Food Control: Cristina D. Cruz, Graham C. Fletcher
Food Control: Cristina D. Cruz, Graham C. Fletcher
Food Control: Cristina D. Cruz, Graham C. Fletcher
Food Control
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Article history: Listeria monocytogenes is the causative agent of listeriosis in humans. Its wide distribution in the envi-
Received 1 November 2011 ronment is one of the main reasons it is a source of food poisoning. L. monocytogenes also forms biolms,
Received in revised form making cleaning and sanitation difcult. Microtiter plate assays have previously been used to assess
9 January 2012
biolm formation of L. monocytogenes and to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of disinfectants in
Accepted 17 January 2012
suspension. In this study, we have used a microplate assay to evaluate the minimum sanitizer concen-
trations required for a 5 log10 CFU/ml decrease of L. monocytogenes cells in suspension and in biolm.
Twenty-one sanitizers were tested against 20 strains of L. monocytogenes. The results showed that all
Listeria monocytogenes
tested sanitizers achieved a 5-log10 reduction of viable cells in suspension at concentrations below the
Suspension manufacturers recommended concentrations, of a biguanide-based product. When tested against
Inactivation L. monocytogenes in biolm, only the peroxyacetic acid, chlorine dioxide and acidied sodium chorite-
Sanitizers based products gave a 5-log10 decrease, within or close to the manufacturers recommended concen-
trations. No relationship was observed between susceptibility to chemical sanitizers and other charac-
teristics of the isolates: pulsotypes, sources, biolm forming ability or persistence. This work suggests
that caution must be taken in selecting an appropriate sanitizer for use in food processing plants and an
effective cleansing programme is required to ensure thorough inactivation and removal of
L. monocytogenes in biolms.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Hellstrom, & Korkeala, 2003; Minei, Gomes, Ratti, DAngelis, & De
Martinis, 2008; Ryu & Beuchat, 2005; Surdeau, Laurent-Maquin,
Listeria monocytogenes is capable of attaching to inert surfaces Bouthors, & Gelle, 2006) and alternative removal strategies have
and subsequently forming biolms on food processing equipment been studied. Because of innate differences in antimicrobial
and environments (Autio et al., 1999; Norton et al., 2001; Rorvik, susceptibilities, and the altered physiological state of some cells in
Caugant, & Yndestad, 1995; Wong, 1998). Individual cells from the biolms, the effectiveness of industrial sanitizers may be affected. A
growing biolm may be released during production, colonizing safe and effective sanitization process should ensure an acceptable
new substrates or becoming a direct source of cross-contamination reduction in microbial levels without the presence of toxic
to nal products. residuals.
In the food industry, the use of sanitizers and cleaners has been Methods have been developed to evaluate the inactivation
incorporated into good manufacturing practices regimes to prevent efcacy of sanitizers against biolm bacteria using various
the accumulation of microbial cells and consequent biolm substrate materials such as stainless steel, rubber, and polystyrene
formation (Hood & Zottola, 1995; Zottola & Sasahara, 1994). coupons (Folsom, Siragusa, & Frank, 2006; Parkar, Flint, & Brooks,
However, various sanitizers extensively used by food processors 2004; Somers & Wong, 2004; Yang, Kendall, Medeiros, & Sofos,
may not be very effective against some bacterial biolms (Bagge- 2009). However, these methods are time-consuming and are
Ravn, Gardshodn, Gram, & Vogel, 2003; Lunden, Autio, Markkula, unlikely to produce biolms with consistent numbers of bacterial
cells for comparison. Moreover, these methods do not allow easy
testing of a variety of sanitizer products, a wide range of concen-
trations or different bacterial strains. A polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 64 9 926 3531; fax: 64 9 926 3570.
E-mail addresses: (C.D. Cruz), Graham.Fletcher@ microtiter plate assay has been used to evaluate the biolm (G.C. Fletcher). formation of L. monocytogenes and it was considered to be a rapid
0956-7135/$ e see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.D. Cruz, G.C. Fletcher / Food Control 26 (2012) 194e199 195
and simple method to screen for differences in biolm production 2.2. Sanitizers
between strains (Djordjevic, Wiedmann, & McLandsborough, 2002;
Gamble & Muriana, 2007; Harvey, Keenan, & Gilmour, 2007; Moltz Twenty-one sanitizers with six different active ingredients were
& Martin, 2005). Microplate-based assays have also been used to tested in this study based on their intended usage in food pro-
evaluate the antimicrobial activity of disinfectants in suspension cessing environments, differences in chemical composition and
(Anonymous, 1988; Bloomeld, Arthur, Looney, Begun, & Patel, commercial availability in New Zealand (Table 2). All sanitizers
1991). were kindly supplied by the manufacturers as concentrated liquids
The AOAC ofcial method proposed that, for a product to receive and kept at 4e6 C upon receipt. Sanitizers were diluted in reverse
the status of a sanitizer, it must meet the standard effectiveness of osmosis (RO) sterile water with 200 ppm added hardness (desig-
a 99.999% reduction in number of viable microorganisms within nated as 200 ppm hard water) containing MgCl2, CaCl2 and
30 s (AOAC, 2005). Although the minimum inhibitory concentration NaHCO3 according to AOAC protocol (2005) immediately before
(MIC) is widely used to determine the efcacy of a sanitizer against testing. Sanitizers were prepared in 2-fold dilutions in order to
a pathogen, the determination of the bactericidal effect at the obtain a range of six concentrations that included the maximum
manufacturers recommended concentration of a sanitizer is of concentration recommended by the manufacturer. Diluted sani-
practical interest to the food industry (Heir, Sundheim, & Holck, tizers were used within 15 min of preparation. Sanitizers contain-
1995). ing chlorine dioxide were prepared with a food grade acid provided
In this study, we developed a convenient microtiter plate assay by the respective company.
to assess the bactericidal effectiveness of different concentrations
of sanitizers that are commercially available in New Zealand against 2.3. Determination of the minimal effective concentration (MEC) of
L. monocytogenes cells both in suspension and in biolm. Results sanitizers on L. monocytogenes in suspension
were evaluated in comparison to the manufacturers recommended
concentrations. Relationship between susceptibility to the sani- L. monocytogenes strains were grown overnight at 37 C in TBSYE
tizers and L. monocytogenes strains other characteristics was also to achieve stationary phase with a nal concentration of ca. 2 107
assessed. colony forming units (CFU)/ml. Bacterial suspensions were centri-
fuged at 3200 g for 5 min and then cells were washed in sterile
200 ppm hard water, collected by centrifugation and resuspended
2. Materials and methods in a nal volume of 10 ml of sterile 200 ppm hard water.
An aliquot of the washed planktonic cell suspension (50 ml/well)
2.1. L. monocytogenes isolates was added to the 96-well plate, followed by 50 ml/well of diluted
sanitizers. Plates were lightly tapped three times on the sides to
Twenty L. monocytogenes strains were selected from culture mix the suspensions and then left for 5 min (contact time) at 25 C.
collections to represent a range of biolm intensities, pulsotypes After the contact time, 150 ml of a neutralizer solution containing 5%
and sources (Table 1). Frozen (85 C) stock cultures (Cruz & egg yolk emulsion (Difco), 1% sodium thiosulphate (AnalaR, BDH
Fletcher, 2011) were resuscitated in trypticase soy broth supple- Chemicals Ltd, Poole, England) and 0.5% Tween-80 (Spectrum,
mented with 0.6% yeast extract (TSBYE, Difco) and held on Gardena, CA) in TSBYE (AOAC, 2005) was applied to each well to
Columbia blood Agar (Difco) at 4 C until used in the experiments. neutralize the antimicrobial effect of the sanitizers and was mixed
Table 1
Characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes isolates.
Culture collectiona Strain code Serotype Source Pulsotypec Biolm forming abilityb
PFR 15A04 1/2a or 3a Environment 3814 (p)d 0.41
15A07 1/2a or 3a Environment 6502 (p) 0.53
15B06 1/2a or 3a Environment 6502 (p) 0.52
15C02 1/2a or 3a Environment 5132 (p) 0.95
15D01 1/2a or 3a Environment 5132 (p) 0.94
15D10 1/2a or 3a Environment 5132 (p) 0.90
16A01 1/2a or 3a Seafood 3860 0.50
16G02 1/2a or 3a Environment 5132 (p) 0.56
16H02 1/2a or 3a Environment 0101 0.33
16H04 1/2a or 3a Environment 3814 (p) 0.39
16J10 1/2a or 3a Environment 5132 (p) 0.31
17A02 1/2a or 3a Environment 7002 0.87
18C09 1/2b or 3b or 7 Seafood 4048 0.64
18D05 1/2b or 3b or 7 Environment 3527 0.61
NZRCC LM01-07 1/2a or 3a Human 5132 (p) 1.21
LM00-75 1/2a or 3a Human 0203 0.97
CPH0413645 1/2a or 3a Food 0101 1.43
LM04-12 1/2a or 3a Human 3846 1.26
FSA 2655 1/2b or 3b or 7 Food 9006 1.03
ILSINA FSL J2-064 1/2b or 3b or 7 Animal 9937 1.05
PFR The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited (Cruz & Fletcher, 2011), NZRCC New Zealand Reference Culture Collection of Listeria strains,
FSA Food Science Australia (Hayman, Baxter, ORiordan, & Stewart, 2004), ILSINA International Life Sciences Institute North America (Fugett, Fortes, Nnoka, & Wiedmann,
As previously dened and used (Cruz & Fletcher, 2011).
BFA: biolm Forming Ability values are based on Crystal violet staining measured at OD595nm (low 0.0e0.7; intermediate 0.7e1.1 and high >1.1 biolm formers)
(Cruz & Fletcher, 2011).
(p): persistent pulsotypes recovered from premises over 6 months.
196 C.D. Cruz, G.C. Fletcher / Food Control 26 (2012) 194e199
Table 2
Commercial sanitizers tested in this study.
with light tapping. The control wells contained only 200 ppm hard calculated from the combined measurements and analysed using
water and the bacterial suspension for each strain. The number of analysis of variance (ANOVA). Signicance differences (p < 0.05)
viable cells in the suspension was enumerated by 10-fold serially were analysed by Tukeys HSD test.
diluting in 0.85% saline solution and using the drop plate counting
method (5 25 ml) on TSAYE agar plates. The plates were incubated 3. Results and discussion
at 35 C overnight. The most diluted suspension of the tested
sanitizers to show a viable bacterial reduction of 5-log10 CFU/ml The microplate assay method was found to be a convenient,
was considered as the minimal effective concentration (MEC). simple, and reproducible method that can be used to compare the
bactericidal efcacies of multiple sanitizers at multiple concentra-
2.4. Determination of minimal effective concentration (MEC) of tions and against multiple isolates whether in suspension or in
sanitizers on L. monocytogenes in biolm biolm.
The overall variation of the chemical concentrations to achieve
The microtiter plate assay described by Djordjevic et al. (2002) a 99.999% reduction (MEC) of L. monocytogenes cells in suspension
was used to form a 2-day mono-cultural biolm of L. mono- is shown in Table 3.
cytogenes (Cruz & Fletcher, 2011). Sanitizers were 2-fold diluted in For Listeria cells in suspension, lower concentrations of most
200 ppm hard water, as previously described, but at 10-fold higher commercial sanitizers were needed to achieve a 5-log10 decrease of
concentrations. Diluted sanitizers (50 ml/well) were added to wells initial inoculum (MEC) than the manufacturers recommended
containing the freshly grown and washed bacterial biolm. The concentration (MRC). With the exception of the poly biguanide
plate was lightly tapped three times on the side to facilitate even hydrochloride-based sanitizer, equivalent kill rates were achieved
distribution of the sanitizer solution. The biolms were incubated for all products at both half and the full recommended use
with sanitizer for 5 min at 25 C. The control wells contained only concentrations. POAA and QAC-based products had the lowest MEC
200 ppm hard water and the bacterial biolm for each strain. At the in comparison to their respective MRC. The MEC of acidied sodium
end of incubation, 200 ml of neutralization solution was added to
each well to quench the antimicrobial activity of the sanitizer. The
Table 3
bacterial cells in the biolm were scrapped from the plates using
Mean minimal effective concentrations (MEC) and manufacturers maximum rec-
a sterile cotton wool swab (Nanjing Foreign Economic & trade ommended concentrations (MRC) of different sanitizers chemical group for Listeria
Development CO., Ltd, China) in circular movements (alternatively monocytogenes cells in suspension and in biolm.
clockwise and anti-clockwise) 10 times to detach them from the
Chemical group MECa (mg/ml) MRCb (mg/ml)
bottom of the wells. Detached bacterial cells were separated from (or type of sanitizer)
the swab by rotating the shaft of the swab between palms of hands Suspension Biolm
six times in either direction within the wells. The viable cells were Meanc SEM Meanc SEM
enumerated following the drop plate counting method. To allow Acidied sodium chlorite 121a 31.1 242a 31.2 1000
comparison, the results were calculated as cell mortality in Biguanide 241b 16.1 812b 105 300
Chlorine 28c 5.40 3,600c 208 200
comparison with their own control biolm for each independent
Chlorine dioxide 83a 5.90 111d 8.28 500
experiment/replicate. Iodine 15d 0.82 468e 34.9 50
Peroxyacetic acid 39c 5.29 172f 11.1 500
Quaternary ammonium 66e 5.03 2,023g 98.7 1000
2.5. Statistical analysis
Duplicate replicates were performed in each of two indepen- Minimum Effective Concentration to achieve a 5-log10 CFU/ml in viable cells.
Manufacturers Recommended Concentration (maximum value stated for the
dent experiments for each sanitizerestrain combination (420 group based on the active ingredient concentration).
combinations). The viable cell count data were log-transformed to c
Means with the same letter in same column are not signicantly different
stabilise variance and the standard error of the mean was (p > 0.05).
C.D. Cruz, G.C. Fletcher / Food Control 26 (2012) 194e199 197
chlorite (ASC) was similar to chlorine dioxide (p > 0.05) and that of biolm formation ability of the isolates (Aase et al., 2000;
chlorine was similar to POAA (p > 0.05) formulations (Table 3). Mereghetti et al., 2000; Pan et al., 2006). The test conditions chosen
When bacterial cells were cultivated as a simple 48-h biolm on in this study provided challenging conditions for QAC-based sani-
polyvinyl surfaces, the MEC of the commercial sanitizers increased tizers with water hardness >100 ppm known to adversely affect
measurably compared with those in suspension, independent of QAC performance (Mafu & Roy, 2001). According to manufacturers
the active antimicrobial agent(s) present in the formulation information sheets, all tested QAC products contained benzalko-
(p > 0.05). Only the ASC, peroxyacetic acid (POAA) and chlorine nium chloride as the main active ingredient, with the exception of
dioxide products had average MEC values below or at the MRC, for Freedom, which was described as a blend of QACs.
the inactivation of cells in the Listeria biolm (Table 3). Our results suggest that three classes of antimicrobial agents:
The antimicrobial activity of the halogen-based sanitizers was acidied sodium chlorite, POAA (including combination peroxy-
most adversely affected by the biolm (chlorine MEC > 18 times the acetic and peroxyoctanoic mixtures) and chlorine dioxide, reliably
highest MRC; iodine MEC > 10 times the highest MRC). The anti- achieved a 5-log reduction against Listeria biolm cells within or
microbial activity of quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) was close to their MRC. However, it should be noted that the biolms
also markedly reduced against the Listeria biolm, with MEC values used in this study were simple mono-specic biolms formed
at least 2 times higher than the MRC (Table 3). The differences under static high nutrient conditions. Biolms that form in nature
between measured average MEC values for Listeria cells in are typically formed under more dynamic conditions of changing
suspension and the measured average MEC values for cells in the (typically lower) nutrient loads and ows and typically consist of
biolm were even larger; chlorine had an MEC about 120 times a variety of bacterial species, which may make them more resistant
greater for Listeria in biolm and QAC and iodine compounds more to sanitizers (Bremer, Monk, & Osborne, 2001; Mai & Conner, 2007;
than 30 times (Table 3). van der Veen & Abee, 2011; van der Veen et al., 2010).
Clearly, the efcacy of the commercial sanitizers tested in this Berrang et al. (2008) have also shown the relative effectiveness
study was markedly affected by whether the bacterial cells were in of POAA-based products on Listeria biolms within polyvinyl drain
suspension or in a biolm. Planktonic cells of L. monocytogenes pipes, in comparison to QAC- and chlorine-based products. The
were found to be sensitive to most commercial sanitizers, when efcacy of peroxyacetic-based products against biolms is
evaluated at the MRC for an exposure time of 5 min. These results proposed to be a function of several factors: the ability of the small
were not unexpected, as previous reports have shown that Listeria molecule to penetrate the biolm extracellular polymeric
in suspension culture is not particularly difcult to destroy with substance (EPS) matrix, the mode of action of the antimicrobial, and
sanitizers (Wirtanen, Salo, Allison, Mattila-Sandholm, & Gilbert, its tolerance to moderate levels of organic matter (Burnett, Cords,
1998). However, four classes of sanitizers tested in this study could Finley, Magnuson, & Hilgren, 2005). Peroxide-based compounds
not achieve a 5-log10 kill of L. monocytogenes cells present as have also been reported to be effective for the removal of bacterial
a simple biolm when tested at their MRC. Chlorine, iodine, biolms and are still widely used in the food industry (Fatemi &
biguanide and most QAC-based products required higher concen- Frank, 1999; Ibusquiza et al., 2011; Pan et al., 2006; Stopforth,
trations than the manufacturers recommended concentrations to Samelis, Sofos, Kendall, & Smith, 2002).
be used as a biolm control agent. Previous studies have demon- Chlorine dioxide has received similar focus as POAA for control
strated that bacteria in biolms, whether present as a single species of biolms because of its antimicrobial activity in the presence of
or multi-species biolm, show a greater level of resistance to high levels of organic matter, either external to the biolm or part
several physicochemical stresses such as antibacterial agents of the EPS, and its strong oxidizing power (3.5-fold more than
(Berrang, Frank, & Meinersmann, 2008; Folsom et al., 2006; Pan, chlorine). In addition it is often favoured over chlorine as it does not
Breidt, & Kathariou, 2006; van der Veen & Abee, 2011; Yang et al., react with nitrogen-containing compounds or ammonia to form
2009). Studies have also shown that biolm resistance is related dangerous chloramines (Matthews, 2006).
to the age of the biolm (Belessi, Gounadaki, Psomas, & Skandamis, In the present work, the intrinsic ability of each strain to form
2011; Chavant, Gaillard-Martinie, & Hebraud, 2004; Ibusquiza, biolms did not contribute to an increase in the sanitizers MEC.
Herrera, & Cabo, 2011). In the present work this resistance was Earnshaw and Lawrence (1998) and Folsom et al. (2006) also
clearly observed in a 48-h biolm. showed no correlation among subtypes of L. monocytogenes cells,
ANOVA revealed no signicant difference (p > 0.05) between biolm forming ability and sanitizer susceptibility. The ability of
the 20 L. monocytogenes strains regardless of the active chemical L. monocytogenes strains to survive exposure to sanitizers may be
present in the formulation of the sanitizer. No correlation was seen more associated with the amount of extracellular polysaccharide
when the isolates were grouped by pulsotypes, sources or biolm produced by the biolm cells than the number of cells contained
forming ability (p > 0.05). In particular, the three pulsotypes that within the biolm, or to other factors of its genetic subtype.
persisted in mussel factories (strain codes 15A04, 15A07, 15B06, The effectiveness of individual sanitizers on L. monocytogenes
15C02, 15D01, 15D10, 16G02, 16H04, 16J10; Cruz & Fletcher, 2011) planktonic cells (in suspension) is shown in Fig. 1. All products had
did not show any particular resistance to any of the sanitizers tested an MEC signicantly below the MRC, independent of the brand.
in this study when compared with the other strains (p > 0.05). However, some products with the same active ingredient supplied
These results indicate that this persistence was not due to resis- by different companies showed signicant differences in MEC
tance to sanitizers. Other studies have found resistance to chlorine (p < 0.05) with the iodine-based products being the only group that
(El-Kest & Marth, 1988; Folsom et al., 2006; Lunden et al., 2003) or did not differ among brands (p > 0.05) (Fig. 1).
QAC-based products (Aase, Sundheim, Langsrud, & Rorvik, 2000; When considering the performance of individual sanitizers
Mereghetti, Quentin, Marquet-Van Der Mee, & Audurier, 2000; Pan against Listeria in biolms, differences were also observed among
et al., 2006). Resistance to benzalkonium chloride, the major sanitizers depending on the brand and active agent, as illustrated in
component of commonly used industrial QAC-based sanitizers, has Fig. 2. All chlorine dioxide-based products had similar performance
been demonstrated for different bacteria, not only in biolms but for Listeria cells in biolm, each performing well with an MEC
also in suspension cells (Heir et al., 2004; Romanova, Favrin, & below the MRC. All POAA-based products also performed as good
Grifths, 2002). This resistance appears not to be an independent biolm control agents but efciency varied with brand (p > 0.05).
factor leading to persistence of certain strains in food processing This work has demonstrated that products in the same chemical
environments, but one of the contributing factors together with group show different efcacies against L. monocytogenes. It is
198 C.D. Cruz, G.C. Fletcher / Food Control 26 (2012) 194e199
Concentration (g/mL)
c c
b a a b
a,b a a a, b
b a a, a b
a a a a
Acidified Biguanide Chlorine Chlorine Dioxide Iodine Peroxyacetic Quaternary Ammonium Compound
Sodium acid
Fig. 1. Average minimal effective concentrations (MEC) of 20 sanitizers required to achieve a 5-log10 reduction of Listeria monocytogenes in suspension after a 5-min contact time at
25 C. Manufacturers recommended concentrations (MRC) are displayed as the maximum values advised. Error bars depict standard error of the means (SEM). Equal letters mean
no signicant differences between sanitizers MEC of the same chemical group (p > 0.05).
important to note that the performance of a sanitizer will be the increased resistance of Listeria in biolms for some antimi-
affected by the type and stage of the microorganism to be inacti- crobial agents. Costs and practicability should be taken into
vated and by the food matrix present in the processing plant (Gram, account in the selection process of the best combination of
Bagge-Ravn, Ng, Gymoese, & Vogel, 2007). Conclusions outlined in commercial sanitizers for each food processor. Recommended
this work may thereby be limited to the conditions tested. concentrations of products should be based on harsh conditions
A common observation for all the tested sanitizers was that the and their suitability for specic applications should be also
manufacturers recommended use concentrations were signi- mentioned (i.e. effective against biolm). The biguanide-based
cantly higher than the tested MEC for effective kill of cells in sanitizer, all tested sanitizers would offer effective listericidal
suspension. It is acknowledged commercial practice for suppliers control, if applied at the recommended dose and after an effective
to endeavour to provide an adequate margin of safety for use of cleansing program, removing substrates for any possibility of
their products to cover many variances in actual use, including soil biolm formation. POAA, chlorine dioxide and ASC sanitizers may
loads, water conditions, application methods and human vari- also be effective in inactivating Listeria that are embedded in
ability. Despite this, it is clear that these allowances may not cover biolms.
Concentration (g/mL)
a a
b a, b
a a a a a
Acidified Biguanide Chlorine Chlorine Dioxide Iodine Peroxyacetic acid Quaternary Ammonium
Sodium Compound
Fig. 2. Average minimal effective concentration (MEC) of 20 sanitizers required to achieve a 5-log10 reduction of Listeria monocytogenes biolm after a 5-min contact time at 25 C.
Manufacturers recommended concentration (MRC) is displayed as the maximum value advised. Error bars depict standard error of the means (SEM). Equal letters mean no
signicant differences among sanitizers MEC of the same chemical group (p > 0.05).
C.D. Cruz, G.C. Fletcher / Food Control 26 (2012) 194e199 199
Acknowledgements Heir, E., Lindstedt, B.-A., Rtterud, O.-J., Vardund, T., Kapperud, G., & Nesbakken, T.
(2004). Molecular epidemiology and disinfectant susceptibility of Listeria
monocytogenes from meat processing plants and human infections. Interna-
This project was funded by the New Zealand Foundation for tional Journal of Food Microbiology, 96(1), 85e96.
Research, Science & Technology (Contract CAWX0703). The authors Heir, E., Sundheim, G., & Holck, A. L. (1995). Resistance to quaternary ammonium
are grateful to New Zealand seafood companies for supplying the compounds in Staphylococcus spp. isolated from the food industry and nucle-
otide sequence of the resistance plasmid pST827. Journal of Applied Bacteriology,
cultures and to the sanitizer manufacturers for providing the san- 79(2), 149e156.
itizer samples used in this study. We would also like to thank Hood, S. K., & Zottola, E. A. (1995). Biolms in food processing. Food Control, 6, 9e18.
Guangjin Lu, Annette White, and Fiona McKenzie for technical Ibusquiza, P. S., Herrera, J. J. R., & Cabo, M. L. (2011). Resistance to benzalkonium
chloride, peracetic acid and nisin during formation of mature biolms by Lis-
assistance and David Lowry and Anthony Mutukumira for their teria monocytogenes. Food Microbiology, 28(3), 418e425.
critical review of the manuscript. Lunden, J., Autio, T., Markkula, A., Hellstrom, S., & Korkeala, H. (2003). Adaptive and
cross-adaptive responses of persistent and non-persistent Listeria mono-
cytogenes strains to disinfectants. International Journal of Food Microbiology,
References 82(3), 265e272.
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