Model Answers Part B 2008

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Department of Statistics


Final exam 2008: Model answers for part B

1. (a) A model with interactions between all the factors and each continuous
variable e.g. for factors A, B and continuous variables X,W we would fit the
model A*B*X + A*B*W. There might not be enough data to fit such a model
(requires enough points for each possible combination of the factor levels)

(b) Stepwise regression, use of anova function, AIC.

(c) All criteria choose model 6. Models 5 and 7 are not much worse on CV

2. (a) The logistic model with response r/n, where r has a binomial distribution
with parameters n and , and logit () is a linear combination of the
explanatory variables.

(b) For continuous covariates, b is the change in log-odds corresponding to a

unit increase in the covariates, assuming all other covariates are held
constant. For factors, b is the change in the log-odds when the level is
changed from the baseline (assuming main effects only). When there are
interactions, there is no simple explanation, you must make a table of log-
odds to assess the effect of changing the factor levels.

(c) Note: the regression table was omitted unfortunately I no longer have a

(d) A confidence interval for the log-odds is -2.272071 +/- 1.96* 0.5421498 or
(-3.3347, -1.209457). Applying the function exp(x)/(1+exp(x)) to both ends of
this interval we get (0.0344, 0.2298).

3. (a) Odds ratio is (assuming row facor in the 2x2 table is A and the column
factor is B)
(odds of baseline of A at baseline level of ) / (odds of baseline of A at other level of B)

If the table is

0 1
0 1 2
1 3 4

then the OR is (1x 4)/( 2x 3).

The two factors are independent if the odds ratio is 1. To find a CI

for the odds ratio we fit a Poisson regression count ~ A *B (the maximal
model) and use the interaction line in the summary table to get the estimate
and standard error of the log OR. An interval for the log OR is estimate +/-
1.96* std error. Exponentiating both ends gives a CI for the OR.

(b) The odds ratio s are the same when the 3-factor interaction is zero. To test
if the 3-factor interaction is zero, fit the maximal model count~A*B*C and use
the p-value in the 3-way interaction line in the summary table.

(c) The Defendants race/Death penalty interaction is 0.3873 with a std error
of 0.2785. The log OR confidence interval is 0.3873 +/- 1.96*0.2785 or
( -0.1586 , 0.9332). Exponentiating gives (0.8534, 2.5425). Since this contains
1 the data are consistent with the OR being 1 (i.e. conditional independence
of defendants race and death penalty, given victims race.)

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