FSX F18 Manual
FSX F18 Manual
FSX F18 Manual
FSX: Acceleration
“ Unofficial ”
F-18 Cockpit Manual
Dedication: This manual is dedicated to my father who used to take me flying in a Cessna 172
on the weekends. Thanks for being my best friend and for always challenging me to do better.
I miss you everyday.
Table of Contents
Chapter Pg.
1. Introduction …………………………...................................................... 1-2
If you are like me, you shrug, open the throttles to full, and take off… relying on previous flight
experience to guide you through. Somehow, after a lot fun (including barrel rolls, inverted loops,
and a blistering supersonic ride), you find your way back to an airport and land. What an
exhilarating ride! This aircraft is simply fun to fly. After a few flights like this, you begin to get a feel
for some of what you are seeing in the cockpit, mainly the HUD. But, you wonder… is there a guide
out there to help you understand what all these controls and readouts actually mean? After a few,
frustrating hours on the internet, you realize that there is very little available, especially in
condensed and printable format. The only real exception is the fsdreamteam.com forum where you
can find some useful information from the guys and gals who worked their tails off to bring you one
of the best aircraft for the MS FlightSim series, ever.
So, I set out to create this document to help others who want to get everything they can out of this
amazing aircraft. Even if you never use the navigational aids to make an authentic cross-country
trip, I hope that this information helps you in some small way. I know that understanding all of the
readouts in my HUD and virtual cockpit was the difference between only occasionally (and
successfully) landing on a carrier to consistently snagging a ‘3-wire’ with a textbook approach. It
also helped me appreciate just how hard the design team must have worked on this amazing virtual
Please note: In order to allow you to visualize what you will actually be seeing in FSX, most images
are taken from actual screen shots. I hope you enjoy!
Looking down into the cockpit, you will see three large displays. The one on the upper-left is known
as the Master Monitor Display (or MMD) and serves as a primary monitor for the pilot. The one on
the upper-right is known as the Multifunction Display (or MFD) and is generally tasked out to radar,
though it is constantly changed as the situation dictates. The final large display is located in the
bottom-center of the cockpit and is called the Horizontal Situation Display (HSD) and is primarily
used for navigation. The beauty of this design is that the displays all have the same root menu and
submenus available which gives triple redundancy in the event of a system failure. It also means
you can configure the displays to your personal preferences.
In between the two upper displays is a number pad and row of displays showing several letters
known as the Up-Front Control Panel (UFC). This controls communication and NAV / Auto-Pilot
functions. To the left and right of the lower display (HSD) are a small set of standard instruments
intended solely for use as a backup system. If you pan left and right in the cockpit, you will see lots
of switches and knobs, many of which are useable.
F/A-18 cockpit.
Photo courtesy U.S. Navy
(public domain)
At the very top of the display is a digital heading and tape. In the center of the display, and moving
around, is the flight path vector. Wherever the flight path vector sits in the HUD is where the
aircraft is headed regardless of pitch, attitude, etc. There are several horizontal lines representing
the pitch ladder. At the bottom is a bank indicator.
To the left you will find airspeed in kts, angle of attack (α) in degrees, current mach speed (M),
acceleration/gravitational forces (G) you are experiencing, and peak aircraft G’s. On the right, you
will find the ascent/descent rate in ft per min, current altitude, and altitude barometer setting.
Just outside of the glass portion of the HUD is a visual angle of attack indexer. This is used in setting
up the aircraft for landing. If you see an arrow pointing up, you need to reduce thrust
(or pull back on the stick). If you see an arrow pointing down, you need to add thrust (or push the
stick forward). If you see an orange donut, the angle of attack for landing is ideal.
Root Menu – The root menu is the top-level option where all other display menus can be selected.
Root Menu
SMS (Stores Management System) – SMS controls armament. Since weapons are not implemented
in FSX, this screen is blank and the ‘GUN’ submenu is inoperable.
It is important to understand that the radar is ‘forward looking’ only. Targets appear on the screen
as little squares. When you select a target, using TUP and TDN, it will be enclosed by two vertical
lines. Numbers will appear to the left and right of the vertical lines indicating target Mach speed
and target altitude respectively. The straight line leading off the target indicates their direction of
travel relative to your own. If it points to the right, they will be heading from your left to your right
as you look out the canopy. If you want to know their exact heading, check the upper left corner for
target heading in degrees. In the left-center of the display is an ‘<’ icon and a number (either + or -).
This is your altitude differential from the target in thousands of feet. So… if it reads -30.5, you are
30,500 ft higher than the target; and, if it reads 9.5, you are 9,500 ft below the target (if it’s positive
the target is higher than you).
Okay, I’ve got a target… how far away are they? Remember, the radar is ‘forward looking’ so the
higher up the screen they are, the further away they are. That doesn’t help you much, though.
So, look on the right side for a ‘>’ icon. This is a visual representation of your distance to target
relative to scale. Your scale is denoted by the number in the top right of the display. In the example
below, the scale is 40 nm. This means each individual hash mark represents 10 nm.
Take a look at the two screen shots below. On the left, you will see the radar screen. Notice the
target is at the bottom-center of the radar screen. He is traveling at Mach 0.6 at roughly 3,000 ft.
He is approximately 700 feet above me and his true heading is 267 degrees. The ‘>’ icon (on the
right) is at the very bottom indicating the target is less than 1 nm in front of me. The radar also
shows that I am turning to the left (represented by the center horizontal line that is shifted up on
the left… which is actually an artificial horizon). In fact, I am turning to place the target square in my
sights. Essentially, this target is in perfect ‘kill position’ if we were dogfighting.
Target in Perfect Kill Position - Radar Target in Perfect Kill Position - HUD
RDR Menu
Practice your technique by assessing the target selected in the screenshot above. Find the one that
is selected. He is traveling Mach 0.3 at approximately 2,000 ft (0.3 | | --2--). Look to the left to see
he has a true heading of 354 and is roughly 8,200 ft below me (< -8.2). His position on the screen
tells me he is off to my left, traveling from my left to my right. He is approximately 38 nm in front of
me (found using the ‘>’ icon on the right-hand side and seeing the radar is set to sweep both
40 nm wide and 40 nm ahead).
In fact, this target is a Cessna Caravan who is flying through an active MOA that I have been
dispatched to intercept in the mission “Rocket Launch Air Cover”.
I am traveling 351 kts (Mach 0.6) at a height of 10,259 ft and flying relatively level (artificial horizon
is level). This means to intercept him, I need reduce throttle to zero and push the aircraft into a dive
to shed ~8,000 ft. Once I hit the 2,000 ft mark, I need slow down to around 180 kts (Mach 0.3) and
scan for an aircraft in front of me traveling from left to right. Once I have him spotted, I can make a
lazy right hand, circular turn, match his speed (plus a few kts), and overtake him from his left side.
FSX: Accel F-18 Cockpit Manual, pg 9
HUD – The HUD display functions exactly the same as the one in your canopy.
HUD Menu
HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator) – The icon in the center of the screen represents your aircraft.
Select TCN / ILS modes using the keys on the upper left. The lower left number is your heading
selection and the lower right number is your course selection for NAV1. Adjust the information
displayed using the lower left softkey. If ‘AUTO’ has a box around it, the HSI is in auto-waypoint
mode. To the right is SEQ which places the HSI into route mode. WPT places it into waypoint
mode. Pressing the DATA key takes you to a screen where waypoints are displayed. CSEL displays
current course. To the left of this is the Map Scale (in nm). Pressing the GPS softkey will take you
into the FlightPlan screen.
HSI Menu
The FUEL screen displays current fuel levels as well as your BINGO amount. The FPAS screen
displays your current usage of fuel as well as current aircraft weight (which can be used for
calculating speed and angles for takeoff and landings). It adjusts in real-time based on current fuel
stores and flight parameters.
E/W – The E/W button brings up the Electronic Warfare screen. Since weapons are not
implemented in FSX, this screen simply brings up an inoperable display.
E/W Menu
ADI Menu
ACL (Automated Carrier Landing) – The ACL screen provides commands from a carrier during your
approach for landing. What is displayed depends on if you are manually landing the aircraft of not.
In FSX, it is more often used to provide information while the aircraft is in autopilot mode. You can
adjust the scale of the map using the softkey at the top of the screen to change the scale (SCL) in
nautical miles.
ACL Screen
S/A Menu
ENG – The display on the left of the cockpit is set to the Engine (ENG) screen by default. When you
start the engines, these displays will begin to reflect the change in engine status. The primary
information you will want from this screen is ENG STATUS. When the engines are fully operational,
this should read NORMAL for both LEFT and RIGHT.
ENG Menu
CHK Menu
BIT – These menus bring up the Built-In Test pages. Of particular note is the GDI+ menu you can
access on the lower right side. This allows you to adjust how the displays appear and their refresh
rate. If you are getting 50-60 fps, you may want to consider upping the refresh rate to
4 or 5. Be aware that this will impose a hit on your FPS, but will result smoother displays.
That is a lot of information, so here’s a quick look at how I set up my displays for flight. I begin by
changing using my left display to adjust the GDI+ to fit my style. When I get it tweaked, I switch
over to A/A Radar (RDR) to allow me to monitor all traffic around me. I will change this display to
any other screen as the situation dictates. On the right, I leave the display in HSI mode and adjust
the NAV display (lower-left softkey) to read ‘ALL’. Finally, I set the bottom-center display to show
the FPAS screen.
This set-up works for me as the display to my right shows my course, glideslope, waypoints, etc. at
all times. It is the default setting for that display and is where most users are familiar with it being. I
like the ‘ALL’ function, though it does tend to clutter up the display a bit (I’m used to it!). The
display on my left functions as a supplemental one that I change as often as needed, though I do
like the radar function. Finally, the bottom-center display of fuel status is out of the way, but
available quickly should I need it.
Now that you understand the screens a little better, experiment until you have a set-up that works
for you. It makes flying much more enjoyable.
COM Mode
The first thing to be noted is the UFC has basically two “levels” of operation. The “top” level is the
COM mode. This is the mode the UFC is in by default, you know you are in this mode, because the
indications will read:
This mode is simplified compared to the real one, since we don’t obviously have the capability to
encrypt ATC communications in FSX. Several options “act” like the real ones, but will not have any
impact on operation.
The most important controls in COM mode are the two channel selectors under the “1” and “2”
Windows at the lower left and right of the UFC. These will control COM1 and COM2, respectively. In
the real F/A-18, these knobs can either be pulled or rotated. Pulling them places the UFC into
“Manual” mode allowing for a direct COM frequency selection; while rotating them, not
implemented in FSX, selects preset channels.
FSX: Accel F-18 Cockpit Manual, pg 17
Pull the selector and the corresponding radio will go into Manual mode, showing an “M” in its
window and the current COM frequency in the UFC Scratchpad (which is the readout just above the
numberpad). Now, the COM radio is ready to accept input from the keypad. The input system is
smart enough to allow to use shortcuts so, for example:
Illegal input will be flagged with a flashing “Error” message, and you can correct an input by
pressing the CLR button.
By using the two “VOL COMM1” and “VOL COMM2” knobs on the left and right, you can select
which COM you are transmitting to. When you click on one of the knobs, it activates that COM
channel and silences the other. The active COM is signaled by the “ON” indication on the UFC
Scratchpad, when the frequency is displayed.
It’s important to note that all the other modes are sub-menus of the main, top-level COM mode.
You ‘enter’ a mode pressing the relevant mode key, and you ‘exit’ from it, by pressing the same
button again, thus returning to the top-level COM mode.
Pressing the A/P button will enter into Autopilot mode. The UFC Panel will now show:
It’s important to note that, unlike civilian autopilots, the F-18 will immediately turn on and engage
the A/P when the mode is selected. Of course, you can always manually turn on/off the A/P, by
using the ON/OFF button when in Autopilot Mode. To better learn autopilot modes, I suggest
putting the left DDI screen on the ACL page, so you will be able to see all the Autopilot
Annunciators, and the right DDI screen on HSI mode (which should be there default).
Note the “CPL TCN” or “CPL ILS” on the airplane symbol. To select a Steering Course towards the
station, use the CRS bug, and check the small “CSEL” readout on the HSI. By pressing the “CSEL”
button on the HSI, instead, you can toggle on/off the visualization of the CRS indication for the HSI.
Pressing A/P button again, will exit from the Autopilot mode.
FSX: Accel F-18 Cockpit Manual, pg 19
IFF Mode – Identification Friend or Foe
This is a cryptographic identification system that enables military aircraft to distinguish friendly
aircraft, boats, and vehicles from enemies and to determine their bearing and range. Cryptographic
services are not implemented in FSX so this has no effect.
TACtical Air Navigation, or TACAN, is a more accurate version of VOR/DME navigation that
provides range and bearing information for military aviation. TCN Mode places the UFC into a
screen where you can enter VOR frequencies as either standard frequencies or TACAN channels.
The radio is smart enough to figure out your intentions. FSX doesn’t use TCN information, so all
information is relayed in standard VOR/DME format.
To set a VOR frequency of 110.5 via TACAN, look at the chart in the appendix for a list of TACAN
channel frequencies. You will see that 110.50 equals a TACAN channel of ‘42X’. Begin by setting the
UFC in TCN mode. Press 4-2-ENTER on the UFC keypad and then select ‘X’ by pressing the little
button to the left of the ‘X’ display. It should become active with a ‘ : ’ symbol.
If you want to set the VOR frequency of 110.5 manually, just press 1-1-0-5-0-ENTER and it will
automatically translate the frequency into the appropriate TACAN channel if you enter a
recognized frequency. If you are having difficulty, try entering 5 full digits instead of 3 or 4.
To set course, you need to use the CRS knob close to the Fuel indicator in the lower left of the
cockpit. It can be scrolled with the mouse wheel. To check the CRS, open the HSI screen on one of
the displays and look at the CRS readout.
Notes: It is important to note that the F-18 only has one VHF radio so you can either use it for VOR
or ILS navigation. There is no OBS2. You will also note that you cannot receive TACAN/VOR/ILS
channels while on the ground, so the display will read ‘OF’ until you get airborne.
ILS consists of two independent sub-systems, one providing lateral guidance (Localizer), the other
vertical guidance (Glideslope or Glide Path) to aircraft approaching a runway. Generally, the pilot
will get the localizer lined up so they are flying the correct heading to land on the designated
runway. They will then fly level until they intercept the glideslope and then begin descending
toward the runway.
Rate-of-descent formula
Rate of Descent = Glideslope Angle × ( Groundspeed / 60 ) × 100
* Rate of Descent is in feet per minute,
* Glideslope angle is in degrees from the horizontal (Usually 3 degrees)
* Groundspeed is in knots
If the glideslope is the standard 3 degrees then the formula can be further simplified to:
Rate of Descent = 5 × Groundspeed
You set the ILS frequency the exact same way as you do the TCN/VOR. Here is an example ILS
approach: Runway 2 at Maui (PHOG) has an ILS approach frequency of 110.10 MHz on a course of
024 degrees. By the way, you can find the most current ILS, VOR, & GPS approach plate online for free
at http://www.airnav.com/airport.
Press the ILS key, then press 1-1-0-1-0-ENTER. Set the proper course using the CRS switch in the
bottom left of the cockpit near the fuel displays. Bring up the HSI screen on one of the displays (the
left one is standard) and press the ‘ILS’ button. Check the actual course setting on the lower right of
that display under the ‘CSEL’ text. You can adjust the HSI display with the upper left control on the
center DDI display (lower-center of cockpit, in front of the flight stick) to either NORM or D-CTR.
Fly to the CAMPS intersection and set up your approach at 3000 ft on a heading of 024, following
the ILS approach plate. Intercept the localizer and glideslope and fly down to the runway and land.
Some people have noticed they still have problems tuning with the plane selecting the wrong TCN
channel no matter how they input the channel. While this is rare, it can occur. If you get truly
frustrated, one work around is to adjust the F-18 panel file to include a Cessna 172 Nav Radio stack.
You can do this by:
1. Exit FSX
2. Navigate to the ‘FSX/SimObjects/Airplanes/FA-18/panel’ folder and open the ‘panel.cfg’ file
with notepad.
3. At the top of the file, add the term:
Window04=Radio Stack
4. Scroll down to [Window 03] and find the end of this section.
5. Add the following section:
gauge00=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Audio, 0, 0,156,31
gauge01=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 1, 0, 29,156,59
gauge02=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 2, 0, 86,156,59
gauge03=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio ADF, 0,142,156,41
gauge04=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME, 0,180,156,41
gauge05=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Xpndr, 0,217,156,49
gauge06=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio AP, 0,262,156,48
Now, when you are flying the F-18, you can bring up a Radio Stack window that allows you to set
the frequencies using a more familiar set of radios. This is a low-tech way of getting around this
problem. Please note, you can also take the Radio Stack information from another aircraft’s panel
file (such as the Lear45 or one of the jumbo jets) if you want a more modern look and feel. Just copy
over the pertinent information from their panel file.
You can also pause, switch planes in mid-flight, set the NAV radio, switch back to the F-18 and un-
Data Link is used to securely upload & download navigational data. Since cryptographic services are
not implemented in FSX: Acceleration, this button has no effect (it cannot even be pressed).
ADF equipment determines the direction to the NDB station relative to the aircraft. When tracking
to or from an NDB it is expected that the aircraft track on a specific bearing. This is most commonly
done using a Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI) which combines a relative bearing indicator (RBI) with
a compass card.
Confused yet? It’s okay, just keep this section handy and refer back to it as often as needed. I’ve
taken the liberty of including a sample flight plan example written by Virtuali. It is reproduced in the
next chapter to give you concrete example of using the F-18 avionics.
Load the F/A-18 and select the HSI on any of the displays. Press the WPT softkey (to activate
Waypoint mode) and activate the SEQ options to display the route on the HSI screen. The screen
should look like the one below, with KINS being the next active waypoint.
The HUD will also repeat waypoint information when the HSI is in Waypoint mode.
Note the FPAS screen which gives a useful prediction on the airplane’s endurance to reach Bingo
(set with the appropriate Bingo knob), to reach 2,000 lb of fuel and to reach zero fuel. Also, we get
information about the Estimate Fuel on Board at the next waypoint, together with some
information about fuel consumption.
You can get additional information on an active waypoint by pressing the DATA softkey button.
The autopilot will progress through the entire flight plan until reaching the last waypoint. Please be
aware that this tutorial is only valid for LATERAL navigation. You will be responsible to
climb/descend according to the flight plan.
Congratulations on successfully entering and following a flight plan in the F-18. Once you get used
to all of the additional information and the intricate displays, it’s difficult to go back to OBS and
RMI for cross country flights.
No matter what, you will find that a better understanding of the displays and navigation in the
F-18 will make your flights more enjoyable, even if you are just sightseeing… supersonic and
On the left, the displays primarily deal with engine and fuel status. Beginning with the far left is a
JETT Station panel. This is not implemented in FSX, but in real life it serves to provide a means to
jettison stores, fuel tanks, etc. To the right of this is a panel that has engine information and
includes: % Max RPM, Temperature, FF RPM, Nozzle position, and Oil Pressure. To the right of this
is a Fuel Qty panel that shows current fuel stores and has a selector to set BINGO fuel notification.
Just below this panel are two switches that activate selected Heading and Course.
On the right are located standard pneumatic gauges including an ADI with artificial horizon and slip
indicator, Airspeed (in Kts x100), Altimeter (calibrated by barometric pressure), and Vertical Speed
indicator. Below this is a Radar Altimeter with height provided in ft x100.
Aircraft from the flight group pack the deck of a carrier at the end of the day.
Photo courtesy U.S. Navy
(public domain)
Left Side
Beginning at the forward and top left, you will find the Landing Gear lever (up/down). On the panel
below this, you will find Launch Bar (retract/extend), Flaps (Auto, Half, Full), and
Emergency/Parking Brake (on/off).
Below this, you will find a series of panels. The first one back contains the interactive Throttle
Controls for the left and right engines. These can be slid forward and back by clicking and holding
the mouse cursor and dragging them in the desired direction. At the very front of the panel is a little
switch labeled Test A/Test B (Test A/ Test B/ off) which is clickable, but I have no idea of its function.
Moving the throttles fully forward reveals two more that control
Strobe Light (on/off) and Rotating Beacon Light (on/off).
Moving to the next panel back, you will find Refueling probe (extend/retract), and
Fuel Dump (on/off). Below this is a panel with Rudder trim (left/neutral/right). To the left of these
panels is one that has APU (on/off), and Engine starter (left/right/off). Moving to the last panel, you
will find two options for communications. These include TCN/ILS volume (low/high) and an Audio
On the right side, there are very few interactive options. Forward and top, you will find the
Arresting/Landing Hook lever (up/down) and Wing Fold lever (open/folded).
Below this is a panel with three switches. These are the Left Alternator (on/off), Battery
(on/off/override), and Right Alternator (on/off). To the right of this panel is a small switch against
the side of the cockpit which is the Canopy switch (open/closed).
Moving down one panel, you will find two options for Anti-Ice measures… the Pitot Heat (on/off)
and De-Ice (on/off). The third panel down contains knobs that control Instrument Panel Lighting
(on/off) and Cabin Lighting (on/off). There is a switch for Light Test (test/off) which has no useful
function in FSX that I know of. The remainder of the right side is non-interactive graphics placed
there for realism.
Set Course
Scale Display
Credits: First off... I'd like to thank my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, for giving me the time and
ability to do this daunting and time consuming task. I’d also like to thank my wife and children for
indulging the hours I’ve spent flying in FSX.
I’d also like to thank the FSDreamteam administrators and programmers for doing myself and the
rest of the FSX community a great service in bringing one of the best aircraft for the MS Flight Sim
series in a long time!
I have taken information from so many sources… it is impossible to thank everyone by name. The
vast majority of this information was taken from the FSDreamteam forums and the wonderful
people who post there. There is a fountain of knowledge to be had and I want to thank each and
every one of you who have extended gracious assistance to others in learning about the F/A-18
aircraft. The closeness of the FSX community is an amazing thing. Thank you for sharing.
Disclaimer: All graphics found in this document are property of Microsoft Corporation®.
No partnership or affiliation is implied. It is believed that the use of a limited number of web-
resolution screenshots for the computer or video game in question qualifies as fair use under
United States copyright law, as such display does not significantly impede the right of the
copyright holder to sell the copyrighted material, is not being used to generate profit in this
context, and presents ideas that cannot be exhibited otherwise. Photographs were taken by the
photographers of the U.S. Navy and are in the public domain.
Copyright Notice: All materials contained in this document are protected by United States
copyright law (© 2009) and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed,
published, or broadcast without the prior written permission of the author or, in the case of
third-party materials (such as the information by Virtuali or the individual members of the
FSDreamteam forums), the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark,
copyright, or other notice from copies of this document.