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Criminal Procedure Case Digest A t t y.

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Crim Pro Case Digests

List of Cases
1. Isip v. People, G.R. No.. 170298, June 26, 2007
2. Landbank of the Philippines v. Belisata, G.R. No. 170298, June 26, 2007
3. Mondejar v. Buban, A.M. No. MTJ-01-1349, July 12, 2001
4. Foz v. People, October 9, 2009, G.R. No. 167764
5. People v. Sandiganbayan, August 25, 2009, G.R. No. 167304
6. Serrana v. Sandiganbayan, January 22, 2008, G.R. 162059
7. Esquivel v. Ombudsman, September 17, 2002, G.R. 137237
8. Tijam vs Sibonghanoy
9. Cariaga vs People
10. Antiporda vs Garchitorena
11. Punzalan vs Dela Pea
12. People vs Lucia
13. People vs Munar
14. Department of Justice v. Liwag, February 11, 2005, G.R. No. 149311
15. Lazatin v. Desierto, June 5, 2009, G.R. No. 147097
16. Presidential Ad-Hoc Fact Finding Committee v. Desierto, July 24, 2007
17. Castro v. Deloria, January 27, 2009, G.R. No. 163586
18. Antonino v. Desierto, December 18, 2008, G.R. No. 144492
19. Sesbreno v. Aglugub, February 28, 2005, A.M. No. MTJ 05-1581
20. Punzalan v. de la Pena, July 21, 2004, G.R. No. 158543
21. People v. Duca, October 9, 2009, G.R. No. 171175
22. Pacoy v. Judge Afable
23. Lucas v. Fabros
24. Zaldivia v. Reyes 211 SCRA 277
25. Panaguiton Jr. v. DOJ 571 SRA 549
26. People v. Pangilinan 672 SCRA 105
27. Disini v. Sandiganbayan G.R. No. 169823-24
28. Jadewell Parking Systems Crop v. Lidua, October 3, 2013
29. Miranda v Dorao
30. Bonifacio et al v. Regional Trial Court of Makati 629 SCRA 268
31. Union Bank of the Philippine Islands v. People 667 SCRA 113, February 28, 2012
32. People vs Aminudin
33. People vs Tangliben
34. Malacat vs People
35. People vs Mengote
36. People vs Laguio Jr.
37. People vs. Claudio
38. People vs. Maspil
39. AAA v Carbonell 524 SCRA 496, 508;
40. Soliven v Makasiar 167 SCRA 393

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