Bactericid Efficacy of Isinfectants Taylor Etal
Bactericid Efficacy of Isinfectants Taylor Etal
Bactericid Efficacy of Isinfectants Taylor Etal
There is a range of test methods for evaluating disinfectant Table 1 Summary of product types and in-use concentration
efficacy throughout Europe (Reybrouk 1982) and products —
may have to undergo a range of different tests to satisfy Recommended
legislative requirements in different countries. Consequently, Product in-use
code Product type concentration
products available on the market are likely to exhibit various
biocidal efficacies because they have been tested under dif- 1 Quat 1·0%
ferent conditions (level and type of organic load, type of test 2 Quat 1·0%
micro-organism, hard water, etc.) against different methods 3 Quat 1·0%
and to different standards. To take into account these factors 4* Quat/amphoteric 1·0%
and to harmonize testing across Europe, the European Tech- 5* Quat/amphoteric 1·0%
nical Committee CEN/TC216/WG3 has developed sus- 6* Quat/glutaraldehyde 1·0%
pension tests (bactericidal and fungicidal) specifically for the 7 Amphoteric 1·0%
food, industrial and domestic markets. These tests will be 8* Amphoteric 1·0%
recognized as being appropriate for use within the European 9 Amphoteric 1·0%
Biocide Directive (Anon. 1997b), whereby the efficacy claims 10 Chlorine dioxide 1·0%
11 Potassium hydroxide/sodium 5·0%
of disinfectant products have to be supported by data from
recognized test methods. 12 Sodium hypochlorite 500 ppm
This paper describes work which was undertaken to inves- 13 Peracetic acid/hydrogen peroxide 0·3%
tigate the disinfection efficacy of proprietary products used 14 Iodophor 1·0%
in the food industry. Studies were undertaken to examine the 15 Biguanide 1·0%
effect of lower temperatures on disinfection efficacy. Pseudo- 16* Biguanide/quat 1·0%
monas aeruginosa was used as the test organism because of its 17 Sodium dichloroisocyanate 333 pm
known resistance to disinfectant action. Disinfectant efficacy 18 Acid detergent/sanitizer 1·0%
was also tested against E. coli O157:H7 to establish whether —
proprietary products are capable of killing this organism * These disinfectants have been specifically formulated and
under normal sanitation conditions. Finally, this study marketed for use in the UK chilled food industry ‘high care’
areas operating at low temperatures.
enabled a practical evaluation of the new European bac-
Quat, Quaternary ammonium compound.
tericidal suspension test BS EN 1276 (1997) (Anon. 1997c).
tralized disinfectant to ensure that the disinfectant had been showed a temperature effect (i.e. passed at 20 °C but failed
neutralized. at 10 °C).
Full details of the disinfection and validation procedures
are described in the test method (Anon. 1997c). For safety Escherichia coli O157:H7 at 10 °C
reasons, all E. coli O157:H7 testing was carried out in a Class
The results in Table 3 show that 14 products passed under
II safety cabinet.
clean and dirty conditions and that products passing against
The reduction in viability was calculated by subtracting
Ps. aeruginosa passed against E. coli O157:H7.
the log of the viable count after disinfection (Na) from the
The products that failed were an amphoteric (no. 7), chlor-
log of the initial count in the test chamber (N × 10−1). To
ine dioxide (no. 10), a biguanide (no. 15) and an acid deter-
pass the test, products must achieve a five log reduction in
gent/sanitizer (no. 18). Only one product (amphoteric (no.
viable counts. In this study, tests were undertaken twice and,
7)) showed a temperature effect (i.e. passing at 20 °C but
where necessary, a third decisive test was carried out with
failing at 10 °C) for E. coli O157:H7.
the overall performance of products assessed at their in-use
Table 2 Results at 20 °C
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Escherichia coli
–––––––––––––––––––––– —
Disinfectant Disinfectant
in-use concentration in-use concentration
Product Clean/ —
–––––––––––––––––––––– —
Product type code dirty × 0·5 × 1·0 × 2·0 × 0·5 × 1·0 × 2·0
Amphoteric 7 Clean F F P P P P
Clean F F P F P P
Dirty F F P P P P
Dirty F F F F F P
Clean P P P
Dirty P P P
Amphoteric 8 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty P P P F P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Amphoteric 9 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Dirty F P P P P P
Chlorine dioxide 10 Clean F F P F F P
Clean F F P F F P
Dirty F F P F F P
Dirty F F P F F P
Potassium hydroxide/sodium hypochlorite 11 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Sodium hypochlorite 12 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty F P P P P P
Dirty P P P F P P
Peracetic acid/hydrogen peroxide 13 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty F P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Iodophor 14 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P F P P
Dirty P P P F P P
Dirty P P P F P P
Biguanide 15 Clean F F P P P P
Clean F F P F P P
Dirty F F F F F F
Dirty F F P F F F
Biguanide/quat 16 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Sodium dichloroisocyanate 17 Clean P P P P P P
Clean F P P P P P
Dirty F P P F P P
Dirty F P P P P P
Acid detergent/sanitizer 18 Clean F F F F F F
Clean F F F F F F
Dirty F F F F F F
Dirty F F F F F F
P (pass), 5-log reduction or greater in viable counts; F (fail), less than 5-log reduction in viable counts; Quat, quaternary ammonium
722 J .H . T A YL OR E T A L .
Table 3 Results at 10 °C
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Escherichia coli
–––––––––––––––––––––– —
Disinfectant Disinfectant
in-use concentration in-use concentration
Product Clean/ —
–––––––––––––––––––––– —
Product type code dirty × 0·5 × 1·0 × 2·0 × 0·5 × 1·0 × 2·0
Quat 1 Clean F F P P P P
Clean F F P P P P
Dirty F F P F P P
Dirty F F P F P P
Quat 2 Clean F F F P P P
Clean F F F P P P
Dirty F F F F P P
Dirty F F F F P P
Quat 3 Clean F P P P P P
Clean F P P P P P
Dirty F P P P P P
Dirty F P P F P P
Quat/amphoteric 4 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty F P P P P P
Dirty F P P F P P
Quat/amphoteric 5 Clean P P P P P P
Clean F P P P P P
Dirty F P P P P P
Dirty F P P F P P
Quat/glutaraldehyde 6 Clean F P P P P P
Clean F P P P P P
Dirty F P P P P P
Dirty F P P P P P
Amphoteric 7 Clean F F F F F P
Clean F F F F F P
Dirty F F F F F P
Dirty F F F F F F
Amophoteric 8 Clean F F P P P P
Clean F F P P P P
Dirty F F P P P P
Dirty F F P P P P
Amphoteric 9 Clean P P P P P P
Clean F P P F P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Dirty F P P F P P
Chlorine dioxide 10 Clean F F P F F P
Clean F F P F F F
Dirty F F F F F F
Dirty F F F F F F
Potassium hydroxide/sodium hypochlorite 11 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Sodium hypochlorite 12 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
© 1999 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology 87, 718–725
Table 3 Continued.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Escherichia coli
–––––––––––––––––––––– —
Disinfectant Disinfectant
in-use concentration in-use concentration
Product Clean/ —
–––––––––––––––––––––– —
Product type code dirty × 0·5 × 1·0 × 2·0 × 0·5 × 1·0 × 2·0
Peracetic acid/hydrogen peroxide 13 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Dirty P P P P P P
Iodophor 14 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty P P P F F P
Dirty P P P F P P
Clean P P P
Dirty F P P
Biguanide 15 Clean F F P F F P
Clean F F P F F F
Dirty F F F F F F
Dirty F F P F F F
Biguanide/quat 16 Clean F F F P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Clean F P P F P P
Dirty F F F P P P
Dirty F P P
Dirty F P P
Sodium dichloroisocyanate 17 Clean P P P P P P
Clean P P P P P P
Dirty F P P P P P
Dirty F P P P P P
Acid detergent/sanitizer 18 Clean F F F F F F
Clean F F F F F F
Dirty F F F F F F
Dirty F F F F F F
P (pass), 5-log reduction or greater in viable counts; F (fail), less than 5-log reduction in viable counts; Quat, quaternary ammonium
on eight products and found that the efficacy was greatly It is not clear why some disinfectant products exhibit
influenced by temperature (4–50 °C). Glutaraldehyde, temperature effects, although it may be related to the reduced
chlorhexidine and amphoteric products were particularly temperatures lowering the metabolic activity of the test
affected, whilst sodium hypochlorite was found to be least micro-organisms or potentially the onset of the cold shock
affected by temperature. The results were expressed as mini- response which may enhance resistance to disinfection. These
mum concentrations obtained by the Association of Official topics are discussed in a comprehensive review article by
Analytical Chemists (Anon. 1980) use-dilution method Berry and Foegeding (1997) on cold temperature adaptation
against Ps. aeruginosa. It is difficult to make direct com- and growth of micro-organisms.
parisons because different methods were used and there are The 5-min contact time in the disinfectant test was chosen
no data at 10 °C. They noted a synergistic effect with glu- because it is representative of the time taken for disinfectant
taraldehyde and a quaternary ammonium and indeed in this to run off equipment surfaces after application. In practice,
study a five log reduction in viable counts was obtained for a however, the effectiveness of products may be enhanced by
product combining glutaraldehyde and a quaternary prolonged contact times, e.g. the use of soak ranks or repeat
ammonium (for the tests undertaken). applications. The presence of organic residues after cleaning
© 1999 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology 87, 718–725
724 J .H . T A YL OR E T A L .
may be reduced by more thorough cleaning. The food indus- the standard method dictates that the three validation tests
try normally requires products to pass under dirty conditions, must recover viable cells in the range 2·0–3·0 × 103 cfu ml−1.
as poor hygienic design of equipment may result in crevices The contact time in the test procedure is 5 min 2 10 s
and dead areas that may protect food soil from cleaning and and, for economic reasons, laboratories may undertake the
there are occasions when equipment has not been adequately test for one organism at three concentrations of disinfectant
cleaned. under both clean and dirty conditions (six reactions) along
The relative strengths and weaknesses of laboratory dis- with the three validation controls (one-test reaction for vali-
infectant tests have recently been reviewed by Holah et al. dation B and two-test reactions each for validations A and
(1998) and ways in which they can be improved to more C). This means that one test procedure with validations
closely simulate in-use conditions in the future are discussed. involves 11 reactions, which have to be manipulated in a
In the short term, and especially for high-risk chilled food- sequence allowing for the contact times and the 10 s tolerance.
processing, final assurance of product disinfectant per- If the procedure is staggered with too large intervals then all
formance can only be validated by undertaking studies in a the 11 reactions cannot be carried out in time. This sequence
food-processing environment using a comprehensive micro- of manipulations, undertaken to maximize time output,
biological verification programme with environmental requires training to ensure competency.
sampling. It is not clear at this stage how repeatable and reproducible
The results for E. coli O157:H7 show that, under suspension this suspension test is. Repeatability studies have been under-
test conditions, it is not a particularly resistant organism. taken on previous suspension tests on which BS EN 1276
Where a five log reduction in viable counts was achieved with (1997) is based (Bloomfield et al. 1991, 1995; Holah 1995) but
Ps. aeruginosa it was also achieved against E. coli 0157:H7. it is not known whether this test is more or less repeatable.
This work shows that the control of E. coli O157: H7 in the To ascertain this, a European Committee for Standardisation
factory environment should be effective with a thoroughly (CEN)-funded European ring trial is currently being under-
designed sanitation programme incorporating an appropriate taken through the auspices of CEN/TC 216 which hopes to
disinfectant. report the results at a later date.
In conclusion, E. coli O157 does not seem to be any more
difficult to kill using food industry disinfectants than Ps.
aeruginosa. Products that passed at 10 °C also passed at 20 °C
Evaluation of BS EN 1276 (1997)
and only three products showed a temperature effect.
The nature of this work with the number of tests undertaken However, of the six parameters examined (two organisms,
has allowed an opportunity to evaluate the test method itself, two temperatures and two soil levels) only 11 of 18 products
particularly in terms of practical ease. The concept of the test achieved the required 5 log reductions. This work dem-
is simple, i.e. the addition of 8·0 ml disinfectant to 1·0 ml onstrates the importance of undertaking laboratory dis-
bacteria and 1·0 ml interfering substance for a 5-min contact infectant tests under appropriate simulations of in-use
time followed by 5 min neutralization prior to pour plating to conditions and of considering final verification with a field
enumerate the number of viable micro-organisms remaining. trial in the food-processing environment by the user. The BS
However, there are a number of issues which make this test EN 1276 (1997) quantitative bacterial suspension test is not
complex. difficult to undertake but it does require training and experi-
The test procedure requires an initial inoculum of 1·5– ence to become fully proficient and should be a useful method
5·0 × 108 cfu ml−1 which may be measured by a variety of to harmonize disinfectant testing across Europe.
means as specified in the test method, including the use of a
spectrophotometer or nephelometer. This laboratory per-
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