Statistical Analysis Using Python
Statistical Analysis Using Python
Statistical Analysis Using Python
Course Description: Like R, Python is also used worldwide. It is used in almost every industry,
ranging from finance, banking to medicine and manufacturing. Many international and national
companies adopt R and Python to cater to their data/statistical analysis requirement. Hence, we
must learn how to use and understand Python (as well) basics since it has become ubiquitous in
research and management. In this workshop, participants will learn how to manage and analyze
their data using Python.
Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems
more effectively. Further, Python can be easy to pick up whether you're a first time programmer
or you're experienced with other languages.
Further, this workshop is designed for people who have very little experience with statistics. e
will focus on the basic analyses, procedures and best practices that any researcher should
consider when faced with a new dataset. All this will be explored in a hands-on fashion using the
free statistical software package Python.
Course Outline
• Refresher to Statistics
• What is Python? What is its difference to R?
• Introduction to Python (interface and environment)
• Data Management using Python
• Exploratory Data Analysis
• Data Cleaning using Python
• Data Management using Python
• Chi-square test of Independence
• Test of Difference: Mann-Whitney U Test,
• Test of Difference: Kruskal Walis-H
• Parametric Test:
o Paired Samples T-test,
o Independent Samples T-test,
o One-way ANOVA
• Running Correlation Analysis:
o Pearson,
o Spearman
o Kendal Tau
• Identifying the right statistical test and running the test using Python
Program of Activities
Day 2: Workshop
Day 3: Workshop