Fanny Hensel
Fanny Hensel
Fanny Hensel
Volume 5, Issue 2
Fall 2007
Reluctantly, she informed Felix of her decision: On the day she received Felix's letter,
Fanny confided the following to her diary: At last
I'm afraid of my brothers at age forty, as I Felix has written, and given me his professional
was of Father at age fourteen--or, more blessing in the kindest manner. I know that he is
aptly expressed, desirous of pleasing you not quite satisfied in his heart of hearts, but I am
and everyone I've loved throughout my glad he has said a kind word to me about it. 92
life. And when I know in advance that it With the exception of the previously men-
won't be the case, I thus feel rather uncom- tioned six early songs published in Felix's Opp. 8
fortable. In a word, I'm beginning to pub- and 9, Fanny's compositions were brought out un-
lish. . . . I hope I won't disgrace all of you der her married name. Her Op. 1 lieder and Op. 2
through my publishing, as I'm no femme character pieces for piano were issued in 1846; the
libre . . . I trust you will in no way be both- Gartenlieder (six part songs for a-cappella choir),
ered by it, since, as you can see, I've pro- Op. 3, and three further volumes of character
ceeded completely on my own in order to pieces for piano, Opp. 4-6, were issued in 1847.
spare you any possible unpleasant moment, All of these works were reviewed in the musical
and I hope you won't think badly of me. If press. Overall, the response of critics was favour-
it succeeds--that is, if the pieces are well able. The Op. 1 lieder were praised for their clean
liked and I receive additional offers--I harmony, the elegance of the accompanying fig-
know it will be a great stimulus to me, ures, and "the whole outer appearance," but the re-
something I've always needed in order to viewer found them lacking in "inner emotion" 93
create. If not, I'll be as indifferent as I've Another critique, an assessment of the Op. 2 piano
always been and not be upset, and then if I pieces, mentions that they were written by a
work less or stop completely, nothing will woman, "whose outward composition betrays no
have been lost by that either.89 trace of a female hand, but allows rather the suppo-
sition of a masculine, serious study of the art" 94
Felix, whose views on professional women com- The most laudatory of these reviews is an unusual-
posers had not changed, was displeased that his sister ly long and detailed critique of all four piano col-
had relinquished her amateur status without his con- lections, which concludes as follows: "We express
sent.90 A full month passed before he finally extended our sincere thanks to the artist for the publication
his congratulations to her. He wrote: of these works. They will be welcomed by every-
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Sirota, p. 27. 65.Quoted in Hensel, 1:252. The overture mentioned in this pas-
41.Felix to Fanny, 11 June 1830, Felix Mendelssohn: Letters, sage is probably Fanny's unpublished Overture in C major. The
p. 77. undated autograph of this work is in the Mendelssohn Archive.
42.Felix to Lea, 19 July 1842, ibid., pp. 307-08. For Queen 66.Hensel, 1:335.
Victoria's account of this event, see her diary entry of 9 July 67.Ibid., 2:31.
1842, quoted in Marek, p. 293. 68.Fanny to Klingemann, 15 July 1835, quoted in ibid., 2:31.
43.Quoted in Sirota, p. 33. 69.Quoted in ibid., 2:38.
44.See Felix to Abraham, Felix Mendelssohn: Letters, p. 193. 70.Fanny to Felix, 16 November 1836, The Letters of Fanny
45.Hensel, 1:197. Hensel to Felix Mendelssohn, p. 217.
46.See Fanny's diary entry of 31 August 1829, quoted in The 71.Hensel, 2:33.
Letters of Fanny Hensel to Felix Mendelssohn, p. 82. See also 72.The Letters of Fanny Hensel to Felix Mendelssohn, p. 214.
Fanny to Felix, 2 September 1829, ibid., pp. 80-81. 73.Fanny to Felix, 22 November 1836, ibid., p. 222.
47.John Thomson [J. T.], "Notes of a Musical Tourist," Har- 74.Felix to Fanny, 24 January 1837, quoted in Hensel, 2:31.
monicon 8 (1830): 99; reprint ed. (London: Gregg Interna- 75.See Leon B. Plantinga, Schumann as Critic (London and New
tional, 1971). Haven: Yale University Press, 1967; reprint ed., New York: Da
48.Hensel, 1:229. Capo, 1976), p. x.
49.Fanny to Felix, 3 October 1829, The Letters of Fanny 76.Felix to Fanny, 7 March 1837, quoted in Hensel, 2:30.
Hensel to Felix Mendelssohn, p. 90. 77.Quoted in Marcia J. Citron, "Felix Mendelssohn's Influence on
50.See Hensel, 1:241. The autograph of this work, a Prae- Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel as Professional Composer," Current
ludium in F major, dated September 28, 1829, and inscribed in Musicology 37/38 (1983):15.
German with the words for the third of October 1829, is 78.Felix to Lea, 24 June 1837, Letters of Felix Mendelssohn-
housed in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Bartholdy, from 1833-1847, pp. 113-14. The published version
51.See Felix to his family, 11 August 1829, quoted in The Let- of this letter is incorrectly dated 2 June 1837. The date on the
ters of Fanny Hensel to Felix Mendelssohn, p. 78. For Fanny's New York Public Library autograph is 24 June 1837.
reply, see her letter of 25 August 1829, ibid., p. 77. 79.Hensel, 2:36.
52.Ibid., pp. 88-89. 80.See Fanny to Rebecca, 18 March 1844, quoted in ibid., 2:260.
53.Ibid., p. 91. The undated autograph of a Prludium in G ma- 81.Ibid., 2:36.
jor for organ by Fanny is in a private collection. I have been un- 82.Ibid., 1:252.
able to find a contemporary source stating whether this piece 83.Charles Gounod, Memoirs of an Artist: An Autobiography,
was actually performed at the wedding ceremony. trans. E. Crocker (Chicago and New York: Rand, McNally & Co.,
54.Hensel, 1:248. 1895), pp. 125-26. See also Hensel, 2:106.
55.Fanny to Felix, n.d. [c. early November 1829], The Letters 84.Gounod, p.125.
of Fanny Hensel to Felix Mendelssohn, p. 96. 85.Fanny's diary, 23 April 1840, quoted in Hensel, 2:101.
56.Fanny to Felix, 27 April 1834, ibid., p. 138. 86.Quoted in ibid., 2:325.
57.A reference to Molire's play Les Femmes savantes, in 87.Ibid.
which he pokes fun at "bluestockings." 88.Quoted in Rudolf Elvers, Preface to the score, Fanny Hensel,
58.Felix to Madame Kien, 1 June 1835, Library of Congress, Ausgewhlte Klavierwerke (Munich: Henle, 1986), p. vii.
Washington, D.C., quoted in Sirota, p. 85. 89.Fanny to Felix, 9 July 1846, The Letters of Fanny Hensel to
59.Based on Felix's letter of 22 February 1831, in which he Felix Mendelssohn, pp. 349-51.
congratulates Fanny for having revived this family tradition, the 90.Hensel, 2:325.
musicales were probably reinstated in January of 1831. See 91.Felix to Fanny, 12 August 1846, quoted in ibid., 2:326.
Letters of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy from Italy and Switzer- 92.Fanny's diary, 14 August 1846, quoted in ibid.
land, trans. Lady Wallace (Boston: Ditson, 1861), pp. 10-11. 93."Liederschau: Fanny Hensel, Op.1," Neue Zeitschrift fr Mu-
60.Hensel, 1:251-52. sik 26 (1 February 1847):38, as described in Sirota, p. 124. Also
61.See, for example, Fanny's diary entry of 19 July 1831, as de- quoted in Tillard, p. 330.
scribed in Sirota., p. 66. 94."Liederschau: Fanny Hensel, Op.1," Neue Zeitschrift fr Mu-
62.Fanny to Felix, 17 February 1835, The Letters of Fanny sik 26 (1 February 1847):38, as described in Sirota, p. 124. Also
Hensel to Felix Mendelssohn, p. 174. quoted in Tillard, p. 330.
63.See Felix to Fanny, 28 December 1831, Letters of Felix 95."ber die Clavier-Kompositionen von Fanny Hensel," Allge-
Mendelssohn Bartholdy from Italy and Switzerland, pp. 317- meine musikalische Zeitung 49 (1847):381-83, as described and
18. quoted in Citron, "Felix Mendelssohn's Influence on Fanny Men-
64.See Fanny to Felix, 4 February 1836, The Letters of Fanny delssohn Hensel as a Professional Composer," pp. 16-17.
Hensel to Felix Mendelssohn, p. 201. 96.Quoted in Elvers, Preface to Fanny Hensel, Ausgewhlte Kla-
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