Practice Hours Log

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Guide to completing practice hours log Work setting Maternity unit or birth centre Scope of practice

To record your hours of practice as a registered nurse Ambulance service Military Commissioning
and/or midwife, please fill in a page for each of your Care home sector Occupational health Consultancy
periods of practice. Please enter your most recent Community setting (including Police Education
practice first and then any other practice until you reach district nursing and community Policy organisation Management
450 hours. You do not necessarily need to record psychiatric nursing) Prison Policy
individual practice hours. You can describe your practice Consultancy Private domestic setting Direct patient care
hours in terms of standard working days or weeks. For Cosmetic or aesthetic sector Public health organisation Quality assurance or inspection
example if you work full time, please just make one Governing body or other School
entry of hours. If you have worked in a range of settings
leadership Specialist or other tertiary care
please set these out individually. You may need to print
GP practice or other primary including hospice
care Telephone or e-health advice
additional pages to add more periods of practice. If you Nurse/SCPHN
Hospital or other secondary Trade union or professional
are both a nurse and midwife you will need to provide Midwife/SCPHN
care body
information to cover 450 hours of practice for each of
Inspectorate or regulator University or other research Nurse and Midwife (including
these registrations. Nurse/SCHPN and
Insurance or legal facility
Voluntary or charity sector Midwife/SCPHN)

Dates: Name and Your work setting Your scope Number Your registration Brief description of your work:
address of (choose from list above): of practice of hours: (choose from list above):

organisation: (choose from list above):

(Please add rows as necessary)

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