Transmission Pricing: Ignacio@iit - Ipa@mit - Edu
Transmission Pricing: Ignacio@iit - Ipa@mit - Edu
Transmission Pricing: Ignacio@iit - Ipa@mit - Edu
Transmission Pricing
2.1 Introduction
The transmission grid has a major impact on the operation and investment decisions
in electric power systems. This impact is more noticeable when the electricity sector
is organized around a wholesale market, where the transmission network becomes
the meeting point of producers and consumers. The relevance of transmission is
presently increasing with the growing penetration of intermittent renewable energy
sources, frequently distant from the main load centres and significantly adding to the
variability of flow patterns.
This chapter examines the economic impact of the transmission network on its
users. This impact is twofold. On the one hand the network modifies the bulk prices of
electrical energy, due to the presence of network losses and congestions. On the other
hand, the costs of investment and operation of the transmission network have to be
allocated to its users, according to some reasonable criterion. In principle both impacts
should have a locational component. Injections or withdrawals of power in the grid
affect losses and constraints differently depending on the node where they occur.
Besides, the responsibility of network users in the reinforcements to the network
generally depends on the location of these generators and loads. Thus, the allocation
of the cost of the grid to its users should be guided by the location of the latter.
The chapter starts by discussing in Sect. 2.2 the effect of the transmission grid on
system operation costs: how network constraints modify the economic dispatch of
generation plants, and the costs of transmission losses. Section 2.3 presents the
concept of nodal prices (locational marginal prices) and how to compute them.
The main properties of nodal prices are explained in Sect. 2.4. Section 2.5 describes
how the impact of the transmission network on electricity energy prices is accounted
for in practice in different power systems. Finally, Sect. 2.6 examines the allocation
of the transmission network costs among the network users in the form of regulated
network tariffs Sect. 2.7 concludes.
Most of the energy losses in electric power grids are due to the resistance of conductors
to the circulation of electric current flows. These are known as ohmic losses. Other
losses are due to the corona effect whereby electrical discharges take place in the air
surrounding high voltage line conductors. Losses also occur within network devices
like transformers, reactors, capacitors. Due to existing losses, consumers receive
less energy than generators produce.
Transmission network losses result in additional system costs. More energy has to
be produced than is consumed, because part is lost while being transported. These costs
2 Transmission Pricing 51
correspond to additional production costs, i.e. they are not network costs per se, though
they are a consequence of the need to transport power over the transmission grid. The
cost of losses is affected by transmission expansion and operation decisions. It is
therefore advisable to set efficiency incentives encouraging the System Operator and
network users to reduce these costs.
Ohmic losses in a line are nearly proportional to the square of the power flow over
the line (more precisely, they are proportional to the square of the current in the
wires). This means that the increase in losses per unit increase in the system load
(marginal increase in losses) is approximately twice as large as the average amount
of losses per unit of load (total amount of losses/total system load). Consequently, the
marginal cost of transmission losses (transmission losses cost increase/increase in
system load) exceeds their average cost (total cost of losses/total system load).
The increase in transmission losses in the system due to a marginal increase in the
load at a certain node depends on the location of this node in the grid, since the
resulting changes in line flows depend on the latter as well. Therefore, transmission
losses create geographic differences in the marginal cost of supplying electric energy.
This implies that the marginal cost of meeting a marginal increase in demand can only
be correctly assessed if the exact node where demand is increased is specified. Other
factors contributing to these differences are described in the next subsection.
Due to transmission losses, some power plants may take precedence in the merit
order of the economic dispatch over other plants whose production costs are lower.
The merit order of power plants in the dispatch must be affected by the loss factor
corresponding to each plant according to its location in the grid.1
Networks restrict in many ways the power transactions that can take place in the
system. Most typically, transactions cannot result in a current intensity (roughly
proportional to the power flow, for a given voltage level) over any line that exceeds
the maximum one that can be handled by this line. The underlying reason to limit the
current intensity over a transmission line may be thermal and therefore dependent
upon the physical characteristics of the facility or related to the conditions of system
operation as a whole, like the provisions to guarantee an appropriate system dynamic
response to disturbances or to avoid stability related problems that usually increase
with the length of lines. Another typical grid constraint is the need to keep voltages
within certain limits at all nodes, which may call for having some generation unit
connected near the node experiencing problems. The maximum allowable short-
circuit power may also limit grid configuration. Generally speaking, the chief effect
of grid constraints is to condition system operation, leading to deviations from the most
The loss factor at a certain node represents the increase in transmission losses in the system
resulting from a unit increase in the power injected at this node. Loss factors depend on the existing
system operation conditions.
52 I.J. Perez-Arriaga et al.
efficient one from an economic point of view. Most common constraints in distribution
grids are related to voltage limits and maximum line capacities.
Just as in the case of network losses, the mere existence of the transmission
network adds to system costs by requiring the dispatch of more costly generation
units to surmount the physical limitations imposed by the grid. This does not imply
that network design or development is flawed, since network investments required to
ensure the total absence of constraints in the system would probably not be economi-
cally justified. Some network constraints may therefore be justified from an economic
point of view (provided that they do not systematically prevent the coverage of
The cost of grid constraints, like that of losses, corresponds to additional generation
costs that are associated with the characteristics of the network. Therefore, these costs
are not part of the cost of the network itself. Operation and expansion decisions
may affect the cost of grid constraints, which advises sending economic signals
encouraging parties in the system to reduce this cost.
Both losses and grid constraints result in changes in the economic dispatch.
The merit order of generation units depends not only on their production costs but
also on their location in the grid and their impact on losses and grid constraints.
The marginal cost of supplying load depends on the location in the grid of the former
and therefore, may vary from one node to another. Additional costs associated with
losses and constraints must be assigned to network users.
As explained below, nodal prices applied to the electric energy sold or purchased
are economic signals that efficiently internalize all the short-term effects of the
network on electricity supply costs. Due to their relevance, next Sects. 2.3 and 2.4
are devoted to discussing nodal prices and their properties.
Transmission networks have also an impact on the quality of the electricity supply
service. In countries where the electricity system is well developed, generation outages
or lack of total generation capacity are hardly ever responsible for electricity supply
interruptions. In a small percentage of cases, the origin of interruptions lies in joint
generation and transmission security failures (although the consequences of such
events are usually very severe, since they affect large areas in the system). Supply
disruptions are in fact practically always due to local distribution grid failures.
Distribution business regulation should strike a balance between the cost of developing
the grid and the resulting enhancement of end consumer quality of service. The effect
of the transmission grid on the quality of service is not so notorious and will not be
discussed further in this section.
2 Transmission Pricing 53
Losses and grid constraints result in differences in the local marginal value of energy
among transmission nodes.2 Locational energy prices affect the short and long term
efficiency of the functioning of the system by driving market agent decisions on how
much power to produce or consume at each time, as well as where to site the new
generation or load they plan to install, which may in turn affect the development of the
transmission network.
Short-term locational energy prices also vary over time. Separate prices are
computed for each hour in day-ahead markets and in some power systems they are
also computed as close as several minutes ahead of real time. Signals sent through
these prices are needed to achieve maximum system efficiency. They aim to ensure
that the generators with the lowest variable costs are the ones dispatched and demand
can respond to the actual costs of supplying energy at each location. Besides, these
signals also drive the expansion of the system, since expectations about future values
of energy prices at the different locations affect market agents long-term decisions on
the siting of new generation and demand facilities.
Nodal pricing represents the most sophisticated and efficient expression of locational
energy prices. The marginal cost of electricity in a system corresponds to the extra cost
incurred to serve a differential increase in the system load. It can be demonstrated that
pricing the electricity produced or consumed in each node at the local marginal cost
leads generators and loads in the system to make efficient operation decisions.
As a result of the existence of the grid, the marginal cost of electricity varies from
one node to another. The nodal electricity price, also called locational marginal
electricity price, in each node k is the short term cost of supplying most economically
a marginal increase in demand in this node while complying with grid constraints.
Nodal energy prices can be computed both for active and reactive power, as discussed
in (Schweppe et al. 1988). However, nodal prices of reactive power have not been used
in any real life system.3
When taking into account the actual features of electricity systems, which obvi-
ously must include the transmission network, any computed marginal system costs
must be node specific. The uniform marginal system cost considered in several
electricity markets results from disregarding the effect of the transmission network
on the generation economic dispatch. Both short and long term marginal costs can be
Nodal prices are also called locational marginal prices. In the pioneering work on this subject, see
(Schweppe et al. 1988), the most general term spot prices is used.
In some systems, like UK, energy and capacity payments associated to the production of reactive
power have been paid to agents located in specific areas of the system where voltage problems may
occur. However, no systematic nodal or zonal reactive power pricing scheme has been applied.
54 I.J. Perez-Arriaga et al.
computed at system level and for each node. Long term marginal costs consider the
option to marginally increase transmission or generation capacity to meet an increment
of the load at a certain node.
Nodal prices can be readily obtained as by-products of the models widely available
to compute the economic dispatch in the short-term taking into account the trans-
mission grid. Models used may be as complex as needed. Using a very simple
model, we aim to illustrate the process of computation of nodal energy prices within
a centralized economic dispatch where network effects are considered.
In model (2.1) of the system economic dispatch, we make use of linear equations
representing the flow of power over the grid according to Kirchhoff laws4 (DC
model). For the sake of simplicity, ohmic losses in each line have been represented
as a function of the flow over this line and assigned to the extreme nodes of the line,
thus being equivalent to an extra demand in each of the two nodes (half of the losses
would be assigned to each node). For other representations of line losses, see, for
instance, (Rivier et al. 1990). Besides, in order to make the formulation simpler, the
only grid constraints considered are maximum line capacities.
max i
fBi di Ci gi g
di gi m
tim fim Li;m fim ; Rim 0 8i pi
yi ym
tim fim 8i; m xim
yref 0
gi gi 8i bi
di di 8i ai
Kirchhoff laws are two. First one states that at each node, power injections must equal power
withdrawals. Second one states that, when flowing among two nodes, power is split among the
different parallel paths between these nodes in inverse proportion to the electrical distances along
these paths.
2 Transmission Pricing 55
rk pk (2.2)
di gi Ld; g 0 g
PTDFi;l gi di fl 8l xl
fl fl 8l ml (2.3)
gi gl 8i bi
di dl 8i ai
Strictly speaking, the nodal price expression will be rk pk ak, although ak will be non-zero
only at those nodes where all the demand is fully unserved.
56 I.J. Perez-Arriaga et al.
Most symbols in model (2.3) have already been used in this section. New ones are
described next. Ld; g represents transmission losses in the system expressed as a
function of power injections and withdrawals; PTDFi;l , is the Power Transfer Distri-
bution Factor of the flow over linel with respect to the power injection at nodei, i.e. it is
the sensitivity of the flow over this line with respect to the power injected at this node;
fl is the flow over line l and fl represents the maximum amount of power allowed over
linelin the direction in which the flow actually goes in the scenario considered. Finally,
when used as an index, l refers to the set of lines in the system.
Nodal energy prices can be computed from the solution of the economic dispatch
in (2.3) as a linear combination of several of the dual variables of constraints in this
dL X
rk g k g g ml PTDFk;l (2.4)
ddk l
where dddL
is the loss factor corresponding to node k; and k is a variable representing
the difference between the energy system price and the nodal price at each node.
Then, generally speaking, this variable should be different from zero for all nodes but
that taken as a reference for computing the system price. It reflects the impact of the
grid on the value of energy at each node and depends on the reference node chosen.
The formulation of the optimization problem in (2.3) should depend on the
identity of the node chosen as a reference nodes. The derivative of the systems
losses with respect to demand at node k and PTDFs depend on the choice of
reference node. The amount of power being dispatched at each node; the overall
value of accepted bids; and nodal prices are not affected by the choice of the
reference node but dual variable g is. Therefore, (2.4) should instead read as in (2.5).
rk gs k;s gs gs LFk;s ml PTDFk;l;s rs 1 LFk;s
X l
ml PTDFk;l;s 2:5
Nodal electricity prices consider the impact of the transmission network on the
short term marginal value of energy both from a technical and an economic point of
view. The level of these prices depends, at any time and node of the network, on
system operation conditions including the following: set of available generation and
transmission facilities and their technical features (capacities, line impedances);
load level at each node; and variable costs of generators. Amongst nodal electricity
prices main properties, there are their ability to send efficient short term signals; the
efficient allocation among parties of the cost of losses and network constraints; their
2 Transmission Pricing 57
ability to recover only part of the cost of the grid; and the option to decompose them
into a system (or energy) a loss and a congestion part. The remainder of this
subsection discusses these properties in detail.
It can be easily demonstrated that nodal prices are optimal short term economic
signals that internalise all the grid effects in a single value the price to buy or sell
energy in /$/ per kWh separately computed for each node. In other words, when
the energy produced or consumed at a certain node i is priced at the corresponding
nodal price pi , market agents located at this node are encouraged to behave most
efficiently in order to maximize the social benefit of the system. The proof of this
statement can be found in (Schweppe et al. 1988).
Consumers decisions will only be optimal if they exhibit some elasticity to the price
of energy (the larger the amount of power purchased, the smaller value they place on,
or the price they are willing to pay for, an extra unit of power). However, most
consumers do not decide how much power to purchase at any given moment in time
based on the price they will have to pay for it. Hence, the amount of power retrieved by
consumers at the majority of nodes can be considered to be an input to the dispatch
problem where prices are determined. Unless the dispatcher has access to the true
utility function of consumers ( Bi for consumer at node i ), nodal prices will not
maximize social welfare in the short term.
Besides, achieving an optimal operation of the system requires bids from
generators corresponding to their true production cost function (we have worked
under the hypothesis that the cost function Ci gi used in the dispatch and the agent
problems is the same). However, generators may bid strategically deviating from
their true cost function since, in reality, some degree of market power always exists.
Nodal prices result in those network users located in areas where the power they
produce or consume cause significant losses or network congestion facing less
favorable prices (higher for consumers, lower for producers) than those network
users that, due to their location in the grid, contribute to reducing network losses or
alleviate congestion in the grid. Therefore, besides producing optimal short-term
signals, nodal prices are locational signals encouraging agents to install new load or
generation in places where the resulting ohmic losses and network congestion are
as small as possible.
Note however that, while nodal prices send economic signals in the direction of
reducing losses and congestion costs, they are not assigning to agents the social cost
58 I.J. Perez-Arriaga et al.
of losses and network congestion. This is remarkably clear for losses, since, due to
the fact that losses increase with the square of power flows, nodal price differences
due to losses result in larger net revenues for the system than the cost of system
The application of nodal prices to the power injected and withdrawn in each node
gives rise to a net revenue NRt at each time t, whose expression is provided in (2.6).
The overall net revenue for the whole system over a certain period of time, normally
a year, is widely known as the Variable Transmission Revenues (VTR) of the
system, whose mathematical expression is provided in (2.7):
NRt n
pn;t dn;t pn;t gn;t (2.6)
NRt (2.7)
where n represents the set of nodes in the system and t the time.
As shown in (Olmos 2006), VTR can also be computed line by line according to
(2.8). Each line l between nodes in and out, where power flows from node in to node
out, can be considered an arbitrageur buying energy Pl;in;t injected in the line at node
in and time t and selling energy Pl;out;t retrieved from the line at node out and the
same time. Given that the amounts of power injected into and withdrawn from line l
differ by the amount of ohmic losses in this line, and nodal prices at time t at both
line nodes pin,t and pout,t also differ, the commercial exploitation of line l will result
in a net revenue at time t represented in (2.8) by NRl;t .6
VTR l;t
NRl;t t l
pout;t Pl;out;t pin;t Pl;in;t (2.8)
Variable Transmission Revenues computed according to (2.7) and (2.8) are the
same. These revenues are associated with differences among nodal prices and powers
injected into and withdrawn from the grid due to transmission losses and congestion.
Network revenues associated with congestion are also known as congestion rents.
Exceptionally, network revenues may be negative when line losses are very large due to
corona discharge. Note that network revenue is the profit that the transmission network would earn
if energy were purchased from generators at their nodal price and sold to consumers at theirs.
However, the transmission network should not be allowed to conduct free market transactions, but
must rather be treated like a regulated monopoly with pre-established remuneration. Exceptions,
namely merchant lines, may be justified for individual lines under special circumstances.
2 Transmission Pricing 59
VTR critically depend on the level of development of the grid. Overdeveloped grids
will result in small losses and congestion, thus leading to small differences among
nodal prices. These, in turn, will result in small VTR. On the other hand, underdevel-
oped grids will result in large differences among nodal prices probably leading to large
VTR (although losses will probably be large as well).
Perez-Arriaga et al. (1995) demonstrate that, under ideal conditions affecting the
planning of the grid, VTR in an optimally developed network would amount to exactly
100 % of the network investment costs. Ideal conditions affecting the development of
the network to be met for network variable revenues to amount to 100 % of the network
costs are investigated in Rubio and Perez-Arriaga (2000), and mainly include the
Static and dynamic network expansion plans are the same and planning errors do
not occur.
Investments in transmission are continuous.
Economies of scale do not exist in the transmission activity.
Reliability constraints considered in system development planning are also
considered in system operation.
In real life systems, VTR fall short of total transmission costs. The former only
manage to recover about 20 % of the costs of the grid, according to estimates in
Perez-Arriaga et al. 1995. Main reasons for revenues from the application of nodal
prices being so low are briefly discussed next.
First, economies of scale and the discrete nature of network investments result in
an overdevelopment of networks in practice (see Dismukes et al. 1998). In effect,
building lines with a large capacity is generally preferable over building a larger
number of small lines even when the former are not going to be fully used during
the first years of their economic life. As we have just explained, overinvesting in the
development of the grid results in small nodal price differences and a small VTR.
Second, certain reliability constraints and a wide range of scenarios shall be
considered when planning the expansion of the grid, This is due to the fact that there
is a high level of uncertainty about the operation conditions that may occur in the
system throughout the economic life of investments being decided. However, some of
these restrictions and all these scenarios but one will not be considered when comput-
ing the operation of the system. Due to the fact that the set of constraints considered
when computing the expansion of the system tends to be larger than that considered for
operation planning, long term nodal prices computed assuming grid investments are
continuous would also differ substantially from short term nodal prices. Specifically,
differences among long term nodal prices, and therefore also revenues from their
application (which should amount to the exact cost of the grid assuming continuous
investments), would be much larger than those computed for short term prices.
Therefore, even if (short term) nodal prices are applied, revenues from their
application will not suffice to recover the cost of the grid. Additional transmission
charges will need to be levied on network users to complete the recovery of this
cost. This is discussed in Sect. 2.6.
60 I.J. Perez-Arriaga et al.
Given that Financial Transmission Rights entitle owners to receive the difference
between the energy prices at the nodes that these rights refer to, the aggregate value for
market agents of all the simultaneously feasible transmission rights (defined as
obligations) that can be issued in the system would equal the expected overall net
revenues from the application of energy prices. Due to the fact that, as just mentioned,
these revenues tend to be much smaller than the total cost of an optimally developed
transmission grid, it is highly unlikely that the financing of investments in the
transmission grid through the issuance of FTRs would result in an appropriate devel-
opment of the grid. Most of the required reinforcements could not be financed through
this scheme.
Authorities must bear in mind that revenues of transmission companies or the
System Operator should generally not depend on revenues resulting from the appli-
cation of nodal prices. Otherwise, they will have a perverse incentive not to invest in
the further development and maintenance of the grid so as to increase nodal price
differences and therefore their revenues. Revenues of transmission service providers
should generally be regulated (not dependent on nodal price revenues), though VTR
should probably be devoted to finance part of the payments to these companies.
As already pointed out when discussing the computation of nodal prices in Sect. 2.3.2,
the nodal energy price in each node can be decomposed into three components: one
associated with the marginal cost of producing electricity in the system; another one
associated with the effect that increasing the demand in this node has on ohmic losses
and the marginal cost of electricity; and a third one related to the effect of marginally
increasing the demand in the node on transmission constraints and the cost of these
constraints. The decomposition of nodal electricity prices is investigated by Rivier and
Perez-Arriaga (1993), where the mathematical expression of the nodal price in node k
provided in (2.9) is derived.
rk gs Zk;s gs gs LFk;s j
mj NCj;ks (2.9)
where, gs can be deemed the cost of producing electricity in the system, which is
common to all nodes whose prices are to be computed; and Zk;s is the part that can be
deemed specific to each node k, which comprises the cost of losses caused by an
increase in the node Pdemand, gs LFk;s , and the cost of restrictions affected by this
demand increase, j mj NCj;ks . LFk;s is the loss factor of node k; mj is the cost of
each restriction j; and NCj;ks is the impact of an increase in demand in node k on the
system variable constrained in restriction j. LFk;s and NCj;ks are therefore sensitivity
factors measuring changes of losses and any constrained parameter of the system,
respectively, for an increase in demand at node k.
2 Transmission Pricing 61
However, defining a one-to-one relationship between each nodal price r and its
energy, losses and constraint components is not possible. As highlighted in (2.9),
components of the price at a node k must be defined taking as a reference the nodal
price at another node s, which we shall call reference node from now on. Thus, the
energy component of price rk , gs , corresponds to the nodal price at node s; the losses
component is defined in terms of LFk;s , which is the loss factor at node k taking
as a reference node s, meaning the increase in the ohmic losses in the system resulting
from an increase in power injected in node s to supply a marginal increase in electri-
city demand in node k; finally, the constraint component of price rk is defined
in terms of the impact NCj;ks on the system variable constrained by grid constrain j
of an increase in power injected in node s to supply a marginal increase in electricity
demand in node k. Changing node s taken as a reference for the computation of nodal
price rk would result in a change of the value of its energy, losses and constraint
components, while the nodal price itself would not change.
The reference node s may be chosen to be the one(-s) where the marginal
generator(-s) in the system economic dispatch is(are) connected. Then, the energy
component of the nodal price at node k would refer to the cost of producing electricity
with the most efficient generation unit(-s) available, while the losses and constraint
components would correspond to the cost for the system of transporting electricity
produced by the marginal generator(-s) in the dispatch to node k. This, in any case,
must be deemed an arbitrary decomposition of nodal price rk , since the system
marginal generator may change depending on the set of active constraints and existing
losses, and therefore the production cost of this generator cannot be deemed indepen-
dent of constraints and losses in the system. Therefore, decomposing nodal prices into
its energy, losses and constraint components may have practical applications but one
should be aware of the limitations of such a composition.
An interesting corollary of the decomposition of nodal prices just discussed is
the existing relationship between the prices in any two nodes k1 and k2 in the
system, which is provided in (2.10).
rk1 rk2 1 LFk1;k2 j
mj NCj;k1;k2 (2.10)
Equation (2.10) results from deriving the expression of nodal price rk1 according to
(2.9) when taking node k2 as the reference one. Rivier and Perez-Arriaga (1993),
discuss other less-relevant properties of nodal prices. Other algorithms have been
proposed more recently to overcome the dependence of the decomposition of prices on
the reference bus chosen (see Cheng and Overbye 2006). This and other research
works try to get around this challenge by imposing constraints on the decomposition
problem that determine the identity of the reference bus.
62 I.J. Perez-Arriaga et al.
Factor PTDFk;l refers to the sensitivity with respect to the power injection in node k
of a specific type of constrained variable: the flow over line l .7 Sensitivity factors
of line flows are commonly used in regulatory approaches normally related to the
allocation of the costs of transmission lines. Factor PTDFk;l;s is commonly claimed to
represent the marginal use of line l by agents located in node k.
As already mentioned, the value of PTDFs depends on the reference node
considered when computing them. Then, the sensitivity of the flow in line l with
respect to the power injection in node k must be denoted PTDFk;l;s , thus refering
to the specific node s where an increase in the power withdrawn balances the afore-
mentioned increase in the power injected in node k (neglecting losses, the extra
power withdrawn in node s must be the same as that injected in node k8).
Given the role that PTDFs have in the allocation of the cost of transmission lines
according to some of the methods proposed for this (namely the so-called Marginal
Participations method), discussing the effect of the selection of the reference node on
the value of these factors is relevant. If losses are neglected and line flows are assumed
to be a linear function of power injections and withdrawals, applying the superposition
principle it can be easily proved that the PTDFs of line l with respect to the power
injected at node k computed using reference nodes s1 and s2 are related by the
expression in (2.11).
Note that PTDFs1;l;s2 does not depend on the reference node chosen. This involves
that changing the slack node results in a uniform increase (either positive or negative)
of the sensitivities of the flow in each line with respect to the power injected in all nodes
of the system. Therefore, absolute differences among the sensitivities of the flow in a
line with respect to power injections in different nodes of the system do not depend on
the reference node used to compute these sensitivities.
Power Transfer Distribution Factors are normally defined as the sensitivities of flows with respect to
power injections, while sensitivity factors of constrained variables in general, NC, are normally
defined with respect to power withdrawals. Therefore, changing the sign of factors NC corresponding
to line flows is necessary to compute PTDFs. Besides, it must be noted that PTDFs are defined by some
authors as the sensitivity of line flows with respect to point to point transactions rather than power
injections. Thus, for example, authors in Galiana et al. (2003) compute the sensitivity of line flows
with respect to equivalent bilateral power exchanges (whereby each demand is assigned a fraction of
each generation and each generator is assigned a fraction of each demand in a uniform manner) to
allocate the cost of these lines to their users.
If losses are considered, the amount of power withdrawn in the reference node should not be 1 MW
(a unit increase) but an amount slightly larger or smaller depending on the effect on transmission
losses in the system of the considered power transaction between node k and reference node s.
2 Transmission Pricing 63
Then, if part of the cost of transmission lines is allocated to agents according to the
sensitivities of the flows in the former with respect to power injections by the latter,
differences among the transmission charges to be paid by different agents would not
depend on the reference node chosen to compute line flow sensitivities. However, this
does not mean that charges computed using any reference node make engineering and
economic sense. As explained in Olmos and Perez-Arriaga (2009), only those cost
allocation methods whose underlying principles are sound can be deemed to produce
sound transmission charges.
If transmission losses are taken into account, the choice of the reference node has
a small, albeit nonzero, influence on differences among the sensitivities of a line
flow with respect to power injections in different nodes, as shown in (2.12) and
(2.13), which have been derived from the discussion on the subject in Rivier and
Perez-Arriaga (1993):
Differences among line flow sensitivities with respect to different injection nodes
are dependent on the choice of the reference node because the change in the sensitivity
factor for a certain injection node resulting from a change of the reference node is a
function of the loss factor of this injection node. However, differences among loss
factors computed for different injection nodes are likely to be very small. Hence,
generally speaking, differences among line flow sensitivity factors can be deemed
slack node independent.
The management and pricing of the effect that the transmission network has on the
energy dispatch is one of the areas where the power system academic community has
been more prolific recently (see Chao and Peck 1996; Stoft 1998; Ruff 1999; Chao and
Peck 2000; Tabors and Caramanis 2000; Boucher and Smeers 2001; ETSO 2001;
Henney 2002; Hogan 2002; ONeill et al. 2002; ETSO 2004; ETSO/EuroPEX 2004 as
a sample of relevant works on the subject). The choice of the transmission pricing
scheme to be applied should condition the definition of Financial Transmission Rights,
as we shall explain below for each of the main types of schemes. Any transmission
pricing scheme to be implemented must comply with sound engineering and
economic principles but it must also be politically acceptable. This section describes
and critically analyses the most relevant options for the pricing of the effects of
transmission on power system dispatch. We discuss only market based methods, i.e.
those which aim to maximize the economic value of energy and transmission capacity
bids accepted.
64 I.J. Perez-Arriaga et al.
Pricing schemes can be classified according to different criteria. Probably the two
most relevant ones are (1) the type of interface involved in these schemes between
energy and transmission pricing and (2) the level of locational differentiation (granu-
larity) in final energy prices that result from them. According to the first criterion,
pricing schemes can be classified into implicit schemes, where energy prices computed
include the effect of the transmission grid on the economic value of energy, and
explicit ones, where the effect of the network on the value of energy at each location
is priced separately from energy itself. According to the second criterion, one may
distinguish among nodal pricing, where a separate energy price is computed for each
transmission node; zonal pricing, whereby the system is divided into pricing areas and
a separate price is computed for each of them; and single pricing, where a single energy
price is applied at all nodes in the system.
We shall here review main pricing alternatives according to the location differ-
entiation in final energy prices they create. Within each main option corresponding
to a level of disaggregation of prices, a distinction may be made between implicit
and explicit schemes if appropriate.
By far, the most relevant scheme within this category is nodal energy pricing (also
called Locational Marginal Pricing), which produces a separate price for the energy
consumed and generated at each transmission grid node. Energy prices computed
through nodal pricing implicitly include the effect of grid losses and transmission
congestions, internalising both effects in a single value (/$/ per kWh) that varies at
each system node. Therefore, nodal pricing is an implicit transmission pricing scheme
that produces perfectly efficient signals for decisions concerning the (short-term)
economic operation of generation and demand, since nodal prices correctly convey
the economic impact of losses and constraints at the different producer and consumer
When focusing on the effect of grid congestion on the dispatch, nodal pricing may
be seen as the outcome of a joint competitive auction of energy and physical rights to
use the transmission capacity. ONeill et al. (2002), provide an example of imple-
mentation of a contingency constrained auction for both energy and transmission
rights where the authors consider both options and obligations. Auctions proposed in
ONeill et al. (2002), are different from other designs of implicit auctions in the sense
that authors propose using them both in the short and the long term.
The academic community has come up with several designs to run implicit auctions
in a decentralized manner. Thus, Aguado et al. (2004), decomposes the original
problem into several simpler ones. The optimal outcome at regional level is found
through an iterative process. The concept, properties and way to compute nodal energy
prices have already been extensively discussed in the preceding sections within this
Instead of integrating the effect of transmission on the energy dispatch, one may
think of separately pricing the effects that network congestion or losses should have on
2 Transmission Pricing 65
the final price of energy. However, if we are not able to define areas of uniform energy
prices, which result from the application of a zonal, instead of a nodal, pricing scheme,
separating the allocation of energy and capacity is not possible (or feasible from a
practical point of view). When zonal prices cannot be defined, any power transaction
significantly affects the flow through the congested lines and has to participate in the
transmission capacity allocation process. Then, the unconstrained energy dispatch
taking place after the allocation of transmission capacity (where limits to power flows
imposed by the network are not considered) has to replicate exactly the outcome of the
capacity allocation process (either the capacity auction or the outcome of the bilateral
trading process taking place among agents to buy and sell transmission capacity
However, the effect of transmission losses on efficient energy prices can effectively
be computed separately from the energy system price (the so called lambda in nodal
pricing nomenclature) through the application of loss factors. Therefore, there is no
need to forgo the short-term loss signals that contribute to the economically efficient
system operation. The losses attributable to each player, either computed as a marginal
or average value, can be applied in the form of corrective factors to determine the
prices to be paid or earned by this player or, rather preferably, the net amount of energy
produced or consumed by the former. This should lead players to internalise the losses
they are responsible for in their offers.
When energy prices differ by node, Financial Transmission Rights can be used to
hedge against possible financial losses from the volatility in the differences among
prices at two or more nodes (ETSO 2006). FTRs hedging a certain power transaction
may be issued by any party. However, leaving their issuance in the hands of the TSO
responsible for transmission among the nodes in the transaction would ensure revenue
adequacy (Hogan 1992). According to this criterion, the issuing party should in this
case be the corresponding national or State TSO for local transactions and the regional
TSO for cross-border transactions.
Examples of nodal pricing can be found in electricity markets in Chile, Argentina,
New Zealand and several Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in the USA,
such as the PJM system (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland), the Electric Reliability
Council of Texas (ERCOT) system, or the California system. Loss factors are used for
instance in the Irish Single Electricity Market.
Revenues from the application of nodal prices correspond to the economic value
produced by the transmission grid by transporting power from nodes where it has a
lower value (price) to those where its value is higher. Then, these revenues should be
devoted to pay the regulated revenues to be earned by grid owner(-s).
Zonal price differentiation schemes involve applying the same final energy price
within each of a set of areas while allowing price differences to take place among
these areas. Normally, under zonal price schemes, a single market price is applied to all
agents in the system unless significant network congestion occurs restricting the
66 I.J. Perez-Arriaga et al.
energy flows among pre-defined areas. In the latter case, prices differ among areas but
the same price is applied to all nodes within any of these areas. Therefore, zonal price
differences are normally caused by grid congestion, though a system of zonal loss
factors is applied in some systems.
Energy price differences among electrical zones can result from the application of
both implicit and explicit schemes. Zonal type implicit pricing schemes are normally
referred to as zonal pricing or market splitting. Explicit mechanisms normally take
the form of a coordinated auction of the capacity of the corridors linking price zones.
Zonal pricing normally involves the computation of a single, centralized, energy
dispatch in the whole national or regional system where network effects within each
uniform price area are neglected. It is therefore a simplification of nodal pricing.
Market splitting, which can be considered a particular case of zonal pricing, involves
the consideration of only one offer curve and one demand curve for the whole system
in a first step. If the resulting pattern of flows causes significant congestion on the
corridors linking the predefined areas, separate offer and demand curves are consid-
ered for each price area and, according to these curves, power is transacted among
areas so that existing congestion is solved. This implementation of market splitting
agrees with that of many others in the academic literature and the industry (see ETSO
1999; Newbery et al. 2003). Market splitting is applied within the Nordel region and in
Italy. Zonal pricing has been also used in California.
Alternatively, the network capacity of likely-to-be-congested corridors linking
uniform price areas may be explicitly allocated prior to running an only-energy market
within each area. Market agents must acquire the right to use the inter-area transmis-
sion capacity they need to carry out the commercial transactions they want to get
involved in, i.e. physical transmission rights over this capacity. Agents may buy this
capacity (the right to use it) in a centralized explicit auction where the right to use the
transmission network is allocated to those agents who value it most. Alternatively,
agents may negotiate bilaterally the acquisition of those rights previously issued by the
corresponding TSO.
Chao and Peck were the first ones to propose the utilization of rights over the
capacity of likely-to-be-congested flow-gates (corridors) (see Chao and Peck 1996),
where authors demonstrate that, under ideal conditions, this system would converge
towards efficient energy prices. Similarly, Oren and Ross 2002, propose in an auction
for flow-gate rights prior to the energy dispatch. Authors propose a system whereby
SOs responsible for the energy dispatch in the different control areas would coordinate
to manage the flow on the congested lines that is the responsibility of transactions
taking place within different areas. There are other works on the use of flow-gate rights
in combination with unconstrained energy markets (see Tabors and Caramanis 2000,
for an example).
Once transmission capacity rights have been assigned in one way or the other, the
energy auction takes place. Only those transactions that have acquired capacity rights
to access the congested transmission they use can participate in the energy market.
Auctioning transmission capacity at regional level requires some centralized coordi-
nation (see ETSO 2001). If flow patterns due to the different transactions were not
considered jointly they might result in unexpected violations of network constraints
2 Transmission Pricing 67
unless significant security margins were applied. But employing security margins
would most likely result in an underutilization of the transmission grid.
In those systems where explicit auctions are used, local authorities are in charge of
the dispatch of energy within their corresponding areas. Thus, areas or countries enjoy
a high level of independence. For this reason, capacity auctions have been widely
applied in real life power systems. Up till recently, this was the method used to manage
congestion on the borders between Austria and the Czech Republic, Belgium and
the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany or France and the United Kingdom, among
others (see Consentec/Frontier 2004).
The implementation of both zonal pricing schemes and mechanisms for the explicit
allocation of transmission capacity on congested corridors implies the definition of
internally well-meshed areas which can be considered as super nodes for congestion
management purposes. Nodal energy prices computed within any of these predefined
areas should be very similar if losses are ignored and serious congestion is limited to
the interconnections between areas. Then, these areas can be regarded as Single Price
Areas (SPAs) as far as congestion management is concerned (Christie and
Wangensteen 1998; Stoft 1998; Chao and Peck 2000).
Balanced transactions within a SPA should not significantly affect the flow over
inter-area links. In other words, any bilateral transaction within a SPA should not
create loop flows outside this area which may significantly contribute to congestions
inter Single Price Areas. The definition of Single Price Areas, whenever applicable, is
not a trivial matter without practical consequences, see (Boucher and Smeers 2001). In
zonal pricing schemes it will affect the validity of the energy dispatch and energy
prices computed. What is more, as explained when discussing nodal pricing schemes,
if we were not able to define SPAs, separating the allocation of energy and capacity,
and therefore applying explicit capacity pricing mechanisms, would not be possible.
Borders among Single Price Areas may probably not coincide with political ones.
Thus, assuming SPAs that are the same as existing control areas or countries may result
in an inefficient dispatch or, even worse, in one that is far from being feasible. Thus, the
plans to implement an implicit auction among Power Exchanges in Europe should be
reconsidered carefully (see ETSO/EuroPEX 2004).
Financial Transmission Rights to be defined in this case should refer to two or more
of the pricing zones whose definition has just been discussed, as price differences to
hedge within each of these zones would be zero.
Revenues from the application of pricing schemes with zonal differentiation should
be devoted to the coverage of network allowed regulated revenues, as with nodal
prices, since they are just a simplified version of the nodal pricing scheme.
one can check whether the pattern of commercial transactions violates any network
constraint. Only when a constraint is violated does the System Operator need to re-
dispatch some generation. Several implementations of re-dispatch are possible.
According to some of them, the cost of the re-dispatch carried out to solve any
violation of the network constraints should be minimum (see Rau 2000; Tao and
Gross 2002). In these cases, market-based mechanisms must be used to modify the
pattern of generation in the system. In other words, changes to the dispatch must be
based on the bids sent by market agents indicating how much they ask for in order to
change their market positions. Other re-dispatch algorithms aim to minimize the
number and size of the adjustments to the original dispatch (see Galiana and Ilic
1998; Alomoush and Shahidehpour 2000). Fang and David 1999, describe other
possible schemes.
Alomoush and Shahidehpour (2000) and Biskas and Bakirtzis (2002), are aimed at
re-dispatching generation and load in the context of regional markets. These
algorithms must achieve coordination among the different zones. Thus, Biskas and
Bakirtzis (2002), decomposes the original problem using Lagrangian relaxation
techniques. The coordination variables are the prices of the power exchanges between
Counter-trading is a specific implementation of the method of re-dispatch. In
counter-trading, the System Operator nominates pairs of generators that modify their
outputs to create a power flow that goes in the opposite direction to the one causing
network congestion in the unconstrained energy dispatch. Obviously, one could
generalize and say that re-dispatch is nothing but counter-trade, since any increase in
the output of a generator has to be matched by a corresponding and identical (except
for losses) reduction in the output of another generator.
Typically, the extra cost of re-dispatch or counter-trade is socialized to all
consumers thus leading to uniform energy prices in the whole system (single pricing).
In this case, any economic signals resulting from the management of congestion,
which could have been used to emulate nodal or zonal pricing, are lost. Conceptually
speaking, assigning the cost of re-dispatch to those market agents that create the
network constraint is possible. Economic signals would thus not be completely lost.
This is a technically complex task, nevertheless Rivier and Perez-Arriaga (1993), and
others. Tao and Gross (2002), allocate the cost of re-dispatch taking into account the
participations of agents (injections and withdrawals considered separately) in the flow
over the congested lines. In order to do this, they express the flow over the congested
lines as a function of power injections and withdrawals. Similarly, Baran et al. (2000),
determines the participation of each transaction in the flow over congested lines.
Afterwards, the total cost of re-dispatch is allocated among congested lines taking
into account both the marginal cost of the restriction on the flow through each
congested line and the incremental cost of the re-dispatch necessary to avoid violating
this restriction.
Experience with counter-trade in California shows that those schemes based on
re-dispatch may be subject to gaming by market agents who artificially create
congestion in the grid in order to be paid afterwards to remove it. In any case, nodal
pricing or implicit auctions seem to be superior to congestion management
2 Transmission Pricing 69
2.6.1 Fundamentals
users and result in some partial recovery of the total allowed revenues of the regulated
transmission company. As already explained, revenues from the application of nodal
prices comprise those obtained well ahead of real time through the sale of Financial
(or Physical) Transmission Rights over the capacity of likely to be congested corridors,
or hedging differences in prices among different nodes, and those obtained in the day-
ahead and real time markets through the application of these prices to power injections
and withdrawals. However, as Rubio and Perez-Arriaga (2000), show, the net revenue
resulting from the application of nodal prices amounts only to a small fraction of the
total regulated cost of the grid. Revenues resulting from the application of alternative
energy pricing schemes are expected to be lower. The fraction of regulated transmis-
sion revenues recovered from the application of energy prices is normally referred to as
Variable Transmission Revenues (VNR).
Therefore, completing the recovery of the cost of the grid requires applying
additional charges, normally called complementary charges, that relate to the fraction
of the grid cost not recovered through energy prices. Complementary charges should
also send economic signals to agents encouraging them to reduce the cost of expansion
of the grid. Therefore, these charges should encourage agents to install new generation
or load in those locations where reinforcements needed for the grid to cope with the
resulting incremental flows are least costly.
Additionally, complementary charges should be compatible with the application of
efficient short-term economic signals. Complementary charges refer to all transmis-
sion business costs associated with network infrastructure including investment costs
(asset depreciation as well as a return on net fixed assets), operation and maintenance
costs, and other administrative and corporate costs. On the other hand, line losses and
generation costs due to grid constraints, System Operator costs and those costs related
to the provision of Ancillary Services should be levied on system users through other
charges. Then, complementary charges are related to the allocation of long term costs
not to be affected by short-term decisions by agents (the cost of lines already existing
is not conditioned by how much power each generator or load is transacting at
each time). As a consequence of this, complementary charges should interfere as
little as possible with short-term economic signals, so as not to compromise the
efficiency of system operation.
Transmission charges can be divided into Connection charges and Use of the
System (UoS) charges. Connection charges are employed to allocate the cost of
transmission facilities directly connecting a network user, or group of users, to the
rest of the grid. UoS charges are related to the costs of the rest of transmission facilities.
Economic principles advocate allocating the cost of each transmission line according
to the responsibility of grid users on the construction of that line. Applying this
principle is easy when it is about allocating the cost of connection facilities: those
responsible for their construction are the users connecting through them to the rest of
the system. On the other hand, determining the responsibility of generators and loads in
the construction of the bulk of the transmission grid is much more difficult, especially
when the grid is meshed. The remainder of this section is devoted to the discussion of
the design of UoS charges. Both the allocation method employed to determine which
2 Transmission Pricing 71
fraction of the grid should be paid by each agent and the design of transmission charges
are discussed next.
Determining those generators and loads that were responsible for the construction of
some lines has proven to be a very difficult task. Then, it is most sensible to use some
proxy of cost causality, such as the level of network utilization of each line by each
agent, as the basic criterion for the allocation of the cost of this line. This involves
assuming that the responsibility of each agent in the construction of a line is propor-
tional to the amount of use of the line by the agent.
However, the cost of those expensive lines that only benefit a subset of network
users, in non-well-meshed networks, should be allocated according to the responsibil-
ity of network users in the construction of the former. The fraction of the cost of each
line that each network user is responsible for can be computed based on the a priori
estimation of the benefits produced by this line for this user.
Unfortunately, computing the electrical utilization of lines by agents is not a simple
task either, since there is no indisputable method to do it. Several methods to determine
the use of the network by agents have been proposed and applied, with results that vary
significantly from one another. It is important to keep in mind that the final objective is
not computing the use of the network by each agent, but determining the responsibility
of this agent in the construction of the line.
Transmission tariffs in most countries do not contain any locational signal. They
disregard the need to allocate efficiently line costs (see for instance ETSO 2008;
Lusztig et al. 2006). Regulators have settled for simple transmission charges that
socialize the cost of the network to its users. However, in our view, as time passes and
all kinds of new generation compete to enter into the system, sending clear locational
signals including transmission tariffs will become more relevant.
Whenever computing the benefits that network users obtain from transmission lines is
not possible, the responsibility of these users in network costs should be determined
taking as a reference the best estimate possible of their use of the grid. Olmos and
Perez-Arriaga (2007) point out that methods to be used to compute the use of the grid
by generators and loads shall be in agreement with the underlying technical and
economic principles of the functioning of power systems. Even when there is no
indisputable method to compute the utilization of lines by agents, some proposed in the
literature, like the method of Average Participations (AP) described first in Bialek
(1996) and Kirschen et al. (1997), or the Aumann-Shapley method, whose application
for the computation of transmission tariffs is analyzed in Junqueira et al. (2007),
seem to be sensible options.
72 I.J. Perez-Arriaga et al.
Most usage based network cost allocation methods providing sensible results (like
AP or Aumann-Shapley) aim at determining the average use of the grid by each
generator or load as if the latter had always been in place. However, the responsibility
of agents in network reinforcements is directly related to the incremental flows
produced by the decisions of these agents to install new generators or loads in specific
places. Hence, usage based cost allocation factors produced by methods like AP or
Aummann-Shapley should be modified to take account of the different possible
patterns of change of the flows in the system caused the installation of each generator
or load and the time when this generators or load and the lines in the system were built.
The application of these principles to the process of computation of transmission
charges is discussed in detail in Olmos and Perez-Arriaga (2009).
Olmos and Perez-Arriaga (2009) point out, the loading rate of each transmission
line and the desired split of total transmission costs between generation and load in the
system should also condition the level of transmission tariffs (complementary charges)
paid by each network user. The fraction of the total cost of a line to be allocated to
agents according to their responsibility in the construction of the line should probably
be limited to the ratio of the loading rate of the line to that of other similar lines in the
system. The remainder of the cost of this line should probably be socialized, since
current users of the grid cannot be deemed responsible for the construction of the
fraction of the capacity of a line that is expected not to be used until long time in the
future (for lines that are underutilized in the present).
As already mentioned, the split of total transmission charges between generation
and load should probably take place according to the total benefits that generation on
the one hand, and load, on the other, will obtain from the grid. However, given that
estimating these benefits may turn out to be very difficult in most cases, a 50/50 split of
costs between the two groups may be adopted unless system authorities have sound
arguments to set a lower limit to the overall fraction of costs to be paid by generators
(operation decisions by generators may be more sensitive to the level of transmission
charges than those by loads).
Designing transmission charges involves not only developing the methodology for
computing the responsibility of agents in the cost of the transmission grid, but also
providing adequate answers to many implementation issues. We now focus on the
most relevant aspects of the implementation of locational transmission grid charges
that are not directly related to the cost allocation algorithm applied. These include
computing the number of operation scenarios to be considered; defining the structure
of charges and their updating procedure; and deciding the way to deal with
grandfathering issues arising in the process of implementation of these charges.
As Olmos and Perez-Arriaga (2009) point out, tariffs should be published based on
the expected future operation of the system over a set of scenarios that are representa-
tive of the different set of situations that may exist in the future once the considered
generator or load has entered into operation. The relative weight given to each scenario
2 Transmission Pricing 73
in the computation of the allocation of the cost of a line should be in accordance with
the reasons justifying the construction of this line. The total cost of the line should be
apportioned into two parts: one representative of the weight that the reduction of
transmission losses had on the decision to build the line and another one representative
of the weight of the decrease in congestion costs. Then, the relative weight given to
each scenario in the process of allocation of the cost of the fraction of the line deemed
to be built to reduce losses should be proportional to the system losses in this scenario.
The relative weight given to each scenario in the process of allocation of the cost of the
fraction of the line attributable to the reduction of congestion costs should be propor-
tional to the level of congestion costs in this scenario, which, as a proxy, can be
deemed proportional to the load level.
As aforementioned, operation decisions by network users, which are short-term
decisions, should not be conditioned by the level of the transmission charge paid by
these agents to recover the total network costs, which should be a long term signal.
Short-term locational signals can be sent via nodal energy prices (locational marginal
prices, LMP in the US terminology). If transmission tariffs are applied in the form of
energy charges (/MWh), i.e. a charge that depends on the amount of energy produced
or consumed by the corresponding agent, network users will internalize these charges
in their energy bids to the Power Exchange or in their bilateral contracts, therefore
causing a distortion in the original market behaviour of these agents and the outcome
of the wholesale market. It is then concluded that the transmission charge should have
the format of a capacity charge (/MW. year) or of just an annual charge (/year). The
first option runs into the problem of applying the same charge to all generation units
with the same maximum capacity, which may have quite differing operation profiles.
(the same occurs with demands that have widely different utilization factors and the
same contracted capacity). The transmission charge should therefore be an annual
charge (/year) or a capacity charge computed separately for each type of generator or
demand in each type of area in the system (see Olmos and Perez-Arriaga 2009).
Olmos and Perez-Arriaga also argue that the transmission tariff to be applied to
each generator or load must be computed once and for all before its installation,
since the level of this tariff should be based on the expected incremental contribu-
tion of this generator or load to the use of the grid (this is the driver of transmission
investments). This means that the transmission charge to be paid by a network user
should not be modified after its installation. Otherwise, the locational signal sent
through this charge would be severely weakened.
Lastly, the process of implementation of new tariffs must be thought carefully.
In order to avoid making big changes to the level of tariffs paid by already existing
network users when introducing a new tariff scheme, the application of charges
computed according to the new scheme could be limited to new network users.
Alternatively, charges paid by already existing users could gradually evolve from
the old tariff regime to the new one. In any case, the difference between the total cost of
the grid and revenues from the application of tariffs should be socialized (preferably to
74 I.J. Perez-Arriaga et al.
2.7 Conclusions
Chapter 2 has analysed the effect that the grid should have on prices paid and earned by
network users. Prices set should send both efficient short term signals driving operation
decisions and long term ones driving the development of the system. Additionally,
prices should provide an adequate remuneration of the transmission service
guaranteeing its economic viability. Therefore, prices applied should be able to
recover 100% of the regulated cost of the grid. No single set of prices seems to be
able to meet all the aforementioned requirements, nor the sale of FTRs aimed at
hedging the corresponding energy price differences. Thus, at least two set of transmis-
sion related prices must be applied.
Energy prices are aimed at driving operation decisions. Nodal prices, also called
locational marginal prices, are deemed to be optimal energy prices because, assuming
perfect information and competition, they encourage market agents to make socially
optimal short-term decisions. Nodal prices internalize the effect of network losses and
congestion on operation costs. However, in many real life systems, differences among
nodal prices are small. Then, applying a single energy price (Single Pricing) or a
price common to all the nodes within each of a set areas (zonal pricing) is considered to
be preferable.
Net revenues resulting from the application of locationally differentiated energy
prices, or from the sale of FTRs corresponding to commercial power transactions
taking place, fall short of those needed to recover the whole cost of the grid. Then,
additional charges, normally called transmission charges, or complementary charges,
must be applied to complete the recovery of the grid cost. Complementary charges
applied should allocate the cost of lines to those network users responsible for their
construction. The electrical usage of lines by agents may be used as a proxy to network
cost causality. However, it is the incremental usage made of new lines by new agents
what determines the network reinforcements to be made. Therefore, network usage
factors produced by most network cost allocation methods are useless, while average
network usage factors produced by other methods like Average Participations or the
Aumann-Shapley method must be modified to reflect the incremental nature of flows
driving the development of the grid. Last but not least, in order for transmission
charges not to interfere with the short term decisions by network users (to be driven
by energy prices), they should be computed, once and for all, before the corresponding
generators or loads are installed, and should take into account the expected increase in
network flows that may result from the installation of the latter over all the set of
possible operation situations that may occur along the economic life of these
generators or loads. Besides, network tariffs should be applied as a fixed annual charge
or a capacity charge computed separately for each type of generator or demand in each
area in the system.
2 Transmission Pricing 75
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