Chapter 5

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5 Homogeneous systems

 Definition: A homogeneous (ho-mo-jeen0 -i-us) system of linear algebraic equations is

one in which all the numbers on the right hand side are equal to 0:
a11 x1 + . . . + a1n xn = 0
.. ..
. .
am1 x1 + . . . + amn xn = 0
In matrix form, this reads Ax = 0, where A is m n,

x = ... ,

xn n1

and 0 is n 1. The homogenous system Ax = 0 always has the solution x = 0. It

follows that any homogeneous system of equations is consistent

 Definition: Any non-zero solutions to Ax = 0, if they exist, are called non-trivial


These may or may not exist. We can find out by row reducing the corresponding augmented
matrix (A|0).

Example: Given the augmented matrix

1 2 0 1 0
(A|0) = 2 3 4 5 0 ,
2 4 0 2 0
row reduction leads quickly to the echelon form

1 2 0 1 0
0 1 4 3 0 .
0 0 0 0 0

Observe that nothing happened to the last column row operations do nothing to a column
of zeros. Equivalently, doing a row operation on a system of homogeneous equations doesnt
change the fact that its homogeneous. For this reason, when working with homogeneous
systems, well just use the matrix A, rather than the augmented matrix. The echelon form
of A is

1 2 0 1
0 1 4 3 .
0 0 0 0

Here, the leading variables are x1 and x2 , while x3 and x4 are the free variables, since there
are no leading entries in the third or fourth columns. Continuing along, we obtain the Gauss-
Jordan form (You should be working out the details on your scratch paper as we go along
. . . .)

1 0 8 7
0 1 4 3 .
0 0 0 0

No further simplification is possible because any new row operation will destroy the structure
of the columns with leading entries. The system of equations now reads
x1 8x3 7x4 = 0
x2 + 4x3 + 3x4 = 0,

In principle, were finished with the problem in the sense that we have the solution in hand.
But its customary to rewrite the solution in vector form so that its properties are more
evident. First, we solve for the leading variables; everything else goes on the right hand side:

x1 = 8x3 + 7x4
x2 = 4x3 3x4 .

Assigning any values we choose to the two free variables x3 and x4 gives us one the many
solutions to the original homogeneous system. This is, of course, whe the variables are called
free. For example, taking x3 = 1, x4 = 0 gives the solution x1 = 8, x2 = 4. We
can distinguish the free variables from the leading variables by denoting them as s, t, u,
etc. This is not logically necessary; it just makes things more transparent. Thus, setting
x3 = s, x4 = t, we rewrite the solution in the form
x1 = 8s + 7t
x2 = 4s 3t
x3 = s
x4 = t
More compactly, the solution can also be written in matrix and set notation as

x 1 8 7

x 4 3


xH = = s + t : s, t R (1)

x3 1 0

x4 0 1

The curly brackets { } are standard notation for a set or collection of objects. We call this
the general solution to the homogeneous equation. Notice that xH is an infinite set of

objects (one for each possible choice of s and t) and not a single vector. The notation is
somewhat misleading, since the left hand side xH looks like a single vector, while the right
hand side clearly represents an infinite collection of objects with 2 degrees of freedom. Well
improve this later.

5.1 Some comments about free and leading variables

Lets go back to the previous set of equations

x1 = 8x3 + 7x4
x2 = 4x3 3x4 .
Notice that we can rearrange things: we could solve the second equation for x3 to get
x3 = (x2 + 3x4 ),
and then substitute this into the first equation, giving
x1 = 2x2 + x4 .
Now it looks as though x2 and x4 are the free variables! This is perfectly all right: the
specific algorithm (Gaussian elimination) we used to solve the original system leads to the
form in which x3 and x4 are the free variables, but solving the system a different way (which
is perfectly legal) could result in a different set of free variables. Mathematicians would
say that the concepts of free and leading variables are not invariant notions. Different
computational schemes lead to different results.

BUT . . .

What is invariant (i.e., independent of the computational details) is the number of free
variables (2) and the number of leading variables (also 2 here). No matter how you solve
the system, youll always wind up being able to express 2 of the variables in terms of the
other 2! This is not obvious. Later well see that its a consequence of a general result called
the dimension or rank-nullity theorem.

The reason we use s and t as the parameters in the system above, and not x3 and x4 (or
some other pair) is because we dont want the notation to single out any particular variables
as free or otherwise theyre all to be on an equal footing.

5.2 Properties of the homogenous system for Amn

If we were to carry out the above procedure on a general homogeneous system Amn x = 0,
wed establish the following facts:

The number of leading variables is min(m, n).

The number of non-zero equations in the echelon form of the system is equal to the
number of leading entries.

The number of free variables plus the number of leading variables = n, the number of
columns of A.

The homogenous system Ax = 0 has non-trivial solutions if and only if there are free

If there are more unknowns than equations, the homogeneous system always has non-
trivial solutions. Why? This is one of the few cases in which we can tell something
about the solutions without doing any work.

A homogeneous system of equations is always consistent (i.e., always has at least one


1. What sort of geometric object does xH represent?

2. Suppose A is 4 7. How many leading variables can Ax = 0 have? How many free

3. (*) If the Gauss-Jordan form of A has a row of zeros, are there necessarily any free
variables? If there are free variables, is there necessarily a row of zeros?

5.3 Linear combinations and the superposition principle

There are two other fundamental properties of the homogeneous system:

1. Theorem: If x is a solution to Ax = 0, then so is cx for any real number c.

Proof: x is a solution means Ax = 0. But A(cx) = c(Ax) = c0 = 0, so cx

is also a solution.

2. Theorem: If x and y are two solutions to the homogeneous equation, then so is x + y.

Proof: A(x + y) = Ax + Ay = 0 + 0 = 0, so x + y is also a solution.

These two properties constitute the famous principle of superposition which holds for
homogeneous systems (but NOT for inhomogeneous ones).

 Definition: If x and y are vectors and s and t are scalars, then sx + ty is called a linear
combination of x and y.

Example: 3x 4y is a linear combination of x and y.

We can restate the superposition principle as:

Superposition principle: if x and y are two solutions to the homogenous equation Ax =

0, then any linear combination of x and y is also a solution.

Remark: This is just a compact way of restating the two properties: If x and y are solutions,
then by property 1, sx and ty are also solutions. And by property 2, their sum sx + ty is a
solution. Conversely, if sx + ty is a solution to the homogeneous equation for all s, t, then
taking t = 0 gives property 1, and taking s = t = 1 gives property 2.

You have seen this principle at work in your calculus courses. t Example: Suppose (x, y)
satisfies LaPlaces equation
2 2
+ = 0.
x2 y 2
We write this as
2 2
= 0, where = + .
x2 y 2

The differential operator has the same property as matrix multiplication, namely: if
(x, y) and (x, y) are two differentiable functions, and s and t are any two real numbers,
(s + t) = s + t.

Exercise: Verify this. That is, show that the two sides are equal by using properties of
the derivative. The functions and are, in fact, vectors, in an infinite-dimensional space
called Hilbert space.

It follows that if and are two solutions to Laplaces equation, then any linear combination
of and is also a solution. The principle of superposition also holds for solutions to the
wave equation, Maxwells equations in free space, and Schrodingers equation in quantum
mechanics. For those of you who know the language, these are all (systems of) homogeneous
linear differential equations.

Example: Start withwhite light (e.g., sunlight); its a collection of electromagnetic waves
which satisfy Maxwells equations. Pass the light through a prism, obtaining red, orange,

. . . , violet light; these are also solutions to Maxwells equations. The original solution (white
light) is seen to be a superposition of many other solutions, corresponding to the various
different colors (i.e. frequencies) The process can be reversed to obtain white light again by
passing the different colors of the spectrum through an inverted prism. This is one of the
experiments Isaac Newton did when he was your age.

Referring back to the example (see Eqn (1)), if we set

8 7
, and y = 3 ,

1 0
0 1

then the susperposition principle tells us that any linear combination of x and y is also a
solution. In fact, these are all of the solutions to this system, as weve proven above.

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