Calypso: Option 8 Rds-Caa

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Option 8

Operating Instructions
The design and delivered components of the CMM, its options, the pro-
gram packages, and the relevant documentation are subject to change.
This manual must not be circulated or copied, or its contents utilized and
disseminated, without our express written permission. Persons misusing
this manual are subject to prosecution.
All rights reserved, especially in cases of granting a patent or registering
a utility model.
This manual is subject to modification. All rights pertaining to changes in
the CMM and its options reserved.
All product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of the corre-
sponding proprietors.
Although utmost care has been taken in preparing the information given
in this manual, we cannot assume any liability for its completeness and
correctness, except in case of willful intent.

Version 2018
Operating Instructions
Table of contents

Information about these operating instructions ... Preface


Configuration of safety instructions ................... Preface 3

Chapter 1 RDS-CAA (option)

Qualifying the RDS with CAA.........................................  1-2

Introduction: Qualifying the RDS with CAA (option)...........................  1-2
Basics of RC-CAA qualification...........................................................  1-3
Qualification of the RDS fitting position in the CMM .........................  1-4
Qualifying the stylus system with RDS-CAA .......................................  1-7

Using the functions of the RDS-CAA ..........................  1-15

Activating the automatic RDS angle position ..................................  1-15

Alphabetic index

61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018 Table of contents 11

22 Table of contents 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018
Information about these operating instructions
The CALYPSO program consists of a base module and additional options
for special purposes. You can customize the scope of program to fit your
These operating instructions describe an option of CALYPSO and are
based on the assumption that the user is familiar with the operating in-
structions for the base module of CALYPSO.

The additional CALYPSO options are described in separate manuals.

Reference information about the windows and dialogs can be found in

the dialog reference in the CALYPSO Online Help.

Simply Measure – And what you should know to do it right, A metrol-

ogy primer
Carl Zeiss, Industrial Metrology Division,
Order no.: 612302-9002

Text conventions The following text conventions are used in these instructions.

Example Description
Features Text element of the graphics
screen display.
Comment The Comment button on the
<machine name> Variable text or dummy for a
C:\windows\w.ini The w.ini file in the windows di-
rectory on the C:\ drive.
For this section... A passage containing important

61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018 Preface 1

Information about these operating instructions

Example Description
➤ Preface [⇨ Preface-1] This is a cross reference. When
viewing this manual on the
screen, you will be guided to the
indicated text passage by clicking
the reference.
Plan " CNC-Start " Run The Run command in the CNC-
Start submenu of the Plan
CTRL+A Press the CTRL key and the letter
A at the same time.

Icons Three special symbols containing important information are used in this
manual. The icons appear in the marginal column next to the respective
You will find a detailed explanation of the safety instructions under Con-
figuration of safety instructions.

22 Preface 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

Reference sphere has A further prerequisite is that the reference sphere has been defined.
been defined Make sure that CALYPSO/CMM-OS knows the position of the reference
sphere and that the shaft of the sphere points in the direction of 45/45
angular position of the RDS.
– For a bridge CMM, it is the position with a 135° angle of inclination
and a 315° angle of rotation.
– For a horizontal-arm CMM, it is the
– position with a 135° angle of inclination and a 45° angle of rota-
tion for column 1,
– position with a 135° angle of inclination and a 315° angle of ro-
tation for column 2.
If one of the conditions is not met (if the reference sphere's shaft points
in a different direction or its position is not known), you must re-qualify
the reference sphere (see in the Basic Operating Instructions under Qual-
ifying the reference sphere).
Never position the shaft of the reference sphere to 45°/45°. This would
involve a risk of collision in case of automatic determination.

The master stylus has Fitting position qualification must be performed using the master stylus.
been inserted Only use the master stylus intended for this machine!
CALYPSO determines the necessary settings by means of a reversal mea-
surement; you can view it under Extras " Settings " CMM on the
Master Stylus tab.
The procedure for installing the CMM's master stylus in the RDS is de-
scribed in the Basic Operating Instructions under Inserting the stylus sys-

Performing the fitting position qualification

– A measurement plan is open.
1 In CALYPSO, click the Stylus system icon on the CMM tab in the
measurement plan area.
- or -
In CMM-OS, select Stylus " Stylus Qualification.
The Probing system qualification window appears on the screen. You
will find detailed information on this window in Probing system qual-
ification in the CALYPSO dialog reference in the Online Help.
2 If it is not already displayed, select the name of the master stylus
from the Stylus system selection list.

61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018 1-5

Configuration of safety instructions

Risk of material damage

If there is no personal health hazard, but the CMM or components may
get damaged, this is pointed out by the following notice.

This symbol refers to possible damage to the CMM.

Non-observance of this safety instruction when the event occurs may
cause damage to the CMM or one of its components.
Example: Collision of the ram with a workpiece.

44 Preface 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018

RDS-CAA (option)


1 RDS-CAA (option)
The RDS-CAA option allows you to qualify RDS styli quickly and efficiently in
all required angle positions.

This chapter contains:

Qualifying the RDS with CAA ..................................................................... 1-2
Using the functions of the RDS-CAA ........................................................ 1-15

61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018 1-1

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

Introduction: Qualifying the RDS with
CAA (option)
If you have the RDS-CAA option (Computer Aided Accuracy), you can
determine the stylus data for all angular positions of an RDS in a single
operation, using no more than a small number of probing actions. Only
a few angular settings are actually qualified physically. The data for the
other positions is derived using a mathematical model (computed qualifi-
As a consequence, the qualification procedure is completed much more
quickly and all physically possible angular positions of the RDS are subse-
quently available for probing the workpiece. Subsequent re-qualification,
too, is faster.

The RDS-CAA option is available for both CALYPSO and CMM-OS. The
procedure for both programs is described in this document.

Suitable probes and styli

The RST, TP2, TP20, TP200 and XXT-TL3 and XXT-TL4 probe types can
be used on the RDS.
The “CAA qualification module PS” option is additionally required in or-
der to use the RDS-CAA option with passive sensors.

Do not use any styli with a length greater than 40 mm in the lateral di-

The RDS-CAA option does not function with disk styli, multiple stylus ex-
tensions and U-shaped stylus configurations.

1-2 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

RC_CAA: Probing system qualification of the star

Stylus system Hitzler

Stylus 2

Position A-Axis B-Axis Mode Re-Qual.
1 0,00 0,00 normal

Show 2 90,00 10,00 normal

3 90,00 90,00 normal OK
4 0,00 80,00 normal

If data has been saved for the stylus system to be qualified, the list is
already filled.
3 Under Position (1 to 4) in the list of positions, select one of two
RDS positions in each case by clicking Alternative.
4 If you want to estimate which position is more suitable: Click the
Show button.
The RDS then rotates to the corresponding position.
5 If necessary, enter additional qualification positions with Add.
Four positions are generally enough; additional positions are neces-
sary only if the qualification accuracy is insufficient.
6 Under Re-Qual. enable at least two positions of the list that are to
be approached during re-qualification in the CNC run.
7 Click OK to start qualification.
CALYPSO/CMM-OS performs the rest of the procedure.
8 If necessary, repeat steps 1 through 7 for additional styli.
9 Click OK to confirm your entries and close the CAA-Probing sys-
tem qualification window.
Note: If you do not confirm by clicking the OK button, all unsaved
data from the stylus qualification is lost.
CALYPSO/CMM-OS returns to the work area. The styli have been suc-
cessfully qualified.
In CALYPSO, the Stylus System button is now green.
CALYPSO/CMM-OS creates a log file which you can either print out or
save as an ASCII file.
The stylus system qualified with the RDS and its styli can now be used by
all users and in all RDS positions.

1-14 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

– Qualification of the RDS by ZEISS (factory qualification)

Factory qualification involves generating correction files for each indi-
vidual RDS: these files are a prerequisite for subsequent, computed
qualification. The correction files are installed on your system to-
gether with the RDS-CAA option.
– Qualification of the RDS position on the CMM
Once the RDS has been mounted to the CMM, this fitting position
qualification process determines and saves the position of the RDS
within the CMM alignment.
– Stylus qualification in twelve positions per main stylus (this is the sty-
lus in the direction of the ram).
Finally, the required stylus system and its stylus are inserted into the
RDS and qualified in few positions. CALYPSO/CMM-OS then calcu-
lates the correction values for all of the remaining positions.
If the stylus system has only one stylus, this completes qualification
of the RDS.
– Qualification of remaining styli on the stylus system (star styli)
If a stylus system carries multiple styli (star styli), each of the remain-
ing styli is then qualified in four positions.
CALYPSO/CMM-OS calculates the correction values for all positions
of the remaining styli, and this completes qualification of the RDS.

Qualification of the RDS fitting position

in the CMM
Once-only fitting position qualification
Once the RDS has been mounted to the CMM, the fitting position quali-
fication is performed to determine the RDS position in the machine
alignment. This is a prerequisite for qualifying the scanning stylus sys-
tems and styli on the RDS.
This fitting position qualification must only be made once for the RDS.
The stylus systems and styli used on the RDS can then each be qualified
without re-qualifying the fitting position of the RDS every time.

Prerequisites for the fitting position qualification

Your RDS has been qualified at the factory. In this case, the requisite
correction files for the RDS are available.

1-4 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

Reference sphere has A further prerequisite is that the reference sphere has been defined.
been defined Make sure that CALYPSO/CMM-OS knows the position of the reference
sphere and that the shaft of the sphere points in the direction of 45/45
angular position of the RDS.
– For a bridge CMM, it is the position with a 135° angle of inclination
and a 315° angle of rotation.
– For a horizontal-arm CMM, it is the
– position with a 135° angle of inclination and a 45° angle of rota-
tion for column 1,
– position with a 135° angle of inclination and a 315° angle of ro-
tation for column 2.
If one of the conditions is not met (if the reference sphere's shaft points
in a different direction or its position is not known), you must re-qualify
the reference sphere (see in the Basic Operating Instructions under Qual-
ifying the reference sphere).
Never position the shaft of the reference sphere to 45°/45°. This would
involve a risk of collision in case of automatic determination.

The master stylus has Fitting position qualification must be performed using the master stylus.
been inserted Only use the master stylus intended for this machine!
CALYPSO determines the necessary settings by means of a reversal mea-
surement; you can view it under Extras " Settings " CMM on the
Master Stylus tab.
The procedure for installing the CMM's master stylus in the RDS is de-
scribed in the Basic Operating Instructions under Inserting the stylus sys-

Performing the fitting position qualification

– A measurement plan is open.
1 In CALYPSO, click the Stylus system icon on the CMM tab in the
measurement plan area.
- or -
In CMM-OS, select Stylus " Stylus Qualification.
The Probing system qualification window appears on the screen. You
will find detailed information on this window in Probing system qual-
ification in the CALYPSO dialog reference in the Online Help.
2 If it is not already displayed, select the name of the master stylus
from the Stylus system selection list.

61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018 1-5

22 Alphabetic index 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018
Qualifying the RDS with CAA

tion towards the sphere and probe once. In the case of a bridge-type
CMM, probe the north pole; in the case of a horizontal-arm ma-
chine, probe the equator.)
According to the selected mode, CALYPSO/CMM-OS automatically
proceeds with qualification, performing probing operations in 12 po-
sitions to determine the fitting position of the RDS to a high degree
of precision, which it then saves.
The results are shown in the R (radius), S (sigma) and X, Y, Z (stylus
geometry) fields.
6 Click OK to return to the work area.
The position of the RDS has now been successfully determined, and you
can begin with qualification of the individual styli.

Qualifying the stylus system with RDS-

General information about qualification
The stylus system must be qualified:
– If you have installed a new stylus system that has not been qualified
– If you want to re-qualify a stylus system, for example after a collision
or due to thermal changes.
To qualify a stylus, instruct CALYPSO/CMM-OS to use this stylus to probe
the reference sphere, mounted on the measuring table, in a specific
manner. With RDS-CAA, the stylus data will be determined automatically
for all angular positions of the RDS.

Procedure for qualifying with RDS-CAA

Even with the RDS-CAA option, the basic procedure for using stylus sys-
tems remains the same: When you create a measurement plan, you
must always make sure that you have installed the correct stylus system
and that it has been qualified.
When qualifying a stylus, you first specify the stylus you use and then ini-
tiate measurement of the reference sphere for this stylus. (In CALYPSO,
the Stylus System button turns green if this has already been per-
formed for the displayed stylus system.)
Only a few angular settings are actually qualified physically with RDS-
CAA. All further positions will then be computed, thus being available
for measurements.

61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018 1-7

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

Qualifying stylus systems and styli

Names and numbers for stylus systems and styli
In CALYPSO/CMM-OS, each stylus system and stylus is given its own
name. Styli are also assigned numbers. CALYPSO/CMM-OS uses the
names and numbers to identify the stylus system and styli and for saving
their data.
Consequently, each stylus has to be defined. You cannot qualify the an-
gular positions of a stylus with RDS-CAA until the stylus has been de-
In most cases, a stylus system has only one stylus. Star styli, as the name
suggests, have more than one stylus.

How to define a new stylus system for RDS-CAA

1 In CALYPSO, click the Stylus system icon on the Measurement
Plan tab in the measurement plan area.
- or -
In CMM-OS, select Stylus " Stylus Qualification.
The Probing system qualification window appears on the screen. You
will find detailed information on this window in Probing system qual-
ification in the CALYPSO dialog reference in the Online Help.
2 Click the Insert new stylus system button.
The Create New Stylus System window appears on the screen.

1-8 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

Create New Stylus System



Zeiss incremental probe holder




Stylus System

New stylus system RDSCAA

Stylus Stylus no.

OK Cancel

3 Enter the names for the new stylus system and the first stylus. Do
not use any control characters in the name.
CALYPSO does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase
characters. Points at the end of a stylus or stylus system name are
not accepted.
4 Tick the RDSCAA check box.
5 Click OK to close the window.
The names of the stylus system and the first stylus are displayed in the
Stylus system and Stylus name / no. selection lists.
If other styli are installed on the stylus system, you have to make them
known to CALYPSO (see ➤ Adding further styli to a stylus system
[⇨ 1-10]).

61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018 1-9

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

Adding further styli to a stylus system

All styli of the stylus system must be known to CALYPSO/CMM-OS.
Therefore, after defining a new stylus system or modifying an existing
one, it might be necessary to add further styli and qualify them.
1 In CALYPSO, click the Stylus system icon on the CMM tab in the
measurement plan area.
- or -
In CMM-OS, select Stylus " Stylus Qualification.
The Probing system qualification window appears on the screen.
You will find detailed information on this window in Probing system
qualification in the CALYPSO dialog reference in the Online Help.
2 Click the Insert new stylus button.
3 In the Create new stylus window, enter the desired name and se-
lect the number to be used for referencing the stylus.
With respect to the name, CALYPSO does not distinguish between
uppercase and lowercase characters.
The number must be unique within a stylus system. Therefore, you
can only choose among the free stylus numbers or enter a higher
number than the last one of the selection list.

Create new stylus

Stylus Stylus no.

OK Cancel

4 If you wish to add further styli, repeat steps 2 through 3.

The new styli are now displayed in the Stylus name / no. list
The next step is to qualify each main stylus in turn (see ➤ Qualifying sty-
lus systems and styli with RDS-CAA [⇨ 1-11]). On the basis of the data
determined during qualification of the main styli, you then start qualify-
ing the other styli (star stylus).
In the Stylus system management, you can delete styli created incor-
rectly or edit the names and numbers of the styli.
To delete, select the stylus in question in the navigation area and select
Delete in the context menu.
For editing, select Geometry in the navigation area and click the corre-
sponding cell in the table.

1-10 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

Qualifying stylus systems and styli with RDS-CAA

Procedure for qualifying with RDS-CAA
Qualification of a stylus system's first stylus is not the same as qualifica-
tion of the stylus system's other styli, if any.
– The first (and possibly the only) stylus is qualified in 12 physical angu-
lar positions.

The direction of this stylus must match the direction of the ram.
– Each additional stylus for this stylus system is qualified in four physi-
cal angular positions.

For the qualification of XXT styli with RDS-CAA, different angular posi-
tions than those required for the qualification with trigger measuring
systems are needed. The reason for this is that scanning parameters are
determined in addition to the RC and the stylus bending qualification.
Additional angular positions are particularly required for the qualifica-
tion of lateral styli.

Qualifying the first stylus with RDS-CAA

We assume that the stylus system to be qualified has been installed and
that all of its styli are known to CALYPSO/CMM-OS.

Qualifying the first stylus (the main stylus in the angular

positions A = 0°, B = 0°) of a stylus system with RDS-
1 In CALYPSO, click the Stylus system icon on the CMM tab in the
measurement plan area.
- or -
In CMM-OS, select Stylus " Stylus Qualification.
The Probing system qualification window appears on the screen. You
will find detailed information on this window in Probing system qual-
ification in the CALYPSO dialog reference in the Online Help.

61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018 1-11

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

Probing system quali!cation

Stylus system Stylus Management

Stylus system Mode Parameter

MasterProbe Six Points Standard

Stylus name / no. Geometry Sphere Coverage

RDS_Star1 Sphere

Qualify stylus Change stylus pos. Ref. sphere position

Set Limit Values

Stylus Reference sphere

Name Date No.

RDS_Star1 Temp.







Type: Tilt:



2 If it is not already displayed, select the name of the stylus system

from the Stylus system selection list.
3 Select the name of the stylus to be qualified first from the Stylus
name / no. selection list.
In the Mode selection field, the RC-CAA mode is set.
4 If the styli you use are very short, reduce the value for Taper Angle
The smaller the taper angle, the smaller is the section of the surface
of the reference sphere which is probed for qualification.
5 Click the Qualify Stylus button.

1-12 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

Stylus qualification now begins using the 12 angular positions set by

RDS-CAA. To start the process, you must perform the first probing
6 When prompted, move the stylus in the RDS 0/0 position over the
north pole of the reference sphere and then probe the sphere in sty-
lus direction.
CALYPSO checks the position of the reference sphere and the length
of the stylus (roughly). Afterwards the 12 positions are automatically
selected and qualified.
The value entered in “Taper Angle” is taken into account as a maxi-
mum value in the selection of the positions and probing operations.
The results are shown in the R, S, X, Y and Z fields (see in the Basic
Operating Instructions under About the results of stylus qualifica-
Under the heading Stylus, you will now see the symbol for a successful
stylus qualification and below that the identifier “RC-CAA”.

Qualifying additional styli with RDS-CAA

If you want to qualify other styli for this stylus system (as is the case with
star styli), you can do so immediately after qualifying the main stylus.
Each additional stylus is measured semiautomatically in four RDS posi-
tions in order to achieve the best possible precision.
– You have opened the Probing system qualification window
and have already qualified the first stylus of the stylus system.
1 Select the name of the stylus you want to qualify from the Stylus
name / no. selection list.
2 Click the Qualify Stylus button.
This is not the main stylus, so the CAA: Probing system qualification
of the star dialog box is displayed with the list of positions.

61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018 1-13

Qualifying the RDS with CAA

RC_CAA: Probing system qualification of the star

Stylus system Hitzler

Stylus 2

Position A-Axis B-Axis Mode Re-Qual.
1 0,00 0,00 normal

Show 2 90,00 10,00 normal

3 90,00 90,00 normal OK
4 0,00 80,00 normal

If data has been saved for the stylus system to be qualified, the list is
already filled.
3 Under Position (1 to 4) in the list of positions, select one of two
RDS positions in each case by clicking Alternative.
4 If you want to estimate which position is more suitable: Click the
Show button.
The RDS then rotates to the corresponding position.
5 If necessary, enter additional qualification positions with Add.
Four positions are generally enough; additional positions are neces-
sary only if the qualification accuracy is insufficient.
6 Under Re-Qual. enable at least two positions of the list that are to
be approached during re-qualification in the CNC run.
7 Click OK to start qualification.
CALYPSO/CMM-OS performs the rest of the procedure.
8 If necessary, repeat steps 1 through 7 for additional styli.
9 Click OK to confirm your entries and close the CAA-Probing sys-
tem qualification window.
Note: If you do not confirm by clicking the OK button, all unsaved
data from the stylus qualification is lost.
CALYPSO/CMM-OS returns to the work area. The styli have been suc-
cessfully qualified.
In CALYPSO, the Stylus System button is now green.
CALYPSO/CMM-OS creates a log file which you can either print out or
save as an ASCII file.
The stylus system qualified with the RDS and its styli can now be used by
all users and in all RDS positions.

1-14 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018

Using the functions of the RDS-CAA

Using the functions of the RDS-CAA

Activating the automatic RDS angle
The RDS-CAA option allows you to define that the probing angle of the
RDS stylus is determined automatically from the normal of the feature.
– The stylus system used is an RDS stylus with RDS-CAA.
– The stylus system has only one stylus.
– The stylus direction in home position is -Z.
1 Open the measurement plan editor features.
2 Select Stylus system " RDS angle from the selection list.
3 For each feature, define the desired type of automatic angle setting.
— Auto Angle (along normal)
— Auto Angle (opposite to normal)
NOTICE! Please note that due to the recalculation of the
probing angle the originally defined clearance plane may no
longer be correct.
NOTICE! Use the function only if both possible positions of
the RDS stylus, relative to the same probing angle, can be
adopted without collision.



This completes the activation of the automatic angle setting for the se-
lected features.

61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018 1-15

Using the functions of the RDS-CAA

1-16 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018

Alphabetic index
Fitting position qualification

Qualifying a stylus system 1-7
Qualifying with CAA 1-2
Styli suitable for CAA 1-2
Basics 1-3
Fitting position qualification 1-4

Stylus system
Qualifying with RDS-CAA 1-2
Suitable for RDS-CAA 1-2
Stylus system qualification
Suitable styli
For RDS-CAA 1-2

61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018 Alphabetic index 11

22 Alphabetic index 61212-2781502 CALYPSO 2018

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