Course Outline With 03-Day Workshop
Course Outline With 03-Day Workshop
Course Outline With 03-Day Workshop
Introductory reading on basic tes1ng, type of tests, use of tests, test se5ngs, basic sta1s1cs used
in occupational tes1ng. Introduc1on to psychometric tes1ng (Basic theory, scaling, test
construc1on, item analysis, types of tests, properties of tests, selec1ng tests, standardisa1on,
predic1on, test administration and scoring and basic sta1s1cs)
Day 1
Pre-Test. Recap of key concepts. Prac1cal ability and Ap1tude Tes1ng
Uses of test scores. Professional and ethical issues in tes1ng (Test bias, Methods for ensuring
test fairness, Conden1ality, equal opportuni1es)
Assessment of underlying knowledge.
Day 2
Personality Theories and Tests, Interpreta1on and report wri1ng
Prac1cals ( focusing on tests like 16 PF, WPI-Pro, EQiP, OII etc. )
Day 3
Personality Theories and Tests, Interpreta1on and report wri1ng (MBTI and other Type Tests)
Decision making using test scores in occupational and organisational se5ngs
Developing and implementing policies and procedures on tes1ng
Post assessment feedback and counselling
Overview of the principles and prac1ce of feedback
Every par1cipant will be assigned a project that has to be nished within 1 month. At the end of
one month, all par1cipants are expected to present their portfolio of evidences through the
approved trainer. The portfolio of evidence should have the following:
The Verifica1on of required competence completed and signed by the approved trainer
End of the course quiz sheets signed o by the trainer with marks
All the materials related to the work based assignments (Copies of three tests administered
along with scoring sheets, feedback report before corroboration, nal feedback report aYer
corrobora1on and so forth)
A reec1ve report on the problems and issues faced during the work based assignment
Psychometric Certification Programme Level-1 and 2
Day 1
Dura6on Ac6vi6es
11.15-11.30 Break
11.30-12.15 Fundamentals of Tes1ng (History, Evolution, Denition, Properties of tests, Types, Basic
12.15-13:00 Fundamentals of Tes1ng (Types of scales, scoring )
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.45 Introduction to basic sta1s1cs (Mean, SD, Percen1le, NPC) through exercises.
14.45-15.30 Overview of Standard Scores and SEM (Z Scores, Stens, Stanine, T Score, IQ Score, SEM
etc) through Group Exercises
15.30-15.45 Tea
17.15-15.30 Recap, fun and brieng for home work: readings on test proper1es
Day 2
09.30 - 10:30 Understanding Test proper1es (reliability, validity and norms) and Exercise using
test manuals.
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10.45-12:00 Understanding Test proper1es (reliability, validity and norms) and Exercise
using test manuals.
12:00-13:00 Introduction to Correlation and its interpretation
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.45 Trait based tests: 16PF and WPI-Pro, administra1on and scoring, Norms,
social desirability, faking etc, or 16 PF Scale combina1ons, Mapping
mul1ple scales issues.
14.45-15.30 Brief on post assessment feedback and use of automated reports (Group
Exercise using WPI or 16PF report and interview schedule in pairs.
15.30-15.45 Tea
16.30-17.15 Using Trait based tests sensibly, decision making using test scores.
17.15-17.30 Recap, fun and briefing for home work: Readings on Ethical issues and
Interna1onal Standards from ITC, IIBP etc.
Psychometric Certification Programme Level-1 and 2
Day 3
10.30-10.45 Break
10.45-11.30 Type based tests: PTI-Pro and others, and its alterna1ves, administra1on , scoring and
11.30-12:15 Personality Type at work: prac1cal applica1ons
13.00-14.00 Lunch
15.30-15.45 Tea
15.45-16.30 Professional and ethical issues in occupational tes1ng. Methods for ensuring test
fairness, Conden1ality, equal opportunities.
Post workshop project: Every par1cipant will be assigned a project that has to be nished within 1
month. At the end of one month, all par1cipants are expected to present their portfolio of evidences
through the approved trainer. The portfolio of evidence should have the following:
The Verifica1on of required competence completed and signed by the approved trainer
End of the course quiz sheets signed o by the trainer with marks
All the materials related to the work based assignments ( Copies of the three tests administered along
with scoring sheets, feedback report before corroboration, nal feedback report after corrobora1on and so
A reec1ve report on the problems and issues faced during the work based assignment
The verification of the work based assignment by the approved trainer