Grammar Glossary PDF
Grammar Glossary PDF
Grammar Glossary PDF
A Grammar Glossary
f you think your understanding of grammatical terminology may be a
Ibit rusty, then this glossary should be helpfuL It defines familiar terms
(such as adjective) and some not quite as familiar (such as adjectival) and
gives examples. It is not intended to be a complete grammar glossary.
More complete descriptions can be found in Martha KoHn and Robert
Funk's Understanding English Grammar and other grammar texts.
Absolute phrase: A noun phrase with one modifier, often a participial phrase,
following the noun headword. An absolute phrase can explain a cause
or condition, as in The temperature having dropped suddenly, we decided to
build afire in the fireplace, or it can add a detail or a point of focus, as in
The children rushed out the schoolhouse door, their voices filling the playground
with shouts of freedom .
Active voice: A feature of sentences in which the subject performs the action
of the verb and the direct object is the goa lor the recipient: The mechanic
fixed the car. See also Passive voice.
Adjectival: Any structure (word, phrase, or clause) that fills the role of an ad
jective-that is, that functions as an adjective normally does, modify
ing a noun: The hOllse is new. In this sentence, on the comer
is an adjectival prepositional phrase.
Adjective: A form-class word that functions as a noun modifier. Adjectives can
be made comparative and superlative (tall, taller, tallest) and can be quali
fied or intensified (very tal/).
Adverb: A form-class word that generally modifies a verb, as in I will be going
soon. Adverbs can also modifv the sentence as a whole, as in Unfortu
nately, I was out when you pJlOn~d. Some adverbs can be compared (more
quickly) or intensified (very quickly), Their pOSition in the sentence is
often flexible (I will soon be going; Soon I will be going).
Adverbial: Any structure (word, phrase, or clause) that functions as a modi
fier of a verb-that is, that fills the role of an adverb. In We drove to the
airport to pick up Uncle Louie, to the airport is an adverbial prepositional
phrase and to pick up Uncle Louie is an adverbial infinitive phrase, both
modifying the verb drove.
Affix: A meaningful unit that is added to the beginning (prefix) or end (suf
fix) of a word to change its meaning or its function or its part of speech:
(prefix) unhelpful; (suffix) unhelpful. See also Prefix; Suffix.
Agreement: See Pronoun-antecedent agreement; Subject-verb agreement.
98 A Grammar Glossary
Antecedent: The word or phrase, usually a noun phrase, that a pronoun stands
for: Here is }/QJ1LJlLeSent. I hope that you like fl.
Appositive: A structure that adds information by renaming another structure,
as in Ginger, nlJI dog, is szueef but stubborn. Or, My daily exercise routine,
running around the track, sometimes gets very boring.
Article: The determiners a and an (the indefinite articles) and the (the definite
article): 1 View to U. Kill; Man with Goldell Gun.
Auxiliary verb: A structure-class word used with verbs. Auxiliary verbs in
clude have, be, and do when they are used in phrases with other verbs,
as well as such modals as will and must: Miguel left tomor
I'mu. Do you need to see him? See also ModaL
Base form of the verb: TIle unintlected form of the verb, as it appears in the
frame "To ~ is difficult." The base form appears in the infinitive (To
be or not toJ:Jg), in the present tense for all persons except third-person
singular (I you walk, we 7V1llk, they walk), and in other verb phrases
(He mllst They lPill walk).
Case: A feature of nouns and certain pronouns (personal and relative pronouns)
that is determined by the role the noun or pronoun fills in the sentence.
Pronouns have three case distinctions: subjective (for example, he, we,
who), possessive (his, our, 'whose), and objective (him, us, whom). Nouns
have only one case inflection, the possessive (John1!., the cat~. See also
Objective case; Subjective case.
Clause: A sequence of words that includes a subject and a predicate: Ellen slt;pl;
Ellell dreamed about her daughter, who was away at school. See also Depen
dent clause; Independent clause.
Coherence: The quality of being orderly, logical, and consistent. See also Co
Cohesion: The grammatical and semantic connections between sentences and
paragraphs. Cohesive ties are furnished by pronouns that have ante
cedents in previous sentences, by ad verbial connections, by known in
formation, by repeated or related words, and by knowledge shared by
the reader.
Comma splice: Two independent clauses joined by a comma, as in Juana went
home, she has a doctor's appointment for her son. See also Run-on sentence.
Complement: A structure that completes the predicate, such as a direct object
(Size planted roses), indirect object (He gave her a kiss), subject complement
(He became sleepy), and object complement named him Theodore).
Complex sentence: A sentence consisting of one independent: or main, clause
and at least one dependent clause, as in Computers arefrllstrating when
they don't work.
A Grammar Glossary 99
Modal: An auxiliary verb that opens a main verb string and that conveys the
probability, possibility, obligation, or other mood of the main verb. The
principal modals are can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, and
must: He should be here. He said he would be. He must be sick. Other kinds
of modals include need and dare, as in You need not have said that and I
don't dare say it. Modal phrases include had to, as in Anita leave.
See also Auxiliary verb; Main verb string.
Modifier: A word, phrase, or clause that adds information about a noun or
verb or the sentence as a whole: The blue chair that I bought at the auction
needs painting; The tomatoes grow fJJ!2l when the nights are warm: Un/ortu
she lost her job.
Nominal: A word, phrase, or clause that functions as noun phrases do.
Nominals do not necessarily contain nouns: Traveling can be hard work;
I'll accept whoever volunteers. See also Noun phrase; Nominal clause.
Nominal clause: A clause that functions as a noun phrase does, often a that
clause or an interrogative clause, as in I know that she knows; Denise W011
dered why they were late.
Nonfinite: Not definite as to tense. The nonfinite verbs are infinitives, parti
ciples, and gerunds. Konfinite verbs appear in the main verb phrase,
where they are preceded by a finite verb (one with tense), as in Melissa
is running in the race (present participle). They also appear in other
phrases where they function nominally, adjectivally, or adverbially; such
phrases are nonfinite verb phrases: Yuri loves to sing (infinitive); The
snoring man is next door (present participle); She likes riding roller coasters
(gerund). See also Finite.
Nonrestrictive modifier: A modifier-a word, phrase, or clause-in the noun
phrase that comments on the noun but is not necessary for defining or
identifying it. It is set off with commas: The Finance Committee, which met
last week, is still working all the budget. See also Restrictive modifier.
Noun: A form-class word that can usually be made plural or possessive, as in
boy, boys, boy's. Nouns fill the headword slot in noun phrases (my old
Kentucky home); they can also serve as adjectivals (the home team) and
adverbials (They went home).
A Grammar Glossary 10~
Noun phrase: The noun headword together with all of its modifiers. In the
sentence The gardener trimmed the pine tree with the broken branches, the
gardener is a noun phrase that functions as the sentence subject, and its
headword is gardener. The tree with the brokell branches is a noun
phrase functioning as a direct object, and its headword is tree. The bro
ken branches is a noun phrase embedded in the longer noun phrase; it
functions as the object of the preposition Lvith, and its headword is
Object complement: A word or phrase in the predicate that completes the idea
of the verb and modifies or renames the direct object: I found the play
~""".'...'&' We consider Rose Maric ~"'-""'..J.!-""'-'-","'
in the name of this verb form does not denote past time: We have
(past participle); We (past tense); The dog is walked by the
girl next door (present tense, passive voice). See also Participle; Present
Past tense: The -ed form of regular verbs, usually denoting an action at a spe
cific time in the past: They down the street. Irregular verbs have
various past tense forms, as in She bought the car; They a walk; He
was happy.
Phrasal verb: A verb consisting of a verb plus a particle or particles: look up
the statistics, give in to the pressure, put up with the noise, find out the
truth, make up a lie, turn ill at midnight, come by a fortune, go in for horse
racing, and many other everyday verbs.
Phrase: A word or group of words that functions as a unit in the sentence and
is not a clause. The boy is a noun phrase. The boy with the blue shirt is a
noun phrase that includes a prepositional phrase modifying the noun
boy. The boy who is mowing the lawn is a noun phrase that includes an
adjectival clause modifying the noun boy. See also Noun phrase; Verb
phrase; Preposition; Absolute phrase.
Predicate: One of the two principal parts of the sentence, it's the comment made
about the subject. The predicate includes the verb together with its
complements and modifiers: The building finally collapsed after years of
See also Subject.
Predicate adjective: The adjective that functions as a subject complement fol
lowing a linking verb, as in He became sleepy. See also Linking verb;
Subject complement.
Predicate nominative: The noun or nominal that functions as a subject comple
ment: She became an engineer. See also Linking verb; Subject complement.
Prefix: A meaningful uni t added to the beginning of a word to change its mean
ing (illegal) or its class (enable). See also Affix; Suffix.
Preposition: A structure-class word that combines with a nominal (the object
of the preposition) to form a prepositional phrase, which functions ad
jectivally or adverbially, as in On Tuesday, the circus came to town. Prepo
sitions can be simple (above, at, in, ofJorJl'Oln, etc.) or phrasal (according
to, instead of, etc.).
Present participle: The form of the verb used with the frame "We are ...": We
are gQing; They should be leaving soon. This -ing form of the verb is also
used as an adjectival modifier as well as a main verb: Leaving the park,
she was feeling the excitement of the city. The word present in the label for
this verb form does not denote present time, and in fact the present
participle is not definite as to time: He is He was leaving. See also
Participle; Nonfinite.
A Grammar Glossary 10~
Present tense: The base form (eat) along with the -s form (eats) that is used with
a third-person singular subject. The present tense denotes a present
point in time ([like your new hairdo), a habitual action (My parents live in
Arizona), or the "timeless" present (The earth around the sun).
Progressive: A verb construction consisting of the auxiliary be and the present
participle, expressing ongoing activity or a temporary state, as in Jamal
is eating; Molly was being silly.
Pronoun: A word that substitutes for a nominaL as in Sam tried to stop laugh
ing, but he couldn't do i.t. Types of pronouns include demonstrative pro
nouns (this, these, that, those), personal pronouns (I, me, it, you, etc.), in
definite pronouns (every, everyone, many, any, etc.), relative pronouns
(who, that, which), and reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, himself, etc.).
Pronoun-antecedent agreement: The matching of the number (whether sin
gular or plural) of the pronoun to the number of its antecedent: The boys
did chores; Each girl did best.
Qualifier: A structure-class word that qualifies or intensifies adjectives and
adverbs, as in We worked very hard; Joan was slightly annoyed; It's much
colder today.
Regular verb: A verb that forms the past tense and past participle by the ad
dition of -ed (or, in a few cases, -d or-t) to the base form: Yesterday, he
walked to school; Maria has all the way. See also Irregular verb.
Relative clause: A clause introduced by a relative pronoun (who, which, that)
or a relative adverb (when, where, why) that generally functions as an
adjectival, as in The book that you wanted has arrived; The area where I live
is densely populated. The broad reference which clause functions as a sen
tence modifier: John bought a gas-guzzler, which surprised me. See also
Subordinate clause.
Relative pronoun: The pronouns who, whose, whom, that, and which, used to
introduce relative clauses: The boy who lives here is named Jorge.
Restrictive modifier: A modifier-a word, phrase, or clause-in the noun
phrase that restricts and identifies the meaning of the noun. It is not set
off by commas: Homer's epic poem The Odyssey is a great book to teach;
The chair that you just sat on is broken. See also Nonrestrictive modifier.
Rhetoric: The aspects of language use and organization that make it effective
and persuasive for an audience; the study of those aspects.
Run-on sentence: Two independent clauses with no punctuation between
them, as in Juana went home she has a doctor's appointment for her son.
Semantics: Meaning in language; the study of meaning in language.
Sentence modifier: A word, phrase, or clause that modifies the sentence as a
whole, rather than a particular structure within it. It is sometimes called
106 A Grammar Glossary
a free modifier: Ironically, the other team won; In an ironic turn ofez)cnts, the
other team won.
Simple sentence: A sentence consisting of a single independent clause, as in
Computers can be frustrating. See also Complex sentence; Compound
sentence; Compound-complex sentence.
Structure-class words: The classes of words that show the grammatical or
structural relationships between form-class words. The major structure
classes are conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliaries, determiners, qualifi
ers, interrogatives, and expletives. New structure-class words appear
rarely and for this reason they are referred to as closed classes. See also
Form-class words.
Subject: The opening position in the basic structure of a sentence, filled by a
noun phrase or other nominal that functions as the topic of the sentence,
as in This old upriKlzt piano still sounds beautiful. See also Predicate.
Subject complement: The nominal or adjectival that follows a linking verb and
renames or modifies the sentence subject: Charleston, South Carolina, is
a beaut~ful city. See also Predicate adjective; Predicate nominative.
Subjective case: The role of a noun phrase or a pronoun when it functions as
the subject of a clause. Personal pronouns have distinctive forms for
subjective case: 1, she, we, they. For example, She and T011l are happy.
Subject-verb agreement: The matching of the number and person of the sub
ject to the form of the verb. When the subject is third-person singular
and the verb is in the present tense, the verb takes the -s inflection, as
in The dog barks all night. He bothers the neighbors. With other subjects and
in other tenses, verbs (with the exception of be) do not change to match
the number or person of the subject: r we f;i!cp; he slept: thell
Subordinate clause: A dependent clause introduced by a subordinating con
junction such as if, since, because, and although. Subordinate clauses are
usually adverbial: We left becalisillll'as getting late. See also Dependent
Subordinating conjunction: A conjunction that introduces a subordinate
clause. Among the most common, both simple and compound, are af
ter, although, as long as, because, if since, so tfwt, provided that, though,
until, when, whenever, and while.
Suffix: A meaningful unit added to the end of a word to change its class
(laugh-laughable), its function (eal--eati1lg), or its meaning (dog--dogV.
See also Affix; Prefix.
Syntax: The structure and arrangement of words, phrases, and clauses in sen
tences; the study of this topic.
Transitive verb: A verb that requires a direct object as its complement to be
complete, as in He drove the em: Many verbs can be either transitiYe or
A Grammar Glossary 10)