Model Answers Part B 2008
Model Answers Part B 2008
Model Answers Part B 2008
1. (a) A model with interactions between all the factors and each continuous
variable e.g. for factors A, B and continuous variables X,W we would fit the
model A*B*X + A*B*W. There might not be enough data to fit such a model
(requires enough points for each possible combination of the factor levels)
(c) All criteria choose model 6. Models 5 and 7 are not much worse on CV
2. (a) The logistic model with response r/n, where r has a binomial distribution
with parameters n and , and logit () is a linear combination of the
explanatory variables.
(c) Note: the regression table was omitted unfortunately I no longer have a
(d) A confidence interval for the log-odds is -2.272071 +/- 1.96* 0.5421498 or
(-3.3347, -1.209457). Applying the function exp(x)/(1+exp(x)) to both ends of
this interval we get (0.0344, 0.2298).
3. (a) Odds ratio is (assuming row facor in the 2x2 table is A and the column
factor is B)
(odds of baseline of A at baseline level of ) / (odds of baseline of A at other level of B)
If the table is
0 1
0 1 2
1 3 4
(b) The odds ratio s are the same when the 3-factor interaction is zero. To test
if the 3-factor interaction is zero, fit the maximal model count~A*B*C and use
the p-value in the 3-way interaction line in the summary table.
(c) The Defendants race/Death penalty interaction is 0.3873 with a std error
of 0.2785. The log OR confidence interval is 0.3873 +/- 1.96*0.2785 or
( -0.1586 , 0.9332). Exponentiating gives (0.8534, 2.5425). Since this contains
1 the data are consistent with the OR being 1 (i.e. conditional independence
of defendants race and death penalty, given victims race.)