Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Linear Algebra
5.1 Introduction
Linear algebra is an important mathematical subject independent of its connection to dierential equations. However, it is the relation between dierential equations and linear algebra that is important to us and so we will use this relationship to motivate our study of linear algebra. In Chapter 3 we studied second order linear dierential equations: y + p(x)y + q(x)y = f(x) (1)
where p, q and f are continuous functions on an interval I. The focus of our study was on the homogeneous equation y + p(x)y + q(x)y = 0, (2) the so-called reduced equation of equation (1). We saw that the general solution of (2) is given by y = C1 y1 (x) + C2 y2 (x) where C1 and C2 are arbitrary constants and y1 and y2 are linearly independent solutions of the equation. We also saw that an initial-value problem y + p(x)y + q(x)y = 0; required us to solve the system of equations y1 (a)C1 + y2 (a)C2 y1 (a)C1 + y2 (a)C2 = = y(a) = , y (a) =
In the next chapter we will consider higher-order linear dierential equations as a lead in to our study of systems of linear dierential equations. An nth -order linear dierential equation is an equation of the form y(n) + pn1(x)y(n1) + pn2(x)y(n2) + + p1 (x)y + p0(x)y = f(x) (3)
where p0, p1 , . . . , pn1 and f are continuous functions on some interval I. As in the case of second order equations, the focus is on homogeneous equations: y(n) + pn1(x)y(n1) + pn2(x)y(n2) + + p1 (x)y + p0 (x)y = 0. (4)
All of the theorems in Chapter 3 carry over verbatim to nth-order equations. In particular, to obtain the general solution of (4) we need to nd n linearly independent solutions y1 , y2 , . . . , yn of (4). The general solution is then given by y = C1 y1 (x) + C2 y2 (x) + + Cn yn (x). This is the rst major question. We know what it means for two functions to be linearly independent (one is not a multiple of the other), but what does it mean for n functions to be linearly independent? And, given a set of n functions, how can we determine whether or not they are linearly independent? 155
To solve the nth -order initial-value problem y(n) + pn1(x)y(n1) + pn2(x)y(n2) + + p1 (x)y + p0 (x)y = 0; y(a) = 0, y (a) = 1 , . . . , y(n1) (a) = n1 we would need to solve the system of n equations in n unknowns y1 (a)C1 + y1 (a)C1 + . . . y1
y2 (a)C2 + y2 (a)C2 +
+ +
yn (a)Cn = yn (a)Cn =
0 1
(a)C1 + y2
(a)C2 +
(a)Cn =
This is the second major question. While it is easy to solve two equations in two unknowns, how do we solve large systems consisting of m equations in n unknowns? The primary purpose of this chapter is to address these two questions along with a number of other topics that are closely related to these questions.
is a linear equation in two unknowns (if a and b are not both 0, the graph of the equation is a straight line); and ax + by + cz = d, a, b, c, d given real numbers is a linear equation in three unknowns (if a, b and c are not all 0, then the graph is a plane in 3-space). Our interest in this section is in solving systems of linear equations. Linear equations in one unknown We begin with simplest case: one equation in one unknown. If you were asked to nd a real number x such that ax = b b most people would say thats easy, x = . But the fact is, this solution is not necessarily a correct. For example, consider the three equations (1) 2x = 6, (2) 0x = 6, (3) 0x = 0.
For equation (1), the solution x = 6/2 = 3 is correct. However, consider equation (2); there is no real number that satises this equation! Now look at equation (3); every real number satises (3). In general, it is easy to see that for the equation ax = b, exactly one of three things happens: either there is precisely one solution (x = b/a, when a = 0), or there are no solutions (a = 0, b = 0), or there are innitely many solutions (a = b = 0). As we will see, this simple case illustrates what happens in general. For any system of m linear equations in n unknowns, exactly one of three possibilities occurs: a unique solution, no solution, or innitely many solutions. Linear equations in two unknowns We begin with one equation: ax + by = c. Here we are looking for ordered pairs of real numbers (x, y) which satisfy the equation. If a = b = 0 and c = 0, then there are no solutions. If a = b = c = 0, then every ordered pair (x, y) satises the equation. If at least one of a and b is dierent from 0, then the equation ax + by = c represents a straight line in the xy-plane and the equation has innitely many solutions, the set of all points on the line. Note that in this case it is not possible to have a unique solution; we either have no solution or innitely many solutions. 157
Two linear equations in two unknowns is a more interesting case. The pair of equations ax + by = cx + dy = represents a pair of lines in the xy-plane. We are looking for ordered pairs (x, y) of real numbers that satisfy both equations simultaneously. Since two lines in the plane either (a) have a unique point of intersection (this occurs when the lines have dierent slopes), or (b) are parallel (the lines have the same slope but, for example, dierent y-intercepts), or (c) coincide (same slope, same y-intercept). If (a) occurs, the system of equations has a unique solution; if (b) occurs, the system has no solution; if (c) occurs, the system has innitely many solutions. Example 1. (a) x + 2y 2x + y
12 10 8 6 4 2 -4 -3 -2 -1 -2 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 2
= 2 = 6
x + 2y 2x 4y
= =
2 8
x + 2y 2x + 4y
= 2 = 4
Three linear equations in two unknowns represent three lines in the xy-plane. Its unlikely that three lines chosen at random will all go through the same point. Therefore, we should not expect a system of three equations in two unknowns to have a solution; its possible, but not likely. The most likely occurrence is that there will be no solution. Here is a typical example Example 2. x+y 2x + y 4x + y = = = 2 2 11
ax + by + cz = d. 158
Here we are looking for ordered triples (x, y, z) that satisfy the equation. The cases a = b = c = 0, d = 0 and a = b = c = d = 0 should be obvious to you. In the rst case: no solutions; in the second case: innitely many solutions, namely all of 3-space. If a, b and c are not all zero, then the equation represents a plane in three space. The solutions of the equation are the points of the plane; the equation has innitely many solutions, a two-dimensional set. The gure shows the plane 2x 3y + z = 2.
-5 0
-20 5 0 -5
A system of two linear equations in three unknowns a11x + a12 y + a13z = b1 a21x + a22 y + a23z = b2 (weve switched to subscripts because were running out of distinct letters) represents two planes in 3-space. Either the two planes are parallel (the system has no solutions), or they coincide (innitely many solutions, a whole plane of solutions), or they intersect in a straight line (again, innitely many solutions, but this time only a one-dimensional set). The gure shows planes 2x 3y + z = 2 and 2x 3y z = 2 and their line of intersection.
-5 0
-20 5 0 -5
The most interesting case is a system of three linear equations in three unknowns. a11x + a12 y + a13z = b1 a21x + a22 y + a23z = b2 a31x + a32 y + a33z = b3 Geometrically, the system represents three planes in 3-space. We still have the three mutually exclusive cases: (a) The system has a unique solution; the three planes have a unique point of intersection; 159
(b) The system has innitely many solutions; the three planes intersect in a line, or the three planes intersect in a plane. (c) The system has no solution; there is no point the lies on all three planes. Try to picture the possibilities here. While we still have the three basic cases, the geometry is considerably more complicated. This is where linear algebra will help us understand the geometry. We could go on to a system of four (or more) equations in three unknowns but, like the case of three equations in two unknowns, it is unlikely that such a system will have a solution. Figures and graphs in the plane are standard. Figures and graphs in 3-space are possible, but are often dicult to draw. Figures and graphs are not possible in dimensions higher than three.
Exercises 5.2 Solve the system of equations. Then graph the equations to illustrate your solution. 1. x 2y = 2 x+y = 5 2x + 4y = 8 x + 2y = 4 x + 2y = 5 2x + 3y = 3 x 2y = 6 2x + y = 8 x + 2y = 2 3x 6y = 9 2x + 4y = 6 1x + y = 3 2 2 2. x + 2y = 4 2x + 4y = 8 2x 2y = 4 6x 3y = 18 2x + 3y = 1 3x y = 7 x+y = 1 x 2y = 8 3x + y = 3 4x 3y = 24 2x + 3y = 12 8x 6y = 24
Describe the solution set of system of equations. That is, is the solution set a point in 3-space, a line in 3-space, a plane in 3-space, or is there no solution? The graphs of the equations are planes in 3-space. Use technology to graph the equations to illustrate your solutions. 11. x 2y + z = 3 3x + y 2z = 2 2x 4y + 2z = 6 3x + 6y z = 9 x + 3y 4z = 2 3x 9y + 12z = 4
x 2y + z = 3 3x + y 2z = 2 x + 2y z = 3 2x + 5y 4z = 5 3x + 4y + 2z = 12 x + 2y 3z = 1 2x + 5y 8z = 4 3x + 8y 13z = 7
Our objective is to solve this system of equations. This means that we want to nd all pairs of numbers x, y that satisfy both equations simultaneously. As you probably know, there is a variety of ways to do this. Well illustrate an approach which well extend to systems of m equations in n unknowns. Example 3. Solve the system 3x + 12y 2x 3y = 6 = 7
SOLUTION We multiply the rst equation by 1/3 (divide by 3). This results in the system x + 4y 2x 3y = = 2 7
This system has the same solution set as the original system (multiplying an equation by a nonzero number produces an equivalent equation). Next, we multiply the rst equation by 2, add it to the second equation, and use the result as the second equation. This produces the system x + 4y 11y = = 2 11
As we will show below, this system also has the same solution set as the original system. Finally, we multiply the second equation by 1/11 (divide by 11) to get x + 4y y = = 2 1,
and this system has the same solution set as the original. Notice the triangular form of our nal system. The advantage of this system is that it is easy to solve. From the second equation, y = 1. Substituting y = 1 in the rst equation gives x + 4(1) = 2 which implies x = 2. The system has the unique solution x = 2, y = 1. The basic idea is this: given a system of linear equations, perform a sequence of operations to produce a new system which has the same solution set as the given system, and which is easy to solve. 162
Two systems of equations are equivalent if they have the same solution set. The Elementary Operations In Example 1, we performed a sequence of operations on a system to produce an equivalent system which was easy to solve. The operations that produce equivalent systems are called elementary operations. The elementary operations are 1. Multiply an equation by a nonzero number. 2. Interchange two equations. 3. Multiply an equation by a number and add it to another equation.
It is obvious that the rst two operations preserve the solution set; that is, produce equivalent systems. Using two equations in two unknowns, well justify that the third operation also preserves the solution set. Exactly the same proof will work in the general case of m equations in n unknowns. Given the system ax + by cx + dy = = . (a)
Multiply the rst equation by k and add the result to the second equation. Replace the second equation in the given system with this new equation. We then have ax + by kax + cx + kby + dy which is the same as ax + by (ka + c)x + (kb + d)y = = k + . (b) = = k +
Suppose that (x0, y0 ) is a solution of system (a). To show that (a) and (b) are equivalent, we need only show that (x0, y0) satises the second equation in system (b): (ka + c)x0 + (kb + d)y0 = kax0 + cx0 + kby0 + dy0 = kax0 + kby0 + cx0 + dy0 = k(ax0 + by0) + (cx0 + dy0 ) = k + . Thus, (x0, y0 ) is a solution of (b). Now suppose that (x0 , y0) is a solution of system (b). In this case, we only need to show that
(x0, y0 ) satises the second equation in (a). We have (ka + c)x0 + (kb + d)y0 kax0 + kby0 + cx0 + dy0 k(ax0 + by0 ) + cx0 + dy0 k + cx0 + dy0 cx0 + dy0 Thus, (x0, y0 ) is a solution of (a). The following examples illustrate the use of the elementary operations to transform a given system of linear equations into an equivalent system which is in a triangular form from which it is easy to determine the set of solutions. To keep track of the steps involved, well use the notations: kEi Ei Ei Ej to mean multiply equation (i) by the nonzero number k. to mean interchange equations i and j. to mean multiply equation (i) by k and add the result to equation (j). = k + = k + = k + = k + = .
kEi + Ej Ej
The interchange equations operation may seem silly to you, but youll soon see its value. Example 4. Solve the system x + 2y 5z 3x 9y + 21z x + 6y 11z = = = 1 0 1
SOLUTION Well use the elementary operations to produce an equivalent system in a triangular form.
x + 2y 5z 3x 9y + 21z x + 6y 11z
= = =
1 0 1
x + 2y 5z 3y + 6z 4y 6z
= = =
1 3 2
(1/3)E2 E2
x + 2y 5z y 2z 4y 6z
= = =
1 1 2
4E2 +E3 E3
x + 2y 5z y 2z 2z
= = =
1 1 2
(1/2)E3 E3
x + 2y 5z y 2z z
= 1 = 1 = 1
From the last equation, z = 1. Substituting this value into the second equation gives y = 1, and substituting these two values into the rst equation gives x = 4. The system has the unique solution x = 4, y = 1, z = 1. 164
Note the strategy: use the rst equation to eliminate x from the second and third equations. Then use the (new) second equation to eliminate y from the third equation. This results in an equivalent system in which the third equation is easily solved for z. Putting that value in the second equation gives y, substituting the values for y and z in the rst equation gives x. We continue with examples that illustrate the solution method as well as the other two possibilities for solution sets: no solution, innitely many solutions. Example 5. Solve the system 3x 4y z 2x 3y + z x 2y + 3z SOLUTION = = = 3 1 2
3x 4y z 2x 3y + z x 2y + 3z
= = =
3 1 2
E1 E3
x 2y + 3z 2x 3y + z 3x 4y z
= = =
2 1 3
Having x with coecient 1 in the rst equation makes it much easier to eliminate x from the remaining equations; we want to avoid fractions as long as we can in order to keep the calculations as simple as possible. This is the value of the interchange operation. x 2y + 3z 2x 3y + z 3x 4y z = = = 2 1 3 x 2y + 3z y 5z 2y 10z = = = 2 3 3
2E2 +E3 E3
x 2y + 3z y 5z 0z
= = =
2 3 3
Clearly, the third equation in this system has no solution. Therefore the system has no solution. Since this system is equivalent to the original system, the original system has no solution. Example 6. Solve the system x + y 3z 2x + y 4z 3x + 2y z SOLUTION x + y 3z 2x + y 4z 3x + 2y z = 1 = 0 = 7 x + y 3z y + 2z 5y 10z = = = 1 2 10 = = = 1 0 7
(1)E2 E2
x + y 3z y 2z 5y 10z
= 1 = 2 = 10
(5)E2 +E3 E3
x + y 3z y 2z 0z
= = =
1 2 0
Since every real number satises the third equation, the system has innitely many solutions. Set z = a, a any real number. Then, from the second equation, we get y = 2 + 2a and, from the rst equation, x = 1 y + 3a = 1 (2 + 2a) + 3a = 1 + a. Thus, the solution set is: x = 1 + a, y = 2 + 2a, z = a, a any real number.
If we regard a as a parameter, then we can say that the system has a one-parameter family of solutions. In our examples thus far our systems have been square the number of unknowns equals the number of equations. As well see, this is the most interesting case. However having the number of equations equal the number of unknowns is certainly not a requirement; the same method can be used on a system of m linear equations in n unknowns. Example 7. Solve the system x1 2x2 + x3 x4 2x1 + 5x2 x3 + 4x4 3x1 7x2 + 4x3 4x4 = = = 2 1 4
Note: We typically use subscript notation when the number of unknowns is greater than 3. SOLUTION x1 2x2 + x3 x4 2x1 + 5x2 x3 + 4x4 3x1 7x2 + 4x3 4x4 = = = 2 1 4 x1 2x2 + x3 x4 x2 + x3 + 2x4 x2 + x3 x4 = 2 = 3 = 2
E2 +E3 E3
= = =
2 3 1
(1/2)E3 E3
x1 2x2 + x3 x4 x2 + x3 + 2x4 x3 + 1 x4 2
= 2 = 3 = 1 2
This system has innitely many solutions: set x4 = a, a any real number. Then, from the third equation, x3 = 1 1 a. Substituting into the second equation, well get x2, and then substituting 2 2 into the rst equation well get x1. The resulting solution set is: x1 = 13 3 a, 2 2 x2 = 5 3 a, 2 2 x3 = 1 1 a, 2 2 x4 = a, a any real number.
This system has a one-parameter family of solutions. Some terminology A system of linear equations is said to be consistent if it has at least one solution; that is, a system is consistent if it has either a unique solution of innitely many solutions. A system that has no solutions is inconsistent.
This method of using the elementary operations to reduce a given system to an equivalent system in triangular form, and then solving for the unknowns by working backwards from the last equation up to the rst equation is called Gaussian elimination with back substitution.
Matrix Representation of Systems of Equations Look carefully at the examples weve done. Note that the operations we performed on the systems of equations had the eect of changing the coecients of the unknowns and the numbers on the right-hand side. The unknowns themselves played no role in the calculations, they were merely place-holders. With this in mind, we can save ourselves some time and eort if we simply write down the numbers in the order in which they appear, and then manipulate the numbers using the elementary operations. Consider Example 2. The system is x + 2y 5z 3x 9y + 21z x + 6y 12z = = = 1 0 1
Writing down the numbers in the order in which they appear, we get the rectangular array 1 2 5 1 21 0 3 9 1 6 12 1 The vertical bar locates the = sign. The rows represent the equations. Each column to the left of the bar gives the coecients of the corresponding unknown (the rst column gives the coecients of x, etc.); the numbers to the right of the bar are the numbers on the right sides of the equations. This rectangular array of numbers is called the augmented matrix for the system of equations; it is a short-hand representation of the system. In general, a matrix is a rectangular array of objects arranged in rows and columns. The objects are called the entries of the matrix. A matrix with m rows and n columns is an m n matrix. The matrices that we will be considering in this chapter will have numbers as entries. In the next chapter we will see matrices with functions as entries. Right now we are concerned with the augmented matrix of a system of linear equations. Reproducing Example 2 in terms of augmented matrices, we have the sequence 2 5 1 1 9 21 0 0 6 12 0 1 2 5 1 1 2 5 3 6 3 0 1 2 4 6 0 4 6 2 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2
1 3 1
1 2 0 1 0 0
5 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 2 0 0
from which we can obtain the solutions x = 4, y = 1, z = 1 as we did before. Its time to look at systems of linear equations in general. A system of m linear equations in n unknowns has the form a11x1 + a12x2 + a13x3 + + a1nxn a21x1 + a22x2 + a23x3 + + a2nxn a31x1 + a32x2 + a33x3 + + a3nxn ......................................................... am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + + amn xn = bm = b1 = b2 = b3
The augmented matrix for the system is a11 a12 a21 a22 a31 a32 . . . . . . am1 am2
the m (n + 1) matrix a13 a1n b1 a23 a2n b2 a33 a3n b3 . . . . . . . . . . am3 amn bm
The m n matrix whose entries are the coecients of the unknowns a11 a12 a13 a1n a21 a22 a23 a2n a31 a32 a33 a3n . . . . . . . . . . . . . am1 am2 am3 amn is called the matrix of coecients. Example 8. Given the system of equations x1 + 2x2 3x3 4x4 2x1 + 4x2 53 7x4 3x1 6x2 + 11x3 + 14x4 = 2 = 7 = 0
2 3 0 5 3 0 7 2
is the augmented matrix of a system of linear equations. What is the system? SOLUTION The system of equations is 2x 3y + z 5y 2z 3x + 4z 7x + 2y 2z = = = = 6 1 10 3
In the method of Gaussian elimination we use the elementary operations to reduce the system to an equivalent system in triangular form. The elementary operations on the equations can be viewed as operations on the rows of the augmented matrix. Rather than using the elementary operations on the equations, well use corresponding operations on the rows of the augmented matrix. The elementary row operations on a matrix are: 1. Multiply a row by a nonzero number. 2. Interchange two rows. 3. Multiply a row by a number and add it to another row. Obviously these correspond exactly to the elementary operations on equations. Well use the following notation to denote the row operations: Ri Ri Ri Rj means multiply row (i) by the nonzero number k. means interchange rows i and j. means multiply row (i) by k and add the result to row (j).
kRi + Rj Rj
Now well re-do Examples 3 and 4 using elementary row operations on the augmented matrix. Example 10. (Example 3) Solve the system 3x 4y z 2x 3y + z x 2y + 3z = = = 3 1 2
system of equations is 4 1 3 3 1 1 . 2 3 2
1 2 3
2 3 3 1 4 1
2 1 3
1 2 3 5 0 1 0 2 10
2 3 3
2R2 +R3 E3
1 2 0 1 0 0
3 2 5 3 0 3
As we saw in Example 3, the third equation in this system has no solution which implies that the original system has no solution. Example 11. (Example 4) Solve the system x + y 3z 2x + y 4z 3x + 2y z SOLUTION The augmented matrix for the 1 2 3 = = = 1 0 7
system is 1 1 2 3 1 4 0 1 7
Performing the 1 2 3
row operations to reduce the augmented matrix to triangular form, we have 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 0 2 2 0 1 (2)R1 +R2 R2 , 3R1 +R3 R3 (1)R2 R2 2 1 7 0 5 10 10 3 1 2 2 (5)E2 E2 10 10 1 2 . 0
1 1 0 1 0 5
1 1 3 0 1 2 0 0 0
As we saw in Example 4, this system has innitely many solutions given by: x = 1 + a, y = 2 + 2a, z = a, a any real number.
Example 12. Solve the system of equations x1 3x2 + 2x3 x4 + 2x5 3x1 9x2 + 7x3 x4 + 3x5 2x1 6x2 + 7x3 + 4x4 5x5 = = = 2 7 7
1 2 1 3 4 5
2 7 7 form: 2 1 3 1 2 2 3 6 9
Perform elementary row operations to reduce this matrix to triangular 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 3 9 7 1 3 7 0 0 (3)R1 +R2 R2 , 2R1 +R3 R3 2 6 7 4 5 7 0 0
(3)R2 +R3 R3
2 1 3
1 3 0 0 0 0
2 1 2 1 2 3 0 0 0
2 1 . 0
The system of equations corresponding to this augmented matrix is: x1 3x2 + 2x3 x4 + 2x5 0x1 + 0x2 + x3 + 2x4 3x5 0x1 + 0x2 + 0x3 + 0x4 + 0x5 = = = 2 1 0.
Since all values of the unknowns satisfy the third equation, the system can be written equivalently as x1 3x2 + 2x3 x4 + 2x5 x3 + 2x4 3x5 = = 2 1
From the second equation, x3 = 1 2x4 + 3x5. Substituting into the rst equation, we get x1 = 2 + 3x2 2x3 + x4 2x5 = 3x2 + 5x4 8x5. If we set x2 = a, x4 = b, x5 = c. Then the solution set can be written as x1 = 3a + 5b 8c, x2 = a, x3 = 1 2b + 3c, x4 = b, x5 = c, 171 a, b, c arbitrary real numbers
The system has a three-parameter family of solutions. Row Echelon Form and Rank The Gaussian elimination procedure applied to the augmented matrix of a system of linear equations consists of row operations on the matrix which convert it to a triangular form. Look at the examples above. This triangular form is called the row-echelon form of the matrix. A matrix is in row-echelon form if 1. Rows consisting entirely of zeros are at the bottom of the matrix. 2. The rst nonzero entry in a nonzero row is a 1. This is called the leading 1. 3. If row i and row i + 1 are nonzero rows, then the leading 1 in row i + 1 is to the right of the leading 1 in row i. (This implies that all the entries below a leading 1 are zero.) NOTE: Because the leading 1s in the row echelon form of a matrix move to the right as you move down the matrix, the number of leading 1s cannot exceed the number of columns in the matrix. To put this another way, the number of nonzero rows in the row echelon form of a matrix is always less than or equal the number of columns in the matrix. Stated in simple terms, the procedure for solving a system of m linear equations in n unknowns is: 1. Write down the augmented matrix for the system. 2. Use the elementary row operations to reduce the matrix to row-echelon form. 3. Write down the system of equations corresponding to the row-echelon form matrix. 4. Write down the solutions beginning with the last equation and working upwards. It should be clear from the examples weve worked that it is the nonzero rows in the row-echelon form of the augmented matrix that determine the solution set of the system of equations. The zero rows, if any, represent redundant equations in the original system; the nonzero rows represent the independent equations in the system. If an m n matrix A is reduced to row echelon form, then the number of non-zero rows in its row echelon form is called the rank of A. It is obvious that the rank of a matrix is less than or equal to the number of rows in the matrix. Also, as we noted above, the number of nonzero rows in the row echelon form is always less than or equal to the number of columns. Therefore the rank of a matrix is also less than or equal to the number of columns in the matrix. The last nonzero row of the augmented matrix usually determines the nature of the solution set of the system. Case 1: If the last nonzero row has the form (0 0 0 0 | b), then the row corresponds to the equation 0x1 + 0x2 + 0x3 + + 0xn = b, 172 b=0 b = 0,
which has no solutions. Therefore, the system has no solutions. See Example 8. Case 2: If the last nonzero row has the form (0 0 0 1 | b), where the 1 is in the kth , k < n column and the *s represent numbers in the k + 1-st through the nth columns, then the row corresponds to the equation 0x1 + 0x2 + + 0xk1 + xk + ()xk+1 + + ()xn = b which has innitely many solutions. Therefore, the system has innitely many solutions. See Examples 9 And 10. Case 3: If the last nonzero row has the form (0 0 0 0 1 | b), then the row corresponds to the equation 0x1 + 0x2 + 0x3 + + 0xn1 + xn = b which has the unique solution xn = b. The system itself either will have a unique solution or innitely many solutions depending upon the solutions determined by the rows above. Note that in Case 1, the rank of the augmented matrix is greater (by 1) than the rank of the matrix of coecients. In Cases 2 and 3, the rank of the augmented matrix equals the rank of the matrix of coecients. Thus, we have: 1. If rank of the augmented matrix = rank of matrix of coecients, solutions; the system is inconsistent. the system has no
2. If rank of the augmented matrix = rank of matrix of coecients, the system either has a unique solution or innitely many solutions; the system is consistent. Exercises 5.3 Each of the following matrices is the row echelon form of the augmented matrix of a system of linear equations. Give the ranks of the matrix of coecients and the augmented matrix, and nd all solutions of the system. 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 2 . 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 . 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 1 2 . 0 0 0 173
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
2 0 1 1 1 2 . 0 0 3 2 1 . 3 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 . 0 0 1 5 2 0 3 2 2 0 1 2 0 1 . 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 0 3 6 1 5 0 4 7 . 0 0 1 9 3 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 1
Solve the following systems of equations. 9. x 2y = 8 2x 3y = 11 x+z = 3 2y 2z = 4 . y 2z = 5 x + 2y 3z = 1 2x + 5y 8z = 4 . 3x + 8y 13z = 7 x+y+z = 6 x + 2y + 4z = 9 . 2x + y + 6z = 11 x + 2y 2z = 1 3x y + 2z = 7 . 5x + 3y 4z = 2 x + y z = 2 3x + y + z = 10 . 4x + 2y + 3z = 14 x1 + 2x2 3x3 4x4 = 2 2x1 + 4x2 5x3 7x4 = 7 . 3x1 6x2 + 11x3 + 14x4 = 0 3x1 + 6x2 3x4 = 3 x1 + 3x2 x3 4x4 = 12 . x1 x2 + x3 + 2x4 = 8 2x1 + 3x2 = 8 174
x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 + 5x4 = 11 2x1 + 4x2 + 2x3 + 8x4 = 14 . x1 + 3x2 + 4x3 + 8x4 = 19 x1 x2 + x3 = 2 x1 + 2x2 3x3 + 4x4 = 2 2x1 + 5x2 2x3 + x4 = 1 . 5x1 + 12x2 7x3 + 6x4 = 7 x1 + 2x2 x3 x4 = 0 . x1 + 2x2 + x4 = 4 x1 2x2 + 2x3 + 4x4 = 5 2x1 4x2 + 16x3 14x4 = 10 x1 + 5x2 17x3 + 19x4 = 2 . x1 3x2 + 11x3 11x4 = 4 3x1 4x2 + 18x3 13x4 = 17 x1 x2 + 2x3 = 7 2x1 2x2 + 2x3 4x4 = 12 . x1 + x2 x3 + 2x4 = 4 3x1 + x2 8x3 10x4 = 29 2x1 5x2 + 3x3 4x4 + 2x5 = 4 3x1 7x2 + 2x3 5x4 + 4x5 = 9 . 5x1 10x2 5x3 4x4 + 7x5 = 22
23. Determine the values of k so that the system of equations has: (i) a unique solution, (ii) no solutions, (iii) innitely many solutions: x+yz = 1 2x + 3y + kz = 3 x + ky + 3z = 2 24. What condition must be placed on a, b, c so that the system x + 2y 3z = a 2x + 6y 11z = b x 2y + 7z = c has at least one solution. 25. Consider two systems of linear equations having augmented matrices (A | b1) and (A | b2) where the matrix of coecients of both systems is the same 3 3 matrix A. (a) Is it possible for (A | b1) to have a unique solution and (A | b2) to have innitely many solutions? Explain. (b) Is it possible for (A | b1) to have a unique solution and (A | b2 ) to have no solution? Explain. (c) Is it possible for (A | b1) to have innitely many solutions and (A | b2 ) to have no solutions? Explain. 175
26. Suppose that you wanted to solve the systems of equations x + 2y + 4z = a x + 3y + 2z = b 2x + 3y + 11z = c for a 1 b = 2 , c 3 3 2 , 4 0 2 1
respectively. Show that you can solve all three systems simultaneously by row reducing the matrix 1 2 4 1 3 0 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 11
1 2 5 1 21 0 3 9 1 1 6 12 1 2 5 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 1
Now, instead of writing down the corresponding system of equations and back substituting to nd the solutions, suppose we continue with row operations, eliminating the nonzero entries in the row-echelon matrix, starting with the 1 in the 3, 3 position: 1 2 5 1 1 2 0 6 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2R3 +R2 R2 , 5R3 +R1 R1 2R2 +R1 R1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 The corresponding system, which is equivalent to the original system since weve used only row operations, is x = 4 y = 1 z = 1 and the solutions are obvious: x = 4, y = 1, z = 1. Well re-work Example 5 of the preceding Section using this approach. Example 13. x1 2x2 + x3 x4 2x1 + 5x2 x3 + 4x4 3x1 7x2 + 4x3 4x4 The augmented matrix 1 2 1 1 5 1 4 2 3 7 4 4 177 = = = 2 1 4
2 1 4
reduces to
1 0 0
2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 0 1 1/2 1/2 row operations to eliminate nonzero 2 0 3/2 3/2 1 0 3/2 5/2 2R2 +R1 R1 0 1 1/2 1/2
Again, instead of back substituting, well continue with entries, beginning with the leading 1 in the third row. 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 R3 +R2 R2 , R3 +R1 R1 0 0 1 1/2 1/2 0 1 0 0 3/2 13/2 0 1 0 3/2 5/2 0 0 1 1/2 1/2 The corresponding system of equations is x1 x2 x3 + 3 x4 2 + 3 x4 2 + 1 x4 2
= 13 2 = 1 = 1 2
If we let x4 = a, a any real number, then the solution set is x1 = 13 2 as we saw before. The nal matrices in the two examples just given are said to be in reduced row-echelon form. In general, a matrix is in reduced row-echelon form if 1. Rows consisting entirely of zeros are at the bottom of the matrix. 2. The rst nonzero entry in a nonzero row is a 1. This is called the leading 1. 3. If row i and row i + 1 are nonzero rows, then the leading 1 in row i + 1 is to the right of the leading 1 in row i. 4. A leading 1 is the only nonzero entry in its column. Since the number of nonzero rows in the row-echelon and reduced row-echelon form is the same, we can say that the rank of a matrix A is the number of nonzero rows in its reduced row-echelon form. Example 14. Let 1 1 A= 0 0 0 0 1 1 C= 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 5 1 0 3 , B = 0 1 2 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 7 1 0 0 , D = 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 178 0 2 0 4 , 1 7 5 0 0 1 0 0
3 2
a, x2 = 5 2
3 2
a, x3 = 1 2
1 2
a, x4 = a.
Which of these matrices are in reduced row-echelon form? SOLUTION A is not in reduced row echelon form, the rst nonzero entry in row 3 is not a 1; B is in reduced row-echelon form; C is not in reduced row-echelon form, the leading 1 in row 3 is not the only nonzero entry in its column; D is in reduced row-echelon form. The steps involved in solving a system of linear equations using this alternative method are: 1. Write down the augmented matrix for the system. 2. Use the elementary row operations to reduce the matrix to reduced row-echelon form. 3. Write down the system of equations corresponding to the reduced row-echelon form matrix. 4. Write down the solutions of the system. Example 15. Solve the system of equations x1 + 2x2 + 4x3 + x4 x5 2x1 + 4x2 + 8x3 + 3x4 4x5 x1 + 3x2 + 7x3 + 3x5 SOLUTION 1 2 2 4 1 3 1 0 0 Well reduce the augmented matrix to reduced 4 1 1 1 8 3 4 2 2R1 +R2 R2 , R1 +R3 R3 7 0 3 2 = 1 = 2 = 2 row-echelon form: 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 0 R2 R3 1 4 3
2 4 1 1 3 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 4 3 0 R3 +R2 R2 , R3 +R1 R1 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 7 3 0 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0
2 4 0 1 1 1 3 0 2 3 2R2 +R1 R1 0 0 1 2 0
The system of equations corresponding to this matrix is x1 x2 2x3 +3x3 x4 3x5 2x5 2x5 =7 = 1 =0
Homogeneous Systems As we have seen, a system of m linear equations in n unknowns has the form a11x1 + a12x2 + a13 x3 + + a1nxn a21x1 + a22x2 + a23 x3 + + a2nxn a31x1 + a32x2 + a33 x3 + + a3nxn ......................................................... am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + + amn xn = bm = = = b1 b2 b3 (N)
The system is nonhomogeneous if at least one of b1, b2, b3, . . . , bm is dierent from zero. The system is homogeneous if b1 = b2 = b3 = = bm = 0. Thus, a homogeneous system has the form a11 x1 + a12x2 + a13x3 + + a1nxn a21 x1 + a22x2 + a23x3 + + a2nxn a31 x1 + a32x2 + a33x3 + + a3nxn ......................................................... am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + + amn xn = 0 = = = 0 0 0 (H)
Compare with homogeneous and nonhomogeneous linear dierential equations same concept, same terminology. The signicant fact about homogeneous systems is that they are always consistent; a homogeneous system always has at least one solution, namely x1 = x2 = x3 = = xn = 0. This solution is called the trivial solution. So, the basic question for a homogeneous system is: Are there any nontrivial (i.e., nonzero) solutions? Since homogeneous systems are simply a special case of general linear systems, our methods of solution still apply. Example 16. Find the solution set of the homogeneous system x 2y + 2z 4x 7y + 3z 2x y + 2z = 0 = 0 = 0
system is 2 7 1 2 0 3 0 2 0
operations to reduce this matrix to row-echelon form. 2 2 0 1 2 2 7 3 0 0 1 5 (4)R1 +R2 R2 , (2)R1 +R3 R3 1 2 0 0 3 2
0 0 (3)R2 +R3 R3 0
1 2 0 1 0 0
2 0 1 2 5 0 0 1 (1/13)R3 R3 13 0 0 0
2 0 5 0 1 0
This system has the unique solution x = y = z = 0; the trivial solution is the only solution. Example 17. Find the solution set of the homogeneous system 3x 2y + z x + 4y + 2z 7x + 4z = = = 0 0 0
SOLUTION The augmented matrix for the system is 3 2 1 0 1 4 2 0 7 0 4 0 We use row operations to reduce this matrix to row-echelon form. Note that, since every entry in the last column of the augmented matrix is 0, we only need to reduce the matrix of coecients. Conrm this by re-doing Example 1 using only the matrix of coecients. 3 2 1 1 4 2 1 4 2 3 2 1 R1 R2 (3)R1 +R2 R2 , (7)R1 +R3 R3 7 0 4 7 0 4
1 4 2 1 4 2 1 4 2 0 14 5 0 14 5 0 1 5/14 (2)R2 +R3 R3 (1/14)R3R3 0 28 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 This is the augmented matrix for the system of equations x + 4y + 2z y+
5 z 14
= 0 = 0 = 0.
Lets look at homogeneous systems in general: a11 x1 + a12x2 + a13x3 + + a1nxn a21 x1 + a22x2 + a23x3 + + a2nxn a31 x1 + a32x2 + a33x3 + + a3nxn ......................................................... am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + + amn xn = 0 = = = 0 0 0 (H)
We know that the system either has a unique solution the trivial solution or it has innitely many nontrivial solutions, and this can be determined by reducing the augmented matrix a11 a12 a13 a1n 0 a 21 a22 a23 a2n 0 a31 a32 a33 a3n 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . am1 am2 am3 amn 0 to row echelon form. We know, also, that the number k of nonzero rows (the rank of the matrix) cannot exceed the number of columns. Since the last column is all zeros, it follows that k n. Thus, there are two cases to consider. Case 1: k = n In this case, the augmented matrix row reduces to 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0
(we are disregarding rows of zeros at the bottom, which will occur if m > n.) The only solution to the corresponding system of equations is the trivial solution. Case 2: k < n In this case, the augmented matrix row reduces to 1 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 0
Here there are k rows and the leading 1 is in the j th column. Again, we have disregarded the zero rows at the bottom. In this case there are innitely many solutions. Therefore, if the number of nonzero rows in the row echelon form of the augmented matrix is n, then the trivial solution is the only solution. If the number of nonzero rows is less than n, then there are innitely many nontrivial solutions. There is a very important consequence of this result. A homogeneous system with more unknowns than equations always has innitely many nontrivial solutions. 182
Nonhomogeneous Systems and Associated Homogeneous Systems In Example 5 of the previous section, we solved the (nonhomogeneous) system x1 2x2 + x3 x4 2x1 + 5x2 x3 + 4x4 3x1 7x2 + 4x3 4x4 We found that the system has innitely many solutions: x1 = 13 3 a, x2 = 5 3 a, x3 = 1 1 a, x4 = a, 2 2 2 2 2 2 Lets solve the corresponding homogeneous system x1 2x2 + x3 x4 2x1 + 5x2 x3 + 4x4 3x1 7x2 + 4x3 4x4 = 0 = 0 = 0 have
R2 +R3 R3
= = =
2 1 4
Using row operations to reduce the coecient matrix to row-echelon form, we 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 5 1 4 0 1 1 2 2R1 +R2 R2 , (3)R1 +R3 R3 3 7 4 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 1 (1/2)R3 R3 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 1/2
1 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 2
As you can verify, the solution set here is: x1 = 3 a, x2 = 3 a, x3 = 1 a, x4 = a, 2 2 2 a any real number.
Now we want to compare the solutions of the nonhomogeneous system with the solutions of the corresponding homogeneous system. Writing the solutions of the nonhomogeneous system as an ordered quadruple, we have (x1, x2, x3 , x4) = = 13 3 a, 5 3 a, 1 1 a, a 2 2 2 2 2 2 13 , 5 , 1 , 0 + 3 a, 3 a, 1 a, a , a any real number. 2 2 2 2 2 2
Note that 13 , 5 , 1 , 0 is a solution of the nonhomogeneous system [set a = 0 in (*)] and 2 2 2 3 a, 3 a, 1 a, a is the set of all solutions of the corresponding homogeneous system. 2 2 2 This example illustrates a general fact: The set of solutions of the nonhomogeneous system (N) can be represented as the sum of one solution of (N) and the set of all solutions of the corresponding homogeneous system (H). This is exactly the same result that we obtained for second order linear dierential equations. 183
Exercises 5.4 Determine whether the matrix is in reduced row echelon form. If is not, give reasons why not. 1 3 0 1. 0 0 1 0 0 0 2. 1 0 3 0 1 0 2 4
1 0 3 2 3. 0 0 1 4 0 1 2 6 1 3 0 0 5 4. 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 1 5 1 3 0 2 5 0 0 1 0 4 5. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 6. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 7. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8. 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 Solve the system by reducing the augmented matrix to its reduced row echelon form. 9. x+z = 3 2y 2z = 4 . y 2z = 5 x+y+z = 6 x + 2y + 4z = 9 . 2x + y + 6z = 11 x + 2y 3z = 1 2x + 5y 8z = 4 . 3x + 8y 13z = 7 184
x + 2y 2z = 1 3x y + 2z = 7 . 5x + 3y 4z = 2 x1 + 2x2 3x3 4x4 = 2 2x1 + 4x2 5x3 7x4 = 7 . 3x1 6x2 + 11x3 + 14x4 = 0 x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 + 5x4 = 11 2x1 + 4x2 + 2x3 + 8x4 = 14 . x1 + 3x2 + 4x3 + 8x4 = 19 x1 x2 + x3 = 2 2x1 4x2 + 16x3 14x4 = 10 x1 + 5x2 17x3 + 19x4 = 2 . x1 3x2 + 11x3 11x4 = 4 3x1 4x2 + 18x3 13x4 = 17 x1 x2 + 2x3 = 7 2x1 2x2 + 2x3 4x4 = 12 . x1 + x2 x3 + 2x4 = 4 3x1 + x2 8x3 10x4 = 29 Solve the homogeneous system.
x 3y = 0 4x + 6y = 0 . 6x 9y = 0 3x y + z = 0 xyz = 0 . x+y+z = 0 x y 3z = 0 x+y+z = 0 . 2x + 2y + z = 0 3x 3y z = 0 . 2x y z = 0 3x1 + x2 5x3 x4 = 0 2x1 + x2 3x3 2x4 = 0 . x1 + x2 x3 3x4 = 0 2x1 2x2 x3 + x4 = 0 x1 + x2 + x3 2x4 = 0 . 3x1 3x2 + x3 6x4 = 0 2x1 2x2 2x4 = 0 3x1 + 6x2 3x4 = 0 x1 + 3x2 x3 4x4 = 0 . x1 x2 + x3 + 2x4 = 0 2x1 + 3x2 = 0 185
25. If a homogeneous system has more equations than unknowns, is it possible for the system to have nontrivial solutions? Justify your answer. 26. For what values of a does the system x + ay 3x + 2y have nontrivial solutions? 27. For what values of a and b does the system x 2y 3x + 6y have a solution? 28. For what values of a and b does the system x 2z 2x + y + z x+yz have a solution? 29. For what values of a does the system x + ay 2z 2x y z x y + z have nontrivial solutions? 30. Given the system of equations x1 3x2 2x3 + 4x4 = 5 3x1 8x2 3x3 + 8x4 = 18 2x1 3x2 + 5x3 4x4 = 19 . (a) Find the set of all solutions of the system. (b) Show that the result in (a) can be written in the form one solution of the given system + the set of all solutions of the corresponding homogeneous system. = = = 0 0 0 = = = a 0 b = = a b = = 0 0
(since there is only one row, we use only one subscript) is called an n-dimensional row vector. An m 1 matrix a1 a2 . . . am is called an m-dimensional column vector. The entries of a row or column vector are often called the components of the vector. On occasion well regard an m n matrix as a set of m row vectors, or as a set of n column vectors. To distinguish vectors from matrices in general, well use lower case boldface letters to denote vectors. Thus well write a1 a2 . u = (a1 a2 . . . an ) and v= . . am
Arithmetic of Matrices Before we can dene arithmetic operations for matrices (addition, subtraction, etc.), we have to dene what it means for two matrices to be equal. 187
DEFINITION (Equality for Matrices) Let A = (aij ) be an m n matrix and let B = (bij ) be a p q matrix. Then A = B if and only if 1. m = p and n = q; that is, A and B must have exactly the same size; and 2. aij = bij for all i and j. In short, A = B if and only if A and B are identical. Example 18. a b 2 c 3 0 = 7 1 2 4 x 0 if and only if a = 7, b = 1, c = 4, x = 3.
Matrix Addition Let A = (aij ) and B = (bij ) be matrices of the same size, say m n. Then A + B is the m n matrix C = (cij ) where cij = aij + bij for all i and j. That is, you add two matrices of the same size simply by adding their corresponding entries; A + B = (aij + bij ). Addition of matrices is not dened for matrices of dierent sizes. Example 19. 2 4 2 5 2 4 2 5 (a) 3 0 3 0 a c + b d + 6 0 x y z w = = a+x c+z 3 0 b+y d+w
4 0 1 2
2 4 1 7
1 + 5 0
3 3 6
is not dened.
Since we add two matrices simply by adding their corresponding entries, it follows from the properties of the real numbers that matrix addition is commutative and associative. That is, if A, B, and C are matrices of the same size, then A+B (A + B) + C = B+A Commutative Associative
= A + (B + C)
A matrix with all entries equal to 0 is called a zero matrix. For example, 0 0 0 0 0 and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 are zero matrices. Often the symbol 0 will be used to denote the zero matrix of arbitrary size. The zero matrix acts like the number zero in the sense that if A is an m n matrix and 0 is the m n zero matrix, then A + 0 = 0 + A = A. 188
A zero matrix is an additive identity. The negative of a matrix A, denoted by A is the matrix whose entries are the negatives of the entries of A. For example, if A= a b c d e f then A= a d b e c f
Subtraction Let A = (aij ) and B = (bij ) be matrices of the same size, say m n. Then A B = A + (B). To put this simply, A B is the m n matrix C = (cij ) where cij = aij bij for all i and j; you subtract two matrices of the same size by subtracting their corresponding entries; A B = (aij bij ). Note that A A = 0. Subtraction of matrices is not dened for matrices of dierent sizes. Example 20. 2 2 4 3 5 0 4 1 0 6 2 0 = 6 4 3 3 9 0 .
Multiplication of a Matrix by a Number The product of a number k and a matrix A, denoted by kA, is the matrix formed by multiplying each element of A by the number k. That is, kA = (kaij ). This product is also called multiplication by a scalar. Example 21. 4 6 3 12 2 = 3 15 6 . 3 12 0 9
2 1 3 1 5 4 0 Matrix Multiplication
We now want to dene matrix multiplication. While addition and subtraction of matrices is a natural extension of addition and subtraction of real numbers, matrix multiplication is a much dierent sort of product. Well start by dening the product of an n-dimensional row vector and an n-dimensional column vector, in that specic order the row on the left and the column on the right. The Product of a Row Vector and a Column Vector The product of a 1 n row vector and an n 1 column vector is the number given by b1 b 2 (a1 , a2, a3, . . . an) b3 = a1 b1 + a2 b2 + a3b3 + + anbn . . . . bn 189
This product has several names, including scalar product (because the result is a number (scalar)), dot product, and inner product. It is important to understand and remember that the product of a row vector and a column vector (of the same dimension and in that order!) is a number. The product of a row vector and a column vector of dierent dimensions is not dened. Example 22. 1 (3, 2, 5) 4 = 3(1) + (2)(4) + 5(1) = 10 1
(2, 3, 1, 4)
2 4 3 5
Matrix Multiplication If A = (aij ) is an m p matrix and B = (bij ) is a p n matrix, then the matrix product of A and B (in that order), denoted AB, is the m n matrix C = (cij ) where cij is the product of the ith row of A and the j th column of B. a11 a12 a1p . b11 b1j b1n . . . . . . . . b21 b2j b2n ai1 ai2 aip . . . . . = C = (cij ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bp1 bpj bpn am1 am2 amp where cij = ai1 b1j + ai2 b2j + + aip bpj . NOTE: Let A and B be given matrices. The product AB, in that order, is dened if and only if the number of columns of A equals the number of rows of B. If the product AB is dened, then the size of the product is: (no. of rows of A)(no. of columns of B). That is
mp pn
B = C
3 0 B = 1 2 1 2
Since A is 2 3 and B is 3 2, we can calculate the product AB, which will be a 2 2 matrix. 3 0 1 4 2 1 3 + 4 (1) + 2 1 1 0 + 4 2 + 2 (2 AB = 1 2 3 1 5 3 3 + 1 (1) + 5 1 3 0 + 1 2 + 5 (2) 1 2 = 1 4 13 8 190
We can also calculate the product BA since B is 3 2 and A is 2 3. This product will be 3 3. 3 0 3 12 6 1 4 2 BA = 1 2 = 5 2 8 . 3 1 5 1 2 5 2 8 Example 6 illustrates a signicant fact about matrix multiplication. Matrix multiplication is not commutative; AB = BA in general. While matrix addition and subtraction mimic addition and subtraction of real numbers, matrix multiplication is distinctly dierent. Example 24. (a) In Example 6 we calculated both AB and BA, but they were not equal because the products were of dierent size. Consider the matrices C= 1 2 3 4 and D= 1 5 0 3 7 2
9 14 7 17 28 17
On the other hand, the product DC does not exist; you cannot multiply D
23 22
In this case EF and F E both exist and have the same size, 2 2. But EF = so EF = F E. While matrix multiplication is not commutative, it is associative. Let A be an m p matrix, B a p q matrix, and C a q n matrix. Then A(BC) = (AB)C. By indicating the dimensions of the products we can see that the left and right sides do have the same size, namely m n: A (BC) and (AB) C .
mp pn mq qn
33 20 6 0
FE =
36 19 12 3
A straightforward, but tedious, manipulation of double subscripts and sums shows that the left and right sides are, in fact, equal. There is another signicant departure from the real number system. If a and b are real numbers and ab = 0, then either a = 0, b = 0, or they are both 0. Example 25. Consider the matrices A= 0 0 1 2 and B = 3 5 0 0 .
Neither A nor B is the zero matrix yet, as you can verify, AB = Also, BA = 0 7 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 .
As we saw above, zero matrices act like the number zero with respect to matrix addition, A + 0 = 0 + A = A. Are there matrices which act like the number 1 with respect to multiplication (a 1 = 1 a = a for any real number a)? Since matrix multiplication is not commutative, we cannot expect to nd a matrix I such that AI = IA = A for an arbitrary m n matrix A. However there are matrices which do act like the number 1 with respect to multiplication Example 26. Consider the 2 3 matrix A= 1 0 and I3 = 0 1 0 0 I2 A = and AI3 = a d b e c f 1 0 0 1 a b d e c f
Let I2 =
1 0 0 1
0 0 . Then 1 a b d e c f = a b d e c f
1 0 0 0 1 0 = 0 0 1
a d
b e
c f
Identity Matrices Let A be a square matrix of order n. The entries from the upper left corner of A to the lower right corner; that is, the entries a11 , a22, a33, . . . , ann form the main diagonal of A. For each positive integer n > 1, let In denote the square matrix of order n whose entries on the main diagonal are all 1, and all other entries are 0. The matrix In is called the n n identity matrix. In particular, 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 I2 = , I3 = 0 1 0 , I4 = and so on. 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 If A is an m n matrix, then Im A = A and 192 AIn = A.
In particular, if A is a square matrix of order n, then AIn = In A = A, so In does act like the number 1 for the set of square matrices of order n. Matrix addition, multiplication of a matrix by a number, and matrix multiplication are connected by the following properties. In each case, assume that the sums and products are dened. 1. A(B + C) = AB + AC 2. (A + B)C = AC + BC 3. k(AB) = (kA)B = A(kB) Another way to look at systems of linear equations. Now that we have dened matrix multiplication, we have another way to represent the system of m linear equations in n unknowns a11x1 + a12x2 + a13x3 + + a1nxn a21x1 + a22x2 + a23x3 + + a2nxn a31x1 + a32x2 + a33x3 + + a3nxn ......................................................... am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + + amn xn = bm = b1 = b2 = b3 This is called the left distributive law. This is called the right distributive law.
. . .
x2 x3 = . . . xn
b2 b3 . . . bm
where A is the matrix of coecients, x is the column vector of unknowns, and b is the column vector whose components are the numbers on the right-hand sides of the equations. This looks like the linear equation in one unknown ax = b where a and b are real numbers. By writing the system in this form we are tempted to divide both sides of equation (1) by A, provided A is not zero. Well take these ideas up in the next section. The set of vectors with n components, either row vectors or column vectors, is said to be a vector space of dimension n, and it is denoted by Rn . Thus, R2 is the vector space of vectors 193
with two components, R3 is the vector space of vectors with three components, and so on. The xyplane can be used to give a geometric representation of R2, 3-dimensional space gives a geometric representation of R3. Suppose that A is an m n matrix. If u is an n-component vector (an element in Rn ), then Au = v is an m-component vector (an element of Rm ). Thus, the matrix A can be viewed as a transformation (a function, a mapping) that takes an element in Rn to an element in Rm ; A maps Rn into Rm . Example 27. The 2 3 matrix A = 2 4 = 1 1 2 4 1 0 3 6 5 maps R3 into R2. For example 3 7 = 2
1 1 and, in general,
2 4 0 3
1 2 4 1 0 3
9 9
1 1
2 4 0 3
a b = c
a 2b + 4c a + 3c
If we view the m n matrix A as a transformation from Rn to Rm , then the question of solving the equation Ax = b can be stated as: Find the set of vectors x in Rn which are transformed to the given vector b in Rm . As a nal remark, an m n matrix A regarded as a transformation, is a linear transformation since A(x + y) = Ax + Ay and A(kx) = kAx. These two properties follow from the connections between matrix addition, multiplication by a number, and matrix multiplication given above. Exercises 5.5 2 4 2 0 1. Let A = 1 3 , B = 4 2 , C = 4 2 3 1 Compute the following (if possible). (a) A + B (d) A + D (b) 2B (c) C + D (f) A B 6 , D= 3 4 5 0 . 4 1 2 2 4 7 2 3 0
, D=
4, 3
(c) CB (f) DB
0 1 1 0 3. Let A = 0 2 , B = 3 2 , C = 4 2 2 5 Compute the following (if possible). (a) 3A 2BC (d) CD 2D (b) AB (e) AC BD
2 0 4 3
, D=
5 0 3 3
4. Let A be a 3 5 matrix, B a 5 2 matrix, C a 3 4 matrix, D a 4 2 matrix, and E a 4 5 matrix. Determine which of the following matrix expressions exist, and give the sizes of the resulting matrix when they do exist. (a) AB (d) AB + CD (g) EB + DA 0 5. A = 2 1 3 5 1 2 4 1 and B = 5 4 0 2 0 2 3 3 . Let C = AB and D = BA. 5 (b) EB (e) 2EB 3D (c) AC (f) CD (CE)B
Determine the following elements of C and D without calculating the entire matrices. (a) c32 (b) c13 2 3 4 5 and B = 1 3 (c) d21 0 1 1 4 3 3 (d) d22
6. A =
Determine the following elements of C and D without calculating the entire matrices. (a) c21 7. Let A = 1 3 2 4 (b) c33 , B= 1 2 5 0 (c) d12 3 3 , and C = (d) d11 2 3 5 7 1 0 . Put D = AB + 2C.
Determine the following elements of D without calculating the entire matrices. (c) d23 1 3 1 1 2 8. Let A = 2 4 0 , B = 1 1 3 1 4 1 3 D = 2B 3C. (a) d22 (b) d12 3 2 0 2 3 , and C = 4 5 1 . Put 2 1 0 2
Determine the following elements of D without calculating the entire matrices. (a) d11 (b) d23 (c) d32
9. Let A be a matrix whose second row is all zeros. Let B be a matrix such that the product exists AB exists. Prove that the second row of AB is all zeros. 195
10. Let B be a matrix whose third column is all zeros. Let A be a matrix such that the product exists AB exists. Prove that the third column of AB is all zeros. 11. Let A = 1 1 2 0 , B= 0 5 4 2 1 3 , C= 2 3 6 1 , D= 2 2 1 3 .
Calculate (if possible). (a) AB and BA (b) AC and CA (c) AD and DA. in matrix multiplication. 1 4 . 2
This illustrates all the possibilities when order is reversed 2 1 2 2 4 0 12. Let A = , B= , C= 3 1 3 2 1 3 1
Calculate A(BC) and (AB)C. This illustrates the associative property of matrix multiplication. 13. Let A = 1 0 0 1 , B= 0 2 3 5 , C= 2 3 2 3 0 4 .
Calculate A(BC) and (AB)C. This illustrates the associative property of matrix multiplication. 14. Let A be a 4 2 matrix, B a 2 6 matrix, C a 3 4 matrix, D a 6 3 matrix. Determine which of the following matrix expressions exist, and give the sizes of the resulting matrix when they do exist. (a) ABC (d) DCAB (b) ABD (e) A2 BDC (c) CAB
15. Let A be a 3 2 matrix, B a 2 1 matrix, C a 1 3 matrix, D a 3 1 matrix, and E a 3 3 matrix. Determine which of the following matrix expressions exist, and give the sizes of the resulting matrix when they do exist. (a) ABC (d) DAB + AB (b) AB + EAB (e) BCDC + BC (c) DC EAC
. . .
As you know, we would solve one equation in one unknown, ax = b, by dividing the equation by a, provided a = 0. Dividing by a, a = 0, is equivalent to multiplying by a1 = 1/a. For a = 0, the number a1 is called the multiplicative inverse of a. So, to solve Ax = b we would like to multiply the equation by multiplicative inverse of A. This idea has to be dened. DEFINITION (Multiplicative Inverse of a Square Matrix) Let A be an n n matrix. An n n matrix B with the property that AB = BA = In is called the multiplicative inverse of A or, more simply, the inverse of A. Not every n n matrix has an inverse. For example, a matrix with a row or a column of zeros cannot have an inverse. Its sucient to look at a 2 2 example. If the matrix a b 0 0 had an inverse x y z w then a b 0 0 x y z w 197 = 1 0 0 1 ,
But a 0 b 0 x y z w = ax + bz ay + bw 0 0 = 1 0 0 1
for all x, y, z, w; look at the entries in the (2,2)-position. A similar contradiction is obtained with a matrix that has a column of zeros. Heres another example. Example 28. Determine whether the matrix A = 2 4 1 2 has an inverse.
x z
y w
such that
It is easy to see that neither of these systems has a solution. Therefore, A does not have an inverse.
If A has an inverse matrix B, then it is unique. That is, there cannot exist two dierent matrices B and C such that AB = BA = In For if AB = In, but C(AB) = (CA)B = InB = B. Therefore, B = C. The inverse of a matrix A, if it exists, is denoted by A1 . Finding the Inverse of a Matrix Well illustrate a general method for nding the inverse of a matrix by nding the inverse of a 2 2 matrix. Example 29. Find the inverse of A = 1 2 3 4 . then C(AB) = CIn = C; and AC = CA = In .
x y z w = 1 0
such that 0 1
Writing down the augmented matrices for these two systems, we have 1 2 3 4 1 0 and 1 3 2 0 4 1
Well solve the systems by reducing each of these matrices to reduced row-echelon form. 1 3
(1/2)R2 R2
2 1 4 0 1 2 0 1
(3)R1 +R2 R2
1 2 0 2 1 0
1 3 0 2 1 3/2
1 3/2
2R2 +R1 R1
1 2 0 2 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 1/2
(1/2)R2 R2
2 0 1 1/2
2R2 +R1 R1
1 2 3 4
2 3 2
1 2
2 3 2
1 2
1 2 3 4
1 0 0 1
Note that the coecient matrices in each of the systems was exactly the same, and we used exactly the same row operations to row reduce the augmented matrices. We could have saved ourselves some writing by solving the two systems simultaneously (see Exercises 5.3, Problem 26). That is, by reducing the augmented matrix 1 2 3 4 to reduced row-echelon form. 1 2 3 4
(1/2)R2 R2
1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1
(3)R1 +R2 R2
1 2 0 2
1 0 3 1 2 1 3/2 1/2 .
1 2 0 1
1 0 3/2 1/2
2R2 +R1 R1
1 0 0 1
The matrix to the right of the bar is A1 . We use exactly the same method to nd the inverse of an n n matrix. That is, to nd the inverse of an n n matrix A, form the augmented matrix (A|In ) and use the row operations to reduce this matrix to reduced row-echelon form. If, in the process, you get a row of zeros to the left of the bar, then the matrix does not have an inverse because one of the equations in one of the corresponding systems would have the form 0x1 + 0x2 + x3 + + 0xn = b, b = 0.
If all the rows are nonzero, then the reduced row-echelon form will be (In |A1); the matrix to the right of the bar is the inverse of A. There is a connection between the existence of the inverse and rank. Recall that the rank of a matrix is the number of nonzero rows in its row-echelon or reduced row-echelon form. Thus, an n n matrix A has an inverse if and only if its rank is n. Well illustrate the method with some 3 3 examples. Example 30. Find the inverse of 1 A= 2 4 0 2 1 3 1 8
SOLUTION We form the augmented matrix (A|I3 ) and use row operations to obtain the reduced row-echelon form. 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 3 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 R2 R3 (2)R1 +R2 R2 , (4)R1 +R3 R3 4 1 8 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 1 R2 +R3 R3 (1)R3 R3 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 6 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 11 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 (2)R3 +R1 R1 0 0 1 0 0 1 6 1 1 6 1 1 11 2 2 1 Thus, A = 4 0 1 . 6 1 1 You should verify that AA1 + A1 A = I3 . Example 31. Find the inverse of 1 3 4 A = 1 5 1 3 13 6 200
SOLUTION We form the augmented matrix (A|I3 ) and use row operations to obtain the reduced row-echelon form. 1 3 4 1 0 0 1 3 4 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 0 0 2 (1)R1 +R2 R2 , (3)R1 +R3 R3 (1/2)R2 R2 3 13 6 0 0 1 0 4 6 3 0 1 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3/2 1/2 1/2 0 0 1 3/2 1/2 1/2 0 (4)R2 +R3 R3 0 4 6 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 2 1 The row of zeros to the left of the bar indicates that A does not have an inverse. Warning The examples have been chosen fairly carefully to keep the calculations simple; for example, avoiding fractions as much as possible. In general, even though you start with a matrix with integer entries, you will not end up with the inverse having integer entries. 2 1 1 2/5 1/5 0 Example 32. Let A = 1 2 2 . Then A1 = 6/5 3/5 1 . 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 Let B = 2 0 0 2 11/3 4/3 2 3 4 . Then B 1 = 2/3 1/3 0 . 2 1 4/3 2/3 1
Application to Systems of Equations System (1) can be written in the vector-matrix form (2). If the coecient matrix A has an inverse, A1 , then A x = b implies A1(A x) (A1 A) x In x x = A1 b = A1 b = A1 b = A1 b
Thus, the system has the unique solution (vector) x = A1 b. If A does not have an inverse, then the system of equations either has no solutions or innitely many solutions. Example 33. Solve the system of equations x 2y 3x 4y = = 4 8
2 1 3/2 1/2 the unique solution (vector) of the system is In Example 2, we saw that x y = 2 1 3/2 1/2
4 8
16 10
The solution set is x = 16, y = 10. Example 34. Solve the system of equations x + 2z 2x y + 3z 4x + y + 8z = = = 1 2 0
SOLUTION The system can be written in vector-matrix form as 1 0 2 x 1 2 1 3 y = 2 . 4 1 8 z 0 11 2 2 In Example 3, we saw that 4 0 1 is the inverse of the coecient matrix. Therefore, 6 1 1 the unique solution (vector) of the system is x 11 2 2 1 15 0 1 2 = 4 . y = 4 z 6 1 1 0 8 The solution set is x = 15, y = 4, z = 8. Determinants Associated with each nn matrix A is a number called its determinant. We will give an inductive development of this concept, beginning with the determinant of a 2 2 matrix. Then well express a 3 3 determinant as a sum of 2 2 determinants, a 4 4 determinant as a sum of 3 3 determinants, and so on. Consider the system of two linear equations in two unknowns ax + by cx + dy = =
We eliminate the y unknown by multiplying the rst equation by d, the second equation by b, and adding. This gives (ad bc)x = d b. This equation has the solution x = d b , provided ad bc = 0. ad bc
Similarly, we can solve the system for the y unknown by multiplying the rst equation by c, the second equation by a, and adding. This gives (ad bc)y = a c which has the solution y = a c , again provided ad bc = 0. ad bc 202
a b . The number ad bc is called the c d determinant of A. The determinant of A is denoted by det A and by The matrix of coecients of the system is A = a c b . d
The determinant has a geometric interpretation in this 2 2 case. The graph of the rst equation ax + by = is a straight line with slope a/b, provided b = 0. The graph of the second equation is a straight line with slope c/d, provided d = 0. (If b = 0 or d = 0, then the corresponding line is vertical.) Assume that b, d = 0. If a c = , b d then the lines have dierent slopes and the system of equations has a unique solution. However, a c = b d is equivalent to ad bc = 0.
Thus, det A = 0 implies that the system has a unique solution. a c = (assuming b, d = 0), and the two lines b d have the same slope. In this case, the lines are either parallel (the system has no solutions), or the lines coincide (the system has innitely many solutions). On the other hand, if ad bc = 0, then In general, an n n matrix A is said to be nonsingular if det A = 0; A is singular if det A = 0. Look again at the solutions x= d b , ad bc y= a c , ad bc ad bc = 0.
The two numerators also have the form of solutions can be written as x= a c
This representation of the solutions of a system of two equations in two unknowns is the n = 2 version of a general result known as Cramers rule. Example 35. Given the system of equations 5x 2y 3x + 4y = = 8 10
Verify that the determinant of the matrix of coecients is nonzero and solve the system using Cramers rule.
SOLUTION The matrix of coecients is A = rule, 8 2 10 4 x= 5 2 2 4 The solution set is x = 2, y = 1. Now well go to 3 3 matrices. The determinant of a 3 3 matrix If = 52 = 2, 26
5 2 3 4
5 8 3 10 y= 5 2 2 4 =
26 =1 26
a1 A = b1 c1 then det A = a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2 a3 b3 c3
a2 b2 c2
a3 b3 , c3
The problem with this denition is that it is hard to remember. Fortunately the expression on the right can be written conveniently in terms of 2 2 determinants as follows: det A = a1 b2c3 a1b3 c2 + a2 b3c1 a2 b1c3 + a3b1 c2 a3 b2c1 = a1 (b2 c3 b3c2 ) a2(b1 c3 b3 c1) + a3 (b1c2 b2c1 ) = a1 b2 c2 b3 c3 a2 b1 c1 b3 c3 + a3 b1 c1 b2 c2
This representation of a 3 3 determinant is called the expansion of the determinant across the rst row. Notice that the coecients are the entries a1 , a2, a3 of the rst row, that they occur alternately with + and signs, and that each is multiplied by a 2 2 determinant. You can remember the determinant that goes with each entry ai as follows: in the original matrix, mentally cross out the row and column containing ai and take the determinant of the 2 2 matrix that remains. 3 2 4 7 6 5 Example 36. Let A = 2 5 1 and B = 1 2 1 . Calculate det A and 0 6 1 3 2 1 det B. SOLUTION det A = 3 5 1 6 1 (2) 2 1 0 1 + (4) 2 5 0 6
det B
= = =
2 1 2 1
1 1 3 1
1 3
2 2
There are other ways to group the terms in the denition. For example det A = a1 b2c3 a1b3 c2 + a2 b3c1 a2 b1c3 + a3b1 c2 a3 b2c1 = a2 (b1 c3 b3 c1) + b2 (a1c3 a3c1 ) c2(a1 c3 a3 c1) = a2 b1 c1 b3 c3 + b2 a1 c1 a3 c3 + c2 a1 b1 a3 b3
This is called the expansion of the determinant down the second column. In general, depending on how you group the terms in the denition, you can expand across any row or down any column. The signs of the coecients in the expansion across a row or down a column are alternately +, , starting with a + in the (1,1)-position. The pattern of signs is: + + + + + 3 Example 37. Let A = 2 0 2 4 7 0 5 1 and C = 1 0 6 1 3 2 5 1 . 1
0 + 0 + 2(2) = 14 205
Notice the advantage of expanding across a row or down a column that contains one or more zeros. Now consider the system of three equations in three unknowns a11x + a12y + a13z a21x + a22y + a23z a31x + a32y + a33z = = = b1 b2 b2
Writing this system in vector-matrix form, we have a11 a12 a13 x1 b1 a21 a22 a23 x2 = b2 x3 b3 a31 a32 a33 It can be shown that if det A = 0, then the system has a unique solution which is given by x1 = where A1 = b2 b3 b1 a12 a22 a32 a13 a23 , a33 A2 = a21 a31 a11 b1 b2 b3 a13 a23 , a33 A3 = a21 a31 a11 a12 a22 a32 b1 b2 b3 det A1 , det A x2 = det A2 , det A x3 = det A3 det A
This is Cramers rule in the 3 3 case. If det A = 0, then the system either has innitely many solutions or no solutions. Example 38. Given the system of equations 2x + y z x+y+z x 2y 3z = 3 = 1 . = 4
Verify that the determinant of the matrix of coecients is nonzero and nd the value of y using Cramers rule. 2 1 1 SOLUTION The matrix of coecients is A = 1 1 1 and det A = 5. 1 2 3 According to Cramers rule 2 3 1 1 1 4 5 1 1 3 =
5 = 1. 5
The determinant of a 4 4 matrix Following the pattern suggested by the calculation of a 3 3 determinant, well express a 4 4 determinant as the sum of four 3 3 determinants. For example, the expansion of a1 b1 c1 d1 a2 b2 c2 d2 a3 b3 c3 d3 a4 b4 c4 d4
det A =
det A = a1
+ a3
As in the 3 3 case, you can calculate a 4 4 determinant by expanding across any row or down any column. The matrix of signs associated with a 4 4 determinant is + + + + + + + + Cramers rule Here is the general version of Cramers rule: Given the system of n equations in n unknowns a11x1 + a12x2 + a13x3 + + a1nxn a21x1 + a22x2 + a23x3 + + a2nxn a31x1 + a32x2 + a33x3 + + a3nxn ......................................................... an1x1 + an2x2 + an3x3 + + annxn = bn = = = b1 b2 b3 (1)
If det A = 0, then the system has a unique solution x1, x2, . . . , xn given by x1 = det A1 , det A x2 = det A2 , det A ..., xn = det An det A
where det Ai is the determinant obtained by replacing the ith column of det A by the column b1 b2 . , . . bn i = 1, 2, . . . , n. If det A = 0, then the system either has no solution or innitely many solutions. In the special case of a homogeneous system, det A = 0 implies that the system has innitely many nontrivial solutions. 207
Properties of Determinants It should now be clear how to calculate an n n determinant for any n. However, for n > 3 the calculations, while simple in theory, tend to be long, tedious, and involved. Although the determinant is a complicated mathematical function (its domain is the set of square matrices, its range is the set of real numbers), it does have certain properties that can be used to simplify calculations. Before listing the properties of determinants, we give the determinants of some special types of matrices. 1. If an n n matrix A has a row of zeros, or a column of zeros, then det A = 0; an n n matrix with a row of zeros or a column of zeros is singular. (Simply expand across the row or column of zeros.) 2. An n n matrix is said to be upper triangular if all of its entries below the main diagonal are zero. (Recall that the entries a11, a22, a33, . . . , ann form the main diagonal of an n n matrix A.) A 4 4 upper triangular matrix has the form a11 a12 a13 a14 0 a 22 a23 a24 T = 0 0 a33 a34 0 0 0 a44 Note that this upper triangular form is closely related to the row-echelon form that was so important in solving systems of linear equations. Calculating det T by expanding down the rst column, we get a22 a23 0 a33 0 0 a24 a34 a44 a33 a34 0 a44
det T = a11
= a11a22
= a11a22a33a44.
In general, we can see that the determinant of an upper triangular matrix is simply the product of its entries on the main diagonal. 3. An n n matrix L is lower triangular if all its entries above the main diagonal are zero. Just like an upper triangular matrix, the determinant of a lower triangular matrix is the product of the entries on the main diagonal. Properties: Well list the properties for general n and illustrate with 2 2 determinants. Let A be an n n matrix 1. If the matrix B is obtained from A by interchanging two rows (or two columns), then det B = det A. c d a b = bc ad = . a b c d Note: An immediate consequence of this property is the fact that if A has two identical rows (or columns), then det A = 0 interchange the two identical rows, then det A = det A which implies det A = 0.
2. If the matrix B is obtained from A by multiplying a row (or column) by a nonzero number k, then det B = k det A. ka c kb d = kad kbc = k(ad bc) = k a b . c d
3. If the matrix B is obtained from A by multiplying a row (or column) by a number k and adding the result to another row (or column), then det B = det A. a ka + c b kb + d = a(kb + d) b(ka + c) = ad bc = a b . c d
Of course these are the operations we used to row reduce a matrix to row-echelon form. Well use them here to row reduce a determinant to upper triangular form. The dierence between row reducing a matrix and row reducing a determinant is that with a determinant we have to keep track of the sign if we interchange rows and we have to account for the factor k if we multiply a row by k. Example 39. Calculate the determinant 1 2 0 2 2 3 1 0 SOLUTION 0 1 1 0 3 1 5 2
1 0 2 1
2 2 3 0
0 1 1 0 3 1 5 2
1 2 0 2 0 1 0 2
0 1 3 5
1 0 1 1
R2 R3
1 2 0 1 0 2 0 2
0 3 1 5
1 1 0 1
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 1 3 1 0 5 2 0 11 3
(1/5)R3 R3
1 0 5 0 0
2 1 0 0
0 1 3 1 1 2/5 11 3
1 0 = 5 11R3 +R4 R4 0 0
2 1 0 0
0 3 1 0
1 1 2/5 7/5
7 = 7 5
and calculated 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 5 2 0 11 3
= (1)(1)
5 2 11 3
= (15 + 22) = 7.
Inverse, determinant and rank We have seen that a system of equations Ax = b where A is an n n matrix has a unique solution if and only if A has an inverse. We have also seen that the system has a unique solution if and only if det A = 0; that is, if and only if A is nonsingular. It now follows that A has an inverse if and only if det A = 0. Thus, the determinant provides a test as to whether an n n matrix has an inverse. There is also the connection with rank: an n n matrix has an inverse if and only if its rank is n. Putting all this together we have the following equivalent statements: 1. The system of equations Ax = b, A an n n matrix, has a unique solution. 2. A has an inverse. 3. det A = 0. 4. A has rank n.
Exercises 5.6 Use the determinant to decide whether the matrix has an inverse. If it exists, nd it and verify your answer by calculating AA1. 2 3 0 2 1 3 1 2 2 4 2 4 2 3 8 0 1 1 4
1 0 5. 2 1 4 1
1 2 4 6. 1 1 5 2 7 3 1 3 4 7. 1 5 1 3 13 6 1 2 3 8. 0 1 2 4 5 3 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 1 9. 1 2 2 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 10. 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
11. Each of the matrices in Problems 1 - 10 has integer entries. In some cases the inverse matrix also had integer entries, in other cases it didnt. Suppose A is an n n matrix with integer entries. Make a conjecture as to when A1 , if it exists, will also have integer entries. Solve the system of equations by nding the inverse of the matrix of coecients. 12. x + 2y = 2 3x + 5y = 4 x + 3y = 5 2x + y = 10 2x + 4y = 2 3x + 8y = 1 2x + y = 4 4x + 3y = 3 x 3y = 2 y + z = 2 2x y + 4z = 1
x + 2y z = 2 17. x + y + 2z = 0 xyz =1 x + y = 5 x + z = 2 6x 2y 3z = 1 Evaluate the determinant in two ways, using the indicated row and column expansions 211
0 3 2 1 5 7 ; 2 6 1 1 2 3 2 3 5 8 ; 8 13
5 1 2 3 0 6 ; 4 3 1 2 5 2 1 2 4 3 0 2 0 ; 0 1 0 3 2 1 ; 0 3
Evaluate the determinant using the row or column that minimizes the amount of computation. 1 2 3 2 0 3 1 2 3 1 2 0 3 0 5 2 4 0 5 1 3 0 4 2 3 0 5 2 4 0 3 4 0 2 0 3 0 0 2 0 4 2 2 4 x+1 3 x x2 = 3.
1 2 3 4 0 5 7 3 2 3 0 4 2 1 3 1 0 5 2 0 0 2 0 1
x 0 2 2x x 1 4 x x 1 x + 1
= 0.
Determine whether Cramers rule applies. If it does, solve for the indicated unknown 2x y + 3z = 1 y + 2z = 3 ; x+z = 0
x =?
4x + y = 3 33. 2x + 2y + z = 2 ; 3x + 4z = 2 3x + z = 2 x + 2y z = 0 ; x 4y + 3z = 1
y =?
z =?
2x y = 3 35. x + 3y z = 0 ; 5y 2z = 3 2x + y + 3z = 2 36. 3x 2y + 4z = 2 ; x + 4y 2z = 1 2x + 7y + 3z = 7 x + 2y + z = 2 ; x + 5y + 2z = 5 3x + 6y z = 3 x 2y + 3z = 2 ; 4x 2y + 5z = 5
z =?
y =?
x =?
z =?
39. Determine the values of for which the system (1 )x + 6y = 0 5x + (2 )y = 0 has nontrivial solutions. Find the solutions for each value of . 40. Determine the values of for which the system ( + 4)x + 4y + 2z = 0 4x + (5 )y + 2z = 0 2x + 2y + (2 )z = 0 has nontrivial solutions. Find the solutions for each value of .
if one of the vectors is a scalar multiple of the other (e.g., u = v for some number ); they are linearly independent if neither is a scalar multiple of the other. Suppose that u, v Rn are linearly dependent with u = v. Then u = v implies u v = 0.
This leads to an equivalent denition of linear dependence: u and v are linearly dependent if there exist two numbers c1 and c2, not both zero, such that c1 u + c2 v = 0. Note that if c1 u + c2 v = 0 and c1 = 0, then u = (c2 /c1)v = v.) This is the idea that well use to dene linear dependence/independence in general. DEFINITION 1. The set of vectors {v1, v2 , . . . , vk } in Rn is linearly dependent if there exist k numbers c1 , c2, . . . , ck , not all zero, such that c1v1 + c2 v2 + + ck vk = 0; 0 is a non-trivial linear combination of v1 , v2 , . . . , vk . The set of vectors is linearly independent if it is not linearly dependent. NOTE: If there exists one set of k numbers c1, c2 , . . . , ck , not all zero, then there exist innitely many such sets. For example, 2c1, 2c2 , . . . , 2ck is another such set; and 1 c1 , 1 c2 , . . . , 1 ck is 3 3 3 another such set; and so on. The denition of linear dependence can also be stated as: The vectors v1 , v2, . . . , vk are linearly dependent if one of the vectors can be written as a linear combination of the others. For example if c1v1 + c2v2 + + ck vk = 0 and c1 = 0, then v1 = c2 c3 ck v 2 v 3 v k = 2 v 2 + 3 v 3 + + k v k . c1 c1 c1
This form of the denition parallels the denition of the linear dependence of two vectors. Stated in terms of linear independence, the denition can be stated equivalently as: The set of vectors {v1 , v2 , . . . , vk } is linearly independent if c1v1 + c2 v2 + + ck vk = 0 implies c1 = c2 = = ck = 0; i.e., the only linear combination of v1 , v2 , . . . , vk which equals 0 is the trivial linear combination. The set of vectors is linearly dependent if it is not linearly independent.
Linearly dependent/independent sets in Rn Example 40. Vectors in R2 . (a) The vectors u = ( 3, 4 ) and v = ( 1, 3 ) are linearly independent because neither is a multiple of the other. (b) The vectors u = ( 2, 3 ) and v = ( 6, 9 ) are linearly dependent because v = 3 u. (c) Determine whether the vectors v1 = ( 1, 2 ), v2 = ( 1, 3 ), v3 = ( 5, 7 ) are linearly dependent or linearly independent. SOLUTION In this case we need to determine whether or not there are three numbers c1, c2 , c3, not all zero such that c1 v1 + c2 v2 + c3v3 = 0. Equating the components of the vector on the left and the vector on the right, we get the homogeneous system of equations c1 c2 + 5c3 2c1 + 3c2 + 7c3 = = 0 0
We know that this system has nontrivial solutions since it is a homogeneous system with more unknowns than equations (see Section 5.4). Thus the vectors must be linearly dependent. The three parts of Example 1 hold in general: any set of three or more vectors in R2 is linearly dependent. A set of two vectors in R2 is independent if neither vector is a multiple of the other; dependent if one vector is a multiple of the other Example 41. Vectors in R3 . (a) The vectors u = ( 3, 4, 2 ) and v = ( 2, 6, 7 ) are linearly independent because neither is a multiple of the other. (b) The vectors u = ( 4, 6, 2 ) and v = ( 2, 3, 1 ) are linearly dependent because v = 2 u. (c) Determine whether the vectors v1 = ( 1, 2, 1 ), v2 = ( 2, 1, 1 ), v3 = ( 7, 4, 1 ) are linearly dependent or linearly independent. SOLUTION Method 1 We need to determine whether or not there are three numbers c1 , c2, c3, not all zero, such that c1 v1 + c2 v2 + c3v3 = 0. Equating the components of the vector on the left and the vector on the right, we get the homogeneous system of equations c1 + 2c2 + 7c3 = 0 2c1 + c2 4c3 c1 c2 + c3 = = 0 0 (A)
form, we get 7 0 2 0 0 0
The row echelon form implies that system (A) has innitely nontrivial solutions. Thus, we can nd three numbers c1, c2 , c3 , not all zero, such that c1 v1 + c2 v2 + c3v3 = 0. In fact, we can nd innitely many such sets c1 , c2 , c3. Note that the vectors v1, v2 , v3 appear as the columns of the coecient matrix in system (A). Method 2 Form the matrix with rows v1 , v2, v3 1 2 1 1 1 2 7 4 1 and reduce to echelon form: 1 2 1 0 1 3/5 . 0 0 0
The row of zeros indicates that the zero vector is a nontrivial linear combination of v1 , v2 , v3. Thus the vectors are linearly dependent. Method 3 Calculate the determinant of the matrix of coecients: 1 2 1 2 7 1 4 1 1
= 0.
Therefore, as we saw in the preceding section, system (A) has innitely many nontrivial solutions. (d) Determine whether the vectors v1 = ( 1, 2, 3 ), v2 = ( 1, 3, 2 ), v3 = ( 2, 1, 5 ) are linearly dependent or linearly independent. SOLUTION In part (c) we illustrated three methods for determining whether or not a set of vectors is linearly dependent or linearly independent. We could use any one of the three methods here. The determinant method is probably the easiest. Since a determinant can be evaluated by expanding across any row or down any column, it does not make any dierence whether we write the vectors as rows or columns. Well write them as rows. 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 5
= 30.
Since the determinant is nonzero, the only solution to the vector equation c1 v1 + c2 v2 + c3v3 = 0. is the trivial solution; the vectors are linearly independent. Example 42. Determine whether the vectors v1 = ( 1, 2, 4 ), v2 = ( 2, 0, 5 ), v3 = ( 1, 1, 7 ), v4 = ( 2, 2, 6 ) are linearly dependent or linearly independent. 217
SOLUTION In this case we need to determine whether or not there are four numbers c1 , c2 , c3, c4, not all zero such that c1v1 + c2v2 + c3 v3 + c4 v4 = 0. Equating the components of the vector on the left and the vector on the right, we get the homogeneous system of equations c1 + 2c2 + c3 + 2c4 2c1 c3 2c4 4c1 + 5c2 + 7c3 6c4 = = = 0 0 0
We know that this system has nontrivial solutions since it is a homogeneous system with more unknowns than equations. Thus the vectors must be linearly dependent. Example 43. Vectors in R4 Let v1 = ( 2, 0, 1 4), v2 = ( 2, 1, 0 2), v3 = ( 2, 4, 3 4), v4 = ( 1, 1, 3 0), v5 = ( 0, 1, 5 3). (a) Determine whether the vectors v1 , v2 , v3 , v4, v5 are linearly dependent of linearly independent. SOLUTION The vectors are linearly dependent because the vector equation c1 v1 + c2 v2 + c3 v3 + c4v4 + c5v5 = 0. leads to a homogeneous system with more unknowns than equations. (b) Determine whether the vectors v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 are linearly dependent or linearly independent. SOLUTION To test for dependence/independence in this case, we have three options. 1. Solve the system of equations c1v1 + c2v2 + c3v3 + c4 v4 = 0. A nontrivial solution implies that the vectors are linearly dependent; if the trivial solution is the only solution, then the vectors are linearly independent. 2. Form the matrix A having v1 , v2 , v3, v4 as the rows and reduce to row-echelon form. If the row-echelon form has one or more rows of zeros, the vectors are linearly dependent; four nonzero rows means the vectors are linearly independent. 3. Calculate det A. det A = 0 implies that the vectors are linearly dependent; det A = 0 implies that the vectors are linearly independent. Options 1 and 2 are essentially equivalent; the dierence being that in option 1 the vectors appear as columns. Option 2 requires a little less writing so well use it. 2 0 1 4 1 1 3 0 0 2 1 6 2 2 1 0 A= (verify this). 2 0 4 3 4 0 1 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 218
Therefore the vectors are linearly dependent. You can also check that det A = 0. (c) Determine whether v1 , v2 , v3 are linearly dependent or linearly independent. SOLUTION Calculating a determinant is not an option do not form a square matrix. Well row reduce 2 0 1 A = 2 1 0 2 4 3 As you can verify, here; three vectors with four components 4 2 4
2 0 2 1 2 4
1 4 2 0 1 4 0 2 0 1 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0
Therefore the vectors are linearly dependent. (d) Determine whether the vectors v1 , v2 , v4 , v5 are linearly dependent or linearly independent. SOLUTION You can verify that 2 0 1 4 2 1 0 2 1 1 3 0 0 1 5 3 Therefore the vectors are linearly independent. In general, suppose that {v1, v2, . . . , vk } is a set of vectors in Rn : 1. If k > n, the vectors are linearly dependent. 2. If k = n, write the matrix A having v1 , v2 , . . . , vk as rows. Either reduce A to row echelon form, or calculate det A. A row of zeros or det A = 0 implies that the vectors are linearly dependent; all rows nonzero or det A = 0 implies that the vectors are linearly independent. 3. If k < n, write the matrix A having v1 , v2 , . . . , vk as rows and reduce to row echelon form. A row of zeros implies that the vectors are linearly dependent; all rows nonzero implies that the vectors are linearly independent.
= 5.
Another look at systems of linear equations Consider the system of linear equations
a11x1 + a12x2 + a13x3 + + a1nxn a21x1 + a22x2 + a23x3 + + a2nxn a31x1 + a32x2 + a33x3 + + a3nxn ......................................................... am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + + amn xn
= b1 = b2 = b3
= bm
Note that we can write this system as the vector equation a11 a12 a1n a21 a22 a2n x1 . + x2 . + + xn . . . . . . . am1 am2 amn which is x1 v 1 + x2 v 2 + + xn v n = b where a11 a21 . . . am1 a12 a22 . . . am2 a1n a2n . . . amn
b1 b2 . . . bm
v1 =
, v2 =
, . . . , vn =
and b =
b1 b2 . . . bm
Written in this form, the question of solving the system of equations can be interpreted as asking whether or not the vector b can be written as a linear combination of the vectors v1 , v2 , . . . , vn. As we know, b may be written uniquely as a linear combination of v1 , v2, . . . , vn (the system has a unique solution); b may not be expressible as a linear combination of v1 , v2 , . . . , vn (the system has no solution); or it may be possible to represent b as a linear combination of v1 , v2 , . . . , vn in innitely many dierent ways (the system has innitely many solutions). Linear Dependence and Linear Independence of Functions As we saw in Chapter 3, two functions, f and g, are linearly dependent if one is a multiple of the other; otherwise they are linearly independent. DEFINITION 2. Let f1 , f2 , f3 , . . . , fn be functions dened on an interval I. The functions are linearly dependent if there exist n real numbers c1, c2 , . . . , cn, not all zero, such that c1 f1 (x) + c2f2 (x) + c3 f3 (x) + + cn fn (x) 0; that is, c1 f1 (x) + c2 f2 (x) + c3f3 (x) + + cn fn (x) = 0 for all x I. Otherwise the functions are linearly independent.
Equivalently, the functions f1 , f2 , f3, . . . , fn are linearly independent if c1 f1 (x) + c2 f2 (x) + c3f3 (x) + + cn fn (x) 0 220
only when c1 = c2 = = cn = 0. Example 44. Let f1 (x) = 1, f2 (x) = x, f3 (x) = x2 on I = (, ). Show that f1 , f2 , f3 are linearly independent. SOLUTION Suppose that the functions are linearly dependent. Then there exist three numbers c1 , c2, c3, not all zero, such that c1 1 + c2 x + c3 x2 0. (B) Method 1 Since (B) holds for all x, well let x = 0. Then we have c1 + c2 (0) + c3 (0) = 0 Since c1 = 0, (B) becomes c2 x + c3x2 0 or x [c2 + c3 x] 0. which implies c1 = 0.
Since x is not identically zero, we must have c2 + c3 x 0. Letting x = 0, we have c2 = 0. Finally, c1 = c2 = 0 implies c3 = 0. This contradicts our assumption that f1 , f2 , f3 are linearly dependent. Thus, the functions are linearly independent. Method 2 Since (B) holds for all x, well evaluate at x = 0, x = 1, x = 2. This yields the system of equations c1 c1 + c2 + c3 c1 + 2c2 + 4c3 = = = 0 0 0.
It is easy to verify that the only solution of this system is c1 = c2 = c3 = 0. Thus, the functions are linearly independent. Method 3 Our functions are dierentiable, so well dierentiate (B) twice to get c1 1 + c2 x + c3 x2 2c3 0 0 0
c2 + 2c3 x
From the last equation, c3 = 0. Substituting c3 = 0 in the second equation gives c2 = 0. Substituting c2 = 0 and c3 = 0 in the rst equation gives c1 = 0. Thus (B) holds only when c1 = c2 = c3 = 0, which implies that the functions are linearly independent. Example 45. Let f1 (x) = sin x, f2 (x) = cos x, f3 (x) = sin x 1 , x (, ). Are these 6 functions linearly dependent or linearly independent? SOLUTION By the addition formula for the sine function sin x 1 = sin x cos 1 cos x sin 1 = 6 6 6
1 2
3 sin x
1 2
cos x,
Since f3 is a linear combination of f1 and f2 , we can conclude that f1 , f2 , f3 are linearly dependent on (, ).
A Test for Linear Independence of Functions; Wronskian Our test for linear independence is an extension of Method 3 in Example 5. THEOREM 1. Suppose that the functions f1 , f2 , f3 , . . . , fn are n 1-times dierentiable on an interval I. If the functions are linearly dependent on I, then f1 (x) f2 (x) f1 (x) f2 (x) f1 (x) f2 (x) . . . . . . (n1) (n1) f1 (x) f2 (x) ... ... ... fn (x) fn (x) fn (x) . . . (n1) . . . fn (x)
0 on I.
Proof Since the functions are linearly dependent on I, there exist n numbers c1 , c2, . . . , cn, not all zero, such that c1f1 (x) + c2f2 (x) + + cn fn (x) 0. Dierentiating this equation n 1 times, we get the system of equations c1 f1 (x) + c2f2 (x) + + cn fn (x) c1 f1 (x) + c2f2 (x) + + cn fn (x) c1f1 (x) + c2 f2 (x) + + cnfn (x) . . . (n1) (n1) (n1) c1 f1 (x) + c2 f2 (x) + + cnfn (x) . . . 0 0 0 0
Choose any point a I and consider the system of n equations in n unknowns z1 , z2 , . . . , zn: f1 (a)z1 + f2 (a)z2 + + fn (a)zn f1 (a)z1 + f2 (a)z2 + + fn (a)zn = = 0 0 0
(a)z1 + f2
This is a homogeneous system which, from (A), has a nontrivial solution c1, c2 , . . . , cn . Therefore, as we showed in Section 5.6, f1(a) f2 (a) f1(a) f2 (a) f1 (a) f2 (a) . . . . . . (n1) (n1) f1 (a) f2 (a) ... ... ... fn (a) fn (a) fn (a) . . . (n1) . . . fn (a)
= 0.
Since a was any point on I, we conclude that the determinant is zero for all points in I. Recall from Chapter 3 that the determinant f1 f1 f2 f2
DEFINITION 3. Suppose that the functions f1, f2 , f3 , . . . , fn are n 1-times dierentiable on an interval I. The determinant f1 (x) f2 (x) f2 (x) f1 (x) f1 (x) f2 (x) . . . . . . (n1) (n1) f1 (x) f2 (x) ... ... ... fn (x) fn (x) fn (x) . . . (n1) . . . fn (x)
W (x) =
is called the Wronskian of f1 , f2 , f3 , . . . , fn . Theorem 1 can be stated equivalently as: COROLLARY Suppose that the functions f1 , f2 , f3 , . . . , fn are (n 1)-times dierentiable on an interval I and let W (x) be their Wronskian. If W (x) = 0 for at least one x I, then the functions are linearly independent on I. This is a useful test for determining the linear independence of a set of functions. Example 46. Show that the functions f1 (x) 1, f2 (x) = x, f3 (x) = x2 , f4 (x) = x3 are linearly independent. SOLUTION These functions are three-times dierentiable on (, ). Their Wronskian is 1 x x2 x3 0 1 2x 3x2 0 0 2 6x 0 0 0 6
W (x) =
= 12.
Since W = 0, the functions are linearly independent. Note: You can use the Wronskian to show that any set of distinct powers of x is a linearly independent set. Caution Theorem 1 says that if a set of (suciently dierentiable) functions is linearly dependent on an interval I, then their Wronskian is identically zero on I. The theorem does not say that if the Wronskian of a set of functions is identically zero on some interval, then the functions are linearly dependent on that interval. Here is an example of a pair of functions which are linearly independent and whose Wronskian is identically zero. Example 47. Let f(x) = x2 and let g(x) = x2 x2 2 < x < 0 0x<2
on (2, 2). The only question is whether g is dierentiable at 0. You can verify that it is. Thus we can form their Wronskian: For x 0, W (x) = x2 x2 2x 2x 223 0.
Thus, W (x) 0 on (2, 2). We can state that f and g are linearly independent because neither is a constant multiple of the other (f = g on [0, 2), f = g on (2, 0)). Another way to see this is: Suppose that f and g are linearly dependent. Then there exist two numbers c1, c2 , not both zero, such that c1 f(x) + c2g(x) 0 on (2, 2). If we evaluate this identity at x = 1 and x = 1, we get the pair of equations c1 + c2 c1 c2 = = 0 0
The only solution of this pair of equations is c1 = c2 = 0. Thus, f and g are linearly independent.
Exercises 5.7 1. Show that any set of vectors in Rn that contains the zero vector is a linearly dependent set. Hint: Show that the set {0, v2 , v3 , . . . , vk } is linearly dependent. 2. Show that if the set {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vk } is linearly dependent, then one of the vectors can be written as a linear combination of the others. Determine whether the set of vectors is linearly dependent or linearly independent. If it is linearly dependent, express one of the vectors as a linear combination of the others. 3. {( 1, 2, 3 ), ( 2, 4, 1 ), ( 4, 8, 9 )}. 4. {( 1, 2, 5 ), ( 1, 2, 1 ), ( 2, 1, 4 )}. 5. {( 1, 1, 3 ), ( 0, 2, 3 ), ( 1, 1, 2 ), ( 2, 6, 3 )}. 6. {( 1, 2, 3 ), ( 1, 3, 2 ), ( 2, 1, 5 )}. 7. {( 1, 2, 1 ), ( 2, 1, 1 ), ( 7, 4, 1 )}. 8. {( 1, 0, 2 2) ( 2, 1, 0 1), ( 2, 1, 0 1)}. 9. {( 0, 0, 0 1) ( 4, 2, 0 2), ( 2, 1, 0 1), ( 1, 1, 0 1)}. 10. {( 1, 1, 3 ), ( 0, 2, 3 ), ( 1, 1, 2 ), ( 2, 6, 3 )}. 11. For which values of b are the vectors ( 1, b ), ( 3, 1 ) linearly independent? 12. For which values of b are the vectors ( 3, b ), ( 6, b 1 ) linearly independent? 13. For which values of b are the vectors ( 2, b ), ( 2b + 6, 4b ) linearly dependent? 14. For which values of b are the vectors ( 1, b, 2b ) ( 2, 1, 4 ) linearly independent? 224
1 2 1 3 15. Consider the matrix A = 0 1 1 2 , which is row-echelon form. Show that the 0 0 0 1 row vectors of A are a linear independent set. Are the nonzero row vectors of any matrix in row-echelon form linearly independent? 16. Let v1 and v2 be linearly independent. Prove that v1 +v2 , v1 v2 are linearly independent. 17. Let S = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vk } be a linearly independent set of vectors. Prove that every nonempty subset of S is also linearly independent. Suppose that T = {v1, v2 , . . . , vm } is a linearly dependent set. Is every non-empty subset of T linearly dependent? Calculate the Wronskian of the set of functions. Then determine whether the functions are linearly dependent or linearly independent 18. f1 (x) = eax , f2 (x) = ebx , a = b; x (, ). a = 0; x (, ).
x (, ). x (0, ). x (, ).
22. f1 (x) = x x2, f2 (x) = x2 3x, f3 (x) = 2x + x2; 23. f1 (x) = x, f2 (x) = ex , f3 (x) = xex ; x (, ).
x (, ).
25. [a] If the Wronskian of a set of functions is identically zero on an interval I, then the functions are linearly dependent on I. True or false? [b] If a set of functions is linearly dependent on an interval I, then the Wronskian of the functions is identically zero on I. True or false? [c] If the Wronskian of a set of functions is nonzero at some points of an interval I and zero at other points, then the functions are linearly independent on I. True or false? 26. Show that the functions f0 (x) = 1, f1 (x) = x, f2 (x) = x2 , . . . , fk (x) = xk are linearly independent.
2 3 2 1 . 2 1
Then A maps the vector ( 2, 1, 3 ) to ( 11, 3, 9 ): 2 2 3 2 11 2 1 1 = 3 ; 1 2 2 1 3 9 A maps the vector ( 1, 2, 3 ) to the 2 2 2 1 2 2 and, in general, vector ( 10, 7, 6 ): 3 1 10 1 2 = 7 ; 1 3 6
2 2 3 1 1 and 1 2 1 0 = (1) 0 . 2 2 1 1 1
This is the property that we will study in this section. DEFINITION 4. Let A be an n n matrix. A number is an eigenvalue of A if there exists a nonzero vector v in Rn such that Av = v. The vector v is called an eigenvector corresponding to .
In Example 1, the numbers 4, 2, 1 are eigenvalues of A and v = ( 8, 5, 2 ), u = ( 2, 3, 2 ), w = ( 1, 0, 1 ) are corresponding eigenvectors. Eigenvalues (vectors) are also called characteristic values (vectors) or proper values (vectors). Calculating the Eigenvalues of a Matrix Let A be an n n matrix and suppose that is an eigenvalue of A with corresponding eigenvector v. Then Av = v implies Av v = 0. The latter equation can be written (A In )v = 0. This equation says that the homogeneous system of linear equations (A In )x = 0 has the nontrivial solution v. As we saw in Section 5.6, a homogeneous system of n linear equations in n unknowns has a nontrivial solution if and only if the determinant of the matrix of coecients is zero. Thus, is an eigenvalue of A if and only if det(A In ) = 0. The equation det(A In ) = 0 is called the characteristic equation of the matrix A. The roots of the characteristic equation are the eigenvalues of A. Well start with a special case which well illustrate with a 3 3 matrix. Example 49. Let A be an upper triangular matrix: a1 a2 a3 A = 0 b2 b3 . 0 0 c3 Then the eigenvalues of A are the entries on the main diagonal. a2 a3 a1 0 b2 b3 0 0 c3
det(A I3 ) =
Thus, the eigenvalues of A are: 1 = a1 , 2 = b2 , 3 = c3 . The general result is this: If A is either an upper triangular matrix or a lower triangular matrix, then the eigenvalues of A are the entries on the main diagonal of A. Now well look at arbitrary matrices; that is, no special form. Example 50. Find the eigenvalues of A= 1 3 2 2 .
SOLUTION We need to nd the numbers that satisfy the equation det(A I2 ) = 0: A I2 = and 1 3 2 2 = (1 )(2 ) 6 = 2 3 4 = ( + 1)( 4). 1 2 3 2 1 0 0 1 = 1 2 3 2
Therefore the eigenvalues of A are 1 = 1 and 2 = 4. Example 51. Find the eigenvalues of 1 3 A = 1 1 3 3 SOLUTION We need to nd the numbers 1 3 1 A I3 = 1 1 1 3 3 1 and det A = 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1
Expanding across the rst row (remember, you can go across any row or down any column), we have 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 1
= =
Therefore the eigenvalues of A are 1 = 2, 2 = 1, 3 = 2. Note that the characteristic equation of our 2 2 matrix is a polynomial equation of degree 2, a quadratic equation; the characteristic equation of our 3 3 matrix is a polynomial equation of degree 3; a cubic equation. This is true in general; the characteristic equation of an n n matrix A is a11 a12 a1n a21 a22 a2n . . . = p() = 0, . . . . . . an1 a2n ann where p is a polynomial of degree n in . The polynomial p is called the characteristic polynomial of A. Recall the following facts about a polynomial p of degree n with real coecients. 1. p has exactly n roots, counting multiplicities. 228
2. p may have complex roots, but if a + bi is a root, then its conjugate a bi is also a root; the complex roots of p occur in conjugate pairs, counting multiplicities. 3. p can be factored into a product of linear and quadratic factors the linear factors corresponding to the real roots of p and the quadratic factors corresponding to the complex roots. Example 52. Calculate the eigenvalues of A= 1 1 4 1 .
SOLUTION 1 4 1 1 = (1 )2 + 4 = 2 2 + 5.
The roots of 2 2 + 5 = 0 are 1 = 1 + 2i, 2 = 1 2i; A has complex eigenvalues. Example 53. Calculate the eigenvalues of 1 3 A = 3 5 6 6 SOLUTION 1 3 6 3 5 6 3 3 4 = 3 + 12 + 16 = ( + 2)2 ( 4). 3 3 . 4
The eigenvalues of A are 1 = 2 = 2, 3 = 4; 2 is an eigenvalue of multiplicity 2. Calculating the Eigenvectors of a Matrix We note rst that if is an eigenvalue of an n n matrix A and v is a corresponding eigenvector, then any nonzero multiple of v is also an eigenvector of A corresponding to : if Av = v and r is any nonzero number, then A(rv) = rAv = r( v) = (r v). Thus, each eigenvalue has innitely many corresponding eigenvectors. Let A be an n n matrix. If is an eigenvalue of A with corresponding eigenvector v, then v is a solution of the homogeneous system of equations (A In )x = 0. (1)
Therefore, to nd an eigenvector of A corresponding to the eigenvalue , we need to nd a nontrivial solution of (1). This takes us back to the solution methods of Sections 5.3 and 5.4. Example 54. Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of 2 4 1 1 229 .
The eigenvalues of A are 1 = 3, 2 = 2. Next we nd an eigenvector for each eigenvalue. Equation (1) for this problem is 2 4 1 1 x= 2 4 1 1 x1 x2 = ( 0, 0 ). (2)
The augmented matrix for this system of equations is 1 1 which row reduces to 1 4 0 0 0 0 . 4 0 4 0
The solution set is x1 = 4a, x2 = a, a any real number. We get an eigenvector by choosing a value for a. Since an eigenvector is, by denition, a nonzero vector, we must choose a = 0. Any such a will do; well let a = 1. Then, an eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue 1 = 3 is v1 = ( 4, 1 ). Here is a verication: 2 4 1 1 Now we set = 2 in (2) to get 4 1 4 1 x1 x2 = 0. 4 1 = 12 3 =3 4 1 .
The augmented matrix for this system of equations is 4 1 which row reduces to 1 1 0 0 0 0 . 4 0 1 0
The solution set is x1 = a, x2 = a, a any real number. Again, to get an eigenvector corresponding to = 2, we can choose any nonzero number for a; well choose a = 1. Then, an eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue 2 = 2 is v2 = ( 1, 1 ). We leave it to you to verify that Av2 = 2v2 . 230
NOTE: It is important to understand that in nding eigenvectors we can assign any nonzero value to the parameter in the solution set of the system of equations (AI)x = 0. Typically well choose values which will avoid fractions in the eigenvector and, just because it reads better, we like to have the rst component of an eigenvector be non-negative. Such choices are certainly not required. Example 55. Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of 2 2 2 2 1 . 1 1 2 1 SOLUTION First we nd the eigenvalues. 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1
det(A I3 ) =
= 3 32 + 2 = ( 1)( 2).
The eigenvalues of A are 1 = 0, 2 = 1, 3 = 2. Next we nd an eigenvector for each eigenvalue. Equation (1) for this problem is 2 2 2 2 2 2 x1 1 2 1 x = 1 2 1 x2 = 0. 1 2 1 1 2 1 x3 We have to deal with each eigenvalue separately. We set = 0 in (3) to get 2 2 2 x1 2 1 x2 = 0. 1 1 2 1 x3 The augmented matrix for this system of equations is 2 2 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 which row reduces to 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 2/3 0 . 0 0 0
The solution set is x1 = 1 a, x2 = 2 a, x3 = a, a any real number. 3 3 We get an eigenvector by choosing a value for a. Well choose a = 3 (this avoids having fractions as components, a convenience). Thus, an eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue 1 = 0 is v1 = ( 1, 2, 3 ). Here is a verication: 2 2 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 = 0 = 0 2 . 1 1 2 1 3 0 3
1 2 1 1 1 2
2 x1 1 x2 = 0. 2 x3
The augmented matrix for this system of equations is 1 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 0 which row reduces to 1 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 . 0 0
The solution set is x1 = 0, x2 = a, x3 = a, a any real number. If we let a = 1, we get the eigenvector v2 = ( 0, 1, 1 ). You can verify that Av2 = v2 . Finally, we set = 2 in (3) to get 1 2 1 1 1 2
2 x1 1 x2 = 0. 2 x3
The augmented matrix for this system of equations is 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 0 which row reduces to 1 0 1 0 1 0 . 0 1 0 0 0 0
The solution set is x1 = a, x2 = a, x3 = a, a any real number. If we let a = 1, we get the eigenvector v3 = ( 1, 1, 1 ). You can verify that Av3 = v3 . In Example 6 we found the eigenvectors v1 = ( 4, 1 ) and v2 = ( 1, 1 ) corresponding to the eigenvalues 1 = 3 and 2 = 2, respectively. Notice that v1 and v2 are linearly independent. In Example 7 we found the eigenvectors v1 = ( 1, 2, 3 ), v2 = ( 0, 1, 1 ), v3 = ( 1, 1, 1 ) corresponding to the eigenvalues 1 = 0, 2 = 1, 3 = 2. As you can check, these vectors are linearly independent. The general result is this: THEOREM 2. If v1 , v2 , . . . , vk are eigenvectors of a matrix A corresponding to distinct eigenvalues 1 , 2, . . . , k , then v1, v2 , . . . , vk are linearly independent.
Well prove this result for two vectors. The method can be extended by induction to a set of k vectors. Let v1 and v2 be eigenvectors of a matrix A corresponding to eigenvalues 1 and 2, 1 = 2. Suppose that v1 , v2 are linearly dependent. Then there exist two numbers c1 , c2, not both zero, such that c1v1 + c2 v2 = 0. (a) Since 1 and 2 are distinct, at least one of them is nonzero; assume 2 = 0 and multiply (a) by 2 . We get c1 2v1 + c2 2v2 = 0. (b) Now multiply (a) by A. This gives A (c1v1 + c2v2 ) = c1Av1 + c2 Av2 = c11 v1 + c22 v2 = A0 = 0 and we have c1 1v1 + c2 2v2 = 0. Subtracting (c) from (b), we get c1 (2 1 )v1 = 0. Since 2 1 = 0 and v1 = 0, it follows that c1 = 0. Substituting c1 = 0 into (a) gives c2 = 0. Thus, v1, v2 cannot be linearly dependent; they must be linearly independent. This is an important result for the next chapter. Even though we have restricted our treatment of dierential equations and linear algebra to realvalued functions and real numbers, the need to consider complex numbers does arise. We saw this in our treatment of second order linear dierential equations with constant coecients. The need to consider complex numbers arises here as well the characteristic polynomial of an n n matrix A may have complex roots. Of course, since the characteristic polynomial has real coecients, complex roots occur in conjugate pairs. Also, we have to expect that an eigenvector corresponding to a complex eigenvalue will be complex; that is, have complex number components. Here is the main theorem in this regard. THEOREM 3. Let A be a (real) n n matrix. If the complex number = a + bi is an eigenvalue of A with corresponding (complex) eigenvector u + iv, then = a bi, the conjugate of a + bi, is also an eigenvalue of A and u iv is a corresponding eigenvector. The proof is a simple application of complex arithmetic: A(u + iv) A(u + iv) A (u + iv) A(u iv) = = = = (a + bi)(u + iv) (a + bi)(u + iv) (a + bi) (u + iv) (a bi)(u iv) (the overline denotes complex conjugate) (c)
has the complex eigenvalues 1 = 1 + 2i, 2 = 1 2i. Well nd the eigenvectors. The nice thing about a pair of complex eigenvalues is that we only have to calculate one eigenvector. Equation (1) for this problem is 1 1 4 1 x= 1 1 4 1 x1 x2 = 0.
The augmented matrix for this system of equations is 2i 4 which row reduces to 1 1 i 0 2 0 0 0 . 1 0 2i 0
The solution set is x1 = 1 i a, x2 = a, a any number; in this case, either real or complex. If we 2 set x2 = 2i, we get the eigenvector v1 = ( 1, 2i ) = ( 1, 0 ) + i( 0, 2 ): 1 1 4 1 1 2i = 1 + 2i 4 2i = (1 + 2i) 1 2i .
Now, by Theorem 2, an eigenvector corresponding to 2 = 1 2i is v2 = ( 1, 0 ) i( 0, 2 ). As we will see in the next chapter, eigenvalues of multiplicity greater than 1 can cause complications in solving linear dierential systems. In the next two examples well illustrate what can happen when an eigenvalue has multiplicity 2. Example 57. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 1 3 3 A = 3 5 3 . 6 6 4 SOLUTION First we nd the eigenvalues: 1 3 3 5 6 6 3 3 4 = 16 + 12 3 = ( 4)( + 2)2.
det(A I3 ) =
The eigenvalues of A are 1 = 4, 2 = 3 = 2; 2 is an eigenvalue of multiplicity 2. You can verify that v1 = ( 1, 1, 2 ) is an eigenvector corresponding to 1 = 4. Now we investigate what happens with the eigenvalue 2: 0 3 3 3 x1 (A (2)I3 )x = 3 3 3 x2 = 0 . 0 6 6 6 x3 234
The augmented matrix for this system of equation 3 3 3 3 6 6 which row reduces to 1 1 0 0 0 0
3 0 3 0 6 0
1 0 0 0 . 0 0
The solution set of the corresponding system of equations is x1 = a b, a, b any real numbers. We can assign any values we want to a and b, except a = b = 0 (an eigenvector is a nonzero vector). Setting a = 1, b = 0 gives the eigenvector v2 = ( 1, 1, 0 ); setting a = 0, b = 1 gives the eigenvector v3 = ( 1, 0, 1 ). Note that our two choices of a and b produced two linearly independent eigenvectors. The fact that the solution set of the system of equations (a) had two independent parameters guarantees that we can obtain two independent eigenvectors. Example 58. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 5 6 2 A = 0 1 8 . 1 0 2 SOLUTION First we nd the eigenvalues: det(A I3 ) = 5 6 2 0 1 8 1 0 2 = 36 + 15 + 22 3 = ( + 4)( 3)2.
The eigenvalues of A are 1 = 4, 2 = 3 = 3; 3 is an eigenvalue of multiplicity 2. You can verify that v1 = ( 6, 8, 3 ) is an eigenvector corresponding to 1 = 4. We now nd the eigenvectors for 3: 0 2 6 2 x1 (A 3I3)x = 0 4 8 x2 = 0 . 0 1 0 5 x3
The augmented matrix for this system of equation is 2 6 2 0 0 4 8 0 1 0 5 0 which row reduces to 1 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 . 0 0
The solution set of the corresponding system of equations is x1 = 5a, x2 = 2a, x3 = a, a any real number. Setting a = 1 gives the eigenvector v2 = ( 5, 2, 1 ) In this case, the eigenvalue of multiplicity two yielded only one (independent) eigenvector. 235
In general, if the matrix A has an eigenvalue of multiplicity k, then may have only one (independent) eigenvector, it may have two independent eigenvectors, it may have three independent eigenvectors, and so on, up to k independent eigenvectors. It can be shown using Theorem 2 that cannot have more than k linearly independent eigenvectors. Eigenvalues, Determinant, Inverse, Rank There is a relationship between the eigenvalues of an n n matrix A, the determinant of A, the existence of A1, and the rank of A. THEOREM 4. Let A be an n n matrix with eigenvalues 1 , 2, . . . , n . (Note: the s here are not necessarily distinct, one or more of the eigenvalues may have multiplicity greater than 1, and they are not necessarily real.) Then det A = 1 2 3 n . That is, det A is the product of the eigenvalues of A. Proof: The eigenvalues of A are the roots of the characteristic polynomial det(A I) = p(). Writing p() in factored form, we have det(A I) = p() = (1 )(2 )(3 ) (n ). Setting = 0, we get det A = 1 2 3 n. At the end of Section 5.6 we listed equivalences between the determinant, existence of an inverse and rank. With Theorem 3, we can add eigenvalues to the list of equivalences. Let A be an n n matrix. The following are equivalent: 1. The system of equations Ax = b has a unique solution. 2. A has an inverse. 3. det A = 0. 4. A has rank n. 5. 0 is not an eigenvalue of A
1. A =
2. A =
3 1 2 0 1 2 3 2 1 4 2 3
3. A =
4. A =
5. A =
6 5 5 4 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 .
6. A =
7. A =
8. A =
9. A =
3 2 2 A = 3 1 3 . Hint: 1 is an eigenvalue. 1 2 0 15 7 7 A = 1 1 1 . Hint: 2 is an eigenvalue. 13 7 5 2 2 1 A = 1 1 1 . Hint: 1 is an eigenvalue. 3 2 2 2 1 1 A= 1 2 1 . Hint: 1 is an eigenvalue. 2 2 1 1 3 1 A= 0 1 0 . Hint: 1 is an eigenvalue. 3 0 1 0 1 1 A = 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 4 1 A= 3 2 3 . Hint: 2 is an eigenvalue. 1 1 3 237
1 1 2 A = 1 1 1 . 2 1 3 2 2 1 A = 1 3 1 . Hint: 5 is an eigenvalue. 1 2 2 1 4 1 A= 3 2 3 . Hint: 2 is an eigenvalue. 1 1 3 4 1 1 A = 2 5 2 . Hint: 3 is an eigenvalue. 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 A= . Hint: 2 is an eigenvalue of multiplicity 2. 0 0 2 0 1 1 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 1 3 3 A= . Hint: 2 and 2 are eigenvalues. 2 2 0 2 0 4 6 8
23. Prove that if is an eigenvalue of A, then for every positive integer k, k is an eigenvalue of Ak . 24. Suppose that is a nonzero eigenvalue of A with corresponding eigenvector v. Prove that if A has an inverse, then 1/ is an eigenvalue of A1 with corresponding vector v.