GN73 - 3rd September 2017 - 22nd Sunday
GN73 - 3rd September 2017 - 22nd Sunday
GN73 - 3rd September 2017 - 22nd Sunday
Masses, Intentions & other services Take up your cross and follow me
Check mass intentions online at Alpha Course / Journey in Saturday Evening Mass
3rd September 2017 22nd Sunday Faith. As the rst phase of Time will change to 5pm
Sat 2 5.15pm John & Helen Prendergast RIP our Journey in Faith course from the Saturday 16th
(Saturday Evening Mass time changes to 5pm from 16th September) this year we will be running a September. (Earlier than
Sun 3 8am Raymond English RIP joint Alpha Course with Our previously announced).
10.30am John Breeze RIP Lady of Lourdes, in Sr Sebastian and also Sr
Hednesford. The rst Callista are presently
Tue 5 7pm Jean Golik (95th birthday thanks!) meeting will take place on covering for the duties which
Wed 6 9.15am Paul Glynn RIP (School Mass) October 3rd at 7.30pm at the were being undertaken by Sr
Thu 7 9.15am Shelagh Gleve RIP Centenary Hall, Uxbridge Maria, who is currently in
1.45pm Holy Souls (at St Thomas More School) Road, Hednesford and will Nigeria.
Fri 8 9.15am Ann Ganey RIP conclude no later than 9pm.
Sat 9 10 am Parish and People Women's World Day of
The evenings begin with
Prayer. Volunteers are
refreshments, followed by a
10th September 2017 23rd Sunday Reconciliation needed to help to organise
video talk and discussion.
Sat 9 5.15pm Frank Grieve RIP the annual service. There
Everyone is welcome,
(Saturday Evening Mass time changes to 5pm from 16th September) will be a meeting in the next
especially those who want to
Sun 10 8am John & Floss Probert RIP few weeks. If you are
nd out more about the
10.30am Emilio & Marietta Barbiero RIP interested in helping, please
Catholic Faith. The Alpha
contact Sue on 01543 578542
Course will run up to
Saints Days 4th St Cuthbert; 8th Our Ladys Birthday. Christmas, and there will be Fr Hudsons Care annual
Family Mass Next Sunday (10th) at 10.30am other short courses after collection is at masses on
Prayer Group Friday 2.30pm Christmas leading up to 23/24 September. Father
Baptisms: 3rd 12pm Layla Nevaeh Tibbetts. Easter. Hudsons provides Catholic
social care in the
Childrens liturgy during the Sunday 10.30am Mass. Petitions to Our Lady of
Archdiocese of Birmingham,
Wedding 9th September 2pm Stephen Lycett and Fatima. Cath Hunt and
supporting vulnerable
Hayley Tiernan Doug Bruce are going on
people young and old.
pilgrimage to Fatima in
Funeral Masses: None this week
September. If you would like Special envelopes are
Exposition Saturday 9am-9.50am. available. Please give
them to take petitions to
Rosary 9am before Mass on Thursday and Friday generously.
place in the shrine, please
Morning Prayer 9.40am Saturday leave them in the box St Marys College, Oscott
Confessions Saturday 9-9.50am; 10.30-11am, 4:30-5pm. marked Petitions which is in wishes to appoint an
Second Collections: 17th September Catholic Our Ladys Chapel. They will Academic Oce
Evangelisation, 24th Fr Hudsons; 15th October St be collected after Mass on Administrator. Closing date
Barnabas Society. Sunday 10th September. 1st September. More info at
Parish Income 28th September: Collection 378 ( Gift
Aid 162). Thank you!
Please submit notices and items for publication to Fr Peter by hand, by text 07766 335591 or by email to
3rd September 2017 22nd Sunday of Year A
Please Pray
The Holy Father's Prayer Marriott, Lilian Handley,
Intention for the Month of Pamela Lightwood,
September 2017 is for Thomas Erangey, Billie
Parishes: That our Wyles, Maria Catherine
PRIVATE VOLUNTEER SALE parishes, animated by a Holloway, Bernard Deakin,
Ladieswear, Menswear, childrenswear and more missionary spirit, may be Mary Casey, Iris Robertson
places where faith is for the sick or
communicated and charity housebound: Kath Turner,
is seen Stella Skillen, Annette
for Persecuted Mason, Doris Crabb, Jean
Christians: in September, Golik, Joanne Jeavons, Willi
please pray for Tin and his Schaefer, Bob Evans, Nicola
family from Myanmar after McCulloch, Celia Hurdiss,
they were forced from their Dee Fellows, Alice, David
home by Buddhist Monks Holt, Theresa Hadley, Dr
when they became Peter Hayward, Fr Pat
Christians. Farrelly, Cath Rockey
for the preparations for for those who have
our Journey in Faith course died recently: Cardinal
which begins at the end of Cormac Murphy OConnor,
September, and for those Deacon David McCarroll of
Tickets available from Church! intending to join in the Staord, Nancy Maddox,
course Joan Rudge
Shroud of Turin Exhibition for the success of the for those with
parish mission at St anniversaries about this
The exhibition of the Cross, the Resurrection and the Josephs & St Etheldredas, time: (date comes rst): 5th
Shroud of Turin will be on display at St Mary and St Rugeley Elizabeth Rise, 6th Jean
Chad anglican church, Brewood ST19 9BT from Tuesday Hall, 8th Frank Grieve, 10th
for Ed Sargeant and
4th September to Wednesday 13th September. each Dave Vickery, Noah Gray.
Martyn Porter beginning
morning until 12.30 pm on week days and open all-day May they rest in peace.
training for the Permanent
on the Saturday and Sunday. Admission free. Diaconate
Please add anniversaries of
... for those undergoing or your loved ones to the
recovering from treatment: Memorial Book in Church.
Fund Raising & Social Events
Fr David Mellor (very sick), Please let Fr Peter know if
New Life Sale September 10th 8-10am you wish to add any petitions
Carol Garnett, Cath Hunt,
Christmas Bazaar 2nd December or thanksgivings onto this
Ray Bishop, Ruth Wright, prayer list.
Pat Molloy, Betty Murphy,
St Marys Centre 01543 579364 Christopher Cooper, Sheila Thanksgivings
Sunday Carvery 12-3pm 6.95 Houghton, Tom Erangey, for our local Catholic
Wednesday Carvery 5.30-8pm 2 for 10 Pat Wilson and John
Thursday OAP Special: 12-2pm 4.00 (5.95 non oaps) Schools and all who are
Saturday Menu 4-8pm 2 for 9 Wilson part of them, as they return
for those receiving after the summer break!
Please ring the Centre (01543 579364) to book communion at home: Don
ALL FUNCTIONS CATERED FOR. 95th Birthday of Jean
and Breeda Hinton, Gerry
Breaking News: it was announced this week that from 2018 Ascension
Day will return to being kept on Thursday as a holy day of obligation.
New Rota now available!
Readers Ministers Readers Ministers Readers Ministers Cleaning Stole
ROTAS Sat 5.15pm Sat 5.15pm Sun 8am Sick Visiting Sun 10.30am Sun 10.30am