Tamil Nadu Sales Tax (Surcharge) Act, 1971
Tamil Nadu Sales Tax (Surcharge) Act, 1971
Tamil Nadu Sales Tax (Surcharge) Act, 1971
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1970) ;
(iii) the surcharge under sub-section (1) of
.- -
1 The following section wa:; ornitted by
Nadu Sales Tax Laws (Amer~dmentand
Nadu Act 7 of 1981), which was decme:d t
the 1st Novcwbcr 1980:-
(i) in the msc of spcific or ssccrt;iilmd gooda, at the
tilnc the contract uf sale or purchase is nxde ; ~ n d
(i i), in the CitSL\ of clnascertained or future goods,
, at the ttm: of t hair appropriatjon to the contract of sale
, or purchasc by t hc seller cr by the purchaser, whether thc
2 ssent of tlie cthcr party is prior or subseq~~ent to such
(2) Wlwrz tllcm i s a single contract of sale or purchase
of goods situated itt more places than one, the provisions
of sub-scciion (1) shall apply as if tllcre were separate
contracts in respcct of the goods at each of such places.
6. For the rc tnoval of doubts, it j s hereby cieclared that Removal of
the surcharge 1 [caradditional surchargeJ und.cr this Act doubts.
sl~allbc levied only on tile tax payable under the Tamil
Nadu Gcncral Sales Tax Act, 1959 (Tam 1 Nadu Act
. l o f 1959) V f " * * 1 and such sur-
charge 1 [or additional surcharge] shall be levied in addj-
tion ro any tax or additional tax payable on the sale
or purchase cf goods under any law for tlle time being
in forcc.
* '
I... b
se~lerialinformation :-
(2) It ~ballbe deemed to have come into force on the 1st Apria
" (3) This Act shall be deem& to have come into force on the 1st
April 1989. ''.
.mil Nadu Act v (ii) a Municipal Council constituted bdPr the Tamil Nadu District
d j920. Municipalities &% 1920, or . .
areas. " ;
(c) in the s m n d proviso, for Ior W O ~ S" Pmvided furthe " 9 the
mr4 &o+ded ', shall be substituted : -
(A broup) IV-2 Ex. (317)-3a
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax (Surcharge) Act, 1971
Be It enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fortieth
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
Short title and 1. (1) This Act may be Called the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax (Surcharge) Second
Commencement Amendment Act, 1989
(2) It shall be deemed to have into force on the 1st July 1989.
Insertion of new 2. After section 3 of the Tamil Nadu Sales Tax (Surcharge) Act, 1971 Tamil Nadu Act,
Section 3-A (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), the following section shall be 24 of1971
inserted, namely:-
Levy of addi 3-A (1) In a addition to the surcharge leviable under section 3, every dealer Tamil Nadu
tional surcharge who is liable to pay tax under the Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 1 of 1959
on Sales Tax. (Hereinafter in this section referred to as the said Act) on the sale or purchase
of goods, in the municipal corporation of the Madras and within thirty two
kilometers from the outer peripheral limits of the municipal corporation of
Madras, shall pay an additional surcharge on such tax at the rate of five percent
of such tax:
r;d'.!. , ! . :
3. Tn section 6 of the principal Act, after the word " slurcharge" in two
places where it occurs, the words " or additional m~rcllarge" shall Be inserted.
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the
rment of the Governor on the 22nd October 1991 and is hereby publisher1 for
general information :-
ACT No. 36 O F 1991.
Secretary to Government, Lam Departntent,
The folIowing Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of the Governor on the St:? Seprember 1996 and is hereby published for 9ene.ral
information :-
ACT No. 30 OF 1996.
2. The Tamil Na,du Sales Tax (Surcharge) Aat, 1971 (hereinafter referred to as Repeal.
the said Act) is hereby repealed.
3. Notwithstandrng tho repeal of the said Act by this Act, and notwithstanding Validation.
anything contained irt any judg,nent, decree or order of a.ny court or other authority,
no assessment, re-assessment, levy or collection of any tax made or purporting
to have been made under the provisions of the said Act, at any tlme between the
17th July 1996 and the date of publication of this Act in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazette, shall be deemed to be invalid or ever to have been invalid on the ground
only that such assessment, re-assessment, levy or aollection was not in accordance
with law and such tax assessed, re-assessed, levied or collected or purporting to
have been assessed, re-assessed, levied or oolleated shall, for all purposes, be deemed
to be, and always to have been validly assessed, re-assessed, levied or collected, ,
and accordingly,-
(a) all acts, proceedings or things done or taken by the State Government
or by any other authority in a o n n d o a with the amessment, re-aasessmant, levy
or collection of such tax, shall for all purposes, be deemed to be, and to haw alwaya
been done or taken in accordance with law ;
(b). no suit or othor procaeding shsll be meintainrd or continued in any
oourt against tke State Governlnant or any persan or aututhorlty, wnatsoever, whether
for the refund of any tax so paid ; and
(c) 110 coltrt shall onforcc any doaree or order diractirtg the refund of any
tax so paid.
IT 2 Ex. l450l-3