Cr1000 Serialread e Split
Cr1000 Serialread e Split
Cr1000 Serialread e Split
NOTE 0009
The Campbell Scientific CR1000 is a popular data logger which
provides a plethora of options for connecting and recording
multiple sensors. The Eosense eosGP CO2 gas probe has
multiple output options. This note is provided to help you decide
which connection method is right for your application and
demonstrate the connection process.
Required Components
Campbell Scientific CR1000 data logger
Short Cut software (CR1000)
Power Connector
Serial Extension Cable (Serial Only)
Ground Connector (Analog Only)
Figure 1: Connecting the eosGP to a CR1000 in serial mode
Serial Mode (printable image)
Why would you want to use your data logger's serial input with
the Eosense CO2 gas probe? Unlike basic analog sensors such
A demonstration program is shown in listing below (and also
as thermistors, the eosGP uses an on-board computer to make
available as a download). The blue text represents a basic
measurements and apply calibrations to calculate a highly
CR1000 program which in the case of the demo measures and
accurate CO2 concentration reading. For the convenience of
records battery voltage and internal temperature, though it will
users with basic analog-only data loggers, we supply simulated
obviously vary based on your specific application. The red text
analog output signals, but for maximum resolution and noise
represents the lines of program code which are added to
immunity, it is always preferable to use the serial output.
extract and record the CO2 concentration, high range CO2
concentration, and temperature from the eosGP.
The CR1000 allows up to 4 serial inputs on its control I/O ports
in addition to analog inputs, allowing synchronization between The lines starting with SerialOpen and SerialIn contain
serial and analog sensor readings. Simply connect pin 2 of the references to Com4. These can be changed to Com1, Com2
eosGP's serial extension cable to the Rx input of the CR1000's or Com3 to make use of the other serial ports. The eosGP
Com port, and pin 5 to a digital ground (usually labelled 'G') as outputs a new serial reading approximately every 5 seconds.
shown in Figure 1. When each new serial message arrives, the concentrations and
temperature are updated (Scan should have a frequency of
The GP can either be powered from the logger's 12 V supply or less than 5 seconds). Calling the data table will store these
via a separate supply. In this example, Com4 is used, but with a most recent values. If the DataTable frequency is faster than
small change to the program, any of the 4 control I/O Com ports 5 seconds, the same readings will be stored multiple times
can be used. Using the CR1000's dedicated RS232 port is since the data is only updated every 5 seconds. While the
more difficult since this connector is used to upload programs demonstration program was developed specifically for the
and download data from the logger and is beyond the scope of CR1000, the techniques are applicable to other data logger
this application note. models like the CR800, CR6 and CR3000 with minor changes
to the program.
Differential Mode
'CR1000 GP Serial Demo
'Created by Eosense If serial mode is unavailable, the eosGP's analog outputs can
'Declare Variables and Units be connected to the CR1000's differential inputs. Remove the
Public BattV
Public PTemp_C
serial extension cable from the power & data cable and replace
Public SerialInput As String * 50 it with the included ground connector. This supplies a separate
Public SerialFields(6) As String * 16
Public GP_CO2Conc as FLOAT
ground reference for each analog output. The analog/ground
Public GP_CO2HiConc as FLOAT pairs can then be connected to high/low (H/L) differential input
Public GP_Temp as FLOAT
pairs on the CR1000 as shown in Figure 2. The power can
Units BattV=Volts remain connected to 12 V output of the CR1000 or can use a
Units PTemp_C=Deg C
Units GP_CO2Conc=ppm CO2 separate supply.
Units GP_CO2HiConc=ppm CO2
Units GP_Temp=Deg C
'Main Program
'Initialize Serial Port
'Main Scan Figure 2: Connecting the eosGP to a CR1000 in differential
'Default Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement mode (printable image)
'Default Wiring Panel Temperature measurement This setup can be configured using Campbell's Short Cut
PanelTemp(PTemp_C,_60Hz) program as there is no complicated programming involved. In the
'Eosense GP CO2 measurements sensor section, select Differential Voltage and add 3 sensors.
'Read GP Serial Data
SerialIn(SerialInput,Com4,6,&h0D,80) Adjust the properties for each sensors as per Table 1 if you have
'If new data is available, parse and convert a standard dual-range eosGP (5000 ppm and 20000 ppm).
if InStr(1,SerialInput,"][",2) then
'Separate input into fields
"][",6,0) Table 1: Sensor Properties
'Store CO2 Concentration as floating point number
'Store Temperature as floating point number Sensor Property Purple Wire Grey Wire Blue Wire
'Store CO2 High Range Concentration as fpn
'Call Data Tables and Store Data Measurement CO2_Low CO2_High Temperature
CallTable Table1 Result (name)
CallTable Table2
EndProg Measurement ppm ppm Degrees C
Result (units)
Eosense Inc.