Definition of Tawaf

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Tawaf (Arabic: )is one of the principal ritesof the pilgrimage and
refers to circumambulating or walking in circles around the Kaaba in an
anti-clockwise motion. Seven complete circuits, with each one starting
and ending at the Hajar al-Aswad, constitute one Tawaf.

Contents [hide] Definition of Tawaf

1 Definition of Tawaf
Linguistically, the word is derived from the
2 Virtues of Tawaf
Arabic verb Taafa which meansto
3 Significance of Tawaf
walkaround or to encircle something.Its
3.1 Al-Bayt al-Mamur
technical meaning isto performseven anti-
3.2 The Universe in Motion
clockwise circuitsof theKaaba.One complete
4 History of Tawaf

8 Method of Tawaf
8.1 Start of Tawaf
8.2 During Tawaf
8.3 After Tawaf
Abdullah ibn UmarI narrates:
9 Supplications for Tawaf
10 Where to do Tawaf
11 Tawaf Tips & Advice
12 Women
13 Jurisprudence of Tawaf

He also reports:


He further narrates:


Significance of Tawaf

The Tawaf is an act of devotion intended to bring the pilgrim closer to God
spiritually. Itis the only principal rite of Hajj and Umrah not associated directly
withacts of worshipperformed by the Prophet IbrahimSin ancient times. There
are several interpretations which attempt toestablish the significance of Tawaf:

Al-Bayt al-Mamur


By the mount. And [by] a Book inscribed. In parchment spread open. And [by] the
frequented House.
[Surah at-Tur, 52:1-4]

In the Tafsir of Ibn Kathir V, the following is written regarding al-Bayt al-

Cosmologically, the Kaaba is regarded as a reflection of al-Bayt al-Mamur in the

seventh heaven and the Tawaf of the pilgrims reflects the Tawaf of the angels.

The Universe in Motion

Another interpretation associates the act of Tawaf with the orbiting motions of
heavenly bodies. Allah says:

revolves around the sun each year. However, this circular motion is not just
confined to the planetary system but includes the entire universe, from the
smallest of atoms to the largest of galaxies.

Modern science shows that electrons within an atom orbit thecore, known as
the nucleus, in an anti-clockwise motion. Some of these atoms are so small, they
are invisible to microscopes. Similarly, our solar system orbits the galaxy and
these galaxies have their own orbit around a central axis. Since everything is
made up of atoms which are in constant orbital movement, we come to the
realisation that revolving around a central point, or Tawaf, is a cosmic law. These
systems are all obedient to the will of Allah who has created them and manages

In asimilar manner, when Tawaf is performed, pilgrimsare participating in this

cosmic ritual just as the atoms and galaxies do in their subservience to the will of

The Kaaba represents the spiritual centre of the world, the spiritual axis around
which the believers compass rotates, and turns to on a daily basis. Allah refers
to the Kaaba as the Sacred House in the following verse, indicating its status as a
symbol of the human encounter with the divine:

Allah has made the Kaaba, the Sacred House, standing for the people and [has
sanctified] the sacred months and the sacrificial animals and the garlands [by
which they are identified]. That is so you may know that Allah knows what is in
the heavens and what is in the earth and that Allah is Knowing of all things.
[Surah al-Maidah, 5:97]

The circumambulation of the Kaaba is a continuous act of worship, 24 hours a

day throughout the year. It does not cease, except for a few minutes during the
five daily prescribed prayers. This act of Tawaf affirms the worship of one God,
since just as every orbit has one centre, there is only one God worthy of worship.
During the age of Jahiliyyah, the polytheists would perform Tawaf of the Kaaba

the feet of the people until they were torn.They would do this was because they
felt their clothes had become tainted by the sins they had committed, and so
they wished to disassociatethemselves from those clothes and those sins.

Ibn Kathir V writes the following in his Tafseer aboutthe practice:

With the advent of Islam, Allah commanded the covering of the Awrah:

O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but
be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.
[Surah al-Araf, 7:31]

Ibn Kathir V, explaining this verse, writes:

The Prophet
farewell Hajj.Abu
HurairaI narrates:

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4655 1347

Types of Tawaf

There are five kinds of Tawaf:

Tawaf al-Qudum (Tawaf of Arrival)

Thisis the initialTawaf carried out upon entering Masjid al-Haram in Makkah by
those travelling from beyond the Miqat boundarieswith the intention of
performing Hajj al-Qiran or Hajj al-Ifrad. During Tawaf al-Qudum, Ihram is worn
and Idtiba and Raml may beobserved.This Tawaf is considered to be a Sunnah.

Itis called Tawaf al-Qudum(Tawaf of Arrival) as it is performed on arrival in

Makkah. It is also referred to as Tawaf al-Tahiyyah (Tawaf of Greeting) as it has a
similar purposeto the two Rakat prayer, known as Tahiyyat al-Masjid (Greeting
of the Mosque), that is observedupon entering the mosque.

It should becarried out by Hajj al-Ifrad and Hajj al-Qiran pilgrims after entering
Makkah and before Wuquf at Arafat on the 9th of Dhul Hijjahat the latest.
Umrah pilgrims dont perform this Tawaf but observeTawaf al-Umrahinstead,
which is identical with the exception of the intention.

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after leaving the
state of Ihram
Mina to
perform Rami al-Jamarat

It is known asTawaf al-Ziyarah (Tawaf of Visitation) asit is performed on visiting

the Kaaba after leaving Mina. It is also called Tawaf al-Ifadah (Tawaf of Pouring
Forth) because pilgrims pour forth into Makkah from Mina. It is
sometimesreferred to asTawaf al-Hajj asit is, by consensus of all the schools of
law, a Rukn of the Hajj.

Tawaf al-Wida (the Farewell Tawaf,or Tawaf al-Sadr (Tawaf of


This isperformedby Hajjpilgrims just before leaving Makkah after completing

the Hajj.It is the final rite that is performed in Makkah prior to moving on to the
next destination. Its performance isWajibaccording to the Hanafi and Hanbali
schools, requiring Fidyah asatonement if left unobserved, while the Maliki
school regards it as a Sunnah, requiring no expiation if neglected.

Tawaf al-Umrah

This is the Tawaf that is carried out by those performing Umrah outside of the
Hajj season and those who have the intention of performing Hajj al-Tamattu. It is
an obligatory rite and its non-observancewould render the Umrah invalid.
During Tawaf al-Umrah, Ihram is worn and Idtiba and Raml may be carried out.
Saiof Umrah is performed thereafter.

Tawaf al-Nafl

This is a voluntary Tawaf that may be performed anytime and as often as


Idtiba and Raml

If you are performing Tawaf al-Umrah

outside of the Hajj season or as part

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and Raml

is preceded by Sai
should be performed.This practice
only applies to male pilgrims.


Idtiba refers to the practice of uncovering theright shoulder during Tawaf. To do

this, pass the top sheet of your Ihram (Rida) under your right armpit, allowing
itto hang from your left shoulder. Your right shoulder will be uncovered
throughout the duration of the Tawaf.The Prophet performed Idtiba during
the Hajjat al-Wida, as reported by Yalaibn Umayyah I:



Raml refers to the practice of walking quickly (not running or jogging), lifting
your legs forcefully and sticking out your chest while moving your shoulders, so
as to imitate a warrior. It is a Sunnah to perform this for the first three rounds,
thereafter returning to normal walking pace for the final four rounds. The
practice originated in the seventh year of Hijriwhen the Prophet and his
companions came to Makkah to perform Umrah. Abdullah ibn Abbas I narrates:

Hajar al-Aswad Rukn al-



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to make Raml
fromthe fourth circuit onward, so itshouldnt be performed in the latter rounds
if it is neglected in any of the first three.

Remember, although its performance is certainly virtuous, Raml

isntobligatory.Therefore, If you feel you may cause harm to others by
performing Raml, or youre unable to carry it out due to old age or illness, dont
observe the practice.

Requisites of Tawaf

Tawaf is similar to the ritual prayer in terms of prerequisites, although excessive

movement and talking is acceptable during Tawaf. Abdullah ibn AbbasI



It is necessary to be in a state of Wudhuand befree from all major or minor

physical impurities and when performing Tawaf. You should also
ensurethatyour clothing is ritually pure and clean, although there is no penalty
if you do find impurities on your clothing during Tawaf.If your Wudhu is nullified
during Tawaf, you may repeat theablution and resume your Tawaf from the
position that you stopped,regardless of the length of the interval.

According to the Shafii, Maliki and Hanbali schools, the Tawaf of women in a
state of major ritual impurity as a result of menstruation or post-natal bleeding
is invalid. According to the Hanafi school, performing Tawaf in a state of minor
ritual impurity (requiring Wudhu) would necessitate the slaughter of a small
animal as expiation while Tawaf in a state of major ritual impurity (requiring
Ghusl) would necessitate the sacrifice of alarge animal such as a camel or cow

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Mahram woman

youmay adopt the view of the Hanafi schoolin this regard, which doesnt
stipulate this rule.

Covering the Awrah

You must ensure your Awrah is covered during Tawaf.The Awrah for a man
refers to any part of the body between the navel and the knees whereas the
Awrah for a woman generally refers to the entire body except for the face and
the hands.

Within Masjid al-Haram

Fairly obviously,the Tawaf must take place within the confines ofMasjid al-
Haram. Your Tawaf will still be valid if your view of the Kaaba is impeded by
pillars or walls, or is completely out of sight as a result of being on an elevated
level orbelow ground level. Tawaf may not be observed outside the mosque.

The Kaaba on the Left

The Kaaba should be on your left hand side for the entire duration of the
Tawaf.Should you face the Kaaba in order to make Dua or to perform Salah,
before resuming your Tawaf, take a step backwards and proceed as normal. If
youre knocked into a position whereby youre facing the Kaaba, reposition
yourself immediately. If you have taken a number of steps whilst facing the
Kaaba, you may move backwards to where those erroneous steps were intially
taken and proceed in the correct manner. If this isnt possible as a result of heavy
crowding, its advisable to repeat the circuit. Slight shifts of direction do not

Outside of the Kaaba

You must be completely outside of the Kaaba whilst performing Tawaf,

keepingin mind that part of its foundation extends beyond the cube structure of
the Kaaba.The area known asHijr Ismail, situated to the north of the Kaaba,
approximately three metres away from the structure itself and surrounded by a

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of the Kaaba itself.


An intention should be specified for each Tawaf.Although the intention for the
obligatory Tawaf of Hajj or Umrah is included in the intention for the pilgrimage
itself, it is still best to declare it prior to starting the Tawaf, verbally or otherwise.

Begin and Endat the Hajar al-Aswad

Youmust begin and end the Tawaf atthe Hajar al-Aswad. If it is started from
elsewhere, the distance covered will not be taken into account until arriving at
the Hajar al-Aswad.

Completion of Seven Circuits

You should complete seven circuits. If you have anydoubts regarding the
amount of circuits completed during Tawaf, perform an extra circuit. If you have
doubtsafter having completed the Tawaf, put your doubts to one side and
regard it is a complete Tawaf.

Method of Tawaf

All methods of performing Tawaf are the same, regardless of the type youre
performing.As long as the requisites of Tawaf are fulfilled, as described in the
section above,the ritualwill be deemed valid and complete. The followingstep
by step guide on how to perform Tawaf includes Sunnah actions that an
individual may obverseduring Tawaf.Although many of these actions arent
obligatory, they are certainly very virtuous as they were carried out by the
Prophet . However, if you cant perform all of these actionsdue to the
circumstances, dont worry.

Start of Tawaf

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Starting Point

Proceed towards the corner of the

Kaaba where the Hajar al-Aswadis
situated. This corner is the one that
faces a single minaret (the other three
corners face two minarets). There is a
green light on the wall of the Masjid
opposite the Kaaba which indicates
where the Tawaf starts from. This is
the starting point of each circuit. Stand just before this starting point facing the
Kaaba ensuring the Hajar al-Aswad is on your right side.


As with any other act of worship, make an intentionto perform Tawaf solely for
the sake of Allah. The following intention could be made:

Allhumma inn urdu l-awwafa baytika l-armi fa yassirhu l wa taqabbalhu

O Allah, I intend to perform Tawaf of the Sacred Mosque, so accept it from me

and make it easy for me.

The intention doesnt need to be verbal.

Kissing, Touching or Saluting the Hajar al-Aswad

Kissing If youmanage to get close enough to the Hajar al-Aswad,place

both hands on it, place your face between your hands, say bismi llhi

wallhu akbar ( ) and kiss it lightly without making a kissing
sound. Some scholars have said it is preferable to kiss it three times, if you
have the chance.
Touching If it crowded, touch theHajar al-Aswad with your hand(s) and
kiss your hand(s). This is called Istilam.

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starting Salah)
hi wallhu akbar

The following supplication may also be read at the beginning of Tawaf orwhen
youre kissing, touching or saluting the Hajar al-Aswad for the first time:

Bismi llhi wa llhu akbar, Allhumma mnan bika wa tadqan bi kitbika wa

wafan bi ahdika wattiban li sunnati nabiyyika Muammadin .

In the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest. O Allah, out of faith in You, conviction
in Your book, in fulfilment of Your covenant and in emulation of Your Prophets
Sunnah .


Dont cause hardship for

other pilgrims by trying to
force your way to the Hajar
If youre in a state of Ihram,
make sure you dont touch
the Hajar al-Aswad, the Rukn
al-Yamani or the Multazam as fragrances are applied to them, and thus
would incur a penalty if touched.
Make sure you dont move back a few steps after having performed
Istilam; Tawaf must be continued from the point at which you kissed the
Hajar al-Aswad.
If there is a queue to kiss the Hajar al-Aswad and you want to wait, queue
before the start of the first circuit or after completing the final circuit,
thereby ensuring you complete the Tawaf in a continuous manner.

Start the Tawaf

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Ramlif there is
sufficient room to do so.

During Tawaf

Tawaf should be performedwith extreme humility, keeping in mind the

greatness of the Kaaba. Avoid talking about unnecessary and worldly things and
avoideating and drinking during your Tawaf. Imam NawawiV said:

Dhikr & Dua

During your Tawaf, you may recite prayers and supplications. Duas are readily
accepted during Tawaf so you may supplicate in any language and in any manner
that you prefer. There are recommended Quranic and Prophetic supplications
you can make, which you can memorise and learn the meanings of. You may also
recite the Quran and send Salawat upon the Prophet .Making Tawaf without
reciting any invocations is also regarded as an act of worship. Regarding this,
Imam Ibn Hibban V said:

Salah During Tawaf

The Tawaf should be completed in a continuous manner with no interruptions

between circuits. However, if a congregational prayer is due to start, you must
join the congregation and resume your Tawaf from the position that you

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Rukn al-Yamani

Upon reaching the
(the Yemeni Corner), the corner just
before the Hajar al-Aswad, touch it
with both hands or your right hand if
you are near enough to do so. If you
manage to touch it, recite Allhu
) as you touch it. If its
akbar (
too crowded, as is likely to be the case, proceed without pronouncing Takbir or
gesturing towards it. It is a Sunnah to recite the following Dua between the Rukn
al-Yamani and the Hajar al-Aswad:

Rabban tin fi d-duny asanatan wafi l-khirati asanatan wa qin adhba


O our Lord, grant us the good of this world, the good of the Hereafter, and save
us from the punishment of the fire.
[Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:201]

Other Corners

It is not Sunnah to touch the other two corners of the Kaaba, known as as Rukn
al-Shami (the Syrian Corner) and Rukn al-Iraqi (the Iraqi corner). This is based on
the narration by Abdullah ibn UmarI who said:


The reason the Prophet did not touch these corners was because they werent
built on the foundations of the Kaaba originally built by IbrahimS. The Hajar al-
Aswad andthe Rukn al-Yamani, were, on the other hand,laid on the foundations
raised byIbrahimS.

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wallhu akbar (
of the seven rounds. You will be performing Istilam a total of eight times during
the Tawaf one prior to the start of the Tawaf andone at the end of each of the
seven circuits.

Complete the Tawaf

Proceed in the same manner until have you completed seven circuits.
Performing Istilamat the start of Tawaf and at the end is a highly emphasised
Sunnah and performing Istilamon the other six occasions is desirable.

If you are in a state Idtiba i.e. you have your right shoulder uncovered, cover
your shoulder with your Ihram.

After Tawaf

Salah al-Tawaf

After completing the Tawaf, Salah

with twoRakats is to be offered,
preferably in a position where Maqam
Ibrahim is between you and the
Kaaba. However, keep in mind that
since the Maqam Ibrahim is situated
within the Mataf,sometimes there is
nowhere for pilgrims performing Tawaf to move, except around and almost over
the top of those praying just beyond the Maqam Ibrahim, resulting in a great
deal of congestion.Therefore, if it isntpossible to perform the prayer there as a
result of crowding, it can be performed anywhere in Masjid al-Haram.

While moving to the place where you intend to perform the twoRakats, it is
recommended to recite the following:

Wattakhidhu minmaqmi Ibrhma mualla.

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According to the Wajib, while the
ShafiiandHanbalischools regard it as Mustahabb.
This Salah can be performed at any time, apart from Makruh times.
If it is not performed immediately, it may be observed later.
It is Sunnah to recite Surah al-Kafirun (109) in the first Rakat and Surah al-
Ikhlas (112) in the second, after Surah al-Fatiha.
Make sure you also make plenty of supplication after the Salah as this is
one of the stations where Dua is accepted.
If an obligatory or optional prayer is performed after the Tawaf and an
intention is also made for Salah al-Tawaf, then that prayer will suffice for
Salah al-Tawaf. However, it is better to perform Salah al-Tawaf
If you have started a second Tawaf without praying the Salah for the first
Tawaf, perhaps due to it being a Makruh time or forgetfulness, you must
perform the Salah for both Tawafs after the second Tawaf. TwoRakats
must be performed separately, one after the other.
If youve forgotten to perform the Salah for the first Tawaf and have
already begun a second Tawaf, you may stop and perform the Salah for the
first Tawaf, as long as youre still in your first circuit. If one or more circuits
have been completed, complete the second Tawaf and perform the Salah
for each Tawaf as in the previous point.
If youve forgotten to perform the Salah altogether and have returned
home, the Salah may be performed at home. No penalty will be due.


After you have completed your Salah

and made Dua, drink Zamzam water
which is available withinMasjid al-

The entrance to the old well of

Zamzam has been covered to allow
for more room to do Tawaf. Therefore, Zamzam water can now only be taken
from the various water fountains and dispensers around the Haram.

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that when drinking

the following Dua after drinking the water:

Allahumma inn asaluka ilman nfian, wa rizqan wsian, wa amalan

mutaqabbalan, wa shifan min kulli d.

O Allah, I ask You for knowledge that is beneficial, provision that is abundant and
a cure from every illness.

You may also make any other supplication of your choosing as its another
station where Duas are readily accepted.


After you have finished drinking your

Zamzam water, you may proceed to
the Multazam which is the area
between Hajar al-Aswad and the door
of the Kaaba.

The Multazam is almost impossible to

get to during Hajj season due to the large crowds that gather. However, it is
accessible during other parts of the year.

If it possible to reach the Multazam, raise your hands above your head, cling to
the wall and press your chest and cheeks against it. It is a Sunnah of the
Prophet and yet another station where supplications are accepted, so you
should lengthen your Dua.

If you cant reach the Multazam due to the crowds, you may face towards it and
supplicate from a distance.

Istilam of the Hajar al-Aswad

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During Tawaf,you may recite the following Duas:

At the Start of Tawaf

The following Dua was recited by Ali ibn Ali TalibI:

Bismi llhi wa llhu akbar, Allhumma mnan bika wa tadqan bi kitbika wa

wafan bi ahdika wattiban li sunnati nabiyyika Muammadin .

In the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest. O Allah, out of faith in You, conviction
in Your book, in fulfilment of Your covenant and in emulation of Your Prophets
Sunnah .

At theRukn al-Yamani

It is recorded in the Mustadrak of al-Hakim, that whoever recites the following

Dua at the Yemeni corner, seventy thousand angels say Amin to it:

Allhumma inn adhu bika mina l-kufri wa l-fqati wa mawqifi l-khizyi fi

d-duny wa l-khirah.

O Allah, I take refuge in You from disbelief, poverty and from any humiliation in
this world and the next.

Between the Rukn al-Yamani and the Hajar al-Aswad

The following two supplications were recited by the Prophet :

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Rabbi qannin bim razaqtan wa brik l fih(i), wakhluf ala kulli ghibatin l bi

O my Lord, make me content with what You have given me as sustenance, grant
me blessings therein and grant me that which is better than what I have lost.

When passing the Mizab al-Rahmah, between the two corners, the Prophet

Allhumma inn asaluka r-rata inda l-mawtiwa l-afwa inda l-isbi.

O Allah, I ask You for comfort at the time of death and forgiveness at the time of

During Tawaf

It is recorded in Ibn Majahthat the following Duas may be read during Tawaf:

Allhumma inn asaluka l-afwa wa l-fyata fi d-duny wa l-khirah.

O Allah, I ask You for forgiveness and safety in the worldly life and Hereafter.

< <

Subna llhi wa l-amdu lillhi wa l ilha illa llh(u), wa llhu akbar(u), wa l

awla wa l quwwata ill billhi l-aliyyi l-am.

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Ground Level

The ground level is the quickest but is

also the most crowded, especially
during peak times. Be prepared to be
pushed, squashed and possibly have
wheelchairs knock into the back of
your legs.

If youre performing Tawaf on the

ground level, its advisable to begin
the first circuit as far out as possible, then slowly move towards the Kaaba,
completing circuits 2-6 in close proximity to the Kaaba, before slowly moving
away from the inner circle on the final circuit.

If you start Tawaf on the ground floor, but youre struggling to cope with the
crowds, it is acceptable to continue and complete your Tawaf on another floor. If
you move to another floor midway through a circuit, you will need to redo that
circuit on the new floor, so its best to try to complete the circuit prior to moving.

Middle Level

The middle level is also crowded and has pillars that you need to negotiate.

Roof Level

The roof level is less crowded and is a good option for those who want to avoid
being squashed by others. However, the Tawaf will take considerably longer to
finish as there is a larger space to cover.

Tawaf Tips & Advice

Exercise patience and consideration for others.

Talbiyah should not be read during Tawaf.

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resume your Tawaf from the position that you stopped, or you may repeat
the whole Tawaf again.
If you feel tired during Tawaf, take a rest and drink some water. You may
then resume your Tawaf from the position that you stopped.
If you are unsure about whether you still have Wudhu, a new Wudhu wont
be required and the Tawaf will be deemed as valid.
If you lose count of the number of circuits you have performed, use your
best judgement to ascertain the remaining number of circuits. If you are
informed about the remaining number of circuits from someone else, take
their word for it.
Be fully aware of whats going on around you, especially if its crowded.
You may well collide with people or wheelchairs.
Become acquainted with the jurisprudence of Tawaf so you know whats
permissible, impermissible or disliked.


Performing Tawaf with your husband or your Mahram is not a

requirement, although it is advisable to be accompanied by someone.
If Salah starts, women are to pray in designated areas unless they cant
reach the area due to crowds. Make every effort to move into one of these
designated areas as Salah is due to begin.
The Tawaf area can become extremely crowded so it is advisable to
perform Tawaf on another floor where there is less of a crowd.
If youre performing Tawaf on the ground level, its a good idea to perform
Tawaf away from the inner circle of people who are closest to the Kaaba
and where it is most crowded.

Jurisprudence of Tawaf

Shuroot (Prerequisites)

To make an intention for Tawaf.

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To be in a state of Wudhu and free of anything that necessitates Ghusl, for

example, menstruation.

To keep the Awrah covered i.e. the portion of the body which must be
concealed.For men, it is from the navel to below the knees and for women,
it is the whole body up to the wrists and ankles.

To perform Tawaf by foot, for those who are able to.

To start the Tawaf from the Hajar al-Aswad.

To perform Tawaf in an anti-clockwise motion, keeping the Kaaba on the


To perform Tawaf outside and around the Kaaba, moving around the Hijr

To complete seven circuits of Tawaf.

To perform two Rakats Salah after Tawaf.

Sunnan (Virtuous Actions)

To face the Hajar al-Aswad at the start of the Tawaf.

To perform Istilam of the Hajar al-Aswad.

To be in a state of Idtiba if youre performing Tawaf in a state of Ihram.

To perform Raml for the first three circuits of Tawaf if youre in a state of

To perform each circuit of Tawaf continuously.

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To buy or sell anything during Tawaf.

To eat food during Tawaf.

To perform Tawaf while being hungry or angry.

To perform Tawaf while needing to answer the call of nature.

To perform Tawaf with shoes on without an excuse.

To perform Tawaf in dirty clothes.

To do Dhikr or Dua in a loud voice, such that it would disturb others.

To omit Idtiba or Raml during a Tawaf in which it is a Sunnah.

To omit Istilam of the Hajar al-Aswad.

To perform Istilam of anything other than the Hajar al-Aswad or the Rukn

To raise hands without facing the Hajar al-Aswad.

To engage in other activities between circuits, thereby lengthening the

duration of the Tawaf.

To perform Tawaf during the Jumuah Khutbah (Friday sermon).

To start Tawaf while the congregational prayer is due to begin.

To raise your hands during Tawaf as you would when making Dua or to fold
your hands as you would during Salah.

Muharramat (Forbidden Actions)

To perform Tawaf in a state of ritual impurity. is a project dedicated to JOIN OUR LIST

educating prospective pilgrims and providing
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valid excuse.

To pass through the Hijr Ismail during Tawaf.

To begin Tawaf in a place other than the Hajar al-Aswad.

To omit any of the Wajib elements of Tawaf.

1. Tabarani.

2. Ahmad, Hadith No. 27862; Ibn Majah, Hadith No. 2956.

3. Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 866.

4. Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 369, 1622 & 4655; Muslim, Hadith No.

5. Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 1883.

6. Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 1602.

7. Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 960.

8. Muslim, Hadith No. 1267; Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 1874.

Violations & Rami al-

Penalties Jamarat

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