Assignment TCP3151

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TCP3151 Integrative Programming and Technologies


General Instructions:
1. This is a group based project (a group consists of maximum 4 students).
2. All the group members must be from the same lab section.
3. Late submission will be penalized. (1 mark is deducted per day)
4. Do not copy or plagiarize other students work. You are also not allowed to outsource
the work to a third party.

Part 1 (total 7 marks):

Each group need to choose one type of data from the below selection. Selection must be
made during the lab section.

The assignment titles are given below:

A. Data related to FYP Booking System
B. Data related to Examination Management System
C. Data related to Venue Booking System
D. Data related to Student Attendance System
E. Data related to Library Management System
F. Data related to Subject Registration System
G. Data related to Tuition Fee Payment System
H. Data related to Food Ordering System
I. Data related to Hostel Management System
J. Data related Transport Booking System
K. Data related to Academic Advisory System
L. Data related to Society Management System

Based on the selected data, you need to create at least TWO well-formed and valid XML
documents. At least one of the XML documents should consist of CDATA section. Besides,
you have to draw the logical view of each XML document.

Create TWO DTD (one is internal DTD and another is external DTD) based on the written
XML documents previously. The DTD must include element and attribute declaration.

Use XSLT to convert the TWO XML documents into TWO different interfaces of HTML

Part 2 (total 8 marks):

1. Create a JNI program that involved the calculation of surface area and volume for a
sphere based on input (radius) from a user. The requirement is listed below:
First native method is used to calculate the surface area of a sphere.
Second native method is used to calculate the volume of a sphere.
The content of the first and second native methods must be written in the C
implementation code.
The value of the calculation result must be shown in the command prompt.

2. Create a JNI program that involved the generation number based on user inputs. The
requirement is listed below:
Java file requests user to enter two numbers, which is num1 and num2.
The two numbers are passed into C implementation file.
In the C implementation file:
If num1 is less than num2, a series of number is generated in ascending
order between num1 and num2.
Enter num1: 5
Enter num2: 13
Generated number:
6 7 8 9 10 11 12

If num2 is less than num1, a series of number is generated in descending

order between num1 and num2.
Enter num1: 22
Enter num2: 15
Generated number:
21 20 19 18 17 16

If num1 is equal than num2, 0 value is displayed.

Enter num1: 17
Enter num2: 17
Generated number:

Output must be shown in the command prompt

3. Create a JNI program based on the condition below:
Java file requests user to enter a total number of subject, subject code for each
subject, mark obtained for each subject.
First native method is used to calculate the grade point for each subject.
Second native method is used to calculate the average grade point obtained by the
The content of the first and second native methods must be written in the C
implementation code.
In the first native method:
The mark of each subject is passed into C implementation file (first native
method) to determine the grade point for each subject based on the table
mark grade point
100 90 4.00
89 80 3.50
79 70 3.00
69 60 2.50
59 50 2.00
49 0 1.00
The grade point is passed back to the Java file.
In the second native method:
The grade point for all subject are passed into C implementation file (second
native method) to calculate the average of the grade point.
The average of the grade point is passed back to the Java File.
Java file then display the subject code for each subject, grade point for each
subject and the average grade point of the user.
Bonus will be given if student provide additional feature that is attractive and


1. Due date is: 11 September 2017, before 11am.

2. You need to submit a report as shown below:

Part 1:
Brief introduction of the data used
Two set of XML documents
Two set of DTD documents (one is internal DTD and another is external DTD)
TWO set of XSLT code
TWO set of HTML output

Part 2:
Three JNI program codes
Three print screen of the outputs

3. You need to submit the CD which consists of softcopy from part 1 and part 2.

4. A presentation will be held for you to demonstrate your XSLT and JNI. Only command
prompt is allowed to be used during demonstration. The presentation is maximum 10
minutes per group. During your presentation you have to do 2 things:
a) 5 minutes will be spent to demo the project
b) 5 minutes will be used to answer the questions asked by the tutor on how actually
you carried out your work

5. All group members must attend during the presentation. Mark will be deducted to those
who absent in the presentation.


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