Handbook of Curcubit-01 PDF
Handbook of Curcubit-01 PDF
Handbook of Curcubit-01 PDF
Growth,Cultural Practices,
and Physiology
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Handbook of
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Growth,Cultural Practices,
and Physiology
Mohammad Pessarakli
The University of Arizona
School of Plant Sciences
Tucson, Arizona, USA
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
2016 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
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To the memory of my beloved parents, Fatemeh and Vahab, who regretfully,
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did not live to see this work and my other works, which, in no small part,
resulted from their gift of many years of unconditional love to me.
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Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................... xiii
Editor................................................................................................................................................ xv
viii Contents
Chapter 8 Botany and Crop Rotation Management of New Specialty Japanese Melon
inHumid, Tropical Climate Zones........................................................................... 139
Hong Li
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Chapter 12 Sex Expression in Cucurbits: Special Reference to Cucumber and Melon............... 201
Puja Rattan and Sanjeev Kumar
Section VIII W
eed Control, Pest Control,
and Insects of Cucurbits
Chapter 20 Insect Pest Management in Cucurbits: Research Development and Perspective...... 361
Ruparao T. Gahukar
Index............................................................................................................................................... 561
Cucurbits are part of the daily diet of people around the world. Therefore, cucurbit products are
important and need special attention in their cultural practices, physiology, and production. There
are numerous books and articles available on cucurbits, but these all exist relatively in isolation of
each other, covering only one or a few specific topics on cucurbits. Therefore, the information on
these important plants is scattered. I felt the need for a single unique comprehensive source of infor-
mation that includes as many factors as possible on cucurbits, and this resulted in the Handbook of
Cucurbits. It is a complete collection of the factors on cucurbits.
This comprehensive source is an up-to-date reference book effectively addressing issues and
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concerns related to cucurbit growth, physiology, cultural practices, diseases, and production. These
aspects of cucurbits have efficiently and effectively been addressed in this unique handbook.
While previous authors have indeed competently covered relevant areas separately in various
publications, the areas are, nonetheless, interrelated and should be covered comprehensively in a
single text, which is the purpose of this book.
The Handbook of Cucurbits has been prepared by many competent and knowledgeable scientists,
specialists, and researchers in agriculture and horticulture from several countries. It is intended to
serve as a resource for both lectures and independent purposes. Scientists, agriculture researchers,
agriculture practitioners, and students will benefit from this unique comprehensive guide, which
covers issues related to cucurbits from planting to production.
As with other fields, accessibility of knowledge is among the most critical of factors involved
with cucurbit production. Without due consideration of all the elements contributing to cucurbit
crop production, it is unlikely that a successful production system will be achieved. For this reason,
as many factors as possible are included in this handbook. To further facilitate the accessibility of
the desired information in various areas covered in this collection, the book is divided into 11 sec-
tions: Introductory Chapters; Cucurbit Physiological Stages of Growth and DevelopmentI; Cultural
Practices of Cucurbits; Cucurbit Physiological Stages of Growth and Development II; Genetics,
Genomics, and Breeding of Cucurbits; Cucurbit Grafting; Cucurbit Pathology and Diseases; Weed
Control, Pest Control, and Insects of Cucurbits; Therapeutic and Medicinal Values of Cucurbits;
Growth Responses of Cucurbits under Stressful Conditions (Abiotic and Biotic Stresses); and
Examples of Cucurbit Crop Plants Growth and Development and Cultural Practices. Each of these
sections consists of one or more chapters to discuss, independently, as many aspects of cucurbits as
possible in that specific topic.
Section I consists of two chapters, including one that provides basic and general introductory
information on cucurbit plants/crops.
Section II contains one chapter, which provides details on cucurbit carbohydrate metabolism.
Section III includes five chapters, each of which presents in-depth information on their topic.
Section IV contains four chapters that provide detailed information on various physiological
stages of cucurbit growth and development.
Section V consists of two chapters that provide information on muskmelon and ash gourd,
Section VI includes three chapters that discuss improvements in cucurbit productions and stress
tolerance responses of cucurbit plants/crops
Section VII contains one chapter that presents important diseases of cucurbits and their proper
management strategies.
Section VIII consists of three chapters that present up-to-date, detailed information on the con-
trol and management practices of weeds, pests, and insects of cucurbit plants/crops.
Section IX contains one chapter devoted to the health benefits of cucurbit plants/crops.
xii Preface
Section X consists of three chapters that discuss in detail the responses of cucurbit plants/crops
under stressful conditions.
Finally, Section XI, consisting of six chapters, presents detailed information on various cucurbit
Numerous figures and tables are included in the handbook to facilitate comprehension of the
presented material. Hundreds of index words are also included to further increase accessibility to
desired information.
Tucson, Arizona
I express my appreciation for the assistance I received from the secretarial and administrative staff
of the School of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona.
The encouraging words of several of my colleagues, which are always greatly appreciated, have
certainly been a driving force for the successful completion of this project.
In addition, I sincerely acknowledge Randy Brehm (acquiring editor, Taylor & Francis Group,
CRC Press) whose professionalism, patience, hard work, and proactive methods helped in the com-
pletion of this project and my previous book projects. This job would not have been completed as
smoothly and rapidly without her valuable support and efforts.
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I am indebted to Jill Jurgensen (senior project coordinator, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press)
for her professional and careful handling of this book and my previous publications. I also acknowl-
edge the eye for detail, sincere efforts, and the hard work put in by the copy editor and the project
editor, Rachael Panthier.
The collective efforts and invaluable contributions of several experts on cucurbits plants/crops
made it possible to produce this unique resource that presents comprehensive information on this
subject. Each and every one of these contributors and their contributions are greatly appreciated.
Last, but not least, I thank my wife, Vinca, a high school science teacher, and my son, Dr. Mahdi
Pessarakli, MD, who supported me during the course of this work.
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Mohammad Pessarakli, PhD, is a professor in the School of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture
and Life Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. His work at the University of Arizona
includes research and extension services and teaching courses in turfgrass science, management,
and stress physiology. He is the editor of the Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress and the Handbook
of Plant and Crop Physiology (both titles published by Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press [for-
merly Marcel Dekker, Inc.]), and the Handbook of Photosynthesis, and Handbook of Turfgrass
Management and Physiology. Dr. Pessarakli has written 20 book chapters; has been an editorial
board member of the Journal of Plant Nutrition, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,
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Advances in Plants and Agriculture Research Journal and the Journal of Agricultural Technology;
a member of the Book Review Committee of the Crop Science Society of America, and a reviewer
of the Crop Science, Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America and the HortScience journals. He
is author or coauthor of 185 journal articles and 55 trade magazine articles. Dr. Pessarakli is an
active member of the Agronomy Society of America, the Crop Science Society of America, and the
Soil Science Society of America, among others. He is an executive board member of the American
Association of University Professors (AAUP), Arizona Chapter.
Dr. Pessarakli is a well-known, internationally recognized scientist and scholar and an esteemed
member (invited) of Sterling Whos Who, Marques Whos Who, Strathmore Whos Who, Madison
Whos Who, and Continental Whos Who, as well as numerous other honor societies (i.e., Phi
KappaPhi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Pi Lambda Theta, Alpha Alpha Chapter). He is a certified profes-
sional agronomist and a certified professional soil scientist (CPAg/SS), designated by the American
Registry of the Certified Professionals in Agronomy, Crop Science, and Soil Science. Dr. Pessarakli
is a United Nations consultant in agriculture for underdeveloped countries. He earned his BS (1977)
in environmental resources in agriculture and MS (1978) in soil management and crop production
from The Arizona State University, Tempe, and earned his PhD (1981) in soil and water science
from the University of Arizona, Tucson. Dr. Pessaraklis environmental stress research work and
expertise on plants and crops are internationally recognized.
For more information about Dr. Pessarakli, please visit http://ag.arizona.edu/pls/faculty/
pessarakli.htm, http://cals.arizona.edu/spls/people/faculty
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Lord Abbey Menahem Edelstein
Department of Plant and Animal Sciences Department of Vegetable Crops
Dalhousie University Agricultural Research Organization
Nova Scotia, Canada Ramat Yishay, Israel
xviii Contributors