Frayer Model Chronolgy

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Frayer Model

Frayer Model
Word: Chronology

The sequence of events that take place within Follows a distinct pattern of events from one
a given story or span of time. time frame to the next.

The beginning of the chronology has to start

with the first part of the sequence and end with
the last part.

Chronology can be any unit of time rather that

be past, present, or future.

Can refer to either the storyline or can refer to

the publishing order of books or movies.

Has a specific and identifiable logical order


Timeline Telling about the events of your day but

working backwards, such as starting with
Written accounts that explain events from things you did in the evening, then in the
beginning, middle, and end, such as diaries afternoon, then in the morning.
made on the Mayflower voyage to the New
World. A tv show or movie that uses a lot of
flashbacks to tell a story is not telling the story
The sequence to watch a particular movie or in the chronology of how the events
tv show in, does one watch Star Wars in the happened. To view the story in the events in
chronology of when they were released, which they occurred, one would need to watch
Episodes IV,V,VI,I,II,III,VII,Rouge One, or does all the flashback scenes, first, and then watch
one watch them in chronology of the story, the scenes that are taking place in present
Episodes I,II,III, Rogue One, IV,V,VI,VII day, and then any scene that is supposed to
take place in the future.

Sometimes one can read a book or turn on the

tv and watch an episode that is out of order of
how the series is intended to be watched. For
example, reading or watching the Return of
the King in Lord of the Rings would be doing
so out of chronology.

Reading in the Content Area Name___Joshua Mathews

Rubric for scoring Strategies Strategy__Frayer model
Word: Chronology Grade: 6

1 point 2 points
Strategy Type Strategy is Strategy is identified,
identified, mostly correctly applied,
accurate, may have complete and accurate.
minor deficiencies.
Content Area Connection is made Content and grade
to the content area level are both
you will be teaching identified on the
in. template and example.
Blank Template Strategy is typed A blank template is
neatly, well provided. Neat,
organized, and easy organized,
to understand. professional.
Completed Example Strategy is typed A completed example
neatly, well is provided. Neat,
organized, and easy organized,
to understand. professional.
Grammar & Minor errors in No recognizable errors
Spelling spelling and in spelling and
grammar may exist. grammar occur.

Total Points __10_/10 possible

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