Enzymatic Pre-Hydrolysis of High Fat Content Dairy Wastewater As A Pretreatment For Anaerobic Digestion

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Int. J. Environ. Res.

, 6(2):475-480, Spring 2012

ISSN: 1735-6865

Enzymatic Pre-Hydrolysis of high fat Content Dairy Wastewater as a

Pretreatment for Anaerobic Digestion
Mobarak-Qamsari, E. 1*, Kasra-Kermanshahi, R . 1, Nosrati, M. 2 and Amani, T.3
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
Biotechnology Group, Chemical Engineering Department, Tarbiat Modares University,
Tehran, Iran
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kurdistan,
Sanandaj, Iran

Received 19 Jan. 2011; Revised 20 Aug. 2011; Accepted 26 Nov. 2011

ABSTRACT: Enzymatic extract preparation from Pseudomonas aeruginosa KM110 under accession No.
HQ730879 with lipase activity (0.3 U/ml), was used to perform enzymatic hydrolysis pretreatment of a
synthetic dairy wastewater with 1000 mg/L total fat content. The pretreatment was optimized for 48 h
hydrolysis time, at 45 % C with 10% v/v enzymatic extract. The biological treatment of synthetic dairy
wastewater was investigated using a batch bioreactor. Both raw and prehydrolyzed wastewater was digested
in a batch bioreactor. Enhanced anaerobic digestion efficiency compare to raw wastewater was achieved
(chemical oxygen demand (COD), removal efficiency of 90% vs. 66% and biogas production of 4710 ml vs.
2330 ml after 13days). The results obtained in this study illustrated that the application of a pretreatment
process to hydrolyze and dissolve fats may improve the biological degradation of fatty wastewaters, accelerating
the process and reducing time of anaerobic digestion. Moreover, the pretreatment of wastewater from several
sources is a new and promising application for lipases.

Key words: Wastewater, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Anaerobic digestion, Enzymatic prehydrolysis

Wastewaters from dairies (Cammarota et al., 2001; were also reported (Petruy et al., 1997). These authors
Danalewich et al., 1998; Jung et al., 2002; Omil et al., considered that the loss of process performance can
2003) and slaughterhouses (Masse et al., 2003) are be attributed to the low rate of fat hydrolysis in the
rich in biodegradable organic molecules and nutrients anaerobic reactor. A large number of pretreatment
and usually contain high levels of fats and proteins systems are employed to remove oil and grease from
that have a low biodegradability coefficient. If not these wastewaters prior to the main treatment process
treated, they cause gross pollution of land and water itself, which is generally of a biological nature.
with their high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and However, the cost of such reagents is high, the removal
chemical oxygen demand (COD). efficiency of dissolved and/or emulsified O&G is low
To alleviate the problem, aerobic and anaerobic and extremely problematic sludge is produced (Tano-
treatments mainly are used, but in the last two decades Debrah et al., 1999; Willey, 2001).
anaerobic reactors have been increasingly used (Omil Application of a pretreatment process to
et al., 2003). Application of anaerobic treatment is hydrolyze and dissolve fats may improve the
widespread in food and agro industries. However, there biological degradation of fatty wastewaters,
are some concerns about its capability to assimilate accelerating the process and reducing time. Treatment
variable loads of oil and grease. The operational of such wastewater from several origins is a new and
problems caused by oil and grease in up-flow anaerobic promising actuation for lipases (Cammarota et al.,
sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, such as sludge 2006). Also the effect of addition of lipase to a
flotation, inhibitory and toxic effects of intermediate biological system treating restaurant wastewater has
products were reported (Vidal et al., 2000). These investigated (Dharmsthiti et al., 1998). These authors
detrimental effects of milk fat on anaerobic treatment reported that the lipid content was totally removed
*Corresponding author E-mail: emobarak110@yahoo.com after 48h incubation of the wastewater with the enzyme

Mobarak-Qamsari, E. et al.

(lipase). Utilization of enzymatic hydrolysis as a pre- (0.001 g pNPP in 1ml isopropanal) into solution B (0.01
treatment to the biological treatment of slaughterhouse g gum arabic, 0.02 g Sodium deoxycholate, 50 L Triton
wastewater was investigated by Masse et al., (2001, X-100 and 9mL of 50mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8) with
2003). The enzymatic hydrolysis promoted a slight stirring until all was dissolved. Subsequently, the
increase on COD removal attained in an anaerobic absorbance measured at 410nm for the first 2 min of
sequencing batch reactor. reaction. One unit (1U) was defined as that amount of
enzyme was required to release 1mol of pNPP per
Lipases (triacylglycerol hydrolases; E.C. are
minute (: 1500l/mol cm) under the test conditions
hydrolases which catalyze the hydrolysis of carboxyl
(Karadzic et al., 2006).
ester bonds present in acylglycerol with the consequent
release of organic acids and glycerol. They are The enzyme was normally stored at 4C until used
particularly important due to the fact that they .The optimal temperature for activity was determined at
specifically hydrolyze oils and greases, which are of different temperatures (3070C), at pH 8.0 for 10 min.
great interest for different industrial applications, among For the determination of temperature stability, the
them the treatment of industrial wastewaters containing reaction mixtures containing the enzyme in 50mM Tris
high fat contents, such as dairy wastewaters (Sharma et HCl buffer (pH 8.0) was incubated at different
al., 2001). Utilization of a hybrid technology - enzymatic temperatures (37, 45, 50, 55, 65 and 70 C) for 3h then
treatment associated with anaerobic biologic treatment immediately cooled. Residual activity was measured by
- enables a reduction in hydraulic retention time and, the spectrophotometric assay. Optimal pH was measured
consequently, in reactor volume, since it promotes on the first 2 minutes at 30C in 50 mM buffer of pH
hydrolysis of fats which cause problems of clogging of values ranging from 5 to 11 (0.05M citrate-phosphate
the sludge bed in anaerobic reactors of the UASB type pH 5-7; 0.05M Tri sHCl pH 8-9; 0; 0.05M Glysin
( Masse et al., 2001). NaOH pH 11) containing substrate solutions of pNPP.
The effect of pH on enzyme stability was analyzed by
The aim of this study was to evaluate effect of
the spectrophotometric assay after pre-incubation of
enzymatic pretreatment for promoting hydrolysis of
300L of enzyme solution for 1 h at 30 %C, in 700l of
fatty wastewater in anaerobic reactor. In this study,
the above mentioned buffer solutions (pH 511).
lipase produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa KM110
that is a lipase-producing strain was used. The bacteria The second stage was preparation of synthetic
were isolated from oil processing plant wastewater. At wastewater. The synthetic wastewater was prepared
first, lipase was preliminarily characterized to determine using 2 g/L of skim milk in tap water in addition to an
its potential for fatty wastewater hydrolysis. Then appropriate amount of fat from the flotation unit of a
enzymatic extract produced by P. aeruginosa KM110 dairy industry. The amount of fat incorporated into the
with lipase activity (0.3 U/ml) was used to hydrolyze a wastewater in order to reach approximately, 1000 mg/L
synthetic dairy wastewater with 1000 mg/L total fat of fat, varied. The incorporation of fat to the aqueous
content prior to the biological anaerobic digestion. phase was performed using a mechanical impeller, which
produced stable emulsions. The wastewater prepared
was further sent to a conditioning stage or to the
hydrolysis treatment step (Leal et al., 2006).
The first stage in this study was isolation of a lipase
producing bacteria from wastewater and then study of And the third stage was enzymatic wastewater
pH and thermal stability of lipase. P. aeruginosa was hydrolysis. The hydrolysis was performed at three
isolated from wastewater of an oil processing plant different temperatures (30, 37 and 45C) for wastewater
(Pegah industrial complex of Tehran, Iran). The culture containing 1000 mg /L total fat content with 10 and
medium for enzyme production was composed of (% 20% v/v enzymatic extract of 0.3 U.mL-1 lipase activity.
w/v or v/v): peptone 0.2; NH4H2PO4 0.1; NaCl 0.25; In experiments performed to establish the most
MgSO47H2O 0.04; CaCl2.2H2O 0.04; olive oil 2.0 (v/v); adequate hydrolysis conditions, the reaction lasted 48
pH 7.0; inoculums density 5% (v/v); incubation time h. The reaction progress was assessed through the
24 h at 30C and 150rpm. Also, for measuring activity determination of free fatty acids by titration with 0.05
of lipase the raw enzyme used to assay was isolated M NaOH solution. The last stage was anaerobic
from the culture broth following separation of cells digestion of pre-hydrolysed wastewater. A flow diagram
and particles. After 24 hours of incubation, the culture of the experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 1. The batch
medium was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 20 min at 4 reactor was a glass cylinder with a diameter of 10 cm and
C and the cell-free culture supernatant fluid was used a height of 15 cm (working volume 1 L). Effluent samples
as the source of extracellular enzyme. Lipase activity were drawn from the bottom of the reactor using a
was determined using p-nitro phenol palmitate (pNPP) sampling port. Prior to the experiments, 200 mL (20% (v/
as substrate. The reaction mixture was composed of v) inoculation) mixture of the enriched cultures
700l pNPP solution and 300l of lipase solution. The (methanogens and acetogens) with defined M/A was
pNPP solution was prepared by adding the solution A used to seed the batch reactor. For starting up the

Int. J. Environ. Res., 6(2):475-480, Spring 2012

bioreactor, the ratio of methanogens to acetogens (M/ stability was low at acidic pH. The remarkable stability
A) was taken as the relative amount of their VSS of P. aeruginosa KM110 lipase in this range has proved
concentrations. An electrical heating tape (heating it to be a potential alkaline lipase similar the others.
capacity: 40 W/m) was attached to the outside surface
of the reactor and a temperature probe was connected The optimum activity of the enzyme was observed
to the transmitter. The temperature of the reactor was at 30C and 45C (Fig. 4). Assessment of the thermo
set to the mesophilic (371C) condition. To ensure stability of lipase was performed by measuring the
efficient transfer of the intermediates and to release gas residual activity at various times, following incubation
bubbles trapped in the medium mixing was performed at different temperatures. As for the stability of the
with an intensity of 50 rpm, duration of 5 min per each 10 enzyme (Fig. 5), 80% activity remained after 3 h of
h, using a magnetic stirrer. The produced biogas was storage at 45C and 70% at 37C. At higher
vented out the top of the bioreactor through a connecting temperatures, the stability of the enzyme was lower; ie
pipe and was collected by the water-displacement 40% activity remained after 3h at 65C. The stability of
method. During this period, samples were taken for pH the lipase decreased sharply after 1 h of incubation at
measurements and COD assays. A comparison of COD high temperatures (Fig. 5). This confirms that P.
removal efficiency allowed us to evaluation of the effect aeruginosa KM110 lipase is a mesophilic enzyme. The
of wastewater enzymatic pretreatment on the efficiency P. aeruginosa MB 5001 lipase requires an optimum
of the anaerobic digestion. COD was determined temperature of 55C for activity (Chartrain et al., 1993)
according to the standard methods (APHA, 1992). The ,but other Pseudomonas lipases, such as those from P.
pH was measured using the Metrohm 620 pH meter (made fluorescens 2D (Makhzoum et al., 1996) , P. fluorescens
in Germany). HU380 (Chartrain et al., 1993) and P. fragi (Mencher et
al., 1967) were found to be optimally active at 35
RESULTS & DISCUSSION 45C. P. aeruginosa lipases seem to be more thermos
The effect of pH on the activity of lipase was table than others from this genus.
determined in four different buffers covering the range
Initially, the progress of the enzymatic hydrolysis
of pH 3.0 to 12.0. The most enzyme activity was
was carried out at two different temperatures (35 and
monitored at pH 6.0 and 9.0 (Fig .2), but retained over
45 C). The production of free fatty acids increased
65% of its activity at pH 8.0 (Fig. 3). Interestingly, other
Pseudomonas sp. lipases designated as alkaline, e.g., almost linearly with time during 48h hydrolysis reaction
P. fluorescents HU380 (Kojima et al., 2003), P. for two tested conditions (Fig.6). But the hydrolysis
fluorescents 2D (Makhzoum, 1996) have lower pH progressed significantly in shorter time at 45 C
optima of 8.5, 8.5, respectively. P. aeruginosa KM110 compare to 35 C (P<0.05).Thus the temperature of 45
lipase was stable between pH 7.0 and 10.0, but the C was selected to perform the hydrolysis step.

Fig. 1. Schematic flow diagram of experimental set-up: (1) magnetic stirrer, (2) electrical heating tape, (3)
temperature probe, (4) biogas collector vessel, (5) methane sensor, (6) temperature controller, (7) methane
sensor transmitter

Pretreatment of anaerobic digestion

Additionally, the concentration of enzymatic Effects of the enzymatic pretreament on the COD
extract (10 or 20% v/v) was tested. As shown in Fig. removal efficiency and accumulated biogas production
7, there is an increase in concentration of free acids in are summarized in Fig. 8. Based on results, after 13
two experiments. Doubling the concentration of days, the COD removal efficiency (90%) and biogas
enzyme extract resulted in an increase in free acid production (4710 ml) of pre-hydrolyzed effluent were
contents in the medium, but the excessive use of raw greater than that of raw effluent (66% and 2330 ml,
enzyme extract would make this process economically respectively) containing the same initial fat content.
unfeasible on larger scales. For practical and Similar results were obtained for the pre-hydrolysis of
operational reasons, the time of reaction selected for a synthetic dairy wastewater containing 200, 600 and
the hydrolysis process, as pretreatment to the batch 1000 mg/l oil and grease, using an enzyme preparation
obtained through solid-state fermentation, presenting
bioreactors, was 48 h. Thus, the hydrolyzed
pronounced lipase activity (Leal et al., 2006). According
wastewater fed to the batch bioreactors was obtained
to these authors, the benefits of the hydrolysis step
after 48 h of reaction at 45 C. Based on the results
became evident with the highest concentration (1000
obtained in this preliminary phase, wastewater
mg/l), COD removals averaged 90% in the UASB reactor
hydrolysis was carried out under the following fed with the hydrolyzed effluent and 82% in the control
conditions: 45C, 10% v/v enzyme extract (0.3 U.m/L), reactor and the biogas content produced in both
without agitation and a hydrolysis time of 48 hours. reactors was almost the same. Moreover, in another
As mentioned, both raw and pre-hydrolyzed study removal efficiencies of 19% and 80% for raw
wastewaters were digested in a batch bioreactor. and hydrolyzed dairy wastewater with 1200mg/L fat

0.7 70
0.6 60
Lipase activity (U/mL)

Relative activity(%)

0.5 50
0.4 40
0.2 20
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Fig. 2. Effects of pH on lipase activity. Enzymatic
activity was measured according to a standard Fig. 3. Stability of lipase at different pH . Residual
protocol with pNPP as the substrate activity was measured by a standard assay method

Lipase activity (U/ml)

Relative activity(%)

0.4 60
0.2 30
0 0
25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

Tempreature ( C) Tempreature ( C)

Fig.4. Effects of temperature on lipase Fig. 5. Thermal stability of lipase. Residual enzyme
activity. Enzymatic activity was measured according activity was measured under standard enzyme test
to a standard protocol with pNPP as the substrate conditions

Int. J. Environ. Res., 6(2):475-480, Spring 2012


Free fatty acids( mol/ ml)

Free fatty acids( mol/ ml) )

0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 20 40 60
Time (h)
Fig.7. Evolution of the production of free
Fig. 6. Evolution of the production of free acids
acids throughout the hydrolysis time. () control,
throughout the hydrolysis time at 35 () and 45C ( )
() 10% v/v enzymatic extract () 20% v/v
enzymatic extract
Biogas volum(ml)

3500 (a)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Time (day)


1000 (b)
COD (mg/l)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (day)
Fig. 8. Evolution of biogas production (a) and COD decline (b) in tests with raw wastewater and with hydrolyzed
dairy wastewater containing 1000 mg/L total fat content. ()Raw wastewater without pre-hydrolysis and ()
wastewater pre- hydrolyzed

Mobarak-Qamsari, E. et al.

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