File Serve
File Serve
File Serve
Abstract: After a review of the present-day advancements in wireless automation systems, the paper introduces an efficient and
economical automation system based on GSM technology. The recommended system uses as a central microcontroller which is
uncostly, rapid and can perform same functions as PIC microcontroller. The system will allow remote control of different
appliances through command messages. In addition, in case of any wrong or warnings expose by the system, a command
message will be send directly to the owner of the system. The holder of the system can appeal status reports from the system at
any time. The system is designed to be highly capture, adjustable, careful and popular.
Keywords: Automation, Control System, command, GSM, Microcontroller.
Within the addition of wireless technology, presentation of remote control based devices and gadget have become the harmony of
the daylight. The ambit of such applications ranges from a remote controlled small car toy or a TV to a system that can control a
whole building or a factory. Such systems are associate to as Automation Systems. Automation Systems perform by allowing a
number of devices to communicate with a central controller which in turn communicates all knowledge to the user or the owner of
the system as per the instructions and the structure of the system. The function of such automation systems could be in distance
such as heating, lighting, security, energy management, audio and video systems, health monitoring, and entertainment and so on.
As part of the remote charge process of automation systems, there are various communication links that can be used such as RF,
GSM etc. In this condition, this paper advance a unique method of automation System based on GSM technology. GSM is an clear,
digital cellular technology used for transmitting mobile tone and data services. GSM supports 9600 kbps band rate for command call
and data transfers and provides a global range of transmission. With this feature in view, the paper attempts to design a system that
can interpret command messages and process them effectively, resulting in creating an Automation System that can be controlled
wirelessly from anywhere in the world. Users will be able to guidance their small home appliances or big machineries by sending
command messages to the controller. Such a system can save a large amount of money, time and even workforce. The resultant
system will be highly protected, reliable, elastic, user friendly and cost effective. Being a flow area of research, a review of the most
recent abstract has been carried out. The scientific framework and the system design are presented in Section. GSM help to operate
globally over the network from any place.
IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue III, March 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
accommodate a set of operations including devices registration, control and diagnostic utilities. A similar study [4] presented a low-
cost, expandable and secure GSM placed home automation system. The design was based on an Our BT board along with a set of
appliances connected to it through relays. A GUI was developed using program which is compatible with all Windows OS
platforms. The program allows the user to access and control a set of home appliances. Hence, this confines the value of the frame
of reference to only cell phones with Windows operating system. In another study, [5]the authors have designed and developed a
simple and cost-effective automation system that allows somebody to manage home instrument from a computer or a handheld
device. The scheme stated that the project was inspired after a gossip with a confined individual who expressed that he would like to
be able to open and close the doors on his own. The setup be contained in a host unit with a GUI, a central control unit and a number
of clients or target modules. The graphical shopper interface in the owner unit discover with the central control unit through GSM.
The conversation between the point schedule and the central control unit is wound up a secured Radio Frequency link.
From the way of looking of the study, the progress run down in the above report need to be looked into from the point of view of
efficiency and economy. The systems presented in [2] and [3] were very expensive and the systems described in [4] and [5] lack
transmission range, obviously on account of the type of platform that the systems operate. The test is to picture a system that is
immune, cost impressive and has a good transmission range. In this context, it would be desirable to refer to a study [6] which is
distinct compared to the prevailing approaches. The paper presented an automation system that uses as well as GSM to allow
individuals to control apparatus form remote places and declare them about any lapse in the system. The user can control a number
of devices just by sending an command message. Also, using GSM, the user and the system can interrelate with each other. The
system was designed on PIC microcontroller, and quite similar to the proposed system in this paper, as it uses GSM technology.
GSM technical knowledge will provide a great range of transmission. The advanced system, rather, will use as a central
microcontroller which is moderate, quick and can perform the same functions as PIC microcontroller.
A. Induction cooker will focus on using electric power for cooking. 1st method-driving current through a resistive element. 2nd
method-use of induction to heat the pot directly.
IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue III, March 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
B. No remote access to induction cooker.
C. No automation provided for induction cooker.
Fig.1-Illustrates the block diagram of the remotely induction cooker system using command.
The Mobile Phone is integrated with our which receives command message from user Mobile Phone and accelerate a act to
controller to control even if to turn ON or OFF the output. The Mobile Phone also conveys status announcing to the user regarding
the electrical mechanism. The system apply a low cost Microcontroller that is right away available in the market. The advancement
of this device involves with both kitchenware and presentation software to fix up with a preferable results. The structure of the
system is working with following steps: A) the remote user sends text messages (command) including Authentication information
and Commands to the receiver. B) GSM receiver receives messages sent from user cell phone or Mobile phone and send C) The sent
messages is decoded by GSM receiver and commands sends by the microcontroller. D) The microcontroller issues Commands to
the appliances. E) Microcontroller issues Commands to the appliances and the devices connected will switch ON/OFF. F) The
Microcontroller checks for completion status and apply operation on Electrical Devices. G) GSM receiver informs the remote user
of the outcome of their request by accelerate a expiration status message back to remote user in the form of another command
message. The technologies uses the following arrangements: A) Cellular phone, Networks and Communication protocols: The
abroad available circuitry are based on GSM. The network provides a wide area of coverage and can be utilized more cost
effectively for this system and communication protocols that are DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequencies), command etc., command is
the most efficient medium for communication. Mobile phone or Cellular device is required for to create a command. B)
Microcontroller and machine is distinguished by I/O interfaces: Serial or parallel I/O will be advised for to connect the GSM
receiver and the Microcontroller. Microcontroller put action into unit to implemented to check the electrical appliances (air
Conditioner, security system, set top box, light, fan etc). C) Microcontroller System The micro-controller is a microprocessor with
provisions for input and output embedded in it. It consists of timers, Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs), Universal Synchronous
Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART), etc. It is an 8-bit microcontroller with flash program memory and Electrically
Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM). It contains 83-instructions which includes byte operations, bits operations
and branching.
IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue III, March 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
This section describes the software development for the command Remote Controller. Our software was used as it is easier to
understand, and it is quicker for writing working code. The application software was advanced using a mild aerial level language
device in C. The software cutting the sent note from the SIM location at a regular intermission and processes it to control the
different appliances connected within the interface. GSM protocol was used to communicate with the mobile phone set. The
reciprocity can be used for governing just about all actions of the phone, as well as uploading new firmware. This bus allows
command messages to be sent and received. All the peripherals used in the program were first initialized. In the coding, ASCII code
was used in acknowledge the coding for accepted and read command message. A declare delete command coding is used to avoid
the command interrupt with the previous message. It be found when the microcontroller has borne out the information, the message
is being deleted.
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Phone initialization
Step 3: Get Hardware Software
Step 4: Poll Command from mobile phone
Step 5: If new Command received go to step3 else, go to
Step 6: Receive Command
Step 7: Check Command pattern
Step 8: Control the device based on status
Step 9: Notify end use
Step 10: Go to step1
IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue III, March 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
This paper here and now an cut-rate GSM-based related control system. A number of articles affiliated to the motif of control
systems and automation were reviewed and analyzed. According to the proposed system, the owner can be any cell phone and the
client is a controller based on controller. The controller is coupled to a GSM modem through an RS232 cable and a level shifter IC.
The paper accommodate explanation of the circuit diagram of the proposed system. The project circuit diagram was designed using
Proteus v7.7 designing software. Also, a prototype of the system was massed with the required peripheral on a PCB (Printed Circuit
Board). The system proved be efficient and practical. The proposed system is practical and powerful in observation with the similar
arrangement refined so far.
[1] Mohamed Salman Jayavrinda Vrindavanam. "Efficient Interactive Control System based on GSM", International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and
Technology (IJLTET), ISSN: 2278-621X, Vol. 3 Issue2 November 2013.
[2] ASHRAF MOHAMED ALI HASSAN. "Enhancement of a GSM Based Control System", Advances in Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing and
Telecommunications, ISBN: 978-1-61804-271-2.
[3] Smart GSM based Home Automation System IEEE paper Published in System, Process & Control (ICSPC), 2013 IEEE Conference on 13-15 Dec .2013.
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