteen
days such deposit, issue to the said dealer a certificate in the prescribed form for each -
deduction, separately, and send a copy of the certificate of deduction to the assessing
authority, having jurisdiction over the said dealer together with such documents, as may
be prescribed.
(4) On hrnishin a certificate of deduction referred to In sub-section (3). the
amount deposited under sub-section (2), shall be adjusted by the assessing authority
towards tax liability of the dealer under section 3-I3 or section 7-C, as the case may be,
and shall constitutc a good and sufficieqt discharge of the liability of the person naking
deduction to the extent of the amount deposited.
(5) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) or sub-
section (2), sliall pay, in a!Idition to the amount required to be deddcted and deposited,
interest at two per cent per month of such amount for the entire period of default.
( 6 ) Where the dealer proves to the satisfaction of the assessing authority that
he is not liable to pay tax under section 3-B or section 7-C, the assessing authority shall
refund the amount depositred under sub-section (2), after adjusting the arrears of tax. if
any, due from the dealer,l in such manner as may be prescribed.
(7) The tax or interest under this section shall become due without any notice
of demand on the date of accrual for the payment by the person as provided under sub- ,
sections (1) and (2).".
Secretary to Government,
Law Department.
9 -
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.-- -- LatestLaws.com
- - .. --- - -- . - -- - -- - -- - - -- ---
2. (a) Tlie provisions of this Act, except sub-clause (a) of clause (I), sub-clausc
(q) of clause (2). clause (4). clause (8) and clause (!I), of section 2. shall be deemed to
llave come into force o,l the 1st day of April 1999.
( h ) Sub-clausc (a) of clause (I). sub-clause ( q ) sf clause (2), Clause (J, clause
(8) and clause (9) of section 2 shall be deemed to have come into forcz on the 171h day
of March 1999.
.hendnicnt of 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act. 1959 (hereinafter T m i l Nndu
First Schcd- Act 1 o f
referred to as the principal Act):- 1959.
(1) in PART-A,-
(a) in item 1-C, for the eQression "PART-C and." the expression
"PART-C, item I of PART-CC and" shall be substituted.
ib) after item 2-A and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"2-B, Vegetable vathal like sundavathal, brinjalvathal. kothavarangai \ ~ ~ t h a l , First snle.";
manathakkali vathal, thamarai vathal and vathal of all kinds sold without the brand
(2) in PART-B,- ,
(a) for item 8 and the entries relating tl:erelo, the following itel11 and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"8. Bread and rusk whether or not branded. Fint snle.";
(b) for item 22 and the entries relating thereto. the following itern and
entries shall be substituted. namely:-
"22 Empty gunny bags and condemned gunny bags. First snle.";
(c) in iten1 23. after sub-item (ii) and the entries relating thereto. the -
~ollowingsub-item and entries shall be inserted. nan1el~:-
"(iii) Napthalet~eballs":
(0) at14 fh;f;/jIrw$r~;/J#Ufq
!Of /ff,rfl 70 ~ ) V , ! J / I I ~f h 4 , / O ~ / / / Y / / I/I/:!//
/~ )l/d
(,t~tr/(,t: j ~ ~b/,/ i :41thtlI//ItAt ~ ~ f t ~ ; t )
3 , II I ; I I I ~ I I I ; I ~ Cso;~psof ill1 kir~ds(both bi~tli~ng and washing) incli~d~nl soap lqirst ~nlc.'';
Il;~ltcs,~)o\\tlcrs,Ilcl~~itls ; r ~ l t ldclcrgc~ltsbut cscl~~tli~lg
slli!~l~poo:~nd11lct;ll polishcr $11ilnY
(g) for item 43-E3 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"43-B. Mosquito destroyers, insect killer devices including heating devices used
with insect repellant mats and Mosqrrito nets of all kinds.
First sale-";
(h) after item 45 and the entries relating thereto, the following items and
entries shall be inserted, namely:- I
"45-A,, Non-ferrous metal scraps, that is to say, scraps of copper, copper alloys, First sale.";
brass, lead and lead alloys (other than those specified elsewhere in the Schedule).
"45-B. Oats. First sale.";
( i ) for item 46-A and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted. namely:-
"46-A. Paper bags and paper envelopes whether printed or not. First sale."; 1
(j) after item 47-B and the entries relating thereto, the following item
and entries shall be inserted, namely:-
Patents, trade marks, import licenses exim scrips, export permit or license First sale.";
or quota and other gbdds of incorporeal or intangible character.
(k) for item 52-A and the entr~esrelating thereto, following item and 1
entries shall be substituted, namely:- 1
"52-A. Power tiller and trailer of power tiller. First sale."; 3
( I ) for item 53 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"53. Printing, writing, teleprinter, typewriting, manifold and bond paper and com- First sale.";
puter stationary of all kinds.
(mj for item 63 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"63 Sand, red earth and red gravel.- First salt.? /
(n) after item 67 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"67-A Sherbet. First sate.";
( 0 ) for item 69 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"69 (i) Sports goods including goods for indoor or outdoor games, swings, medals, First sale.'?:
cups, trophics, shields and badges:
(ii) Articles and equipments for gymnastics including health fitness equip-
(iii) Childrens' play ground equipments:
( p ) after item 71-A and the entries relating thereto, the following item
and cntrics shall be inserted, namely:-
"71-B.(i) Sweets made of groundnuts, gingelly, puffed rice, fried gram and peas First sale.";
(q) for itcm 75 and the entries relating thereto. the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
'-75. Television antenna. First sale.";
( ) after item 81 and the entries relating thereto. the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
'-81-A. Vegetable vathal like si;ndavathal. brinialvathal, kot~,,,varangai vathal. First sale.";
n~anathakkalivathal. thamarai vathal and vathal of all kinds sold with brand name."
(3) in PART-C,-
(a) after item 1-A and the entires relating thereto, the following item and
entircs shall be inserted, namely :- -
"I-B. Agarbathi."; First sale.";
( h ) for item 2 and the entries relating thereto, the following items and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"2 All kinds of grill made of iron and steel. First sale.";
"2-A Aluminium wares other than domestic utensils. First, snle.";
1; \
(c) after item 15 and the entries rclating thercto. thc follo\ving i t e i and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
..15-A. Duplicating machines, reprographis copiers including roneo machines first s a w ' ;
other than electronic duplicating machines. reprographic copiers including duplicators
and any other apparatus for obtaining duplicate copies, parts and accessories thereof,
ribbons. plates used therewith.-
(d) after item 19 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
'. 1 9-A Emph gas cylinders. Flnt sale.";
(e) after item LL-A ana tne entries relating thereto. the follo~vingitem
and entries shall be inserted. namely:-
Ice cream sold without brand name. First sale.";
u> d€er item 25 and the entries relating thereto. the following iiehl and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
(17) - in item 32, after sub-itern (iv) and the entries relating thereto. the
following items and e n t ~ e sshall be inserted namely:-
Goods which are taxable at the rate of 10per cent.
( 5 ) in PART - D,- .
(0) after item 7 and the entrleb cial ling thereto. the following item and entries
shall be inserted, namely:-
"7-A. (i) ~ r a ~ r d e processed
d, and packed fresh meat, poultry, fish, sea food F l n t snle.";
and eggs.
(a) after item 3 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
shall bc inserted, namely:-
"3-A. Chips of all kinds sucll as potato chips. sold with brand name. F i n t snle.";
a (h) after item 11 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"1 1-A. Glass bottles. whether old or used.
(c) in item 19, after sub-item (ii) and the entries relatingthereto, the follow-
ing sub-item and entries shall be added, namely: "(iii) Medium Density Fibre (MDF)
boards and prelaminatecVveneered medium density fibre boards which are imported from
other countries.";
(9) in PART-J, after item I and the entries relating thereto,. the follo~vingitem
and entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"2. Pan Masala by whatever name called containing beta1 nuts, that is to say, nut First S~IIP.";
of areca, catachu broken and perfumed' and lime or menthol or sandal oils or cardamom
or tobacco or anyone or more of these ingredients.
3. In the Tllird Schedule to the principal Act. in PART-B,- .\~aent~~ernt
( I ) in item 46, after sub-item (wiii) and the elltries relating thereto. the S~lledll"
Secretary to C;overnirfenl,
Law Departitrent.
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 17th June 1999 and is hereby published for general information:-
of April 1997.
b ~ a d ~u c t 2. After section 3-E of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter insertionofnew
W 1959. referred to as the princripal Act), the following section sliall be inserted, namely:- section 3-F.
Secretary to Govern!iient, I
Law Depart~rienl. ,
--- --.-- -. -- . - _ __ _ _-
- ---
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 17th June 1999 and is bereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 28 OF 1999.
.4n .4ct fi~rfliel.to nllre~dthe Tatrril Nadu Genrianl,)ir/es 7'nx '4 ct, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fiftieth
Year of the Republic of India as follows.--
I. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Sixth Anlend- Short title nnd
ment) Act. 1999. t-,bn~n~ence-
(3.) It shall be deemeq to have come into force on the 1st day of April 1999. Snhstih~tionof
sections 3-D
2. For sections 3-D and 3-E of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, the and 3-13.
following section shall be substituted, namely:-
"3-L) Pavrtrent of tax h.v hotels, restauranrs and .~~~~eet-stnl/s.-(l)
anything contained in sub-section (1) of section 3. every dealer whose total turnover is
not lcss than twenty five lakhs of rupees for the year on the first point of sale of food
and drinks in hotels. restaurants, s~veet-stallsand any other eating houses other than
those falling undcr item 20 of.Part-C of the First Schcdu e shall pay fax at the rate of
two per cent of the tasable turnover.
Explanatio~.-For the plnpoh~ "C ,-ompiiting the total turnover under the sub-
section. the purchase turnover liable to tax under section 7-A shall be added to the sales
(2) Every dealer referred to in sub-section (1) may. at his option, instead of
paying tax in accordance with the provisions of that sub-section. pay tax at the rate
specified in Part-A of the Ninth Schedule.
(3) Every dealer. wllo opts for payment of tax under sub-section (2). shall
apply to the assessing authority 111 such form as may be prescribed, on or before the 30th
da? of April of the year or within thirty days of conln~encenlentof business, as the case
may be. and shall pay tax in advance during the year in monthly instalments and for
this purpose. he shall furnish such return. within such period and in such manner. as may
be prescribed:
Provided that the option under this sub-section for the year commencing on the 1st .
day of April 1999 shall be exercised on or before the 30th day of June 1999.
(4) The option so exercised under sub-section (2) shall be final for that year
and shall continue for susequent years until the dealer becomes ineligible or withdraws
his option in writing.
(5) A dealer liable to pay tas under sub-section (2) shall not collect any
amount by way of tax or purporting to be by way of tax on the sale of food and drinks.
3-E Paytrrent of tax b.v dealers in j e w e l l e ~ v . - ( 1 ) Notwithstanding anything con-
tained in sub-section ( 1 ) of section 3, every dealer whose total turnover is not more than
fifty lakhs of rupees for the year on the sale of gold and silver jewellery including
articles thereof may, at his option, instead of payink, tax in accordance with the
provisions of sub-section (2) of section 3, yay tax at tlle rate specified in Part-B of the
Ninth Schedule.
(2) Every dealer, who opts for payment of tax under sub-section (1). shall
apply to flte assessing authority in such form as may be prescribed, on or before the 30th
day of April of the year or within thirty days of corninencement of business, as the case
may be, and shall pay tas in advance during the year in monthly instalments arid for
the purpose, he shall furnish such return, within such period and in such manner. as may
be prescribed:
Provided that the option under this sub-section for the year commencing on !he 1st
day of April 1999 shall be esercised on or before the 30th day of June 1999.
(3) The option so exercised under sub-'section (2) shall be final for that year
and shall continue for subsequent years until the dealer becomes ineligible or withdraws
his option in writing.
(4) A dealer who has been permitted to pay the tax under sub-section (1) shali
not collect any amount by way of tas or purporting to be by way of tas on the sale so
long as he opts to pay tax as provided under sub-section (l)."
Sc.crt.tr~[vto C;ovcrrinlent,
Law Departrrten1.
- - ---- - _____ __ - - ___
-- _/
--- -----_ _ __ -
_ -
tlie Goverrior on tlie 18th June 1999 and is hereby published for general infontlation:-
ACT No. 36 OF 1999.
An Act further to antend the Ta~trilNndu General G1e.s Tnx Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by tlie ,Legislative Assembly of the State of Tanlil Nadu in the Fiftieth Year
of the Republic of India as follows:-
I. (I) This Act iliay be called the Ta~iiilNadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, sllort title R I , ~
(2) It shall be deemed to lmve collie into force on the 1st day of April 1999.
2. 111section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tds Act, 1959 (lierei~lafterrererred Anlcntln~ent of
to as the principal Act), in sub-section (4), for the espressiotl "two per cent". the seCti"ll 3.
(1) in the marginal heading, for the expression "civil works c,'itractor", the
expression "works contractor" shall be substituted;
(2) for sub-section (I), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:-
"(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3-B,every dealer referred
to in itel11 (vi) of clause (g) of section 2, may, at his option, instead of paying tas in
accordance with section 3-B, pay, on the total value of the works contract executed by
lii~nin a year, tax calculated at the following mte, namely:--
(i) Civil Works Contract Two ?er cent of the total contract
value of the civil works executed:
(ii) All d i e r works contracts Four per cent of the total contract
value of the works executed.";
(3) in sub-section (2),- I
(a) for the expression "civil works contract". the expression "works contract"
sh.111 be substituted;
(b) after the proviso, the following provisio shall be added, nat11ely:-
"Provided further that tlie option under this sub-section in respect of
works contract other than civil works contract for the financial year commencing on tlre
1st day of Apri! 1999 shall k esercised on or before the 30th day of June 1999.";
(4) in sub-section (4), for the expresion "civil works contract" in two places
witere it occurs, the expression "works contract" sball be si~bstituted.
4. In seaion 20 of the p-incipal Act, in subsection (I), in clause (a), for the Atnendmcnt of
expression "one takh and f@ thausa~idrupees", the exgwesdm "three lakh rupees" shall -.20.
be slrbstituted.
5. In section 21 of the principal Act, in sub-sectioa (4), fbr %beexpression "sevetlty An~rndnlentor
five thousarid rupees", the expressiorl "three lakh rupees" shag1 be sll4stituted. s ~ r f i o n21.
Secretary to Governnienr,
Law Departntent.
-- -- -
- - - ----.
--- ---_____
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of thc Governor on the 1st December 1999 and is hereby published for general
information :-
ACT No. 42 OF 1999.
An Actjurther to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Statg of Tamil Wau in the Fiftieth
Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Madu Goneral Sales Tax (Eighth Short title and
Amendment) Act, 1999. corn-ent.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 12th day of November
1 Nadu Act; 2 In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 Amendment of
1959. (hereinafta refsyred to as the principal Act),- First Schedule.
(I) in PART-J, item I and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(2) after PART-J, the following PART shall be insertec!, namely :-
Goods which are taxable at the rate of SO per cent.
1. Alcoholic liquors of all kinds for human cons~lmptionwhich arepurchasedI
procured/brought from outside the Stace (other than foreign liquors falling under First sale".
item 1 of PART-K, toddly and arrack).
3. I n the Sixth Sched,uleto the principal Act, in item 1,- Amendmen6 of
(1) in column (2), fbr the expression "item 1 of PART-J of theFirst Schadule", Schedule.
the expression "item 1 of PART-JJ of the First Schedule" shall be substituted ;
(2) in column (4), for the figures "40," the figures "SO", shall be substituted.
secretary to Governmenf,
Law Department.
ACT N o . 47 OF 1999.
AII Act farrrlter to arnend rite Tamil ~VaduGeneral Sales Tax Act, 1959.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into fcrce on the 1st day uf June 1999.
bmil Nadu 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Madu General Sales Tex Act, 1959, in Amendnient to
stlof ' Part-33,- First Schedule.
(1) for item 1 anti the entries relating tkereto, thefclicuingitrnls and entrics
$hail be' substituted, namely :-
, "1. Agricultural power sprayer. First sale.
(2) for items 22-C and 22-D and the entries relating thereto, the folla\~i.ing
items and entries shall be substituted, namely :-
"22-C. Flovr of grams, rice and ragi mixed with spices or First sale. I
t masala powdcr sold with or without brsnd n w . 1
22-D.Footwear without brand name. First sale.
Secretary to Giovcr nment,
Law Department. .,--
n ~ by thed kgislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadr in the Pi@-fim Yor a* %
(2) It shall k deemed to have come into force on the la day of April 1996.
Tamil Nadu 2. In section 12 ofthe Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, sub-sections (2-A) and Amendment
of section
Secretary to Government,
Law Department.
i \ l l l ' N l ' 0 I'AMI1,NAI)II
iRi*gtl. No. TNfChicf PMG-30112(MDO.
2000 1 Pt.icib: Rs. 0.4fl
r -
No 2351
- .
--- ---
Part IV--Section
Tailiil N a d l ~Acts and Ordinances.
Tlic follo\ving Act of t l ~ cT;l~~iil Nadu Lcgislati\.c Assclnbly rccci\fcd tlic asscnt of t l ~ cG ~ \ ~ c r n o r
O I I tlrc I I l l ) April 2 0 0 0 ;ind is licrch! p~~blisl~cd
Tor gcriccll inTor~n;rtion:-
ACT No. 7 OF 2000.
(2) It sh;lll bc dcc~ncdto Iia\.c c o n ~ cinto forcc on tlic 1st day of July 1999.
2. In scction 3-D ofllic Til~llilNitdl1 Gcncral SiIlcs Tils Act. 1959 (Ilcrcinaftcr rcfcrrcd 10 Amendment
11 ' iIS t l ~ cpriticipill Act). in sub-scclion (3). in rllc pro\.iso. for llic csprcssion "30111 day of Junc OT section
IOOO". tllc csprcssion "3 1st dily of Ja1111;ln20(#)" sliilll bc w~bstitutcd.
3. In section ?I-E of tlrc pri11cip;il Act. in sub-scction (2). in the proviso. for llic csprcssion Amendment
-I. In scction 7-C of thc principill Act. in sub-section (2). in tllc second proviso., for thc Amendmentc
csprcssion "30111 diy ofJt~nc1099". tlic csprcssion "3 1st day ofJanuitn 2000'' 3llall bc srlbstitutcd. of section
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 23rd day of January 2000.
2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959,- Amendment
of F~rst
(1) in PART-A, items l-A, I-B, l-C, 2-A and 3 and the entries relating thereto shall Schedule. 1
(2) in PART-B,-
(i) for item 78-A and the entries relating thereto, the followtng item and entries -
shall be substituted, namely:-
I "78-A, Toys of all kinds other than those falling under item 8 of Part-DD of the
Flrst Schedule.
(ii) for item 80 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall
be substituted, namely:-
First sale.";
"80. Vegetable oil of all kinds (including refined vegetable oil) other than those F~rstsale.";
specified elsewhere in this Schedule.
(iii) after item 84 and the entries relating thereto, the following items and entries
shall be added namely:-
"85. Modem and Speakers, parts and accessories thereof. First sale.";
(i) in item 19, the expression "uninterrupted power supply" shall be omitted,
(ii) for item 47 and the entries relating thereto including the Explawtzon
thereunder, the following shall be substituted, namely:-
"47. Timber including sized timber but excluding firewood other than those specified First
elsewhere in this Schedule.
Explanation:-For the purpose of this item in the case of timber purchased by the forest
contractors in the auction of forest coupes conducted by the Forest Department of the
Government, the sale by such contractors of such timber in any form or size shall be deemed
to be the first sale and the sale by the Forest Department in such auction of forest coupes shall
not be deemed to be the first sale.
(iii) after item 53 and entries telating thereto, the following items and entries
shall be'added, namely:-
"54. Electronic duplicating machines, reprographic copiers including duplicators, sale.
Xerox and photo copying machines and anyother electronic apparatus for obtaining
duplicate copies, whether reduced, enlarged or the same size as the originals.
I lrst salc
56. Flectron c telepr~ntersand fay rnach~nesof all k ~ n d s .
Explancztion:-All the above transformers shall be deemed to fall under this item only
if each of them has not even one of the windings rated above 500 VAC.
(4) In PART-CC, item 1 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(5) In PART-D, items 1, 2, 14, 15, 16, 17-A, 1.8, 19, 20, 2 1, 24, 26, 30, 3 1, 35, 45, sub-
items (iii), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii) and (ix) of items 48, 52, 53, 58, 61 and 6 6 and the entries
relating thereto shall be omitted;
3. Acroplanes. and
4. Ci~ieniatographicequipments, including cameras. pro,jectors over head projects, sou!td 17irst sale.
rccortling and reproducing cquipnlents, parts and accessories thereof and lenses, exposed
f~lnis. I'ilnl-stl.ips, are or cinema corboris, cincma slides. paper. paper ho;~rds rccluired for
use thcre\vith.
6. ( i ) Crockery (other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule). First sale.
(ii) Cutlery (other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule) including, table
cutlery, forks.
7. (i) Dry fruits and nuts and kernel such as almond, pistha, dry grapes, figs, apricots, First sale
walnut, other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule.
10. Furs and Skins with fur (other than those falling under item 84 in Part-B of this First
Schedule and under Second Schedule)
1 1. Leather goods other than foot-wear made wholly or principally of leather (whether First sale,
or not other materials such as thread, lining, rivets are used).
12. Light roofing sheets (obtained by immersing paper mat in bitumen) First sale.
i 13. (i) Motor cars, Motor taxi cabs motor omni bus, motor vans, jeeps and motor lorries, First sale.
chassis of motor vehicles, bodies built on chassis of motor vehicles belonging to others (on
f the turnover relating to bodies) all varieties of trailers by whatever name known (other
than trailers of tractors) other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule.
(ii) Parts and accessories of motor vehicles and trailers including fare meters but
excluding batteries.
14. PVC pipes, tubes and fittings of all varieties including flexible and rigid pipes, First sale.
hoses and tubes, whether transparent or not, PVC and plastic1 water supply items and
( 1 1 ) Tubes, pipes and hoses of rubber, w ~ t hor *ithout then ftttlngs (for example,
jolnts, elbows flanges);
(iii) Conveyor-transmission or elevator belts or belting of rubber whether combined
with any textile material or otherwise;
(v) Articles of apparel and clothing accessorles (~ncluding gloves) for all
purposes, of rubber; and
First sale."; 19. 'Wireless reception and transmission equipments, instruments and apparatus
including car radios, walkie talkie, transmission and reception apparatus for radio telephony,
radio-telegraphy, radio broadcasting radar apparatus, radio navigational aids apparatus
and radio remote control apparatus, electrical valves, transistors, amplifiers, loud speakers
and receivers.
Srrrelary lo (;o~~errrrire~rl,
Law Departrrte~lt.
Governor on the i l s t May 2000 and is hereby published for general information:-
Ail Act ft~rtlterto amend the Tmrtil Nrrrlu Gettern1 Sn1t.s T(1.r Act. 1959.
! BI: it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil.Nadu in the Fifty-first Year
! of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) Short,t$lq.pnd
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may,
- by notification,
lit Nadu
2. In section 36 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959,-
(1) to sub-section (1-A), the following proviso shall be added, namely:-
of sectmn
" vt*
P "Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may, within a further period of thirty days, admit r
b 3
a memorandum of cross-objections filed after the expiration of the first mentioned period of
sixty days, if it is satisfied that the officer empowered under sub-section ( 1 ) or the person
against whom an appeal has been preferred, as the case may be, had sufficient cause for not
filing the memorandum within the first mentioned period."; I
(2) in sub-section (2), for the expression "shall be accompanied by such fee", the
expression "the appeal shall be accompanied by such fee" shall be sub!itituted.
Br it enazted b y the Legislative Assembly of the State o f Tamll Nadu in the F~fty-firstYear
of the Republlc o f I n d ~ aas follows:--
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Flfth Amendment) SI~ortI I I I C '
COIllIlIcIlcc- '
( 2 ) ((I) Sectlon 2 shall be deemed to have come ~ n t oforce on t l ~ e1st day of A p r ~ l . "'""'
ZLI I as the pr~llclpalAct), sub-section ( 1 ) shall be renumbered as clause ( a ) of that sub-sect~onand 'w"''n
1')") after clause (a) as s o renumbered, the f o l l o w ~ n gclause shall be ~nserted,namely:--
I "(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause ( a ) , evdry dealer (other than a I 1
casual trader or agent of a non-resldent dealer) whose total turn-o\ er for a year exceeds three
lakhs ol'rupees but does not exceed ten lakhs o f rupees shall not be liable to pay tax on the
first three lakhs o f rupees of his total turn-over, p r o v ~ d e dthat no amount by way of tax o r
purporting to be by way of tax has been collected by him under this Act In respect o f that first
three lakhs of rupees.".
spec~fiedin the Tenth Schedule:
Provided that where a dealer has paid the tax under this sub-sectlon ~n respect of
a part~cularname and type of lottery t ~ c k e t sof a particular State and for a particular draw,
the tax In respect of the sale of such lottery tickets, by any other dealer or any person in this ~
State llable to pay tax under this Act shall be deemed to have been paid under this Act.
( 2 ) The dealer shall pay the tax under sub-section ( l ) , thtrty days prlor to the draw
~n such manner as may be prescr~bed.
( 3 ) A dealer liable to pay tax under sub-sect~on( 1 ) shall not collect any amount by
way of tax or purporting to be by way of tax on the sale o f lottery t~ckets.".
4. In section 12 of the principal Act,-- I
of section
( 1 ) in sub-sect~on( I ) . - -
"Provided that subject to the provlslons of clause ( b ) and the provisions of sub-
section (I-A), a dealer whose total turn-over 111 a year does not exceed one crore o f rupees
! 44 t ,. TAMIL NADU G O V E R N M E N T G A Z E T T-
! -- -
may make a self-assessment for that year suhjcct to the c o n d ~ t ~ uthat
n he gets h ~ saccounts
audited and certified by a Chartered Accou~lta~lt
and sub~nitsto the assessing authorit)! a copy
of the audited and cert~flcdstatement of accounts and such other statements, as nlay he
prescr~bed,on or before thi: 30th day of September of the succeed~ngyear, And such reiurn so
filed by him shall be accepted without calling for the accounts.
(aa) The provisions of clause (a) and sub-section ( I - A ) shall apply to the
assessments for the financial years, commencing on the 1st day of April 1999.";
( b ) in clause (b), in item (iv) for the expression "second proviso to clause (a)", the
expression "proviso to clause (a)" shall be substituted;
of F ~ r s t
"(1-A) otwitl~standinganything contained in the proviso to clause (a) of sub-
( I ) , twenty er cent of tile total nunlber of such assessments shall be selected by the
Cornm~ssionerin s ~ c l imanner as nlay be prescribed for the purpose of detailed scrutiny
regarding the corre tness of the return submitted by the dealer in this connection and in such
cases, final assessment orders shall be passed In accordance w ~ t hthe provisions of this Act.".
5. In the First Schedule to the principal Act, in PART-B, item 43 and the entries relating
thereto shall be, om~tted.
Insertion of 6. After the Ninth Schedule to the principal Act, the following Schedule shall be added,
S c ~ c r e f ~to
r yGo~~eriintent,
Law Dc~prrr.tnlenr.
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Sixth Amendnyent) Short trtle
Act, 2000. and com-
(2) ( a ) The provisions of this Act. except sub-clause (0)of clause (2) of section 2
shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April 2000.
(b) Sub-clause (a) of clause (2) of section 2 shall be deemed to have come into
force on the 1 lth day of April 2000.
1m1lNadu 2 . In the First schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment
ACI I of of First
referred to as the principal Act),-- Schedule.
II (o) items 1-AA and 2-B and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
( h ) the following item and entries shall be added at the end, namely:-
(2) in PART-B,-
(a) for item,ll and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
shall be substituted, namely:-
( b ) items 46-A, 47-A and 71 and the entries relating thereto shall be omiirted; I
(c) after item 86 and the entries relating thereto, the following items and
entries shall be added, namely:;
"87. Head cleaners in any 'form, and parts and accessories (including ribbons) of First sale.
electronic goods falling under items 18 and 75 of Part-B, items 18,49,54,55,56,57,58,59,60
and 61 of Part-C and items 18 and 19 of Part-DD of this Schedule. , I: *
. ,
I I /
(i) Transformers (Power and Control) (Step down froin 230 V to less thah 100 Y 'of
power rating not eyceed_i'3;8,$fiP ye), I(,ij,f,Ry~+,,poqy{~t5a,aqformers
'f '
ylless than, $00V),
(iii) lnverted transformers, (iv) Isolation transformers. (v) Rectifier transformers, (vi) ferro
- Ir&milntrltra~~rsjc$~~hYne&er t ~ f o r m e r s j ~ l e s s ~ ~ t50h aVA), n (viii) Fly back
transfor$serslline~&utpu~.~tmtllsfomqrs/Extra high tedsion transformers, (ix) Main 'fdter
I itransfarm& jB(k+ti'kirib<rctfavrii
I trmsfdrrfiar~, (xi)!rTxxoida.i cdre transfomers rand 1R;Cdre
46 -
( 3 ) in PART-(',--
( h )for lterns 62 and 63 and the entrics relatlng thereto, the followlng Items and entrles
shall be subst~tuted,namely.-
I First sale.
Flrst sale
133 C'eramlc brlcks
( 5 ) ln ,?APT-DD,-- ;, , , [ I ~ 1J rI j3 2 f I l # ~ ~ , , l ,A
'Y i '
First sale."; "2. (i) Aerated waters including soft drlnks whether tinned, canned, bottled, packed
or otherwise, whether or not flavoured orsweetened, the maximum retail price of which IS
below rupees twenty nine per litre. , I , ( , %
Exp1anrrtion.- The above goods when sold in quantities k s s than one I~tre,the maximum
retail price shall be arrived at proportionately for a litre and when it is below rupees twenty
nine, it shall fall under this item.
Sub-ltems (1) and (li) sold under brand name whether such brand IS registered under
the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958) or not.
( h )after ltrm 19 and the entries relatlng thereto, the followlng items and entries shall
be added, namely:-
,I >.
First sale. "20. Ceramic sanitary wares and sanirary fittings of every description including sinks,
wash basins, wash basln pedestals, baths, showers, bic'ets, water closet pans, flush~ngcrsterns,
urinals, commodes, man-hole covers used in connection wlth drainage and sewerage disposals,
parts and accessories thereof.
1 F~rstsale. 21. Electrical appl~ances(domestic and con~mercial)namely:-
1 ( i ) Coffee roasting appliances, ( i i ) cooking ranges, (iii) Cream whippers. curd makers
and egg beaters, (iv) Floor polishers, ( v ) Frying pans, sauce pans, kettles and toasters,
(vi) Geysers, water heaters, boilers and ilnn~ersionheaters, (vii) Grinders (other than wet grain
! #.,
grinders specified elsewhere in the Schedule) mixers and blenders, (viii) I-lair driers, hair
curlers. permanent W ~ V I I apparatus
I ~ and curling tong beaters, (ix) I-lot plates, grillers, boiling
plates. plate warmcrs. food warming trays, food warming trolleys and hot food cabinets.
(x) Ice-cream churners, ( X I ) trons, (xti) Juice extractors, ( X I I ~ )Massage apparatrls, (xiv) ovens
a~lci nilcrowave ovens, ( x v ) room heaters, (xvi) Shavers, sharpeners, (xvii) Steamers,
coffee-makers (inciuding percolators), cookers, egg boilers, ( x v i i ~ )Vacuum cleaners,
( X I XVend~ng
) machines, (xx) Washing machines, drying machines (whether ot not sold as a
composite unit), (xxi) parts and accessories of all goods mentioned in sub-items (i) to (xx)
E.~plcrnntionI.-All the abo. e goods notwithstanding that they contain electronic circuits,
switchings or control device systems shall be deemed to be electrical appliances (domectic and
23. Glass and Glassware of all sorts (other than those specified elsewhere in the ~ i r ssale.
Schedule) including-
.,' *j?ji*,*
. . d l
I - a I / , 1 ,
(i) Flat glass, including sheet glass, wi!ed glass and rolled glass whether in the form *
, 1' 1-
of p~at&bliss,figlired&k'i 6r'id'hny othei hth; co~&ib$'~lilk$;cooleg giiss, todghened glass, .
(ii) Laboratory gfasswares, hygienlc or pharmaceutical glasswares (whether or not
graduateP:ar,.calibggt@ a d ,miqo.~lides); , it7 , bill,! a s , s J q
(iii) Glass sheet, glass globes and chimneys for lamps and lanterhs;
,t * r .,I ( , r z ; ;f I.
, ~ ( 6 ) l i nRARTrE,
' ~ items 3,5,6,7,11 , I 11-A and sub-item (w) of,iCerp $18 a q d ~ t b eentries
selaESnq thereto shall be omitted; , II!' ,
' 0 I ,l: I I , ,
, (7) in PART-G,-
, , ((I) itoms 11 and 12 and the entries reJatlng there@, shall $beomhtted; ,
(b) after Item 19 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
1 8 : 1 ' s f , L 'I
ExpJanation -The above goods when: sold in quantities less, than one Iltre, the
maximum retail price shall be arrtved at propartionately for a liire and when it IS rupees
I twenty- nine and above they shall fall under this ]tern.
Amendment 3. In the Third Schedule, to the principal Act, ~n PART-B.-
I of Third
I Schedule.
I ( i ) for item 6 and the entrles relating thereto, the following items and entries shall
be substituted, namely:-
"6. Fresh milk, pasteurised milk and directly reconstituted milk.";
(ii) for item 32 and the entries relat~ngthereto, the fillowing item and entries shall
be substituted, namely:- 1
"32. Electrical hearing-aids and hearing-aid cords.";
(3) after item 104 and the entries relating thereto, the following items and entries shall
be added, namely:-
"105. Vinca rosea (Nithya Kalyani) leaves and roots.
k (xix) Kondis
(XX) L. Brackets
(xxi) Mookanam Kayiru Chains
(xxii) Nembu
(xxiii) Spoons made of steels -Q
(xxiv) T.Thappal
(xxv) Vandi Pattai
(xxvi) Vandi Acchu
(xxvli) Vasakkal Brackets.
I 107. Braided Cords
'08. Sugarcandy and Burasugar
109. Masala powder in all ~ t sforms whether or not with oil 01 other additives, sold
without a brand name.
110. Vegetable vathal like sunda vathal, brlnjal vathal, kothavarangal vathal,
nianathakkali vathal. thanlarai vathal and vathal of all klnds solcl without the brand name.
1 1 1. Tamil daily sheet calendars. b
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Leg~slat~ve Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 31st May 2000 and is hereby publrshed for general 111fc1rniation:-
1. ( 1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tzx (Seventh Amendment) Short tltlr and
Act, 2000. commence
(2) (a) Section 3 shall be deemed to have come into force on tqe 1st day of April 2000.
( h ) Section 2 shall come into force on such date as the S ate (3overnmenr, may, by
notification, appoint.
f frail Nodu
referred to as the principal Act),- i
2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales T x Act, 1959 (hereinafter
(1)in PART-A, after item 4 and the entries relatlng thereto, the following iten1 and
~ ~ ~ " d m ~ l - '
of Flrst
((1) in item 79, after sub-item (ii), the following sub-item shall be inserted,
(b) for item 82-A and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries,
shall be substituted. namely:-
"82-A. Waste paper. purchase.".
(3) in PART-D, after item 65 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and First Sale.".
entries, shall be inserted, namely:-
Ame~dment 3. In the Third Schedule to the principal Act, in Part-B, in item 81, for the expression "The
of rhird following, for sale, by any dealer whose total turnover does not exceed Rs.100 crores in a !
year", the expression "The following goods. for sa1e.b~any dealer whose turnover in respect
of the goods in each sub-item does not exceed rupees three hundred crores in a year" shall be
S L ' C ~ ~ ~to
I CGosernn~cnt,
Law Depcrrfment.
*.;. I
!(MP) IV-2 Ex. ( 3 5 9 ~ 3 - 3 .
T h e Following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legtslatlve Assembly received the assent of the
1"-" ' I-n
G n v ~ r n n ron the 28th November 2000 and i s hereby nubllshetl for general information:-- i
I BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamrl Nadu in the Fifty-first Year o f
the Republtc o f Indta a s follows:-
Short trtle and 1 . ( 1 ) T h i s Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Eighth Aniend-
i ment) Act, 2000.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 26th day of July 2000.
Amendrncnt of 2. In section 7-C of the Tamtl Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (heletnafter IJ~";I
the prtncrpal Act). - I' yo
( 1 ) in sub-sectron ( 1 ). for the expresston "on the total value o f the works contract
executed by htm In a year", the expression "ettlier on the total value of each works contract or
on the total value of all works contract, executed by h ~ mIII a year" shall be substituted;
"(3) where a dealer has exerctsetl hrs optron under sub-sectron (I).-
in respect of each works contract, such option shall be final till the coniple-
tion of such works contract;
( h ) in respect of all works contract, such option shall b e final for that finan-
cial year.".
((I) in clause (a), for the proviso, the following provisos shall b e substituted,
"Provided that >ubject to the provrsions o f sub-sectron (1-A). a dealer whose total
turnover does not c cecd twenty lakhs of rupees per year, shall make a self-assessment for
that year and the ret Irn Stled by hrm shall be accepted wrthout calling for the acco~lnts:
Provtded furtliqr that subject to the provls~onsof sub-section ( I - A ) , a dealer whose total
turnover in a year exceeds twenty lakhs of rupees but does not exceed one crore o f rupees,
shall make a self-assessment for that year subject to the condttrons that he gets his accounts
audited and certified by a Chartered Accountant and submlts to the assessing authorrty a copy
of the audlted and certlfted statement o f accounts and such other statements, a s may be
prescribed, on or before the 30th day of September o f the succeeding year, and such return so
filed by him shall be accepted without c a l l ~ n gfor the accounts.";
ol' section
4. In s e c t ~ o n3 1 of the prtnctpal Act, In sub-sectton ( I ) , in the second provtso, for the
i 31 expression "t~wenty-five per cent", the expresston "twelve and a half per cent" shall be
5. In section 3 1-A of the princ~palAct, in sub-section ( I ) , in the second proviso, for the Amndment
6. (1)The Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Eighth Amendment) Ordinance. 2000 is
nanC"C'ereby repealed.
( 2 ) Notwithstanding such repeal. anything done or any action taken under the principal
Act. as amended by the said Ordinance, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the
principal Act, as amended by this Act.
Secrctrrv to Govi?rnmmt,
L ( I MDe,nczrtnrent.
The follow~ngAct of the Tam11Nadu Legislat~veAssenlbly rece~vedthe assent of the
t Governor on the 5th December 2000 and is hereby publ~sheafor general information:--
I At1
ACT No. 38 OF 2000.
Actf'irrtltci. to czi?lc.r7tlthe Tamil N c d ~Genei.cll Stilts Tux A c t , 1959.
Bt. it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-first
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
k 1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Ninth Amendment) Short title and
B Act, 2000.
(2) ( n ) Section 2 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of
June 2000.
( b )Section 3 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 6th day of July
Nadu Act 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 Amendment of
1959 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act),- First Schedule.
( a ) for item 41 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
( b ) after item 88 and the entries relating thereto, the following items
and entries shall be added, namely:-
(2) in Part-C,-
( c ) after item 66 and the entries relating thereto, the following items
and entries shall be added, namely:-
68. PVC pipes, tubes and fittings of all \.ar ietie:; including
flexible and rigid pipes, hoses and tubes, whether trans-
parent or not. I'VC and plastic water supply Items and
sanitaryware. F~rstsale.";
( h ) atier item 27 and the entries relating thereto, the following iten1 and
entries shall be added, namely:--
First sale.";
(4) in Part-E, item 1 2 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.
Amendment of 3 . In the Seventh Schedule to the principal Act, after item 5 and the entries relating
Seventh thereto, the following items and entries shall be added, namely:-
"6. Raw rubber.
7. Marbles.".
Secretrrry to Goverr~mcwt,
kr The followiqg Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 3rd December 2000 and is hereby published for general information:--
1 An Act further. to crnzrntl the Trrnlil Ntrdlr Genc>rtrlS(11e.s Trrx Act, 1959.
Bt it enacted by the Legislative Assembly o f the State o f Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-first
--: $
Year of the Republic of India a s follows:--
1. (1) This Act may b e called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Tenth Shorttitleand
Amendment) Act, 2000. commence-
(2) (a) Clause ( I ) , clause (2). clause (3), clause ( 4 ) in so far as it relates to
Rect~fieds p i r ~ tand Transmission Towers, and clause (5), of section 2
I shall be deemed to have come into force on the 10th day of Augi~st2000.
( c ) Section 3 shall be deemed to have come Into force on ,he 14th day
of August 2000.
In the Flrst Schedule to the l'amll Nadu General Sale: Tax Act, 1959 Amendlnelit to
(heremafter referred to as the prlnc~palAct),- I lrs~Schedulc ,
(1) in P A R [ - B for
, Item 44 and the e n t r ~ e srelatlng thereto, t11e follow~ngItem
and entrles shall be substituted, namely -
"29 Uectlf~cdsp11it.
tl~ct,to, the following
F ~ r s tsale "
-30. l'ral~sn~issiun
'l'o\ver~. 1:irst sale.
Amendment of
( I ) for the expresslon "item I-A of PART-A",the expression "Item 1 of
-%I1 shall be substituted;
Sec.r.etary to Govt~r~~lr~~crit.
Law Depnrrrnent
The following Act of the Tam11 Nadu L e g ~ s l a t ~ vAssembly
e rece~vcdthe assent of
the G o v e r ~ ~ oorn the 4th December 2000 and I S hereby p~~blisIi~:d for general
I. This Act may be called the Tanill Naclu Genela1 Sales l a x ( E everth Amendment) 4ho11 I I I I C
Act, 2000.
. .I \ ~ C ~ L A
I L ~ 2. In section 12 of the Tarn11Nadu Cieneral Sales Tax Act, 1959. ~nsub-sect~on( 1 ), ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ,,,t i ~ ~ , , ~
1 1 5 ) In clause (a), after the second provlso. the follow~ngprovlso shall kc added, namely:- \ ~ ~ l l o I2
"Provided also that copy of the audited and certified state of accounts and
other prescribed statements, for the financlal year commencing 1st day of April
1999 shall b e submitted to the assessing authority on or the 31st day of
December 2000.". !
to G'over-nment.
Law Deprrr.tnzcrr t.
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 5th December 2000 and is hereby published for general
ACT No. 4 1 OF 2000.
An Act jlrr.thei to (~tt~elrtl
t11~'T(zt?111N [ I ( / ~GI S I I C I YS(IIC'J
I ~ T(1.y Act. 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu In the Fifty-first
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Twelfth shorttitle
Amendment) Act, 2000.
I ~ r ; i ~ 'lc a d u 2. In section 12 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act,1959, ~n sub-sectlon Amendment of
1'1 I ot ( I ) , in clause (a), for the second proviso, the following proviso shall be subst~tuted, Sect1On 12
5 namely:-
"Provided further that subject to the provisions of sub-section (I-A), a dealer
whose total turnover in a year exceeds twenty lakhs of rupees but does not exceed
one crore of rupees, shall make a self-assessment for that year subject to the conditions
that he gets his accounts,-
(i) in respect of the goods manufactured and sold by him, audited and
certified by a Chartered Accountant or by a Cost Accountant;
(ii) in respect of other goods, audited and certified by a Chartered
and submits to the assessing authority a copy of the audited and certified statement
of accounts and such other statements, as may be prescribed, on or before the 30th
day of September of the succeeding year, and such return so filed by him shall be
accepted without calling for the accounts.".
(By order of the Governor)
Secretary to Government,
Law Department.
1. (1)This Act may br: called the Tamil Nadu Gencral Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, Short litlc and
( 2 ) (a) The provi:iions of this Act, except sub-clause (m) of clause (3) of
section 2 shall bc deemed rcl have come into force on the 18th day of August 2001.
( 6 ) Sub-clahse(m)of clause (3) of section 2 shall be deemed to have come into
force on the 16th day of August 200 1.
'. 2 . In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter
referred to as tbe principal Act),-
Amendment of
(1) PART-Aand all items and entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(2) in PART-B ,-
(a) item 3-A and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
( b )for item 7 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
shall be substituted, name1y:-
"7. Biscuits which are dot branded . First sale.*;
(c) items 7-A, 10 and 10-A and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(4for item 12 and the entries relating thereto, the fcllowing item and entries
shall be substituted, namely;-
" 12. (i) Cattle feed supplements and concentrates Firs! sale.";
(ii) Flour of grams.rice and ragi mixed with spiccdmasala powder sold
with or without brand name
h ) for itern 22-Eand thc entries relating thercro, the following item and entries
sl1311 bc substit~rted,namely:-
"22-E.(i) Fried groundnut Kernal
(ii) Parched gram or fried gram
( i ) sub-item (i) of item 30, items 3 1,4743; 50 and 53 and the entries relating
thercto shall he o n ~ i ~ r e d ;
94. Manmadestaple fibres, fibre yam, filament yam and wasteofany orthem. Firs1 salt.
(a) b item 16,aftcr sub-item(xii), the following sub-itcm and entries relating
thereto, shall be added, 11arne1y:-
"(xiii) All other dyes not specified elsewhere in the Schedule.";
(b) in item 17, for the expression "Fluorescentligbting tubes", the expression
"compact fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lighting tubes" shall be substituted;
(c) for item21 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
shall be substituted, namely:-
"2 I . Footwear other than those specified in the Third Schedule. Firs1 5311
(d) in item 22, in the Explanalion-1, for the expression "3 in Palt-DM,[he
expression" 32 in Part-DD" shall be substitutcd;
(e) items 24 and 27 and the entries relating thereto shall be ornilled;
(fl in item 30,after sub-item (vi) and befare !tie proviso thereunder, the
following sub-item sball be inserted, namely:-
"(vii)Printing, writing, tclcprintcr, typewriting, manifnld and bol~dpaperand
computer stationery of all kinds.";
(g) for item 3 1 and the entries 'relating thereto, the following item and enrries
shall be substituted, namely:-
Ij)in item 4 1, for the expression "all kinds",the expression "all kinds, parts and
accessories thereof and needles used therewith" shall be substituted; -
(1) for item 46 and the entries reIating thereto, the following item and entries.
shall be substituted, namely:-
"46. (i) Parts and accessories, ihcluding fare meters but excluding batteries, Firs1 sale.";
tyres, tubes and flaps of two wheeIers and three wheelers specified in itcm 66 o f f ART-DD
of the Schedule.
(m)in item 52, for sub-items (iv) to (vii) and the entries relating thereto, the -
"(iv) all printed materials other tban those specified in sub-items (i) to (iii)
above, whether made ofpaper, paper board or other materials like account books, registers,
order books, receipt books, memorandum pads, folders, file covers, book covers, greeting
cards and invitation cards of all kinds and irade mark labels including those materials
(p) after item 68 and the entries relating thereto, the follohing items and entries
shall be added, namely:-
First salt.
72. Dumpers, loaders, scrapers, crawler tractors, excavators, bull dozers and Firsl sale.
wheel dozers.
73. Toffccs, confcctionery and chocolates which are not branded. First sale.
74 Tyres (includingpneurnatic tyres, radial tyres), tubes and flaps ordinarily First sale.";
used for tractors except crawler tractor and trailer of tractors.
( 6 )in PART-DD,-
"(ii) Paver finishers, dragnets, dredgers, road rollers and other similar varieties
of niachincry of which a mechanically propeIled vehicle forms an integral part (other than
rl~oscspccilictl clsci-~hcrein the Schedule).
- I
. (b) for item 15 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries
s h a l be substituted, naniely :--
"15. Rubber latex compound aadrubberproducts (excluding pharmaceutical and First salc.":
surgical products), namely:-
(i) Compound rubber, unwlcanised, in primary fornrs or in plates, sheets or
(ii) Other forrns (like rods, tubes andprofile shapes) and articles (far example
discs and ~ g ofsrubber).
(iii) Rubber thread and cord.
(iv) Plates, blocks, sheets, strips, rods and protile shapes of rubber.
(v, T:lbes, pipes and hoses ofrubber with or withow their fittings (for example,
joinrs, elbows, flanges).
(vi) Conveyor, transmission or elevator belts or beJting of rubber whether
combined with any textile material or otherwise.
(vii) interchaugeable tyre treads (Tread rubber).
(viii) Article* of apparel and clothing accessories (including glovcs) for all
purposes of rubber.
(ix) Hardened rubber (far axampleebonite) in all forms, including wasteand
scrap and vricles of hard lubber.
(x) Other articles of rubber.";
(c) lorilml9snd ilrcenhie~rclatia~
thereto, the following items and ennisr B a l l
be substituted, namely:-
"29. ELhyl alcohol, absolute aicolol, methyl iiicoh01, rectified spirit, neutral
spirit and denatured spirit.
(d) after item3 1 and the entiiesrelatingthereto,the following items and en*es
shall be added, namely:-
"32. Asphalt @itlua&) Fiisr salt."
34. Tofl'ees, confectioneryamd chocolates which aresoldunder abrand name. i'irst salc.
35. Biscuits which are soId under a brand name. PirSt salt.
36. ~olts,nutsmdrivets, threaded or tapped and screws ofbase metal or alloys Firsr sale.
theroof, bclu&g bolt end, screw studs, screw studding, self-tapped screw, screw hooks,
s m w rings and screw eye and hooks and (i) clamps ofall kinds (ii) cotter pins of all kinds
. (iii) valvesof all kinds including pressure relief valves and conlrol valves (iv)washers of
. dl kinds (Y) perforaed sheet of any mcml or material.
37. Brake fluid.
38. (i) Branded, processed and packed fresh meat, poulny, fish,sea food
Fint salt.
Firs1 salc.
i and cggs.
(ii) Branded and packed fresh vegetables and fruits.
First salt.
(i) Soda ash (ii) Bleachingpowder (iii) Sodium bi-carbonate(iv) SodiumhydrosuIphite '
Fint sale.
(v) Sulphate of alumina (vil Sodiumnitrate(vii) Sodium acetate (viii) Sodium sulphate (ix)
Acidslurry (x) Trisodiurnpho~ph~l, f c "ntripolyphosphace(xii) Sodiumsilicatc(xiii)
Sodium metasilizate(xiv) Carboxy methyl cellulose (xv) Sodium sulphide (xvi) Acetic Acid
(xvii) Sodiumbi-sulpbite (xviii) Oxalic acid(xix) Sodiumthio-sulphate (xx) Sodium sulphite
(xxi) Sodium alginate(xxiij Benzene (xxiii) C i h c a cid (xxiv)Djethy lcne glycol (xxv) Sodium
nitrate (xxvi) Hydrogen perdxide(xxvii) Acetaldehyde(xxviii) Pentamyhiotol(xxix) Sodium
alpba olefin sulphonate (axx) Sodium ionnate ( x x x i ) All ocher chemicals not specified
elsewhere in the Schedule.
43. Electrical goods of all kinds (other than those specified elsewhere in this
Schedule) used in the gdneration, traosmission, distribution or in connection with che
Fimt salt.
First salc
consumptionof elecfricity includhg all kind5 ofwires and cables, empire clothandempire
sleeves, holders, plugs, switches, casings, tappings, reapers, bends, junction boxes,
coupling boxes, meter boxes, switch boxes, fuse switch boxes, dishbution boxes, power
meters, meter boards, switchboards, wooden plugs (gettis), lightning arrestors, e l e c ~ c a l
earthenware and porcelain-ware, ports and accessories of all such goods.
44. Fumacas and boilers of all types including fluidizedb e d b i l a andignifluid Fint salt.
boilers andboilersusing agriculturalwasteas fuel but not including b o i l e r s u s i n g ~ c i p a l
waste only as fuel.
45. (i) ~raniteblacks (rough or raw) First salt. '
(ii) Polished granite slabs, including t&b stones, r n o k e n t slab and head
46. Handmade soap of a11kinds (bothbathing and washing) including soap flakes, F i n t salt..
powder, liquids and detergents but excluding shampoo and metal polishers in any form.
48. Locks of all kinds and varieties except bicycle Iocks. Fimt salt.
49. Machineries of all kinds (other than-those specifically mentioned in this First sale..
Schedule) worked by (i) ElecQ-icity(ii) Nuclearpower(iii) Hybo-dpamicaodskeampower
(iv) Dicscl orpebol(v) FurnaceoiI (vi) Kerosene (vii) Coal includingcokeandcharcoal(viii)
any other form of fuel orpower (excIudinghuman or animal labour) {ix)Partsand accmorics
of machineries and tools used with the machineries mentioned in sub-items (i) and (viii)
50. Mercury.
57. Railcoacbes, wagons, containers for the transport offluids, olher rail coaches jCirsl .:aIc.
specially designed for specific purposcs and rail locomatives, parts and accessories
thereof. '
59. Rubber of synthetic origiq including butadicne acrylonitrile rubber, styrene Firs1 sdc.
butadiehe rubber and butyl rubber, synthetic rubber latex, including pre-vulcanised
synthetic rubber latex.
60. (i) Ships, steamers, motor and steam boats and launches, trawlers, tugs, First sale,
submarines, oil tankers and other vessels operated by any form ofpower, including their
hulls, engines, parts and accessories thereof.
(ii)Barges andcanoesandsimilarvessels not coming under sub-item(i) above.
61. Squashes and essences. F~rsrsalc.
64. Suit cascs, brief cases, attache casei, despatch cases, valiity bags, vanity v i r s ~sdc.
cases and vanity boxes (other than those specified elsewhere in the Schedule].
ExpJonation - Vanity bag, vanity case and vanily box mean a bag, a case or a box
holding a mirror and cosnletics or toileEies.
65. Sulphur. Firs1 salc.
66. (i) Thrce wheelers by whatever name known including autorikshaws, chassis Firs1 snlc-
ofantorickshawsand othcr three wheelers, bodies clr tankers, built or meant For mounting
on three wheeler chassis belonging to others (on the turnover relating ro bodies).
(ii) Motor cycles, motor cycle combinations, motor scooters, motor scooter
combinations. molorettes and mopeds.
68. Water meters, gas merers, industrial thermometers. pads and accessories First sale.
69.Welding electmdes, graphite electrodes. welding rods ofall kinds, including First salc.
brazen rods and soldering wires.
70. Wet grain grinders worked by any form of power, other than human labour
(Whether or not sold as a composite unit, wit11or without motors), parts and accessories
of such grinders.
(7) in PART-2, aftcr item 2, Ihc iollowing itcm and enlrics shall be added, namely:-
"3. Synthetic gem. Firs! salc.";
- .
(3)In thc Second Schedule to the principal Act, in sub-itern (b) of item 7, for the Arncndmtnl of
figure "2" in column (41, the figure "4"shall br substituted. Second
4. In the Third Schedule to the principal Act, in PART-B,- Arncndmtnl of
( 1 ) in item 8, for the expression "milo and maize", the expression "andmilo" Schedule.
shall be subs,ituted;
(2) item 47 and entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(3) fur item 73 and ~ h entries
c relating thereto, the fcllowing itcmand tlIc -ntries
shall be substituted, namely:-
"73. Non-pressure kerosene stoves arid parts and accessories of kerosene
stoves. ";
(4) in item 8 1 , sub-item (e) and the entries relaling thereto shall be omitted;
(5) in item 106, after sub-itern(xxvii) and the enrries relating thereto, the following
sub-itcms and entries relating thereto shall be nddded, namely:-
"(xxviii) lron Vadai chatti
(xxix) iron adtippu
" 1 13. Footwear with MRP ]'ate of less than rupees one h u ~ l d r e d .
115. Hand pumps used for the supply and dis~ributionof water. parts and
accessories thereof. ".
Seer-einry to Governn~enr.
Lnlv Depnr-rtt~et~t.
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received theassent ofthe
Governor on the 25 th September 2001 and is hereby published for general informaiion:-
An Acr J I I - C I I P ~ to amend rhe Tamil Nadri General Su1r.s Tnx Acl. 1959.
BE iL enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Statc of Tamil Nadu in the
Fifty-second Year ofthe Republic of India as follows:--
I (1) This Act may be caIled the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Second Short tide and
Amendment) Act, 200 1. con\mcncc-
(2) It shail be deemed to have come into force on the 28th day of August 2001.
2. In the First Schcdulc to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment of
referred to as the principal Act).--
((I) for ilem 18 and thc entries relating Lheretcr, thc following item and entries
shall be substituted, namely:-
" 18 Computers, personal, mini, maififrames and laptops of analog and digitaI
varielies including Automatic Teller Machines, their hardware and peripherals like rn0de.m
and speakers, key board, monitor, mouse, CPU, floppies nf all sizes, cartridge tape drives,
CD ROM drives, U A T d. ives, hard disc Iike printers of dot matrix, ink jet and laser, line,
:inc-matrjx,scanners, m111timedia kits, plotters, computer consumables including DAT
[apes, printer ribbons, printcrcarhidges and cartridge tapes and computer cleaning kits.";
( b ) for item 82-A and the entrits relating thereto, the following item and
zntric: shall be substituted, namely:--
"82-A.Waste paper and waste of paper board. ~ a s purchase.";
( c ) itcm 85 and the enhies relating thereto shall be omitted;
(4 after item 95 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be added, namely:--
"96. Agarbathi and camphor First sale.";
(2) in PART-C, item 1-Band the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(2) in PART-D,item 9 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(4) in PART-J, in ilem 2, the expression "or tobacco" shall be omitted;
3. In the Third Schedule to the principal Act, in Part-B,-- Arnend~cntof
. Third
( I ) for items 35 and 35-A and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted, namely:-
(2) In itenl72, for sub-item (iii) and the cntries reIating thereto, 1l1c following
sub-item and entries shall be substituted, namely:--
"(iii) Parts and accessories including wicks and chimncys of sub-ikms
(i) and (ii) above.".
Srcr-ernry to Govenrntenr.
Lnlv Depnrrmetrr.
- PRINTED AND PUCll.lSllbI) UY 'I'HE DIRECTOH 11F S'l'h IlOKlJHY AN11 llltlK'I'lN1;, ~'1ll~i~Nhl
. --
LatestLaws.com 1
- -A- -- - --
The following Act of the 'Tam11 Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the1
Governor on the 18th April 2002 a i ~ d1s hereby published for general information:--
Bc it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of 'TabnilNadu in the Fifty-third Year of
the Republic of India as follows:--
I. (1 ) 'This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Genelal Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 2002. Short title
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on t11e 29th day of November 2001. commence
"' ' 2. In section 12 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred to
as the principal Act), in sub-sect~on( I ), in clause (a),-
of sectio~
( i ) in the second proviso, for the expression "30th day of September", the expression
"31st day of October" shall be substituted;
( i i ) after the third proviso, the following proviso shall be added, namely:-
"Provided also that copy of the audited and certified statement of accounts and other
prescribed statements, fair the financial year commencing on the 1,st day of April 2000 shall
be submitted to the assessing authority on or before the 30th day of November 2001.".
Tamil Nadu 3. (1) The Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Third Amendment) Ordinance, 2001, is hereby Repeal and
Ordinance saving.
8 of 2001
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the principal '
Act, as amended by the said Ordinance, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the
principal Act, as amended by this Act.
Sccretc~ryto Governmettt.
LN MI Dc'~)~rt~nent.
b (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 21th day;of September
200 1. , .&,
2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax' Act. 1959,- Aniendmentrlf
in PART-C.- First 'ichedi~le
ti (a) in 'item 52. in the proviso. for the expres~ion"item 53 in Part-B", the
espression "item 30 in Part-C" shall be substituted:
(b) after item 74 and the entries relating thereto. the following item and
entries shall be added, namely:-
"75. Biscuits uhich are sold under a brand name. not registered under the First,&":
Trade and Merchandise Marks Act. 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958) excluding biscuits
imported from orher cour~irk s .
(2) in PART-D, for item 35 and the entries relating thereto, the following
item and entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"35. (i) Biscuits which are sold under a trade mark registered under the Firstsale."
Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958);
(ii) Bisci~itsimported from other countries.".
l o (;ol'rrnt~tc~t~t,
L11\v D ~ ~ L I ~ I I I I ~ I I I .
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 75th V ay 2003 a d is hereby published for zeneral information:-
ACT No. 13 OF 2002.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of December
200 1.
Act 2 , in the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 Alnendmelltof
(hereinafter referred to as the principal Act),- First Schedule.
(1) in Part-B, in item 34-A, in the entries in column (2), the expression
"made wholly or partly of wool" shall be omitted;
(2) Part-D and the items and entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(a) for item 67 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and
entries shall be substituted. namely:-
"67. ( i ) Tyres including pneumatic tyres, tubes and flaps, ordinarily used with ~i,,t
power driven two wheelers, three wheelers, four wheelers and higher number of
wheelers (whether or not such tyres are also used for o t h d j purposes) other than
those specified elsewhere in the Schedule;
(ii) Tyres, tubes and flaps of animal drawn vehicles.
. .
(b) after item 70 and the entries relating thereto, the following items-'
and entries shall be added, namely:-
"71. Caustic soda First sale.
(ii) 'araffin wax of all grade standards other than food grade standard
including standard was and match wax.
(iii) Slack was.
7 3 . Pressure lamps. I. irst snlc
74. (i) Weighing machines of all kinds including platforni scales. weigli bridges. I:~rstsnlc
counter scales, spring balances. weighins scales and balances.
(ii) Dipping measures. metric pouring rnedstlres. conical measures and
cylindrical measures.
( i i i ) blerre scales. measuring tapes. steel lards and survey chains.
75.All other goods not specified elsewhere in any of the Schedules. 1'1rsis~~lc.".
( 4 ) in Part-JJ. for the heading "Goods which are taxable at thp -.ate of 50
per cent". the heading -.Goods which are taxable at the ratc -'
55 per cent" shall
be substituted.
Amendnient of 3. In the Third Schedule to the principal Act. in Part-B. item 92 and the
'I'hird entries relating thereto shall be omitted.
Secretrrry to Govrr~itneilt,
L t n ~LIe1)crrrment.
2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred to as the Substitution of
Act 1 of principal Act), for the First Schedule, the following Schedule shall be substituted, First Schedule.
(2) (3)
Goods which are taxable at the rate of 1 per cent
I. B~.:lion,that is to say, gold and silver in mass and uncoined, pure or alloy and First sale
sp cie including palaramarel silver and kora gold
2. Wornout or beaten jewellery I,ast purchase
First sale
3. Sqnthetic gem
Gooils ~vhicakure ta.lrahle at the rate of 4 per cent I
(ii) Camphor,
Explanation.-For th: purpose of this entry, in the case of bamboo purchased by [lie
forest contractors in the auction of forest coupes conducted by the Forest Department of
the Government sale by such contractors of such bamboo, in any form or size shall be
deemed to be the First sale and the sale by the Forest Department in such auction of Forest
coupes shall not be deemed to be the First sale.
First sale
(ii) Bakery products including biscuits and cakes sold without a brand name or
with a brand name nit registered under the Trade and Merchandise M.arks
Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958).
12. Cardamom - First purchase
(ij Purchased within the State,
First sale
(ii) Purchased froin outside the State.
13. (i) Cattle feed supplements and concentrates, First sale .
(ii) Poultry feed supplements and concentrateq.
18. ( I ) Computers. personal. mini. mainframes and laptops of analog and digital First sale
varieties including Automatic Teller Machines, their hardnarc and peripherals like modern
and speakers. key board. monitor, nlouse. CPU, floppies ot all sizes, cartridge tape drives,
CI) ROM drives. rlA'1- dri\es. hard disks. printers like dot ~natris,ink jet and laser. line,
line-matrix. scanners. ~nulti rnedia kits, plotters. computer consumables including DAT
tapes. print ribbons. printer cartricqes and cartridge tapes :u~tlcomputer cleaning kits.
( i i ) I.icenscd soli\vare. including 1.1- soft\i1are,
( i i i ) tSlectrc)riic ite~nsas notified by the Government.
10. C'!.clcs. bi-cycles. tric\,clcs including deli\:ery tri-c>clc.s. children tri-cycles and I'irst hale
cat-riagcs. ranclelll cycles. c>cle cornbinntions, parts and acr:cssories including tyres. tubes
anti flaps used tlicrc\iith. z!cle seat covers, cycle loch,. cyclc clqliamo lights and cqrle
37. (i) Jari ofall kinds includingmetallic yarn.metallic jari yarn. metallic plastic yarn. First sale
polyester film yam and radiant yarn,
(ii) Man made staple fibres, fibre yarn and flament yarn.
(iii) Sewing threads ofall kinds whether natural or artificial other than those falling
under sub-item (a) of item 3 of the Second Schedule but excluding surgical
sewing threads.
38. (i) Lemon grass oil, First sale
(ii) Laurel oil,
(iii) Ginger grass oil. I
39. Light roofing sheets obtained by immersing paper mat in bitumeil. First sale
40. Mosquito destroyers, insect killer devices including heating devices used with First :ale
insect repellant mats and mo~quitonets of all kinds.
First sale
4 1. Newsprint.
First sale
42. Oats.
First sale
43. Oil cakes including de-oiled cakes.
First sale
44. Packing materials, that is to say-
(i) Bottle caps of all type,
(ii) Empty gunny bags and condemned gunny bags,
(iii) H.1J.P.t. and PE Wuvril ALAS,
(iv) HDPEIPP woven strips. HDPE/PP circular strips and woven fabrics,
(v) Hessian c:ldth,
(vi) Jute bags which are laminated,
(vii) Jute twine,
(viii) Polythenc:: and plastic bags including LDPE plastic bags for milk pouches,
(ix) Tin Containers.
First salr
45. Palm fatty acid.
46. Patents. trade marks, import licences. exim scrips. export permits or licence or I:,~,,
quota and other goods of incorporeal or intangible character.
47 Peranlbulators including push chairs for babies and tyres. tubes and flaps used r:irst salt
48. Plastic raw ~naterials.
49. Pollution control equipments: namely:-- First sale
61. Sugar imported into India from foreign countries. First sale
62. Tanning materials, that is to say+) Arjuna bark (ii) Avaram bark (iii) Babul bark Last purchase
and pods (iv) Cashew extract (v) Cashew tests: (vi) Cashtan extract (vii) Chestnut
extract (viii) Cutch extract (ix) Dhawa leaves (x) Ghatbor nuts (xi) Karada bark
(xii) F'nnnam bark (xiii) Lycowat (xiv) Mangroves or Goran (xv) Mortand:!
.halam extract (xvii) Myrobalam nuts (xviii) Quebracho extract (xix)
Sarl: 1 Sal bark (xxi) Tamarind seed testa (xxii) Tanulux (xxiii) Wasub
(xxiv) Wattle bark (xxv) Wattle extract or mimosa extract.
63. Textile machinery. First sale
64. Toys of all kinds, other than those specified elsewhere. First sale
65. (i) Tractors of all kinds excluding crawler ractors, and articles excluding Ftrstsale
batteries adapted for use, generally as parts and accessories of tractors and
tools and implements used therewith,
(ii) Trailers of tractors of all kinds,
(iii) Combined harvester and transplanter,
66. Unlbrellas of all &lrrds including bcach and garde~ ut:ibteila~ folding first sale
umbrcilas and parts thereof.
I ..
'I'AMIId NAI)IJ (iOVIz,I<NMI,,NI GA;tl, I 1 1 ; l;X I I { / \ O I < I ) I , ~ ! ~ I \
_ _. - - -
-- - -
67. Vegetable oils of all kinds including refined vegetable oils other than those
specified elsewhere in this Schedule.
6 8 . Vegetable products including vanaspathi and ~nargarine.
Esplonufio11.-Vegetable products means any vegetable oil or fat. which whether by
itself or in admixture with any other substance. has by hydrogenation or by any other
process. been hardened for human consumption,
69. ' Wool in raw form (goat's hair and similar fibrous growth on bodies of animals) First
(ii) Parts and acct:ssories excluding batteries, tyres, tubes and flaps of two
wheelers and ttlrez wheelers specified in sub-items (i), (ii) and (iii) of item 22
of Pan D of the Schedule,
(iii) Tyres, tubes and flaps ordinarily used for tractors, trailer of tractors.
4. (i) Butter sold with a brand name First sale
(ii) Ghee.
5. . (i) Card board boxes, corrugated boxes and cartons,
(ii) Empty gas cylinders.
6. (i) Cashew with shell, First
(ii) Cashew nut kernels, that IS to say, raw. processed, roasted and salted First
kernels including their brokens.
7. (i) Cement flooring stones, slabs and all kinds of tiles other than those specified
elsewhere in the Schedule.
(ii) Ceramic bricks.
8. Chips of all kinds such as potato chips and coconut ~nilkpowder sold with a First
brand Qame but not registered under the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, i 958
(Central Act 43 of 1958).
9. (i) Coffee, that is to say, any one of the @rms of coffee such as coffee beans, salc
coffee seeds whether or not cured or roasted or decaffeinated, coffee powder.
excluding coffee drink.
(v) Tea, that is to say, any one of the forms of tea in which it is sold but not
including tea drink or green tea leaves,
(vi) Instant tea other than instant tea drirrk,
(vii) Tea waste other than denatured.
Dry cells, dry tell batteries, button celis, solar cells of all kinds, parts and First sale
accessories thereof including zinc calots and carbon rods.
(i) Duplicating machines, reprographic copiers including roneo machines other First sale
than electronic duplicating machines, reprographic copiers including
duplicatorsoand any other apparatus for obtaining duplicate copies, parts and
accessories thereof, ribbons, plates used therewith,
(ii) Tabulating, Calculating machines excluding electronic tabulating, calculating
machines, parts and accessories thereof, ribbons used therewith.
Dyes, that is to say -(i) Acid dyes (ii) Alizarine dyes (iii) Bases (iv) Basic dyes First sale
(v) Direct dyes (vi) Napthols (vii) Nylon dyes (viii) optical whitening agents (ix)
Plastic dyes (x) Reactive dyes (xi) Sulphur dyes (xii) Vat dyes. (xiii) All other
dyes not specified elsewhere in the Schedule.
(i) Electronic items not specified elsewhere. First sale
(ii) Electronic or electric wires, sleeves, casings, cappinis, cables, all capacitors,
resistors, switches, plugs, holders, jacks, connectors and other components,
lighting bulbs including gas filled bulbs/vacuum bulbs, compact fluorescent
lamps, flourescent lighting tubes, fittings, chokes, starters, other than those
specified elsewhere in the schedules and all general electric or electronic
accessories like reapers, bends, junction boxes, coupling boxes, meter boxes,
switch boxes, fuse switch boxes, distribution toxes, power meters, meter
boards, switch boards, wooden plugs (gattis), lizhtning arrestors, electrical
earthenware and porcelain-ware, parts and accessories of all such goods.
Fo.ttwear other than those specified in the Third Schedule. First sale
Grills of all kinds made of iron and steel. First sale
Inks of all kinds including Lithographic printing and duplicating inks but First sale
excluding writink ink.
Key chains and key holders. First sale
Machine made matches. First sale
(i) Medicines conforming to the following description: Any medicinal First sale
formulation or preparation ready for use internally or externally for treatment
or mitigation or prevention ofdiseases or disorders in human being or animals
excluding products capable of being used as creams, hair oils, tooth pastes,
tooth-powders, cosmetics, toilet articles. soaps and shampoos but includini -
(a) Allopathic medicines,
(b) Other medicines and d r u g including ayurvedic, homeopathic, siddha and
bnani preparations,
( 2 ) Country drugs,
(ii) (a) Surgical dressing which expression shall include adhesive plaster,
adhesive plaster dressing gypsona plaster of paris and bandages, velcro pop
bandages, elastro crcpe bandages, gauze, wadding gauze, lint and cotton wool
poultices and similar articles impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical
substances put up in forms or packings for surgical purposes which have been
sterilised and conform to the accepted standards of the medical profession.
(b) pharmaceutical and surgical products of plastic and rubber including
gloves, aprons and caps,
(c) Surgical implants, artificial bones, bone cement, abdominal support
belt, cervical collars and knee cap.
(iii) Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary
sciences, including scientific apparatus, other electromedical apparatus and
sight testing instruments including opthalmoscope, otoscope, Laryngoscope,
retinoscope, binocular loupe, pans and accessories thereof other than those
specified elsewhere in this schedule,
(iv) X-Ray apparatus, films, plates and other equipments required for use
therewith, parts and accessories thereof.
(v) (a) Heart pi~cemaker(pulse generator),
(b) Intra-ocular lenses.
(vi) (a) Intravenous sets, scalp vein sets, blood administration sets, blood donor
sets and solution administration sets,
(b) Dextrose, that is to say, dextrose monohydrate and anhydrous dextrose,
(c) Measured volume set, .
(d) Diagnostic reagents,
(e) Lactose (IPIBP),
ivii) Thermometers.
20. Medium Density Fibre (MDF)boards and pre-larninated/veneered medium density
fibre boards, excluding such goods imported from other countries
21. Musical instruments of all kinds other than Indian Musical Instruments
22. Paper, all sdrts including paste board, mill-board, straw board and card board that
is to say -
(i) Cigarette tissue,
s f
(ii) Blotting, filter, toilet or target tissue other thari cigarette tissue, Bank ,.tt,
chrome, tub-sized, cheque, stamp or cartridge payc r, parchnirhntboard including
art-board, chrome board and board for playing cards,
(iii) Packing and wrapping paper qtraw board and pulp board irtcluding gray
board, corrugated board, duplex and triplex bo: rds,
(iv) Paper and board: Laminated, coated, or interlined with cjthcr niaterinls,
(v) Wall paper and similar wall covrrinps, ~ ' ~ r d otransparell.
w irs of paper.
(vi) All other kinds of paper and papel board not otherwise spzcitied, including
carbon pitper, stencil paper, ammonia paper, tcrro paper, celloohanc paper.
litmus-paper hut excluding cinematographic and photographic paper,
(vii) Printing, writing, teleprinter, typewriting, manifold and bond paper and
computer stationery of all kinds:
Provided that if any paper has suffered tax under any one of the sub-items mentioned
above, it shall not be again subject
to tax under the same or any other sub-items aforesaid.
23. Paper napkin and paper cups. 1 First sale
24. Photo album, stamp album and such other albums. First sale
25. (i) Photographic and other cameras, flashlight apparatus and enlargers and First sale
lenses, photographic films, plates, paper, prints, instant print films and
chemicals used in the photographic development and printing process.
(ii) Cinematographic raw film.
26. Power driven pumps for liquids and liquid elevators whether or not fitted with a First sale
measuring device excluding pumpsets of 3 h.p or 5 h.p but including (a) Motor
pumps, (b) Centrihgal pumps (horizontal or vertical pumps, (c) Deep tube-well
turbine pumps (d) Submersible pumps, (e) Axial flow and mixed flow vertical
pumps (0 Jet and monoblock pumpsets, (g) Parts and Accessories which are
actually adapted for use with pumps in sub-items (a) to (0 above and (h) Valves.
27. Pre-recorded audio cassettes. First sale
28. (i) P.V.C. Pipes, tubes and fittings of all varieties including flexible and rigid First sale
pipes, hoses and tubes, whether transparent or not, P.V.C.and plastic water-
supply items and sanitaryware.
(ii) Water supply materials and fittings other than those specified elsewhere in
this Schedule or in the second Schedule including water taps, showers, water
tanks including PVC water tanks and other articles used for the supply or
distribution of water including RCC pipes, parts and acceiories thereof
including valves,
29. Ready to eat unbranded foods including sweets, savouries, unbranded non- First sale
alcoholic drinks and beverages served in or catered indoors or outdoors by Star
Hotels recogr~isedas such by Tourism Department of the State Government or
Government of India and Restaurants attached to such Star I Jotcls.
30 Rolling bearings. that is to say, ball or roller bcarir-gs 01 all kin&. I lrlr ,rlc
31 Rough synthelrc gcm boulc.s. 1 t 1 9 tale
33. (i) Rubber latex (natural) of all qualities and grades including earth scrap, tree Last purchase
lace, amoniated latex, preserved latex concentrate, centrifuged latex,
(ii) Raw rubber of all varieties and grades including dry ribbed sheet of all RMA
grades, dry crepe rubber, dry black rubber, skimmed rubber, if they had not
suffered tax under item (i) above,
( i i i ) Reclaimed rubber, all grades and qualities.
34. Sewing machines and embroidery machines of all kinds and n e d l .s used therewith. First sale
35. Spectacles other than those specitied in the Third Schedule, sunglasses, goggles First sale
and attachments, lenses for spectacles including contact lenses and parts and
accessories thereof.
36. I'arpaulin. Fitsl sale
-47. Timber including pulpwood sized tiniber but excluding fire wood other than
tliose mentioned elsewhere in this Schedule.
Erphulion.--For the purpose of this item in the case of' timber purckased by rlre
forest contractors in the auction of forest coupes conducted by the Forest Department of'
the Government, the sale by such contractors of such timber in any form or size shall be
deemed to be the Firsr sale and the sale by the Forest Department in such auction of forest
coupes shall not be deemed to be the First sale.
38. Typewriters, excluding electronic typewriters, typewriter ribbon used therewith.
whether or not ill spools, and correction fluids.
39. Water sold in bottles, sachets, jugs or jeny cans and distilled water or mineral
water sold in any form of container.
30. (i) Xerox Copies;
(ii) Laser copieslprintouts;
(iii) Computer printouts:
Provided that ifthe paper used for taking such copies or printouts has suffered
tax under item 22 ofthis part the copies or printouts shall not again be subjected
to tax under any of the sub-items mentioned above.
(iv) All printed mdterials other than those specified in sub-items (i) to (iii) above,
whether made of paper, paper board or other materials, like account books.
registers, diaries, order books, receipt books, memorandum pads, folders, file
covers, book covers, greeting cards and invitation cards of all'kinds and trade
mark labels including those materials manufactured according to specification
of customers whether or not with logo or name or matter.
Gocds Taxable at the rate of12 per cant
1. Adhesives of all kinds including gum, glue, resins and solutions.
2. (i) Aeroplanes and other aircrafts including lielicopters and all kinds of
parachutes, dirigibles, all kinds of gliders, aircrafts launching gear parts and
accessories thereof.
(ii) Rail coaches, wagons, containers rur I , K transy.;rt 3f fluids. other rail coaches
specially designed for specific purposes and rail locomotives, parts aild
access0 ies thereof.
(iii) (a) Ships, steamers, motors and steam boats and launches, trawlers,
tugs, submarines, oil tankers and other vessels operated by any form
of power. including their hulls, engines, parts and accessories thereof.
(b) B:.rges and canoes and similar vessels not coming under sub-item (i)
3. Articles and equiprnents for gymnastics including health fitness equipments.
c'enlr'111sheets. tlat or corr~!gated.
5 . (i) Biscuirs. c,ihzs. confecrioner). chocolate and tot?>?s sold tr irh a b n n d niri?
registered under the Trade and Me,chandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43
of 1958).
(ii) Fresh meat, poultry, fish and seafood which are processed, packed and sold
with a brand r,ame.
(iii) Ice-creams of ail kinds including ice-candy, ice-cake, ice-jelly. fruiti, ki~lfiand
frozen confectionery, frozen desert sold with a brand name.
(iv) Fruit juices and fruit drinks sold with a brand name.
6. (i) Ceramic sanitary wares and sanitary fittings of every descriptio;l including
sinks, wash basins, wash basin pe&stals, baths, showers, bidets, water closet
pans, flushing, cisterns, urinals, coimodes, man-hole covers used in connection
with drainage and sewerage disposals. parts and accessories thereof.
- - -l
-- - -
17. Glass and glassware of all sorts other than those specified elsewhere in this First sale
Schedule including-
(i) (a) Flat glass, including sheet glass, wired glass and rolled glass whether
in the form of plate glass, figure glass or in any other form, coloured
glass, coolex glass, toughened glass, laminated safety glass, tinted
(b) Laboratory glasswares, hygienic or ph~rmaceuticalglasswares (whether
or not graduated or calibrated and glass micro slides)
(c) Glass sheets, glass globes and chimneys for lamps and lanterns.
(4 Glass jars and glass bottles
(e) Table wares made of glass
(ii) Glass mirrors, Coloured glass mirrors, Figured glass mirrors and Framed
mirrors on the turnover relating to components thereof which have not
already suffered tax.
18. Handmade soap of all kinds (both bathing and washing) including soap flakes, First sale
powder, liquids and detergents but excluding shampoo and metal polishers in any
19. Leather goods other than footwear made wholly or principally of leather (whether First sale
or not other materials such as thread, lining, rivets are used)
20. Machiner~esof all kinds other than those specifically mentioned in this Schedule First sale
worked by (i) Electricity (ii) Nuclear power (iii) Hydro-dynamic and steam power
(iv) Diesel or petrol (v) Furnace oil (vi) Kerosene (vii) Coal including coke and
charcoal (viii) any other form of fuel or power excluding human or animal labour
(ix) Parts and accessories of machineries and tools used with the machineries
mentioned in sub-items (i) and (viii) above.
21. Mercury First sale
22. (i) Motor cycles, motor cycle combinations, motor scooters, motor scooter First sale
combinations, motoreties, mopeds.
(ii) Motorised bicycles, tri-cycles, cycle rickshaws, tandem cycles, cycle-
combinations, carriages for invalid persons and perambulators.
(iii) Three wheelers hy whatever name known including auto rickshaws, chassis of
auto rickshaws and other three wheelers, bodies or tankers built or meant for
mollrlting on three wheelers chassis belonging to others on the turnovers
r ~ ' ' < nbodizs.
(iv) motor taxi-motor omni buses, motor vans, jeeps and motor lorries,
chassis of motor vehicles, bodies built on chassis of motor vehicles belonging
to others on the turnover relating to bodies all varieties of trailers by whatever
narnc known other than trailers of tractors other thal~those specified elsewhere
in this Schedule.
(v) Paver finisher?. dragnets. dredqers, road-rollers and other similar varieties of
machinery of which a mechanically propelled v~hicleforms and integral part
other than thosc specified elsewhere in the Scliedule.
(vi) C.'rane lorries including floating cranes, bredkdown lorries, rclad sweeper lorries,
sptc?;~inflorries, concrete mixer lorries, mobile workshops mohrie radiological
u~:*t;, arnbuiitllcc fire firl\tini anits incl\ldi!. frre ~'tt~-its.c:rilIin~rigs mounted
on inot.Jr vel~iclz and Ilui~:rr,~, fork iih ri-ucks and other
,#easelsplurfilrin :r~~cir,,
sirnila: varietie. vf machlriery of which a mechanically propelled vehicle forms
an ,\tt~::raI part which is subsidiary to their main functiorl.
38. (i) dater meters, gas meters, industrial thermometers, parts and accessories thereof. Flrst sale
(ii) (a) Weighi~gmachines of all kinds including platform scales. weigh bridges,
counter scales, spring balances, weighing scales and balances, pans and
accessories of such machines and weights used therewith. (b) Dipping measures,
metric pouring measures, conical measures, cylindrical measures (c) Meter
scales. measuring tapes. steel yards and sulvey chains.
39. Wet grain grinders worked by any form of power, oiher than human labour i.trst sale
(whether or not sold as a composite unit, with or without motors)
40. All other goods not specified elsewhere in any of the Schedules. i.~rstsale
Goorl.~iu.~ahleat the rate c?f' 16 per cent
1. Cement articles, asbestos articles and asbestos cement articles other than RCC
pipes and those specified elsewhere in the Schedule.
2. Foam rubber products, plastic foam products, fibre foam products or other
synthetic foam products of every description including:
(i) Sheets (ii) Cushions (iii) Pillows and (iv) Mattresses
3. (i) F-nds and food preparations including cheese, milk foods, milk power,
recomvined milk except direct re-constitution without additives other than
water and condensed milk, mixes including instant foods, sweets and savories
like, popcorn sold with a brand name.
(ii) Non-alcoholic: beverages and aerated drinks sold with a brand name registered
under Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958).
(iii) Chips of all kinds such as potato chips and coconut milk powder sold with
a brand name registered under Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958
(Central Act 43 of 1958).
4. (i) Gases other than those specified elsewhere in this Schedule in all its forms.
(ii) Purified and processed gases in all its forms.
5. (i) Generators, Generating sets, transformers and non-electronic voltage stabilizers.
(ii) All electrical transformers other than the small transformers including-
(a) Transmission power transformers (33 KV to 232 KV), (b) Distribu~iori
Transformers (33 KV to 3.3 KV) (c) Tractbn power trarlsformers (1 I0
KV), (d) Booster transformers (25 KV or thereabouts), (e) Furnace
transformers (f) Resin potted transformers (1 1 KV or thereabouts) (g)
Welding transformers (h) Step up transformers 230 Vlup, 5 to 50 KV and
41515 to 50 KV, (j) Auto transformers (variac) a)
instrument transformers
like current transformers and potential transformers.
6. Glazed earthen wues of all kinds including china-wares, porcelain wares, stone
wares other thiin those mentioned in this Schedule and terracotta.
7. (i) Paints and enamels not otherwise specified in this Schedule, including powder
paints, stiff paste paints and liquid paints.
(ii) Colours.
(iii) Pigments, including water pigments and leather finishes.
(iv) Dry distempers including cement based water-paints, oil-pound distempers,
plastic emulsion paints.
(v) Varnishes, French polish, bituminous and coal-tar blacks.
(vi) Cellulose lacquers, nitro-cellulose lacqucl-s, clcai ..xipr2:nents anci nitrc;
cellulose ancillaries in liquid, semi-sulid rv pasty forms.
(ix) Glaziers putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other
mastics, painters fillings. non-refractory surfacing preparations for facades,
indoor walls, false c d i n g or the like.
(x) Primers of all kinds
(xi) All other materials used in painting and varnishing such as flint papers, emery
clothes, brushes, paints removers and stainers of all kinds.
8. (i) Plywood, hard board, particle board, block board, insulation board, lamin First sale
board, batten board, hard or soft wall ceiling, floor boards and similar
boards of wood, of all kinds, whether or not containing any material other !
than 'wood.
(ii) All other non-soft boards or insulating material made of any other material
other than wood.
9. Refractory cement, white cement and other cement substitutes. First sale
10. (i) Shaving sets with or without contents, razors, safety razors, razor blades, First sale
shaving brushes and shaving creams.
(ii) Soaps, machine made, that is to say-
(a) Toilet soaps of all kinds including medica.ed soaps, liquid soaps and
moisturised soaps, but excluding hand-made soaps and shampoo.
(b) 'Nast.;n; s o y c ~f 311 kirlds including floor washing soaps, soap flakes,
soap powders, soap liquids and detergents in all forms, excluding hand-
made items of these goods.
(iii) Ultramarine blue, washing blue, robin blue, laundry brightener of all kinds
in all its forms other than those mentioned in item 30 (iii) of Part-B of this
(iv) Tooth pastes, tooth powders and mouthwashes and other dentifices whether
or not medicated or as defined in Section 3 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
1940 (Central Act XXllI of 1940) as manl~facturedunder a license issued
under that Act, tooth brushes, tongue cleaners.
I I . (i) Vacuum Flasks of all kinds including refills. First sale
(ii) All domestic And commercial receptacles designed to keep food or beverages
or other articles hot or cold including ice buckets or boxes.
Goods which are ~uxublent the rate of 20 per cent
I. (i) Air-conditioning plants, air-conditioners and other air-conditioning appliances, First salc
air-coolers, room coolers incl~~ding all cooling appliances, apparatus and
(ii) Refrigeration plants and all kinds of refrigerating appliances and equipments
including refrigerators. deep freezers. mechankal water coolers, cotfee coolers,
(iii) Cold storage equipments inclilding refrigeratior, materials like polysterene
and polyurethane foam materials used in refrigerators and cold storage
(iv) Water cooler .c11m heater units
First sale
2 . Air purifiers, cupboard fresheners and deodorizers, whether odourless or with
9. Narcotics
10. (i) (a) Scents and perfumes in any form excluding doop and agarbathis but.
including aragaja, javvadu and punugu.
(b) Hair oil, haid creams, hair dyes, hair darkeners, hairtonics, brilliantines,
pomades and vasalines and all hair applicants other than shampoos.
(c) Lipsticks, lipsalve, nail polishers, nail varnishes, nail brushes, beauty
boxes, face powders, toilet powders, baby powders, talcum powders,
powder compacts, powder pads and puffs, toilet sets made of all nlaterials
(with or without contents), toilet sponges, scent spray, depilatories,
blemish removes, eye liners all sorts, eye shadoy, eye brow pencils, eye-
lash brushes, eau de cologne, solid colognes, lavender water, snow face
creams, all purposes creams, cold creams, cleaning creams, make-up
creams, beauty creams, beauty milk. cleaning milk, hair foods, skin
tonics, complexion rouge, nail cutters, sanitary towels and napkins,
as~rirrgentlotions, after-shave lotions and creams, moisturisers of all
sorts and personals (body) deodorants.
Explanation:- Any of the items listed above even if medicated or as
defined in section 3 of the Drugc and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (Centr~'yXI11
of 1940) or manufactured on the license issued under the said Act will fall
under this item.
(ii) Shampoos of all kinds including herbal and medicinal preparations. sold in
bottles. containers, sachets and in any o t h ~ rforms.
I I . Strong roolit or Vault doors and ven.ilator. artnored or reinforced safes, strong
b~bscs and doors, cash chests, C ~ s hor deed boxes. wall coffers. safe deposit lockers
atid locker cabinets.
12. 'I't.lcprintc.rs othcr than c.lcctronic teleprinters and ribbons used there\vitk.
- --
ar tl7e rates specified below
e r[1.~~7ble
I Point of R ~ t eof
levy tax
(per cent)
(3) (4)
coholic liauors of all kinds for human consumption which are purchased. procured, First sale 55
ght fro* outside the State other than foreign liquors falling inder item -5 of this
toddy and arrack
phalt (bitumen) First sale 12
riation Gasoline First sale 24
riation turbine he1 including jet fuel First sale 24 .
u--liauos. that is to sav. wines. soirits and beers imported info India from foreign
- 7 -- - - , First sale 70
uneies and dealt with und;; the lndidn Tariff Act, 1934 (central Act X
under any other law for the time being in force relating to the duties of customs on
ds imported into India.
ip' ' b
First sale
(i) From
Imported cigarettes, medium density fibre boards, textiles and other items falling in First sale 20
' Parts D and E of the First Schedule
Ih Rrnkr f l ~ ~ i d First sale 12
kt: r LatestLaws.com
Note.- All 17% :..Ins, colnponents and accessories of the above said goods shall be taxed
at the same I L.r?,i. that of the goods, provided such spare parts, components and accessories
are not specificall) enumerated in this Schedule and made liable to tax under this Schedule.
Amendment of 3. In the Second Schedule to this principal Act,-
( I ) in item 1, for the figure "I" in column (4), the figure "4" shall be substituted;
(2) after item 3-A, the following item and entries shall be inserted, namely:-
"3-B Desiccated Coconut At the point of
Fixt sale in the
State 4".
Substitution of 4. In the principal Act, for the Third Schedule, the following Schedule shall be substituted,
Third namely:-
5. Wo\t-- fabrics of cotton as described against the heading "52.07, 52.08 and I
E 6. (i) Wovcn fabrics of synthetic filament yam as described against the heading
(ii) Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, as described against the heading
. ( ~ i )lerrv towelli ~g and similar woven terry fabrics snd tufted textile fabrics as
dcsclibed ag'iinst the heading "58.02"
c i ~ i ; :,; uzc :is ticscrihed against the headiry "58.03"
I. Agricultural implements worked or operated exclusively by human or animal
agency and tlreir parts and accessories as notified by the Government.
2. Aids for physically disadvantaged persons as notified by the Government.
3. Aluminium domestic Utensils not operated by pressure or electricity.
4. (i) Appalams and vadams of all varieties,
(ii) Vegetable vathals of all kinds sold without a brand name.
5. Aquatic feed, poultry feed. feeding stuff for animals other than those specified
elesewhere in any of the Schedules.
6. Asafoetida sold by any dealer whose total turnover in respect of this iteni does
not exceed Rs. 300 crores in a year.
7. Bacterial cultilre for agricultural purpose, organic manures and all kinds of seeds
including green manure seeds, excluding oil seeds those described in Second
8. Bagasse
9. (i) Bangles other than those made of platinum. gold or silver
';i) Kumkum. khajal and bindi.
10. Black sugarcane for retain human consuniption (not for purchase by mills)
I I. Blood and Blood plasma
12. Butter sold without a brand nanie
I . Candles "c
14. (i) Cereals me?tioned in item 1 of the Second Schedule excluding rice and wheat
(ii) Hand-pounded rice. parched (beaten) rice. puffed rice, rice flour, rice-bran
and de-oiled rice-bran;
I (i) Charkas. (ii) handspun yam and (iii) handlooin cloth
16. Chillies, tamarind, corriander, turmeric and Shikakai sold by any dealer whose
I total turnover in respect of these items does not exceed Rs. 300 crores in a year
I 17. Coconut, copra other than those falling under the Second Schedule
18. Common salt (Sodium Chloride) including iodised or vitaminized salt for human
consumption other than salt for industrial use.
19. (i) Condoms and contraceptives
(ii) Nirodh advertisement and publicity materials
20. (i) Cycle-rickshaws (without motor)
(ii) Bullock carts
21. Declared goods taxable at the point of last purchase if such goods are sold in the
course of inter-State trade and tax paid under Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
(Central Act 74 of 1956)
22. (i) Electrical energy, (ii) Charcoal, (iii) firewood
23. Electoral rolls
24. Fish net and fishing hook
25. Footwear with MRP rate of less than rupees one hundred
26. (i) Fresh meat, poultry, fish, seafood other than branded, processed and packed I
items ,
(ii) Eggs and dry fish
27. (i) Fresh milk, pasteurised milk and directly reconstituted milk
(ii) Curd
28. Fresh vegetables. tender coconut, potatoes, garlic and fruits.
29. Frozen Semen Straws.
30. Goods manufactured by Village blacksmiths and adisarakku items as notified by
tho Government.
Hand pumps used for tne supply and distribution of water, parts and accessories
Handmade niatches and partly machine made matches.
Handmade or h;\ndloom made woven durries, coir mattings and jamakkalams
(i) Hurricane lights and bedroom lights burning on oil
( i i ) Kerosene lamps (other than gas lights and petrolnax lights)
(iii) Kerosen stcves
(iv) Parts and accessories including wiclis and chimneys of the above goods.
Indigenous products of.sericulture and silk yarn
Life saving drugs as notified by the Government
L,ivestock other than race horses
Masala Powder or paste whether or not with oil or additives, sold without a brand
Substitution of
i i t l i ~Schedule.
At the point of At the point of every
First sale in sale other than First
the Srare sale in the State
(4 (b/
1. PPC grade cement the selling price
(inclusive of tax) of which is not more
than Rs. 135 per bag of 50 kg. 16 I
2. OPC grade cement the selling price
(inclusive of tax) of which is not more
than Rs. 145 per bag of 50 kg. 16 1
3. PPC grade cement the selling price
(inclusive of tax) of which is more than
Rs. 135 per bag of 50 kg. 24 5
4. OPC grade cement the selling price
(inclusive of tax) of which is more than
Rs. 145 per bag of 50 kg. 24 5.";
6 . In the principal Act, in the Sixth Schedule, in item 1 , inntfie entry in column (2), Amendment of
for the expressions "iten? 1 of P-rt Y qf the First Schedule" &d "item I of Part-JJ of the Sixth Schedule.
First Schedule", the expressions "item 5 of Part-G of the First Schedule" and "item 1 of
Part-G of the First Schedule" shall, respectively, be substituted;
7. In the principal Act, in the Eighth Sch:dule, after item 6 and entries relating Amendment of
thereto, the following item and entries shall be added, namely:- Eighth
"7. Electrical Panel Boards and parts thereof.".
8. In the principal Act, in the Ninth Schedule, for Part-A and entries relating thereto, Amendment of
the fo!lowing Part and entries shall be substituted. namely:- Ninth
(See section 3-D)
Rate of tax.
(i) Where the total turnover exceeds ten lakhs Twelve thousand rupees per
of rupees but does not exceed twenty-five annum.
lakhs of rupees.
(ii) where the total turnover exceeds twenty-five Twenty-four thousand rupees per
lakhs of rupees hut does not exceed thirty annum.
lakhs of rupees.
(iii) where the total turnover exceeds thirty lakhs 'fhirty-six thousand rupees per
of rupees but does not exceed forty lakhs anntlm.
of rupees.
(iv) where the total turnover exceeds forty lakhs Forty-eight tllousand rupees per
of rupees but does not exceed fifty lakhs annuni.
of rupees.
86 TAMIL NAUU C"UV ~ K I U M C I ' . ~ L d ~ I - j ,rr r .- .---- -
Secretur). to Go~~rrnntent,
Lulv Drpurtntent.
Governor on the 25th May 2002 and is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 19 OF 2002.
Secretary to Government,
Law Department.
An Act further lo aniend the Tamil Nudzr General ,;ales 7ax Act, 1Y.59.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-third
Year of the Republic of India as tollows :--
I. ( I ) 'This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales ?'ax (Sixth Amendment) Short title and
Act, 2002. com-
(2) Section 2 sllall be deemed to have come into force on the 27th day of March
2002 and sections 3,4,5 and 6 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of
April 2002.
mil Nadu 2. In section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales 'Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred Amendment of
kt I ol' to as the principal Act),- section 3.
(1) the proviso to sub-section (2-A) shall be omitted;
(2) in sub-section (3), in the first proviso, for clause (a), the following clause shall
be substituted, namely:-
"(a) any sale of high speed diesel oil, light diesel oil and molasses; and".
3. In section 3-D of the principal Act, for sub-sections (1) and (2), the following Amendment of
sub-sections shall be substituted, namely:- section 3-D.
d 61.prillter.:.- -( 1 ) Not~ir;~sta:idir:
t tizv trr c o t ~ ~ p o u n t kro/c
" 3 4 . fJ(q i ~ n o/
anything coniarrlrif I I I sub-section (2) of section 3 or scctlon 3 4 , e v ~ r ydert!t.r ,tho carries
o n the bwines- .)fp;inting may, at his option. nsleiid o f p.ry~rtgtax ,, ,rccfq~*dancc. nith sub-
srctiotl ( 2 ) oi ihctic*n3 or secticn 3-U, pay ta.\ ~t t i i t rate uf ti11c.- pew ;::!I the toti11
1 1 be: it. i r opts t i s i F i r ' j l t t t UZ :.:\. ,:':tier- sui. ~ c c r i o [i ~I), stiali apply
tothe as\: v t ! , " -if\ in 1,uch Ibrm as Itlay he prcscriL~cdon or bctitrc i t i t * 30th (lay of
Apt il o f !I:, :- .ii,!:in thirty days C C i~om~ner~crment of business. as tiw case may be,
and .;hal! ,- .. I!! .:h s,!ch :eiilm. wtthin such pericod and in such ~nallncr,as may
kc 1)rL ,, !
J ~ *1(1J1 ~ I J I I I O I I I I I I I I V I 1l1i8, 4,110 :lo111111 I I I Y V C ~ ~ (I I~ I I I I I ~ I ' I I1 (1 1 1 ~ 1111
I L ~ o v ~ ~III,II 1 1 1 ~ 4
151 day 01' April -"\fI'J \ l i , ~ l l l>c c ~ c : ~ ~ (111 \ e ord bclo~cIIIC ? I \ ! (!<I?01 .I[IIY.!I102
(3) The option so exercised under sub-section (2) shall be tirial fitr that \car ant1
shall continue Tor subsequent years until the dealer withdratrs his option in uriting on or
before the 30th clay of' April of the subsequent year.".
Amendment of 5 , In section 21 of the princi~alAct.--
seclion 2 1 .
( I ) for sub section (I), the following sub-section sllall be substituted. naniely:-
"(I) An application for registration shall be made to such authority, in such
manner and within such period as may be prescribed and shall be acc~n~panied by a fee
of two thousand and five hundred rupees in respect of Public Limited Companies, one
thousand rupees in respect of Private Limited Companies and five hundred rupees in
respect of other dealers for the principal place of business and in addition, a further fee of
two hundred rupees in respect of Public Limited Companies. one hundred rupees in respect
of Private Limited Companies and fifty rupees in respect of other dealers in respect of each
of the places of business other than the principal place of business:
Provided that any dealer who has registered under the Conlrranies Act 1956 (Ccntral
Act 1 of 1956) and who desires to pay the registration fees for five years in a lumpsunl
may do so at his option, by paying a sum equal to five times the fee specified for the
(2) to sub-section (S), the following proviso shall be added, namely:-
"Provided that a registered dealer who fails to renew the certificate of
registration within the prescribed period shall be perlnitted to renew the certificate before
a further period, as may be ,~rescribed,on payment of renewal fee and also a'penalty equal
to renewal fee.";
(3) in sub-section (3-B), for the expression "ten rupees", the expression " one
hundred rupees" shall be substituted.
Amendment of 6. In section 21-A of the principal Act,-
2 1 -A.
(1) in sub section (4). for the expression "such fee not exceeding ten rupees
as may be prescribed", the expression "a fee of one hundred rupees" shall bc substituted:
(2) in sub-section ( 6 ) , for the expression "such fee not exceeding ten rupees as
may be prescribed", the expression "a fee of one hundred rupees" shall be substituted;
(3) in sub-section (6-A). for the expression "one rupee", the expression "twenty
rupees" shall be substituted.
to C;o\~ern,i~ent.
Lou. Dc~portnir~ir.
'The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 26th May 2g02 arid is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 22 OF 2002.
( I ) in clause (g), after the Explanation (2). the following Erplanufion shall be
added, namely:-
"Explanation (3)- Each of :!ie following persons or bodies who dispose of any
goods including unclaimed or confiscated or unserviceable or scrap surplus, old or obsolete
goods or discarded material or waste products whether by auction or otherwise directly or
through an agent for cash or for deferred payment or for any other valuable consideration,
notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, shall be deemed to be a dealer for the
purposes of this Act to the extent of such disposals, namely:-
(a) Port trust;
(b) Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils and other local authorities
constituted under any law for the time being in force;
(c) Railways administration as defined under the Railways Act, 1989;
(d) Shipping, transport and coristruction companies;
(e) Air Transport Companies and Airlines;
(f) Any person holding permit for the transpoc vetlicles granted under the Motor
Vehicles Act. 1088 wliic!~are used or adopted to be i~sedfor hire;
(g.' hi. Tamil Nadu State Road Trar&sportCorporations:
/1 .I; r>+-partmentof tile Government oi' India administering the Custo.ns
Act, 1962;
ti) 117 urance and Financial Corporations or Compdnies and Ranks ir~clt!ed ir.
the Second ScI. :-dule to the Reserve Bank of lndia Act, 1934;
6) ,"Avertising agencies; and
other Corporation. Company, body CJI. .Iiiiilori@ owned or scot up by, or
( k j An!
subiect to nd!~tlriistrativecontrol of, the Central Governrner: or an;: State Gove!nment.'
( 2 ) for cfa rse (kk), the following clalrses shall be substitured. I anlet). -.-
"(I i.:; , ?put & v " mcal:s tax pt3i.j or p y a ! $ ~by t i ~ ~:#ur2!i5
: 7f. :;a?:: :
;ii (j~.:d4r,t(:
t t i ~ .?.r:ppli.-. ?,%. # ; ~ y ; ~ ; : eft
(3) in clause (~iim).liv ~ h ecspressiori " section 3-C mcilna. IIIC \ale 01' goutla,
mentioned in the First Schedule or the Sixth Schedull:". the expression "scction .;-I./ tiie:ui~
the sale of' goods mentiorled in the First Schedule or the Elcventh Sclicdulc" $hall l ~ c
(4) in clause (n). after (I-B),
E.vp/ut~trflori shall be i11,ertl.d.
the foIlo\~itig~.Y/7l~ll7~11011
"E.~pl~wtirion(I-C).-- Every transfer of property in goods i~icludinggoods ns ~ n c l ~ ~ i m e d
or confiscated or as unservicenblc or as scrap surplus. old, obsolete or dt5carded n1'1terials
or as waste products, by tlie persons or bodies referred to in E.~pltrt7trrruti(31 in clai~sr( g )
of section 2 of this Act, for cash or for deferred payment or for an) other valuable
consideration whether or not in the course of business shall be deemed to be a sale for tht:
purposes of this Act.".
(5) after clause (o), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely:--
"(00) "surcharge" means surcharge on tax levied under this Act;
(000) "tax" means and includes a sales tax, purchase tax. resale tax or surcharge.
as the case I.:.v be, payable tinder this Act;";
(0)clause ( r r ) shall be omitted.
Amendment of 3. In section 3 of the pr;ncipal Act,-
section 3.
(1) in sub-section (3), the word "only" shall be omitted;
(2) afier sub-seztion (2-B). ti,? following sub-section shall be inserted. namelq:---
"(2-C) Suhiccr to the pro\ isions of sub-section I1 ). in the case of zoods mentiontd
in rliz Flciznrti Sclic..iirl~.:hi. -.I\ under 1P.s . k t ji~.?il be pa\;lt.lc b\ 2 ck;l/c-r 31 the rare and
at the poirit spccifizd ~ ~ C I ~ IOIII : tht ttlrrio\er or qi~.lrltit? i n ~ a c t i>e.ir rcl.~ting to SLICII
Substitution of 4. For section 3-C, the following section shall be substituted, namely:---
section 3-C.
"3-C. Inplct tau credit.- ( I ) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section
(2) of section 3, every dealer shall pay tax at the rate specified in the First Schedule, on
every sale made by him within the State, in respect of goods as may be notified by the
Government from among the goods specitied in the First Schedule.
(2) A registered dealer shall be entitled to claim input tax credit, sub-ject to such
conditions as may be prescribed.".
Omission .of . 5. Section 3-F of the principal Act shall be omitted.
section 3-F.
Insertion of new 6 . After section 3-G of the principal Act, the following sections shall be inserted,
sections 3-H. namely:--
3-1 and 3-5.
( I ) and (2) of section 3, every dealer, other than the dealer liable to pay tax under
section 3-5, whose total turnover is not less than ten laklis of rupces for the year. sliall pa!
a resale tax at such rate not exceeding one per cent as may be fixed by tlie C;overnment.
by notification, on the turnover of resale of goods specified in the First Schedule and the
Eleventh Schedule other thar: the goods notified by the Government under section 3-C. at
a point other than the point of levy specitied therein:
Provided that any resale turnover included in the total turrtover of a dealer paying
tax under sub-section (2) of section 3-D and sections 3-E. 7-C, 7-Dand 7-E is nor liable
for resale tax: +C
Provided further that the goods taxable at the point of last ,xchase,in the state
are not liable to resale tax.
E.~plnncrtion.- For the purpose of this section, the turnover of resale in respect
of goods taxable at the point of first purchase means the sales turnover of such goods at
all points of sale by subsequent dealers.
3-1. Levy of surcharge.- A surcharge at the rate of five per cent shall be levied
on the tax levied under sub-sections (2), (2-C), (3) and (5) of section 3, sections 3-A, 3-
B and 3-C. sub-section (1) of section 3-D and sections 3-G, 3-5, 5, 7-A and 7-C and at the
first point of sale in the State under sub-section (2-A) of section 3.
3-J. Levy of tm on trade mark holder.- Notwithstanding anything contained in
this Act, whenever a dealer, who holds the trade mark or the patent thereof, sells goods
other than the declared goods at ary point of sale other than the first point of sale, he shall 1
be deemed to be the first seller in the State and shall be liable to pay tax accordingly and
for determining the tax due to be paid by him, the tax levied and collected, if any at the
'mmediate preceding point of sale, on the same goods shall be deducted from the tax .
"(I) (a) The assessment in respect of a dealer \hall be on the basis of the return
relating to his turnover submitted in the prescribed nianner within the prescribed period.
(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause ( u ) of this sub-section, a
dealer whose turnov~,S-lhich includes the total turnover under this Act, inter-State sales,
export sales and stock transfers to outside the State does not exceed ten crores of rupees
in a year. may make a self-assessment for that year in the manner and subject to such
conditions as may be prescribed.
(c) The provisions of clause (b) and sub-section (I-A; shall apply to the
assessments for the financial years commencing from the 1st day of April 2001 .";
@) in sub-section (I-A), for the expression "in the provisos to clause (a) of sub-
section (I), twenty per cent of the total number", the expression "in clause (bj of sub-
section (I), five per cent of the total number" shall be substituted;
(3) in sub-section (2j. after the expression "best of its judgement", the expression
"subject to such conditions as may be prescribed" shall be added;
(4) in sub-section (3),-
(a) for the expression "under sub-section (2)" occurring in two places, the
expression "under sub-section ( I ) or (2)" shall be substituted;
(b) in clause (c), after the proviso, the following pl.oviso shall be inserted,
"Provided further that no penalty under this sub-section or the interest under suh-
section (3) of section 24 of the Act, shall be imposed on the oil companies as explained
in the Explanation-ll of the Eleventh Schedule if the difference of tax due as per accounts
and the lax paid as per the rctunls is less than five per cent and revised return is filed along
with the difference of tax due within a period of three months from the due date for filing
the monthly return.".
Insertion of new 11. After section 12-A of the principal Act, the following section shall be insrrtetl,
section 12-8. namely:-
certificate furnished on or before the 3qth day of Septe~riher.2':i)'_' and rch retiin1 sh;,ll be
accepted subject to such conditions as may be prt.rcrib:d
Provided that this sub-sectiori shall not apply to s dealel who 7as filed an ;.ppzni
or other proceeding in respect of any assessrr,cnt fo; trie pc:.iod refetrcd :u i:b!hie citb-
section and is pending before th+ Spzzial 'i ribur31, c,hr Wgls ,:uti17 or ':e S u l ) - m e ( ~ i : , : .
as the case may be.
(2) Every dealer hilo c h i v fa nc ::6 4.. ' t G,Q+ i;:td :. (urn.
shall file the return on or bcfort h i ., -;h i: 5 ,rgr-rb,"+.:, 4: r:. ::: ,c<crib~2? I I P ie:
$.I ~
relating to his turnover for the , ctisb prir, IG i,,? ;;: .,a) \. ' '3 t ::nd such !i-tu!:!
shall be accepted subject to the pro\lsions :.f secii~iti r j . iu; , ,g 3,tch r re ,t,;:alt ,,, =!i:.li
\% 1;
insertion of new 18. After section 16-C of the principal Act, the following scction sli,ill bc inserted.
scctioti 16-11, namely:--
40 per cent l
and perfumed with lime or menthol or I
7- L ~ ~ ~ ~ ' l !O' ~ ~01'~'1'171~1~17/,
L ~ I I I De/1111~1rirer~f
-.. ----..___ _
---- -
I he followillg Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent ofthe
Governor or? the 15th November 2002 and is hereby published for general information:--
131-i t enacted by the I,egislative Assembly of tlie State of 'I'amil Nadu in the Fifty-third
Year of the Republic of Intlia as follows:
1 . ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Eighth Short title and
Amendment) Act, 2002. conimcnce-
' 'I'
2. In the Tamil h'adu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred to as the
principal Act), in section
Amendment of
section 3.
( 1) in sub-section (?),--
(2) in sub-section (7), for the expression "sub-sections (2), (2-A), (2-B) or (3)",
the expression "sub-sections (2). (2-A), (2-13). (2-C) or (3)" shall be substituted.
Amendlnent of 5. In section 3-14 of tile principal Act, for the expression "sub-scctiol~s( I ) and ( 2 ) 0 1 '
section 3-11. section 3", the expressio~i"sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 3, section 3 - A or 3-B" shall
be substituted.
(2) for the expression "sub-sections (2), (2-A) and (2-13)", as so substituted, thc
expression "sub-sections (2), (2-A), (2-B) and (2-C)" shall be substituted.
(2) for the cxpression "sub-section (2) or (2-A) of section 3 or section 4, were
purchased at a point other than the taxable point specified in the First, the Fifth or the
Second Schedule, resp-ctively and either", as so substituted, the expression "sub-section
(2), (2-A) or ( 2 4 ) of section 3 or section 4, were purchased at a point other than the
taxable point specified in the First, the Fifth, the Eleventh or the Second Schedule,
respectively, and either" shall be substituted.
Amendment of 8. In section 7-E of the principal Act, in sub-section (I),-
section 7-E.
(1) for the expression "sub-section (2)", in two places where it occurs, the
expression "sub-sections (2) and (2-A)" shall be substituted;
(2) for the expression "sub-section (2) and (2-A)", in two places where it is so
substituted, the expression "sub-sections ( 2 ) , (2-A) and (2-C)" shall be substituted.
Secretary to Governnlerrt.
Law Depcirfment.
L.-- - h.
'J'he following Act of the Tanlit Nadu Legislative Assembly received th
Cjovernor on the 15th November 2002 and ishereby published for general
Dl. it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-,.
Year of the Republic of India as foIIows:--
1. ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Ninth Amendment) Short tt,.
Act, 2002. commencc-
(2) I t shall be deemed to have come into force on the 19th day of August 2002.
2. In section 3 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter referred Amendment of
to as the principal Act), in sub-section (I),- section 3.
(i) for clause (a), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
"(a) (i) Every dealer, other than the dealer, casual trader or agent of a
non-resident dealer referred to in clause (ii), whose total turnover for a year exceeds three
lakhs of rupees: and
(ii) every dealer in bullion, gold, silver and platinum jewellery including
articles thereof and worn-out or beaten jewel1.r~ and precious stones and every casual
trader or agent of a non-residcnt dealer, whatever be his turnover for the year,
shall pay tax for each year in accordance with the provisions of this Act.";
(ii) in clause (b), for the expression "a casual trader or agent of a non-resident
dealer", the expression "a dealer in bullion, gold, silver and platinum jewellery including
articles thereof and worn-out or beaten jewellery znd precious stones and a casual trader
01 agent of a non-resident dealer" shall be substituted.
3.111 section 20 of 111eprincipal Act, in sub-sectic.1(2), after clause (iv), the following Amendment of
section 20.
clause shall be inserted, namely:--
"(iv-a) every dealer in bullion, gold, silver and platinicm jewellery including
.II t~clcstlicrrof a r ~ dworn-out or beaten jewellery and precious stones.".
4. In the Ninth Scl~eduleto the principal Act, in Part-B, for clause (i)and the entries Anieni' I ~ n off
relating thereto, the following clauses and entries shall be substituted, nailr,ly:-- Ninth Schedule.
Itepeal a11cl 5. ( 1 ) I'he 'l'amil Nadu Cieneral Sales 'I act (hltl111A n ~ e
.saving hereby repealed.
( 2 ) Notwlthstancl~~~g
sl1c11repeal, anyt11111pilonc 01 any actroll 1 4 t l \ c . r ~ trl~tlc~
principal Act, as amended by the said Ord~~rance, shall he deemed to hat c been donc ol
taken under the principal Act, as amended by t111\ Act.
Secrctcrry to Governnlent,
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu 1.egislative Assembly received the assent of
the <;overnor on the 18th May 2003 and is hereby published for general information: -
ACT No. 21 OF 2003.
,411 Act jirr.tlic~rt o irrr~c~ntl N(rilrr (;ent.r-trl St11r.s Ttrs Act. 1959.
the firr~~il
Dl: it enacted by the 1.egislative Assembly of the State of Tanlil Nadu in the Fifty-fourth
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment) Short title and
Act. 2003. commence-
( 2 ) I t shall be deemed to have come into force on the 2 1st day of March 2003.
Jadu ACI 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment of
1950. referred to as the principal Act),-- First Schedule.
(5) in item 1I, in column (4), for the figures "18", the figures "25" shall be
(6) in item 16, in column (4). for the figures "28", the figures "30"shall be -
substituted; and
(7) after item 17 and before Explanation-1 the following item shall be inserted,
"18. White kerosene (superior kerosene oil) First sale 25 per cent.";
I n r a $ - ~T
t . 1 n . ~ - 7 - Y '* - - 3 8 1 BU 5 - - -a
E -
' E
I- 175
T h e following A c t o f the T a m i l N a d u Leglslatlve Assembly recelverl the assent o f the .
Govenior o n the 14th November 2003 and 1s hereby published for genela1 ~ n t b r n ~ a t ~ o n : - -
8 i
t ACT No. 40 OF 2003.
I. (I) Thls Act may be called the Tam11 Nadu General Salcs T;lr (Scscond Allicndment) Short t l t l c and
Act, 2003. conimence-
men I
(2) I t shall bc dccmcd to havc cori~cInto forcc on the 3rd d ~ oy f .iunc :!(lo3
ml Nadu Act 2. In the Seventh Schedule to the Tanill Nadu General Srlcs T ~ Act.
Y l"9. after ltcm 7, the Amendment o f
I of 1950 follow~ngltcms shall bc addcd, nanicly - I Seventh
"8. A l l kinds o f alcoholic liquors for hunian consumption othcr. than tc~lclcly ; ~ n darrack.
9. Foreign liquors, including winc, spirit and bccr ~niportcd Into ndia from foreign
countries and dealt with under Indian Tariff Act, 1934 (Central Act X X X l l of 034) nr 11nArr "..,
.,-.-..--. anv
othcr law for thc tinic bcing in forcc rclating to thc duties ofcustonis on goods I
1 :
. ,
10. White kerosene (superior kerosene oi I).".
Secretclry to Government,
Ex. ( 3 2 0 ) - -3a
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of the Governor on the 23rd February 2004 and is hereby published for general
An Act further to amend the Taniil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-fifth
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
Short title and 1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Amendment)
' Act, 2004.
Amendment of (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of October
Eleventh 2003.
2. In the Eleventh Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, in TamilNadu
item 16, in column (2), for the expression 'Petrol", the expression 'Petrol with or ~ c 1 tof
without additivesn shall be substituted. 1959.
(By order of the' Governor)
Secretary to Government,
Law Department.
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 5th August 2004 and is hereby published for general information:--
Secretary to Government-incharge,
Law Department.
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
Secretary to Govemmer~t-incharge,
Law Department.
M ill
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 5th August 2004 and is hereby published for general information:-
Secretary to Government-in-charge,
Law Department.
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assemt:ly received the assent of
the Governor on the 5th August 2004 and IS hereby published for general information:-
ACT NO. 17 OF 2004.
P An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-fifth
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
I.' (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fifth Amendment) Short title and
Act, 2304. commence-
Ii t (2) It shall come into force at once.
bNadu 2. In section 22 of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, in sub-section Amendment
w 1959. (2), in the first proviso, for the expression 'five years from the expiry of the year in
which the amount has beon collected", the expression 'five years from the date of
Secretary to Government-in-charge,
The following Act of the Tam11Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the I l t h December 2004 and is hereby published for general information:-
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 7959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-fifth Year
of the Republic of India as follows:--
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Sixth Amendment) Short title
Act, 2004. and com-
(2) It shall come into force at once. ment.
2. In section 4-E of the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959, for the exprescinn
"Madras Export Processing Zone", the expression "Madras Special E c o n ~ Zone" shall
be substituted.
Amendment of
~ e ~ ~ ~ ~
Dr: it cnactzcl by the I,cgisla~rveAsscn~blyof' the Statc oi' 'I'an~il Natlu in thc I:lfiy-s~x~h
Year of the Kepubllc of India as f611o:vs :-
,hart title and . ( I ) Thls .Act m y bc called the 'I am11Natilt (;cnesaI Sales Tax (An~endlliel~t)
coliinienccnicIi1. 2 OC)5
e dee~tlcdto have conlc into fi)rce on the 13th day of July 2005. 5
Arnendrne~itof' 2; In seclion 37 of the Tamil Nadu General Sates ?'ax .4ct,.1959 (hereinafter sekrred
,section 37. to a s !.(he ~?sincip;~l AcI), in sub-scction ( I ), fbr. rl~cI \ ostls "l3i)asd 01. RCVCII~IC". 1 1 1 ~\I orcis
"Joi~.'!~C ' c ~ r i ~ ~ ~ ~ i s,soi fo C'o~li~~lcrci:tl
~icr 'l';~scs" :;I1311 be s ~ ~ b s t i t ~ ~ t o d .
:cnurnhcl.i~igof I ~ [IIL* t\ortl>
I ) ~ ~ I I I I I I I wit11
3. Scc[iorl .JO (1'' t l i ~pr111cip:11 Acl wit11 \ l i t * L.AI>IC>:~IO~I
sccilon 30. "30: ('o~istil\~tioll of' Sa1c.s 'I'ilx Sc~tlclncnt ('r~nrrn~ss~oo" and ending wit11 ~11ci\ords
r.eg;i;ations not inconsistent with the provisions o f this Act and n~les"shall be renunlbesc~l
as sectinn 3.5-A.
(2) No.:\vithstr;ndi~igsuc11 repeal, anything done or any action taken undei. the
principal Act. as a m c t ~ d ~l)y~ dfhc said 01.dina11ce.shall bc dcerilcd to ha\%cbr.c%nd o ~ l cor
tal;tn untlcr tltc principal Act, as 3111c1ldedby tl~is,qct.
Secretnr:)~to Go\terr~nicnt,
Lnrv Depnrtntent.
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Asselnbly received the assent of
the Governor on the 12th October 2005 and 1shereby published for general information:-
Secr.~*tnr.yto Government,
LNw Depcrr-tment.
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of the Governor on the 2nd February 2006 and is hereby published for general information:-
(1) (2)
1 All grades of First sale 14.".
(By Order of the Governor.)
Secretary to Government,
Law Depatfment.
- -- -- -
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received th
the Governor on the 11th September 2006 and is h&reby published
adu 2. In the First Schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 (hereinafter Amendment of
of referred to as the principal Act), in Part-6- First
Schedule. .
(1) in item 1, sub-item (iii) and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;
(2) in item 18, for sub-item (ii) and the entries relating thereto, the following
sub-~temand entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"(ii) Licensed software, including IT software but excluding licensed software
with complete Tamil version.".
3. In the Second Schedule to the principal Act, in item 3, in sub-itern (a), after the Amendment of
word "excluding", the expression "hank yarn and" shall be inserted. Schedule.
4 In the Third Schedule to the principal Act, in Part-B, after item 54 and the entries Amendment of
relating thereto, the following items and entries shall be added, namely:- Third
- -
"55 Licensed software with complete Tamil version
56 Hank Yarn
57 Gum Benzoin (Sambirani)."
Secretary to Government in-charge,
Law Department.
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Fifty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Thlrd Amendment) Short title a n d L
Act, 2006 commence
1 (2) It shall be deemed to have come Into force on the 6th day of September 2006. I
Tarnll Nadu 2 In the First Schedule to the Tam11Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1'359 (hereinafter Amendment of
AC! 1 of 1959 referred to as the principal Act), In part-6, In Item 1, sub-item (IV) and the entr~osrelatrng First
thereto shall be om~tted schedule.
3 In the Second Schedule to the prlnclpal Act, In Item 6, In sub-ltem (VIII), for the Amendment of
expression "Coconut includ~ng Copra (cocos nucifera)", the expresslcln "Copra Second
(cocos nuafera)" shall be substituted schedule
1 4. In the Third Schedule to the principal Act, in part-B,- Amendment of
(i) for item 17 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall schedule
be substituted, namely :-
"17. Coconut.";
(ii) for item 25 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall
be substituted, namely:-
"25. Footwear with MRP rate less than rupees two hundred ";
(iii) for item 57 and the entries relating thereto, the following Item and entries shall
be substituted, namely:- i
"57. Gum Benzoin (sambirani) and instant Sambirani id, the form of
tablets or sticks.".
Secretary to G o v e r ~ ~ n ~ e ~ ~ t - i n - c h a r g e .
Law Department. 1
DIP--IV-2 EX 3501-- l a
ELI23ELZC ,qe sr.. "a' EU r ? p ~ s s r q a p c ; n e-,.- :-ur-;a r u . an . ..~nqpetua
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the
assent of the Governor on the 16th December 2006 and is hereby published for general
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Fifty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax (Fourth Amendment) short t~tleand
Act, 2006. commence-
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Government may, by notification,
Tam11Nadu 2. In the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act. 1959 (hereinafter referred to as the Insertion of
Act 1 of i959. principal Act), after section 12-B, the following section shall be inserted, namely:- . new ,
section 1 2 4 .
"12-C. Assessment of sales in certain cases.-(1) Notwithstandinganything contained
in this Act but subject to the provisions of section 16, the assessment of a dealer in respect
of the assessment for the period prior to the 1st day of April 2006 shall be on the basis of
the return relating to his turnover and on the basis of the declaration or certificate as may
be prescribed, furnished on or before the 31st March 2007 and such return shall be
accepted without requiring the presence of the dealer or production of books of accounts
by the dealer subject to such conditions as may be prescribed:
Provided that this sub-section shall not apply to a dealer who has filed an appeal
or other proceeding in respect of any assessment for the period referred to in this
sub-section and is pending before the High Court or the Supreme Court, as the case
may be.
(2) Every dealer who claims to be not liable to pay tax and has not filed return,
shall file the return on or before the 31st March 2007 in the prescribed manner relating to
his turnover for the period prior to the 1st day of April 2006 and such return shall be
accepted, subject to the provisions of section 16, failinj which his registration shall be
cancelled, after giving him a reasonable opportunity of being heard.".
Secretary to Government-ill-charge,
Law Department.