Reguler - Kelompok 1 Soal

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GROUP 1 (Ameninta Cesanina, Billi, Jessica Zivani, Meisy Radhista, Samson Patar)


1. The last process of oil refinery and the appropriate aim is
A. Blending, for evaporating and the increasing of octane number
B. Blending, for mixing and the increasing of octane number
C. Alkylation, for evaporating and the increasing of octane number
D. Cracking, to convert the hydrocarbon into branched structure
2. The process of oils purification with the elimination of contaminated materials is called

A. Cracking C. Alkylation
B. Treating D. Blending
3. The working principle of desalter is
A. Mixing raw oil with water to eliminate salt
B. Heating raw oil in high temperature to evaporate salt
C. Drying feed to eliminate salt
D. Oxidizing feed to eliminate salt
4. The first process in oil refinery is
A. Evaporation C. Cracking
B. Distillation D. Desalting
5. What process comes after crude oil distillation?
A. Desalination C. Alkylation
B. Molasses treatment D. Boiling
6. To convert straight structure into branched hydrocarbon, a process which is needed is
A. Cracking C. Treating
B. Distillation D. Reforming
7. The equipment used to process heavy vacuum gas oil is
A. Tank
B. Cooking Unit
C. Hydrocracker & Fluid Catalytic Cracker
D. Hydrocracker & Cooking Unit
8. Deasphalting is a process in sector with the principle of
A. Oil & Gas, eliminating asphalt dari from oil fraction that is used as lubricants
B. Infrastructure, reprocessing asphalt
C. Composite, processing asphalt as the raw materials for composite industry
D. Paper, converting asphaltic components into pulp
9. The compound which is injected in desalter is
B. C6H12O6 D. Fe2O3
10. The waste treatment process that needs barrier to prevent oil spread is
A. Sorbent usage
B. Oil elimination
C. In situ burning
D. Bioremediation
11. The equipments used to convert hydrocarbon into small structure, except
A. Thermal cracker
B. Catalytic reformer
C. Catalytic cracker
D. Hydrocracker
12. One product of oil refinery is naphta, which is then converted into high octane gasoline.
The equipment used in that process is
A. Catalytic Reformer C. Distillation Tower
B. Hydrocraker D. Fluidized Bed Dryer
13. The following which is not the process in oil and gas refinery is
A. Distillation and Cracking
B. Fermentation and Refining
C. Alkylation and Polymerization
D. Blending dan Desalting
14. Distillation column works with the principle of
A. Pressures difference
B. Colours difference
C. Boiling points difference
D. Melting points difference
15. The following which is not the process in oil waste treatment is ...
A. In Situ Burning C. Bioremediation
B. Coagulation D. Oil Separation

16. The equipment used in filtration process in refining unit of MSG industry is
A. Plate and Press C. Decolorizer
B. Mixer D. Molasses Treatment Agent
17. Bacteria used in MSG production is

A. Streptococcus glutamicus C. Lactobacillus bulgaricus

B. Micrococcus glutamicus D. Streptococcus bulgaricus

18. The main process of making glutamic acid is

A. Distillation C. Fermentation
B. Netralization D. Oxidation
19. In refining unit of MSG industry, active carbon is filtered with
A. Fluidized bed dryer C. Chipper
B. Catalytic cracker D. Plate and press
20. Fluidized bed dryer is used in process.
A. Crystallization C. Seeding
B. Drying D. Decolorizing
21. Below are the steps in producing MSG, except
A. Fermentation C. Treating
B. Isolation D. Reforming
22. The equipments used in fermentation unit of MSG industry are
A. Molasses treatment tank and fermentor
B. Evaporator dan fermentor
C. SDC dan fermentor
D. Seeding tank and decolorizer
23. To process liquid waste of MSG industry, the right way to do is
A. Netralizing the pH
B. Increasing COD with decreasing number of bacteria
C. Decreasing soluble oxygen with aeration
D. Netralizing H2S with NaOH
24. In MSG industry, the process used to eliminate the color of MSG syrup and elimination
of cake carbon respectively are
A. Fermentation dan Decolorization C. Filtration dan Fermentation
B. Decolorization dan Blending D. Decolorization dan Filtration
25. The raw material used in MSG industry is
A. Sugar cane C. Salt
B. Flour D. Wood
26. The equipment used to form glutamic acid crystal is
A. Evaporator C. Decolorizer
B. Sieve D. Super decanter
27. Active carbon is used in process.
A. Treatment C. Decolorization
B. Fermentasi D. Crystallization
28. The aim of decolorization process is
A. To separate glutamic acid from glutamic mother
B. To produce bacteria for fermentation
C. To process waste
D. To get clear MSG syrup
29. The process to produce bacteria for fermentation is called
A. Isolation C. Refining
B. Fluiding D. Seeding
30. Molasses treatment is a process in MSG industri whose aim is to
A. Eliminate salt
B. Eliminate calcium
C. Increase concentration
D. Produce bacteria
31. To convert wood into pulp, the equipment needed is
A. Digester C. Chipper

B. Dryer D. Sludge
32. The equipment used in paper production to lessen water level until below 6% is
A. Paper roller C. Paper press
B. Chipper D. Paper dryer
33. Additives in paper-pulp production is added in process
A. Mixing C. Centra-cleaning
B. Drying D. Addition
34. Equipment used to cut log before entering paper industry is
A. Paper dryer C. Double planner
B. Chipper D. Chainsaw
35. Below are the equipments used to reduce water level in making paper, except
A. Headbox C. Paper Dryer
B. Paper press D. Fourdinier Wet End

36. The equipment to chop the wood into smaller size is
A. Chipper C. Double Planer
B. Chain Saw D. Headbox
37. The main difference of wood processing into panel and veneer is
A. Materials C. Water content
B. Size D. Weight
38. The difference between pulp and wood is
A. Size C. Color
B. Shape D. Flavor
39. The machine used to cut the wood from tree is
A. Chain Saw C. Double Planer
B. Chipper D. Headbox
40. After the wood passes sheeting and palletizing process, it will be converted into the
product called ...
A. Veneer products C. Pulp products
B. Panel products D. Charcoal products

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