Chapter 4 RTL Model

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Digital Design with the Verilog HDL

Chapter 4 RTL Model

Binh Tran-Thanh

May 26, 2023

RTL Verilog

Higher-level of description than structural

Don’t always need to specify each individual gate
Can take advantage of operators
More hardware-explicit than behavioral
Doesn’t look as much like software
Frequently easier to understand what’s happening
Very easy to synthesize
Supported by even primitive synthesizers

Continuous Assignment

Implies structural hardware

assign <LHS> = <RHS expression>;
wire out, a, b;
assign out = a & b;

If RHS result changes, LHS is updated with new value

Constantly operating (“continuous”!)
It’s hardware!
Used to model combinational logic and latches

Full Adder: RTL/Dataflow

Example from Lecture 02

module fa_rtl (A, B, CI, S, CO);

input A, B, CI;
output S, CO;
// use continuous assignments B Cout
assign S = A ˆ B ˆ CI;
assign C0 = (A & B) | (A & CI) Cin
| (B & CI); fa rtl

RTL And Structural Combined
Add full

Add half Add half or

module Add_full(c_out, sum, a, b,

module Add_half(sum, c_in);
cout, a, b); output sum, c_out;
output sum, cout; input a, b, c_in;
input a, b; wire psum, c1, c2;

assign sum = a ˆ b; Add_half AH1(partsum, c1, a, b);

assign cout = a & b; Add_half AH2(sum, c2, psum, c_in);
endmodule assign c_out = c1 | c2;

Continuous Assignment LHS

Can assign values to

Scalar nets
Vector nets
Single bits of vector nets
Part-selects of vector nets
Concatenation of any of the above


assign out[7:4] = a[3:0] | b[7:4];

assign val[3] = c & d;
assign {a, b} = stimulus[15:0];

Continuous Assignment RHS

Use operators
Arithmetic, Logical, Relational, Equality, Bitwise, Reduction, Shift,
Concatenation, Replication, Conditional
Same set as used in Behavioral Verilog

Can also be a pass-through!

assign a = stimulus[16:9];
assign b = stimulus[8:1];
assign cin = stimulus[0];

Note: “aliasing” is only in one direction

Cannot give ‘a’ a new value elsewhere to set stimulus[16:9]!

Implicit Continuous Assignments

Can create an implicit continuous assign

Goes in the wire declaration
wire[3:0] sum = a + b;
Can be a useful shortcut to make code succinct, but doesn’t allow
fancy LHS combos
assign {cout, sum} = a + b + cin;
Personal choice
You are welcome to use it when appropriate

Implicit Wire Declaration

Can create an implicit wire

When wire is used but not declared, it is implied
module majority(output out, input a, b, c);
assign part1 = a & b;
assign part2 = a & c;
assign part3 = b & c;
assign out = part1 | part2 | part3;

Lazy! Don’t do it!

Use explicit declarations
To design well, need to be “in tune” with design!

Verilog Operators

Operator Name Group Example Precedence

[ ] Select b[2:1]
{} Concatenation Concat. {a,b}
{{}} Replication Repl. {3{a}}
! Negation (inverse) Logical !a 1 (unary)
∼ Negation (not) Bit-wise ∼a
& Reduction AND Reduction & a
| Reduction OR |a
∼& Reduction NAND ∼&a
∼| Reduction NOR ∼|a
∧ Reduction XOR ∧a
∼ ∧ or ∧ ∼ Reduction XNOR ∼∧a
+ Positive (unary) Arithmetic +a
− Negative (unary) −a 10 / 1
Verilog Operators

Operator Name Group Example Precedence

∗ Multiplication Arithmetic a∗ b 2 (binary)
/ Division a/ b
% Modulus a% b
+ Addition a+ b 3 (binary)
− Subtraction a− b
<< Shift left Shift a<< 4 4 (binary)
>> Shift right a>> 4
> Greater Relational a> b 5 (binary)
>= Greater or equal a>= b
< Less a< b
>= Less or equal a>= b

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Verilog Operators

Operator Name Group Example Precedence

== Equal (logic) Equal a== b 6 (binary)
!= Not equal (logic) a! = b
=== Equal (case) a=== b
! == Not equal (case) a! == b
& bit-wise AND Bit-wise a&b 7 (binary)
∧ bit-wise XOR a∧ b
∼ ∧ or ∧ ∼ bit-wise XNOR a∼ ∧ b
| bit-wise OR a| b
&& logical AND Logic a&&b 8 (binary)
k logical OR ak b
?: Conditional Conditional a? b: c 9 (binary)

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Arithmetic Operators (+, −, ∗, /, %)

If any bit in the operands is x or z, the result will be x

f Out

The result’s size

Mul: sum of both operands
Others: size of the bigger operand
In1 = 4’b0010 (2)
- Out = 4’b1101 (13)
In2 = 4’b0101 (5)

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Relational Operators (<, >, <=, >=)

f True/False(0/1)

In1 = 52
f X
In2 = 8’Hx5

In1 = 3’b001
< True(1)
In2 = 3’b011

In1 = 3’b001 → (5’b00001)

> False(0)
In2 = 5’b01011
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Equality Operators (==, ===, ! =, ! ===)
Logical comparison (== and !=)
The x and z values are processed as in Relative operators
The result may be x
Case comparison (=== and !==)
Bitwise compare
x === x, z === z, x !== z
The result is always 0 or 1
If two operands are not the same size, 0(s) will be inserted into
MSB bits of the smaller operand

Data = 4’b11x0;
Addr = 4’b11x0;
Data == Addr //x
Data === Addr //1

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Logical Operators (||, &&, !)

Vector with at least one bit 1 is 1

If any bit in the operands is x or z, the result will be x

ABus = 4’b0110;
BBus = 4’b0100;
ABus || BBus// 1
ABus && BBus// 1
!ABus // Similar to !BBus
// 0

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Bit-wise Operators (&, |, ∼, ∧, ∧ ∼)

& (and) 0 1 x z | (or) 0 1 x z

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 x x
1 0 1 x x 1 1 1 1 1
x 0 x x x x x 1 x x
z 0 x x x z x 1 x x

∧ (xor) 0 1 x z ∧ ∼ (xnor) 0 1 x z
0 0 1 x x 0 1 0 x x
1 1 0 x x 1 0 1 x x
x x x x x x x x x x
z x x x x z x x x x

∼ (not) 0 1 x z
1 0 x x
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Reduction Operators

Dont care (X) and HighZ (Z)

.. X .. .. .. Z .. ..

f X f Z

&(and reduction): &bn bn−1 ...b1 b0

.. 0 .. .. 1 1 1 1

& 0 & 1

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Reduction Operators

∼ & (nand reduction): ∼ &bn bn−1 ...b1 b0

.. .. .. ..

& ∼ 0/1

| (or reduction): |bn bn−1 ...b1 b0

.. 1 .. .. 0 0 0 0

| 1 | 0

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Reduction Operators

∼ | (or reduction): ∼ |bn bn−1 ...b1 b0

.. .. .. ..

| ∼ 0/1

∧ (xor reduction): ∧bn bn−1 ...b1 b0

If count (bi = 1) mod 2 == 0 then return 0;
Otherwise return 1

∼ ∧/∧ ∼(xnor reduction): ∼ ∧bn bn−1 ...b1 b0

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Shift Operators (<<, >>)

Shift the left operand the number of times represented by the right
Shift left
Bn Bn−1 ... B2 B1 B0 reg [0:7] Qreg;
Qreg = 4’b0111;
Bn−1 Bn−2 ... B1 B0 0 0 // 8’b0000_0111
Qreg >> 2;
// 8’b0000_0001
Shift right Qreg = 4’d1 << 5;
Bn Bn−1 ... B2 B1 B0 // 8’b0010_0000

0 0 Bn ... B3 B2 B1

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Conditional Operator Cond_expr ? Expr1: Expr2

If Cond expr includes any x bit or z bit,

the result will be a “bitwise operation”
of Expr1 and Expr2 as following:
Cond_expr? No
otherwise x
Infinite nested conditional operator
Expr 1 Expr 2

wire[15:0] bus_a = drive_a ? data : 16’bz;

/* drive_a = 1 data is copied to bus_a
* drive_a = 0 bus_a is high-Z
* drive_a = x bus_a is x

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Concatenation and Replication Operators
Concatenation {expr1, expr2, ... ,exprN}
Does not work with un-sized constants

wire [7:0] Dbus;

wire [11:0] Abus;
assign Dbus[7:4] = {Dbus[0],Dbus[1],Dbus[2],Dbus[3]};
assign Dbus = {Dbus[3:0], Dbus[7:4]};
//{Dbus, 5} // not allowed

Replication {rep_number{expr1, expr2, ... , exprN}}

Abus = {3{4’b1011}}; // 12’b1011_1011_1011
{3{1’b1}} // 111
{3{Ack}} // {Ack, Ack, Ack}

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Expression Bit Lengths

Expression Bit length Comments

Unsized constant number Same as inte-
ger (32 bit)
Sized constant number As given
a <op> b, where <op> is: Max(L(a),L(b)) L(a): length (a)
+, −, ∗, /, %, |, ∧, ∼ ∧
a <op> b, where <op> 1 bit Operands are sized
is: ===,!==,==, !=, to Max(L(i),L(j))
&&, ||, >, >=, <, <=
a <op> b, where <op> is: &, ∼ 1 bit
&, |, ∼ |, ∧, ∼ ∧, !
a <op> b, where <op> is: >> L(i)
, <<

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Example: adder4b
module adder4b (sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);
input[3:0] a, b;
input c_in;
output[3:0] sum;
output c_out;

assign{c_out, sum} = a + b + c_in;


a[3:0] 4/
b[3:0] adder4b
c out
c in
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Example: Unsigned MAC Unit

Design a multiply-accumulate (MAC) unit that computes

Z[7:0] = A[3:0]*B[3:0] + C[7:0]
It sets overflow to one, if the result cannot be represented using 8 bits.
module mac(output [7:0] Z, output overflow,
input[3:0] A, B, input[7:0] C);

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Solution: Unsigned MAC Unit

module mac(output [7:0] Z, output overflow,

input[3:0] A, B, input[7:0] C);
wire [8:0] P;
assign P = A*B + C;
assign Z = P[7:0];
assign overflow = P[8];
Alternative method:
module mac(output[7:0] Z, output overflow,
input[3:0] A, B, input[7:0] C);
assign {overflow, Z} = A*B + C;

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Example: Multiplexer

Use the conditional operator and a single continuous assignment statement

module mux_8_to_1(output out,
input in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,
input[2:0] sel);


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Continuous assignments with feedback

module latch(output[7:0] q_out,
input[7:0] data_in, enable);
assign q_out = enable ? data_in: q_out;

module latch_reset(output q_out,

input data_in, enable, reset);
assign q_out = reset ? 0 : (enable ? data_in: q_out);

How would we change these for 8-bit latches?

How would we make the enable active low?

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Example: Rock-Paper-Scissors (optional homework)
module rps(win, player, p0guess, p1guess);
Input: p0guess, p1guess = 0 for rock, 1 for paper, 2 for scissors
Output: player is 0 if p0 wins, 1 if p1 wins, and don’t care if there is a
Output: win is 0 if there is a tie and 1 if a player wins
Paper beats rock, scissors beats paper, rock beats scissors
Same values tie
Two possible approaches
Figure out the Boolean equations for win and player and implement
these using continuous assignments
Use bitwise operators
Examine what the various items equal and do logical operations on
Use equality and logical operators
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Draw synthesized hardware of following verilogHDL

wire [3:0] a, b, c;
wire [7:0] d;
assign c = d[7:4] + b;
assign d = a * b;

wire [3:0] a, b, c;
assign c = !a && b ? a + b: a - b;

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Take away message

Using continuous assign: assign LHS = RHS.

Operation and its order.
Length of inputs, output.

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