CNC 02 Flat Pack Furniture
CNC 02 Flat Pack Furniture
CNC 02 Flat Pack Furniture
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This lesson will demonstrate a step-by-step method of designing a at-pack / friction- t table for CNC fabrication.
I've been doing at-pack / friction t projects for more than 10 years. I've learned a lot of tricks that I'm about to pass on to
you, and if you stick with me I think you'll learn some really useful concepts and techniques that will serve you will with any
kind of fabrication, especially CNC.
You're going to design a table that's at-packed and friction- t. Flat-pack refers to its being made of interlocking at parts,
and friction- t means it can be assembled so that the friction between the pieces will hold it together without any
The example in the lesson has 7 parts in total. Two legs, four stiffeners, and one table top. The stiffeners provide lateral
stability to keep the table from twisting or wobbling.
The Fusion Interface
But before we dive into a full- edged 3D model, I'll quickly run through the interface.
1. Application bar: Access the Data Panel, le operations, save, undo and redo.
2. Pro le and help: In Pro le, you can control your pro le and account settings, or use the help menu to continue your
3. Toolbar: Use the Toolbar to select the workspace you want to work in, and the tool you want to use in the workspace
4. ViewCube: Use the ViewCube to orbit your design or view the design from standard view positions.
5. Browser: The browser lists objects in your design. Use the browser to make changes to objects and control visibility of
6. Canvas and marking menu: Left click to select objects in the canvas (the space where you make your models). Right-
click to access the marking menu. The marking menu contains frequently used commands in the wheel and all
7. Timeline: The timeline lists operations performed on your design. Right-click operations in the timeline to make
8. Navigation bar and display settings: The navigation bar contains commands used to zoom, pan, and orbit your design.
The display settings control the appearance of the interface and how designs are displayed in canvas.
Canvas Navigation
Navigation Bar
Navigation Bar
The navigation bar is positioned at the bottom of the canvas. It provides access to navigation commands. The menus on the
right end control Display Settings and Layout Grid options.
Navigation Commands
Display Settings
Set of commands that enables you to specify desired visual style, visibility of objects, or camera settings, for example.
Commands that allow you to specify increments, grid settings, and show / hide the layout grid.
Viewports are windows that display your design. You can show up to four viewports in the canvas at once. Displaying
multiple viewports allows you to work in one view and see the changes from other camera positions.
Use the ViewCube to rotate the camera. Drag the ViewCube to perform a free orbit. Click faces and corners of the cube to
access standard orthographic ( and isometric
( views.
Mouse: Use mouse shortcuts to zoom in/out, pan the view and orbit the view.
Click and hold the middle mouse button to pan the view.
Trackpad: If you have a Mac with a touchpad or an Apple Magic Mouse, you can use multi-touch gestures to navigate the
Most things in Fusion are best made by creating 2D sketches, then turning those sketches into 3D objects. For a round
tabletop, that means drawing a 2D circle, then extruding it to give it thickness.
Create Component
A component is an encapsulated part that can have one or more 3D bodies or 2D sketches in it. You want each of the table
parts to be its own component because it will allow you to manipulate and manage the whole model more easily.
Go to CREATE > New Component, and give the component a name like "tabletop". Keep the default settings there (Empty
Component) and click OK, and you'll see that your new component has shown up in the Browser and that it's activated.
While it's activated, anything you make will be within this component.
Create a Sketch
Go to SKETCH > Create Sketch, and click on the bottom plane of the model space. This will bring you into the Sketch
environment. The view will change to the Top view.
For this sketch, all you'll need is a circle. Go to SKETCH > Circle > Center Diameter Circle and click on the model origin as
your start point.
Type in 42 for the diameter and you'll have a 42" (1066mm) table top. Click the Stop Sketch button on the upper right to
leave the sketch environment.
Create 3D Part / Use Parameters
You should always have a set of digital calipers on hand to measure the wood. Close the jaws on the sheet as shown to get
an exact measurement.
Any time you're making at pack furniture, you almost certainly should use a parametric thickness. In 3D modeling,
parametric means that a variable has been established that can be changed later, automatically changing any part of the
model that used the parameter.
Plywood thickness changes from batch to batch, even from the same supplier, so if you use parameters, you can just change
the parameter to adjust all of the parts instead of doing it manually- this will save you hours of work!
To set a parameter, go to MODIFY > Change Parameters, click the green plus-sign next to User Parameters to create
your thickness parameter.
1. Name: The name you'll use to enter the parameter in any number eld. This should be as short as possible because you'll
3. Expression: This is the value in selected units of the thickness of your plywood. This will be different for practically
every batch of plywood, so use digital calipers to measure your plywood to get an exact measurement. Mine is .76.
4. Comment: This is optional, but if you've got a really complicated model it's a good idea to make a note about what the
parameter is for here.
Now that you've got your parameter set, you can extrude the tabletop pro le sketch you made previously. Go to CREATE >
Extrude, select the circle sketch pro le, then type "t" in the Distance eld in the EXTRUDE dialog that comes up.
Operation should be set to New Component. Click OK and you'll have a tabletop component.
You can go back to MODIFY > Change Parameters and change the parameter value to see the thickness of the table
The tabletop was made on the oor of the model, so we'll need to move it to the proper height. Click on the tabletop, then
right-click and select Move from the popup dialog.
You'll get a manipulator that will let you move and rotate the part. Drag the Up arrow to move the table up, then enter 28"
(710mm)- that's the standard underside height for a dining table.
Sketch Leg Profile
With your tabletop in place, it's time to draw the rst pair of table legs. To do this, like pretty much everything else, start
with SKETCH > Create Sketch. Pick either the Front or Side plane to sketch in. You'll get a warning about parts having
been moved. Be sure to click Capture Position. If you click "Continue", the tabletop will move back to the bottom plane.
You're going to need the line representing the underside of the tabletop to make the pro le of the legs. To get this, go to
SKETCH > Project / Include > Project. As with any tool, hit ESCAPE to get out of it.
Click on the underside edge of the tabletop, and you'll get a pink line with points at each end. Click OK to exit the Project
Table legs should always touch the oor so that there's a signi cant gap between the foot and the edge of the table as seen
from above. Did you ever notice how your kitchen cabinets have a kick underneath them? This recess lets you belly-up to
the countertop without stubbing your toes.
The idea is the same for tables. Work backwards from the rectangle you just made to create this recess. Go to SKETCH >
Offset, unchenck Chain Selection, and select one of the vertical lines. This will offset the line parallel to the original by a
distance you specify. A 4" (100mm) offset will give you enough room to avoid stubbing your toes without sacri cing too
much stability. Notice by pulling the arrow that you will probably need to enter a negative value since you're offsetting to
the inside of the rectangle.
Think of this line as the outermost possible distance the leg can go from the center of the table.
This line will be the outermost edge of the table leg on the left-hand side. To give the leg thickness, go to SKETCH > Offset
and offset the line you just drew. 3" (76mm) is about the minimum that will be stable with off-the-shelf soft plywood in my
experience. When you've dragged the arrow in the correct direction, give it a value of 3" (76mm) and click OK.
The pair of table legs is going to be a single, connected part, so it's going to need depth to give it stability. To do this, just go
to SKETCH > Offset and offset the line you projected from the underside of the table. This should also be at least 3"
(76mm), but don't go too much deeper or you'll hit your knees on it!
At this point, the leg pro le is nished aside from all the crossing lines. Remember, a 3D object comes from an extruded
sketch (just like you did with the tabletop), so you'll need a closed pro le for the table legs. You can clean up the crossing
lines by going to SKETCH > Trim and clicking on the line segments that you don't need. As with any tool, hit ESCAPE to get
out of it.
With your leg pro le nished on one side, you can avoid drawing it again on the other side by mirroring it. To mirror, you'll
need a centerline. Go to SKETCH > Line and draw a line down the center of the leg pro le. You'll see a triangle symbol
when you're snapping to the center of the top line. It's important that this line is vertical and centered on the drawing.
To mirror the leg pro le to the other side, go to SKETCH > Mirror, then select the lines that make up the leg pro le on the
left side. Click on Mirror Line, then select the centerline you made in the last step. You should see a preview that gives you
a symmetrical pair of legs. Click OK, and you should have all the lines you need to make your 3D part.
If you use the Trim tool again to clean up the pro le, you should see a closed pro le like the one shown below. This is what
you'll use to create the 3D leg part. Click Stop Sketch to get back to the modeling environment.
With your leg pro le complete, you can now make a 3D part. You can go to CREATE > Create Component to create an
Empty component to work in. This will save you having to deal with the other parts of the model- you'll be in the activated
component you just made, which will gray-out the other parts as shown below.
Go to SKETCH > Extrude and click on both of the pro les separated by the mirror line. If you pull on the arrow, you'll see
that the 3D part will be extruded in one direction only. You want the table leg part to be aligned with the center of the
table, so you'll need to do an extrusion that does in both directions and still has the t thickness parameter.
To do this, set Direction to Symmetric, and Distance to t/2. This will extrude the part in both directions by a value of 1/2
t, which totals t.
You should end up with a new 3D part with a thickness of your t parameter that's aligned to the center of the tabletop.
This is a at-pack / friction- t design, so we're going to need some interlocking features- tabs and slots. The top of the table
leg part will slot into the underside of the table with a tab.
To create a tab, go to SKETCH > Create and select the front face of the table leg as your starting plane.
The tab should be centered on the top part and have gaps on the sides- if it's too wide it'll be too dif cult to build. Go to
SKETCH > Line and draw this gap at about 6" (150mm) along the top edge.
Draw another 6" line on the other side, then draw a tab that looks about half way through the depth of the table top. Make
sure all the angles are 90! The cursor should snap to 90 automatically.
Remember, all your parts are parametric, meaning you need to make sure they'll update properly when you change a
material thickness. The tab needs to be exactly half as deep as the thickness of the material. To make this work in a sketch,
go to SKETCH > Dimension, and click on the top line of the leg part and the top line of the tab part. A real dimension
will show up, but you'll need to change it to t/2. This will give you a tab that's 1/2 the thickness of your material and will
update when you change the parameter. If the parameter was entered properly into the dimension, you should see "fx: "
then a number value. In my case, it's 0.38" because that's 1/2 of .76".
Go to CREATE > Extrude and extrude the body back to meet the back face of the leg part. You should enter t for the
Distance here as well to make sure the parameters are being used everywhere. Operation should be set to Join by
Use Leg Tabs to Create Pocket
Now that your leg is done, click the circle next to the Top-Level Component in the Browser. This will be the rst item in
the list. At this point you should have two components under the top level- the leg and the tabletop.
Click the arrow next to the leg component in the browser, then click the arrow next to Bodies in that component. Right-
Click on the body, then Copy+Paste it. You'll now have a new body in the Bodies folder under the Top-Level Component
in the Browser.
Right-click on the body you just made, then select Create Components from Bodies. You'll get a new component that you
should name something like "leg 2".
Right-click on the new component, then select Move. Move the Rotation Arc on the Manipulator to rotate the leg by
90. You'll now have two legs at a right-angle to each other.
The next step will be to create an interlocking feature between the legs. The trick here is to make a tab on each leg that's
half-way through the depth of the top part. This will keep the legs in place but won't sacri ce too much in the way of
Go to SKETCH > Project / Include > Project and select Bodies in the Selection Filter. Click on the leg part that's crossing
the sketch you're drawing in, and you'll get two lines that match the thickness of the leg.
To draw the cutout, draw a Rectangle from a top point to the intersection between the lines on the opposite side of the
With that in place, bisect the rectangle with a Line from midpoint to midpoint (the triangle icon means you're snapping to a
midpoint). Click Stop Sketch to get back to the modeling environment.
You should now have one leg with a cut at the top and one leg with a cut at the bottom.
This table would stand at it is, but it would wobble like crazy. There's nothing to keep the legs from bending against the
short dimension so you would basically get a twisting motion if you were to push on the tabletop. To prevent this, we'll need
some stiffeners.
Go to CREATE > New Component to make an empty component to work in. Next, create a Sketch on one of the leg faces.
You'll need a centerline for this part, so just draw a Line roughly down the center of the leg.
In the Sketch Pallette on the right side of the canvas (it might be nested, if so just click on the double arrow), click on
Parallel under Constraint. Click one of the table leg lines rst, then click the centerline you drew before. This will allow
the centerline to move but will keep it parallel to the leg line. You should see a couple of double line graphics showing you
they're constrained.
To make sure the line is centered, go to SKETCH > Dimension, and click the leg line and centerline. Enter a value that's 1/2
of the width of the leg, which is 1.5" (38mm) if the leg width is 3" (76mm) as shown.
This line represents the center of the stiffener from the side. To give it thickness, go to SKETCH > Offset and offset it by a
factor of t/2 in both directions.
Draw a Line from the intersection at the top of the outer line so that it meets the inner line at a 90 angle. This will be the
top of the stiffener.
Next, Offset the top line by 14" (355mm) to make the bottom edge of the stiffener. It needs to be at least this deep to keep
the table from wobbling.
You should now have a closed rectangular pro le, select it to be sure there aren't any gaps in the lines.
Use the side pro le you just made to Extrude the part. Be sure to use the t parameter and extrude it in the correct
direction. The Operation should be New Body.
When that's done, Extrude both faces of the new body by a Distance of 3" (76mm).
Use the CREATE > Extrude tool to select the cutout pro le. If the stiffener is turned on in the browser, you probably won't
be able to select the pro le you want. Hit the down arrow to cycle through the possible selections with the cursor
hovering over the pro le until the pro le is highlighted, then click on it.
Extrude this pro le into the stiffener using your t parameter. This should give you a cutout that's centered on the piece.
The stiffener needs to be tapered at the end to keep knees from knocking into it, it should also be narrower at the top. To
make this pro le, create a Sketch on the face of the stiffener.
Draw a Line from the midpoint of the bottom line to give yourself a top point to aim for.
Offset the line on the side of the cutout by a distance of -t. Be sure Chain Selection is off.
Draw a diagonal Line connecting the two points to create a tapered pro le.
Draw a vertical Line at the midpoint of the cutout to give yourself a mirror reference.
Go to SKETCH > Mirror, select the diagonal line under Objects and the vertical line for the Mirror Line. This should give
you a symmetrical tapered pro le.
With your pro les nished, go to CREATE > Extrude and select the pro les you want to cut out of the stiffener. Use the t
parameter for the thickness here as well.
Multiply Stiffeners and Create Interlocks
Now that you've got a usable stiffener, it's time to copy it in place at each of the four legs. To do this, go to
Set Pattern Type to Component Bodies, select the stiffener under Objects, select the model up axis under Axis, and set
the Quantity to 4. This should give you four stiffeners in the correct place at each leg.
Now it's time to cut the pro les of the stiffeners out of the legs so they interlock. To do this, go to MODIFY > Combine,
select one of the table legs as Target Body, then select the two corresponding stiffeners as Tool Bodies. Be sure to have
Keep Tools checked or your stiffeners will disappear. Repeat this step with the other leg component.
This will leave behind a small wedge at the top of the cutout, so just select those faces and extrude them so that they cut all
the way through the top of the leg.
When you're done, the legs and stiffeners should look like the picture below.
Sharp corners tend to split and chip easily, they're sharp to the touch, and, in my opinion, they don't look as nice as rounded
corners. To round off the corners, go to MODIFY > Fillet, and select the edges of the legs and stiffeners to llet them. You
can do multiple parts at once, but in the video, you'll see that I did a few different llet radii for different parts. The tapered
points of the stiffeners should be about a .25" (3mm) radius to keep them from being shortened too much. You'll see that
when you llet the edges on one of the stiffeners, all the other ones will change automatically, since they're all copeis of
each other.
We covered quite a lot in this lesson. Give yourself a hand if you stuck with it and modeled something!
Share a photo of your finished project with the class!
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