Arnold, Samuel. Capitalism, Class Conflict, and Domination
Arnold, Samuel. Capitalism, Class Conflict, and Domination
Arnold, Samuel. Capitalism, Class Conflict, and Domination
Samuel Arnold
To cite this article: Samuel Arnold (2016): Capitalism, Class Conflict, and Domination, Socialism
and Democracy, DOI: 10.1080/08854300.2016.1215810
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Socialism and Democracy, 2016
Samuel Arnold
1. Introduction
Capitalisms defenders have long praised it for its freedom. It is,
they say, a system of free markets, free enterprise, and free labor a
system that extends maximal freedom to choose (in Milton Fried-
mans famous phrase) to all members of society, from the towering cor-
porate raider to the humblest worker.1 Nobody, after all, forces workers
to work, or employers to hire, or consumers to buy. Rather, under
capitalism people freely choose to do these things. So whatever else
one might say about it, surely it must be admitted that capitalism
scores very well in terms of freedom: it promises to replace the coercion
and domination characteristic of alternative modes of production (e.g.,
feudalism, bureaucratic socialism) with voluntary, mutually beneficial
Socialists typically reply that this paean to capitalist freedom
obscures more than it illuminates, especially the bit about free labor.
True, under capitalism workers are self-owners, and therefore cannot
be forced to work for any capitalist in particular (or indeed, for any capi-
talist at all). They have, that is, the formal freedom to refuse employ-
ment. But the socialist will insist workers propertylessness
renders this formal freedom empty. Lacking access to the means of pro-
duction, workers have little choice but to work for some capitalist or
other merely to survive. As Marx puts this point, workers belong not
to this or that capitalist but to the capitalist class.2 But what is it to
belong to another even if that other is a group rather than an individ-
ual if not slavery? Capitalism, socialists concede, represents an
advance on feudalism and chattel slavery by eradicating personal depen-
dence. But because it places workers at the mercy of the capitalist class,
1. Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman, Free to Choose (New York: Harcourt, 1990).
2. Karl Marx, Wage Labor and Capital, in The Marx-Engels Reader, ed. R. Tucker, 2nd
ed. (New York: W.W. Norton, 1978), 203217, at 205.
library materials on time. Yet theres nothing morally amiss with this
relationship; in having these forms of power over me, the library
does not dominate me.6 But why not? The basic answer is that the
librarys power is constrained to track my interests, and is therefore
not arbitrary. It cant fine me without reason; nor can it deny me
access to its collections on a whim. It must operate in accordance
with public rules. And indeed, not only is the librarys power con-
strained; it is constrained in ways that force it to track the interests of
its patrons. We patrons benefit from the librarys having the powers
that it does. Weaken these powers, and library materials wouldnt be
returned on time, etc., thus undermining the good that the library
can do for us. Moreover, if a patron feels that the library has used its
powers in a way inconsistent with its brief, she can protest to some
administrator or official somewhere. Anticipating this sequence of
events, library staff will tend not to abuse their power in the first
place. In all of these ways, then, the librarys power is kept in check,
is forced to consider my interests, and therefore is neither arbitrary
nor (hence) a source of domination. That my relationship with the
library is freedom-preserving is reflected in the fact that I can stand
tall when I enter its premises: I can look librarians in the eye, I
neednt flatter them, I neednt conform my actions to their arbitrary
wills, and so on.
To sum up, then: social power is the ability to get others to do things
they would otherwise prefer not to do; this form of power frequently
rests on interference power. Domination arises only when power-
holders are not forced to track the interests of the person (or group)
subject to them.
6. For this example, see Lovett, A General Theory of Domination and Justice.
6 Socialism and Democracy
wills? It would appear that capital acquires its social power over labor
through a straight deal, a fair exchange among equals. As David
Harvey observes:
The remarkable thing is that capitalism does not appear to rely on cheating,
theft, robbery, or dispossession. . . . This fairness rests on the conceit that
laborers have an individualized private property right over the labor power
they are capable of furnishing to capital as a commodity and that they are
free to dispose of that labor power to whomever they like.9
9. David Harvey, Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism (New York: Oxford
University Press, 2014), 63.
10. G.A. Cohen, Karl Marxs Theory of History: A Defence, expanded edition (Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000), 70.
8 Socialism and Democracy
11. It may seem like mere science fiction, but many researchers have concluded that
robots are coming for our jobs. One particularly influential study suggests that
nearly half of US jobs could be at risk of computerization over the next two
decades. Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne, The Future of Employment:
How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerisation?
Samuel Arnold 9
conflicts described above. This is not to say that capitalists always get
their way; workers are not wholly without influence over capitalists,
especially those workers whose skills are in high demand. The
balance of power between, say, Google and its software engineers is
much different than that between Google and its janitors. And the bar-
gaining position of all workers, even those with low skills, is improved
when unions are strong and labor markets are tight. The class struggle
can be somewhat fluid, with capitals dominance ebbing and flowing
as broader social, political, and economic conditions change. Further-
more, even when workers are at their weakest relative to capital,
bosses may still voluntarily solicit worker input, or at least make a
show of doing so.
But none of this threatens my argument. All I am claiming is that
when it comes to the what and how of production, capitalists gen-
erally decide; it is generally they (or their agents) who determine what to
produce, under what conditions, using what mix of inputs, at what
rates of pay, what to do with the surplus, etc. This claim, which
seems to me uncontroversial, is fully compatible with all of the quali-
fications just noted.
Second, capitalists and workers have conflicting interests across these
issues. The set of solutions or policies that advance the interests of
workers will generally not overlap with the set of solutions or policies
that advance the interests of capitalists. Thus, capitalists want lower
wages; workers want higher wages. Capitalists want to maximize
work intensity and effort; workers do not. Capitalists want to choose
the profit-maximizing labor process, even if (as is frequently the
case) its stultifying and alienating for the worker; workers want
labor processes that incorporate a variety of engaging and autonomous
tasks.12 Capitalists have an interest in choosing that level of monitoring
and surveillance at work and away from it that maximizes work
intensity, and thus profits; workers have an interest in being free
from surveillance (whether extreme or mild). Capitalists, but not
their workers, have an interest in spending part of the surplus on
their own luxury consumption. Capitalists, but not their workers,
have an interest in using the lowest-cost production techniques, even
if this means moving operations to India, slashing jobs, dumping
waste in workers communities, etc. So too, capitalists, but not their
workers, have an interest in producing whatever will fetch the
12. For the classic Marxist analysis of class conflict over the labor process, see Harry
Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth
Century, 25th Anniversary Edition (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1998).
10 Socialism and Democracy
13. We must take care, however, not to exaggerate this point. Although capitalists must
maximize profits, sometimes there are multiple plausible paths to this goal, in which
case capitalists do enjoy real discretion. For instance, economic considerations might
dictate layoffs, but leave open which particular workers get the sack. Or again,
perhaps costs must be cut, but there are many ways to do this: salaries could be
reduced, waste eliminated, executive perks rolled back, etc. Insofar as economic
rationality does not fully determine this choice, the capitalist has real discretion.
Samuel Arnold 11
6. Taking stock
To sum up our results thus far: Workers rely on capitalists for the
wages they need to live, or to live well, while the political community
as a whole relies on capitalists for the finance and investment it needs
to prosper. But as we saw in sections 2 and 3, dependence breeds sub-
ordination: just as you must bend to the will of the pharmacist who has
unilateral control over the medicine you need to survive, so too must
workersand indeed, even governmentscater to the whims of the
class that has unilateral control over the means of production
without which life, let alone prosperity, is impossible. Across a wide
range of issues, then, within both the realm of production and the
realm of politics, capitalists have the power to get their way. As dis-
cussed in detail in the previous two sections, it is (generally) they
who decide how to run the firm and what to do with the social
surplus; it is even (generally) they who control the broad parameters
of political possibility, despite their numerical inferiority vis-a-vis
So capitalists have power, but do they dominate? That depends: is
their power forced to track the interests of those over whom it ranges?
Hardly. As argued in sections 4 and 5, capitalists must bow to market
demands, which align imperfectly with the interests of workers and
citizens. Capital, in short, is forced to serve profit, not people. It
14. David Schweickart, After Capitalism, 2nd ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield,
2011), 157.
15. Charles Lindblom, The Market as Prison, The Journal of Politics, 44, 2 (May, 1982),
324 336.
14 Socialism and Democracy
follows that capitalists dominate in two senses and in two sites. First,
within the firm, individual capitalists dominate workers in their
employ; second, at the level of society as a whole, capitalists as a class
dominate workers as a class, insofar as they are able to use their econ-
omic power (especially their control over finance, investment, and
the consciousness industry) to secure political results favorable to
their interests (hence, opposed to those of workers).
7. Competition?
Might labor market competition come to capitalisms ideological
rescue here? Philip Pettit suggests that in a well functioning labor
market, no one would depend on any particular master, and so no
one would be at the mercy of a master. . . . [Any given worker] could
move on to employment elsewhere in the event of suffering arbitrary
interference.16 Walmart, the thought goes, wont abuse its workers if
it knows that the Target down the street is hiring. Or, to put the point
in more general terms, when workers have viable exit options they
are less dependent on their current employer, greatly reducingand
perhaps even eliminatingthat employers power over them.
There is some truth to this line of argument; competition, I readily
grant, does indeed constrain the power of capitalists to some degree.
But we should not exaggerate this constraining effectas Robert
Taylor does, I think, when he writes that under perfect competition,
economic power is not so much dispersed as extinguished.17 Labor
market competition, whether perfect or imperfect, does not extinguish
the power of capitalists over workers; rather, it defines the limits within
which that power operates, as I will now explain.
Consider W, a worker with only one employment option A.
Because W has no alternative to dealing with A, As power over W is
considerable. Now suppose that B, a rival employer, arrives on the
scene offering W comparable terms. Since W now has two viable
options, she depends on neither A nor B individually. Yet if she
depends on neither employer, what happens to their power over
her? Does it vanish?
Crucially, no, it does not. Employers retain power despite the pres-
ence of competition. To illustrate, suppose W asks A for his terms. In
16. Philip Pettit, Freedom in the Market, Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (June,
2006) 131149, at 142.
17. Robert Taylor, Market Freedom as Antipower, American Political Science Review
(August, 2013), 594 602, at 598.
Samuel Arnold 15
exchange for wages, I expect you to work for 8 hours a day, obey my
instructions while at the worksite, and hand over the fruits of your
toil, he says. Not wanting to perform any of these actions, the
worker checks with Band finds identical demands. Well, I
suppose it cant be helped, she sighs with resignation as she reports
for work. Despite the fact that she depends on neither capitalist indivi-
dually, there she is, toiling for 8 hours, obeying orders, alienating the
product of her laborin short, bending to a capitalists will. Exit has,
in this case, utterly failed to inoculate the worker against the power
of capital.
Which is not to say that exit is always so impotent. Suppose that W
works for A, and A attempts to abuse W in some way that B would not.
W could avoid the abusecould escape As powerby leaving A for B.
Two lessons emerge. First, labor market competition does indeed
constrain capitalists, forcing them to offer terms that are no worse
than those offered by any of their competitors. Individual capitalists
cannot impose demands outside the group norm. And so we should
expect to see certain egregious and/or idiosyncratic abusesespecially
those unconnected with the economic purpose of the firm, such as
sexual harassment or unnecessarily oppressive working conditions
dissipate in the face of robust labor market competition. This is no
small thing, and it underscores the (limited) moral importance of com-
petition for labor. But, secondly and crucially, while individual capital-
ists cannot impose demands outside the group norm, they can impose
demands inside that norm. When capitalists speak in one voice,
workers must obey.
But do capitalists speak in one voice? Across a wide range of issues,
yes, of course they do. For they are, recall, themselves beholden to the
laws of capitalforced, by the logic of capitalist competition, to maxi-
mize profits. In pursuit of this goal, certain demands are simply una-
voidable. Let labor market conditions be as competitive as you
please, capitalists will still require workers to show up for work.
They will still require workers to toil at a profit-maximizing pace,
under profit-maximizing conditions, for a profit-maximizing wage.
They will still force workers to lay down their tools at the end of the
day and hand over the surplus created by their labors. And they will
still reserve for themselves the right to decide what to do with this
surplus. These demands are non-negotiable; they are the sine qua non
of capitalism. Capitalists cannot relinquish them without ceasing to
be capitalists.
In sum, earlier sections showed that capitalists have considerable
power over workers, and that this power, being arbitrary, amounts
16 Socialism and Democracy
8. Basic income?
So long as people need to sell their labor power to live or live well,
they are at the mercy of capitalists, even if there are many capitalists to
choose from. Perhaps, then, the thing to do is eliminate the need to sell
ones labor power. This is the basic rationale behind an unconditional
basic income (UBI), a proposal that has become quite popular amongst
philosophers concerned with domination.18 Like traditional welfare
programs, a UBI partly decouples income from market earnings, but
unlike traditional welfare, it does this in a no-strings-attached
fashion: everyone in the target population gets it, regardless of
income level or employment status. Depending on the level at which
it is set, a UBIs likely effects on the economy; on individual indepen-
dence; on social relations, etc. vary dramatically. For our purposes,
suppose that we set the UBI at the highest sustainable level (as philo-
sophers like Philip Van Parijs propose),19 and that this level is sufficient
to enable each person to achieve a culturally defined respectable stan-
dard of living, say 125 percent of the poverty line20 which in the US
would amount to around $15,000 per year per person. With such a UBI
in place, would capitalists still dominate workers?
Yes, they would. True, no longer would workers be forced to sell
their labor power in order to live, or even to live decently. But to live
decently is not necessarily to live well. To do the latter, workers will
18. See, e.g., Philip Pettit, A Republican Right to Basic Income? Basic Income Studies 2,
2 (December 2007) 17; Lovett, A General Theory of Domination & Justice, 196 203.
19. Philip Van Parijs, Real Freedom For All (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995).
20. Erik Olin Wright, Envisioning Real Utopias (London: Verso, 2010), 217.
Samuel Arnold 17
still generally need to sell their labor power and so people will still
generally be dependent on the capitalist class, and thus dominated
by their particular employers (as per our earlier argument).
But why will people need wage labor in order to live well, despite
receiving a UBI? There are three main reasons. First, most people are at
least partly consumerist in orientation hardly a surprise, given the
enormous sums spent by capitalists and governments to encourage
materialism and consumerist values.21 For people in the grip of such
values which is to say, for nearly all of us living well requires a
level of consumption totally unattainable on any feasible UBI. (As a
quick test, ask yourself if you could live well, as you define that
target, on $15,000 per year.) The problem is exacerbated by the posi-
tionality of most peoples consumption desires: many of us want
not merely to have lots of stuff, but to have more stuff than others in
our consumption reference group, as sociologists call it. This is
obviously impossible on a UBI, which provides equal purchasing
power to all.
Second, most people wish not merely to consume, but also to con-
tribute in a socially-recognized way. No one wants to be regarded as a
free-rider or a parasite. To be sure, there are many ways to contribute
besides having a job: one neednt produce exchange value for a capi-
talist in order to produce use value for other human beings. Yet in
our culture, shaped as it is by capitalist norms, the dominant
socially-recognized form that contribution takes is paid employment.
What do you do? is a standard opening move in conversation, and
as norms are at present I live on the UBI and pick up trash in
the local park is unlikely to be met with much respect. Insofar as
people wish to be, and to be seen as, social contributors in good stand-
ing, then, they will face tremendous pressure to get a job. A UBI does
nothing to alleviate this pressure.
21. NYU professor Bertell Ollman reports that American businesses spend approxi-
mately one trillion dollars a year on advertising and public relations, and that the
advertising and public relations industry produces or influences 40 percent of
what we see, hear, and read (How 2 Take an Exam . . . And Change the World [Montreal:
Black Rose Books, 2001], 63). Nor are children exempt from this onslaught. Corpor-
ations are increasingly infiltrating schools through, e.g., biased classroom kits
(climate change education by Chevron), advertisements for junk food in school cafe-
terias, ad-drenched BusRadio on school buses even report cards emblazoned
with Ronald McDonalds smiling visage. Exposure to pro-consumerist messaging
on this scale cannot help but profoundly shape our conceptions of the good. See
Commercial Free Childhoods fact sheet Marketing in Schools, http://www. .
18 Socialism and Democracy
The land, the tools and materials of labor are still the exclusive property of the
privileged few, and the worker cannot produce without giving himself a boss
or master. It must not be supposed that the proclamation of emancipation lib-
erated mankind from slavery. The most odious, because the most subtle form
of slavery wages slavery remains to be abolished.22
9. Conclusion
In closing, allow me to summarize my core argument from a
slightly different angle. Edward Bellamy, an influential nineteenth-
century American socialist and novelist, says something true and
22. Cited in Alex Gourevitch, From Slavery to the Cooperative Commonwealth: Labor and
Republican Liberty in the Nineteenth Century (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 2014), 108.
Samuel Arnold 19
important when he writes that if you own the things men must have,
you own the men who must have them. But capitalists, of course, own
the things workers must have. Therefore, capitalists own workers. Not,
admittedly, in any legal sense; capitalism is not chattel slavery, and
workers are legally entitled to withhold their labor power. But there
are other senses of ownership besides the legal one, and other forms
of slavery besides chattel slavery. If I can consistently control your
actions, getting you to serve my interests in ways that undermine
your interests, do I not have a kind of ownership over you? Do I not
dominate you in a morally objectionable way (section 2)? Yet as I
have argued here a clear-eyed assessment of capitalism suggests
that capitalists enjoy precisely these forms of objectionable power
over workers. Because capitalists have what workers need, they
control workers actions, getting workers to serve their interests
(section 3). But because the interests of workers and capitalists are
opposed, capitalists are not merely using their economic advantages
to get workers to do their bidding; more than this, they are getting
workers to undermine their own interests in the process of serving the inter-
ests of capital (sections 4 and 5). It follows that capitalists have a morally
problematic kind of ownership over workers (section 6). Despite
surface appearances to the contrary, capitalism produces and main-
tains a kind of slavery and is therefore a system of profound unfree-
dom. Capitalists, in short, dominate workers.
Indeed, this domination persists even across the friendliest
forms of capitalism (sections 7 and 8). Let demand for workers be
high, and exit costs for workers low; let a basic income free workers
from the need to sell their labor power to live; even so, workers will
remain subject to a hostile class of owners whose basic economic and
political interests clash with their own. They will continue to
depend, both as individuals and as citizens, on these owners for the
wages, investment funds, avenues for social contribution, and pro-
ductive facilities without which they cannot prosper, flourish, or
fully exercise their human powers.
What, then, is to be done? Is another world possible? Can we envi-
sion a viable alternative to reformist capitalism one that would truly
eliminate economic domination rather than merely nibble at its edges?
If the analysis of this article is correct, any such alternative would
have to break capitals monopoly over the means of production, and
so would have to be broadly socialist in orientation but what,
today, does that label even mean? These are issues well worth exploring.