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ACM gasket & relevant screw to use

ATA: 21-52 FIN: Ref: 21.52.00001

A/C Type: A319 Topic: First Issue Date: 20-JUL-2011
Part Number: Last Publication 17-JUL-2013
Linked Articles: Linked

Old Wise Ref:


Engineering Support
First Issue Date: 20-JUL-2011
Model: Last Publication Date: 17-JUL-2013


A319, A320 & A321 fitted with ACM PN 1263Aseries.



It has been reported that screws were found missing at ACM air compressor inlet (PN


To reduce the possibility to lost screws, improvements on screws have been done:

- screws PN NAS1352-06-8P have to be used as per Vendor CMM 21-52-16, Fig 03-
item 130A.

- Screws PN NAS1352-06-6P should no longer be used.

In fact, screws PN NAS1352-06-8P ensure better fixation, and may avoid the
loosening and therefore any possible leakage due to the vibrations.

- During installation of a new gasket, it is recommended to check the condition of

concerned thread inserts. Note that repetitive gasket replacement could have lead to
thread insert damages. Inserts tightening performances decrease with the high number
of screw replacement. Should inserts be in bad conditions, note that vendor CMM 21-
52-16 Repair #6 can be applied (replacement of thread inserts by twin inserts).

- The last recommendation is to pay particular attention during screws

removal/installation to the torque value reflected into relevant AMM task.

Additional Note

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supersede the Airbus technical nor operational documentation; should any deviation appear
between this article and the Airbus or airline's official manuals, the operator must ensure to
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