Zeiss Gear Pro 2016 Release Infomation en

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The document outlines the updates, enhancements and new features introduced in GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) including support for new operating systems, modules, measurement capabilities and data export formats.

Some of the main updates include support for Windows 10, new CAD display and simulation extensions, additional eccentric correction options for involute gears, new report formats and quality standards for results export.

New features have been added for specific modules - tooth thickness can now be calculated from pitch measurement for bevel gears, additional enhancements have been made for rotor measurement, pitch can be evaluated based on profile measurement.


Documentation for
GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Revision information
Read First!
Please read these operating instructions before using the ZEISS prod-
For your own safety, please keep all relevant documents available at
all times.
The dissemination or duplication of this document, including excerpts, is
prohibited without our express, written consent. Violations shall result in
claims for damages.
ZEISS. All rights reserved.
This manual is subject to change and the ZEISS product described and
the components therein are subject to technical modifications.
All product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of the re-
spective owners.

Carl Zeiss
Business group
Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH
D-73446 Oberkochen

Version 2016 (5.6)
Revision information
Table of contents
Chapter1 GEARPRO(General)

Windows10 ......................................................................12

ACISVersion26 ...............................................................13


Rotarytablesettings .......................................................16

OINSPECTscanningrotarytable ..................................17

Transfermeanvaluetolerancesfromuserdefinedvalue .


Statisticsexport(QDASASCIItransferformat) .........110


EULAandchangedocumentation ...............................115

Systeminformationformeasurementdataenhancement .

GEARPROsupportsKorean ........................................117

Chapter2 GEARPROinvolute

Additionaleccentriccorrectionoptions ........................22

Pitchspandeviation(Fpz/8orFpk) ...............................24




GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) Table of contents 11

Chapter3 GEARPRObevel


ASCIIformat .....................................................................33

Chapter4 GEARPROrotor

horizontalclampingposition ..........................................42


Pitchevaluationbasedonprofilemeasurement ..........44


Chapter5 GEARPROsystemrequirements

Compatibilitymatrix ........................................................52



Chapter6 Contact


ServicePackdownload ...................................................63



22 Table of contents GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

GEAR PRO (General)


1 GEAR PRO (General)

This chapter contains:

Windows 10 ..............................................................................................1-2
ACIS Version 26 .........................................................................................1-3
CAD display and simulation extensions.......................................................1-4
Rotary table settings ..................................................................................1-6
O-INSPECT scanning rotary table ................................................................1-7
Transfer mean value tolerances from user-defined value.............................1-8
Quality standards and classes added to measuring result export (ASCII) ......1-9
Statistics export (Q-DAS ASCII transfer format) .........................................1-10
Data export (XSLT) ...................................................................................1-11
EULA and change documentation ............................................................1-15
System information for measurement data enhancement.........................1-16
GEAR PRO supports Korean .....................................................................1-17

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 1-1

Windows 10

Windows 10
GEAR PRO 2016 was tested with Windows 10 and can be used with this
operating system. For CMM measuring operations, please check if your
version of CALYPSO is compatible with Windows 10.

1-2 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

ACIS Version 26

ACIS Version 26
ACIS version 26 can be selected with GEAR PRO 2016. This is recom-
mended for Windows 10. The default remains ACIS version 25. If neces-
sary, you can change this under Setup in the Components tab.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 1-3

CAD display and simulation extensions

CAD display and simulation extensions

There are various enhancements for the CAD display and simulation of
1. CAD toolbar
The CAD toolbar now features new buttons and functions.

Perspective CAD view

The new spatial display of the CAD model enables a perspective
view of the CAD model.
Rotate CAD model
The buttons to rotate the CAD model now rotate the workpiece
around the Z axis of the CAD model instead of the Z axis of the
2. Stylus system creator (SSC)
Stylus system data can now be imported and used for the simulation
using the SSC import function. The following notes and instructions
must be heeded:
The CMM simulation and Measurement animation must be
activated in Setup.
SSC data is currently only supported in the simulation of a mea-
surement without rotary table, i.e. during a measurement run,
Do not use rotary table must be activated.
The CAD model must be shown in the workpiece window.
You can import the desired stylus system data via CAD " Im-
port SSC file " Load SSC file. The imported stylus system is
then shown in a separate CAD window.
The next step is to import the stylus system data for the simula-
tion via CAD " Import SSC file " Import stylus system data
The stylus system must then be assigned to the respective mea-
suring task. To do this, go to Global technology " Stylus sys-
tem/Alignment/Rotary table " Automatic stylus selection
" Import.
The measurement run can now be simulated with the loaded SSC
stylus system data.

1-4 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

CAD display and simulation extensions

3. Clip plane
The new Clipping plane window (CAD " View " Clipping
plane) allows you to cut the CAD model in various planes as in
CALYPSO. This function is used for the simulation/horizontal mea-
surement of screw compressors (rotors), for example.
4. Rotate CAD model
The functions in the Rotation (CAD " View " Rotate CAD
model) window allow you to rotate the CAD model to any angle for
the simulation. This allows you to recreate a real clamping situation
on the CMM for the simulation.
5. CAD window optimizations
The generation of the CAD stylus system is now only run when
changes are made (e.g. stylus system requalified or redesigned). This
reduces loading times and thus increases performance.
The additional CAD window for stylus systems has been given a
more neutral name. In the past, it was the copied window name of
the associated workpiece.
The maximum possible display of open CAD windows is 20. This in-
cludes both workpiece windows as well as stylus system windows.
Once this maximum number has been reached, you can empty the
buffer by closing the individual windows.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 1-5

Rotary table settings

Rotary table settings

In GEAR PRO SETUP, you can view and change the rotary table settings
in the CMM tab. Changes can be made under Settings and a password
is not required.
The new Service settings button still requires a password. If necessary
(exclusive to RT05-400 rotary tables), customers can contact ZEISS Sup-

1-6 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

O-INSPECT scanning rotary table

O-INSPECT scanning rotary table

The latest generation of the O-INSPECT product line now supports scan-
ning rotary tables.
To better identify if an O-INSPECT uses a positioning or scanning rotary
table, the existing positioning rotary table RT O-I was renamed RT-
PRS-110 (indexing) in the GEAR PRO setup. The existing scanning ro-
tary table RT-PRS-110-A was renamed RT-PRS-110-A (scanning). It
is used, for example on DuraMax RT CMMs and the latest generation of

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 1-7

Transfer mean value tolerances from user-defined value

Transfer mean value tolerances from user-

defined value
The Copy to Mean value ranges button now allows you to copy the
tolerances from the fields for the user-defined values (yellow) into the
fields of the tolerances for the mean values (blue) in the Tolerances/
Characteristics tab of the individual measuring tasks.

1-8 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Quality standards and classes added to measuring result export (ASCII)

Quality standards and classes added to

measuring result export (ASCII)
The measurement result export (ASCII) of the characteristics with GEAR
PRO involute and GEAR PRO worm now includes the output of the ac-
tual quality class QA, the nominal quality class QN and the quality stan-
dard (e.g. DIN_3962). This function can be activated in the measure-
ment result export (ASCII) settings under PRESENTATION " Protocol/
Printer/Export " Measuring result export (ASCII) " Yellow trian-
gle " Show quality standard. Default values can also be defined in
Setup for this setting for new workpieces.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 1-9

Statistics export (Q-DAS ASCII transfer format)

Statistics export (Q-DAS ASCII transfer format)

The statistics export was renamed Q-DAS ASCII transfer format. All
existing functions, as well as the configuration files remain unchanged.

1-10 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Data export (XSLT)

Data export (XSLT)

Data export using XSL-Transformation (XSLT) is one of the options in
GEAR PRO (except GEAR PRO bevel) to export the measurement data
and/or results for downstream customer-specific processing.
Data export (XSLT) is activated for each workpiece in the
PRESENTATION window on the Protocol/Printer/Export tab. The
desired XSLT script must be selected in the sub-window with the yellow
triangle. Furthermore, the standard settings in GEAR PRO for file names
and directory structures can be defined here. Defaults can be configured
in GEAR PRO Setup.
If data export is activated, GEAR PRO starts the transformation in the
saved XSLT script upon completion of each measurement or subsequent
evaluation and saves the resulting file(s) based on the name and path
specifications. The Create single files for each measuring task but-
ton allows you to separate the files into individual measuring tasks. This
is realized in the XML file via the "xsltname" attribute in the scripts pro-
vided. In this case, the export of the report header information is omit-
ted because a point recall with the files would not be possible in
CALYPSO. The data store is also temporarily saved in the ...\GearNT\XSLT
directory as Datastore.xml upon completion of each measurement and
evaluation when data export is activated.
Multiple XSLT files are saved in the GEAR PRO installation directory (...


Suitable for:
involute, worm
profile: diameter[mm] / deviation[m]
[ d dev ]
lead: height[mm] / deviation[m]
[ h dev ]
This script is intended for cylindrical gears and worms to export profile
and lead deviations of the actual measurement points, including associ-
ated diameter and height information.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 1-11

Data export (XSLT)

The deviations (dev) are given in the transverse, normal or axial direction
in the SETUP EVALUATION window depending on which deviation
calculation was selected.

Suitable for:
involute, worm, rotor
xyz surface point / uvw normal vector / dev deviation
[ x y z u v w dev ]
This XSLT script provides an opportunity to export the actual measure-
ment points as surface points of the profile, lead and diameter (x, y, z)
measuring tasks with normal vectors (u, v, w) from the nominal 3D sur-
face model to the actual measurement point and the associated devia-
tion (dev). The deviations (dev) are given in the transverse, normal or ax-
ial direction depending on the deviation calculation selected in the

Nominal points
Nominal normal vector
Nominal 3D surface model
Actual surface measurement points
Nominal normal vector from nominal 3D surface model
to actual surface measurement point
Deviation to nominal 3D surface model

Suitable for:
involute, worm, rotor
Import in CALYPSO curve to generate surface points
xyz stylus tip center point / uvw normal vector / r stylus tip radius
With the activation of this XSLT script, it is possible to export the actual
measurement points (x, y, z) as stylus tip center points of the profile,
lead and diameter measuring tasks with normal vectors (u, v, w) from
the nominal 3D surface model to the actual measurement point and the
stylus tip radius (r).

1-12 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Data export (XSLT)

Nominal points
Nominal normal vector
Nominal 3D surface model
Actual surface measurement points
Nominal normal vector from nominal 3D surface model
to actual surface measurement point
Deviation to nominal 3D surface model
Actual stylus tip center points

In conjunction with the Create single files for each measuring task
button, this format is also suitable for processing the measurement
points in CALYPSO curve. For this, you can import that corresponding
file in CALYPSO curve via Points " Recall from file. The benefit here is
that CALYPSO curve provides multiple options to process and evaluate
measurement points. If you import to CALYPSO curve the data gener-
ated with the Data_export_stylus_tip_center_points.xslt script, you can
automatically correct the sphere center point data and thus generate
surface points.

Suitable for:
gap no / nominal point no / xy nominal point / uv normal vector / dev
[ gap point x y u v dev ]
This XSLT script makes it possible to export the deviations (dev) of the
profile measuring task with the associated nominal point (x, y) and nor-
mal vector (u, v) of the nominal point. All deviations (dev) of the actual
measurement point to the nominal 3D surface model (see Data_ex-
port_surface_points.xslt) are assigned to the nearest nominal point. If
there are multiple actual measurement points that can be assigned to a
nominal point, they are also exported.
The deviations (dev) are given in the transverse, normal or axial direction
depending on the deviation calculation selected in the SETUP

Suitable for:

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 1-13

Data export (XSLT)

xy rotated nominal point / uv normal vector / dev deviation
[ x y u v dev ]
This XSLT script makes it possible to export the deviations (dev) of the
profile measuring task with the associated nominal point (x, y) and nor-
mal vector (u, v) of the nominal point (siehe Data_export_rotor_nomi-
During this process, the points of the individual gaps are strung together
as a complete transverse section.
The deviations (dev) are given in the transverse, normal or axial direction
depending on the deviation calculation selected in the SETUP
Additional XSLT scripts can be defined independently as needed. More
information on processing XML files with XSL Transformation (XSLT) is
available on the Internet.

1-14 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

EULA and change documentation

EULA and change documentation

You can now view the SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (End
User License Agreement EULA) in the GEAR PRO Installations
setup. To do this, click the LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) link.

Furthermore, you can open it in GEAR PRO any time after installation by
clicking the LICENSE AGREEMENT button in the LICENSES window.
Change notes has been added to the ? Info menu. It enables you to
open a PDF containing a list of current software changes to GEAR PRO.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 1-15

System information for measurement data enhancement

System information for measurement data

Until now, a text file (Cmm_customer_parameters.txt) was created in
the GEAR PRO directory for log files under \Zeiss\GearNT\cmm-os
\daten\tmp. This file contains information about the WINDOWS operat-
ing system, the CMM properties, and the stylus and rotary table proper-
ties recorded when the measurement file (.act) was created.
The text file has now been renamed to CMM_actual_file_system_infor-
mation.txt and now includes information about the CALYPSO and GEAR
PRO version numbers, as well as the GEAR PRO licenses. The additional
system information will only be added to new measurement data.
Furthermore, the file can now be opened directly in the GEAR PRO menu
bar. Under Extras, select Measurement data system information.
This entry is faded if there is no open measurement file (.act) or there is
an open measurement program (.gear) but no measurement results in
the temporary memory.

1-16 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

GEAR PRO supports Korean

GEAR PRO supports Korean

The GEAR PRO user interface and report are now available in Korean.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 1-17

GEAR PRO supports Korean

1-18 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

GEAR PRO involute


2 GEAR PRO involute

This chapter contains:

Additional eccentric correction options ......................................................2-2
Pitch span deviation (Fpz/8 or Fpk) .............................................................2-4
Optimization of the feed-in behavior with internal parallel key splines ........2-5
New report format display of 6 profiles and leads....................................2-6
Calculate pitch from a different measuring task..........................................2-7

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 2-1

Additional eccentric correction options

Additional eccentric correction options

Two new methods have been added to the existing eccentric correction
1. Eccentric correction (sine correction pitch)
2. Eccentric correction (best-fit over all measuring tasks profile, lead,
The selection of the eccentric correction method has been moved to a
separate window (ECCENTRIC CORRECTION). This can be found in
the Pitch measuring task on the Pitch measurement tab in the Evalu-
ation category.

As with the existing eccentric correction method (runout correction), a

new, corrected datum axis is also calculated in the two new methods for
the subsequent evaluation of the characteristics.
With the Eccentric correction (sine correction pitch), a compen-
sating sine is calculated from the measurement points of the total pitch
error (Fp) for the right and left flank. The two curves are simultaneously

2-2 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Additional eccentric correction options

corrected, taking into consideration the phase shift of the pressure angle
and the amplitude, and the amplitude of both curves minimized during
the process.
In addition to the pitch results, the Eccentric correction (best-fit
over all measuring tasks profile, lead, pitch) method also takes
into consideration the influence of profile and helix deviations and thus
minimizes all influencing variables to obtain a corrected datum axis.
For both methods, you can also activate the Use correction also for
profile and lead measurement button. This recalculates the profile
and lead measurement results accordingly, taking into consideration the
corrected datum axis.
As in the past, the Additional page without correction button can
be activated for the simultaneous output of eccentricity corrected and
uncorrected values (only the pitch page).

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 2-3

Pitch span deviation (Fpz/8 or Fpk)

Pitch span deviation (Fpz/8 or Fpk)

Previously, the pitch span deviation Fpk has always been calculated over k
= z/8 pitches as Fpz/8. It is now also possible to freely define the number
pitches in a sector (k). This is done on the Tolerances / Features tab in
the PITCH SETUP dialog by clicking the yellow triangle to open the
subdialog for the cumulative pitch deviation (Fpz/8).
With the Standard calculation method according to ISO 1328 (1995),
the tolerance is calculated based on the defined number of pitches (k).
Additionally, there is a new calculation option for the characteristic, us-
ing the maximum and minimum values within each sector instead of the
first and last pitch of a sector. This method is described by the ISO 1328
(2013) standard and can be activated by selecting Calculation acc. ISO

2-4 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Optimization of the feed-in behavior with internal parallel key splines

Optimization of the feed-in behavior with

internal parallel key splines
The feed-in behavior with straight-flank, non-involute internal parallel
key splines was optimized to minimize the risk of shaft probing during
the feed-in process. In particular, the Feed-in with RT rotation (flank
rotates to stylus) mode was reworked.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 2-5

New report format display of 6 profiles and leads

New report format display of 6 profiles and

The new ZF_A4_1x6.frm report allows you to show up to 6 profiles and
6 leads on one DIN A4 page.
This format is extremely helpful to display on 1 page 4 measured teeth
and an additional twist measurement (3 measurement positions) on one
of the measured teeth.
To be displayed correctly, the setting for measuring jobs, as well as the
Show only twist pages button must be activated in the
PRESENTATION window under Sort twist pages.

2-6 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Calculate pitch from a different measuring task

Calculate pitch from a different measuring task

This function allows you to evaluate pitch using measurement points
from a different profile, lead or other pitch measuring task.
This option is used, for example, for the measurement of plastic gears
on which profile and lead are frequently measured on all flanks. The re-
duced measuring time is the key benefit here. However, there must be a
sufficiently large number of measurement points. The measurement of
the profile spread over four teeth, for example, is insufficient for a pitch
This function is activated on the Pitch measurement " Pitch evalua-
tion based on other measurements tab. The number of the measur-
ing task from which the pitch will be calculated must be specified under
Measurement no. To better differentiate the measuring tasks, all mea-
suring tasks are now contained in the measurement run list with a (num-
ber) in front of the respective measuring task designation in GEAR PRO
To clearly indication that it is a calculated pitch, there is a calculator sym-
bol next to the measuring task in the measurement run list. Calculated
appears on the measurement report with a calculated pitch evaluation.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 2-7

Calculate pitch from a different measuring task

2-8 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

GEAR PRO bevel


3 GEAR PRO bevel

This chapter contains:

Tooth thickness calculated from the pitch measurement ............................3-2
Directories and file names for measurement data in ASCII format...............3-3

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 3-1

Tooth thickness calculated from the pitch measurement

Tooth thickness calculated from the pitch

In GEAR PRO 2015, the Tooth thickness measuring task was intro-
duced as an independent measurement. The enhancement in GEAR PRO
2016 is that the calculation from a pitch measurement can now also be
completed in the tooth thickness measurement. To do this, select Mea-
surement/ Evaluation " Thickness from Pitch " Thickness based
on Pitch measurement and set the corresponding Measurement
no. The Tooth thickness measurement is then identified with a calcu-
lator symbol in the measurement run list.

3-2 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Directories and file names for measurement data in ASCII format

Directories and file names for measurement

data in ASCII format
Until now, measurement data in the ASCII format was saved with a fixed
file name in the same directory as the measurement data (act format). It
is now possible to specify a directory and file name for the ASCII export.
The same procedure used for the PDF export is used here. In the
PRESENTATION window, click the button with the yellow triangle next
to the check box (Save measured data in ASCII format).
Select the path and, if necessary, the subfolder to which the file will be
exported. For the file name, you can decide which report header vari-
ables it should contain. You can also specify a particular file extension.
However, an ASCII file will always be created.

If you change the path or the composition of the file name, or if one of
the report header variables changes (e.g. part number or date), a new
export file will be created. Otherwise, the existing file will be overwrit-
ten with each measurement or evaluation.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 3-3

Directories and file names for measurement data in ASCII format

3-4 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

GEAR PRO rotor


4 GEAR PRO rotor

This chapter contains:

Enhancement to measurement without rotary table in horizontal clamping po-
sition .........................................................................................................4-2
Enhancement to scaling of nominal points .................................................4-3
Pitch evaluation based on profile measurement..........................................4-4
Raster lines ................................................................................................4-5

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 4-1

Enhancement to measurement without rotary table in horizontal clamping position

Enhancement to measurement without rotary

table in horizontal clamping position
The measurement of rotors in a horizontal clamping position with a fan
stylus system has been optimized.
Special instructions are available in the following directory:

4-2 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Enhancement to scaling of nominal points

Enhancement to scaling of nominal points

The previous method of radial offset correction to the rotor center point
has been replaced with two new possibilities of nominal data scaling:
Scaling in transversal plane
Scaling in normal direction
If the nominal points will be expanded, a positive value must be entered
in the input field; a negative amount for a reduction.
The new functions can be found in ROTOR GEOMETRY " NOMINAL

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 4-3

Pitch evaluation based on profile measurement

Pitch evaluation based on profile measurement

In the Pitch measuring task, it is now possible to calculate the result
from a profile intersection. To do this, check Pitch evaluation based
on profile measurement on the Pitch measurement tab and specify
a measurement position at the same height as the profile intersection
and a diameter on which the pitch will be calculated.
The calculation is only possible if a profile intersection is available on
which the points can be used. The procedure to specify the pitch charac-
teristics has not changed.

4-4 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Raster lines

Raster lines
In the Lead measuring task, you can now show another tab via the
Raster lines button. This function allows you to define additional orien-
tation lines on the output sheet. In addition to the usual evaluation lim-
its, it is possible to draw the Rotor center, for example.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 4-5

Raster lines

4-6 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

GEAR PRO system requirements


5 GEAR PRO system requirements

This chapter contains:

Compatibility matrix...................................................................................5-2
Compatibility Measurement Plans and Programs Warranty/Guarantee Ex-
clusion .......................................................................................................5-5
Licenses .....................................................................................................5-6

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 5-1

Compatibility matrix

Compatibility matrix
CMM Validity
GEAR PRO is intended for use on the following product lines:
Bridge-type CMMs
Production CMMs
CMMs for mid-sized and large parts
Multisensor CMMs
O-INSPECT (contact)
Computer Tomography
METROTOM (Voxel, dynamic threshold)


Additional notes from the CALYPSO revision information (Compatibility
chapter) regarding permissible combinations of CMM types, controllers
and firmware versions must be taken into consideration. The minimum
firmware version for O-INSPECT is the version 33.11.

Probing systems
The following probing systems are supported.
Active probing systems:

5-2 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Compatibility matrix

Passive probing systems:
VAST XXT (TL1, TL2, TL3) direct installation and with RDS, SSP
Permissible combinations of GEAR PRO packages with active and passive
probing systems, as well as in combination with rotary tables.

Active probing systems Passive probing systems

Packages With Without With Without
rotary table rotary table rotary table rotary table
GEAR PRO O 1 x x
GEAR PRO O x x x


O Supported
1 Upon request
x Not supported

The Fast probing function is designed only for the C99 controller. It
can be used to reduce the measuring time, however, it can also lead to
measuring uncertainties. Before using this function, the user must en-
sure correspondence of the results by performing a comparative mea-
surement on the gear with and without Fast probing.

When using VAST XT or VAST XT gold probe system, you must ensure
that the probing distance for the probing search run is increased in this
case. The default setting is one stylus sphere radius; two stylus sphere
radii must be set for the VAST XT and VAST XT gold probes. This setting
must be configured via TECHNOLOGY " Navigation.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 5-3

Compatibility matrix

Minimum requirements:
CALYPSO 2015 Rev. 6.0.16
CALYPSO 2016 Rev. 6.2.04

PC system
Recommended: general recommendations for the CALYPSO software
apply. A ZEISS high-end workstation is recommended. The use of a ZEISS
high-end workstation is mandatory for METROTOM.

Windows operating system

GEAR PRO 2016 can be run on the following Windows versions:
Windows 7 64-Bit with Service Pack 1
Windows 8.1 64-Bit
Windows 10 64-Bit

All other components and combinations are expressly prohibited or can
be found in the current price list for GEAR PRO software.
The software was tested with the latest coordinate measuring ma-
If the software is used with older hardware and firmware combinations,
limitations must be expected. Limitations can arise from, e.g.:
Measuring methods
Scanning functions
Support of stylus system change
System performance

5-4 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Compatibility Measurement Plans and Programs Warranty/Guarantee Exclusion

Compatibility Measurement Plans and

Programs Warranty/Guarantee Exclusion
The licensor (Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH) will neither war-
rant nor guarantee functionality for measurement plans or programs
created by third party suppliers or by licensee/customer or that such
measurement plans or programs will run error free on the licencors soft-
ware or systems respectively.
The licensor excludes any form of warranty or guarantee regarding mea-
surement plans and programs supplied by a third party especially upon
implementation of software upgrades or new program versions.
In particular, the licensor emphasizes the resulting possibility of lack or
alteration of performance relating to measurement plans should one or
more of the following points apply:
Exchanged computer operating system between software revisions
Essential alterations to calculation algorithms
Elimination of software errors and malfunction
Changed dependencies between software options
Improper programming of measurement plans
Influence of software programs or modules other than those sup-
plied by the Licensor

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 5-5


- Without valid license ZEISS GEAR PRO will start in demo mode. This
means that programming or measuring is not possible.
- An Advanced license is an extension software with additional function-
ality in comparison to the Base software. This means that an Advanced
license always requires the corresponding Base license.

Statement of GEAR PRO licenses

No. License Statement of license

1 GEAR PRO Offline Base Base software including all GEAR PRO licenses (GEAR
License includes: PRO Q-DAS export, GEAR PRO involute Base, GEAR
GEAR PRO Q-DAS export PRO involute Advanced, GEAR PRO bevel Base, GEAR
PRO bevel Advanced, GEAR PRO worm Base, GEAR
GEAR PRO involute Base PRO rotor Base, GEAR PRO hob Base, GEAR PRO hob
GEAR PRO involute Advanced Advanced).
GEAR PRO bevel Base GEAR PRO Offline Base is defined for creating Offline
measurement programs, simulation or for later evalua-
GEAR PRO bevel Advanced tion of measurement results. With this license a mea-
GEAR PRO worm Base surement on a CMM cant be done. System require-
ment: CALYPSO Planner.
GEAR PRO rotor Base
GEAR PRO hob Base
GEAR PRO hob Advanced
2 GEAR PRO Q-DAS Export Export interface for measuring results in Q-DAS trans-
fer format.

5-6 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)


No. License Statement of license

3 GEAR PRO involute Base Base software for measurement and evaluation of in-
volute gears. Supported are spur and helical external
and internal gears as well as involute splines. Other
special profiles can be measured optionally. The evalu-
ation is according to standards like DIN, ISO, AGMA,
ANSI, JIS or free tolerances. On the printout are char-
acteristics like profile, lead, pitch, runout, tooth thick-
ness, dimension over two pins and spheres, span-
width, tip and root diameter. Corrections like profile
and lead crowning, tip and root relief, end reliefs can
also be evaluated. Additionally the definition of K-
charts (tolerance band), intersection measurement and
topography is possible. Also segment gears and gears
with interrupted flank line can be measured. The re-
sults can be automatically stored in PDF or ASCII for-
mat. The CAD interfaces SAT, STEP, IGES are included.
4 GEAR PRO involute Advanced Software extension for GEAR PRO involute Base. In-
License includes: cluded are special gearings like linear/non involute pro-
GEAR PRO involute Beveloid files (parallel key and serrated splines, beveloid gears,
conical corrected gears, sector shaft. Also the import
GEAR PRO involute conically cor- and export interface GDE (Gear Data Exchange).
rected profiles
GEAR PRO involute linear profiles
GEAR PRO involute sector shaft
5 GEAR PRO bevel Base Base software for measurement and evaluation of spur
and spiral bevel gears. Also supported are dies, hirth
gearings and worm wheels. Nominal data can be de-
fined via master gear method or directly on a CAD
model. Not included are ASCII import/-export inter-
faces (these are a part of GEAR PRO bevel Advanced).
The evaluation is according to standards like DIN,
AGMA, JIS or free tolerances. On the printout are
characteristics like topography, tooth thickness, spiral
and pressure angle, warp factor, sum of errors
squared, pitch, runout, tip and root cone. The results
can be automatically stored in PDF or ASCII format.
The CAD interfaces SAT, STEP, IGES are included.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 5-7


No. License Statement of license

6 GEAR PRO bevel Advanced Software extension for GEAR PRO bevel Base. Included
License includes: are the ASCII import/-export interfaces Gleason GAGE,
GEAR PRO bevel Gleason GAGE Klingelnberg KIMOS, ZEISS RAM 300, Daimler ZAFE.
Also automatic calculation methods for best fit of
GEAR PRO bevel Klingelnberg measurement results. E.g. axial best fit of nominal
KIMOS tooth thickness and minimization of sum of errors
GEAR PRO bevel RAM 300 squared.
GEAR PRO bevel Daimler ZAFE
GEAR PRO bevel Best Fit
7 GEAR PRO worm Base Base software for measurement and evaluation of
worms. Supported are ZI, ZA, ZN, ZK profiles. The eval-
uation is according to standards like DIN, ISO, AGMA,
JIS or free tolerances. On the printout are characteris-
tics like profile, lead, pitch, axial pitch, runout, tooth
thickness, dimension over two pins and spheres, di-
mension over three wires, spanwidth, tip and root di-
ameter. Corrections like profile and lead crowning, tip
and root relief, end reliefs can also be evaluated. Addi-
tionally the definition of K-charts (tolerance band), in-
tersection measurement and topography is possible.
The results can be automatically stored in PDF or ASCII
format. The CAD interfaces SAT, STEP, IGES are in-
8 GEAR PRO rotor Base Base software for measurement and evaluation of ro-
tors. Supported are male, female and straight rotors.
Nominals can be imported either in ASCII format
(transverse section) or as CAD model. The evaluation is
according to free tolerances. On the printout are char-
acteristics like profile, lead, pitch, runout, tip and root
diameter. Additionally the definition of K-charts (toler-
ance band) and the pairing of male and female is pos-
sible. The results can be automatically stored in PDF or
ASCII format. The CAD interfaces SAT, STEP, IGES are

5-8 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)


No. License Statement of license

9 GEAR PRO hob Base Base software for measurement and evaluation of
one- and multiple-thread hobs for production of invo-
lute gears. Supported are fullprofile hobs, block hobs
as well as hobs with turning plates. Also possible is the
measurement and evaluation of hobs with protuber-
ance. The evaluation is according to standards like
DIN, ISO, AGMA or free tolerances. The results can be
automatically stored in PDF format. The CAD interfaces
SAT, STEP, IGES are included.
10 GEAR PRO hob Advanced Software extension for GEAR PRO hob Base. Included
License includes: is the measurement and evaluation of hobs with turn-
GEAR PRO hob tangential ing plates which have a separated cutting edge geom-
etry for right and left flank. Also additional tip turning
plates for radial runout are supported.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 5-9


5-10 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)



6 Contact

This chapter contains:

Contact .....................................................................................................6-2
Service Pack download...............................................................................6-3
Software errors/error messages ..................................................................6-4

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 6-1


For Germany:
Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH
SES-AH Software Support
73446 Oberkochen
Phone: +49 (0)7364-20-6336 or 6337
Fax: 07364-20-4304
E-mail: gear-support.metrology.de@zeiss.com

For the USA:

Carl Zeiss IMT Corp.
Software Support
Novi MI 48377
Phone: 1-800-327-9735
Fax: 248-624-1258 or 763-535-9792
E-mail: calypso@zeiss.com

For other countries, please contact the local ZEISS First Level Support.

6-2 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

Service Pack download

Service Pack download

The ZEISS software download portal contains the current service packs
for your ZEISS software packages. Furthermore, you can also quickly and
easily download the full versions following a new release.

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) 6-3

Software errors/error messages

Software errors/error messages

To ensure quick support by the ZEISS support team, the following details
must be specified when sending an error message to the ZEISS First
Level Support (Germany: gear-support.metrology.de@zeiss.com / for
other countries, please contact the local ZEISS First Level Support):
1. CALYPSO and GEAR PRO version number
2. CMM serial number
3. Detailed error description (if possible with screenshots, also in a *.pdf
4. In case of evaluation errors or questions regarding characteristics in
the protocol, the GEAR PRO measuring result *.act file and a mea-
surement protocol in the PDF format
5. Erratic behavior of the CMM, the GEAR PRO measuring result *.act
file and the logging file cmmoslog.txt (to activate the logging, select
in Setup on the tab Components " Logging for CMM-OS and
ACIS " Show settings and on the tab Logging " Log CMM
data traffic). The GEAR PRO measurement program *.gear, if no
*.act file can be generated.

6-4 GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

ACIS Version 261-3 Pitch evaluation based on profile
Additional eccentric correction options2-2 measurement4-4
Pitch span deviation (Fpz/8 or Fpk)2-4

CAD display and simulation extensions1-4
Calculate pitch from a different Quality standards and classes added to
measuring task2-7 measuring result export (ASCII)1-9
Compatibility Measurement Plans and
Programs Warranty/Guarantee R
Raster lines4-5
Compatibility matrix5-2
Rotary table settings1-6

Service Pack download6-3
Data export (XSLT)1-11
Software errors/error messages6-4
Directories and file names for
measurement data in ASCII format3-3 Statistics export (Q-DAS ASCII transfer
System information for measurement
E data enhancement1-16
Enhancement to measurement without
rotary table in horizontal clamping
Enhancement to scaling of nominal Tooth thickness calculated from the pitch
points4-3 measurement3-2
EULA and change documentation1-15 Transfer mean value tolerances from user-
defined value1-8

GEAR PRO supports Korean1-17
Windows 101-2


New report format display of 6 profiles
and leads2-6

O-INSPECT scanning rotary table1-7
Optimization of the feed-in behavior with
internal parallel key splines2-5

GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6) Index 11

22 Index GEAR PRO 2016 (5.6)

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